Tokyo Symphony Ch. 02 free porn video

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Ryan Bradshaw wasn’t entirely sure what to do with Sakura’s assignment. It felt like a bomb that she had lobbed across his desk and into his lap, all with that innocent smile on her face. It was a provocation, he was sure.

For a routine end-of-year creative writing assignment, Sakura had submitted a translation of the first chapter of a novel she was writing, one she had loudly talked about with her friends in class. They all were sure it was brilliant, without seeing a word of it. It was a love story between an American hentai artist living in Japan and a mysterious local girl.

The English was great, with just a few glitches. But the content of the story – an American and a Japanese ingenue, with just enough details changed to maintain plausible deniability – seemed like a come-on to him. The explicitly written blowjob scene was especially aggravating. He had scrawled in the margins Not appropriate for school but he was sure that would just please her more.

Ryan wondered how accurate the depiction of the artist’s life had been. It seemed kind of like something Sakura had made up on the spot, gleaned at most from the creator’s notes at the back of manga volumes. That was probably it.

Sakura had gotten cleverer, her form of seduction more mature. He remembered her a couple years ago, on the last day of school before break, crying until her face was red and bloated, confessing her love for him in stuttering clichés. He had given her tissues and tried to let her down easy. Ryan had tried to make out like he was a responsible adult with responsible adult desires that didn’t include his own students. She was too young then anyway.

But he wasn’t. He told that lie every time he got up in front of his senior class looking professional and every time he talked to one of the other teachers. It wasn’t the little girls, thank God, but some of these girls were technically adults. Lust – lust for his students, lust for those nubile teenage girls who hung on his every word – was what Ryan kept in his psychic closet, trying not to examine it, but constantly aware of his presence.

Ryan had never slept with any of them, which was more than he could say for some of his colleagues. But the desire felt like it would one day drive him either between the skirt-clad legs of one of his girls or into the nuthouse. It was these last classes, with the seniors, almost — no, already – women, that really affected him. Some of the girls, eighteen already – he focused on them, to ease his conscience — strutted around in rolled-up skirts, and for all of his appearance of professionalism (about as genuine as a clip-on tie) Ryan’s eyes frequently gaped at those long, milky legs.

He tried to shake these thoughts out of his head and focus on his assignment. He gave Sakura an A, because her English really did deserve it, but he added a comment about choosing appropriate subject matter. His dick was hard in his pants, and he wasn’t sure whether it was from the story or from his thoughts about the girls.

There was a knock at the door of his classroom, vacated by students two hours ago and left for him to do the marking in while he still had the energy. Ryan set the folder of already marked papers down on his lap, hiding his erection. His dick complained angrily. ‘Come in.’

It was Mariko, the Science teacher. Thirty years old, coming off a much gossiped-about divorce. ‘Hey Ryan. How goes the marking?’

‘Slow. I’m really worried about sending these kids out into the world with this little English knowledge.’

‘Well, if worse comes to worse they can always just stay in Japan.’

‘Nope.’ Ryan grinned. ‘We’re taking over, baby.’ Mariko didn’t laugh. Maybe the joke hit too close to the genuine national dynamics.

‘Anyway, I was wondering if you wanted to get some drinks once you’re done? Life’s kind of kicking my ass lately, and I need someone to bitch about it to.’

Ryan knew he should accept. Going out with your co-worker for drinks, falling into bed together, either making a go at a serious relationship or never speaking of it again – this was what respectable adults did. And Mariko was certainly an attractive women. But as he looked up at her, he could only see the girl she wasn’t.

‘Sorry, Mariko. But I’m kind of swamped right now.’

Mariko blushed but nodded. ‘Well, maybe some other time then. See you around.’

Once she had left Ryan got out the class photos. He had to look at her. Back then she had a half-mohawk and stared angrily at the camera, barely staying still for the photo. Yui Asahara. She looked like just another delinquent, but talking to her he had discovered that she was probably the smartest student – hell, probably the smartest person – in the school. She skipped half her classes, but had just been accepted to Toudai.

Yui was the one whose face, whose body came unbidden to him when he masturbated, trying to focus on pornography in his small room stacked with books and papers. No matter how much he tried to focus on something else, when he came it was images of Yui, Yui undressed, Yui sucking his cock, Yui bent over his desk and screaming with delight as he thrust into her again and again, that played in his mind.

