Hurricane free porn video

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“Damn, damn, damn,” I muttered. The track of Hurricane “Grace” – the seventh named storm of the year in the Atlantic, had turned ninety-degrees and the track now took the eye of the Category Two storm directly into the east coast of Florida.

“JIM,” I screamed at my production assistant. He turned with a serious look on his face. “Get me set up again. We’ve got to do another weather bulletin; Grace just turned west again – towards Jacksonville – right towards us.”

Together we trotted down the hallway to the studio and then Jim slipped behind the large console with more dials and gages on it than a Boeing jet. He slipped on his headset and started talking to the network producer arranging our interruption of regularly scheduled programming – currently a soap opera.

I stood over the large “X” on the floor in front of a green screen – a large green panel that through the wonders of electronics was magically replaced by computer-generated weather maps as I stood in front of them. Through two large monitors I could see what was actually going out of the studio and right now it showed a large rotating mass of weather out in the Atlantic with me standing in front of it. I checked my clothing in the monitor and decided I was quite presentable.

Jim looked up and said to me, “Ninety seconds, Pam.”

I am Pam David, thirty years old, single, good looking, ‘hot,’ and a member of the American Meteorological Society. I majored in meteorology as an undergrad and in business for my MBA. I picked weather as my major even when I was a teenager after an un-forecast Oklahoma tornado wiped out my grandparent’s home and killed my grandmother. My psychologist told me that I had to confront my demons and making it my life profession seemed to fill that bill.

I added ‘hot’ to that brief description of myself because that’s what my various boyfriends have told me. I have a trim girly figure and nice boobs – a “C” cup that shows up nicely on TV when I turn to gesture at the weather map. Also, when the chemistry is right between me and a guy I can really go crazy. That said, I currently have no one special in my life and I haven’t gone crazy for over two years. I’m in a rut – a dry spell; no guys, no dates, and no sex.

After I graduated from college I lucked into a job as the weekend weather girl and ‘gofer’ for a TV station in western Idaho. They thought I was ‘cute.’ A year later I catapulted into a weekday morning and lunch job in for a TV station in central Arkansas. Three years later, I was a lot more suave, smooth and exciting in my delivery. So WJAX-TV – the up and coming Jacksonville network station - recruited me two years ago, and here I am doing everything from noon to midnight that has to do with the weather. They take me seriously.

“Fifteen seconds,” Jim said from his seat at the console we called ‘weather central’.

We both counted down silently then a fifteen second automated announcement broke into the network program. We could hear the sound of the excited male voice, well modulated but compelling attention from the viewers: “Ladies and Gentlemen, we interrupt your regular broadcast with this very important weather bulletin. Please stay tuned for this critical information.” An alarm buzzed to ensure listener attention to what I’d say next.

The announcement screen faded to show me in front of the weather map.

“Good afternoon. I’m Pam David with a live update about Hurricane Grace, now three-hundred miles southeast of Jacksonville.” I stared into the camera with a serious look on my face.

“This Category Three storm, packing winds of over a hundred-fifteen miles an hour is now headed straight for Jacksonville. We had hoped that the northerly turn the storm took at dawn this morning would result in Grace heading out to die in the mid-Atlantic, but those hopes are gone after plotting another eight hours worth of storm track data. This storm is aimed right at us.”

I had turned and was making my usual gestures at the green board, showing viewers how the track would sweep the storm right into the Florida-Georgia border, and then deep into the vulnerable middle of the country.

“The hurricane is currently traveling at twenty miles an hour. If this speed is sustained, the eye of the storm should arrive here tomorrow morning. We are already feeling the fringes of this storm and rip currents along the beach have been evident since last night and are now dangerous to swimmers. If you’ve been outside, you already know we have breezy showers throughout the viewing area.”

The screen changed to show winds blowing debris around in some earlier storm.

I went on, “Winds are expected to pick up from the current light breezes. By midnight we expect winds to be consistently over sixty miles an hour. Winds will increase hourly as the eye approaches. Just outside the eye, winds will exceed a hundred-fifteen miles an hour.”

I engaged the camera again as the clip of winds ended.

“Folks, I want to add my warning – my stern personal warning to all the others you’ve been hearing, including from the govenor. NOW, is the time to secure loose items and to get to high ground if you live in low-lying areas. Get away from the coast. Get to a shelter. Get to high ground.” I stared into the camera again, “FURTHER, I think conditions in the ocean favor a strengthening of this storm. I think we might have a Category Four or Five by the time Grace reaches us. This is a deadly storm, and you should take such precautions.”

I ended the bulletin as we usually did, “We’ll keep you updated throughout the rest of the day. We now return you to the regularly scheduled program.” I watched as the monitor showed me fading to the Bulletin frame and then that faded back into the soap opera. I wondered how people could watch that stuff when there was so much ‘real stuff’ happening out there to be involved in.

Jim rose from his panel and said, “We’re good for now. Let me know when you want to go on again. I’m not going home. It’ll flood out anyway, and I couldn’t get back here tomorrow.” I nodded and gave a sympathetic look.

Knowing I would be here all night I slipped into our “Nap Room” and lay down for what I thought would be a few minutes. When I awoke Jim was standing beside the cot shaking me gently.

“Pam? Hey Pam, wake up. Time to come back to work.” Jim had his enigmatic smile that I liked so much.

“How long was I out?” I said through my grogginess.

“It’s almost five o’clock. Time to start our ninety-minute drill. I figured you’d want to check the Hurricane Center again before you go on. You’ve got twenty minutes.”

I mumbled, “Thanks, Jim,” and stood. A quick stop in the ladies room and I was ready to go. Now I needed something to say.

The National Hurricane Center had a four o’clock update. Things were strengthening, and the storm’s relentless track towards us was unabated. I’d be the star of the news for the next few hours as we did the news.

Jim stuck his head in my cubicle, “Hey Pam, we just got the word you’re also going to do a two-minute cameo on the national network news at 6:42 p.m. You’ll segue over a clip showing the storm’s track from the coast of Africa to its present position, and then your ‘sweeping-into-the-U.S.’ routine.”

