Tokyo Face Fuck
- 2 years ago
- 33
- 0
AN: All dialogue, unless otherwise noted, is spoken in Japanese. For cultural objects that don’t fully translate I’ve added a glossary at the end of the chapter.
If New York was the city that never slept, then Terry thought Tokyo was the city that never dreamed. Its denizens pulsed through the neon veins of the city, on their way to work and back, or another kind of work: the work of being fashionable, or up-to-date, or whatever. Harajuku and Akibahara were as businesslike and devoid of passion as any office building. That youthful swelling of imagination, of constant cultural renewal that you saw in other cities (if only at the fringes) was absent. This wasn’t all a bad thing – Terry had lived in Baltimore for a couple years, and a city that didn’t dream was better than one with nightmares. Still, he felt stifled, like the city was sucking up his soul.
But that was probably all bullshit. He was just blaming the city for his own miserable life.
Terry sat in his cramped bedroom, staring at a blank piece of paper. A saccharine J-Pop song invade his room through the weak walls. He was trying to draw a naked girl – more specifically a nude version of a character from a popular anime series he had never watched – but it wasn’t coming out right. Every drawing was frightening, not erotic – the girl looked monstrous.
Naomichi knocked on his door, and then opened it without waiting for a reply. ‘Hey man, how are those pages coming?’
‘They’re not,’ Terry said. He pointed to the wastebasket, overflowing with discarded drafts.
‘Dude, stop masturbating and just draw it,’ said Naomichi.
‘Those aren’t tissues, they’re pieces of paper.’
‘Really? Paper seems a little coarse to me.’
Terry might have laughed if he was in a better mood, but right now Naomichi just irritated him. His partner was everything he feared he was becoming – overweight, chubby and bespectacled, obsessed with anime, video games, and sex. Naomichi’s clothes perpetually smelled, and Terry had never heard him taking them to the laundromat. He was a thirteen-year-old trapped in a thirty-two-year-old’s body. And circumstance forced Terry to work with him.
‘Seriously, can we do something else?’ said Terry. ‘I’m just not feeling this girl.’
‘Of course you’re not feeling her. She’s a drawing.’
Terry supposed that expression didn’t translate over into Japanese. ‘I mean, I’m having trouble drawing her. Can we just go back to doing Gurren Lagann? I can draw those girls fine.’
‘Look, you get to pick the next project,’ said Naomichi. ‘But I want to do this series, and you should to. It’s new and hot and it’ll sell a ton. Our doujin could be one of the first on the market.’
‘So it doesn’t have to be good?’ said Terry.
‘None of this has to be good. It’s pornography, not fine art. Just draw what people want to jack off to and they won’t nitpick.’
Naomichi grabbed the pack of pocky he had left his room to get and returned back to drawing his half of the doujinshi. Terry tried once again to draw, focusing on the pictures of the girl Naomichi had given him. They just kept looking younger. Terry wondered whether his work was staving off the urges of some pedophile, helpfully directing his desire away from real, flesh-and-blood teenage girls. Or maybe this kind of thing only excaberated desire. He didn’t know, both made sense.
Terry’s pencil idly wandere across the page. He discovered after a few minutes of drawing that he was sketching his high school girlfriend, Sarah Tamblin. She was a sweet girl, who thought that because Terry was an artist he was some kind of pure-hearte soul. But he was just another teenage boy, and she was just another teenage girl, and after a year of dating he had given up on being a gentleman and snaked his hand up her skirt and she had slapped him so hard it left a mark and that was that. Her handprint only took minutes to fade, but Terry had wanted it to last forever.
He drew her with a schoolgirl uniform. They had both gone to public school, but he was so used to drawing schoolgirls that the uniform grew unconciously. He stopped to look down at what he had done. It was Sarah, but it wasn’t, it was a manga girl with big pleading eyes and a small demure mouth and blemish-free skin.
Terry wondered at this drawing, which had suddenly turned into a character. Who was this girl? Why was she smiling? What would she be ten years from now, what had she been ten years ago? He had given birth on the page, but all he had created was body and not mind.
But he was wasting time. He should get back to this new doujin, even if he wasn’t enthusiastic about it. Terry set the drawing of the girl who looked like Sarah aside, but not before scrawling on the bottom: ‘SAKURA TANIGAWA.’
