Allison and the PrimdalesChapter 91 Swimwear or Lack Thereof
- 2 years ago
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The next week was much like the one before it, with Greg trying to rid his mind of the sexy images of his daughters. He couldn't deny that they had beautiful bodies, the kind that made him think thoughts he shouldn't. No matter how hard he tried to fill his mind with business or other concerns, every so often those images would pop right back in.
With Alya arriving on Saturday, he had plenty of other thoughts to occupy him. Worries, more precisely. He still didn't know how he would manage to keep things civil when he was so opposed to Alya's very existence. She was an affront, an insult to him and everything he stood for. As the week passed and the weekend drew nearer, he found himself feeling more and more on edge, uptight and even occasionally grouchy.
Allison had a talk with him every night, trying to make him see reason. It usually helped to soothe him, but the effect was only temporary, and by morning he was as stressed as ever.
The fateful day arrived, and with the exception of Greg, most of the family looked forward with eager anticipation to meeting her. Finally they would get their chance.
Lissa insisted on driving to the airport alone to pick her up, and for good reason. She wanted some time alone with her girlfriend to explain the mood in the household, and what to expect. No one argued this point with her, so that morning Lissa left the house and drove into town, leaving the others waiting and wondering what the encounter would be like.
Allison, calm as ever, went about her usual routine as if nothing were out of the ordinary, though she got Jeff and Brit to help her do a bit of last-minute cleaning. Greg sat in silence, though he didn't look forward to the inevitable meeting. He didn't know what to expect when Alya arrived, but realized that more than likely it would end in some kind of confrontation. Maybe that was his own fault; maybe he was just too closed-minded to accept the girl as his daughter's lover. But he certainly wasn't happy that this day had arrived.
It was just after lunch time when he heard Lissa's car pull into the driveway. Jeff in particular seemed anxious to meet Alya, not surprisingly if she turned out to be as pretty as Lissa made her out to be. Not that they could really trust Lissa's opinion; when a person was in love, they tended to see only the good in the one they were in love with.
Brit skipped to the front door and opened it. Jeff continued to sit at the table with Greg, apparently not wanting to appear too eager. That was just his way; he tried to always seem casual. He did turn around, however, as soon as the girls appeared in the doorway. From the dining room table they had a clear view of the front door, and as soon as they saw Alya, Greg realized that Lissa hadn't exaggerated one bit. Though not as stunning as Allison, she was still extremely beautiful.
"Come on in," Allison grinned, and Alya hesitantly stepped into the great hall. Lissa took her by the arm and led her into the dining room.
"Everyone, this is my girlfriend Alya," said Lissa. Though her tone was cheerful, Greg couldn't help but sense a hidden challenge there, as if daring anyone to make a big deal of her sexuality. But nobody did.
Allison strode over and threw her arms around the girl. "It's so good to finally meet you!" she exclaimed.
"Likewise," said Alya.
Allison drew away. "So this is our family," she said.
"No need for introductions," Alya said. "Lissa's shown me pictures of all of you." She glanced at Jeff. "You must be the little brother that she had lots of good things to say about. If even half of the things she said are true, then I'm jealous that I don't have a brother, especially one like you."
Jeff actually blushed at the compliment.
"And you must be Lissa's little sister Brit," she said. "You're even cuter in person than in the pictures."
"Thanks," Brit grinned.
"So how was your trip?" asked Greg, perhaps a little more formally than was strictly necessary.
"A little tiring, truth be told. I'm glad it's over."
"Well come and have a seat," Allison smiled. "You just have a nice rest. Jeff, would you be a dear and go get her bags out of Lissa's car?"
"I'd be happy to," he smiled.
"Thank you, Jeff," said Alya. "You're a real gentleman. Of course, the way Lissa's described you, I already knew that."
He beamed at the compliment as Lissa handed him her keys. He headed out to the car, returning a minute later with two suitcases in his hand, making a big deal of carrying both of them at the same time. Greg couldn't fault him for that; as a teenage boy, it was just his nature to want to show off his strength for the girls, especially their new guest. She glanced over and grinned at him from the dining room as he placed them in the hall. Then he came back over and sat down at the table.
