Endless Impossibilities Bridget
- 2 years ago
- 39
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It's shaping up to be one of your lamest spring breaks ever, in that your parents are letting you do exactly jack and shit for fun, even though you're eighteen now and it's your senior year and you have a good track record for being responsible enough to keep out of trouble. But your mom is convinced that to let her teenage daughter go on a spring break trip with friends is the virtual equivalent of buying her a one way ticket to a porn studio. She knows all about "the kind of awful things that happen on those trips," and she isn't about to let you either get kidnapped and sex-trafficked, or risk you losing your mind in the full on girls-gone-wild way she's envisioning.
Though, you have to admit things could have shaken out worse. Your parents, who have never to your knowledge gone wild a day in their lives and who seem unlikely to do so anytime soon, have decided to take a post-COVID spring break trip of their own. So they left this afternoon, before you were even home from school, flew to fucking Belize, and left you and your brother to fend for yourselves. So even though literally none of your friends are around because they don't have Catholic parents and are therefore all on their own spring break trips, having no Mom and Dad around for a week plus is going to be pretty great. They and your brother, who's been on their shit list ever since he quit after only his first semester at State, where he never even got to set foot on campus, have been driving you sort of fucking batshit crazy the last few months with the constant fighting and sniping and worrying and general handwringing. There is absolutely no sign that your family has any intention of becoming less annoying any time soon.
For your own selfish sake, you sort of wish Pat had exercised some good sense and stayed in school so that Mom and Dad wouldn't be on his ass constantly to do something with his life other than work from home data entry corporate bullshit, as well as on your ass constantly, lest you get any bright ideas from his shining example and decide to follow in his footsteps.
Sure Mom. Because it looks so fucking appealing right now, to blow off college and stay at home to eat shit every day just like Pat.
It would be nice if you didn't have to share the house at all, but Pat probably won't even get in your way. You and he barely even talk nowadays. At first you tried to defend him whenever Mom and Dad started lecturing him about some new bullshit, because unlike a lot of siblings, back in the day you always had each other's backs. But Patrick's been in such a shitty mood since leaving school that you don't see the point anymore. He doesn't appreciate it. He wants exactly fuckall to do with you, or Mom and Dad.
Sometimes it makes you sad. Mostly it just makes it seem like moving out for college is going to be way fucking easier than you ever thought.
You're finally home from school, trudging up to your room with a bag of animal cookies in one hand and a bag of kettle chips in the other, because why the fuck not, when at the top of the stairs you leave off trying to decide how to use your first night of blessed freedom because your brother is talking to somebody behind his bedroom door. It's not that this itself is weird, but he sounds a little funny. You stand there for a second, listening. He's talking to maybe two other people? The voices coming through the door are too indistinct to make out any actual words.
Oh, well. None of your fucking business if he's talking to strangers in his room.
You're trying to decide whether to work on your AP history paper due week after next and have the whole thing out of the way so you can enjoy the rest of the week in slovenly style, or procrastinate it for another day, when you turn the corner into your room and realize you can't work on the paper anyway because your computer is gone.
Fucker, you think irritably. He really could have at least texted you to ask first, or something.
You leave your room and stalk silently to his door. Listening there, breathing quietly so he won't hear you, you still can't make out any actual words in his conversation. But you're starting to care less whether you're interrupting some work meeting of his, because it's almost six so probably not, and you can tell he's definitely using your computer for his call. Ass. He knew you'd want it tonight, and he borrowed it anyway for some personal shit, without saying a word to you.
"Pat! You took my computer—" You fling open the door to confront him. Immediately both you and Patrick yelp in startled surprise—you stopping dead in your tracks and wheeling around to look away as he frantically reaches to cover himself up with the bedsheet. Not that this happens quick enough for you to avoid an eyeful of him stroking his erection. Jesus fucking Christ. Like you can ever shake off that visual!
"Goddamnit, Abby! Don't you know how to fucking knock?" he snaps, red-faced.
"I was looking for my computer!" you tell him in confused horror, timidly turning back around with your face flaming once you figure out it's safe to do so.
"You're supposed to be at debate practice for another hour!" he says irritably, as if you've done something terribly wrong.
"It's spring break! Mrs. Wang-Lyman canceled it!" Before he can reply to this, you look over at your computer and immediately notice that the two people your brother was talking to are also naked! The woman is covering herself up, but the man is making no attempt to do so. You don't recognize either of them. And they look old, like, older-than-Mom-and-Dad old.
