- 3 years ago
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Mr. Anderson...
“Mr. Smith, Mrs. Smith”, a main a dark suit asked as we deplaned. “Can you please provide some form of identification?”
Well this is unusual. Don’t the goons wait outside of the customs to grab people to make them disappear?
When he looked over both of our passports he talked into his sleeve before saying, “Please come with us. We have some questions regarding your request to visit with the ambassador’s daughter.”
Molly gave me a nasty look and then went back to processing whatever was going through her mind at lightning speeds. I didn’t say a word as more men in dark suits joined our little group heading toward customs. Turns out that our escort bypassed the processes to get our luggage, get it rescanned, and having to wait in the long customs lines.
No one asked us if we had anything to declare.
We were taken right to a counter where they checked our passports, stamped them and off we went. I did ask how we were going to leave American Samoa if we didn’t have the green card the others I saw were getting put into their passports.
“You are American Citizens. This is an unincorporated territory of the United States,” was all he replied to my unanswered question.
As expected, we put into separate big black SUVs. Since they didn’t take our phones or anything, I was able to reach to Molly or her reach me if needed. We didn’t drive far before we were going through a security gate and into a parking garage. They led us to separate rooms along with our luggage.
“Mr. Smith,” the man said as he sat down. “What exactly is the nature of your relationship to the ambassador and his family?”
Completely relaxed, I told as much as the truth as was required, “I met his daughter during a school trip back at the start of this year. When he happened to be in my town he invited me and my parents out for dinner one evening. I think that was a day or so before the big news story came out about them each hiring assassins to kill the others. I never found anything on the net or news about them after that, so I figured it was some sort of made up political stunt thing. They didn’t seem like people that would do that. I happened to be taking a summer trip that had me stopping here so I thought I could at least say hello.”
I never found more because I didn’t look. He doesn’t know that though.
He started to ask something else when an older man came in with a tablet that had some pictures of me at the restaurant. In particular were ones of me going into the punishment room, one of me spanking her butt and then one of me walking out in front of the ambassador.
He asked me, “Can you explain the nature of these pictures showing you with the ambassador and his daughter?”
“As much as I feel that you need to know, yes,” I told him as I watched them both bristle at my tone. “During our meal the ambassador’s daughter behaved like a stuck-up, snotty, unmannered little child and threw a complete tantrum that majorly embarrassed her father in front of the other diners. While I don’t understand their reasoning, it seems that he and I had to follow some sort of protocol requiring us to escort her to a location to adjust her attitude. As distasteful as I found it, I was told I have been the target of her disrespect so I was to discipline her repeatedly until she honestly treated me with respect. Kind of a screwed-up version of the frog and princess story from when I was young. When we were returning to our seats the ambassador told me I was to be in front of him. I saw people noticed, but have no idea what the big deal was with where I walked. I thought it was to keep me and his daughter separated in case she was going to make another scene. There is more detail I can provide, but you don’t have the security clearance or need to know.”
I love that look. Here is a fifteen year old kid telling someone pretty senior here that he doesn’t have clearance to hear about what I did with the ambassador or his daughter.
Instead of either of them getting to ask me what the hell I thought I was trying to pull, in walked an even older man in a more expensive suit. He tried his best to say he did have the clearance and I would tell him what they wanted to know or I wouldn’t ever be seeing the light of day.
I unlocked the high security card case door and removed the high security badge. I got a quick look at it to see that it had magically changed to have a picture of me in just the dark contacts.
Waving my hand in an arc in front of them, I said, “I don’t have the security clearance. I won’t ask any more questions about the pictures. I will tell Mr. Smith everything about the ambassador and his family that he wants to know. I will go piss off someone else.”
“This is no joke...” the oldest of them started to say.
Holding the light purple badge in my hand by my thumb I repeated, “I don’t have the clearance. I won’t ask any more questions about the pictures. I will tell Mr. Smith everything about the ambassador and his family that he wants to know.”
Well they all have seen Star Wars at some point, haven’t they? It has been out since 1977.
Again, I repeated it as I had said it twice already.
The oldest man showed he realized he was out of his depth, so he cracked a joke to finish with, “These are not the droids we are looking for.”
It broke the tension as I put my high security badge away and found out a lot of details. The ambassador had come back with his family. The whole thing about them trying to kill each other off was covered up to protect the reputation of the U.S. here in American Samoa. The older man wanted to know if I was the one in the picture because it had caused quite a stir for the ambassador with the locals. He did acknowledge that I could get transportation over to Apia and walk into the embassy without anyone being able to do anything to stop me. It was better that I didn’t. He was pretty sure I would be recognized when I left this building by at least some people on this island. The pictures he showed me had been getting around to those with power and influence around Samoa. Now that the ambassador had been addressing his daughter and wife’s ill behaviors, he had gotten a big boost in respect. Being seen as above him in his eyes had raised me up on a pedestal to the same people.
Seeing as I “had” the clearance he told me that the ambassador wasn’t going to be the ambassador here come February. No administration wants to have someone who caused such a big mess dragging down their new administration. With that we were released and given a ride to some address Molly gave them. It looked like a small hotel or a big house.
We were shown to a big bedroom before being taken down to a dining room where we were fed fresh fish and fruits. Once we were stuffed, we headed back up to the bedroom. Molly stripped me, herself and then pulled us into the big bathroom. We shared a shower until two women walked in to tell us that they were ready to give us our massages. They worked us both over until we weren’t more than Jell-O. They helped us, ok carried us, still naked, to the big bed, and tucked us in. Molly climbed up to lay on top of me. We both were out until the next morning. After we screwed each other silly we had another shower, dressed, packed and left.