"So are you hungry, Alya?" asked Greg. "We just ate, but we can always throw together another sandwich."
"No, Lissa and I picked up some lunch on the way over, but thanks anyway."
"Well then, let's just get these dishes out of your way," said Allison, picking up some of the plates and carrying them into the kitchen. Greg grabbed his own and rose to his feet.
"You really have a beautiful house," Alya commented.
"That's why I married Greg," Allison called from the kitchen. "That and the rest of his money." She said it with a lighthearted tone, almost jokingly; she wasn't ashamed of the fact, and she knew that Lissa had told Alya all about the situation with the family.
"Well, I'm not interested in Lissa for her money," Alya grinned. "I'm interested in her because she's such a good kisser." She leaned in and kissed Lissa on the lips.
Greg froze, a thousand emotions suddenly flooding him simultaneously and overwhelming him. He just couldn't handle the sight of his daughter kissing another woman. He put his plate on the counter and hurried out of the room, ignoring the shocked looks on everyone's faces. He managed to catch the look on Alya's face as he passed her, a frightened and even a little hurt expression. He hurried into his room, then sat down on the bed and stared at the floor, trying to piece together his thoughts.
A moment later, Lissa appeared in the doorway. She came over and sat down beside him. "Daddy," she said meekly, "are you mad?"
He shook his head. "I don't know what I feel right now. I'm just a little overwhelmed."
"I'm sorry," she said. "Would it help if Alya and I weren't so affectionate when you're around?"
"No. It's just something I'm going to have to get used to, that's all. Look, I've told you before that I don't approve of your relationship with Alya."
"So you are mad."
"Yes, but that's only part of it."
"Tell me."
"You want me to list them all? It's a long list."
"I know, but I have to know how you feel, Dad."
Greg sighed. "All right. I'm feeling mad, and a little bit betrayed, because you're acting so contrary to the way I thought I had raised you. But I'm also feeling guilty because of that sailing trip last summer. I wonder if maybe in part I'm to blame. I feel helpless because you're doing something that I don't want you to do, but I'm powerless to stop you. I'm feeling excited at seeing two beautiful young women kissing, and guilty again because one of them is my daughter. I'm feeling lost because I've never thought of how I would act in this situation, I'm feeling happy for you because you've found someone, but I'm worried about what people might think, and even a little jealous because, well, you're not my little girl any more. And that's just what I can think of off the top of my head."
"I'll always be your little girl, Daddy," she said, throwing her arms around his neck.
"But you're all grown up now, and falling in love."
"Yes, but this is even better. Do you know why?"
"Because this way you know you'll always be the number one man in my life."
Greg chuckled. "Okay, you have a good point." He hugged her back tightly. "Thank you, Lissa. You always know what to say to cheer me up."
"Does that mean you're not mad any more?"
"No it doesn't. This isn't something I can get over in just a few minutes. I'm going to need time."
"How much time?"
"Months. Years, maybe. But in the mean time, I can at least be friendly to Alya, because it wouldn't be fair to you if I went out of my way to make you unhappy. I love you, Lissa, even if I don't approve of what you're doing."
"And I love you too, Dad. I'm glad you're willing to put forth this effort. I only wish there was a way I could spare you this pain."
"I know, honey, and I appreciate it."
"Dad, can I tell you something that might help you understand what Alya means to me?"
"Of course, dear."
"Okay. You remember I wrote to you a couple of times about Matt, right?"
"Your old boyfriend?"
"Yes. And how he betrayed me. He did something to me. He changed me. And the person he changed me into ... well, she scares me."
"What do you mean?"
"I thought I was a victim because I allowed myself to be hurt, and because I tried to follow the rules. I thought as long as I had negative emotions-- guilt, sorrow, hurt-- then people could take advantage of me. So I threw all of that off, threw off all of my inhibitions, and became the same thing that Matt was: a monster. I hated him, but I also realized that he wasn't a victim because he didn't feel guilt."
"What are you saying, Lissa?"
"I might as well tell you. For about a month, I was ... well, I was a slut."
"I'm not sure I want to hear this, Lissa."