“OK,” I said crisply; here were my fifteen minutes of fame. I’d never done a national feed before. Wow!

Two hours later I was exhausted but exhilarated. It wasn’t the standing and dancing around in front of the green screen that made me tired, it was the feeling of responsibility that people were watching me and going to bet their lives on what I told them. I had to get it ‘right.’

I’d just sat at my desk when Jim appeared at my cubicle doorway. “Hey, Pam. NBS wants you to do oceanside bites and the weather channel even wants our feed – all their people are up north or on Hatteras waiting for the sweep north.”

“How am I getting around? You driving? Who’s the camera?”

“Not me. I’ll be talking to you from here on the satellite link. They’re bringing in a new guy. He was a big cheese in NBS, but is now retired. He’s taking our truck. Don’t let him prang it up under a tree or building. He should be here in thirty.”

I’d kept a couple of changes of clothing at the station, but most of the duds were more dressy and more suitable for looking “pretty” in front of the evening news camera in the studio and not outside on a rainy, windy day.

“Hey, Jim,” I shouted, “What about the eleven o’clock spot?”

He replied from partway down the hall, “You’ll do that from Amelia Island – on the beach. You should have just enough time to get out there, get set up and broadcast. I’ll update you by cell on anything on the wire about the storm.”

I shrugged and headed off to assemble some storm clothes. Thirty minutes later I’d found some slacks and scrounged a couple of men’s polo shirts with the station logo. I had some running shoes at the office, so that’d be what I wore under my weather gear. I looked great in foul weather gear – all you could see was my pert nose sticking out from under my WJAX baseball hat. No boobs to impress the male members of my audience. I pushed my hair through the back of the hat and headed back to my cubicle to pick up my laptop and purse.

There was a very large man asleep at my desk when I turned into my cubicle. He was wearing jeans, rubber boots, and a new NBS polo shirt. His head was back showing a ruddy and tanned complexion and a handsome face that had seen a lot of mileage. I could tell he was tall and trim since there was so much leg between my chair and the edge of my desktop where his western boots carefully rested. His muscular arms were folded over his chest. There was a tattoo on one arm – a smiling dragon. He was what I’d call craggy.

“Ahem,” I coughed to see whether I could wake him.

One steel-blue eye opened and looked at me. The other followed. He uncurled from his repose and put both feet on the floor.

“You Pam?”

I held out my hand, “Yes, Pam David.”

“Hi. I’m Doug Saunders at your service - chauffeur, network guru, hurricane hunter, and all-round good guy. I’m told we should hit the road pretty soon since you’ve got a couple of feeds for the late news.”

“Let’s go,” I said as I stuffed my laptop into my briefcase along with my wallet and my traveling cosmetics kit.

It was already raining as we got into the network van. Doug clearly knew his way around a truck like this for his moves were definite and betrayed a familiarity with the equipment that I thought belay years of experience. I looked at Doug trying to guess his age: somewhere between forty-five and sixty five, I decided. If he were retired, I figured he’d be closer to the latter.

As we drove I asked, “So tell me about Doug Saunders? I was told you’d retired. Is this a special gig or something?”

He laughed, “Yea, sort of. I had twenty years in the military. I did Navy and Marine news and broadcasts all over the place - usually from war zones when we had one. After that I spent fifteen years with NBS, mostly around Washington. Inherited some money, thought I’d try fishing, but got bored and put my oar back in the water with NBS – and here we are, a week later, driving into the middle of a hurricane. My thing! At least, no one’s going to shoot at us.” I narrowed my guess about Doug’s age down to about fifty-five.

We swapped stories and then talked about what we were going to do for the late news and then about overnight feeds.

Just before ten o’clock we pulled into the Amelia Island Resort – the pleasure spa that WJAX had arranged as our home base for the next twenty-four hours. Doug and I introduced ourselves to a security man that greeted us. The place had been emptied, and all the staff had left for the mainland. The one security guard had stayed behind to help secure the place and anchor loose equipment and outdoor gear from flying around. He’d been in the process of throwing poolside loungers into the pool to get them out of the wind.

Part of the resort consisted of two large three-story condo buildings. The resort rented out most of the condos and nice folks that they were; they set aside a two-bedroom condo for Doug and me to use. It faced the Atlantic Ocean, but at this hour all we could see was a pit of black from the little balcony. We put the storm shutters back down, shut the glass door, and went back to set up the van.

Doug pulled the van up close to the building on what we figured would be the leeward side of things. He put up the satellite antenna stopping just at the roofline to minimize wind impact on the antenna. With the help of the security man, he secured the antenna boom to the building for some added stability. Doug really did know what he was doing.

I watched in the van as he fired up the electronics and the panel. Suddenly, I heard Jim’s voice over the speaker, “Hi Pam; sneaky way to get an free overnight at a resort. Find a hurricane and this whole place rolls over to be your servant.”

I talked into the van’s microphone, “Hi Jim. It was a dark, stormy night in the Hartz Mountains; greetings from Amelia Island. They closed up the place just for us. Just one security guard here.”

Jim updated me on the weather and told me he’d e-mailed me some of the screens they’d splice into my broadcast at eleven. We agreed on the order. I booted up my laptop as we talked and soon was logged into the resort’s wi-fi network.

The surface winds were now over forty knots, and the eye of the storm was about a hundred and sixty miles from landfall with top wind speed of a hundred-twenty – the storm was a Category Three. I noted that Amelia Island was directly in the center of the projected landfall of the eye. The rest of the maps and satellite photos were predictable. I made some notes on a three-by-five card to refresh my mind just before we went on the air and then suggested to Doug that we find a place to set up the camera.

