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© Copyright 2012, by Leslie P. Lowe. All rights reserved. [email protected] Synopsis: A sissy is publicly exposed by a beautiful girlfriend with a wicked sense of humor. Kitten's first feminine look is finished and her next night's prospects are brightened. Feline Frolic 3 By Leslie Lowe I stood there in that crowded bar, pink lips open in awe, looking at the six pretty pink-and-white packages in front of...
It was five months after Javila had been raised to Queen and Macro had become Prince Royal. His work had not become less because of this. In addition to his duties as Vice-regent of Tanitsar, he had to fill in for the ageing King frequently, in particular when the duty involved dealings with the public or long travel. Odar wanted his son and successor to bond with the citizens and the common soldiery of the realm. Macro would never be welcomed by the nobility. His power base had to be the...
No one payed much attention to the girl as she studied the animals. One leopard was lying in the shade. It was a young female. It raised its head. They watched each other. Then the cat lowered its head and went back to its reverie. The girl continued to stare. She was fascinated. When her father was drunk he became angry. He would lash out. Her mother carefully dressed her each morning before school to hide the bruises. On the weekend when her father was home she would go out. She went to the...
The smell of steaming rice and the fumes of teriyaki sauce being painted on soft, juicy chicken enter the room, setting the mood for the usual dinner. Mother always cooked like this of Fridays. This is the only day of the week that Father would come home early from work and the only time where I can converse with him. It's quiet in the kitchen at this time. Mother and Father isn't on good terms right now. The absence of Father from the home worried Mother. She would come up with the most...
InterracialI arrived at the county lockup before breakfast was served. The guard let me bring in an unopened container of yogurt and a bottle of skim milk for my client. Desmond "Tiny" Huntley grinned when he came in and sat down across from me. His grin grew when he saw he had a choice of a healthy breakfast instead of the runny eggs, grits, bacon and coffee that were served every morning at the jail. "You'll be going home today," I said. He was pulling the top off the yogurt and he stopped. He...
The ringing telephone startled me from my poolside reverie. My wife answered the phone, listened for a moment, and turned toward me. "Ben, I think it's one of your sisters," she said with a puzzled look on her face. "She sounds upset." I sincerely doubted any of my sisters would be calling me. I was the black sheep of the family, the youngest child by 10 years. My sisters resented the preferential treatment – real and imagined – given me as the youngest by my mother and as the lone boy...
It was six hours later when Elizabeth drove to the airport to pick up Pam. I offered to go but Saturday nights were Daddy-Daughter nights at the Wallace/Vargas-Wallace household. Lauren and Lauren took to one another like two peas in a pod (or two Laurens in a living room, I guess) and before a few minutes had passed the duo was lying side-by-side on the carpet coloring socks to make puppets. My Lauren put her head on the older girl's lap midway through The Lion King and fell asleep. It was...
Elizabeth was apoplectic when I arrived home. She seemed poised for physical violence and I could tell her hold on her frayed temper was tenuous. "Why in the hell did you see Tiny Huntley again today?" she asked through clenched teeth. "Are you intent on getting yourself killed? If you are, just say the word. Because I'm about ready for that." I looked at her calmly. "Tiny and I have a business arrangement in this one particular area," I said. "I needed to let him know that I...
The man on the witness stand had testified before. I could tell that from his answers to Tony Baker's direct examination. I could also tell that Baker had no chance to prep this guy and that the guy wasn't interested in being in the courtroom. "Officer Scarborough," Baker began. "Detective Scarborough," the man corrected. "I apologize," Baker said. I saw his shoulders tense. He was getting no cooperation from his own witness. "Detective Scarborough, did you find yourself at a park...
I was happy that I at least left on a high note as I rode the elevator to the 14th floor of the county courthouse. It didn't last. Al Castille had two other people in his chambers – Tony Baker and Valerie Dwyer, the elected district attorney for the county. I had met Dwyer only twice – and that was enough. She was nearing the middle of her first four-year term in office. From the outset, she set her sights on bigger things, namely moving across town as a federal prosecutor or taking a seat...
