Remote Possibilities 2 sister Abby
- 4 years ago
- 36
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It had been a couple of years since the Meyers had moved in next door to me – Jim, Karen, and their teenaged daughter, Abigail. They were decent, friendly folks, for the most part. After the blizzard last winter, Jim and Abby had taken pity on their older neighbor and helped me shovel out my driveway. In return, when they bought their daughter her first car, an old Honda Civic, I helped Jim fix it up when it broke down a few months later.
All of us worked at Clinton State University. Karen and I were professors – she in nursing, and myself in economics. Jim worked as an academic advisor to the athletics department. Abby had just finished high school, and was going to start at the University in the Fall, though she hadn’t decided on a major yet.
I was sitting out in my backyard with my laptop, listening to CCR, and revising a paper examining whether local market trends could predict urban decay. Or at least, that’s what I intended to do, but mostly I was just enjoying a beautiful Saturday in August with a nice cold beer for company. I thought about Helen, as I still did from time to time. I could almost picture her, happily bent over a flower bed, wrist-deep in the soil. The way she’d look up at me, surprised and laughing as I gamely patted her ass. But Helen had passed away nearly five years ago, and the flower beds had grown over with grass and weeds.
A waving hand above the fence line interrupted my aching daydream.
“Hey, Jack, have you got a moment?” Jim’s voice called from the other side of the fence.
“Sure, come on over.”
Jim opened my gate, and walked into the backyard. He was wearing a pair of shorts, sandals, and a black T-shirt featuring a skull with a mohawk haircut and the words ‘The Exploited’ above it. I assume it was some punk-rock band, but it seemed out of place on a guy at the upper-end of his 30s with a steady job and a family. In my opinion, he was too old to pull off ‘cool’ anymore, and should instead try looking more dignified instead. But I kept my opinion to myself.
“How’s it going?” I asked. “Beer?”
“No thanks, Jack, I’ve really only got a few minutes, and I need to ask you a big favor, man.”
“What’s up?”
“Well, it’s Karen’s mother,” Jim explained. “She’s been sick. Breast cancer, y’know? Anyway, seems like things have taken a bad turn. It’s not looking too good.”
“I’m sorry to hear that.” I thought about Helen, and her own battle with cancer. The chemo, the radiation, the pain meds that made her confused half the time, the hair loss, the sickness, the loss of dignity, the fragility. I’d been there with her through all of it, those final months – the hardest months of my life. And when she finally did go, it was almost a mercy. I wouldn’t wish that on anyone.
“Yeah, the doctors are saying it’s really aggressive. She’s maybe got a month left. Maybe weeks.”
“Shit,” I said. “That’s really rough.”
“Yeah…” Jim drifted off for a second into his own thoughts, and then suddenly returned, “Anyway, I’m going to take Karen up there to look after her mom, and make arrangements, and everything. And we talked it over, and decided that it was for the best that Abby stayed here.”
“Uh huh,” I nodded.
“You know, she’s starting school in a couple of weeks, and who knows how long we’ll be up there. Besides, there’s not really much for her to do there. Her friends are all here, and she’d just be bored. We’re going to have our hands full with Karen’s mom, so it just makes the most sense.”
“Sure, sure,” I agreed.
“Anyway, we were wondering if you’d just, you know, look out for her. She’s never been on her own for so long before, and we’d just appreciate if you could keep an eye on her, and make sure she’s alright.”
“Yeah. No problem.” I thought that Jim and Karen were a little too indulging of their kid, anyway. She was 18 years old. Old enough to take care of herself. When I was that age, I’d left home and was supporting myself. But kids these days were spoiled, and they didn’t get a chance to develop the same sense of independence and resilience that we did in my generation.
“Hey, thanks, man,” Jim said, clapping me on the back. “You have no idea how much we appreciate it.”
He reached into his back pocket, pulled out an envelope, and handed it to me. It was thick and heavy. When I opened it, I found it stuffed with twenty-dollar bills.
“Come on, Jim, that’s not necessary,” I protested. I had already made my mind up to leave the girl to herself unless the house was burning down. We were both too old for babysitting.
“Take it,” Jim said, pushing the envelope. “There’s three hundred there, just in case she needs anything. She’s got some money, too, and the house is stocked with food, so she should be alright, but we didn’t want to take any chances, you know? Anyway, you’ve got our number if there’s an emergency.”
“Sure, don’t worry about her,” I reassured Jim. “I’ll make sure she’s fine. Go take care of Karen’s mother, and you take care of Karen, too. I went through it with my wife, and I know how hard it is. So anything I can do to help, I’m glad to do it.”
“Thanks a lot, Jack,” Jim said. “You’re really a good guy.”
He shook my hand, and then went back to his house. Two hours later, their Ford Explorer backed out of the driveway and began the long drive North.
For the next two days, I didn’t see or hear Abby. The only indication that she was alive was the coming and going of her car in the driveway. That was good enough for me. And I was sure that the last thing a teenaged girl needed was her fifty-eight year old neighbor spying on her to report back to mommy and daddy. Besides, she always impressed me as a good kid with a responsible head on her shoulders. She wasn’t the type to get into serious mischief when her parents were gone.
It wasn’t until Tuesday afternoon when Abby made an appearance. I was upstairs in my home office, sorting through a bunch of complicated charts and graphs. The office was located in the back of the house, and consequently the window looked out over my back yard, and gave me a pretty good view over the fence of the Meyer’s yard as well. Whereas my yard was covered with neatly mowed grass, theirs had been given to a swimming pool surrounded by concrete.
I was distracted from my work from the sudden sound of a loud scraping noise. I peered out the window to see the brown-haired girl un-self-consciously dragging a big plastic lounging deck chair around the pool and into the sun. She was wearing a blue and white bikini set, which showed off her youthful curves fairly prominently. I wondered whether she’d have worn that swim suit if her parents were home.
Unintentionally, I found myself admiring Abby’s figure. She wasn’t fat, but she wasn’t just skin-and-bones, as seemed to be the trend for a lot of girls these days. She had a more classical figure, with full breasts, and beautiful round buttocks.
I caught myself perving out over the neighbor girl, and mentally reprimanded myself for being a dirty old man. Jesus, she wasn’t even half my age. I shook my head, and returned my attention to my work spread across dual computer monitors. Still, I couldn’t help but cast occasional glances out the window into my neighbor’s yard.
Abby brought over another chair, in which she set a thick black towel, and on top of this she rested her phone. The phone was playing some kind of loud obnoxious hip hop where they shout the ‘N-word’ every other line. She reclined in her chair, wearing a pair of dark sunglasses, stretching out, and clearly enjoying the feeling of the sun on her skin.
I thought to close my window to the offensive music, but something prevented me. I told myself that I was just enjoying the warm summer breeze too much, and that the music wasn’t really that bad if I kept an open-mind to it. In truth, I was nervous that the sound of the closing window would draw attention to my presence. Even though, I hadn’t really done anything wrong, I was afraid of giving the impression that I was spying.
