Complete Sissy Cuckold free porn video

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COMPLETE SISSY CUCKOLD by Throne "Josie, darling, come in here please," my wife Margie said. Her tone was all sweetness but I was certain I wasn't going to like what happened next. I put down my dustrag and minced out of the room, tugging down the bib-front apron I was wearing, feeling it's big bow brushing against my bare bottom. My elastic-top stockings clung to my slim legs. The tall heels she had made me don assured that my walk was swishy and my steps short. I like the idea of being feminized, and my wife went along with that desire once she got me to confess it, but since then matters have gotten rather... extreme. As I entered the living room I got an awful shock. She was sitting on the couch in one of her tight mini-dresses, legs crossed, a glass of wine in her hand. Right next to her, with his big mitt holding a can of beer, was her lover Max. I had thought he was out of town for a few days and that I was going to get a break from the unwanted attention he paid me. "Hello, Josie," the big man said in his typical snide way. "How's my girlfriend's sissy husband doing?" I did a little dip of a curtsey and said, in a small scared voice, "I'm doing well, Sir. Thank you for asking." "And you're looking good, too. So slender and with not a single hair anywhere on your body. At least I think there's not even one. Why don't you give me a better look? Turn around so I can see that cute ass." My face grew warm and I knew I was blushing, as I do so often around him. I turned slowly, took the bow of my apron between my fingers, and lifted it to give him a clearer view. No wonder Margie hadn't let me put on panties. She must have known he was coming -- had gotten done whatever work he had to do out of town, earlier than expected -- and wanted my shame to be as extreme as possible. Probably made sure to be quiet while he slipped into the house. It doesn't help me that my attractive bride gets a thrill from seeing me humiliated. Or that when she feels that way it makes her hungry for sex. With a tall strong man. Like Max. He got up and stepped closer to me, reached out and patted my bottom. As much as I cherish playing 'dress-up', I don't appreciate being fondled by guys. Max knows that and makes a point to touch me often. He thinks it's amusing and, unless I'm mistaken, gets at least a little kick out of it. When his fingers moved away from my exposed buttocks I was relieved, but then he surprised me by grabbing my upper arm, his long thick fingers pressing into its softness, and spinning me around to face him. I yelped and looked up at him. My eyes must were wide and my lipsticked mouth was open in what I'm sure was a startled 'O'. He looked back at Margie and wanted to know, "Has our sissy been good today? Or does her bottom need a good hard spanking from a real man? Hmmm?" "Well," my wife said thoughtfully. "She did do all of her chores. But she was kind of slow. Why don't we see how well she behaves for the next little while before I decide whether or not she needs her cheeks tanned?" "Sure, baby," he said with a wolfish grin, still holding my arm tightly. "I don't mind waiting. And I'm sure she doesn't either. Do you, Josie JoJo?" "N... n... no, S... Sir." I hate it when he gets me so upset that I stutter like that. But he loves to dominate me and, like I said, my wife gets aroused by every aspect of my disgrace. Max gave my arm a final squeeze and let me go. He laughed as he went back to Margie and sat alongside her once more. He leaned close and gave her a long deep kiss. She put one hand on his muscular thigh and stroked it through his tight jeans, moving closer and closer to his crotch. I could see the familiar bulge growing there and knew they were going to subject me to further insults; he was going to take her to the bedroom and have his way with her. She would be a willing and enthusiastic partner. And what would my role be in their lovemaking? Simply observer? Or in some way participant? He took a swallow of his beer and gave my spouse another kiss, to which she responded with passion. Max set down his drink on the end table and brought his hand in close to settle it on her plump breast, which I could see was not contained by a bra. He kneaded the yeilding flesh and she closed her eyes and moaned, squirming her wide hips and rubbing her partly exposed thighs together. I stood there feeling as helpless as could be, a weak sissy cuckold. After another five minutes of increasingly heated foreplay, they both rose at the same time, as if cued by some silent