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I'm the son of a troubleshooter for a multinational firm, my dad's the guy that gets sent in when everyone else has failed. He goes in, straightens everything out, and then moves on to his next assignment. I've traveled the world, seen things other guys my age couldn't imagine, and never stayed in one place long enough to make real friends. Dad's working his way up the corporate ladder so he gets moved from one place to another on a regular basis, often fixing problems but also opening up new plants. It's good for his career but lousy for my social life. Before he got this job, we lived in one place for what now seems like forever, and I got to be friends with a guy named Justin. Justin and I became best friends, we liked the same shows, the same music, the same video games; it was like we were sort of extensions of each other. Sometimes, we could even finish each other's sentences! It was rotten that when I thought I finally found the best friend in the whole world, it was time to move again. Justin and I weren't going to let a little thing like being across the country from one another bother us though; we had Email, Twitter, and Facebook to make sure that we wouldn't forget each other. It's not like we needed those things you know, I mean how can you possibly forget someone that you sat next to on the school bus, had the same classes, and sucked at the same stuff? Since neither of us could hit a ball twice in the same game or get a basketball into the hoop without a ladder, or get a girl to look at us, we were always like in the same boat. At first we weren't too far away so I could get mom or dad to take me for a visit once every Blue moon but soon my family ended up on the other side of the country and there went the visiting. Okay, so we couldn't physically get together but there were those other ways and we made the most of them. We'd post things on each other's Facebook pages, Tweet things that came to mind, and sometimes even Email each other. Like I said, we seemed to know exactly what each other was thinking and our parents used to call us "Two Peas in a Pod," or some other incredibly old saying that meant we were alike. There was one thing though that I made sure never to bring up or think about when I was around Justin in case he really could read my mind. It was a secret so horrible that I felt sure that if he knew about it, he'd never want to be my friend again. One day, when I was nine years old, I was fooling around and put on one of my mom's dresses, a pair of her heels, and went clomping to show her and dad. Somehow I managed to get downstairs and into the kitchen where they were having lunch without killing myself. "Don't I look pretty?" I laughed and swished the skirt of the dress I wore. "I'm a grown up lady just like you mommy!" Mom and dad just looked at me and laughed. "You always wanted a son and a daughter," dad joked to mom, motioning towards me. "Looks like you have one now!" "I think you'd better take those heels off sweetie," mom said with a smile. "You're going to fall and get hurt wearing them." I went back to mom's room and took off the heels, I left the dress on though because I thought I looked pretty in it. I spotted mom's makeup and decided to see if I could be as pretty as her when she wore it so I smeared some foundation on my face, eye shadow on my eyelids, and then a healthy coat of red lipstick to finish. Satisfied that I was as pretty as I could be, I trooped down to show mom and dad again. "I took off your shoes mommy," I announced as I walked into the room again. "Do I look like a pretty lady now?" Mom and dad just smiled and chuckled at the sight of me standing there in her dress, looking like a failure from Clown College. They both gave me hugs and kisses and told me that yes, I was a pretty lady which made me feel so happy! I went to watch TV and heard them talking about me but didn't pay any attention to what they were saying. I kept the dress and makeup on until bedtime when mom scrubbed my face and made me put the dress in the laundry. "Dad and I were talking," she told me as she tucked me in. "We don't care if you play dress up at home, boys sometimes do that, but don't tell anyone because they might laugh and make fun of you, okay?" "Sure mommy," I laughed. "I'll be a good girl!" I forgot about mom's stuff for a little while but one day I had an urge to do it again so I put on one of mom's prettiest nightgowns and settled in to watch TV. Mom and dad seemed surprised but mom just smiled and daddy had me sit next to him on the couch. "How's my pretty girl today?" he teased as he fixed the nightgown which had gotten all bunched up. "Do you really think that I'm pretty?" I asked with a smile. For some reason, I really wanted him to tell me that I was. Of course you're pretty!" Dad insisted. "You're every bit as pretty as your mom was when she was a little girl." I felt so good about dad's compliment that I started playing dress up more often. Of course I never mentioned it to Justin even though he was my best friend; I didn't want him to laugh and call me a sissy cause then we wouldn't be friends anymore. One day after school, mom said that she had a surprise for me. She followed me to my room where I saw a green plaid jumper, a white blouse with a pink bow, underpants like they advertised for little girls, a pair of white knee socks, and the kind of shiny black shoes that girls wore. Mom said that since I liked looking pretty in her clothes, she bought me some clothes for a girl my age. "I hope you like them sweetie," she said as she gave me a kiss on the head. "But you can't tell anyone about them, okay?" "I won't mommy," I said, making a cross over my heart. "Can I wear them now?" Mom made me do my homework and then helped me get dressed. My new underpants felt so nice but I had to get mom's help to button my new blouse and zip up the jumper. When I was all dressed I saw a cute little girl with short hair, staring back from the mirror. "Hold still while I brush your hair honey," Mom told me as she fixed my hair into more of a girl's style. "I want my daughter to look as pretty as possible." When she was done, I looked just like any girl in school; my jumper fit so much better than mom's dresses, my blouse matched my socks, my shoes were so pretty, and my hair was fixed just like a lot of girls in school wore theirs. "I love this mommy!" I shouted as I hugged her. "I look so pretty." "You are such a pretty girl," mom said as she held me at arm's length to make sure everything was just right. "You're much too pretty to be called Richard, you need a girl's name." We thought it over and tried different names like Ann, or Chrissy, but none seemed right. All of a sudden mom smiled. "I know, how about Rachel Marie, it's a pretty name and it's sort of like Richard Michael?" It seemed very girly, and the more I thought about it, the more I liked it so we agreed that if I was being a girl, I'd be Rachel Marie. Mom tied a cute apron on me and had me help her make dinner. I'd helped her before but this time was better cause I could feel the air on my legs, once in awhile my dress would brush against my legs reminding me that I wasn't wearing pants, and my new shoes made a clicking noise on the kitchen floor, making it sound like a girl was walking there. When dad came home, I rushed over and gave him a hug and kiss and of course, twirled around to show off my pretty new dress and get some compliments. After I helped to serve dad, mom showed me how to sit like a girl by tucking my skirt under me and then made sure that I took small bites and sips of my milk just the way a girl would. It seemed like a lot of trouble just to wear a pretty dress but I did promise to be a good girl so I sat up straight and did my best to be a proper young lady. During dinner, mom introduced me to dad as Rachel Marie, his new daughter. He liked the name and said that it was a pretty name and it was just right for his pretty daughter. I got a weird feeling every time he said that I was pretty; I just had to rush over and kiss him for making me feel so good! Mom bought me more and more girl's stuff after that; pretty skirts and dresses, more silky underwear (Panties, she called them), a toy makeup kit, and even a few dolls, one of which became my favorite and sat with me at dinner and slept with me at night. If I was gonna spend time playing with Justin, mom would insist that I wear my boy's underwear to keep Justin from accidentally seeing my panties, but otherwise, I could wear dresses and other girl's stuff, including some pretty nightgowns, whenever I wanted. I had been dressing for a little while when one day, mom asked if I'd like to go shopping with her as Rachel. I was so excited about going to the mall as Rachel and trying on pretty outfits but I was too scared to say yes. Mom asked me two more times but I kept chickening out so she finally laid down the law; I was growing up and it was hard for her to judge my size in different outfits, if I wanted girl's clothes, I had to try them on. "I'd like to mom, really I would," I whimpered. "But what if someone thinks I'm a boy or recognizes us?" "Take my word for it Rachel," dad insisted. "When you're all dressed up, no one could ever think you're a boy. Heck, I have a really hard time remembering that the sweet girl that sometimes visits is really my son. Go, have a good time." Mom kept talking to me all the way to the mall to help me calm down. "It's going to be getting warmer soon, maybe we should look at some swim suits?" She asked. "I'll bet you'll look so pretty in a nice sundress, don't you? You're growing up, I think it's time for your first bra." "Where are we going?" I finally asked when I realized that we should've been at the mall already. "To that outlet center I like," mom smiled and patted my leg. "You didn't really think I'd take you anywhere close did you? I've shopped at that center quite a bit and have never run into anyone I know so you'll be safe there." "Yeah, I was a little worried," I confessed. "I forgot about the outlet center." "You'll remember it after today," mom assured me. "Today, my daughter and are going on a shop till you drop trip; I have a whole list of things I want to get her and the outlet center is perfect for that. By the end of our trip, you may have to move some of your boy clothes to the spare room since your closet will be filled with pretty dresses, skirts, tops, and anything else it's going to take to make a girl out of you!" I wanted to give mom a big hug and kiss but she told me to wait. "You can give me a hug when we get there, otherwise all the money I was going to spend on pretty outfits for you will go to fixing the damage to the car when we crash." "Gotcha," I grinned. "I'd hate to see you waste money on the car when it could best be used buying pretty things for me." When we got to the Outlet Center, I was more excited than I could ever remember being in my life. How cool was it that mom and dad not only didn't mind my being Rachel Marie sometimes at home, they were gonna buy me lots of pretty outfits too! I started matching the list of stuff I wanted to what mom had mentioned. She hadn't mentioned panties but I wanted lots and lots of them since they felt so nice. Some dresses would be nice, and the skirts and tops she mentioned and of course a bra so that when I looked in a mirror, I could see the straps just like I could on girls at school. Yeah, a bra would really make me feel grown up, not that I'd mind a frilly party dress with a petticoat and ruffled panties like I saw in a Penney's catalog but mom and dad insist that I follow their rules about dressing up and one of them is that I have to dress my age. That means no little girl party dresses, no lace anklet socks, and no ruffled panties. So we agreed on dresses, skirts, tops, and panties, but how would she feel about stockings and maybe a pair of heels for girls my age? We both agreed on tops but what kind? Could I get some that showed off my belly a little bit? Girls looked really great in them at the park, would I look good too? I'd probably need jeans, girls jeans of course, since unfortunately, I couldn't wear dresses and skirts all the time. I'll want jeans with pretty designs since I've been wearing plain looking ones all my life. Oh, and I'm gonna want to get my ears pierced so I can wear earrings like the girls at school. I was so busy going over the list of things I wanted that I didn't notice that not only were we at the outlet center but mom had managed to get me inside of a store. "Sit over here Rachel," she pointed to a chair in front of a counter. "We're going to make you look a little different so we can shop closer to