- 4 years ago
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"Mother," Cheryl said. "Absolutely nobody in my class has to be home at eleven o'clock. Nobody!"
"That's not true, sweetheart," Lori said. "Cheryl has to be home at eleven."
"We could make it ten," Dan said. "That would make your statement true."
"DadDEEE!" Cheryl screeched.
"I'll tell you what," Lori said. "For every minute that you get home before eleven, Mark can stay here a minute later. We'll be in the bedroom."
"It's the Valentine's dance, it celebrates love and romance, and you want to count minutes."
Later, Dan explained the rules to Mark, who tried to sound responsible. Dan wasn't convinced, but -- at least -- Mark didn't screech at him.
"I don't know, Dan," Lori said. "Is even your own living room a safe place to allow your daughter and a boy to be alone together at night?"
"Night?" Dan thought. His first time, with Karen, had been in an open field on a summer morning. He could remember it as if it were yesterday.
They spread out the blanket he had got out of the trunk of the car and lay together. First, they kissed while his hands roamed all over her clothed body; soon, though, he removed her shirt and bra. "Her Breast," he quoted,
"(a place for beauty's throne most fit)
Bears up two globes where love and pleasure sit,
Which beaded with two rich round rubies show
Like wanton rose buds growing out of snow."
He kissed each of Karen's 'rose buds, ' to give her a clue.
"You didn't write that," she said.
"Not by some centuries. But I thought of you when I read it."
She tugged at his shirt, "It isn't fair. You're all dressed." Off came his t-shirt, and they rolled over with him on the bottom. They hugged like that for a minute, then she moved upward so he could kiss her breasts again. Her hand stole back to press against his swollen cock.
"And you talk about unfair," he said, although the touch had thrilled him. He reached down to caress her mound. "This is still unfair. You're all inside, and I stick out."
Her face got that enigmatic look that always would exemplify "woman" to him.
"I'll show you mine if you show me yours," she said. She rolled off.
He started towards her to do the unbuttoning. She was there before him, so he undid his own jeans instead. When he had pulled those over his tennis shoes, she was stark naked beside him.
"Tennies too," she said.
The thought struck him then that they might actually be going to do it.
But first she examined his cock without touching it. He couldn't resist touching her, however. And, after all, hers was all inside.
Not quite all, of course. The first thing he noticed was her mound and all the fine hair around it. Not until he would see Lori trim hers would he suspect that Karen's might have been trimmed. The hair led down between her legs, which Karen let him spread for a better view. Then the fat lips, with their own neat sprinkling of hair, opened enough to show the tiny, glistening red lips inside. They looked both delicate and angry to him then, an impossible combination. There was some sort of swelling at the top, which he didn't notice much.
When he spread the inner lips, however, they revealed a complexity at their juncture. The folds surrounded a central bud. His reading, although not nearly as much as kids got today, was enough to tell him that this was the mystical clitoris. The groove beneath it was moist and colored with subtle shades of pink and red.
Karen's entryway was evident, and evidently too small to take him. He kissed her mound. As he did so, he received his first full inhalation of a woman's scent of arousal, overlain with something floral.
"You can kiss lower," Karen said. He tried, but he took the word "kiss" too literally. After a minute, he kissed a path up her tummy back to her breasts. He kept his hand where it belonged, though. Once she pushed his finger off her clitoris and deeper into her groove. He took the hint and slowly swept his fingers up and down while her breath got shorter.
"Don't you want to do it for real?" he asked.
"It isn't safe."
"I have protection."
"You do?" she asked. That's when he truly believed that they would do it, and he would become a man. He had to stop everything he had been doing to pull the wallet out of his jeans, the packet out of the wallet, and then the rubber out of the foil. He rolled toward her, but she had other ideas. "Lie back," she said.
When he had, she straddled him. She took his rubber-covered cock in one hand and herself in the other. Then she fit them together and eased down over him and around him.
At some point he had realized that this was not her first time, but she was still marvelously tight around him. She pulled his hands back to her breasts before starting a luscious back-and-forth rocking over the place where they were joined.
He felt every motion of her body on his sensitive cock while he played with her lush breasts and hard nipples. She reached down between her legs while she was still moving, but she stopped still just when he was about to come. He pushed up with his hips to little avail.
Then she gasped. Her cunt clasped around his cock several times, drawing an intense, gushing, orgasm out of it. She fell on his chest, losing him in the process, and panted in his arms.
"I love you, Karen," he had said, not yet knowing what the word meant.
Dan took many risks with Karen after that, but they were never found out.
"No place is safe, nor any time," he said. "Do you remember your first time with Gary? Would your parents have suspected it?"
Actually, Lori always thought that her mother had a pretty good idea about her first time with Gary. Her father hadn't, because he would have done something heavy-handed about it, because he hadn't been home that night, and because he didn't notice much. But she'd been two hours late, after all.
Gary had been able to steal the keys to his family's summer cabin. It was nearly an hour's drive away, and they had ditched the entire dance to get time. The previous week, Gary had moved the other two kerosene heaters from his room and his sisters' room into his parents' room and made the double bed with newly- purchased sheets.
They stood kissing for the longest time before the chill room had warmed enough for them to undress. Then Gary had taken time to kiss her skin as he removed each article of clothing. Even then, the sheets had been icy. With three heaters blazing away, however, the two of them had soon generated enough heat under the down comforter.
Gary's hands were everywhere. He duplicated all of the steps of their previous petting. He brought her to panting eagerness before rolling the Trojan on, and then repeated the most intimate caresses while kneeling between her legs. Poised at the entrance, he kissed each of her breasts in turn before thrusting smoothly home.
