Tokyo Symphony Ch. 06 free porn video

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The shoujo magazine’s office was a world removed from the cramped bedrooms and convention halls that Terry associated with comic production. It was on the eighteenth floor of a towering dark green office building, and staffed by the same army of cubicle-dwelling salarymen as all of the other businesses. As he passed by their workstations he noticed that every one seemed identical: computer and phone in exactly the same spot, pictures of families that all looked the same all facing at the exact same angle, and a half-finished cup of coffee sitting like an old grudge. He shivered. He supposed that these were the people in sales or finance or something along those lines – surely all of the artists were at home drawing their asses off.

He waited in a posh modern-looking room that was, despite the decor, still a waiting room. The secretary did manage to sound genuinely sorry for the delay. Terry was a little impressed.

Finally she answered the phone, listened to it in silence, and nodded to him. A lanky young woman (the previous applicant, perhaps) exited the office and Terry went in.

The editor was an old man with a rough beard and an expensive suit. The expression of surprise on his face when Terry walked in made the artist’s heart sink inside his body. Clearly Erica hadn’t mentioned that this artist friend of hers had happened to be a gaijin. Terry sat down anways, although he wasn’t hopeful.

‘Well, mister…’ The old man checked a sheet. ‘…Ozaki…’

‘It’s a pen name,’ Terry said.

‘Clearly. Well, not to worry, you’d be using a female pen name if you got hired anyway.’ He pulled a stack of papers out of a manilla envelope. Terry could see that it was a bunch of pages from School Hearts, ripped out of the doujinshi seemingly at random.

‘Um, I have other sketches if you want to see them.’ He dug into his bag and produced a folder of carefully rendered, decidedly PG sketches. He realized that his hands were shaking and desperately willed them to stop, but the rebellious appendages just kept quivering.

The old man (presumably some sort of editor) took the papers and gave them the same placid, unreadable glance that he had the more explicit drawings. ‘Do you understand the job you’re applying for, Mister Ozaki?’

‘Well, as I said, uh, actually I didn’t say but I should have, my real name is Terry Osmond. You can call me Terry, er, if you want. And Naomichi – Erika’s friend, well I guess I’m her friend too, well he didn’t say much about it.’

‘We’re launching a new series. It’s a magical girl story aimed at seven to nine year olds. We’ve already signed on a writer and editor who are working on hammering out the specifics. We also have some preliminary character designs here.’

This time it was the old man offering him a sheet of paper, on which were stencilled an army of generic-looking big-eyed little girls. It was enough to make Terry want to puke, but he held his tongue. He could work on this, but it wouldn’t be a labour of love, that was for sure. Still, it would be nice to have a real job.

‘Well, I have to say that my previous work wasn’t exactly pitched at that audience,’ Terry said with a chuckle. The man didn’t laugh. Terry adjusted his tie nervously.

‘Yes, I can see that. This is… well, I like your art style, although it’ll need to be shifted a bit more towards the house style if you do end up doing this. And you have some grasp on anatomy, which is more than I can say for most manga artists nowadays.’

‘Thank you,’ Terry said, carefully inspecting his shoes.

The interviewer returned his gaze to the School Hearts pages. ‘I have to say, it’s a shame that an artist of your calibre is reduced to drawing pornography.’

‘I don’t think of it like that.’

‘What do you mean?’

Terry had just blurted the last part out, and now he had to explain it. Great. ‘Well, it’s like, hentai is just a genre right? Like, you have shounen comics and they’re centred around fight scenes, and you have shoujo and they’re centred around romance and angst and you have hentai and it’s centred around sex. In all of that you have to give the people what they want while structuring it into some kind of narrative that makes it feel worthwhile.’

‘So you’re saying that what our magazine publishes is just like…’ He rapped a page of Sakura in explosive climax with his fingertips. ‘…this.’

‘No, I’m saying that maybe it should be.’ Terry realized he was digging himself into a deeper hole, and threw his hands up in a ‘stop’ motion. ‘I mean, I’m not saying that your comics, need to be closer to hentai, I’m just saying that hentai needs to me more like mainstream comics… I mean, you know, not just trying to be something you masturbate to, but having a story and characters as well as that more visceral appeal. That’s what I’m trying to do with School Hearts.’