home." I came out of daze as a lady came over and told me that I made a pretty girl and that she was going to help me look even prettier. "Huh?" Was the best I could manage. "I said that you're quite pretty Rachel but your mom asked me to help you look just a little more like a girl to make sure no one recognizes you." The idea that some stranger knew who I really was and that I was really a boy scared the crap out of me but mom put a hand on my shoulder and told me it was okay. "Don't worry," she said softly. "Ms. Brown helps a lot of boys who want to look pretty. Dad and I ran across her ad while searching for information about boys like you. Since her shop's right at the outlet center, I thought we'd make you feel more comfortable shopping." Ms. Brown did her best to put me at ease, asking me how long I've been dressing like a girl, what my favorite outfits are, and then, what color and length hair would I like to have? She showed me several wigs in different colors that were just perfect for girls my age; some were long and straight, others had curls, a few were short, but all were so pretty! "Since you've never been out in public as a girl, I think you should go with longer hair that has a bit of a curl. It's a very feminine style and it will help you look and feel more feminine. Once you're comfortable as a girl, you might want to go with a shorter style although many of my customers prefer to stay with the longer style; it can be worn up in a ponytail or a different style if you want but it really sets off a pretty dress for a special occasion." As I listened to what Ms. Brown was saying I remember seeing Chrissy Jones, a girl from my class who had long hair, wearing it so it curled up at her shoulders, with cute bangs, for a class picture. She looked so pretty and I just knew I'd have to have hair like hers. "I want long curly hair, and Blonde, please," I announced with a big smile. Mom and Ms. Brown both thought I'd made an excellent choice and it didn't take long at all until I was walking into the girl's dressing room in Macy's, carrying a bunch of cute outfits. As I changed from one outfit to another, I got a big thrill out of seeing how pretty I looked; I looked really, really hard but I couldn't see Richard anywhere, the only person in the dressing room was a cute girl named Rachel. "Do anything exciting yesterday?" Justin asked the next day while we were playing video games. I wanted to tell him about how exciting it was to go shopping as a girl, to try on pretty outfits and have everyone treat me like I was just another girl. I wanted to tell him all about the panties I'd bought, how pretty they were and how much nicer they felt than boy's underwear and I so wanted to tell him that wearing a dress with stockings, a bra and panties, and a pair of heels was the greatest feeling in the whole world, but I just shrugged. "Nah, nothing. Getting ready to move." Two weeks later we moved to another state and the Richie - Justin friendship moved online. Justin and I stayed in touch, he grumbled about school and how his dad forced him to play sports he wasn't good at and didn't want to do. I complained about how boring school was; before we moved, I was being considered for advanced classes and possibly skipping a grade, but moving kept putting those plans back at the starting gate; every new school wanted me to prove how smart I was over a period of time and those periods rarely matched the time my family would spend in that school district. Since I wasn't sticking around long to make lasting friendships as Richie, I started spending more time as Rachel, shopping with mom, learning how to cook, bake, sew, and even crochet. I was spending so much time as Rachel that mom and dad were surprised to see Richie around the house. I was bored at school but home, where I could be a girl, was exciting; learning all those new things. I seemed to have a knack for sewing and soon I was helping mom hem her outfits and we even sewed a couple of dresses for each of us. As I got older, mom decided that since the schools weren't doing enough to help me learn at a faster rate than the others in my class, she decided to start home schooling me which allowed me to be Rachel all of the time. I let my hair grow, my bedroom was done over like a teenage girl's room, and the few pieces of boy's clothes I still owned were stashed in another room. I started going out on my own as Rachel, shopping at the mall, going to movies, getting to know other girls (Since I spent so much time as Rachel, I found it easier to stay in that role and make friends as a girl instead of trying to switch between Rachel and Richie), and flirting with guys at the mall. Yeah, I knew that I was playing with fire, if one of the guys I flirted with found out that the little hottie he was getting worked up over was as much a boy as him, I could get hurt. But that's just it, I'd spent so much time as a girl that even my girl friends thought I was a girl and girls are way more observant of details that would give me away than boys are; if my girlfriends couldn't tell, I was sure no boy would be able to. I took to wearing tight jeans and feminine tops that emphasized my butt and boobs; my friends and I would do a little shopping and then hang out at the food court teasing the poor guys who were working. After a tough afternoon of being teen temptresses, we'd go back to one of our houses and spend hours giggling over which guy was the cutest. It seemed a little tough for me to rate another guy at first, but soon I was giggling like the rest of the girls over a boy's muscles or the lips we wanted him to kiss us with. Of course, as usual, as soon as I started making new friends, it was time to hit the road again. Luckily, I still had my long distance friendship with Justin to fall back on even if he was pretty much the only person I knew who still called me Richie. There were so many times I wanted to tell him about my adventures a Rachel but something always held me back; I couldn't imagine him reconciling memories of his buddy that he used to wrestle with seeing me in a pretty dress, stockings, and heels. Dad's company must have used up all of the problems in this country because one day he came home and announced that we were moving to Japan. What really sucked was that Richie had to make the move since all of my documentation was for a boy and trying to get into another country as a boy while looking like a girl could cause all kinds of problems for me, my family, and dad's company. I packed up all of my pretty clothes and it was off to Japan and boredom as a boy. Dad was to be spending a lot of time in Japan and the school's were supposed to be tougher than in the states, so I was enrolled. I admit that I missed being Rachel all of the time but gradually I started to make new friends, friends who introduced me to some things that I came to enjoy. One of the first thing I learned about were Lolita's; girls who dressed in frilly outfits makeup that made them look like dolls. The girls always wore dresses, the frilliest, most feminine dresses imaginable and under them, they wore petticoats to fluff them out. Looking at the girls was getting me all hot and bothered, I wanted so badly to dress up and be one of those girls! I did all kinds of research about Lolita's and learned there were different types; a punk style, a Goth style, and a few others, but none interested me anywhere near as much as the Sweet Style where the girls wore somewhat of little girl style dresses with a touch of the Victorian age and did their best to look as sweet as possible. I was walking in a park, talking about Lolita's with two friends, Akemi and Akio, and happened upon a group of girl dressed in the sweet Lolita style. I mentioned how pretty they looked which started Akemi giggling and Akio laughing. "What's so funny? Those girls look so sweet and innocent, just like a dream." "Yes, Richie, they are a dream," Akemi giggled. "They are also boys, just like you and Akio." "No way," I insisted. "I know a girl when I see one and I see very sweet, very pretty girls!" Akemi walked over and said something to one of the girls which started the two of them giggling as they all walked back to Akio and me. When the girl smiled and introduced herself, I couldn't believe my ears when in a boy's voice, she introduced herself as Hiroto, then giggled, and in a girl's voice, said that her friends all called her Fumiko. The four of us found a nice park bench to sit on while Hiroto, no, I couldn't think the pretty girl in the pink dress, petticoat, knee socks, and heels was a boy, so Fumiko explained all about being a Brolita. She said that the Lolita fashion was a big hit in Japan; many girls enjoyed getting all dolled up like little girls but with a hint of sexiness. They often met at conventions dealing with Anime, a comic book style with a huge following. Boy Anime fans would often dress as male characters while the girls would sometimes be heroic female characters or Lolita's, the weaker, traditional female role. Over time, a few boys started to dress in the Lolita style and came to enjoy the feelings they got from the frilly outfits looking so sweet, pretty, and innocent. The Lolita's didn't mind, it was all sort of a game and they began calling the boys Brother Lolita's or Brolitas, and more boys started dressing that way. "You would make a very pretty Brolita." Fumiko smiled at me. "Why don't you try it? We could go shopping and let you try on a dress to see if you like it." "Thanks, that's so sweet of you." I smiled, imagining myself in her dress. "But I'm worried about what people would think of me." "Cross dressing is much more accepted over here," Akio told me. "If you like, my twin sister Mai, will come along." "You have a twin sister?" I asked, puzzled. I thought Akio had told me all about his family. "Sometimes," he put his hand to his mouth and giggled softly. "She's very much into the Lolita style, isn't she Akimo? "What Akio is trying to say is that he also likes to be a Brolita," Akimo laughed. "He makes a very pretty girl and has won several contests for pretty Brolitas." I looked over at Akio who was smiling proudly. "I can be a very pretty girl, and it's so much fun to wear such nice clothes." I was so caught up in thoughts of how I loved wearing pretty outfits as Rachel that I goofed. "Yeah, I love it when I get a chance to wear a special dress with stockings and heels; I usually just wear denim skirts and casual outfits." Suddenly, three sets of eyes turned and focused on me, causing me to want to run and hide. "Please, don't be upset Richie." Akio smiled at me. "There's no shame in wanting to be pretty. Girls shouldn't have all of the fun, we boys should also get to experience the fun of being pretty too." "Would you tell us about how you dress up?" Fumiko asked in a very sweet sounding voice. "When did you begin? What are your favorite clothes to wear?" I had already let the cat out of the bag, there was no way to act like I hadn't just told them how much I liked getting all prettied up. Akio had just finished bragging about how he won beauty contests while dressed like a girl and a boy named Fumiko was sitting next to me in a pink dress and petticoats looking like a very sweet, delicate, little girl. I launched into my story of how I began by putting on mom's dresses and shoes, how mom and dad didn't seem to mind by dressing up around the house, the shopping trip with mom, and how, with dad being gone a lot, I sort of became the daughter mom had always wanted and of course, because I wasn't getting enough challenge in school, I started being home schooled which led to my spending almost all of my time as Rachel. "I'm still not sure how things are going to go living here," I sighed. "It seems like a very nice country and you guys, or should I say girls, have been so nice to me but I have to admit, I miss Rachel something awful." If your family doesn't mind you being Rachel, why not spend time as her?" Fumiko asked. "No one would care Rachel." Akio smiled as he used my girl name. "Lots of boys and even men dress as girls and women over here." It didn't take much convincing to get me to agree to a shopping trip as Rachel; I called mom and explained everything as best I could and said that I'd be stopping by with my friends who could explain it better as I changed into Rachel. Akio promised to meet us at the mall, he wanted to change into one of his Brolita outfits so he'd be one of the girls. Fumiko and Akimo were busy answering mom's questions while I ran to my room to change. Off went every stitch of boy's clothing and on came a pair of pink panties with a lace waistband, a matching bra, a denim skirt, a pink top, and a short denim skirt