"Please just listen, Dad. I did whatever I wanted, to whomever I wanted. My motto was 'damn the consequences.' It felt so liberating, so exciting. But at the same time, I was becoming a horrible person. I was willing to sacrifice even my friends and family to get what I wanted.
"And then I fell in love with Alya. It only took a moment. Just one kiss. And I realized I would do anything for her. I started to care again, care about what happened to her, and therefore what happened in general to the people around me. Oh, I'm still a lot more liberated than I used to be, but now I think about the consequences of my actions, especially on the people I care about. I know it sounds so cliche, but it was love that saved me, Daddy. Love for Alya. Without her, I would be a completely different girl. You wouldn't even recognize me."
Greg stared down at the floor again, but he nodded. "Thank you, Lissa. I think I'm beginning to understand why you love her so much. Maybe my disapproval will never go away, but when I hear things like that, it doesn't hurt so much any more." He chuckled. "Now we can add one more emotion to the list." He looked her in the eyes. "Gratitude," he smiled. "If Alya has saved you, then she can't be all that bad."
"There's nothing bad about her," Lissa smiled. "If you give her enough time, I'm sure you'll see that too."
"I'm willing to make the effort, but I can't give you any promises as to the result."
"That's all I want, Daddy. Just try."
He nodded. She took his hand and led him back down the hall to the rest of the family.
By the time he arrived back in the dining room, the mood had brightened. He found Alya sitting and joking with Jeff and Brit. Brit, of course, was teasing her about her lesbian relationship with Lissa, but Alya was taking it rather well. She was fitting in nicely.
As soon as he entered the room, the conversation came to a screeching halt, and all eyes turned to him. An awkward silence filled the room. He decided the only one who could get them past it was him.
"It's all right," he said. "I was just a little overwhelmed there for a minute."
"I'm sorry," said Alya, still looking somewhat nervous.
"You did nothing wrong," he told her. "It's just something I'm going to have to get used to, that's all. I want Lissa to be happy, and I'm going to have to come to terms with the fact that you're the one who can make her happy right now."
She nodded, but still seemed a bit uncertain.
Despite his misgivings, Alya did seem to put a lot of his fears to rest. The way she immediately took to the family reminded him of Kari. He had liked Kari right from the beginning, and was delighted when she started going out with Jeff. Alya had that same friendly, easygoing manner, and fit right in with the kids.
There was something a bit mechanical, though, about how she went about it, and he noticed her occasionally glancing over at him. He thought he knew why. Of all the people in this house, he was the most her enemy, and it was his approval, perhaps more than anyone's except Lissa's, that she wanted. He stopped short of thinking she was putting on an act; if Lissa loved her, she had to be something special after all. But it looked like she was trying just a little too hard.
Despite that, he realized that overall he really didn't mind her. He would even go so far as to say that she was really likable. She had a certain charm, and not just because of her good looks, of which she had plenty. Under any other circumstances, he would love to have her as a guest in his house.
He decided that he needed to talk to her alone, to ease his apprehensions, and perhaps hers as well. Out here in front of the family, there were some things he just couldn't say to her.
"Alya, would you mind coming up to my office for a minute?" he asked at the next lull in the conversation.
She looked a little worried about that. "Um, sure," she said hesitantly. "What do you ... I mean..."
"Let's put it this way. A long time ago I decided that when my girls brought home their boyfriends for the first time, I would have an interview with them. Well, this isn't exactly the same thing, but I'd still like the interview."
"Oh," she said.
"Don't worry," Greg smiled, trying to make it look friendly. "I'm not going to shoot you or anything. Let's just get this over with, okay?"
"Okay," she nodded. Lissa gave her an encouraging smile as she stood up, then Greg and Alya left the room and headed up the stairs to his office. He motioned for her to take one of the couches, and he took the other.
"Let me explain something," Greg told her immediately. "If I want to be formal or even intimidating, I sit behind my desk. The couches are for a relaxed, casual atmosphere. So you can guess the tone I want for this conversation."
"Thanks," she said, still looking a bit nervous. "The last thing I need is for you to be any more intimidating."
"I want you to understand something," Greg said. "I'm very conservative. Some would even call me prudish. So I'm bothered by the thought of my daughter being ... well..."
