EvilAngel Maya Woulfe Ejaculates Squirt Facial
- 2 years ago
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Two naked women flew out of the kitchen and down the hall swearing, they weren’t ready. I watched as Phil and Veronica got two large somethings out of the trunk of Phil’s car. They carried the two things with hot pad gloves. When they got to the porch I opened the door and held it for them. They headed directly for the kitchen. Phil got one foot over the threshold when Beth’s voice said, ‘Stop right there!’
She slid around him and somehow got her hands in the hot gloves and pushed Phil out of the kitchen in one move. Julia Childs would have been proud. As Phil retreated he heard Beth thank him for his gift. She was dressed in a sweatshirt and denim skirt.
At 9:57 we heard two more doors close. I looked out and saw Alison and Mike struggling. Alison was about six months pregnant and as big as a two-bedroom house. Phil and I went to help. Alison held the door and we carried their gifts of food we didn’t need. I wondered if Beth and/or Liz had invited some others. We certainly had enough food.
We were met at the kitchen door and never made it inside. Personally, I didn’t want to get inside. Mike, Phil and I retreated to the TV area and got into the game. In a break between quarters Mike asked, ‘Pete, can I get personal?’
‘With a question or did you have something else in mind?’
‘A question! How do you live with two women?’
‘The short answer is, it’s easy. What do you really want to know?’
‘Ali is like living with a rollercoaster! One minute she’s as happy as anyone I’ve ever seen and two seconds later I’m glad she doesn’t have a knife!’
I laughed. ‘It’s your fault! Pregnant women are certifiably crazy. They have a quart of hormones flowing through their bodies and they rule. She will eat things she hated a year ago, want to go to the beach in the middle of the night and eighty other things that won’t make any sense to us. Chalk it up to hormones and keep smiling.’
Phil added, ‘She’ll also expect you to have ESP and get what she forgot to tell you to get from the store. Call her before you check out, just in case.’
Phil was hitting the chips and guacamole pretty hard. I reminded him that our women expected us to eat more than a plate full of the dinner they were making. He moved the chips and guacamole out of reach. I got a towel and covered the snacks, ‘out of sight…’
Beth came in and sat on my lap. We kissed and she fed me a piece of the turkey. She gave Phil and Mike pieces too, but no kisses. She told us when dinner would be on the table, then she went back in the kitchen. Their timing was uncanny. They would have dinner on the table within a few minutes of the end of the game.
Our phone rang. I was surprised. I wasn’t expecting a call from anyone.
I went into my office and answered. It was my brother, Brad. When I heard his voice I almost hung up. Almost. I wondered what effect the call from Kaye had in his house.
I said, ‘It’s been a long time.’
Brad sounded beat. ‘Yeah, and I’ll understand if you hang up and never talk to me again, but I want to apologize.’
‘For what, exactly?’
‘The day before I married Emily and during the reception I had sex with Kaye.’
‘I know. And now, you want to say you’re sorry? How long have you and Emily been married?’
‘Five years.’ Brad said.
‘Then what you are apologizing for is getting found out, not for fucking my wife. If you felt guilty for fucking Kaye you wouldn’t have waited five years to apologize. Have you apologized to Emily?’
‘Yes. Every day since Kaye called her. She’s left me. We’re getting divorced.’
‘Ok. I can understand that. Kaye called months ago, why are you calling me now?’
‘I turned on the TV and sat here alone watching football on Thanksgiving Day and realized I’m alone, you’re alone and we used to always be together on Thanksgiving.’
‘You’re wrong. I’m not alone. Our dinner will be on the table in less than half an hour. There are seven people about to sit down for dinner at a table that could hold eight. You were an idiot! You fucked up, but it isn’t just your fault. I may not have known Kaye as well as I thought I did, but I know that if she wanted to fuck she could get a dick in her. No matter how angry I ever got with her she could get me into bed. You are my brother. Take a shower and don’t break any laws getting here. I’ll save some turkey for you.’ I hung up.
I walked to the open kitchen door and said, ‘I need a moment.’ All the movement and talking in the kitchen stopped.
