Tokyo SymphonyChapter 5 free porn video

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Sakura's disappearance was abrupt and unexplained. She was missing, like a visible hole, from the last-day-of-school party, showed up late to all her exams in a wrinkly uniform and greasy hair, then brushed off Natsumi when she tried to talk to her afterwards. At the post-exam party (Natsumi sometimes felt her life was nothing but a procession of identical parties) Sakura was again missing in action, leaving Natsumi to drift around with Hayato, enduring his awkward flirtation and puppy-dog eyes.

"Hey, do you know what's going on with Sakura?" Natsumi asked one of Sakura's fashionable friends she didn't know too well. The tall beautiful girl just looked at Natsumi strangely and shook her head.

"Still chasing after her, huh?" said Rin, appearing as out of nowhere. Her green hair had turned into streaks of black and orange.

"None of your business." Natsumi took a long gulp of her beer, trying to look disinterested. Rin just looked on with knowing, smug eyes. Natsumi wanted to throttle her, but instead she just returned to Hayato.

He was pushing back against the wall again, as if wanting to merge with the paper. Natsumi tossed him a drink, seeing as how she had finished with her last one. "Your little shoulder devil not here either?"

Hayato shrugged. "Yui? I guess this party is too mainstream for her or something."

"Well, it looks like we're the squares now." Natsumi raised her bottle to clink against Hayato's. "Drink up."

A few hours later things were starting to wind down. There had been a fistfight and the friends of the two combatants had left in seperate sulking camps, leaving only a smattering of people to linger in the ruined atmosphere. Natsumi and Hayato ended up on the couch. He had his arm around her, and she wasn't sure when that had happened. She felt strange, like the air around her was heavy liquid beating down on her, turning everything anyone said into distorted echoes. She was warm. Really warm. She had probably had too much to drink.

Hayato was grabbing the back of her head, turning her towards him, and kissing he on the lips. Time was syrupy and variable, the movement of his head to hers passing in a milisecond and the kiss lasting hours. She felt her hands go up to clasp the back of his head and hold him to her without her command or consent. She felt distantly alarmed that parts of her body were mutinying.

Natsumi supposed she should try kissing back. After all, every other girl liked kissing boys, would be thrilled to be in this position. But it was like kissing a fish. Everything felt wrong – there was just something about the subtle proportions of the face, the rapacious tongue, the stubble that ground against her chin and felt like it would slice it open – all of it felt slightly wrong in a way she couldn't quite define.

Hayato reached out and grabbed her breast. It was then that Natsumi broke away from him. The room was still spinning, but she no longer felt like she was swimming in syrup, and everything was moving in regular time now. He looked shocked. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean--"

Natsumi shook her head. She realized that she had given him a moment of hope there that would torment him for a while. "I'm sorry. I'm really sorry, but I-- I can't. I really can't."

He looked at her with a mixture of confusion and accusation. Natsumi stood up, tugging her purse around her shoulder. "Sorry, I-I have to go." It wasn't the right thing to do. She should have stayed with him and tried to talk him through his inevitable heartbreak, but she just couldn't do it tonight. She couldn't unravel her own hopeless affection, let alone someone else's.

On the way home, the subway car was near-empty and quiet except for a pair of drunken salarymen telling filthy jokes to each other and responding with undue roars of laughter. The darkness of the tunnels, lit only by the occasional industrial orange light that made things even worse, seemed like it wasn't far from smashing the windows and flooding the car and carrying off all of the passengers who might then have the dignity to kick and scream.

As she stepped off the train the chirpy techno-pop ringtone of Natsumi's phone went off, seeming like a noise from so far away. Natsumi wondered if she was just a sad drunk. The ring went off again. Grudgingly she dug the phone out of her pocket. A message from Sakura. Her stupor melted off her.

It was a series of messages from Sakura, actually, a confession poured out over 140-character chunks. She had been with Mr. Bradshaw (or, as she called him, "Ryan"). In his apartment all those days and nights, screwing their souls away. Natsumi felt like she was about to vomit. She had always thought Sakura's crush on the teacher was one of those harmless hopeless things, like Natsumi and Hayato and seemingly everyone she knew harboured within them, letting it grow in spite (perhaps because) of the impossibility of it ever being fulfilled.

