- 3 years ago
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Glory was lying on top of Alan, happily bobbing on his shaft while he was licking her pussy, when she heard the doorbell ring. She said in a voice that was muffled by the thickness of his erection, "I'nore dat. Prob'bly sshomeone sellin' shomesing."
But Alan gently managed to extricate himself from under her, bringing an end to their fun, for now at least. He said, "No, this is great! Quick, throw some clothes on. I want you to answer the door with the Televibe in you."
She longed to keep sucking, but the situation demanded fast action. After one last powerful bob down his shaft, she reluctantly removed her lips. She sat up and wiped drool and pre-cum off her face. Incredulous at his audacity, she hissed, "You wouldn't!"
He wiggled his eyebrows at her suggestively, and then nodded towards the front door. He also quickly put his T-shirt and shorts back on.
She shook her head in disbelief. But just then, the doorbell rang again. She yelled, "JUST A SECOND! I'M COMING!" She thought, God dammit! Right in the middle of a great sixty-nine. This had better be a life-or-death matter!
He smirked and reached for the cell phone controlling the Televibe. "What's that about you cumming? What a good idea..."
"Don't you dare!" Glory warned, wagging a finger at him. Then she hopped off her bed and hurried to dress as quickly as possible. She rushed to her closet and quickly threw on a loose, green summer dress, since that took only seconds to pull over her head. It also had a pocket ideal for secretly stashing the Televibe's wireless signal booster unit that she needed to keep near her privates.
Then she ran out of the room to the front door. Although she was covered everywhere that needed to be covered, the summer dress let her feel the cool wind as she quickly moved through the apartment. She was acutely aware of the fact that she wasn't wearing any underwear beneath her clothes.
Grinning at this unexpected opportunity, Alan got up and walked after her, holding onto the cell phone controlling the Televibe that was in his pocket. He hoped that whoever was at the door would stay a while, so he'd have a lot of opportunities for Televibe mischief. At the last second, he remembered to wipe his face clean of her juicy cum.
Glory opened the door and saw Suzanne standing there. Glory was shocked speechless in surprise, as was Alan.
Suzanne swept into the room. She was wearing the same clothes she'd had on when she'd left. "Hi, Glory. How are you doing? Am I interrupting anything? I see you're both fully clothed." Her attention went to the stereo system and she smiled, hearing that the Astrud Gilberto bossa nova CD was still playing. Then her gaze went down Glory's shapely body all the way to her feet, and she raised a curious eyebrow when she saw that she was still wearing her high heels.
"Um, well..." Glory wasn't sure what to say. She still had the sixty-nine on her mind and the Televibe was buzzing away inside her. In addition, seeing Suzanne's voluptuous body confounded her extreme horniness.
Alan took charge, since he saw even more opportunity for fun with Suzanne than if it had been some stranger. He walked up to where Suzanne and Glory stood, and said, "Hey, Mother. No, it's cool. We were just talking."
Then he took a step forward and gave Suzanne a French kiss greeting.
But he only put one arm around her, since he kept his other hand in his pocket and manipulated the cell phone controlling the Televibe inside Glory. It had ten different settings for each of the two toys, and they could each be controlled individually by hitting various buttons on his phone. But it wasn't as simple as zero being the weakest and nine being the strongest, although that was the general trend. It had been a while since he'd used the Televibe, and he'd never figured out all the settings, but he did remember some of the most effective ones. He hit the six button on his phone. He knew that switched the vaginal vibrator to "Throb," a setting that delivered a rapid and strong pulse. He knew she had especially liked that setting her prior time.
"Oh!" Glory squealed. She jumped like she'd been goosed on the ass. Not the "Throb!" Please, have mercy! I'm already too horny!
Suzanne was preoccupied with Alan's scorching kiss, but she noticed Glory's squeal. She smiled on the inside, thinking, What a horny bugger my Sweetie is! Even as he's busy kissing me, he's giving her a surprise ass squeeze. I love it! And what's this I'm tasting on his lips?! Could that be ... Glory's vaginal juices?! Oh MY!
Alan was sincere when he'd said he liked to push Glory into new things, but he didn't want her to do things she truly didn't want to do. He'd been a bit slow on the uptake about the growing attraction between Glory and Suzanne, but after seeing Glory trying to control herself at the sink, he thought he should give that relationship a nudge, at least, and see what happened.
So, when he and Suzanne had concluded their kissing, he spoke while he lingered in Suzanne's arms. "Glory, now that you're in the harem, you have to observe the harem rules. I'm not asking you to become bisexual, and I'm not gonna push you in that direction. Except! Except, we have a tradition of greeting each other by kissing on the lips. Lots of women do that with each other, and it doesn't mean that they're lesbian."
Glory blanched and held her hands defensively over her chest. "What, you want Suzanne and me to kiss?!"
"I do." In fact, he wanted it a lot. His dick was like an iron bar from him just thinking about the possibilities. "Everyone in the harem kisses everyone else on the lips to say hello and goodbye. It's just common courtesy."
She glowered at him, even as her heart started to beat like a big bass drum. "What if there's another man in the harem? Are you gonna kiss him on the lips too?"
Before he could answer, Suzanne said hotly, "There won't be, ever, so that's a moot point! The whole point of the harem is that we're exclusively Alan's, and Alan's alone!" She knew that wasn't technically true for everyone, since there was the Brenda-Adrian exception, but she figured now was not the time to tell Glory about that. She struck a defiant pose, with her hands on her hips and her heavy rack thrust forward. "Glory, he's our master. We belong to him totally! I'm offended that you would even talk about being with another man!"