After a few minutes, Abby got up from her seat. She looked around as if making sure the coast was clear. As her eyes grazed across the window screen, I instinctually ducked out of sight. I felt pretty damned silly hiding from this teenaged girl, but I didn’t want to get caught even in this innocent bit of voyeurism.
When I built up the courage to cautiously look into the Meyer’s yard again, I guess Abby must have been satisfied of her privacy. She’d gone back to lounging in the deck chair, but this time had abandoned both the top and bottom of her bikini. I greedily observed her firm round breasts, with the largish pink nipples, followed the slight soft curve of her belly down to her navel, and the small smooth mound between her pale-pink thighs.
I felt myself getting excited – a familiar tingling, and twitching at my groin, which happened less and less often these days. I knew I should just leave the girl alone. I should allow her the privacy she believed she had. After all, at nearly sixty, shouldn’t I be expected to have a little bit of maturity and self-control? Still, I couldn’t keep my eyes off her for very long.
Very little happened in the next fifteen minutes as her phone cycled through several more profane songs. I reflected that when Country Joe had led the crowd at Woodstock in the F-U-C-K cheer, it had seemed revolutionary and liberating. Today, it was just obscenity for the sake of obscenity. Halfway through this musing, Abby rolled over onto her stomach, with her soft round buttocks in the air. Her legs were slightly spread, and between them I could glimpse the lips of her vagina. My mind abandoned its discourse on cultural atrophy, and became occupied by the fantasy of kneading her ass with my hands.
My erection was growing harder. Abby seemed to be totally oblivious of my presence, so what would it hurt if I were to just reach beneath my desk, and give the aching part of myself a bit of attention? I began to encouragingly rub my cock through my pants. It responded by twitching and growing even harder. Finally, I undid my pants, reached inside and pulled it out. Well, hello old friend, I thought to myself.
I began to lazily tug at my hard on, feeling myself becoming even more excited. Just the thought now that my cock and her pussy were both exposed now, sharing the same breeze, the same sunlight… The thought didn’t last too long. After a couple of minutes, Abby turned on her side and grabbed her phone.
“Yeah?” I heard her say as the music cut out. “Sure… Okay… No, it’s totally cool… Yeah, they’re gone…. Cool…. Okay, I’ll be right there…”
She hung up the phone, stood, and got dressed in her bikini again. So much for that, I thought as the girl headed into her house. The show was over. I was disappointed, of course, but also slightly relieved. I tucked my waning penis back into my pants, again chastising myself – this was no way for an older man to behave around a young girl. With a long sigh, I returned my attention back to the curvilinear regressions and distribution graphs that I’d been puzzling over all day.
I only managed to write a few more sentences for the rest of the day, and those were like pulling teeth. My mind refused to focus on distribution charts and regression models. Finally, I gave up, and headed downstairs. I took a small detour to the fridge for a beer, and then settled into my favorite chair, an old leather Lazy Boy my wife had bought for me as a gift when I got tenure. I turned on the TV and flipped to the local evening newscast.
Thirty minutes later, there was a knock on my door. I grunted, got up, hoping to get rid of whoever it was quickly, so I could make it back in time for the lottery numbers. The knock came again, impatiently, just as I reached the door.
“Hold on to your horses,” I shouted. “I’m coming.”
I swung the door opened and was surprised to find Abby standing on the other side. Her outfit was only slightly less revealing than her bikini. She was wearing a pair of tight cut-off jean shorts so high that the bottom her pockets were visible. Her shirt was light and loose, displaying an immodest amount of her bountiful cleavage. I suppose it was supposed to be shocking, but all the kids these days were dressing like fucking hookers. I thought of my own grandfather griping about mini-skirts and long hair on men when I was a teen, and decided to not to say anything now.
“Hi Jack,” Abby said. It was always ‘Jack’ with her. Not Doctor, or even Mister Ruttager. She simply assumed we were on a first name basis, as if we were buddies. I again lamented how basic respect and decency were so foreign to this generation, and again reminded myself that I sounded like all the cranky old fogies I used to mock as a kid (though never to their faces).
“Hey Abby,” I responded. “How’re you doing?”
“I’m bored,” Abby complained, stepping past me into the living room, and collapsing onto the sofa. Her long bare legs stretched over the arm of the couch and kicked lazily at nothing. I followed her back inside and resumed my seat in my chair.
“What happened to your friend?” I asked.
“Friend?” Abby repeated.
I felt a sudden panic wash over me, worrying that I’d just revealed that I’d been watching her poolside and overheard her phone conversation. What would she think of me? I frantically searched for some plausible explanation that would let me off the hook. “I just assumed, you’d be wanting to hang out with your friends this summer,” I deflected. “Not with an old fart like me.”
“They’re too busy with their boyfriends,” Abby complained, pouting.
“Ah,” I said thoughtfully. “And you don’t have a boyfriend?”
Abby sat up and slowly, sullenly shook her head. “I mean… it’s like all the good guys at school hardly even notice me.”
“I find that hard to believe,” I said looking over her young body. “You’re not an unattractive girl. Surely you must get some attention.”
“Not from anyone, I’d want to go out with,” Abby returned. “High school boys are so stupid.”
“Yeah,” I agreed. Inside my head, I added ‘Dressed like that, what do you expect?’
“Anyway, I was wondering if you wanted to get dinner with me,” Abby asked, abruptly changing the subject.
“Didn’t your parents leave food for you?”
“Yeah, but nothing good. Mom got fat, so now she’s trying to force all of us to go on a diet. She got a bunch of high fiber low calorie shit that tastes like cardboard and sawdust. It’s disgusting, and totally unfair. It’s not like I’m the one who hates the way her body looks.”
I allow my eyes another wander over her body. Sure, she’s not super-model thin, but I’ve always been of the opinion that women should have a little padding when you squeeze them. Suddenly, I find myself reflecting back to her display by the pool this afternoon, and I have to force myself to distraction. On TV a talking suit is recapping the Cardinals – Jays game. I pretend to be interested in the score.
“…I want some real food,” Abby groaned loudly, sensing that my attention was drifting away from her.
“So, why don’t you go get some?” I asked.
“My car won’t start again. It’s the worst.”
“Well, I can take a look at it for you,” I offered, standing. “Let me get my toolbox.”
“Can’t we do that later?” Abby whined. “I’m so hungry. Let’s go get something to eat.”
“Fine,” I relented. It seemed like the path of least resistance. Besides, I was feeling hungry myself, and hadn’t planned dinner. That had always been Helen’s department. I was never talented in the kitchen, then, and hadn’t learned much since I’d been on my own and had to fend for myself. “Where do you want to go?”
