Stevii free porn video

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I am thirty-four years old, married and a mother of two. My husband calls me beautiful but I am not a magazine centerfold beauty by any stretch of the imagination. I was born in the Mid-West and took my looks from my fathers side of the gene pool. I have always been a big girl, not fat but solidly built. I played field hockey and soccer since I was very little and went to college on an athletic scholarship. I was a chaste and pure virgin until my first college party. A boy I wanted very badly finally noticed me and with the help of a couple of beers, I lost my virginity. I guess I was ready anyway because I really enjoyed the sexual excitement and the resulting climax. Yes, I had an orgasm the very first time and almost every time since. I followed that sexual encounter with several more. What I learned from each lover was that I loved oral sex the best. Not just receiving but the giving. I learned to be a great cocksucker but more on that later.

I met Jeff, my husband, at another frat party. He had just graduated and was "slumming it." Our eyes met and we were drawn to each other in the center of the room. Neither of was nervous or juvenile during our first moments. The party was noisy so Jeff suggested that we go somewhere where we could better get to know one other. I thought he wanted to take me to his apartment for a little slap and tickle, which I was game for. Jeff surprised me though, he pulled into the parking lot of a little jazz club just off campus where we had drinks and chatted about what our dreams and hope and desires were. He was a perfect gentleman and I had a wonderful time. No, we did not sleep together that night. He asked me out for the following night and we ended the date at his apartment. There I bedded him and damn near every night for the next few months. I was very happy and Jeff fulfilled my every need. Sexually Jeff was not very adventurous but his eight inches fit nicely into my puss. Sex together was good. Yes, Jeff loved his blowjobs, especially first thing in the morning. Love bloomed and I knew that Jeff was the mate I always dreamed about. Soon Jeff asked me to be his roommate since I was practically living with him anyway. It took me two months and every trick I knew but he eventually crumbled. Jeff and I had just finished fucking each other's brains out when he knelt next to the bed between my legs and popped the question. I cried as Jeff professed his undying love. It was such a touching moment; Jeff on his knees by the side of the bed with his "beauty" sitting on the edge and his cum oozing from my just nicely fucked hole. When I said yes Jeff went down on me. It was the first time that he had licked my pussy after planting his seed in me. It was the sexiest thing he had ever done and since then he has made a habit of tonguing my hole after we fuck.

Our life has been perfect since we were married. Jeff has become a very successful lawyer, no comments please, and I a very pampered housewife. In fact, life was perfect. Perfect until I met Jason. Jason is a senior partner in the law firm that my husband is employed at. Until that first company party I had never met any of my husband's business associates. We lived quietly and stayed within our limited social circles. At the party, I first took noticed of Jason from across the room. A mass of people, mostly women, encircled him. Jason has a commanding presence and is the center of attention no matter where he is. Jason was an ex-pro ball player for one of the New York teams. That is until his knee was blown out. He physical appearance explained his domineering presence since Jason would be hard not to notice. He is six foot five and his playing weight was a shade over two-fifty and he is devastatingly handsome. Even in a jacket, slacks and a turtleneck tee you could see that he was an excellent specimen of male flesh. His well condition muscular frame was apparent and his ruggedly handsome face drew your eyes. His skin looked almost as if it were painted lacquer black.

It was almost an hour into the party that we met. The party had now gotten into full swing when almost by magic Jason was standing at my side asking for a dance. I looked at my husband but Jason did not wait for an answer. He grabbed my hand and whisked me onto the dance floor. I was stunned at how easily our bodies messed as we danced. I was in awe of Jason's control of my body as we danced closely together. After three sexy slow dances to jazz tunes I was breathless and somewhat shaken. I was also very embarrassed because I had become very sexual excited by the closeness of this man. My pussy was very wet and my thong was doing a poor job of containing my moisture. A trickle of "dew" ran down the inside of my thigh. Thank goodness the band announced it was taking a break. I stepped away from Jason's arms and smiled up into his handsome face. I was all set to thank him for a wonderful time dancing and make my escape but Jason had other ideas.

"I wanted to dance with you ever since you walked into my home," his voice holding me in sway. His arm encircled my waist and he guided me through the throngs of party guests. "I hope that you are enjoying our party. It has become customary for each of the partners to "host" one of these company affairs so that we can get to know one another better. My name is Jason and you are?"