‘Brad just called. Emily left him and they’re getting divorced. He’s been alone for months and I invited him for dinner. Not because what he did is forgivable, because he’s my brother and he’s hurting. Can we make room for him?’
‘As you wish…’ Elizabeth said, in unison. I thanked them and went to tell Phil and Mike.
Mike didn’t know much of the story so we explained it to him. When we were done he said, ‘I have a brother. If I did his wife it wouldn’t matter how long ago, he’d kick my ass if he ever saw me again and I would never be allowed in his home.’
‘I could carry the hurt and anger for the rest of my life, and it wouldn’t do anything but hurt me, make it harder for me to love anyone and be a friend to you guys. That’s giving Kaye and Brad too much power in my life. I’ve been thinking about him since I found out what he did. It’s better for all of us if I forgive him and use the energy for loving Elizabeth.’
‘Elizabeth?’ Mike asked.
‘The two women I love have the same name, Elizabeth, and go by pieces of it, Liz and Beth. When I use the whole name I mean both of them.’
‘Oh.’ Mike said. I could almost hear the gears turning while he processed me loving both of them. He was comfortable with us living together and I guessed he thought I only slept with one of them.
We were called and went to the kitchen door to help carry things to the table. The turkey was already on the table. I put Alison in the middle of one side of the table and put Mike on one side and Phil on the other, so they could help her pass and hold the big platters of food. I sat in the middle of the other side and had Veronica on one side of me (the side closest to Phil) and Beth on the other. Liz got the end of the table nearest the kitchen, leaving the empty seat at the other end.
I said, ‘When I was growing up we had Thanksgiving Dinner and I believed everyone used the same ritual we did. Most people didn’t. Here it is. We all join hands.’ We did. ‘Each of us says ‘Thank you’, three times, then you kiss the person to your right around the table. When the kiss has made it around, it comes back.’
We all said Thank you three times. I leaned to my right and kissed Beth. Beth stood, leaned across the table and kissed Mike who kissed Alison. She turned and kissed Phil who kissed Liz, who kissed Veronica, who kissed me. I said, ‘Thank you’ to her and kissed her back. She turned to Veronica and the chain of kisses came back to me.
I looked at each person at the table and said, ‘Thank you for sharing our lives and allowing us to share yours. I love you.’ I paused a second and said, ‘Let’s eat!’
The turkey was in front of Liz. She carved and served pieces to everyone, then the platters of everything else were passed. The house smelled so good and we were treated to wonderful foods. The platters all came to rest and the forks started their trips from plates to mouths when I heard a knock at the door. Beth got up and said, ‘I’ll let him in?’ I nodded.
She opened the door and we heard Brad say, ‘I’m Brad. Is Pete here?’
Beth said, ‘We’ve been expecting you. Please come in.’ She led him to the table and pointed him at a chair. She picked up his plate and dished some smashed potatoes onto it. She handed me the plate and I put a little of what was on the platter in front of me. His plate was piled high when it got to him, and he had met everyone at the table. Within minute
s he was smiling and laughing with everyone else at the table.
I stopped eating for a few moments and just felt. I closed my eyes and could feel the distinct energy from each person in the room. When I felt Brad I could feel the fear he held on to, fear that he had lost his brother, fear he would be alone.
When we were finished eating Beth took charge. She went into the kitchen and had Veronica and Liz with her. She told Mike to get Ali on the couch and comfortable. Brad and Phil she asked to bring platters to the kitchen. I picked up the big bowl that once held smashed potatoes and took it to the kitchen. Beth was taking all the leftovers and dividing them into four portions. Each portion went into plastic containers. Then the platter went to the sink. Veronica washed and Liz dried and put things away. In fifteen minutes there were three grocery bags with plastic containers in them, labeled for Phil & Veronica, Mike and Alison and a bag for Brad. The forth set of leftovers went into our fridge. All the snacks were bagged and put away or tossed in the trash.