Ryan lusted after many of his students, but Yui was the only one he was worried about falling in love with. It was a good thing she was graduating soon, he guessed, but in the end he couldn’t be happy about it.

Ryan Bradshaw wondered if he could trade in his brain for one that worked right.

The name Mika Otori haunted Terry for the next day. He knew he had heard it before, but where? It felt just a bit like she had slid naturally into his life, like he had always been waiting for her. But she had vanished, like water slipping through his fingers. Now it seemed like she hadn’t been real, just a fantasy born in the afternoon heat.

Terry was distracted by his thoughts of Mika, and had completely zoned out while Naomichi was describing the printing and distribution of their latest doujin. Naomichi waved his chubby hand in front of Terry’s face. ‘Earth to Osmond. You getting all of this?’

‘It sounds fine,’ Terry said.

‘Okay, good,’ said Naomichi. ‘Good work on this one, by the way. You can really see the motion here.’

‘Well, I am kind of a professional. Was.’

Naomichi smiled. ‘I knew there was a reason I spend all that time yelling at you to get to work. So, you get to pick the next project. What’s it going to be, pro?’

‘Actually, I started doing an original the other day,’ said Terry. ‘I guess it’s a solo project. First one of a series. You can do whatever – I guess you’ve got to go to work sometime.’

Naomichi looked hurt. ‘Come on man, we’re a team. None of this solo project stuff. You helped me on what I wanted to do, and I’m willing to return the favour.’

‘You don’t have to. I mean, I’m sure you’ve got some stuff you’d like to do by yourself…’

‘What’s your problem with having me help out? Besides which, it’ll take twice as long if you try to do it yourself.’

Terry realized that Naomichi had a point. ‘All right, if you insist you can do some pages. I’ll even let you have the sex scene.’


‘By the way, Naomichi. Does the name Mika Otori mean anything to you?’

Naomichi thought for a moment, scrunching up his brow. ‘Oh yeah, I know her. She’s an ero model. Smoking hot.’

‘Well, that was her on the couch the other day.’

Naomichi’s eyes bugged out. ‘Are you serious? Man, I guess I can see the resemblance, but I had no idea. That’s weird. It’s like… I know it sounds awful, but I never thought of her as like a real person, that walks the same streets as us.’

‘I guess so.’

Afterwards, in his room, Terry typed ‘Mika Otori’ into Google and a forest of pictures sprouted. He looked at one photo set, and it was definitely the same girl. Mika in a long, elegant dress.
Mika slowly sliding the dress off her body. Mika in profile, as if turned away shyly from the camera, arms folded over her bra, her tone stomach and long legs hanging out for all to see.

Terry realized that he was masturbating, almost instinctively, rubbing his hard dick through his jeans. He made sure the door was shut and shucked his shorts. He returned to the photos. Mika from behind, slowly sliding the bra off her shoulders. You couldn’t see her breasts, but her naked back, her shoulders, were almost as erotic. Mika in profile, one pink nipple barely visible. Mika bending down towards the camera, her beautiful, bounteous bosom hanging down. Mika on her back, still topless, a look of desire in her eyes. Mika with one hand down her panties, all of her shame overcome, ready for Terry to grab her and rip her last shred of clothing away and fuck her on his desk. He could see it – her head lolled back in ecstasy, her breasts bouncing with every thrust – but he couldn’t feel it, couldn’t conjure in his imagination the heat of her cunt or the feel of her legs wrapped around him.

Frustrated, Terry found more images. They were all softcore, exposing her breasts at most, but there was a filthiness to them far beyond their explicit content. In one picture she was pinned against the wall but an unseen male, her clothes ripped, a look of fear and desire in her eyes. In another she wore a bikini, laying on the beach, licking an ice cream cone like she had licked Terry’s dick, the entire picture brightness and light.

Terry’s hand flew up and down his cock, needing no lubrication. He was barely even sure what was reality any more, whether he was being blown by Mika or just looking at images of her. He found himself thrusting forward, and realized that he was no longer in control of her body.

He found one last picture, this one black and white, Mika topless, licking her lips, looking just like she had when she unbuttoned his pants. Terry exploded. He shuddered and fell back in his chair, dimly aware of the cum pouring from his penis. The first rope had leaped and struck his knee, while the rest poured down his cock and hand, which was still slowly pumping, letting the natural rhythm died down.