“Fat Dick’s,” Abby replied excitedly. Fat Dick’s was a bar and grill in the campus village next to the University. It was usually packed with undergrads on the weekends, but this was Tuesday and summer when most of the students had gone home, so it was bound to be relatively quiet.
We got into my old red Ford pick-up, and drove to the restaurant. Abby pouted for a few minutes because I wouldn’t allow her to screw around with my radio, and forced her to listen to old geezer music like the Stones and Fleetwood Mac. But she quickly got over it, and by the time we got to the grill, she was back to her usual chatty self.
The place was mostly empty, save for a group of grad students at the back loudly debating the pros and cons of a Marxist view of capitalism. I could certainly school them on a thing or two, but I decided to leave them be. Likely, they’d turn up in one of my classes in the fall, and I could correct their misconceptions then. Instead, we got a table near the front where the windows were open to the street.
The waitress, who was dressed only slightly more modestly than Abby, brought menus and asked us for drinks. With a mischievous glint in her eye, Abby ordered a Sam Adams. The waitress shot me a look, and when I didn’t protest, gave a subtle shrug and took the order. I ordered a coke. I studied the menu – typical burgers and chicken wings kind of fare – hoping to find something that wouldn’t aggravate my heartburn too much.
When the waitress returned with our drinks, she placed a tall golden glass of beer in front of Abby, and the darker non-alcoholic beverage in front of me. Abby kept looking at me as if she couldn’t believe I’d let her get away with drinking underage. The excitement on her face quickly turned to anger, as I switched the glasses, and took a long drink of the Sam Adams.
“Hey!” Abby protested.
“What?” I asked innocently.
“Do you want me to bring you another?” the waitress asked helpfully.
“Maybe check her ID first,” I suggested.
The waitress got flustered. “Oh, yeah. Can I see your ID, ma’am?”
“Snitch!” Abby accused.
I smiled smugly and took another drink.
“I’m so sorry,” the waitress apologized. “I just thought…”
“It’s alright,” I said reassuringly. “No harm, no foul.”
“Thanks so much. I really didn’t mean to… It’s only my second week here. Anyway, what can I get you to eat?”
I ordered a trio of tacos, and Abby got the black and bleu burger with bacon. By the time the food arrived, my trick with the drinks had been forgotten, and Abby was happily chirping away about some drama her friends were having. I was only half-paying attention, wanting to finish our meal quickly and get back to the privacy of my home, where I could be safe from staring at cleavage every time Abby leaned forward, which she was doing quite a lot of. I suspected it was intentional, like some kind of game to her, but it just made me uncomfortable.
In fact, the longer I sat across from her, the more I was unable to get the image of her laying out naked in the sun out of my mind. I kept picturing her breasts and the hairless pink mound between her legs, and began to imagine my hands running over the soft teenage flesh, squeezing it, letting my fingers dip in between…
Just as the last French fries and tortilla chips were disappearing from our plates, a couple of the guys at the back decided to plug a few quarters into a juke box. They argued about their first selection for a minute, and then a hip-hop beat started to pound from the speakers above our heads, accompanied by a cheesy simple synth melody.
“This is my jam!” Abby cried out, jumping up from the table.
“Sit down!” I demanded.
Abby ignored me and began to dance to the music. Not just regular dancing, but a seductive sort of dancing involving a lot of bending over and spreading legs and so on. Though I thought both the dancing and the lyrics (“Baby, I’ll lick the clit just like candy, and drink up your juices as if they was brandy…”) they did nothing to diminish the erection I was concealing beneath the table.
And in the middle of this lewd display that I was powerless to stop, and uncertain I really wanted to end anyway, the waitress came back with the check. She took a glance at Abby’s gyrating, and then shot me a quizzical glance.
“She’s not my daughter or anything,” I said defensively.
“Oh?” The waitress answered, raising an eyebrow. She again observed the teenager moving her body seductively, and then the man, forty years her senior, sitting and watching her. “Okay,” she said. “Anyway, I’m sorry about earlier.”
“No problem,” I said, feeling dirty and embarrassed beneath her gaze. Fortunately, it didn’t last much longer.
“Have a good night,” the waitress said with a wink and a knowing smile.
I wanted to correct her, to set the record straight, but she’d already moved back to the bar to pick up another round for the guys in the back. I turned over the check and saw that she’d comped our drinks. I decided to tip her generously, hoping that maybe that would buy my redemption in her eyes.
The song ended, and Abby returned to the table.
“Ready to go?” she asked.
“Just give me a couple of minutes,” I said, attempting to will my boner away. Jesus! I hadn’t been this uncontrollably hard since I was… well, since I was Abby’s age.
“Why? What’s wrong?” she asked, leaning forward, and showing off those amazing tits again.
“Nothing,” I snapped back, knowing she could see the discomfort in my face. “I just need a minute.”
“Did you like my dancing?” she asked again. The mischievous look had returned to her eye.
“It was fine,” I answered shortly.
“Just fine, hmm?”
Suddenly, I felt toes exploring the inside of my thigh.
“Stop it!” I hissed at her, swiping her foot away with my hand. “What do you think you’re doing?”
“I know you were watching me this afternoon,” Abby admitted in a whisper. “Did you enjoy the show? I’ll bet you did.” Her foot returned, pressing further between my legs, and finally rubbing against my rigid cock. I was too shocked to do anything - totally frozen in my seat with the revelation that I’d been caught perving out over my teen neighbor.
The waitress returned again to our table, and Abby straightened in her seat. “Do you need anything else?” she asked in a tone that implied that it was time for us to get the fuck out.
“No, we’re good, thanks,” I said.
She left us alone again. Abby and I sat quietly together. She contemplated my face, while I contemplated what the hell I had been doing with my life that had led me to this. More than anything, I missed Helen. I was somehow certain that if she had still been alive, I wouldn’t be in this predicament. I felt angry that she was gone, and angry at the cancer that had taken her from me, and angry at the teen girl who was tormenting me with her youthful sexuality and angry at the passive aggressively judgmental waitress, and angry at knowing that mostly I was projecting my own guilt onto her. And while I was sitting there feeling angry at everything, I realized that my erection had faded to the point that I could stand inconspicuously.
“Are you mad at me?” Abby asked toward the end of a mostly silent drive home.
“Not really,” I said. “But you can’t keep doing this.”
“Doing what?” Abby asked as she reached across the driver’s seat and began to rub me through my pants.
“I’m serious,” I said, swatting her hand away. “I mean, it’s flattering, but why the hell are you messing around with a guy older than your parents?”
“You really don’t want me?” Abby asked, frowning hard. Tears were beginning to form in her eyes.
“It’s not that, it’s just… we can’t. I’m too old, you’re too young. Your parents asked me to look after you for Christ’s sake!”
I pulled into my driveway and put my truck in park.
