Runaway 1 free porn video

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RUNAWAY - Chapter 1 I was sixteen when I finally ran away from home. They were the sixth foster family I'd been with and maybe not the worst. Most of my life had been spent in kid's homes or with foster parents, after being abandoned when I was only a few months old. A previous attempt to break free when I was fourteen had ended when the police caught up with me after only a few hours freedom and handed me back to the social workers. Growing up in kids homes had provided me with a number of skills, like not trusting anyone and being able to care for myself when I had to. At sixteen I'd had enough of being told what I could and couldn't do. I wanted to get away. Planning was going to be essential. Over a period of some months I stole money from my foster parents. I know this sounds bad, but it was only small amounts at any one time and I didn't feel guilty about this because they were paid well enough to keep me. The real brainwave came when Barbara, my step mum, asked me to take a whole load of clothes to a charity shop. She went out early that morning and, just out of curiosity, I emptied the bag on the floor to have a look at what she was throwing away. That's when it came to me. If I made my break dressed as a girl, I wouldn't get dragged back because everyone would be looking for a boy. My hair was almost to my shoulders and dirty blond as I had been cultivating a sort of cool surfer look. My step mum was about the same height as me, around five foot three inches, and I was skinny enough for her clothes to fit me. It was a crazy idea but I thought it might actually work. After a couple of days I'd planned my escape. It would take me on three different buses in a fourteen-hour journey to the seaside town I had chosen. The second bus was an overnighter and I figured I'd catch up with sleep on that one. I packed a holdall with a couple of the dresses I'd selected and some panties, bras and other odds and ends that I'd pinched from Barbara's room. I'd already checked that the bus terminal had a disabled toilet and I planned to change in there; it was unisex and I wouldn't draw the attention of anyone when going in or out. On the afternoon I left I was pretty looking over my shoulder, expecting someone to stop me. The bus station was quiet and I slipped into the toilet as planned. This was the first time I'd dressed as a girl and it felt a bit weird. I brushed my hair in a neater style and chose a summery cotton dress. The panties were a cream silky material. I wasn't sure they were necessary, but as I was going for my own blue converse trainer shoes I thought I'd make the effort to 'feel' the part. There were two pairs of shoes with heels in my bag but I wasn't sure I could walk in them as I'd had no practice. After a quick assessment in the mirror, I decided to use the bra as well, stuffed with a stocking in each one. They looked small under the dress but realistic. Speaking quietly, because I wasn't too sure of my voice, I bought a ticket and boarded the bus, taking a seat near the back. While I stared out the window, keeping an eye out for anyone who might be looking for me, a guy who looked to be in his twenties took the seat next to me. This was not part of my plan and I immediately asked to get out. He stood up made way for me to change seats. Then he moved and sat next to me again. I was about to panic when a lady asked him if he could move as her niece, nodding at me, had been trying to save a seat for her. He reluctantly gave up and she slid in next to me. "It looked like you had a problem," she whispered. "Hope you didn't mind me interfering?" "Um, no, thanks," I mumbled. She didn't say anything else for a while, then she leant closer to me. "Are you travelling a long way by yourself?" she asked, but didn't wait for a reply. "Because the nearer you sit to the driver, the less you're likely to be bothered by men like that one." I thanked her, worried again that my voice might give me away, but she didn't seem to notice anything odd. I stared out the window solidly for the next hour until we got to where I needed to change bus. We got off together and she asked how old I was. I told her eighteen. She nodded and told me to be careful, then turned and walked away. I was certain that she genuinely thought I was a girl, as had the guy earlier, which gave me some confidence. I bought my onward ticket and nervously entered the ladies rest room. It was far nicer than any men's room I'd ever been in. I hid in a cubicle and relaxed for the first time since I'd run away. I took a pair of the heeled shoes from my bag and put them on. The fit was a fraction tight and when I stood I was very unstable. They were obviously going to take a bit of practice. Space was limited and I could only take one or two steps before I had to turn around. It wasn't too tricky if I concentrated and didn't move too fast, I decided to give it a go. The last thing I needed was to be 'made' as a boy. I came out the cubicle and studied my face in a mirror. I didn't have facial hair and my eyes were a very clear blue. With my hair brushed so that I had a long fringe hanging over my eyebrows I was confident that I could pass for a girl without much problem. If I'd thought to practice with some makeup, and bring some with me, it might have helped even more. The rest of the journey proved no problem, but I didn't sleep that well being worried about the way I was dressed. By nine o'clock the next morning, having done the last few miles on a local bus, I was in the seaside town as planned and the sun was shining. I thought I'd be able to shed the disguise as nobody would be looking for me here, but when I was walking through a mall, looking for somewhere to buy breakfast, I saw my face blazed over a whole shop full of television screens. The scrolling news at the foot of the screen said I was missing, and police would like anyone who had seen me to contact them. I wasn't going to be able to ditch my disguise yet. Panic drove me