Other than looks, there weren’t many similarities between Sarah Tamblin and Sakura Tanigawa, but one of the few was that both were virgins at age eighteen. Sakura hadn’t preserved her cherry out of any kind of prudish reluctance, but simply because the boys around her (and they were, after all, nothing but boys) were so stupid, immature, and for the most part just plain ugly. Her eyes were set on only one man, who was on a completely different level from these children, and who just happened to teach her English class.
Sakura was a B student in every other class, but even though she rarely payed attention to the material in English class, once she was at home she threw herself into it, hoping desperately to impress Mr. Bradshaw. And it worked, or so it thought.
‘Very good,’ Mr. Bradshaw said to her in English as he handed back her test, a sterling blue ’92’ written on the top corner. ‘To tell you the truth, you know English better than a lot of Americans.’
Sakura flushed. ‘Thank you very much, Mr. Bradshaw,’ she said in English. She still had a fresh-off-the-boat accent, but her grammar and vocalbulary were near-perfect. An unexpected benefit of her love.
And it was love – not some stupid schoolgirl crush. She had found the gaijin handsome from her first day of high school, and over the year she learned of his sense of humour, his compassion, his obvious intelligence, and fell deeply in love. He was her ideal man, really. Sakura had left Mr. Bradshaw a love letter in second year, in faltering but very explicit English, and handed it in between the sheets of her homework. He had never responded to it in any way. At first she was crushed, sure it was a rejection because she was ugly or irritating. Sure, it was against the rules to sleep with your students, but why would you fly halfway around the world to teach English unless you wanted to score with some young, nubile Japanese girls? He must be sleeping with the prettier girls, and had no time to fit her into his schedule. Sakura had spent the weekend after that crying and moping, her friend Natsumi holding and comforting her as best she could.
Over time she had come to believe that Mr. Bradshaw was just that pure-minded. No stories, not even rumours, of affairs with students had ever surfaced – and these things were fairly common at her school. So Sakura bided her time. She was already eighteen, and had turned from a gawky teenager into an adult woman with long legs and full, ruby lips and C-cup breasts (one of the biggest in her class). In a few months she would finish high school and they would no longer be student and teacher but just a man and a woman. She would have him then.
Until then she would just smile, wear her skirt high, and keep studying.
Three hours later, Terry had only done three pages of the doujin he was supposed to be working on, and they were crap. Every sex scene he drew looked the same, just with the names and hairstyles changed. Every artist has moments where they suspect that they’re a total hack, but Terry was pretty sure those moments weren’t supposed to last six months. On the other hand, he kept returning to
his sketch of Sakura Tanigawa, adding in background and thinking up the story this girl belonged in. She was a schoolgirl, of course – some conventions had to be followed. He decided she was in love with her English teacher. Her foreign English teacher. He realized it was kind of masturbatory, but who would know? To the few who even paid attention to the byline he was Taro Ozuma, just another Japanese artist.
Naomichi emerged from his dank room, experimentally stretching his legs. ‘How’s it going over there, Terry?’
‘It’s, uh, going. I’m almost out of paper, of all things.’ He thought of a way to kill some time. ‘Actually, I think I might head down to the store now.|
‘I can do it, man. You’re way behind on your pages.’ Even though they were supposed to be partners, Naomichi acted like a disappointed boss most of the time.
‘Come on, the art store’s right on the corner,’ Terry said, faintly angry that he had to plead. ‘And stretching my legs could do me good. Get the creative juices flowing.’
‘It’s a bad excuse for a break,’ said Naomichi. ‘But I guess I can’t force you to work. Just make sure it’s done by the end of the week. And get some ink too, I don’t think what we have will be enough for this one.’
Terry knew he shouldn’t resent Naomichi. It was only because of him that Terry could stay in Japan, and it was only because of him and his job (usher at a movie theatre) that they made rent and food every month. Terry, on the other hand, was practically a charity case. But with the tight quarters and tight deadlines bickering and resentment sprung up like weeds.