At eleven I was standing beside the pool at the resort. There were white caps on the pool water. Doug was a good cameraman; he knew his stuff. The rest of the feed took care of itself. I did my cameo in the news segment of the broadcast and then ten minutes later did an in-depth update on Hurricane Grace and what to expect along the Florida and Georgia coasts and further inland as the storm weakened and then headed north, ripping through the Carolinas.

I suggested to viewers that given the growing intensity of the storm and its track right for the city that viewers check in at four a.m. for a special storm update. We’d set that up with WJAX earlier at Doug’s suggestion; we’d probably be live at least every half-hour after that.

Doug and I folded up the van and went up to the condo that had been assigned to us.

For the first time, I felt a little surge of sexual excitement as we went in the door. He seemed quite comfortable sharing the quarters with me, and he’d certainly made no move on me. Yet, I felt chemistry between us – really strong chemistry. If there were pheromones about, I was certainly receiving his.

“He’s old enough to be your father,” I told myself. That didn’t work. I still felt chemistry. I didn’t know what to do about it, but he did.

“Pam, we’ll have to be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed in four hours. We both better get some shuteye. I have an alarm clock.” Doug shuffled off towards one of the bedrooms without asking which one I wanted.

I lay down and quickly drifted to sleep, assisted by the sound of the wind and rain hitting the storm shutters.

“Pam? Pam? It’s time to get up.” I heard the voice from afar. I had this slight feeling of panic as I wondered where I was. The voice was more persistent. “Pam, get up. Time to go.”

“OK. OK. I’m awake. I’ll get moving. Thanks Doug.” I was fully aware now. I listened to the storm sounds for a minute. They were more ferocious than when I’d gone to sleep. I went to turn on the bedside light but found only darkness.

“Hey, I’ve got no power. Is everything out?” I yelled as I fumbled towards the bedroom door.

“Yes,” Doug said in a loud voice from the direction of the living room. “Do you need a light?”

“Yes,” I replied. “I have nothing. I forgot we might be in the dark. Funny I tell all my viewers to be sure to have flashlights but don’t take my own advice.”

Doug opened my bedroom door and handed me a flashlight. He didn’t appear to notice that I was just in the polo shirt and bikini briefs. I went back to my bedroom to redress. I decided to skip the makeup since I could tell anything I put on would be washed off in seconds outside the building.

Doug was waiting for me when I came out.

“Ready?” he asked.

“Let’s see what we’ve got,” I replied.

We stepped out into the maelstrom. The wind was blowing about sixty or seventy miles an hour and the rain was nearly horizontal. Doug pulled me along the short distance from the door in our section of the condo to the van. He pushed me into the van.

Doug started a generator on the van and fired up all our equipment. It was a quarter to four in the morning. I was wondering how I’d be able to talk and do a broadcast from outside the van.

Doug came back into the van, slamming the door behind him. He shed his parka and sat at the console.

“I need Internet, or access to the National Hurricane Center satellite broadcasts or better yet, both,” I told Doug. He pointed to the other console in the van and up on the screen popped the latest satellite photo of Hurricane Grace.

“Oh my God,” I said. “It’s gotten bigger. It’s huge.” He told me how to flip the screen and check things on the Internet. I madly dialed in screen after screen of meteorological data on the storm. I was swearing aloud as every screen brought worse news than the one before it.

I heard Doug talking to Jim at WJAX. He gave me a five-minute warning and suggested we go set up the camera someplace where I could broadcast.

I put on my foul weather gear, and I followed Doug from the van, pushing the door shut behind us. We set up on the leeward side of the building. It was still windy but with the camera against the building and me about ten feet away it wasn’t too bad.

After setting things up, Doug yelled, “Sixty seconds.” I nodded.

A minute later Doug cued me. I started talking rapidly.

“This is Pam David broadcasting from Amelia Island, just off the coast from Jacksonville. I’m standing on the protected side of this resort; however, the winds are howling at sixty to seventy miles an hour and the rain is horizontal on the other side of this building.”

I went on, “I have some bad news for you. Hurricane Grace is now a Category Five storm. The warm waters of the Atlantic have fed energy into this storm, and it is now a killer. If you are in a low-lying area this may be your last opportunity to move to safer ground. Get to high ground! The storm surge is a killer. The wind is a killer.”

“The eye will likely pass directly over me and very close to the downtown areas. Flooding can be expected over a wide area. Winds near the eye will be over one-hundred-sixty miles per hour. Rainfall is estimated at three to six inches an hour over a wide area with heavy flooding, particularly near the St. Mary’s River and all feeder streams. Again, get to protection and high ground – NOW!”

I gave some other statistics about the storm then had a thought. I told viewers, “If Doug my cameraman can follow me, I’m going to step out from behind this protected wall and show you the power of this storm.” I walked backwards towards the corner of the building where there was no protection.

As I came into the wind stream, my body was lifted and carried about ten feet before I landed in a rolling pile on the ground. I flipped and flopped over a couple of more times before I could crawl, on hands and knees, back into the protection of the building. Doug started towards me, but I waved him away.

Doug motioned that I was still on camera. “Wow!” I said to our viewers, “That was a little more than I expected. I should tell you I weight about a hundred and twenty pounds and stand five-foot-six. To be blown around like that shows you the power of this wind, and when the eye gets here it may be over twice this speed – that’s at least four times the energy. Winds will be around 160 miles an hour! If you live in a mobile home or an older home not built to new hurricane protection standards, you need to find better quarters to ride out the storm. Get going – NOW!”

“This is Pam David, signing off for now. We’ll try to be back in a half hour with an update.” We ended the feed.

Doug came and put his arm around me, “That was stupid!” he admonished me in an angry tone. “You could have been hurt or hit by debris. That’s why we’re on the protected side of the building. Don’t do that again.” He pulled me towards the van, grabbing the camera and tripod with his other hand.

In the van, he cast an evil eye at me.

“I’m sorry, Doug,” but I had to do something so people watching would get a sense of the power of this storm. I’d do it again, but next time I’ll set it up with you. OK?”

“Not if it puts your pretty butt in danger,” he replied protectively.