Lori hadn't known that it could be like that. Gary kept most of his weight on his elbows, which were positioned so that his hands could reach her breasts.
He held those and caressed them while filling her completely. He tickled her nipples while stirring her with sideways motions of his hips. He finally turned them partly to their sides while his hand clasped her thigh with one finger reaching to just brush her clitoris.
Positioned like that, he tickled her while driving in and out. His finger, his cock, his evident ardor spiraled her to new heights of tension and desire. Then she had soared away into bliss. She returned to feel the last throbs within which told her that he had reached his own culmination before hers was finished.
Experiencing such care, such ecstasy, such mutuality, she was an instant convert to a life of sex, to sex with Gary, to a life with Gary. She only wanted to lie silently remembering that bliss and loving the man who had made it possible.
Then Gary said, "It wasn't your first time, was it?" It had been her first time like that, and she tried to say so.
Instead, it turned into a night of recrimination. It hadn't been his first time, either. She had known that all along and had been grateful for his experienced care for her. But he didn't think that his past was relevant.
"Promise me one thing," Gary said as they drove home hours late. "Never tell me who it was. I would have to kill him." Her mother kept her from dating Gary for a month, they broke up a month after their next date. They came back together, and she swore to be faithful to him.
"All we can do is to take reasonable precautions," Lori said. "And pray. Don't you think that getting her to spend the time in her own house will give us a better chance?"
"I suppose," Dan said. "After all, we can't really keep her from doing what she wants. At least, with us just down the hall, this Mark kid won't be able to force her ... I hope."
"I hope so too. I figure that it's better than a parked car somewhere.
"Anyway," she continued, "it's Valentine's Day. We can be parents tomorrow. You dish out the dessert while I change out of this girdle." They always dressed fairly formally when a date picked up their daughter. That didn't make Cheryl like the idea that the boy had to come in, but it did obviate some of her arguments. Anyway, the idea of a kid forcing Cheryl stirred dark memories and darker images. She wanted a few minutes alone to exorcise them.
She'd always followed Gary's rule, even with Dan. She'd never mentioned Ted to another living soul. That was one reason that she had never followed Dan into Catholicism, although Cheryl had been raised in the church. She didn't want to go to confession. She felt sometimes that she should tell Cheryl, warn Cheryl; but she never had. Her mother had warned her, and it hadn't taken.
Ted's parents had gone away for a weekend, and Lori had faked a babysitting job. Ted stirred her blood as no other boy in the school ever had. Her mother had taken an unreasonable dislike to him. "You went to the last dance with Ted," she'd said. "Find another boy for this dance."
"Mother, it doesn't work like that."
"So stay home." She had; Ted hadn't. A couple broke up at the dance, over Ted's dancing too often with the girl according to some stories. Anyway, it had ended with Ted and Cindy as a couple. Lori had been out in the cold. "So find another boy," her mother had said. She did, but Dave didn't kiss like Ted did.
So, now, she started off on her "baby-sitting" assignment, but the house she went to was Ted's. Barefoot, he led her down to the rec room.
Ted still kissed with heavenly skill. He still lit fires in her that no-one else could. He still stroked her breasts as if they were precious fabric. He still tried to go too far.
"Stop it! I'm not that kind of girl," she said.
"What kind of girl are you? I'm still taking Cindy to the next dance, I'm still not your official boyfriend. If I took you down for a malt, there would be talk that neither of us would want."
"I know all that. I don't want to go out with you, especially tonight. My mother thinks that I'm babysitting. I just want you to hold me and kiss me."
"And a little more."
"Yes. A little more, I love how I feel when you pet me."
"Well," said Ted, "you'll love how you feel when I pet you right. If you don't, I'll stop."
"You can stop right here."
"Fine. I'm stopping. Can you find your own way out?"
"You visited my house for a petting date," he said. "You don't like the way I pet. That's fine; we can end the date now. Look, you've enjoyed everything I've done so far. All I'm asking is that you try it out."
That was a little off the point. She'd never thought that she wouldn't enjoy it. She'd just thought that she shouldn't do it. Caught between the choice of going home to explain everything and trying things that she really did think she would enjoy, she allowed him to remove her slacks and panties.
"Oh, Lori," he said, "you're beautiful." He kissed her then, before moving her back to the couch. He kissed her mouth and gently smoothed over her breasts. He teased her breasts with lips and tongue before ever touching her mound.
She did enjoy what his hands could do between her legs, enjoyed it until she soared away from him and flew into a brief bliss. He kissed her deeply as she returned, kissed her until she shoved him away so she could breathe.
"Okay," he said to that, "I'll be back in a minute." True to his word, he reappeared with two cans of soda in his hands. "Are you thirsty? I have ginger ale and root beer."
"Root beer, please," she said. He opened her can and handed it to her.
"Chilly?" She wasn't really, but she was feeling awfully naked. When she nodded, he removed his shirt and draped it over her. She had actually wanted her shirt, but she was covered. Ted was a lot bigger than she was, and his shirt covered a lot more of her thighs. He opened his can and sat to her right, with his arm draped over her.
"You know," he said, "I was serious. Everybody knows that you are a cute-looking girl. But you are absolutely gorgeous without your clothes."
He sat like that while she finished her drink. Once in a while he would say something else about her beauty, how her breasts were firm and her nipples enticing, for instance.
When she was finished with her can, he took it from her and set both of their cans down on an end table. "But what is most beautiful about you," he said as if there hadn't been a two minute pause in the conversation, "is your lovely fur-covered mound of pleasure."
