RunChapter 23: Risks free porn video

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Holly had been right about the effects of the pill mellowing out over time. Over the night, Gene had felt the speedy quality becoming a steady hum rather than a pounding techno pulse. The mental aspects were ever-present, and together the effects were simply amazing. Gene had never felt so connected to the world around him.

They'd taken on gas just inside the Moroccan border before dawn, the massive fuel tanks nearing empty in the truck. Holly made contact with a Somalian M1 agent named Sagal, the woman herself heading to Marrakesh as well, though she didn't reveal the reason. There were confirmed reports of naval fighting along the northern Moroccan coast, and large-scale fighting going on in Oran, Algeria. For the moment, Marrakesh was still relatively safe, though people everywhere were beginning to understand the depth of the global crisis, and looting, rioting, and hoarding supplies were becoming much more common in many cities.

Gene's mind raced as the first light of day crept up behind them to the East. He relived his years spent as part of Whitehead. He wondered about Poppy. He'd never met her in person, only had voice communications with her three or four times. She'd been the real hacker in the group, the one capable of laying tracks or making them disappear. Her knack for finding security holes was uncanny. Whereas Gene was more of an analysis and strategy guy, Poppy had been the main tech grunt. If anyone had knowledge which Victor and M1 and all the others wanted, it was probably Poppy.

Or Utah. Charles Utah knew it all, so Gene believed. The guy had never been surprised even when things went sour fast. Knowing Utah was dead tore a little piece out of Gene's confidence in human abilities. Utah had seemed indestructible.

"How much did you know about Utah?" Gene asked Holly as they passed yet another lonely roadside shack.

Holly thought a moment, staring forward. "Enough. Pining for your old buddy?"

"'Pining' isn't the right word. Nor is 'buddy' for that matter. Just wondering how the guy I saw matches with what you know about him."

"Well," Holly took a swig from a water bottle, "He grew up in Seattle, Washington, dropped out of school at fifteen, had his own intranet running before most people had heard of computers, taught himself a dozen software languages before he was eighteen. On top of that, he seemed to be very charismatic, talking himself into connections for which he had no pedigree. He brought together all of you in Whitehead, and from what I know, he helped your group to provide eight-to-nine figure servicing contracts to dozens of states and organizations."

Gene nodded. "It was all just a cover. I'm sure you know that."


"The contracts. The work we did was just a storefront for the laundering. Oh, we provided the services, but Utah was working a different game. The numbers were too high, even for the specialized work we did. I figured it out a year or so before I left. I never told him I caught on, but I checked up on it enough to know I was on the right track. He was laundering big-time assets for the biggest of clients. Not just crime bosses or corporate executives. States. Countries. Multinational organizations. The depth of this was simply unreal. Utah was riding that hard. I made great money at Whitehead. Utah had to be an order of magnitude over my head."

"Hmm..." Holly looked perplexed. "Seems obvious now that you bring it up. How did we never catch on to that?"

"Because we did what you do, in the storefront, anyway. Even though the numbers were high, you knew the difficulty and the risk. It doesn't surprise you to know that someone might consider it worth substantially more than you get paid."

Holly nodded. "Yeah, I suppose..."

"I never really knew him well. We only met in person maybe four times, and only one of those for longer than two minutes. He never said one word more than was necessary, and if he had a personality, a 'charisma, ' I never saw it. Utah was all business, efficient, a fucking robot to me. I don't know if I respect him for that or not. Whoever got to Utah and killed him has got to be one of the best snoops in the world."

"A snoop we'll have to deal with sooner or later. We aren't quite sure who was part of the No Limits team that caught up to him. Once we're on the Cambridge, we'll have more time for research." Holly craned her neck. "Careful, guard post ahead. Remember, whatever happens, don't get out of the truck."

"Goddamn ... there's another convoy racing up behind us." Tamara turned her head at Hilda's words to see the green, camouflaged trucks speeding up the straightaway. "That's the third one in the last hour."

Dawn had come on cloudy and grey, drizzle coating the windshield. They'd encountered few other motorists, but they'd seen several individual military vehicles as well as the packs-of-dozens moving as convoys. Hilda had been forced several times to find alternative routes due to road closers, detours, and 'bad vibes.' They'd stopped for a few hours overnight, sleeping uncomfortably on the truck bench. Tamara felt foggy, much like the mountainous landscape around them.