It was the Tuesday following the Wellses' abrupt departure when Elizabeth called me at my office. Our offices were only five floors apart but we rarely visited each other during the working day. The legal section of Children and Youth Services did not hang out with prosecutors. I was surrounded by granola eaters that think every child is a snowflake. I guess I agreed to a certain extent. I spent enough winters in the North that I think snow is a pain in my ass. I feel the same about...
I drew stares as I entered the district attorney's office and asked to see my wife. They all knew who I was. But it was highly unusual for me to pay a social visit to Elizabeth's office. "It's important," I said when the receptionist told me that Ellie was extremely busy. The woman frowned but buzzed Elizabeth. She appeared at the door a moment later and the receptionist buzzed me through the security measures. Elizabeth smiled and took my hand. "Come to see my new office?" she...
My wife arrived at home that evening with a trunk filled with boxes. I could see she had a weekend of work planned. That was OK because it freed me up to grab Lauren and spend all weekend playing games with her, going to the park and having fun. If Elizabeth was too busy to participate it left more hugs for me. I was OK with that. "Where do you want these?" Ellie asked as she carried the first of a half dozen boxes into the house. "Wherever you want them is fine," I said. "They're...
My Keenan counsel was nowhere to be found when I checked out our new digs. It was an unused judge's chamber so it was nice. There was an outer office for the staff. There was a spacious inner office and a separate private office. I figured I would share the big office with whoever my Keenan counsel wound up being and we would use the private office for meeting with witnesses. The judge had also allocated two other smaller offices – one on either side of the chambers – for our use. I was not...
To say the Pickle was ecstatic with the news would be an understatement. I wondered, briefly, if she were about to start jumping for joy. Thankfully, if she felt that way, it passed quickly. I was also thankful that she didn't ask where the money was coming from. I had given her a general overview, for which I think she was grateful, where I explained that Huntley's sister had established a defense fund to help defray costs. The smile vanished from her face as quickly as it...
I arrived for my initial meeting with The Honorable Leo Tagliotti with plenty of time to spare. In fact, it appeared I had so much time to spare that his administrator left to me stand in front of her desk for several minutes while she conducted a series of personal telephone calls. Midway through the conversations, Jane Cummings joined me. We stood together for several seconds, glancing at one another. I had little dealings with the judges who heard criminal trials, so the woman's actions...
It was the weekend following Thanksgiving when I finally got the chance to sit down with the evidence. The Pickle had admonished Judge Tagliotti and she had forced him to offer an apology to Jane and me in front of our staffs. More importantly, at least in my eyes, she relegated him to the newly created post of overnight arraignment judge. In order to keep the court staffed during its busiest times, she assigned him to work from 10 p.m. to 8 a.m. Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday...
I found Elizabeth and Lauren sitting at the kitchen table with coloring books and crayons when I got home. I was hours earlier than normal and my daughter, who I hadn't seen awake and alert in three weeks, jumped off the chair and raced to give me a hug. I scooped her up and kissed her on the end of her nose – which wrinkled in the most adorable manner – and tucked her on my hip as I turned to Elizabeth. My wife greeted me with a warm smile and a wink. I did my best to return the smile but...
Lucy Barrett was in the office when I got back and I was able to add an additional unhappy look in my direction. "You really thought it was a good idea to chew out Judge Valasik in public?" she asked. "It was not perhaps the best idea I've ever had," I agreed. "However, the timing seemed appropriate. I don't know if she thought I would back down if she confronted me in the hallway or if she just has no concept of propriety. Either way, when she braced me, I fired back." "She...
I survived a sleepless night and managed to get Lauren to preschool on time. I got to the courthouse and headed straight for Jane Cummings' office. She wasn't in yet but I saw one of her investigators and motioned him over. "Any luck with the second video?" I asked urgently. "None," he said. "I'm headed out to the motel to see if they have a backup copy. I doubt they do. Most of those places don't keep surveillance video very long." "I have to have that video," I...