Glory was so out of it due to extreme lust that she wasn't thinking straight, so just muttered, "I'm sorry." In fact, Suzanne's words only aroused her more.
Alan modestly ignored Suzanne's outburst, even though he agreed with it. "Now, like everything, if push comes to shove, you don't have to do it ... but I'll be very disappointed with you if you refuse."
Glory thought, How can I get him to understand that I don't want to do it 'cos I'm worried I'll like it too much? I don't care about kissing the others, but Suzanne?!
Suddenly, she exclaimed, "All right, I'll do it!" She gritted her teeth, like she was about to face the dentist's drill. In fact, her entire body seemed like it was really on fire, and she didn't have much resistance.
Suzanne swept Glory into her arms, which soon overwhelmed whatever was left of Glory's reticence.
Glory had planned on keeping her lips closed, but within seconds that was forgotten, and soon the two sexy women were kissing like they'd been doing it all their lives. Oh no! This feels too good! I'm too horny! Dammit all! I still have his cock on my mouth, and the taste of his cum on my tongue. What terrible timing. Oh God! What if she tastes him in my mouth! Oh please God, no! Have mercy! Utter humiliation!
Meanwhile, Suzanne was thinking, Oooh! What's this? I detect just a hint of Sweetie's cock in her mouth! Putting two and two together, I get a sixty-nine! She chuckled to herself. This is so much FUN! I swear, being part of a harem pays extra dividends every day.
Alan smiled as he watched the sparks fly between the two. That was a good call, I think. I haven't gotten a vibe between Glory and any other woman, so I don't want to push there, but between her and Suzanne ... wow! Look at 'em go!
He was glad he wasn't wearing any underwear. He reached into his pocket and secretly played "pocket pool" with his hard-on. Then he remembered the cell phone for controlling the Televibe in his other pocket. He stuck his other hand in that pocket and hit the button that moved the vaginal vibrator back to a different throbbing-type setting.
Again, Glory wasn't expecting that, and she jumped like she'd been jolted with electricity. Oh no! she thought, as the kiss continued. No fair! How am I supposed to resist Suzanne's sweet lips AND Alan's sneaky games? And he's not turning the damn thing down. I'm gonna cum for sure!
Suzanne was deliberately taking Glory's seduction slowly and carefully. At first, she fondled one of Glory's breasts, because that was the kind of thing she did without thinking when she kissed the likes of Susan or Katherine. But she remembered that she needed to not freak Glory out, so she kept her hands wrapped around Glory's back for the rest of the kiss.
Still, from the brief tactile contact, Suzanne was able to tell that Glory wasn't wearing a bra. Nice! This is gonna be such fun, hee-hee!
Glory was sorely tempted to fondle Suzanne's boobs. (They were so big that it was hard not to touch them!) However, she was determined to control her "Suzannesbian" lust, especially since she knew Alan was watching. She carefully kept her hands on Suzanne's back.
Suzanne continued to be careful where she let her hands wander, although she did fondle Glory's butt for a few seconds. That was just long enough to check whether Glory was wearing panties. Suzanne was pleased to find that she wasn't. Damn! Too easy. I wish I could just take her right here, right now! She's so ripe. But good girls cum to those who wait, hee-hee!
After a couple minutes, Suzanne brought the kissing to an end, even though she knew that she could have kept going and going, since Glory wasn't offering any resistance. She cleverly waited until Glory was right on the cusp of a climax, leaving her panting for more.
As the redheaded vixen ended the kiss, she brought her hands up and cradled Glory's face with them. She quietly spoke in her rough yet sexy voice from so close that their noses nearly touched. "Now, wasn't that nice?"
"Mmmm!" Glory replied dreamily, with a big smile on her face.
"Don't you like that tradition? It's a good tradition."
Glory nodded. At the moment at least, she felt like it was the greatest tradition ever.
"Good." Suzanne abruptly disengaged and looked around. Her eyes found Alan, and she apologized to both Glory and him. "Sorry again about leaving like that. I realized that I was being a bit rude, so I decided to come back and try to make amends. I'm honestly not interrupting anything, am I?"
Alan stopped masturbating himself, since the razor-sharp Suzanne was looking at the phallic-shaped lump in his shorts. He replied breezily, "Absolutely not. In fact, we'd love for you to stay and hang out with us, wouldn't we, Glory?" He'd already turned the Televibe down, but he saw that Glory was still spaced out over the kiss, so he hit a couple of different settings in rapid succession to snap her out of it.
Glory was jolted into replying. "Oh, uh, yes! Uh, sure. We were just, uh ... talking."
"Talking. I see." The curvy mother smiled as she looked back and forth between Alan and Glory, since she could see slight traces of cum on both of their faces. (Both of them had cleaned themselves hastily and without the use of a mirror.) That just confirmed what she had already figured out from tasting their mouths.
She couldn't resist playfully teasing Glory a little bit by saying to both of them, "You know what's strange? Sweetie, when I kissed you, there was something different about the taste. Kind of feminine, even. And Glory, when I kissed you, there was something VERY familiar about the taste. Kind of sweet and yet ... manly." She put a hand on her chin as if she was seriously trying to puzzle that out.
Glory's face had already been slightly red due to her general arousal, but it suddenly turned cherry red as she realized what Suzanne had been tasting. Oh God! Dear God! I could just DIE!
Alan knew what Suanne was doing, but he worried that she was pushing Glory too far too fast. So he said, "Yeah, that's 'cos Glory and I were making out right before you got here, so you probably tasted a little bit of me on her and vice versa."
Glory breathed an audible sigh of relief. Thank you! PHEW!
