Runaway! free porn video

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I’m the kind of girl who sees herself as someone who doesn’t take shit from anyone. Unfortunately, my mom thought she should be able to dish out a full ration of crap and I should just sit there mute. Finally, the feces hit the fan and I’m on the street. I’ve got on a dress with a scandalously short skirt. The top is tight, and although my breasts are small, the tightness makes it look like I’m more stacked than I am. I’m not wearing panties, and I’m unconsciously heading for a rough part of town like I’m a zombie under a compulsion.

My mom and I fought because she doesn’t like my fashion choices. She especially doesn’t like me going commando and she thinks I still need a curfew. She gave me a big lecture about protecting my virginity. I think my seemingly random route is designed to get me raped so my damn virginity won’t be a damn issue any more. That’ll show her!

Now there are three guys looking at me like I’m raw meat in front of a pack of hyenas. They start the typical harassing talk. You’ve undoubtedly heard it. Something like, “Hey honey, did you bring us something sweet?”

They surround me, and I’m starting to panic because I don’t want to get raped on a vacant lot covered in dirt, sand, and broken glass. Suddenly the reality of sexual assault hits me. It will be an assault on my body and mind. I will be hurt in many more ways than a swollen pussy, a chance I will contract an STI, and the possibility I will get pregnant.

I’m about to panic and scream. Of course, there will be no one to hear me scream. My mother’s warnings will be proved true.

Suddenly a big black man is there. He says, “Boys, you better step away from the little lady and go on home, unless the little girl has invited you to have a party with her. From the way it looks to me, whether or not she invited you is immaterial though, because I’m pretty damn sure the state of Wisconsin is gonna tell you she is under age and jailbait, no matter what sweet lies she told you.”

The guys started looking unsure of themselves and trading anxious looks. The man looked at me and said, “Well which is it missy, did you go home the wrong way, or did your mouth write checks your pussy isn’t prepared to cash?”

I blushed so they could see it even in the yellow sodium street lights. “I kinda exaggerated my age. I’m only fourteen and I’m sorry for the inconvenience gentlemen. I hope we can meet again under better circumstances when I’m eighteen.”

One of the teenage boys growled, “You gotta watch out for this creep, little girl. He’s as crazy as a loon from too many tours in Afghanistan. The towel heads over there fuck sheep and whatever else they can get their hands on. He just might make you say ‘baaaa’ for old time’s sake if you go off with him.”

I smiled and said, “I’m sure one of our military veterans is an honorable man.”

The big guy who I decided was the leader, said, “Old man, is it true you handed Mikey’s ass to him?”

The man said, “Someone who acts like a punk gonna get treated like a punk. You know it’s true and I don’t need to brag, so why are you asking a punk ass question Reggie? Did you all of a sudden try to think and come up with a need to get your punk ass handed to you? Your grandma is gonna be awfully upset to find you out bothering little girls, even if she is as white as a blizzard over Lake Michigan.”

“We’ll just be going home Mr. Gerald. You don’t need to mention this to my parole officer, right, since nothing happened to the little lost girl?” A tall skinny boy asked.

“No T-Bird. I don’t need to mention it to Mrs. Grant or your mama for now. That could change at any minute if you keep up this kind of behavior,” Mr. Gerald said.

The boys beat a hasty retreat and Mr. Gerald turned his steely gaze on me.

“Now what in the world were you trying to do to yourself?” He asked me.

“What the boys wanted to do to me, but I didn’t think it through and realized a bunch of bad stuff could happen to me too once they figured out I’m under age. If they watch enough T.V. one of them would decide they had to kill me to eliminate witnesses. I also decided I’d rather not get raped in the dirt, sand, and broken glass on a bed of broken concrete,” I said.

“Well damn! You are honest. It’s too late to take you home tonight. We’ll go to my place where you can be safe while you reevaluate your plan to lose your virginity. The police are worse than those boys and considerably rougher. The fire station guys are a definite improvement over the police, but if the squad has to do a run, the scum will be left with you at the station. The hospital is full of junkies, and no one there has time to babysit you.

“Like you said earlier, I’ve got some practice being honorable, so I’ll do my best not to help you do anything irreversible before morning,” Mr. Gerald said.

We walked several blocks and climbed the stairs up to an apartment on the fourth floor. There were four different deadbolt locks on the door. Mr. Gerald took out his keys and unlocked the deadbolts. He opened the door, and I followed him inside.

It was neat, but not OCD, so I stopped worrying about Mr. Gerald being a serial killer.

He got out a pillow and a blanket. He dropped them on the couch. He threw me a clean T-shirt to sleep in. He looked at me and said, “I’m semi-chivalrous, but I wasn’t out at night doin’ stupid stuff, so I sleep in the bed. He locked the deadbolts and took the keys with him. He pointed at the bathroom and rasped, “If there’s a fire, wake me up so we don’t die.” He went in the bathroom, I heard him piss like a race horse, then he brushed his teeth, and went in his bedroom.

I used the bathroom, undressed and put on his T-shirt, and went to make a bed for myself on the couch. I thought about calling mom but she was always yapping about how much it cost her for my damn obsolete cell phone, which I was only allowed to use to call her, so I had left it on my bed at home.

I made up my bed, crawled in, and was quickly asleep. I woke up sometime before the sun came up. I went to the bathroom and peed. I looked around and found a washcloth and a hand towel. I washed and dried my slit. I put toothpaste on my finger and did my best to clean my teeth and improve my breath.

I tried to move very quietly and slipped into Mr. Gerald’s bedroom. I got in his bed. I carefully moved my hand, searching for his cock. I found it. It was big compared to my little body, and it was fully hard. Mr. Gerald laughed and said, “I wondered how long it would take you.”

“I was worn out, so I had to sleep, then I figured it would be polite to clean up some. Then I figured you were due a reward for rescuing me,” I said.

Mr. Gerald laughed and said, “You came down here on purpose to lose your virginity. I gotta give you credit for being honest and not getting those boys in trouble. It’s just as illegal for me to fuck your little jailbait pussy as it is for those boys. The reward you want to give me is damn tempting, but I have no desire to go to prison. Besides, how do I know you wouldn’t chicken out?”