I picked Lauren up at daycare just like nothing was wrong. She gave me her normal hug and then clung to me as I carried her to the car. She was babbling a mile a minute as I strapped her into her car seat, telling me in great detail about a picture of a cat she had drawn that day. We went to the house and went through our nightly routine. We played on the floor with her dinosaur action figures and read a story aloud. We were just sitting down to her favorite meal – fish sticks and macaroni...
Elizabeth was holding a photo in her hand when she walked out. She was studying it intently. "What is this?" she asked. I pulled it from her hand, the cell phone still in my hand even though no one was on the other end. "There are two more coming in," I said. " Print them for me, please." At least I was polite. The photo was from a red-light camera and was of the rear of a gray Ford Escape. I could clearly see the license number, not that it meant anything to me. There was no second...
Breakfast was a strained affair. For the second night in a row – and the second night of our marriage – Elizabeth and I slept apart. I bedded down in a guest room while she returned to our bedroom. I had begun to wonder if Elizabeth's professional life was more important to her than the life we'd built at home. I would never have to ask myself that question. I would gladly give up my career if it brought an end to the sort of tension that the past few days had delivered. It seemed that...
It was snowing and 12 degrees when we flew into the airport in the town where Pam and Lauren lived. It had been close to 60 and sunny when we left our city five hours earlier. Two state troopers would meet us near Pam's house to perform the arrest. We would have to extradite her to our state to face charges but no one thought it would pose much of a problem. The week between our meeting in Judge Valasik's chambers had seen my life return to an even keel. The four of us put our heads...
I wish I could say Pam's arrest and the sealed indictment on Wallace Mann was the end of the story. In a nicer world, maybe it would have been. But we don't live in a nicer world. The world of jurisprudence is filled with violence, hubris and greed. All three were a part of Biff Wells' sad legacy. I had made arrangements with Lucy Barrett to handle Pam's plea deal. We didn't know who the prosecutor in the case would be but Judge Valasik promised that she would apply pressure on...
The next six months moved forward so fast I could barely keep up. February saw Elizabeth at the state capital for most of the month. She spent a week telling her story to a legislative subcommittee and another week being interviewed by the State Police Anti-Corruption Squad, the group the attorney general had appointed to investigate the Combined Drug Task Force members and the groups that might have corrupted them. Then she spent 10 days testifying about her actions as a member of the Task...
In an amazing bit of irony, several people in the drama came out smelling a lot better than when they went in. Judge Valasik retired from the local bench to accept a senior position in the Attorney General's Anti-Corruption Unit. Pam became an icon for women who stand up to abusive partners. Lucy managed to leak a little of Pam's life with Biff Wells – not to mention Wells' plan to send his daughter to prison for his crimes – and the media ate it up. That vaulted Lucy up the charts as...
Urges and Purges Being a crossdresser is kind of like being a ping pong ball in the gender game. As we go through our lives in guy mode the need to crossdress can come on like a tidal wave. Depending on our individual circumstances this urge can be quickly and easily addressed or might have to be sublimated indefinitely until the convergence of motivation and opportunity arrives. I think that many of us deceive ourselves and try to deny the urge to crossdress but despite all the...
Here is how this all started. Many years ago we had a party at our place, after midnight people started to leave. By 1:00 am it was my husband and two of his friends. I was more then buzzed and fell asleep on the couch as we were watching TV. The next thing I knew I partially opened my eyes (half awake, groggy and drunk), my blouse was all the way unbuttoned, and my husbands two friends were standing over me masturbating. I was shocked and didn't know how to react.I glanced over at my husband...
