Laura s Dream
- 4 years ago
- 42
- 0
It was six hours later when Elizabeth drove to the airport to pick up Pam. I offered to go but Saturday nights were Daddy-Daughter nights at the Wallace/Vargas-Wallace household. Lauren and Lauren took to one another like two peas in a pod (or two Laurens in a living room, I guess) and before a few minutes had passed the duo was lying side-by-side on the carpet coloring socks to make puppets.
My Lauren put her head on the older girl's lap midway through The Lion King and fell asleep. It was so cute I had to get a picture because I didn't believe it myself. Seven years earlier, it was how the older Lauren fell asleep many nights, only it was her head resting on my leg. The elder Lauren must have been recalling the same thing, because the tear rolling down her cheek mirrored the one rolling down mine.
The idyllic scene was interrupted when Pam and Elizabeth entered the house a few minutes later, but Lauren gently lifted the little girl's head and replaced her leg with a pillow before racing off to hug her mother. I could hear Lauren and Pam talking animatedly as I carried my daughter to bed, and I decided that today had gone on long enough and I didn't want to face the prospect of dealing with Pam. I know it was a cowardly thing to do, but I left Elizabeth to deal with her and to figure out where everyone was going to sleep. I wandered to my bedroom and fell asleep before my head hit the pillow.
Sunday morning began as Saturday night had ended – with me alone in bed and the sound of loud voices somewhere in the house. It wasn't exactly the way I enjoy waking up and I'm pretty much a bastard in the mornings anyway. I located the source of the noise pretty quickly – Pam, the elder Lauren and Elizabeth were locked in a heated exchange in the living room.
"Enough, God damn it," I said loudly enough to be heard over the din. "I'll be damned if this shit is going to go on for a minute longer. Whatever the hell you three idiots are yelling about is either going to have to wait until you calm down or end now."
Three faces turned toward me quickly, a different expression on each. Elizabeth looked positively pissed, mostly because I yelled only about twice a year and never at her; Lauren looked surprised to see me standing in the doorway in a T-shirt and shorts; and Pam looked frightened as if I was ready to race across the room and throttle her. But at least they were quiet.
"Better," I said calmly. "Much better. Now, would we care to explain why the raised voices?"
All three started at once, but stopped when they saw the look on my face.
"Elizabeth, why don't you go first?" I said after a deep breath.
"Pam doesn't seem to understand that Lauren is unable to leave the property," she told me in a harsh tone directed toward me. "I've explained it just about every way I know how, but I can't seem to get it across to her that Lauren must stay here as long as it takes."
I sighed.
"Well, Elizabeth, that's not entirely true," I said and Pam looked triumphant. "Lauren has the option of spending the next few months in a jail cell if her mother prefers. And just so you know, Pam, if you attempt to take her off the property, I'll drag her back to the juvenile detention center myself. Elizabeth put a lot on the line to get her out of there yesterday so don't you dare screw with me on this.
"Lauren, what is your beef?"
Lauren took a gulp before speaking, glancing first at her mother, then at Elizabeth before settling her eyes on me.
"Mom and Elizabeth keep asking me questions about what happened," she said. "Finally I just told them both to shut up and leave me alone and that you told me not to talk to anyone."
I explained to my wife and Lauren's mother that I didn't want Lauren to answer any questions until I posed them. After I was done talking to her, both Elizabeth and Pam would get the opportunity to ask anything I might have missed, but not before. That didn't go well with either party, but Lauren looked pleased.
"Now, Pam, may I address your concerns?" I asked in a level tone.
"I don't like any of this," she snarled. "I'm her mother and I get to decide where she lives. You didn't ask my opinion on what should be done, you just did it. I don't have any way to pay for your legal services and I refuse to freeload at your house. I'll lose my job if I stay here for very long but I'm not leaving without Lauren. Now your wife tells me it might be as long as a year before this gets resolved. What am I supposed to do? Can you address that for me?"
The only thing that kept me from losing my temper was a little hand tugging on my leg.
"I want pancakes, Daddy," my daughter said.
The older Lauren swooped over and picked up my little Princess and carried her to the kitchen.
"How about I make you some pancakes this morning, small fry," she said. "I like mine with jelly on them. How do you like yours?"
As the two Laurens headed off to fix breakfast I sat heavily on the couch.
"Pam, none of us like this," I told her, already weary. "It's the only thing we could do. The DA wanted her held without bail. The report said the cops found a hell of a lot of drugs in her backpack. It was here or in juvie. We could refuse to waive the 180-day rule, but that's still six months before they have to bring her to trial. And we still have to figure out what really happened and why she was in a park with a bag full of heroin.
