Tokyo Symphony Ch. 04 free porn video

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They sat there in little stapled magazines, surprisingly real. Their titles read School Hearts in English (it was originally going to be Entwined Hearts, but Naomichi insisted that no one in Japan knew what ‘entwined’ meant). The first issue’s cover was graced with an image of Yui, the second’s by one of Sakura. The covers were done in black and white, partly to attract attention and partly because they couldn’t afford any more colour ink. Every couple of minutes Terry would take a moment to pick up a copy and flip through it, amazed that his vague ideas had become solid paper and ink.

It almost insulated him from the raging storm of otaku around him. Comiket was the time when all the nerds, freaks, and losers of Japan came out of their burrows to get their wank material. It was a massive convergence, throngs of flesh pulsing through makeshift streets and alleyways, doe eyes and bare breasts staring out from everywhere the eye went. Of course, being on the other side of the tables wasn’t much better.

Terry and Naomichi had wound up squeezed into a corner between two yaoi artists, so most of their audience just swerved away from their corner at top speed. A few got pressed there by the sweaty throng and picked up a doujin or two, but the neatly photocopied stack of School Hearts issues was untouched.

Naomichi took another swig of his soda, while Terry polished off his fourth coffee. Neither had slept last night, too busy scrambling to get everything done and ready for the convention. ‘I’m gonna see what’s for sale, maybe pick up some stuff,’ Naomichi said, raising to get out of his seat.

Terry grabbed his arm. ‘We can’t afford to buy anything. We’ve been living off ramen for a week.’

‘Come on man. You know this stuff is going to be way more expensive if we try to get it afterwards.’

‘Who says we have to get it at all?’

Begrudgingly Naomichi settled down in his seat. ‘I don’t think you’re approaching this as an art form man.’ The truth was, Terry wanted him as a shield against all this foreign-ness, to avoid being the lone white guy in a sea of Japanese. Being by himself also kind of made the ruse of ‘Taro Ozaki’ a joke, although he didn’t particularly care about that.

One of the girls at the yaoi tables leaned over. ‘Hey, at least you guys have got ramen. Last night I was seriously wondering whether I could eat cat food.’ The girl had close-cropped night black hair and was a little chubby. Before her was spread out a colourful smorgasbord of pretty-boys with their arms around each other and the top buttons of their shirts undone.

‘No offence, but I think you girls are driving away our customers,’ said Naomichi. ‘People just think this is the yaoi section.’

‘More like your ugly face is repelling our audience,’ said the girl with a grin. ‘Or maybe it’s just this pairing — not that popular. Ah well. The things we do for love, eh?’

After a couple more minutes of no traffic, the girl from the next table leaned over and started inspecting Terry and Naomichi’s work. ‘This isn’t bad. Too much boob, obviously, but if I swung that way…’

Terry shrugged. ‘Well, usually the boob is what attracts people.’

‘I’m sure. You guys do realize that there’s an entire other half of the population that mostly doesn’t want to stare at tits and girls making retarded faces when they come?’

‘And there are even more people who just aren’t that interested in buttsex,’ Naomichi said.

The girl grinned. ‘Hey, tell you what. I’ll buy some of your stuff if you buy some of ours. I think we have the same prices, so we can just do an even swap.’

‘That doesn’t exactly help us make money,’ Terry said.

‘No, but at least you’ll feel like you sold something.’

Terry laughed. He had to admit that the full stack of his comics was getting him down. ‘Okay, let’s do it. But I’ll have to find a really good hiding place for all this yaoi.’

‘When I have a boyfriend I keep ’em in a locked cabinet at home,’ said the girl, handing over a couple of her doujins. ‘Don’t want him to think I’m too weird.’ The name Erika Otsuka was scribbled next to the boys embracing.

And that was how Terry (sort of) sold the first copy of School Hearts.

Ryan Bradshaw’s studio apartment overlooked Tokyo and all its celestial lights. The elevator ride up had been long and painful, him and Sakura standing on opposite sides, wary of discovery, hearts pounding in their chests. Sakura had spent most of the time staring at Bradshaw’s face despite herself. His expression was inscrutable. She wondered if he was feeling conflicted, trying to banish his guilt, or whether he was just planning all the wicked things he was going to do to her. She shivered and hoped it was the latter.

