LifelineChapter 11 free porn video

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I arrived for my initial meeting with The Honorable Leo Tagliotti with plenty of time to spare. In fact, it appeared I had so much time to spare that his administrator left to me stand in front of her desk for several minutes while she conducted a series of personal telephone calls.

Midway through the conversations, Jane Cummings joined me. We stood together for several seconds, glancing at one another. I had little dealings with the judges who heard criminal trials, so the woman's actions might have been standard for that branch of the judiciary. The civil jurists I had been summoned before had more professional administrators – but then again, most of theirs didn't look nearly as nice as this woman did.

It was a full seven minutes before the woman deigned to put away her cell phone and usher us into the judge's chambers.

"You're late!" the judge barked as soon as the door closed.

"In fact, we were early," I shot back. "In fact, we've both been standing outside for several minutes waiting for your clerk to conclude her personal business."

The man glared at me.

"Mr. Wallace, I do not accept excuses," he said sternly.

"You've accepted a poor excuse for an administrator, Your Honor," I shot back. I was not going to be this man's whipping boy and I was irked at the unprofessional nature of his court clerk. This was the biggest trial our county had seen in a dozen years and I wasn't going to let it be derailed by some airhead who sat outside a judge's office.

"Mr. Wallace," the judge began.

"Your Honor," Jane cut in, "Mr. Wallace and I have been here for nearly 10 minutes. Your clerk sat out there on her cell phone and refused to even acknowledge our presence. This trial will require the highest level of professionalism from all parties. If this office and its staff cannot uphold that level of professionalism, I'm positive Mr. Wallace and I will join in a dual motion for you to remove yourself from the trial. I cannot take the chance that a motion or a writ will be denied simply because your clerk was too busy filing her nails to date it or time-stamp it properly."

"My staff is my responsibility," the judge said with a glare at each of us. "I will hear no more insults about the way my clerk does her job because you two can't manage to be somewhere where I tell you to be there. Am I clear?"

"Perfectly, Your Honor," I said, standing. "Ms. Cummings, I'll have my paralegal draft the motion for recusal. This trial will have too many nuances for us to deal with a bubblehead."

Jane nodded and started to rise.

"Mr. Wallace, sit down!" Judge Tagliotti roared.

"Your Honor, time is of the essence in the case," I said, still standing. "If you doubt our veracity about something we agree upon – such as why we arrived at your chambers later than we should have – then there is little hope of you reaching a decision about something we disagree about. I believe we should simply cut our losses at this point. I'll speak to Judge Valasik about rescheduling the docket and we'll all move on."

"Mr. Wallace," the judge said in a more moderated voice, "I said for you to sit down."

"I heard you, Your Honor," I replied. I still stood and I noticed Jane had taken the opportunity to arise, as well.

The judge glanced at his door and frowned.

"Very well, Mr. Wallace, Ms. Cummings, it appears an apology is in order," he said. "I will speak to my administrator and ensure you have access regardless of what other task she is assigned by this Court. Will that satisfy you?"

I glanced at Jane. She shrugged. She didn't know this man any better than I did.

"We do not require she stop tasks ordered by Your Honor," I corrected. "We do require that she put aside personal endeavors during working hours. I don't think that is too much to ask given the magnitude of what is at stake."

The judge nodded and glanced at the door again. Jane and I took our seats. I had filed the discovery motion with the County Clerk since Judge Tagliotti had not officially been handed the case. I slid a copy of the motion across to him, along with the typical writs and motions filed on all defendants' behalf.

"Well, it seems we're up to date," the judge said, glancing through the documents. "Ms. Cummings, you will be able to meet the requirements of the discovery motion?"

"Yes, Your Honor," Jane answered. She still looked as though the thought of a smile would cause her face to crack. "I have my staff gathering the items as we speak. I should be able to turn them over to Mr. Wallace by Monday."

"Excellent," Tagliotti declared. "OK, then let's set the trial date."

He pushed an intercom button and the vacuous woman who sat outside his door came in.

"I will need my trial calendar," he said. The woman pursed her lips, sighed and retreated to her desk. She appeared a moment later with a laptop computer and took a seat beside the court recorder, who was recording the meeting. I wasn't sure Judge Tagliotti was aware that the stenographer had been typing away, but I could see that Jane was.

"What are we looking at?" the judge asked us. "A year to prepare, you think."

"We're not waiving time, Your Honor," I stated flatly.