from the mall and all those televisions. Wandering through the town centre I saw a sign in a caf? window. It was advertising for kitchen staff. I had enough money for maybe three or four days and hadn't thought much past that. I pushed open the door and ordered a coffee at the counter. This gave me time to look around and make a decision. The place was clean and neat and you could see the brightly lit kitchen through a large hatch behind the counter. Finishing my coffee, I returned to the counter and enquired about the job. The woman asked if I had any kitchen experience and I said I had. The children's home kitchen was huge and I'd done as much there as you would in most cafe kitchens. She asked my age and I said eighteen. She seemed to believe me. "You'll have to see the owner," she said. "But you're the only applicant so far. You're not hoping to be well paid are you?" I shrugged not really knowing what good or bad pay was. "Can you come back in an hour or so?" she asked. I nodded and went back to walking round the town. I needed somewhere to live and had no real idea what that might cost long term. Returning to the cafe I was directed by the woman, who introduced herself as Babs, through the kitchen to a small office at the back. There was a balding guy in there sat at a desk and listening to someone on the telephone, he indicated for me to sit down opposite him. When he hung up he didn't even look at me, just kept ticking stuff off on a list on his desk. "So, you want the job?" he grunted. I nodded, but as he wasn't looking at me he didn't see me nod. "Yes, I do, I think," I mumbled. "Any experience?" "Yes," I bluffed. He looked at me and sniffed. Then leant back in his chair. "You a local girl?" I hesitated and then decided that a version of the truth was the easiest option. I told him I'd just arrived in town that morning and was looking for a job and a place to stay. "Homeless then?" he asked. I said I wasn't homeless, just needed to find a place to stay. "There's a room upstairs," he said. "It's got a bathroom, small kitchen, it could come with the job. And it's handy for work," he laughed. This was all easier than I'd expected and readily agreed to the deal. The job was minimum wage, but I got to keep the tips. He wanted sight of my id and when I said it had been stolen on the bus he looked at me carefully. "I could pay you cash for the time being, but it would be a bit less, and you'd have to keep quiet about it." I thought about it for a nanosecond and nodded my agreement. "I suppose you're a runaway?" I nodded again. "Right," he said wearily. "Doesn't worry me what you're running from, but I need to know two things." "What are they?" "How old you are is the first one, and I don't want any lies." I told him I was eighteen and he seemed to accept this. "And are you wanted by the police for anything." "You mean like have I committed a crime?" I asked. "Yeah, that sort of thing," he said nodding at me. I told him that I hadn't committed any crimes and wasn't on a wanted list or anything like that. I didn't think my foster parents would want me back and the social workers and police weren't going to shed many tears. "Don't suppose you want to pay a month's rent in advance do you?" he asked. I told him I didn't have much money and he said he'd deduct it from my wages at the end of each week. He took a key out of his drawer and tossed it on the desk. "Door to the flat is down the side alley and up the stairs. You can start work this afternoon. Babs will show you the ropes. I thanked him and he only asked me at that point what my name was. This was something I hadn't even thought about and gave him the first name that came into my head. There had been a girl I'd known at the care home, she had been like a sister. A year older than me, she'd run off four years before and never been heard from since. "Nicola," I replied. "Nicola Caston." I took my bag up to the room, it was a bit shabby, but dry and clean The contents of my bag when laid out on the bed didn't look very much. Thankfully I still had most of my money and decided that a search of charity shops would be the cheapest way to extend my wardrobe. After a shower, I dressed again, this time in my converse trainers and checked myself in the mirror. It was odd seeing my full-length reflection for the first time. If I met the girl I was looking at I'd think she was pretty cute. My life was taking some weird turns but I guessed it wouldn't be for long. The news wouldn't run the story after they'd decided I was just a runaway and not some murderer or sex crime victim. I went back downstairs and into the cafe and Babs made us both a coffee. There was only one couple in that time. She explained the menu and said I could start by doing the easy stuff, washing up, serving, taking money, clearing. She said that she'd get me preparing the food as we went along. There were three other women who worked there at various times and Babs said one of them would be in soon. The busiest times were early morning and lunch, the evenings were varied but rarely busy. I really enjoyed working at the cafe. All the staff were fun to be around, the work wasn't that hard and the customers were friendly, many of them being regulars. I trawled the charity shops in my spare time and bought skirts, dresses and a couple more pairs of flat shoes. I'd tried working in heels and they made my feet and legs hurt by the end of a shift. The other women who worked in the cafe were all considerably older than me and noticed that the tips were much better when I was waiting table or even at the till. We shared tips with whoever was on the same shift. I ended up doing a lot of waiting table. The whole thing about dressing as a girl had become fun, like I was playing a part in a movie. At no time did I think of myself as gay or a transvestite. I told myself that this was just a way of staying out of sight. The makeup I'd bought and experimented with was also just part of the game. In the first few days I changed back into my boy clothes in the evening, but gradually