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Feline By Britney Kandey When I start to reflect back on my life, there is a series of questions that I start to ask myself, constantly having a running battle in my mind about the person I long to be inside. It's almost like there is more than one personality locked inside my brain, trying to over throw the dominant male persona that is me. Or is it me? Or am I just another person lost in the world of today. The only thing I never really could get is an understanding of is when this power struggle would finally end. Living my life in the closet was going to definitely lead me more than up the garden path, I was sure one day it was going lead to me to the insane asylum up on the hill. My Auntie Muriel had been sent to the same insane asylum some 19 years ago when I was just a wee lad. My name is Drake, I'm 25 and no I am not an alcoholic. Yet this is my story, and yes I am a crossdresser. After a very rough patch in my life, I was managing to get a grip on my reality as well as my financial situation. I took two jobs just to pay the bills as well as keep me out of harm's way. The first job was working as a used car salesman at a local car yard. The second job was working as a bartender at a local bar. It turned out that I had quite the gift for selling cars to people, and was starting to earn a lot of money. My only major problem was I had a lot of emotional baggage from my misspent youth to deal with, which was making my enjoyment of spending my hard earned money hard to do. That is until I discovered an old friend inside of me, my feminine persona. I had started to crossdress again just six months ago but had already accumulated a large wardrobe. You could safely say that the wardrobe I had was something that most modern women would truly die for. I hadn't had sex in a very long time, but crossdressing, along with the odd cybersex session when dressed, somehow seemed to cool me down from my heated moments of horny devilness. Not wanting to just live half my life and then throw the rest away, it was time to venture out into the world again. This time there was a motive of girlie fun on my mind, instead of the normal mundane stuff that boys seem to want to spend their time doing. Luckily the other major advantage of using Internet chat rooms was the ability to chat to people both locally and overseas. There was an older TV who I often spoke to who lived locally, who had always been eager to meet me for a quick drink. I had always refused of course, I am a rather shy person, but I decided she might be my key to a whole new girlie world. I had finally got the nerve to agree to meet her on Friday at a local bar called "SYDERS" When that Friday night came around I could hardly wait to get ready. Work seemed to just be a non stop drag, but at least I did manage to sell a few cars. which would pay for some very nice new additions to my wardrobe when the commissions came through. I luckily had that night off from my bar job, so when 6:00 PM did come around at last I headed off back to my apartment to get changed for my wild night on the town. Back alone once again in my apartment it was time for Drake to take a look deep inside the closet, but this time it was not to hide those skeletons away. No, it was to get out some nice gear so that Drake could transform into the very sexy Lilly. After Drake checked to make sure everything was in fact all OK and ready in the closet it was time to head off to the bathroom for some pre-transformation preparations. First thing Drake had to do of course was take a bubble bath to get all squeaky clean. Then it was the dreaded task of a long shave to remove all that unwanted manly body hair that had proved more than a problem for so long in his girlie persona of Lilly. After that was out of the way a short manicure followed, along with some mild eye brow plucking just to make sure that Drake's body was 100% ready for the job ahead of it. That job of course was becoming the most passable girl that Drake could become. Being her first night out in public, Lilly wanted to make sure that there was no way that Drake could mess things up, especially now after all her hard work. Just to be on the safe side Drake decided to have a quick glass or two of Rum and Cola just to calm the jitters. After that it was time for Drake to kick fully into Lilly mode, leaving his male mindset a distant memory. Lilly (or I should say me?) was quick to head back to the bedroom. It was time for me to check out that perfect outfit. The only thing that I was not yet aware of was that there could not be a perfect outfit for the night that lay ahead of me. Quickly pulling on some tight black lace see-through panties with matching bra got the adrenaline racing as the girlie emotions started to rush through my body. It was just so natural for me to put on girl's clothes and be my true self as Lilly. I pulled on my tight black cotton pedal pushers, they seemed to fit rather nicely. It was nice to be able to fit into tight size 8 pants and not have to worry about going on a diet. I slipped on my blue high heels followed by a tight white playboy bunny T-shirt that was more a crop top that a T-shirt. I was still amazed at how feminine I looked when in very casual dress. Next, on went my blond bob cut wig, leaving me with a rather quick make up job to be done. It was just on 45 minutes all up when I found myself racing out the door. Arriving just on time at SYDERS, it was still early in the night so there where not a lot of people around. As I walked up to the door the doorman was standing there. He was tall dark and very handsome. "ID please, Madame." The doorman asked. I reluctantly took out my male ID card and showed it to the doorman. He made not one snide remark, instead he simply pointed me through the door. I was too shy to even utter a thank you to him. I felt rude but relieved at the same time as I made my way inside the doors of SYDERS. Inside I made my way discreetly to the bar to order a drink. "What will it be tonight my dear?" the bar lady asked in a very friendly way indeed. "Bloody Mary please." I asked, handing my cash over the bar. On the stool next to me there was an elderly gentleman who was doing everything possible to catch my eye, I had been doing the best to avoid him. There was no sign of Melony as yet, the girl from the net that I had come to the bar to meet. "There you go love." the bar lady said, handing me my Bloody Mary. "Thanks." I replied, picking up my glass and going to walk away from the bar. "Not so fast young lady." the elderly gentleman said out of the blue. There was no way I could avoid responding now. "Oh, I was just on my way to sit down. You see I am waiting for a friend." I replied so not to sound rude and also not to lead him astray in anyway. "Mind if I join you until your friend arrives?" the elderly man inquired in such a manner that it made it a rather hard situation to really say no. Rather reluctantly I nodded my head in agreement and we both headed over to a quiet booth. It was just far enough away for us to be out of sight of the rest of the patrons, but still gave me a clear view of the main entrance. I was starting to get a sneaking suspicion that maybe Melony was going to stand me up. So much for meeting people off the Internet if that was the case. I started to really dig into drinking my Bloody Mary, as the elderly man sparked up a cigarette, giving me a wink at the same time. "My name's