to show off my legs. I slid my feet into a pair of sandals that showed my pink toenails, brushed out one of my favorite wigs, put on a little blush, lip gloss, and sprayed on just a touch of perfume. "Okay girls!" I called out in my best Rachel voice. "I feel much better now, let's hit the mall!" The three of us walked the several blocks to the mall, passing many people but not getting a single odd look. A few boys did smile at us which made us feel good but no one seemed to notice two boys in dresses walking with a girl. It was so fun and so different, the boys who smiled at us followed us to the mall and when we sat down, they came over and politely introduced themselves. They seemed very interested in me and asked so many questions that it was hard to keep up with them. It made me feel so special that a couple of boys would find me attractive and want to know all about me. When the boys finally left (much to my disappointment, since I was getting to enjoy the attention) Fumiko, Akimo, and I started towards a nearby store when we heard Akio calling for us. I smiled as a very pretty girl in a Lolita outfit came running up to us. Akio was gorgeous in a violet dress with a ruffled bodice, lace around the opening of the square neck, a cute gold bow clasping the pink belt around his narrow waist and pink trim at the hem. He wore white knee socks with a gold diamond pattern that matched the belt of his dress, pink slippers, and a purse that matched his violet dress. "Akio, you're beautiful!" I exclaimed as we hugged. "It's easy to see why you win pageants." Akio started to blush, then took the hem of his skirt in both hands and executed a perfect curtsey. "You are very kind," he smiled as he smoothed out his dress. "Please, call me Reika. I do not feel like Akio when I'm dressed like this." The four of us went into the shop and started looking at all of the pretty outfits; Fumiko and Reika didn't hesitate for a second as they found dresses to try on and hurried to the dressing rooms. I wanted to take my time and savor the experience, I hadn't had a chance to be Rachel in several months and I wanted to enjoy every single second of being a girl shopping for cute clothes. We girls spent the entire day going from one store to another, trying on clothes and occasionally buying some. Akimo was laughing as we walked home. She thought it was so funny that three boys would be so excited over shopping and that we tried on and bought more skirts and dresses than she did. "I'll explain as best I can," I giggled. "No offense, I'm sure that I'd just love being a Brolita and dressing in such girly outfits for comic strip fan club meetings but I prefer being Rachel, just another girl. I enjoy all the same stuff you do Akimo, pretty clothes, makeup, doing my nails, and just being one of the girls." "We like doing that too!" Reika and Fumiko insisted. "Dressing Brolita lets us experience the little girl we never got to be growing up. Now that we're teens, we like looking our age most of the time but it's so very fun to indulge the little girls in us." Reika smiled at me. "There's a party this weekend Rachel, why not see for yourself?" I thought it over at the speed of light. Being accepted as Rachel, a teen girl, was one thing but a chance to wear a pretty little girl dress and a petticoat too, there was no way I could pass that up. "Well, only since you're forcing me." I giggled. "Now where can I buy some pretty dresses and stuff. Reika, Fumiko, and Akimo all cheered at hugged me for my decision and then led me straight into a store that specialized in Lolita clothes that we just happened to have stopped in front of. "I smell something fishy," I laughed as I browsed a rack of beautiful dresses that any little girl would love to wear to a party. "I'll forgive you though if you can help me find this one in my size." I held up a beautiful decorated pink dress that seemed to have Rachel all over it. "Don't just stand there ladies, get busy!" A few minutes later I was in a dressing room, clad only in my bra and panties, pulling a fluffy petticoat to my waist. It felt so good, I wished that I had been able to wear one when I was little. No problem though, I was going to be wearing one this weekend along with a dress and other things that would make me look like a sweet little girl with the body of a teenager. Dad's eyes grew to several times their normal size when he saw me on Saturday. My dress, a pink confection that reminded me of cotton candy, came to mid thigh. The top was white lace with tiny cap sleeves and two pink strips that ran from the waist and appeared to help hold the dress up. The multi layered skirt had two cute white bows at the waist before flaring out into pink lace accented with bows and a sewn in, fluffy, white, billowing petticoat. I wore matching pink panties, a bra, and a garter belt to hold up stockings that were like a pink mist and a pair of pink shoes with a wedge heel that made my skirt sway as I walked. To top it all off, I wore a reddish brown wig with cute bangs that gave me a little girl look and my makeup was light, just enough to make me seem very innocent and contrasted perfectly with my pink lipstick that if I do say so myself, made me look extremely kissable! "Where in God's name are you going dressed like that, Richie?" Dad managed to get words to come from his mouth which kept opening and closing. "It's Rachel dear, and she's going to some sort of Lolita party." Mom hurried to calm dad down before he had a stroke. "It's very popular for young girls over here to dress in a sexy, little girl style." "Lolita?" Dad's eyes narrowed. "I've heard of that movie, something about a grown man with a very young girl. There aren't going to be any boys at this party, will there?" "From what my friends Akio and Fumiko told me, it's going to be all boys." I never heard of the movie and honestly, I couldn't imagine what was bothering dad. "You're not going to any party dressed like that if there will be even one boy there!" Dad thundered. "I'm still learning the customs of this country but I'll be damned if you're going to be entertainment for a bunch of horny boys." "Actually dear, the boys will all be dressed in Lolita style," mom said as she gave dad a kiss to calm him down. She explained that it was all the rage here for young boys to dress imitate girls who dressed like this. "They're called Brolitas, Brother Lolita's, and people seem to think that they're adorable!" "And to think, back in the states, we did everything possible to keep people from finding out that our pretty little daughter was actually our son and over here, boys dress in frillier outfits than she ever wore and no one seems to care." Turning to mom he said. "We've got some more studying of this culture to do." All right, I'm sorry I blew up at you honey," he told me. "Have a good time at the party and by the way, you are one heck of a beautiful young lady." I kissed his check and thanked him before rushing to meet up with the other girls, Rakia and Fumiko who were walking to the party with me. "It's silly," Rakia giggled. "Every time I go out dressed, boys follow me and want to talk to me. I hope I don't do that to girls." "My friends and I used to do that to boys when I lived in the states," I smiled, remembering the fun I had teasing boys. "We'd smile and flirt with them and get them all worked up knowing they had to stay at their jobs. I like it when a boy smiles at me; it makes me feel all happy inside that he thinks I'm a pretty girl." I smiled and waved at the boys as we passed; I guess boys are the same everywhere because they suddenly saw something interesting on the ground and stopped watching me and my friends. Except of course for the occasional peek every few seconds when they thought we weren't looking. I don't know why, but it didn't bother me at all to flirt with cute boys, it seemed like the right thing to do if I was pretending to be a girl, and it made me feel oh so yummy when they smiled and flirted back! Having boys interested in me combined with wearing super sexy things was making me feel all kinds of good. There were Brolitas everywhere at the park, in every style imaginable. Companies that sold Lolita stuff had booths set up so we could stop by and see some of the pretty things they had to offer. Some sold every style, from Angelic to Goth but my friends and I spent most of our time at places that sold clothes from companies like "The Stars Shine Bright," which had the cutest outfits any girl could hope to wear. That companies outfits were usually pastels, gorgeous pinks, soft yellows, delicate blues and violets. They all had full skirts, some had petticoats sewn in, others left it to the girl to decide how full she wanted her skirt. Of course they were generously trimmed in lace and ribbons which I'm certain caused any Brolita who put one on to lose any interest in being a boy and swear everlasting devotion to all things girly! Of course to do the Lolita style right, you wore the sexiest things underneath your innocent outerwear; things like bras and panties trimmed in lace, sometimes corsets decorated with pretty ribbons, silky stockings like the ones I was wearing, and for the truly daring, garter belts, thong panties, or panties made entirely of delicate lace. I didn't have the guts to go with the really sexy stuff; mom might have let me but if dad ever found out I was dressed like a hooker, he might just have a heart attack or forbid me to be Rachel anymore which would break my poor little heart. One company had a picture booth set up which allowed us to try on an outfit and then have our picture taken. I had to stand in line for half an hour but it was worth every second when I picked out a to die for dress and had my picture taken! The guy taking the pictures seemed fascinated with me for some reason and asked if I'd mind trying on more than one dress. There was no arm twisting needed; I very politely but eagerly accepted his offer and had my picture taken in fifteen different dresses! When I got home, I was breathless from telling mom and dad about all of the fun I'd had, the cute outfits, the other Brolitas I'd met, and of course, brochures showing the outfits I wanted them to buy me. Mom and dad stared at me for a little bit before looking at each other, shrugging, and taking the brochures from me. They'd been giving me odd looks a lot lately, never really saying anything though so I figured it was just another weird parent thing. A couple of weeks later, I came home from school to see mom and dad talking to the man from the photo booth. It turns out that he was a professional photographer and wanted permission to use me as a model. He did work for a number of clothing companies and had mentioned my pictures from the Brolita get together. The magazines were impressed with my looks and wanted me to do photo shoots for their clothing lines. "Just to be completely honest, you and these companies do realize that Rachel here is actually a boy, right?" Dad asked, even though I was wearing my Richie clothes which to me at least, made it pretty obvious. "Of course, he was at a Brolita festival," the man said with a smile. "Although he could easily go to any Lolita festival and fit in with the girls without even trying." The man then went on to explain about a recent trend in Japan called Galsun where boys who were effeminate looking; slightly built, peaches and cream complexion, etc, modeled girl's clothes. Teen girls loved seeing pictures of their brothers, or sometimes boyfriends all made up and wearing a pretty dress in a magazine and for some reason, clothes modeled by those boys sold extremely well. "As you can see in the contract, your son will be paid quite well for each modeling session and will be able to keep many of the outfits he models, if he desires." I was getting dizzy shaking my head up and down to let mom and dad know that I really, truly, absolutely, cross my heart and hope to die, desired! Mom and dad looked at some magazines the man provided; the girls modeling were so pretty and every one I saw looked as much as girl as any of the girls I knew. It would've been really great if they modeled Lolita fashion, but Mr. Amato, the photographer, promised that I could model Lolita too since I was very good at it. "She'd get to do something I'm sure she'd love," mom told dad. "She could make some money and expand her wardrobe. We'd save a fortune based on how many outfits she buys." "But she's our son!" Dad fought back. "You're sitting here, calling him she, and acting like it's no big deal for him to model girl's clothes." "Yes, she is," mom patiently countered. "But even as Richie, he's more girl than boy. Remember when you first saw him in that Lolita dress