After descending several floors of his apartment building, deciding to take the stairs rather than the temperamental elevator, Terry burst out into the the sunny, crowded street. He was used to the stares that came with being a blonde-haired white guy in Japan, as well as the bubble of space around him on even the most crowded subway car. He walked down to the small art store on the corner and got some decent paper and ink. Terry wondered if and how he could get out of his present situation and start being able to afford the fancy pens and tools he saw in the glass display case.
He paid for the paper after convincing the cashier she didn’t have to try and speak English with him. Terry left the store and headed home, or what passed for home nowaays. Usually when he walked in the city he was on autopilot, his mind far away while his feet took him mechanically from point A to point B, but perhaps to stall he took a look around this time. And that was when he saw her.
Terry’s first impression was that she was beautiful. That was the one thing about her he’d never question. She had long, reddish-brown hair, a modelesque face, and a slender but curvy body. Her skin looked like porcelain. She was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen talking into a sewer grate.
Looking at her closely, she did appear a bit dishevelled. Her hair was sweaty and damp, her white blouse had a number of mystrious stains on it, and it and her black skirt was wrinkled and dishevelled. Everyone on the street walked on by, taking only a glance at the crazy, beautiful woman. Terry stopped and stared.
A Japanese man in a suit bumped into him and gave him an earful about holding people up. Terry didn’t listen, so the man went into a further rant about foreigners. Terry walked forward and looked down at the girl, who stared into the sewer intently.
‘What are you doing?’ he finally got the nerve to say.
She looked up. ‘There’s a kid down there. There’s a kid down there and he’s getting hurt.’
‘Oh my god, are you sure?’ Mark shoved past her to look through the great. He didn’t hear or see anything.
‘Can’t you see her?’ the girl asked.
The girl shuddered. ‘Oh God, not again.’ She then recoiled suddenly, standing up and backing off. She backed into a woman who swore at her and then continued on her way. ‘You have to get me inside.’
‘What?’ Terry said.
‘If I stay out here they’ll get me,’ she said, jerking an accusing finger at the air. ‘Please, can you get me inside? Somewhere with no holes…’
Terry didn’t know what to do, but his instincts wanted him to help a pretty girl in distress, even if that distress was insane. ‘Uh, sure, yeah. You can come up to my place.’
She rushed into his arms, holding him like a talisman against the darkness. ‘Thank you so much. You won’t regret it, I swear.’
They entered Terry’s apartment building, and she instantly looked less scared and more cognizant of what was going on around her. ‘You here on vacation?’ she said.
‘No, work visa. I’m a freelance artist.’
‘Ooh, an artist,’ she said with a giggle. ‘Probably some genius American. Can you draw me?’
Terry wanted to say that he’d been drawing girls like her for months. Instead, he just said ‘Maybe. My name’s Terry, by the way.’
‘Te-ri,’ she said, trying the syllables on her tongue. ‘Like in Teriyaki. My name’s Mika. Mika Otori.’
Terry wondered where he had heard that name before.
Natsumi’s parents had the most loving relationship she had ever seen. After twenty years of marriage they still loved the sound of each others’ voices, danced spontaneously in the kitchen, and had frequent and vocal sex that made Natsumi very uncomfortable. That wasn’t to say that they never fought or were unhappy, just that there was an obvious passion and love that carried them through it. They loved her too, and were kinder than most parents, but it was obvious that their main interest was in each other, and she was just the product of that, a spillover of their love given solid form.
When she asked her mom the secret to having a marriage like that, she said it was simply: she had married her best friend. Natsumi wanted to follow her advice. The only problem was that her best friend was a girl.
Being in love was, Natsumi had decided, incredibly frustrating. She had math homework to do, but every time she stared at the clusters of numbers all she could think of was Sakura. It was impossible to focus on much else besides her raven-haired maiden, with the shapely legs and the slender body and that ravishing smile and the breasts, by God the breasts…
And there she went again. One thought about Sakura and Natsumi found her hand halfway down her panties. This had to stop. She wasn’t going to graduate if she couldn’t focus on her homework.
Leaving math aside for now, Natsumi turned to her computer and checked the program she used for chat. Sakura was on and, like a moth drawn to flame, Natsumi went to talk to her.