Luke." the elderly man said, taking a big puff on his cigarette. "Nice to meet you Luke." I lied to him, oops I mean replied to him. He was not really my cup of tea but I decided what the hay, I'm bored. Let's humor him. So after a moment or two of silence I continued my conversation with Luke. "My name is Lilly." I replied, looking down at my glass to realize it was now half empty. "Pretty name for a very pretty girlie." Luke said, again with a wink in his eye. "Thanks." I said, trying my best not to blush. "So where's this friend of yours then?" Luke asked. "Running late I think." I responded. Just then I noticed Melony enter the bar. The reason I knew is she was wearing a dress from a photo that she had sent me on the Internet. "Good for me then." Luke responded as he took yet another puff on his cigarette. At least he had stopped winking at me. "Be right back." I said to Luke. Not waiting for an answer I headed over to get Melony's attention. After all it was Melony who I was at the bar to meet, not Luke. I knew Melony was older, about 50, but she didn't look a day over 40. She was wearing a cute strapless red mini dress with matching fishnets and heels. It was obvious to everyone else in the bar, including myself, that Melony was definitely a man in drag. "Hi." I said. "Hi doll." Melony replied giving me a kiss on the cheek. "I'm just sitting down over there with that guy." I said, as I discreetly pointed over in Luke's direction. "All right doll, be with you soon. Have fun with Lucky Luke." Melony said, giving me a wink. "Lucky Luke?" I asked, just a little puzzled as to what Melony had said. "Don't worry, he's a very old friend, it's a long story." Melony said as she headed off to the bar. So I walked back over to Luke and sat down, demolishing the rest of my drink with a quick skull. "Thirsty lady, can I get you another drink at all?" Luke asked. There was nothing lucky about him that I had seen so far. "Yes, Please." I responded, making sure to raise my eye browse at the same time in a very flirtatious way. "What's your poison?" Luke asked. Resisting the urge to tell him that he was my poison, I politely responded with "Bloody Mary." Luke went towards the bar, bumping into Melody during transit. I noticed that they had more than a few words to say to each other. Soon afterwards Melody was sitting across from me in the booth just where Luke had been moments before. "I think he likes you." Melody said. "Yeah, I think your right." I responded, rather disappointed in the fact that I had ventured out as Lilly. "He's the right kind of guy for a girl to know though." Melody said, but she didn't get a chance to go into further detail as Luke had now returned with my drink. "Here you go." Luke said, placing the drink in front of me. He sat down rather close next to me in the booth. "Thanks." I said, trying not to sock him in the face, but I had to be grateful he did buy me a drink after all. "My pleasure." Luke said, making a mock bow, then he proceeded to put his hand on my knee. For some reason, though, I didn't brush his advance off. Maybe it was the alcoholic beverage getting to me, I really don't know. We had a rather blurry three way conversation during the next few hours. Luke managed to get me to drink at least another 8 Bloody Marys. I even manage to recall a few Tequila shots going down my throat during out little drinking session. Melony politely made her exit, leaving me alone with Luke as my only company and it was also closing time at "SYDERS". "Last call for Alcohol!" the bar lady announced to every one left inside drinking,. There where only a few people sitting around the bar still besides me and Luke. "Want another drink?" Luke asked. "Might as well." I managed to reply, despite how intoxicated I was. "Another Bloody Mary or something else?" Luke asked. "Surprise me." I said with girlish giggle. "Sure thing." Luke said as he quickly dashed back up to the bar. There was no way in hell that I was going to go home with this guy, no matter how drunk I got. As I drunk the rest of the current glass of Bloody Mary I kept on reassuring myself of that, over and over in my head until It sounded just like an answering machine message. Luke returned, putting a glass in front of me that contained a cocktail that was bright pink. It was very cute and just what the doctor ordered. "Thanks. What is it?" I asked him, very coyly indeed. "It's just a little elixir to help you relax." Luke replied with a grin. Obviously there was more to this than he was prepared to let on. At that time of the morning, as well as considering the state I was currently in, I was almost prepared to try anything. Except sexual intercourse in any way shape or form with Luke, of course. Taking a sip of the cocktail I managed to taste faint traces of both Vodka and Drambuie. Once the cocktail was finished though I was rather giggly as well as completely draped over Luke. We walked out of "SYDERS" hand in hand. Much to my amazement I was still capable of walking. "My place or yours?" Luke asked as we walked towards a Taxi stand. In my mind all I could hear was "Fuck, Fuck, Fuck". I knew there was something else that I was meant to be thinking about besides for the explicit sexual fantasies now floating around quite happily inside my head. "Yours baby." I replied, giving him a kiss on the cheek. Instantly it occurred to me that for some reason I had just given him the wrong answer, but it was too late. I was soon inside the Taxi with him and we were on our way. It was a short taxi trip, with Luke rubbing his hands up and down my spine while our tongues danced that certain dance that most people learn in their teenage years. For some reason it's a dance that they still do when there grown up if they're lucky enough. Arriving back at Luke's apartment we sat down on his white leather couch. "Nightcap?" Luke asked, again with a grin. "OK.' was all I was able to say on the subject. But my OK was all Luke needed as he rushed off to the kitchen. When he returned he had a magnum of Moet champagne and two empty glasses. "Come with me my princess." Luke said, helping me up with his spare hand. We walked into his bedroom where he had a queen size water bed. I fell flat on my face in the middle of the bed. Luke put the bottle and glasses down, then he rolled me over. We polished off the magnum bottle of Moet, leaving me well and truly in a very drunken state indeed. Even though I was drunk as well as dizzy, I somehow managed to gain a second wind for the night. All the alcohol had slowly killed all my inhibitions from earlier on in the night. I had no problems not only kissing Luke but I also somehow managed to put my hand straight down his pants. I was jerking him off while I kissed him deeply and it seemed to be turning him on indeed. Suddenly though, Luke stopped kissing me. However my hand remained on his erect penis, giving him a hand job still. "Where do you want it first, slut?" Luke said in a complete change of manner from earlier on in the night. "Wherever you want baby!" I replied, amazed at what I had said. I also managed to lick my lips, which was the final signal that Luke needed to drop his pants and put his cock deep inside my mouth with little warning. I slowly started to suck him off. "Lick that Penis good Lilly!" Luke said, which made me speed up the pace just a tad. This was the first real life cock I had had in my life so it took a little getting used to, but I was soon in full swing. The slutty cocksucking