"What the fuck, Patrick!" you cry. "Those are... naked people! Are you into some weird sex shit?!"
Your brother laughs nervously and motions for you to keep your voice down, even though nobody else but you will be home for the next week. As you approach he glances anxiously at the computer screen, then looks away again and gives you a rueful smile that looks exactly as forced as it is. "So hey, just take a beat, Ab," he says. "It's really not as crazy as it might look."
"Who even are these people?" you demand, gesturing at the screen.
He sighs. "It doesn't matter. They're... just some friends of mine."
Sure, yeah, because that sounds plausible as all hell. You stare at your brother in consternation. "Is this some kind of... sex cult thing? Or are they paying you to... to..." You fumble awkwardly, blushing furiously, because you don't exactly know what a strange middle-aged couple might pay your nineteen-year-old brother to. "Or... are you paying... them?" With what money, you wonder. Patrick's generally dismal financial situation is a constant point of contention between him and your parents.
"No, of course not," he replies, and somehow has the nerve to muster an exasperated sigh. "We met... online. And sometimes we chat and fool around a little, is all. They're exploring an open marriage. We're all consenting adults. It's not like I'm doing anything illegal. Or dangerous."
"Or even wrong," puts in the woman, and you turn and glare at her. You sort of want to scold her, except that despite defending the situation, she seems a bit embarrassed by this whole conversation. The man doesn't speak. He's staring at the floor with a hard look on his face that makes him seem as if he were angry about something.
Emboldened by the woman's support, Patrick says, "Exactly! This is on you! You shouldn't have barged in on me!"
"Maybe not, but—but you shouldn't have taken my computer without asking!" you protest. "And I find you—doing—stuff with it!" you cry in bewilderment.
"Mine isn't working," Pat says. The man clears his throat uncomfortably and finally moves to cover himself up. Thank god. His wife laughs nervously. Her husband turns away and pours himself a glass of wine.
You stare at them. "Pat! Those are like—real adults!" you say.
Your brother laughs again nervously. "It's not a big deal like you're making it out to be." He glances to the side and you realize he's trying to subtly slide his phone under his thigh. No fucking way. The only reason he'd bother is that he's hiding something else. You dart over and snatch it from him, then retreat a few feet away where he can't immediately get to you without exposing himself again. You see him clench his jaw, but you don't care at this point.
"Oh my god," you exclaim, "her user name is Mea Cunta?" You stare at him in total disbelief, then at the woman on your laptop screen, who squirms uncomfortably.
The man speaks for the first time. "Maybe you should be more open minded. You could join us," he suggests. "You never know what you might be into."
You round on him. "I beg your actual fucking pardon? What a teenager might be 'into' with her own brother?" you demand.
"Uh—" says the man, wearing a face that says he is frantically preparing for a metric fuckton of backpedaling. "Patrick said you were his girlfriend," he says quickly.
"I'm his sister!" you cry.
He and the woman exchange a horrified look, and then he reaches offscreen and the video call cuts off abruptly.
Patrick stares at you, looking a bit wide-eyed. Yeah, you've known him all your life so you know that look well. It's the making-up-an-excuse-mom-might-believe look.
"Don't you dare—" you begin, because what excuse could possibly suffice! Then you leave off, looking down at his phone as it begins to buzz with notifications. "We don't want any trouble," you read aloud. "We..." You stop speaking because the next part says, "promise we'll delete her pictures right away. Please." You look up and gape at your brother as something extremely upsetting occurs to you.
You stare at the words on the screen, hoping they'll say something different. Her pictures. Her pictures. Your fucking pictures.
Those were from months ago, almost a year! And you deleted them after you and Brady broke up. Brady promised up and down, cross his heart, on his mom's grave, pinky promise, to delete his too. It shouldn't be possible.
It can't be possible.
All the same, you freeze in sudden horror, and wind up simply staring at your brother in awkward dismay. Because you have a really scary feeling it might have been possible after all.
You stumble a few steps forward and sink to a seat on the edge of his bed, because you aren't sure if you can keep yourself upright.
Patrick snatches his phone back from your unresisting hands and visibly pales when he reads what she wrote. "Oh, god... Abby," he begins, then leaves off when he looks up and really takes in the full spectrum of your reaction.
"You shared those with strangers?" you choke, before beginning to sob outright. "Those were private! You had no right! How could you!"