‘I see.’ The old man kept staring at that page, Sakura’s hard-nippled breasts jutting out, her head twisted back in a scream of primal ecstacy. ‘Let me ask you a question, then. Do you honestly think anyone would read this, would care about this, if it didn’t have the sex? Would you?’

Terry saw his point. Take out the extensive sex scenes and the screaming climaxes and all you had was a fairly banal romantic drama, not to mention a much shorter work. ‘Well, I would hope so.’ But in his heart he knew that sex was still the draw of his comic, not the characters and certainly not the story. He had hitched his pornography to a cheap storyline, and maybe that did make it better, make the sex scenes more effective – but it didn’t make it the art he had convinced himself it was.

He suddenly thought of Mika, slurring her screams at him, babbling about him treating her like a blow-up doll. It wasn’t that he hadn’t thought she had a personality. But maybe he had been thinking of her like one of the girls in his comics, where the personality was an accessory to augment their hotness, everything ultimately subservient to the sex.

‘Well, fortunately we’re not looking to hire you on as a writer.’ The old man gave him the kind of grin that always accompanied backhand insults. ‘Anyway, we’ll be in touch.’

Terry walked out of the door, his head spinning. He was trying to convince himself that the old man whose name he had never learned was wrong, that School Hearts was genuinely worthwhile as more than just titillation, but somehow it didn’t work.

At first no one was worried. Sakura had vanished before, and everyone was sure she had just ran off to be with Ryan or some other boy she had now become obsesed with. Only Natsumi, having seen that terrible look in Sakura’s eyes as she left the apartment, clothes wrinkled and body sticky, had a suspicion that things might not turn out well this time.

They found her body two days later, washed up on the shore of one of Odaiba’s artificial beaches. She looked hideous in death, her body bloated with water, her clothes half torn away by the force of the surf. Her waterlogged eyes stared blankly up at the cloudy sky. The coroner said it was a drowning, and declined to speculate as to how it happened. Everyone knew it though.

Her parents held a small ceremony. Natsumi attended and wept the whole way through. She wasn’t so much crying for Sakura, who was gone and could not be hurt any more, but for herself, who knew she had drowned the girl as much as if she had held her underwater herself. How could be so stupid, taking her vulnerable and betrayed best friend and thinking only of sex, thinking only of her stupid dyke crush and not what Sakura needed right then?

Natsumi’s cell phone hummed with messages of commiseration – Hayato, Yui, Rin… she didn’t respond to any of them. What was there to say?

It was three long, excruciating days of satying by a telephone, hoping against hope that he was going to get the call. In those three days every cup of instant ramen seemed cheaper
, the apartment walls looked to be closing in on him, and his wallet felt constantly lighter. As the money and stability of an actual legitimate industry job were jerked farther and farther away Terry desired them more and more.

In the meantime he tried to start on the sixth chapter of School Hearts, which he had decided would be the last. He could keep the story going on indefinitely, throwing in another new character or love complication every once in a while, but what would be the point? Better to wrap things up and move onto something that didn’t completely suck. But every page he tried to draw ended up in the trash-bin. His art, that basic grasp of anatomy that the old man had praised, was all skewed and the kids had hands and legs going off at weird angles and tits that looked like blobs of jelly and dicks that looked like dildos. And as far as the story went, he had no idea how to bring things to a satisfying end. In real life, of course, the story would end here – one character dead, another departed, the sacred love pentagon broken and its members cut adrift. In real life they would all be heartbroken for a couple months or years and then move on, finding new partners to obsess over and maybe marry and have a house in the suburbs and become office workers or whatever. But as an ending to a story, that didn’t feel satisfying.

Terry wondered if maybe that should be the ending – the plot not wrapping up but just kind of dispersing. It would be realistic. But then again, what about the comic had ever been realistic? The girls didn’t look realistic. The melodrama wasn’t realistic. It would be like putting a Band-Aid on a gaping chest wound.

He rolled over and looked at the published issues again. They were crap. Art-wise they barely rose above the standard half-assed manga style, and plot-wise they were a mess. He chucked the whole bunch into the recycling bin and staggered out to his kitchen. What were they going to do?