instinct kicked in inside my head as my I bobbed backwards and forwards on Luke's cock. "Good Lilly, you dirty slut!" Luke screamed out, as his cock touched the back of my throat. I pulled off his cock to give him a teasing lick to the side of his penis shaft, before putting his cock totally back into my mouth. Inspired by the words dirty slut coming out of Luke's mouth I was determined to make sure I gave him the filthiest blow job of all time. The first droplets of pre cum where now flowing from the head of his penis, his cum felt salty as I swallowed it down. My hand made it's way up to his balls, where I slowly massaged them as I sucked on his cock. Another 15 or so minutes passed until he finally exploded with all his might inside my mouth. I managed to do a very fine job indeed of making sure that I swallowed each droplet of his precious cum until his penis was bone dry and limp. "That was amazing!" Luke said as he pulled his penis safely out of my mouth. Maybe he was worried that I wasn't satisfied and might bite him for revenge. We spent the next little while just kissing each other, as well as rolling around on the waterbed. "Do you ever think of what life can be like as a full time girl?" Luke asked, managing to catch me totally off guard. "What?" I inquired. I hadn't told him I was actually a boy dressed up as a girl. Maybe Melony had told him, which I somehow doubted. She wouldn't do something like that, even though they seemed to be on rather good terms with each other. Maybe he has just put two and two together after Melony had joined us at the bar earlier on. "Well I was just thinking, Lilly, that you make the perfect girl. So perfect in fact that maybe you need to be Lilly full time instead of part time." Luke responded in such away which made me grow even more suspicious as to what he actually knew about me after all. "I think I should go" I responded, trying to come to my senses enough to work out some kind of escape. My only problem was I was still rather intoxicated. "Don't be silly, Lilly." Luke said as he pushed me safely back down onto my back. "Sorry." I replied, hoping that this would be the end of that line of questioning. But it wasn't as Luke was soon back on the war path. "Well how about it?" he asked. "About what?" I asked having no idea of what he was trying to get at. "Lilly, if you could be a full time girl instead of a boy would you do it?" Luke asked, sounding very serious all of a sudden. "Depends" I replied, still trying not to give too much away. Even though it had been my dream for as long as I could recall to be a pretty little girl. I could almost guess the words as they flowed out of Luke's mouth so poetically. "Depends upon what exactly?" I was in no state to answer that question properly, but the words seemed to escape my own mouth before my brain had a chance to kick into the proper gear. "Depends upon all the yummy cock." I said stupidly, when I was really trying to ask about the conditions of the transaction. It was at this stage however that the alcohol finally went to my head and I passed out. Entering the world of dreams I had the oddest dream of all time. Luke was in the dream, which made it even more odd. He was dressed in a Devil's costume although he was not the Devil. He was, however, an assistant of the Devil, refereed to simply as "Brimstone". Thinking to myself that I must tell Luke about how in my dreams he was a demon, I took note of the events that occurred next. The only thing was that when I woke up in the morning I couldn't recall what those events actually where. Waking up in the morning, I was not still next to Luke on his water bed. Instead I was downstairs at the back of the kitchen sitting inside what appeared to be nothing more than a cat basket. This was very odd, for a moment I thought that maybe I was still dreaming, but then I saw Luke open the fridge and take out a carton of milk. He was dressed in a black silk bathrobe and looked taller than usual when he walked across to where I was. Actually everything about the kitchen was gigantic size for some strange reason. "Ah Lilly, you've finally woken up." Luke said as he poured the contents of the milk carton into a cat bowl in front of me. "Meow?" I replied, when what I was trying to say to him was "What's going on?" It was at that moment that I understood what had happened. I also had a chance to think about the weird dream from the night before. Luke was the devil's number one demon called Brimstone, who had the power of transformation as one of his many powers. For some reason Luke, AKA Brimstone, had transformed me from the male Drake to a Female pussycat Lilly. I took some sips from the milk bowl while I thought more about the situation I was now in. "Sorry it isn't as tasty as my cum Lilly" Luke said giving me a gentle pat before he headed out of the kitchen. I spent the rest of the day sulking in my cat basket, not even wanting to go exploring my new realm. Except for when I urgently had to go and locate the kitty litter, but you don't need to hear all about that. The clock on the old kitchen stove flicked over to 11:11, it was in the PM and not the AM by this stage. Suddenly I returned to my human form, or a near human form I should say. I wasn't Drake though. I was definitely in the body of a nubile female with small perky breasts, shoulder length black hair, slim, size 8, with the scent of strawberries. My vagina was shaven. Everything would have been perfect except for the small tail coming out of my tailbone as well as the fact that I was naked in Luke's kitchen. Luke entered the kitchen, but not via the normal method of using a door. Instead he entered the room from a puff of smoke that occurred out of no where. "Here's the deal Lilly." Luke said, followed by an artificial drum role in the back ground. "By decree of the Devil himself you are to be forever a cat girl simply called Lilly. As a human you will not age, but stay as a 25 year old from here until hell freezes over. Judging from how hot hell was on my last visit, I wouldn't hold my breath for too long about an ice age. During the hours from 11:11 PM, also known as the witching hour, and 7 AM you will be Lilly in human form. Come 7 AM however, you will be Lilly, a black cat, no matter what." Which made everything so crystal clear. But there was yet more to follow from Luke's mouth. "During the hours of 12-4 AM, every day except for Sunday, you will work as a dancing girl at the Dark Angel.". That was in some ways the icing on the cake, but in other ways a living nightmare. Luke then conjured up what turned out to be an outfit out of nowhere. It felt so nice to pull on the tight pink G- string that Luke had handed me. I loved the snug feeling of having the fabric rub up and down against my shaven vagina instead of an unsightly bulge of a penis. My tail was small enough to hide, I thought, but it turned out that it had vanished as soon as I put the G-string on. "You will learn there are a lot of tricks in your new body, Lilly." Luke said as I realized what was happening. Next I placed a matching pink bra over my new B cup breasts. It felt as fabulous as putting the G-string onto my new body. It felt like such a shame to have to cover my breasts up with the bra as well as the red Lycra boob tube that then followed. A very skimpy little black silk mini skirt was next, with a very provocative slit up the left hand side. Red fishnets and black PVC knee high zip up boots finished me off in the outfit