Tinder Date Like No Other free porn video

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You are Ricki. You are 19 years old and desperate to loose your virginity. Your shy and lazy demeanor has never been appealing to women and for years you have failed to get a date or even kiss a woman. You have been on Tinder for two years now, giving likes to almost every woman you see there but you never get any responses. You think that you are too ugly or that you are too boring and just can't seem to impress anyone. You lie in bed, scrolling through all profiles on Tinder. You come across a beautiful picture of a womans torso and legs. In the picture you see her wearing a leather corset, panties, latex stockings and impossibly high stiletto heels. You instantly like the image and hit like on it. You read the description 'Woman seeks younger, energetic boys to play with. Only respond if you are willing to play wild games.' You smile to yourself, thinking that this is what you need. You need a girl who will play hard to get and make the first move. Your imagination gets to you and you start masturbating in bed about this woman. How great it would be if she would respond to you and she would take your virginity. You have done this before in your fantasies many times. In fact it seems that is all you do on your free time, masturbate. You are a very sexual being and years of watching porn on the internet has lead to have many fetishes. Bondage, dominance, submission and so on. You have no experience of any of it but these thoughts fuel your masturbation fantasies almost every night. You are close to orgasm as you wank yourself under your bedsheets but suddenly you hear your phone chime and it stops you. You look at your phone and see you have received a like on Tinder! Your hands begin to sweat immediately and you start thinking of what you could say as your first message. YOu feel nervous and shy, do you dare to message this woman? 2 Minutes later... she messages you! You start sweating and feeling nervous. You feel pathetic, are you too shy to respond to a woman over the internet?! It's starting to look like you are. 'Hello, I liked your profile and it seems you have liked mine. Your profile says you are 19 years old. Is this true?' You take five full minutes, trying to think of a joke or a nice opening line but you cant think of anythin,g you just feel nervous and panicking. You steel yourself and decide you are going to at least respond to her and you type 'Uuh, hi. Yes I am 19' 'Well, thats good. I like my boys young. My name is Alina.' This woman has sent you a message, you quickly look at it. 'What are you doing up so late, browsing Tinder and feeling lonely?' You have spent so many night fantasising about a meeting a woman on Tinder and now you have.. yet, it is not going as you had fantasised so many times, it seems she is leading the discussion almost as if she was taking charge. You again fail to think of anything funny to type back 'Uuh, yeah.. having trouble sleeping so I thought I might aswell. Im glad I did since I saw your profile.' 'Yes, I thought that would work. I have also noticed that you do not like to message people back.' She has turned the tables on you once again and is seemingly dominating the discussion. You try to reply faster this time, as to not disappoint her. 'Yeah, sorry if I'm slow to type.' You realize you havent opened any dialog, only bluntly answering her questions. You tyoe fast 'So how are you doing on this lovely evening?' She seems to think for a while before replying 'I am good. Thank you for asking.' 'I am going to go to sleep now. I will message you tomorrow evening, okay?' You are surprised by her bluntness and forwardness. Its is as if she was the man and I was the woman in this discussion, she is making the decisions and you are following them. Though you feel so nervous you are almost happy the discussion is ending. You reply with 'That is fine. I had fun chatting and sleep well.' 'You do the same.' The conversation ends with her message. You close your eyes and let your mind wander to what she had said. You have a restless night of sleep. During the day, you go to your job as a burger flipper, hoping you had been smart enough to continue your education and after work you return home and spend your time browsing porn on the internet. You are happy when evening comes and you check your phone. You see a new message from her, you open it quickly. 'Hey, how was your day Ricki?' Again you feel butterflies in your stomach but you steal yourself and type quickly. 'It was okay.' She seems to think for a while before replying. 'Hmm, I AM pretty sure it was fine. If it wasn't, there is always tomorrow right? 'Hah, right you are.' You sarcastically reply, stealing yourself once again. 'Anyway, I am going out for a walk. I saw on Tinder you live pretty close to me. Would you like to join me for a walk?' Again, you are shocked how she seems to be making all the decision and leading the discussion. You start feeling nervous, do you dare to meet with her? 'Sure, why not?' You reply, trying to sound confident. 'Ok, meet at the park nearby in 20 minutes, ok?' Your stomach is in knots and you feel nervous. You think about chickening out of this meeting but then you think back how many times you have failed meet a woman. You decide you are going to go meet her in the park, just once in your life, you choose to try and be brave. You arrive at the park a few minutes early. You wait for her there, nervously fidgeting. You keep glancing at your phone, hoping she has sent a message. No messages on your phone. You keep glancing around and suddenly you see a woman, slender and older than you, probably in her 30's. She has long hair and she walks with determination. You have butterflies in your stomach and you hope so bad you dont screw this up. She arrives at the park and you stand up and greet her. 