LifelineChapter 12 free porn video

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It was the weekend following Thanksgiving when I finally got the chance to sit down with the evidence.

The Pickle had admonished Judge Tagliotti and she had forced him to offer an apology to Jane and me in front of our staffs. More importantly, at least in my eyes, she relegated him to the newly created post of overnight arraignment judge. In order to keep the court staffed during its busiest times, she assigned him to work from 10 p.m. to 8 a.m. Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights.

Needless to say, his clerk quit in a huff when she heard the news. As the paperwork came flowing in from the prosecutor – who was required by statute to file reams of it in a death-penalty case – our little office soon became overwhelmed. After two weeks of 14-hour days, I went hat in hand to the Pickle Jar.

She saw the bags under my eyes and gave me a look of sympathy. I had apologized for my outburst in the jail and she had forgiven me. Our contact had waned after she appointed a different judge to hear the case – after contemplating taking on the role herself. Instead, she called The Honorable Alberto Castille out of retirement. He was the most experienced barrister in the county, if Judge Valasik wasn't considered. He was also abidingly fair and impartial.

I informed Jane of the potential conflict of interest, but after a meeting with Judge Castille and the president judge, Jane agreed that the man had the perfect temperament for a capital case.

Judge Castille, however, took some convincing. It was only his overriding love for law and justice (two things I viewed as mutually exclusive) that he put his black robe on again.

Judge Valasik motioned me to a chair and asked what I needed.

"I wasn't certain if I needed to run this past you or not," I conceded. "I figured I would err on the side of caution – and grace you with my wit and charm on this Friday morning."

She rolled her eyes at me but motioned for me to continue.

"I want to hire another clerk," I said. I quickly added, "Not from the county's payroll. Out of the retainer Mr. Huntley's family has provided."

"Do you have someone in mind or are you looking for recommendations?" the judge wondered. She offered a fresh smile. "I understand Judge Tagliotti's former clerk is still trolling the courthouse looking for work."

It was my turn to roll my eyes.

"I have someone in mind," I replied. "I know you wanted a level playing field – and you've done a great job. I wanted your permission in case the prosecutor insists she be allowed to hire someone else, too."

"I appreciate the consideration but Miss Cummings appears to have things in hand," Judge Valasik told me.

"I would agree – if the amount of paperwork her office is churning out is any indication," I said with a grimace.

"Miss Cummings staff is comprised differently than yours," the judge noted. "She has three licensed attorneys and a paralegal. You elected to have two attorneys, a clerk and a paralegal. I am not worried about her coming up and asking for help unless one of her staff leaves. That isn't the problem with your staff, is it?"

"We're all still aboard," I answered. "It's just that we're overwhelmed. I've had to pull Lucy from trying – in vain, I might add – to find character witnesses for Mr. Huntley. We're simply ankle deep in paper down there. I believe I could carpet the entire hallway with the useless filings that the state requires. Of course, I have to read them and respond to them in a timely fashion. That means I don't get anything else done but reading briefs and writing replies."

"And you believe another clerk will help?" the judge asked.

"The person I have in mind will," I said. "The guy has finished his law degree but hasn't taken the bar exam yet."

"Then I see no problem," the judge replied. "Let me know if you require anything else."

Bringing in Mark Strickland helped the office morale immensely. First off, Mark was a really great kid. I say "kid" because he wasn't yet 21 – which is why he hadn't taken the bar exam. Mark was a prodigy who wrote the code for a series of well-known video games before his 13th birthday. His parents had squandered the majority of his funds on high-end automobiles and European vacations before he hit 15.

Mark was my last client in private practice before Lauren Wells. He had come to me just after his first game was sold for an obscene amount of cash. He wanted emancipation from his parents. Short of that, he wanted control over his money.

At the time, I couldn't do anything for him. No judge was going to grant emancipation to a 13 year old, regardless of how smart and wealthy he might be. The money situation was another problem. Mark's only living relative besides his parents was a sister three years older. She was too young to assume control of his assets. I kept the case even when I joined CYS.

I contacted Mark just after his sister's birthday and set up a trust with her as the trustee. He had just finished his last game project and he said the timing couldn't be better. He was holding off on selling it until he could ensure some of the money might be left for him. I convinced a judge to grant Mark his freedom the day after his 16th birthday. He immediately took early graduation from high school and started to college with his sister. He finished a degree in history from college in two years and then graduated top of his law class from NYU.