"A lesbian?" Alya offered.
"Yes. You see? I can't even say it. But she's old enough to make her own decisions about her sexuality. I won't lie; I'm hoping that it's just a phase she's going through that will pass. Not because I don't like you," he added hastily, trying not to give her the wrong impression. "Alya, I think I know what you're doing: you're trying hard to be especially nice to us so that we'll be more accepting of you. Well, the truth is, it's working. Despite my reservations, I like you. Part of me is glad that you're a good friend to Lissa. It's the other part of me that's struggling right now."
"I appreciate your honesty, Greg," she replied. "And I can understand how hard it must be. This is my first romantic relationship with a girl, and I'm glad it's with Lissa. She means everything to me, and I would do anything for her. I know that's not what you want to hear right now. You want to think it's just a superficial relationship that will end in a couple of months, but that's not going to happen. I don't like that it makes you uncomfortable, but there's really nothing I can do short of giving her up, and that's something I'm not willing to do. I just hope that you can accept me for who I am, because I really don't want to see you as an enemy, and I hope you won't see me as an enemy either."
"Then I'm going to need your help," said Greg. "You see, I'm torn between feeling that there's something inherently wrong with your relationship, and feeling that what's wrong is with me. Although I was never very religious, I was brought up in a strict home with strong beliefs about right and wrong. Two women being in love was something that was quite simply beyond comprehension. So is this kind of thing bad, like I was always brought up to believe, or do I just need to get over my intolerance? I don't know. But I love my daughter, and if she's going to get involved in a long-term relationship of this kind, I'm going to have to learn to deal with it. So help me. Prove to me that this is good for her. That you're good for her. I think if you can convince me of that by the time you leave, I can manage the rest."
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In the morning, he woke up still thinking about her. He was so engrossed in his thoughts that he didn't even yell at Brit for taking the bathroom before him. Their bathroom separated their two bedrooms, and was not otherwise accessible from the hall. Lissa, being the oldest, had one to herself. Brit had never quite gotten it into her bratty head that since she took at least three times as long in there as Jeff did, that he should be allowed to take his shower first. She almost treated it...
Saturday Morning/Afternoon “Allison! Sarah! Breakfast is almost ready!” Allison opened her eyes and glanced up at the clock. Isn’t it a bit early for breakfast? She turned her head to the still sleeping Emanuel asleep next to her, his hand having migrated to her breast at some point during the night. “Wake up Manny. Mom says breakfast is almost ready.” He opened his eyes and seemed to look groggily at her, then looked down at his hand. “Sorry.” Allison caught the hand as he attempted to...
Jeff awoke happy and excited the next morning. Today, he thought, I'm going to make love to my little sister. She lay on top of him, her cheek pressed against his chest and her hands on his shoulders, clinging to him in a loving embrace. While he had awakened to such a sight countless times before, this time it was different, because this time they had finally confessed to each other just how deep their love was. No longer was she just a little girl holding onto her big brother for support...
Brit woke up early in the morning to a pleasant sensation. She lay with her eyes closed for a while, just enjoying it. Finally, as sleepiness fled from her, she opened her eyes to discover just what felt so good. She lay on her back, and Crystal had rolled over on top of her, the girl's head on Brit's chest. Crystal's body felt warm and soft against her own. It was a little embarrassing though, since they were both nude. She tried to gently push Crystal off of her without waking her, but...
When Brit arrived home, she immediately came over and sat down beside him on the couch, taking his hand in hers. "How are you feeling?" she asked. "Just fine," he replied. "I had another long nap this afternoon, but no headache or dizziness. Thanks for your concern." "I am concerned," she said. "I care for you, Jeff. And when you're not feeling well, it bothers me." "I know," he smiled, putting an arm around her shoulders. "I'm so lucky to have a little sister like...
Friday Evening The gates disappeared behind them a few moments later. “Are you ready for class today?” “Yeah. Can I ask another serious question?” “Of course.” “How are you feeling about the conversation with my parents later?” “Well...” I can feel your nervousness. You don’t need to try to hide it. Wouldn’t you be if our positions were reversed? She smiled. Totally. It’s only natural. Honestly though, you have nothing to worry about. “I know that, but that doesn’t lessen the...