“My pretty butt is covered up with foul weather gear,” I said. “You can’t tell whether it’s pretty or has warts all over it.”

“It’s pretty,” he said flatly. “I peeked before you covered it up with all that rain gear.”

We both laughed. I was also pleased. Some of that chemistry was still around.

We did half hour updates. By five-thirty we opted to do the updates from inside the van although the noise level from the wind was becoming excessive; I had to yell. Wind speed was up to eighty miles an hour.

For the six o’clock newscast, we went into an interior room of the resort and did wireless video and audio feeds to the van. We set up two spotlights powered from the van. Doug had fed some views of the ocean to the station about fifteen minutes before we went on. The waves were up right at the edge of the dunes, on sea swells and a storm surge of almost twenty feet. The water was boiling. The air was thick with salt spray and debris. He caught a few frames of a roof rolling past the resort from one of the upscale homes nearby.

The feed was spectacular. I watched it later. It was a team effort. Jim was splicing Doug’s storm feeds from windows of the resort into my live broadcast. Somewhere along the line I figured that a large portion of the area was without electricity and so missed it. Oh well.

Doug lowered the antenna of the van about the time we figured the wind speed was hitting a hundred. Although it was still protected, he was worried about it ripping off the truck.

The eye came ashore at seven o’clock. We were right under it. It was eerie to suddenly feel the wind almost cease. We both went outside and stood. The security guard appeared from somewhere in the bowels of the building too. We stood and looked at the wall of clouds and water; yet above us a few puffy clouds and blue sky.

While the eye was with us, Doug set up the camera and we did a quick five-minute clip back to the station. Jim said there was concern at the station that they’d lose their satellite dishes soon. He’d still be there trying to figure out how to get us on the air.

After we finished I noted that we could look almost vertically up the eye wall, perhaps for 30,000 feet. It was hard to tell. On our side of things the sky was blue and almost serene; the eye wall was a seething dark and malevolent monster waiting to strike.

Doug quickly moved the van to reposition it for the change in wind direction we expected when the eye finished passing. At seven-twenty the eye passed and the storm started again with a vengeance. We ran back in the resort just in time hoping that we could maintain contact with the station through the van’s radio link. Even in the interior room we could not only hear the wind screaming at almost a level beyond imagination, but also feel the building shake and twist.

Several windows blew out, and we felt the hot humid storm air penetrate the hotel.

I went and sat close to Doug in a corner of the room. I was scared. “Hold me,” I told him.

He smiled at me, “Why that’d be an honor, Pretty Lady.” He put his arm around me. It was not the most romantic of circumstances – I was still in my foul weather gear from head to foot and for that matter so was he. Our lights were off, but we had some light from the hallway doors that we’d left open. Emergency lights run off batteries were on in the halls.

Almost every minute we heard another major crash or something akin to an explosion somewhere around the resort complex as one thing or another blew away or things crashed together.

Then there was a horrible tearing sound above us. Doug said, “There goes the roof on this building. It’s peeling off in the wind.” He no sooner finished the sentence then we heard a tremendous crash – almost an explosion of debris right outside the building. We assumed it was the roof hitting the ground.

Almost immediately we felt the wall behind us start to give way. A large crack appeared behind me, and we both scrambled towards the adjacent wall. Then the ceiling started to cave in on that side of the building, several light fixtures fell to the floor along with most of the ceiling tiles, and a gale force wind ripped through the room, throwing tables, chairs, and anything that wasn’t nailed down, all over the place.

I vaguely recall something hitting my head, and then I lost consciousness. I started to come to and there was Doug kneeling over me with a bloody rag in his hand. I felt really woozy.

“Come on girl,” Doug said. “That’s it. Welcome back to the real world. You took a really bad hit. Knocked you right out. Here. Can you sit up? You’re still bleeding from the gash on your temple, but I think you’ll be all right.” He checked me for a concussion.

“Storm? Broadcast?” I mumbled.

“Van is gone. Went bye-bye in the wind. Got pushed into the other building – about five feet into the other building. The satellite antenna is gone. When the wind dies down I’ll see what I can salvage.”

I sat up, a little more alert. “How long was I out?”

“About twenty minutes,” Doug replied, dabbing at my wound. I noticed the rag was what had been his shirt. Without his shirt I could see he had strong ab muscles, a good tan, and a masculine chest. I wanted to touch it - that chemistry again.

“This building?” I asked.

“Demolished,” he replied. “The security guard is dead. A concrete wall fell on him. Could have happened to us too if we hadn’t moved when we did – right before you got hit in the head. Nothing I could do but cover him over.”

I noted that the wind was still howling outside, but it seemed less intense than just before I passed out.

“Wind speed seems to be dropping,” I observed.

“Yeah, it’s dropping slowly. The storm is probably going to lose some punch now that the eye is ashore. Plus I think it’s shifted north again, that’ll help drop the winds a little faster for us. When the speed drops down to about sixty, I’ll go out to the van and see whether we have any type of communication with the outside world.”

I surveyed the room we were in. Even the wildest party could not have created the kind of devastation that I saw. On the far side of the room, light was visible where the wall had collapsed and then dropped the two upper floors of the condo – concrete, furniture, and remnants of the roof, into a pile. Rain pelted in the opening, but we were far enough inside against the other side of the condo to stay dry.

Doug had created a small space where he could lay me out and minister to my wound. He’d propped up some of the debris to create a small fortress, but I doubted it was sturdy enough to withstand a further collapse of the upper floors.

“Shouldn’t we move?” I pointed upwards.

“As soon as you can stand we should climb out of here. I think if we try to go down that hallway it might be safer. There were no upper floors there.” He pointed to a door that was now blocked by debris.

“Give me a minute and I’ll be ready,” I said as I carefully got up on my knees. I gathered up my raincoat; Doug had used it as a pillow under my head. It had a lot of blood on it.

“Am I still bleeding?” I asked.