The judge was looking at his own personal calendar, I assume, but his eyes shot toward me.

"Ridiculous," he said. "This case can't go forward in six months. I'll not allow it."

"It's not your decision, Your Honor," I replied. "The pace of this trial is dictated solely by my client. He is refusing to waive time. It is his right as guaranteed by the United States Constitution and the statutes of this state."

I saw Tagliotti let out a long breath.

"Very well, Mr. Wallace," he said. "Miss Anderson, what is my schedule like for the month of April?"

The woman tapped some keys and looked up at the judge.

"It's clear as of now," she said.

"Your Honor," I interrupted. "She would need to check March. Mr. Huntley was arraigned six days ago. That started the clock since he was denied bail. His 180 days runs out April 2. That means we need to start the trail no later than the last week of March."

"We're on vacation in March," Miss Anderson said, more to me than to the judge. "This court will not resume until April Fifth."

"Then I suppose Miss Cummings will need to drop the charges and release my client," I said in my best "snarky" voice. I wasn't speaking to the Judge so I didn't feel the need to even feign politeness. "She will be free to refile them, of course – assuming my client doesn't abscond to the farthest reaches he can find as soon as he hits the jailhouse doors."

I saw Judge Tagliotti close his eyes briefly. I wondered if I was going to wind up calling Elizabeth from a jail cell to let her know I would be spending the weekend there.

"Mr. Wallace, if you will waive time, we will set a court date as close to the limit as we can possibly make it," he said.

"I'm sorry, Your Honor," I replied. "This is not my choice to make. I informed my client of the ramifications of refusing to waive time. He is adamant. You, of course, have the option of releasing him on bond. That would perhaps cause him to rethink the decision."

"The State will strenuously object to any bail modification, Your Honor," Jane Cummings cut in. "Mr. Huntley is charged with capital murder. The statute is clear. So long as you find the charges to be reasonable, he cannot be granted bail."

"I'm aware of the statute," the judge intoned. "Very well, the trial date will be set for the last week in February. The trial will last no longer than four days. That will give the jury two days to deliberate."

"Your Honor!" Jane interjected. "The State can't possibly be ready to go to trial in only four-and-a-half months. I'm certain you are aware of the unusual circumstances in this case. I am unable to use anyone from the prosecutor's office to help. If you insist upon going forward in only four months, I'll have to ask the President Judge to provide more staff just so I can meet the mandated filing schedule. The State bears a huge burden in this case. We are required, again by state statute, to file numerous motions and to keep Mr. Wallace updated on all potential exculpatory claims. I'm not positive the court will be able to handle the flow of documents without the extra month to prepare."

"So I am expected to cancel my vacation?" he asked.

"Your Honor, it is obviously a scheduling problem we cannot reconcile," I said. "I'm positive if the President Judge was aware of your vacation schedule she would not have put this on your docket. Even if we waived time and you set an April trial date, there is no way this office could be closed for a month beforehand and expect to meet its obligations. The month before a capital case, from what I've heard, is filled with last-minute, time-sensitive filings – not only for the prosecution but for the defense. I am positive we will need you to be the arbiter of numerous things during that month – uncooperative witnesses who refuse to schedule depositions, rulings on contradictory points of law and disputed evidentiary claims, just to name a few. Again, Your Honor, perhaps it would be better for all concerned if you were to hand the docket back to be rescheduled. The last thing we would want is for your vacation schedule to present either the prosecution or the defense with 'reversible error.'"

Ah, reversible error. The words no judge likes to hear. It is the phrase the appellate courts use when a judge screwed up a trial so badly that it was unfair to one side or the other. The phrase encompasses many things – evidentiary admissions, unqualified witness testimony that wasn't stricken from the record, improper jury instructions. "Reversible error" was the quickest way for a criminal defendant to get a new trial in the United States. Well, that and "inadequate advice of counsel" – but we already had that one sewn up, I thought.

The judge narrowed his eyes.

"I will not cancel my vacation and I will not remove myself from this case," he stated. "We will schedule this case for late February and you will do whatever it is you have to do in order to prepare. Be warned, Mr. Wallace, there will be no continuances. So do not even bother to ask. They are denied."

I threw up my hands.

