Ms. Nancy, Part 4. We Take A Huge Risk free porn video

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I mentioned my friend's family was well off, and because my large family didn't make a lot of money, I think THEY had a "soft spot" in their heart for me. So they sometimes took me along on family trips and vacations and the like.

In my 18th year, they decided to take a golf vacation to Kentucky and I was invited along. It had been quite a while since my handjob fantasy was fulfilled by Ms. Nancy, and once again, I was wondering where I stood with her. I eagerly snapped up the invitation, and soon we were driving together to Kentucky for a golf vacation.

I am sure you can imagine the several hour trip was excruciatingly frustrating for me. I sat in the back, behind her husband, and my best friend sat behind his mom. This beautiful woman, who had watched me cum, not once, but twice, and had made me cum while watching her jiggling tits was now mere inches from me and staring from the back seat, I could see the beauty of her face and watch the curve of her breasts in the "comfy" t-shirt she wore on the trip. Unfortunately, she was wearing a bra, so the road bumps were of little benefit during the trip. Still, just being this close to my long-time masturbation fantasy and reality had my hormones churning.

The drive was lengthy and exhausting, but at last we arrived in Kentucky and were introduced to the family in whose home we would be staying. They seemed like great people, and I knew I would be comfortable, even though I was the lone friend invited along on the trip. Our hosts had a home on the golf course. Their residency in the neighborhood included golf privileges for them and their guests, which meant we were going to get to play a lot of golf.

We were all big into golf, especially Larry and me. I probably played as well as I ever had, every once in a while beating Larry, who was an excellent golfer. Something that seldom happened.

Larry and I awoke at the crack of dawn each day to play. The older folks would go out later, because they did a great deal of drinking while on vacation and probably woke up hung over every morning. Whatever the reason, Larry and I were usually done by the time the older folks got ready and went out to play.

This doesn't mean I didn't get my opportunity to see the object of my many teenage fantasies. I got to see her late each morning as she and the other women (some of whom were not so bad either) got ready to go out on the course.

Ms. Nancy played golf in what they call a skort, which is a combination skirt and shorts, and a form fitting, but modest, polo shirt. She had great legs, a sexy mature woman's rear end, and of course, those fabulous C-cup breasts protruding from her polo. She wore her hair fairly short, nice sexy lose curls about her face, and her makeup and lipstick were always perfect. She had beautiful green eyes and long eyelashes that could literally make your knees buckle as she stared into yours.

I couldn't seem to take my eyes off her whenever we were together. I walked around with a constant 18 year old's hard-on, thanks to her, and I am guessing that, if no one else noticed, the smirk she gave me every time we spent just a bit of time together was proof that she noticed my reaction to her. She was discreetly flirtatious, batting her eyes and smiling at me with those pretty white teeth whenever she could get away with it. Women seem to be good at this. Of course, I did the same to her, though it was probably a clumsier effort.

Still, there was virtually no opportunity to be completely alone with her. I think it was her conscious decision, as there were too many people around and I am sure she didn't want to be caught alone with an 18 year old "boy" hundreds of miles from home. The shame would likely have been palpable. Thinking back, I'm not even sure how I would have gotten home. Even in my young mind, I was able to reason through these things and understand why, despite her many smiles, discreet glances, and biting a nail occasionally, nothing overtly sexual occurred during the first few days.

I, of course, was perpetually scheming to find a way to get the two of us alone. It occupied my mind increasingly as the week wore on and as I became more sexually frustrated. I was perpetually hard, but I resisted relieving myself on the off chance that we might find a few minutes to be alone. My sexual frustration affected my concentration, which affected my ability to scheme to find a way to be with her. As the week wore on, it also affected my golf game.

It had been a long week and Larry wanted to play 36 holes on Friday. We were scheduled to leave Saturday mid-morning, and we both wanted to play a lot that day. I was awful, barely breaking 90 both rounds, I was frustrated, I was thinking about a certain beautiful woman, I was thinking I wanted to cum, and I had been unable to fulfill my sexual desires. In my head, "damnit!" was the only thing I could think. If Ms. Nancy had a strategy and wanted me anxious and frustrated, well, it was working.

