Tokyo Face Fuck
- 1 year ago
- 33
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Ryan Bradshaw wasn’t entirely sure what to do with Sakura’s assignment. It felt like a bomb that she had lobbed across his desk and into his lap, all with that innocent smile on her face. It was a provocation, he was sure.
For a routine end-of-year creative writing assignment, Sakura had submitted a translation of the first chapter of a novel she was writing, one she had loudly talked about with her friends in class. They all were sure it was brilliant, without seeing a word of it. It was a love story between an American hentai artist living in Japan and a mysterious local girl.
The English was great, with just a few glitches. But the content of the story – an American and a Japanese ingenue, with just enough details changed to maintain plausible deniability – seemed like a come-on to him. The explicitly written blowjob scene was especially aggravating. He had scrawled in the margins Not appropriate for school but he was sure that would just please her more.
Ryan wondered how accurate the depiction of the artist’s life had been. It seemed kind of like something Sakura had made up on the spot, gleaned at most from the creator’s notes at the back of manga volumes. That was probably it.
Sakura had gotten cleverer, her form of seduction more mature. He remembered her a couple years ago, on the last day of school before break, crying until her face was red and bloated, confessing her love for him in stuttering clichés. He had given her tissues and tried to let her down easy. Ryan had tried to make out like he was a responsible adult with responsible adult desires that didn’t include his own students. She was too young then anyway.
But he wasn’t. He told that lie every time he got up in front of his senior class looking professional and every time he talked to one of the other teachers. It wasn’t the little girls, thank God, but some of these girls were technically adults. Lust – lust for his students, lust for those nubile teenage girls who hung on his every word – was what Ryan kept in his psychic closet, trying not to examine it, but constantly aware of his presence.
Ryan had never slept with any of them, which was more than he could say for some of his colleagues. But the desire felt like it would one day drive him either between the skirt-clad legs of one of his girls or into the nuthouse. It was these last classes, with the seniors, almost — no, already – women, that really affected him. Some of the girls, eighteen already – he focused on them, to ease his conscience — strutted around in rolled-up skirts, and for all of his appearance of professionalism (about as genuine as a clip-on tie) Ryan’s eyes frequently gaped at those long, milky legs.
He tried to shake these thoughts out of his head and focus on his assignment. He gave Sakura an A, because her English really did deserve it, but he added a comment about choosing appropriate subject matter. His dick was hard in his pants, and he wasn’t sure whether it was from the story or from his thoughts about the girls.
There was a knock at the door of his classroom, vacated by students two hours ago and left for him to do the marking in while he still had the energy. Ryan set the folder of already marked papers down on his lap, hiding his erection. His dick complained angrily. ‘Come in.’
It was Mariko, the Science teacher. Thirty years old, coming off a much gossiped-about divorce. ‘Hey Ryan. How goes the marking?’
‘Slow. I’m really worried about sending these kids out into the world with this little English knowledge.’
‘Well, if worse comes to worse they can always just stay in Japan.’
‘Nope.’ Ryan grinned. ‘We’re taking over, baby.’ Mariko didn’t laugh. Maybe the joke hit too close to the genuine national dynamics.
‘Anyway, I was wondering if you wanted to get some drinks once you’re done? Life’s kind of kicking my ass lately, and I need someone to bitch about it to.’
Ryan knew he should accept. Going out with your co-worker for drinks, falling into bed together, either making a go at a serious relationship or never speaking of it again – this was what respectable adults did. And Mariko was certainly an attractive women. But as he looked up at her, he could only see the girl she wasn’t.
‘Sorry, Mariko. But I’m kind of swamped right now.’
Mariko blushed but nodded. ‘Well, maybe some other time then. See you around.’
Once she had left Ryan got out the class photos. He had to look at her. Back then she had a half-mohawk and stared angrily at the camera, barely staying still for the photo. Yui Asahara. She looked like just another delinquent, but talking to her he had discovered that she was probably the smartest student – hell, probably the smartest person – in the school. She skipped half her classes, but had just been accepted to Toudai.
Yui was the one whose face, whose body came unbidden to him when he masturbated, trying to focus on pornography in his small room stacked with books and papers. No matter how much he tried to focus on something else, when he came it was images of Yui, Yui undressed, Yui sucking his cock, Yui bent over his desk and screaming with delight as he thrust into her again and again, that played in his mind.