I laughed at myself and said, “I was trying to get raped because I wasn’t brave enough to get some guy to take me on a date and then put out for him. I’m afraid I’m too skinny or too ugly for a guy to want me. You are clean, you have a nice clean bed, there’s only one of you, and while you are big, you aren’t like a horse or a monster. I might chicken out, but I want to do it a lot, so I hope I wouldn’t be a scaredy cat. Even if I did chicken out, I wouldn’t accuse you of anything. At this point I’m pretty wound up, and I’d settle for getting my pussy eaten and giving you a blow job.”

Mr. Gerald said, “I don’t know you. I don’t do one-night stands, I won’t rape you. Are you planning to rape me?”

“I suppose that might be difficult. The way Reggie and company shuffled off, I suspect you’ve had to demonstrate some of what you learned in the Marines before, so there was no need to repeat the object lesson. If three big guys don’t want to take you on, I suppose it would be foolish for a little eighty-pound girl to try your patience too far,” I said.

Mr. Gerald chuckled and said, “I better watch out. I guess you’ve taken me as a challenge, and you are going to use that sexy little body to get me thinking with my little head.”

I grinned at him and softly said, “There’s nothing little about your other head. I’d dearly love to feel it stretching me out just before you pop my cherry and fill me up completely.”

Mr. Gerald grinned back at me and said, “For a skinny, no-ass, jail bait white girl, you surely do know exactly the right words to say.”

I let him think I was giving up. I got in bed with him and pulled the covers up under my chin. I let myself go back to sleep snuggled up tight against Mr. Gerald’s body. When I woke up again I stroked his cock until it was hard. I fingered my pussy until it was dripping wet, then I got my fingers good and slimy. I spread my juice on his cock and stroked him so his big wiener was slipping smoothly through my fingers. His cock belched out a load for me just before he woke up.

“Damn girl, if you are going to assault me in my sleep, I might as well give up and let you do it to me while I’m awake, so when they come to arrest me, I’ll at least have fond memories to take to prison with me,” Mr. Gerald said.

I pulled back the covers and licked up all his sticky goo. I did lots of swirling my tongue around and lots of “Ummmms” and “Yummmms” for his benefit. I was shocked by how fast he got hard again.

Before I knew it, I was on my back, my legs were spread wide, my knees were pushed up against my tits, and a real, honest to god grown up man was eating my little pussy. I went off like an atomic bomb the first time, and I just kept cumming as he ate me.

Finally, I was getting hoarse from screaming, and I pulled his face up to mine. I whispered, “I can’t get any hotter or wetter Mr. Gerald. You can’t make me need you inside my cunt any more than I already do, so please shove your cock inside me and make me your woman.”

He rammed his dick all the way in me with one thrust, obliterating my hymen. He didn’t give me a chance to feel the pain or object. He just fucked me like I was a woman and knew what to expect. I didn’t anticipate how damn good it made me feel to have his thick cock pounding into me, like the battering ram that had breached the castle gates.

I thought getting eaten-out by an honest to god all grown up man was incredible, but it was nothing compared to the bliss I felt from getting fucked by a thick, honest to god all grown up man’s cock. He fucked me senseless. I went into some sort of faint or coma or something. When my eyes came open, he was still hard and still inside me. He started pounding me again until I was screaming and squirming for him even more wildly than before. He let go and filled me up with what seemed like gallons of hot, sticky cum.

Mr. Gerald looked worn out too, and we cuddled up and went to sleep again. When we woke up he asked, “Was getting knocked up part of your plan, little girl?”

I frowned and said, “Not really. As you saw first-hand, my plan wasn’t worth shit. Now I feel like getting pregnant with your baby would be totally worth it for getting to feel you flood my womb with your hot cream. I adore having you fuck me bare-back.”

“I suppose I can’t convince you to go home to mommy and be back in school on Monday,” Mr. Gerald said.

“I doubt mom and I can be in the same room until I’m thirty or forty. Besides, if you wanted me to go home, you shouldn’t have fucked me. You are a very addicting drug, Mr. Gerald, and I am going to need more and more and more of you,” I said.

That’s how Jayne Simmons went missing and was presumed dead. That’s how Andi Barns was born. Let me tell you that Jayne was an ignorant bitch and kind of a scaredy-cat. Andi was a street smart, fearless little slut.

I had never thought much about race before, even when Gerry was fucking me the first time, it was more about getting my cherry popped and feeling how great it is to be royally fucked by a big strong grown-ass man. His color didn’t have that much to do with it in my conscious mind, but I guess in my subconscious it did. Gerry fucked me hard the first time so I had a civilized taste of the rape I thought I wanted. My subconscious went to town over the “I got raped by a big black man with a big black dick” thoughts.

Somehow, we turned into a couple almost right away, and while our relationship was pretty unconventional, I guess you could call it love. I have his back, and he has mine. We have to be careful about being together in public though because cops are going to look for Amber Alerts and want to run Gerry for priors. I’m still illegal according to the Great State of Wisconsin, so that and my phony ID make me want to avoid any contact with any government agency. I keep my blonde hair dyed black, so hopefully I don’t look like my suburban schoolgirl self.

I do score groceries from the food bank and I make sure Gerry’s VA disability pay goes for food for us. It’s kind of weird because sometimes he is in the parental role, like making me go to school online, and sometimes I am like, no “Milwaukee’s Finest” unless all the bills are paid and we have real food in the house. I’m talking about fresh fruit and vegetables, not Pop-Tarts and box mac and cheese. Gerry also doesn’t know about the savings account I opened for him so that there never is any left-over money. Someday he may get tired of my skinny white ass, and I want him to be better off than when he found me.

I make sure he goes to the VA Clinic and sees his therapist. I know what to do when he wakes up screaming. Mostly we have found that fucking is the best therapy for both of us, no matter what problem we have. If we are at home fucking each other’s brains out, there is less chance of me getting recognized as a runaway and less chance for us getting into trouble.

Andi Barns did go to the Planned Parenthood Clinic right away and get an IUD. Gerry and I agreed a pregnant little white girl was going to stick out like a sore thumb in the middle of urban Milwaukee. Gerry has some naughty fantasies, which I thoroughly encourage, where he rapes me and knocks me up, leaving me with my clothes so ripped up I was naked for all practical purposes on that dirty vacant lot with sand and broken glass ground into the tender skin of my skinny little white girl ass.