those few items of clothing disappeared to the back of the wardrobe and I stayed 'in character' twenty four hours a day. I'd even bought a short silky nightdress, which felt incredibly sensual against my skin. In my time off I'd wander round town, go to the cinema or walk the promenade. My intention was that this would be just for a few weeks, but it was the second month when it all got serious. One of the regulars, a nice guy in his early twenties, asked me out. I was so used to dressing as a girl, but thinking of myself as me, that I'd not realised that this might happen. Was I really attractive enough for a real guy to ask me out? I was terrified by the question and, I confess, kind of flattered. I just said that I'd think about it to buy time. That simply encouraged him because he asked me every day after that, usually making a joke about it. Then, one Thursday, he showed me two tickets to see a show at the local theatre. I don't quite know what I was thinking when I said yes. It was two days time and I had to decide what to wear and wondered what the hell I had let myself in for. On Saturday morning I found myself shopping, like a real girl, looking for an outfit that he would like. I was still limited to charity shops as the money I was making wasn't that good. I found a pretty dress in white cotton and a pair of three-inch heels, which I could now walk in without trouble. My makeup skills were quite good too, as long as I didn't try to overdo it. I'd also grown my nails and taken to wearing varnish on my fingernails and toenails, just to perfect my temporary role. That Saturday afternoon I'd taken a huge leap and booked a hair appointment. It was an unexpected luxury having my hair washed and styled, even though it cost a fortune by my standards. The basic style wasn't changed, but my fringe now looked neat as it hung down to cover my eyebrows, the rest of my hair stayed shoulder length and was flicked under. They gave me a free manicure and complimented me on my complexion, giving me some makeup tips as well. I was waiting just inside the cafe when Tony arrived to pick me up. He'd come in a taxi, it would be the first time I'd ever been in one. Babs was working that evening and slid something into my shoulder bag saying 'just in case'. When I visited the ladies before the show I found a packet of condoms in there and felt myself blush. I was so confused with what I was doing that my head was in a complete spin all evening. The show was great and when we had interval drinks I had no idea what to order. The only thing I really knew to order was a gin and tonic, something my last foster mum was always drinking. When I sipped it, the taste was weird and smelled like some sort of fuel. The only way I managed it was by sipping it through the slice of lemon. When we emerged from the show, Tony had his arm round my shoulders and, as it was a warm night, suggested a walk along the seafront. I was lightheaded from the gin and the excitement of the evening. It seemed easier to walk in step if I leant into him a little. It felt nice to be part of a couple and when he stopped and turned me round to face him I had no choice but to accept a kiss from him. It was a soft kiss and not forceful at all. My emotions were so confused that I think my brain switched off completely. Over the last two months I had been living and working as a girl and I think some part of me had forgotten that I was really a boy just playing the part of a girl. One little kiss on the lips wasn't enough for Tony and he leant down towards me for a second taste. My hands were resting on his chest as his lips brushed mine. I didn't think about what I was doing, I just reacted. My lips parted ever so slightly and his tongue slipped between them. It was the most sensual thing that I had ever experienced and I think I must have sighed with pleasure, or maybe fear. Something I did had certainly encouraged him because his hands slid down the small of my back and cupped my ass. It was like I suddenly came to my senses and realised the danger if he found out the truth. I pulled away from him. "Sorry was that all a bit too fast for you." he said, holding my hands. I didn't know what to say or do and mumbled that he didn't really know me. I looked down to the ground and risked some version of the truth, not sure how much or what to tell him. "I'm not who you think I am," I said, dropping my gaze to the floor. "Ah," he said as though he understood. "I never asked your age I suppose. My fault." "It's not my age," I replied quickly, although that would probably have scared him almost as much. "I'm not who... what... you think I am." "I don't know what you mean," he said frowning. "You're not an escaped master criminal are you, in disguise to escape the police." "I am in disguise, sort of," I said quietly. This was going to be the point where I was going to be ridiculed or beaten up or maybe worse. I stole a glance at him. He was looking at me, smiling nicely, not like he was angry or anything. "I'm not?? I started. Then I had to take a deep breath. "I'm not really a girl." There was a long pause during which I was sure that I could feel him looking at me, but I couldn't meet his eyes. "You kiss like a girl," he said softly. "And you certainly look like a girl. And you definitely act like a girl." I risked looking up, it didn't seem like he was about to hit me or do anything nasty. His hands were still holding mine and he lifted them to his lips and kissed my fingertips. His eyes never left mine. Then he leant down to kiss me again and his lips lingered against mine, not pressing hard, just touching. My own lips parted without me thinking about it and his tongue slid into my mouth as our lips locked together. My hands lay against his chest as his slid down to my waist, then to my hips. When they cupped my ass for a second time I let my body be drawn close against his. At that moment I knew that I wasn't going to stop wearing dresses at any time in the near future. I also knew that something inside me had changed forever.