'Hey, I am Ricki.' She turns to you and gives a big smile. The most beautiful smiles you have ever seen. She seems friendly and she smells good, like fruits. She walks to you and smiles faintly, she seems to be eyeing you up and down "Hi there, little Ricki. I'm so glad you actually came out to meet, I have had a few people chicken on me lately on Tinder." You feel a bit weird, why would she be on Tinder looking for you, she is way older than you. You desperately try to think of something to say "Uuh, yeah? Well, I wouldnt chicken out on you, Alina." You give off a nervous smile. "Oh no? Well thats good to hear, I like my boys brave." She sounds slightly like she is mocking you. She gives off a faint smile and her eyes flash. The two of you start walking in the park. The converstaion is very much lead by her and you only participate. She asks a lot of question, about your family, friends hobbies, all of that. You barely manage to come up with a few questions. You start feeling pathetic as you feel like you are failing but Alina seems indifferent to your poor social skills. After an hour of walking, she knows everything about you and you barely know anything more than her name. And that when she catches you by surprise by asking a question you weren't expecting "So, Ricki.. are you a virgin?" Your face becomes redder than a tomato "Well, uh no." You reply nervously. "You sure? Your face tells a different story than your words." She giggles You fail to look at her in the eye, you feel like you've been caught in a trap. You decide to come clean "Uuh, yeah.. I am. Sorry, I didnt mean to lie, just.. you caught me by surprise, you know?" You give a weak excuse. "That's perfectly alright. I bet its not for lack of trying, right?" Your hands shake and you are sweating even though its cold outside. "Uuh, can we talk about something else? Please?" You hope she can sense how embarrassed and nervous you are feeling. "Sure thing, Ricki. No need to be shy." She says in that seductive tone that makes you feel even more nervous. The two of you continue walking and talking for another 30 minutes, talking lighter topics, movies and tv shows and the like. You start feeling a bit more relaxed in her company and after a while, she declares that she is going to go home and thanks you for a lovely night. Again, she takes the initiative as she hugs you. While hugging she whispers in your ear "Stick with me, little Ricki and I am sure we can get of your virginity." You cough and feel a lump in your throat. You are so caught by surprise that you cant think of any response, you simply stand there like an idiot watching her walk away. After she is out of sight, you feel the lump in your throat growing. Man, what a dick move you did there. You felt practically like you were going to rip your dick off and throw it at her. But you are still glad you did this. Some would say, you had your first date! You walk home feeling happy with yourself. Although it does keep bothering you a little that she was doing all the work and leading the discussion the whole night. It was like she was the man in this date. Finally after a long walk, you return home. You jump in the shower and masturbate youself to finish, thinking about Alina the whole night. You crash on your sofa and start watching Netflix. You hear you phone buzz and you pick it up immediately. Its from Alina 'Hey, Ricki boy. I wanted to message you and say thanks, I had a lovely night. You were a great date!' Again she takes the iniative. You decide to go along with it for now rather than try and act all macho. 'Me too! Thank you and I really had fun too. :)' you reply. 'Aw, thank you little one. You are too kind. :) Hope you're having fun watching Netflix.' You laugh. 'It's late, I'll be stopping in an hour.' 'Stop teasing, I want your dick in me now.' Your heart skips a beat. You read the message again to see if you read it right. Then a third time. Your palms are sweating. Hell, your eyebrows are suddenly sweating! This is it! This is your chance! You think to yourself, trying to keep calm. Suddenly you mind is flooded by all the ways you could mess this up or end up embarrassing yourself. You feel very nervous but you decide you have to try and respond to her message in kind 'Uuh, yeah.. I would love to ram my dick into, babe.' You chuckle to yourself while typing. Her reply comes immediately 'Aw, you're too sweet. But dont call me babe, thats not my name.' You feel more sweat drip down your forehead. 'Do you mean that?' You type. She responds 'Yes, sorry.. Im not a fan of nicknames. Call me Alina for now. And can I ask you something?' You feel like you already completely screwed this up, the sexting has stopped and she wants to ask questions. You feel terrible as you reply. 'Sorry, I didnt mean to be offensive with the babe calling. Uuh, yeah, you can ask me anything' You sit there for a few minutes staring at your phone waiting for her to reply. 'This is a bit straight forward but.. did you masturbate after our walk?' Argh, again she has caught you completely by surprise. You would never expect someone you had just met the same day to ask you something like that. Still, you feel like you don't want to disappoint her. You decide not to lie 'I did.' You then send another message trying to sound bold and daring 'I did and I thought of you,' you type, then hit send. You wait nervously for her response. 'Well my cute little virgin, seems you had your fun already then :P How often do you masturbate if you don't mind me asking?' You hands are shaking as you read her question. You are thankful you are not face to face with her asking all these personal questions. You also feel like you should say something abouyt being called a cute little virgin but you let is pass, not wanting to risk disappointing her. You decide to respond with 'Thats personal! :P I.. maybe once a day?' She responds almost instantly 'Maybe once a day? Or is that avergae once a day? Meaning sometimes you do it multiple times a day? If thats the case, just a suggestion, little Ricki, try doing it a bit less.. it will mtoivate you to work hard to achieve your goals.' You feel almost offended as she suggests you should masturbate less. Hell, its the only joy you have in life at the moment and she wants you to do it less. Still, you want her to like you so you choose to respond 'Good idea, I will keep that in mind, thanks.' You sit there nervously waiting for her to send you a smiley or wink. She only sends a smiley and tells you that she is going to sleep. You send a good night wish for her and go back to watching netflix before going to bed. The whole next day goes by without any messages of any kind. You wait all day for her to reply and when the day ends you get no messages at all. You feel a bit disappointed and sad and you think if you should be messaging her first. The idea gets you aroused and you start masturbating thinking of her. You stop in the middle and remember her advice. You think about the pleasures of her body and how good it felt to kiss her and touch her. You decide that maybe she is right... maybe you should try to masturbate less! You stop masturbating in the middle of your act and pick up your phone. You decide as a reward for yourself, you text Alina 'Hi, Alina! How was your day today?' You get a response within seconds 'It was bad. I have been thinking about our meeting and your texts got me really horny. Could you meet me at the park at the same spot in an hour? You feel excited but also really nervous. What if she wants to have sex with you? Its all you ever dreamed of but you are so nervous, you have never had sex with anyone! As the time goes by you get more and more nervous. You decide to message her 'Sure, I'm already horny as hell though and probably would have met you even without the offer. You rush outside to the park to meet her. You don't really have any plan on what to do/say, you just need to meet her. You find yourself pulling up in the parking lot and looking for her car. You don't see it so you head to the woods to meet her. You walk for a few minutes and start wondering if you should have brought protection. You curse your stupidity, you should have bought condoms. You walk a little longer and then you hear a noise. You freeze when you hear 'Trying to impress me with your cock so you can get into my pants later? Well, its too late now, here I am.' You turn around to see Alina standing in front of you. She looks exactly like her pictures. You swallow and your mouth suddenly runs dry, you dont know what to say, you are feeling so nervous. 