We sat in the living room and talked as the food digested. Pretty soon Alison said she needed to go home, being six months along was tiring. Hugs and kisses were shared and I noticed Brad stayed back. Liz gave them their leftovers and they left. Five minutes later, after a Veronica pit stop, she and Phil were gone, too.
That left Brad, Elizabeth and me. Brad sat at one end of the couch. I sat in my recliner. Liz came out of the kitchen and sat in my lap. When Beth came out of the bathroom she sat at the other end of the couch.
Brad asked Beth, ‘Where do you live?’
‘We live here with Pete.’
‘Both of you?’ He looked from Beth to Liz and back.
I said, ‘Any questions you have, ask me.’
‘Ok. How long has this been going on?’
‘This? For an accurate answer I’d need to know what this you’re talking about.’
‘Were either of them living here when you were married to Kaye?’
‘No. Beth moved in shortly after Kaye died. Liz shortly after that.’
He was quiet a long time. I said, ‘I am so very grateful to both of you for today. You worked so hard and the results were fantastic.’ I kissed Liz and she gave as good as she got.
When the kiss ended she got up off my lap and went to the couch. She helped Beth up and took her place on the couch. Beth came and stood beside my chair. I opened my arms and she kicked off her shoes and climbed into my lap. We kissed and I thanked her for all her work.
When I looked at Brad his mouth was open. ‘You treat both of them like your girl-friends.’
‘No. I treat them both as wives. I love them both. Is that Ok?’
‘Ok? Yeah, surprising? Yeah, that too.’
Liz asked, ‘Brad, what was your wife’s name?’
‘Do you love her?’
‘I do! For all the good that does.’
‘What is she doing with her life since you two are apart?’ Beth asked. I was starting to see what they were planning.
‘Doing? She goes to work and she takes care of the house. Far as I know that’s about it. Oh, she visits her Mom on the weekends. She’s probably with her Mom today. Her Dad died last December. Why all the questions?’
‘We want to help you.’ Liz said.
Beth scooted closer to Brad, ‘You made a huge mistake, five years ago. Emily hardly knew Kaye so she probably totally blames you for what happened. Now she’s alone and probably as lonely as you are. We think this can be changed. Willing?’
‘Hell, yes, I’m willing.’
‘We need her address and phone number.’
‘What are you going to do?’ He asked, suddenly suspicious.
‘If you don’t know you have, what the government calls plausible deniability. If what we do doesn’t work, will you be worse off than you are now?’
‘No. Pardon my French, but I’m already fucked.’
‘Ok. We need your cell phone number and you need to have it charged and with you at all times.’ Beth told him. Liz got paper and a pen. Brad gave them everything they asked for.
Liz moved him to the middle of the couch and they sat on either side of him. I watched. Beth asked, ‘Tell us about the five years after the wedding. Describe your life together.’
Before he started I said, ‘Brad, where are you parked?’
‘On the street two houses down.’ He pointed.
‘Go get your car and park in the driveway, OK?’
‘Yeah, Ok.’ He went. I said, ‘Get the microrecorder from my desk. Start it recording and put it inside one of your blouses so he’s speaking right into it. Having Emily hear it from him might help.’
Liz tucked the recorder in her bra so the mic was barely hidden and the recorder was totally hidden. Brad came back inside and asked why I had him move his car.
‘Some kids have been messing with cars parked at the curb, keying the sides.’
‘Glad you told me to move it.’
Beth guided him back onto the couch and had him face Liz as he told us about their married life. He really let down any barriers he had and told us about the great life they had together. He talked about how Emily was so supportive of him and helped him over some tough spots. He cried when he talked about the two miscarriages they had, and how scared he was when she found a lump in her breast. It was evident the man was devastated when a voice from the past jumped up and bit them in the ass. The voice was my wife’s voice.
When his story ended Liz left the room and stopped the recording. We promised we would be in touch, that he was family and forgiven. Beth handed him a bag full of leftovers and both kissed him on the cheek as they said ‘Good-bye.’
The door closed and I asked, ‘Ok, what are you thinking?’
‘Remember the pictures you took at the cabin?’ Beth asked.
‘The ones of Kaye, nude and covered in names?’