Then – against all logic and common sense – he returned to his hometown to set up his practice (only to find out he was too young to be licensed in the state for another six months). That left him at loose ends.

If I am honest, I had forgotten about Mark Strickland but he hadn't forgotten about me. He read about the Lauren Wells case in the local newspaper and then saw my name pop up again when I was appointed to represent Tiny Huntley. He had called the office several times but Jenny had refused to put him through, thinking he was a reporter resorting to subterfuge to get a comment. He finally tracked me down at a deli near the courthouse.

I didn't recognize him when he approached. The teenaged boy with zits and greasy hair had worn nothing but ratty jeans and black T-shirts. The man who approached me looked nothing like the kid I had represented. He wore a nice suit and his hair was short. His complexion had cleared and he'd grown about half a foot in the five years since I'd last seen him. It took me a moment to recognize the name when he introduced himself.

We talked for a while over lunch and he offered to do some volunteer work for Huntley's case if I was interested. At the time I thought it would mean more work for me. A kid fresh out of law school would require a great deal of oversight, I thought. It wasn't until I pulled out Mark's case file from my home office that I changed my mind. He had never required oversight, even when he was in his teens. Since he wasn't an attorney, he couldn't produce work product. But he was qualified to assist Michelle in putting together the replies to the hundreds of motions filed by the prosecution.

It took me most of the weekend to sift through the physical evidence the prosecution team had provided. They certainly hadn't tried to hide anything – unless they hid it in plain sight. I sorted through the crime scene photos and took a bit of pleasure from seeing Biff Wells' lifeless corpse.

He had been shot several times in the chest and upper torso. I pulled out the medical examiner's report to see exactly how many times Wells' body had been punctured. I scanned down the report until I saw the answer: He had been shot five times – and a sixth shot had missed Wells and embedded itself in the wall behind his head. The police ballistics lab said the bullets, although mangled, had come from a small-caliber weapon, a .22 or .25. That didn't sound like the sort of gun a professional badass like Tiny Huntley would use. In fact, I wondered if Tiny could even hold such a small weapon in his massive paw.

I set aside the photos and the analysis for a moment and pulled out the statement from the hotel clerk. As I perused, my fingers idly flipped through the rest of the box. I wanted to see the photo array the police used but I couldn't find them.

I noticed that there was no copy of the surveillance tape in the box either. That brought me up short. The prosecution was under no obligation to provide me with evidence they didn't intend to introduce – unless it proved my client's innocence. I doubted the video would do that but I wanted to see it anyway.

When I got to the second page of Muralidhar Patel's statement, I sat up straight in my chair. I went back to the start and read more carefully this time.

"Son of a bitch," I said. I smiled for the first time in a long time when dealing with the Huntley case. "Son of a bitch!"

I fought the urge to call Jane Cummings at home. Instead I pigeonholed her as she walked through the metal detectors at the courthouse.

"You have some problems with discovery," I told her.

"Oh, that's crap, Ben," she replied. She looked as tired as I did.

"The surveillance video is missing," I told her, starting small and working my way up.

"We don't plan to use it as evidence," she told me. I lifted an eyebrow at her so she expounded. "We have an eyewitness statement. The video isn't necessary."

"I'd still like to view it," I told her. I was surprised when she shook her head.

"It is potentially exculpatory evidence," I added. "I am entitled to it."

"You're not entitled to it," Jane replied. "It is of no evidentiary value to you."

"I believe I should be the one to decide that," I said, my temper starting to rise. "I thought you said you didn't plan to play fast and loose with discovery."

"I am not playing anything," Jane said, her voice harsher than I'd heard it outside of Judge Tagliotti's office. "I have years of case law on this. I have reviewed the video and I've found it of no evidentiary value. I do not plan to introduce it so you don't get the chance to muddy the waters with it."

"I guess I'll just have to get a subpoena from Judge Castille," I said.

"Good luck with that," Jane replied. "I've told you, I've got a dozen pieces of case law on this matter. I will fight you on this."

"What is your problem?" I asked as the door opened on our floor.

"I just told you," Jane countered. "The only thing you could do with this video is to try to confuse the jury."

"Which is the defense attorney's right," I shot back. "I think the judge will agree with me."

"Look, Ben," Jane said, "if you do manage to get a subpoena from Castille, I'll appeal and win. It is a waste of time – time neither of us have."

"Then just give me the damned thing," I said.

"It's not going to happen without a court order," Jane replied. "What else do you have?"