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The four of us had just got on the plane; Kelly and James, who were brother and sister, Issabella and me, on our way to Perth in West Australia. We were off to visit Kelly and James’s brother and wife, for a two week holiday. We were all excited, knowing full well that we’d most likely be naked for the entire period and have lots of sex. We’d met James and Kelly eighteen months previously, by chance whilst I’d been out running and ended having sex. Neither Issabella nor I bothered that they...

3 years ago
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Kelsy Aunt Cindy

Cindy got up from the couch as the doorbell rang for a second time. She strolled across the front room towards the door. She glanced at her watch. 9 AM."Who could be calling at this time" she thought.As she opened the door, a precocious young blonde looked back at her, backpack slung low over her shoulder."Yes?" asked Cindy, her eyes recognizing something vaguely familiar in the young girl."Aunt Cindy, it's me, Kelsy..." the cute blonde answered."Oh my God" blurted Cindy stepping forward to...

2 years ago
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My Sexy Wife Poonam And Her Adventures

Hi all. This is Rajesh. I am 28 years old and work as a Nursing staff in a hospital in Bangalore. I got married to my girlfriend Poonam who was working as a receptionist in a big hotel in Bangalore. Poonam was 26 years old when I loved her. she was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. 5.8 ft long with big eyes Very attractive 36 – 24- 37 figure, thick lips and black hairs. We start love each other and marry each other later. Our sex life was wonderful and my wife cooperates me so much. We...

4 years ago
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Im not man enough

"And now I'll show you your group partners for your next assignment." said the professor at the front of the lecture theatre. From the corner of my eye I saw Brad turn to his football teammates, they were all huddled together. "Man, I hope I get a nerd so they can do all the fucking work, I didn't come here to read books." said Brad. Calvin tunred to him with a confused look. "What?" Calvin said "I'm hoping for a girl whith a tight ass, my dad will look after my grades man. I'll just tell her...