Suzanne was tempted to toy with the situation some more, so she pretended to be skeptical. "Oh, is that what it was?" She stared longingly at the bulge in Alan's shorts. Then she decided to have mercy on Glory. "If you two were kissing, I'm sorry for interrupting."
He said, "No, it's cool."
She worried that she might be interrupting something, but she figured Alan at least would be honest if she wasn't wanted. So she wandered over to the table in the dining room and sat down. She asked, "So, what should we do?"
Glory was still so frazzled that she was nearly trembling. She needed time to recover, preferably away from Suzanne's siren-like pull, so she said, "Hold that thought. Let me get us some drinks. Alan, would you help me?"
"Sure thing."
The two of them went to the kitchen, leaving Suzanne alone in the dining room.
Because the apartment was small, Glory whispered to Alan as she got a bottle of white wine from the refrigerator, "What are you trying to do to me, young man?! Kill me?"
He whispered back, "KILL you? What do you mean?"
She wanted to explain that between French kissing Suzanne and the Televibe's buzzing, she felt like she'd nearly died from arousal overload. But she didn't want to admit how much the kiss had turned her on. Crap! I know I'm not bisexual, but how can I deny that I'm not at least a Suzannesbian? That kiss was divine! And now I'm wearing nothing but this flimsy summer dress. I might as well be naked, since I feel totally naked underneath. And look at his massive bulge. I can't stop salivating because I have unfinished business there. Ugh! It's like there's some sexy conspiracy against me!
She griped, "I suppose you're going to torture me by frequently fiddling with the settings on this thing."
He smiled from ear to ear. "Things..." he said, discreetly reminding her of the anal egg. "Yep!"
"You're evil, young man! Do you know that?" But she smiled too, and finished getting the wine and wine glasses. She was feeling better as she receded from the brink of climax.
He said, "Hey, you're the one who said you wanted more practice in a safe setting, to allow you to get used to it, right?" Then he squeezed her nearer ass cheek with his free hand while dialing up the Televibe briefly. He even lifted her dress to get a nice handful of bare ass-flesh.
She involuntarily squealed again as a minor climax ripped through her. She quietly hissed, "No fair! You cheated with the extra ass grab." She didn't want him to be doing this with Suzanne close by, but she also found herself spreading her legs slightly to give him better access.
Keeping her dress lifted with one hand, he probed her vulva, her ass, and all points in between with his other hand. Because of the Televibe pieces in the way, he couldn't finger his way very far into her holes, but he knew how to drive her wild with his touch just the same.
As he did that, he purred, "You know, you're very, very wet." He poked a finger into her sopping slit as he said that, bumping into the Televibe.
She snorted, "Gee, I wonder why?! Now, get your hands off me before you make me cum in a very loud, embarrrassing way."
He reached further between her legs, even diddling her clit a bit. "You're at a disadvantage. With your hands full, there's nothing you can do to stop me."
She quietly muttered to herself, "I seem to always be at a disadvantage with you." God, I have to do something, fast, or I'm going to whip this dress over my head, get down on all fours, and demand that he fuck me like an animal! I'd do it in a heartbeat if only Suzanne wasn't here, and I might do it even still!
She took a deep breath, trying to calm herself a bit. Then she said to him, "I could just keep walking, until Suzanne would see."
"You could," he conceded, "but would I let go first? Maybe I'd just let her see what a fantastic ass my history teacher has."
"You're the fantastic ass!" Glory growled. She was getting increasingly nervous the longer they delayed. She was petrified that Suzanne would get up to see what was taking so long. However, she was so aroused by what Alan was doing to her that her body seemed paralyzed.
In fact, Suzanne was nearly certain that Alan was up to some hanky-panky. She certainly didn't want to catch them in the act, since that would ruin the mood. But she was getting antsy herself, so she shouted out, "Hey, do you need any help in there?"
That startled Glory out of her erotic reverie. She walked back to the adjacent dining room feeling giddy and extremely aroused, leaving Alan behind.
Chapter 2Glory sat across the table from Suzanne. There was only one chair on that side, and she wanted to be sure Alan wouldn't sit next to her, so he couldn't try his "double attack" again, using his hands and the Televibe on her at the same time.
This arrangement suited Alan just fine. He wanted to sit well away from Glory anyway, so Suzanne wouldn't suspect that he was up to something with his favorite teacher. He sat next to Suzanne, which put him diagonally across the table from Glory. In that position, it would be nearly impossible for him to even play footsie with Glory without Suzanne finding out.
Suzanne also liked the seating arrangement. She noticed that Alan was sporting a hard-on in his shorts, and within seconds of his ass hitting the seat, she surreptitiously snuck her hand under the table edge and down inside his shorts before he could do anything to stop her.
But that wasn't satisfying enough for her. Mere seconds later, she unzipped his fly and whipped out his cock, covering the unzipping sound with a well-timed series of coughs.
He thought, No way! You're kidding me! She doesn't seriously think she can get away with that, does she?! And why now? I could tell Glory's in a pretty desperate state right now, but I'm not far off! Still, it felt so good that he made no attempt to move her hand away.
Suzanne couldn't help but smirk a little bit as she started to secretly jack him off. She noticed that his boner was wet, and she explored that some more with her fingers. Hmmm. Lots of pre-cum, definitely. He obviously didn't have time to wash up when I came in. But I can tell there's a lot of fresh saliva too. Glory, you naughty, nasty girl! You definitely were snarfing on his fat knob a couple of minutes ago! In fact, I'm pretty sure it was a full-on sixty-nine.