She drifted off frequently. Her dreams were right on the surface, sticking with her as she cycled through shallow sleep and minutes of drowsy consciousness.

The first explosion was easily ignored.

Hilda slammed on the brakes seconds before a second concussion sounded somewhere over the edge of the hill. Hannigan's pistol was gripped tightly in his hands as Tamara tried to comprehend what was happening. Before she could get there, Hilda floored the accelerator, ran the truck to one side of the road, and turned quickly, zipping back in the direction from which they'd come.

Hannigan turned back, his pistol out the window quickly. Tamara could hear more explosions, though they became more distant.


Bullets ricocheted off the truck's hood and the sound of small arms fire had Tamara's heart in her throat. She tried to press herself into the floorboard. The firing stopped as Hilda raced on, then picked up again.

"They're still firing, but not at us. Something back behind us," Hannigan shouted.

Two tanks rolled around a bend ahead and Hilda slammed on the brakes, bringing the truck to a screeching stop. The lead tank's main cannon swiveled and pointed directly at them. Hilda screamed, "oh, fuck!"

Tamara couldn't breathe from fear. They waited, waited. She heard the pounding boom of heavy arms twice, then a third time. She peaked up over the dash to see the cannons for both tanks pointing at something behind them, further up the road.

"I'm getting us the hell out of here!" Hilda's voice was excited, raw. She sped forward a few dozen feet and raced up what might have been a covered driveway or a backroad. The booms from the tanks hit sporadically, still close enough to rattle Tamara's body.

The hill crested and opened out, showing it was a small, lower knob in a long line of such prominences. Hilda found a path down the other side and retook the same road a mile or so past where the tanks had been firing.

Tamara let out her first breath in what seemed like hours when Hannigan finally broke the silence, "think we're ok for now. We can take the next road west and stay away from the fighting." Tamara felt weak as she retook her seat properly, nausea coming in waves. Hannigan looked nervous, as well, his eyes straining, his neck swiveling all around. It did nothing to make Tamara feel better about their situation, but at least no one was shooting at them for the moment.

Lauren hadn't slept well all night. She'd been awake for long hours turning over in her head her thoughts about Finch. The more she thought about it, the more it turned her on to consider having sex with her brother. Twice in the night she'd masturbated, imaging that Finch was fucking her.

The sun was well up by the time she slid out of bed and put on her clothes. Dr. Henderson and his wife were off to the East of the property to show Logan the old mine there. Henderson was planning to leave later that afternoon, and he had promised to see what he could find out about her parents.

Lauren ate scones and milk, then went with Finch and the twins to take care of chores. She glanced frequently at her brother. He wasn't unattractive, really, just that, until very recently, she'd never consider him sexually. Each time he bent over to pick up something, she watched his ass tighten in his shorts, thought of the moments she'd seen him naked, as well as the time he'd ejaculated on her arm.

By mid-morning, her panties were damp and her mind was becoming fixated on being her brother's first. She pulled Lauren aside near the compost pile, said, "so ... I've been thinking ... a lot. I can't stop imagining what it would be like to be with my brother ... I'm kinda thinking I want to..."

Lauren grinned, giggled. "Soon, then? We can make sure you get some privacy if you want it..."

Lauren felt butterflies at the thought that she might actually go through with it. "Yeah ... that'd be good..."

"Just tell me when."


Gene sat restlessly at a small oceanside cafe just south of Rabat, Tunisia, still a few hours out of Marrakesh. Holly had wanted to stop off and attempt to get updates from the Israeli M1 headquarters, but after a couple of refused connections, she leaned back, frustrated. "Not a good sign. Just a refusal. No information bits on the wire, no instructions, no explanation. No nothing!" Holly was agitated, the pill still running strong even if not as manic as the first few hours.

"Does this change anything?"

"Not yet. Israel isn't aware of our destination. Whatever is going on there is probably better to avoid completely."

Gene nodded.

Holly motioned to the plate of fruits and cheeses on the table between them. "Eat, Gene. You gotta eat."

"I'm not hungry."

"You think you're not hungry, but your body is starving. The pill is burning through your calories faster than normal. You gotta eat to keep the crash from being ten times worse." She cut a slice of a small green fruit and chewed on it, rind and all.