'Well?' You try to respond but can't get your lips to move 'strong start, way to go.' She says mocking you. 'Sorry, I'm new at this. I've never done this before' You shuffle around like a child. She walks towards you and grabs your hand to kiss it. 'What were you doing before we met? 'Before I texted you? I uuh.. uhm, I was masturbating' You feel yourself blush deeply. 'You little cock tease...' She chuckles You feel awkward at her calling you a cock-tease. That feels so derogatory to be called something like that, you are a man after all. She continues before you can reply 'But didnt you say it was a good idea if you tried to masturbate less? What happened to that plan?' 'I.... you mumble awkwardly, sounding like a idiot 'I thought about, I mean I tried but.. its not easy you know?' She grabs your hand and brings it to her body, your hand touches her tits, they are certainly big enough to fill your hand. You gasp and you lose your words. You mumble like a retard "Oh.. I.. mm.." 'Here, have a feel. Im sure you have touched a girl's tits before right? :D' You blush deeply again and say "I havent." Alina laughs "Really? My word, looks like I can teach you a lot of stuff then little virgin." She grabs your hand again and puts it on her crotch. Your fingers feel the wetness of her precum through her pants, you are able to stroke it easily. You shudder and shuffle around, you feel so.. so inappropriate doing this. Like this was wrong somehow. Yet, you feel very aroused getting to touch her crotch with your hand. 'I.. I'm not sure that's what I'm doing...' You think to yourself. 'Tut tut, virgin with a growing cock or simply a beginner?' she laughs in your ear. 'I um...' 'Im going to kiss you now.' She says and leans to bring her lips on yours. Shes again assuming command and you are the submissive. Yet, you feel yourself enjoy the kiss as she tongues your mouth. Your hands are still on her tits, you feel like you might explode if she keeps this up. 'Stop thinking so much and just feel.' She whispers in your ear and bites on your earlobe gently. You are so passive and she is making all the moves. Your hands grope her tits and you do a poor job at that too. Her hand goes to your crotch and she pulls down your pants, exposing your raging erection. You are so passive and she is making all the moves. Your hands grope her tits and you do a poor job at that too. Her hand goes to your crotch and she pulls down your pants, exposing your raging erection. 'Well, look at the little Hunter get already. I just wish you had been saving up for this moment. Its a shame you went and masturbated earlier.' Your silence confirms it and then she laughs in your face and she touches your dick which makes you shiver. 'You look like a little lamb that got cursed by a wolf, what a disappointment.' She takes your dick in her hand and you feel the pleasure explode through you. You ejaculate all over her hand and she yelps "Hey, a little warning next time!" as you simply shudder and moan like a little boy, you look rather pathetic having ejaculated so prematurely. 'Well, little lamb, it's okay. This happens to little boys sometimes. Take a moment and see me after you have cleaned up." She walks to her car in disgust. You stay there in shock of what just happened. You felt so good, yet you had to experience such a setback. 'But I can fix that later.' You think to yourself as you quickly clean up. You make your way to her car. She is sitting on the driver seat, looking like she is about to leave. the car window is open and she is smoking a cigarette "You really need to masturbate less, little Ricki, it would help you be more attentive to your partners needs." She looks at you like you were a little child. 'Damn.. she is right. But I haven't been able to since I got here.' You honestly respond and feel like a little child again. 'If you want help in that, all you have to do is ask, little Ricki' She replies rather harshly. 'I'm sorry, I just...' you start to say. 'You just what? Say it.' 'No, I want you to help me.' 'Be more specific, how do you want me to help you?' You shuffle your feet and look as uncomfortable as you are. This is not you wished the evening to go. Yet here you are asking her to help you masturbate less "I want your help to make me mastubate less, Alina." You blush. She starts to laugh heartily, almost causing you to be uncomfortable. 'Well little lamb, I do believe you have a crush on me.' You are quiet and don't respond. 'Well do you want me to help you or not?' 'Yes, please.' She chuckles a bit 'Ok. we are going to play a game then. There is a adult sex toy shop near here. Walk to the shop, I will send you instructions over the phone. Okay?" 'Okay.' You agree. You walk to the store, as instructed. Inside you look at all the sex toys 'So many choices.' You think. You feel your phone buzz and you look at it. 'Find the BDSM section, find an item called 'extra-small chastity cage'' You find the section and look at the various items. You find what Alina told you to look for, it is a chastity device. The description tells you it is made of stainless steel and is extra small in size. The problem is there is only pink colour chastity devices. But having no ther choice, you take the pink one. You look at the price and realize you can afford it. You leave the store with your purchase and you send Alina a message "I got the device. What is it for, it looks weird?" She sends a message back saying "Good choice, Rick. Now go home, put it on and send me a picture." You are quiet for a moment "Are you sure? You will be able to see me?" 