As Terry cleaned himself up with tissues (the one thing their apartment never ran short on) he felt a kind of post-orgasmic guilt rising in him, that he hadn’t felt since he was young and still not sure whether masturbation was a sin or not. It felt somehow wrong to be jacking it to Mika’s pictures without her knowing about it. For some reason knowing the girl on the other end of it made things different. He looked at the picture he had came to, and instead of picturing her legs spreading for him, all he could imagine was what she thought, laying in a cold studio with goony photographers hovering above her, trying her best to muster a sexy face.

Terry decided to stick to hentai for a while. There was no way he would ever meet one of those girls.

‘Three more days,’ Natsumi said, sitting down with a tray full of the same cafeteria lunch she’d had almost every day for the past few years. ‘And let me tell you, I will not miss this place.’

‘Personally, I had a lot of fun here,’ said Sakura. ‘You remember all those times the air conditioning died during the summer? It was like an adventure!’

Natsumi cracked up. ‘I guess having to repeat math twice was an adventure too.’

‘Once! I only had to repeat it once.’

‘My apologies.’

Hayato came over to join them at their table. Usually it would be heavily populated with Sakura and Natsumi’s quasi-friends, gabby girls that they liked well enough but would probably never see after high school. But in the apocalyptic last few days of school they were all off preparing some last-minute assignment, so the table was empty save for the three of them. ‘Hey girls. What’s up.’

‘Not much,’ said Sakura. ‘Just reminiscing over adventures.’

‘What kind of adventures?’ said Hayato.

‘Well, there was that one time I got sucked through a portal to that fantasy world,’ Sakura said with a grin. ‘I ended up becoming a princess, but I had to go back to Earth because I had a test the next day.’

‘Those tests. They ruin everything,’ Natsumi said. She always felt frustrated and enchanted when talking with Sakura – she couldn’t keep up with her wit, but she admired it almost as much as she admired Sakura’s beauty. People always said that loving someone for their intelligence was more real than loving someone for their looks, but it made Natsumi feel equally guilty.

Hayato took a tentative bite into the hard cafeteria bread. ‘So, are you two girls doing anything this Friday?’

‘You mean other than studying my ass off?’ Natsumi said.

‘Why, you asking us out?’ Sakura said with a cavalier grin. ‘Figure if you ask both of us one of us will have to say yes?’

Hayato flushed. ‘N-no, nothing like that. It’s just that Yui invited me to this party her friend is throwing, kind of an end-of-the-year thing, and she said I could bring some friends. I thought I could use some normal people to back me up.’

Sakura crinkled her nose, as if she had just smelled something rancid. ‘Yui? I dunno. What do you think, Natsumi? Feel like spending your Friday night listening to bad punk music and getting vomited on?’

‘Well, it’s better than studying,’ said Natsumi.

Sakura shrugged. ‘Alright, chalk us down as a maybe. I still don’t know why you hang out with Yui though.’

‘She’s a nice girl once you get to know her,’ Hayato said. ‘Anyway, thanks for your maybe, I guess.’

Natsumi was well aware that when Hayato invited them he was staring straight at her. She was an expert on unrequited love, and knew the signs well. But she could no more love Hayato than Sakura could, apparently, love her. Part of her thought she should say no, give a quick and painful end to his infatuation, like ripping a bandage off. But if she was willing to wallow in the field of her love, even knowing it was full of thorns, how could she deny Hayato that right? She sympathized with Hayato, but what he needed from her was something she had already given away.

It wasn’t terribly hard to find Mika’s modelling company. Their website, which looked like it was designed in 1998 and not changed since, had the usual text trying to lure in beautiful girls with low self-esteem, with an address on the outskirts of Tokyo prominently advertised. The only thing Terry was worried about whether the place would be still standing – the site looked old. But he ventured out anyway, and there it was, on the 6th floor of a dingy office building. The sign read Kanashima Modelling Company – Devoted to Beauty.

Terry went in. Behind the receptionist’s desk a bored 20-something woman sat painting her nails. ‘May I help you?’

‘Uh, hi. I’m here to speak to Mika Otori,’ Terry said.

‘Mika’s not here right now.’