It surprised the crap out of me when Gerry started playing CDs one night. It turns out he doesn’t even have one Hip Hop disc. He likes Baroque era music. While we relax after our “after-dinner” fuck, Gerry sits in his recliner and I sit on his lap. He plays Vivaldi, Bach, Purcell, Telemann, and Pachelbel. We cuddle. When he gets hard, I open up his pants and stroke his cock until it’s fully hard. Sometimes I go down on him and suck him off so it takes him forever to cum when he gives me my bedtime fuck. Other times I can’t control myself and I drag him out of the chair and he fucks me on the floor. I suck him clean, and we go back to cuddling and listening to his music. After we’d been together a while it became our music.

We’ve read some online porn together and we don’t like how cruel the black guys get when they have some white chick addicted to their big cocks. I didn’t like the way the white chicks were so cruel to the white guys, taunting them about being so inadequate. I’ve never fucked a white guy, so I can’t relate. Gerry is sweet to me, not all gangsta’ cruel, and I can’t imagine myself wanting to be humiliated. Gerry knows I’m a slut, I know I’m a slut, and we are both happy I’m that way because it gives both of us all the pleasure we can stand. We may be kinky, but orgasm denial just seems stupid to us.

When I was almost legal, the Green Party wanted Gerry to run for office. Besides that, they want him to get into working with the neighborhood development organizations. His therapist says he is able to deal with the stress.

Gerry and I have always agreed that a person should do what they can to make the world a better place. If Gerry gets into community development and politics I can’t stay with him. First, I would be found out and second, Gerry would get in trouble.

After a lot of soul searching, we agreed that we were great fuck partners and we demonstrated practical or functional love, but we didn’t really have the romantic love most people want.

Before Gerry started getting involved, I slid into the shadows and Gerry became the handsome bachelor disabled veteran.

I went to see my mom. It was surreal. She was nice to me, and not judgmental or bossy. She let me move back home. I let Ali Barns die and Jayne Simmons came back to life.

I took a placement test and met the requirements for a high school diploma. I was allowed to graduate. I went to community college for two years and got all my required courses.

I started dating guys that seemed kind and put together, pretty much regardless of race. I liked a pre-law guy and a guy going into social work the best. Both of the guys were average size white guys. We had good sex, but it never seemed exceptional. Neither guy seemed pathetic, and each of them could make me cum with their average size cocks, but neither of them seemed exceptional because I didn’t find a love connection with either of them.

I got a degree in public administration from a state university. I dated more aggressively at the university.

For pure sexual pleasure, a music major had my number. He was a white guy, hung heavier than Gerry. He made me lose my mind every time he fucked me. He was so egotistical and narcissistic that I couldn’t stand to be around him if he wasn’t fucking me. A close second was an accounting student. He was a black guy. His dick was a little shorter than Gerry’s, but it was fatter. The first time he fucked me, it felt like he was splitting me in half. Every time we did it, I liked it more. Still, I never felt the emotional heat I was hoping for. The only guy who made sex bad for me was a law school guy who dumped a load in me after only two minutes. He didn’t even try to give me any pleasure.

I went to work for the urban planning and redevelopment office of a small city. The minute I met the mayor, I knew there was something different about him. Just looking at him I had a knot in my belly and a fire in my pussy. I knew I was so wet my panties were soaked through. Of course, that meant anyone with a sense of smell knew I was in heat. The mayor explained that he was the political head of the city, while the City Manager was the administrator who would be my boss.

Mayor Piermont grinned at me, letting me know he was perfectly aware of my problem. He said, “Jayne, because I’m an elected official I’m not your boss, so I’m allowed to ask you out, as long as I don’t harass you. So, what do you think? Are you up for Cherry Limeade at Sonic after work?”

“I’d like that Jack, as long as it’s all social and no shop talk,” I said.

After work Jack walked me out to his F-150. It was a 4WD truck, so I had to climb up to get to the seat in the cab. Jack opened the door for me, and I know he got to see the big wet spot soaked through the crotch of my panties as I climbed in.

Jack drove to the Sonic Drive-In and parked next to one of the speakers. We both got the Cherry Limeade and burgers. I got fries and Jack got rings. We shared without talking about it.

Jack said, “This is the Midwest, so most guys wouldn’t say anything for ten years or so, but I was raised in California, so I’m going to tell you that I felt something different when I met you today, and I know something unusual happened for you too. Do we want to put a name on it right now, or do we need to date and get to know each other before we surrender to the inevitable?”

I laughed and said, “I seem to be unable to conceal anything from you. It puts a woman at a disadvantage, but you don’t seem like a prick, so I’m going to take a chance and admit that I was affected on a physiological level when I met you. I don’t want to dance around this thing, whatever it is, so I’m going to invite you to come home with me so we can find out how deep this thing goes.”

Jack laughed and said, “Are you a girl who only likes things that go really deep?”

“I’m an equal opportunity kind of girl. It seems to matter more who the guy is and how skillful he is, rather than the size of the equipment,” I said.

“I’m happy to meet a girl who doesn’t discriminate,” Jack said.

While we were waiting for our order, Jack reached up under my skirt, slipped a finger inside my panties, and rubbed my clit until I came. “Feel better?” He asked.

“Did I give you permission to do that? I can’t remember, but it doesn’t seem important at the moment. I do feel a little relief, but I think we need a more in-depth investigation before I can reach a conclusion,” I said.

Jack laughed and said, “I guess we got things out of order, but I think kisses are more intimate, and I’m not sure we are there yet.”

“I agree Jack. I hope we will feel close enough to kiss when we are alone in the privacy of my house,” I said.

“All the signs point to things moving in that direction,” Jack said.

The Car Hop brought our order and we ate, chatting about where we were in our lives and what we were looking for. We were smiling a lot and nodding as we realized we were looking for the same things.

The Car Hop took our tray and Jack followed my directions to the cottage I was renting. Jack opened the door for me and I let him lift me down from his truck. I was holding his hand without even thinking about it, and it felt completely natural.

We walked up my drive and I unlocked the door. We went into my kitchen, and suddenly I was in Jack’s arms. My face turned up to his, and his lips were on mine. Electric shocks were coursing through my body, moving from his lips to mine, straight down to both my nipples and then from each nipple, directly to my clit.