Gene raised his eyebrows. "What is that?"

"A lime."

"You eat slices of lime?"

"Doesn't everyone?"

He shook his head and did his best to swallow a few dates and hunks of a bitter white cheese. "When do we move?"

"Sagal should be there now. I asked her to ping when she was in a secure place. Should be any minute, hopefully."

Gene washed down a thick bite of cheese with a swallow of warm grape juice. "I don't like sitting here, Holly. Can't we move? I can't sit still." His legs were shaking and becoming spasmic.

"Let's get our shit out of the truck. We're ditching it here, then we can find our next ride."

Whatever was on Lauren's mind, she'd been rather quiet around Finch all day. He'd seen her watching him, staring just a bit too long at times, as if she was pondering something about him. It was a little unnerving, really.

Finch had masturbated the night before, thinking of the way Hannah had let him cum in her mouth, seeing again in his mind his semen on her lips. Lauren's face often replaced the twin teen, and Finch had ejaculated strongly to thoughts of his sister's mouth on his penis.

He wasn't sure where Logan was. Finch's brother had gone off with Dr. Henderson earlier in the day, but hadn't joined the teens as they walked to the stream. They'd gone down the hill further to where a small pool formed before the water rushed away again. Hannah had said they could swim, though the water would be cool. When Finch had mentioned he didn't have any swim trunks, the girl had just smiled, said not to worry about that.

They dropped their small packs and Hannah stripped off her shirt and pants, then removed her underwear. Finch stared a moment as she slipped into the water naked, her soft, round breasts and ass firing his growing erection. Georges was right behind her.

Lauren stared at him a moment, then she, too, removed her clothes. For a long second, his sister stood nude, her body facing him. Finch looked at Lauren's lovely breasts and her dark pubic hair. He wished he could see the rest of what was between her legs. He was completely erect by the time she broke the spell and slid into the water.

Finch hesitated only a second, shed his clothing quickly, and stepped into the pool. It was cold, and Finch could feel his skin vibrating as light shivers passed through him. Lauren's eyes were staring at his genitals, and for a moment, Finch felt minor embarrassment. But it passed almost immediately, and he found himself growing more excited by the way her eyes were drawn to his cock. Hannah watched, too, and that just made him more aroused.

He sank down in the water, shivering a moment before his body got used to the sensation. The air was quite warm that day, which helped to keep him from feeling uncomfortable.

"So, Finch," Georges started, "how are you liking this place?"

"It's cool. I wish I could live her forever. So much better than running all the time."

Georges nodded, "good. Lauren?"

She shrugged, "guess it's alright." Finch knew that she was understating how much she was enjoying it, but he'd long ago learned to expect that from her. "Yeah, definitely better than running."

The four had closed into a small circle, arms and legs occasionally touching. Finch was across from Georges, Lauren on his left, Hannah on his right. Several times, he was certain that Hannah had touched his thigh on purpose, once even brushing past his half-hard penis. He looked at her each time, but she just smiled and acted as if she was paying him no mind.

Lauren's leg swept over Finch's, her ankle coming to rest on his. She didn't move, and Finch felt a thrill slide up his body at the contact. Lauren glanced at him quickly, paused, then slowly pulled her leg back and left his flesh.

Finch felt like taking a risk. First, he let his hand slide onto Hannah's arm. He held it there. She slid her fingers to meet his and grasped them. Hannah guided his clenched hand onto her thigh.

Lauren again brushed his leg, this time, her foot playing against his calf. Finch was certain she was doing it on purpose once she started moving it gently up and down his leg. She didn't look at him. Finch took another risk, letting his hand drift to Lauren's thigh. He swept over it lightly with the backs of his fingers. Lauren shivered but said nothing, her leg still on his.

Finch did it again, this time making a return trip up her thigh. When she didn't protest, he turned his hand over and slid his fingers down to her hand. When their fingers met, the curled them together with only a bit of hesitation.

Finch was in heaven. His body vibrated in the cold water, two beautiful teens holding his hands, Lauren's foot slowly stroking his leg, his fingers only inches from Hannah's genitals.