“Yes, but not as much as you were initially. Head wounds do that. I should tell you that I was a backup EMT – Emergency Medical Tech – in the service. I didn’t just go around and take pretty pictures.”

I finished standing, holding onto Doug. The woozy feeling passed slowly away and I was good at moving slowly as long as I could hold onto something like Doug.

Doug moved towards the door, heaving tables and chairs from my path. At the door, he tried to both pull and push until he could get the door open about a foot. He peered through then said to me, “It’s wet and windy but I think it’s safer than staying in this wing of the resort.”

We both squeezed through the door. What had been a glassed in hallway to the main reception area was now obliterated. The concrete pad of the walkway was intact, but the glass sides and roof were gone. Some twisted remains of the HVAC ducts lay a few yards away.

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Chloe’s Story, Part 3 Derrick On the Monday after my incredible evening with Mr. Damon and Mr. Compton, Joey told me that he would have to be out of town on Tuesday to attend some sort of dealership training or something. I knew immediately that I had lied to myself earlier and that I was in fact going to call Derrick. The realization surprised me, believe it or not. I really had convinced myself that I would never do such a traitorous thing to Joey. Yet later that night, under the pretence...

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Ned Kellys Ups and Downs

This is the final instalment of the Ned Kelly saga. I was trying to tidy up my files the other day when I realised that I had left this half written. So let's see what happens. It would be best if you read the rest of the saga which starts with Ned Kelly's Hell, then Ned Solves a Problem, Ned Kelly's Luck, and Ned Kelly's Success, otherwise there will be references that won't make sense. Ned stepped off the school bus on the first morning of the new school year, placing his cap, which he...

4 years ago
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Neighbor Girls Get Naughty in my garage

Sometimes, just for the heck of it, I do household chores naked. This time, I had a few things to put away in my garage, organize some shelves, etc. The garage door (the one through which the car goes) was closed but the people-size door has a window in it. What are the odds of an unexpected visitor? Well, you guessed it. As I was walking around with only a t-shirt on, I noticed their shadows on the floor of the garage, they were peering through the window at me! I expected to hear a knock but...

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Pat Meets Peter Part 3

When I woke, I looked at the bottom of the bed. I was just in time to see Pat’s bare bottom disappearing into her blue sweatpants. Then her lovely tits being covered by her pink tank top. I like that one, because it is tight, and when she isn’t wearing a bra, like now, it shows her small pert breasts off beautifully. There was also a slight shadow of her areola showing and of course her pointy nipples on display.She looked up and saw I was awake, “Come on, get up.”“Why don’t you come back in...

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Confessions of a Small Town Girl 5

I was required to spend the night at the hospital the night of my injury. The doctors wanted to monitor me for twenty four hours because of my head injury. They gave me medicine to help me rest and rolled me to my room. While they were getting me ready, my parents went and checked into a hotel. The medicine made me very drowsy, but I can remember a young female nurse helping me undress. I can’t remember a lot about her, only that she was slender and had really big breast, and her nipples were...

Straight Sex
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Low Hanging Fruit

All thru high school, like most young men, I fucked every woman I could get my dick into. Well, every one that was near my age. It was not until I went to university that I discovered MILFs and the joy that they could bring to a young man. I had just turned eighteen and was all alone except for my dorm mate. As we got settled into the life at university we started hanging out. One night we went to local bar then over to the club. Being eighteen we could get in but were not allowed to drink. We...

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Jerry In Prison Part 2 The Temple of Torture

Though it was a fairly short walk, it seemed to go on forever, and with each step Jerry took, his anxiety shot up several levels. To him, it felt like he was being led to the gallows. And even now, he foolishly wished he was; right now, death felt like a blessing compared to what he was about to be subjected to. Other prisoners watched as Jerry was led to his doom. Some of them had pitying, sympathetic looks on their faces, while others snickered behind their hands. Finally, they reached a...

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Allison and the PrimdalesChapter 87 A Not Entirely Welcome Guest

The next week was much like the one before it, with Greg trying to rid his mind of the sexy images of his daughters. He couldn't deny that they had beautiful bodies, the kind that made him think thoughts he shouldn't. No matter how hard he tried to fill his mind with business or other concerns, every so often those images would pop right back in. With Alya arriving on Saturday, he had plenty of other thoughts to occupy him. Worries, more precisely. He still didn't know how he would manage...

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Watching Abby

It had been a couple of years since the Meyers had moved in next door to me – Jim, Karen, and their teenaged daughter, Abigail. They were decent, friendly folks, for the most part. After the blizzard last winter, Jim and Abby had taken pity on their older neighbor and helped me shovel out my driveway. In return, when they bought their daughter her first car, an old Honda Civic, I helped Jim fix it up when it broke down a few months later.All of us worked at Clinton State University. Karen and I...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 44 Working Out and Catching Up

When I got back to my room I heard something I never expected to hear, Annie crying in the bathroom. I went to go into her, but Crystal pulled me over to the other side of my room that had my pinball machines, game systems and computer. She turned on some music and then pulled me onto the small couch over there. "Annie and I had a talk while we were in the bathroom. She is going to stay over tonight, but will go home tomorrow afternoon. I need her to get herself under control again and...

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Embracing the Hot Wife Life 4 Libbys First Gang Bang

Kent smiled down at Libby, “You are the best wife a man could have, baby. I’m so lucky to have such a sexy wife who is willing to fulfill my fantasies. You had a good time with Mark, right? Because this is only hot for me if you are getting pleasure from this too.”“Oh my gosh, yes!” Libby answered enthusiastically. “And coming home to you like this after is more thrilling than I realized it would be. I feel like a well-used dirty slut being reclaimed by the man who owns me.”“Fuck, that’s hot,...

Wife Lovers
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The Second Year and AfterChapter 49

When I got back up to the flat, I discovered that our petite Welsh flatmate was on her own; Sian and Malcolm were still off walking somewhere, taking advantage of the long Bank Holiday weekend and the fine May weather. She joined me in the kitchen as soon as I put the kettle on, seeming very pleased to have some company again. “Vee, Julie’s staying in Reading and coming back tomorrow – could you please take notes for her in the ten o’clock lecture?” “No problem, Jon!” “Thanks!” She...