“What’s the matter with me?” Abby asked, openly crying. “Everyone has a boyfriend, but me. And I can’t even get the old widower next door to be interested in me. There has to be something wrong with me.”
“There’s nothing wrong with you,” I argued. “You’re beautiful.”
“Then why do you keep rejecting me?”
“You’re… I’m just too old for you.”
“But you’re not! You’re like a thousand times cooler than the guys at school, and you’re so smart and experienced with everything, and I just thought… maybe you could teach me.”
“Teach you?” I repeated.
“I’m going to be in college this Fall, and I’ve never…”
“Never… Oh! Never?”
“Not really,” Abby said shaking her head. “I’ve kissed and had a guy grab my boobs once, and another one touched me down there a bit, but that’s it. I’ve never gone all the way with a guy, and I’m worried that if I don’t know what I’m doing when I get to university, everyone will make fun of me. And… and I just want to know what it feels like.”
The way she said it reawakened my cock. “Jesus,” I swore. “Abby, listen, I get it, but I can’t give you what you want.”
“Why not?” Abby argued. “You just said I was beautiful.”
“You are, but…” My head was feeling clouded, and I was having a harder time justifying why I shouldn’t. I knew it wasn’t right, but I couldn’t explain why in a way that she could understand. “We just can’t,” I said finally.
“Will you at least walk me into my house?” Abby asked, seeming to give up. “It’s dark, and I don’t think I locked the doors when I left.”
“Yeah, kid,” I agreed. “I can do that.”
We got out of my truck, and I followed Abby to her front door. She opened it easily, having really not bothered to lock it when she went out. We lived in a pretty safe neighborhood, but you never knew what hoodlums might be creeping around these days. Abby switched on the living room light and then made her way to the kitchen. I followed close behind her, feeling conflicted. I hadn’t had much of a sex life since Helen passed, and here was this nubile young thing practically begging me for it. And the more time I spent with her, the harder it was becoming to resist temptation.
But she was so young. And a virgin, too. What business did I have taking the virginity of someone forty years my junior? I felt like I should know better. Be the responsible older adult. Besides, what would Jim and Karen think of me if I was to deflower their little girl. True, she was eighteen years old, and technically an adult, but still, I’d be known to the neighborhood as a pervert – a dirty old man taking advantage of sweet innocence and spoiling it.
“Come on, Jack,” Abby was saying. She grabbed my hand and pulled me.
“Where are you taking me?” I asked.
“We need to make sure no one’s upstairs,” she answered.
“I’m sure there’s no one…”
“But I won’t feel safe until we check it out.”
I let Abby lead me up the stairs. One by one, we flipped on the lights in the bedrooms. She even insisted that we search the closets. Finally, we ended up at her bedroom. The bed was big, unmade, and covered with stuffed animals. Across from it, there was a dresser, backed with a mirror and covered with various make up products. On one of the bedside tables, next to a lamp was a purple vibrator. Both of us caught sight of it at the same time.
“Whoops!” Abby shouted, lunging for the toy with genuine embarrassment. “I didn’t mean for you to see that.”
“It’s okay,” I said. After everything else that had been revealed tonight, the fact that Abby took her pleasure into her own hands was hardly surprising. However, the thought of her inserting the buzzing device between her thighs, letting it run along her slit to her clitoris, arching her back at the intense feelings, and stifling a moan or a scream, these images wouldn’t leave me alone.
“Listen, I’d better get going,” I said, already feeling that familiar tightening sensation in my groin.
“What’s the hurry?” Abby asked, eying the growing bulge in my pants. “I mean, I know you said you weren’t into me, but it looks like at least some of you is.”
She stepped forward and pressed her body against mine. Her arms were thrown around my neck, and she kissed me hard on the lips. The force of it put me off balance, and I stumbled backwards and tumbled onto her bed with Abby on top of me. She straddled me and began to grind against the hardening protrusion behind my zipper.
“Abby, no, stop,” I said half-heartedly.
“It feels good, though,” Abby argued. “Doesn’t it feel good to you?”
“Yeah, but we can’t… we shouldn’t…”
“You keep saying that, yet here you are.”
With that, Abby removed her shirt, exposing her full tits. They were even more spectacular up close than they were from a distance. I watched them hypnotically swinging as Abby moved her pelvis over mine. I tried hard to resist every instinct I had to reach up and grab them, but Abby bent forward, grabbed my wrists and guided my hands to them. I could feel her nipples hardening against my palms as I gave each breast a gentle exploratory squeeze. Abby moaned softly as my fingers began to circle her areolae, giving a subtle flick, or pinch here or there.
“How long, Jack?” Abby asked. “How long have you wanted to feel them? Do they feel good?”
“Amazing,” I said, and then remembered myself. I yanked my hands away from Abby’s body. “No! This is wrong!”
“Says who?” Abby asked. “It doesn’t feel wrong to me. It feels very right.”
She leaned forward and kissed me again, her bare breasts pressing into my chest. I felt her hands slide down my shirt, and inwards towards my fly. Her fingers teasingly traced the length of my erection, up and down, base to tip and back again. Then there was a quick tug as my zipper came down, and her fingers reached inside, wrapping themselves around the thick circumference of my cock. In the next instant, it was out of my pants and standing freely in the light of her bedroom.
“This feels very right,” she said, as she descended my body until her lips met the tip of my erection. She experimentally darted her tongue out for just a taste. Then it flicked out again, a little longer this time. Within a minute, I was engulfed in her mouth, with her tongue sliding along my shaft, and her hand cradling my balls.
“I thought you said you’d never done this before,” I said.
“I haven’t,” Abby admitted, extracting my saliva-soaked head from her mouth. A silvery strand connected with her lip, stretched, then broke, falling against her chin. She wiped it with her forearm.
“Well, you’re pretty good for someone with no experience.”
“Just because I haven’t done it myself doesn’t mean I haven’t read about it or seen it in porn and stuff.”
“So that’s what passes for sex ed these days, huh?”
“Quiet, old man,” she said, and returned her attentions to my cock. After a minute, she tried to deep throat me, but came up quickly coughing and gagging. “It’s too much,” she sputtered.
“I guess some things, you just have to learn by experience,” I said, then commanded Abby to turn around so that her ass was directly in front of my face. There was barely enough material to cover her pussy mound. I ran my finger along it and felt her damp heat radiating through the material. I repeated the motion several times, then reached around the front to unfasten the button there. Her shorts came loose and with a little pull, easily slid over her ass and down her thighs.
I encountered a pair of soft bald lips, that were flushed hot pink. I again let my finger trace the crease several times, each time, dipping a little further within. It wasn’t long until my fingers were covered in her hot slick juices. I sucked them clean, then went back and spread her lips revealing the small cute button of her clitoris. I put my lips to it and gave it a little kiss. Immediately I felt Abby’s body respond in an excited shiver.
“Oh my god, whatever you just did, do that again!” Abby insisted.