‘Ah.’ For some reason, Terry hadn’t anticipated this. ‘Um, could you give me her phone number or some way to reach her, then?’

The receptionist looked up at him, a cynical look in her eyes. ‘I can’t give out the contact information of models.’

‘Oh, I get it. I’m not like a stalker or anything. Mika knows me.’

‘Uh huh.’ She wasn’t convinced.

Terry dug through his jacket pockets and found a piece of paper – the receipt from the art store the other day. He scrawled his phone number on it and the word ‘Teriyaki’. ‘Can you give her this when she comes in? Say, uh, I want to speak to her.’

‘Sure,’ the receptionist said, her voice affectless. Terry sighed and walked out of the agency. He wondered if his number would ever make it to Mika.

Natsumi didn’t know who was hosting the party, but whoever it was was loaded (or, more accurately, their parents were loaded.) The house was spacious, nestled into one of the rich areas, with old sliding doors and wooden floors. Its
majesty was diminished by the couple dozen teenagers dancing and chatting under the influence of various intoxicants while American punk music played over the stereo system.

Natsumi and Hayato hung on the edges of the crowd, taking the occasional sips of beer and trying to hear each other over the music. Sakura was in the midst of the throng, jumping and twisting, her black miniskirt flying around her waist like a ring of fins. She was the only one of the three who had dressed up for this, wearing the mini-skirt and a new top she got in Harajuku last weekend. Hayato and Natsumi had just thrown on whatever was at the top of their drawer, as they usually did.

Yui weaved through the crowds of people, carrying a platter full of drinks. ‘Hey Hayato!’ she yelled. ‘Glad to see you could make it.’

‘Your corruption of me continues,’ he said. ‘Is this your place?’

‘Hell no,’ Yui said. ‘I couldn’t stand living in a fussy old place like this. It’s Rin’s.’ She pointed to one of the many bizarre dye-jobs in the crowd, this one forest-green. ‘Her parents are away. You like the tray? I stole it from my last job.’

‘Very convenient,’ Hayato said.

‘I thought so,’ Yui said with a nod. ‘Anyway, you guys should get in there. You know, make some friends, dance like an idiot.’

‘I guess so,’ said Hayato.

Yui playfully slapped him on the ass. ‘Come on, don’t be a wallflower.’

Natsumi eventually waded into the fray, awkwardly timing the rhythm of her body with the chaotic music. She tried to move towards Sakura, but her friend was lost in her own mind, surrendering her body to the music. Some of the guys copped a feel, but she would always twist away from them, the next part in her dance. Sweat ran down Sakura’s long, toned legs. Natsumi tried not to drool. Of course, Hayato was behind Natsumi trying to get her attention, but she was in turn lost in her own lustful mind, and so it went.

She had expected the party to last long into the night, but apparently word got around about a cooler party, and most of the kids abandoned ship. The remainder made polite noises about needing to work tomorrow and left. In the end it was just the out-of-place trio, Yui, the mysterious host Rin, and some guy with a mohawk passed out on the couch.

‘Well that was a bust,’ Rin said. She rolled the tip of a half-empty beer bottle between her fingers ,causing the beer to jump and splash against the sides.

Yui shrugged. ‘I had fun. A party can be satisfying without being broken up by the cops.’

‘I guess so,’ Rin said, with a depressed sigh.

Sakura staggered over to Hayato and Natsumi. ‘Hey guys! Man, my legs hurt. I’ve been dancing for, like, hours.’

‘It was quite impressive, really,’ said Hayato.

Sakura giggled and leaned in towards him, running her hands up and down his flank. ‘Thank you. Hey, Hayato, can you massage my legs? They’re really sore.’

‘I think we should get home,’ said Natsumi. ‘I can call my Dad and get him to pick us up if you want.’

‘Naaah, we’re fine,’ said Sakura. ‘Hey, uh… you, with the house? Do we have to go?’ Rin shrugged. ‘See, what’d I tell you? Now let’s go upstairs so I can get that massage.’

Sakura dragged Hayato upstairs, although it wasn’t like he was putting up much of a fight. The look in Natsumi’s eyes was unmistakeable, that angry, hurt longing as Sakura vanished up that stairway. She sat down on the couch next to Rin. Rin put an arm around her shoulders, which Natsumi shook off.

‘I’ve been there,’ Rin said.