"I'm so sorry that happened!" he pleads, sounding genuinely distressed for you, not that it helps exactly. "I didn't... I..." He trails off.
Your face is so hot you have to press your hands to your cheeks to cool them off. "Oh my god," you lament. "I can't believe you even saw that stuff. I was—you must think—" You burst into tears. "Fuck!"
"It's okay. I would never think—" He leaves off and quickly moves over and pulls you into a tight hug. You have the momentary impulse to shove him away and call Mom to come home from her trip—except what would your mom say when she finds out about the incredibly filthy pictures you let Brady take? Mom will be beyond appalled to know her daughter never needed a boozy spring break trip in another country to achieve heights of depravity that as a Catholic she probably doesn't even know exist. The thought makes you bawl even harder. "Oh, Ab, I'm so, so sorry," he murmurs, holding you close. "I really fucked up not telling you."
"How did you even find them?" you sob.
"Oh, uh..." Patrick says, looking uncomfortable.
"It's just, it was months ago. How did you even find them on my computer?" you ask him tearfully. "And why the fuck would you—"
"—Ab, give me a little credit at least. It wasn't like that at all." He flushes bright red. "Um... Sam received them in a text and warned me."
"Huh?" You drag the back of your hand across your snotty nose, looking at him with a feeling of unpleasant confusion. Your brother's best friend wasn't who you expected to come up in this story. And that means, fucking great, Sam of all people saw? "He... how?" you manage.
There's a short silence. "I don't know exactly how. But Brady got into my phone. I guess... he tried yours and couldn't get in because you have that idiotic like eight digit passcode and multifactor. But I guess... I'm not as paranoid as you." He shrugs uncomfortably. "After that big fight you two had, I guess he was pissed. He used my account to send them to a few people. Not a lot. And no family at least, thank god. But still pretty bad, I know."
A few people, you think. Do you even want to know who the hell that means?
Patrick's eyes are tense with guilt. "Abby?" he asks, and this is followed by a protracted silence during which you're too overtime with mortification to answer right away. "Say something, will you?"
You're too hideously embarrassed even to look up at your brother. Instead you stare at your knees and mumble, "I fucking hate Brady," between a couple of hiccupping sobs.
He snorts in an uneasy sort of way. "You and me both. Look," he says, breaking away from you so he can pull his boxers back on under the covers, "maybe you really should talk to Mom and Dad. It's not like I did the best job trying to protect you and handle it on my own."
You look up at him in such horror that your tears stop right away. "Are you fucking joking? I can't tell Mom and Dad! They would literally never let me out of the house again. And they think I'm still a virgin!" Your face flushes with new heat as soon as you're done blurting that out. You hadn't exactly meant to share that. Though, from the pictures... okay, he knows. You let out a long sigh, then swallow hard before saying, "I'm serious. Honestly I'd never be able to look either of them in the eye again. It would be about a zillion times worse than you quitting school. You have to promise me you won't tell them. Please, Paddy," you beg, appealing to his sympathies with the babyish nickname.
"This is totally different than me fucking up college. You didn't actually do anything wrong," your brother argues, though he sounds unconvinced himself that your parents would see it that way.
When this reply only elicits another storm of tears, he says quickly, "Okay, I promise. I won't if you don't want them to know. But if you change your mind I also promise I'll talk to them with you so you don't have to do it alone." He sighs heavily and pulls you back into a hug. "It's really unfair that you had to find this out in such a shitty way. You didn't deserve that. I'm really sorry, kid."
"Me too," you sniffle back, and can't help choking on a few more sobs, and then launching back into full-blown tears. Patrick holds you while you get it all out of your system, without commenting, stroking your hair soothingly. Never once does he sigh or act passively annoyed about it, which is kind of nice. It actually makes it a bit easier to stop, in fact. Finally you swipe your hands under your eyes and manage to smile weakly up at him. "Can we just try go back to normal for now and try to pretend this never happened? I really wanted to enjoy one blessed, beautiful week without Mom and Dad.”
"Done," he says immediately, pulling away enough to snap the laptop shut and set it on the bed stand. "Let's sideline this shit for now and have a fun night at home, full of Abby stuff. We can get that mushroom alfredo pizza you like and watch whatever Jim Henson creep fest is doing it for you lately. Yeah? Or just, really anything that lets us feel like old times."
You wipe again at your puffy eyes. "Like old times," you agree.