The whole thing felt sort of surreal, like she had stepped inside one of her fantasies. When they got to the apartment, a sprawling home with pristine white walls, that feeling doubled. ‘Have I died and gone to Heaven?’ Sakura wondered out loud.

‘That’s just what I was about to say.’ Ryan embraced her from behind, and she could feel the heat of his breath on her ear, the itch of his five-o’-clock shadow against her cheek, and his tumescent hard-on against her ass.

‘I didn’t know JET teachers got paid this well,’ Sakura said, giggling.

‘They don’t. I’m what you might call, uh, independently wealthy, and I decided to spring for a nice place.’ Sakura’s heart fluttered, and she found herself out of breath. She chided herself for being materialistic, but Mr. Bradshaw was seeming more and more like a fantasy come to life. He brought his hand up to her cheeks, feeling the heat of her flush, making her blush even more. ‘Sit down. Let me pour you a drink.’

Sakura slowly made her way to the leather couch and dropped herself down on it. She was unsure whether she could even walk properly right now. Her head was dizzy with sexual intoxication, and her pussy still throbbing from their earlier sex.

Ryan returned with a bottle of wine and two glasses. Sakura giggled. ‘Oooh, offering an underage girl drinks? You’re gonna get in trouble.’

‘I’m already in trouble,’ Bradshaw said, keeping a straight face as he poured the sparkling beverage. ‘And as far as I’m concerned, any eighteen year-old who hasn’t gotten drunk in their lives is an eighteen year-old who needs to liven up.’

Sakura grinned and took a sip of the wine. She didn’t really like the taste, which struck her tongue as unreasonably bitter, but kept it to herself. She didn’t want to spit it out like a little kid in front of Mr. Bradshaw.

He sat down next to her and put an arm around her shoulders. Sakura felt a little weird, but shrugged it off. She looked at her teacher’s face again, trying to get pass that icy expression with those ever-so-slightly upturned corners of his lips. ‘What are you thinking about right now, Mr. Bradshaw.’

‘Call me Ryan. Well, right now I’m wondering what the fuck I did to deserve such a beautiful young girl in my arms.’

It was cynical flattery, but Sakura loved it nonetheless. She dipped her index finger into her wine glass and swirled it around a little before removing it and offering the wine-soaked finger to Ryan. He took it into his mouth and licked it sensually, slowly stripping every drop of flavour from it. Sakura felt like she was about to melt.

He leaned forward and before she knew it they were kissing, tasting the bitter wine on each others’ lips and as their lips rubbed against each other and their tongues slowly, tentatively met, she felt a great force building inside her, a knot of nervous momentum in her stomach, and she felt that if she kept still, that if her clothes kept binding her skin into this little girl shape, she was going to explode.

Sakura broke off just for a second, to tug the top of her school uniform over her head. She tossed it to the side, using the movement to sling her hair back like she had seen in
movies. Ryan licked his lips, and she felt the heady rush of being an object of desire. Sakura wore a lacy black bra that contrasted with both her pale skin and the innocence of her schoolgirl skirt.

Ryan broke from her and started licking his way down her. Sakura let out a light, angelic murmur as the tip of his tongue travelled over her chin and down her neck, following the route traced by her blood vessels, pale blue and visible to the naked eye. When he got to her chest he reached behind her and unhooked her bra with expertise that surprised her, used to the fumblings of teenage boys. Ryan took her bra in his teeth and tossed it aside animalistically.

And then he was pressing her down to the couch with his weight again, reaching forward and capturing her breast between his teeth, biting down just hard enough to make her feel it, while his tongue lashed out at her nipple, swirling around and provoking it to full hardness. Sakura gasped and arched her back, trying to drive her breast further into Ryan’s mouth. Her teacher switched over to the other breast, giving it the same exquisite treatment. Sakura was clawing at the couch, feeling like she was going crazy, and Ryan hadn’t even gotten past her breasts yet.

He took his time worshipping her tits. They were there for what felt like hours, his lips tied to one breast, the tip of his tongue flitting out to leave ghostly sensations, while his hand caressed the other and rolled the rock-hard nipple between his fingers. But eventually he broke off, leaving a sheen of saliva across both orbs. He leaned down and they kissed again, passionately, appreciatively.