I moaned softly into his open-mouthed kiss. Jack’s strong hands cupped my ass and he lifted me up. My arms went around his neck and my legs wrapped around his waist without even thinking. It was the best kiss of my life.

Jack whispered, “I’ve never felt like this before Jayne.”

I hopped down and led Jack to my bedroom. I undressed him and was pleasantly surprised by the size of his cock. I’ve always like circumcised penises. Jack was cut and his shaft looked just right to my hungry eyes. The head was big as a plum and my mouth started watering. I wanted it in my mouth and then in my pussy, which was drooling too. A lot of people describe the head as purple or angry looking. Jack’s didn’t look angry, it looked like MINE, and I wanted it inside me so I could claim it with my body and make Jack know his cock belonged to me and it belonged in me and only me.

Jack started unbuttoning the back of my dress. I lifted my arms and he pulled it over my head. I knelt in front of him in my bra and panties. Jack was hard. I licked the head, and Jack gasped. I swirled my tongue around the head and then began working on the underside. I had taught myself to deep throat Gerry, and now I pressed my head forward until Jack’s cock head was down my throat and my nose was pressed into his pubic hair. I swallowed twice, the backed off to breathe. I licked the underside just behind the head, then took him down my throat again. I swallowed repeatedly and Jack groaned as his cock swelled in my mouth. His dick shot wads of hot cum into my stomach. As the throbbing, jerking movements of his cock became less intense, I backed off so I could take the last spurts of his semen in my mouth and taste his cum. I smiled around his dick because he was delicious in a way a man never had been for me.

Jack’s knees were rubbery, and he sat down on my bed. I stood up and took off my bra and panties. Jack moved to the middle of my bed and lay down. I cuddled up to him and we started kissing again. Jack caught his breath, then he started kissing my neck, then down to my breasts. He covered my tits with kisses, then began licking and sucking my nipples. I lost track of time. It seemed like Jack’s mouth had been working over my boobs forever. I was so hot, I wanted to beg him to fuck me.

I didn’t want to rush him. It had been my idea to make him cum in my mouth so he would last longer when he fucked me, so I needed to be patient and wait for him to recover. I had learned that if a girl acts like she thinks a guy isn’t measuring up, it is really destructive. I wanted to give Jack a chance to show me everything he could do.

Jack rolled me on my back, spread my legs, and ate my dripping pussy until I was cumming non-stop. I was afraid the neighbors were going to think porn filming or a whore house was now located in the little river stone cottage behind the thick hedges and tall trees. Well not actually. When Jack was working on me I didn’t care about anything. Those thoughts crept in the morning after.

Jack rose up on his hands and knees and moved on top of me. His dick flowed into me, and then we were fucking like animals. We fucked hard, but not brutally. I don’t know how to describe our lovemaking. We fucked. We fucked hard. However, we did it, it was US. That was how we did it. That is how we did each other. While Jack was pounding me, there was more caring and love in how he fucked me than I’d ever felt before. I tried to put every bit of my emotion and caring into how I loved him back. I came harder and more often when Jack started fucking me. His cock felt big, but it also felt just perfect for me as he filled me up completely. It was completely different. It wasn’t like being battered by an animal dick that was too big or trying to make do with a guy who was too small. Jack was just perfect for me.

We fucked for a long time, then Jack shot off inside me. I loved the feel of his thick, hot cream squirting against my cervix. We held each other after sex and we both sighed, “Perfect!” in unison.

It was obvious to each of us that we had found what we were looking for. Jack stayed with me that night. We woke up to pee about the same time. We made love again, then went back to sleep. In the morning we awoke in a sticky puddle. Jack was hard as could be. I giggled and asked him if I was woman enough to take care of him. Jack explained about morning wood. He went and used the bathroom. He was about half-staff when he came back to me. I got Jack’s staff stiff and proudly flying his horn dog flag with just a couple of strokes of my hand.

I climbed on Jack and rode his rigid dick until we came together and collapsed on the bed. Jack ran home to shower and dress there. My pussy was pleasantly sore from being used as much as she was intended to be for the first time in quite a while. I wasn’t walking bow-legged, but I fondly remembered being filled with Jack’s cock with every step I took.

I showered, dried off, and dressed in thick cotton brief style panties hoping they would keep my pussy juice from saturating them and soaking through. I was cautious and wore a Navy colored Dockers skirt. I hoped the dark color would hide the wet spot if I did soak through my panties and skirt while I was at work. I wore a soft white satin bra and a sky-blue polo shirt.

I was just about to panic because my car was still at work when I heard Jack’s truck pull into my driveway. I grabbed my purse, slipped on my loafers, and ran out the door. Jack opened the door for me and helped me up into his truck.

“You know we will be the subject of the rumor mill when we arrive at work in the same vehicle. Are you up to being the center of attention?” Jack said.

I giggled and said, “I think I can deal. The cost/benefit analysis says I will enjoy you loving me more than the office gossip will be a pain in my skinny butt.”

One of the good things about living in a small city in the northern mid-west is that most of the residents are nice people. Everyone in our little part of Wisconsin was polite. Their mommas all taught them manners and good sense. When Jack and I walked into City Hall holding hands, the verbal barbs were all aimed at Jack, and they were all good natured.

I never thought I was good looking, or attractive, let alone pretty, but the comments to Jack were all of the, “Finally found a girl pretty enough for you Jack?” variety.

When Jack answered the comments, I saw myself through his eyes, and apparently the ugly little street rat had grown up into a swan, to mix up my fairy tales and metaphors.

That started our official courtship and love affair. It was very different from anything I’d experienced before. Usually I was in charge. I went out and found a college boy to use. I insisted that he act like a gentleman. Usually he gave me what I wanted from him. Part of what I wanted was one night only.

With Jack, we were equals emotionally, but he had a higher status and different life experiences. The thing that was different was that Jack wanted ME. Not just a wet pussy to shove his dick in. He wanted the person and personality named Jayne attached to my face and body. It was a new experience to be courted and pursued and wanted intensely. When Jack and I realized we needed each other in a joint epiphany, we mutually reached the conclusion that having two places was totally unnecessary because we both wanted to be in the same place at the same time, as much as possible.