Outside we found a car waiting for us that looked like most of the others around the island. Our driver seemed like he was lost as we went on dirt roads, down alleys and finally onto a road that went all the way around the island. Without any warning he slowed down quickly and then turned onto a dirt road going into a heavily wooded area. Meticulously, he drove very slowly in such a way that it didn’t look like a single leaf on the dirt road behind us moved much, if at all.
When we came to a stop we were right beside an old rusted dock that looked ready to collapse at any minute. He said something into a radio. A few minutes later a boat came idling in the small cove. When it came into view I was surprised.
That must be the ugliest boat I have ever seen. Isn’t an orange floating box going to really draw attention to us? It would be something I would see if I was looking for someone trying to slip off the island unseen.
We were helped onboard and then directed below deck. While not a high-end cabin cruiser, it had plenty of room for us and our gear. The boat only headed out about fifty feet off the shore and then ran parallel to the island. After about half an hour later we pulled up to a very modern looking pier. When I looked out the windows I saw another boat exactly like this one just about to shove off. We were told to stay out of sight as they loaded some passengers. Soon there was a bunch of people coming into the cabin area where we were sitting.
I think we are way overdressed!
As I looked I saw that most of the women were wearing thin dresses or short shorts with thin shirts. Removing just their outer clothes confirmed what I thought. None of them were wearing any underwear except the ones I think were on the rag. The most I saw was a few wearing bikini tops to hold in their large breasts. The men were all going commando under their shorts.
Now the older boys were mostly wearing only trunks with t-shirts, which wasn’t surprising. It was the girls that turned out to be interesting. A few of the girls, who appeared to be uncomfortable about having recently started puberty, were wearing modest one-piece bathing suits with skin tight shorts. The more developed girls were wearing the tiniest bikinis they could get away with and still have everything covered. A few had on wraps, but I didn’t see any shorts or t-shirts on any of the older kids. They had nice dark tans and were showing them off. All the little boys were only wearing trunks. The little girls only had on bikini bottoms.
If they could buy G-strings and thongs for little girls I bet they would be wearing them like the older ones.
When we had pushed off I found out that this was the last boat going back to the cruise ship. These people had come to shore to shop. Our ride was going to take an hour because of high waves and rough seas from a storm heading toward the island. Molly was completely oblivious to the boys checking her out. I wasn’t. I also didn’t miss the various girls jockeying around to get over where they could check me out as they made sure I was pretty much staring right at their barely covered, shaved mounds.
Too bad for them that I only looked them in the eyes as I moved from girl to girl. They don’t have a clue that with the place in my head I can get a good look without having to stare.
Over behind the group of girls checking me out was a girl with a crutch under one arm and the other was holding onto a strap to keep from getting knocked to the floor as the boat rocked.
Now she really deserves to have a seat. None of the men and women who rushed in to take all of the seats offered theirs to her.
I texted Molly to keep people from grabbing my seat. I was going to give it to someone. She just gave me a quick flip of her hand that passed for a long wave in her mind.
Going to the girl I said, “You look like you could really use a seat. If you want you can come over and take mine.”
“Well it would be great for my foot. Thing is that I have a bit of a problem when I sit. My bottoms fit perfectly when I stand, but when I sit they don’t cover anything. I tend to be very, uh, how do I say this, sweaty down there and I hate having cold air blowing under my bottoms. It has an undesired effect. I don’t have the shriveling problem that affects boys,” she told me before she realized she told a stranger, a boy no less, that she was wet and the cold air blowing over her pussy gets her clit hard.
Looking around I found there was a stack of towels in a cubby hole near the front. I got one of those and brought it over. She gave me a look when I held it out to her. Not really having any idea what the look meant I pulled it around behind her waist and quickly had it tucked in on the side of her bare hip.
Smiling at her I said, “Problems solved. Now how about you come over and take a seat.”
I got a big kiss on the cheek and a huge smile. She put her free arm around my shoulders as she used the crutch to hobble over to the seat beside Molly. Other than Molly taking a quick look up to see that it was me, she went back to what she was doing.
“Thanks,” the girl told me, but still didn’t sit down. “My other leg was starting to hurt with all my weight on it. With this thick towel between us, would you freak out of I wanted to sit in your lap? As you can see I don’t have much meat on my bones. I was sitting in one of the seats the last time the ship stopped for us to go ashore. That time there was hardly anyone on board. When we hit a monster wave I was thrown out of my seat and jammed up my ankle. I don’t want to get stuck in my room on the cruise ship because it happened again and I hurt my other leg. You look strong enough to keep me from flying off your lap. What do you say?”
I didn’t say a word. Instead I carefully got behind her. I sat down before guiding her back to sit on top of my legs. She wasn’t having it though. With seats designed to hold a ten-X sized person there was plenty of room for her to sit between my legs with enough room left over to have a gap between my dick and her almost completely naked butt. She pulled my hands around her waist as she let her head drop back against my shoulders, at least for a few minutes. The ship went over a big wave that made her bounce up a bit, but my arms held her in place. She turned her head to kiss my cheek before getting off the seat to remove the towel. She rolled the towel up, sat back between by legs, and turned so she had her knees over top of my right leg. I was given a great view of her shaved pussy when she moved her hurt leg around. Before she put the rolled towel up under the knee of her hurt leg she reached down to push down against the side of her outer lips so I could see her hard clit and soaked fish taco. She didn’t make any effort to cover back up other than to push her legs together before cuddling her side against me and then put her head back on my shoulder.