He caught Lauren giving Hannah a look, the latter smiling and letting go of his hand. "Listen, Georges and I need to go say goodbye to Dad. You two should hang out. Enjoy this place, ok?" Hannah kissed Finch's cheek with a small giggle. Georges was blinking as if he was confused, but he said nothing and followed his twin sister out of the water.

Finch watched Hannah dry off, her pale ass round and firm. Moments later they were gone and Finch was left alone, sitting silently with his sister, still holding her hand, her foot moving up above his knee for the first time.

"How do we find him?" Tamara's question hung a moment as they looked down on the commune from across the river, below the dam.

"We don't." Hilda replied. "He'll find us."

"So do we go down there, then?"

"At nightfall, yes." Hilda stared a moment. "Looks about the same as when I was here before. Except there's almost no one moving around. Same as everywhere else, it seems."

Tamara had noticed how little movement she saw on the streets. They'd managed to avoid the fighting the rest of the way to Malaia, though they often heard and felt explosions from some distance. Towns they passed through were much the same as the commune: few people out, few vehicles on the road. That had been a marked change since leaving Belgrade. Tamara wondered just how much the conflict had grown.

Hannigan returned from stepping away to the nearby bushes to relieve himself. He sipped from a bottle of fruit juice, eyes scanning the surroundings. "We might as well hunker down here until nightfall, then. Best view of things, lots of ways to get moving if someone comes up here. I don't like waiting, though. How exactly is Haul going to find us?"

Hilda shrugged. "Just going by what the message said. He told us to get to Malaia and he would make contact after nightfall and before midnight. Nothing more specific. Trust me, this guy knows his shit. He'll find us."

Logan paused outside the bedroom door listening, shifting lightly on his feet as he strained to hear the soft sounds within. Dr. Henderson and Juliana had taken him to the mine earlier that day, the fourteen-year old enjoying climbing ladders and exploring in the dark with only a headlamp. They hadn't let him go far, said the walls were starting to give way, but Logan thought it was one of the coolest things he'd ever seen.

They'd returned to the house earlier, Henderson and his wife excusing themselves so that he could get ready to leave. Logan had milled about, considered finding his siblings and the twins, then decided to help himself to more scones. The first cry had sent him quickly to the bedroom door.

He heard Juliana's pants as he leaned his ear close to the keyhole. Logan tried to look through but couldn't see inside the room, so he pressed his ear against it and pulled his penis through his open zipper, stroking it quickly as Dr. Henderson's grunts became insistent.

Same as Run
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Part. 2Barry reached out, and gathered a bunch of tissues. ‘Better clean up’, he said, handing me some.‘We made quite a mess didn’t we’, I said, ‘It was a great orgasm, thanks’.‘The pleasure was all mine’, Barry replied with a grin on his face.I looked him in the eye, ‘I’m not gay, but I might be bi-curious, I have no desire to have anal sex, just want to set things straight’.‘I’m the same way’, he replied, ‘I get aroused by lingerie on women and men, and do like to play on cam with other guys...

1 year ago
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The CureChapter 13

Apparently that little speech of mine made history, though at the time I was just trying to piss off the powers that be on Actilonia. But, apparently, it was news to everyone on Actilonia that the Empress actually cared about her people and had sent a Cure here to have a look at what was happening, which was, apparently, a very heavy handed crushing of their liberties and lives by a greedy set of corporates, bureaucrats and Nobles. As the people thought that the Empress didn’t care, this had...

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Anal Virgins

Today was the day my wife and I do what I've been wanting to do for years. I always wanted to try it, but never had a girlfriend willing to try. My wife never did it either. So tonight will be both of our first time having anal sex.  My wife is a sexy blonde with gorgeous grey eyes. She has sexy c cup tits. She has the cutest bubble butt. I truly can't wait until I get to fuck her ass tonight. I didn't have to work today. So I was home trying to get everything ready for tonight. I wanted to...

2 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 270 Hardball

Cassie and Rose met Josh and me when we came into the mud room and started stripping off our fire-fighting outfits. Neither of us had done that much. We directed traffic, assisted with hoses, saved a horse. The older guys handled the real work. Our chief and Sheriff Donaldson were taking care of the investigation. We were still beat, though. The two women wrinkled their noses as they stripped us bare. "Showers," Cassie said. She led Josh out and upstairs. "Let's get you to the master...