signal, and started toward the bedroom. I followed meekly, not sure that they wanted me to, but fearful of hanging back and risking their anger. I ran my fingers over the sides of my smooth face, being reminded that laser treatments had eliminated the sparse beard I once possessed and had also assured that it could never return. I tugged up on the shoulder straps of my apron, then pulled down on its hem with nervous energy. In the bedroom Max sat on the edge of the mattress and snapped at me, "Get over here, Jo. Down on your knees. I want you to..." I shuddered to think what he might be going to say, but he simply finished with, "... take off my shoes." I sank down before him and with trembling fingers untied his laces. As I eased off one shoe my wife sat next to him and they kissed again. It was so shameful to be treated like the lowliest of servants by them while Margie enjoyed the attentions of her virile lover. He unzipped her dress in the back and she slid it down over her shoulders, stopping for one teasing moment and then lowering it to reveal her full and shapely breasts. In spite of myself, I sighed. My wife has such a gorgeous figure, with the extra helping of weight that I find so attractive. She's quite a contrast to my slim form. Max snapped his fingers in my face and I realized that I had become distracted from my task. I hurried to remove his other shoe and set them both neatly aside. My wife wanted to know if I had left my dustcloth in the other room and, when I said that I had, she told me to scamper off and fetch it, so I could buff his shoes... 'while he takes me in the buff'. He laughed at her silly wordplay as I got up and left the room, aware that they had a perfect view of my wagging hips. When I returned they had undressed each other completely. I humbly got down and took one of his shoes, slipping my small hand into its spacious interior and using my other hand to hold the rag as I began to rub the leather. They were chuckling, kissing, and touching, less aware of my presence as they began to concentrate on each other. I saw him lay back and her kneel over him with her head at the level of his crotch. Max's enviably large penis was standing up. I mentally compared it to my own inadequate endowment and conceeded that I was looking at another reason for my wife's infidelity. Margie lowered her mouth and took his rigid tool into it, inch after wide inch, until it was buried in her throat. She was probably aware that I couldn't take my eyes off her performance, as she rode her lips up and down, purring contentedly and occasionally making wet sounds. My poor sissy stomach turned over, I was so distressed. He held her head lightly, his fingers in her thick auburn hair, which she wore quite short. Sometimes I thought that she didn't let it grow because she wanted me to be able to always see how her eyes closed in ecstasy and how her lips worked hungrily at moments like that. When she stopped her lewd sucking he shifted position, easily put her onto her back, and mounted her. As I continued to buff his shoes I saw his member sink into her and begin pistoning in and out. She breathed deeply and thrust back at him. They kept it up effortlessly, relishing every second, for a full half hour before they finished at the same time. I bit my lower lip and clutched Max's shoe to my narrow chest, inhaling the scent of leather. "Josie," my wife said, her voice thick with satiation. "Get a pair of your panties from the dresser." I did as told, selecting bikini-cut ones. I figured that if I picked anything less girly, I might get into trouble. She held out her hand and I gave them to her, whereupon she used them to wipe up the thick salty load of spunk he had pumped into her body. Margie made sure to get lots and lots of his cum on the inside of the crotch of the panties and also some on the inside of the seat. Then she offered them back to me and I accepted them reluctantly, my hand quivering. "Take a sniff of all that man-syrup," she said with a smile. "Isn't it intoxicating?" "Yes," I whispered. "Why don't you put them on? You can pretend that Max just had his magnificent cock in you and that all that wonderful cream is oozing out of the pussy you wish you had, and from your tight butthole." When I didn't react she added, "Unless you're ready for that spanking that was mentioned earlier. No? Then lift up the front of your cute apron... go on... and pull them up your smooth legs." I blushed furiously as I raised the covering of the apron to expose something I didn't want Max to see. There was a little pink bow decorating my unimpressive dick, attached right