“See what I mean about my suit? Even with the towel I still got hit with blasts of cold air under my suit. And that isn’t the only reason I’m completely turned on. Look down. If you look carefully you will see my nips are hard as rocks under my bikini top,” she whispered. “So far you are the only boy I have met that doesn’t sprout wood when he sees that I’m obviously horny. You are such a gentleman. First offering me your seat and then not being a big old horn dog with a practically naked girl in your lap. Do you think your sister would mind if I came to hang out in your room when we get back to the boat? I feel that I would be completely safe with you,” she told me as she shifted so I could feel a hard nipple pushing into my chest.
I don’t know how much longer we had to go until we got to the ship.
Why do I even care? I have an almost naked girl in my lap that is horny as hell and she just went to sleep. She sure didn’t seem shy around me.
When our boat pulled up beside a medium sized cruise ship I heard some loud clanking and thuds before I saw we were being lifted out of the water. About three quarters of the way up the side of the ship our boat was pulled into a bay inside and then lowered onto something. After some noise from below the boat, and then more from the top of the boat, they started letting us off. That is when it got interesting.
Even before people had really started to unload, their clothes started coming off. Anyone not already naked started peeling off their clothes. Only the girls in one-piece suits and cover-ups stayed completely dressed. Most were hanging back near Molly and I.
The girl in my lap woke up and said, “Hey girls. Why don’t you quit worrying about your developing bodies already? Everyone here has already seen what you have before the first hair sprouted and your little nips began to pop out. He is the only boy left on here, so why don’t you try to give him a good strip show? I promise he won’t be a drooling puppy waiting for a meaty bone, with meaty bone of his own. He is actually a gentleman. It isn’t like he won’t see you all in the buff anyway at some point on this trip.”
While the girls whispered back and forth between each other the girl in my lap untied her bikini top and then used her crutch to get up.
“Want to do the honors,” she asked as she pulled my hands to her hips right on top of the strings barely holding her bottoms in place.
Do fish crap in the ocean?
After three weeks of helping with bathing suits and underwear I had her naked before she even knew I had accepted her invitation. She got me standing in front of her before she sat back down. She had me bend down to take off my shirt before she pulled my shorts and boxer briefs off in one swift motion. She let out a gasp when she saw my dick hanging down.
Behind us the younger girls were now talking a bit above a whisper as they discussed letting me see them naked before we got onto the cruise ship.
Leaning into the girl with the hurt leg I asked, “Would anyone get pissed if I actually saw them naked before they stripped themselves?”
When she shook her head no I quickly moved over to the one closest to me that was arguing the hardest for them to strip in front of me. Expertly I slipped my fingers under the straps of her bathing suit and was holding it for her step out of before she seemed to notice who had done it. Automatically she stepped out of her suit. I draped it over her arm and moved to the girl next to her. Only the last two of the eleven girls even seemed to react to me stripping them and that was to lift their legs higher than needed to step out of their suits. They may have their first few pubic hairs, but those they had were glued to their mons by their juices.
“Sorry I didn’t wait for your strip show. I’m starving,” I went over to Molly.
Standing there with her backpack open I took away her tablet and pulled her to her feet. With no sort of facial expression whatsoever she handed me her clothes. I pushed them into her backpack and then put in her tablet. She grabbed my phone from the pocket of my discarded shorts and then started doing something on her watch.
My phone dinged saying we would be given room keys, on a wristband, for our cabin at the top level of the ship once we got onboard. It was a deluxe stateroom with our own personal chef because she didn’t want to deal with the main dining room. At the end she said to carry the girl, who she called Angela, up to our suite. She would bring the crutch.
I got my backpack on, put my other small bag in Angela’s lap, and picked her up in my arms. The younger girls each let out a gasp and started whispering when they got to get a good look at my dick hanging down limply between my legs. As I carried Angela one of the younger girls would hold the door open for us. When the first one made sure my butt rubbed up against her body, as I turned sideways to get Angela through the door, I used the place in my head to find the place in their brains that would trigger an orgasm with almost no energy being pushed in to it. At the next door, when the girl pushed into me, I pushed in the energy she needed to have a nice, hard, get weak in the knees and almost pass out orgasm when our bodies touched. I did this to each girl as I saw they must have decided that each got a turn holding the door for me to carry Angela through. I didn’t even realize someone had slipped the wristband with my room key over my left arm at some point.
I probably shouldn’t be making them get off when they push their naked budding bodies against me, but what is it hurting? They tried their best to find a way to make their little clits rub against me without success. Have they even developed enough to have given themselves a real orgasm yet? Hopefully it will do them some good to break them of their shyness.
When we got in the elevator the younger girls were all doing their best to push up close to me. I know for sure that three of them tried to get my dick hard. One even bent forward to pick up her bathing suit, which she magically dropped. She pushed her little butt back under Angela and reached between her legs for my dick. She had one of the other girls push her out of the way before she could do what she had in mind
“Cass, he hangs down lower than my dad and you can’t get either of my ten year old brother’s finger sized ones inside you. We have tried everything to get him hard anyway. Give it a rest,” one of the girls said. “Angela said he wouldn’t perv on us and then you go over there acting like a bitch in heat. Just look between each of our legs. We all have our juices running like rivers. If I thought I could get him to even rub me between my legs or rub my sore chest I would have been all over him already. Cut it out, ok.”