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Once again, it was Summer, no more studies. Casey, being young and popular with the guys at school had alot of parties ahead of her. She had a slim, curvy waist and long dark hair that came to her shoulders. Her best feature was her boobs, she was a full 36D and always made sure they were well recognised everywhere she went. Casey was getting ready for "some guy's" - which took alot of persuading her dad. He knew and could see why she got so much attention which made him even more objective to...
LesbianThe rest of the day passed without much event. Lumi stayed in her room most of the day, Desmond assumed she was hung over much worse then he was, and probably dealing with the fact that Steve and her...well they probably weren't together any more. He felt kind of bad about that, he had reacted more then anything. Then he remembered the kiss he'd gotten form Lumi, and his thoughts got even more jumbled. Was it just a friendly thing like she said, or...was it as Desmond hoped, something more....
The perfect family fell apart around him. He found his mother with a man, who was not his father, in their bed when he came home from a friend's house instead of staying the night. That was a bit of shock, and as soon as he found out, both he and his mother, and eventually his father, knew what was going to happen. His father filed for divorce, it wasn't messy, but instead of having their son around to see a ruined family, both parents decided it would be best if he was sent off to a...
She looked up and he wasn’t there. “When will this dream become a reality?”, she thought. How her body ached for male hardness, pressing into her, pounding her flesh into orgasmic bliss. She reached down and touched herself, felt her warm outer lips, her swollen clit ready to burst. Her fingers entered into her wetness, one, then two, in and out, then massaged her clit slowly and then fiercely until her body arched in orgasm. She laid there, exhausted from orgasm but at the same time,...
The rest of the day Caroline spent answering Albert’s questions. Peter asked her for some talking points because he was going to have to sit in on Albert’s meeting the next day. Caroline answered Albert’s questions and put together the information for Peter — but was distracted by the gift box hidden under her desk. At seven-thirty, she entered Washington Park near the downtown Hilton. It was mild for an October day, thank goodness. The boots he had given her fit perfectly. They had stiletto...
I looked all of eternity and back for you only to have you find me first. The moment our eyes locked in the most unexpected moment, I just knew then that life would never be the same. How was to know that to say hello would be the start of something so beautiful? For I have found the one that touched my soul in ways no one else ever could. For you are my life, my love, my always and forever. After two years, I remember like it was yesterday and how I was right. Life has changed in ways I...
Chapter Three — ‘Acquired Assets’ Caroline set her laptop on the conference table. Then set herself as far from Mr. St. Pierre as she possibly could. Her head spun and her vision blurred. She rubbed her eyes. ‘What is HE doing here?’ she asked herself. Caroline buried herself in her laptop. She pulled up the cash flow analysis and could hear Albert sucking up to their guest. ‘…and we value your continued investment and leadership among our investors,’ Albert’s voice was tinged with...
Clara’s life was something I enjoyed a lot. She was a journalist at the New York Times, married to a very rich investment banker, sometimes she modeled and - to make her even more joyful - she had an affair with a player of the Yankees. I occupied her now for three weeks and that day, I just returned from the Yankees players place and drove back home. His sperm was still in my pussy from the short and rough encounter we had. My husband would not mind. He would either work and not realize or he...
Mind ControlHi readers, this is Atul once again from Mumbai with a new encounter with Priya. Those who know my earlier encounters with her need not be told of her. But for the new comers, I must describe Priya as good looking, 5’5″ a bit bulky with good assets and most importantly, zest to enjoy the sex without any strings. Now I will start my new adventure with her. After coming back from 15 days tour of Mahabaleshwar, I and Priya used to talk a lot over the phone. While returning from Mahabaleshwar, we...
I was exceeding proud when White Buck helped me to make my very own war club. Yeah, I know that does not sound like much, but it had tremendous symbolic importance—it meant that I was soon to become a man and a warrior able to take part in defending the women and children. I was so proud of that war club that I carried it everywhere I went outside the hut. I am sure that I got some indulgent smiles when other adults saw me walking around with the club hanging from my waist, but I did not...
White Buck happened to be home, and he heard the story told by Spring Flower. I was a little embarrassed at all she had to say because I thought that she inflated my part a bit too much and did not say enough about how she saved me with her warning. However, I did not get a chance to say anything because White Buck immediately wanted to go look at the site of the fight. He had me put on my loincloth and take up my weapons to go with him to see how much truth there was in Spring Flower’s...