Ryan lusted after many of his students, but Yui was the only one he was worried about falling in love with. It was a good thing she was graduating soon, he guessed, but in the end he couldn’t be happy about it.
Ryan Bradshaw wondered if he could trade in his brain for one that worked right.
The name Mika Otori haunted Terry for the next day. He knew he had heard it before, but where? It felt just a bit like she had slid naturally into his life, like he had always been waiting for her. But she had vanished, like water slipping through his fingers. Now it seemed like she hadn’t been real, just a fantasy born in the afternoon heat.
Terry was distracted by his thoughts of Mika, and had completely zoned out while Naomichi was describing the printing and distribution of their latest doujin. Naomichi waved his chubby hand in front of Terry’s face. ‘Earth to Osmond. You getting all of this?’
‘It sounds fine,’ Terry said.
‘Okay, good,’ said Naomichi. ‘Good work on this one, by the way. You can really see the motion here.’
‘Well, I am kind of a professional. Was.’
Naomichi smiled. ‘I knew there was a reason I spend all that time yelling at you to get to work. So, you get to pick the next project. What’s it going to be, pro?’
‘Actually, I started doing an original the other day,’ said Terry. ‘I guess it’s a solo project. First one of a series. You can do whatever – I guess you’ve got to go to work sometime.’
Naomichi looked hurt. ‘Come on man, we’re a team. None of this solo project stuff. You helped me on what I wanted to do, and I’m willing to return the favour.’
‘You don’t have to. I mean, I’m sure you’ve got some stuff you’d like to do by yourself…’
‘What’s your problem with having me help out? Besides which, it’ll take twice as long if you try to do it yourself.’
Terry realized that Naomichi had a point. ‘All right, if you insist you can do some pages. I’ll even let you have the sex scene.’
‘By the way, Naomichi. Does the name Mika Otori mean anything to you?’
Naomichi thought for a moment, scrunching up his brow. ‘Oh yeah, I know her. She’s an ero model. Smoking hot.’
‘Well, that was her on the couch the other day.’
Naomichi’s eyes bugged out. ‘Are you serious? Man, I guess I can see the resemblance, but I had no idea. That’s weird. It’s like… I know it sounds awful, but I never thought of her as like a real person, that walks the same streets as us.’
‘I guess so.’
Afterwards, in his room, Terry typed ‘Mika Otori’ into Google and a forest of pictures sprouted. He looked at one photo set, and it was definitely the same girl. Mika in a long, elegant dress.
Mika slowly sliding the dress off her body. Mika in profile, as if turned away shyly from the camera, arms folded over her bra, her tone stomach and long legs hanging out for all to see.
Terry realized that he was masturbating, almost instinctively, rubbing his hard dick through his jeans. He made sure the door was shut and shucked his shorts. He returned to the photos. Mika from behind, slowly sliding the bra off her shoulders. You couldn’t see her breasts, but her naked back, her shoulders, were almost as erotic. Mika in profile, one pink nipple barely visible. Mika bending down towards the camera, her beautiful, bounteous bosom hanging down. Mika on her back, still topless, a look of desire in her eyes. Mika with one hand down her panties, all of her shame overcome, ready for Terry to grab her and rip her last shred of clothing away and fuck her on his desk. He could see it – her head lolled back in ecstasy, her breasts bouncing with every thrust – but he couldn’t feel it, couldn’t conjure in his imagination the heat of her cunt or the feel of her legs wrapped around him.
Frustrated, Terry found more images. They were all softcore, exposing her breasts at most, but there was a filthiness to them far beyond their explicit content. In one picture she was pinned against the wall but an unseen male, her clothes ripped, a look of fear and desire in her eyes. In another she wore a bikini, laying on the beach, licking an ice cream cone like she had licked Terry’s dick, the entire picture brightness and light.
Terry’s hand flew up and down his cock, needing no lubrication. He was barely even sure what was reality any more, whether he was being blown by Mika or just looking at images of her. He found himself thrusting forward, and realized that he was no longer in control of her body.