Sakura seemed happy, although worried about how she would explain everything to her parents now that she had to finally return to Earth. She gushed about Bradshaw to Natsumi, everything from his taste in music to the length of his cock. Natsumi's first fear was that he was taking advantage of Sakura, and would leave her washed up in a pile of other disposable schoolgirls, popped cherries in a pile like collected box-tops. But then she tried to be generous to Bradshaw, assume that he was genuinely in love with Sakura – and that scared her more. What if they would be like this forever, wrapped up in their own little world while Natsumi helplessly orbited them?

Natsumi mustered up a couple lame replies to Sakura's barrage of texts, congratulating her and adding in a few gossipy demands for more. Right now she knew that she should support her friend no matter what she thought of the relationship. And that meant being the gushing BFF and not the sad lesbian stalker.

Sakura was either oblivious or uncaring to Natsumi's lack of enthusiasm and let her textual desire continue on, showering her friend with the gory details. This was what friends did, right?

The Saturday morning sun strolled into Terry's room like an old friend. He sat there, basking in comfort, arm around the still-sleeping Mika. He gazed in wonder at her perfect face, the kind of perfection he only wished he could draw, her hourglass figure which formed an appreciable bump underneath his blanket ... what in the world had he done to deserve to wake up next to a girl like her?

As if pricked by his gaze, Mika began to stir, her body slowly rumbling and coming to life. She opened up her ocean blue eyes and stared at Terry. "Hi there."

Terry waved jokingly at her. She caught his hand and kissed the knuckle, staring up at him smokily. Mika took one finger between her lips and sucked on it like it was a little cock, swirling her tongue around it and leaving a thin sheen of saliva. Terry slid in closer to her, eager to be lost in the thrill ride that was her body.

Mika suddenly broke off from him. "I uh ... I need to pee." She threw on a T-shirt and panties and sprinted out of his room and to the bathroom. Terry sat up and sighed at the tent in the sheets made by his newly insistent erection.

She returned after what seemed like forever and sat next to him, although without removing her clothes. "Sorry to run out on you like that, but when nature calls..."

"No problem." Terry chuckled in an attempt to put her at ease. "So, uh ... let's talk about fantasies."

Mika wrinkled her brow. "Fantasy? Like, uh, dragons and elves and shit?"

"No, I mean like sexual fantasy. I was reading this thing online and it said that couples should talk about stuff like this."

"Was this one of your porno sites?"

"No! It was an article."

Mika rolled over and gave him a cheesy grin. "One of those magazines you read for the articles, eh?"

"Listen, can you stop making fun of me and tell me a fantasy?"

Mika looked at him for a little bit, face propped up by her hands like a kid. Maybe she was wondering if he was serious. After a little while she relented and spoke while raising a challenging eyebrow. "Well, I've always kind of wanted to be gang-banged."


"Yeah. You know, surrounded by a bunch of guys in a dark alley, used and abused for their physical pleasure, left covered in their dirt and cum but strangely satisfied ... I know it's not the most politically correct thing, but whenever I masturbate the image just pops into my head, and it makes me cum like you wouldn't believe." Her hand wandered down her body and to her panties, encouraging him to imagine it.

Terry gulped, not sure what to make of that. "Uh, wow. That's good, that's good ... it's important to share, you know?"

Mika laughed. "So how about you? What's this fantasy you've been dying to get off your chest."

Terry couldn't even remember what he was going to bring up. "Uh, well, I've always been kind of curious about anal."

Mika stiffened. "Not happening."

"Well you're not making this a very fun couples exercise."

"Sorry, but my butt is exit-only. Go ask some other slut."

Terry wished he was better at reading people – especially when speaking in Japanese, where the nuances of emotion got lost behind the complicated mental apparatus of translation. He wasn't sure whether Mika was genuinely pissed off or just playing around. "Sorry, I won't bring it up again. How about your tits?"

"What about them?"

"Can I fuck them?"