That evening, after a delicious home cooked dinner prepared by their friends, Larry and I retired to the downstairs gameroom and played some pool (dude was a competitor, wanted to win at everything). In my sexually frustrated state, I was no competition and he won at pool, then dominated me in a game of nerf basketball. He wanted to play some more, but I said "No, let's watch TV and then I'm going to bed." My crotch was throbbing. I was hard as a rock, and I had had no satisfaction, despite being mere feet from my fantasy woman the entire week.

We were watching some mundane network program (back when we only got three channels) and I began to drift off to sleep after a long day and a hearty meal. I stood up, yawned, stretched, and said "I'm going to bed." I was pissed about the way the week had gone. I had been mere feet away from this goddess, this vision, this masturbation fantasy and handjob maven for several days, a woman I desired and that I knew desired me, and yet had been unable to act on it at all. My best friend didn't seem to notice my attitude, but he was, I think, a bit naïve and wasn't really paying attention. He was interested in girls, young ones with perky breasts and tight cute teenage butts.

He could have them, I was only interested in the big breasts of his mom, her sexually mature rear, and those wonderful thighs.

I headed to the bedroom and lay down in my twin bed. Looking over at the clock, I saws that it was after 11 p.m. I heard the sounds of The Tonight Show from the other room. Larry was still watching. I began to doze off.

Probably about 20 minutes later, I heard the TV switch off and my best friend walked into the room and lay down in his bed. There were two twin beds in the basement bedroom that we were using. Having been awakened from my brief nap, I wasn't ready to fall back asleep, so I listened to

Larry's breathing become that slow, regular rhythm of a deep sleep. He was out cold. The guy did everything to the max, so I wasn't surprised he was exhausted.

In my frustrated state, sleep wasn't coming easily for me, and I began churning over in my mind where things stood with Miss Nancy. Was she done with me, was she through taking the risks? Had she "kicked me to the curb," so to speak? I initially thought that my desires weren't really love, but more of an extreme sexual attraction. But I desired no one but her. I hadn't really looked at other women, I hadn't thought about other women, I hadn't been with other women. And there had been opportunities. She was all I wanted. Perhaps I was in love with her. My 18 year old brain struggled to understand the feelings I had.

My bed had heavy covers, a sheet, a bedspread, and a quilt on top. And yet, through all that, in the faint light of the bedroom, I looked down and saw this gigantic tent created by my hard on. "Wow," I thought, "this woman has really had an effect on you."

After probably a couple of hours of churning these issues over in my mind, I passed into the fitful sleep of a sexually denied and frustrated 18 year old.

The faint creak of the door hinges as the door to our bedroom slid open made me sit up and turn toward the door with a start. There was a very soft patter of tiptoes and as my eyes adjusted to the light, I could make out the vision of my fantasy walking softly toward me. In the dim light, I could see she was wearing white lingerie that came to about mid-thigh, and stockings.

Having been awakened from a light sleep, I was a little confused. She approached me, put a delicate finger to my lips, and very, very softly "shhhhd" me. I got the message. We both glanced toward her son, who continued in the deep sinus rhythm of his exhausted sleep.

Ms. Nancy gently lifted the covers and slid into the bed next to me. "We have to be very quiet," she whispered into my ear. "If Larry wakes up, we'll both be in huge trouble. Remember, you don't touch me." She pushed my hands behind my back. "Lock your fingers together," she commanded softly.

Her lovely fingers began to trace lines over my face. "So handsome," she muttered, "have always loved those dimples." Her touch slid down to my shoulders and chest and she whispered again in my ear "No matter what happens, no noise!" I nodded my understanding. Finally her fingers worked their way lower and lower, touching my belly, then my upper thighs. She slipped aside my boxers and began to gently tickle my balls. I exhaled contentedly.

She put her lips next to my ear, kissed me, and whispered "I've made you so frustrated this week, haven't I? But until tonight, there was too much happening. Jack's on vacation, and when he's on vacation, he wants a piece of ass every night. I have to take care of my husband's needs first, then I can focus on mine. Tonight, I fixed him 3 bourbon and cokes, gave him a blow job, and he's dead to the world." Her fingers continued to lightly rub my swollen testicles. I'm not sure how much of what she said I took in, my mind was roiling.