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NubilesPorn Kiara Cole To Catch A Nubile

Romeo Price is the host of Predator Sting. Today he has his eyes on a total creep who has been sending unsolicited dick pics to Kiara Cole. Romeo instructs Kiara to text the predator to come over, but she accidentally sends the text to her boyfriend Bambino. Much to Bambino’s surprise, Romeo comes out and accuses him of being a total creep! He claims he’s Kiara’s boyfriend and pulls out his phone with videos of him fucking Kiara to prove it. Kiara is definitely into it as she...

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Priscilla Queen of Cats Pt 02

PART TWO: An All-New Black Beauty This was almost the final straw for my overtaxed brain, and I believe I did start making somewhat foolish and helpless noises as I tried to deal with this extra twist in the day’s already twisted events. While I stood there and gibbered uselessly, the woman smiled in a benevolent, amused fashion, and then she suddenly rolled in the bed as though I had temporarily ceased to exist, running her hands over her ebony-dark skin and making noises of deep and intense...

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The Edge of the Woods

Nobody goes to law school unless they have a chip on their shoulder. It's different for everyone, but it's true. Maybe they have something to prove to their parents, or to their friends. Maybe they feel insecure about their earning potential. I just wanted the degree. I grew up poor. Real poor. My single mother pushed education as hard as she could for my twin brother and me. She worked afternoons and nights and did what she could for us. I never doubted how much she cared. I was smart,...

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A Story Of Colleagues Ch 01

A STORY OF COLLEAGUES – So, I used to work at a low-volume restaurant in a small town. For whatever, reason, though, we had some extremely good looking girls who worked there. This is a story about my encounter with four of them. For privacy’s sake, names and identifying information have been changed, although physical descriptions are accurate. First, you have to understand what these girls looked like. Kaitlin was a slender, tall redhead – about 5’7”, with a nice set of tits that she loved to...

Straight Sex
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getting even with hubby

I cant remember what number story this is, the first time I got even with my husband was a few months ago, I had started out seeking revenge for his wrong doings, but things were getting out of control, the revenge side of things had been forgotten about, I was now starting to enjoy all sorts of things, which I had never even dreamed of doing, as readers of my stories will remember, I had started out getting even with him by fucking his friend Peter, fucking with my husband prior to Peter had...

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Faith Hope and DestinyChapter 15

I TRIED TO HOLD onto the dream; me holding a naked angel, aroused by her, excited, loving her. It drifted away, a spectral wisp into a morning mist. Her scent hit me first, an intense aroma of sleeping girl; perfect. I felt her, nestled to me, her back against me. Then I understood. Amelia’s naked buttocks were pressed into my groin. My morning erection was held by soft thighs, her hand gently pressing my shaft to her pussy. My erection swelled. Amelia answered with a gentle squeeze....

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“So, have you made up your mind yet? Where are we going tonight?” my husband, Greg, asked. “It's a toss up, baby. Part of me wants to go to the casinos, but a bigger part of me wants to go to the strip club, like we talked about,” I told him, as we drove home from his mom's house. My mother-in-law agreed to watch my 2 daughters for the night. Tonight was our 7th anniversary, and since I rarely have the weekend off, we really wanted something fun to do. We sat silently in the truck for awhile,...

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Six Times A DayPart 142 Lovin Touchin Squeezin

Glory was lying on top of Alan, happily bobbing on his shaft while he was licking her pussy, when she heard the doorbell ring. She said in a voice that was muffled by the thickness of his erection, "I'nore dat. Prob'bly sshomeone sellin' shomesing." But Alan gently managed to extricate himself from under her, bringing an end to their fun, for now at least. He said, "No, this is great! Quick, throw some clothes on. I want you to answer the door with the Televibe in you." She longed to...

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The Show Must Go On

With great relief, I finally walked into my large and well-appointed hotel room with stunning views of the city. It should have been a pleasure.I had been travelling since the early hours, but my feet ached in my heels and I had the start of a lingering headache. This was not my deal; it had originated in our western office, but the agent had been taken ill and my name had come up as a substitute.I was, to put it mildly, feeling a little pissed off. I should have been feeling pleased to have...

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My Sisterinlaw BethChapter 21

The ladies discussed the rules for a few more seconds, then decided it was time to get started. I could tell the wine had made both of them more courageous than normal. So after a quick decision, Jen was to go first, Tiff was to be second and I was going to be last. Jen rolled first, a three, and moved into an open spot. Tiffany rolled a five and had an open spot as well. Great, I was going to be the first one carded, I had no luck at all. I was relieved to roll a three and take my place...

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A Rose By Any Other NameChapter 13

Getting together to chat with Natalie about Heather's proposal took some time, not because she wasn't available to talk, but because I suddenly got incredibly cold feet about the entire event. I put off talking to her about it for a couple of weeks until, right before Thanksgiving. Shortly after I had my discussion with Katie, she had asked my sister out on a date. Natalie was a bit nervous about it, not because she thought I would disapprove or anything, but because she was still a bit...

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Trip to South Texas

I wanted to visit a friend down in Brownsville and thought a bus trip would be fun. Boarding the bus I found it almost empty and sat at the back. An older gentleman came on and took a seat across the isle from me. After a few minutes and only a couple of people got on the driver closed the door and pulled out. As we pulled up on the freeway the driver turned off the interior lights making it dark with only the freeway lights shining in. The older man asked where I was going, I told him...

3 years ago
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visiting grandma part 1

i was visiting my grandma in Scotland because she hadn't been well so my dad brought me up on the train as he had gotten banned from driving because of a DWI, while on the train my dad was trying to start a conversation while i had no interest in what he was saying .hours went by till we were in Scotland and once off the train i could tell my dad was drunk by how he was stumbling towards a MacDonald's' while in there he try'd to start a conversation again, he soon began to get mad at some man...