"I heard you arguing last night and I don't care what you think. I'm positive Biff is mixed up in this somehow. You don't just desert your 14-year-old kid if you've got nothing to hide. As far as staying or going, that's up to you. Lauren can't leave here unless it's to court or a doctor's appointment. I'd hate to do it, but before I let my wife's reputation be ruined by your attitude, I'll put Lauren back in a cell. Like it or not, Elizabeth and I have temporary custody of her. If you try to take her from here, I'll have to inform the judge and you might end up in a cell similar to your daughter's. We have plenty of room here for you and Lauren can stay and you can do whatever."
Elizabeth finally spoke again, this time in a much calmer voice.
"Pam, Ben told you he doesn't take drug cases," she said. "I prosecute drug dealers; I don't defend them. So there is no way either of us can charge you a fee for cases we don't handle. Ben thinks the world of your daughter. There's no charge for helping out a friend."
Pam headed into the kitchen – seemingly mollified for a moment – to help the girls with breakfast, but Elizabeth motioned for me to stay back.
"If you ever raise your voice like that to me again," she said with a smile, "I'll cut your balls off while you sleep."
My wife had always professed to having affection for my lower anatomy, so I suspected it was an idle threat. But it seemed like a chance I shouldn't really take.
After breakfast Elizabeth's mother came to collect her granddaughter again. I hate to spend time away from my daughter for any reason but especially on weekends. Weekends have always been set aside for time with my family.
We didn't have that luxury today and what we had to discuss that day wasn't exactly fodder for a three-year old. Additionally I needed Pam and Elizabeth to sit in on my interview with Lauren because each of them would have a different perception of what she said. Grandma's house seemed the best place for my Lauren to be.
Everyone headed into the home office Elizabeth and I share but I pulled Lauren aside before she entered.
"I'm going to be blunt with you," I said. "You're in an adult situation so I'm going to treat you like an adult. If you don't tell me the absolute truth you're going to find yourself in another adult situation pretty quickly. And believe me when I tell you the other people there will treat you more like an adult than you've ever wanted. Understand?"
Lauren had looked at the floor when I mentioned the truth but she gamely met my eyes.
"I understand," she said, but I still had my doubts.
I started out the session by having Pam sign two legal contracts – one for my services and one to assure Elizabeth's silence – before asking Lauren to tell me in her own words what had happened.
I had a pretty good opinion formed but I wanted to see what she had to say before we started to ask questions.
Lauren said the trip was like it had been for the last two or three years. Biff would spend the days meeting people while Lauren stayed around the hotel. The day she was arrested Biff had told the girl she needed to clear out of the room for a few hours. This happened once or twice each time they came down.
At first Lauren assumed it was because Biff was holing up with a woman but as she grew older she realized from his behavior when she returned that it was something else.
"He was always wired when I'd get back," she said. "Most evenings he would take me out to dinner or something. But after the meetings he'd pace around the room before finally leaving the hotel by himself. He usually was passed out the next morning when I woke up."
Lauren's statement fit with my theory.
"How often did you carry drugs for him?" I asked and Pam gasped.
"She would never... , " she started but I cut her off.
"Lauren, answer the question," I said firmly. "I need to know how deeply you're involved in this."
Lauren looked at the desk.
"He started to have me carry the backpack to the park last year," she said. "I honestly didn't know it was drugs. But I knew it was something bad. I left the pack by one of the swings while I went to play and when I came back it was gone and another was there.
"The first time we did that it was at a pool. I put a backpack by one of the chairs and then went swimming. I noticed the backpack was a little different when I got back to the chair but I didn't open it.
"Dad was weird that morning. He insisted I take a backpack with me. He said it had sunscreen and things like that in it. I told him I had my shoulder bag but he insisted. He got really nervous and sorta mad.
"He told me the stuff I'd need was in the front pocket and to just take it. I didn't think much about it until I saw a tiny lock on the zippers. Then I knew something wasn't right. The new backpack had a lock on the zippers, too. So I couldn't look inside."
Pam was aghast and Elizabeth had a look of stony disbelief on her face. I was bouncing between rage and sadness – rage at the situation Lauren found herself in and sadness that I hadn't killed Biff Wells when I'd had the chance.
"Lauren, this is very important," I said. "Did you at any time touch the backpack they found in the park?"
Lauren thought for a minute.
"I don't know," she said. "I carried a backpack over but I'm not sure if the one they found was the new one or the old one."
I told her I was almost certain, given the content, that it was a new one.
"Then no," she said. "If it wasn't the one I carried over, there is no way I touched it."