SuperNatsumi: hey beautiful
SuperNatsumi: what are you up to?
girldustin: i’m starting a novel
SuperNatsumi: wow, you’re a lot more productive than me
girldustin: not really
girldustin: i’ll probably give this up after the first chapter
girldustin: just like all the other ones
SuperNatsumi: what’s it about?
girldustin: it’s kind of a romance thing
girldustin: about an american who comes to japan and ends up drawing hentai
girldustin: and he meets this girl who’s like a model
girldustin: but she has a lot of issues
girldustin: which i haven’t exactly figured out yet
SuperNatsumi: hmm, a romance about an older gaijin
SuperNatsumi: i wonder where this is coming from?
girldustin: ????
girldustin: did you see him today tho?
girldustin: hotter than usual, even
girldustin: i could eat breakfast off that man
SuperNatsumi: like what, toast or something?
girldustin: no, i mean a full western breakfast
girldustin: fried eggs and bacon and maple syrup
girldustin: yum yum
SuperNatsumi: i dunno if mr. bradshaw would like having fried egg on him
girldustin: well tough
girldustin: he deserves it for being so unobtainable
irldustin: he’s like
girldustin: what’s the male equivalent of a cocktease?
SuperNatsumi: a cunttease?
girldustin: wow, my girl natsumi is picking up some dirty words
SuperNatsumi: I know i’ve gone through this spiel b4
SuperNatsumi: but i really think you shouldn’t be so fixated on this guy
SuperNatsumi: i mean, he’s a teacher, and a gaijin to boot
SuperNatsumi: he probably has a big-titted american girl back home
girldustin: just you watch
girldustin: i’m going to get him
Natsumi sighed and cast her head back, looking at the ceiling. Such was her punishment – to be so close to the girl she loved that she got to hear him dishing about the man she loved constantly. Every word she said about Bradshaw was like a knife in the gut, but Natsumi smiled and tried to pull through. Just act like everything is normal. The worst thing to do would be to lose Sakura’s friendship. So she kept up the smile, even when it felt like a straightjacket.
Natsumi changed the subject away from Bradshaw and asked Sakura for help on her math homework.
Terry had taken Mika up to his apartment, having to practically carry her up the stairs, and sat her down on the couch. She was asleep within a minute. Naomichi emerged from his room, carrying a bag of chips whose crumbs formed a kind of Van Dyke around his mouth. ‘Dude. I send you out for ink and you bring back an unconcious chick?’
‘She was in bad shape out there,’ Terry said. ‘It looked like she was hallucinating something. I decided to take her in before she got hurt.’
‘Well, I think you managed to find the hottest crazy girl in Tokyo. Just keep an eye on her, okay? Don’t want her stealing our stuff.’
‘We don’t really have much worth stealing.’
‘Which is why it’s important we hold onto it,’ Naomichi said. ‘Now give me the stuff and go get your pages done.’
Fortunately, Terry’s bedroom door opened up into the combined living room/kitchen (it wasn’t a big apartment) and he could sit at his work desk and still see Mika laying across their ratty old couch. She looked serene, almost angelic, pink lips flat against her ivory face, chest slowly rising and falling with her breath. Grudgingly, Terry returned to his work.
He was surprised to find himself caught up in a storm of ink and creation. The images and words almost leaped from his head to the page. Terry was delighted, and sure he would be done this today, until he noticed that somehow the centrepiece of the comic, the flat-chested moe girl from a show he hadn’t seen, had slowly morphed into the vixen that lay on the couch across from him. The early pages could still be mistaken for the character, but they were mostly completely unusable. He crumpled the offending pages up and angrily tossed them into the wastebin. He felt like such an amateur, unable to concentrate on a simple – moronic, even – project. Terry pounded the thin wall, which shook and rattled.
The noise seemed to revive Mika, who cracked open sky-blue eyes to stare across the room at him. She slowly sat up, her long hair falling back into a straight line, and tried to rub the sleep out of her eyes. ‘Oh my god, I am so sorry. You brought me in off the street, right? You didn’t really need to do that.’
‘Uh, don’t worry about it,’ Terry said. ‘I’m just a Good Samaritan.’
‘A what?’
‘Guess that’s a Western thing,’ he said.