And there in the kitchen was Erika Otsuka, heading out of Naomichi’s room, buttoning up her shirt. She flushed and stared at the floor. ‘Uh… hi.’

Terry blinked several times. ‘Uh… hi.’

The second Erika slid her top button into place she grabbed her purse and rushed towards the door like it was an oasis in the desert. ‘Uh, bye. Nice seeing you.’

Curious, Terry poked his head into Naomichi’s room. He was lying on his bed shirtless and staring up in wonderment. Naomichi’s unclothed torso was certainly not easy on the eyes, but there was a kind of poetic beauty to the scene anyway.

‘You dog,’ Terry said.

‘My friend, I’ve seen heaven.’

And that was when Terry realized it. He had always viewed Naomichi as a supporting character, the comic relief in his life, the schlub that made him stand out as truly unusual, especially for his profession. But there was a story with Naomichi at its centre too, a story of long loneliness followed by unexpected romance and the joyous embrace of mutual nerdery. And he had been too self-involved to even notice it was going on.

But then again, every one of the millions in Tokyo, of the billions around the world, were the star of a story, a narrative every bit as worthwhile as anyone else’s. It was a simple, almost banal epiphany, but he thought that maybe the world would be a better place if people started paying attention to others’ stories, realized that they may only be another supporting character. Like another in a long line of perverted, uncaring boyfriends.

‘I… I have to go write,’ Terry said.

Naomichi scratched his head, looking embarassed. ‘Sorry… I’ll get dressed.’

Terry was already in his room, tearing through his papers. This was the core of the story, he was sure – all these characters completely unaware of each other, thinking of them as only bit parts in their grand narratives. But how to write a story that didn’t ultimately reaffirm that idea, a story that openly stated it was no more important than any other story? How to write the story of an entire city, an entire world, at once?

That was probably beyond his calibre right now. But he would at least finish School Hearts. Because he knew that it was cruel to leave any story incomplete. And now he knew the ending, or at least an ending.

It was another weekend, another party, another vacant house or apartment. It was the same people as always, gyrating and chatting and drinking. Yui was in the midst of it all, taking everything she could. Usually she stayed somewhat sober, but tonight she had never met a drink, drug, or boy that she didn’t like. At the moment she was trying to decide if she should raid the medicine cabinet that gleamed enticingly in the bathroom.

Because it all seemed so far away, that crazy manic energy of infinite possibility that always used to the accompany these parties, these celebrations of immortality that they held weekly at the least. The more she desperately strove for that kind of joy, the more it slunk away, sliding through her fingers like a lump of slime.

She had heard of Sakura’s death secondhand. It had travelled down the rumour mill like every break-up or infidelity or other stupid teenage crap they cared about for some reason. Still, Yui felt like she shouldn’t be too depressed. It was a sordid story, for sure, but it wasn’t like she had really known Sakura. A friend of a friend, a crush of a crush of a crush. So why did she feel so out of sorts?

Maybe she had just taken some bad combination of intoxicants. Her stomach lurched and she rushed towards the bathroom, shoving her way through clumps of sweaty revellers. After emptying her guts, she felt a little more clear-headed but even more miserable.

Yui flushed the toilet, rinsed the vomit taste out of her mouth, and checked herself in the mirror. She looked like a wreck. She was covered in sweat, there were heavy bags beneath her bloodshot eyes, and her roots were showing beneath her elaborately dyed hair. Her clothes were wrinkled and dishevelled. God, she looked like a homeless person.

There was an angry pounding at the bathroom door. Yui sighed and opened it, letting the next person rush in, clutching his stomach. A line had already built up for the toilet. She was about to head back into the throng searching for happy abandon again, but then she noticed who was at the end of the line. It was Natsumi with a half-full beer bottle clutched in her hand.

‘Hey,’ Yui said, offering a half-hearted wave. ‘I, uh, heard about your friend. I’m really sorry.’

Natsumi shrugged. ‘What are you sorry for?’

‘Well, I mean to say that I feel bad about it. I know how you, er, felt about her. How are you holding up?’

The look in her eyes was eviscerating. ‘How do you think I’m holding up?’

‘Right, uh, stupid question.’ Yui was at the rockiness of the conversation. ‘Look, do you want to talk about it? I can’t say I’m good at many things, but I like to think I’m a good listener.’