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Terrys Curse

I remember the snowstorms every winter. Sheboygan shuts down until the plows push the snow into the lake. Sometimes the ice gave way and the plow went under. Driving the snow plows in the ‘40s was a brave man’s job. Dad worked for the railroad. He was a frustrated man, quick to anger and quick to strike. The police took him away for a summer after he broke my cheek bone. I was four. When he came back, mom was pregnant. He beat her to death with his huge fists. I ran away because I knew I was...

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She told me she was at least 18

I met a girl who was working at a coffee shop near the hotel I was staying for business. We talked a little and she was tiny, super sexy and overly friendly I said I'm here for two days why don't we get together tonight and u can show me Augusta. She giggled and seemed embarrassed at first but accepted later when I gave her a $20 tip for an egg sandwich and coffee. We exchanged numbers and after the seminar I had to attend, we met up and I immediately noticed she wasn't dressed for anything...

5 years ago
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Vacation Massage

I was on vacation with my family and one day I ended up with a soar neck from the pillows in the hotel room. I went to the concierge and inquired about the costs at the spa. The shock of how expensive it was made me decide to pass on that option. So I googled local masseurs and made a call. Luckily for me, the first place I called had availability that afternoon. I arrived at this place (a small cottage in this seaside community) and was a bit reluctant at first. I knocked on his door and he...

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The Change

I was staying at a friends house, helping her to look after it while her parents were away. One morning I was feeling particular horny so I decided to relieve myself by watching some porn. So there I was stroking my dick to a random video I had clicked on when an idea came to me. I got up and went into her room, my dick still hard and swinging freely, opened her laundry basket and picked up a pair of her panties. I walked back into the room I was sleeping in, sniffing the panties along the way...

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"Bye Sweetie" Kyle closed the door behind him and Jessie stood there in her robe wondering what had changed. Another night, another morning when somehow, she hadn't had sex with her husband. Last night he stayed up watching sports news and this morning he was in a rush to go to work. Jessie hated that there seemed to be only one way to meet her needs, but she wandered back to the bedroom, threw her robe on the bed and slipped under the sheet. She thought of her hands as her "second...

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The Gender Wars Chapter 6 Discipline

Chapter 6 Discipline "WAKE UP! SLUT!" I ordered. "Yesh... Mashter..." my Hot! As! Fuck! Sister Kelly answered groggily as her eyes fluttered open. She was sitting up in bed next to me, naked, her wrist tied behind her to the headboard. Her ankles were also bent back behind her shoulders and fastened to the headboard as well. My Sister was trussed up this way to punish her for her disobedience. Kelly had snuck out of the house the night before last in an attempt to meet up with some...

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GangbangCreampie Gwen Vicious G273

Gwen’s shirt may say, “don’t touch,” but the FIVE COCKSMEN seem to have some trouble reading it. Gwen doesn’t seem to mind, though. It’s almost like she’s teasing them. You be the judge. That glorious ass comes out to play quickly as Gwen bends over and starts putting all her Cocksmen in her mouth like she needs their dicks to breathe. Chris breathes some life into her pussy with his mouth before taking the first spin in Gwen’s pink Cadillac. The...

4 years ago
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Family Easter Gathering Chapter Four

She turned the corner into the dining room and I saw that she had donned the same outfit she had worn upon her arrival. She walked a bit awkwardly, but then her body had been pummeled worthily and somehow it seemed only right that she be sore as heck. She sidled up to me as I slid the sausages onto two plates and scooped out the eggs to join the patties of Jimmy Deans’ finest. The toast was cut diagonally and placed artistically along each side of the entree. She smiled and took her plate and...

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Sal the Super the Nookie King of the BronxChapter 17

It was one of those nice fall mornings when everything seemed so crisp and clear. The street washing truck had just turned the corner after spritzing the curb and Sal caught the subtle hint of diesel lingering in the dry air. He heard the Glickman sisters chattering about a pumpkin sale taking place at the Catholic Church at the bottom of the hill and "Such deals you wouldn't believe!" Sal was not one much for pumpkins and stuff like that. He did like the thought of them and the certain...

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The Restraining Order

A foreword Terms used Old bill — slang term for the police Brief — slang term for solicitor or lawyer Snogging — what our American cousins call making out My editor is sick and unable to work her magic so any errors are all mine. I’m sure the English teachers will have plenty to find fault with. I hope it doesn’t spoil your enjoyment. The Restraining Order Everyday was the same. Five minutes before the children came out of school the old Volvo would appear. It never came close and the...

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How the Women Got Plastered and Patrick Got BustedChapter 15

You’d think that it would have been all open and above board, what with it being discussed between all of them like that. You’d have been wrong. It was one thing to agree to do things that no one else in the culture would understand, or permit. It was another to do it bald-faced. Everything from that point on was quite private, with one exception that I’ll mention later. After the ritual was done, the women went back to treating me ... and later Danny ... almost like they had always...

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Seduction In Car To Hotel Room

Hello friends Mai Delhi me rehane wala ladka hu, Delhi ki girls ladies, bhabhies and aunties anyone can mail me at Mai apni sachi ghatna sunane ja raha hu jo, mere saath huie, huya yu ki hum kuch log khai khumne ja rahe the aur hmaare saath mere se 1 saal choti ladki thi mai 22 ka ka tha ye baat 2011 ki hai, family friends se ke saath ja rahe the, hum can me safar kar rahe the, ye kahani Komal ke baare me hai jo badi hi mast ladki hai jiske 36 ke boobs 28 ki kamar 36 ki ass hai, mai aur wo...

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One Woman ManChapter 4

The sound of a hair dryer cut through her fitful sleep like a buzz saw. Allison moaned as she came awake to a killer hangover. Her head ached and her body resisted even the slightest attempt at motion. She was vaguely aware she was still wearing the same clothes she had on last night. What had possessed her to drink so much? Last night? Oh my God! Had she really let her former college roommate Tricia talk her into going out to Mike's Roadhouse after the awards banquet? Oh ... and suddenly...