To break up the tension I asked them, “Ok now that you made my head swell saying my dick was too big for all of you, who wants to come eat with me and Molly up in our state room? Just because you’re too young for me to even want to play naughty games with, I am still a guy. I would love to have twelve more naked girls hanging out in my room with me. Molly will be off in her own little world on her tablet or phone anyway. Can you believe that all the times we both happened to be traveling together, to go meet up with our respective sets of parents, that I haven’t seen her naked before. I doubt she even noticed I’m naked. She is like that though. We have become really good friends.”
I’m not even lying since we never have gone off to meet up with our parents on a trip.
Molly really meant the top floor. If we were in a hotel this would be the penthouse suite. It had dark wood walls, very ornate chairs, a huge dining table, seventy-inch 4K TVs in every room, a balcony facing the water and a big balcony overlooking the huge pool deck. When Molly pressed a button beside the fridge in the kitchen area, someone came over a speaker to tell us our waiter and chef would be here in a few minutes with some snacks. They would be taking our preferences for dinner tonight while we ate.
Five minutes later two men and two women pushed in carts loaded with fruit, sandwiches, cookies, cake, and chips. They pulled cold sodas out from the refrigerator. Each of us picked what we wanted. They didn’t even let our drinks get down below halfway before being refilled. Having three teenagers and eleven blossoming tweens eating together we didn’t leave much on the carts. I noticed Molly was trying to slow herself down enough to tell them what we wanted to have for dinner along with any guests we had at the time. I got her attention long enough for her to see the phablet in a holster of one of the women serving us food. After a minute or two of her fingers flying over her tablet the phablet on the waitress buzzed, scaring the shit out of the waitress.
She cocked her head to look at Molly, as she was the only one with any electronic device out, and then looked at her phablet again. Molly’s fingers went over her tablet and the phablet buzzed again.
“I have no idea how you did that. These are on an encrypted private network,” the waitress said.
Molly did something that made the phablet beep again. “As you wish Molly. Sorry to have questioned you. We will have everything ready at six sharp, as requested.”
When the staff had left Angela started to ask something, but I cut her off with, “As I said before, Molly didn’t even notice I was naked when we stripped her on the small boat. She only rarely talks to me and doesn’t like to be touched by anyone. I never even thought she might be autistic when I first met her. I only knew she was super smart and always liked to be near me whenever were traveling to the same place together. She has always been, well, Molly. I make sure she eats and she makes sure I don’t do something stupid.”
That seemed to satisfy them. Angela eventually told the younger girls that she and I were going to take a nap before dinner. We didn’t want any company. They got to have their fun rubbing their naked bodies up against me as we walked to my suite. I obviously wasn’t turned on by them anyway, so they better go before their parents started to ask why they were up in a stateroom with a teenaged boy and no parents anywhere.
That is all it took to make then scurry away in a hurry. Makes sense though. Any boy in puberty would love to have eleven naked girls allowing the boy to do everything with them. If not for the girls back home trying to get at my dick I might have been interested in these girls if my dick was still small enough.
Molly came over and said, “Too pale. Need a tan. Staff make sure I don’t burn.”
Just like that she was gone.
Where did she pull that thick book from? I don’t remember seeing it in her bags.
“Is she really going to read that book,” Angela asked.
With a laugh I said, “Yes. She might not have it done by dinner time because she will have to slow down to carefully turn the pages to keep from getting paper cuts. By the time she goes to sleep tonight she will have it finished. As I said, she is crazy smart, but has never made me feel stupid. Well except when I did something stupid.”
She used her crutch to get into my bedroom and crawled onto my bed. I picked her up to take her into the shower. It was big enough to have plenty of room for four oversized adults without any of them touching the other as they showered. I set Angela on one of the built-in wash seats and grabbed a wash wand. I first made sure to rinse her pussy off before I used a washcloth to gently clean off her stale pussy juices. When done I washed her from the neck down and then got her arms around my neck as I washed her back and butt well. When she was rinsed off I set her back down so I could give myself a soapy once over. I got us both dry before carrying her back to the bed.
Why wouldn’t she spread her legs widely to show me how wet she is already and where she wants my dick. Too bad she told the girls we were going to nap before dinner. No way is she going to have her virgin pussy stretched open and red, with cum occasionally oozing out, when they come up to check on us before dinner.
She wasn’t expecting me to pat baby powder all over her soaked twat. While she was still looking at me curiously I rubbed lotion on her good leg and then down on her injured one up to where there was still some tenderness. Looking with the place in my head showed the end of a nerve had gotten pushed up in a gap around her ankle bones. When I gently moved her foot around I could see it shooting pain signals up to her brain. As I gently massaged around I noticed that there were signals going up multiple nerves as well as the tiny tip of the one that was causing her pain. Not having any clue how to get it moved out of the way I carefully pulled on the energy at the tip of the piece that was getting pinched as I twisted her ankle so it wasn’t pushing on the nerve. I felt her ankle pop at the same time I saw that got it loose enough so that I was able to pull the energy on the nerver enough to make it come out of where it had been pinched. Like nothing had happened I continued to rub lotion over her ankle and foot.