He found one last picture, this one black and white, Mika topless, licking her lips, looking just like she had when she unbuttoned his pants. Terry exploded. He shuddered and fell back in his chair, dimly aware of the cum pouring from his penis. The first rope had leaped and struck his knee, while the rest poured down his cock and hand, which was still slowly pumping, letting the natural rhythm died down.
As Terry cleaned himself up with tissues (the one thing their apartment never ran short on) he felt a kind of post-orgasmic guilt rising in him, that he hadn’t felt since he was young and still not sure whether masturbation was a sin or not. It felt somehow wrong to be jacking it to Mika’s pictures without her knowing about it. For some reason knowing the girl on the other end of it made things different. He looked at the picture he had came to, and instead of picturing her legs spreading for him, all he could imagine was what she thought, laying in a cold studio with goony photographers hovering above her, trying her best to muster a sexy face.
Terry decided to stick to hentai for a while. There was no way he would ever meet one of those girls.
‘Three more days,’ Natsumi said, sitting down with a tray full of the same cafeteria lunch she’d had almost every day for the past few years. ‘And let me tell you, I will not miss this place.’
‘Personally, I had a lot of fun here,’ said Sakura. ‘You remember all those times the air conditioning died during the summer? It was like an adventure!’
Natsumi cracked up. ‘I guess having to repeat math twice was an adventure too.’
‘Once! I only had to repeat it once.’
‘My apologies.’
Hayato came over to join them at their table. Usually it would be heavily populated with Sakura and Natsumi’s quasi-friends, gabby girls that they liked well enough but would probably never see after high school. But in the apocalyptic last few days of school they were all off preparing some last-minute assignment, so the table was empty save for the three of them. ‘Hey girls. What’s up.’
‘Not much,’ said Sakura. ‘Just reminiscing over adventures.’
‘What kind of adventures?’ said Hayato.
‘Well, there was that one time I got sucked through a portal to that fantasy world,’ Sakura said with a grin. ‘I ended up becoming a princess, but I had to go back to Earth because I had a test the next day.’
‘Those tests. They ruin everything,’ Natsumi said. She always felt frustrated and enchanted when talking with Sakura – she couldn’t keep up with her wit, but she admired it almost as much as she admired Sakura’s beauty. People always said that loving someone for their intelligence was more real than loving someone for their looks, but it made Natsumi feel equally guilty.
Hayato took a tentative bite into the hard cafeteria bread. ‘So, are you two girls doing anything this Friday?’
‘You mean other than studying my ass off?’ Natsumi said.
‘Why, you asking us out?’ Sakura said with a cavalier grin. ‘Figure if you ask both of us one of us will have to say yes?’
Hayato flushed. ‘N-no, nothing like that. It’s just that Yui invited me to this party her friend is throwing, kind of an end-of-the-year thing, and she said I could bring some friends. I thought I could use some normal people to back me up.’
Sakura crinkled her nose, as if she had just smelled something rancid. ‘Yui? I dunno. What do you think, Natsumi? Feel like spending your Friday night listening to bad punk music and getting vomited on?’
‘Well, it’s better than studying,’ said Natsumi.
Sakura shrugged. ‘Alright, chalk us down as a maybe. I still don’t know why you hang out with Yui though.’
‘She’s a nice girl once you get to know her,’ Hayato said. ‘Anyway, thanks for your maybe, I guess.’
Natsumi was well aware that when Hayato invited them he was staring straight at her. She was an expert on unrequited love, and knew the signs well. But she could no more love Hayato than Sakura could, apparently, love her. Part of her thought she should say no, give a quick and painful end to his infatuation, like ripping a bandage off. But if she was willing to wallow in the field of her love, even knowing it was full of thorns, how could she deny Hayato that right? She sympathized with Hayato, but what he needed from her was something she had already given away.
It wasn’t terribly hard to find Mika’s modelling company. Their website, which looked like it was designed in 1998 and not changed since, had the usual text trying to lure in beautiful girls with low self-esteem, with an address on the outskirts of Tokyo prominently advertised. The only thing Terry was worried about whether the place would be still standing – the site looked old. But he ventured out anyway, and there it was, on the 6th floor of a dingy office building. The sign read Kanashima Modelling Company – Devoted to Beauty.
Terry went in. Behind the receptionist’s desk a bored 20-something woman sat painting her nails. ‘May I help you?’