'Yes, I can handle this. Don't be a little girl, I dare say you have the biggest dick in school.' She then sends you a smug smiley face with tongue. You smile at her message and respond "okay." You make your way home and get undressed and unpack the chastity device, examining it. You don't know what it exactly does.It takes you some time to figure out how to put the device on. Also, you had to wait almost 20 minutes to go flaccid as your dick was quite hard putting the device ring on. As you go flaccid, you manage to slip the tube over your dick and lock it on. Chastity device succesfully on. You put on your clothes and spend a few minutes getting used to the weird sensation of the chastity device on your penis. You make your self get undressed again and check if your dick is 'shrinking' inside the chastity device and you take a picture and send it to Alina. 'Good boy! Im super proud of you, little lamb! Now put the key away somewhere and keep the chastity device on for as long as you can. After you fail, let me know, okay?' You smile as you put the key away. 'Yes, ma'am.' You spend the rest of the evening and night trying not to fail and trying to distract yourself from your increasing arousal. You wake up in the early hours of the morning, you open the chastity device and you masturbate yourself like an animal! You barely made it 7 hours in the device. You collapse quietly and you spend the next few hours having a long, thick, creamy dream. In the morning, you wake up with a hell of a headache and feeling quite tired. You send Alina a message 'I failed this mroning, I lasted 7 hours locked' She sends a message back 'Fuck, I thought you were going to last at least 20. That is quite the rookie number, little Ricki.' You send a message back 'Ah, but only amatuer ones. I think I will have to practice to get better ones.' 'Hehe, well good luck, lamb. Tell you what, message me again once you manag to stay in the devie for 24 hours.' You send her a message 'What if I cant do it?' 'Ha, I am sure you can do 24 hours, it should be easy. You cant be so addicted to masturbation I hope. See ya later, lamb.' You decide you need to get it done fast.. the faster you get done with this task, the faster you might get to have sex with Alina. You immediately lock your penis back in the chastity device and start a 24 hour timer. You put on your trousers, adjust the chastity device a bit and head out to work, you have a night shift flipping burgers tonight. You work for the next 7 hours and the chastity becomes a big distraction for you. Your penis tries to get hard mutliple times during your shift but the chastity device prevents it. You leave work feeling flustered, horny and aroused. You arrive home and do some groceries shopping. You have a spicy meal and some wine. You notice that it was easier being at work in chastity as you were busy but at home, your mind wanders and you think of porn and sex a lot. You decide to try and sleep for a few hours. You manage to sleep for 3 hours but you wake up feeling pain and pressure in your groin. You learn that your cock tries to become erect while you sleep. The chastity device prevents erections, meaning you wake up in pain. You groan and consider taking the device off but you if you do, you would masturbate. You decide to take a cold shower and that helps a lot as your penis goes flaccid. Later, you try to fall asleep again and learn that your mind is able to create images of women in your head and the painful feeling lingers. You wake up again feeling pain and pressure. Another cold shower you are in the kitchen making coffee. You decide to search the web for help. Googling chastity gave you a lot of results, a lot of porn too but you try to stay away from all that. You learn that it takes about a week of sleeping while wearing a chastity device for nocturnal erections to stop. There is no way you could survive a week in wearing a chastity device.One advice said the best way to get rid of erections while in a chastity device is to stick your finger in your butt. You figure its good to know for real painful situations but you dont want to try that. You check your timer, you have been in the chastity device for 13 hours now. You are happy you are over half way there but you still feel like you are going to fail this. You quickly learn that being idle, your mind strays to porn and sex all the time. You decide to clean your flat to keep distracted. Cleaning takes your mind off things to a small degree. But after an hour, you find yourself idle again and thinking of porn and sex and feeling your arousal rise. You feel incredibly horny. You are desperate to cum. You feel your cock trying to harden constantly in the chastity device. You try to watch some youtube videos but you cant focus. You decide to text Alina to ask her for help 'Hello, Alina. I havent completed the 24 hour challenge yet but I am trying. Is there any advice you could give me? I am really struggling.' You get a reply a few minutes later. 'Hello, little Ricki. I think you should try to complete the entire 24 hours. Try this, put the key somewhere where you cant get it easily, that will make it easier for you.' You send her a reply, thanking her for the advice. On one hand, its a good idea, it would really help you stay chaste and keep the device locked on your cock. On the other hand, if there is a emergency or problems, you cant get out. You decide to search the web again for help. One results suggests a good way is to freeze the key in a bottle of water, that will slow you down at least a little bit when you are desperate to remove the chastity cage. No more than ten minutes later you drop your chastity device key into a bottle of water and put it in the freezer, as you are feeling way too horny. You know if you dont do this now, you will open the lock on the chastity device and masturbate. You are going crazy with arousal. You check your timer and see it says 18 hours, 6 more to go. Maybe, just maybe you can do this. You decide to go for a walk, you cant stay at home or you know you will fail. You cock throbs in the chastity device and you can feel it all the time. You walk around the town and think about sex. You try to focus on other things but your mind keeps going back to sex. Its like your brain is incapable of thinking of anything else. You buy some take away chinese food and head home. You start watching a movie while you eat and try your hardest to not think of sex and porn. You feel like you are buzzing with arousal. After finishing the movie, you decide to take a shower. In the shower you keep touching the chastity device around your cock way too much but you cant help yourself. You start rubbing your balls and before you know it, you made your situation two times worse, you are so aroused you could scream. You decide to give up, you storm to your kitchen and open the freezer, taking out the bottle with the key in, its not fully frozen so that will make it easier for you. You are about to open the bottle when you hear your phone beeb. This breaks your train of thought. You decide to check your phone first, its Alina 'How are you managing in your little cage, Ricki boy