Moving up between her legs I watched her smoldering look showing some fear of what she expected was about to happen. She wasn’t expecting me to massage lotion on the sides of her pussy, down around her butthole and then work my way up to rub lotion onto every bit of exposed skin I could reach with her laying on her back. When I was done with her face I flipped her over. My dick was long enough to get pushed down a bit under her clit before I closed her legs and sat on them to really work the lotion in her back. As my fingers worked over her muscles, especially those sore from using the crutch, I pulled the bad energy out of every single zit on her body. With the metal bed frame there was no problem to push that energy into the boat so it would get pulled out into the sea. As I had planned, she was almost asleep when I finished the massage.
“That made me really relaxed. I don’t even think I have the energy left to clench down to keep you from taking my virginity,” Angela told me.
I put my dick in her hand and let her stroke me hard. She may have been about to fall asleep, but she got a burst of energy when she felt my dick was finally rock hard.
Angela sat up and took her time investigating my long boner.
“You told those girls we were taking a nap until dinner. We both know they are going to magically appear with a bunch of other girls, and probably some boys, in hopes they can get a good look at your freshly deflowered vagina. Do you really want a bunch of tweens bugging you about how it was or going around telling everyone you got laid? I won’t talk about it except with you, in private, but that doesn’t mean your parents won’t know about it before you can even make it back to your room. How about we do like you told them and get some sleep? I have a really bad case of jetlag,” I explained.
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Flying all night is never any fun. I tried to get comfortable, but there was just no way. On top of everything else my feet fell asleep repeatedly. I was totally miserable all night long. It wasn't the longest night of my life, but it was right up there with the night my team was surrounded and couldn't get re-enforced till daylight. On the plane at least I wasn't hearing gunships overhead all night trying to keep the bad guys off our wire. Instead, I heard the noise of the Jet engines,...
Thursday, April 28, 2005 (Continued) Leaving Katelin's transport arrangements aside for the moment, I followed up on an idea I'd just had. Knowing my tape recorder was still running, and hoping it could pick up our voices when it was in my pocket, I said, "Wayne, if I call the police, are you going to get caught up in the lies your father told them?" "I'm not involved in that." #1: "Let me hazard a guess, it involves violence, and...
Most seniors never get enough exercise. In His wisdom God decreed that seniors become forgetful so they would have to search for their glasses, keys and other things thus doing more walking. And God looked down and saw that it was good. Then God saw there was another need. In His wisdom He made seniors lose coordination so they would drop things requiring them to bend, reach & stretch. And God looked down and saw that it was good. Then God considered the function of bladders and...
The only bright spot for the busy weekend was that I spent two very enjoyable nights with Jenny in each other's arms, after spending 14 hours each day looking at numbers with the rest of my loves. We were still sexually worn out from all the activity Friday night. It was good just to hold her. We boarded the jet for Charlotte at 5; we wanted to make sure we were there early. During the flight we had a meeting to review the credit reports we had purchased for Brady Smith personally and his...
Jeff had suddenly remembered having visited Nat, Nicki and Whitney a few nights before they were married. After loving them, he had started to leave their bedroom as they slept. Suddenly, he had found himself in the hallway. At the time, I thought I somehow had a lapse of consciousness or something similar. I've driven home before and remembered little of the trip, my mind focused on a problem, and from what I hear, that's something that happens to people fairly often. I've heard guys joke...
Laura herself was even shocked by their behavior. After the two men left, and she and Sholandra bathed (together), they ended up fucking for another two hours. Each had half a dozen more orgasms. They were both so sore from the brutal fucking they had both received that they had to go easy on each other, but neither was able to stop. I'll bet Rhonda would be jealous, Laura thought. And Sholandra must have been reading her mind. "You know, Rhonda's sweet," she said. "And she loves to...
Tashana bounced up and down, her eyes alight with excitement. “Valada must have built a secret bunker under the palace!” “It certainly looks like it,” John agreed, squinting in the direction of the study. “The lift shaft starts from a room concealed within the wall cavity.” “Let’s go!” the Maliri archaeologist exclaimed, turning on her heel to rush to the study. John caught her hand and pulled her back. “Hold on a second. I know you’re excited but we need to be careful; Valada might have...
Glory was lying on top of Alan, happily bobbing on his shaft while he was licking her pussy, when she heard the doorbell ring. She said in a voice that was muffled by the thickness of his erection, "I'nore dat. Prob'bly sshomeone sellin' shomesing." But Alan gently managed to extricate himself from under her, bringing an end to their fun, for now at least. He said, "No, this is great! Quick, throw some clothes on. I want you to answer the door with the Televibe in you." She longed to...
This is compliments of Pepere Now We Know Why He Was a General In an interview, General Norman Schwarzkopf was asked if he thought there was room for forgiveness toward the people who have harbored and abetted the terrorists who perpetrated the 9/11 attacks on America. His answer was classic Schwarzkopf. The General said, “I believe that forgiving them is God’s function ... OUR job is to arrange the meeting.” Dana Perino (FOX News) describing an interview she recently had with a Navy...
The one thing that technology did was make surveillance a hell of a lot easier. With all the cameras and gps trackers, I could sit in the motel room drinking coffee, while I watched the subjects of my investigation. On day one of the new ccvtv deployment I noted that the twenty odd employees did almost no work. They punched in which seemed to be the height of their work day. They then sat playing with laptops and smart phone for their eight hours. The guys seemed to rotate at the loading...