2 years ago
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Daydreams on a Train

Chapter 1: Exeter As I boarded the train at Exeter station, I realised this is the first time I'd been home to see my family since the term started in September. Now it was the Christmas holidays and my life seemed empty. The previous two years at university had been blessed with a great lesbian love affair that had lasted most of the time here. But it had all gone wrong this term. I was depressed although I had tried hard not to let it affect my course work. The train, bound for London, was...

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School Girl Suzy

Suzy sat at the front of the class,stroking her black stocking tops under her desk, her school uniform skirt just ending at her tops, Suzy's teacher Mr. Wilson could see Her hand stroking her white cotton panties knowing exactly where to stroke...Her lips swelling and bulging her cottons, her swollen lips outlined and finger stroked by her hand. Her Teacher was mesmerized in lust watching her tease her lips through the panties, stroking and moving her cottons to show her pussy in class,...

1 year ago
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A Night With Linda

The Evening Sometimes life is stranger than fiction. Sometimes it’s just too messed up to be believed, even by me and I was there. Case in point. The events of the evening of Sunday, 30th December 1990. Earlier that afternoon my father had dropped me off at my flat in Liverpool after my traditional break with them at home in Oswestry. Usually I’d arrive New Years Eve but last year I’d missed out on the party my friends were going to because I got home too late. I still don’t know what...

4 years ago
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The hired help

First lets say I would be the last person in this world who would cheat on their husband or so I thought. I guess I should start at how it happen or what lend up to it. I was working as a bartender in a nice place. That's where I met my husband. One night a fight broke out which does happens in bars, but that night it was just two other girls and myself working, so all we could do was call the cops. That when Tom walked in and soon the fight was out the door and by the time the cops showed up...

1 year ago
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"Excuse me, is that seat vacant?" Glancing up from his spreadsheet, Greg Lancaster liked what he saw. Surely no more than eighteen or nineteen, the fresh-faced youngster was, if not the prettiest girl to ever cast a shadow across his retinas, certainly the best-looking in his residual memory. Drooling was not an option, and in the wake of his marginally over-emphasised "Oh yes, of course," he clutched the lap-top to his chest, intending for her to squeeze past to the window-seat.. "Thanks," she...

3 years ago
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THE GOING-AWAY PARTY Several weeks had gone by since the last get-together. John and Mary, their toys James and Kelly had not met lately. Additionally, Kelly’s roommate Terri was now scheduled for her final gender-change operation, which she eagerly awaited. A trip to Branson, Missouri, by the married couple halted the “regular” Saturday night meetings. Taking advantage of a “celebrity auction”, they had bought a bargain weekend stay at a Branson resort. On the first night in the...

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Crossdressing Hooker and the Creampie

I've always had a feminine body, slim but some female curves so I've been able to pull of being woman in public a few times already. I started by placing an ad in the local erotic escort guide with some of my best pictures and immediately got replies from interested men. I decided to call one of them who wanted to bring a buddy and we set a date at a local hotel for 8 pm. I wanted to look amazing for the first time so I started by shaving and making sure I had no body hair...

2 years ago
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Screwing Around a Nis StoryChapter 9

After the Party, Through the Summer, and the Next Year She said, "Mark, we will graduate soon. After the summer, what will we do?" "Lover, we are already accepted to the same college. Michael will be going there. We need to find out what Amanda's plans are. They seem to really like each other." "She is in love with him, and you, and me. She told me that she is going to change colleges. She was accepted to ours also. It won't be difficult. You and Michael will room together and she...

2 years ago
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The Transformation of James Gray

The Transformation of James Gray Revised By Lucille Jeanette Smith Everyone has their paths set in life. We all must follow our preordained plan set by our divine lord. Some lives are different than others. Most people follow them and never question the reason. Most never have to. A select few live in lavish wealth while most are comfortable enough with their lives and thank the Lord for what little they have been given. A select unfortunate few have their lives take drastic turns...

3 years ago
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Daisy ChainChapter 6

Though I couldn't get the note-or Vicki-out of my mind, the rest of the evening went pretty smoothly. Vicki gave me one last look when I came back from the bathroom, and I just gave her a nod and a little smile, which she returned. My new arcane, splendorous world of unspoken sapphic radar. Vicki and her husband left early, and after that one silent exchange, she was the picture of social correctness around me, as if nothing had ever transpired between us. The game went down to the wire,...