Elizabeth's face cleared up a little and I shot her a pointed glance. She was off in a hurry to draft a motion asking for discovery before the preliminary hearing that was scheduled in three days.
It was an unusual move for the defense, but one I thought we could get away with in this case. It would bite me in the ass if the case ever went to trial but I thought that was unlikely.
I waited for Elizabeth to return before delving further.
"What was your itinerary?" I asked. "Where had you been and where were you supposed to go?"
Lauren told us they'd spent a day near the beach before driving cross-state. It was only their fourth day in state when she was picked up.
"We were supposed to be here all weekend," she said. "Dad was planning a trip to go fishing and we were driving home Wednesday."
The facts lent more credence to my theory but I wanted to make sure I hadn't missed anything so I turned the floor over to Elizabeth who pulled out her laptop computer.
"I want you to see if you recognize any of these people," Elizabeth said. "It will give us a better idea of where your Dad might have gone. Did you see many of the people your Dad met with? Were they white, black, Hispanic?"
Lauren told Elizabeth that it varied. In our area almost all the people her father brought over were black.
"I always thought it was weird because Dad hates black people," she said quietly. "He hates Mexicans, too, but he visited with a bunch of them one day. The next day it was mostly white kids, college guy types."
A slideshow started with a variety of black faces across the screen. I recognized them as mugshots. Lauren sat for a few minutes before she asked to see one of the pictures again.
"This guy," she said. "He's smaller now but I've seen him. He has three tattoos of teardrops under his eye and a bunch of crosses tattooed on his arms. We saw him not this year but last year. He met us at the amusement park."
Biff Wells was in business with Desmond "Tiny" Huntley. The teardrop tattoos represented the people he'd killed to get into his gang and the crosses on his arms were the number of people he'd killed or had killed since becoming its leader.
This was one dangerous dude.
I looked across at my wife who was shaking her head sadly but she didn't speak.
Pam noticed the silence in an instant.
"What's wrong?" she asked hurriedly. "Did she do something wrong? Did she pick out the wrong guy?"
Elizabeth glanced at me and shrugged.
"She picked out the wrong guy, all right," I said. "The guy your idiot of an ex-husband is doing business with is one of the most notorious drug dealers in this area. He's been arrested, what Elizabeth, maybe 30 times. He's only been convicted once – on a misdemeanor possession charge – because witnesses disappear and informants wind up dead.
"How does a half-assed moron like Biff Wells get involved with a big-time drug dealer?" I asked no one in particular.
No one was exactly who answered, too.
I hoped to God I could find Biff and force the truth out of him before I fed him to the alligators.
Pam agreed to disagree – with everyone – about the living arrangements. She was barely making do on her teacher's aide salary but she couldn't justify quitting and leaving the only place she had ever lived.
Her daughter informed her early on that she was staying to face the music.
"I haven't done anything wrong," she said – a point I had a few issues with. "I'm not going to run away and hide. Trey and Elizabeth will help me. I know they will."
I had sincere hopes that the charges would be dropped at the preliminary hearing. The initial report from the fingerprint analysis showed no prints on the bag – not a huge surprise since it was made of a woven material. And regardless of what CSI: Miami might lead you to believe, there are some things it is simply too difficult to get prints from to fool with. The cost is prohibitive. And the crime lab doesn't run a full spectrum of tests on every piece of lint found in a person's pocket, either.
Authors Notes: This is another chapter of violence and anger that I had to get on paper, sort to speak. I did not want this to be a part of this story, but sometimes stories write themselves and there is nothing we can do but write them. I am going to include this chapter in the story right now, but I use it as an alternate chapter. I tried rewriting this chapter five times before I got one I was satisfied with that didn’t have all the violence. When I finished the driving lessons for my...
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I had just about given up on ever finding a man that would treat me like the slut whore I am. I am five feet two inches tall, 140 pounds, long brown hair, brown eyes, 36D, and a completely shaved cunt. Unfortunately a lot of men are not into BBW's and the ones that are, are not usually into what I need. They just don't understand my need to be treated like nothing more than a piece of fuck meat. I need to be called dirty filthy names, and also be forced to degrade myself, and tell you what a...
Diane spent Tuesday being pampered at a beauty salon, getting a fake tan, topping up her laser work and making herself feel sexy. She ate healthy and sparse. By seven she was locked into her belt, the MC had the key, her floaty, the almost transparent dress was on, her silk side-tie knickers were in place and her front opening half-cup bra pushed her tits up so that the nipples were very visible through the diaphanous dress.The music started, and she began to dance, spinning, floating, one...