Brea threw a monkey wrench into my plans for a teleconference the moment she walked in the door. “Good,” she said when she saw I was dressed. “What time are we leaving?” “Leaving?” I asked. “Doctor’s appointment,” she said. I covered my eyes. A day that I had been looking forward to for weeks had somehow slipped from my mind. “I don’t have time for that today!” I groaned. “Time for what?” Liz asked. “Travis has a doctor’s appointment,” Brea answered. “Is it Friday already?” Liz asked,...
At 1100 I went to the National Security meeting downstairs. I was right - they had a copy of the firefight report we watched last night. The CIA man filed a report detailing what had happened, including the causality report. Some of the injured lived long enough to tell part of the plans. The Boko-Haram were on their way to the next village - they were going to destroy Gusau. Gusau was a larger village and two units of Boko-Haram were to attack it in ten days. They were trying to divide...
“Loneliness becomes an acid that eats away at you.” —Haruki Murakami, 1Q84 “UM ... RACHEL?” I turned to see my girlfriend stepping away. “See you later, baby. Liv and I have a huge biz management project due this week. I’m off to work with her.” She was gone that quick and I was left facing Celia. “Wow! Hi, Celia. Um ... Give me a minute to get over the shock so I can greet you properly?” “Sure. I didn’t mean to blindside you. I talked to Rachel and she said she’d prep you but I guess...
Anxiety drove us, and despite it being mid-afternoon when we left the Vigil, we managed to make good time, continuing well past dark. We’d met up with Oghren and Wulf along the way, so between those two and Aedan, Alistair, Justice/Vander (Vustice? Jander? Maybe not), Alim, Zevran, and a reluctant Sigrun, we had eight Wardens, and a large contingent of soldiers accompanying Nathaniel. I hoped that would be enough to take on, presumably, the Architect and whatever forces he’d managed to...
"So, we're thinking about a picnic and a softball game Sunday," Rebecca told Celina as the meeting concluded. "You up for it?" "I haven't played softball since elementary school," Celina replied. "It's not a really big sport in the city. Most people play basketball." "I haven't played it in that long either," Adam said. "But it will be fun. I'm sure there will be half a dozen of us vying for right field. The last time I played, that's where they hid me." "You know, I...
I pride myself on keeping up to date with all of the latest porn news and happenings. Nothing in the adult entertainment industry sneaks up on me. I can sense trends and fads coming from several miles away. I'm like a shark who can smell cum in the water. I felt that the fappening would go down almost half a year before it did. The enormous asses twerking craze of fifteen years ago? I called it. Virtual reality porn? I've been fucking talking about virtual reality porn since 3D glasses first...
Twitter Porn AccountsOfficial Pussy Inspector I have always been in love with pussy. My wife and every girlfriend that I have ever had knew that. Even my sister and my mother know that too. Hell I have a diploma hanging in my den that was made up special, certifying me as the “Official Pussy Inspector.” I have a T-shirt and a baseball cap that have FBI on it, which stands for “Female Body Inspector.” As much as I like the female body I really like pussy. Like they say, “You spend nine months getting out of...
Hello readers, welcome back for the fourth part of the Story of Arpita. For those who had been a regular follower of Arpita, a brief recap first – Story of Arpita – Part 1 – Wife at Stake – Pritam, Arpita’s husband had lost his job at a very crucial time of his life. He had just got married to Arpita and was beginning his life, when his sacking came as a bolt from the blue. And he had no other choice but to offer his wife, Arpita, to his bosses, to save his job. Unmesh, Rahul, and Anjan, his 3...
Hi, ye story hai meri aur meri vendor bhawna ki. Thori lambi hai but I promise ki while reading this you won’t be able to control the movement of you hands and fingers. To bhawna se meri pehli baar baat phone pe hui jab vo business enquiry k liye mere office ki landline pe phone kiya.Ussey pehli baar baat karke aisa kuch bhi nahi socha tha but phir uske random calls aaney laggey. Mujhe be ussey baat karna accha lagne laga and whatsapp pe pehli baar uski pic dekhi to bahut pasand aayi. Hamari...
Ginger, Stacy, and I went into Work Mode for an hour after our short discussion about the night before. We compared calendars and talking about the various client jobs we had underway, as well as how we could best use Stacy and also help her gain some valuable consulting skills. Of course, the relationships we were building with some of the men and women at our client sites also came up. Stacy made a small chart of what was going on, adding in who our lovers were at each site, just to tease...
I’ve written tons of sex stories now. Some of you don’t really care for my oral fixation, and specifically how I love my girls to give dozens and dozens of blowjobs in succession (no pun intended), and while still nicely dressed. ‘Why still dressed?’ you might ask. Well, when a girl is blowing you fully dressed, it means a few things: (1) it means that all she wants is to satisfy your cock with her mouth; (2) it means that she’s being very spontaneous; and (3) it means she’s almost certainly...
Group SexOne day she was talking to her friend Joan about her problem. Joan said that a friend had told her about an opening that would pay very well and not require any degree or special skills but that it was not a job most women would want. Beth asked Joan what the job was. Joan said that she did not know the details but had heard that in involved working for some real pricks and you need to be young and attractive to apply. She gave Beth a piece of paper with a phone number and the name Mr....