4 years ago
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Naked on Summer Vacation Slut Summer SchoolChapter 24

“Ah yes, well that,” Kiwi stepped away slightly from my mother in embarrassment over his chubby. He didn’t have a massive dick from what I could tell in his pants, but it was apparent he was erect. He should be THANKING me for turning him on, but he was grateful towards my mother for letting him be there instead. “Do you want to take one of the girls for another test to take care of that?” she asked him if he wanted a blowjob like she was offering him a bologna sandwich. “May I choose Candy...

3 years ago
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DreamsChapter 16

Jane moved in with Estelle bringing her king sized bed with her. She slept against the wall, Estelle on the other end with Josh in the middle. Jane felt heartbroken for Josh's plight. She was willing to give him up to Victoria if she somehow returned. Nothing came out of his mouth. He never brought up the name of the girl he once loved. Many nights the girls chatted in the bed with a mute Josh between them. In the mornings Jane got up for work while Estelle and Josh slept in. He didn't...

3 years ago
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Blue Lagoon Book IIChapter 12

The constant rain ceased lashing the island sometime during the early morning hours. The wind had slacked off, but it was still powerful enough to cause a high sea state. All five women had taken repeated turns during the night to be calmed. It kept Nathan very busy going from one to the other with a hug, a kiss, and deep penetration. It had not seemed unusual to him that his mother and Amy had joined in in wanting to be soothed as well, although he noticed they seemed to want to slide back...

2 years ago
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Vision Quest Enroute

Vision Quest, Enroute By: Malissa Madison Mission time two months three days in space; The day I was dreading finally arrived, of course I only knew it was day because of the clock that displayed in 24 hour time. I was a bit nervous getting ready. Both Cami and I had to report to the Central Medical Station for our Dental appointments at 13:35hrs, ships time. It had been a very busy two months and to tell the truth I had been hoping they'd forgotten about us. Of course not all...

1 year ago
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I Could See Her Panties

I Could See Her Panties Whenever Mom’s friend Rachael would come over for a visit she would always sit so that I could see her panties. I certainly didn’t mind at all. I liked seeing her panties, I always got an erection, and I always jerked off afterwards to the most wonderful thoughts of her panty-covered pussy. So one day Rachael came over for a visit. I was out in the driveway shooting hoops when she drove in. I rushed over to open her door for her and to watch her get out of...

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The Wanderings of Amy Ch 25

Chapter 25 – Amy’s 21st Birthday The Mardi Gras party started Wendy’s transformation to normal life about two weeks earlier than Burnside had planned. Burnside’s original intention had been that Wendy should serve in the nude. She planned to have Wendy on the floor the entire evening, forcing her to be fully exposed to the party-goers. It was to be Wendy’s ultimate act of submission and servitude, after which she would begin her slow transition to having her life back. Amy had changed those...

4 years ago
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A true love story

Introduction: This is a prequel to my true father daughter love story hope you like it Helen sat on the swing set at the playground looking sad and lonely. She looked around at all the other children playing with their friends and having fun, well she sat all alone with no body to talk to. Helen was very shy and never knew how to approach people, she was the loner of her 1st grade class. She looked down at the ground and started kicking the dirt below her feet feeling resentful against the...

4 years ago
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Natural Beauty

“Woo hoo! I’ve got a date! Finally a real, proper date!” Ellen dropped her phone onto the table and punched the air, “You little beauty!!” Her fleeting reverie was interrupted by a tinny, laughing voice from the table, “Ellen? Ellen! I’m still here.” “Bob? Is that you?” Ellen looked around, confused, until she noticed that the screen of her iPhone was still lit up. “Oh shit, fuck!” she cursed, bringing it back to her ear, she’d never been much good with technology, “Bob?” “Well,” he laughed...

2 years ago
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My Journey From Straight To Gay 8211 Part II

Hello guys Once again Ankit Kumar from Hisar, Haryana. Who don’t know me for them I again tell that I am a slim 18 years old guy with a cute and smart face and with innocence eyes. And I am a bottom gay. This is my second experience. After losing my virginity, I decided that I will never do it again as I was in love with a girl in my college. Her name was Neha. Later I realize that it is not love as I like males and not female but it was the attraction which was because of her appearance. She...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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TWD Fantasy Part 1

Your all alone and sacred in the woods. It's been days since you got separated from your group. Your hungry, scared and and being followed by 3 walkers. As you try to run you trip over a fallen tree, you look up and a walker is almost on top of you. You close your eyes and wait for the bite the will turn you into on of them. Just as you have given up hope a gunshot rings out in the quiet forest and the walkers head explodes covering you in zombie filth. You turn to see who save you and there...