God, that makes me hot! I wonder if she was giving him one of her famous deep throat moves. I'd love to see her do that with my own eyes. We could take turns bobbing down to his pubic hair for a nice ol' lazy hour or two. Is she REALLY the best deep throater? I think this calls for a contest! Mmmm...
Even as she was fantasizing about that, she asked, "So, what have you two been up to while I was gone?"
Alan was fighting a mighty battle not to give away what Suzanne was doing to his erection, so he was in no position to answer. It wasn't just that she was jacking him off in such a dangerous situation; she was really talented with her fingers, and he had to get himself in the right frame of mind to both "resist" and enjoy it.
Luckily for him, Glory quickly replied. "Oh, just talking."
Suzanne looked at her skeptically. "Just talking? Really? With this guy?" She playfully nudged Alan's shoulder with her own. "In my experience, his penis needs near-constant tending." She gave his boner an extra hard squeeze, then rubbed his sweet spot in an especially tantalizing manner, making his eyes bug out in surprise.
Luckily, Glory was too flustered by the conversation to notice. She hastily replied, "Actually, Alan had a bit of an energy crash right after you left. It was as if he was a puppet and someone suddenly cut all of his strings. It actually frightened me for a moment there. He rested on my bed and was just starting to revive when you came back."
"Ah," Suzanne said. "So when you say he was reviving, I imagine his penis was reviving too. After all, this is Sweetie we're talking about here." She chuckled. "I hope I wasn't interrupting anything too exciting when I rang the doorbell. Did you have his big cock in your hands? Were you rubbing it with your fingers?"
She had a way of stimulating Alan's dick very effectively by rubbing his sweet spot with her fingers so that she didn't have to move her hand at all, and that's exactly what she was doing at that moment. But as she said "rubbing it with your fingers," she stroked him from the tip down to his pubic hair and back.
It was dangerous, as she couldn't completely hide her arm movement, but Glory was so shocked by Suzanne's bold words that she wasn't paying attention to what her out-of-sight hands might be doing.
Then Suzanne asked, pointedly, "Or, were you sucking on him? Were you lapping on his sweet spot? You know how much he loves that."
That hit the mark. Glory had even been lapping on his sweet spot when the doorbell rang. She turned away, too embarrassed to say anything.
There was an awkward silence, with Suzanne's question hanging in the air unanswered.
Glory thought, She knows! Oh God, she knows! How totally humiliating. She must think I'm a complete slut! Gaawwwd, and I'm wearing his slave collar for all to see. I AM a complete slut - a slut for his cock! Even now, with my face burning red, I can't stop salivating, wishing I could finish him off with my mouth!
Suzanne didn't want to push the issue any further. She'd only brought up the topic of handjobs because she was feeling mischievous and wanted to talk about handjobs while actually secretly giving him one, and then she couldn't resist asking about blowjobs as well. She didn't want to push her luck and make Glory too upset.
She thought, It's so cute how embarrassed that makes her. I wonder what she'd think if she knew my hand is sloshing through the remnants of her saliva at this very moment, even as more and more pre-cum squirts out and dribbles down my fingers. Would she be grossed out? Turned on? Outraged? I still can't read her like I can read Susan, although I think I'm getting better fast.
Alan wanted to speak up, to help Glory out. But because of Suzanne's sneaky stimulation, he was putting all his effort into maintaining a poker face, so he still couldn't say anything coherent. He was so distracted that he even momentarily forgot about the cell phone in his pocket.
But Glory was distracted too, because she was wondering why Alan WASN'T using the Televibe on her. She wasn't willing to admit it to herself, but she'd been looking forward to it. Her pussy was soaked and tingling, ready for more action, despite the danger of getting caught (or maybe partially because of it). However, the Televibe had no off setting that she knew of, just lower and higher levels of stimulation, so she was still getting a nice buzz. The anal egg was providing a strange sensation in her ass, even though Alan hadn't started manipulating its stimulation levels yet. She was so out of it that she forgot completely about Suzanne's question, and was unaware of the awkward silence that followed.
Having Suzanne sit right across from her was extremely distracting as well. She hadn't really had a chance to appreciate Suzanne's outfit before, since Suzanne had changed into her bikini mere minutes after arriving and then changed back just as she was leaving. But now Suzanne appeared to be looking around the room, thoroughly checking out the apartment, so Glory could ogle her at length.
Suzanne was wearing a bright red top that was surprisingly casual by Suzanne's typical fancy clothing standards. In fact, it was practically a T-shirt. However, it was cut very low in front, showing off nearly as much cleavage as the red bikini had. (Suzanne was wearing a short blue skirt as well, but Glory didn't care about that at the moment since Suzanne's lower body was hidden by the table.)
Glory stared into the valley of Suzanne's deep cleavage as she thought, Suzanne's breasts are just so ... big! So firm, so round, so fully packed! So luscious! Boy, did I chicken out during that kiss. I felt them pressing against me, and I could even feel her erect nipples boring into me (and mine into her), but that was all. I should have cradled them with my hands! Damn! Maybe next time ... I can't wait till she kisses me again...
Not that I'm bisexual or anything! No way! I'm just Suzannesbian. And that doesn't mean anything, not really. It just means that I appreciate Suzanne's beauty, on the inside and the outside.
I mean, it's not like I would actually DO anything with her. Right? I mean, aside from the kissing. Lots and lots of kissing! Oh, and fondling her breasts, to see if they feel as good as they look. Besides that, I can just pretend.
She sighed longingly.
The extended silence, with no one talking, went on and on.