‘She doesn’t even like that guy,’ Natsumi said.

‘Look, I know this isn’t something you particularly want to hear right now… but you’re never going to get anywhere crushing on straight girls. I speak from experience.’

Natsumi sullenly stared at her feet. Yui’s reaction was less dramatic, but she felt a weird kinship with Natsumi and the scene unfolding before her, neither girl paying her any mind, like she were at a movie. She thought she would get to corrupt Hayato, but maybe he wasn’t as innocent and shy as she thought. Maybe he was already corrupt, he just didn’t care for her.

Yui took another drink and wished the night would end.

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Tokyo Toshokan

TokyoToshokan! Whenever you see a domain ending with .info at the end there are two possibilities in total. Either it’s a retarded site that nobody really wants to visit and the domain was literally a dollar for a year or something… OR it’s an amazing site that you’ll just never get enough of and they just use a shitty domain name and look of their site to hide their true intentions. Here’s the thing guys, is definitely the latter of the two. What you need to know about...

Porn Torrent Sites
1 year ago
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Midnight Symphony

It was one of those nights when two people who are comfortable with each other curl up on a couch, listening to music. One of those nights when even crazed lovers take a break to be together. Peacefully. But then it started to rain. She didn't really even notice it at first, her apartment was so very sound-proofed. But a sudden flash of lightning lighted up her windows and flowed into the darkened room. Enya! She thought. Perfect weather for Enya's music. But she was much too comfortable,...

1 year ago
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Bittersweet Symphony

"This is the happiest day of my life, Mom!" Shannon Kendall squeezed her adopted mother's hand and tried not to fidget. She looked up at the smiling face in the mirror, the woman's smile very happy but her green eyes a little sad. "You wish Mac was getting married, right? He'll find the right woman someday, Mom. You'll see. And Jethro will stand up with him. And we'll all be really happy. When Mac and Jethro get out of the service, they're going to open up a business together....

1 year ago
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Accidental Hero Chapter 4 Symphony

I explained to the various people who wanted to talk to me about the explosion that I had school on Monday and that, with their permission, I would make myself available after classes. That seemed to satisfy them. The Fire Marshall said he would meet me at the school at four o'clock and we could do the interview there. I wasn't so sure that was a great idea, but I was too tired to argue. I just wanted to get all this over with. Fire Marshall Craig Dullins showed up just as he had promised...

1 year ago
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Tokyo Motion doesn’t sound terribly dirty on the surface, so there are a lot of plausible excuses if your wife or your boss finds the site in your browser history. You could say you were just researching the logistics of people getting from place to place in the most populated prefecture of Japan, for example, or that you thought it was a tech company specializing in conveyor belts for sushi. They’ll never guess the real reason you were visiting the site: you’re a dirty pervert with a thing for...

Asian Porn Sites
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Just what is Tokyo Motion? Is it a viral dance taking TikTok by storm, or is it a reference to the roughly 1,500 earthquakes that happen in Japan every year? Well, if you’re really wondering, I guess you aren’t a regular visitor here at ThePornDude. Like every other website I’m writing up, this is one designed to help you bust a fat nut into a tissue or an old gym sock. The theme today – as you’ve probably guessed – is Asian porn.I’m not talking just about any Asian porn, though, as you...

Asian Porn Sites
2 years ago
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Mistress and Commander Ch 05

Chapter 5 Down To the Sea Again The voyage of Dread Sovereign continues, to the end of the world. Some sex (not much), some love, much sorrow. Strokers, this one isn’t for you. ‘Something special for dinner,’ said Margarethe, turning to Robin. ‘Can you do it, Robin? We should have plenty of stores.’ ‘Yes, Mistress,’ he said. ‘If Jenny will help, we can have dinner in an hour.’ ‘All right, then, Jenny, help out our Robin. Sharyn, Molly, the settee over there is the most comfortable seat we...

3 years ago
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Die Dame vom Empfang

Die Dame vom Empfang © 2011 / 2017 Lydia Lighthouse Es war zum M?usemelken, dachte Paul, als er die zweite Absage am heutigen Tag ?ffnete. Was sollte er denn noch tun, um einen Ausbildungsplatz zu bekommen. Sein Abitur war zwar nicht das aller Beste, aber mit einem Zweier-Schnitt doch grundsolide und wirklich nicht allzu ?bel. Au?erdem hatte er sogar das eine oder andere Praktikum vorzuweisen - etwas, womit wohl nur die wenigstens Sch?ler aufwarten konnten. W?hrend es sich alle ande...