for the festival? Did you see your teenage son?" Dad gave me another one of those weird stares that seemed to go on and on and on. "Hell no," he finally gave in and reached for the pen. "Even now, I can still picture him in that dress." Turning to me he asked, "Do I have to ask your opinion?" I rushed over, hugged him tight, and kissed him on the cheek. "Please sign?" The very next weekend I was at a studio being dressed in a black and white dotted dress with a floppy bow, black boots that came to my knees and had block heels, a pair of black patterned stockings, and a white sweater. A professional makeup artist first applied some clear tape that change my eyes into an oriental look, then she did my face with foundation, powder and a little blush, and added a smoky color to my eyelids. My eyebrows were shaped to look more like a girl's (that didn't take much because I'd done them a few times with mom's help to see how pretty I'd be.) and my lips were outlined with a lip pencil and then a little coloring was added. Since my hair was already on the long side for a boy, a hairdresser worked with hot rollers and a brush to part it, give me bangs, and a style that could be either boy or girl. I was then led out to the studio and told how to pose for different shots. After a bunch of poses, I was taken back to the dressing room to change into another outfit, and have my hair and makeup redone. All I had to do was sit there and these people would pull out all of the stops to make a cute girl out of me so I could have my picture taken. Now that's the life for me! My next outfit was a plaid blouse with groups of two and three buttons which gave it a real cute look, a dark brown skirt that ended above my knees, a little brown belt to show off my young girl figure, tan stockings, and a pair of brown slip ons with a bow. I wore a light brown wig, my makeup was just a little bit heavier since I was supposed to be an older girl, and I held my hands to my face as if I'd been surprised. That time, I even had long fingernails glued on and painted with clear polish. Being a girl was just super! I think that was my favorite set of all ten done that day; instead of a fourteen year old American boy, I looked to be a girl with Oriental features, around sixteen and so pretty. I giggled to myself wondering what those boys who had followed me and my friends the day of the Brolita festival would think if they could see me. Hopefully, they'd come over and introduce themselves and take time to get to know me! Week after week I posed for pictures and every time I did, Mr. Amato, and the ladies who did my hair, makeup, and helped me dress told me that I was such a beautiful young girl. I guess that maybe I should've mentioned to them that I was a boy but I thought they already knew and besides, I sure as heck didn't feel much like a boy. The job was wonderful, I as having fun, it seemed so easy, everyone said I was doing so well, I was making a lot of money and I had a closet full of pretty outfits, not to mention my room had been redone with light pink walls, a white rug, French Colonial furniture that made me feel like I was a princess, and a vanity with a makeup kit my friends went nuts over. Sure, I still dressed Lolita with my friends Reika and Fumiko, but what I really found exciting was to invite them and Akimo to my house where they'd borrow outfits and we'd all get dressed up like everyday girls to go to the mall. At first, Reika and Fumiko were afraid to go out as normal girls, they thought that if anyone noticed them as Brolitas, it was no big deal but what if someone noticed them dressed as normal girls? Once I got them in pretty outfits though, they quickly decided that being girls could be fun and were happy to be pretty girls. At school, my classmates were completely taken by the new Galsun model; the girls loved her outfits, and that she was so pretty while the boys all wanted to meet her and go on a date with her. I started getting fan mail at the photo studio; girls wanted to know all about me and boys wanted to know if they could meet me. Mr. Amoto hired someone to make up a whole life for the sweet Galsun named Kin Lanie which I thought was a good choice since Kin was a unisex name in Japan and I was a boy, posing as a girl. I was fifteen, born in Japan, my mom was Japanese, my father Canadian, I enjoyed learning all about the Orient, and my favorite class in school was where I got to read romantic stories. I wanted to play sports like a lot of boys did but I was not a very good athlete. A girl at m school told me about Galsun and I found that I was really good at being a girl and loved wearing pretty clothes like any other girl. It was a very good story, I memorized all of it in case anyone ever asked me questions. After my story was posted in fashion magazines for girls and mentioned in a few other magazines, I was swamped with even more fan mail. The articles all mentioned that I was really a boy but that didn't stop the swarms of boys who wanted to date me! I brought home a bunch of letters for mom and dad to read, thinking they'd find it funny that boys were interested in me but they shocked me when they calmly asked why I didn't accept one of the offers. "Haven't you ever wondered what it would be like to go on a date as a girl?" Dad asked. "You're pretty, and a real sweetheart," mom added. "I'll bet boys would love going out with you." I thought for what seemed like forever, wondering if I should really tell them what I thought. Finally, I just gave in. "Yeah, I've thought about it. A lot." I nodded and picked up a letter from a boy. "I don't want to date as a Galsun, I want to date as a girl. I want a boy to tell me that I look nice in the outfit I'm wearing, and that my perfume smells nice too. I want a boy to hold my hand and let me snuggle close in a movie. And at the end of our date, I want a boy who'll give me a goodnight kiss." "That's what mom and I thought honey," dad said as he pulled me into a hug. "It's time to stop pretending to be a boy and be the girl you've always been." "But.." I started to argue but dad cut me off. "Your mom and I have been watching you for a long time now and we've noticed quite a few things about you that just didn't seem to fit together. You've never been much of a boy; it's not your fault that your shorter and thinner than most boys but from the first time you put on mom's dress, you've acted more like a girl. Your mannerisms are not at all masculine, you've been more interested in things like sewing, baking, and crocheting than playing with trucks and other boy toys we've bought for you. When you were being home schooled, you let your hair grow and acted even more like a girl; weeks went by without you wearing boy's clothes and when you did, it was only if there was no way to wear a dress." "You took to dressing Brolita like a man dying of thirst would take to water." Mom laughed. "You could've chosen a nice, knee length cotton dress and socks for the Brolita festival but no, you had to wear that Chiffon dress and stockings. That dress was so short I'd have been embarrassed to wear it but you handled it as if it was no big deal. You were completely at home in a dress that most girls would've flashed everyone in; you stood, sat, and walked like a perfect lady. I can't begin to tell you how proud I was of my daughter that day!" "And of course," dad continued. "You jumped at the chance to model girl's clothes even though everyone would know you were really a boy. I've seen your picture in magazines and Mr. Amoto was nice enough to send us copies of all of your pictures and I can truthfully say that I had no idea that the model was a young boy." Dad hesitated for a second. "If you haven't noticed, your body has never developed much as a boy. By now you should have some muscles, your voice should've deepened, and you should've looked damned silly in that Brolita dress but none of those things happened." "So it comes down to this Rachel dear," mom did that staring routine that creeped me out. "There's no more point in denying it; you're a girl. Girls want to imitate you and boys want to date you." "But you don't want boys who know that you're a boy, right? Dad zoomed in for the kill. "You said so yourself that you want to date boys but you want to be the girl." I couldn't hold back my tears. "Yeah, you're both right." I bit my lip to help me focus my thoughts. "I never felt as comfortable as Richie as I do when I'm Rachel. Boy's pants and jerseys and all the rest of that stuff makes me feel weird, but the second I put on a dress, I feel completely comfortable. When I saw that pink dress, I just knew it was right for me; I was sure I could pull it off, there wasn't a doubt in my mind." "Forget those boys who sent you fan mail," mom advised. "Find a boy who sees the same sweet, pretty young lady that your dad and I see." "You'll have to be Richie for school," Dad said with a smile. "But maybe you could find some cute boys on your trips to the mall?" "I'll do my best!" I promised, and then launched into telling them how I used to hang out with other girls at the mall and flirt with boys. I promised them that I'd be a good daughter and let them meet my dates before running off to text my friends. Due to my popularity as a Galsun model, I wasn't likely to find a boy who didn't know that I was also a boy and due to my having to go to school as Richie, it was also nearly impossible to find a boy who'd go out with me. One day though, after complaining to my friends about my problem, things changed. Hiroto sent me a text saying that he'd love to take me out. At first, I didn't want to go out with him because he knew that I was really a boy and also because I was worried that he'd want to go out as two Brolitas. Don't get me wrong, being a Brolita was thrilling and I loved wearing little girl style dressed with some really heart stopping lingerie but what I really wanted was to wear a pretty dress for a teen girl along with my heart stopping lingerie. Oh, and of course I wanted a boy to hold my hand and tell me how pretty I was and want to take me in his arms and kiss me the way I dreamed about! I thought about going out with him for a few days and was just about to send him back a text turning him down when he sent me another message. The message said that he'd hoped I'd say yes; he thought I was so pretty and promised me that Fumiko would not come along. He just wanted to take me out and enjoy being with such a pretty and fun to be around girl. He also sent me some pics of him as Hiroto. As I looked over the pics of a really good looking guy I realized that my heart was beating faster, my hands were starting to shake, and my lips were getting chapped from licking them. There was no sign of Fumiko anywhere, just a hot looking boy who wanted to date me. Of course I accepted! Hiroto showed up for our date in a nice pair of slacks and a shirt and tie, looking quite yummy if I do say so myself. I guess it's a lot of work for him to do Brolita, maybe that's why he seems to prefer loose dresses instead of the ones I wear to show off my budding figure. Yep, I don't have the muscles of guys my age but who needs them when your butt's nice and round, your arms are thin, delicate, and just made for pretty bracelets? Did I mention that my legs are considered totally hot looking by the guys in my fan club and that they tell me how much they'd like to put their arms around my slender waist? Hiroto was very sweet and polite, talking to my parents as I made him wait for me to finish dressing. Well yeah, I was all dressed and had my makeup done long before he showed up but I wanted to do something girlish like making him wait for me to start our date off right. I certainly couldn't imagine that the cute boy talking to my parents liked to wear girly outfits and I wasn't going to give him any reason to think about Richie. As soon as I walked into the room, Hiroto stopped excused himself from talking to my parents and presented me with a bouquet of beautiful Roses. I politely took them and thanked him, doing everything in my power to keep from grabbing him and thrusting my tongue down his throat. My first flowers from a boy, I was so touched that I nearly cried. Hiroto was a perfect gentleman on our date; he held every door, catered to my ever whim, and told me several times that I was the prettiest girl he'd ever met. There was one time when I thought for sure he was going to tell me that I should never dress as a boy but instead he complimented me on my sense of style, saying that he was certain that I'd look fantastic in anything I wore! When the night finally came to a close, we stood at my front door, holding hands and staring at each other. I so wanted him