at the top of the short length, held there by a small loop of elastic. I sniffled as I bared that added shame. He laughed uproariously. Lifting one foot, I slipped it through the leghole of the lightweight article of lingerie, then stepped in with the other. I bent down and worked the soiled garment up until Max's gooey cum was against my genitals. As I worked the panties more fully into place I felt the mess in their seat press against my narrow but full-enough-to-be-unmanly backside. It was supremely humiliating. Margie snickered and Max guffawed. I stood there with my thighs pressed together, hugging myself, knowing that I was a perfect picture of disgrace, but unable to assume a less demeaned pose. As if congratulating each other for the inventive indignity they had inflicted on me, they shared a long unhurred kiss. Max's cum was cooling gradually, which made it feel even worse somehow. I had to fight not to sniffle louder and maybe even start sobbing. "All right, sissy Josie," my wife said. "We're going to get some much- needed sleep. All that sex was hard work. You can get back to your housework. Take a fresh dustcloth from your supplies and start again where you left off. I think the only other job on your list is handwashing my panties. Remember to lick and suck the crotches before you put them into the hot water, so that you'll be sure to get out all those pussy stains that I leave there while I'm dreaming about Max." She giggled at her remark. "Yes, Ma'am," I said softly. "Yeah," Max threw in, "and clean the bathroom in case I have to get up in the middle of the night to take a leak." "Good idea," Margie said approvingly. "In fact, take your fuzzy pink dog bed into the potty and curl up on it. You can sleep in the bathroom in case we need you to do any extra work in there. Scrubbing out the toilet or whatever." So shamed that I couldn't even make eye contact with either of them, I replied, "Yes, Ma'am. Thank you, Ma'am." It was always a good idea to thank her, even if it wasn't for anything specific. "Um... good night." "It has been so far," she said, and rolled toward Max to give him a warm hug and a hot kiss. ********* The next morning, on the oval of my doggie bed, I was awakened by the sound of the toilet flushing. I looked up to see my stunning wife, stark naked, smirking down at me. She said she was going to get a shower and that I should go to the kitchen and wait for her and Max there. When I entered the kitchen he was already present, in just boxers and sleeveless undershirt, a mug of fragrant coffee in his large hand. I wasn't permitted to drink coffee because Margie said it made me 'agitated'. I humbly stood in the corner while he took a long enviable swallow and sighed loudly, for my benefit I assumed. My wife appeared soon, wearing a very short robe, and tossed me a filmy nightie with a big flouncy bow at its neck, telling me to change into it without removing those unwanted panties. I did, not liking that they got to see me remove the apron, and liking even less that my new attire was nearly transparant. I had to strike a few girly poses for their entertainment. That was when Max said, "I've come to a decision on that spanking matter. Sissy Josie might not have done anything wrong yesterday or last night, but she should get her ass smacked anyway, just to make sure that she doesn't get lazy." "That's a good idea," Margie said as she got herself some coffee. "It's so nice of you to think about her welfare like that, lover. I'm sure she'll thank you. And request that you make it an extra long and hard spanking, so she won't forget it and then slack off." I squirmed uneasily. They were being so unfair. But that was part of their technique for keeping me a humbled anxious sissy. Wringing my hands, I said in a wispy voice, "Thank you, Sir. You're so thoughtful and caring. I hope you'll make my spanking... er... not quick and... uh... not gentle." "Are you sure, sissy? Do you really want me to hurt you?" "Oh, yes Sir," I forced myself to tell him. "Otherwise it won't be effecitve." "I suppose you're right." He slid his chair out from the table. "Come here, lower those panties, and get over my lap.' "Y... y... yes, S... Sir." I was stammering again, another sign of weakness. But as a sissy, I was ALWAYS weak, though moreso in the presence of raw masculinity, which he possessed in excess. I tugged down the panties in back, feeling dried cum pull away from my silky buttocks. Then I pulled them down in front, once more having to reveal the awful bow on my underdeveloped penis. It felt like my feet were stuck to the floor, I was so reluctant