"When can I depose your eyewitness?" I asked when the doors opened.

"Right now if you want," she said. "Ben, I'm not trying to play game with you on this. This is a big case not only for me but for the county. Neither of us can afford to have this overturned on appeal. If you get the videotape admitted over my objection, we'll be right back here in a year."

"I try not to play games either," I replied. "You know I'm not a criminal defense attorney. I don't even know how to play games with discovery. The fact is, I don't figure to have much discovery. I don't think you can make a case."

"Oh, please," Jane said. "I wouldn't have brought the case if I couldn't win it. Your client's history makes it easy."

"You're not going to be able to introduce his past history," I replied. "I'll object because it's prejudicial. It has no bearing on Biff Wells."

"I'll get it in somehow," Jane said confidently. "If not on direct examination I'll use it to impeach your witnesses. I have to be able to discuss their relationship with your client. Plus, you know, the jury will know just from looking at him."

I nodded. Tiny Huntley wouldn't make a good impression on a jury but I doubted the jury would know it from simply looking at him.

"You'll have the same problem with your witnesses," I added. "Their statements are suspect. I'll want a lineup for your eyewitness."

Jane stopped. She knew that eyewitness accounts could be shaky. The motel clerk had picked Desmond Huntley out of a photo array.

"And I want the photos you used," I added.

"I'm not sure we kept them," Jane admitted.

"Then you'll need a lineup before I even let you bring in an eyewitness," I said.

"Oh, come on," Jane said. "He'll make his ID in the courtroom. That's the way it always works."

"Not with me," I countered. "You are going to have to prove to me that your witness is credible. He might have ID'ed my client but it was fraudulent. Desmond Huntley was not at that motel."

It took Jane Elliott almost 24 hours to locate the booking photos the police had shown the motel clerk. Jane knocked on the door to my office and dropped off a packet of items.

There was a group of six photographs. The last thing Jane Cummings wanted was a lineup and she hoped to fend off the request by providing the photo array.

I glanced at the photos and back at Jane. Then I glanced down at the photos again.

"I'm going to request a lineup," I said finally.

"Oh, bullshit," Jane spat. "This is just a waste of time."

I took another look at the photos.

"Jane, did you interview my client?" I asked.

"No, he requested an attorney before he was even booked," she said. "He knows the system. He should. He's been in it enough."

I frowned at her statement. I had no doubt that Desmond had killed men before. But I also knew that he wasn't the man Patel saw outside the door. The photos proved it to me if nothing else did.

"What?" Jane asked.

"Who ran your photo ID?" I asked instead. "Your guys or the local cops?"

"The locals," Jane admitted. "This was all done before you or I came on board. What difference does it make?"

"A lot," I said. "How old is that mug shot?"

"How in the world would I know?" she asked. "What does it matter?"

"Because your photos show morbidly obese black men," I told her. "Desmond Huntley doesn't weigh more than 190 pounds. He's lost almost 150 pounds in the last two years. He said it was because he wants to be around to see his kids."

Jane's face dropped. I knew she didn't think I'd lie to her. This was one of the things that she could verify by pulling up the mug shot from the computerized database. She frowned for a moment then asked to use my computer. I shrugged and she logged in with a different password. She went to the county's mug shot archive and pulled up the shot for Desmond "Tiny" Huntley.

She pointed me to the picture on the screen. It was different from the one in the photo array but it still showed a fat black face.

"What did you hope to accomplish with an obvious falsehood?" she asked. I laughed and shook my head.

"The IT guys haven't updated the site," I informed her. "Desmond hasn't been arrested in three years. That's how old the picture probably is. The one they took last month will wait for years before it's posted. I'm serious. If you want, I'll walk you down to the jail and show you my client. Or you can wait for a day until I put forth a motion for a lineup. Your photo array is garbage and it won't hold up. You'll lose your eyewitness before the trial ever starts."

Jane sighed.

"Give me a minute," I said. I picked up my phone and dialed the three-digit number for The Pickle. I told the President Judge of the problem with the county's Internet Technology Department.

"They pulled a picture at least five years old and used it for a photo ID," I explained. "The guy weighed 350 pounds when they booked him at that time. He's about 190 now. I can't convince the prosecutor that she'll need another run with her eyewitness unless she wants me to tear her apart."