‘Not really. Everyone wants to talk to me about it. God, I wish they would just leave me alone.’ Apparently forgetting her pressing business in the bathroom, Natsumi turned to storm off.

Yui reached out and grabbed her by the arm. Natsumi whirled around, ready to strike. ‘Okay, okay, you do what you want, but just remember that you have friends. And you don’t have to go through this alone.’

‘You’re not my friend,’ Natsumi said under her alcohol-laden breath.

‘Well if you want me to be, I will.’

Natsumi looked slightly perplexed at the idea, but then nodded before heading away and disappearing into the crowd. Yui sighed. The hollow feeling of the party that raged around her wasn’t going away. Everyone else had genuine smiles on their face. They were happy, so why wasn’t she?

Yui pushed her way to the kitchen in search of more booze.

When she woke up the next morning it felt like a railroad spike had split her head open. She bolted upright, clutching at her s
weat-drenched bangs. Her stomach made her regret the sudden movement. Yui looked around. It was hard to tell, with a dim darknesss clinging to the borders of her perception, but this didn’t look like her room.

She spent entirely too long groping for a bathroom whose location she did not know. When she found it she flung herself at the toilet bowl in relief and emptied her body of all its various fluids through all available orifices. She felt a little bit better. Now, to find out where she was.

‘Hey,’ a familiar voice said, somewhere from the world beyond the bathroom door. ‘Are you okay, Yui?’

She managed to get to her feet and open the door. Hayato was standing there, dressed in a T-shirt and boxer shorts. ‘What are you doing here?’ she said.

‘I live here.’

‘Oh!’ Yui looked around the apartment. She couldn’t remember ever going to Hayato’s before. It was always a question of luring him out to some den of sin, not staying home and chilling out. ‘How, uh, did I get here?’

‘Uh, you showed up on my doorstep last night drunk as fuck and muttering something about Natsumi and a lame party. My dad’s on a business trip, so I let you crash in his room.’

Yui blushed. She had always thought that she had more self-control than that, that she would never be unable to remember the events of a previous night. But no matter how hard she pushed her beleaguered brain, she couldn’t make it past that conversation with Natsumi — every attempt to reach beyond that resulted in a pulse of pain. She guessed she was turning into a regular shit-show after all. ‘I’m really sorry. I had way too much…’

‘Don’t worry about it.’ Hayato shrugged. ‘I did the same to you a little while ago, so it’s only fair.’ God, he looked so cute like that. How could someone who looked so plain, such a peaceful law-abiding citizen, be so attractive despite – no, because of that plainness?

Yui massaged her forehead, feeling the mother of all headaches coming on. ‘I don’t even know how I got here. Like, I don’t even know your address.’

‘I’m sure I must have told it to you once,’ said Hayato. ‘Or maybe it was just your drunken intuition. Anyway, I’m mixing up some hangover cure for you. It’s my secret recipe.’

Yui said nothing, just contemplated the swimming patterns on Hayato’s walls. Did she have anything left in her to vomit?

‘I have to make these for my dad all the time,’ Hayato said. ‘I don’t know who drinks harder – teenagers or salarymen.’

Five minutes later Yui was gulping down the fowl concoction formed by Hayato’s secret recipe. The secret recipe seemed to be grabbing random items from the fridge and cupboard and tossing them in a blender. Well, it was a recipe designed for a drunk person to follow, she supposed. By holding her nose she was able to choke it down. Well, she did feel a little less hung over, if only because the vileness on her taste buds distracted her from other sensations.

‘Thanks,’ Yui said. She realized she had reached out and was holding Hayato’s hand. ‘I can’t believe I blacked out… I mean, I don’t even remember coming here. I guess maybe I need to cut back.’

Hayato shrugged. ‘Well, uh, it’s your life. But that might be a good idea.’

‘Thank you so much for taking care of me. I mean, it was a lot more kindness than I showed you in the same situation. You’re a good guy, Hayato.’

‘It wasn’t the same situation. I was acting like an asshole.’

His hand was stroking her hair, feeling it’s hard edges, comforting like a child but also undeniably a bit like a lover. And then maybe it was the sorrow or maybe it was the left over booze but he leaned in and kissed her on the lips. They stood there, silent, in that kitchen for a short but eternal moment, taking in that warm soft feeling of flesh on flesh.