department. When I looked in the mirror I had the most amazing yellow cat's eyes, as well as my face being so naturally appealing and sexy there was no need to apply makeup. "Meow" I said in Luke's direction, as my way of saying thank you. "What's the matter cat got your tongue?" Luke shot back in my direction. I had no idea at this stage as to why I lacked the ability to talk in my human form. Luke handed me a carton of milk to drink down. Once I had swallowed the last droplet I attempted to speak again as it seemed the natural thing to try. "Thanks." finally exited my mouth in human words instead of a feline's meow. I was so delighted I raced over to Luke and gave him a big juicy kiss. The kiss was soon interrupted with the sound of a horn honking outside. "That's your ride, my dear." Luke said as he showed me through the kitchen, back into the lounge, and out the door to where a young, blonde girl sat in a black drop top Mercedes SLK. "Is she like me?" I asked, just not totally sure as to how many other girls like me there was out there in the world. "Sorta, she's not a cat but she is one of us. Her name's Savannah and she's going to show you the ropes. Now run along, otherwise you might be late." Luke said, followed by a snap of his fingers that had me sitting in the passenger seat of the SLK. Without so much as an introduction we raced off in the direction of "Dark Angels". I had never been to Dark Angels as Drake. I had heard the many rumors about how sleazy the place was, even though it was meant to be one of the more up market strip clubs around. It wasn't until we had parked in the staff car park below Dark Angels that Savannah spoke for the very first time. "I'm Savannah, you teacher for the night." Savannah said. She had the sweetest voice. "I'm Lilly." I responded nervously. I wanted to make a good impression to Savannah, but I was also rather nervous about my first night working as a female stripper. "Let's go, Lilly." Savannah said, instantly somehow firing me up. We headed inside the Dark Angel. It reminded me of the TARDIS from Dr. Who for some reason. I think it must have been the size of the place that triggered the Dr. Who memories. From the outside it was just a normal 3 story building, but inside it was gigantic, just like the size of Luke's kitchen when I was in cat form. As we explored each floor of the Dark Angel a few things became very clear. Level one, the floor we came in on, had the standard bar set up, along with typical strip club seating. There where rooms in the back for private dances, of course, and there was also the main stage with a couple of poles for the girls to play on while they danced. What made level one special was a second room that contained a massive swimming pool in the middle with a catwalk built on top for the girls to dance upon. Level two also had the same standard setup with the bar, strip club, backroom for private dances, main stage complete with a couple of dancing poles. Inside the second room on level two were cages in the air for go-go dancing. There was also another room on level two set aside for peep shows, for people both inside and outside of the Dark Angel. Level three was the most interesting level of all. It had a dual bar set up, with a single stage running down the middle. There was a lot of seating available and it also had two upstairs viewing platforms for V.I.P customers. There was the compulsory back room for private dances. The secondary room on the third level split into two separate areas. The first area was a two tubs, one filled to the brim with mud while the other was filled of jelly. Savannah explained that I would not have to jelly or mud wrestle on my first night at the dark angel. The second area on Level three was the main backstage locker where all the girls would meet, mingle or just get changed in between routines. After the guided tour I was more than cranking to get on with the show. "There's something that has to be done quickly before I show you where to start." Savannah said as she ducked out of the meeting room for what appeared to only be a moment, but was actually about 15 minutes in real time. When she came back into the meeting room she was with a guy who looked like a Tattoo Artist. Savannah showed me where to sit down as the stranger removed his tattoo gun. "So pretty lady, what you want?" The tattooist asked. Savannah somehow seemed to communicate with me telepathically at this point: "Don't worry Lilly, all the girls have ink." There was no reason to reply to Savannah as I now understood that she had the ability to read my mind. Maybe Luke, too, had the power to read minds. That could put be part of the reason I ended up here, I thought to myself. "Butterfly!" I said out loud for the tattooist's benefit. "Where abouts?" was the tattooist's next question. He chucked in my direction. "Smallish one, in between my shoulder blades please." I replied. The tattooist had no need to question me further. He pulled my boob tube down just far enough to ink the butterfly permanently into my skin. While he was working his magic Savannah and I had a small little girlie chat telepathically. Savannah also managed to inform me that my first duties for the night would simply be doing private dances on level one. She explained to me what I had to do, putting my mind perfectly at ease. Once the tattooist finished, he put my boob tube back in place. He replaced the tattoo machine with a piercing gun, putting four holes into each of my ears. The holes were soon filled with rings. "Anything else you want pierced?" The tattooist inquired. Savannah told me to get what ever body modifications I required as they would all be healed up by the time I started my shift. I decided to go all out as I opened my mouth to explain to him what I wanted. I decided the best policy would be to be very exact about what I wanted, before there was a tragic error made. "Left eyebrow." I replied. A few seconds later there was a silver ring in my left eyebrow. "Both Nipples.". The tattooist lifted up my boob tube, pulled my bra down and gave my nipples the piercing gun experience. "Navel." I then instructed. Moments later the tattooist had taken care of my navel, so far it was all amazingly painless. "Labia." I said, after I had a moment to think about if I really wanted it done. The tattooist seemed to take a lot of delight in lifting up my mini skirt and pulling my G-string down so that he was able to pierce my labia. He even licked off the pussy juice that had got on his fingers when he had lined the gun up to my clitty in front of me,. "Tongue." I said next with a grin. It was such a sensational feeling to moments later have my tongue pierced. My final request was then made. "Back of my neck, but a bar instead of a ring. Make it horizontal as well." I spurted out, as I knew there was no room for fuck ups on this one. Moments later though the tattooist had done it, my body modifications where complete for now. Savannah then showed the tattooist the way out, while I watched the rest of the girls enter the meeting room. It was not the time for socializing so Savannah showed me the way to level one, where I would be working for the rest of my shift that night. When I got to level one I noticed there were already quite a few patrons drinking at the bar. There was also a very attractive Indian girl doing her thing up on the stage. It was time to go to work and shake that groove thing. To be continued in Feline II: Lilly's working it out