The purple prose set her off a tiny bit, but the thought was reassuring even so. Being pretty is important to any girl, and she has to wonder about how pretty she is where no boy is supposed to see her. Who can she ask? But Ted seemed both experienced and impressed.
Soon he was kissing her again. This time, although he took his time, there were no impediments to his exploration. Soon, she was lying down on the couch with his hand between her spread-open legs. Again, his mouth on her breasts and his hand below sent her teetering near the edge.
This time, while she teetered, she felt something against her thigh. When she opened her eyes, Ted was kneeling between her legs. "Relax, Lori," he said. "This will be wonderful."
Then, as she struggled to pull herself together, he placed himself at her entry. Bucking to throw him off just helped his cock drive home.
It wasn't wonderful; it was painful and invasive; mostly it was a dirty trick. He pumped in and out a few times while she struggled. Then he slumped over her. She pushed him off and sat up. A lot of fluid oozed out of her. From the pink threads in it, some of it must have been blood.
"I love you," Ted said from the floor.
"Well, I hate you. I want my clothes and I want to go home."
"Your clothes are over there. Except for your bra and panties. They're in the freezer."
"The what?"
"I thought that you might want to claim that I forced something on you that you didn't want. I felt that you might have a hard time explaining why I had time to take your bra and panties while you were willingly naked and put them in the freezer. That took some time you know. You could have left while I took that trip. You could have retrieved them before they had time to get cold."
"You are a dirty sneak."
"I've been called worse. Think about me for the next few days, and you'll see that you'll want me again. I'm not a boy scout, but I'm the best lover that you'll find in that school. Do you want to take your underwear out of the freezer now? Would you like a shower while they warm up? It will be another hour before your mother will believe that you're done babysitting."
She had finally accepted the shower. She had never spoken with him again. Years later, she'd figured out that it was probably his own first experience as well. With hands and mouth, he might well have been the best lover in that high school, as he bragged. After she'd had some experience, however, she realized that he had no finesse at all in actual intercourse. He probably had improved with experience. Where was Ted today, she wondered. An expert gigolo? In jail for raping someone harder to bluff than she had been? In hell?
Hard as it was to smooth young Cheryl's path along lovers' lane, it was at least possible. Insight, however profound, was not going to change Lori's history one iota. Time to abandon the past and live in the present.
She hadn't intended the pun, but she giggled nevertheless. Last year's Valentine's Day present was a pair of black, real- silk stockings to go with the garter belt the year before. The present the year before that had been several sets of black panties, one of which she put on over the stockings. The first present had been a half bra; or some fraction of a bra (a half should have covered some of her areolae). Dan soon learned, however, that she wanted to feel like a temptress, not like a whore.
The bra she put on had support, and it was not quite transparent on the top. Well, the top of a brassiere really hadn't much purpose. She put on slippers immediately; she didn't want runs in those stockings. Then she looked at herself before slipping the robe over everything.
It wouldn't do to appear in the kitchen looking sexy. First the dessert, then the celebration. "Strawberry ice cream!" she said, as she had said it the first time, when it had really been a surprise. This memory was allowed in Dan's presence because Dan shared in it.
Lori was a freshman who had taken advance-placement physics and high-school calculus. She would have done the same with chemistry had the chem lab in her high school been outfitted after Lavoisier's. Dan was an English-major Junior who desperately needed a distribution in a "natural science." Sworn to be faithful to Gary, she had approached each of the four other women in her lab section.
None of them wanted to be her lab partner. She'd seen Dan with a girl on campus, playfully pushing on the end of her nose. Observation had taught her that casual touching meant a long- term relationship, she just didn't guess how long-term.
By the time she found out that Cheryl (not to be "Aunt Cheryl" for years yet) was Dan's sister, Dan and she had been lab partners.
Dan would never understand the first thing about the simplest oxidation-reduction equation, but he could follow instructions carefully and had a steady hand for pouring chemicals and really nice handwriting for the notebook.
Dan watched her eat her strawberry ice cream with gusto, and then slow down as she fell into a reverie. After years of marriage, he knew her thoughts sometimes. He could remember that quarter as well.
Dan thought that Lori was quite attractive, but he needed her brains more than her body. She explained that she was being faithful to Gary, who attended another school. He promised to keep romance out of their relationship. Lori and he "studied chemistry together" until she asked what she was getting out of it. Then she tutored him in chemistry while he "checked the grammar" of her English papers. That soon looked an awful lot like editing; "What do you mean here?" he would ask. The pairing raised her to an A in English and him to a C in the book part of chemistry. (They jointly earned As in the lab portion, and fully deserved it.)
Since she spurned any romantic involvement, he would only take her out when he was showing Cheryl around as well. The three of them had fun together. Dan would study in Lori's room, scrupulously avoiding any touch; he would sprawl in his seat watching the amateur drama presentations with one arm casually draped over Cheryl's shoulder, and another over Lori's. Whenever she thought that Dan had got too full of himself, Cheryl would stage a tickle attack, sometimes persuading Lori to help her. Whatever thoughts of Lori those events generated, Dan confided only to his lonely bed.
"That was a weird period," he said.
"We were all weird, Linda not least."
"Linda!" he said.
Linda, one of Lori's roommates, hadn't helped either one's peace of mind. She, too, had "study dates"; but she seemed only to study reproductive biology. Night after night, Lori heard the squeak of her springs and various noises from her various guests. This forced her and Pat, the third roommate, to entertain any of their guests in their bedrooms, rather than the main room which was intended for study and entertainment of guests, in order to put two doors between them and the sounds. In her room, she had to take the bed while Dan or any other visitor took a chair dragged in from the main room. Pat complained about this pattern, but Lori -- hoping for a visit from Gary one day -- kept silent. The few times that Dan visited late enough to hear those squeaks he tried to avoid looking at Lori's face while she tried to avoid looking at his groin.