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Tinder Date With A Hot Lady In Pune

Hey friends, I am back with another story. Thanks all for such a good response to my previous story. I am here again with another real sexual encounter. I am currently working in Bangalore, 31 years of age. So the story begins. This happened recently. I was on a business tour to Pune for 2 days. On reaching the hotel, I downloaded Tinder and updated my profile to check out my luck. As I was on a business tour, I had to hurry to attend a meeting with a customer. On the way to the office, I...

3 years ago
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Tinder Date At A Movie Theatre

Hi readers, this is Deepali (name changed). I am 22 from Mumbai. A bit about my figure – my boobs size is 32B, waist 28 and the size of my ass makes every man crazy. I got matched with a guy on tinder and decided to go for a movie. Initially, we made it clear we were not looking to hookup. We met the next day, smoked pot and went for the movie. We booked the centre seats. The theatre was empty. We sat holding hands. I could see he slowly spread his legs and touching mine. After 45 minutes, he...

2 years ago
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Tinder Match 8211 Worked A Second Time

Hey, I am here yet again with my story. I’m a 28 years old, average looking guy and this is my second story on ISS. As you all know in my last story how I met with a girl on tinder and ended up fucking her for the next 3 days of her stay in Goa as she was in her solo trip. This happened around May 25th. I had to come to Goa for my business work. I was getting bored in the evening, so I tried using Tinder. Within an hour I got a match and her name was Rupali. She was 31 years and her boobs size...

3 years ago
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Tinder And MILF

Hey all, thanks for all the positive replies on my previous sexstory. Those mails really motivated me to pen down this recent experience of mine. This happened last week and I still can’t get my mind off it. If you guys like the stories and if any girl/woman/MILF wants to connect with me, please drop in your details/comments at So, Here we go.. Tired of the entire week’s workload, I finally decided to hit the bed in my 1 BHK where I stay alone. Thirty minutes into the sleep and my phone buzzed...

3 years ago
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Tinder Helps Me Find A Milf

Hi, guys, this is Rahul from Bangalore. So it’s been ages since I posted an actual indian sex story. So I’ve had 3-4 encounters since my last story and here is one of the experiences. I don’t post fake stories, that’s why the delay in posting. So this happened in September 2017. So as you all know, I’m an actor/model and I’ve tasted women of my age and they don’t interest me. I’m into mature women who are divorced or married, nice and curvy. So I was swiping on tinder one day and I found this...

3 years ago
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Tinder Got Me My Dream Boyfriend

Hi indian sex stories dot net doston Here I write my experiences, there are no made up stories. My first story was “First Public Gay Sex In Message Parlour” and I got a good response on that. So, this is my life story about I met my dream guy. Hope you gonna like it. First, about myself, I am a 26 years old guy living alone in Delhi. I am not that much tall but have a good body shape with a little fair complexion. My preference in bed is versatile. I knew that Tinder was only for heterosexual...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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Tinder Helped In Newyear

The whole city was dancing on its feet when I met her. I was completely prepared to face a young diva as it was our first date after we met in tinder. I was waiting outside a pub in Vashi as new year evening was a couple entry event for that pub and I was not allowed to go in alone. Strange but we have not yet had shared our contact number. It was like a festival of cool couples who were rushing into the pub with arms around each other. She reached and the moment I saw her I was stunned. She...

2 years ago
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Tinder Match In Bangalore

I was new to the city when I started using tinder for fun, after few matches I finally got a match with a lady I was actually looking for. Hot divorce lady, more like a cougar. She was in her 35, and bit strange while talking may be because she had a bad past, with all divorce and issues but now wanted to live fun life. We chatted for half an hour or so, and she asked me to meet in the evening. It was bit shocking at first and I thought this is just a prank but when she gave me her number and I...

3 years ago
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Tinder Chat To Hardcore Sex

Hi readers, I am writing a story after many months. I was busy with my stuff. Anyways Iam again here with yet another beautiful encounter with me in Delhi. For readers, I am Samir from Delhi, young, Handsome, romantic, single and yes hot and horny in bed. Readers may comment or chat with me on Girls, females from Delhi NCR are more than welcome. Coming to my story, this happened two months back while using tinder, I happen to like this girl and she reciprocated with a like and we matched. We...

3 years ago
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Tinder Tragedy 8211 Part 2 On A Roadtrip To Nepal

This is an experience from my friend Karan. He had been on a road trip to Nepal for some soul-searching adventures. The below story is presented from his POV. Hi readers, this is Karan Mehta, a traveler, and explorer. I like to call myself a sexplorer. I visit different places and try to hook up with the local ladies. This gives me the local taste and also fulfills my burning desires. I am always traveling on a budget. So hooking up with the locals gives me a free space to stay with food and...

2 years ago
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Tinder Tragedy 8211 Part 2 On A Roadtrip To Nepal

This is an experience from my friend Karan. He had been on a road trip to Nepal for some soul-searching adventures. The below story is presented from his POV. Hi readers, this is Karan Mehta, a traveler, and explorer. I like to call myself a sexplorer. I visit different places and try to hook up with the local ladies. This gives me the local taste and also fulfills my burning desires. I am always traveling on a budget. So hooking up with the locals gives me a free space to stay with food and...