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Tuesday Afternoon/Evening Allison Allison opened her eyes slowly, letting them acclimate to the light coming through the open door. How long did we sleep? she wondered as she tilted her head towards the clock on the wall. Is it really that late? she thought for a moment. Maybe my eyes are deceiving me she added as she looked back at the clock, and felt Emanuel’s thoughts start to stir. Manny, sweetheart, it’s time to wake up. Huh? What time is it? he replied weakly. Nearly time for...
2nd Monday Afternoon: Part 1 Allison Allison’s smile soured slightly upon stepping through the doors. Manny? Yes precious? I don’t think our efforts so far have been enough to squash the new rumors. I see what you mean. Are you okay Kara? Yeah. What’s up with that group that’s been waiting by the door? Emanuel paused for a second, and focused. Groups. Three of them at moment if my sense of things is right. They’re our ‘cultists’ darling. You remember, from last week? Them? I...
Thursday Evening Allison Allison quietly made her way toward the box, breathing a sigh of relief as she realized the lock was still on it. She turned to Gary. “Do you have the key?” He shook his head and turned toward the right. “No Ms. Kirse, I do. Can I convince you to leave your robe in there until tomorrow?” Allison turned toward Ms. Frauhold. “If I had worn normal clothing today, maybe. I intend to use my bathrobe tomorrow morning though.” “Very well. I’ll unlock your box for...
Allison Allison stepped off the bus, dreading the millions of questions her mother would likely have. She walked up to the door, opening it slowly. She quietly walked inside, hoping her mother wouldn’t hear the noise, and then maybe she’d have enough time to make it up to her room without being seen. That would make avoiding the questions a lot easier. She realized that plan was meaningless when she spotted her mother sitting at the dining room table. “Allison honey ... how was your first...
Jeff explained the situation with his headaches and dizziness to Kari as soon as he saw her at school on Thursday morning, and she agreed to help take him to the nurse's office if he needed it. He happened to share most of his classes with her, which worked out well. They stopped by the nurse's office before school started to explain it to her, and then they spoke to each of his teachers before class so that they would be prepared in case he had a sudden headache or dizzy spell. That...
The next morning, everyone set to work preparing for the activity. Jeff and his dad moved the couches around in the rec room to open up a large area on the floor. Lissa and Alya went through the house and stripped the mattresses off of all the beds, bringing them downstairs to place on the floor so that the couples wouldn't have to do it on the ground. Allison and Rachael went into town to pick up some "supplies," whatever that meant, but from the guilty looks on their faces, it was...
Lissa had a lot of time to think as she sat alone in her car, following the familiar van toward their destination. She had mixed emotions about leaving home; obviously she was going to miss her family, but she also looked forward to starting a new life at school. Allison, Greg, and Lissa had spent Friday night in a motel, then gotten up in the morning and continued their trip. They hadn't quite had time to reach the Craven home to pick up Rachael Friday night, but they were getting close...
Despite Greg's ambiguous "I'll think about it" answer to Brit's question about whether they could swim naked again, the girls just assumed that they were to go nude at the pool. Allison's "no swimwear" rule, originally meant as a joke, became the standard in the backyard. With the girls spending so much time at the pool without their swimsuits, it was only a matter of time before nudity became the norm around the house. Rachael of course was the first to stop wearing clothes...
Greg had mixed feelings about Lissa being gone. On the one hand, he was proud that she had grown up into a fine young woman, ready to move on to the next stage of her life. On the other hand, he was really going to miss her. When he said his final goodbyes to her, he almost broke down crying right there. Somehow he had managed to put on a good face though, so that she wouldn't worry. Having Rachael spend a couple of weeks with them would definitely help his mood. As he listened to Allison...
I didn't know how to adjust to what was happening in my marriage. I didn't know what to say, what to do, or how to make things better. I'd been trying for years. And it didn't seem to make a difference.My wife wasn't cheating on me. I knew that. I knew that, for some reason, over time, she'd lost interest in sex. I just didn't know why. I knew it couldn't be me. Before our marriage, I was fucking around a lot, having a good time, and I never had girls not want more. After I met her, we used to...