‘Anyway, like I said, I’m sorry for causing a scene,’ Mika said. ‘I’m on these sleeping pills, you see, and at first they were great but now they’re starting to give me hallucinations, and it’s getting worse. I think it’s the sleeping pills, at least – I’m not taking anything else.’
Terry didn’t know what to say. ‘You should probably get off those pills then. Er, if you don’t mind me saying so.’
Mika got up and started walking around the cramped apartment. Naomichi’s door was still sealed shut. She wandered past Terry into his room. ‘So what do you do, besides rescuing girls all day?’
Terry turned around and frantically tried to stop her from seeing his room, but it was too late. His dank bedroom was practically a temple to hentai. In addition to the sketches sprawled out across his desk there was a small stack of the work he and Naomichi had finished and self-published, and a larger stack of other hentai comics, done by the best in the business – it always paid to check in on the competition. There was also a bookcase stacked with comics and DVDs both Japanese and American. Terry knew it made him look like a freak.
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The shoujo magazine’s office was a world removed from the cramped bedrooms and convention halls that Terry associated with comic production. It was on the eighteenth floor of a towering dark green office building, and staffed by the same army of cubicle-dwelling salarymen as all of the other businesses. As he passed by their workstations he noticed that every one seemed identical: computer and phone in exactly the same spot, pictures of families that all looked the same all facing at the exact...
Ryan Bradshaw wasn’t entirely sure what to do with Sakura’s assignment. It felt like a bomb that she had lobbed across his desk and into his lap, all with that innocent smile on her face. It was a provocation, he was sure. For a routine end-of-year creative writing assignment, Sakura had submitted a translation of the first chapter of a novel she was writing, one she had loudly talked about with her friends in class. They all were sure it was brilliant, without seeing a word of it. It was a...
They sat there in little stapled magazines, surprisingly real. Their titles read School Hearts in English (it was originally going to be Entwined Hearts, but Naomichi insisted that no one in Japan knew what ‘entwined’ meant). The first issue’s cover was graced with an image of Yui, the second’s by one of Sakura. The covers were done in black and white, partly to attract attention and partly because they couldn’t afford any more colour ink. Every couple of minutes Terry would take a moment to...
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Terry couldn't draw. Every time he tried to the blank page stared back at him, virgin white, and all he could think about was whether Mika would call him. When he had met her, he had experienced a huge spurt of creative energy, and now that she was gone the well was dry. Terry guessed that maybe all that shit about muses was right after all. He drifted through the next day, pacing around his room like he was going somewhere, continuing his diet of instant noodles, deflecting Naomichi's...
They sat there in little stapled magazines, surprisingly real. Their titles read School Hearts in English (it was originally going to be Entwined Hearts, but Naomichi insisted that no one in Japan knew what "entwined" meant). The first issue's cover was graced with an image of Yui, the second's by one of Sakura. The covers were done in black and white, partly to attract attention and partly because they couldn't afford any more colour ink. Every couple of minutes Terry would take a...
The shoujo magazine's office was a world removed from the cramped bedrooms and convention halls that Terry associated with comic production. It was on the eighteenth floor of a towering dark green office building, and staffed by the same army of cubicle-dwelling salarymen as all of the other businesses. As he passed by their workstations he noticed that every one seemed identical: computer and phone in exactly the same spot, pictures of families that all looked the same all facing at the...
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I explained to the various people who wanted to talk to me about the explosion that I had school on Monday and that, with their permission, I would make myself available after classes. That seemed to satisfy them. The Fire Marshall said he would meet me at the school at four o'clock and we could do the interview there. I wasn't so sure that was a great idea, but I was too tired to argue. I just wanted to get all this over with. Fire Marshall Craig Dullins showed up just as he had promised...
Tokyo Motion doesn’t sound terribly dirty on the surface, so there are a lot of plausible excuses if your wife or your boss finds the site in your browser history. You could say you were just researching the logistics of people getting from place to place in the most populated prefecture of Japan, for example, or that you thought it was a tech company specializing in conveyor belts for sushi. They’ll never guess the real reason you were visiting the site: you’re a dirty pervert with a thing for...