I did, and this time, I quickly flicked out my tongue over her clit. Abby squealed with delight. Slowly and deliberately, I began to probe her pussy with my fingers, while I worked her clit with my tongue. In return, Abby slipped my cock back inside her mouth, as much as she could take, and began to jack me off with her hands. With my skill and experience, it wasn’t long before I felt Abby’s body tense up, then shudder violently over me. Her thighs squeezed my cheeks hard, making my lips pucker. She let out a loud, drawn out “OH MY GOD!” as she climaxed.
As soon as her body began to relax, I crawled out from underneath her. I then flipped her on her back and pulled her to the edge of the mattress. Part of me was worried about losing my erection, but mostly I felt like I needed to be inside her that instant. I pushed my cock against her slippery crevice, letting it sink in. Slowly, gently, I began to move in and out, each time getting a little deeper. Each time, Abby moaned and gasped.
“Are you okay?” I asked.
“Does it hurt?”
“A little,” she admitted. “Not really. It feels good, too. It’s just kinda… tight.”
I remembered she said she was a virgin, and while I’m not the biggest guy around, I’m don’t have anything to be ashamed of, either. For a first-timer maybe my size could be a little difficult at first. I went slowly, patiently, until I’d sunk my full length into her hole. I’d forgotten how amazing teen pussy could feel. So soft and inviting and amazing. Gently, I pulled out to the tip of my cock, and then pushed back in – a little easier this time. Then again. And again. After a few minutes, I was thrusting into Abby’s pussy with gusto. She was moaning and groaning like a porn star.
‘The old man still has it,’ I thought to my self, watching the waves of ecstasy cross Abby’s face as I filled her full of my cock. But at the pace I was going, I quickly tired myself. I told Abby to get up, and I took her place on the bed.
“Oh, I always wanted to try this position,” Abby said enthusiastically as she climbed over top of me. I felt her reach between her legs, grab my still-hard cock, and guide it into her wet slippery pussy. Slowly, she lowered her body on to me, until I was fully inside her again. “Oh my God, I love this! I’m like totally in control.”
“Yeah, you can do whatever makes you feel good.”
Abby began to ride me, experimenting with different angles and movements. The one she seemed to like the best was taking me deep inside her and grinding her pelvis into mine. My hands lifted up, and explored her body, playing with her bouncing tits, holding her hips, running across her stomach, kneading her ass, reaching between us to rub her clit.
The whole time, Abby muttered a continuous string of sex-babbling: “Oh my God, yes, that feels good, so fucking good, Jack, fuck, yeah, right there, right there, mmm, give it to me Jack, deeper, oh good, fuck, you fill me up so good…” I could tell she was nearing her second orgasm, because the volume and pace of her babbling increased. I looked up into her young face and saw how she was genuinely enjoying herself, with a sincerity and passion that only seems capable to adolescents. Her eyes were closed, her hair and tits bouncing wildly. “Yes yes yes yes yes. Oh fuck!!! YES!!!”
She pushed her body down into me, and I felt her pussy spasming around my cock. The sensation sent me over the top. I grabbed her hard by the hips and exploded up inside of her, pressing myself as deep as possible. Warm jets of cum shot from my throbbing cock deep into her tight teen pussy. It had been so long, I thought it would never stop cumming. I could feel the orgasm deep in my balls, and all the way back to my prostate. Finally, the moment faded, and I came down breathing hard and relaxing into a cushion of stuffed animals. Abby climbed off of me and lay beside me, also catching her breath. She put her head on my chest and tangled her fingers in my gray chest hair.
“Was I good?” Abby asked, looking up at me.
“Yeah, kid,” I said, patting her on the head. “You did great.”
“Thanks, Jack.”
The Chronicles of Abby: Davis Having His First Fun with Abby(Abby’s Perspective).Synopsis: This is a direct sequel to PART 4 - Went for Davis's Class with Just Panties Underneath After a week, the results for the test were finally out. Abby was sitting at the second front row desk, eager to know her result, hoping that she’ll make it to the top 5 top scorers so that she’ll be able to get the prize, a new gaming device that she really wanted to get her hands on it. Davis, her teacher announced...
Claire and Abby were good friends of mine. In our fifth year at school we would spend a lot of time hanging out between exams and study periods. Sometimes it would just be me and Claire, Abby and I were friends but she was always a little shy and didn’t really spend time with me if Claire wasn’t around. That suited me fine though, Claire was fun to be with and when we were on our own we usually ended up exploring each other. We were never boyfriend and girlfriend but we had this kind of...
1. Abby wiped the steam from her mirror. A Britney Spears hit blared from her cell phone, bouncing off the bathroom walls. Abby sang along into her hairbrush, biting her lip and shimmying her shoulders, whipping her wet hair from side to side, twisting her hips to the floor and back. Then the phone rang, interrupting her first private concert in her brand new apartment. She checked the caller ID and took a deep breath before answering. ‘Hi, Mom…’ She let her towel fall to the floor and...
0042 Milking Machine Abby (Repost)Abby had her sweet little tongue buried inside a tight hole... her tongue tip alternately thrusting and spinning in circles. The taste and smell of warm honey flooded her mouth and nose. Her hands were sliding loose skin up and down a large shaft, milking it. The staff throbbed so hard it seemed to quiver. Vibrations from the special seat she was straddling sent shock waves all the way to her cute toes. Abby and her dad both panted. They both felt so...
Chapter 1 I saw her again....walking the two beautiful animals, the male was a Bouvier des Flanders and the female was a boxer...and her...she was beautiful. She had that innocent look to her...young, shoulder length blonde hair flowing gently in the breeze. She had that "girl next door" look. In fact, she was my neighbor and while we didn't know each other well, I'd said "Hello" to Abby several times when we see each other outside. Man, she was hot. As I worked in my yard she...
Im still not sure why I agreed to it. A friend of mine who is a biker persuaded me to take a half day off work to go to a bike event and show. I can neither ride one, understand anything about them and nor do I wish too! The event was local and in fairness he agreed to drive so I could at least enjoy a pint at a noted local pub on the way home. That may go some way to compensating me for the loss of a few hours, never to be seen again!Somehow I managed to lose Karl though my suspicion is that...
His hand was poised to knock for the first time when the trailer door opened. Abby stood there smiling at him, her perky breasts pushed against the Grateful Dead T-shirt she wore. "Come on in," Abby said. "Take a load off. I happened to see you getting out of the 'vette." Warren entered the trailer, bending even though it wasn't necessary. His piercing brown eyes digested everything about her. He was trying to disguise the hunger within him, but it would have been evident to the most...
This happened long ago-early seventies. I was about to start my final year of high school and I went to my family doctor to get a note to play football. Back then we just needed a note saying we were good. Doctor Harris was my doctor and had been forever. He was in his early seventies. He loved watching our high school football games and was excited to see me play this season. I was good, and he thought I was the best. Doc gave me the note with out even looking at me. Then like he was one of...