‘I think Emily needs to hear your story and see those pictures. She got one of those phone calls. Then she needs to hear Brad telling us his story. I think her heart will melt and they will be back together.’ Beth said.
Liz added, ‘She’s at her Mom’s right now and I’d bet part of the day they cried over the Husband and Dad who weren’t there for Thanksgiving. They are both lonely and a day like today just makes it hurt worse. Until you, we cried together often. ‘
‘When shall we do this?’ I asked.
‘We can call her on Saturday or Sunday. They haven’t gone to court so we can lure her with evidence she needs before she gets to court.’
Beth added, ‘One of us should call her. If you call she’ll think Brad had something to do with it.’
‘Where will you meet her?’
‘I’ll borrow my old place back for an afternoon. She’s at church all day Sunday anyway.’
‘Ok. We’ll do it.’
Because they had spent so much time and focus on the big dinner I thought a drive might do us some good. We went down by the beach and turned north towards Malibu. At about eight o’clock Beth said she actually wanted something to eat. ‘Not a lot, but a little something.’
Liz and I were having the same thoughts, so we stopped and shared one dinner. It wasn’t turkey. I left a nice tip. Back in the truck I recommended they remove their bras. They did and asked if I wanted the shirts gone, too.
After the considerable consideration of possibly two seconds I agreed that would be wonderful. We rode the rest of the twenty or so miles down Pacific Coast Highway to the tunnel in Santa Monica with four of the best boobs in California right out where I could see and touch them. It was fun. Beth was closest to the window and every time we stopped at a traffic signal she looked over to see if the car or truck that stopped next to us could see anything. Mostly the answer was no, most cars are lower to the ground than my pick-up. Once another pick-up stopped next to us and he had taller tires on his and he got a good look at both sets of tits. The light changed, he honked and stayed with us to the next l
ight, then he turned right into a restaurant parking lot, Duke’s. I honked, Elizabeth waved and we drove on.
Back at home I took Elizabeth into the playroom and massaged both of them. I warmed the room, played soft meditative music and burned incense as I worked on both of them. When they were relaxed and ready I carefully moved them one at a time into bed. They fell asleep quickly.
I showered and shaved, then joined them in bed. I realized as I showered that I was shaving twice a day. Once in the morning so I looked clean and smooth at work and once at night so I didn’t stubble burn either Liz or Beth.
We slept until after 9:00 in the morning. Suddenly I woke and sat up, remembering the contractor was going to be there at 10:00. I got us up and at 9:45 they were doing yoga in the living room. Often they did yoga in the back yard, but it was overcast and quite cool so they were in the house. I had seen them wear tights and leotards of contrasting colors when they did yoga, but that Friday morning it was leotards only, and I do mean only.
A couple minutes after ten the contractor knocked and Liz answered the door. Beth was on the floor in a pose called Halasana, the Plow Pose. Head on the floor, her torso vertical and legs at ninety degrees, arms behind her also at ninety degrees. A bright green strip of cloth barely covered her pussy and dipped between the cheeks of her upturned ass. His eyes bugged at the sight of Liz in her tiny white bikini and when he saw Beth he couldn’t speak. I led him out of the living room.
Our consult lasted half an hour with three trips through the living room. Liz came out of the bathroom as he was preparing to leave, wrapped in a towel and asked if I remembered to ask him about the outdoor shower. The towel covered her front from the top of her breasts to just below her pussy. I said we had discussed the outdoor shower and she said, ‘Ok, Thanks!’ and she headed back for the bathroom. Somehow the towel had ridden up and as she turned her entire ass was uncovered. I made it look like I didn’t notice. He noticed.
At noon the other contractor we’d found came by and Elizabeth played the same game with him. He was older and a bit grayer, but just as attentive. Liz played with the towel just as she had done earlier. The bids were close, but the older guy was promising the job would be done in fourteen days and the younger guy said fourteen working days.
When the second guy left Liz stood in the living room, without the towel, and called Emily. She answered and we all listened as Liz implemented phase one, The Invitation.