And then Ryan was travelling down down down, past her navel, which he took a brief moment to explore with his tongue, and to the hem of her skirt. A desperate Sakura plunged her thumbs into the side of her panties and pulled her and her skirt down at the same time. She kicked them off, leaving her nude except for her alluringly virginal white socks. Ryan spread her legs, paused momentarily, and dove in.

Sakura immediately let out a cry. Her boyfriends had rarely went down on her, and when they did it was an earnest but clumsy effort. But Ryan knew what he was doing down there. His tongue was warm and gentle, running along her lower lips until they drooled, and flicking up to caress her clit. Sakura whimpered and clamped her thighs around Ryan’s head, hoping he would never leave.

Ryan played her like a musical instrument, drawing out at first low moans and then higher-pitched squeals. He snuck a hand in between the vice-like grip of her thighs and strummed her clit while his tongue delved into her hungry cunt.

Sakura’s orgasm ripped through her suddenly, catching her off guard. Her hips were thrashing of their own accord, grinding her slick cunt into Ryan’s face. The orgasm was fierce and invigorating, like a sudden affirmation that what they were doing was right. She came down eventually, and only realized then that she had been screaming. Ryan was looking over at her, a smile on his girlcum-slicked face.

‘That was great,’ Sakura said, beaming. ‘Now let’s see if I can do something for you.’

Ryan didn’t need any further temptation. He discarded his pants and shirts in record time. Sakura crawled across the couch on all fours to get to him, tits swaying. This was her first chance to see Mr. Bradshaw naked, something she had imagined for a long time. He was hairier than she’d thought he’d be, but she didn’t mind that much. It made him look virile, somehow more masculine. And his hard cock, straining forward to meet her, lived up to her fantasies.

Sakura leaned forward and took just the head of Ryan’s cock between her lips. He groaned, and that continued as her tongue flickered over the underside of his shaft. Sakura slowly slid more of his cock into her mouth, enjoying the feeling of its pulsing warmth against her tongue, and especially enjoying Ryan’s vocal responses of pleasure.

She began bobbing up and down, releasing his cock just for a second to give the precum-slick tip a kiss and then sliding it back down her mouth. Her fingers lightly played with Ryan’s balls, hanging heavy with his cum, all for her. He let out a deep grunt, and she thought he might cum right there. Sakura anticipated his hot cum hitting the back of her throat, but instead he pulled her off him.

‘Sakura, baby,’ he said. ‘If you keep up like that I’m gonna cum.’

‘That was the idea,’ she said.

‘An old man like me’s got to save his hardness.’ She giggled. ‘As great as that was, I still want to fuck you some more today.’

Sakura nodded and obeyed. She slung her leg over Ryan’s hip and sunk herself down on his hardness. She let out a gasp. Somehow, in the hour or so since they had fucked on his desk, she had forgotten about how huge he felt inside her, how full and completely satisfied she felt as his cock slid between her pussy lips. She slowly slid herself down on his shaft, shutting her eyes so she could just focus on the sensation.

‘You look really cute,’ Ryan said. Sakura could feel herself blushing. Ryan reached up and grabbed her breasts, still shining with his saliva, and caressed them. Sakura gasped and began to rock her hips, slowly bouncing up and down on his shaft. He grabbed her ass and started using it to move her, causing her to slam down on his cock faster and faster. The pleasure was overwhelming Sakura, growing out of her control and expectations.

Just when she was about to come again Ryan sat up. ‘Let’s go to the bedroom.’ Sakura nodded weakly, a bit delirious. He stood up, still embedded in her, and she wrapped her legs around his back. He carried her through his apartment like that, cock thrusting into her as they moved, his pelvic bone bumping up against her clit. She let out a steady stream of gasps and moans.

After what seemed like hours they got to his room. Sakura didn’t have much time to take it in before he laid her down on the soft black sheets and, grabbing her legs, pulled her to the base of his cock. Standing up and looking over her body as it heaved and flushed, he began thrusting, starting slowly but quickly rising to a mad rhythm. Sakura thrust back as well as she can, but she realized that this was not a mutual effort, and it was she who was getting well and truly fucked. She was more than okay with that.