"And your sister," she said, "kept trying to change our expeditions into double dates."
Cheryl played the field, but an occasional special boy would make a foursome of their trio. Lori knew that Cheryl was bringing someone to be checked out by her brother and her friend, but these excursions bothered her conscience. She felt that she was getting awfully close to dating Dan and hoped Gary was being truer to her than she felt that she was being to him.
She experienced the Christmas holidays as a let down. Gary and she could escape somewhere private enough for real sex only twice. The worse problem was that they didn't seem to have much to talk about when they were together in company. He would tell everybody stories about his first semester at college, and they would be fascinating stories. He didn't seem to have any stories for her, though, even ones he had told before.
Then school began again, and she and Dan were lab partners for another quarter.
On Valentines Day, Dan took "his girls" out for ice cream. Lori couldn't see that as a February treat until Dan ordered without asking. It was strawberry ice cream with little split strawberries which looked (slightly) like Valentine hearts. She loved the treat and laughed with Cheryl until she looked over at Dan. His look wasn't the patronizing fondness he showed to Cheryl. It was desire and, much worse, love. She pled an assignment due the next day and returned to her dorm soon. She knew that she should have felt guilty towards Gary for keeping faithfulness in only the most technical sense. Instead she felt guilty towards Dan. Why, she couldn't figure; she had warned him and didn't owe him any obligation, anyway.
Back at the dorm, she picked up her mail. There was a letter from Gary, only the second since Christmas. Maybe, she hoped, he would be able to visit her for a few days. The letter was long, but the point was in a single sentence on the second page.
Gary had met somebody else.
He felt that he and Lori were growing apart; they each needed to experience the full range of college, including social life; he wouldn't feel he was being fair if he held Lori to her promise. And, as he had mentioned earlier, he had met somebody else. So he thought that they should consider one another free. In light of that, he no longer considered her bound to avoid dates with others; and he was no longer bound, either. Indeed, there was already somebody else who had piqued his interest. And, he added parenthetically, it had been the first time for her.
Lori cried herself to sleep, but managed to get to all the classes but one the next day. That one was chemistry. She hadn't any idea of what to say to Dan. On the evening of the sixteenth, however, he called from the dorm lobby. It was their regular study night, and there was a chemistry quiz the next morning. Dan needed her help. She got out the chemistry book and told him to come up.
She hadn't said much for a while, but Dan read her thoughts in her face. Besides, today was Valentine's Day; besides, he'd been there.
His usually vivacious tutor couldn't seem to put the ideas in a clear form that night. A dozen times, Dan had formulated the question, "What's wrong, Lori?" A dozen times he had answered it for her, "And what business is it of yours?" before he could say it. He stayed later and tried to understand the chemistry again. Then the bed springs started squeaking from another room. They looked at each other. He had a raging erection, but luckily the book was on his lap.
She said, quite out of the blue, "I got a letter from Gary two days ago." Her tone was sad, as though Gary had announced that he had a disease. He had left so much unsaid to Lori, that it was easy to maintain silence now. After a while she went on. "He thinks we ought to have our freedom." There was another long pause. "He's dating a girl at his college."
"Does this mean," he asked, "that I could ask you out on a date without my Duennita?"
"Yes. I love my little sister, but she is not my first choice for company when I have a date with a beautiful girl."
He looked at her across the table. The ice cream was getting soft. He started spooning it faster. She had been beautiful then, and gotten more beautiful over the years. She ran a hospital micro lab rather than having the Nobel in physics as she had planned back then; he was personnel director for a glass plant rather than writing the great American novel. But they had had a life.
When you have been married long enough, at least when you have been really married long enough, you sometimes think the same thoughts. "Anyway," she said, "Who says that Great America deserves a novel?"
"One mind."
"Isn't it 'one body'?"
"Not yet. Eat your ice cream." They each spooned faster, but their thoughts were still shared.
"I'm not beautiful," she said. "You're a nice man, always nice to me. You deserve better than Gary's rejects."
"I don't give a flying fuck about Gary," he said. "I've never met the boy. I don't want his choice or his reject or the object of his indifference. I want Lori. I've wanted Lori for some time, but she was being loyal. It was very hard to remember that her soul was as beautiful as her body and that part of that beauty was that very loyalty."
All through their speech, the bed next door had been shaking. Now it slowed and stopped.
"I feel cheap and used," she said.
"That's how you feel about Lori. How do you feel about Daniel?"
"You're a wonderful guy."
"Am I good enough to be kissed?" She began the kiss, rather chastely with closed lips. He responded, first pressing his lips firmly against hers, then opening his mouth. He licked her lips until they opened to let her tongue come out and play. The kiss went on until they needed to breathe.
She felt the request as a comfort and the kiss as a greater comfort. Somebody felt that she was an acceptable person.
Then the kiss turned into passion and the passion into desire. Just when she needed more from him than his mouth on hers, he was caressing her. He passed his hand all over her, her back first, then her side and butt and thigh. Finally, when they broke the kiss, his other hand reached her breast and fondled it.
After each had a few gasping breaths, she drew his head back to renew the kiss. She wanted to be held and kissed like this forever, but she wanted skin to touch skin. Knowing that the two were incompatible, she rejoiced when his hand crept to the buttons on her blouse. He had most of them undone when they had to breathe again.
"Let me," she said. She pushed him back enough to allow her to remove the blouse.