to grab me and kiss me but that's not something a girl can tell a guy, at least not until the second date! Instead I had to wait patiently until finally, he asked if it would be okay to give me a good night kiss. "Only if you ever want to go out with me again," I teased with a smile. My first kiss was amazing, the earth started to shake and I suddenly felt so very warm yet I couldn't help but shiver with delight. "I'm very sorry, Rachel." Hiroto quickly apologized. "Did I hurt you?" Screw the good girl nonsense, I grabbed him, pulled him close and demanded another kiss! Twenty minutes and four very chapped lips later, we said our last goodbye. Hiroto joked that his sore lips would be a very nice reminder of kissing the prettiest girl in the world. "I'm sure you'll have as many great memories as I will," I said softly as I pulled some lip balm from my purse and gently coated his lips. "But I don't want anything happening to the world's most kissable lips!" That sweetie took advantage of the opportunity to give me another kiss! I wonder if I could get married before my family had to move again. I was sure it would be the most wonderful thing to stay in Japan as Hiroto's wife. "Would you please go out with me again?" He asked shyly. I think my kiss gave him the answer he was looking for. It was a good thing that mom and dad didn't have to get up early the next morning because I spent hours gushing about what a sweetie Hiroto was, how he opened doors and held them for me, how he told me that I was the prettiest girl in the world, and how he made me feel so good. "You forgot something," mom said with a sly little smile. "You haven't told us that he's the world's greatest kisser. I mean, you spent so much time sucking face with him, we figured there must be a good reason, right?" I thought about how Hiroto had held me and kissed me and a long, loud, sigh escaped from my lips. "Oh god mom," I was on my way to heaven just thinking about how great of a kisser Hiroto was. "Every part of me tingled as we kissed; I had no idea that such feelings were possible; I felt so secure in his arms and when our lips met, I thought that I was going to dissolve into a big puddle of goo, right there on the porch!" "Did he ask you out again?" Dad asked. "He asked my permission to take me out again!" I grinned. "Of course I let him know that I'd love to go out with him again." And I did go out with Hiroto again, and again, and again. I always felt so good when, after a hard day in school, pretending to be a boy, there would be a message from my boyfriend Hiroto telling me that he couldn't stop thinking of how pretty I was and that he couldn't wait to see me again. Hiroto and I dated for several months before school let out and it was time to move again. It broke my heart to have to leave him and his great kisses but mom said there'd be other boys and this would be our last move; dad was being promoted to Senior Vice President and we'd be moving to company Headquarters not far from where I'd grown up. Best of all, I would be going to a top ranked school as Rachel! As soon as we got settled back in the states, mom took me to see a doctor about becoming Rachel for good. I had to spend all kinds of time for several appointments being poked, measured, having enough blood taken to keep several vampires happy and talking to a shrink about why I wanted to be a girl. I explained that it wasn't that I had this overwhelming urge to become a girl; I just was a girl, that's all. I was never happy growing up as a boy but I was also never happier than when I spent time as a girl; it didn't matter if it was those couple of times when I used to dress up at home or that wonderful period when mom home schooled me as Rachel. Going to school and doing stuff as Richie just didn't feel right to me but I never once felt out of place during those times when I used to hang out with other girls, shop with them, and flirt with boys. I explained about how I found out about dressing in Lolita style and how I loved wearing those pretty dresses and looking like a sweet little girl. I was all Sugar on the outside wearing cute dresses with lots of ruffles, lace, and petticoats, but inside, I was all Spice in lace panties with matching bras, and those times when mom would lace me into a corset so I could fit into a dress meant for a tiny waist thrilled me to death when I saw the girl in the mirror! The questions then turned to my brief modeling career, how did I like it, did I feel in the least bit odd becoming somewhat of a celebrity, did it bug me that everyone who saw my pictures knew that I was a boy? You'd think that since the guy had all of my information and had spent hours talking to mom and dad that he would've know all that stuff but like I said, I'm a good girl and was raised to be polite and not tell others that they weren't exactly the brightest light on the Christmas tree so I smiled and answered all of his dumb questions. I loved being a model, I got to wear all kinds of pretty outfits, I had to wear makeup even though at home mom and dad said I was too young. It was really fun to see my pretty face in a magazine and getting letters and stuff from people I didn't know telling my how pretty I was made me feel special. It didn't matter if everyone who saw my pictures knew I was a boy because I thought I was sort of an actress playing a part. I was a girl who was pretending to be a boy who was pretending to be a girl, sort of like Julie Andrews in a movie called Victor / Victoria. Oh yeah, the shrink wanted me to tell him all about Hiroto; how I felt about a boy treating me like a girl - silly question, it felt normal. Did we hug, hold hands, kiss? Well duh, of course we did, we were boyfriend and girlfriend. Did it seem strange to kiss another boy? No way, I was kissing a boy, not another boy, since I was the girl. Would I consider becoming intimate with a boy? No way, I was raised to be a good girl! Any boy that wanted to get into my pants was going to have to wait until after we came from a big party thrown just for us where he'd be wearing a tux and I'd have on the most beautiful white gown ever. We'd have matching rings on our left hands and I'd also have a nice diamond ring to wear with my matching ring. Once a boy met all of those conditions, I'd happily let him screw my pretty little brains out! The shrink's last question was the most upsetting; if it was decided that becoming a girl wasn't considered to be the best thing for me, what would I do? Would I try to hurt myself or even kill myself? For heaven's sake, why in the world would this guy even think of such things? I very firmly told him that I'd never even consider hurting myself or killing myself, I would try to find another doctor who'd be more understanding but no matter what, I was Rachel, a teen girl, I'd find some way to keep being her because I just knew that there was no room in this world for a boy named Richie. After tons of tests and meetings with the shrink my family gave me the verdict - I was absolutely, beyond any doubt, a teenage girl named Rachel and steps would be taken to make sure that my body would be the same as the girl in my head. I went back to the doctor who explained everything before he gave me a shot in the butt that would stop my body from trying to become a boy. The doctor explained that all of the tests showed that I had just a little more male hormones than the average teenage girl. Everyone had both hormones, boys had more of the male stuff, Testosterone he called it, than Estrogen, the female stuff, and the reverse for girls. When kids hit puberty, their bodies started making more of one than the other, depending on if they were boys or girls. For some reason though, my body never did make much Testosterone which left me looking sort of like a pre-teen girl rather than a boy. Also, for whatever reason, I never really seemed to think of myself as a boy; typical boys toys didn't interest me but baby dolls and other things for girls like toy makeup kits, made me happy. A lot of little boys try on their mom's clothes but most outgrow it. For me though, it was just like any other little girl seeing what it would be like when she was a grown up lady like her mom. Even if mom and dad had chewed me out for wearing mom's stuff and punished me instead of buying me girl's clothes, it wouldn't have mattered. I'd have found some way to keep dressing up and it might have led to my becoming seriously depressed. Their letting me dress up and treating me like a girl all of those times actually helped me grow up pretty happy and well adjusted. The nice doctor (any doctor who'll make a girl out of me is real nice!) gave my parents a prescription for female hormones, wished me luck, and told my parent's to make sure I took my pills and saw a doctor for regular checkups. He also recommended that in order to help me properly develop as a girl, my testicles should be removed and my penis, small though it was, be surgically tucked away inside of me. That way, in the very small chance that I decide not to go all the way and physically become female, it could be returned to normal. I'd have to sit to use the bathroom (which I've been doing since way back when I first found out that's what girls did) but that would reinforce my feminine identity. Mom made the arrangements with the nurse on our way out; in two weeks, I would be able to shower with the girls at my new school in the fall. As soon as we left I insisted on a shopping trip first since we were close to a major mall. I wanted to stock up on the latest fashions for girls in the states which were a little different than what I wore in Japan, and I simply had to get myself a few bathing suits. As soon as she could, Rachel was going to strut her stuff at the pool by our new home! Oh yeah, I guess I should mention that even while I was moving all over creation, learning lots of new things, and becoming a girl, one thing stayed constant - my friendship with Justin. We didn't share many of the same interests any more, he was busy trying to find a girl that would give him the time of day while I had plenty of boys that would give me anything if I smiled at them. I didn't care for the violent video games that I used to play with at one time, now I was more than happy to watch TV shows and check out all of the good looking young actors. We did keep our mutual interest in stuff like Astronomy though and would send each other articles we found in different science magazines about exploring space and stuff like Black Holes, Novas, and White Dwarf stars; you know, geeky stuff that would bore the average kid out of their minds. The weeks passed and I had the operation that would make me look more like a girl than ever. It hurt a lot at first and going to the bathroom wasn't easy until I was all healed up but when I looked at myself in the mirror, I was a happy girl! I had bought some very form fitting panties and jeans, along with some hot looking swimsuits, waiting for the time when I'd fit them; when that day finally came I modeled everything for mom who was so proud that her little girl was growing into a young woman. Dad however only got to see me in my jeans and a few swimsuits since I didn't want his blood pressure to spike by seeing me in skin tight jeans or a bathing suit that quite nicely showed only a slight bump at my crotch. The hormones and the shots I got were doing one heck of a job on me too. It didn't take long before I felt an itching on my chest followed by some swelling and my nipples starting to get bigger. My hips were filling out which required a slightly larger size jeans and my swim suit looked better than ever. I still needed to wear breast forms in my bras and I couldn't wear low cut tops or swim suits yet but I knew the day was coming. I was a very happy young lady, making lots of new friends and enjoying myself tremendously but that was all so boring when a letter came from Mr. Amoto, the photographer who made a model out of me in Japan. He's been contacted by, an American clothing company that hoped he could find them a young woman to model a line of clothes they were introducing. I'd heard of the company and owned a few outfits they made; some casual outfits that although nice, didn't exactly set the world on fire. Now they wanted to market some more upscale outfits, designed for the teen who for one reason or another, had to go to functions where a casual outfit just wouldn't do. Mr. Amoto wanted to know if my parents would agree to let me model again but this time it would not be Galsun modeling, as far as the clothing company and anyone else would know, I was a pretty teen girl. Mom and dad didn't hesitate to agree, they thought it would be perfect for me to be able