"Your Honor," I said much louder than was appropriate in a judge's chambers. "With whatever respect you are due, you're being ridiculous. You arbitrarily decide from the outset there will be no continuances? What if Ms. Cummings develops appendicitis the night before the trial? What if the prosecution or defense finds exculpatory evidence in mid-February? You are willing to abridge my client's fundamental right to a fair trial because it interferes with plans to take your family to the beach? This is unworkable, Your Honor. Given your adamancy to keep this trial, the appellate courts will send us back here to do this a dozen times before it is settled."

"He's correct, Your Honor," Jane Cummings put forth. I was surprised she was even joining in the fray. "Mr. Huntley is not required to waive time. This Court may not force him to do so. It is also highly problematic that you've already decided how long the jury can be out. Again, and I mean this with the utmost respect to your position on the bench, this Court has never tried a capital case. I understand that you might be unsure of exactly what time it will consume. You likely will see one or both of us in this office every day for the last two months prior to trial. We will need material witness warrants or search warrants. We will require you to sit in on potentially sensitive depositions. You will have to oversee myriad portions of this trial and each one will require time that it appears you will not have.

"I have tried a death case, Your Honor. In the last one I tried, the jury was out for 11 days before coming back with a verdict. That cannot be rushed. If you declare a mistrial because of your schedule, a host of issues will crop up on appeal. You're also forgetting about the penalty phase. That phase is required to start no later than seven days following the verdict. It must be before the same judge and with the same jury who heard the criminal phase. If a juror is ill, you must grant a continuance. Do you expect to declare a mistrial if Mr. Wallace is hit by a car in the middle of it? Do you plan to put the trial on hold for a month if it is still going on when March arrives?

"Your Honor, I realize that you expected this case to be scheduled for next summer. It is understandable that you expected Mr. Huntley to waive time. It is almost a foregone conclusion in capital cases but, again, it is not mandatory. In fact, given the limitations you've placed on my schedule, I can see where it is beneficial to the defense. If I miss one filing, the case gets thrown out. If I were to notify Mr. Wallace of a potential witness a day later than I should have, the case gets dismissed. Your Honor, I respectfully suggest you take a look at your calendar and ask yourself if either side can put forth a fair effort in light of the restrictions that calendar presents.

"As it stands, I'm afraid that no judge who hears our motion to have you removed will hesitate to do so. If you cannot rearrange your schedule to accommodate the time constraints this trial will present, I will have no choice but to seek redress from a higher court."

Jane's tones were modulated and calm throughout her speech. In contrast, mine had been harsh. Neither had any effect on Judge Tagliotti.

"Then Mr. Wallace should do you both a favor and waive time," the judge declared. "The Court has a long memory about lawyers who make things difficult."

I rolled my eyes, again, not something an attorney wants to do too frequently at a judge.

"Let's be frank, Your Honor," I said. "I'll never be in front of this Court again. I will go to whatever lengths I have to go to ensure that fact. Even if you move to the civil side, I'll use my preemptory exemption against you. Ms. Cummings does not practice law in this county. So that is an idle threat."

"To you, perhaps," the judge said casually. "To your wife, perhaps not."

I bit the inside of my lip and grasped the sides of the chair. The first was to keep from calling the man what I wanted to call him. The second was to keep me from going over his desk and strangling the stupid fucker.

"Your Honor," I replied once I had my temper under control for the most part, "to suggest you would hold my attitude toward you against another member of the Bar is, perhaps, the most egregious offense you've made today. Additionally, I would wager, if you were to attempt such actions against Ms. Vargas-Wallace, you would find yourself pitted against a woman who would make you regret it. I believe you should take note of how she handled the former prosecuting attorney, who, if I recollect, won with 70 percent of the vote. You were barely re-elected and you ran unopposed. What you suggest is not only stupid, it is actionable and I suggest strongly you rethink your desire to sit on this trial."

"This is my case," he declared. "We will run it on my schedule. And not a word of this to anyone. A gag order is officially in effect. If that's all you have for today, get out."

We got out.

I had not even cleared the doorway from the judge's outer office before my temper caught up to me again.

"Peckerhead," I said, probably louder than I should have – given that the judge's private office was right next to the wall I was standing beside.

"Yes," Jane said calmly. "Ben, if we have to take the time to get this idiot removed, there is no way we can go to trial in six months. It will take us 60 days to get in front of an appellate court – then another 10 or 20 days before we see their ruling. If I had all the resources of the prosecutor's office, I could handle it. But you couldn't."