Hayato broke off from her. ‘Jeez, that really does taste like shit.’

Yui laughed. ‘Hang on, I’ll get rid of it.’ All of the queasiness and bitterness was gone, and all she wanted to do was get his arms back around her. She quick-stepped to the sink and rinsed her mouth out with a glass of water, then rushed back to Hayato.

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Midnight Symphony

It was one of those nights when two people who are comfortable with each other curl up on a couch, listening to music. One of those nights when even crazed lovers take a break to be together. Peacefully. But then it started to rain. She didn't really even notice it at first, her apartment was so very sound-proofed. But a sudden flash of lightning lighted up her windows and flowed into the darkened room. Enya! She thought. Perfect weather for Enya's music. But she was much too comfortable,...

1 year ago
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Bittersweet Symphony

"This is the happiest day of my life, Mom!" Shannon Kendall squeezed her adopted mother's hand and tried not to fidget. She looked up at the smiling face in the mirror, the woman's smile very happy but her green eyes a little sad. "You wish Mac was getting married, right? He'll find the right woman someday, Mom. You'll see. And Jethro will stand up with him. And we'll all be really happy. When Mac and Jethro get out of the service, they're going to open up a business together....

1 year ago
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Accidental Hero Chapter 4 Symphony

I explained to the various people who wanted to talk to me about the explosion that I had school on Monday and that, with their permission, I would make myself available after classes. That seemed to satisfy them. The Fire Marshall said he would meet me at the school at four o'clock and we could do the interview there. I wasn't so sure that was a great idea, but I was too tired to argue. I just wanted to get all this over with. Fire Marshall Craig Dullins showed up just as he had promised...

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Tokyo Motion doesn’t sound terribly dirty on the surface, so there are a lot of plausible excuses if your wife or your boss finds the site in your browser history. You could say you were just researching the logistics of people getting from place to place in the most populated prefecture of Japan, for example, or that you thought it was a tech company specializing in conveyor belts for sushi. They’ll never guess the real reason you were visiting the site: you’re a dirty pervert with a thing for...

Asian Porn Sites
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Just what is Tokyo Motion? Is it a viral dance taking TikTok by storm, or is it a reference to the roughly 1,500 earthquakes that happen in Japan every year? Well, if you’re really wondering, I guess you aren’t a regular visitor here at ThePornDude. Like every other website I’m writing up, this is one designed to help you bust a fat nut into a tissue or an old gym sock. The theme today – as you’ve probably guessed – is Asian porn.I’m not talking just about any Asian porn, though, as you...

Asian Porn Sites
3 years ago
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Pleasure Of A Different Kind

By : Dhilu Hi guys, this is Mani from Coimbatore. In short I am 23, 6 feet, Muscles chiseled in gym and a software developer earning handsomely. I have seen lot of gays in the local toilet. They just lure adolescent boys and fuck their holes. Their shabby looks and dirty dresses always distanced me from them. Now to the incident that changed my sexual life. My uncle and his son Muthu came to our home for business dealings. My uncle is a jovial guy while his son is of shy type. Muthu just...

Gay Male
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SamChapter 2

Samuel had been following the energy trail for over an hour now. He had already passed through several solar systems getting further and further from earth. Shit he thought, I just hope I can find my way back! Pulling up short he saw that he’d arrived at a huge space like station. It appeared to bear the insignia of the Intergalactic Patrol that he’d seen both of those women wearing. Shaking his head he looked at all the ships that were there. Nodding he saw the one that the two women had...

1 year ago
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Plus Two Maanivaiyai Usher Seithen

En veetin arugil oru pen 12th padithu kondu irunthaal avaluku vayathu 18 aagugirathu, peyar Sangeetha. Naan vasipathu tamil naduvil oru gramathil vasithu varugiren, athanaal ingu yaar veetilum perumbaalum kulaiyal aria irukaathu. Pengal anaivarum oru keethaal katiya araiyile kulipaargal appadi kulithu vittu paavadaiyai mulai meethu aninthu kuthiyai maraithu nadanthu veetirkul selvaargal. Oru naal naan kaalai 7 mani alavil enathu veetu thotathil nindrukondu irunthen appozhuthu aval kulithu kondu...