What the hell am I doing? A couple hours ago I was just going out for a drink and now I am driving in my car following a guy to his house. I am a married man, 57 years old and as straight as they come. My hands are sweating, I can feel my heart pounding and I am as scared and nervous as I have ever been. It is like the first time I felt up my date when I was 16 years old in high school. Excited, yet scared to death.I have been married for 30 years to a gorgeous woman and we have a great sex...
Before I could respond Cydney was already acting like I had said yes. "I already checked out a few hotels in the city. This one has a hot tub, oh and there's one with a standing shower! What do you think babe?" "Cydney, this is all wonderful and I love your enthusiasm, but I can't." "Can't what?" Her expression changed immediately "I can't do this, I can't spend the night with you. I'm married." "So? We've already fucked and told each other we loved one another. What's the problem Jason?" She...
MatureHi guys, this is the real incident. It happened during the recent review meeting which was unexpected but somehow I was wishing this to happen. So let me introduce to my colleague who recently joined our office as Manager. Her name is Bami (name changed). So our boss decided a regional visit for her and me as my visit was also pending. Bami is s married girl with a height of 5’5” and size is 34-30-28. She is fair in color and her hairs are up to her shoulders. She carries a magnetic personality...
Dear friends, this is the story of how my manager Lakshmi followed up on with a two-night work trip to Pune as a sex filled holiday. Once we resumed work after our weekend outing, it was work as usual in the office. Lakshmi and I tried our best to keep our discussions to official matters. Her dressing also was traditional as usual. It was difficult to believe that we had those sexapades in the resort. However, in the next week, she walked to my desk and said we need to plan to go to Pune for a...
Hello ISS readers specially Gujarati readers. As I am from Gujarat, from baroda. So hope you are enjoying this site as well. So let’s start now. I am 24 year old and working for an MNC And I am decent looking for sure. I love to chat with girls and specially 30-35 year olds. As a hot blood age, everyone knows that we are in naughty mood always. So here and there we find something naughty in women. Always try to catch some glimpses. ;-) For any suggestions and chat or talk, please contact So...
Hi guys and I have been reading some of the stories in my free time and fantasised on those few times and as I had an experience recently and I thought I would share that with you and contribute. This is the story about me and my ex-manager and me and her name is Monsoon and I don’t want to state her full name as she is still my colleague and we are working together. I am a normal Indian guy with an average physique. M was my manager initially in my office. But she was shifted later on to...
By : Amrish cheddha I am from Mumbai and this incident happened last week, I had to do pest control in my house which was overdue and the pest control service man had said a male person needs to be present when the pest control was being done, i took an off and at 2:15 the pest control people came and they finished the work by 2:45, i had sent my mom to my neighbors house and kept the house closed to be opened only at 6:00 pm. I went to a multiplex and thought the best way to spend time was to...
Hello, this is Arman back again . This is a true story about my encounter with a bank official. First ill describe myself. I’m 24 t. Thanks for the response for the previous stories . I would need more response from horny mature ladies to post some more exiting events of mine . . I am 5.9″ tall with a muscular build. Now of my girl. Her name is Gurjit. She is around 30 years old. She arrived from Punjab 10 years ago, so she still has an accent. But she is so sexy. She is 5’4″, has black hair,...
David was just finishing up with the day's last customer when Bobbi Foxx asked him to lock the front door and then come into her office!!! "All done," he said while knocking on the door jam to her office!!! "Come on in, David," I'll be with you in a moment, I'm just finishing up totaling up the day's receipts!!!" "Take your time," he said easily while taking a chair, "business has been pretty good, hasn't it!?!" "Yes it has," she said, "how long have you been working for me, David!?!" "Uh,...
FetishHij doet open en heeft een t shirt en een joggingbroek aan. Hij is al opgewonden zie ik. Zijn gezicht ruw van de stoppels. Bij binnenkomst kus ik hem meteen. Ik leun achterover tegen de muur naast de voordeur en hij drukt zich tegen me aan. Langzaam, zachtjes verkennen onze tongen elkaar, alsof ze weer moeten wennen aan het samenspelen. Mijn rechterhand daalt af naar zijn broek en ik kneed zijn lid. Hij wordt direct hard in mijn hand en hij fluister in mijn oor: "ik ga je suf neuken!" Geil als...
It was 1927, the Great War was now a memory especially for the general population of the victors nations. The idea that in a few years the world would be plunged into a depression was something that was not considered, in fact if it had been raised; it would have been seen as impossible. The world was in a spin of 'good times', jobs were available and everybody was out for fun. Drink, dance, women and abundance of money swept the population along like a great tide. Women fucked at every...
Several friends and acquaintances told us of affairs with government officials usually at the urging of their husbands to help them obtain permits, like renewal of work permits, exchange control licenses, even driving licenses for teenagers. Work permits were particularly difficult to obtain since it involved several departments. First, a certificate was needed proving that the expatriate was training an African understudy. This involved the Ministry of Education. Next, it had to be shown...
It was Violet Parr's 18th birthday, and she had no intention of letting her day be a boring, work filled drag. Instead she came up with the most scandalous plan for making her 18th the most remember-able. At least to superhero standards. You see, Violet wasn't part of a normal family; as much as she had dreamt, she was part of a family of superheros. Her father was the famously strong Mr. Incredible, her mother was Elasta Girl, and her two brothers were Dash and Jack-Jack. They were all endowed...