Yet only Suzanne realized this, or seemed to mind, and she found that very odd. Finally, she said, "This feels nice. Glory, it seems that every time you and I are together, we always have something to do. Like our earlier discussion about the fight aftermath. But now we've got no agenda at all, nowhere we have to be. What should we do?" She looked out the window. "It's a nice sunny day. Maybe we could go outside."
She said this knowing that Glory's eyes and attention would naturally follow hers. Confirming out of the corner of her eye that Glory was looking to the window, she quickly brought a second hand to Alan's crotch and yanked his shorts down far enough that his entire package was exposed. Then she kept one hand there and fondled his balls for a little while until he gave up on the idea of pulling his shorts back up.
Alan was incredulous at Suzanne's audacity. If Glory got up, perhaps to get something from the kitchen, he'd be in a real fix. But he grinned because he couldn't help but admire his second mother's chutzpah.
He thought, Come on, Aunt Suzy, get real! One hand, okay. I could deal with that. God knows I'm used to having my dick stroked in situations like this, and I love the arousal and excitement. He chuckled to himself. But two hands? That's just asking for trouble! Not to mention pulling my shorts down like that. Geez! She's trying to give me a heart attack!
He looked over at Suzanne out of the corner of his eye. She was leaning forward over the table, as if extremely interested in what Glory had to say. That's what allowed her to reach across her body with a second hand to fondle his balls without it being too noticeable. But it was a somewhat suspicious position just the same. Certainly, she wouldn't be able to maintain that leaning forward position very long without Glory wising up.
He thought, I just hope and pray she withdraws that second hand, and soon! Jesus! It's like she's trying to get caught! And why does she have to point my dick practically straight up as she strokes it? I mean, I have no choice but to slouch way down, or my dick would poke over the table edge. Even so, there's only, like, an inch or two of spare room there! What if it comes into view? Heck, what if Glory stands up?! She might still see!
Oh my God! What if I cum?! Imagine the look on Glory's face if a fountain of cum suddenly bursts up into the air! Shit! And I wouldn't even have to climax, necessarily. Sometimes, I squirt a little bit of cum here and there, well before the urge to climax. I have no control over that, but what if I do that now?! And with the way her two hands are going at it, I'm getting too aroused. Shit! I really need to do something!
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"To recap; Just under and hour ago the entire entourage finally arrived here at the United nations." Andarka solemnly addresses her audience. "Consisting of the Japanese Prime Minister and several notable cabinet officials as well." With a well-lighted hallway serving as 'backdrop' Andarka Moi looks attractive and markedly different from the last time we saw her. Favoring a more tightly conservative cut and style. The majority of her hair is wound in a tight braid, coiled and...
Most of the seminars I went to after my mid-morning and lunch fucks were allegedly scientifically or medically based. I learned things like the human body memorizes anything you do often enough - like never forgetting how to ride a bike. So the more often you orgasm, the easier it become to do so. And the faster you get there. Of course, it is also possible to teach the body how to control the urge and not orgasm until you wish to. I went to a clinic on the six pressure points that will...
It was almost none before I went to the storage container on wheels. I looked the place over very carefully, before I opened the doors. There was no reason to believe anyone would find it, and if they did would think anything of it. I still had a couple of traps set. I set the old spider web trap. It was simply a piece of 5 lb test mono filament fishing line from Walmart, strung above the path to the Storage unit door. It was still in place, so I felt better. The second tell was a layer of...
~~Antoinette~~ “It burns?” “Burns is too strong a word,” Daniel’s voice said over the phone. “But the contents burn. I witnessed some incendiary explosives as well.” “Terra Den’s work.” “Undoubtedly.” She groaned as she rubbed her forehead. Seated in her beautiful chair, in her beautiful office, at the top of her beautiful tower, all she felt was rage. How dare Garry, how dare he flirt with the edges of her commands. “Response from the city?” she asked. “No police or firefighters yet....
The final secret sword--Kagu Tsuchi. (Houji glances at Yumi, who shakes her head.) Houji (thinking): Something even Yumi doesn't know--truly a secret sword! Probably Lord Shishio's greatest technique... Sanosuke (thinking along similar lines): Kenshin hasn't used his greatest technique yet either! the Hiten Mitsurugi succession technique Amakakeru Ryuu no Hirameki! Aoshi (thinking): But after all he's been through, does he really have the strength to use it? Saitou (thinking):...
Flying all night is never any fun. I tried to get comfortable, but there was just no way. On top of everything else my feet fell asleep repeatedly. I was totally miserable all night long. It wasn't the longest night of my life, but it was right up there with the night my team was surrounded and couldn't get re-enforced till daylight. On the plane at least I wasn't hearing gunships overhead all night trying to keep the bad guys off our wire. Instead, I heard the noise of the Jet engines,...
Thursday, April 28, 2005 (Continued) Leaving Katelin's transport arrangements aside for the moment, I followed up on an idea I'd just had. Knowing my tape recorder was still running, and hoping it could pick up our voices when it was in my pocket, I said, "Wayne, if I call the police, are you going to get caught up in the lies your father told them?" "I'm not involved in that." #1: "Let me hazard a guess, it involves violence, and...
Most seniors never get enough exercise. In His wisdom God decreed that seniors become forgetful so they would have to search for their glasses, keys and other things thus doing more walking. And God looked down and saw that it was good. Then God saw there was another need. In His wisdom He made seniors lose coordination so they would drop things requiring them to bend, reach & stretch. And God looked down and saw that it was good. Then God considered the function of bladders and...