‘Uh, hi. I’m here to speak to Mika Otori,’ Terry said.
‘Mika’s not here right now.’
‘Ah.’ For some reason, Terry hadn’t anticipated this. ‘Um, could you give me her phone number or some way to reach her, then?’
The receptionist looked up at him, a cynical look in her eyes. ‘I can’t give out the contact information of models.’
‘Oh, I get it. I’m not like a stalker or anything. Mika knows me.’
‘Uh huh.’ She wasn’t convinced.
Terry dug through his jacket pockets and found a piece of paper – the receipt from the art store the other day. He scrawled his phone number on it and the word ‘Teriyaki’. ‘Can you give her this when she comes in? Say, uh, I want to speak to her.’
‘Sure,’ the receptionist said, her voice affectless. Terry sighed and walked out of the agency. He wondered if his number would ever make it to Mika.
Natsumi didn’t know who was hosting the party, but whoever it was was loaded (or, more accurately, their parents were loaded.) The house was spacious, nestled into one of the rich areas, with old sliding doors and wooden floors. Its
majesty was diminished by the couple dozen teenagers dancing and chatting under the influence of various intoxicants while American punk music played over the stereo system.
Natsumi and Hayato hung on the edges of the crowd, taking the occasional sips of beer and trying to hear each other over the music. Sakura was in the midst of the throng, jumping and twisting, her black miniskirt flying around her waist like a ring of fins. She was the only one of the three who had dressed up for this, wearing the mini-skirt and a new top she got in Harajuku last weekend. Hayato and Natsumi had just thrown on whatever was at the top of their drawer, as they usually did.
Yui weaved through the crowds of people, carrying a platter full of drinks. ‘Hey Hayato!’ she yelled. ‘Glad to see you could make it.’
‘Your corruption of me continues,’ he said. ‘Is this your place?’
‘Hell no,’ Yui said. ‘I couldn’t stand living in a fussy old place like this. It’s Rin’s.’ She pointed to one of the many bizarre dye-jobs in the crowd, this one forest-green. ‘Her parents are away. You like the tray? I stole it from my last job.’
‘Very convenient,’ Hayato said.
‘I thought so,’ Yui said with a nod. ‘Anyway, you guys should get in there. You know, make some friends, dance like an idiot.’
‘I guess so,’ said Hayato.
Yui playfully slapped him on the ass. ‘Come on, don’t be a wallflower.’
Natsumi eventually waded into the fray, awkwardly timing the rhythm of her body with the chaotic music. She tried to move towards Sakura, but her friend was lost in her own mind, surrendering her body to the music. Some of the guys copped a feel, but she would always twist away from them, the next part in her dance. Sweat ran down Sakura’s long, toned legs. Natsumi tried not to drool. Of course, Hayato was behind Natsumi trying to get her attention, but she was in turn lost in her own lustful mind, and so it went.
She had expected the party to last long into the night, but apparently word got around about a cooler party, and most of the kids abandoned ship. The remainder made polite noises about needing to work tomorrow and left. In the end it was just the out-of-place trio, Yui, the mysterious host Rin, and some guy with a mohawk passed out on the couch.
‘Well that was a bust,’ Rin said. She rolled the tip of a half-empty beer bottle between her fingers ,causing the beer to jump and splash against the sides.
Yui shrugged. ‘I had fun. A party can be satisfying without being broken up by the cops.’
‘I guess so,’ Rin said, with a depressed sigh.
Sakura staggered over to Hayato and Natsumi. ‘Hey guys! Man, my legs hurt. I’ve been dancing for, like, hours.’
‘It was quite impressive, really,’ said Hayato.
Sakura giggled and leaned in towards him, running her hands up and down his flank. ‘Thank you. Hey, Hayato, can you massage my legs? They’re really sore.’
‘I think we should get home,’ said Natsumi. ‘I can call my Dad and get him to pick us up if you want.’
‘Naaah, we’re fine,’ said Sakura. ‘Hey, uh… you, with the house? Do we have to go?’ Rin shrugged. ‘See, what’d I tell you? Now let’s go upstairs so I can get that massage.’