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Keep it in the family1

Know what started it? We were all at home for once in the evening, me and my sister, my cousin and her mother, my mother’s sister and my parents. My mother was lying on one of our two three seater sofas with her feet across my father’s lap and I was sitting in the middle of the other sofa with my sister Kath on one side and my cousin Kate on the other. Aunty Barbara was sitting rather primly in the armchair. Mum’s back was more or less presented to us three and Dad was more or less hidden...

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She Flashed Me Her Panties

She Flashed Me Her Panties I was lucky to have a girlfriend as smart and pretty as Amy was. She let me do a lot more than feel her up on our first date. I had taken her to a movie. Her mother had offered to drive us there so all I had to do was walk a few blocks to their house. As I sat on the couch waiting for Amy to come down her mother sat down in a big chair opposite of me. She started asking me questions about myself as she kept opening and closing her knees. She was not even...

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Jason DunlapChapter 11

Taking out 14 men in a large room at one time was not going to be easy! The only way around the problem was not to do it that way. The Ghost needed some way to separate the men into small groups and keep them separated long enough to eliminate each small group before moving on to the next group. Maybe he could entice some of the men below to come up on the roof. One sure way to do that would be to throw a body through a skylight. There was only one ladder from the ground to the roof, so that...

4 years ago
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Municipal BlondesChapter 2 It takes a thief

DAG NEEDS INFORMATION. That amazing brain of his put together a puzzle. Angel and Simon had tattoos with part of the security key. Dag says Bradley Keane had the missing set of numbers. He asked me to go find Bradley’s body and copy down the characters on the tattoo. I can’t handle the truth of why I went on this foolish errand tonight. Dag asked me to. That’s all I can handle and by God, I’m determined to do what he asked. Term life insurance I left the hospital and went to the office....

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How mom made him state champ pt 5

"So how many fights does he have left until state?" Gail asked."Three I think." Michelle said, sipping on a glass of water.Michelle was wearing pale-pink two-piece string bikini. The bottoms were cut so low they just barely covered her mommy-muffin and the top, well lets just say there were tits oozing out all over. "So you've sucked his cock and balls, he's humped your tits and smooched with your pooch, what the hell's left. The only thing you two haven't done is fucked?" Gail giggled.Michelle...

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Robin Hoods DaughterChapter 10

The small group of resistance fighters moved into the forest mounted on steeds provided by the good Lady Cordelia in a display of good will to their cause. They managed to cover most of the distance at a sharp trot but had to dismount and lead their horses when the undergrowth grew too dense for mounted progress. The knights took turns in clearing the way with their long swords and eventually they reached the fast-flowing river that marked the boundary of Rowena’s hidden realm. Those in the...

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Service SocietyChapter 1 On Utopia

It’s not clear when humanoids made the transition from brutish animal to thinking being. The adoption of language, the creation of tools, and the discovery of fire are clearly important landmark events that followed that transition; but where it began, and how it proceeded, is shrouded in mystery. It’s likely that it will never be known, unless time travel becomes a reality. Homo Sapiens were not the only thinking line of humanoid. Several branches of the humanoid family made that transition...

2 years ago
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Two Down the Tubes

After four decades together you would think that life had fallen into the pattern that would take you to the end of your days and you could look forward to leaving this world in the comfort of your beloved’s arms. Believe me when I tell you that it comes as a shock when you find out that it isn’t going to be that way. I met Ida at a very difficult time in my life. My wife of seven years was pulling away from me and no it wasn’t another man. It was an idea that was pushing us apart. Well, maybe...

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Evil Pirates

The waters around the small tree-covered island, jutting proudly from the calm sea, were dangerous. I knew this; I had been told. The coy young lady, whom I had spent half the previous evening with at The Red Lion warned me as her eyes twinkled and my hands massaged her thigh. I got nowhere with her, despite me drunkenly boasting I could bring any girl to a powerful orgasm with my tongue, but we discussed a few fantasies and I got a kiss on the cheek. She smiled sweetly and welcomed me to the...

3 years ago
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The Drifter Ch 2

When we entered the house, Carla’s grandfather just finished his ham and cheese sandwich and washed it down with a bottle of beer. Her grandmother, a tiny, thin woman with gray hair tied in a bun, sat next to him at the round oak table with a cup of tea and half a sandwich on her plate. I noticed she didn’t eat the crust.Our ham and cheese sandwiches on white bread were waiting for us on pale green plates. A pitcher of lemonade sat in the center of the table and next to our plates were two...

Straight Sex
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Aunt Niece and Nephew

"Come on in." I greeted my niece and nephew, "I've just put the kettle on, and you go and unpack while I make us all a cup of tea." "Coffee for me please." Martin grinned. "And me." Tina added. "Coffee it is then." I replied. Martin and Tina took their bags upstairs while I headed for the kitchen to make the coffee. As I waited for the coffee to percolate I wondered what the kids and I could do for the next two weeks that they would be visiting me; I had the same problem every...

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The Affectionate Watch DogChapter 7

Young Lucy Barrett passed the crowded drive-in a half-dozen times, turning around in the deserted parking lot in front of her family's department store, before she found the courage to drive into the car-packed lot and park beside one of the speaker-boxes. She had never come here alone except that night she met David, though she knew some of the people who hung-out here were pals of her boyfriend. Anxiously, she ordered a beer and a hamburger and prayed she was inconspicuous: David would...

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Unforgettable High School Idol

This wasn't my first time, but it was one of the first - and I'll never forget it.In the high school locker room one weekend after a practice, I was left to hand out the towels to the last few guys. As usual, I checked them out, being careful not to be caught staring. All varieties of bodies - and they used plenty of towels. They’d all finished and had drifted out, leaving only Mike P----- (medium-tall, nicely built, blonde guy, with a long, pretty dick - about 6" soft and uncut). He was...

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