Taboo2nd Monday Morning: Part 2 They walked quietly until they reached the VP’s office. Emanuel knocked on the open door. “From now on, you’ll spend this period in the library, but for today you can come in and close the door behind you as usual.” “Since we’re not subject to the Program’s rules, we’re fine. But we can close it for your sake” he replied. Once inside the back room, Emanuel closed the door, put down his bag and sat down next to Allison. She smiled, cuddled up close, and turned...
That night, Greg and Allison stayed in the bridal suite of a luxury hotel in the city before their flight to Hawaii in the morning. They could have booked a later flight that same day, but with the hassle of the airport and the length of the flight, they would arrive late at night and exhausted from the trip. Most times he wouldn't have minded, but he wanted to be able to relax and enjoy his wedding night. There would be plenty of time to lie out on the beach or go swimming or have fun in a...
Wednesday Morning Allison “Manny, where were you? I needed you, and you said you’d help me anytime.” “My patience is gone. You need help so often now. I don’t have the energy for it anymore. I just can’t.” “But ... you promised. Doesn’t that count for something?” “Maybe at one point.” “But...” “Enough. I’m leaving. Don’t ask me to stay.” “No ... please. I can change. Honest. I really can.” A blaring noise suddenly filled her ears. “What is that noise?” “Wake up!” a female voice...
A week later, Jeff found himself in the unusual situation of sitting at home on the weekend, waiting anxiously for Monday to arrive. He normally didn't like Mondays, but on this particular one, he had an appointment with the doctor scheduled. Assuming everything went well, all of the restrictions would be lifted from him. He would be allowed to drive again, he could be alone again, and his father would no longer restrict his visits to the Williams' house. By this time, the weather had...
Jeff woke in the morning to see Brit's face smiling down at him. She was lying on top of him again, her chin resting in her hands and her elbows on the bed beside him, her face just staring at him. He grabbed her and hugged her, then gently pushed her off of him. As before, she kissed him lightly on the lips, and he made his way to the bathroom. He was beginning to wonder about those kisses. Were they innocent, or was there something more to them? After showering, he entered his room again,...
As soon as the car was out of sight, Brit broke down into tears. Instead of fleeing to her room, though, she threw her arms around her brother. He rolled his eyes. He considered making some disparaging comment, but decided not to. After all, he was feeling just as sad as she was that his big sister was gone. At least Lissa had been someone he could talk to; she was intelligent enough. But as far as he was concerned, Brit was just a little girl. They really had nothing in common. It wasn't...
With a two day drive back home, Lissa had plenty of time for quiet reflection. Things were spiraling out of control, and she worried about the end result. She had managed to put it out of her mind during the farewell party with her roommates, but now with nothing to occupy her attention, her thoughts kept returning to the problems she faced when she arrived home. She would have been happy for some company, and had tried to convince Alya to ride back with her and spend all summer there. But...
I never believed finding romance and love online was possible but that's exactly what happened to me. Her name was Allison and the minute I saw her picture I was hooked. She was simply stunning, with the prettiest face and smile I could have possibly imagined. While she lived in Oregon and I lived in England , the distance didn't really matter. After all, it was just a chat site, wasn't it? I thought for ages about a way to say hello that would at least ensure she replied to me. It was pretty...
LesbianAllison was so excited! She slowly pulled on her thong, then her cotton shorts, then her cut off tee shirt which barely covered her braless 32B breasts. She polished her toe ring and applied pink polish to her toenails and put on her little gold ankle bracelet. Then she combed out her shoulder length blond hair and walked to her full length mirror."Hot!" Allison exclaimed as she looked at her tan, scantily clad 13 year old nymphet body. She was about to meet her first online boyfriend, a sexy...
When Greg came home from work the next evening, he found Brit and Crystal sitting in the front room watching television. Crystal waved, but Brit hopped up off the couch and skipped over to him to throw her arms around him. He wrapped his arms around her tiny, slender frame and gave her a squeeze. He wondered why she was being so affectionate with him, not that he minded of course. Probably she just needed to hug someone now and then, and with Jeff no longer available she naturally went to...