Sakura dragged Hayato upstairs, although it wasn’t like he was putting up much of a fight. The look in Natsumi’s eyes was unmistakeable, that angry, hurt longing as Sakura vanished up that stairway. She sat down on the couch next to Rin. Rin put an arm around her shoulders, which Natsumi shook off.
‘I’ve been there,’ Rin said.
‘She doesn’t even like that guy,’ Natsumi said.
‘Look, I know this isn’t something you particularly want to hear right now… but you’re never going to get anywhere crushing on straight girls. I speak from experience.’
Natsumi sullenly stared at her feet. Yui’s reaction was less dramatic, but she felt a weird kinship with Natsumi and the scene unfolding before her, neither girl paying her any mind, like she were at a movie. She thought she would get to corrupt Hayato, but maybe he wasn’t as innocent and shy as she thought. Maybe he was already corrupt, he just didn’t care for her.
Yui took another drink and wished the night would end.
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They sat there in little stapled magazines, surprisingly real. Their titles read School Hearts in English (it was originally going to be Entwined Hearts, but Naomichi insisted that no one in Japan knew what ‘entwined’ meant). The first issue’s cover was graced with an image of Yui, the second’s by one of Sakura. The covers were done in black and white, partly to attract attention and partly because they couldn’t afford any more colour ink. Every couple of minutes Terry would take a moment to...
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Terry couldn't draw. Every time he tried to the blank page stared back at him, virgin white, and all he could think about was whether Mika would call him. When he had met her, he had experienced a huge spurt of creative energy, and now that she was gone the well was dry. Terry guessed that maybe all that shit about muses was right after all. He drifted through the next day, pacing around his room like he was going somewhere, continuing his diet of instant noodles, deflecting Naomichi's...
They sat there in little stapled magazines, surprisingly real. Their titles read School Hearts in English (it was originally going to be Entwined Hearts, but Naomichi insisted that no one in Japan knew what "entwined" meant). The first issue's cover was graced with an image of Yui, the second's by one of Sakura. The covers were done in black and white, partly to attract attention and partly because they couldn't afford any more colour ink. Every couple of minutes Terry would take a...
The shoujo magazine's office was a world removed from the cramped bedrooms and convention halls that Terry associated with comic production. It was on the eighteenth floor of a towering dark green office building, and staffed by the same army of cubicle-dwelling salarymen as all of the other businesses. As he passed by their workstations he noticed that every one seemed identical: computer and phone in exactly the same spot, pictures of families that all looked the same all facing at the...
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Sakura’s disappearance was abrupt and unexplained. She was missing, like a visible hole, from the last-day-of-school party, showed up late to all her exams in a wrinkly uniform and greasy hair, then brushed off Natsumi when she tried to talk to her afterwards. At the post-exam party (Natsumi sometimes felt her life was nothing but a procession of identical parties) Sakura was again missing in action, leaving Natsumi to drift around with Hayato, enduring his awkward flirtation and puppy-dog...
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Ryan Bradshaw wasn't entirely sure what to do with Sakura's assignment. It felt like a bomb that she had lobbed across his desk and into his lap, all with that innocent smile on her face. It was a provocation, he was sure. For a routine end-of-year creative writing assignment, Sakura had submitted a translation of the first chapter of a novel she was writing, one she had loudly talked about with her friends in class. They all were sure it was brilliant, without seeing a word of it. It was...
Sakura's disappearance was abrupt and unexplained. She was missing, like a visible hole, from the last-day-of-school party, showed up late to all her exams in a wrinkly uniform and greasy hair, then brushed off Natsumi when she tried to talk to her afterwards. At the post-exam party (Natsumi sometimes felt her life was nothing but a procession of identical parties) Sakura was again missing in action, leaving Natsumi to drift around with Hayato, enduring his awkward flirtation and puppy-dog...
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I explained to the various people who wanted to talk to me about the explosion that I had school on Monday and that, with their permission, I would make myself available after classes. That seemed to satisfy them. The Fire Marshall said he would meet me at the school at four o'clock and we could do the interview there. I wasn't so sure that was a great idea, but I was too tired to argue. I just wanted to get all this over with. Fire Marshall Craig Dullins showed up just as he had promised...