The only bright spot for the busy weekend was that I spent two very enjoyable nights with Jenny in each other's arms, after spending 14 hours each day looking at numbers with the rest of my loves. We were still sexually worn out from all the activity Friday night. It was good just to hold her. We boarded the jet for Charlotte at 5; we wanted to make sure we were there early. During the flight we had a meeting to review the credit reports we had purchased for Brady Smith personally and his...
Jeff had suddenly remembered having visited Nat, Nicki and Whitney a few nights before they were married. After loving them, he had started to leave their bedroom as they slept. Suddenly, he had found himself in the hallway. At the time, I thought I somehow had a lapse of consciousness or something similar. I've driven home before and remembered little of the trip, my mind focused on a problem, and from what I hear, that's something that happens to people fairly often. I've heard guys joke...
Laura herself was even shocked by their behavior. After the two men left, and she and Sholandra bathed (together), they ended up fucking for another two hours. Each had half a dozen more orgasms. They were both so sore from the brutal fucking they had both received that they had to go easy on each other, but neither was able to stop. I'll bet Rhonda would be jealous, Laura thought. And Sholandra must have been reading her mind. "You know, Rhonda's sweet," she said. "And she loves to...
Tashana bounced up and down, her eyes alight with excitement. “Valada must have built a secret bunker under the palace!” “It certainly looks like it,” John agreed, squinting in the direction of the study. “The lift shaft starts from a room concealed within the wall cavity.” “Let’s go!” the Maliri archaeologist exclaimed, turning on her heel to rush to the study. John caught her hand and pulled her back. “Hold on a second. I know you’re excited but we need to be careful; Valada might have...
This is compliments of Pepere Now We Know Why He Was a General In an interview, General Norman Schwarzkopf was asked if he thought there was room for forgiveness toward the people who have harbored and abetted the terrorists who perpetrated the 9/11 attacks on America. His answer was classic Schwarzkopf. The General said, “I believe that forgiving them is God’s function ... OUR job is to arrange the meeting.” Dana Perino (FOX News) describing an interview she recently had with a Navy...
The one thing that technology did was make surveillance a hell of a lot easier. With all the cameras and gps trackers, I could sit in the motel room drinking coffee, while I watched the subjects of my investigation. On day one of the new ccvtv deployment I noted that the twenty odd employees did almost no work. They punched in which seemed to be the height of their work day. They then sat playing with laptops and smart phone for their eight hours. The guys seemed to rotate at the loading...
Mr. Anderson... “Mr. Smith, Mrs. Smith”, a main a dark suit asked as we deplaned. “Can you please provide some form of identification?” Well this is unusual. Don’t the goons wait outside of the customs to grab people to make them disappear? When he looked over both of our passports he talked into his sleeve before saying, “Please come with us. We have some questions regarding your request to visit with the ambassador’s daughter.” Molly gave me a nasty look and then went back to...
Brea threw a monkey wrench into my plans for a teleconference the moment she walked in the door. “Good,” she said when she saw I was dressed. “What time are we leaving?” “Leaving?” I asked. “Doctor’s appointment,” she said. I covered my eyes. A day that I had been looking forward to for weeks had somehow slipped from my mind. “I don’t have time for that today!” I groaned. “Time for what?” Liz asked. “Travis has a doctor’s appointment,” Brea answered. “Is it Friday already?” Liz asked,...
At 1100 I went to the National Security meeting downstairs. I was right - they had a copy of the firefight report we watched last night. The CIA man filed a report detailing what had happened, including the causality report. Some of the injured lived long enough to tell part of the plans. The Boko-Haram were on their way to the next village - they were going to destroy Gusau. Gusau was a larger village and two units of Boko-Haram were to attack it in ten days. They were trying to divide...
“Loneliness becomes an acid that eats away at you.” —Haruki Murakami, 1Q84 “UM ... RACHEL?” I turned to see my girlfriend stepping away. “See you later, baby. Liv and I have a huge biz management project due this week. I’m off to work with her.” She was gone that quick and I was left facing Celia. “Wow! Hi, Celia. Um ... Give me a minute to get over the shock so I can greet you properly?” “Sure. I didn’t mean to blindside you. I talked to Rachel and she said she’d prep you but I guess...
Anxiety drove us, and despite it being mid-afternoon when we left the Vigil, we managed to make good time, continuing well past dark. We’d met up with Oghren and Wulf along the way, so between those two and Aedan, Alistair, Justice/Vander (Vustice? Jander? Maybe not), Alim, Zevran, and a reluctant Sigrun, we had eight Wardens, and a large contingent of soldiers accompanying Nathaniel. I hoped that would be enough to take on, presumably, the Architect and whatever forces he’d managed to...
"So, we're thinking about a picnic and a softball game Sunday," Rebecca told Celina as the meeting concluded. "You up for it?" "I haven't played softball since elementary school," Celina replied. "It's not a really big sport in the city. Most people play basketball." "I haven't played it in that long either," Adam said. "But it will be fun. I'm sure there will be half a dozen of us vying for right field. The last time I played, that's where they hid me." "You know, I...
I pride myself on keeping up to date with all of the latest porn news and happenings. Nothing in the adult entertainment industry sneaks up on me. I can sense trends and fads coming from several miles away. I'm like a shark who can smell cum in the water. I felt that the fappening would go down almost half a year before it did. The enormous asses twerking craze of fifteen years ago? I called it. Virtual reality porn? I've been fucking talking about virtual reality porn since 3D glasses first...
Twitter Porn AccountsOf course I did all I could to hide my lustful obsession over the yrs, but I knew after a life time of hardon hiding hugs an play fighting an accidental walk ins while she was changin she must have some idea, at the very least sge must think im a horny lil bastard!!! Anyways with Rach away at uni my normal routine was broken down lik this, wait hornily for her to get home around 6pm on friday, get my custom kiss on the cheek an hug, mmm feel her lips on me an be embraced by that chest, an smell...