"Now it's my turn," she whispered. "I took care of my wifely duties, now I'll take care of my wifely needs. I think a woman should always have a husband she takes care of and who takes care of her needs, and a desirable man on the side who takes care of her wants"

For the first time that night, I felt the touch of her fingers on my throbbing cock. "Oh, poor frustrated baby," she whispered, half laughingly, " have I made you suffer?"

I didn't respond, I was simply enjoying the moment. She continued, "Well, how about if I make up for it?" With that, she slid my boxers down my legs and took them off, taking care to put them behind me.

"Tonight, you won't need tissue, or my t-shirt. Know why?" She said softly. I shook my head no.

"Because tonight, you get the treat of your lifetime. I'm going to swallow every drop."

My heart began racing. My all-time favorite fantasy woman, the hottest mom I'd ever seen, was about to give me a blow job.

Her fingers never stopped tickling and kneading my balls, but she let go my cock, and it continued to protrude straight out, she softly chuckled into my ear "Love your 18 year old cock, Jack's doesn't do that anymore, even when he's on the verge of cumming. "

There was a rustle of covers as she slid her head down toward the middle of the bed, where my aching penis was dying for attention. But being the sexual temptress she was, she didn't give it any. Instead, she started running her tongue over my belly, then my upper thighs, just above my penis, then she started lathering attention on my balls.

I found this more frustrating than the entire previous week. I kept thinking to myself, "Oh please just touch, just lick, just fondle my cock." Clearly, Ms. Nancy knew how to heighten the moment, because as I thrust my throbbing hard cock toward her, she avoided it, focusing on everything but.

She briefly reappeared for just a moment, put her lips next to my ear and whispered, "You are about to enjoy the best blowjob of your life. Part of the reason it will be the best is that you will want me to finish it so badly. So stop trying to force me to suck it. I will do that when I'm ready, and when you truly need it."

She continued her ministrations down my thighs, over my belly, across my balls. My cock was granite at this point.

I think she spent 25 or 30 minutes (OK, it seemed like a week) stimulating me, but completely ignoring my cock. When she was finished, she moved back up toward my face, leaned toward my ear, and whispered "ready, my handsome young man?" All I could do at that point was nod my head yes.

Pulling the covers over her, she slithered back down toward me, gently licked the head of my cock, gripped it firmly at the base, and proceeded to perform the slowest, most thrilling and excruciating blow job one can imagine. She initially slipped just the very tip of the head in her mouth, backed off, and ran her tongue over the head. She pulled back the foreskin and began slow, sexy, lengthy sucking motions. My hips began to respond, involuntarily, thrusting up and down, trying to make her go faster. Her nails gently stimulated my balls which, by now, were pulled taught against my body. I gave a very slight moan in response to her stimulation and she paused, giving a very quiet "shhhh." I nodded my understanding, and she resumed the slow, sensual, drawing of my cock into her mouth.

She stopped again. I think she wanted to make it last. If she did it was for her, not for me. She ran her tongue very gently along the underside of my penis, then lathered it generously over the tip, took it back in her mouth, back down the shaft, and then back up. She took it back out of her mouth and in a very very soft voice she whispered "get ready," she whispered. I nodded OK.

Finally, she began a slow, steady, rhythmic sucking of my rigid penis. Up, back down, then up, back down, fingernails gently rubbing my balls, over, and over , with the skill of the clearly experienced woman I had always known her to be.

I felt myself growing closer and closer to the edge, ready to explode, needing this, wanting this, having to have this. I clinched my hands tightly together behind my back as my orgasm approached, knowing I had promised not to touch her (and not wanting to ruin this). Finally, at long last, I kicked my heels into the bed, threw my head back, and began the repeated convulsions of a young man's forceful orgasm. I couldn't help it, I groaned, though as quietly as possible, as I felt my cum begin to spurt into this goddess's wonderful mouth.

I felt her satisfied chuckle as she enjoyed the results of her efforts, greedily swallowing down the jets of sperm I was firing into her mouth. I lost count how many, but my orgasm seemed to last a full minute. I bucked, groaned, and grunted as the wondrous mouth of my fantasy gave me complete oral satisfaction.