Mika rolled over and gave Terry a long look, as if she was also trying to gauge his seriousness. While doing so she slipped off her shirt to unveil the body parts in question, as if presenting them as court evidence. They were heavy but stood out proudly like two missile tops, shaded tan with mocha kisses for nipples. She turned onto her back with a roll of her eyes. "Do you know how many guys I've been with that have asked to do that?"


"All of them." Mika cupped her breasts together, tightening up the exquisite valley between them that Terry was suddenly beginning to think of as the promised land. "What is it about these big ol' things that men just can't get enough of? I have two other perfectly good, warm, wet holes ready for their cock, but all they can think about is giving me a titfuck like they see in the porno movies." She turned to Terry, looking coy. "Can you explain it to me?"

At the mention of her warm wet holes in a sultry tone of voice Terry's already stiff dick had pulsed with almost painful need. He tried to form syllables with his mouth, but it felt like the language department of his brain was turning out the lights and going home to party. "Um ... uh ... well ... I guess that's just the way men are."

Mika pulled the American onto her. Her panties had vanished sometime during the conversation. "Why don't you show me some more of what men are like? What they feel like ... what they taste like ... teach me, oh wise master."

Terry slipped into Mika's pussy before he even knew he was aiming for it. It was every bit as wet and hot and willing as she had promised. Beneath him her body was red hot, pumping back against him and writhing, raking her hard nipples against his chest. Mika grabbed him by the hair and pressed her lips to him, spearing her tongue into his mouth.

There was a special quality to morning sex, coming so soon after waking up and before their bodies had a chance to get jaded by the daily procession of mundanity. Every inch of Terry's skin was like a live wire, sending him acutely observed sensations and feelings. Quite aside from the slick inferno that was her cunt, he felt like he could get off just on the sensation of skin rubbing against skin. He thrust into Mika slowly in a long movement while pressing tightly against her, trying to fuck her entire body.

If he was trying to slow down and take in every ounce of experience, she was going crazy, thrusting her hips up like a piston and demanding that he match her. Mika began making raw animal noises under him, speaking a private language.

"Do it!" she gasped.

Terry just let out an incoherent groan, not sure what she was talking about it.

"Fuck my tits!" Mika yelled. "If you want to so bad, fuck my goddamn tits!"

In a daze, Terry pulled out from her cunt, which was still clinging to him for dear life, and slid up her body. Mounting her chest, his hungry red cock poked straight down that heavenly valley. Mika grabbed her heaving breasts and held them togeter, forming a tight tunnel around his cock. His cock slicked with her juices, Terry begin to thrust up and down into her cleavage, enjoying the feel of the voluminous mounds but mostly the sight of his hard member disappearing between those breasts, those magnificent breasts. Beneath him Mika was furiously finger-fucking herself, spasming and moaning.

It was big sex, so decadent and over-indulgent that it was hard to believe he was even here, doing this, and when the realization came that this was actually his life and not a porno Terry came suddenly, throwing his head back as he was taken by his own set of shudders.

He still saw, out of the corner of his eye, the first jet of his cum land between Mika's eyes, defiling her beautiful face. Terry leaned back, more out of losing control of his body than intention, and the next few lesser spurts showered over her tits, which were soon gleaming with his pearly seed. He looked at Mika, covered with his essence, and thought it might be the sexiest thing he'dd ever seen in his life.

"Happy now?" she said, smirking and licking her lips. He nodded dumbly.

Terry rolled off her, still trying to form a coherent thought. Mika sat up, cum running down her nose and off her breasts and dripping onto the sheets. "I think I need a towel."

In the distance Terry could hear Naomichi banging around. He blushed, wondering if his roommate had heard Mika screaming about fucking her tits. Well, she certainly couldn't go out as she was. Terry put on his boxers and darted across to the bathroom, grabbed a towel, and dashed back all in front of an eyebrow-raising Naomichi.

He offered her the towel and she wiped his cum off her. "I really have to get going," Mika said. She began pacing the room, trying to recover all the pieces of the outfit that had been scattered haphazardly

"Come on, you can stay a while," Terry said, trying not to sound like he was pleading.

"No, really, I have a shoot today, and I have to go home and get ready." Mika checked her reflection in Terry's computer monitor and wiped a spray bit of cum off her forehead. "Thanks for the good time though."