Sakura felt her orgasm welling up inside her again, so close but refusing to burst. With every thrust of Ryan’s cock her body tremored. She managed to lift a weak-feeling arm and reach down to stroke across her clit. Once was enough, and she exploded.

Sakura lost all of her senses except for a feeling of pleasure coursing through her whole body. It was as if she was a creature made up solely of joy. Slowly she came back to reality, felt the sweat slicking her body, the feel of the soft sheets against her back, saw Ryan red-faced and pumping away madly, in the same state she had been in a minute ago.

Soon he reached his own orgasm, letting out a wolf-like howl. Sakura could feel his cock shudder as it pumped his seed into her. He collapsed on top of her, his slowly softening cock still embedded in her. They kissed.

They didn’t speak for a while. There was no need for words. Sakura just lay there, her arms around Ryan Bradshaw, their naked flesh pressed together. She felt like she had stepped into one of her dreams, and she was never going to leave.

Mika had promised to stop by Comiket at some point that day, and Terry had been anticipating it since this morning. In the end, she made him wait a while, but she showed up eventually. It wasn’t hard to make her out — her tall, model-like figure shifting through a crowd of huddled-over otaku. Terry stood up and waved at her wildly. Mika smiled and eventually managed to worm her way to his booth. She was wearing sunglasses and a big puffy coat.

‘What’s with the get-up?’ Terry said.

Mika shrugged. ‘I don’t want to have to deal with a thousand ‘Hey, I s
aw you stripping on the Internet’ conversations right now. And if I’d ever get recognized in a crowd it would be here.’

‘Don’t you think it’d help your career?’ Naomichi said. ‘You know, you could be the otaku idol. Pose with nothing but a doujin in front of your breasts…’

‘Naomichi, why don’t you go check out some other doujins like you were talking about?’ Terry’s partner in crime was gone in a flash.

Mika sat down next to Terry. ‘So, how are the sales going down her in Sodom and Gomorrah?’

‘Slow,’ he said. ‘Here, you want this yaoi comic I got? The girl over there wrote it.’ Erika waved from the next table over.

‘Terry, I didn’t know you were into that,’ Mika said. She took the doujin and flipped through it. ‘This is good.’

They sat there manning the tables for a while. With Mika, the comics sold a lot faster, and Terry even managed to sell half the stack of School Hearts. Even with half her face buried beneath the large sunglasses, Mika’s smile was like a magnet.

Naomichi eventually returned with a treasure trove of smut under his arms. ‘Wow, we’re doing good,’ he said, looking at the depleted stacks of comics under their tables.

‘Looks like you were driving away the customers,’ Mika said. She was joking, but there was just a bit of bite under it.

She stood up so that Naomichi could take his seat back, but she wasn’t done. Mika picked up one of the books he’d bought and flipped through it. ‘I swear, I don’t know how guys can read this crap.’

‘What do you mean?’ said Naomichi.

‘I mean, it’s so fake. The sweet, virginal young girl who feels ashamed of her desire, but is eventually won over by the reader insert character gives her… that’s not what real life is like.’

‘Well, people don’t read hentai for real life. They read it for a fantasy. The whole point is that it’s something you couldn’t find in the real world.’

‘Sure, sure.’ Mika gestured to the throng of otaku around her. ‘But look at these people. Is it really good to live in a fantasy all the time?’

‘And what about the shit you make?’ Naomichi said. ‘Do your little photo spreads show what women are really like?’

Mika looked hurt, for just a second, but then it was gone. ‘I guess you have a point.’

Naomichi nodded. ‘Of course I do. Hey, we smut peddlers have got to stay together.’

‘I guess so,’ she said, trying to suppress the tinge of weakness in her voice.

Ryan wasn’t sure how long they had been in his apartment, but he knew it was days. After the first couple of minutes they hadn’t worn a stitch of clothing the entire time. Sakura periodically would call home, lying damp with sweat and other juices in his mess of a bed, and make up increasingly implausible stories about where she was and when she would be home. They fed off crackers and chips they found around the apartment, sitting around the kitchen like an urbanized Adam and Eve.