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When a tiny girl like Ava Parker gets her kite stuck in a tree, there is nothing she can do but cry about it. Luckily, her neighbor shows up to help get her out of the conundrum she is in. He puts her on his shoulders and lifts her to the top of the tree to grab her kite. Once that is taken care of, she decides to take care of something else. Ava brings him inside and gobbles his hard cock. Then she lays on her back and moans as he slams her sweet teen twat. Finally, he strokes until he is...

3 years ago
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Whos Cum Is This

Who’s Cum Is This When I got home my husband stopped me before I could get to the bathroom and clean up. Lately he had been suspicious, but I thought that I had calmed him down. He was normally a very peaceful loving man. That was what had drawn me to him in the first place. Over the last year I had begun to wonder what it would be like to be with another man. I had done some casual flirting at work and it had paid off. I had gotten a promotion to the President’s Personal Secretary....

3 years ago
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It was so easy for him

I was bored and sleepy, drunk and horny, I craved a cock, maybe two or three, a good shagging did wonders for a flagging girls libido.I looked around the table, all the girls were in some sort of drunken limbo, a few of the married ones revisiting their youth, having fun with some boys, by perfecting their MILF image, sticking womanly tongues down their throats and letting them feel their wet cunts.Poor Janice, sitting alongside me, has completely passed-out. I naughtily reach across and undo a...

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My Cheri Amour

My Cheri Amour By Teri Franken Chapter 1 I hate to put labels on myself or anyone else, but to try to describe myself would be nearly impossible without incorporating a few of these labels. My name is Tony or Toni, depending on how I am dressed and feeling about myself. I am 30 years old, single, heterosexual (I do have a few kinks); I stand 5'6" and weigh in at 140 pounds soaking wet. I have been fascinated by women's clothing my entire life. I can remember when I was in...

3 years ago
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Port a Potty

I had just drank 2 bottles of water running through the park. It washot near the lake and I now had to use the bathroom very badly. Ihad to really take a piss. I scanned the park and saw some portabletoilets near some trees at the edge of the park. It was still earlyand I was hoping they had not been used just yet.There were five large blue porta potties that I open the door andthey were very small inside. There was just the toilet and no whereto wash your hands. All of them did not have toilet...

1 year ago
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Military DelightsChapter 17 Visitors

The Emir was asked by his military advisor, General Mustapha, what was to be done with non-citizens of Tirfil, foreign nationals working there and their families. "How many are there?" he asked. "Dozens of men, some with their wives," he was told. "The men who are on non-military projects do not concern us, turn them and their dependants loose," decided the Emir, "Military advisors can be repatriated compulsorily; their families stay or go with their menfolk. Does that cover all of...

3 years ago
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Dont Judge a Book 13

Thursday 9th November 2017Like a B29 bomber, having dropped his bomb-load (his request that Jill would join him on his nationwide roadshow), Jill’s boss Chris fled the scene. Leaving Jill and me to pick up the pieces and deal with the consequences.Actually, that’s not quite correct. I was mainly the one dealing with the consequences. Although she tried her best not to look and sound too excited, it was abundantly clear to me that Jill wanted to go on this roadshow tour. As she talked about it,...

Wife Lovers
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Religious Girl Prays Only To One Idol

Hello I am Radhika, 38 yrs old born in a Brahmin house where mom and dad were very religious. A house that woke up with Mantras and was daily cleansed by several pooja’s with my father use to perform. My parents where modern yet conservative, where watch Madonna’s live performance was considered equivalent to a Porn movie. So how did I end up writing this story which let me assure is not fictions. Well though culminating from such a pious seed and been delivered by a holy womb, I was religious...

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Robyn fucks an old man

If you asked me why I did it, I couldn’t give a reason. There was no one single element to what happened that I can point to now, many years later, and say, “Yes, that was why I did it.” It was a hot summer, I was nineteen and had only just realised that when men looked at me they were often imagining what it would be like to see me without clothes on. A boyfriend I’d had at the time enlightened me by going on about how I should wear shorter skirts to show off my legs and bottom. He would rave...

1 year ago
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Office Colleague Ko Jam Kar Choda

Hi doston mera naam Akash hai aur mein Gujarat ka rehne wala hu. kyun ki yeh meri pehli story hai. Mein pehle aapko apne baare mein bata du, merit umra 25 saal hai, 6 feet height, gehuvein rang ka hu aur body bhi Thik thaak hai, Lund ki size 7 inch hai. Me Iss ko regular reader hu aur kaafi story padne k baad socha k kyun na ek khud ka real vaakya likhu. Yeh kahani aaj se 1.5 saal pehle ki hai. Mere saath ek ladki kaam karti thi, naam tha Anju. Anju dikhne me bahut khoobsurat thi or uska figure...

2 years ago
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Nri Ki Biwi Ke Sath Uske Ghar Mai Chudai

Hi friends this is Rajesh. Meri age 24 years hai or mai Chandigarh ka Rhne wala hu. Dikhne mai smart to nhi hu but thik thak hu 6′ ki height hai or Lund itna k satisfy kr skta hai. Ab sidha story pr ata hu. Baat 2 months purani h. Mere pados mai ek family rhti Punjab ki. Family mai ek budha baap ek maa or 2 bete h. Jinme se 1 ki Shadi ho chuki h jo ki foreign mai rhta hai or ek unmarried h or army mai job krta h. Bde bete ki wife reena India mai hi rhti h Shadi ko 5 saal ho gye h but wo sath...

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Nowhere Man Book OneChapter 34

“Okay. Aim for leaving in the morning. Can you pass the word, and I’ll tell Numa what we are doing?” “Don’t you know? She has managed to match the distance qualification, so she is coming too.” “Damn!” was all John could come up with. Gomla went on, “It is not too difficult if you get plenty of practice. We have all been at it until our fingers are sore from plucking that cord and sending the arrow on the way.” “We?” “Oh, yes. I qualified too. You don’t think your wives are going to let...