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Las Vegas part 1

Xenia walked across the hotel room, swaddled in the thick terrycloth robe that the hotel provided. She and Clarence were going out on the town in Las Vegas! She was excited, eager to get her drink on and her groove on and her fuck on. She turned on the shower, letting it run to get hot. She grabbed her toiletries bag, pulling out the small bottles of shampoo, conditioner, body wash, shaving lotion, and a razor. She was going to be a while, she’d told Clarence, so he took off down to the casino...

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Andrew Lake Part 1 Repost My Kinky Chemistry Teacher

My name is Andrew Lake. I am a junior at Brickton High School, even though I just turned 18 last month. I don't consider myself unhappy, just a little out of place. I'm a smart kid, but I'm not the brightest bulb in terms of social interaction. I only had a few friends, all of which in similar situations as me, and not a single girlfriend throughout my school career. Hense, my porn addiction. Romantic relationships aside, I had a pretty decent life, just not a perfect one. My life was,...

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Contracting Nightmare

The day was to be a busy one; I had appointments to keep and errands to run. First, I had to pick up my dry cleaning, then off to the store for some groceries, and finally to rush home and wait for the people from the contracting company. I was extending my patio behind my pool, and the people were going to have a survey of the property, before we set down the details. I finally made it home, and as it was a hot day, I jumped in the shower to clean off, put on a bikini, and went out to the pool...

2 years ago
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Playing the BluesChapter 3

The first half of their set went without a hitch and left Jenny feeling good about playing again. She spotted the girl from the music shop in the crowd and gave her a smile, receiving a smile and a wave in return. As they sat down for their break the girl came over to them. “Hi you’re great again tonight.” She said as she shook Jenny’s hand. “Thanks, I’m still not as good as I used to be, still a bit rusty. I’m Jenny by the way.” “Kate,” The girl smiled. “I would have to disagree with you...

2 years ago
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A Day at the Fair

I had been wandering about the Clark County Fair enjoying the show that two and a half years of waiting for the Sa'arm had brought into being. The girls were dressed in next to nothing and occasionally less. I'd missed the Fair last year when my wife died and I was finding that wandering the Fair without her wasn't quite as much fun even though there was even more skin than when I was here last. I'm not sure when I first noticed them. It probably wasn't too long before my internal alarms...

1 year ago
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My Mother My WhoreChapter 5

Morning arrived and the anticipation waiting for my cousins to arrive was nerve wracking, for both me and my mother. My mom was dressed slutty, as usual. She had on a short micro mini, that barely covered her ass, no panties, light black stockings, garter belt, ankle strap "fuck me" spiked heels and a pushup bra that exposed nearly all of her big, juicy, forty inch chest. Her hair was all teased up and she had on a heavy coat of makeup, with shiny lip gloss over her luscious cocksucking...

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Chapter 2 In The Very Beginning

His and Fallon’s parents owned one of the biggest trucking companies in LA together and had been able to acquire a tract of property in the foothills where they had built their family homes. Growing up together had been nothing short of a magical experience, both children spending lots of time outdoors, often travelling abroad, across the US or simply running with their parents around the pool at home. When he was 5, Jem’s mom, Celia, gave birth to the twins, the same year that Daisy, Fallon’s...

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Me and my Twin Sister0

Let me start by describing us. My sister Jackie is 5'2, blue eyes, blonde hair, a gorgeous smile, and a figure to die for. She has a wonderful body, 105 pounds, size 32B bust, and a perfect ass. As for me, my names Johnny, I’m 5'5, 145 pounds, blue eyes, and sandy brown hair. Were both 15, but I’m older by an hour. I always thought by sister was pretty, but I never saw her in a sexual way, that is until two days before our 16th birthday when an "incident" happened that would change our...

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A surprise at the neighbors part 1

On a cold Saturday morning a couple of weeks ago my husband Paul and I were lying in bed, naked and rubbing our bodies together to keep ourselves warm when there was a knock at the front door. Paul turned to me and said, “run along, I can’t go like this”, then lifted the covers to show his cock was hard. I laughed and told him that it had better still be like that when I get back. I grabbed one of his t-shirts and slipped it on as I walked down stairs.“Good morning Rebecca” I greeted as I...