"Let's do this again," Terry said. "How about Friday?"

Mika looked at him in a way Terry couldn't decipher. "Sure. But next time bring some friends, because we're totally doing the gang-bang thing."

She left the apartment with her purse swining like a metronome timing her steps. On the outside she was all smiles and cheer, but Terry couldn't help but feel that inside there was something dark that he just couldn't get at. Mika was easily the most beautiful girl he'd ever known, let alone slept with, but he could never imagine what she was thinking. Unlike his previous girlfriends, for the most part nerdy white chicks, he just couldn't figure out her mental interiority. It was frustrating. He still had no idea how she felt about that morning's events.

Naomichi offered Terry a cup of coffee. "She's one hell of a girl, man."

"She certainly is."

Yui had decided to stay home tonight. There was another drunken gathering at another semi-friend's house, but she honestly didn't feel up to it. Besides which, her hair was beginning to grow out, the dull black roots clawing up out of her scalp and putting the obvious lie to the painted colours of the rest of it. She had bought some more dye, but somehow she couldn't even work up the effort to spend a couple minutes bowed in front of a tub rubbing strange liquid into her hair. In her lethargic summer state anything momentarily unpleasant was a no-go, no matter what the long-term (or even medium-term) benefits would be.

So Yui was spending the night in her room, lying on her bed with the stereo going full blast and staring at a Banana Yoshimoto novel that deflected all her attempts to read it. It wasn't heaven, but it was comfortable.

The music died down and, in the momentary pause between sounds Yui could hear pounding at her door, that sounded a bit like a jackhammer. She dragged herself off the beg and opened the door a crack.

It was her mother, nose scrunched up as usual at the wall of noise. "Yui, dear, I've been knocking for over a minute--

"Yeah, yeah, I didn't hear you," said Yui. "What is it?"

"There's a friend here to see you," said her mother. Yui opened the door a bit wider and could now see Hayato standing in the apartment hallway, leaning against the wall. Her mother looked as skeptical as any mother would when their daughter gets a clearly drunk male visitor around midnight.

"Oh hi Hayato," said Yui, trying to act scandalously casual. "Come on in."

Yui's mother walked away as Hayato walked to her room, his slow and careful steps telling sagas. He got to the room and shut the door behind him. "Man, Yui, I don't know why you listen to this crap. It's just some losers with second-hand instruments making as much noise as possible. That's not even music."

"Well, I'm sorry that it offends you," she said, switching the stereo off. By the time she had turned around Hayato had draped his coat over her desk chair and sat down on the edge of her bed.

"So yeah, I guess I just came to say you were right. I'm never gonna be with Natsumi. She's a fucking dyke, just like you always said, and the only person in the world she cares about is that bitch Sakura."

"She's not that bad," Yui said. "You can't really blame a person for not liking you."

"And what's that supposed to mean?"

Yui held up her hands defensively. "Just that people are gonna be attracted to who they're attracted to, and there's not much you can do about it. You in the general, not you in the specific. Not an insult."

"Thanks," Hayato said bitterly. He stood up off the bed and stepped closer to Yui. Another step closer, and now he was almost touching her. "You know, I've been a dumbass. Chasing after some dyke all this time when there's a perfectly good girl right in front of me. You know what I mean?"

"I ... I..."

Hayato pressed his lips to Yui's. The kiss was forceful and tasted of booze and someone else's lipstick. It was what Yui had wanted for a long time, but now it just felt wrong, vulgar and sloppy. It took her a moment to work up the will, but when she did she reached up to push Hayato away. He stumbled on a stray piece of dirty laundry and wound up sprawled on his ass, looking up at Yui in confusion.

"Geez, I guess I was pretty dumb to think at least one girl liked me."

"No, no..." Yui muttered. She reached down to offer him a hand up. "It's just ... I don't want to be your consolation prize. When you come to me ... if you come to me ... I want it to be because of me, not because Natsumi rejected you and you're drunk and want to piss her off or want to get laid or something like that."

Hayato got to his shaky feet. He looked like he didn't understand.