At last, my orgasm begin to subside and she sensed it too. Holding still against me as the last few drops landed on her tongue, she at last slipped my semi-hard penis from her mouth, gave the head a couple of quick licks, making me shudder, then released me. She shifted up toward me, still under the covers, and in the dim light in the room, I could see the pearly whites of her happy smile. She kissed me on the lips, the first time I had ever been kissed by someone who'd just swallowed my cum , and whispered "was it worth the wait?" I nodded my agreement.

I heard her slip off her panties and toss them to the floor. She reached behind me, taking each of my arms from behind my back, turned so she faced the foot of the bed, straddled my head, and lowered her neatly manicured pussy toward my face. "My turn," she whispered, and placed one of my hands on each of those sexy ass cheeks.

Man, that ass I'd always wanted to grope. Now I was! I immediately ascended back into heaven as she placed her pussy over my lips.

I was 18, I didn't know my way around a woman's vagina (didn't really understand the anatomy), but I was game and willing to do the best I could. The low light and the fact that her powerful thighs were blocking it didn't help. Still, I thrust out my tongue and began to lick her gently all over that area. She sat still on my face, her sexy ass over my nose, initially, letting me learn her anatomy just a bit, then she began to rock slowly back and forth across my tongue. I continued to attempt to lick her with my tongue.

After several minutes of this, she hmppppphd audibly, lifted herself from my face, bent over and said "Just hold your tongue out, hold it still, and let me do the work."

I obeyed. Sticking my tongue out as far as I could, I held it still and she began to slip forward and back across my tongue. It was obvious she knew the spots she wanted it to hit. Her initially short back and forth thrusts across my tongue became longer and longer. Her pace became quicker and quicker. Finally, she leaned forward, put her hands on my thighs and, after a few more of her long strokes, she held still, quivered, gave several audible breaths, and began a hard, trembling, shuddering orgasm. I felt her sexy ass rock back and forth over my nose several time. She took my hands from her ass, moved them under her lingerie to her breasts, and rubbed them rapidly over her stiff nipples. A few minutes passed, her trembling began to ease, and I felt her body relax over my mouth.

She raised herself from me, slid back under the covers, then kissed me on the lips and said "It's only fair I taste myself too.'

Her task having been completed, she slipped quietly from under the covers, felt around on the floor until she found her panties, then retreated quietly from the bedroom. The door hinges squeaked softly as she pulled the door closed.

I lay there for a few minutes completely satisfied, contemplating in my mind what had just happened to me, and wondering where things would go from here. I still had her taste on my lips and tongue, and I could smell her delicate scent. I wondered if it was just my imagination, or if my face really smelled like Miss Nancy's pussy.

My first orgasm in at least a week, my first taste of mature sexy mom pussy, the kisses, and getting to put my hands on her luscious ass and tits, left my young man's head, or maybe both of them, spinning.

I stared straight at the ceiling, breathing deeply, contentedly, and smiling inside.

After a few moments, I rolled onto my side toward my best friend. He was sitting upright, looking right at me.

"Let's talk tomorrow." He said. And laid back down. In a few minutes, I heard his steady breathing as he fell back asleep.

At that point, I didn't know what was coming. From my best friend or my best friend's mom. I soon fell asleep myself.

That morning I woke up to the shower running. Larry awakened before me and had not killed me. I regarded that as a good sign. He exited the bathroom a few minutes later, already dressed, walked across the room and out the door without saying a word to me. He headed upstairs. I jumped in the shower quickly (I have to admit I didn't wash my lips or brush my teeth) and quickly followed him upstairs. I found him out by the golf cart, loading up his clubs. I walked out and he said "Let's go." I loaded up my clubs and we headed out toward our final round.

About half way to the first tee, he let his foot off the pedal of the golf cart, looked at me, and said "I can't choose between my best friend and my mom. You have to leave her alone, or it will mean our friendship. Your choice."

"You know my dad will eventually find out and if he does, he will probably kill you, her or both. I can't have either of those things happen."

I sucked in a breath and said "Yeah, I know. I guess I'll have to end it."

"Yeah. You will." My friend answered, " I think last night was her way of fulfilling all your fantasies. It will be easier if you deliver the news to her, without letting on that I saw. I won't say a word." We shook on it and it never came up again.