Grass looks very mundane in daylight. You can’t guess its magic when your eye just barely notices it there, being all green and framing the day lilies and concrete driveway. At night, though, it has a blue glow to it and you just know it holds secrets. Lying in it at night, feeling the green and the moist and the cool, it’s freeing. Like you are the only thing that matters. That those parts of your life, that English final, what your mother said before you went out, your crappy new hair cut,...
my girlfriends pussy “See you tomorrow dude” Ryan said and I waved at him and got out of the car. Football practice was very hard because the coach decided to punish us for losing the game. I opened the door to my room and dropped my bag when I reached my room.“Oh fuck” I groaned collapsing on the bed. All I wanted to do right now is close my eyes and go to sleep. After couple of minutes, I used all my will power to get up from the bed and made my way to the bathroom. “Mmm” I moaned as the...
Part 1 Sweat glistened in the candlelight. dripping from her forehead onto her breasts and on again to the floor, she breathed the musky odour of coal dust and sweat and heaved again at the tram with half a ton of coal she had to drag back to the pit shaft. Her harness chafed but she was proud and would not be beaten and slowly she dragged her load to its destination. "That's it pet, all done for now, till night shift come on, get thee head down lass, and her trainer Ernie...
Author’s Note: This story is hard to categorize. Loving wife, group, threesome with a touch of bi. There’s not a lot of bisexuality, but there is some, so if this offends you please don’t read. On the other hand, if you’d like to see the illustrated version, drop me a line at _______________ ‘How exactly did you end up in bed with Jeff on our wedding night?’ ‘Not just Jeff…’ She flashed a mischievous smile in response to the incredulous look on my face. The idea of Carol sleeping with my...
"Let's respond to your questions one at a time," suggested Gwen as she studied the photos. "First of all, I'm not running for office, so I certainly won't be withdrawing. I never entered the race. These photos are real, and the quality is excellent. They were taken on our July 4th Ride for American Pride five years ago. "Jared is a dear friend and yes, we were naked as we climbed into the hot tub with several others. No one had sex in the tub. I've never been intimate with any man...
Note : This story is completely fictional! I took my nephew in as my son when he was a kid. We did lots of things together, traveling, etc. When he got older he joined the marines, and went his own way. When he was in his early 20's he came back home and we resumed spending time together. My nephew and I shared stories of sex with each other, and experiences. We have always been very open. I always was attracted to him. I held back for years the desire to take him and enjoy him sexually. I...
IncestGET A HANDLE ON IT 2 - By PinkyPanty I was stunned at what I had just done. I felt ashamed. I couldn?t believe that I had just been forced to pretend to suck a cock. More to the point, I was ashamed that I had enjoyed it a little. I had to get away from this scene. I had to restore my manhood. Any more of this and I wouldn?t be able to look at myself as a strong person again. ? I think I?ll go and get changed Mrs Lacey,? I said looking at her gorgeous scarlet red panties instead...
The pink Salon hummed with excitement, as often on a Saturday night. There were people dancing to soft music and the bar was well attended. Couples holding hands walked up the stairs to find some privacy; or walked down with a smile on their faces. Angique saw a group of girls sit around a few tables at the far side of the room. The floor around them was strewn with shopping bags of all the fashionable brands. Angique saw Aura stand at the centre of the circle, wrapping a tiny top around her...
To the reader: I had a couple requests for the other side of the story ‘Running Away’, specifically the wife’s point of view. I wrote this as a follow up to that story so if you haven’t read it you might want to before you get into this. Also, this story deals with incest and if that isn’t your thing then maybe you should leave now. ******** My ex-husband is a kind and gentle man and couldn’t tell a lie to save his soul. So when I read his story ‘Running Away’ I sat down and cried because...
Jenny noticed I was somewhat abstracted at work. Thankfully she ably discussed the implications of the Austria trip with Geoff, and I was relegated to keeping a watching brief. There was a good deal of planning to be done and the complications of acquiring the building next door were, well, building. At the end of the day, Jenny asked if I wanted her that night. What a silly question! Then I realised I hadn't asked her to be there when Ann arrived. I pointed out that Ann might well be...