She unhooked the bra and shrugged it off before reaching for his face again. But he was leaning back looking at her.
He had dreamed of her in his arms and had ruthlessly suppressed those dreams. Now she was in his arms and her mouth was on his. He was hopelessly stiff, but he could almost ignore that in the glory of her kiss.
The bottom of her tongue was the sweetest thing that he had ever tasted, much better than the ice cream of two days ago. He tried to stop at a kiss, but his hands were totally beyond the control of his mind, and they wanted, needed, to feel her body. When they reached it, they were only briefly satisfied with her general shape. One hand cuddled her breast, and he almost came from the sensation.
These feelings were too exquisite to resist, and yet they merely whetted his appetite for more. He started to strip her upper body, at least, so that he could feel those breasts in their perfection. When she pushed him away, he was sure that he had ruined things by rushing her, and was about to be expelled forever from paradise.
"Let me," she said, and he realized that he was going to be admitted to heaven instead. He resisted the opportunity of feeling them for one moment of seeing them.
"Her Breast," he quoted,
"(a place for beauty's throne most fit)
Bears up two globes where love and pleasure sit,
Which beaded with two rich round rubies show
Like wanton rose buds growing out of snow."
"You're such a romantic," she said.
"Perhaps," he said, "but Herrick said it first; and he was a Metaphysical if anything. Come here, let me kiss you again."
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The Amir (pronounced a-mear) Clan has ruled Berant since the sixth century AD / CE. For over a thousand years they’re the premier clan in the Amiri tribe (pronounced a-mear-e) and the largest clan in the country. The crown goes to the eldest male of the senior Amir line, usually the King’s eldest son, unless an Amir Clan Council rules that person ineligible, which is a very rare event. If the King has no sons it then goes to his eldest living nephew. If no living males can be found from the...
Hello everyone. I am Zubair Khan and I am from Mumbai. I have read many stories on ISS and I wanted to post my real experience. Please comment below about how you felt after reading this. After my college days, I got to take care of my father’s business. Since it was a shop, I had to stay in the shop all the time. We could not let anyone else to manage as we have seen many people cheating us. I think you guys know how competitive the market is today. Any field you take, there are lots of people...
Tom and Sandy had become hot lusty lovers that Friday night when he'd come by her house and found his older married friend so disconsolate and so totally uninterested in having sex with her husband or anyone. Tom had begun to really appreciate Sandy's friendship towards him several months before the fateful Friday night but when he was bold enough to attempt seducing her, he had been more than amply rewarded as Sandy had succumbed to his caring advances and his obvious desire and lusty hunger...
The Confederate Army was only two days away traveling on foot. Several aircraft had already attempted to bomb the entrance to Solar City, but Béla and Lisa had teleported their bombs elsewhere. Tabatha stood guard outside the time-shielded entrance into the mountain, listening with her mind for any intruders. She couldn’t feel anything and informed her team members that the community was safe from ground attack – at least for now. But there was another formation of bombers coming. Tanya...
--- My Mom winked at me as she walked by my room where I stood fully dressed with a white buttoned up collared shirt and my light blue and tight jeans. I looked back at my mother, Carol, and smiled. My mom who had just walked past my room leaned her head in through my bedroom's open door. Both of us were going on a date tonight. She was going out with a man to a club and I was meeting Rachel at the local Asian / Chinese Restaurant. My Mom was wearing a tight white pull over top which was...
The sweat trickled down Lillian’s flushed cheeks as she curled her fingers tightly under her thumbs, her small fists concealed by the loose cotton smock as she prepared to punish the drawn face leaning over her. Only inches above the child’s trembling chin, the ten year old bully looked around at the other girls for assurance then turned back and with a sneer born from daily desperation, spit out a burst of venom, ‘ If you don’t believe me, you just ask her.’ ‘I will. I’m gonna tell my momma...
And so it was that Bonnie’s trick on Sean turned into a wonderful, 5½-day escapade of fun for Brandy, who clearly seemed to enjoy every minute of it. Come Monday morning, guys started showing up again to be blown; but everyone actually was very pleased for Brandy AND Sean that their fun would get to last a few days longer. Stretching into the week itself meant that a local news station got wind of it and sent along one of their ace reporters, a pretty little blonde named Kaitlin, to interview...
Group SexLala has a handsome Spanish tutor. She goes to see this tutor with a friend from class to get extra lessons in speaking Spanish. Today’s lesson is “How to flirt in Spanish”. Well her classmate, Chad, gives it a try with her. Como Estas? Ramon, the tutor, says great job, but he wants to really show them how men in Spain pick up women. Ramon moves in and begins to kiss Lala. I guess the Spanish way of picking up girls is to not talk and just go for it!! At first, Chad feels like...
xmoviesforyouIt was my day off and everyone was busy. I had the day to myself. What was I going to do with myself. I decided that the first thing to do was to dress properly so I got out a pair of my favourite sheer to the waist, tan pantyhose with the gusset cut out. I put on a t-shirt and trousers and a pair of slip on shoes and was ready for going out. Where to go? I decided to go do a little shopping first. I jumped in my car and drove to the local town centre. I would have a little wander round the...
Later that day, we laid there in bed, cuddling each other. Me stroking your hair, and pulling you closer to me, kissing you gently on your forehead. We just lay there in each others arms. Then you get up and head to the bathroom. I hear the water running for the shower. I get up and come in the enjoy the view. I see you there in the shower, the water cascading down your body, I'm getting aroused, again from such a beautiful sight. You lean backwards into the shower stream, the water...