2 years ago
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Service WifeChapter 11

We got home and both took a shower together. It was 3:15 (am or pm?) when my head hit the pillow. When I woke up, Bobby had already left for work and I lay there wondering just how he was taking all of this. Oh sure, he got excited over all the sex stuff, but what about me? I mean how can he respect me if I am doing all this kind of stuff? I lay there wondering how could I respect myself if I kept on like this? Sure the money was fantastic and the work was easy, but the sex, all the sex? Oh...

3 years ago
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Classy ConversionsChapter 29

Staffing development for Findlay had taken on a whole new dimension with the addition of H&S. Sunday morning, Margaret, Nancy, Helen and Carol were in David's office after Susan and Jack had left and were grooming through the selection lists to find compatible Goats. The Goat problem was worse then the straight hires due to the overlapping issues of law, ethics and regulations. Plus it was pretty uncouth to reach out to someone and say "Would you like to come down and interview with us...

3 years ago
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Birthday Surprise Rework

You are stirred awake by the vibrations of a car. You blink groggily, before seeing your gorgeous mother, Scarlett Walker, sitting in the driver seat. She has long, flowing gold hair, wide hips, and perfect melons. All in all, the perfect MILF. She seems like she doesn’t actually know how sexy she is, and dresses fairly normally on anyone else, but she always accidentally ends up looking like a common whore. “Hey, baby!” Mom smiles, and you marvel at her naturally husky voice that may have...

3 years ago
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Maa Ki Chut Ki Pyaas

Hello friends, mera nam rahul he, maen jamsedpur men raheta hun, aj jo story men ap ko sunane ja rahaun bo ek sachi kahani he, kuch sal pahela ki bat he ham log jamsdpur me rahete the, hamare paribar me tin log the, men pitaji aur maa, pitaji ek bahat bade mnc men job karte the, aur jada tar ghar se bahar rahate the. Pitaji ko daibitise tha to bo maa kabhi time nahen de pate the.Now come to my mom.Meri ma ek aam house wife then, men to kbhi soch bhi nahen sakta tha ki bo bhi kbhi esa kar...

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Bla Book 2 PhoenixChapter 14

2076 a.d. Judgment Béla was back aboard the great ship, confined to unfamiliar, cramped quarters under house arrest after turning herself in for killing a landowner. The Bard Geoffrey and two of her sisters, Dawn and Jolene, were currently managing the estates that she'd acquired from Robert LaCrosse, whom she was accused of murdering with her mind. Over the last month, the daughters of Sibilius had gone down to the surface and, following Béla's example of representing themselves as...

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A Stocking Encounter

The man and woman sat at their table in the veranda of the hotel awaiting their food.  Both eagerly excited to see what would be concocted from their initial orders from the menu.  As she twirled her honey colored Pies porter in her fishbowl-sized glass, bored by her companion and the lack of their conversation, her eyes scanned the restaurant looking from one couple to the next searching for a true match made in heaven.  The 5-star Tuscan-based restaurant nestled itself quietly in the center...

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Photographer Ch 08

As Annie watched Andino walk to his car, she wished they had set a definite date to get together again before she and Greg had to go back to the states to finalize the documentation Attorney Barker needs to make Mrs. Blair’s divorce go through without a hitch. Actually, there might not be a reason for her to have to go back immediately. Greg was the one with all the evidence. Today had been one of the best days of her life and she didn’t want it to end. Andino waved to her as he got in his car...

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The Diary of a NIPgirl 1999 2000Chapter 15

During these months, I didn't do anything special anymore, but it was the offset for my next daring thing that I would do. Because of school and other stuff, I hadn't had much time for leisure. So, walking around naked at home and having some great sex with Illiana in the weekends was all the 'special' activities I did. However, in those months, I had felt how the urge to go naked outside of my house was getting stronger. I wanted to try and walk naked somewhere where it wasn't allowed...