‘You wouldn’t be able to take a real caning… you’re all talk!’ Leanne, my wife snorts derisively. We are in the lounge of my late Mother’s house and it is rather warm… I have a feeling that it is about to get somewhat warmer for me in the near future. I am three years older than Leanne, she is just twenty nine, but there is no doubt as to who is the senior partner in our relationship. ‘You think I’m a wimp don’t you… okay…if I CAN’T take four hard strokes of the cane I’ll give you forty quid…...
When a man is stressed he tends to daydream. Our boy was attempting to jerk off until he was interrupted by his woman. He never gets a break. He laid his head down and beganthe most amazing dream ever. The thick black vixen Sarah Banks visited him in his home. She was dressed in hot black lingerie and was there to fulfill his every need. She started by twerking on his desk then sucking on his long cock. She then got bent over on his desk doggystyle while he fucked her soft black pussy. After he...
xmoviesforyouI tapped him on the shoulder and when he turned I hit him with everything that I had. I brought the punch up from the boot tops with all two hundred and five pounds behind it. I felt his nose crunch and the blood flew and when his hands went up to his face I sunk my fist into his gut and got a loud "oof" out of him as he doubled up. One more smash to the side of his head and he went down to the ground. I debated kicking the asshole a half dozen times, but then thought: "What the hell, he...
A week later I was once again confronted with the round countenance of Mr. Rogers as I sat in the consulting room. My previously swollen and bruised member had essentially returned to its pre-accident state - if one was able to ignore the seam of sutures on the underside - and Mr. Rogers told me that he was satisfied with progress.He asked me if there had been any problems - any unusual pain or difficulty urinating, and so forth. I told him that under the circumstances everything seemed to be...
CuckoldThe wheel started to slow down. I’m hoping it would stop on number 14, he has a nice looking cock. I couldn’t see their faces, because all of them are wearing a mask. Do I really want my first time to be with a guy? In front of all these people? I don’t know, my mom will be watching me get fucked too. My first time could be with a man, or a dog! What about my date for tonight, would she want a girl who just got fucked by a guy and/or by a dog, with their cum still inside of me? “Madam,...
THE BEST STAND AT THE WEDDING FAIR by Angela Dee North PROLOGUE "Listen, Bridie, I said I was sorry! What more can I do?" I was in the doghouse with my wife yet again. I'd completely forgotten to collect a parcel from the Post Office depot. Now it was too late. The depot had closed an hour ago, and Bridie had wanted the parcel today. "For god's sake, Terry!" she fumed. "You know perfectly well how much I needed that mannequin for the show tomorrow! It was going to be...
Hello hot and sexy matured ladies, I am back with a new hot and sexy fiction story. I hope that you’ll enjoy my previous fiction work about me and my mom available @ below mentioned link. My name is Rohit Sharma 29 Male from Kolkata height 5.11 well built and available for any hot sexy and mature ladies and girls on complete secrecy and trustworthy basis. Do contact me for your complete satisfaction on my email id The heroine of this story is my divorced aunty Manju age 32 height 5.8 very...
IncestHello readers, I am Kevin. This story here is my fantasy and reality – it is a mixture of them both. So, sit back and keep your tissues ready but not for this part, you will have to wait till the second part. This is a long story and I hope my readers would be patient enough to understand the feelings of a writer and read it. Well, the introduction is a must I guess. So, as I said earlier I am Kevin (I am 19 years old) and my friend’s mom’s name is Swapna (probably in her 30s). My friend is a...
Many great Mzansi Porn Videos are coming out of South Africa these days, but it’s not always easy to find them. It’s mostly an amateur porn scene, and we all know how hard Pornhub’s recent crackdown fucked over the randos who used to upload videos of themselves fucking other randos. Thankfully there are still joints out there like MzansiPornVideos.com, which is exactly what it sounds like.MzansiPornVideos is a free video tube full of nothing but African amateur porn. Whether you’re looking for...
Black Porn SitesI wake up, the warm summer sun just starting to peer through the window. I smile to myself, knowing that today is the day. I'm finally 18! And I planned full well to enjoy it to the fullest! I lay in bed a little longer before finally deciding to get up, and make my way to my closet.