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Anzu James Naked in OrbitChapter 14 Saturday Night

I got to the suite just as Botilda was going in, and we didn't get the door closed before Rashida showed up. "You ready to jee-up 'till you burn?" the somewhat sweaty-looking dark Monroe asked. Botilda started laughing, and couldn't seem to stop. I was entranced by the musical quality of my lover's laughter. Rashida rolled her eyes, but then she looked at me as if studying my body. "You're not really wearing a see-through scarf, are you?" she asked, "'Cause I don't think...

3 years ago
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five on one work out

Like always I got home from school and quickly got undressed then put on a tight white T and some running shorts then I was off. At the end of my street I came across Mr. Will an old friend of the family. “hey Mr. Will.” “hey Kelly. Hold on a sec why you running. to good to talk to you old uncle Will.” “oh sorry I just need to train for…” “the track season so ive heard.” “yeah I’m the best.” “I used to run.” “yeah dad told me you used to.” “wow my, my look at you.” “what?...

3 years ago
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Train Me Super Sexy Lady Ko Choda

Mera naam anil hai age 24y. maine kuch kahaniya aaplogo ko post ki unme se sirf ek hi fake hai lekin aaj jo mai aap logo ko story batauga wo real hai or 3 din pahle hi mere sath hui mai aap logo ko bata du mujhe young ladki virgin ladki slim ladkiyo ka jara bhi sauk nai hai mujhe married bhabhi aunty pasand hai mujhe yaha tak ki ye achcha lagega ki meri jis ladki se saadi ho wo sex kar chuki ho I don’t like virgin. Well mai story me aata hu mujhe bilaspur jana tha to mai bus se satna pahucha or...

3 years ago
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Good Medicine Freshman YearChapter 9 Jos and Mik

June 6, 1981, West Monroe, Ohio After Vespers on Saturday, I spent a few minutes talking to Tasha. “My dad isn’t sure karate is ‘ladylike’,” she said. “The uniforms cover more than those nice dresses you wear during the Summer!” “You noticed, Mike?” she asked with a soft laugh. “If I may be «некультурный», yes, of course! It’s difficult to miss a pretty girl with a nice body!” “Thank you! But do NOT say that around my dad! He’ll never let you see me again!” “So the answer is ‘no’?” “I...

3 years ago
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Masters of the ArchesChapter 10

By now they were moving through the region where Lomac had spent most of his life. They were thus warned well in advance when they came either to a river or when they had to cross a trail. But Lomac found it very strange that up to now they hadn't yet met anyone from his village. " Hunters from my village always come this far north in search of game. We should have met a few of them by now, I fear that something bad has happened to the people of my village. " Verla tried to reassure him...

2 years ago
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My Dream Aunty Accepts My Nasty Proposal

Hi ISS Readers. I am happy to share my first story which happened 2 years back. Let me tell about me.. I am a stud looking guy with bet looks and a nice smile. My tool is 10cm long 5cm broad. I am fond of pussy licking. You can have a talk with me or can send your feedbacks on This is my first story so it maybe noobish. Forgive me for my mistakes. This story happened when i was in tenth grade. I was preparing for my exams so I used to be at my home only. My mom used to take tuition in the...

2 years ago
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Road RashChapter 2

The next weekend, in typical spring fashion in the Northwest, dawned gray and overcast. Rain threatened on the horizon and I packed my rain gear along with dressing in layers. When I pulled into the parking lot of the park with my bike on the roof rack, the turnout was about what I expected whenever rain threatened; about half as many riders as when the weather was nice. Nick had called in sick (read, hung over) that morning, so I was going to have to handle the whole herd solo. Instead of...

3 years ago
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The GILF Down The Hall

I was in my mid 40’s when this took place. At that time, I was living in an apartment on the 11th floor of a building in a downtown area. My job had me traveling frequently, and sometimes for extended periods of time. But during this time I was enjoying some time at home base following a six-week assignment to the great northwest (Washington state). There was a very nice lady that lived down the hall from me. Her name was “Gracie” and she was a widow in her late 50’s. Gracie was not a little...

2 years ago
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A Dangerous Liaison

A dangerous Liaison.I’d just spent a night at Sara and Jeff’s home, where they drank copious amounts of alcohol, performed hilarious renditions on the karaoke and had a fun evening all round. As the evening drew to a close Jeff had obviously had one or two more than his capacity and said something out of earshot which didn’t sit well with Sara. She was more angry than upset, but escorted me to the door in her usual jovial flirty manner. I bent to give her cheek a kiss goodbye when she stopped...

2 years ago
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Its a pleasure to meet you

"He's pretty into you," he said. "But what about his wife? Won't she find out?" I asked Andy. "She'd have no idea unless he told her himself. Which I doubt he ever would," Andy said. "Alright, what should I do?" "Go inside in about five minutes. I'll be in there with Vicky. We'll take a few shots and we'll go from there." I had no idea what I was getting myself into. I had known Andy almost all my life but I had only met Vicky about two weeks ago and at nineteen, I had just gotten out of a...

First Time
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Blackedmerica A Love Story Ch02

Thomas kept looking down at Joana’s white bra as he made his way down the street. Does she know how I feel about her? He wondered as he came up to his house. His mother’s Ford Focus was in the driveway, but his father’s Taurus wasn’t, so Thomas figured that only his mom was at home. Both his parents worked at the James Mosley public library in the city. His mother Beatrice was a manager whilst his father Harvey was a librarian. “I’m home,” Thomas called out as he got inside, and put down the...

4 years ago
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Hot Bhabhi

Hi friends mera name Arsh hai. Meri age 24 year hai. Me Delhi me rahta hoon. Me is site ki stories regular padta rahta hoon. Mujhe is ki sari stories pasand hai.Ye storie meri or mere padose me rahne wali bhabhi ki hai jo bahut hi hot hai. Ager koi delhi ki ladki ya aunty ya bhabhi mujh se friendship kerna chahti hai to wo mujhe mail ker sakti hai meri e-mail id hai. Aap ka time west na kerte huye me seedhi stories per ata hoon. Me delhi me rent ke room per rahta hoon mere padose me ek bahut...