‘Emily Peterson?’ Liz asked.
‘Yes. Who is this?’
‘My name is Elizabeth Evans. If you are the soon-to-be-ex-wife of one Bradley Peterson we need to talk.’
‘Why do we need to talk?’
‘Are you divorcing Bradley?’
‘I have evidence you need to see before you go to court. Evidence about your husband’s extracurricular activities. Some of the evidence you should see is photographic.’
‘Was he doing you, too?’ The stress in her voice was painful to hear.
‘No. It happens that I knew about the woman who called you. I don’t want money for what I have, but I do want to give it to you personally. Can we meet?’
‘Yes. It has to be at a public place.’
‘Today?’ Liz asked.
‘How about two o’clock? There’s a nice restaurant called Woody’s, do you know it?’
‘Yes, I’ve been there.’ Emily said.
‘Dress warmly and sit on the patio. It’s still private and public at the same time. Sit so if you look at a big photograph no one will be looking over your shoulder and be offended.’
‘How will I recognize you?’
‘I’ll be wearing western boots, a denim skirt and a teal shirt. My hair is dark brown and quite short and curly.’
‘Must I come alone?’
‘No. Just don’t bring the whole family, Ok?’
‘Ok.’ She hung up. Phase one was complete. I printed the pictures on photo paper and slipped them, a copy of Kaye’s suicide note and the list of names, acts performed and phone numbers into a 9X12 envelope. I put the microrecorder in the envelope too. All three of us got dressed and went to Woody’s at 1:30. We sat out on the patio with Liz facing the door out of Woody’s onto the patio.
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"Wait! Before we get started as lovers, is your heart still open to me?" "Yes, Randy, it is. I'll tell you anything you want to know." "Well... Stacey is the first girl I ever physically loved, and you're about to be my second. What's it like from your side? You mentioned once having a lover with this same problem, am I your second lover? You're such a sweet person, how come you broke up with your earlier boyfriend?" "Randolph!" hissed Stacey, "How dare you ask such an...
"There." Malet said stepping back with professional flourish. "Not too tight across the shoulders?" He asked carefully. Kiyone surveyed herself critically in the three full-length mirrors provided. Still trying to 'get over' the current brand of strangeness. Events of the last few days hadn't given any of them time to think really, let alone adjust. One moment she was angrily discussing world domination with the queen and now the 'fresh' oddity of being fitted for a dress...
Alana Cruise knows that her daughter Emily Wilis and her stepson Kyle Mason are screwing around with each other, but no matter how many times she catches them in the act she can’t seem to make them stop. Emily is the one to instigate the action, flashing her tits and happily sucking Kyle’s hardon before taking him deep inside her cock hungry pussy. Kyle isn’t about to hesitate in tapping that bare pussy as Emily tries her best to hold the moan. Later, Emily gets Kyle hard and...
xmoviesforyou‘You’re everything I hoped for. You’re everything I need. You are so beautiful, to me.’ (B. Preston — B. Fisher) sung by Joe Cocker. Sorry for the delay in getting this chapter out. I thought that I had submitted this chapter. Must be my advanced age. I’m loosing it…Lost it? * That evening Maggie and I were getting ready to go to Jess’ party, Maggie was in her bedroom and I was in Auntie Phyl’s room. Kate was in with her mother, giving advice about what she should wear and what color...
I am Mahalakshmi Srinivasan a south Indian wife living in Alwarpet ,Chennai for the past 15 years. I used to work in one of the nationalised Indian banks before this incident. I am 38 years old having one kid. My assets are 38-28-34 , having a height of 175 cms and weighing 69 kgs. I always wear a sleeveless low choli blouse and a cotton crisp saree and wear some five to six chains including my thaali (Mangalasutra) and these chains hang till my navel. I wear a long vermilion (red sindoor) in...
Slowly, Sherry and I begin to become more than just friends. Sex is off limits because neither of us want the possibility of a child, STD's, etc. She has no problem visiting me and I am still getting used to her place. Hardly anyone shows up at my house unannounced, while a few of her pals still drop in when they feel like it or if they are invited. Sherry or one of her bitches will ask me which panty I have on and I reply with the correct information, causing much laughter. I am more than...