Tokyo Motion doesn’t sound terribly dirty on the surface, so there are a lot of plausible excuses if your wife or your boss finds the site in your browser history. You could say you were just researching the logistics of people getting from place to place in the most populated prefecture of Japan, for example, or that you thought it was a tech company specializing in conveyor belts for sushi. They’ll never guess the real reason you were visiting the site: you’re a dirty pervert with a thing for...
Asian Porn SitesJust what is Tokyo Motion? Is it a viral dance taking TikTok by storm, or is it a reference to the roughly 1,500 earthquakes that happen in Japan every year? Well, if you’re really wondering, I guess you aren’t a regular visitor here at ThePornDude. Like every other website I’m writing up, this is one designed to help you bust a fat nut into a tissue or an old gym sock. The theme today – as you’ve probably guessed – is Asian porn.I’m not talking just about any Asian porn, though, as you...
Asian Porn SitesIt was about an hour later when the two guards came back. As soon as they entered the cell they could see the cum on the floor below the tied couple. "Damn, Giovanni, look at that, the boy came in his mother's cunt and it dripped all over the floor. He either cums like a horse or they did it more than once. Get some good photos of that." Laughing, Giovanni brought his camera out and took pictures of the embarrassed couple. Then he untied them. Amanda gasped as she lifted off of her...
The transformation of my wife My wife is a very attractive blonde, with 34 C bust, gorgeous ass and slender legs. People who don’t know her guess that she is around 30, but in all reality she is over 40. The problem, until about 2 years ago, was that she was very shy with sex. This all changed a warm summer’s night, when we were out. I had it planned very well, but it turned out better than I could ever imagine. We were going for a dinner and I had finally been able to talk her into using one...
Every time I see her status update on facebook, I either drop a comment trying to get her attention, or just go to her page and stare at her photos for a good half hour. I try to remember her face, and I stare at her body trying to remember the details of her little love handles and her sexy shoulders.I try and remember how she smelled like, like she remembered and said: you smell like a dream. Every time, I u*********sly grab my cock and end up jerking off to the few times she fucked my brains...
We're just a normal every day couple. We've never talked about sharing or swapping or swinging or any of that stuff. In fact, I've had some fantasies, but my wife, Marti, is an evangelical Christian who I assumed was staunchly opposed to such thoughts. We've had some tough moments in our marriage, but we've resolved most of them. For much of our marriage, we had a pretty lack luster sex life. There were some years when things were so bad that we probably only had sex a couple of times in a...
Today we have the pleasure of introducing you to Rae Lil Black, a super sexual Japanese girl who brings her tattooed body and beautiful natural tits to Private Specials, Deeper is Better ready to surprise her lucky roommate Alberto Blanco. Watch then as this exotic Asian delight gets to work with a sloppy deepthroat blowjob before she offers up that beautiful body and pussy for an intimate and intense fuck as she rides, grinds, and gets pounded all the way until a cum filled creampie, Private...
xmoviesforyouSome might say that having bodyguards is a good thing. Of course they aren't there to protect me they are there to make certain I don't escape. My sense of time has been lost and either the last couple of days or even months I was forced through a bizarre experiment from a man into a woman. A rather beautiful woman for that matter. As for the guards well they seem to be the goon squad of a one Mr. Johnson or so I think. Johnson's been at best my contact to the outside world and as of...
It didn't take me long to find something to wear. The lucky choice of attire was a sexy school girl's outfit I used to wear in a lot of my "private" encounters. It was complete with a blouse and plaid mini skirt. To make sure I was up to bitch's standards, I threw on some makeup here and there to give me a bit of an edge.A little bit of lipstick here, some mascara there, it was my usual routine with crossdressing. If I wanted to be pretty, I could make myself look damn attractive. That I know...
BDSMMain iss ka pichle 2 month se reader hu or aaj apni bhi ek sachi ghatna likh raha hu. Mera naam surender hai basically main village se hu or ab rohtak main hu. Ye ghatna aaj se 2 saal pahale mare sath hui the jab main 23 ka tha or aaj main 25 saal ka hu or mera kad 5’7’hai. To ab main story saru karta hu. Mare parivar main main, mera father, mother, sister, chacha or unke do ladke bada 30 or chota 28 ka or do bhabhi hai humera joint family hai. Meri badi bhabhi jiske sath ye ghatna hui uska...