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  Lori and Lexie ran up the stairs of the deck and through the back door of Lori's house trying hard not to make too much noise. They didn't want Lori's mom seeing them at this moment. They were drenched after running from the pier in the rain. They were also still naked from their adventure under the pier. Lori had demanded that Lexie open her legs for her and she had fucked Lexie's hot little cunt with her hairbrush till she had exploded. But Lori had made her beg, and Lexie had agreed to...

1 year ago
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Property Sex

PropertySex! I tend to spend most mornings masturbating furiously to a variety of blowjob, titty fucking and hardcore explicit lesbian videos, so this morning was a little bit of a change in routine for me. Instead of popping a Viagra, lubing up and stroking it to HD porno, I had a cup of coffee and spent a few hours calling up real estate agents and making appointments to look at new homes. It’s not that I actually need a new masturbation chamber or splooge room, but the sexy bitches at...

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2 years ago
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The Daring Naughty Sleepover0

Summary - Cindy and Stacy have a long-awaited sleepover. Things get a bit naughty... This is a work of fiction, make-believe and fantasy. The author does not condone any sexual activity among persons under 18 in real life. *** It is OK to have fantasies, but turning a fantasy into reality can destroy lives. Don't fuck up other people's lives! Cindy and her friend Stacy were having a sleep-over. It was the first time they would be left alone in an empty house in their entire young lives....

2 years ago
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Where the Mountain RisesChapter 23 Turkeys

September 30, 2030 For days Katie was still shaken by the shocking experiences to and from Warrenton, especially the life-threatening situation with the rabid dog. It brought back the horrific memories of violence and death in the City. She was too distraught to set out with Clark on the expedition planned for Millbrook. He wanted to go just to know the lay of the land, see if there were any signs of survivors, and discover potential resources; nothing too specific. Despite his...

1 year ago
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SRU Turnabout

Spells R Us: Turnabout By Morpheus ([email protected]) 26 Jan 98 Matt wiped the whipcream out of his ears and eyes feeling embarrassed to have been caught in the latest prank of his roommates Chris and Steve. The three of them often took turns playing pranks on each other. After all, what else was college for if not for fun and pranks. Going to the mall Matt hoped would give him some inspiration for his revenge. He needed something big to get back at those two and even...

2 years ago
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Strip Math Part 2

“Mhhmmm, that tasted amazing, now let’s get back to math” Trish said as she started to get up. “Oh no, not now.” I said, as I stood up. I quickly grabbed her by the waist and threw her on her back, and started to make out with her furiously, our tongues were swirling around each other ‘s mouths. I whispered, “I’m gonna make you scream” and with that I scooted myself down between her legs and started to kiss her inner thighs. I slowly pulled her thong off and sat back and admired her...

3 years ago
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A Moms Sexauilty Is Awaken Chapter 9

Chapter Nine When the web cam on his computer came alive Jeff realized Sally had made it home safe and sound. The first thing she talked about was the two parties she had attended yesterday while she sat in front of the viewers naked and fingering her pussy.. She told her members she was able to drink down hundreds of cum loads while thinking of them. Next, she did birthday shout outs. Then she held up four small black tubes and told them that inside these tubes are today’s winners of ...

3 years ago
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One Week

This story is an old one, an experiment from when I was new to fiction and trying out all sorts of narrators and voices and story shapes, looking for the outer edges of what I could do, couldn't do, and loved doing. It's many ways unpleasant because its narrator is ... well, a dirtbag sleaze who deserves what he gets. I set it aside and wrote a more satisfying story of domestic love deceived and yet fulfilled ("Trust Me"), a kind I prefer. Meanwhile I showed this story to one of the...

4 years ago
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Shamus JournalsChapter 52

I went walking around the area looking for the kids. I finally found them playing a game, trying to win a big teddy bear. Sandra was cheering him on, trying to get a yellow bear. "Grandpa, Jimmy won me a big bear. I'm going to keep it in my room on the end of the bed. What are we going to do this afternoon, Grandpa?" "I don't know, Sandra, I think we will just go home and relax. Maybe you and Jimmy can practice your music awhile? I don't know about you, but it's going to be a long...

1 year ago
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Neighbor Yellow

I had always believed my life would suck until one day three weeks ago. I had grown up being a nerd, dork, doof, whatever you want to call people like me. I went through high school without a date, let alone getting laid. Which meant I spent a great amount of time in my room with various porn subscriptions. So on this day I just so happened to be walking home from the library, when I saw Mrs. Gracey, my neighbor. She was walking a few feet ahead of me, wearing a tight yellow cardigan and skinny...