1 year ago
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I had known her all my life, for we were the same age and went to the same school. She lived just down the road and we would constantly play together throughout the long hot summer months. During this time, I only ever saw her dressed in jeans and usually a denim top. In fact, the only skirt I ever saw her dressed in was her school uniform. We would climb the trees, throw stones in the river and play solders in and around the area and fields nearby and do all the usual things young kids do....

1 year ago
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NewSensations Scarlit Scandal Scarlit Has A Big Problem

Overwhelmed with the issues at hand younger step sister Scarlit comes in need of her older step brother Van’s wisdom and help. As Van slowly engages, she reveals her problem is she doesn’t know how to handle her boyfriends big cock and since he has a big one too, could he help show her the way. With a lame “come on” performance at first Scarlit shows how serious she is by trying to swallow all of his hard inches down her throat before hopping on his cock and taking a...

3 years ago
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December holidays part 14 the final weekend

It reached the final Friday before my parents return from their 2 week break. As I woke up counted the cash I had left R525 and then made up my mind being single that I'm going to go out to a club and have one fun night out before my parents return. Friday went by rather quick as I did a few house chors making my life easy for tomorrow and Sunday so I could chill. It soon reached 6pm and I made myself two home made hamburgers for supper and after eating I went to my parents bedroom where I ran...

4 years ago
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Return To Pleasant Street Ch 09

BETSEY AND BILL I’m going to tell you about a couple who live down the street from me, someone I didn’t mention in my last collection of stories about Pleasant Street. They’re married now, but the story starts three years ago, when Betsey Marcus and her husband, Ray, bought the little house next door to Bill Ingalls’ house. Almost from the start, I could see they were a couple in trouble, and, about a year after they moved in, Ray took off. I’d met both Betsey and Ray by that time, and figured...

3 years ago
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Cheer Raider SABRE Panther Episode 4

EPISODE 4: "Flashback! A New Weapon Against the Chains! Cheerleaders Have Fun in the Showers!" Jennifer did her best to take notes while the history teacher droned on about some old war. She glanced around the classroom and decided most everyone else looked as bored as she was. Suddenly, a familiar squeaky voice sounded in her head. "Jennifer!" "What?" she mumbled under her breath. "I'm in class." "Another monster is attacking the town. You need to change into Cheer...

1 year ago
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Memorable trip on Emirates

I was energetic, full of ideas, and curious to explore everything; including forbidden items. I was especially excited about all my travels and was fortunate enough to have traveled to multiple countries in Europe and Asia. My parents would make plans for us to enjoy short trips to unique places almost every year. This gave me an opportunity to see other cultures, meet with people who have unique life styles and most importantly, appreciate what I already have – awesome parents who respect my...

2 years ago
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Boyfriend Gets a Good Surprise

Elissa had been dating Thomas for about six weeks now, but they’d never had sex. But that all changed when she went to his house one afternoon. Elissa had dark chocolate hair and smooth olive skin, with orange-green eyes. Thomas was sort of the opposite – tan skin and dark blond hair and bright blue eyes. She giggled and threw her head back. Thomas leaned in and kissed her. He was expecting her to pull away with a shocked look, but she kissed him back. Gently French kissing, she pulled off...

1 year ago
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Mia Marin 1700 11m

Whether you have enjoyed the fruit of the vine yourself or not, everyone knows how fun it is to bump uglies with Latin bitches. Bitches like Mia Marin are known the world over for their sexual exploits. Latin chicks are fiery, sexy, and ready to do the deed at the drop of a hat. There is nothing like Mia's sexy Latin voice crying out for more in Spanish. It could make me bust a nut in a second flat.Soul SuckersI feel bad if you have never dipped your dong in one of these ladies. I can still...

Twitter Porn Accounts
4 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 495

My doctor asked if anyone in my family suffered from mental illness. I said, “No, we all seem to enjoy it.” I thought the dryer made my clothes shrink. Turns out it was the refrigerator. I thought growing old would take longer. Camping: where you spend a small fortune to live like a homeless person. Just once, I want a username and password prompt to say: “close enough.” Being an adult is the dumbest thing I have ever done. I’m a multitasker. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the...