It started completely by accident. I was walking from the garage through the kitchen and on my way to the bathroom and as I passed by my older sister Abby who happened to be bent over moving her clothes from the washer and into the dryer, for no reason at all and with no premeditation, I smacked her big ass. However, my hand didn't land on either cheek; it landed almost perfectly in the middle. Abby emitted an 'Ooof' and as she was straightening up quickly, she bumped the back of her...
You never know who your friends really are until you give them a chance to take advantage of you. Abby and I had been married a little over ten years and it had been a great ten. The two of us always seemed to be on the same page no matter what we did. It was almost as if we could read each other's minds over a distance. An example: One morning I was getting ready to go to work and I noticed that I need new underwear. I made a mental note to pick up some the next time I went to the store....
It had been a busy week and I was glad that Friday was upon us, Lisa was working so I did my chores and was gathering up the laundry (always a favourite task) to get up to date, Lisa had been away for a few days and brought back some interesting items, her panties smelt good as always and a few cum stains always added to the mix. I put a wash on and decided to have a lay down on the sofa, it was warm so I was just in my old boxers.It was just after 3pm and Lisa wouldn’t be home until about 6 so...
Short Stories for Slave abby A Long Wait for Slave abby There is a hole in the ground, a narrow hole about 3ft deep. At the top of the hole there is a winding mechanism, attached to a firm metalplate, which is in turn securely fastened to the ground. Slave abby is standing nearby. She is dressed in a 1-piece rubber suit thatcovers her from her neck to her feet. She wears a collar around her neck, andthe zipper of the suit is padlocked to the collar, which is itself padlockedshut. There is...
September, 2046 19 years later “And um, well, Abby, that’s pretty much it. That’s how your mother and I met, and ended up together, and got married,” I said. I glanced over worriedly at Riley, wondering if we’d said too much to Abby, wondering if her 14-year-old mind was mature enough to handle it. “Ohmygod, Mom,” Abby finally blurted. “You were 15?!? I can’t believe it. And I can’t believe Grampa and Grandma knew all about it!” Over the years, Riley and I had talked, in theoretical...
Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction and it contains themes not suitable for everyone, if you don’t like Rape, bondage kidnaping and exploiting then do no continue. This is my first attempt at writing and I do appreciate positive feedback. Also do note I have dyslexia and so there is a great chance I missed spelling and grammatical errors. Abby Snow is a girl I met online when I was attending my freshman year at RDC, her profile said she was 18 and we started chatting. Though I am...
Summer break from my junior year at college meant heading up to the mountains with my family. My mother, father, and my mother's sister Abby, crowded into our pickup dragging a fifth wheel motor home up the Colorado Rockies. We camped on a high plateau for three weeks of outdoor adventure. We started off from New Orleans in the morning and we figured to arrive in the early morning hours of the next day. We were one fewer than last year. Uncle Al had run off with his secretary and left my Aunt...
I looked down into the empty glass in my hand and pondered pouring myself another shot of scotch, but then thought better of it. The only thing another shot would accomplish would be finding myself still in this chair in the morning with a hangover and feeling sorry for myself. Besides, that was something Abby, my daughter had woken up far too many times since The Cunt, my ex-wife, left. She’d run off with some old rich guy two years ago and never looked back. Somewhat reluctantly I got up from...
There are beautiful women all over the world that like to fool around, not just in our neighborhood here in Dubuque. I met a woman online from Germany that, like me, has had a sexual awakening lately. Abby is a lovely red-haired woman, just a few years younger than myself. Her husband passed away two years ago, and she's been turning to younger men for comfort. I can see where she would be attractive to men or women of any age. She has a killer tight body with small pert breasts that look...
It's shaping up to be one of your lamest spring breaks ever, in that your parents are letting you do exactly jack and shit for fun, even though you're eighteen now and it's your senior year and you have a good track record for being responsible enough to keep out of trouble. But your mom is convinced that to let her teenage daughter go on a spring break trip with friends is the virtual equivalent of buying her a one way ticket to a porn studio. She knows all about "the kind of awful things that...
IncestI am in my first year at college and live in the dorms on campus. I couldn't afford anything else. In my history class was a very beautiful girl named Audrey. She was a sophomore about 5'10", 115 lbs, dark hair, with a kinda Italian look to her. She had an incredible body with really nice tits which she proudly displayed by wearing low cut blouses. She always had groups of good-looking guys and girls trying to sit next to her in class. Audrey knew she was good looking. Someone...
Dear Abby, I need your help. My wife and I taught self defense classes together, we ran our own gym, and everything was perfect. We did everything together, two of the beautiful people, and who couldn't be happier.That was before the great shift last month. My life is upside down ever since. I was going out for the evening with my wife. My Mother had come over to babysit our 3 year old son Harold. Then as with most of the world, our lives forever changed. I found myself in my wife's...
Dear Abby, When I was younger, a lot younger, I was really stupid. I used drugs and eventually became a prostitute to feed my drug habit. During that period of my life I had so little self esteem that I allowed men (and women) to do what they wanted with me as long as they gave me the money I needed for my next fix. I ran around on my husband, got pregnant twice and had two abortions, the last of which ended in my getting a hysterectomy. It started out as a lot of fun. Several boys that I...
Dear Abby, I am a 44 year old woman and I will have been married to my husband for 25 years this coming Thursday. I love my husband dearly, but I have kept a secret (actually two of them) from him for our entire marriage. My husband and I dated for about three years and we were due to be married. Although we did make love it wasn't a regular thing. I had waited until he proposed before I gave up my virginity, but he worked out of town a lot and we both still lived with our parents so there...
When the plane landed in Cleveland, my Blackberry had five new voice messages and two e-mails. I assumed they were from Alix then much to my surprise discovered they were all from Tabitha. The situation was simple enough, but disappointing. There'd been an emergency with Tabby's daughter Sierra. Instead of picking me up at the airport, Tabby asked me to either stay the night in Cleveland or to drive to Warren on my own. I drove to William Mckinley's home town. I tried to call Tabby back,...
The Taking of TabbyChapter OneOver the last couple of years, I had been exploring the sexual side of my personality. What did I like? Who did I want to be? As a happily married woman, the ?straight? side of my sex life was good. We’d always enjoyed each other and loved to play together. We’d even tried some ?not so normal? things. Had a three-some with a male friend ? explored the ?darker? sides of sex ? even some gender swapping. Most with great success. But there had always been a...
I suppose I better get it right out up front here that my intent from the beginning was to seduce my young niece. As far back as when she was ten or so, the youngster was always flirting mischievously with me. Even then, Gabby was as cute as a whip; and over the next couple of years her feminine attributes truly began to blossom, so that by the time she was 14, and this story took place, Gabby was quite breathtaking. Her boobs were already in the 32-34 range and unless I missed the mark, she...