2 years ago
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Crush Ki Chudai Peheli Baar

Mera nam Jay hai aur meri umar hai 20 saal. Us wakt ma 12th standard me tha aur 18 saal ka tha. School me ek lakdi thi jiske ka naam Mary tha. Wo ek dum maal thi dik ne ma. Uski umar 18 saal thi. Muje wo bohat pasand thi aur muje us p crush tha. Sara school ki ladkda us p maar the t. Uski ki figure thi 36-24-36 (Meri nazar me). Gaand uski ek dum mast dhik thi t. Sunny Leone jasi gol gand thi uski. Tits us k perfect tha is umar me. Chara us k ek dum beautiful tha aur us k badan ek dum sexy tha....

4 years ago
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Two Exhibitionists Meet

Recently I had to go to New Jersey on business. When my work was done I decided to disappear for awhile. I turned off my cell phone, and a bus ride later I arrived in a mid-sized city I had never been to before. No one knew me or cared. I rented a hotel room and relaxed for the first time in a couple of weeks. After three days of sleeping and eating I was getting antsy. I hadn't even been able to expose myself to the maid. She always cleaned up while I was gone. The weather had turned...

1 year ago
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Ann Marie at the Creek

100% fiction! The weekend after being whipped and fucked by her daughter-in-law, the daughter-in-laws brother and four young strangers Ann Marie was feeling down so she asked me to take her to the creek so she could reflect and relax. I agreed then she asked me to take bother of my video cameras and the tripods so I got my camera equipment and she grabbed her back pack and we headed to the creek. So we got to the creek and we hiked to a clearing about a 100 yards down the creek. What happened...

3 years ago
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A weekend at the cottage part 2

You really need to read part 1 first for any of this to make sense  ****Day 2**** “FUCK” I shouted in a whisper as my shin connected with the corner of the bedside table. I had jumped out of bed so fast when my alarm went off that I totally forgot where I was. I shut it off and looked out the window. The sun was just beginning to turn the black sky a slightly lighter shade of blue and deep red. Trying to be as quiet as possible so as not to wake the still slumbering Kim, I searched through my...

1 year ago
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MyFamilyPies Harley King Stepsis Mind Fucks Stepbro

Harley King and Alex Mack are brand new stepsiblings who are still working out how to live together with their newly married parents. It doesn’t help that ever since the wedding their parents have been all over each other, in all parts of the house! Today, Harley and Alex’s parents are going at it loud and proud in the living room. Alex dips into Harley’s room to get away from it. Harley invites Alex to get into the bed with her, but he decides to sit on the floor. While Alex...

2 years ago
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The Omega TouchChapter 13 Enlightenment and Darkness

Wednesday, July 15, 2009 10:00 AM “Miss Sanchez? Good to see you this morning. Please, come in.” Amanda Weaver stood up from behind her desk and greeted the three as they entered her office. “I trust you are in better spirits today?” “Yes. Much better,” Tricia said, smiling and shaking the lawyer’s hand. “Thank you so very much for helping me last night.” “My pleasure. And who do we have here?” “These are my friends and roommates. This is Annie. Annie Friedman.” Annie extended a hand...

3 years ago
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"Come in. Come in, Susan. Come sit with us on the couch." Susan was strikingly beautiful. Black hair, cascading over her shoulders, framed a perfectly symmetrical hispanic face. She carried her petite, slender, frame with dignity as she joined the forty-year-old couple on the couch. The couple, both gifted in the looks department, shifted slightly to create a narrow space between them. "Have you met Roy, the owner of our company?" "No, Miss Russell," Susan responded shyly, "I know who...

2 years ago
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Digi Vamps

This story uses characters from Domino's T.V. series I don't own the characters so here it goes The characters live in Japan. I've aged them all to be at least age 18 this about a encounter that changes one of the digital destioned for ever and in return he/she turns the rest of ttys you'll have to read to find out this this story happens alternate from the shows. and I'm not using any Solomon either. eveerybods paths can connect possible.