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John saw the black dog staring at him before it turned tail and ran. It was a mutt whose dark coat hid it well in the darkness, away from the receding light of the street lamp. He was staring at the waiting shed in front of their house. John could never understand why he had said yes when he wanted to say no to his aunt Mabel. She was inviting him home to the province where he had grown up for a while until he had to leave for college in Manila. He was an orphan and his mother’s sister had...

2 years ago
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My kings Birthday

You text me and ask me what I am doing for the next few days. I am surprised but say nothing; I tell you I have three days off in a row. I can see your smile as you ask if I want to go for a ride. You know that I won’t ask any questions so you tell me to bring no more than what will fit in a back pack. I smile to myself and grab my small bag and throw in a tank top, jeans and massage oil and my overnight kit. I slip into my jeans and a tight black t-shirt with a very low cut front and put on my...

2 years ago
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A Way With Words Part 2 Chris in Confusion

Chris found himself in the middle of a beautiful green wilderness. There were beautiful trees and shrubs, luscious green meadows visible through a clearing in the forest. Beyond that, rolling hills. It was beautiful alright, but Chris didn’t know what was happening. A second ago he was in the dark hallway of his friend’s creepy old house and now he was in a tropical wilderness?! He was thinking that he was going crazy, or that it must be a dream. A voice filled his head. “Chris”, it was...

3 years ago
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Click, enter and done! After months of mental preparations for my trip to Europe, here I am scrambling to confirm arrangements less than two weeks before my departure. My procrastination in securing my travel plans doesn’t speak to my lack of enthusiasm for sure. In fact, I couldn’t be more excited to go London for the first time, and I tingle at the thought of meeting a few friends that I’ve been corresponding with online. Hundreds of hours of cyber-sex logged, mutual masturbation sessions,...

3 years ago
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Bareback with the Barback

Saturday nights in the summer were our busiest. Being a popular place, the bar was always packed with beautiful people. Not just the customers, but the staff also.I had been there for well over a decade now. I loved our staff. We were like a family, an incestuous family, but a family nonetheless. We loved to flirt with each other and joke around. And yes, I had slept with a few co-workers over the years. There was a new one, however, that I had been keeping an eye on.Carlos was a...

Quickie Sex
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A Jamaican waiter uses my wife

A Jamaican waiter uses my wife We were still in our quick Jamaica’s vacation, when Ana decided we could go for dinner at a nice restaurant close to the beach. The waiter attending there was of course a Jamaican dark skinned man in his thirties, with athletic body and a handsome face. He was wearing a tight T shirt, that enhanced the image of his muscles… We sat down and he approached to ask what we wanted to drink, while he was talking to us about I noticed that my sweet Ana was looking...

2 years ago
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My Best Friends Part 3

"Ma...siete matti? Come faccio ad uscire cos?? E se qualc.." "Stai zitta troia, ti sei dimenticata come ci si rivolge ad un padrone?" mi url? in faccia Aldo. "Questo ti vale come secondo errore, sei contenta?" Ecco, questo non me lo aspettavo. E non avevo neanche il coraggio di replicare. Ma se qualcuno si accorgeva che ero un uomo? Che figura facevo? "Adesso andiamo in garage, saliamo in macchina e ci facciamo un bel giro per la spesa, zitta e non discutere, il prossimo errore ? qu...

3 years ago
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My Birthday Weekend in Amsterdam

My Birthday Weekend in Amsterdam On Saturday the 31/104 I was up very bright and early to get ready to get to Bristol Airport. I had to be there for 4.00 am to catch 6.00 am flight. I wore my black skirt suit with front split black top and black high heeled boots. I must admit I love black. I am a 45 year old per op TS I was travelling for the first time as a female on my Passport as Jane. It was also my birthday. Well I was up at 3.00 am to get ready had to be there on time for...

1 year ago
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Our Ordeal In TumaliChapter 12 Raped

We spent much of the remainder of the day, re-working Roger's report into a draft article for the magazine. I felt we needed more background information on the life style of those who lived in the community and those who had houses of their own. Sumala's knowledge provided some of the answers but always they were from a man's point of view. "What would if be like if I had gone instead of Roger? Would one man have picked me out and taken me for the night or would I have to submit to the...

2 years ago
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Mazya Baiko Chya Dudha Cha Chaha

Hello mitra ani maitrinino….!!!!! Me sid, me by profession ek doctor aahe ani me pune madhe rahoto. He aahe mazya aayushatli kadhi hi na visarnari gosta. Mala aadhi pasunch lactating milk kiva baichya stana madle doodh chye khup ved hote. Jasa jasa me human biology shikat gelo tasa tasa mala tya badal aajun aakarshan nirman zala. Mala big boobs far aavdtat pan me jeva jeva mazi fantasy konla confess karaycho teva maze friends mazya war hasyche. Me foreign madhe maza medical education complete...

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The Markusv67 Collection

The Markusv67 collection These are three Excerpts from the messageboard of the fdhypnovideo yahoo group that I thought you folks might enjoy. The fdhynovideo yahoo group was set up to promote the fdhypnovideo website. That website has a video which sells entitled Hanna's Hypnotic Makeup Lessons. Markusv67 posted a couple of testimonials in the yahoo group of things that have happenned to him after purchasing the Hanna's Hypnotic Makeup Lessons video which I found amusing and would...