Asian Porn SitesJust what is Tokyo Motion? Is it a viral dance taking TikTok by storm, or is it a reference to the roughly 1,500 earthquakes that happen in Japan every year? Well, if you’re really wondering, I guess you aren’t a regular visitor here at ThePornDude. Like every other website I’m writing up, this is one designed to help you bust a fat nut into a tissue or an old gym sock. The theme today – as you’ve probably guessed – is Asian porn.I’m not talking just about any Asian porn, though, as you...
Asian Porn SitesHi ..this is Seema here again with another marvelous adventure during the 20034 new years. After we got Niti into our gang we always use the think of expanding the gang for fun and adventure as Niti was engaged she was involved very less like once in a month or so as me and didi were concerned we never missed a opportunity to fuck each other. So once we decided to get on the net and look for like minded females or girls or aunts. We all 3 made fake e-mail ids and in India times and yahoo and...
LesbianPRISCILLA'S FIRST CANING PART IIIThe Headmaster SpeaksNotes: These sections reconstruct what we referred to at the end of Part II, in a slightly edited version, Dr. Stanton’s text, The Philosophy and Practice of Caning Young Women. Readers, of course, may not be interested in Dr. Stanton’s curiously – perhaps bizarrely -- practical approach to his subject. The editors, however, feel that the variety of material to follow will make better sense if they can be viewed through the very...
My wife invited Judy over last Saturday evening to paint finger and toenails. About 7 O'clock Judy came over and we sat and drank a few margaritas. When it was time to start painting toes, the girls thought it would be cute if I would paint their toes. So my wife and Judy sat on the couch next to each other and I sat on the floor in front of them. Who knew there was so many steps to painting toenails? First there is a base coat, then two coats of paint, and then a clear sealer. I started with...
Jake spotted his wife as soon as she appeared from behind the sign that pointed out the parking lot of the Summer House. It was an unseasonably warm December day. She was wearing the streamlined gray coat that he had always found particularly flattering. Even if he hadn't seen the coat or the long, red hair flowing down from under her white knit hat, he would have recognized her from her gait alone. He watched her through the floor-to-ceiling window knowing that the sun was reflecting off the...
Hi everyoneMy hubbys away on business, before he went i told him that i would be going out for a few drinks while he was away.He didn't mind & said he didn't mind if i had some fun with a guy or two while he was away.Last night I went out and went to a bar, I was sitting at the bar on my second drink when a couple of black guys who were chatting and looking at me came up to the bar and asked me if i would like a drink. I thought it would be rude not to say yes so i accepted.After about an...
Adventures of a Novice Janet L. Stickney [email protected] That first time I tried on my sisters clothes I was just 8 years old. She was 12, so the fit was bad, but I was in heaven! I tried using my Mothers makeup while dressed in Julie's clothes, unaware that I looked a lot more like a clown and a lot less like a real girl. Yet what I saw in the mirror excited something deep inside of me, something that I had no name for, I just knew that I had to dress up so I could look like...
Excited wasn’t the word for it. She knew it would happen – one day.Arrangements had been made and her mother was sitting at the table ready to take control of her kids for the day; at least for the next four hours. Questions were asked and answers were given. Her mother knew she was hiding something but nothing was being revealed by Angel’s responses.She leant down to kiss the youngest but wasn’t prepared for the questioning nature of where she was going and why they couldn’t go with her.“Mummy...
BDSMJason’s group, by this time, were all haggard and exhausted. The Emperor asked if they should look at the nearest hotel or go back to the ship. The nearby hospital staff were highly amused, and arranged for them to have accommodation in the wing of family suites within the hospital. There were many suites of luxury accommodation attached to the hospital. Many patients did not have rapid transport alternatives to distant solar systems and a considerable number of patients needed to stay in the...