3 years ago
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Tinder for Teacher 3

While I waited, my best friend plopped down next to me. “You’ve been AWOL since like the first day of school. Where HAVE you been?” She demands. “Well hello to you too Mandy! I’m great! How are you?” “Stop with the sarcasm. I heard from Dylan that you and him... at lunch... is this true?” She asks while wiggling her eyebrows. “Did he tell anyone else?” “No. So it is true!” “Maybe... but he isn’t the only one.” “You slut! Fess up!” “I can’t. That is information I can’t share. Even with...

3 years ago
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Tinder Date Gone Wrong Gay

This whole thing started when I broke up with my girlfriend. At the time, she had said I wasn't there sexually and emotionally for her needs, and that she needed space... whatever that means. We had been together for three years, living together for the last year. I guess it was the co-habitation that led her to grow irritated and bothered by me. I never saw it coming either; she just blindsided me one day and packed her stuff up the following day. That was three months ago. Since then, my luck...

3 years ago
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Tinder for Teacher

“Hey there. What’s up?” The response was almost immediate. “Just moving into my new house. You?” “Just laying in bed. Freshly showered.” “Hmmm. You into older guys?” “I’m into you ;)” “Works for me. Wanna exchange numbers and set up a date?” “Sure” SCORE!!!! I might be getting some soon! We exchange numbers and he says pizza and movie at his place tonight. I told him my favorite pizza and he set the order. I start getting ready for tonight. Lacy bra and panty set. Flowing sun dress...

5 years ago
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Tinder dicks fun 608 and 708

Cunt Before and after fuckingPictures above: before fucking with kong inside, after fucking, after dildo playBefore: I stuffed my pussy with my big kong toy and took it out right before the tinder guy came in. After: After the fucking I've put the toy back in. Went on to search the next dick for today but became very sleepy. So... I played with my big, black dildo. My cunt hurt when i put it in so i didn't fuck that much with it. Just left it there and went to sleep.Dick #152D, 47-yo English...

4 years ago
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Tinder hookup in NYC

I’d like to share with everyone one the story of one of my favorite hookups in a long time. This took place in NYC about 2 years ago. At the time I was 31 years old, and visiting a friend in NYC. One day I started chatting up a match on tinder. She was 45 years old and visiting NYC for work. She told me that she was staying at a really nice hotel on the lower east side and was looking for her first random hookup after a messy divorce. Whether that was true or not I still don’t know but to be...

2 years ago
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Tinder Got Me Hooked

I had to go to visit my brother at his university. He lives in Vancouver which is kind of a hub for young people. He lived on campus which always full of beautiful girls. It was a month-long stay and naturally, I was getting pretty bored. Out of boredom, I made an account on Tinder. I am 5 feet 9 with a pretty muscular body and quite handsome too. I was getting an ample number of matches. It was during such time I matched with a girl called Emma. She was cool with well toned petite body. She...

4 years ago
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Tinder Gets Me Laid

Hey guys and girls,, thanks for your responses. Although few were negative, but it’s fine!! Also, some guys ask contact nos. of my ex-partners which is not good. Guys, they are not whores.. but humans and they too have every right to enjoy sex. Now without wasting more time, let’s come to the indian sex story. The heroine of this story is Vidushi. She was not exactly a bombshell but was extremely fair. She originally belonged to Himachal may be that’s why. As you guys know, I always have tinder...

2 years ago
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Tinder Ammai Na Flat Lo

Hi indian sex stories dot net friends, na paru suraj nanu hyd ninchi 24 years old. Me suggestions ki mali nannu contact avadanike mali me asalu tirchkodanike contact me at Coming to the story Tana discription height 5’10 white complexion pedda pedda boobs anta 34d tana ass aitha inka super okka chinna dot kuda ladu. Inka nadi 5’11 height 7 inch dick white complexion hero lu antha physique ladu bita chala cool bed lo chala wild Okka roju alana tinder gurinchi net lo chasanu try chaidam ani...

3 years ago
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Tinder for Teacher 4

I shoot straight up in my bed, alert and extremely turned on. My tank top is not on correctly anymore. One strap is hanging down my arm, and one of my tits is hanging out. I glance down and see my nipple is very hard. I reach to touch it, but I hear someone clear their throat so instead, I pick up that side of my tank top and cover my boob. “Hello?” I ask before realizing who it is. “It’s me bitch! Your mom is out running errands.” It’s Mandy. Of course. “Wet dream?” She asks, already...

4 years ago
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Tinder for teacher 2

The school bell rings and I walk down the hall and into Mr. Jacobsen’s classroom. I drop my backpack by the door and waltz right over to his desk. I flip my skirt up and lie back, my head hanging over the edge. Mr. Jacobsen drops his pants and plunges his cock into me. I watch upside down as everyone walking by his classroom realizes what’s happening in here. Out of the crowd, Dylan walks into the classroom. He drops his pants while standing in front of me and I suck his dick as I get pounded...

2 years ago
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Tinder for Teacher

Ugh. Left. Left. Ooh, right. Left. Left. Definitely right. Wait what? A match! Message him. “Hey there. What’s up?” The response was almost immediate. “Just moving into my new house. You?” “Just laying in bed. Freshly showered.” “Hmmm. You into older guys?” “I’m into you ;)” “Works for me. Wanna exchange numbers and set up a date?” “Sure” SCORE!!!! I might be getting some soon! We exchange numbers and he says pizza and movie at his place tonight. I told him my favorite pizza and he set the...