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The Return of Thomas GreyChapter 37 In Society

(August 1814) The breakfast table at the Bennings’ house was filled a little more on the next morning. Melinda Curry sat opposite Thomas and Mirabel, between Florence and Teresa, and tried to blend in. Her two companions, also invited to share the bounty of the table, had refused in shock. Captain Curry may have treated them with consideration, but they had still been working for their livelihood. Now they hovered around Melinda, making certain that she was dressed and groomed to advantage,...

3 years ago
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Covid virus

So , Biden announced his Covid 19 task force. A list of heavyweights from the past.The board will be co-chaired by three public health heavyweights: Dr. David Kessler, a former commissioner of the Food and d**g Administration under President Bill Clinton; Dr. Vivek Murthy, who served as surgeon general under President Barack Obama; and Dr. Marcella Nunez-Smith, a professor of public health at Yale University.The board will also include a slate of global health experts, infectious disease...

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Erotic Massage Awakens A Horny Housewife In Coimbatore Part 3

Hello everyone. Im a part time massager. This is the last & final part of the massage encounter with the dusky wonderful lady. Thanks for all the feedback & hope you all had or gave steamy experience with my techniques. Sorry again to have left you readers with the unfulfilled desire in the last part. Sorry once again for the lengthy story. So far : The dusky beauty had booked for a full body massage. I initially helped her undress herself before the mirror roped & blindfolded delighting at her...

1 year ago
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First Date

Bobbie took me out on our first date to a local pub in Elwick. We had a pleasant time chatting to friends. On the drive back to my house I noticed his van was all carpeted in the back with lots of cushions – I thought this must be his passion wagon. So I determined not be lured especially on a first date. Bobbie leant over to kiss me goodnight and with his lovely soft lips feeling so sensual I melted in his arms and we let our tongues stroke each other. His hand started stroking my knee and...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess2e12 Roberta 41 housewife from Huddersfield

Series 2, Episode 12: Roberta Lee Fade in on grainy low light video footage of a slim and attractive raven-haired woman, in early middle-age, on her back, with a naked bald man on top of her, pounding away in the missionary position. She’s holding on and gasping. “Come on then...” She says through a smile as another man steps into frame, climbs over her head and eases his cock into her more than willing mouth. Both men fuck her for a few seconds until we fade through to... High grade...

2 years ago
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Fresher Party

Hi friends mera naam danish hai meri ISS ka bahut bara fan hu kaafi saari kaahaniya mai ne yaha padhi hai kuch sachi hoti hai or kuch jhooti lekin maza dono mai aata hai Meri kahani bilkul saachi hai meri kahani agar pasand aaye to pls mujhe mail jarur karna.ya koi larki ya lady sex karna chahati ho to pls batao Ye ghata mere sath 2 saal pahle hue the jub mai pahli baar delhi mass com karne aaya tha sorry dosto mai ne aap ko apne baare mai to bataya hi nahi meri hight 5 ‘5 hai health v aachi...

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Prison Release

I inhaled the crisp and clean morning air. The car was cold and I could feel the metal sting my skin through my sweater as I leaned against it. I looked down again at my watch, almost time. I made my way along the fence and waited at the gate, the doors would open soon. It seemed like forever and then the heavy doors started to click and swung open. Four guys walked out with duffel bags of belongings bulging with items. I didn’t care so much about them, their was one more solitary man walking...

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Fucking My Girlfriend In Theatre

Hi guys! I have been reading sex stories from this website and now its time to contribute.I am a 5’6 inch sturdy built guy with a 12.5 cm dick. This is the story about how I fucked my gf subrata in the theater. She is about 5’5 with a slender body of size 32-28-34. We always had a on off chemistry during college but I never proposed. After that I was studying in a library in my city as my home was nearby. I had nearly forgotten about her and a year passed. Suddenly 1 day a familiar face tapped...

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Games of the Children Finale

Games of the Children - Finale Brad's flight back to the sane world of the Porter's front porch was instantly shot down, much to his horror. Walking up the driveway toward him were two very pretty girls, one of them being Sarah Little. The other was not immediately recognized, but between the sick suspicion and the sisterly resemblance, he knew the other was his friend and teammate Craig. Assuming that Craig's age was unchanged at thirteen, Brad could see that this teenage girl before...

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Rocky and Bullwinkle A Lost Adventure Episode 1

We begin our story in the tiny hamlet of Frostbite Falls, Minnesota USA, population 27, where two of its leading citizens reside; Rocket J. Squirrel and Bullwinkle J. Moose. It looks like they're involved in some intense study. Let's listen in. "Do you have any tens?" "Go fish," said Rocky. Well, it looks like they're more involved in leisure time activities. Unfortunately, a couple of dark figures are approaching their quaint cabin that is sure to break up this relaxing...

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Maybe Mom Should Do It TooChapter 14

Jennifer left Mike with a level of clarity she had not experienced since her bizarre situation with her son had started. She felt good, even great being with Mike. And she was satisfied in the moment ... he brought her to orgasm. But at the same time, she still felt a deep craving. There was a significant part of her that was totally UN-satisfied. She knew what she had to do now ... what course of action she would pursue. And regardless of the outcome, she would always know she had pursued...

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My Boy Fucks

Hi. My name is Erin. I'm in my final semester of high school. I'm kind of a perverted girl for my age – and kind of proud of it too. But i don't have much sex experience yet. I've had sexual intercourse with only three boys. This story is a simple chronicle of those fucks.Boyfuck #1 was at a high school party. The type of party that happens when the unsuspecting parents leave town for the weekend and their otherwise trustworthy son takes advantage of the opportunity and invites half of the...

2 years ago
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Wife Fucked By My Friends

This story relates way back to 1996 when I got married to Rittu who was a beautiful girl and within four years of constant fucking with her she blossomed into a ripe lady in fig of 36 34 38.We used to experiment in all kind of sexual positins and even she used to take all my cum in her mouth. Berfore my marriage I had two dear friends named Happy and Raminder.We used to drink fuck whores together in my flat but after my marriage to rittu this all stopped and I was not in touch with...

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The Shot Or The Act

As I drove in to work for my shift as the bartender in one of the smaller pubs in town, I found my mind wandering towards my current dry spell. I had been single for a number of months at this stage and had no real sexual release. It was part of the reason I jumped so readily for the job as bartender, I figured that I would meet people and inevitably find someone to break the drought with. I parked my car a block away from the bar and made my way inside, dreading the night ahead.Time passed...

4 years ago
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Our Introduction to our neighbours part 2

Jacqueline and I are lying on our bed, recuperating from our experience with our neighbour. Jacqueline looks at me with those beautiful eyes of hers. “Do you realise, we didn’t even ask her, her name. I have seen a man coming and going from the house, which could be her boyfriend or her husband. Maybe, we could invite them over for dinner and a bit of fun. What do you think?” Jacqueline asks. I love the way Jacqueline thinks, and have already decided this sounds like a great idea. ”Let’s...

Group Sex
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Three Days in the MoonChapter 1

Monday 9 August, Evening John was annoyed. Someone was banging on doors and disturbing his reading. It was after ten at night and this was a generally quiet building with prosperous middle class families. Not the sort of place where your neighbours disturbed you this late. He put down his book and got up to have a look at what was going on. Before he got to the door someone rapped abruptly. He opened it prepared to give whoever it was a piece of his mind, only to have to change gear rapidly...

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A Friend Helped To Cure My Loneliness

Hi. I am from Bangalore. I am chubby 6ft tall with a 4” penis and a big heart. Do read the whole story so you don’t miss the points. I am not the type of guy who fights or engages in making new friends etc. I am shy and recently all my friends have been showing attitude and ignoring me. So I felt extremely lonely. Mainly cause they all look very smart and all and I look very average cause of my fat. So like a few months passed. I was extremely disturbed by being alone. So I uploaded ads on...

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Padosan Aunty K Baad Unki Behen Ki Chudai

Hello dosto, mai ankit wps aaya hu apni nayi chudai story leke jisme m apko bataunga kaise maine aunty k kehne pe unki behen ki pyas bujhayi or dono behno ki sex ki bhookh aaj bhi shant kr rha hu jisse wo dono aaj bhi khush h. To chaliye der na krte hue kahani ki shuruwat krte h. Jaise ki aap ne meri pichli kahani padosan aunty ka pyaar me padha tha k kaise maine apne bachpan k dost bhaskar ki maa (poonam) ki chudayi ki or unko apni rakhail banaya or ye silsila aaj bhi chal rha h. To hua yun...

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Flirt4Free Latina

Latinas have long been seen as girls who are some of the sexiest in the world. With their stereotypically huge asses and big titties, they can immediately catch the attention of any guy in the room. Well, nowadays, you don’t even need to find a real physical room in which you’ll be attracted to Latina babes since there are options where you can do it online. Introducing Flirt4Free, one of the most popular places to go to whenever you’ve got an itch only a Latina bitch can scratch. And by itch,...

Live Latina Sex Cams
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My Shy Teen Slave Ch 05

We were up against the wall by the screen door, soaking wet with our clothes sticking to our bodies and our hands unable to keep to ourselves. Our flirty, innocent, almost youthful kissing had grown hungrier, more frantic, with her kissing me with as much passion as I was her. It was easy, both of us smiling, her giggles sometimes escaping with a soft gasp as I would nearly pull her off her feet in an attempt to get her closer to me. And I could only chuckle an apology, which we both knew I...