TeenSilky black hair, beautiful blue eyes – there is little explanation needed when describing thicc hottie Megan Maiden’s sex appeal. This MILF loves using her mouth to please big cock, and she does it well! She gets on her knees and take our stud’s girthy boner on her hungry tongue, sucking and slobbering while she makes gorgeous eye contact. Her blowjob skills impress as she licks the head of his boner rapaciously. And she doesn’t stop there… this lucky guy gets the full MILF experience as Megan...
xmoviesforyouTommy Pistol has exactly three problems: His gorgeous wife, his hot piece of step-daughter ass, and their extravagant taste in consumer goods. Overworked and under-appreciated, it’s the final straw for Tommy when his busty teen nightmare of a step-daughter steals the car and maxes out her credit card while her hot MILF mother is out redecorating the house. When Tommy refuses Skylar more money for the biggest sales of the year she offers her big tits and a sloppy blowjob to her step-father...
xmoviesforyouWith the girls off to college, I began renewing my ‘research’. When they’re at home, the whole house smells like pussy juice from all the activity. They’re still so grateful I freed them from the home they’d been in. Of course, I’d like to believe it was my hard dick, and wonderfully loving personality, that made them want to keep me pleased. Donning my t-shirt with ‘Me Encanta Comer Coño’ on the front, I headed for the nearest VFW to play bingo. Ryker, a college student who works in...
I lived alone for a few years, getting older all the time. The house I lived in was in a suburban development. The houses were close together. My house was only the width of a driveway and a smidgen of lawn from the house next door. The houses were all the same cookie cutter, so my bedroom window was across from a bedroom in the house next door. The neighbor’s house was empty for a long time, but then a family moved in. There was a husband and wife and two young women, who looked like twins i’d...
Amy's OrgasmAs per the instructions you left on my voice mail at work I kneel on the cold floor, palms down, legs spread wide. I am waiting for you. I hear the door open downstairs and immediately feel the wetness form in my cunt. I hear you moving around down there. God, please hurry! I hear your footsteps coming up the stairs. I am as you asked. Open to you, as I should be.My eyes are closed, I am feeling a bit ashamed and am afraid you can see that. I know my cheeks are burning crimson with...
This is not a tue story. I had been working at this casino in Las Vegas, and there was this one cocktail waitress there who was incredibly hot. She was about five foot seven, with firm breasts the size of honey dew melons. She had the sexiest, bubbly ass I’ve ever seen, terminating in long, bowed legs. Her face was like that of an angel, topped with long, full bodied auburn hair that reached to the middle of her back. I wanted to fuck her so bad, in the worst possible way. There was only one...
EroticThe silence is broken by the opening and closing of the door, the long weeks of waiting are finally at an end. He is close she can feel Him near her His breath on her shoulder sending signals through her body and she involuntarily arches her back, the movement causing her round full breasts to jut out further drawing attention to the aroused hard nipples standing so erect. Standing behind her He slips the blindfold over her eyes making any visual contact impossible she feels vulnerable...
BDSMBetrayed Chapter 2 By Carolyn Collins Sunday: I awoke to the pleasurable sensations of having my already swollen and very sensitive nipples being suckled, a long male finger stroking my moist vagina and a thumb massaged my clitoris. My female body was responding even before my mind had awoken. As Jill swung her male body up over my petite form, my legs opened of their own accord. She had no trouble settling between them and alining her stiff erection with my already lubricated...
His First AnalBy: Londeaaz Chohan Hazel’s pussy was still tingling from the fullness and the depth of penetration. All the toys she had ever used, never made this far into her cunt or stretched her this wide. She looked down at her red, puffy slit, still moist because of sharing sex with her man. Her clitoris stood firm from its sheath and begging for more attention.After resting few minutes, she had taken Mason’s semi stiff cock once again in her hand for stroking. Her kitty was sore and...