2 years ago
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Tinder sex adventure with a married Indian lady

Hi guys, my name is Rahul (name changed) and this is a real incident about how I made love with a hot married woman. I am 23 years old and 6 ft tall with an average-built body. I am good-looking and fair. Now, coming to the story. One Sunday, I was swiping on Tinder and came across a pretty lady who was very fair and beautiful. Her vital stats were 32-30-34. Her age was 30. I texted her hi and we started chatting. She told me that she was in my city for two days only for some office work and...

1 month ago
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Tinder Hookup turned Wild Fantasy

As we chatted on the drive, her laugh was infectious, her voice soft but teasing, and I could feel her stealing glances at me, as if she was sizing me up. I matched with her on Tinder, and we hit it off instantly. She was younger than me but carried a playful energy that drew me in. We decided on a movie date, something casual, but the moment I saw her waiting outside, I knew this night wasn’t going to stay casual for long. When she climbed into my car, the air was already thick with...

3 years ago
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Tinder Date Pt 1

She sat on the leather couch perpendicular to mine. Her fidgeting fingers grazed along the accentuated small ridges of wrinkles. I stared at her and wondered, ‘what you are expecting?’ Her outfit: mere black leggings and a tank top variation of sorts that brazenly drew attention to a line of cleavage, where I struggled not leer. It could have been my imagination, but she seemed to have noticed. She looked down and played with the hemming at the front. Drawing it down then pressing her breasts...

2 years ago
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Tinder hook up

“Stacey, right?” He asked. I nodded and smiled. “Your Thomas?” I asked him back playing with the buttons on my blouse. My tummy was all fluttery I was feeling so excited. I’d never been with a black guy and here I was with five of them. “Stace, how old are you?” He asked coming closer. “I’m nearly 16 why?” I lied starting to unbutton my blouse. “But don’t worry I’m like really experienced.” I shrugged off my blouse and unfastened my short school skirt, and placing them on my school...

4 years ago
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Tinder for Teacher 2

“I’m here” it reads. I look back in the mirror to admire my outfit of the day. I dressed like a cute school girl. Plaid skirt that ends just above my knee, black t shirt, and knee highs with my black converse. It looked normal enough to pull off on a typical day. Not too teacher-student porny. Except for the detail that I’m not wearing a bra or panties. I’m hoping to get touched before class starts. I grab my backpack from my coat rack and head out to Mr.Jacobsen’s car. I hop in the...

2 years ago
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Tinder for Teacher 5

I put on my maroon velvet body suit with the piece of fabric that goes around my neck like a choker. It makes a window to my cleavage. And I put on my black jeans that hug my legs and ass to make it look plump. And I pair that with my black chunky boots. I look sexy as fuck in my fall outfit. I always dress nice to school, but never to this extent. He’s for sure gonna notice me. I walk into the school and make my way to my locker. Mandy is waiting for me. “Wow! You’re looking extra sexy...

2 years ago
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Motherless.com! What an original name for a porn site, don't you think? The title doesn't fuck around: your mother would never allow you to watch the kind of filth they’ve got on tap. They pride themselves on being a moral-free zone for sick fucks, where you can find damn near anything. I’m talking about desperate chicks fucking anything that resembles a dick and crazy bitches literally eating shit. When you’re done fapping to the weird vids, you can even find "normal" porno to pass the time....

Free Porn Tube Sites
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My Date With My Twin Brother

I licked my lips as opened my door and I saw him. "Oh, you are going to take a shower now, Todd? Dare I also ask, do you just need some time alone so you can relive yourself without mom knowing? I'm positive that you loved having your twin sister suck on your cock, so it is a valid theory. Especially when I told you not to tell mom."Even after he closed the door, I continued to slather my lips, and then my right hand calmly slithered into my panties."Even as I'm out in the open where mom could...

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Colleague knows my likes and dislikes

Hello all, I am posting one more reader’s story. It’s a real incident of Ankita. I am Ankita, 37 years old. I wanted to share my sexual story as I can’t share it with anyone. I won’t disclose my contact details, company name, or other personal things. I moved to Hyderabad for a job because of the low cost of living. I was pretty happy with the job. I got a job in a good information technology company. I don’t like western dress. So I used to wear Indian dress and never exposed my cleavage. I...

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Bullied by My Stepbrothers

My Mom married James when I was 12. My father had died two years earlier. He only had a small life insurance policy and our family had been struggling to get by. We moved in with James the day after the wedding. They never went on a honeymoon. I had previously met my new stepbrothers a couple of times, including at the wedding. But the following weekend was the first time that I spent any significant amount of time with them. All four were older than me, anywhere from 6 months to 5 years...

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Zoe Stepbrothers

Characters: Zoe: f, age 14 Noah: m, age 14, Zoe’s stepbrother James: m, age 16, Zoe’s stepbrother Keith: M, age 37; Zoe’s father Kate: F, age 36; Zoe’s stepmother Jessi: F, age 31; Zoe’s mother Jessi was seventeen years old and two months pregnant when she met Keith, my father. A week later during a passionate make-out session, he took her virginity; practically raping her or so she led him to believe. You might wonder how you rape a willing slut that planned and instigated the so-called...

4 years ago
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Fairy Godmother

This isn't one of my better stories, but it was something that was bouncing around in my head for awhile so I decided to finally write it down. Fairy Godmother By Morpheus It was late afternoon, close to the evening and I was sitting in the chair by my computer, frowning as I glanced at the clock. It was almost time, not that it was really going to make much difference to me. And though I knew that I shouldn't even be wasting my time thinking about it, I just couldn't help...