2 years ago
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The Tides of WarChapter 4

It was late Saturday afternoon when the train came to a halt at McLeod Station in Karachi. As David stepped from the train, a Mr. Smithers introduced himself as the Prince’s representative in Karachi. In the carriage taking him to his hotel, Mr. Smithers informed him of the arrangements he had made for him. He was booked into a suite at the Royal Hotel, Karachi’s premiere. A stateroom on the steamer Eastern Comet had also been booked for him. The ship, Mr. Smithers explained, was a fast mail...

1 year ago
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Watching each other masterbate and then fuck

Tracy and I have been together for over 4 years now and we visit each other whenever one of us is in the other's town or when we can both get away for a few days and vacation together. She loves to have her pussy sucked and licked and I love the taste of it. I love to have her tight body fuck me and give me sex with a passion and desire I know most women don't have or won't display. She is game for most anything we can think of and/or anything a little crazy. I can sit in front of her and watch...

1 year ago
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Detention Ch 04

I must admit, even after all of this, Jamie Belmonte is the one girl at this school that I’d really like to get my hands on. It’s been that way since the first time I saw her last year. She’s a beautiful girl in a hot kind of way, tall, blonde and athletic. What is there not to like about her? I’m not saying I want to marry the girl because I’m not sure what’s going on upstairs, but in the sack, that’s a given. Since we were having so much success with our little tryst so far, I decided I...

2 years ago
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Learning CurvesChapter 29

David had seen Beth pull to the side of the road but he continued down the highway toward the city. He wasn’t comfortable enough driving the box truck to merge into traffic more often than necessary so he followed Phil down the road. He exited and drove the girls past the apartment before turning into its underground parking lot. By luck, he got stopped at a traffic signal and he got the chance to see Katelyn and Tiffany crane their necks upward at the 12-story building. “Those are stores...

3 years ago
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You Wait I Arrive Youre Punished

You've prepared yourself for my arrival. You showered and shaved yourself, and put on my favorite underwear and heels. As you dress yourself, you think of my impending arrival with a mixture of giddy excitement and a dread that is somehow both nervous and accepting. You want to serve me, you NEED to serve me, but sometimes the idea of being utterly controlled by me, being utterly helpless to my desire scares you. But you like that fear. It makes your pulse quicken and causes the blood to flow...

3 years ago
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Sarif Anu Ke Saath Mil Kar Kari Bewafai

Hi guys I am back again with an incident with iss reader. Unka naam anushree hey. After reading my story unhone mujhe mere kik id pkgargxx mai message kia tha.   Her message was mai ek sareef ladki hu, bilkul ubhra hue chuche , gol rasili gaand or ekdum tight choot. Agar tum mujhse sexual relation banana chahte ho toh mujhe call karo.   Maine uske dia hue no pe call kia or uski voice kafi sweet and seductive thi. Anyways maine usse baatein kari toh pata chala ke woh sex ke bhuki hai or uska...

1 year ago
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Descendant of Baccus Pt 15

Chapter 15: Planting a Seed By the time I got home, Eric and Annie were already locked away in Annie’s room. Mom and Carrie were hanging out in the den waiting for me, and it looked like catching up with Eric was going to have to wait for a while. Carrie’s face lit up like a flower in the sun when I walked in, and I was strongly reminded of one Christmas morning when she was about 10. Santa had brought her a puppy and the explosion of sheer joy that had radiated from her was like nothing I...

1 year ago
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Maturedsex with gay 8211 II

Neenu glass lo drink vesukoni thageda anna. Thanu glass thesukoni, athani sulli andulo addi, eppudu thagu kick untundani naa notilo glass unchi thaapenchadu. Glass antha okesaary thagesa. Maama glass kaali chesadu. Beedi thanu theyabhothe vaddani chigareett these , naa notilo unchukoni antinchi maama notlo petta. Pakkaku rammantu thanu poorthiga battalu these vese, naa cheyeni maama modda paina pettukoni preemaga raaji, nennu gudda dengali ante manam bharya, bhartha kaavali. Ala ayethe ee...

3 years ago
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Were Not Here For The Movie

I can feel my cock straining against my pants as I open the car door for you. I had been teasing you all week, and tonight I plan to finish what I started.I offer you my hand and help you out of the car. The touch of your soft skin is enough to make my heart melt. I look into your big, beautiful eyes and momentarily lose myself. Your silky black hair enraptures my attention and I imagine the intangible pleasure of sweeping it back behind your ear. A loose-fitting sweatshirt matches the dark...