3 years ago
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Compound X131Chapter 12 Delivery

Joe swung the van up to the familiar gate, so now he was going to get in to the Sex Lab for real! As he braked the van shuddered to a halt, and Joe noticed the odd suit swing heavily on its hanger in the rear of the van. Jauntily he marched up to security. "Let me in, delivery" he called. The heavyset guard surveyed him under thick eyebrows "Too heavy to lift?" asked the deep brown voice. "Nah, no for me, I train I do" stated Joe. "Great, go and get it and leave it with me! You...

3 years ago
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Fat Ass Ass Ass Ass

If you haven't please listen to Nicky Minaj' and Big Sean's Dance (A$$)" before reading this one.=======================================I sat on a chair in a garish living room with golden curtains, red walls, red and green wool run, and 2 LAZboys. There was a small center table that had been moved into a corner to keep the center of the room free and open. The only "art" on the walls was a life sized painting of a naked woman breast feeding a small man or a boy in her bed. There was a bottle...

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The Realtor

My name is Paige, I'm twenty-seven, and I have brown hair. I'm 5'5, and I just happen to be a lesbian with c-cup boobs. I actually never had an experience with a guy, because I just wasn't interested. Anyway, I just had a four year relationship with a girlfriend suddenly end. I found her face buried in another lady's pussy, and that was that. Anyway, I had been using this realtor, who happened to be a woman, named Dina. She was smoking hot, and she always managed to get my panties wet. I...

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ConanChapter 8

According to Atrina, these things can't be rushed, so I was just going to have to wait to talk to Claudius. At least, this gave me time to work on my thoughts to pare my recommendations down to something that would be politically workable. In the meantime, Atrina was starting to bulge in the belly to the point that she was having some trouble getting comfortable. I resisted any temptation to tease her as she was getting very short tempered as the pregnancy progressed. She had been very...

4 years ago
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Identical Twin Sisters

I had been going out with Saffron ever since I was 18, about six months ago now. She had long blonde hair, fantastic legs, and a body to die for. I went round to her flat last Saturday evening as usual, and I couldn’t help noticing that her mannerisms were slightly different on this occasion, but thought no more of it at the time. She was more extrovert than I had ever known her to be on that day. Normally she was a little shy about having sex, and I usually had to work her up to it, but this...

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Amys Night At The Plaza

As she took another sip from her cocktail, Amy spied Jayne sauntering into the bar over Eric’s shoulder, her eyes already finding Amy’s as she drew closer.  Unbeknownst to Eric, Amy felt a rush of adrenaline surge through her body while watching Jayne approach.   The fall weather was unseasonably cold and she wore a long black coat which only hinted at the outrageous curves lurking beneath.  A Louis Vuitton bag hung perfectly from her shoulder and although her coat was long, Jayne’s slender...

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Rich Guy 4c Old Man Carter

I never saw Candace again after that day. It didn’t matter. I had Jamie. Fuck Candace. Jamie skipped her graduation orgy to be with me. She brought Wendy and some other friends along and we fucked all weekend long. No drugs. No pressure. Just a housefull of hot young girls who loved dick and pussy. It was the best night of my life. Jamie moved in with me. Her mother was thrilled. I suspected that her mother figured we would get married at some point. I had no intention of doing so. Jamie...

2 years ago
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My sexual experiences The Path of Desire part 2

I need good grades off school so I can get into college that has always been my dream. But if something went wrong now I would totally lose everything that I had set out to do. I walked in my class silently, scoped the room for anyone looking at me weirdly or not and I didn’t find anyone doing that, which is good that means they have kept it to themselves. Class started and I forgot about the problems until it was recess and I went to the secret spot. I found Luke and Eric there two...

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The Loyalty GeneChapter 3

Jason pulled up his shorts and plopped down on the edge of his bed. His “plop” bounced his rolled-up socks into the air and down on to the floor, where they rolled out of reach. Sighing, he stood and reached down to pick them up. “Your Mom’s in a good mood.” The unexpected voice almost made him jump clear across the room. He spun and found Stephanie standing in his bedroom doorway. He stuttered. “H-hi.” “Your Mom’s in the bathroom, and I got tired of waiting for you. Can I come...

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A Witchs Spell for the Ministers WifeChapter 3

The enchanted Jane Goodfellow was a complete mystery to her spouse of many years, the honorable Pastor Endeavor Goodfellow these past few months. Ever since the evil-spirited black magic witch Mistress Fancy had put the "slut" curse on her prim and proper body, Jane had engaged in the most depraved and kinky practices with dozens of randy males within walking distance of her husband's parish. Her moods of late seemed entirely inappropriate for a minister's wife and he suspected her of...

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Harem Building The Southern California ConnectionChapter 10

"Hello Von. We need to talk lets go inside." It was her commanding presence voice. "I was on my way out, if you want to talk we can either go to your place or you can come along with me. Either way you will be doing as I tell you not as you want. There is no topping from the bottom with me." Ray had told me I would need that complete control and from the very start. She came to me on her schedule looking to push me. I was that rock she would not budge. At this point I had four committed...

4 years ago
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A Christmas to Remember

Kandy hated wintertime, along with its ice, snow and frigid temperatures. Here it was the middle of December, the temperature had dropped to ten degrees and there was four inches of snow on the ground. It had taken her 2 hours to drive ten miles. She cursed as she parked the car, checked the mailbox and walked toward the house with the snow biting here ankles. All she could think about was that it would soon be Christmas and what she wanted was not to spend it alone. She walked into the house...

1 year ago
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Summer Night in the Park

It was a beautifully deserted summer night. We were cruising aimlessly along the well-lit avenue in Bruce's Mustang. The row of high rise buildings ended and the dark grassy hills of the park dominated the view. Bruce slowed the car and examined the scenery thoughtfully. Suddenly, we were plunging into a dark and empty parking lot. A row of trees in the far end made it even darker; it felt cozy and private. We stopped in a not so dark spot, near the walkway that led to the pond. Bruce opened...

2 years ago
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Starting OverChapter 3 The Accident

Trisha felt like such an idiot as they were wheeling her back to the exam room from x-ray. She knew that the parking lot was going to be slippery after last night's rain and this morning's low temperature. If she had only gone the two seconds slower she was always talking to her sons about. Now, she would be laid up for the weekend. The only saving grace, she thought, was that her boys would be at their dad's so she could laze around and recuperate. The boys at their dad's — Trisha had...

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My name is Fred and I’m 27, about 6’2 and medium build and have been married for 3 years now. I lived in the countryside with my wife Sally, with only a few houses dotted around. I was working from home one day, working on the laptop, taking breaks to look at some porn, but I started stroking myself before turning back to my work. I hadn’t had sex or masturbated for a week now, and was ready to burst. It was about midday and I was about to take another break. I was in the process of looking...

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Ms Americanas DescentChapter 2 Programmed to Obey

Ms Americana arrived at Max's home at 7:30 Sunday morning. She was determined to allow Max to hypnotize her, and by so doing, cure her arachnophobia. She had hidden her car in the garage because tomorrow was a holiday and Max didn't have school, so if necessary she'd stay here tonight to get this fear of spiders removed and didn't want anyone to know that fact if she did. She had given her vibrator a real workout last night, having cum at least ten times and her sluttish tendencies were...

1 year ago
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My First Time

Chapter 1 I was fourteen the first time I saw a woman's pussy. I had seen a pussy, many times, I have a sister two years younger. She and I bathed together until I was twelve. When I began growing hair around my prick, she told mom and that was the last time we bathed together. I was standing in the bathroom door watching Helen Johnson, our neighbor, standing on the bathroom counter, one foot on either side of the sink. She was definitely scared because she was pissing herself. Standing on...

2 years ago
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A New Start in Life Part 4

A New Start in Life 4 Hi again, many thanks for your comments and encouragement to continue, and my special thanks to Nathanf01 who kindly pointed out that I had posted the wrong version of my story. I arrived home well before the girls and decided to attach my breast forms and wee vee as I didn't feel right without them so I cleansed my chest area well, spread the surgical adhesive evenly and placed my breast forms in place making sure they were positioned correctly. As...

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Sherrys First Head

Sherry was trembling with excitement, her stomach fluttering with butterflies. She had been thinking, and dreaming, of this moment for a while now. She had agonized over the decision, and had even let a couple of opportunities go by, but she was determined to go forward this time. She was taking her chances and giving it her best shot. She knew there was a chance it could turn out badly for her, but she was ready to answer for her actions, if it came to that. Taking a deep breath, she walked...

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She was fucked 1st by her aunt

Arti had to stay in the Chandigarh to complete her higher education because at that time there were no good collages at her native town. A lady known as Rani and Mausi in relation of Arti was living in Chandigarh. Arti’s parents were on very good terms with her. They thought this would be the best option for her. She lived within a few blocks of her college. Rani was 28yrs. How little Arti’s parents knew about her. . Arti arrived at Mausi Rani’s house in June, two and a half months before her...

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Please Be My Baby Part 1

Please Be My Baby - Part 1 By Sissy Sally-Anne I am sure that a lot of you out there have experimented in the bedroom. Well, the events in my house have changed me completely. I was so in love with my wife when we got married. I still am now but back then, it was all new to me. We would spend everyday telling each other the ways in which we were in love. I always wanted to do everything for her. Even when we were both tired from work, I would make the effort to cook or...

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