First Time
4 years ago
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Broke Fat Black and UglyChapter 3

I woke naked, my torso limp across the kitchen table. A familiar discomfort filled my cunt. It was the only part of me he hadn’t bruised. “Damn, this pussy is worth every fucking cop out looking for me.” Terry sat across two chairs, leaning back. My ass sat on his crotch. He had had to pull his belly up to make room for me. Both of us could feel the wetness between our tender organs. The oven clock said it was 1:33 am. “I can feel you moving.” I burst into tears. “What did you do with my...

3 years ago
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Boys Brigade Femucation Chapter 3 Piano Lesson

Boys Brigade Femucation Chapter 1 - Discovery From a very young age I was aware that I am a pretty boy and have experienced the pleasure of being dressed in my elder sister's clothes for the entertainment of family members - although not when my father is at home. My sisters think it is great fun and my mum goes along with my aunt who is the main protagonist in making me look so sweet and girly. From around the age of four, I enjoyed these sessions, however I became aware that it...

3 years ago
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Losing my cherry thanks to the walk of shame

Backstory:It was about a month after the birthday where I finally could get my driver’s license. Took the tests on my birthday and passed both. I work at a small, local, family owned grocery store on the other side of town. Haven’t saved up enough to buy my own car so the only car my parents let me drive is mom’s minivan. Yeah, not a real chick magnet. Every Sunday I have to go in to work early morning to do all the stocking of shelves before the store opens. The owners and rest of the...

2 years ago
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Silent Daughter

Dan was lying on the couch daydreaming. His hand wandered down to his lap where two lovely feet were resting. His hand gently touched them, then began to lightly stroke. They squirmed in pleasure in his lap, rubbing against his cock and causing it to engorge and thicken. That brought him back from his dreams. He looked down to see his daughter's feet in his lap, his hand stroking them. Worse, he felt his cock quickly growing in his shorts. Stunned, he yelled, "Molly, get your feet off of...

1 year ago
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Nieces Weekly Punishment SessionMelissa and Lara Lose Their Virginity

Chapter 3- Melissa and Lara lose Their Virginity “Mother, must I go, please, stay home with me, don’t make me go to Uncle Bill’s study. You don’t know what he makes me do,” Melissa begged her mother. “Nonsense, it’s not that bad. You live in a nice house, Uncle Bill takes good care of us. We could be out on the street. This is the least thing you could do. Look at all I have sacrificed for you. I gave up a singing career to take care of you when you were born. If it wasn’t for you, I would be...

2 years ago
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Never Too Old to Be in Love IChapter 30

Lunchtime the same day - Monday, 14-June - [Susan] Lionel came back into the office after showing Robert and Sarah out. I stood by my desk waiting for Lionel to say he'd finished, so I could start my lunch and think over the bizarre story that I'd just heard. It was hard to imagine Lionel plunging madly on penny shares, or carrying out extravagant acts of philanthropy. I found the sight of two people in love and happy rather depressing. My recent love life had been disastrous in all...

3 years ago
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Delivering the Goods

Linc was the new guy at Summit Delivery, a small trucking service in a sparsely-populated area. Some places were hard to find and it was easy to get lost or stuck on the narrow winding roads through the mountains. When you made the delivery, if a customer needed some help, giving it was part of the “extra mile” that was lettered on his uniform.The national delivery companies would subcontract Summit to get stuff where it needed to go because their big trucks couldn’t handle the narrow,...

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Sindis Snatch

I’d been up during the night writing out an erotic story that had popped into my mind at bedtime. I’m a real sound sleeper and it was much later than usual when I awoke. As I drifted back to consciousness, I felt the steady movements of the bed. Rolling over my gaze fell on Sindi, my wife of three years, with neighbor Jim slowly thrusting between her legs, trying to please her and not make the bed move too much. When she saw me move, she flashed me a big smile. Jim did likewise and went back...

2 years ago
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Stiffkey BluesChapter 6 Pennys Predicament

Penny was wondering what on earth was going on. She and Krysta had been chatting. Krysta had been admiring her dress — a candy-striped, seersucker, shirtwaister with a stand-up collar. Then they'd been discussing her latest story. Penny had described how her heroine was going to be enslaved by a man she had long admired. She was particularly pleased with a scene that she had just finished where her heroine found herself handcuffed and forced to wait on her captor and then, when she protested...