2 years ago
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Opening Earth Part 3Chapter 9

I timed our departure from Timson so we would arrive at Mister Tam’s home on Halpern late in the morning. I did so for I knew we had to be at the Tam home before mid-afternoon to confirm our hotel reservations and we didn’t want to arrive too early. We arrived in the portion of his backyard that he had previously designated as our arrival area. It didn’t take the Tam family long to usher all of us into their home. Our party was too large for them to accommodate us in their six-bedroom house,...

4 years ago
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Delta OriginalChapter 14 The Township of Futura

Since they had learnt that the locals called the planet Utopia, they decided to name their township Futura instead. No one was happier than Sean was when the crew moved into the dome. He wasn’t really big on screwing his love in a tent full of smelly crewmembers. Every time they tried to sneak off, someone either found them or called them. It had been a long, very frustrating two weeks for Sean and Lee. The members of the crew that had loved ones back on the ship had all managed several...

2 years ago
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Missy fucks the trucker

The rain was falling on me relentlessly as the big rig pulled over along the side of the highway. "Thank goodness!" I thought as I sprinted toward the open passenger side door."Climb on up here outta that rain." Came a voice from the driver seat.I looked up to see a man around 40-ish I would guess, slightly graying hair, and a little over weight but fairly clean cut. He had a kind smile as he took my hand and helped me into the truck."Thanks so much!" I said as he pulled the rig back out onto...

1 year ago
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The Night Sky

She stares out the window at the snow falling against the black sky. Closing her eyes and breathing in slowly she takes the scent of the room into her body. ‘Mmmm…’ a soft moan escapes her, as she smells the familiar scent of him. The scent she could never get enough of. Rising slowly, she sits at the edge of their bed. Feeling the cold air against her bare skin, she shivers at the thoughts of the night before. Imagining their lovemaking, she closes her eyes and exhales slowly. The snowflakes...

3 years ago
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Blowjob Diva

Sandra was very, very wealthy...she was an individual of the first order...and pursued her desires without reservation, and without incumberance. She liked the taste of cum...and the swampy smell of a cock...and the incredible feeling of filth while on her knees doing the dirty. She lived in a mansion...removed from her nefarious activities...and ventured out when the urge came upon her. She was thirty two years of age, blond, voluptuous, and beautiful...with an uncanny resemblance to...

2 years ago
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Black Mans Pussy Boy Gay

I led Jay down the short corridor, opening the bathroom door for him to see. It was neat and clean. Then I led him the next few steps to the bedroom. The door was open and he pushed past me. His shoulder and arm brushed across my chest as he moved through the doorway. My cock was already rock hard. I watched him walk to the closet and open the door. As he checked it out, I checked out his body.Jay was tall and muscular, but not overly developed. He wore some long shorts and a tight fitting...

2 years ago
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Junk Yard Dog

It was during Harold Robinson’s sophomore year of high school that his parents purchased the ‘Roanoke Salvage Yard.’ The family moved from Lynchburg to Roanoke to reside in the house on the Salvage Yard property. Harold transferred to the Clay High school. Harold was a tall, quiet, studious, honest kid, who was a good basketball player. Some new students try to get attention by cutting up, or other disruptive behavior. Not Harold. To the contrary, he was self assured. He preferred to watch,...

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Sex with Mom

As the result of a seemingly harmless joke, Julia was left with two sprained wrists. It happened because her son had decided to give her a good scare in the house they lived in.He popped out into the hallway with a scary mask, she freaked out, fell back and landed on her hands, causing the sprains. Nothing serious, but enough to require her hands to be wrapped for a few days. Sure, she could move her fingers, but she couldn't do anything strenuous with her hands.To be fair, Julia was the one...

1 year ago
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TonightsGirlfriend Jasmine Jae 30872

My sex life with my girlfriend is very bland and from what I’ve seen from Jasmine Jae, she’s the perfect pornstar I have in mind to fulfill my fantasy. Tonight, I want to get wild and filthy and I know Jasmine can deliver what I want. I make the necessary arrangements happen and get in contact with her. Jasmin asks me what my favorite color is, then shows up at my hotel bringing along her sexiest purple lingerie. I couldn’t believe it and this will be a night I will never,...

4 years ago
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A Damyankee in the Wild WestChapter 10

Author’s note:[ and ] delineate mind-to-mind dialog. By late in 1874, it was getting difficult to find groups of Comanches that Ranger and I thought were worth attacking. Finally, the Comanches seemed to get the idea that attacking Whites with large war parties was a losing proposition. I don’t know how much our demon image was contributing to that, but we were getting the result we wanted, so I didn’t worry about it. Susan was now 8 years old and JJ was about 6 months old—an ideal...

4 years ago
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party at the club 1

We had been playing our fun games for a while now and having sex in some very interesting places at some very strange times, not worried about others seeing us or joining us the life of fun was being enjoyed totally.We had decided to go clubbing to a great spot near to us but not to near if you know what I mean, total anonymity was pretty much guaranteed and this was preferable for all, we had a great day going around London sorting some sexy things for you to wear for the nights fun. Bonus was...

4 years ago
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William Redman CarterChapter 5

Ken removed his clothes and placed them on the patio table. The past four weeks had wrought major changes in his physique. He had lost fifteen pounds, with even more fat having been turned into muscle. His shirts were too large around the waist and too small at the shoulders. He glanced over at his wife to see how she was reacting to stripping outdoors. Lisa's body was a soft red color, flushed as a result of embarrassment. After a month of morning exercises with William, Ling, and Tim...

3 years ago
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Became A Bhenchod And Lost Virginity To Ishita

Hi guys I am Abhay and I am going to narrate the true incident of life, on how I lost my virginity to my sexy cousin sister. Let’s be done with introduction first. I am 22 years old and I am 6 feet tall with average body. I have a 6-inch cock which is normal I guess and I am from Delhi. My email is I was 18 when the incident occurred. It was summer and my cousin sister was at home during vacation. Due to constraints in rooms with AC, we both used to sleep in same room. Her name is Ishita and...