I played the best 18 holes of golf of my life, but my best friend, who was pounding the shit out of the ball, beat me by 5 strokes.

The drive home from Kentucky was lengthy. It took forever to pass, and I realized that those tits I had felt personally, that great ass that had been on my face, and those lovely eyes that had stared into mine, would never be mine again.

So ended my brief fling with my best friend's sexy mom, Miss Nancy.

Same as Ms. Nancy, Part 4. We take a huge risk Videos

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Nancy Afloat

CHAPTER 1 As I’ve always explained, my stories here are all experiences I’ve had or had shared with me by friends. I have had to use a little author’s licence when describing situations which we just glossed over by a friends relating it to me but by and large all activities as described are real events. Followers of my stories will know I have had a lifelong penchant for the mature woman and though I am now a mature gent myself, I still enjoy a liaison with a sexy ‘old girl’ or two and let...

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What follows is a brief description of some of the sexual experiences of a young girl in 1840s America called Nancy. She lived on a small farm just over a day's ride from the nearest town, which was small in any case, just a church, a saloon, some stores and a few houses. She lived with her three older step-brothers and her Pa (who was really her step-father - her father died just before she was born and her mother just after she turned 10), and a few farmhands: four black men and a fat white...

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Copyright© 1992-2003 "A woman who lived in St. Paul Had breasts undeniably small Her husband growled, 'Dear, Why not burn your brassiere? It's fulfilling no function at all.'" -author unknown My childhood friend Nancy called after trying me at my office. Since I had won the lottery, I had wrote or spoken to her three times, and things were not going well for her. I promised to come to her house tomorrow instead of heading back home. I rented a car and drove to the small...

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Nancy gets black cock

We just came home from a really fun night. I came home early today from work.Nancy suggested that we go out to eat. We decided to go to a restaurantthat we really like for dinner, it was great! When we got out of the restaurant! We saw that it was still early and Nancy suggested that we go to a bar to have a drink and relax. This idea seemed to cheer her up a bit, so off we went. We went to this bar called The Tavern located in Camden.The place was not something you’d call fancy but it could...

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Nancy Our Innocent Young NieceChapter 5 The Old Homestead

Two weeks later Clair called and Jim and I both were on the phone as she said, "You two performed some kind of a minor miracle. Nancy has stopped misbehaving, her grades are excellent. She is the manager for the high school basketball team, she has a part time job two days a week, and she is dating several of the nicest boys in town. She is a pleasure to be with. She always has this positive glow about her. Getting her into horseback riding was a brilliant move. She is a very happy,...

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Nancy and the Hot TubChapter 7

"I've never felt anything like this before, Nance." "What do you mean, Honey? What is it?" "I don't ... I feel so stupid. I don't know if..." "Come on, Hon. What's up?" "I've always thought you were wonderful, Nancy. I've felt close to you for years." "I know, Mary. Me too. I feel exactly the same way. But, I don't understand." "Nancy ... the fact that I feel this way ... so unexpectedly..." "Yes? What, Mary?" "Does it mean we're gay? Does it mean that I'm...

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Nancy Our Innocent Young NieceChapter 3 Jim Joins The Game

I laughed, "No I don't think so baby. Lots of women enjoy this when our men aren't around. Sometimes when they are. Jim likes to watch me do this with other women." My breast was at her lips because I had shifted to put it there. As I expected she caught the nipple in her mouth and began to suck wetly as I had done to her. She enjoyed it and began to move from one to the other as I felt her fingers on my cunt again. It didn't take her long until her tongue was in my wet pussy and on my...

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Nancy Our Innocent Young NieceChapter 6 Nancy Goes To College

Some months later when Jim came in from the fields I handed him this letter from our Nancy. Nancy was now entrenched in college and this was our first letter. She had spent the summer with us again and had left to go home to get ready for her freshman year at college. Our summer with our young Nancy had been fabulous. Nancy had matured and had learned and practiced a lot more about sex. All of the old "connections" had been renewed this summer plus several of Nancy's young friends came to...