2 years ago
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The World Wreckers

There wasn’t much left of the village when the grinder appeared on the horizon. The huge machine took two days to arrive at the village proper, so everyone had plenty of time to get most of their stuff packed up and leave. A few people stayed, mostly old people, sitting on their steps or in their living rooms, waiting for the end. For the grinding. Some people’s spirit was already broken. Some people seemed to welcome the end ... and the end was on its way. Dutch’s family fled the day before,...

4 years ago
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The Project continued

Introduction: So I know this isnt much of an improvement from the last one, but I was trying to finish it real quick before my dad got home and saw what I was doing ,) Rob we really cant, my parents could be home any minute, I said to him after we made each other cum and he wants to keep going. Well do it by the doorway so we can hear if they come home. I want to fuck you so bad Rob is one of those guys that can cum quickly but just keep going over and over so I knew wed be at it for a while,...

2 years ago
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Taking Matters into My Own Hands 2

I stood up and moved towards Lyana’s unconscious body. I stroked my fingers on her soft, auburn hair. I stared at her face. Holy shit. She is so beautiful. My fingers left her hair and found her neck. I gently stroked my fingers on her neck. Fuck. It’s so smooth. I stepped away and took my chair and placed it beside her. I caressed her neck passionately. My fingers moved lower and found the top button of her shirt. My heart was pounding so hard against my chest. My erection feels like...

2 years ago
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Rachel Grahams Precious Little Life Chapter 1

Rachel Graham's Precious Little Life - Chapter 1 Work. They say your work should be something you love, and I have to agree with "they". What they fail to mention is that you had better love doing something that pays the bills, or you're gonna be in for a world of hurt. That world of hurt is where I find myself most mornings. Forget about Julie Wells, she's a nobody. She's a bitch, but she's a friend. But the place where I work is no friend to me. Projekt

1 year ago
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A CD Cheerleader Experience

I didn't know what it would feel like, but I had to find out. So, eagerly, on the morning my mother and father left for the trip I went for my stash. Secretly, for nearly a month, I had begun to collect clothing of various types, including panties and a cheerleading outfit. These were the favored items in the old dryer. I locked all the doors and pulled the shades down, to ensure no one could see inside the house. I snuck quietly to the basement, as if someone was around to hear me. I...

3 years ago
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At The Pool Part 3

The drive home from the pool was a very scenic one. I took Matt along a quieter back road, one that ran the span of the river near my home. It gave us more time to relax and unwind. There were no traffic lights, just large expanses of farms, workers in the fields and a few summer cyclists and walkers along the banks. The roof was down, the wind rushed through our hair, the sun shone on our faces and my hands indulgently caressed my new lover’s thigh. The rushing wind felt like it was blowing...

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Sister Moves In

(Feel free to leave any feedback, add threads or or even submit ideas for branching story paths) It was the last day of summer break as well as the last summer break 18 year old Oliver will have in high school. Senior year starts tomorrow and instead of going to a huge cookout his friends are throwing, he's been standing around baggage claim at the airport for an hour now waiting for his sister's delayed plane. Oliver's parents are divorced, and while he lives with his father, his sister has...

4 years ago
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Strip Club MFF

My girlfriend and I had been talking at great length for some time about bringing another girl into the bed. We had exhaustive conversations about how it would go and how to handle it. I don't think it was a bad thing, just something that was always going to be relegated to conversation, rather than actually happening.It was a warm muggy summer evening in Downtown Detroit and Ashley and I had just booked our room at a central hotel. The idea was that we were going to bounce around from...

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Dawn of the Federation Book I Tomorrow Never KnowsChapter 15 Lorians Ship

Nobody said anything – mainly because nobody knew what to say. Trip was sure that he probably did quite a good fish impression, staring open-mouthed at his son. My son, he reminded himself mentally, before he noticed that everyone was staring at either Lorian or T'Pol, waiting for someone to say something. "Dock your boat, son," Trip said, when he noticed that T'Pol appeared to be shell-shocked. He went over to her and put his hand on her back. In every normal situation she would...

3 years ago
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MILF Ridden Hard on a Cattle Drive Part 1

It’s been almost a year now since our fateful vacation in Wyoming, where I became a fuck slut on a cattle drive, and my husband, Jason, became my eager, cuckold. That vacation came at a time of great stress for Jason, due to problems with his business, and our dude ranch experience was intended to be a stress relief for both of us. Jason is the CEO of an oil and gas exploration company headquartered in Denver, Colorado, and declining energy prices were a drain on profitability, and causing...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Tantric Books

It was going on 2am and Greg Richards had not yet fallen asleep. It might have been due to the heat, it was the warmest day of the year and that carried over into the night. And it was dark…almost no light at all, just that sense of edges and walls. It all lay across Greg with palpable weight as he lay on the bed at a slight angle, covers askew exposing his naked six foot frame to the night. There was a simple bump that, more than sounding, pulsed the air…and then a slight floorboard squeak....

2 years ago
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Too Much LoveChapter 83

As an SSCS field agent, Tanvi Agnihotri prided herself on being unflappable. No client request, no matter how strange, could make her lose her cool or even show surprise. Working for Nick Coyle these last few years had only served to reinforce that pride. She trusted Nick implicitly and wanted to be an extension of his will as much as it was possible for a person to do so for another. She recognized how easily this desire could be seen as a pathology by others, but it was a pathology that...

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The Preparation of Helena VoutrakisChapter 4 A Corinthian Epistle

By the time that I awoke the following morning, the sun had already risen. A look through the port beside my bunk showed the azure blue of the Ionian Sea. We were, according to the regularly updated position marker on the large map in the ship's lounge, a short way north west of Ithaca, the legendary home of that voyager Odysseus. I was approaching the end of my airship journey. The steam-flight field at Corinth is close to the magnificent Diolkos Cable Transporter. As our dirigible circled...

1 year ago
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Spizoo Saya Song Valentina Nappi Threesome POV Sex

If your roommates are Italian Babe Valentina Nappi and the exotic Asian Saya Song, you are the luckiest guy on earth. Find yourself hiding in their room trying to masturbate with their lingeries, so then this lesbian couple enters the room and they begin to caress each other, you take advante of this and continue jerking off… but suddenly they realize that there is someone hidden in their closet and spot you with your big dick erected, after a short talk, trying to justify your akward...