HumorAuthor's Notes (please read first to get the best reading experience!): Hey everyone! I have been a long time reader of fictionmania and thought I would make a contribution since there is a particular genre of transformations that I like reading, yet see so little of. I hope this inspires more writers to write stories like this and hope that my first time isn't so bad. I know I'm not the best writer, but I'd like to think I have an imagination, and maybe someone could tighten up the...
Dave never realized how much he would like it. He didn't have a complete understanding of who he was and how he felt. Dave is a dockworker, a motorcycle rider, a beer drinker, an average Joe, and likes his women as fast as his bikes. How was he to know that one day his life would change in a way he could not fathom? Dave works as a longshoreman at the Port of Oakland. He works the docks by day, lives in a four-story apartment complex by night. Working at the port is physically demanding, so...
CrossdressingKelly couldn't stop talking all the way home. She must have been excited. In fact she didn't even text anyone. “So whats been happening lately Kelly” I inquired? “What do you mean?” she quipped, while taking her phone out of her purse. I also felt the message come in, but I was now smart enough to shut my phone off when I was around other people. So she didn't hear it. But I felt it. “About what we were talking about the other day after our swim, and what happened in the pool,...
Here I was again. Same situation, same problem. Exacerbated by the fact that this time, the difference was around twelve years instead of three. It wasn’t that I couldn’t be trusted. The problem, at least for me, is that I can. Let me explain. I hadn’t had a boyfriend for a while. The last boyfriend I had was actually quite a bit older than me. He’d said he was forty, when he asked me out. Turned out he was 48. Not a bad age, exactly, except that I’m 30. A ‘young’ 30, although I wince at the...
Hi dosto mera naam sameer hai pahli baar story likh raha hoon koi galti ho jai to maaf karna Mujhese baat karne ke liye mail me at , aur mere pass kuch special stories bhi hai jo main yaha post nahi kar sakta (age limits), mail me agar wo stories chaiyea to Chalo story ya kaho ki sachi kahani.. Shuru karte hai.. Mera naam sameer age 26, mai kaha se hoon zaroori nahi.. Chudai ka maza to duniya ke har kone main liya jata hai. Mere ghar main 6 log hai mere dad singapore main rahete hai. Mood...
Going on a seven day cruise for a family reunion must have seems like a good idea sometime but I was already bored. Only like relies in short doses.I was walking the back desk after dinner to get some peace and an older guy I had seen on board a few times was leaning by the rail.I said hi and he said that I looked bored-so rightI acknowledged that and he said he had seen me in the pool."A good looking guy like you shouldn't be bored"Laughing "Well I am"He leaned closer and took my hand and...
Get ready for the hottest new babe in our team, Miss Shay Evans! This busty babe plays a nerdy secretary with luscious tits alongside Danny Moutain in today’s unforgettable Busty glamour porn episode by DDF Network. This long-haired goddess will blow your mind since she’s not only a slim top-notch supermodel but also very flexible in bed! She can’t wait to seduce her boss in the living room and starts fingering her shaved pussy while he’s explaining something important...
xmoviesforyoubefore going to sleep mistress tied me to my bed I was spread eagle and on my stomach there was a pillow under my stomach with my ass spread wide . aftr a few hour when I was about to sleep mistress came back with a black medium 8 inch strapon on her she sat between my legs slowly removed the butt plug it was such a relief then she started to figure my hole with two fingures it didn't hurt at first as my ole was a bit loose for the plug.. then she putted her strapon in slowly all da way in I...
I am thirty-four years old, married and a mother of two. My husband calls me beautiful but I am not a magazine centerfold beauty by any stretch of the imagination. I was born in the Mid-West and took my looks from my fathers side of the gene pool. I have always been a big girl, not fat but solidly built. I played field hockey and soccer since I was very little and went to college on an athletic scholarship. I was a chaste and pure virgin until my first college party. A boy I wanted very badly...