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Nancys teasing panties

It was late Friday night and my boyfriend Bobby was driving me home. I'd had such a wonderful time that night. We'd gone to our High School's football game and then Bobby took me to Bob's big boy for food afterwards. While we were at Bob's, I went to the ladies room, and, on a whim, I took off my little white panties. When I got back to the table I wondered what Bobby would think if he knew that my pussy was bare beneath my skirt. We rode along in Bobby's dad's Impala and I was...

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Nancy Learns the Ropes

Nancy Nicholas was a certified college graduate with an impressive Grade Point Average. However, even she would have to admit that there was something to the repeated opinion from her more than strict father that she had very little common sense. She had been raised according to rigid standards of right and wrong and projected an aura of confused morality and naïve perspective on everything around her. Now that she was finished with college and her parents were sending her little sly hints...

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Nancy Meets Santa on Christmas night

Santa entered the living room and froze. His instincts told him that everyone in the house was asleep, but he had assumed they were asleep in bed. Not so at all! There on the couch, sound asleep sat 22 year old Paul, naked as the day he was born. The only thing he wore was a smile, and looking under the Christmas tree, Santa understood the smile very well!!She was not tall, but her long body showed the definite curves of woman and not a girl. Nancy wore a red Santa hat and three...

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Nancy Innocent to Slut

I was eleven when I watched my sixteen-year-old baby sitter fuck two high school boys. "If you don't say anything about it," Mellisa said, "I'll give you a treat." What eleven-year-old wouldn't say he'd be quiet for a candy bar? I told her I wouldn't tell and when her friends had gone she did not give me a candy bar - she gave me my very first blowjob. "Did you like that?" she asked. Stupid question - I stood there with my tongue hanging out and my head shaking like a puppy dog...

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Nancy Our Innocent Young NieceChapter 7 Ahhh Incest

Bob stiffened and came all over the wall. I had hit a sensitive nerve. After he got his cock back into his pj's he looked at me, "It has been hard to leave her alone for Jan and I" Bob kissed Joy goodnight. He stood there and looked at her full body completely exposed and then left. Since it was just the three of us girls I stripped nude and said, "I sleep nude guys, OK?" Joy looked my body over, "Damn Nancy you are stacked, why not, no big deal." I sat on the bed and posed...

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Note: I know several people who participate in the "LARP" (Live Action Role Play) called "Vampire-Masquerade". They asked me to come down to check it out. As they explained it to me, I asked how the characters were developed, and got some interesting answers. While the idea of joining in this activity doesn't hold my interest, I came up with this particular character, in case I ever do. Read, enjoy, point and snicker, whatever. I make no apologies to the fans of "Twilight" or "True...

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Nancy and The Evil One

This is a little story about how a sweet young woman named Nancy came into discovering her essence and how to enjoy it. You see Nancy was a wonderful woman untouched by the evil one. I am the evil one and know a little about creating an evil woman. If a woman has heard of actions and positions to be tried in concert with a man, there is always that need to try and see if they are as good as she has heard. I hope I was and am. I think Nancy has a little S&M about her. I found she loves to put...

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Nancy and Her Black Lover

Nancy is a dear friend I have never met. An online acquaintance who became a sister. She told me about the baby she is carrying, her black lover's child. I cried when she told me of the love she had for another man and how he had broken their engagement when he learn of her carelessness. I shared in the joy of her decision to have her lover's baby, and I longed for the baby I had once miscarried, my own black lover's child. This is Nancy's story, and perhaps my own as well. Nancy met her...

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Nancyrsquos Story Chapter 14

Chapter 14, A Good Turn Deserves Another.We entered our cabin. I went to pee and Chuck pulled back the comforter and sheet and was finishing when Ricky and I entered from different directions.“This is the middle part of a three generation fuck fantasy,” Chuck said to Ricky. “Nancy and I want you to join me in giving her two cocks this evening.”Ricky started to close the door.I told him to leave it open.Chuck told me to lay on my back. I did. Ricky and Chuck started on me with Chuck kissing my...

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Nancy floresstella

PrefaceThis is Nancy’s story. It is based on actual places, people, facts, desires, and more than a touch or two of fantasy. It includes activities and people she wanted in the plot. Most are very real, actual people she said knows. Some are people I know. Please understand, as a man, I would never harm a c***d nor take advantage of the weak. Nor would I have sex with the daughters of my wife. Adding that to the story was her Idea.Alford, Lord Tennyson published a collection of poetry in 1842...