The next month was a very sad time for all of us in the family, and I was as affected as was anyone else. It was a very melancholy time for all of us. However, the pressure of the necessities of life forced us out of that mood. I cannot say that we were any happier, but we did gradually lose our hangdog expressions. White Buck continued to train me pretty much as he had been doing, except that he pushed me harder toward learning all of the aspects of war. I learned things like fighting with...
On the way home, I got to thinking about whether or not I had enough firepower with just the shotgun and one revolver. I came to the conclusion that I did not. Oh, the shotgun could stand by itself, but it struck me that only eight shots in total was pushing my luck. Though my luck had always been good so far, there was no doubt that it would desert me one of these days, and I had to be ready for that to happen. One more pistol like my Colt Navy would give me a maximum of 12 shots. Those,...
In the process, Honey Bee was given the old Pocket Pistol and taught how to use it. Fortunately, this pistol fit her hand well enough so that she could control it. Spring Flower could hear whenever Honey Bee had to use her pistol and promised to rush to her sister’s aid. I figured the two pistols were going to be all of the protection the girls needed, but I was not going to say anything. The other women certainly needed the bodyguards, and I did not want to ruin a good thing. Our village...
As was my usual routine, I checked to be sure all of the Comanches were dead, took the scalps, and checked each one to see if there was anything that I could use. Unfortunately, there was no easy way for me to get rid of the bodies, so I had to leave them where they were. I hoped that the scavengers would clean up the mess I made. As for the horses, I figured that they could find their own way home or else join a wild herd. There certainly was no way that I could deal with them and continue...
Big Wolf and I headed back to Mexico to try to buy some more sheep and the dogs we needed to look after them. Meanwhile, White Buck and four more men followed the Comanches to see where they were going. We were all determined to punish them for what they had done to us. It looks like, no matter where you live, you have to treat bullies the same way. Once White Buck and his party had found out where the Comanches lived, they would return to the village and help in the rebuilding at least until...
For the next few years, life settled into a comfortable rut. Spring Flower had delivered a baby boy whom we all loved dearly. She named him Big Roar because of the way he could scream when he was unhappy. Fortunately, that was not very often. Honey Bee became my second wife and eventually delivered a daughter whom we also loved dearly. She was named Butterfly, and I thought that she was beautiful enough to deserve the name. Our hut was enlarged to take care of the growing family, still ruled...
I got wind of the idea of a new bride for me through White Buck who happened to hear the women talking about the possibility. Well, I was quite happy with the number of brides that I already had, so I was not all that receptive to the idea. Nevertheless, I knew that I would eventually lose the argument with four women to nag me about it, so I finally bowed to the inevitable. I did make it positively known that I would not accept any woman younger than 15, and that did cut down on the number...
The Comanches had moved out of what they considered the range of the shotguns. I spotted a conference going on between two of the Comanches, one was wearing a war bonnet made up of coup feathers and the other had six coup feathers fastened to his hair. I was certain that these were the war chiefs, and the one with the war bonnet looked to be older than the other one; therefore, he must be the senior war chief. If I could knock off those two, it might be enough to send the other Comanches...
The rest of the day was uneventful. We found a waterhole that was suitable for camping overnight, so we stayed there. I rewarded Fawn’s patience by fucking her to three orgasms. My other two wives were satisfied with what they had received at our midday stop. We started out the next morning with no special expectations, and that was pretty much how the day ran. I could not figure out what was going on, but we did not find a single Comanche to fight. All we did was ride around in the hot sun...
*Special thanks to @mr_hyde_06 for making the amazing image you can see for the cover of this story. Stories will show the characters name, age, gender and any other side notes, Eg. Mike, 25 year old male, obsessed with porn. Anyone is allowed to write as well just start it like this too So who are you?
We had Alyssa sideways on her bed with her head hanging over and Chris steadily and easily face fucked her. Her face was a mess with cum drool and saliva dripping down her face. Or was it up her face since she was upside down? It looked fun. From the other side of the bed, I just deposited a good cum load in Alyssa’s ass. It was a good way to start fun with Alyssa. “Hello?” a strange voice said. I jumped and turned toward the voice. It was a girl with shoulder length blonde hair. It was...
It didn't begin as a torrid affair. At first, we were just two friends, each with long-term partners. We came together organically through little things: rock climbing, our love of literature and the arts — our arrogant, sly shared sense of humour.The subtlest of inuendos, the dawning of what was happening beneath the veneer of constructed lies, our social selves. Before I consciously admitted I wanted to fuck Cora, I would dream about her, waking in the early hours with my iron-rod-of-a-cock...