This time we took the bus to the beach, we ran into a girl walking barefoot with her high heels on the hand, when we approached her, she was mad, she was really mean and rude to us, what an attitude, anyway I got really curious, I wanted to know what happened to her, She said she was at a club and had a fight with her boyfriend who is an asshole like every other man because he left her stranded with no money, no car and her phone died. I felt really sorry for her and offered $20 bucks for a...
xmoviesforyouRaven haired beauty Gia Vendetti can get a little wound up when she has a tough day at work. To help the mature honey cool down, her stepson offers a little sensual comfort. Gia can see that his cock is hard through his pants, so she gives him a loving blowjob! Later on, Gias stepson spills some coffee on his crotch, and while she is helping him clean up, he pops another boner! To help him get rid of it, she slurps his dick in the kitchen. A couple days later, Gias stepson wants her to make...
xmoviesforyouI texted my mate Nic a summary of the plan with Cheryl. Nic and I had once discussed a 3some with a hot chick he knew over a beer. Nothing had happened, but I knew he was keen. He asked for a few pics of Cheryl and was very enthusiastic when I sent about 6 pics of her to him. She was a hot sexy Bikini babe and her pics showed her slim athletic body off beautifully. Nic asked if there was anything off limits with Cheryl. I said I didn’t think so but he should ask her. I told him she...
Of course we did find an occasional spot of bother, but we made damn sure it was cleared up before any parental supervision could raise an alarm. So for this anniversary, a trip to the mountains was planned. A week of fun in the snow. But as expected they didn’t make it the entire week. On the morning of the fifth day my dad announced that there was major trouble at a subsidiary company and his help was needed. At lunch time my step mom followed with similar news. Sam and I both wanted to...
So where to begin my lovely story of sex, being used, and left lonely with no real place to start over. Let me describe myself, I am Jacob, I'm 13 years old and right really a prize. My body type was not spectacular but the guys I hooked up with sure did have hot tight bodies. I'm about 5'8 around 150lbs, at the time I was still a ginger but my red hair was fading into a brownish red color. At this part of my life I had been involved with one other guy named David, but that is a...
I awoke sometime later to a wet feeling on my chest. I was still holding her in the same position. I lay still and tried to figure out what was wrong. She made a little sniffing noise. "You're crying," I said, making her jump a little. "What's wrong?" She sniffed, but kept her head down, pressed against me. "Nothing." "Why are you crying?" "I'm not going to tell you." Well, this was a new wrinkle. I thought a few minutes, listening to her little sniffing noises. "I want you...
(Hi, If you are new to this series please read the intro to Ch 01 so you’ll know what to expect. It isn’t strictly necessary to read the earlier chapters but some of this won’t make sense if you don’t so I hope you will!) Sunday afternoon: adult movies and worry! ‘Mike,’ I said as we sat together in the lounge, ‘can we talk about Jo?’ He smiled wanly down at me, ‘Of course, sweetheart. Go ahead.’ ‘Do you want to be ‘shared’?’ I asked him laughing. ‘Lena, I want what you want, but, yes...
At the apartment building I used to live in, there was a women who worked in the leasing office. Her name is Debby and she was in her mid 50s, but looked younger then her age. I remember her hair as a shoulder length, very light brown-ish red. She was five one and was a skinny, one-hundred pounds. Her skin was fair with just a few freckles on her chest, and other places that I soon found. Her breast was a small B cup and hes but is small but round. I would go down to the office on my...
Anna Polina stars as a biker chick in Private Gold, Babes on Wheels, an experienced rider on the road and even better off it! She likes to take any opportunity to show off her skills and when her husband Dorian del Isla catches Potro de Bilbao checking her out she gets straight to it. There’s nothing quite like blowjobs to calm down any situation as Anna drools over both cocks and gets them ready for a hardcore anal and DP fucking. This girl’s perfect big tits are enough for two as she finishes...
xmoviesforyou"But Mister Newman..." "No buts, Janice!" the CEO snapped, glaring at his secretary. "I expect you to have your desk cleared out by the end of the day." Janice felt tears well up in her eyes as she slowly stood and left the office. How could he do this to her? Fifteen years she had worked for this company, and now she was just being tossed aside like this? And why? "Surplus to requirements." Yeah... surplus now that he had hired a younger, prettier secretary who probably didn't even...
The sun was just coming over the waters of Casco Bay, the light filling the sky with its glowing blaze, as Amelia Thermopolis entered the city limits. She'd been driving all night, but in just a few more minutes she would reach her destination and a welcome rest. The midnight escape from New York City to Portland, Maine was as emotionally taxing as it was physically. Her parents on Long Island or her grandfather in Soho, they would all have welcomed her into their homes in the dead of...