1 year ago
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Ninas Party

Nina got herself ready for her party, putting on her exquisite embroidered bra and satin panties, then her rich orange angel blouse and her black leggings which neatly hid the evidence of being spanked earlier by her Mum, finally slipping on her gold bracelet and putting on her earrings. Nina looked in the mirror and knew she looked a million dollars. People started to arrive and she waited for a few to be in the lounge before coming downstairs and making her entrance. Faces turned, her Mum...

1 year ago
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Steamy Mirror

He told me to take my clothes off, lay on my back and start pleasuring myself. I was willing because he had had me pinned down with words and small commands for hours now. He knew how to get me into the space where I was almost mindlessly willing, where all resistance is gone. And he never minded that I first resisted, laughed and played. The bliss that overcame us both when he finally got me to that certain space, was worthy all the work. He was taking it slow. He told me exactly what to do to...

2 years ago
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infidelities I committed when married Fridagirl

1) A knock on my front door during a masturbation session.Ask any woman how she feels when pregnant? Fat, ugly, bloated would be the three most common, not to mention a host of others that get in the way.I missed sex. We just seemed to stop doing it. No romance or naughty public quickies, whenever our fancies tickled us, no teasing other men, unless they were admiring my lactating breasts down-blouse, which I had no problem showing, as the sex stopped on my husbands part, using the excuse, "He...

2 years ago
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BlkStingray Came Calling

BlkStingray Wrote me the following, stimulating, lovely story...I was recently divorced, an ironically although, she had cheated on me, she had ended up with pretty much everything! Luckily I was able to keep my camper/conversion van. I jus kind of drifted around the country, selling off my possessions for gas an food, until I finally ended up in Montana. With my funds running dangerously low, I figured I had better check the want ads. I checked Craig’s list for local temp jobs. As luck would...

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Fourrsquos A Charm erotic fiction

I’ve always loved the number four. It was my lucky number when I was young, and I still consider it to be now; for me, it’s definitely the best number in the bedroom. I’ve been with my girlfriend Tara for almost 3 years now, and the spark has never gone from our relationship. We both have a pretty high sex drive and we’re always up for trying new things, so getting into the swinging scene seemed like a natural progression for us. Don’t get me wrong – Tara fulfils all my needs and completely...

4 years ago
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HOMECOMING Even though it was November, it felt like spring in Tucson. Raised in the cold Midwest, Kelly felt there was something fundamentally wrong with a Homecoming game that lacked the crisp bite of impending winter, but who was she to complain? If she had been in the Midwest, she wouldn't have been able to wear a short jean skirt and flat summer sandals to go with her jersey and U of A earrings. She could not deny that the loved how cute the outfit made her feel. When her two...

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Bonding From Office To Bed 8211 Part 2

Hi, guys, girls and especially aunties, myself Jeeva back with the continuation of the previous part. To get more information please read my previous part. So the story continuous now. The entire episode goes on as per my pre-planned direction. After entering her home she hurried to have fun. But I stopped her till we finish our dinner and all. Even I was eager to have her, but I should have her until I get satisfied. So I was not hurrying to do anything. The time starts now for our...

4 years ago
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Wheals of Fortune Ch 02

You’d better be over eighteen if you are about to read this – all of the characters in the store are. It follows on from part1, of course, and part 3 will be along later. I slept between my lovely satin sheets on my second night at the Gordons’ Mansion, my back still sore from my whipping, my anus stretched and aching with the unfamiliar intrusion of the butt-plug. But I felt supremely happy. My Mistress loved me, and I knew I could serve her, that when I had made her cum that afternoon, she...

2 years ago
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Death By Fucking Ch 04

Chapter 4: Andrew’s Story We had spent an evening of love and sex, Dee Dee and I. It was time for me to be off. We both have work in the morning. Oh, boy. Wonder what that’s going to be like? She was lying partially under the cover, one arm thrown carelessly above her head, her eyes closed and a sensual, lazy smile on her face. I could see her semi-nude form looking so warm and inviting and could feel myself stirring once again. I finished dressing and walked over to her bed, kneeled at...

3 years ago
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The Boy Next Door

Melanie watched as Mrs Wiata on her hands and knees got fucked by her step brother. She had been in the kitchen and watched on the monitor as Jason had let Mrs Wiata in then followed them up to Jason's bedroom. Melanie had cracked the door open and watched as the sexy mature woman had got down on her hands and knees, pulled down her pants and said she was his mature slut as he plunged that big dicked in to the hilt. Melanie had taken some photos with her phone. That had been a month ago. Since...

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