"Look," said Yui. "Call me tomorrow, once you've sobered up. If you're still interested, we'll grab drinks. Capiche?"

Hayato nodded slowly. Geez, he really was drunk. Yui opened her bedroom door and led him outside. "Are you okay getting home?" she asked.

"Yeah," said Hayato in a barely comprehensible slur. "Look, I'm sorry about everything."

After he left, Yui's mother turned to her with a raised eyebrow. "And what was that all about?"

"Just another heart I had to break." Yui ruffled her hair mockingly. "It's not easy being me."

Terry looked over at the page he had just finished. It was going well – the drawings were getting to be a matter of instinct, and the story, which had started out as some vague misty lump in his mind, was starting to turn into something that might have an end. He thought he could wrap it up in the next issue, draw all his plot threads together and turn this from a series of wandering pornographic vignettes into a true novel.

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MonkeyChapter 3

The last few months were going down hill for Mum and Dad, the old man was screwing around again and Mum was talking the big 'D' word. I arrived home from my casual job to see a military staff car parked in the driveway, "looks like the old man's got a promotion" I mused. As I entered the lounge room I was met by one of Dad's colleagues. Matt and Dad had served together in many conflicts and were best mates, His wife Sally and Mum were close friends before a heart attack took her. He...

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Green CloudsChapter 5

As soon as he pulled out of the parking space and we were traveling slowly down the street hemmed in by city traffic his hand came to rest on my upper thigh only an inch below my steaming pussy. I waited anxiously for his fingers to inch closer, certain that as soon as he touches my pussy I'll have an orgasm. But the cruel bastard must have sensed how close I am to another orgasm. His fingertips lightly caress the flesh of my inner thigh but they never close the distance to my very needy...

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My first gay experience

Hi :) . My story is 100% true, it hapened last year in August. Well, lets start that I am not gay, maybe bisex. I have a girlfriend and I do like girls basically, but there was always something about gay porn that turns me on. so from time to time i do watch it and masturbate to it. So that was a very hot summer, it was the begining of August 2012. I had a bad hangover after the weekend, it was monday, so early in the morning my girlfriend left for work and I took my laptop and started to surf...

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Hunter Naked in SchoolChapter 5

Friday, August 26 I awoke to Jeff fondling my balls. He brushed my cheek with his other hand as he invited me to follow him into the shower. "How about we stay here," I replied, "I already need to wash these sheets." Jeff smiled sweetly as I began stroking him. I cradled his shoulders with my free arm as we kissed passionately. My breathing quickened and I felt an oncoming orgasm. Jeff and I came in unison. After a few more minutes of cuddling, I proceeded downstairs for breakfast while...

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My Way or the HighwayChapter 3

The more I thought about it, the surer I became that it was one and in same person. Regretting not having the boys for some afternoon delight, blubber lips was a viable option for a quickie. My cock insisted that I get out of bed, my nuts conquered, and I left the room in search of him. No longer in the diner, I spotted him in the gift-shop. Nonchalantly making my way towards him, browsing at the tourist junk as he was, finally side by side. "So, we meet again!" I said with surprise,...

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The Ride of my Life

*** WARNING Will Robinson - if you don't like a guy sticking his pecker up some other guys shitter don't read this! I sat in the back of the cab my head spinning. I didn’t realize I had drank that much – I always get so angry and horny when I drink. I would beat her and fuck her – that’s why you have a wife, there always there when you need a punching bag or wet hole. I noticed the man driving the cab was a big black nigger. The lazy bastard said nothing just drove in silence and smoked an...

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Devaron Se Maze Part 8211 2

Hi indian sex stories dot net doston Raju aur tinku Mera bahut hi khyal bhi rakhte aur mein bhi unka, meine notice kiya ki Raju chup chup ke mere pet nabhi aur boobs ko dekhta tha aur pet mein toh jab kabhi mauka milta haath se touch karta tha, mujhe bhi ek azib sa maza aata tha aur sasurji ka dar bhi, isliye jab sasurji ghar pe hote tab salike se saree pahanti aur jab nahi rahte tab laparwahi se. Ye baat ka dar Raju aur tinku ko bhi tha, wo dono apne pita ke saamne mujhse bilkul bhi mazak nahi...