Hi guys, I’m back with yet another experience to share with you all. Firstly thank you, everyone, for the feedback on . Sorry if I haven’t replied to your feedback as I have been a little busy. Now coming to this one. This particular incident happened exactly a year ago, Feb 2020. For those of you who don’t know me yet, a quick intro- I’m Sarah, 24 years old from Mumbai and my stats are 36-26-36. I’m a little slutty and have a high sex drive. Coming back to the incident. Michael is an old...
Summers in Dallas Part 2 - On the Town Gran awakened me with a, "Good morning, Princess!" as I luxuriated in the silky softness of my new nightgown. Gran made blueberry pancakes, and I sat at the table watching morning cartoons as usual, except that this time, I was wearing beautiful lingerie. As much as I loved my new clothes, I was terrified of going out in public as a girl. I told Gran that maybe we shouldn't go shopping today. Gran let me decide what I wanted to do. ...
She rides, she shudders. She sucks air into her throat, says Ooh as it cools her. She squeezes your knees with fingers so tense the knuckles have turned white. She swishes her head down and you wrap your fingers around black and yellow hair. Regrowth is coming through, fresh, happy hair pushing the sad hair away. She’s facing away, twisting and shimmying on your lap. You count the vertebrae of her spine. She’s short and plump. They’re all misshapen in some way, these women, but they all have...
When I was about 16 we moved right down the street from a park. Again this was back in the sixties. i started hanging out there a lot. One evening I was still there Mom and Dad must have been having one of their fuck fests and had forgotten I was out. I had to take a piss so I went into the nearest bathroom. This was on the other side of the park from where I normally hung out. The urinals didn't have partitions and there were no doors on the brick stalls. I was taking a piss when a guy...
I may not be as clean and wholesome as the gents in the Hilton or the Savoy, and my clients may not be so rich or well-dressed – but I guarantee that I see things that they never see, well, hardly ever, anyway. I certainly bet that more sperm is washed down my drains than in the Hilton gents, because although rich men undoubtedly wank just as much as, if not more than, the worse off, most of them seem to choose to do it in private and so if they do it in the gents, on the whole they jerk...
MasturbationSean moves his paperwork to the patio so he can keep an eye on Jeff and Maria as they play in the pool. Soon his father walks in. "Dad, you're supposed to call first." "I just happened to be in the neighborhood and I don't have a cell phone, you know." "That's not acceptable, Dad!" Jeff, in the meantime, jumps out of the pool, runs up to them, happily greeting Louis, "Hi grandpa!" Sean's head sinks as his father stutters in shock, "Sh-Sh-Sean, d-d-did you...
Similar mindsI miss sucking cock.So last week when at a bar a quiet type of man sat down close to me. A little chit-chat and it turns out he is very gentle and introverted man who was looking for a discreet get together with someone like me. Hmmm, why not. I accepted his invite to his place.He was so shy I figured I'd take the lead so I asked if he had any porn to watch, hopefully some cocksucking. He got all smiley, poured us each a drink and we sat on his couch to watch the movie. On screen...
The following day Liz awoke a little disoriented, not recognising the view from her window at first but slowly she realised that she was indeed in a lovely country cottage tucked away in a hidden corner of England and it was blissfully quiet.Nevertheless, her morning followed its normal routine of showering, breakfast and dressing, this time putting extra effort into her selection. Today was black lace underwear; push up bra, delicate lacy panties and suspender belt with black seamed stockings...
Office SexAs I kneel in the garden, naked, amid the wind and the rain, the remnants of last night’s storm, I sense that you are standing directly behind me, but I dare not look over my shoulder. I can feel your presence Mistress. My cock is flaccid as I grasp it in my fingers again, but it twitches to life and I cry out as I feel the many strands of your flogger grip across my muscular back, cracking at my smooth wet flesh, dealing out your sweet dose of pleasure and pain. You flog me hard, over and...
BDSMWith some apprehension I slowly began to pack an overnight bag; for out of the blue I had received a phone call from Peter asking me to attend his graduation. I was truly flummoxed, for it must have been 6 months or more since we last made contact and I truly thought he had forgotten all about me.All through my journey I kept wondering whether I should really be doing this; OK we had a great time when we first met but to renew and continue our relationship was a different matter, anyhow lust...