to go to him, but resisting would only earn me worse punishment. So I obediently put myself across his hairy muscular thighs (so unlike my own) and stayed there, reaching down to grip the legs of the chair. In no hurry, he allowed me to suffer anticipation of what was to come while he took a long, noisy sip of coffee. "Remember," my wife said unecessarily, "Josie Jo asked you to make it last a long time and hurt like the blazes." She laughed breathily. There seemed to be a lull and I let myself relax. Big mistake, because of course that was exactly when Max swept up his broad hand and brought it down hard on my unprotected buns. He swatted them repeatedly, while Margie looked on avidly, and I wailed and -- despite trying to stay still -- kicked my stockinged legs, even sending one of my heels flying. I squealed and moaned and shed plenty of hot tears, my nose running and mouth opening and shutting uncontrollably. He kept it up until my sitter was on fire -- I mean three alarm fire -- and I was exhausted. When he finally stopped I went limp, panting and trying to stem my tears. Max got up, at the same time getting a hold on me and standing me up. My legs were quaking and I might have collapsed without his support. He said the he had gotten some of last night's cum off my bottom and onto his hand. Then he held it out to me and told me to lick it clean. I docilely extended my tongue and, with Margie grinning at my submissiveness, lapped the palm of his hand for several minutes, tasting his spunk, my stomach fluttering. He said there was also some on the fronts of his thighs, from me laying over them, and made me use my mouth there, too. I was so frightened, as I squatted down and cleaned him with my mouth there, that ijt might lead to something even worse. At last he was satisfied and bent forward, slipped his hands under my arms to yank me to my feet. Max effortlessly turned me toward Margie and made me take several steps. She said, "I think our little girl needs some alone time, to think about the differnce between behaving and making trouble." I hadn't misbehaved. I wanted to tell her that. But I was in no condition to even speak, let alone make a coherant arguement. Again, they were being unfair just because they could. It was yet another way of telling me how helpless I was with them. Max moved me even closer to my bride and she grabbed my ear to give it a twist. "Come on, sissy baby. Let's put you to bed for a long nap. While we do grown-up things." Still holding my ear, making me wince, she led me through the house to the former walk-in closet that was now my 'bedroom'. Almost the entire space was taken up by a pink-and-white canopied bed, covered by a matching spread with a ruffled border. She gave my fanny an extra swat, making me yelp, and told me to pull back the covers. I also had to fluff up my pillow. And even pick one of the stuffed animals she had bought me to heighten my sense of sissiness. I selected the pink unicorn with a rainbow tail. As I slid beneath the spread I clutched the silly toy to my chest, against that silky nightie. At least I had stopped crying by then. She patted me on the head and said, "Now you have a nice rest, Josie. I know how that wildman Max can be in the mornings, and he'll probably want more of that nasty, dirty sex, the kind that makes me lose control and howl like an alleycat." She smiled, more at the though of what she was about to experience, than to comfort me. "So close your eyes and be nice and quiet." "I will," I assured her, barely audible. "That's my good sissy baby Jo," she leaned down to deliver a light kiss to my warm cheek. "You know I really care about you. And I'm just giving you what you honestly desire. And what you and I both enjoy. And what gives Max an extra thrill. Right?" "I know you care," I answered. "I'm just not sure how much I like some of the things that happen to me. And what else might... follow later." "Aw, sweetums, you just have to relax and trust me. I know what, in your heart, you honestly want. Right from the start I was sure that dressing up pretty wasn't the end, but just the beginning. Eventually, even if it takes a long time, I'll make you over completely. Some day, Josie, you'll be my complete sissy cuckold." I still wanted to disagree, at least a little, but I also suspected that maybe -- just maybe -- she was right, and however far she took me, in the end I would come to accept -- and even desire -- it all. ********* Much of the inspiration for this story came from Lill Jo's Room at Well worth a look for the terrific art and writing. Be sure to leave a comment or two there.