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ArchieOpening my eyes to the dusk, I can feel my body still remembering the lovemaking of the night, and the sex with Kate and Christine the previous evening. A complete satisfaction seems to dwell all over me, my arms are tingly with memories of touching Kate during the night, my legs remember the feel of the soft sand of the beach as I was pushing into her at the rhythm of the waves. My lips remember her soft, salty kiss. And my cock remembers the sweet tightness of her pulsing pussy each...

2 years ago
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Margaret Talks Dirty

‘You want me to spank you?’ I stared at her, shocked. This was not at all where I thought the conversation would lead when she had suggested that we have a talk. A talk which turned out to be about the state of our marriage. ‘I’m not saying its compulsory. But I want us to talk about the things that will put the spark back into our sex life,’ she said. ‘We didn’t need to talk about sex when we first married, we just fucked like rabbits whenever we had the urge, which was often.’ I grinned,...

3 years ago
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Looking at your business card I pick up the phone and dial, anxiously waiting for you to answer. Having met you and your hot wife 3 nights ago at the bar, I think its time to pay you a courtesy call. "Jeff, how is your slutty wife today" I ask "is she aching to have my tongue licking at her cunt"? "I want you to spear and nail that bitch for me while I suck on her nipples, pulling them out hard and pinching and twisting them, making her scream for me to kiss them better". "fuck that slut...

3 years ago
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Strange night at a club

I received a phone call from a friend telling me one of our friends was having a party for his sons birthday. It had been years since I had seen him. After time in the service, we drifted apart. Thinking it would be nice to see him again, I agreed to meet them at a club across country. At the time I was living in Montana, I booked a flight to Nevada and made reservations for a room at a nice hotel outside of Reno. Not realizing how hot it was, the clothes I packed were to heavy to wear. Being...

3 years ago
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The Black Forest Germany

The Black forest in Germany. When I asked my wife what she was fantasizing about, when she orgasmed while masturbating, she took me back 5 years in time, when we were on a midweek vacation in the black forest in Germany.We were hiking true the beautiful forest with its hills, hiking trails and an occasional small waterfall. Nature at its best. And no one around. We had been walking for 2 hours, and only at the beginning of our walk we encountered an elderly couple, though very fit looking.We...

4 years ago
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Chelseas Surprise

I sat in the break room at work, messing with a frustrating button on my tightly fitted white blouse. I soon gave up and was smoothing my skirt down where it constantly rode up, when my phone rang. I pick it up, saying “hello?” into the receiver. I smile when I hear my brother’s angelic voice. “When are you coming home sis?” He says with a laugh. “5:00, remember?” “Oh yeah, sorry, I just can’t wait to see your face when you get home.” I smile to myself and cross my legs. With a sigh, I reply,...

3 years ago
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The Grand Duellist

Fierre is an 18 year old French Duellist in the city of Demacia. Standing at 5'10 he is smaller than many other fighters his age. Clothed from neck to toe in a skin tight black bodysuit which hugs the plump cheeks of his bum enticingly. Two long silvery white boots, the edges lined with a gold tint. Some leg guards coloured the same with a matching pair on his shoulders running up the length of both his toned arms. A long thin white cape trailing from the left shoulder guard. Lastly a short...

3 years ago
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My Cousin8217s Wedding Day

Hiya all! I got a good response for my previous story ‘Office Colleague Wants Me’. But while I have 5000+ likes on that story, hardly 5/6 people mailed/messaged me. But everyone was positive about it. It’s kinda discouraging, though that so fewer people messaged/mailed. So I decided that this here is gonna be my last story on ISS. You all can reach out to me on . This incident is from July 2018. I was due to visit India in October 2018. My cousin- Amy had her wedding planned for November. But...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Kyler Quinn Gaping Anal Brat

Blue-eyed beauty Kyler Quinn shows off her slender figure in strappy black lingerie. She fills her butthole with a dildo and masturbates her clit. Kyler greets Mark Wood with a drooling blowjob. He fucks her pussy doggie-style and gives a rim job, tonguing her bunghole. Kyler moans as Mark stuffs his dick into her pulsing asshole. Her body quivers as he buttfucks her relentlessly. She gives him an ass-to-mouth blowjob and then mounts his boner for an anal ride. See expansive butthole gaping and...