Novels"Mother," Cheryl said. "Absolutely nobody in my class has to be home at eleven o'clock. Nobody!" "That's not true, sweetheart," Lori said. "Cheryl has to be home at eleven." "We could make it ten," Dan said. "That would make your statement true." "DadDEEE!" Cheryl screeched. "I'll tell you what," Lori said. "For every minute that you get home before eleven, Mark can stay here a minute later. We'll be in the bedroom." "It's the Valentine's dance, it celebrates love...
"All right, this should be far enough," she spoke up as the approaching sunrise began to tint the sky ahead of them, revealing a line of hills blocking their path. "I'll drive the rest of the way. We have to follow a set path from here on in, so that they'll know that we're friends." "What if we didn't?" "Another 'accident', probably. I'd rather not have a herd of buffalo stampeded in my direction." Phil quickly changed places with her. He was silent, remembering an incident...
This little aside actually is part of the story.My oldest brother-in-law is a huge baseball fan. He managed to score some tickets for a Cubs versus Brewers game in Milwaukee. He had enough tickets to invite all of his brothers-in-law and all of our sons. There were even enough that the daughters were invited as well.Our families are split about 50-50 in supporting Wisconsin and Illinois sports teams, so we were going to have a great time cheering and harassing amongst ourselves. Both...
IncestIntro From Sharon: This is my second effort, inspired by the wonderful stories written for all of us by SueNH. We've never met, Sue and I, but I have a mental picture of her from her description in the special note she often offers as she posts a new story on the Net. Since it works for Sue, why not for me? So here goes: I'm Sharon. That's all you get because, like Sue, I have a real life and don't what THAT side of me compromised by THIS side of me. I am a 33 year old woman with strong...
It’s always fun to strike up an art project when traveling the world, and I can’t help but feel inspired while taking a look around the gorgeous monuments and sculptures in this beautiful city. So, James and I decide to do a little painting in our room! Of course, that leads to an intimate lovemaking session in the bathtub as we clean up the mess we made! I kiss the tip of his cock, giving him a blowjob while he gets ready for my tight Asian pussy. He pushes me up against the bathroom wall and...
xmoviesforyouChapter 4: Will work for Mai Tais. Mike Nash was the darkest black man I’d ever laid my eyes on. He spoke in quick successive sentences that I strained to understand, I made a mental note to invest in a recorder so I could play back our conversations and try to pick out what it was he was saying. Mike also wore a shirt a size too small and pants that swished way too loudly. I was sitting cross legged doing my best to appear angelic in a button down oxford shirt and Express skirt I’d purchased...
My husband and I just bought a new house, we needed my wages to make ends meet. So I was pretty desperate to keep my job, and getting fired, was the last thing I needed. Anyway he told me that he wanted to see me, in his office, before I went home.My boss wanted to see me. Well I guess he had been watching me texting him. Somehow he managed to get close enough to see my nude pics and pics of a guy, I have on my phone . He said he wanted to see me at the end of the day. As I walked in, he had me...
Unseen MMS! Man, Pakistan is full of absolute dimes. I mean, have you seen the asses on those girls? And those tits. Goddamn, they are always perky as hell. They put other Middle/South Eastern girls to fucking shame. Though India might be a close second place. If you’ve never been with a babe from Pakistan, then you need to go out and get you some. It will change your life.But, generalizations aside, Pakistan isn’t usually known for their porn. You don’t see much of that shit floating around,...
Indian Porn SitesAfter a hard day at school it was good to be finally home. Speaking of hard, I needed to fuck someone fast. Thank God it was bath time. Upon entering my room I could see two of my sisters had already started without me. Sarah my oldest sister at 30, who looked after us while Mom was at work, was just running her tongue up the side of Amy's face. Amy and I went to the same junior high school but she always seemed to get home ahead me, probably because she ran the whole way home. I couldn't...
January 18, 1992, Chicago, Illinois “Breakfast with the guys, karate, a date with Kajri, and a date with Crystal? You have a full day, Tiger!” We were walking to the hospital just before 5:00am on Saturday morning. Kara was still home in bed, because she’d decided that -2°F was too cold to get out of a warm bed. Jessica sympathized and told her to stay there. “I figured because this was one of the days you traded for to get our time together at Christmas, it made sense. Kara had already...
Hello, my name is Jack. I am now 27 years old, and my wife, Samantha, is 4 years younger at 23. We met back in college when she was a freshman at 18 and I was finishing up some ridiculous classes to get my engineering degree, and I will tell you now – I spotted her the first day from across the room. Something about those college freshmen… What’s not to like? Medium brown hair fell softly to her shoulders, those green eyes shot around the room looking for a place to sit, and they finally rested...