1 year ago
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Work Slut 3

‘Julie, come in here and shut the door will you please?’ I said over the office phone.  ‘Be right there Pete’ was the reply, as I heard her stifle a giggle.  She knows I’m hot for her.  She’s a lot younger and certainly can get someone her own age, but for some reason she is into this office thing we have going.  She seems to be constantly on ‘horny’, and I have to do is touch her and she’s ready to go.  When she walks in the office I feel my cock jump.  Damn she’s hot!  Being only 21, she...

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Big and Brutal Bondaged Gangbang

The black satin dress still clung to my body as master told me to get out the car. My ass felt stretched and full with the plug still inserted and my nipples ached where the clamps still bit hard into them. We were in a car park at the edge of a wood and although there was no one around, there were a large number of cars and vans parked with no one in them. Master told me to stand with my hands at my side and produced a blindfold from his pocket. He moved behind me and covered my eyes, securing...

Group Sex
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SexAndSubmission Ana Foxxx Endless Potential

Ana Foxxx is a realtor who only deals with VIPs, so when Derrick Pierce reached out looking to expand his business to her area, she jumped at the opportunity. He has given her all of his expectations, and she went to work to find him exactly what he was looking for. She finds out that he’s made his fortune with adult content, and is curious about what that means exactly. Derrick grabs her close, and in a instant, Ana sees what it means. Afraid of what she has started, she’s too turned on to...

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People of the TigerPart 10

Though they had not had much sleep, Jela and Tira arose at six thirty the next morning to begin making breakfast, and found three people already up, sitting in the kitchen drinking coffee. Soon the delicious smells of cooking food and huge urns of tea and coffee brewing began waking people, and they began rising from cushions and floors, and emerging from the dens. By the time all were roused at seven fifteen, six more people had volunteered to help with breakfast. Eight was the capacity of...

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Slut wife First day at work

Please read the previous episodes for this to make sense.This chapter of the sluts story is dedicated to Thanks for your comments and ideas for the sluts future. Any comments and suggestions from anyone are greatly appreciated.Sarah spent her whole Friday night thinking about her interview. Even when her husband was home she wondered around in a daze thinking about the most intense sexual experience of her life. Every time she played out the day in her head...

2 years ago
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The Prez And Me

PLEASE NOTE! This is a work of fiction. The characters and the situation may be familiar, but the actions and words are solely the product of my fertile, if somewhat kinky, imagination! It was my fourth day on the job. Thanks to my dad’s political connections, I was standing in the White House, a Presidential intern, nineteen years old. Young, innocent, naïve, but here I was. And there he was. The most powerful man in the country, asking me if I would like a tour of the upstairs. The private...

First Time
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Frost Heaves

… Chapter One: Signs As the houses and barns became more and more spread out along the countryside, the road beneath me got rougher. I began to relax as I distanced myself from the debacle that was this last weekend, and let my foot lean on the accelerator a little harder. Road narrows. That sign was accurate, as the shoulders of the two lane highway gradually disappeared, and made me back off of the gas pedal a little. Bump. That one always made me smile, as I wondered why they just didn’t...

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I put the phone down on my hubby Mick as I was wanting the big salami in front of me. I thought that as my BIG African lover had just shot his fat load he would want to rest to re-charge his balls. I Know from many black lovers they will cum all night without stopping. Some will wait a few minutes and then their Dick is up in the air again demanding more pussy! I held his cock as it rose and stiffened, it was lovely as the erection forced out the spunky leftovers from his orgasm, this gave me...

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One Hot Summers Day

I decided I would pack a lunch and take a walk in the mountains. It had been quite a while since I had been up there and I hadn’t realised just how much I had missed walking along the many winding paths, finding new places. The more I thought about it, the more excited I got. Checking I had sufficient to eat and drink, I remembered to put some wet wipes in my small bag as well. It was a hot day and I would need something to dry me and keep me cool.Placing the bag over my shoulder, off I...