2 years ago
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Childbirth Hypnotherapy

I was feeling much better. I usually don’t take sick days, I’m the kind of girl who shows up completely trashed sneezing and coughing, determined to make at least one coworker sick in exchange for a sick day. This one destroyed me. I couldn’t move, I was shivering, the coughs actually hurt, the medicine did nothing. I was getting older. I was twenty-nine. I know, that’s not old, but it’s the little things at first, those tiny little things you don’t notice, or at least that you shouldn’t...

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I was tired of my same old friday night flings so I decided to spice things up on Tinder. I scrolled through a few hotties until one face came up that looked familiar. I swiped right and waited. After a few minutes I heard from her. She sounded like she was down to fuck so I wasted no time and asked her where we could meet. She mentioned a gas station that was down the street from me. I said yes and told her I could be there in a few minutes. As I pulled in I saw her step out of her car and...

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Dr. Lewis was ill tempered when he unlocked his office door. It was a little after eight and he had sessions back to back through out the day. He hated it when Ginger booked them like that. He needed time to recuperate and ground himself. He was doing memory work with some of his clients and that kind of therapy could be intense. He ached for Thursday – two days to go before he could see her. In his journal, which stayed in a locked drawer in his office at home, he had started referring to...

3 years ago
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Copyright Oggbashan April 2003 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary, the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. **************** I have a fantasy of sharing a bed with two attractive young women preferably naked. Most adult males would share that fantasy. I never expected it to happen or if it did the experience...

4 years ago
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BB 2 Fairy Godmother

Gretchen frowned at the paper panties that Lula, the waxing technician,had given her. She quickly decided that Sue’s recommendation to just skip wearing panties and go bare during her waxing was the best option. Thankfully, Lula had also given her that option without Gretchen having to ask. Following Lula’s instructions, Gretchen removed her shoes, jeans, and panties and left on her top. She sat down on the end of what looked like a massage table and draped the sheet that Lula had provided over...

Group Sex
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My Sister Set Me Up on a Blind Date

It was a Friday night at the end of my sophomore year at college. A cop had pulled me over as I was driving home. "Yes it is, Officer." "And your last name is really Chevrolet?" "That's my last name. Just like it was the last name of Louis Chevrolet, the co-founder of the Chevrolet car company." I hated it when people wouldn't believe that my last name was Chevrolet. If it was Ford, they wouldn't think twice. Now if it was "Google" or "FedEx", I could understand...

2 years ago
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Win a Date with Quinn1

know all the specifics or exactly why the law makers did this, but do any of us really know why politicians do anything? To be perfectly honest I do not really care why they did it, because, to make a long story short, the outcome of the passing of this law has completely eliminated the `age of consent' and has made all child pornography legal. It did not take long after this law was passed for `kiddy porn' to move out of basements and warehouses and become professionally produced at...

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Win a Date with Quinn0

know all the specifics or exactly why the law makers did this, but do any of us really know why politicians do anything? To be perfectly honest I do not really care why they did it, because, to make a long story short, the outcome of the passing of this law has completely eliminated the `age of consent' and has made all child pornography legal. It did not take long after this law was passed for `kiddy porn' to move out of basements and warehouses and become professionally produced at...

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One Last Date She Said

There is no graphic sex in this story. I suggest you look at other authors if that is what you want. Comments are welcome and appreciated. It is the only way I can see if I'm improving. Thank you for reading my work. Enjoy. I was in love. At least I thought I was. In hindsight, it was probably just lust and an infatuation with the girl in question. Everything would have been okay if I had stood strong in my beliefs. Everything would have been okay if I hadn't been afraid of losing my girl....

4 years ago
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The Fifth Date

The Fifth Date By Sarah Goodwoman Chapter 1 Scott paced back and forth with looking at his cell phone in his hand. He was only a half hour away from having his fifth date with Monica and was making big decision. He was either going to cancel the date or go through with it. He strongly wanted to enjoy the evening with Monica, he found her wonderful, yet he knew that if they had their date it ended their budding relationship. Scott knew it will end his relationship, the fifth date...

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Wife Dates a Real Man Blacken

I came out of the en-suite bathroom in the master bedroom I shared with my loving husband who was sitting just where I left him; gagged and handcuffed naked to the chair in front of the computer. He looked at me as I stood before him naked as well, rubbing some lotion into my skin. A grin formed on my face, as I look at him watching me so desperately. I saw his caged cock twitch as his eyes followed my hands working the lotion into my breasts and my grin grew larger.Retrieving my lotion bottle...

4 years ago
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Not Your Average JoeChapter 9 The Mandate

When we arrived at school, Major Johnson excused himself to use the restroom. He’d already witnessed a demonstration of my self-defense skills, so he knew I could take care of myself if the situation called for it. I assured him I’d be fine standing out in the hall for the few minutes it took him to “do his business.” My father had been training me in martial arts sparring for years and, even though I didn’t particularly enjoy it, I still learned how to defend myself well enough to keep him...

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Cheerleader has fun with her cute stepbrother

At that moment, I wanted my stepbrother to go down on me right there. I wanted him to rip apart my cheerleader bloomers and feast on my moist pussy. Then I wanted him to stick that cock in me, fuck me hard, and fill my pussy up with his warm white cum. I opened my eyes as I awoke. Sunlight poured in through my bedroom window. I smiled. It was Saturday, my favorite day of the week. I was able to sleep in, I didn’t have to go to any classes, and I was free to go out and have some...

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