“I want to be your perfect little slut.”I want you to approach me with cool, calm authority, so that there is never any doubt I will do anything you say. I want you to run your finger softly and tenderly down my jaw line, just before you pull back your hand to slap me.I want you to strip me naked and sneer at me as you pinch my nipples, all the while telling me how hard you are going to fuck me, how you are going to pound my pussy flat so that I can't sit for a day or two. I want you to d****...
It had been a few months since what happened in my last story, but the thoughts still lingered in my mind every few days. The things my wife lets me do to her is one of the very reasons I held onto her. One question that kept popping into my mind was what would she do next? This is what happened.I was just plodding away at work as I always do, but for some reason my wife kept messaging me constantly all day. 'When are you coming home' and 'You should knock off early today' seemed to be the...
Wife LoversLexi Lore and her “bestie”, Natalia Queen, are typical barely-legals: giggling and laughing and full of drama and goofy behavior. Lexi is more “open-minded” than Natalia, and just look at them now! Lexi has coaxed Natalia into some random, old-school dirty-video store! Yes! They still exist! And they’re acting like immature goofballs, making silly jokes at all the DVD titles. It doesn’t take long for the store manager to ask them for ID, and once he verified...
xmoviesforyouone late afternoon i was lying in my bed with my phone next to me and i went off so i look and i was a text from old billy. old billy is an old black guy i met at a adult store he is in his 60s and is taller then me and has this nice big black dick. so i open up the text and it is a pix of his dick semi hard with a text saying i'm lonely here come over and service my cock he needs a little love. so i text him back i love to come over what do you want me to wear. he text back wear a tight black...
Alan gradually woke up from an intensely erotic dream. As he slowly drifted into consciousness, it took him some moments to realize what was real and what had been the dream, because it dawned on him that the girl in his dream, Katherine, really was laying next to him. But as he opened his eyes, he discovered that the real Katherine was still asleep, though spooned up and sprawled all over him. In the dream, she'd been lazily rubbing herself all over his body, and it took some time for Alan...
"Will you just hold still!" "I'm sorry, the collar itches and I can't seem to get this belt fastened." "Here, let me." Erica took the Sam Browne belt's shoulder strap from me and had it clipped into the main belt in short order. "There. Now, let me take a look at you," she said as she took a few steps back. Unlike me, Erica looked delightfully comfortable in what she was wearing. Now that we were past the 48 hour moratorium on concubine clothing, all the women of the pod were...
she: Hey sweetie :) thanks for adding me. You're really gorgeous :)i: you too *kisses* time to chat dirty? ;>she: Always ready for dirty chat babe :Pi: *hugging you* and kissing you....feeling your hard nipples poke into mine ^^she: Mmmmmm nuce beginning babe I feel your hard nipples on mine while my hand slipped under your skirt :Pi: our tongues roll around each other while we rub our naked boobs against each. soft moans of pleasure escape our mouthsi: our pussies becoming moist with...
Hi Dosta maina iss par bahut saari story padhi hai aur mujhe ya site bahad pasand hai iss par ya meri pehli story hai agar kuch galti ho jaaye to maaf karna dosto aur agar koi bhi ladki ya aurat mujhe sa milna chahati ho to mujhe mail kar sakti hai meri email id hai () Ab app logo ka jayada samay naa leta hua main story pe aata hoonnn ya bat tab ki hai jab main 18 years ka tha aur main punjab main jaldhar main rahta hu waha pados main ek ladki thi jiska naam simran tha main jab ussa dekha to...
In the Amazon Empire: an Amazon Wife & Mother Speaks of His Life~ Part Two by Ginny Wolf ********** Principal characters in this episode: Rylann Antonischard, focus of the story Hemia and Uther, his parents Dr Gertrude Hagelaur, teacher of the demanding comazon-prep phys-ed which prepares school boys to become wives Reverend Portia, a priest of the Goddess who serves as a match-maker Nanette Penthesilea, an Amazon noble who wishes...