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iWank Cuckold

The online world is filled with all sorts of porn movies, including many popular fetishes. So if you are searching for something specific, I am sure that you will be able to find it. However, the process of searching for your favorite porn sites can be quite tedious, because a lot of porn sites are really not worth your time. That is why Fetish Porn Sites is all you really need.I am here to talk about a site that is filled with cuckold pornos. is a free porn aggregator that has...

Cuckold Porn Sites
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My Life as a Cuckold

Living with a cheating spouse.After the first year of marriage, my wife began an affair with her manager. He was the first of many men over the years. Some of them I knew about and I may have even encouraged them but most were done behind my back, in secret. Because she has these secrets, not a day goes by that it doesn't play on my mind. One day in my angst, I typed the word 'infidelity' into Google and discovered Literotica.There are so many stories here about unfaithful spouses and I...

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My Life as a Cuckold

Living with a cheating spouse.After the first year of marriage, my wife began an affair with her manager. He was the first of many men over the years. Some of them I knew about and I may have even encouraged them but most were done behind my back, in secret. Because she has these secrets, not a day goes by that it doesn't play on my mind. One day in my angst, I typed the word 'infidelity' into Google and discovered Literotica.There are so many stories here about unfaithful spouses and I...

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Sexcom Cuckold

For me, I have come to crown this fetish as the weirdest of all fetishes. I have come across the shittest of shit here on the Pornosphere, from machine fucking, tickling, pissing, bondage, submission and all sorts of sexual antics, but when it comes to cuckold, well, I don't have words to describe this shit. Some men are into interracial porn. To my amusement, these perverts want to watch their women worship and be stretched by big monstrous cocks from black maniacs. The weirdest shit is that...

Cuckold Porn Sites
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ImageFap Cuckold

Is this a joke, hombre? Do you fucking have a real girlfriend? Oh shit! I just remembered. You settled for the ugly BBW bitch on the Tinder dating app. Or could you be talking about your gay stud, faggot? Whatever shit it is, you just want a warm hole to nut in. Dumbass, I have seen it all in the pornosphere, but even if fetishes can get weird and kinky, cuckold is cringy. How lusty babes enjoy doing all shit with strangers as their boyfriends and husbands watch still amuses me.And how does a...

Cuckold Porn Sites
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Husband turns me onto BBC Cuckold

I'm Suzy, and I've been married to my husband David for 15 years. I'm currently 35, 5'10, 140lbs, have shoulder length brown hair, brown eyes, and measures 38-28-38". David is 38, 5'11", 175lbs, has blonde hair, blue eyes and has a 7" cock. Five years ago we started spicing up our sex life by visiting sex sites online, visiting adult video stores and renting their movies. We also agreed to try what each other wanted at least once.The first time that we involved someone else, was at a adult...

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NaughtyBlog Cuckold

Being a lover of porn for years now, not because I make money by reviewing porn but also because I'm a chronic wanker, and thus I am profound when it comes to pornsites and the shit they provide. What do you mean, Porndude? The thing is, I have come across my fair share of fucked up, low-effort sites that not even a 50-year-old virgin can fap you. Do you get what I'm saying motherfuckers? I am talking about sites that can lead you to hell rather than climax – spam and ad-filled sites that can...

Cuckold Porn Sites
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The Journey From Chastity To Cuckold

The journey from simple male chastity to cuckold chastity is an interesting one. It isn’t necessarily a natural progression to being a chastity cuck – the man who seeks to be placed in chastity isn’t by any means always fantasizing about his wife cuckolding him. However it’s often a slower journey from being kept in chastity…to adding the extra dimension of cuckolding into the mix. Being cuckolded by your woman, dovetails nicely with being denied sex by her. In fact most would argue that it...

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Make Him Cuckold

For most guys, having to watch their wife or girlfriend fuck another dude is a nightmare. My readers would feel that pain particularly deep. For you fucks, to get a girlfriend would be the culmination of a life's effort. It will take every ounce of strength and ingenuity you have in your bones. You only have the perseverance to accomplish it once, so you have to make it count.Your version of making it count probably doesn't include watching your bitch get her brains fucked out by a black dude...