It was winter, during our mid year varsity exams when Gabby invited me over to her place the friday night. Her parents went away for the weekend, leaving her home alone. During the stressfull time of exams I was rather happy to go have a night out to rest the mind before my final exam on the Thursday. I arrived by Gabby about 4pm the Friday afternoon with an over night bag some meat and a bottle of whiskey. As i got out the car, she greeted me with a warm kiss, welcoming me in. In we went to...
It had been a very long, boring day. I was a woman in a man’s world, in an unfamiliar city, working with people I’d never met before, discussing things we weren’t sure were going to happen. And this was going to last the whole week. Sighing, I stood outside the building, waiting for the cab to come take me to my hotel. I was not looking forward to the rest of the week. Finally, the cab from the company I had called pulled up in front. I was kind of surprised to notice...
We had Alyssa sideways on her bed with her head hanging over and Chris steadily and easily face fucked her. Her face was a mess with cum drool and saliva dripping down her face. Or was it up her face since she was upside down? It looked fun. From the other side of the bed, I just deposited a good cum load in Alyssa’s ass. It was a good way to start fun with Alyssa. “Hello?” a strange voice said. I jumped and turned toward the voice. It was a girl with shoulder length blonde hair. It was...
It didn't begin as a torrid affair. At first, we were just two friends, each with long-term partners. We came together organically through little things: rock climbing, our love of literature and the arts — our arrogant, sly shared sense of humour.The subtlest of inuendos, the dawning of what was happening beneath the veneer of constructed lies, our social selves. Before I consciously admitted I wanted to fuck Cora, I would dream about her, waking in the early hours with my iron-rod-of-a-cock...
AnalThis is a ture story of what really happened! Yes these are 100% ture storys Hope you like it Before you read you can view a photo of her on my blog (my wifes s****r Abbie) on my profile to get a idea who im talking about. Feel free to message me on more information about her or this story Well as most already knew the time where my wifes s****r (Abbie) caught me red handed jacking off which cutting the story short ended in a beautiful blowjob from her, id never thought we would do...
The first time I saw her I was walking down the hallway and I glanced into the conference room. Standing there was the most amazing creature. Gorgeous face with a girl next door air about her. She stared at me through the window and we locked eyes. We had an instant connection. I walked into the room and my boss, Pete, was standing next to her. ‘Bill, this is my girlfriend Tabitha.’ ‘Call me Tabby.’ When I squeezed her dainty hand, that first touch was electric. Weeks later, I was sitting in my...
100% fiction! My cousin Tabby and I have a long history together. A very hot, passionate history together. It started when we were teenagers. We was 18 years old. She had always been beautiful. Watching her body develop was something I used to pleasure myself to regularly back then. One summer break her parents took us camping and to do some water skiing. Later that night, after her parents went to bed, I saw some movement behind her tent. Not knowing what it was I went to investigate. There...
IncestAbbie Andrews was always a kind soul. Very giving, generous, always willing to lend a hand and help a friend, and never expected anything in return. She was happy. Need a friend to help you prepare for a party? Abbie would be there in a heartbeat. Want a buddy to go see a movie with? Abbie's your girl. Moving across town and want help with some boxes? Someone to walk the dog? To paint the house? To go the park? Abbie never let anything stand in her way of helping her friends. Unless there was...
Group SexMarch 13, 1990, Chicago, Illinois “It’s hard to believe that you’re 23, Squirt!” I said as we relaxed with our coffee after dinner. “You’re going to be 27! And you have five-and-a-half kids!” “More like five-and-two-thirds!” Kara giggled. “I’m due in late June or early July!” “And Sofia is due not long before you!” Elyse said. “And Jamie and Jackie had Eric back in January. And Nicky was born in December! Babies are busting out all over!” “Just wait,” I chuckled. “Cindi is going to get...
It was after the miscarriage that things started to go amiss. It was a hugely emotional time for Gwen and I felt so sorry for her. After that, things changed, subtly but quite drastically. We'd had a good, if limited, social life. Like most couples, one person's friends tended to dominate. I had gradually lost touch with most of my friends and relatives and Gwen's friends had become mine, too. Being a theatre sister at the local private hospital, most of Gwen's friends were in the...
Well me and abbie have been best friends for years and we stay at each others houses all the time but then this one weekend we planned that we would say to your mums and dads that we were staying at our friends house and actually go to a hotel and stay there for a night.Its came to the friday after school we went back to my house and got changed , I for a while has noticed that i had some sexual feelings for Abbie. She was perfect, her body was perfect ,her hair ,her eyes,her breast,her bum,...
First TimeI used to work as a night security guard in a factory on the edge of town. The factory was on a quiet country lane which was did not have any public lighting, and was in complete darkness at night. Because of this, the lane was a favourite amongst couples who wanted discrete sex in cars. Although the lane appeared to be pitch black, we could see things as clear as day through the infrared lighting of our security cameras. We frequently used the camera's zoom lens to put us almost inside the car...
Interracial– Hi Abbie! – Hi Flynn, she answered me with her hot lovely smile – Ok, so it’s time for your weekly fitness session, hope you’re excited! I actually knew she was because she was already in her sport’s outfit when she opened the door… It was skin-tight, I loved it ,) We started the workouts with the warrior 3 pose and I maintained Abbie’s pelvis to help her… It’s started to make me really hard because let’s be honest, this girl is so fucking hot! Suddenly she complained about a pain in her...
- Hi Abbie!- Hi Flynn, she answered me with her hot lovely smile :)- Ok, so it's time for your weekly fitness session, hope you're excited!I actually knew she was because she was already in her sport's outfit when she opened the door... It was skin-tight, I loved it ;)We started the workouts with the warrior 3 pose and I maintained Abbie's pelvis to help her... It's started to make me really hard because let's be honest, this girl is so fucking hot!Suddenly she complained about a pain in her...
I'm in town for a couple of days and decide to pop over and pay you a surprise visit. I knock on the door but no answer; I'm pretty sure someone's home as I can hear music coming from the lounge room so I think to myself “I’ll just check out back in case she’s out in the yard”. As I walk past your bedroom window I hear a slight gasp and when I look around I notice the curtains slightly open, I look through the window and get a pleasant surprise. Your laying on your bed in a little lacy...
I told her you know, like a peeping Tom, or somebody I don't know who's sneaking a look at me while I'm touching myself. "And you get off on that?" still sounding confused. "Well, yeah. You have things that turn you on. Right?" "Yeah. Okay." Still unconvinced. Where do sexual fantasies come from? A lot of places I'm sure, and as far as I'm concerned I don't care where the fuck they come from. They're just my fantasies. Tori thinks too much. But that's just my...