As I settled into bed in the guest room, I heard the faint rhythmic creaking coming through the wall from the master bedroom. My imagination and my cock both came to attention. The lovely wife of my friend had been very attentive to me all evening and the snug fitting clothing she wore showed off her attractive figure. Some of her comments had possibly been double-entendres, but I dared not presume anything. Of course I lusted after Celeste. I hadn’t been with a woman for months. My envy was...
I can’t help it that I worked out so much that I look like this. I wonder if I can get into the jock gym to see if there is someone that can spot for me while I do some bench presses. I need to start working out again. “Do you think the president can pull some strings so I can go work out at the gym used by the athletes. I can’t find any gyms at home that have people strong enough to spot for me,” I asked. She smiled when she said, “This time of year, you are more likely to find guys to...
"Hey, are we there yet?" I feel like I've asked that question a hundred times since the trip began, my parents are dropping me of at my brothers house for a week. The last time I saw him was a couple years ago, he moved away from us to study and got a job soon after. I must have been 11 when he left, he was 17, we were never really that close but something is making me really excited for this visit, my 18th birthday was just a month ago so he is 24 years old now, I wonder if he has a...
BDSMI woke up when some fluid hit my face, then I smelt it. It was piss. Where the hell was I? Then two parts of darkness parted and I saw a face looking at me. "Bonjour monsieur. Comment allez-vous? Ouvrez votre bouche si vous veuillez." So I opened my mouth and the piss squirted in. I just had to gulp it down. It tasted salty, I had forgotten the taste. I could see that the woman above me was only crouching over the toilet seat. When the flow of piss stopped she sat down properly and looked...
Tamarillia acted like she didn't have a care in the world. She was striding forward with a purpose, Lizzie had to keep holding her back so she didn't get too far ahead of the group. "Why are you in such a hurry Tammi? I would think that you wouldn't want to go into a dark, spooky place like that, much less rush to it." Lizzie was confident in what she said because the forest in front of them was filled with ugly trees with twisted limbs that seemed to reach down to catch...
“C’mon, Julie, you’re fucking with me?” Gary exclaimed.“I’m really not.”“I don’t believe you…well then, Marc is fucking with you…no way he said that,” Gary insisted.“Gary, I understand your apprehension, but trust me on this: Marc is not only okay with your visit, he suggested it,” I assured my brother.“So, let me get this straight, you told Marc all about us…all the stuff we did as teenagers? And his reaction is to invite me for a visit? Somebody is fucking with somebody.”“I thought so too...
IncestEveryone in the crowd froze in a various array of postures. Moments after they got to their seats the group battle ended, and in both ghastly and bloody manner, at that. “Is ... is that it?” Someone asked in a barely audible voice. “In just a few seconds he took out five of the eight of them, killing three of them, not less...” Another person mentioned waveringly. “How terrible, he even didn’t spare the woman...” “Dad, dad, what Martial school this expert belongs to? Please sign me in!”...
After a rather eventful night of ‘firsts’, I awoke early, around 8 a.m. the next morning. Melissa was still sound asleep next to me. She was lying on her side, facing me. Her full breasts, with those succulent nipples, only inches from my face. I thought about giving them a nice long lick, since I was still a bit horny despite the fucking we did only six hours ago. She looked like a naked sleeping goddess with such wonderful sexual curves. But, I was hungry as can be, so I decided to let her...
First TimeSally and her black lover EddieInvite me to Visit(Third in a Series)[Author’s note: This is a true story. Sally and Eddie really do exist and live in Pennsylvania. Sally’s story was related to me through voice messages and e-mails and I agreed to write it down and publish it so that large, mature white women can realize that there are men in this world who appreciate and worship large women. Sometimes the worshipers are white men and other times the worshipers are black men. But, no matter...
Her name is Olivia. She is the most beautiful, wonderful, amazing girl who I have ever had the pleasure of meeting in life. I’m proud to call her my own.She walked slowly towards me, half undressed, as was I, Her breasts being emphasized by her tight, pink, laced Victoria’s Secret bra. I lay on the bed as I watched her as she twirled around for me. She was 5 ft, 10 inches tall, with long wavy blond hair that went past her shoulders. She had huge, beautiful green eyes, that sparkled in the light...
Whoever this girl is was right about them just asking me to take a sleeping pill instead of being sneaky and putting it in my food. When we stopped outside a pair of sliding glass doors, someone helped me into a wheelchair. I noticed I was wearing the super soft pajamas dad had gotten me. No one said a word to me as we got on an elevator to ride up the nineteenth floor. When the doors opened, I saw a sign saying “Hospitalized Patient Consultation - Optical Patient Entrance Only.” In the...
Dinner time! Ellen, Leigh, and Kirsten had enlisted the six boys from earlier to be responsible for having the women cooking here teach them to cook pork chops. The girls were finishing up the rabbit stew. Ivy was nowhere around, but Juniper and Willow were both here and showed they knew they were in deep shit. Their mom would go over to them periodically to tell them to wipe off the cum leaking out her their pussies, again. Aspen went over and hugged her mom, which just about made her mom...
The Visit Author's Note: This is a sequel to A Secret Shared. I was heading for South Texas to visit an old friend. It had been more than 20 years since we had spent any time together, and what a weekend that had turned into. This trip wasn't an attempt to rekindle anything, far from it. I was taking a trip to visit friends before deciding where I was going to live following my divorce. The only concerns I had now were keeping enough clean clothes and finding a golf course wherever...