Premium Cuckold Porn Sites
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FapHouse Cuckold

If you can't give your whore girlfriend the satisfaction she deserves because you have a tiny cock, chances are she will try to find it elsewhere. There are a few reasons your girl would bring a handsome stranger home to ride and arch for them in front of you. Either you moron fucking cheated on her with your busty neighbour, who she is always jealous about, or you are a sissy partner, and you never make her tremble to your perversions, and she wants you to at least learn something new and pick...

Premium Cuckold Porn Sites
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Wife turning me into a cuckold

Another FantasyThis is just a fantasy and I am definitely not such a sub in real lifeOn many days I sit at my computer and watch porn without my wife’s knowledge. I really do like watching cuckold videos and have built up a large collection on my hard drive. Then it happened. My computer crashed with the Blue Screen of Death (a well-known Windows fault). I could not get it to work so I had to take it into the repair shop. It took a while for the shop to fix it and they were able to back up all...

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Being CUCKOLD and having the desire to see or know that your wife has sex with other men, in this type of relationship the husband usually puts his wife in charge of married life and becomes submissive to her.THE DIFFICULTIES OF BECOMING A CUCKOLD.One of the biggest difficulties in becoming a horn is convincing your wife to understand that you simply want to take a horn.Usually the horns start to fantasize about this during sex, then after a while the wife begins to dislike the idea, thinking...

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Wife cuckolds husband.I'm an always horney man, constantly thinking of sex in some form. I wonder about the type of sex every woman, I see, enjoys. That prudish old bitch everyone knows, whose ass is so tight you could stick a lump of coal in it and get a diamond out. I even imagine her with a penis in her mouth or a tongue in her pussy. That hot little thing everyone is slobbering over. Is she a hot piece of ass? Or, is she a bland fuck that leaves you wanting and needing more?Sex is always on...

1 year ago
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He owned us Both Cuckold

This story happened about a year after my wife Kathy and I got married. She had been an innocent college freshman when we met, I was a senior who hadn't had much luck with women throughout my undergrad, but managed to find enough courage to approach her in the psychology class we both took. She was even shyer than I was, but eventually after a few months of pursuing her I got her out on a date. A few months later and we finally had sex for the first time. It was the first time for us both,...

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Confederate Cock Sucker and Cuckold

My name is Grady, and my best friend, Harley, and I were participating in The Battle of Blountville (Tennessee) Civil War reenactment in September 2018, at a time when we were both forty-five years old, when something occurred that changed our personal relationship forever, in an intimate way. I’ll give you a little background before I get to the significant parts of the story.BackgroundWe live in Johnson City, which is only about thirty miles from the Blountville battlefield, both working as...

4 years ago
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Bred for Cuckold

This is a story about Stephanie, a new hot wife. I first introduced her in the first story I wrote, “Cards With Friends.” Stephanie is married to Jason, who is now a happy cuckold husband. This is now the ninth story with her. At the end of another story I wrote about these two, called “Threesome for a Hotwife,” Stephanie now wears a gold anklet on one of her legs that has a little, spade shaped charm on it, the capital letter “Q” in the center, to indicate that she is now a “queen of spades,”...

3 years ago
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Creating A Cuckold

It was a usual Tuesday night for us, my wife was finishing up dinner, and I had just gotten home from work. I was sitting at the kitchen table using my laptop, chatting with her here and there. At one point, she turned around; looked at me with a smile and said: ?drooling over chastity devices again?? There was a sudden pinch in my stomach. I couldn’t believe she had found what I had been looking at! I went into autopilot, making a weak attempt to protect my manhood. All I could do was respond...