4 years ago
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The Actress and IChapter 4

My plane landed at the airport right on time, and sister Beth was there to pick me up. We had a nice brother sister chat on the way home. I told her everything that happened out west, but omitted my sexual encounters with Shannon. What a big difference in temperature between here and California. We had a board of directors meeting set up for the end of the week, we have one every year around this time. Dad is the president, Brenda the vice-president, Beth the secretary, and I am the...

4 years ago
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Whores in my BedroomChapter 5

I fell silent for a moment, as my cock filled Connie's hungry pussy for the second time that night. Connie slumped over my chest and we lay there trying to catch our erratic breathing. After releasing its fury, my cock began to shrink; Connie slid off my body and lay beside me. I looked at her smilingly; she smiled back at me. "You mean to say that Nikki exactly look like Cheryl." My curiosity was not yet satisfied. "Not exactly, I'd say." She replied. "But she resembles her in many...

4 years ago
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New School Leader

Dan is new at East West College. He had just graduated high school, and was excited to take over this place as he did his High School. He had an extremely magic item, and it basically gave him the power to be god. His watch around his wrist allowed him to take control of any individual, and make them his. He liked to use this power for his own benefit, even though he could be a superhero if he wanted too. His favorite thing to do was to fuck hot chicks with it. If he saw a hot girl hanging out...

Mind Control
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NubileFilms Lady D Mindy The Way She Loves Me

Mindy is studying for an upcoming exam while waiting for her girlfriend Lady D to join her for a study session. When Lady D pops out of the bedroom wearing just sheer lingerie, Mindy is quick to realize that their study session is going to cover plenty of anatomy. Lady D confirms Mindy’s suspicions as she struts down the stairs and comes in for a hot kiss that promises plenty of pleasure. Relieving Lady D of her panties, Mindy slips one hand between her girlfriend’s thighs. She...

3 years ago
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A Spell of Freedom

Faced with an ugly body and an intolerable life, what would you do if given a chance of escape? A SPELL OF FREEDOM By Geneva Gritting my teeth and pulling over my head the coarse sacking that served me as a blanket, I tried to ignore the series of grunts, gasps and soft moans from the other end of the wagon as Nikolai amused himself with one of his female slaves. The cloth screen separating my end from theirs did nothing to dampen the sounds of their amorous activities. Their...

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Parentteacher meeting

Waiting impatiently for his scheduled meeting with his son's ninth grade history teacher, Hobson Evert paced back a forth outside of her class room while she finished up a meeting with the parents of another student!!! He looked at his watch for the tenth time and muttered to himself, "What ever that kid did is no excuse to drag me down here at eight o'clock at night for a goddamn meeting, jesus christ, what the fuck are phones for anyway!!!" He was just about to stalk off in a huff when a...

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Drama queen part three

Drama queen part 3The next day (Friday) I got up and dressed in clean lingerie and a mini skirt with top, I did my make up, I was getting better; especially after the tips Alice had given me. I took my dirty lingerie and loaded it into my washing machine. I did notice there were no male underwear, and did a smile to myself. I checked the skirts, top and dress I had worn and decided that they needed a wash too so they were set aside for the next load. I remembered I had some essays from Drama...

1 year ago
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NaughtyAmerica Brandi Love VR 23135

Brandi in the bathtub! You’ve stepped into luck, literally, when you walk into the bathroom’s at your buddy’s house and find his hot mom Brandi Love having a soak in the tub! She’s taken aback by your barging in on her, so the least you can do is hand her a towel. But wait — now that you’ve seen this sexy MILF’s big tits and fabulously fat ass, she’s asking you to show her your goods. Get the drift? No one else is home, so why not whip out your big dick and show it to sexy Mrs. Love? In fact,...

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I know it could happen

I shoud have never tried my sister cute frilly panty one night , going out of the shower my sister cute panty in the dryeri tried the first . feeling the small piece of cloth enveloping my balls and cock in such a smooth way , i endup trying em all over the next few daysshe had some realy cute panty , i was stealing em from the washing room each night starting to want cute panty for myselfi knew it was wrong, when i endup at wallmart buying the pack of 5 pinkish pantythe women at the cashier...

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