A series of stories following the secret love life of two interpretable first cousin’s… Intro (Arrival) -- Matt took a step outside to the arrivals area of Hartsfield Jackson International Airport, being welcomed to Atlanta by the dry hot air, and honking horns, of the commonly congested roads of Hartsfield Jackson International Airport. There was no breeze, like what he is used to having up north. Matt is a 6 ft’, 185 lb, young piece of meat at the age of 19. He is a...
It had been quite a few months since Michelle Dean had returned back to Essex, England from Ibiza. Everything looked the same way she left it back in June 24th, 2005, eight years ago. Michelle returned to live with her Mum in Essex who ‘d found a new lodger, a strikingly good looking doorman down at the club called David Watts. One dull Thursday morning Michelle came down the stairs in just a slinky pink nightie and went through to the kitchen to make some breakfast. The front door opened...
Ever had that summer job you hated beyond anything? That one, horrible job, that paid for something you needed while making you want to jump off a bridge at the same time? Well, that is my summer job, only there is no bridge high enough around here. My name is Jenny, I’m 18, and I usually live in Minneapolis, but this summer was different. I heard through a few friends about this job in the farm country. Better pay, more hours than I could get at the crappy dinner I usually worked at during...
I awoke to the sounds of birds chirping and fluttering in their nests. I sat up weary from my deep sleep and stretched my arms bumping the wooden ceiling above. Week 3 at summer camp has passed so far, and its not that bad actually. Being as agile as possible, I slinked down the ladder of the red bunk-bed and felt my feet rest against the hardwood flooring. All the other girls were asleep still, and I needed to be first in the shower before all the steaming water ran out. I grabbed my towel and...
‘Hunnie, is that you?’ Meagan mumbles. ‘Hey, baby, I can’t stay long, I forgot the keys to my office and I desperately need to get in there to pick up my paperwork, for my meeting later on in the afternoon,’ Hope groans, with a saddened tone in her voice. ‘But…..its Valentine’s day, I thought we could spend the day together, like we have done for the past three years!’ grovels Meagan. ‘I’ll make it up to you tonight, I promise. We can do anything you want, and I’ll do anything you want,’...
Elizabeth Suson walked along the golden white sandy beach of North Spain barefooted feeling the slight breeze through her long black hair. She worked in a dead end job in North London in a office and was glad to get away to paradise. She had to get away from all the grief work had given her when everyone found out she was a lesbian. Elizabeth walked to the end of the beach as the sun was beginning to go down. She saw a black bag on one of the rocks and sat down on the sand and looked out to sea...
Tuesday, June 13th, 1995. 4:15pm.I turned the corner on to my street, staying towards the curb and despite my ever present walkman blaring Iron Maiden into my ears, staying diligently aware of my surroundings. Although for the most part I rarely had problems in my neighborhood, my appearance attracted the unwanted attention of a gang of older boys who were not particularly amused by my long hair and somewhat sexually ambiguous and out of date fashion sense. On this day I was wearing my standard...
I looked at the clock.A quarter to Two. He was staring at me and my eyes wondered back to his hard cock poking through his underwear. "I got time." I said with a quick raise of an eyebrow. He groaned. "I don't know if I can handle you twice."I reached over and rubbed him through his underwear. "How about a blowjob? I didn't get to taste your cum.""Oh fuck. I don't know how much you'll get. I dropped a pretty big load. It's been awhile.", he said with a laugh."I eat light", I said with a smile....
Saturday, June 10th, 199512:45 pmHome alone. My Dad working Saturdays was a godsend and I took full advantage. Smoking cigarettes, playing the living room stereo as loud as I pleased and banging my ass with my 5 inch vibrator. Since losing my virginity to my Uncle Bill a few weeks earlier(and getting 2 more good bangs from him since, once right on my living room floor less than 15 minutes before he took me to school) my anal cravings had become a bit insatiable.I was standing in front of the...
. I very recently started work in a factory on the edge of town, where they make underwear for teenagers mostly. In my department were two girls who were obviously lesbians, I found myself being strangely attracted to them. One was a bit butch called Jenni, but she still looked pretty, and the other was very casual in her appearance, named Emma, slightly more rugged looking, I was to later find out that they were an item.I got to talk to them a lot over the coming weeks, they were ever so...
Lyla: Summer Lovin'She still hadn't seen much of Sunni since the kiss, besides an awkward hello before Sunni darted out the door to her rehearsal. Lyla had to admit that she didn't look too good, she had dark rings around her eyes and her usual jet black hair looked limp and greasy. "We need to sit down and move on from this once and for all." Lyla thought as she poured herself some cereal and checked her phone. She had one voicemail, she hadn't even heard her phone ring. She cradled her phone...
My Auntie Beth had been staying with my family for a few months. She was here to find work and settle in to a new life after her another relationship went sour. I loved sneaking into her room and handling her underwear. I found her sexy lingerie and I would put them on enjoying the feel of the material on my cock and ass knowing that it had been on her tits and ass and pussy and now its touching me. I was always careful to put things back just as i found them. I was a geeky 18 year old still...
I've wanted you forever and now I have you. I play it cool, but my head is wild with joy as we wrap up our dinner at that nice gothic themed restaurant in uptown Atlanta. "Check please" I shout, and as the waiter comes over with the bill, I look deeply into your eyes and realise the wine has done its job..............they are loaded with mischief and made worse by the crooked smile on your lovely, thick lips. As we go out to the car and we are about to get in, without warning, you lift your...