I ,used to kid him about that and he said his wife could not take it all and did not like to even try anymore.It seems they just grew apart. I,thought I bet my wife janet could take it all,I always teased her about her having a big pussy.Now janet liked jack and she also liked his wife,and she felt sorry for them. One night after having pounded her pussy,as I held her close I whispered," I,bet jack is pretty horny about now." " He has to take two hands to jerk-off that big cock" she...
Prologue During the last war the British Government required companies to provide a Firewatching team of at least two people to sleep on the premises at night. To douse incendiary bombs and put out small fires to stop them spreading. This was done using buckets of sand and Stirrup pumps... For small or medium companies it was usually just two people who were paid four shillings each by the government. It was not unusual for a person to fire watch every night in place of another person, and...
Prologue : During the last war the British Government required companies to provide a Firewatching team of at least two people to sleep on the premises at night. To douse incendiary bombs and put out small fires to stop them spreading. This was done using buckets of sand and Stirrup pumps.. For small or medium companies it was usually just two people who were paid four shillings each by the government. It was not unusual for a person to fire watch every night in place of another person, and pay...
Erotic FictionI tell my wife that I'm going birding, going to watch owls, so I'll be out all night. She packs me a snack, some sandwiches and a flask, and she goes off to bed, alone. I pick you up on the corner " you're waiting there with a bag of your own " and we drive out of town, my hand on your leg, stroking your thigh, rasping my nails over your jeans. A few miles down the coast, down some twisty lanes, we find a beach " dark, with the calm water sparkling in the moonlight. We park, and I reach for...
Erotic FictionI moved into my mothers three story apartment building on October 31st. The morning of Halloween. My fathers home was less than an hour away in a small town called City View with the irony that City View had nothing but the view of a forrest and the lake that contained the small towns water supply. When I say the word small, this would be putting it lightly. The town was madeup of my formal high school, a bank, a sonic, a harps, and a very inconvienent convienent store, The town was...
i love to tease (and please) but sometimes teasing is so much fun. there's always more to be desired and so many what if's to fantastize about. plus if it ever comes to fruitition it's a bonus. i thought i'd compile a few teasing stories to... ahem, wet the whistle. this one goes back to when i was working for teleperformance. most of you will know a place like it, one of the most boring call centers but easiest jobs to get. if you're a girl, you'll also know just how easy it is to wrap a guy...
"Hi, My name is Gabrielle and I have a problem... It's sort of embarrassing but, well everyone knows allready so I might as well say it out loud. I have no self controll. Specifically I can't stop myself from groping people. It's not everyone and it's not all the time but if I see a big phat ass, or a pair of megga titties, a guy with an extra big bulge, a round and squishable belly... Well then I have to touch it, squeeze it, rub my face on it. I know we live in an enlightened time and this...
I have told u bout my sex encounter with honey and cheery .that goes on till i got married to honey. Nw we have liscense for sex. But we are missing our 3rd partner cheery the night we got married . The third day we have to go for our honeymoon in europe for 15days. But the night betwween was our wedding night. And that we celebrated in hotel .honey bokked the honeymoon suite for us. We reach the hotel at 11pm and went to the reception for the keys. The recpitionist gave us the keys and...
IncestIntroduction: High school girl next door puts on many a show for her neighbor, then takes it to a higher level by seducing him. Takes a while to develop, so please dont neg-vote it if youre in a hurry. Dan Dixon, mid thirties and six years divorced, lives alone and works from home but is frequently on the road. His is the kind of lifestyle that doesnt lend itself to a stable relationship, and aside from the occasional part time girlfriend, hes comfortable being single. Hes lived in his suburban...
Plain looking with straight shoulder length dull red hair, pale skin and freckles, Casey is a very average young girl, about 5’4” and a little on the soft side. Cute in simple Irish sort of way, but unassuming; the sort of girl who goes overlooked. She’s generally a good kid, does well in school, plays violin in the orchestra, and has a few friends but is far from popular. She likes to help Dan with his dog Pixie when he’s busy or away. Sometimes she comes home from school and walks her,...
I still couldn't believe my eyes as I watched these hot Speedo wearing boys happily frolicking with my son under the warm Miami night sky. The other boys must have been from the other two condos that lined the outside of the private pool area. As I stepped out onto the patio I noticed two large muscular Latin looking men sitting at a patio table in front of the middle condo watching the boys playing in the pool. They were only wearing loose board shorts with the rest of their impressive...
Hi guys, this is Abhinav back with the latest erotic mom son story during covid 19 lockdowns. This story is about how I was watching porn with mom during the lockdown. Let me tell you about my mom first. My mom’s name is Neelima. She is 42 years old beautiful woman. She has a white skin tone and a slim personality. She looks like she is in her 30s. She does exercises and eats healthy food to maintain her fitness. She doesn’t have any signs of aging. She is decent and down to earth woman. She is...
IncestWatching the Boys - Part 19 The sounds were overwhelming! Boys moaning, men grunting and talking dirty in low murmurs. Slappingskin, and the wet sounds of large cocks ravaging and defiling young boybodies. The yelps and moans of young boys echoing from every corner of thenearly dark basement playroom sent erotic chills through my body. The smell of weed was strong down in the hot confines of the basementplayroom, and I could also make out underneath the weed, the unmistakablesmell of poppers....
Watching the Boys - Part 17 Leif disappeared back into the lavatory area with Jonathan followingclosely behind. I heard the sound of one of the doors unlocking and Iturned around in my seat looking back down the aisle. I could see Leifenter the small lavatory followed by Jonathan. The last few images I saw of them before the door closed was Leifleaning over the toilet, looking back over his shoulder up at Jonathan. Hehad pushed his khaki board shorts down revealing his beautiful...
Every day, at three o’clock, my neighbor sunbathes in the nude. She has a pool in her backyard and a concrete patio between it and the house that she lays out on. She’s the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. She’s about twenty years old and has a very athletic body. She’s 5’5” and has the longest tan legs that are shaped quite beautifully. Her breasts are firm and I’d say they’re about 36C cup size, and she keeps her pussy shaved clean.She has long dirty blonde hair that reaches to the bottom...
VoyeurFriday evening, Amy and Renee had a date with a bottle of wine in the gazebo behind Renee’s bungalow. The yard was sizable and bound by a low stockade fence. Amy showed up at twilight. The women had kicked off their sandals, put their feet up on the gazebo benches and each finished a glass when Renee started talking about her sort-of boyfriend. She hadn’t said much only interesting and handsome. Amy blushed at the description – having surreptitiously watched Renee’s version of “interesting”...
It's hard to explain, but not seeing my little sister Emmy has made me really sad. I've missed her so much since we've both moved out of the house. My role as big brother was really important, maybe because I know how much Emmy appreciated my help with everything.My sister Emmy - well - her name is Emily really, but I've always called her Emmy. It's my little pet name for her, and I'm the only one that calls her that. Anyway, she was excited on the phone when I told her we should meet at the...