3 years ago
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A Boy and His dungeon II

I woke up at about 7:00, remembering a series of vivid dreams. I took my time in the loo, knowing that I was likely to be sporting a silly grin most of the day and that mother and father were usually out of the house by 7:30. Downstairs, I had some toast and a cup of coffee and went on down to the dungeon. Yesterday's trials had pointed out a couple of minor problems in my coding of the machine. I had originally set things up to produce hard copy of the results to help record my...

2 years ago
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The Bed Frame

The Bed frameMy wife Christie and I used to own an old pull-out couch from when I was single.  It was a horrid blue, and not very comfortable, and Christie really hated it.  The one redeeming feature was that when you pulled it out to make a bed, but took off the thin mattress pad, it left a wire frame with square holes about 10 inches across.  Christie and I discovered that if I lay on the frame, my penis would fit through the openings and hang down, where she could quite easily suck on it if...

2 years ago
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Brians Story

I’d just finished changing the magneto on a Cessna 172 when I heard a car pull up to the hanger. I turned and looked, saw who it was and then swore. “Shit!” I said to myself. “How in the fuck did she find me?” The person in the car was my wife Antonia. It had been a little over a year since I’d last seen her and I had hoped to never see her again. She sat in the car staring out at the runway looking like she was trying to work up the courage to get out of the car. Finally the door opened and...

1 year ago
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Sex With My Student 8211 Part 1

My Name is Sandy and I am a regular reader of ISS and enjoyed many stories written by my friends on Indian sex stories. This story is about me when I was a lecturer in Diploma Engg. College in Nagpur. At that time I was 25 years old 6 feet tall with strong dick of 8 inches long and 4 inches Dia. Any female would die for this size and just joined the college as an Ad-Hoc lecturer. Since it was diploma college many students joining the first year were in the age group of 16-18 years only. Anybody...

1 year ago
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Life With Alpha Unexpected Visitors Further StoriesChapter 2 Life with Elves

"I'm boooorrrrred." The high-pitched voice came from somewhere behind me, as I sat working in my basement lab. I should have been alone. I was actually trying to get some work done ... well, work-related emails, at least. But the voice was obviously that of Leafrider, one of the small elves who had arrived back in February. That made sense, given that those two had shown themselves perfectly capable of getting into my lab any time they wanted. (Well, not the 'clean room' or...

3 years ago
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Daisy ChainChapter 6

Though I couldn't get the note-or Vicki-out of my mind, the rest of the evening went pretty smoothly. Vicki gave me one last look when I came back from the bathroom, and I just gave her a nod and a little smile, which she returned. My new arcane, splendorous world of unspoken sapphic radar. Vicki and her husband left early, and after that one silent exchange, she was the picture of social correctness around me, as if nothing had ever transpired between us. The game went down to the wire,...

3 years ago
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Broken and made to want to be used

This happened a few months after I had been taken by Bruce, Charlie and Daniel when I was skipping a class. If you do not remember these three are the worst of worst Juvenal Delinquents that an urban high school could produce. These three had taken me against my will the very first day that we all met! I was used repeatedly by the three of them for six or seven hours, after the first three I believe I just gave up fighting and allowed them to pleasure their selves with my body! I was made to...

3 years ago
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My New Stepdaughter

I met Helen at the park one day, we were both out walking our dogs and just bumped into each other, and the instant i saw that mature 30 something blonde woman in her summer dress and sandals, i knew i was going to be with her forever.As it turned out she was just a couple of years out of a divorce, and after some friendly chatting, she agreed to go on a date with me and the rest was history, we fell in love, moved in together a few months later, and now a year on we we're preparing to get...

4 years ago
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Revenge of the Nerd Ch 10

I gave him the ride. It figured to be more fun than driving home by myself. We got along perfectly until he got in the car and heard Metallica on the radio. ‘How about we listen to NPR? Talk of the Nation should be on. It’s not Science Friday, but they have a lot of really informative shows,’ he said. ‘I’m sorry. I’m not laughing at you. It just struck me so funny the enthusiasm you showed when you said ‘Science Friday.’ You said it like that’s what everybody’s waiting to listen to. It’s...