3 years ago
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The Sitter Part 2

The Sitter, Part 2 By Cal Y. Pygia "Thank goodness you're here!" Sue Garrison cried. She'd been waiting for Becky Lewis to ring the doorbell for over twenty minutes. Seizing Becky's wrist, Sue hauled her best friend into the mansion's grand entrance hall, shoving the door closed with her foot. "Ouch!" Becky looked cross. She rubbed her wrist. Then, she smiled. "It's nice to see you, too, Sue. Where's the problem child?" "In his room," Sue replied. "At least, he was the...

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HeadacheChapter 16 Teresa

We had decided to leave on a Tuesday instead of Wednesday and return within seven days, the minimum time needed for our tickets. We knew this did not give us much time in Italy but the house would be enclosed and they would be starting on the interior and we wanted to be at the ranch during that time. Also we felt we could return to Italy and Europe later if we wanted. We were scheduled to leave Denver at 11:20 AM, switch planes in Atlanta, and again in Rome for the last leg to Catania,...

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A Kinky Woman A Watcher and A Hard Cock

I rolled into the Bay area about four in the afternoon. Traffic was horrid, it was a hot day in California to say the least, and my patience had about run thin. Following the directions on my GPS system, within an hour I pulled in behind the mall to the delivery area. I found the Office Depot where I needed to deliver in the morning and leaving the truck run for the air conditioner to work, I went into the sleeper. Flopping down on my bunk, I planned to take a nap before supper. After a couple...

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Girl on Girl text

Then il give you something to watch il tie you to the bed and kiss her above you as you watch me and nd her grab at eachothers clothes XxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxNot stopping till both in lil pants and keep kissing inchs from you.. I make her staddle ur chest and slowly suck her nipples in front of you while she grabs at my pants in desperation XxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxI stop to untie and tie you to the chair next to the bed as i push her to the bed and kiss at her neck .. She succeeds at pushin...

3 years ago
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Narutos Leaf Village Adventures Part 2

Sakura lay down on the bed breathing heavily, it was definitely the greatest orgasm she'd had in her life! Panting she stayed on her bed for a few minutes, still overcome by the experience she lifted herself up, only to notice the room caked in her own cum. Some was even still coming out from her pussy. "Powerful stuff that Viagra" she said to herself quietly. She selected a finger and scooped up some of the thick liquid, she held it under her nose and sniffed it smelled sweet, like...

1 year ago
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Dog and His BoyChapter 8 That Purple Metal Stuff

Greg saw two young men in their late teens walk uncertainly up the driveway. They reminded Greg of a pair of stray dogs the way they seemed to expect trouble from someone or something. He went to greet them, "Which one of you is Mark and which one is Jason? Can I put a magic marker on one of you so I can tell you two apart?" They appeared to be identical in every way, except for their clothes. One, Mark it turned out, had on black Dockers and a gray polo shirt. The other, Jason, wore a...

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Web Cam Show Only a BJ

I never really did much in terms of jobs that pay a decent wage throughout my college years. Usually jumping from minimum wage job to minimum wage job did not help pay for my tuition, plus applying for scholarships would take a lot of time, and you aren't always going to get the scholarship so it could be a waste of time. So I was going to start looking for another means of getting paid for easy work that is legal.Searching on job sites was really boring. I would find something I like but it...

1 year ago
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BrattySis Sarah Lace My Step Sis Is A Gamer Girl

Sarah Lace is a gamer girl, which really pisses off her stepbrother Charles Dera when he’s trying to sleep. Charles tries to tell Sarah to keep it down, and she agrees she’ll try. A few minutes later, though, he wakes up to the sound of something vibrating. Sarah swears it’s her controller as she’s hiding her vibrator behind her. Charles gives her the lie, but Sarah immediately goes back to work on her pussy when Charles lies down again. This time, Charles confronts...

2 years ago
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Sex With Bed Students 8211 Part 2 Bhabhi Aur Choti Ke Saath Threesome

Hello friends, aaj main apko apne ist incident ki age ki baat batane ja raha hoon. As told earlier bhabhi to raat ko mere saath sex karte aur mast hote choti ne deka tha aur voh bhi yeh mazaaa lena chahti thi . To usne bhabhi to kha ki apne jo maza vicky ke sath liya vaise hi mujhe bhi karna hai to bhabhi mere paas aayi aur sab bataya to maine bhahi to poocha aapko mazza aaya raat ko ? She said yessss. Phir kya tha maine unhe kaha ki choti se main baat karoonga for threesome aap time le kar...

4 years ago
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Jessica and Grandpa Pt2

Chapter 2 – Jessica Next day at school, my mind raced. I had decided to stay over again this evening, asking my mom to drop off some clother for me, during the day, by phone. It would only be the 2nd time I’d stayed over at my grandparents this week, so was nothing unusual, though it wasn’t often I’d stay over two nights in a row. I knew Grandma would be out visiting friends when I got back in from school, as she always was on a Friday afternoon, which of course meant I would have some time...

4 years ago
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The Phone Call that Changed it All

As she let me in, my eyes couldn’t help but to shift down to her ass. Round and firm, it was made even more incredible by the tight shorts she was wearing. I watched those glorious globes swing to and fro as she made her way towards the living room; free of their hypnotic swing as she turned the corner. The night progressed as expected. Things hadn’t worked out with yet another guy and I was the one that was left to pick up the pieces. She started with venting about how he did this, or...

2 years ago
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Naakt zonnen

Het was al heerlijk warm weer en ik vond het tijd om heerlijk bloot te gaan zonnen om mijn kleurtje op zomers bruin te krijgen.Op het naaktstrandje aangekomen, bleek het er niet druk te zijn.Ik zocht een heerlijk plekje in de zon en al snel lag ik heerlijk bloot te genieten en mn nog witte huid voelde heerlijk warm.Door het pilletje xtc wat ik had genomen was ik mega relaxt en kreeg al snel stoute gedachten.Omdat ik een beetje was weggedroomd had ik niet door dat ik door een leuke kerel werd...