3 years ago
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3 David Tonya Mo Stephanie

I left Stephanie there playing with her stretched pussy, leaking cum. She continued babbling thoughts of risky behavior to push the envelope. I went to the bathroom and urinated. Mo came in when I was shaking off the last of it. “We heard you,” he said, chuckling. “Thought you killed the bitch for a little while, Dave.” Yeah,” I said, “we heard you, too. Only earlier.” “My bitch sucks a mean dick,” Mo said. “I just told my slut black men have cocks. White boys have dicks.” “Whatever,” Mo...

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A Debt Paid Ch 01

This story involves some gender bending, so if you are uncomfortable with that move along, this is not your cup of tea… The following story is based on the results of a DNA reshaping nano-robotic technology designed in China for making perfect workers, soldiers and prostitutes. The mob just bought some of the prostitute nano cocktails on the black market. In short it can transform any human into a nubile sexpot, in addition to the outward body changes, there are sinister changes to the...

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Billionaire and the SisterhoodChapter 87 A Birth Discoveries Helping a Friend

Mark I made two long trips over the four weeks before Philip Emerson Worthington arrived in this world. On each trip I made a relatively large amount of money since some of what I was selling was from my non-public corporation: two-hundred-and-fifty million dollars is not to be sneezed at. Further, I bought three small companies that I knew I could sell in a year’s time at ten-fold the purchase price, also netting out at more than a quarter of a billion dollars. The absences for travel had...

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NuruMassage Cadence Lux While The Wifes Napping

Married couple Kenzie Madison and Derrick Pierce are lying on their backs on side-by-side massage tables, towels draped over them. There’s awkward silence as they wait, until finally Derrick speaks up to complain about being dragged there by Kenzie to celebrate their anniversary. But he quickly stops grumbling when Cadence Lux, the gorgeous masseuse, walks in. When she gets a look at Derrick, Cadence seems to like what she sees too, barely concealing her attraction as she bites her lip....

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A WellLived Life Book 5 StephanieChapter 9 Cherries Jubilee Part I

June 1981, Milford, Ohio On Saturday morning, Stephanie and I woke up at our usual time. She pulled me out of the room and we swam our laps naked. Afterwards, we showered together, making sure we were clean all over, then dressed in shorts and t-shirts and ate breakfast. We cleaned up the kitchen and I checked to make sure we had all the things we needed for Stephanie’s sundae treat. Once I confirmed that, we went to sit in the living room to wait for her friends. “We really need to use the...

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The precious aunt 2

I wrote in a previous story about my aunt who is an amazing woman at 50's.Top class milf,average face but with a body at least 15-20 years younger.So i told you that she had an affair with my dad and with her boss.When i caught her fucking like a whore in a threesome i decide to take actions and at last she became my whore too.Now i am writing a story about my aunt and me at a holiday trip in our village.I dont remember the year,it was 5 or 6 years ago on a July.My family,me,my parents and my...

2 years ago
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Internet Passions

You sit down in front of your computer, which has already logged into your favorite chat. Sipping on a soda, you read the unending lines of men hoping to get laid (cyber, of course) and the women constantly scoffing them. Suddenly, you get an IM from a (supposedly) female chatter. pearlygirly: hey, stud. nice pic virwildman: thanx. :D Curiosity overcomes you and you decide to check her profile to see if she has a pic. It comes up in less than a second and you almost choke. In the picture box is...

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Love sex comes naturally

Hello…I remember that in previous days it was desibaba and then desi fantasy and then desi stories followed by indian sex stories. My reading of stories goes back in the year 1995-96.. However, this is my first story which I will submit. Myself, 30 years, very-well educated, matured, well travelled, working for the largest firm in financial advisory in the world. I am presently in Mumbai. However, I spent approx 3 and half years in New York, London and Sydney. I have met many pretty women,...

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A Cookout With Quite A Spread

This story covers both the Incest and Wife Lovers categoriesWe really haven't met so you don't know much about me. I guess I should tell you right off that I'm something of a slut. No, I'm a whole lot of a slut. I love to show my body and get fucked just as much as I can. I suppose my hormone levels are high. I knew even in high school, I was rubbing myself and fingering my pussy, anything to make me feel sexy and good. Then, well, I'm going to tell you something that maybe you won't like,...