Sakura had a seemingly bottomless well of desire, and her lithe young willing body excited Ryan enough to keep up with it. He lost count of the individual acts, as they all sort of blurred into one eternity of fucking. His dick hurt, and was by this point barely producing any cum, but he still managed to shudder to climax after climax in her hot slick cunt, under the caresses of her tongue, between her sweat-slicked breasts…

He was behind her now, somehow hard again and embedded in that paradise of a pussy. He had his hands clenched firmly around her hips and she was rocking back against him, driving the globes of her ass into his chest. Ryan reached around and strummed her engorged clit, and she responded with moans and mewls.

They were both red and panting, lost to the animal desires of the moment, thrusting as hard as they could towards each other. Sakura’s hair and breasts bounced back and forth with the force of their conjoined thrusts. Ryan let out a steady stream of gasps and grunts. He had no idea how long they had been going at this, and he felt lost in a carnal haze.

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It was one of those nights when two people who are comfortable with each other curl up on a couch, listening to music. One of those nights when even crazed lovers take a break to be together. Peacefully. But then it started to rain. She didn't really even notice it at first, her apartment was so very sound-proofed. But a sudden flash of lightning lighted up her windows and flowed into the darkened room. Enya! She thought. Perfect weather for Enya's music. But she was much too comfortable,...

1 year ago
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Bittersweet Symphony

"This is the happiest day of my life, Mom!" Shannon Kendall squeezed her adopted mother's hand and tried not to fidget. She looked up at the smiling face in the mirror, the woman's smile very happy but her green eyes a little sad. "You wish Mac was getting married, right? He'll find the right woman someday, Mom. You'll see. And Jethro will stand up with him. And we'll all be really happy. When Mac and Jethro get out of the service, they're going to open up a business together....

1 year ago
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Accidental Hero Chapter 4 Symphony

I explained to the various people who wanted to talk to me about the explosion that I had school on Monday and that, with their permission, I would make myself available after classes. That seemed to satisfy them. The Fire Marshall said he would meet me at the school at four o'clock and we could do the interview there. I wasn't so sure that was a great idea, but I was too tired to argue. I just wanted to get all this over with. Fire Marshall Craig Dullins showed up just as he had promised...

1 year ago
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Tokyo Motion doesn’t sound terribly dirty on the surface, so there are a lot of plausible excuses if your wife or your boss finds the site in your browser history. You could say you were just researching the logistics of people getting from place to place in the most populated prefecture of Japan, for example, or that you thought it was a tech company specializing in conveyor belts for sushi. They’ll never guess the real reason you were visiting the site: you’re a dirty pervert with a thing for...

Asian Porn Sites
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Just what is Tokyo Motion? Is it a viral dance taking TikTok by storm, or is it a reference to the roughly 1,500 earthquakes that happen in Japan every year? Well, if you’re really wondering, I guess you aren’t a regular visitor here at ThePornDude. Like every other website I’m writing up, this is one designed to help you bust a fat nut into a tissue or an old gym sock. The theme today – as you’ve probably guessed – is Asian porn.I’m not talking just about any Asian porn, though, as you...

Asian Porn Sites
4 years ago
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Healers Touch Ch 01

Finally after a long wait by most, I have started on Kat’s and Charles story. All feedback is welcome, so let me know what you think. Kat sighed as she looked at her reflection in the mirror. As usual she saw the petite, brunette woman with troubled brown eyes, that she always saw. Today, the official from the testing institute was coming over. Prince Rand had contacted the Institute on her behalf shortly after she had arrived on Venus. She didn’t know if she was ready for this. She didn’t...

2 years ago
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River RatChapter 42

Crystal led the ninth trip of the season, which started in late September. Michelle was with them again, and Al back at the office. By now, the weather was cooler still, almost crisp much of the time; swimsuits didn't often make an appearance, now, except at places like the Little Colorado where the water was significantly warmer. Some days it was overcast and pushing on toward cold, but nothing like the misery of the next to the last trip of the year before. Scooter was just a little...