I am in the middle of the living room waiting for my Master. I am nude and you can see the bumps ripple over my peach skin as the ceiling fan twirls around and around. My nipples are standing at attention while my knees are spread far apart. As I lay my palms face up and open on the top of my thighs, I can feel my arousal slowly creeping past my swollen lips. I am staring down at the sea of blue carpet and I want to cry. Master said I was a bad girl and needed to learn that I can only...
"Dude, I swear to you this cabin of mine is the tits! It's belonged to my family for as long as I can remember; besides the office is going to be closed down for the next couple weeks for the holidays," said Craig, talking to his coworker Alex. "I dunno, Craig. I'm not one for the wilderness and the whole outdoors," Alex replied as he put away some paperwork. Craig Lann and Alex Ross were coworkers at a local office firm. Craig was the head of their area while Alex had been working...
Barbie Doll – an old man enjoying with a real life doll LEGALESE: Don’t read this if you are underage, if it is illegal in your area, if it is offensive to you, or if you cannot distinguish fiction from reality. This is a work of fiction. All sexually active characters are above the age of consent on their planet of origin. Copyright (c) 2015 by Acup A word of warning, I write good stories, I hope, with some decent sex in them. If you’re looking for a stroker look somewhere else. For all...
All the characters and events in this novel are fictitious, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. Chapter 07 Katia captures Cliff, and the Buyers seek Sarah A wash of water, a tumbling mountain stream, a torrent of rain, the sounds pounded insistently upon Cliff’s senses. Slowly he came awake in the empty bed. His eyes focused on his own image amidst the rumpled sheets in the huge mirror over the bed. The peal of Sarah’s familiar laughter brought him...
The drive home from the Cities was always long. After work I had stopped at Kim’s to change and emerged as Samantha. I drove to the meeting and then went out for a drink (or maybe two) with some of the other ‘girls’. By the time I was half way home my eyes just wouldn’t stay open any longer. I decided to pull over in a secluded wayside rest area. If I could just catch a little catnap I knew I could drive the rest of the way. I wanted to be back at Kim’s to change before it got light so her...
I live in a small town in Central England, on a very secluded road, which has just six houses. In the early summer a newly married couple moved in next door. I’m twenty-seven years old, long dark hair, five feet six inches tall, blue eyes, slim athletic body developed from swimming every day and smallish boobs. I’d only seen the new couple briefly, long enough to say hello and tell them my name was Joanna and for them to say they were Vicky and Ian. From the day they moved in it was clear that...
ExhibitionismYou were sitting on the couch, I could see you were already hard. You usually tell me exactly what you want me to do, but this time you didn't need to. I knew. I knew when I walked in, and saw you lounging there with that bulge in your pants. I knelt in front of you and you looked at me, daring me to go further, unbidden. I flicked my hair over my shoulders, holding your gaze, and pulled down the straps of my top, revealing my bra. As I reached for your flies one of my nipples popped out. You...
Oral SexI'd often stay at Charlie's, his family were incredibly welcoming to me and we were quite close having known each other for so long. It wouldn't be unusual for me to stay for there for a few days at a time. He was living with his mum and his only sibling, Amy. I'd known Amy since she was born, and she'd always been a pretty shy kid, but she'd recently turned 18 and I'd noticed her start to get much more talkative. I think she was starting to get more confident and comfortable with...
Becoming a Sissy Maid for Mark and Rebecca, Part One: Ms. Rebecca Initiates a Candid Discussion "I'm so glad you came over tonight Stevie," Rebecca said as she sat opposite me on another couch, a large glass of white wine in her hand. She was wearing a long, tight skirt and a pair of black, four-inch pumps. The back of her skirt had a long slit that revealed her amazing legs and the black pumps she was wearing revealed just the hint of her toes which were painted with dark red nail...
The girls went about doing their things, getting ready for tomorrows classes. I had an uncomfortable feeling hit me, telling me to talk to Jake. I sent Jake an e-mail asking if he was available to Skype and was by himself. He returned "yes". I took the laptop, charger and the high-def web cam and went into the bedroom and then set everything up. I linked the video out to the big flat screen TV. I turned on all the lights including the extra ones. I also got the newspapers from the dining...