3 years ago
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I Fall for My Brothers Best Friend

I was probably about ten when I first fell in love with Matt. At the time, I figured it was just puppy love – infatuation. But now I know it’s real love. No one stays infatuated with someone for nine years. Yes, I’ve had a few boyfriends before, but I’ve never loved anyone as much as Matt. Matt has been best friends with my brother Sam for as long as I can remember. Both of them are a year older than me. He’s always been gorgeous. I think of him like stage lighting. If you want a play to seem...

2 years ago
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My Fiance and the Black Bodyguard Parts 04 05

Ok, this update is kinda long and doesn’t get to the action until the next update. Friday I’m back at work at the studio early setting up for the session and running the events of the week through my head. I’d discovered my fiancée had been texting the 6’6” large black bodyguard she’d met while visiting me at my work. My fiancée is naturally gregarious and flirty so this was almost no surprise. What had got me worried is that her texts were always deleted when I’d checked her phone the next...

2 years ago
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Im In Love With My Stripper Wife

It was after ten when I pulled into my driveway after rehearsal. For the past two weeks I had rehearsal every evening and it seemed like I hadn’t seen my wife, Galatea, in months, as she would be asleep when I got home, and I would leave before she got home from work. It was a vicious cycle and the stress of not being able to love my wife was mounting. So on this night, I turned the car off and sat in the driveway and just thought about how hot and sexy the woman I love is. My thoughts of...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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Chain of Desire

The Past. It was one of the vivid dreams. Even when she was in it, she could tell. She could feel her heart beating faster just at how real everything around her seemed: blades of grass under bare feet, a cool breeze against her skin. The sound of screams borne on the wind. She looked down at her body. She was sleek, compact and well-muscled, a match for her form in real life. But she was naked. Her body was covered from neck to knees in an intricate tracery of blue tattoos. Her nipples...

3 years ago
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Thw Wager part 8

Chapter Twenty Three Week twenty six and we were back at the studio. The team were both delighted to see us and jealous of our tans. When we had been away new enquiries about work had come in and quotes been sent out. The work at the trust had been completed and signed off and was working sweetly. Because of the preparation work that we had done during the original bidding process, it had been smooth and easy. We had the excuse to go back and do our detective work around the trust. Sam...

3 years ago
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The Mannequin

I had been to the flea market several times but never had I seen this new stall. It was full of dresses most of them a gush of frills and lace. I must admit I fell in love with several dresses immediately but one in particular. Pink satin,layer upon layer of frills and lace.....but also rather strangely the mannequin it was draped on seemed to capture my attention, it was the eyes in particular. Whoever made the mannequin had gone to great lengths to make them look real, and in them I...

3 years ago
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Peggy Sanford a Worldly Woman Ch 04

Author’s note: I had planned to take a break from writing and submitting stories to Literotica when I reached 300 submissions. I know I said that when I reached 100 and again when I reached 200 submissions but many of you loyal readers asked me to continue. Many of you also sent me story lines and topics to write about, some more detailed than others. Recently I received an e-mail from Peggy Sanford who has written several stories for Literotica and if you have a Literotica log-in and...

1 year ago
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Underneath the Surface Friends with Benefits

Underneath the Surface: Friends with Benefits ~by Taylor Ryan~ For Paolo They say the mind is the first thing to go, I think. I really didn't know if that related to my situation. I just knew I was losing it fast. I hardly even recognized my old name anymore. Every time I heard it spoken it was like hearing the name of some vague acquaintance in passing. My new name had become quite familiar to me. Emily even liked it when Mitch called me, what he referred to as, his pet name. I...

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My Aunt is Hot

I often wonder why not she married. I am talking of my aunt, my mom’s younger sister. On deep investigation I found that her boyfriend who she loved very much and soon she was to marry him died just weeks before their marriage ceremony in fatal car accident. Despite several request from friends and relatives she refused to marry and now stays in cochin working as a high school teacher. I am Roshan, 23, live in Kerala. I am one of those millions who are crazy about sex and often browse through...

2 years ago
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Stephanies SlaveryChapter 7 Mother arrives

Two hours later she was home again. David was dosing but awoke when she went in. "I need the loo Steph but the lads pushed those chairs too close together for me to get through with my crutches." She cleared the way for him. Fortunately they had a toilet downstairs as well as one next to the bedroom but they only had an upstairs bathroom. "I'll have to wash him later," she told herself as she guided him along the passageway and helped him lower his tracksuit enough to pee. "Good job he...