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How I Became A Cocksucking Cuckold

I have always been able to go down on my wife after cumming in her but I admit that for many it can be difficult to do having to eat your own cum from your partner immediately after you orgasm. It's something I learned to do when I was with my first female sex partner at the tender age of 15, she was much older and it made up for my premature ejaculation I experienced in my early years of sexual activity. I would cum so fast it left my partner hot and bothered so at her urging and near...

1 year ago
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Thank God Im a CUCKOLD

April 7th, 2015I thought I would take this moment to talk about how great it is to discover my calling in life...that of being a cuckold. Even though this lifestyle has caused my wife to divorce me, the sexual intensity and addictive joys that being a cuckold have provided help me to not only understand why my wife of 12 years would divorce me, but when I think of how she chose her "Owner's" big cock over our relationship it usually turns me on and I'll soon be stroking my little dick until I...

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How To Guide for Sissies and Cuckolds

Like most couples these days both partners will be doing demanding full time jobs. Traditionally husbands have done gardening, cleaning the car, putting out the trash, performing do it yourself jobs around the house, driving the car if you are going out in it together and anything that might come under the heading of 'physically demanding' work. It's true that the last sentence now sounds somewhat old fashioned although there are still marriages where such arrangements exist. If you are the...

3 years ago
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Domination of The Hotwife and The Cuckold

A text ‘Hey’ came into my inbox from someone named Salman. He claimed to be a huge fan of the stories I wrote on ISS and wanted to know if they were real. I explained that some stories like were inspired by real-life events. Some details were added or removed to make them better. Listening to this, he was on cloud nine. At the time, I didn’t know why he was so excited, but later I learned he was a cuckold. He explained to me in great that for the past 4 years, their sex life has been dying...

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Katies Awakening Her Cuckold

Katie and I tried to get back to normal after her weekend with Tom, but we weren't doing very well. Every time we made love together all I could see in my head was her being fucked by him, or worse, her being gangbanged by his poker buddies. Katie tried to be understanding and supportive. She did everything she could do but I would only last for about 10 seconds before cumming so hard that it hurt. No matter what we did to prolong things, as soon as I thought about her weekend, I'd blow. We...

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Making Of A Cum Eating Cuckold

My wife and I made plans to go to Atlantic City this past summer for a much needed getaway. She made reservations for us stay at one of the hotel casinos for the weekend. We arrived just before noon on Friday settling in our room after the long drive to freshen up and grab a bite to eat. She mentioned to me she had purchased a very sexy new one piece swimsuit the day before we left. She could not wait for me to see her wearing it. Knowing my wife her new swimsuit had to be the kind that shows...

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2088 Its a Sissy World

2088: It's a Sissy World Charles Pauline - Data Processor Cindy Pauline - Charles' wife Ms. Miriam Jensdotter - Charles' Boss James Marie - Charles' work friend Ms. Marysdau - James' boss Creampuff - A Sissy Store Worker Babykins - A Sissy Store Worker Suzi - The Sissy Store Owner Butterscotch - Creampuff's Roommate Supervisor Gabriellez - Creampuff's Apartment Supervisor Janice and Roger - Passengers on the Looper Ms. Hardcastle - Milking Salon Director Nurse Hamilton - Milking...

2 years ago
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Dominated for Cuckold

This is a story about Samantha, a young white woman in her late 20’s, and her new husband Eric. Samantha has jet black hair that goes roughly half way down her back, blazing green eyes, and a very petite figure (think 32-22-32). Eric is a white man also in his late 20’s and has light brown hair and blue eyes, and is pretty athletic. Samantha also has a twin, Annabella, who looks just like her except Annabella’s eyes are blue. This is their ninth story. Other stories featuring them include...

4 years ago
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“I have two men with me, my partner John and Julian, my twenty-five year old bi-sex toy boy. My man took great delight in telling Fiona, “Sarah is of French descent, bilingual, fluent in both French and English and as I recently discovered with a little prompting from me, bi-sexual, though she didn’t need a great deal of prompting. She often reminds me, I am to please and be pleased sexually. And I love having sex with an audience.” As the conversation progressed it became more racy. “What...