3 years ago
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Antidote for Virginity

When I returned to college after the holidays I had a new roommate. Surprise, surprise. My old roommate, Lauralee, had decided over the break to drop out of school and join the Air Force. She wanted to fly. It didn't take long to find out my new roomie had a definite fear of flying. Mary's mother and father helped her bring in her things as I walked in the door. I watched in horror as they unpacked the stuffed animals. She didn't look like a college student. No, Mary looked like Anna...

2 years ago
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Reparations A Dream

It was only a dream, but it was so realistic!In this 'dream', I was doing 'penance' for having grown up in the South, and who's relations had owned, and profited from, having slaves. It was 'just' a dream, remember, but I'd often felt guilty that my relatives had actually owned other human beings! Sure, the Civil War had left the largely unrepentant South devastated for generations (and in some places it had never fully recovered), but defeated, or not, many Southerners didn't feel sorry for...

3 years ago
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With 4th servant lady

Hi this is Kumar, thanks to all ISS reader for appreciating my previous story. This time it was with my servant lady, as every one know in Hyderabad getting a good looking servant is very rare. I have changed 3 servant ladies as some time they were lazy or cunning or not good at work. But at last the fourth was well set in all the case. Her name is Geetha, She was in her mid thirties having a good figure as athletic, but as I mentioned in my previous story I don’t give preference to outlook she...

3 years ago
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Amazing Fuck With My Neighbor Girl

Hi iss readers this is Rajesh. It’s my first story to share with you guys this is the story between me and my opposite house gal her name is Eswari aged 20 her shapes are 38 26 32 she is damn sexy uneducated but knows everything. Night times she wears shorts and t-shirt. One day while I am at home I am watching porn and rubbing my cock. My dick is 8inches while rubbing my dick got harder and can visible on short. She came for my mother; I opened the door she asked whether my mother is there? I...

1 year ago
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SeducedByACougar Alexis Fawx 23001

Seth is a potential buyer for a couch and chair set at a sexy, busty blonde’s house, and he swears he knows her from somewhere. After a few minutes of testing and negotiating, Seth finally puts his finger on it — she’s pornstar When she’s called on it, Alexis Fawx! Alexis can’t help but admit to the truth…but she also can’t help but channel that inner, natural cougar in her! What does that portend for Seth? How about a nice pair of big tits in his face, a sloppy blowjob and then a wet pussy...

3 years ago
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Going back home

I walked into my apartment when I noticed that the light was on in the living room. I walked silently up behind the chair where I saw him sitting. I reached towards my boot and his voice startled me, ?I wouldn’t do that if I was you.? His warning was followed by a circle of men around me. I slowly stood straight, realizing that if I fought back, I’d loose. ?You thought you could hide forever? Did you really think I’d never find you?? He stood and turned, and I saw the mark I had left on his...

1 year ago
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My Best Friends Girlfriend Ch 08 The Deal

I look at the woman Reyna pointed me towards. My mouth waters. She’s beautiful in a Reyna way, not sexy or slutty like Maria or June. Her body isn’t begging to be fucked; it’s begging to be adored. She’s in a tan blazer that comes to a point at her slim waist and flows seamlessly into her skirt. It isn’t tight like a pencil skirt, having the pleats to make it more fashionable and less work-oriented. She has a simple white blouse, similar to Diana’s, and heels with straps that wrap up the ankle....

Mind Control
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Stolen Slave

This is a true story my new master ordered me to share; about how I was stolen from Master L by Master K and made totally his. Part One Master K found me almost as soon as he became a member of the site. His first message to me was an invitation to play Bondage and Discipline games with him, to which I responded as any well-trained and behaved sub would; he would have to ask my master. I gave him my master’s name, and basically forgot about it. He messaged Master L and asked if he could...

1 year ago
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Buckman Tales Trailer Park TrashChapter 8

One year later... At Denny Marshall’s Birthday Bash Buckman Baptist Church “So, aren’t you glad that you lost that bet, babe?” Dan Logan teased Ellie Marshall with his hand on her ass over her maternity clothes. Yes, she was knocked up ... again, and once more, no one had a clue of paternity. It could be Dan’s, Luke’s, Jeff Bob’s, Eric’s, or even Denny’s, her husband’s. Yes, Denny was still the pastor of Buckman Baptist Church in Stagwood, Kentucky, but he was a lot less worried about his...