As I lay between Paul and Dave, I felt the heat radiating off them both, giving me a sense of peace and security, I felt safe, knowing that no harm would come to me. I drifted off into a peaceful, restful sleep.When I woke, I felt a cool breeze caressing my body. My fingers automatically went to my nipples and down to my pussy. Paul and Dave were sat watching me with a smile on their faces. They were both fully dressed. When they saw me wakening, Dave got my clothes and brought them over to me,...
OutdoorNote: please do read the whole sex story. This is my first time writing for Indian Sex Stories. I’ve been reading Indian Sex Stories since I was in 12th. Let me come straight to the sex story. My mother has two brothers. When I was 18, my first mama (mother’s brother) got married. At first, I didn’t have any bad intentions towards my mami. As she didn’t have any big assets but yes she was innocently beautiful. I used to masturbate a lot, I still do. Watching porn, reading Indian Sex Stories,...
IncestAmy sat on the floor between John’s knees watching TV as he played with her hair. ‘I can’t believe you have to work on Thanksgiving,’ she said. ‘I don’t have to, sweetheart, I want to. It’s business as usual in the UK, and I get out of visiting my family.’ ‘I thought you said you love your sisters.’ Amy turned and met his eyes. ‘Don’t you want to see them?’ John laughed, ‘Of course I do, just not on holidays. They’ve all moved to different cities and if I visit one, the other two get their...
As you dress to go to the restaurant, you are literally glowing with excitement. You have been trying on different outfits... too long and concealing, too slutty, not slutty enough... You know from our conversations and shared fantasies that I am a real voyeur and want to make it an interesting night for both of us. Finally you settle on a short skirt... no underwear; and a loose fitting transparent top with a sheer bra underneath. You top off the outfit with black high heels. As you look...
The clan was downright reserved and demure Sunday. I guess after our Friday night explosion and the heat, we were all a little drained. I was a little disoriented when I woke up Sunday morning early for my special time with Rhonda. It took me a minute to decide who was lying mostly on top of me, sweating so much that if I moved she'd slide off. When I realized it was Heaven, I quickly looked around. I met Rhonda's eye. She had that fake surprised look on her face and glanced down at April...
Hi friends, I am Manisha I am big fan of ISS stories. I am sharing my first story with you friend this is real incident happened with me two years ago. First let me introduce you I am manisha from nagpur my figure is 36-30-34 avg weight this figure had before marriage. While reading story keep my figure in mind. I am fare 5.2″ medium curly brown hair. I love to wear jeans and t-shirt. Without wasting time let me come to the story. When I was in pune doing my mba it was my first year of mba. The...
That Bastard Husband Of Mine I could scarcely believe that my neighbor asked me to take dirty pictures of her and to post them on the Internet. As it turned out her husband had cheated on her and she threw him out threatening divorce. This was another way for her to get even with him. He had a goody two shoes persona that he kept up, even though he was a dirty filthy pig. Danielle had suspected her husband of cheating on her for years but let it go because of their children....
Six days after meeting Treya—and fighting the red-eyed men—the group reached Four Roads, a town of thirty-thousand people in the middle of the free lands, halfway between Tyrsall and Telfort. They’d met Jak’s caravan along the way, which was heading back east carrying wheat from the beginning of the harvest season. The caravan had been accompanied by dozens of farmers hauling their own, hoping for better prices in Dalewood or Tyrsall than they could get in Four Roads. As Corec had expected,...
Clara started to panic when she realised that her hands and feet were restrained to the bed by thick metal straps. Where was she, and what on Earth was happening? “Hey, what’s going on?” Clara cried out, struggling against the tight metal bonds. “Doctor? Where am I?” Then Clara heard a gentle knocking sound coming from behind her. She craned her neck as much as her bonds would allow, looking in the direction of the sound. On the opposite side of the control room, there was a large...
I was in the Lindbergh Westfield Mall, minding my own business and shopping for a gift for my cousin Bobbi for her upcoming birthday. I wasn’t expecting any trouble out in the open, like the mall’s main concourse was, so it was quite unexpected when my front wheels wound up in a flowerbed and I almost tipped over. “Out the way, crackuh mutha fuckah.” “Sheeit. Gimpy muh fuckin’ road bump. Move out da way when we ‘round, hessay!” There were three of them, and I’m not going to disparage...
I remember a few years ago, I stayed over my buddy's house as we were going to a concert the next morning. We were both asleep by 11 but I woke up around 12:36 to go to the bathroom. When I walked out into the hall, I saw that the bathroom door was open and the light was still on. When I walked in, I saw his mom, Jennifer, a hot redhead with glasses, D cup tits and a wonderful ass, sitting on the bathroom counter fingering herself. Why she wasn't in her room, I don't know. I turned quickly...
Well you may remember few weeks ago I did a story about my Suki wanking and English gent in Rufford park near Nottingham. Suki (short for Sukina) is my 30 plus sexy wife of about 11 years. We have two very young boys. And I fuck her every day except during Ramadan. When we only do it at weekends. After the incident in Rufford park we began to talk about swinging. Suki never had sex with any other man but me till last week of July this year. The date was 27th. Time 3.36 pm and place a hotel...
Have you read the first two chapters of this story? Perhaps you should just so you get the gist of the setting – or not. A special big time thanks to ‘NakedInSeattle’ for his astute editing of this chapter. It was late July and I’d become frustrated with the job – well, not the job so much but the boss. Still, lately my pick-ups were boring. They were also cheapskates. Besides being light tippers or not tipping at all, most said they had a special deal with my boss and that he would settle up...