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Nancy finds out

However, Nancy’s stay with us that summer was going to prove even more eventful than ever I could have imagined. Even after having been caught wearing her things by the neighbour’s son, Lesley, which led to a whole new dimension in our friendship, as you’ll know if you’ve read “Caught in the Act…”Once again I found myself alone in the house. Dad was at work and Mom had gone to her Bridge Club and wouldn’t be back for ages. As you’ll know if you’ve read “Caught in the Act…” Nancy was really hot...

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Nancy Drew should have stayed out of my town

Nancy Drew should have stayed out of my town Based on the Emma Roberts Nancy Drew movie By now, I was drunk with power.  I had multiple attacks under my belt, including a mass murder of six people at once.  I wasn’t dumb enough not to be cautious, though.  I was contemplating going out of town for girls with the new car my parent’s had gotten me for my eighteenth birthday for good grades.  For some reason, being a serial killer had made me able to concentrate better in school and focus in other...

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Nancys panties 2

Well it finally happened my brother got the chance to play with Nancy's panties again. It was Friday night and we had a few friends and my brother over for drinks and board games . Nancy and I were horny all day thinking of my brother (Walt) jacking his cock and smelling her nylon panties from the hamper ,I had walked in on her earlier that day she was on the bed all she had on was her light blue Vanity Fair Nylon full cut panties she had one finger shoving them up her ass and another shoving...

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Ms Nancy Chapter 4 We take a huge risk

Miss Nancy, Ch. 4-We take a huge riskI mentioned my friend’s family was well off, and because my large family didn’t make a lot of money, I think THEY had a “soft spot” in their heart for me. So they sometimes took me along on family trips and vacations and the like.In my 18th year, they decided to take a golf vacation to Kentucky and I was invited along. It had been quite a while since my handjob fantasy was fulfilled by Ms. Nancy, and once again, I was wondering where I stood with her. I...

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Nancy and I Skype Sex

Author’s note: This story was inspired by a lady LUSH author. She knows who she is. The facts contained herein are true. However, the names have been changed to protect the guilty. I met Nancy through Lush Stories. We started the relationship as most such involvements begin. I made a private comment on one of her stories and we began corresponding on Lush and eventually moved over to e-mail. We exchanged pictures that neither of us wanted to be public on Lush and our messages became more and...

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Nancy Chapter 13

Chapter 13, Feeling Lucky!I had to get up around dawn to pee. Chuck must be like a camel because he can go all day holding his water. He said he had a “guard-mount bladder”. I had no clue what that was until he explained that, in the army, people on guard were not permitted to leave their post without being properly relieved. I could have never been able because, when I have to go, I have to go- when it hits me, I relieve myself. He lets me sleep on the outside so going is easier.I know,...

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Nancy Chapter 4

Chapter 4, More anyone?Mother broke a barrier! In a way, I was not surprised. Sapphic love was not all that unusual between consenting female adults. It certainly was not the norm between us.This became the second time she tasted Chuck’s cum. I wondered if he was habit forming because I could become an addict.It was the first time she tasted me and I totally enjoyed it. It was a passive thing on my part. Well, sort of. It was a mental and physical act because I enjoy receiving oral pleasure and...

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Nancy in the Garage

It had been some five years since I’d fucked Nancy, I was older and then so was she. We were talking over the fence when I asked her if she’d had anything since the last time we were together, and she replied that she hadn’t. I was feeling quite horny and she was dressed in a lemon blouse and a grey skirt, we made some more small talk.After a while it became obvious to me that she needed to be fucked again. “Where is your husband” I asked “Gone to get the caravan ready he’ll be a couple of...

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She was about in her mid 50’s but had what looked like a nice figure. Not voluptuous, pretty average. Probably an average set of tits and not beautiful, maybe not even pretty, but a little enticing. She walked her dogs two to three times a day, and always between my house and the neighbors. She lived across the street. We barely spoke to each other. I was sitting on the chair by my front door when she walked by with the dogs. I called out to her, “Nancy, got a minute?” She reluctantly walked...