1 year ago
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MylfDom Dani Jensen Three Levels of Pain And Pleasure

Gorgeous redhead Dani Jensens beautiful blue eyes hold secrets. The thing that sets her apart from the other girls is that she likes to mix pain with pleasure. Today, she will be taken through three levels of pain to get to euphoria. The first level is spanking. Our stud slaps her fat ass as she moans. Then, he shoves his cock all the way down her throat for the second level. Finally, he pierces her pussy lips with his meaty cock, slapping her silly as he fucks her twat. Dani cries out for...

1 year ago
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Suprise package Chapter three

I was suddenly awakened by frantic ringing of the door-bell. Sophie’s head was resting on my arm, she was still sound asleep. I carefully removed my arm from under her, grabbed my boxers and headed for the door. Who on earth it could be, I didn’t know but as I walked towards the door memories of recent events flashed before me and I couldn’t help but break out into a self satisfied smile. I opened the door to see Madie standing, impatiently. She whirled past me and down the corridor...

2 years ago
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Holy ObligationChapter 5

Samantha swept into my apartment the next day, threw her arms around my neck and gave me a kiss that I felt all the way down to my toes. Then she called Jane over to her, swapped spit with the fiery nymph for half a minute before Jane climbed up hanging off Samantha's neck and wrapped her legs around her taller mistress' waist hunching up against her. Samantha reached her hand up under Jane's shirt and started to maul her big tits. Immediately, she broke off the kiss. "You took off your...

2 years ago
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Bobbys Mom

Alicia is a very special person in my world. She is a great many things to me. She's my best friend, my confidant, my girlfriend, my lover and my mom. Mom seems to really love her role as my own personal cumslut and is always there for me whenever I need to get off. Lately, I've been able to forget about my alarm clock because every morning I awake to the feel of warm, wet lips sucking my cock. Let me tell you, it's a great way to start the day!Mom and I live alone and there is no dad to talk...

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Sudha8217s Extra Marital Affair

Hi friends I am sudha. Now I will narrate my first extra marital affair story. One day I went to my sister’s house whose husband has gone to US 3 months back. She is staying with her children. Since it is day time she is alone at home. We have chatted for some time and after having lunch I went to the bed to sleep. as I was too tired immediately I have got deep sleep. after one hour I woke up and came out of bed room. when I was searching for my sister I heard some male voice from master...

3 years ago
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American Gothic Story

My first visit to Maison Pines, Mason Blanche’s magnificent estate, was for his twentieth annual Christmas party, in 1995. In the years since, as I’ve attended, I’ve learned how well known the party is. Many consider it the biggest and best in The South. The wealthiest, most aristocratic and attractive people in Mississippi, as well as from Alabama, Arkansas, and Louisiana, migrate every year to Bairot County, Mississippi for this party. Not only is it a way to improve your perceived status...

2 years ago
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SwapChapter 22

The rapist was dead. My last kick had broken his neck, not his jaw. I removed the two fingers I'd placed at the side of his neck and said, "He's dead." I was still on the phone with the 911 operator. After I'd told her that the rapist might be dead, she'd asked me to check. Sue was still dazed. I suspected a serious concussion and prayed silently that the rapist's violent blow had not caused brain damage. "My friend needs me," I said to the operator and hung up. I went to Sue, but...

1 year ago
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Band Groupie Wife

For years, my wife and I have been huge live music fans. We've made many friends along the way, some just aquaintances, some very close. Most of the musicians are guys, obviously, and tend to be around our age. We have laughed at the crazy stories we've heard about life on the road, some with sexual twists involving the many girls they have throwing themselves at them. As time goes by it seems its happening less and less, seeing that when we first found this roots rock music style we were in...

Wife Lovers
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My first circle jerk True story

One weekend when I was hanging out with some buddy's I went to school with. We were at Danny's house sitting around the living room, no parents were around. Danny told us how his dad has a stash of Playboys out in the garage. We ventured in to check them out. Joe noticed there was a old refrigerator running in the corner. We looked inside and saw it filled with beer. So we all grabbed a beer and started checking out the Playboys. After finishing my beer I had to take a leak bad. I asked Danny...