Promptly at noon on Sunday, December 30, I knocked on the door to the Hamilton's apartment near George Washington University. I was a little bit off my feed because, with the Record about to close down forever, my normal heavy workload had gradually reduced itself to virtually nothing. I had a sinking feeling about the fact that the upcoming Iowa Caucuses and New Hampshire Primary elections were going to be entirely irrelevant to me this year -- at least from a professional standpoint. The...
There was a spreading pool of blood on the street, with the overhead halogen lights making bits of cranial bone shine like cold white stars. But that is not the beginning of my story. It’s the end. My story began years before that moment, in the St. Louis No. 3 Cemetery in New Orleans, late one October night. It was only hours till Halloween, not that the holiday of candy and goblins meant anything to me anymore. I was just another homeless runaway living moment to moment off the scraps in the...
This is one of those stories that just popped into my head after looking at a friend's pictures of a bachelor party he had recently been to. I would welcome any feed back to this story. What started out to be a normal bachelor party couldn't have turned out to be any less normal than the one I attended last year. I was a friend of a friend so I can't say that I knew the groom or all of the guys there, but I'm an easy going guy and as the beer started to flow of course we all became fast...
Just a reminder: Light of Hellfire has been published, and the updated version, Hellsteel, features all new characters, monsters, and themes, and has an overall much deeper storyline. You can find it on Amazon. I've also published stories from my previous account, The Man of Sin and My Dear Sweet Slave. Buy a copy today! Body Of A Man, Mind Of A Machine Chapter One: Somalia, one of the poorest and most chaotic countries in the world, sits at the Horn of Africa, when at...
Chapter 0: Introductions Farmwork was always hard, and never harder than at this place. Every day for a week, by evening I was sweating like a horse, hungry, and horny. The woman who employed me here, Mrs. Goodhead, was a widow who lived alone with her 18 year old daughter. The husband had passed away a couple years ago, but they still hired staff to run the place. I fixed things, and when there was nothing to fix, I did farmwork. Every night the woman made me a good meal, and I ate with her,...
Jean Hayes-- 40-year-old wife of business owner, Rodger. He's in his early 60s and has totally lost interest in sex for the past year and a half.Troy Martin-- 19-year-old son of Jason and Mica Troy. Jason is Rodger's business partner. Troy is a low to moderately functioning autistic. He has one younger brother, Carl, who's 18.********************************************************************************"It's only for an afternoon and overnight," Rodger said."That's one afternoon and night too...
Not realizing it that warm west coast morning as I finally turned arouned and pushed my up turned thumb out. I see it clearly now having experienced that crazed, wild single minded determination so many times since that morning. I had completely lost any awareness of reality, of of any responsibilities, personal plans or other peoples expectations of me that day. Oblivious to anything except the indescribable excitement, humiliation and raw all engulfing pleasure I felt as I sat on that damp...
Lorza sat on a bench outside a restaurant, a painted sky above her head, greenery and flowers in planters adding to the illusion that she was sitting in some terrestrial street and not on a space station that was spinning through space like a giant wheel. She chewed a sandwich happily, a long sub made from a French loaf that was filled with tuna and mayonnaise, licking the condiment from her furry fingers as she went. All manner of UNN personnel passed her by as she watched them. There were...
Robertson’s Jacuzzi 11:44pm, Friday, October 5, 1979 I enjoyed watching the girls kiss and splash beside me, and used that time to ‘off my boxers’ and toss them to the wooden porch floor. As the three intertwined girls settled down slightly on the lounger, I slowly pushed my naked butt up and out of the water and sat on the corner edge of the Jacuzzi to cool off a little. “You can’t cool-down, Cuda! Your beautiful cock has just gotten up!” Sammy laughed as she spotted me and my skyward...
Shannon looked in the bathroom mirror as her stepson fucked her from behind. Her heavy DD breasts were being clumsily groped through the blouse. A few buttons fell off and a big breast was revealed. His thick shaft stretched her mature pussy as David thrust in and out. Rapidly. His big balls slapped against her pussy. She arched her back and pushed her big ass out to meet his eager thrusts. His hands on her hips, grabbing her love handles, as his tempo increases his hard cock twitches inside...