4 years ago
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Lifes a Beach

(I originally wrote this story under the author name of Voyager.) Chapter One: On the beach The weather had finally cleared, a week at the beach and it had taken until Thursday for the sun to come out. Bill dropped his towel onto the hot sand; kicking of his shoes and shorts he slid his T-shirt off before lying face down on his towel. "Better put some sun cream on Billy or you'll burn." He turned his head to look at his mom who was spreading a towel beside him. "I guess." "Here...

3 years ago
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The Wild Isabella

This is about the woman of my dreams. That I long for. That I crave. So let me tell you about a moment of madness I will never forget. Her name was Isabella and she looked nothing like the posts on the forum. I'd heard reports that she was over 6ft, that she was fat, that she was not for the inexperienced. It took an age to find her apartment and when I got there she poked her head coyly round the door. She was slim and Spanish, with blonde hair and big, blue, mischievous eyes. Perky tits and...

2 years ago
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Payback pt2

Chapter three: new friends and views of life. After a couple of hours of computer work in the afternoon there was a knock on my door which relieved me from my concentration. I answered the door where a maid was asking if I needed anything. She was young, 5’5” in height, black hair in a loose ponytail and black eyes, her outfit a simple black silk apron, barely covering her shaven pussy and leaving her back and ass exposed. It was also was really tight on her C cup breasts, giving a clear shape...

3 years ago
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E099 Somethings new

A week later, Donald gets to delve into his shopping fetish.  He spends time every day previewing the new fashions of the seasons on different websites.  Then moving to his favorite shopping sites to choose items he wants to include in his cart for consideration.  He works his way through his different classifications of clothes: the lingerie, the outfits, the apparel.  The only thing he has not yet shopped for is the suits for his and Emma’s special nights.  But that will come.Emma is being so...

Love Stories
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A Day in the City

You wake up one morning feeling really ambitious. You get up and look at yourself in the mirror and see you standing their in a white thong. "Well", you say. "I'm gonna have a good day today." You were already feeling a little bit horny. You were a really hot girl notorious in the town about being easy and doing all sorts of crazy things. You look in your closet and dresser to figure out what to wear. You put on some pink silk panties, a matching bra, a short black skirt, and a button up white...

1 year ago
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Dr. Eloise Vandenberg massaged her neck as she searched the scene below her top floor perch at the Citadel, one of the world’s foremost military colleges. Bumper to bumper in Charleston blocked a flashing ambulance as evening rainstorms erupted. If you were a war strategist but didn’t want the confines of the military like Eloise, this was the club you longed to be in. And if you had a taste for war game experimentation that touched on the sadistic, this was a place to practice your craft with...

3 years ago
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The Orderly

“Rob, Mr. Littleton’s diaper needs changing. Could you please take care of that and clean him up?” Rob cringed at the sound of Nurse Baker’s awful voice, for there was seldom anything positive uttered from her lips. Rob had been an overnight orderly at The Peaceful Valley Hospital for almost two years now, and the head nurse had been more like a jailer than a supervisor. She loved to dole menial tasks and impose petty torments, knowing there was nothing he could do but her bidding. He had...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Travelling on the bus

I enjoyed travelling on the commuter bus, which ran from the city centre to the University. In the morning it was always crowded, mainly with students. I came to know many of them by sight and they generally seemed to have regular habits making it easy to arrange to intercept them. The bus was a large single-decker with a number of seats at the front but at the rear of the bus there was a large open area without seats for standing passengers to maximize carrying capacity. The exit doors for...

1 year ago
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Solace Rosanna Ch 11

A blue-jean clad Rosanna Romero lay on her bed, eyes closed, hands clasped behind her head, a faint smile playing around the corners of her lips. She was reliving her evening’s activities—well, mainly one activity. She and Anna had enjoyed some fairly intense kisses and caresses during the past months, but this evening she had returned a definite lover. They had ‘gone all the way’. It had been a first for both of them and, as any first time, it would not or could not ever be forgotten. As...

4 years ago
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Behind the Sun Ch 01

It was 8 o’clock in the evening on a Tuesday in late June when Victoria Bidarte was k**napped. It had been dark, damp, overcast and unusually warm, and every worker on the roofing site was sweating in the 90-degree heat. The men were sullen, and tempers were high. Those who worked on the ground envied the workers who perched on the roof, hammering and stapling the sticky shingles into place, for their access to what little breeze there was. Victoria was of course one of those on the roof. One...

4 years ago
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A Weekend in the Mountains Day 3

Nathan's Story After we had all agreed to swap partners for our last day on the mountain, I couldn't help but steal another look at my wife. Though it was only going to be for 24 hours, it felt as if we were going to be parting for much longer. I couldn't help but steal one final glance at her firm sexy body, and we quickly exchanged winks. Suddenly I was brought back to the real world by a sharp slap on my naked ass. Leslie said "Remember me? I thought we had a date." Then she turned her back,...

Wife Lovers
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The Perils of Pubescent PornChapter 17

Before anything could develop I got up, that woke the girls up, and we went out onto the landing, just as Candace’s door opened next to us and she emerged with a girl - Rose. “Oh!” everyone said. Rose went bright pink. “Hello,” said Evelyn to her, “I’m Evelyn.” “Hello,” said Rose, and fled down the stairs. “It’s alright,” Evelyn called after her, “we’re cool with girls and girls.” “Hello Evelyn,” smiled Candace. We were still learning girls’ names too of course. “Hello Sofia.” “Hello...

2 years ago
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The Temple

Somewhere in South america late 1990s . My name is Jack and I am a bit of a finder of things, not always worrying about who owns the thing , if I am paid enough. This is the story of something I ended up going after for the sizable bounty that I had no idea would have such a effect on the rest of my life. I am 6ft 2 just a bit on the chubby side , brown eyes , and hair cut short. Thanks to my dad and the Army , I can sleep most anywhere , (hell I even slept standing up a few times) , know good...

4 years ago
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First Sex With My Maid8217s Daughter 8211 Part II

Dear friends I am continuing the story how I fucked Raziya (2nd Daughter of my House Maid & Sultana Elder Sister). Saying about Raziya, she was the second daughter of my House maid, she ran away from home and got love marriage, first they were happy as the days passed problem started that she did not have children’s since from two years, and this became very big problem in her family life. Coming to the story: As the days went, day by day I and sultana sexed in all positions, and there was no...

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