1 year ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 380 I Pick Up DCup With Some Help From God

Monday, July 2, 2007 Carol and I went for our drive shortly after midnight, driving to D-Cup's home, stopping a block away so I could do some snooping. I searched the house quickly to find out if she was there. After a quick glance in a couple of wrong bedrooms, I found her in the third. I took that as confirmation that God approved of my plan, which was good because He was going to be helping me. I looked around the house more slowly to get a feel for the Smiths. In a word - and it's not...

2 years ago
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Cuffed Desire

Renee's Point of ViewI’ve been married to my husband Jack for seven years, and during that time I have never considered cheating on my man. But then I met this 6’4” tall drink of water with sparkling blue eyes, salt and pepper hair, and a glistening smile. His name is Fred, and he has a smooth personality and a smooth way with words. There is a local establishment that I sometimes stop at after work for a happy hour drink or two before I go home for the evening. Fred is another customer who...

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Welcome To Kirkgate

I reached the bus stop just in time and boarded the empty vehicle, panting for breath. The driver looked at me in exasperation as I fumbled for my wallet and dropped change all over the floor. I wouldn’t have said I was drunk but the couple of beers I had had were certainly taking their toll. Just about regaining my composure, I apologised to the unimpressed, middle-aged man behind the wheel and paid my fare before retreating to near the back of the bus, well out of sight.  Given the size and...

3 years ago
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Intimidating New Neighbor Part 1

The door opened and I was shocked!  The woman who stood there was over six-foot tall and in unbelievable shape.  She was incredibly imposing, but her smile was warm, welcoming, and with a hint of mischief.  I stuttered through my introduction.“H-h-hi, I’m Janet from next door.  W-welcome to the neighborhood.”  I felt silly standing there, but no reason for feeling silly.  I knew they had recently moved in but hadn’t met them.  I figured the easiest way was to bake them something and bring them...

2 years ago
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Love and Family During the Great DeathChapter 13 A Lot Left Unsaid

David, Sara and Linda got up early, hoping to quietly steal away into the early morning, but it wasn't to be. The others got up just after they did and fixed them a going away breakfast while they were loading the car. While it was appreciated, David was worried about making progress, given the bad condition of the interstate. However, he was further delayed, as everyone tried to give him a personal goodbye outside. While he couldn't chide them for wanting to say goodbye, he still felt a...

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PreDischarge Discharge

I was actually quite relieved to be given a room of my own. The ward I’d been on following my operation had been a depressing place. There’d been three other men there, none of whom made great conversation partners. One of them was three-quarters deaf and had apparently left his ear trumpet at home. Just as you’d dozed off, you could rely on one of the nurses bellowing out loud about the need for him to take his medication, have yet more blood drawn, or have his catheter seen to. Another man...

4 years ago
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Winning The Gamble

By : Jonesreagent Hi this is Jone here and I am 19 years old good looking male. I had many affairs in school life I had my first girlfriend in 4th ok friend’s I will tell you my true experience which I had in my 12th standard. I and my friends organized a trip to Shimla in our summer vacations of which my cousin was also a part. Her name is Niharika and is so sexy that you can’t resist yourself from touching her here and there. Few days of trip went very smoothly and we all enjoyed a lot! I and...

2 years ago
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Amy 12 Sarah and the Mystery of Delacroix High

Amy 12: Sarah and the Mystery of Delacroix High by Amy Komori The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2010 Amy Komori. All rights reserved. Chapter One: Miss Popularity "Komori!" "Hey." "Whassup, Amy?" "Um... Going to class?" "Outstanding!" One accidental result of joining the J-V cheerleading squad was I'd practically become an overnight...

1 year ago
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My boyhood crush 3

Rose looks so hot and I and so horny, she says she wants to ask me some things and let me ask her anything I might want to know. She said I should go first. I asked her when did she first do anything sexual? She said she started to masturbate young, not really knowing what was happening. Just that it felt good. What would you do? Just rub her until she felt the shivers. She asked when I first masturbate knowing I was still a virgin not having been with anyone but her. I told her I would wake up...

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