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Interesting Car Ride

Well this is a true story I've been meaning to write for a while now. It's the first one I've ever done so any comments, please let me know....... It was late in the evening, around 8:30pm. Bored at staying in for another for another night I decided to call my friend Mel and see if she want to go out for a drive for a while. She agreed and I picked her up from her house at around 10pm. She looked stunning! With her gorgeous figure, 36DD breasts and wearing only a small top and a skirt that came...

4 years ago
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Sibling reunion leads to new relationship Chapter 3

My apologies to the readers about the Second Chapters title not being named right I have sent a mail to the admin to change it as the option is unavailable. Hopefully it will get sorted out soon. Quick reminder of where we left of : Jessie and Bobby have sex, the two siblings sleep in her bed huggung each other. While Jessie drifts to sleep Bobby is up thinking if Jessie would regret her actions in the morning Chapter 3: A day of passion I awoke the next morning to find I was alone in the...

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Miranda gets it all Part 3

Jim looked up at his daughter Miranda. After he had watched her slurping like a whore on her new boyfriends' big, black cock, he stood and watched the young man spray his little girls face with thick ropes of cum. Now, Jim was more than ready to show his hot daughter just how wide her young cunt would stretch. With his eyes locked on Miranda, Jim climbed the stairs. Grabbing her by the hand, he led his cum covered daughter into the bathroom and closed the door behind them. He then turned her...

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Daze in the ValleyChapter 144

Kenzie got her ride on Derrick's pole. She was happy that it lived up to the expectations she had built up in her mind. Of course, she also got her little box licked by all three of her friends and there was rarely a moment when someone wasn't kissing her or sucking on her nipples. The scene ended with a three-way cum swap with Kenzie starting and finishing with the pop in her mouth. She waited until she had a chance to brush her teeth before cornering Derrick downstairs to thank...

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Spying on the Boss Daughter Part 1

It started in the office. My name is John and I’ve always fancied my boss David’s daughter. Kate is always hooking up with men on line which is not surprising when she is smoking hot. She always comes into work with a skimpy top on, where most of the buttons are undone and her gorgeous DD Breasts are so delicious that you can’t help but stare. She also wears really high skirts that don’t even cover that perfectly shaped ass that is completely perfect for any guy. On our lunch break, I noticed...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 5 MichelleChapter 23 Very Interesting

November 2, 1991, Chicago, Illinois “Is Chris coming tonight?” Kara asked. “I doubt it,” I said. “He hasn’t shown up for anything since Cindi left him. And she’s doing the traditional ‘masquerade ball’ mask. Nothing more. She’ll leave William with April and Sarah.” “That’s a heck of a change from last year!” “I think she’s thinking she might have pushed things too far,” I said. “I don’t! She went to the door naked with me! She might regret the problem with Chris, but not with her costume...

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DONNAMr Baxter his friend

A couple of months after I’d had that encounter with Mr. Baxter and his family, I’d been on town this Saturday and was walking back home, as I approached my house Mr. Baxter came out of his and called me over. “Donna I’ve got something for you” he said smiling, I walked towards his door and he beckoned me inside, I shut the door behind me and noticed someone sat on his sofa. “I found this and thought of you” as he passed me a parcel.I sat at the table and took my jacket off I unwrapped the...

3 years ago
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JourneyChapter 24

Janice awoke with a start and set up in bed, her heart pounding, her brain totally disoriented. The first thing she noticed was that Tim wasn't beside her. Then she realized where she was and fell back in the bed with a sigh of relief, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. When she looked at the clock, she saw that it was 10 A.M. She rolled out of bed, stood up, stretched, and then walked to the closet and found a long sleeved shirt of Dan's to put on. For the first time, she looked around the...

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Pass or Fail

Here I was in my senior year in high school sitting in a freshman algebra course. I failed it my first year and waited way too long to get it over with. The only thing I liked about the class was the fact that I had the same teacher from my freshman year, who really wanted me to pass this time. His name was Mr. James, he was tall & muscular with the smoothest, deepest voice a man could have. Imagine Rick Fox, only ten times better. One Thursday Mr. James was pasing back papers. He stopped by my...

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