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Nancy Our Innocent Young NieceChapter 8 Life At College

The first week was a blur. Classes, books, finding my way around, sizing up lots of the male coeds and teachers (and a few females). Joy and I had mostly the same classes and we had been together almost constantly. Joy was a toucher and was continually brushing against me or patting me. We seemed to be nude in our room a lot and she liked to touch then even more it seemed. I wanted to instigate things several times but something came up to put it off. Then at the end of the first week there...

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nancys nite out pt 1

“Damnit,” she said as she got out of bed in one quick motion. “Late, mother fucker,”“Good morning baby,” came from the bed scaring the shit right out of her. Lying in her bed was prolly the best looking man she had ever seen. Struggling to remember the night before, staring into his startling blue eyes. Rolling her look down she took immediate notice of his flat abs and thick arms corded in muscle that rippled with each movement. As the blanket moved as he sits up she caught a quick glance of...

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PMQuest Chapter 07 08 Play it Safe or Take a Risk

Chapter 07 - Play it Safe I was out of options. My choices were to either drop the crystal, or try and charge her and hope that she’s bluffing. While her eyes had the same strange, dark glaze over them, there was a glint of sadism hidden behind them. If she was bluffing, she was doing a damn good job of it. All this because what, I didn’t want to have sex with her? Was I going to put the Espeon in danger to stand for my morals? It’s a ranger’s job to put themselves at risk to help keep the...

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stakers tales part1 well bent for trevor

Introduction: biker diary introduction – i am English, 33 years old, built like a brick shit house ( about 6ft 4in, about 265 lbs ), a gentle giant sometimes, an aggressive, in your face bastard othertimes, always try and see a situation in a humerous way, long, light brown hair, goatee, lovely blue eyes, tattoos, tongue piercing. always wear my leather biker jacket ( with tassels – big Ozzy fan ), leather trousers and boots. had the nickname staker since high school – when my P.E. teacher told...

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Bareback Risk

"No sir, not a permanent job, just for the summer." "Okay Ana, but that means you won't get a good shift. I'll have to put you on nights, from eleven to seven." "That's alright, Rick. I can't be too particular. I just need to earn some spending money for college. You know, for whatever my scholarship doesn't cover. That is, if I can get the scholarship to cover my final semesters. I'd do almost anything to avoid student loans." "I'll try to put you on for the dinner hours...

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Alexander of SpartaChapter 2

Report to the King of Sparta. B.C 481 "We must conclude that there was more then one Persian ship in our waters. When one met with disaster in the storm, the other picked up survivors and as much wreckage as it could. The shield is the only piece of wreckage that signifies Persian identity. There can be no doubt that it was a spying mission or an attempt to land agents of Persia on our soil or the soil of a neighbouring state. We cannot ignore the possibility that a neighbour may actually...

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Californie Partie 2 sur 3

Le vol dura des heures, et pourtant Maxime n'en pouvait plus d'excitation. Une heure environ avant d'arriver, il se rendit aux toilettes, et se changea pour prendre sa tenue habituelle - jean, baskets blanches, queue de cheval -. Il se sentait ? l'aise ainsi. C'?tait ainsi qu'il comptait vivre aux USA. Galvin lui avait dit que tout ?tait pr?t pour lui, et qu'il n'avait plus qu'? arriver. Son logement, son contrat de travail. Un v?hicule l'attendait ? l'a?roport et devait le conduire ? l'embarcad?re puis jusq...

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At Risk

At Risk By Cal Y. Pygia Diane was proud to be a shemale. She loved having a beautiful face; long, silken hair; fabulous breasts; a firm, flat tummy; functioning male genitals; long, shapely legs; and firm, compact buttocks. She loved wearing makeup and dressing in fancy, frilly clothes. She also loved the way men ogled her and women--some women, at least--envied her. A few, she was sure, were even attracted to her sexually. Most of all, she liked the incongruity of having a woman's...

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Xena Versus The Spartans

It was a time of horrible raids by terrible marrauding hordes, which caused untold misery, fear and poverty in all of Pelopones. It was a time when Xena and Gabrielle were needed by all the towns, before it is too late, but she was nowhere to be found. The century before had been a good time for all, under the Cooperation Accord of Olympia, there was piece between all the polises, and Xena could concentrate on petty crime and feuding Gods. But now Xena had been on a mission in Asia for years,...

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