“No thanks man,” I answered with a dismissive wave of my hand. “I think I’m done for the night.” “Oh come on!” Ryan goaded. “Don’t be a pussy!” I just laughed and shook my head at my friend’s persistence. “Fine,” I responded in resolution. “But only if Kate has one too.” Ryan cocked his head in the direction of his girlfriend who was seated on the couch beside me, her legs pulled up under her body. His expression revealed his desire for all three of us to continue our...
I am a very horny guy always looking for opportunities for fun and interesting encounters with all kinds of people. i love females they are so sexy and beautiful with gorgeous bodies that turn me on so very much. but recently i found another side to me which i have enjoyed experimenting with. I am a young looking 40s guy with a good body muscly smooth and well endowed. any way i have joined sex dating sites before and had some memorable times from them. but this time my high sex drive and...
Introduction: this is a story about a girl in love who makes the big move and gets much more them bargained for It all started online. I was looking for a steady relationship someone different from those I had dated in the past. And then I found him. The man that fit the bill for being perfect for me. Dave the 30 year old farmer. Kind, caring, very generous, and of course always a gentleman. He lived four hours away but we decided to meet and he started coming to see me every weekend. Soon I...
Chapter OneI woke up early this morning. I wanted to be prepared for our trip. I bathed and removed all of my body hair. Mistress Chloe has helped me with packing last night. I dressed as Master had instructed me to. I’m wearing a white waist cincher corset, with matching thigh high stocking and red high heels. My dress is a white form fitting, sleeve mini dress, off one shoulder. Of course, no panties or bra, and Master’s collar.I do some light makeup and my hair is in a tight bun, I feel very...
Ever since meeting my wife in business school five years ago, there was no question that we both loved sex. We'd spend as much of a part of each day as we could, naked, and writhing together in passionate lovemaking. The only point of contention we had was when it came down to oral sex. We both loved giving it, and, while I enjoyed receiving it, she wasn't as much of a fan. She tried to enjoy it, but never really seemed to get into it. She assured me that it had nothing to do with my skill, and...
Anyone living in England knows hot summers are rare, but the summer of 1976 was one such. We,d been married seven years by then, lived in Essex with a three year old son and two year old daughter and I had a well paid security job in Prittlewell a part of Southend. One weekend I,d managed to get time off and my wife,s parents had kindly volunteered to look after the k**s and collected them Friday afternoon to take them to their home in North London to return them Sunday evening so we asked some...
Foreword Thanks to those of you who were kind enough to read and comment on my first submission of Realms of Eden Book 1 – Sydney comes of Age (it’s in the Sci-Fi section). This is a rewrite of that book but from the story teller’s perspective rather than first person. My characters told me that they didn’t think they got enough time in my first book having to rely on Sydney’s view to get them noticed – so this is for them. I have introduced a new character, expanded out some of them and...
Mera naam manish hai.. Mujhe ldke bhut pasand h.. Mera pdosi mukesh or me gay h .. Hm dono bhut sex krte h .. Ek din me ghar me akela tha.. To mene mukesh ko call krke bula liya.. Mene meri didi ke kpde phn rkhe the.. Meri didi ki black bra or panty phn rkhi thi.. Mere boobs ldki jese soft h . Upr mene saree blouse pahan liya tha . Jab mukesh aaya to mjhe dekhkr ek baar to heran ho gaya.. M bola aaj mujhe apni dulhan bna ke chodo.. Usne kha jrur bnaunga meri rani.. Esa kh kr usne mjhe apni...
Anita woke first. Rousing herself, she viewed in the morning light the remains of the previous night’s passion. Her and Caroline’s plan had succeeded beyond her wildest dreams. As soon as they had entered their room, John had set the lantern down on the dresser and pushed her back onto the bed. She had simply laid there, propped up on her elbows, hungrily eyeing him as he undid his pants and whipped out his immense cock. Without even removing his clothes he had climbed between her legs. Then...
My God, he thought, this meeting is so mind numbing. The only saving grace was the cute new girl sitting across from him, smiling politely and winking at him once or twice. Is she as horny as I am right now? She was an adorable little red head, with shoulder length hair that to him always smelled of cinnamon. He used to catch a whiff of it as she walked past him. He wondered if the rest of her body smelled as good as her hair. He turned his gaze away from his rambling boss and looked at her...
Quickie SexOne night, driving home late from a business trip and travelling down a local country road I passed a car in the lay by with the bonnet up, it was dark and getting cold, I remember thinking poor sod hope he's got his mobile. Looking in the rear-view mirror however caused me to jump on the brakes and sk** to a holt! Looking again confirmed what I thought I had seen, a long pair of sheer stocking'd legs topped with a black leather mini skirt and a fabulous looking ass and her white panties just...
As the helicopter rose into the air, the pilot said, "Look, guys, I don't know what is going on here. I was ordered to pick up a prisoner. That's all I know. All this other shit didn't have anything to do with me. Man, I got a wife and a kid, I don't need this, none of it, please." The pilot's hands trembled and the helicopter reacted unsteadily. "Watch what you're doing," Amanda told him in a sharp voice. "Perhaps you're up to your neck in this whole thing, and perhaps you're...
"Yeah suck on that bitch's pussy" Lisa yelled. ~2 hours earlier~ My sisters were getting on my nerves at that very moment. We were trying to have a family meeting but nothing was gettin accompished. Kamiah sat there, while Jenny picked at her nails, and Lisa paced the floor. She kept walking back and forth until she stopped in front of Kamiah and said, "The only we we gon get this resovled is if we play a little game" "what kind of game?" "a nasty game." "I'm down" "Me...