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“I have two men with me, my partner John and Julian, my twenty-five year old bi-sex toy boys. My man took great delight in telling Fiona, “Sarah is of French descent, bilingual, fluent in both French and English and as I recently discovered with a little prompting from me, bi-sexual, though she didn’t need a great deal of prompting. She often reminds me, I am to please and be pleased sexually. And I love having sex with an audience.” As the conversation progressed it became more racy. “What...

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Reddit Cuckold, aka r/Cuckold! Other than being the second most popular insult on online image boards, cuck is also the official word for a member of one of the weirdest fetishes I’ve ever seen in my entire life. Now, I review porn for a living, so I see a lot of wacky stuff. And since the third world porn industry is constantly trying to produce weirder, filthier smut, I’ve got my work cut out for me. But I don’t think any genre of porn is going to outdo my surprise when I first discovered the...

Reddit NSFW List
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My wife tells everyone that Im a cuckold

Quick background info for those who haven't read any of my other stories.I'm submissive by nature. My submissive side was always a secret until I started to experiment with my then girlfriend now wife, Sue, which led her to becoming the dominant person in our day to day lives and later led her to cuckolding me.Now that the background info is out of the way, we can start with the story.Also keep in mind I try to add as much detail as I can as well as dialogue so my stories tend to have a slow...

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Meinen Mann zur Sissy erzogen

Achtung diese Geschichte ist noch voller Rechtschreib- und Gramatikfehler. Jeder der m?chte kann diese Geschichte als Vorlage nehmen und sie verbessern. Jetzt reicht es mir. Ich hatte die Internet Seiten meines Freundes gefunden. Er surft also st?ndig auf Adult Baby Sissy Seiten. Ich hatte mich schon l?nger gefragt warum er im Bett nichts zu Stande bringt. Das kann er haben, ich werde ihn einfach in ein kleines Babym?dchen behandeln bzw im Grunde verwandeln. Er war eine Woche zu einem al...

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Chrissie The Saga of a Lovestruck Sissy Maid

Chrissie by c.w. cobblestone BOOK ONE "Mrs. Martin" Part I My right leg had a mind of its own. Rebecca frowned. "Why you keep bouncing like that? What's wrong with you?" "Um, I ... I ... nothing." "Bullshit, nothing. Something's up; you been acting weird ever since we got back from Paris. What the hell's going on, Chris?" I balled my fists. Clenched my jaw. Closed my eyes. Drew a breath. Took the plunge. "Okay. Okay. It's just ... well, now that we're...

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Sissy spit roast sleep over

Pt 1: Long black limoSissy Saraya was very excited because her new mistress had told her they were going to continue with her corset training tonight, she had been wearing her waist trainer and inflatable plug all day along with her favourite pink maids outfit and cute sissy 6" white heels and stockings with pretty pink bows, She had been watching BBC porn all day and was dreaming of cock while she finished her chores, Mistress text to say her driver would be arriving at 6pm sharp, Mistress...

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The SissyMaster

THE SISSY-MASTER CHAPTER 1 I have read many tales and stories on this site over the years; some of them 'autobiographical' and some of them complete fantasy. It strikes me that most of the stories have been written by the, either real or wannabe sissy girl and therefore is 'her' fantasy from a sissy's perspective. So I have written my stories of my experiences, beliefs and methods from the perspective of the male. This is for the REAL MEN that read this site, a guide to the...

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The Sissy App

The Sissy App 1. Setup "This is the longest user agreement I've ever read!" thought Rick as he scrolled and scrolled through the hundreds of pages of legalese on his recently-downloaded smartphone app. The "Sissy App" User License Agreement was indeed voluminous, containing numerous sections detailing the GRA Software Corporation's exemption from penalties, payments or legal requirements, granted by authorities or statutes, for any harm that may come to a user when using the Sissy...

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