The scariest moment in Jeff's life happened the next day. Allen Williams had called the night before and asked Jeff to come over for a man-to-man talk. Under the circumstances, Jeff was pretty sure it had to do with his relationship with Kari. While he knew Allen pretty well by this time, it did nothing to quell his dread of that conversation. After the math lesson the next day, Allison drove the two of them back over to the Williams house and dropped them off. Jeff stood there staring at...
After the holidays, plans for the wedding seemed to dominate their activities. Greg let Allison take the lead; he had never been big on weddings, so he simply did what she told him and gave input whenever she asked. It was just as well, because she seemed to enjoy planning everything. The first day of school after the break, all of Jeff's friends asked about the beautiful woman who had picked him up at school. At first he joked that she was his girlfriend, which of course they didn't...
I couldn’t stop looking at the clock. Seconds turned into minutes, and minutes turned into hours, and still, nothing. When was she getting home? She’d said eleven at the latest, but it was three in the morning, and I was starting to worry. Beyond that, the part of my brain that wasn’t neurotically concerned that something terrible had happened was less than pleased. I’m not a possessive or controlling person, as a rule, but I am prone to irritation, and, in all honestly, I was starting to get...
HardcoreAllison conspired with me so I could see some young teens naked and later spank them. Tina spent the night at one of her friends. We set up an extensive ruse so she could invite her classmates over. She greeted her classmates in her Allison wig and attire while Christine was getting ready. She met a number of the parents who were dropping off their teenage girls with us. Nine nubile young girls in all. We used planned voice recordings so they heard Allison talk while Christine was with them....
The whole family spent the next day at home. In the morning, Brit said she wanted to sketch Lissa, so they headed out back to the studio. Jeff, Allison, and even Greg accompanied them. That was really too bad, Jeff thought. With just the kids there, and possibly Allison, Lissa might be willing to go topless, or even fully nude. She most certainly wouldn't do it with Greg there, however. He thought back to those pictures on the boat that summer, and realized that maybe he was wrong. She had...
Allison 2 re-writeMy name is Alan Smith, at least I think it still is, so much has happened over the last year, I am beginning to wonder what is real anymore. I suppose it began with my aunt Dolly (moms step-sister, real name Dorothy) aged 37, and uncle Ben two years older at 39, nearly getting divorced, they were constantly arguing, mainly because they had not got any c***dren. Aunt Dolly always wanted a daughter, but were always jealous of my mom and dad who had me. My parents had a varied...
Wednesday Afternoon “Are you sure you heard right?” A familiar voice asked as they stepped through the double doors. “What do you mean?” another familiar voice asked back. “I don’t hear any cooing coming from them”. “Nobody ever said lovebirds coo all the time.” “Ha ha you two. That’s one of your more original ones.” “Glad you enjoyed it Emanuel” the first replied. “Manny, do you know these two?” “Yeah. Allison, these two jokers are Luigi and Mark. Guys, this is Allison.” “Uhm ......
He woke up before anyone else, of course, and hurried to take a shower then head downstairs for breakfast. It felt like waking up on Christmas morning. The others joined him not long after. Brit, of course, teased him incessantly, but he was so excited that he forgot to fight with her, so the morning went relatively peacefully. At 8:30, just as before, Allison arrived. He was thrilled to see her again, especially knowing that he would get to spend the day alone with her. She seemed to be in...
Sunday Afternoon/Evening: Part 1 Emanuel headed into the dining room and sat down next to Allison. I was hoping that lunch would be simpler than breakfast. Mom’s always said that a heavy lunch doesn’t make sense. It shouldn’t be your first major meal anyway. And is it really a good idea to put yourself into a food coma in the middle of the afternoon? There’s still so much to get done at that point. She has some good points there. But, we need to be careful that we don’t become too busy;...
He drifted in and out of consciousness for what seemed like an eternity. His head throbbed in pain as images swam around him. He saw Brit's face, as white as a ghost, then Allison's and Rachael's, then a few faces he didn't recognize, and finally his father's. When he awoke, he immediately recognized his surroundings as a hospital room. His family stood around his bed, staring at him with worry. Brit's eyes were swollen and red; obviously she had been crying. Allison held his hand in...