It was the summer of my last year in high school. I couldn’t wait to be a senior and I had it all going on. I was a four sport Varsity letterman, plenty of girlfriends and signed letter of intent to play two sports in college. So when my parents insisted that I spend a week with relatives, it was definitely cramping my big man on campus style. I stayed with my grandparents but I had plenty of other relatives around. My favorite was my cousin, Debbie. She and I had fucked a few summers before...
It was the annual benefit picnic for the VFD, and it was hot. A hundred degrees in the shade, and record-shatteringly humid. As my wife and I sat listening to the band and sucking down the lemonade, a strange sensation came over me. Usually I was not a hot weather person, but this extreme heat felt like a sauna, and as I got used to the sweat, I started feeling the stirrings of desire. My wife was here to hobnob with her friends, though, and I knew she would not be receptive at this place and...
It’s time for me to slowly pull my new jogging socks on, over my oiled feet with bright red nail varnish. I love to feel sexy even when jogging. It’s really cold outside so I have just pulled up my sheer black pantyhose to keep my legs and feet really warm, plus, when I am jogging, the nylon rubs on my pussy and makes me really wet and my clit really hard. Bending over and lacing up my trainers, I can’t help but rub up and my legs to feel how sexy they feel, especially in my tight jogging...
My 18 yo cousin (Shelly) asked me to buy her some beer one night. I was 21 and thought what the harm, but I told her I would only do so as long as she was with me and drank while I was driving in the country. She agreed, I bought the beer and off we drove down rarely travelled roads. After a few beers she started getting a little playful, snuggling up to me, holding onto my arm. Then she started to snuzzle my neck and biting my earlobe, as she did I could feel my cock growing. I had a fleeting...
During my time in the forces, i was deployed to the gulf for a period of about 6 months which is long enough for some. We used to pull into one of the ports about every 3-4 weeks. During this deployment he had an american traslator, ashlee, on board for various reasons. I never really spoke with her as she wasn’t my cup of tea but god did she have a pair of tits!! We pulled into Dubai this time, got off the ship and got on the booze as you do. Now there were about 4 of us guys and 2 girls...
I like to think that I am a normal woman. I mean I love, I cry, I have needs and desires. I don't know if I can explain the events of the last 2 days, I don't know if it makes any difference that I am sorry for what happened. I know that things got out of hand. I never intended to make my son rape me. I can see now that this was wrong. I should have been more mature, I should have controlled my lust. I accept that I have made mistakes. All I ask is that John be a man... and admit that he is...
I dropped they key into a small dish on my dresser. I'd collected a few, mainly from people I knew. As bold as I'd gotten lately I still tended to run with the same crowd. It had gotten so I really didn't pay that much attention to the keys now. I'd noticed some people wore them proudly making as bracelets, making a point to shake them when reaching for their drink. Other people would nod and simply slide them in their pocket, never to been seen again, a lot like mine. Ah well. All in...
Story is Fictional! My husband died riding his Harley a drunk diver ran into him , over a year ago. Leaving me and his son on own , as with many who loses a love one. Deppression sets in quickly if it wasn't for my son Kawika i would have lose my mind. And if wasn't for Kawika I wouldn't be the happy and satisfied woman I am now. Almost immediatly after my husbands funeral I shut myself in my house. I wouldn't allow anyone other then my son in Kawika was great. Right from the start he tried his...
IncestNote : This story is completely fictional! This is the second encounter I have had with my sexy stepmother Debra I will just remind you guys of how hot and sophisticated she is. Well she has shoulder length hazel colored hair, blue eyes, lips, which are blood red. Her 36 C tits are perfectly formed for a woman in her thirty’s they are dark around the centre and have a big tangy nipple in the middle. Her legs are 42 inch long brown and shiny and narrowed in when she walked, the first time I...
IncestThis Story Is Completely Fictional! Ok, so let me start by telling you all a little bit about myself, and the “normal” life that I used to lead. My name is Liam, I am a fairly good looking white guy, maybe a little more muscular than the average guy, and I was in my last year of college, when my life changed forever. It was in July last year when I moved in with my Dad, and it was great. His partner, Nicky, was kind, and we got on rather well. Her daughters on the other hand, were a totally...
IncestNote : This story is completely fictional! My fascination with my step mother Debra all started a few months ago when I visited my dad in Alabama he had been divorced from my mother for 11 years. Their marriage never worked from the start. The I met Debra was a year ago she was a beautiful woman she was about 5 ft 9, quite slim she had blue eyes shoulder length hair and the most lovely pair of big cock sucking lips I had ever seen. Her tits were 36 C and her ass was firm and round her legs were...
IncestI go to this club a few days a week. Is a bit boring but I met a couple (3) proper fine boys there they were Toni (18 years), Liam R (18 years) and Liam C (14 1/4 yrs). I have seen Toni and one of the Liams naked before when we went on this two-week activities camp. There was us four in this large room with two other boys. The two Liam’s and me were just sitting on Tony’s bed when Toni decided to get un-dressed in front of us. Liam R sprang up and decided to do the same. I was going to laugh at...
GayAs soon as Alan sat back down, the group finally finished the round of cards. Suzanne won and was allowed to pull her gown down off of her breasts, which delighted her to no end. Alan was almost disappointed about that, since her gown looked so alluring. He kept Amy and Akami's hands off him for a little while so he could try to concentrate on the game. He was immediately rewarded by winning the next round, his first victory. He noticed that most of the women were close to climaxes from...
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Sixes and SevensChapter 16Copyright© 2018 by Always Raining