3 years ago
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Do behne 3

This is the third part of the story sequel that I have been presenting for you all sex hungry readers. In the last part I told you the story of how I fucked the good out of chhutki (Younger sis). In this part I am going to tell you about my experience with badi (Elder girl). It was a fateful day and I was getting ready to go to office, when I was interrupted by Badi, who wanted lift in my car to her college, I was not so bothered since her college was in the way to my office. While we were...

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My Moms BF Fucked Me

My mother introduced me to her boyfriend, Trey, for the first time when I was 18 years old. It was the beginning of my senior year in high school and I was pretty innocent in many ways. Even though I had started to date by that time and even had tried sex once or twice, I was a pretty naïve teenager. Saturday night finally arrived and it was refreshing to see my Mom all made up for her date. She kept asking me for make-up and clothing advice and for once, I felt like the parent in our...

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Skeletons in my Closet part 14

John would come and see Megan the next Sunday. Megan and I were out walking in the driveway when he pulled up on a bike with a sidecar. I introduced him to Megan who hid shyly behind me with her walker. I told John to go on in as I am sure he remembered where the family room was as Keith was in there. John started toward the house then paused as he said he almost forgot. He reached into that sidecar and pulled out the cutest teddy bear. It had a Harley shirt with a big red heart on it,...

1 year ago
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ConvergenceChapter 15 Menace Unchecked

Abdul Jamal Al-Fayed, also known as Jerome Parsons, was in a quandary. Everything had been going so well in the months since his escape from his rooftop sniping 'stand', and the Washington, D.C. dragnet that followed it. Within a week after his escape, his life changed for the better. He was offered a fulltime job with benefits. Furthermore, his military service was counted as part of his seniority, taking him to within a week of his first pay raise. He only needed to pass a security check...

2 years ago
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Michelles Story Part 17

Michelle's Story - Part 17 May had begun with an air of expectation. The Brook family were on the verge of becoming 6. For Liz, the thought of seeing her newborn child was not only precious, but her body would finally get a chance to recover from the 9 months of pregnancy. It would also allow her to go out again, something which her two daughters were keen for her to do. Michael and Emma had been unable to go to any of the shops they liked because Liz was housebound. John had...

1 year ago
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A week in May Part Two

May woke at five-thirty in the morning. She wore black laced panties with a see threw black bra. She stretched and kissed her husbands cheek. "I'll be back later tonight to fix dinner Allen," she said slipping out of the covers to go dress in her work clothes.She hopped in her car and drove off to work, eager to see what Ranston wanted to do with her. May had on a black long sleeve work suit and a soft frilled white shirt under. She wore a tight mini skirt, it hugged her thighs perfectly...

Straight Sex
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Your My Slut for Tonight Pegged

The door opened before me, and I quickly stepped in, my heart racing. Dave gave me a big hug, which somewhat calmed my nerves. I gave him the bottle of wine, and suggested a glass might settle me. I sat in the recliner, and took a healthy sip when Dave gave me a glassful. I felt the warmth as it spread from my stomach.Dave showed me the strap-on he had bought. I handled it gingerly, and examined how it worked. Dave sat on the edge of the bed in his robe as I did. Out of the corner of my eye, I...

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Swapping My Wife for Her sister

My wife Sarah and I have always had a good sex life. Both of us were in our late 30's and we routinely had sex three to four times a week even after having two k**s. Standing at 5'1" with dirty blonde hair and light blue eyes Sarah's body was quite sexy for a woman at any age. On occasion Sarah and I would role play and one of our role playing scenarios involved her pretending to be her younger sister Catherine. This scenario was by far my favorite as I often would find myself jerking off...

1 year ago
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Lost my virginity to my sexy bhabhi

I am shashank from Bangalore. I have been a regular viewer of the Indian sex stories. After reading through many of them I got inspired to post my own sexual encounter which I had couple of years ago. Before moving further its better to know about my physical attributes. My age is now 26. I am tall, fair-complexioned guy with good physique. My physique is of course linked to me working out every day at the gym for 45 minutes to 1 hour. During my college days I always managed to attract many...

2 years ago
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Sharon Taken Roughly in the Kitchen

I prop my bicycle up against the inside wall of the porch, slip my key into the lock of the front door and let myself in.I divest myself of my back pack dumping it on the table in the hallway and then walk into the large L shaped lounge and dining room.I slip my work jacket off and place it around the back rest of one of the dining chairs.I become aware of activity from the kitchen – Sharon must be home early.I fancy a cup of tea so I head for the kitchen.As I enter the room I find myself...

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