3 years ago
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Boat trip in Miami

Collaboration with Beckie2309 I was laid quite contently on my bed, enjoying a mid-morning day dream with sun’s rays beaming through the window and penetrating through the closed roman blinds. I stretched across my bed enjoying the feel of my relaxed muscles. All was well until rather abruptly I heard repetitive thuds ascending up the staircase of my shared accommodation and suddenly my door flung open breaking me from my daydream. There stood my best friend Natalie, with a face splitting...

2 years ago
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Satisavitri Meri Mummy 8211 Part 2

Hi readers, mai ajay ek bar phir se aap sab ke liye ek or nayi kahani lekar aaya hun. Meri pehli story Part1 to aap logo ne jarur padhi hogi, or agar na padhi ho to plz padh lijiye. Ye story usi ki next part2 hai. I hope ki meri ye story bhi aap sabhi ko bahut pasand aayegi. Jo story me batane jaa raha hun bah bilkul sachi hai. Bas aap sab se ek hi reaquest hai meri bo yah ki plz story padhne ke bad aap apne opinion or comment jarur share kre. 6 Month pahle meri final exam ka center lacknow me...

1 year ago
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To Cuck or Be Cucked

You and Jesse have been dating for six months now. It's been going great on an emotional level, but sexually, there have been some problems. Jesse is fantastic, but she was a virgin when you started dating. You were her first and she always doted on you because of that. She's clearly inexperienced and you've had to teach her most of what you've known, which admittedly, isn't much. She's always been fairly conservative anyways, never liking when you've showcased any dominance in the bedroom,...

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Women Of My Family 8211 Part 1 A Hot First Night

This is a fictional story about a hot first night sex. All the characters are fictional and strictly above 19. I prefer stories with a plot that gets us involved in the story, leading to sex, rather than stories with just wild sex. are a bit lengthy and usually have everything like gay sex, lesbianism, threesomes, group sex, and mainly incest. Enjoy the story. You can give me feedback at My name is Anand. I am a software engineer in the city of Hyderabad, India. As I was the only child to my...

4 years ago
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School GF

I let out a loud sigh as i hear my alarm blaring, forcing me to wake up. I lay in bed for a few more minutes before i decide to get up and head in to the shower. I quickly shower and dry off, before getting changed into my school uniform. I'm 5ft9, short blonde hair, green eyes, athletic body with slight abs. My uniform consists of black trousers, white shirt and a sliver/grey tie. I look at my phone and see that its just reached 7.30 and decide to head out. I grab my bag as i leave, putting my...

2 years ago
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Early Morning Necessities

The faint glow of early morning sifted through the heavy drapes of the room. Her eyes popped open in sudden remembrance of her location. Not moving a muscle, a smile spread across her face as she heard his deep, regular breathing. Without turning, she pictured his long frame stretched across the bed. Even as she drank in the stimuli to her senses, she felt the fullness of her sore cunt. Her body started a slow roll to her stomach, and was caught short by the searing pressure and pain of her...

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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 91 An ugly little World

"Such an ugly little World." Yanaye commented dryly. Looking down from one hundred miles above, the chain of tiny islands seemed even more insignificant against the mass of the continent appearing at least from this altitude, a healthy stone's throw to the west. The master agrarian was clearly unimpressed by what she saw below. In her three hundred years she'd seen perhaps a hundred worlds. Less than half of those could even laughingly call themselves inhabited. Fewer still possessed...

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eighteenth birthday surprise

First encounterTo say that I was excited was an understatement. It was my eighteenth birthday and we were going to visit my uncle and aunt who had recently bought a villa in the south of France. Their son, Mark, my only cousin who is nineteen, had taken time off his work to be our guide. Mark spoke fluent French so that would be a huge asset as mum and dad didn’t speak a word of the language, and I only knew how to say, bonjour and a few other phrases that I had learnt at school.Mark was at the...

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desperate measures

things were not going well for Jen, she had just recently ended a long relationship, she had been laid off at the plant, and bills were piling up, the only bright spot was her best friend was getting married in Las Vegas, since they lived on opposite sides of the country she wanted to go to the wedding so bad, her friend agreed to pay for her hotel but all other expenses she had to cover herself, she sc****d together all her dimes, and headed out on the 8 hour drive, she had a great time ,...

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