2 years ago
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The Sex Files

Tuesday October 15th 2001 new jersey 11.57pm the episode opens with a red car parked in the middle of a empty field, where no one can be seen for miles. inside the car a busty blonde, short, slim, DD cup, is bent over on her knees, her ass sticking out in the air, pressing on the side of the glass, she is sucking of this guy next to her, jerking his cock, releasing moans of passion, the guy leant back in his chair, delighted that he has this bombshell sucking his manhood. A bright light then...

4 years ago
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Cougar prowls Glastonbury

June 2011, a true story, enjoy...Every year a group of mates and I go to the Glastonbury Festival in Somerset. On the Thursday night there were only a few bands playing before the festival proper began on the Friday. To while away a few hours we went to the brothers Cider Bar. After a few pints I went for a piss. When I returned to where we’d been sitting there was no sign of any of my mates. I looked around the crowd but, to my annoyance, they appeared to have gone off without me. I tried...

2 years ago
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A hard worker, totally diligent and outrageous behind closed doors. Problem was, she didn't have anyone to share that 'craziness' with. She, is Ivy. Ivy is a senior at her high school, and in her own rights beautiful. With mid-length wavy brown hair and penetrating brown eyes. A beautiful smile and perfect teeth. Her breasts are modest, not huge but not tiny. About a 38b. Her only downfall is...her weight. Ivy is a little over weight, but curvy enough to pull it off. Her weight holds her back...

1 year ago
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Tales From a Far CountryChapter 1 The Hunter of Tverskaya

A CASE CONFERENCE Anatoly is a hunter, he enjoys the wild places, the pursuit of game; of birds and fish. But Anatoly has another, favourite prey. For him, the best quarry of all is homo sapiens urbis: the only species that provides what he considers a true match for his resourcefulness and cunning. And because the sport does not end with a kill, there is the shock and dismay of capture to enjoy; the entertainment to be had from careful training and schooling until the prey accepts the life...

3 years ago
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Conducting Interviews

You are looking for a new secretary, your previous one left as she was getting married and said she couldn't continue to keep 'helping' you with your office work. You gave her a good reference, after all she probably did some work sometimes. You have your office ready with a clear desk, reclining chair, and all the windows blinds closed. You call in the first applicant. She is a short, thin girl with rectangular glasses and a cute smile. Her mousey hair is tied back in a short ponytail. "Hi, my...

2 years ago
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For Want of a MemoryChapter 25

Harper was standing by "Dilly" Dalrymple, an impossibly fit looking young man dressed all in black. He had enough crap hanging off of his body that it would fill a wheelbarrow. Harper didn't say anything, though. Dilly and his team were good at what they did, and right now Harper was just so much excess baggage. Jim heard Dilly's earpiece crackle and saw the man say something into the microphone clipped to his sleeve. He turned to Harper. "We're ready," he said simply. "Let's do...

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Alterist 2 Return to the SourceChapter 4

It was a couple of weeks later that I noticed a moving truck at Bev's old house. After I got home, I was all set to tell her about it when she held up an envelope. "My birth father sold the ranch," she told me. "He sent me this." Inside were three sheets of personalized stationary. Both her parents' names were listed at the top. Somehow I didn't see her father writing a lot of personal letters. I wouldn't be surprised if the last time the stationary was used was when Bev's mother...

2 years ago
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Trust MeChapter 2

The next day she quit work early When I returned from an errand in the early afternoon I saw Monica's car in the driveway, heard noises upstairs, and went to investigate. There she was, just completing a fast shuffle through the guest-room closet where I kept my skirts, blouses, and dresses. I looked questioningly at her, but she merely looked up, appraised me at once in a single glance, and said, "No, you're no way ready. You have some nice things, dear. I'll bet I could wear some of...

3 years ago
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Jamaica Blacken PT6

Saturday - ConsummationWhen Samuel and I got back to the room, Jaye opened the door wrapped in a towel and dropped her jaw when she saw him."You'll always wonder if you don't." I said. "You can stop at any time. Thechoice is yours."Jaye gave me a funny look, then asked me, "Are you sure you want this?"I nodded, although now that it seemed imminent I wasn't really sure. But the train was moving and it was get on or get off time. Maybe I was the one who would always wonder.Jaye opened the door...

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