3 years ago
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Naughty Nurse Ch 2

Deana worked the shift with one of two other nurses; Ruth and Elaine. Ruth and she became friends quickly. Deana always enjoyed her shift when it was with Ruth, because she was so honest and so openly sexy. She was just the way Deana wanted to be. She liked the other staff nurse Elaine, too, but she was a little harder to get to know, and a little stuck-up. In addition Elaine was married.One night during a conversation, Ruth told Deana she should move away from home and get away from the old...

Straight Sex
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Tea and Strumpet Chapter 7

It had been two weeks since she left school and she was excited to get back. She had missed her Master terribly; there was no Internet except at the local library, and it seemed to always be busy. So she had only been able to email him once since she had been gone. The bus ride from the airport to the college seemed to be the longest part of her trip back, but finally she was back on campus. Since it was still fairly early in the afternoon, Chelsea quickly went to her room and called her...

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The BikerChapter 4 The Final Ride

Trish finished her shift and headed home. She was about half way there when her cell phone rang. It was Gina one of her closest friends. "Hey girl", Gina's voice was a welcome change from patients and doctors barking demands and orders all night. "How about stopping by for a cup of coffee"? "I have a story to tell you that I just can't keep to myself any longer". Even though she was way past tired she was intrigued by what Gina had just said. "This better be good", she said...

1 year ago
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Jack and Jill

Jack and Jill by Vickie Tern ([email protected]) Authors foreword "Jack and Jill" is a novel in ten chapters averaging 30k each about a fictional cross-dresser like you or me in fact or fantasy or remote curiosity, or else why have you read this far, and how he or she became the person who is narrating the story. It's mostly TG and femdom, with forced or tricked or cajoled feminization, but of course also m/f and m/m and f/f in various u.c. and l.c. combinations, and also...

2 years ago
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Times Remembered

Slowly the early morning light filtered into our bedroom, just like it has done for the past forty years. Yes, today is our fortieth anniversary. As the dark room begins to grow lighter, I can now see my beautiful wife, Katie lying by my side. She is wearing her normal sleep wear, nothing. I can now see the gentle curves of her small frame. As I watch her still firm breasts rise and fall with each breath she takes, my mind drifts back to years past. Now the room is light enough that I can see...

2 years ago
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Youth Training CenterChapter 9

Neilson was in the process of getting up a methodical, hammering rhythm when unexpectedly the door to the small chamber opened and in walked a rather large girl. Embarrassed, Neilson halted his fucking of his step-daughter momentarily and stared abashedly at the big girl. None too pretty was she, big boned and broad shouldered, but with an air of authority, Karen stepped quickly to the side of the Cooperation Seat, standing just out of Sandy's blurred field of vision. Neilson opened his...

1 year ago
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CommunityChapter 39

The World According to Susan: I am officially ready for a break. It's almost Christmas. I almost hide when I see my math professor. That's okay, though. He almost hides when he sees Cindy. Jason's right there with me, though. He's tested out of some classes and he's gotten transferred credits for a lot of things he took for his technology degree and if he does a summer semester next summer, he just MIGHT squeeze his way onto stage with the rest of us. I hoping. He deserves it. We work...

2 years ago
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A different kind of love

“Are you ready?” Brad asked Julie as she greeted him at the door.“I’m as ready as I’ll ever be,“ Julie giggled back at Brad, sticking out her foot showing off her newly purchased hiking boots she bought for their hike.“Very nice.” Brad smiled, loving her enthusiasm for the hike he had planned for them today.  Julie had never been hiking deep in the mountains and was a bit hesitant at first when Brad asked but was up for the challenge.After they drove the hour to the spot Brad wanted to take...

Love Stories
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The Halloween Party

Every Halloween a rich guy in our town has a big costume party at his huge house. Everybody goes and it is alot of fun. My girlfriend and I decided that for this past party we would try something. We into the big city and rented some very expensive batman and bat woman costumes. These costumes are the shit, very real looking. Then we a plan to meet and have sex in the bathroom at this huge house during the party. So everything is planned and we have about two weks till the party. My parents...

1 year ago
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Beths night on the Town

Beth Smith was 55 year old and lived in a small town. She was a sexy African American woman with long thick gray hair. She was very fit for her age. She worked out every day and jogged. Her body was nice and tone. She didn't look like a body builder but more like a fitness trainer. She stood 6.3 in heal and had long thick legs and thick butt. She had a juice pair of red lips and deep brown eyes that seem to look inside you. She had the biggest tits in town. People thought they had to be fake...

3 years ago
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Passions to be felt

I m 26 yrs old and i often visit this site and wonder if people really indulge in incest…but nw as i have experiensd it i knw some may be true as well..it happend a mnth ago…my cousin sis her name is timsi…she is very pretty…a real hot girl only 19 yrs old with a perfect figure of 34 24 34…i never saw in this manner i mean sexually… I recntly had a break up with my g.f with whom i used to have sex almost everyday…aftr the breakup i ws hungry fr sex…i tried lukin fr anothr girl but all in vain...

3 years ago
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First time with a pro

Hey guys and gals this is my story. When I was 18 I wanted to taste the forbidden fruit. Anyway one day I was out with a friend of mine and he asked me if I was interested in getting a fantastic blowjob. As far as a blowjob was concerned I was a virgin. I was excited. I asked him where. He told me that he knows of a brothel near Grant road where they give fantastic blowjobs. Hearing this all sort of horror stories came to my mind. Grant road after all had a bad reputation because it was...

4 years ago
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First and second experience with an older man

This is a true story of my first and second experience with an older man.When I was 18 back in the early 1970s I use to hitchhike a lot to save money on bus fares, I would hitch a lift most days. On one cold, wet and dark winters night I was trying to get home I had hitchhiked in the same spot for about 20 minutes, the road seemed busy and I started to think I was never going to get a lift home. then all of a sudden a car came from around a corner and stopped, I was so relieved.I had been...