2 years ago
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Creating an Empire Chapter Three

As he walked across the road Jack saw a silver Mercedes E Class estate with the registration number PC 50. Jack thought that this is Pat. He turned the corner then saw her. It was Pat. She had opened the boot and was now walking round the car to get her suitcases. Then she saw Jack and smiled. Jack gave her a big hug then they kissed. Jack got her two suitcase out of the boot. Pat had about six little bags which she carried. They got into the lift. They kissed again. Jack opened the front door....

3 years ago
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Maa ka doodh

Meri umr kareeb 45 saal hai. Meri shaadi ho chuki hai aur do bacche bhi hain. Main vaise to Bhopal ka rehne wala hoon. Main ek private company mein oonche ohde par hoon. Baat un dinon ki hai jab meri company ne mujhe Pune office set up karne ke liye bheja tha. Yeh kareeb do saal pehle hua. December ka maheena tha aur bacchon ke school shuru the. Isliye main apni family saath nahin le jaa saka. Pune mein mujhe company se ek bada sa makaan mila tha jisme main puri tarah akela rehta tha.Tabhi ek...

2 years ago
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Discreet Anal Affair

PRELUDEMarcy was naked on all fours in the hotel bed. He head was on the mattress turned to side and she was looking at herself in the mirror over the dresser. At 37 years of age she was an attractive woman with a slender shapely 36-28-34 figure. Her breasts seemed large for her slender body but they were lovely. I liked the way the nipples turned upwards. Her ass was to die for and she loved anal sex. As I looked at her briefly before getting in bed, I took in the lovely sight and her inviting...

3 years ago
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why oh why

everytime i begin this story i am just happens maybe its a story that must remain untold ----i dont know .i have (had ) a passion for my aunt.ever since i was young and she was there all the time.not a great age difference maybe 20 years .but thats not too much now ??.i first noticed my attraction when she would call to see my mother and she was out.i made her coffee and tried to chat .but what can a young boy say to a beautiful woman.nevertheless as i gre up i still had desires...

3 years ago
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Would You Like Ketchup With That 4

“Fries and a diet pepsi.” I’d been distracted and horny all morning, unable to dismiss the events of last night from my thoughts, trying to sort out my feelings and, most of all, worrying about the hold Violet obviously had on me.  After all, I’d decided, early on, that no, I would not be seeing her anymore and I certainly wasn’t going to allow her to dictate when I could or couldn’t get myself off.Don’t even think of taking care of yourself before I tell you to.Her parting words last night...

3 years ago
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Manipuri Girls II

Manipuri Girls II: Hi, am here once again, hope you all like the stories. This story (as well as my previous story) is not real; it is also not my fantasy but a fictional one. I just found it somewhere and found it interesting, so I decided of posting it to ISS ( as ISS is the best place to share such stories) just for fun and enjoyment for all of you and especially for my horny Manipuri brothers and sisters. My sexual encounter continued with another manipuri girl, a friend of Esther. Her name...

2 years ago
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Girl FagChapter 12

I knew I'd made a mistake. As soon as I opened my eyes Wednesday morning, I knew it. I felt sick to my stomach and I didn't want to get out of bed at all. I could hear Henry and Greg snoring softly. I'd set my alarm for five, but it wasn't even that late yet. I still had twelve minutes to go before the buzzer went off. I spent it wondering what I'd done the night before. No, I knew exactly what I'd done. I just didn't know why. I felt guilty, I suppose, at least part of me. Kyle was...

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My Anniversary Present Lesbian

My husband has always been fascinated by my desire to make love to a woman. I am relationship straight, but sexually bi-curious. I've always wanted to feel the soft lips of a woman against mine, the feel of smooth skin caressing my body, making her way to my soaking wet pussy. My husband fully supports my desires. He likes watching me make myself cum to videos of lesbians sliding their pussies across each other, fucking myself with my rabbit on full speed, cumming in time with them. We came up...

2 years ago
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Long Time Admirer

My wife Margie was out, across town, to take care of her mother after surgery. She told me no more than two or three days at the most but I really didn’t care, in fact, I was looking forward to the peace and quiet. Alone and with the house to myself, for the first time in I couldn’t remember how long, I began to dwell on thoughts of pleasuring myself in front of some good porn on the net. I opened my nightstand looking for the bottle of lube we use occasionally but it wasn’t there. Maybe we...

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