Ginger's Visit The day following his dinner with cheer squad coach, Pam Russel, Jason received a message via email. He had been asked to see his supervisor, Professor Ridge. Professor Ridge was in charge of all the science lab activities and schedules. Professor Ridge's superior was the head of the Science Department. Above him was the college Dean. Professor Ridge would be retiring at the end of the school year. He was required to recommend his replacement to the Dean of the...
Chapter 14 Dancing The Demon's Dance Abner had dozed off. He sat beneath a tree sufficiently sheltered from sight from the road but with enough of a view from the woods that he would have no trouble seeing Susan's car as it left the parking lot. Disturbed only by the occasional car with screaming teens as they drove by, he took little notice of anything else. Checking his watch, it was still early, only 9:00. They'd be in there for a couple of hours yet. ...
First came the phone call. It was followed by the gentle tapping on the door of my mobile home, a second later, Wendy is in my arms with her mouth glued to mine. Her strong and slender legs wrap themselves around my waist and I slowly move us toward the bedroom.Once inside, she releases me and commences to slowly shed her outer garments. The rust-coloured blouse falls away to reveal a silky blue bra holding her lush breasts in place. The plain black dress slacks are unfastened and slowly...
Incest“So how does this look?” Aoife turned toward her husband, one fist on her hip, posing like some clothing model for a cheap mall store. The lacy white tank top and skin-tight white shorts showed off her petite figure. Rick’s eyes lingered as they studied her, then he smirked. “Like you’re planning to blind everyone on the beach.” “Hey! I actually have a tan, thank you very much.” She pulled down on her shorts just enough to expose a very faint line between creamy pale skin and slightly darker...
The Writer By Cassandra Morgan In the glow of the computer, all things were possible. He could kiss her. He could spin and slam the door in her face. He could put on her skirt and dance a square dance. She could slap him. She could sleep with his brother. She could sleep with his sister. All things. I tickled the keyboard, and the imagined lives of my characters bend to my will. I am a writer of adult fiction. I decide whether a man is gay or a woman is a cat or everyone goes to...
I have been married for 16 years. I have a hot wife, 5’5”, great body, beautiful face. She is conservative, but a vixen in bed. She has pierced clit and nipples. We went to our normal resort in Porta Vallarta. Two weeks our usual, and we do the normal beach, not too much drinking but relax themed. One evening in the jazz bar, we were dressed up nice and she was enjoying wine, while I was enjoying my Coronas. I was in dress shorts and nice shirt, and she had a colorful short sun dress showing...
When they came to the limits of the City of the Seven Hills, she came to a halt by the side of the Via Appia. The others in the group stopped as well, drawing together in a small huddle behind her. Anthony, the oldest of them, was quietly explaining to them why she had stopped, why she looked upon the Eternal City with such trepidation. ‘Before she was with us, you see,’ he was saying to them, ‘Lydia was in the Colosseum. She was a Christian before it was allowed in the Empire. They put her in...
My name is Luke , I'm 20 years old, tall, with 1m88 , black hair short but full, dark skin and unshaven . I'm an only c***d , a few months living with a stepmother named Mari . She , with her 30 years, curly dark brown , 1m67 , was chubby , had breasts and a nice big butt , white skin was reddish in contact with the sun She took care of me very well , always striving to maximum lest I claimed it for my dad . My father was not really with us , he worked a lot, so we were just me and my...
The Queen nodded to Lt Cdr McGraw who activated the recorders. "I call this meeting of the Commissioners for the Execution of the Duties of the Lord High Admiral to order. For the record those present are Elizabeth III, Lord High Admiral Earl Blue Hills, First Lord of the Admiralty William Bruce, Baron Glanville, Prime minister Duchess Francene Shadowdale, Chancellor of Exchequer Admiral Sir Thomas Cassimatis, First Space Lord Vice Admiral Dame Petra Dawsen, DNI Rear Admiral Sir...
Christmas Wish By Trish Shaw December 2000 Thank God for the end of term I exulted as I packed my briefcase in the quiet of the now empty staff room. "Going anywhere for the holidays John?" Mary Nags grinned at me as she walked in with her arms full of her class work. "Nope, nothing planned Mary." I said still feeling a little self-conscious around her even though I had 'owned' a classroom of my own for the last school year. It had definitely been a shock when I found out...
Introduction: A quick and kinky lesbian fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...
Sweet Latina Penelope Woods is excited to get her big ass fucked for the first time in two weeks! The young, insatiable cutie admits her lust for domination, caressing her perky tits as MILF director Francesca Le’s camera examines her body. Penelope bends over to flaunt her thick booty, moaning when Francesca rims her sphincter. Kinky lesbian action includes dildo butt reaming. Veteran stud Mark Wood takes over, fucking her tight twat, thrusting intensely as Francesca says, ‘You...
xmoviesforyouThis was crazy and hot...the third in a mini-series about adventures in the IE. Enjoy and comment! 18 Interracial Minivan Ménage-a-Trios Still on my glorious business trip, I had enjoyed a LOT of cock at arcades and some nearby hook ups. After being fucked so well by Dommie’s huge hard BBC I went on a night-long binge. I sucked and fucked every cock offered, but never hit my itch exactly right. I took a day off from being a whore. The following day the cock-binge hunger returned. ...
Part TwoI dressed, it was early evening. I hadn’t cleaned the house, hadn’t cooked dinner for the twins, or that useless piece of shit. I looked in the mirror. A big black cock slut looked back. I wore false eyelashes, my make up heavy, black and grey. Post box red lipstick. We’d been shopping Laura and me. Lots of underwear, tarty, and classy, dresses, always revealing, always short, some expensive some cheap. Hairdressers, beauty salon, nails, facial, and waxing. The difference in me was...