2 years ago
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Horses in the City Ch 06

As Christmas approached, Emma found herself ever busier at the diner. One of the waitresses slipped and fractured her leg, and Millie couldn’t find anyone to cover, so everyone worked extra hours. Luke was deep in his novel when he wasn’t driving the carriage, and their time was limited, although he made a point of walking her home after her shift. It wasn’t much, but Luke would come up and they would talk for a while, and kiss for a while more. Emma smiled as she thought about the kisses....

3 years ago
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The WolvesChapter 64

Menseio Station Jonuth Kidravia’s Ship - Abi 08:22 Ship Time September 10, 2019 The first thing I heard when I woke up was a whirring sound, clearly produced by machine of some kind. My vision was blurry when I opened my eyes, but it soon passed. I was in a medical pod, that much was certain, but it was different from the ones I had seen previously. It was distinctively crystalline, and that, along with the brilliant white ceiling above me suggested that I was back aboard Abi. Looking down...

1 year ago
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GirlsTryAnal Angela White Gia Derza Knocking At The Back Door

Angela White is napping on her bed. Suddenly the door flies open as the energetic Gia Derza, her roommate, barges in, announcingthat she has something that she just HAS to show Angela! ‘What?? Knock first, please, Gia!’ Angela exclaims. A couple of days later,Angela is in her room in her bra and panties, nearly finished getting dressed. Gia bounces in without knocking, again, but sheabruptly stops at the sight of Angela’s gorgeous tits nestled in the bra. She stares for a...

4 years ago
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Sapno Ka sex

Aaj mai apko jo kahani sunane ja raha hu wo kahani meri badi bahan ka mere do dosto ke sathh kiya gaya sex ki hai. Sabse pahle mai apka parichay apni badi bahan se kara du. Meri didi jiski umar athais saal hai, rang to thoda gora hai lekin itni sundar hai ki dekh ke koi bhi unke sath karne ko taiyar ho jaye. Mere dono dost jinka name aashu aur rishu hai. Yeh kahani pichhale se pahle ki hai. Mai apne bahan ke saath do room ke ek flate me rahata hu. Rakhi ke tin din pahle Aashu jo ki air forse me...

3 years ago
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A Day at My Aunts Teen Mike spends time at

My name is Mike. It all started about a few years ago when I was 18. I went to my Aunt Suzy’s house to spend the day swimming with my cousins, Brian and Lisa. Brian was a year older at 19 and was a sophomore in college. He was about my size at 6’0 and couldn’t be more than 165 lbs. Lisa was my age at 18 and we were both seniors in high school. Lisa was the type of girl that you knew would be hot at an early age. She was about 5’6 and maybe weighed 95 lbs., had gorgeous legs and started to...

1 year ago
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Sisterhood of Sin 17 Retaliation Station

"You're an unholy fuckin' bastard. Fuck you, the horse you rode in on, the blacksmith who shod him, and the priest who baptized him." Dan pauses the movie, comes into our bedroom and switches off the vibrating egg that he previously stuffed up my ass. Then he returns and resumes the movie and turns the volume on the home theater system up. That's the worst part about this torture session. He knows I really wanted to watch that movie with him. We are both suckers for really good suspenseful...

2 years ago
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Rise and Shine

This story only available on Lush Stories. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen, and the thief’s Happy Bits will fall off. I love to watch you sleeping. I don’t do it on purpose, and not in a creepy way, but I love to watch the rise and fall of your chest, the gentle line of your soft lips that press against me so passionately in waking, the flickering underneath your eyelids as you dream about… whatever you are dreaming about. I like to think you might be dreaming about me, and...

1 year ago
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A Master Comes CallingChapter 3

Bess performed many times at the beck and call of Cathy’s handsome and dominant brother Tommy, sometimes alone, sometimes with Cathy, sometimes in front of the two other boys; Robin and Jack; but always in the presence of Tommy. She believes that this would have continued until the present day unabated, except for the innocent intervention of her parents. A Change of employment base lead to moving home and putting the eighteen-year old, Bess too far away from Tommy. The new home for Bess was...

2 years ago
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Stans Place

I last masturbated at my friend Stan's apartment. He invited three friends over to watch me do it. When I arrived we had drinks. Stan suggested that I strip nude in front of everyone. I stood up and began undressing in front of Stan and his guests. Then we all stood around in a tight circle while drinking, Stan or one of his friends would occasionally place a hand on my ass and caress my bottom. My cock was at full attention because of the touching and my nudity. All of the men were looking at...

4 years ago
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Tyler Part 2 A dream comes true

A week after our first encounter, Tyler came around to clean again, only this time my wife Tanya was in. Tyler was wearing blue jeans that sat on her hips and gripped her firm ass just right. Her grey zipped top was baggy with the zip down slightly, showing just the faintest glimpse of her young breasts to really tease. I was desperate to touch her, kiss her, caress her smooth tight flesh, but the risk was just too much. My desire for her however took control, and I seized the first opportunity...

Straight Sex
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camping trip

So, a friend of mine told me about all the girls running around the campsite when he goes camping, so I thought I would check it out myself, so with a borrowed tent and some gear I ventured out. After I set up camp, I decided to check out the area and do a little hiking, while on the trail met up with another hiker and talked as we hiked through the woods, various subjects were discussed from cars to where the girls are, on our way back to the tent area, Don invited me over to his fire pit for...

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TRESChapter 19

I watched Josh with his parents. He loved them in spite of how they felt about him, and that made me proud. With his abilities to read their emotions and translate their attitudes into thoughts, he had to know he disappointed them, but he handled their negative attitudes and emotions about him well and didn't take them personally. His mother loved him but just couldn't bring herself to accept his apostasy, and his self-righteous father remained in denial, fervently believing his prodigal...

4 years ago
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A Very Special Birthday Present

It was my fortieth birthday and my sweet husband Kumar had promised me a very special present. I wondered what it might be — a nice meal in an expensive restaurant perhaps, or a weekend of pampering at a health spa. Whatever it was , I knew that in his thoughtful way he would choose something very memorable, but I was not prepared for the night of pleasure that was his gift to me.First I should tell you a little about us. We had met fifteen years earlier when I was working as a nursing sister...

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