EroticExecution of Danish cartoonist.1. The events leading up to her capture.Sarah sat in her cell and thought about the event leading up to her execution. It was only two years ago that she received an order from a Danish newspaper to drawing a picture of the damn prophet.She had lived her entire life in Denmark and had devoted her life to her work. She liked her work as a cartoonist even though it was not well paid and she had not a say of what kind of drawing she should draw. It was her employer...
Love conquers all, but what if it comes up against love? Michael and Jean find a magical coin which allows them to experience other realities as they transform each other. After reading some wonderful, old Caterpillar Girl stories I have to thank her for the inspiration and the device. Callie x Michael wrapped up his shift at the gym as he did most nights, cashing up at the cafe register. Michael managed the gym, after years of working there as a trainer, then progressing...
One morning as usual, you wake up around 7:00 to your alarm clock, “BEEP, BEEP, BEEP,” you roll over to turn it off and then manage to sit yourself up and stretch. You stumble to the bathroom, and brush your teeth. You then look down to put your electric toothbrush back on the charger when you hear, “Morning Sunshine.” You then look up to see a woman in the mirror, startled you turn around. “Remember me?” she asks. It was one of your exes, “Oh yeah, Tracey, Torie, Tina, yeah that’s it Tina,...
I need some critical history about Erin before I go on. In high school (two classes), nursing school (three classes), and at her first job (at the lunch table) my wife was exposed to some feminist views that were stronger than the mainstream. All preached the same militant tune: “my body, my choice!” Each of the classes spent at least a month looking at fairy tales, traditional stories, literature and popular current authors to find the “subtle chauvinist themes.” The first example they all...
"Velda, you must go on with that story. You've got me popping a vein." Indeed, Velda should know. In the process of her tale she had raised up Felton's cock with her tender fondling through the crotch of his pants. Now she had his pole-hard giant of a cock out of its confines and in her mouth as she knelt by his lap. As she talked she nibbled and licked his big cock. She laid it on the palm of her hand and felt its ample weight. It took her breath away. Felton's cock was always a...
Neeko was looking forward to see who would show up to purchase her services. Although she wasn't cheap there are tons of people out there with the desire to get their hands on someone without consequences. With a simple image or look she could copy anything, looks, clothes and even their abilities.....With some limitations of course. She had set up base close to the borders between the factions so that she could more easily gain costumers from either sides of the world. Some would have to...
Author: nabeel farooq ഇതൊരു ഇന്സ്സെസ്റ്റ് സ്റ്റോറിയാണ്. ദയവു ചെയ്തു ഇന്സ്സെസ്റ്റ് ഇഷ്ടമില്ലാത്തവര് ഇത് വായിക്കരുത്. എന്റെ വീട്ടില് ഞാനും (നബീല് 21) ഉമ്മയും (സൈനബ 39) എന്റെ അനിയനും (അഫ്സല് 18) മാത്രമേ ഉള്ളൂ. ഉപ്പ (ലത്തീഫ് 46) കുറെ കാലമായി ഗള്ഫിലാണ്. എനിക്കു 21 വയസ്സ് ഡിഗ്രി കഴിഞ്ഞു. അനിയന് 18 വയസ്സായി. അവന് പെരുമ്പിലാവ് ഒരു കോളേജില് താമസിച്ചു പഠിക്കുന്നു. ഞങ്ങളുടെ കുടുംബം നാട്ടിലെ അറിയപ്പെടുന്ന വളരെ യാഥാസ്ഥിതിക കുടുംബമാണ്. മലപ്പുറം ജില്ലയിലെ പാലക്കാടിന്റെ ബോര്ട്രിലാണ്. എന്റെ ഉമ്മ...
In the darkness of an empty office floor, there were only two audible noises... "Yes... fuck yeah... yes..." A woman's voice echoed between the empty cubicles, illuminated only by the light coming through the windows from the city skyline. Jay pounded into her, his thick veiny cock made slick by her pussy, ever growing wetter the harder and faster he thrust, the slaps of his thighs into her ass cheeks loud as a clap in anyone's ear. Her magnificent tits bounced above the neckline of her red...
Office SexMy first meeting with Kim! We had an ad in Weekend Sex where we were seeking a man 25-40 years to tie my husband and fuck me. We got a lot of answers including the one I'm going to tell you about. He wrote that his name was "Kim" and he was 37 years old, married, and well hung. He wrote that he would love to come to our place and tie my husband carefully so he would be quite helpless when he started to lick me all over my horny body. After licking my body he was sure he would be able...