Gay MaleI sit in my desk at my office. It was my last period of the day. The bell had just rang. Students milled out of the gym. I sigh. Coach Harrison, the most handsome coach you’ll ever see, waved the children out. His smile could tame a lion and make even the most loyal wives fall subject to him. Three teachers had already gotten a piece of him. By the sound of it, he was great in bed. But I was married and had a kid. Though, that didn’t stop me from staring dreamily at him. He was African American...
Heartbroken. After falling in love for the first time, I was heartbroken. My boyfriend had cheated on me with some bitch he met at a strip club. IN MY BED! As soon as I kicked his sorry ass out, I called my best friend Jamal. He was at work and promised he would come over as soon as he got off. Tired and pissed off, I got in the shower. I let the hot water hit my body as I tried to cry away the pain. After fifteen minutes of crying, thinking and washing, I got out of the shower. As I stepped...
Telling you this whole thing reminds me of my relationship with my sister and how it all started.. I come from Hyderabad . My parents used to live with us. My dad is a police officer and mum stayed home. . We are only the brother and sister, Lalitha and I ravi. This happened when we were quite young. Me and my sister used to share the same bed as my house was small.It was in one of those nights i was sleeping with my sister that night that i woke up at 2.00am. It was my first night that I felt...
IncestMy current live-in girlfriend, Cara, and I were sitting down to an intimate Friday evening candlelight dinner, which we then planned to develop into a romantic candlelit evening in our bed. We had just made a major purchase which had been delivered that morning, a spectacular reproduction mahogany four poster Victorian bed. We had every intention of inaugurating it tonight. Cara is about my age, 40 something, around 5’5” and 140 pounds, with shoulder length wavy brunette hair. She is extremely...
Group SexMichele James flawless big tits are simple amazing. She’s back to shoot with us and we have her showing off her great body with her nice ass and juicy tits. Things get awkward with the production assistant and he had to go out to take a break before she starts playing with her pussy. Today when though I was going to get a round with Michele I got cock blocked by Derrick Ferrari. Lucky guy rings the bell as she’s asking for cock so he goes in and pleases her. Watch Michele James give one of her...
xmoviesforyouLiam knocked nervously on Gina's door. A week had gone by since the neighbors had a chance to talk. "Hey, Liam! What's up?" "I have a huge favor to ask. And I'm telling you upfront, it isn't a fair one." Gina's curiosity was piqued as she opened her door to allow Liam in. "I just came back from a walk. Let me grab some water and I'll be right with you. Want one?" Gina retrieved two waters from the kitchen. When she returned to the living room, she noticed Liam wringing his...
My wife Vicki and I are in our late and mid-30s respectively. We've been married for over 10 years and have three c***dren together. Vicki is a brown eyed beauty. She is short but quite curvy. I've always found her body desirable but three c***dren had taken a toll on her figure but more importantly her confidence in her sex appeal. Vicki had never been one to wear provocative clothing but lately had become even less so. As sexy as I found her she just didn't feel that way about herself. We had...
I carried her directly into the bedroom and set her down gently onto the bed, pulling the covers partially off and then helping her to move onto the sheets, pulling the spread and top sheet on down after I had. It would be the first time I could ever remember sleeping in Mom's bed with her and from the way she was acting, I felt that I was about to have a memorable night in it. I'd procured the memory of a lifetime out on the couch and I was having a hard time believing my luck. When I...
Linda's GPS announced her arrival at her destination as she pulled off the side road and coasted across the car park toward the front of the warehouse. Lifting the hood of her shell jacket over her head to protect her from the rain, she grabbed her canvas bag from the passenger seat and darted outside, avoiding the waterlogged potholes as she ran toward the building. The steel roll-up door in front of her was open a few feet, and she ducked under it and into the warehouse, shaking herself to...
When we got out to the kitchen, the women were setting the table for dinner. "Ok Harry, since you and Bill have had your man talk, I think it's time for you to catch the rest of us peons up on what you have been doing for the last ten years. Linda has already told me you would be here for her graduation so I won't have to nag you about that." I spent the next hour catching them up on my life. They must have asked a hundred questions before the meal was over. We went into the front room...