"Stevii," I croaked in weak response. After clearing my throat I tried again, "Excuse me, I am Stevii Alston."

"Oh, your Jeff's wife. I didn't know that he had such a beautiful lady hidden away at home. Well I hope that we will see each other again."

"I am sure that we will, Jason, since there are sure to be more of these gathering. And thank you for the dances, Jeff rarely dances and I did enjoy it."

We had made our way back to where my husband was in deep debate with a coworker when Jason took the hand I offered him and just like in the romance novels he kiss the back of it oh so very gently. I was stunned! His hands were so large. It was odd because I found myself mentally comparing Jason's hand-size to my husbands. As Jason turned to leave, I could not help myself from sneaking a peek at his crotch. You know what they say about the size of a man's hand is a good gauge to the size of his cock. My sharp intake of breath must have been audible to Jason for he turned and caught me staring. The outline of his cock was clearly visible and it stretched half way down his leg. Once I realized that Jason was watching my checking out his package, I spun on my heels and walked quickly away. Once at a safe distance, I turned to find Jason still staring at me. He was smiling a knowing smile. I had hoped that that would be the last episode for the evening but as it turned out there was one other event that you might say changed my life forever.

Jeff and I were about to leave so I excused myself and went to get my wrap. My unfamiliarity we Jason's house caused me to walk into the wrong bedroom and I bumped into Jason. Literally, bumped into his naked ass as some equally naked blond sucked on the largest cock I had ever seen. My sudden arrival and resulting collision caused his giant cock to be forcibly shoved down the throat of the bobbing blond head. She gagged as his thick cock slid into her throat but she continued to give that giant dick a wet and sloppy blowjob. You have to had to a cocksucking slut to hang in there not matter what the circumstances. Meanwhile, I just stood there like an idiot watching this most obscene act unfold before me. Jason turned his head to see who had walked in on his tryst and when he saw me, he reached out and wrapped his muscular arm around my waist and pulled me tight against his naked body. I lifted my eyes to look at his face and suddenly we were kissing passionately.

I should have been furious at his brazen actions but my reaction was quite un-me. I was turned on instead. I cannot explain why I placed my hand on his thick cock. But I did! I was thrilled like never before in my life. My nipple ached from being so hard. I could feel my clitoris push from its hood and my cunt juice ran down my thighs. I was jealous of the naked blond slut sucking on Jason's cock. For my part I was torn. I knew I should escape but that little devil we all harbor I wanted to make Jason cum in her mouth. My hand started moving back and forth on the massive black cock. I pumped his cock faster as our tongues entwined and my breathing became very ragged. His large hand made its way down my back to grasp my bottom. Jason's large hand caressed and kneaded the cheeks of my ass and to make matters more interesting, our darling little cocksucker began moving her free hand up my thigh. As soon as she touched my cunt a moan of pleasure escaped my lips. I had never experienced anything like this sexual high. I knew what I was doing was wrong but I was powerless to stop it. She snaked her fingers under my thong and ran a long thin finger along my wet pussy lips. My body shook with lust and my legs began to buckle. Jason held me firmly against his naked body as his ass undulated with his rising passion.

Jason was breathing harder and his cock began to swell. I knew he was about to cum and moaned into my mouth. I could feel the constriction along the shaft of Jason's cock as the cum shot from its tip. The blond began making gulping noise trying desperately to keep up with the volume of jiz that Jason ejaculated but she was soon choking. A small eternity passed before we all broke a part. Now embarrassment and guilt flooded in and I wanted to get out of there as quickly as possible.

I looked from the handsome naked black man to the beautiful naked white woman and finally stammered, "I... a... I was looking for my wrap. I... a... don't know what happened but... I... a... I have to go!"

Jason released his hold on me and offered a hand to the blond kneeling before him. "Stevii I would like you to meet Janice. Janice is the wife of Tom Welston, he has the office next to Jeff's, I believe."

I felt stupid extending a hand for her to shake and Janice ignored it. In a fluid movement she wrapped her cum covered hand behind my head and pulled my face to hers, pressing her lips to mine. Lips that were dripping with Jason's warm sweet cum. Her tongue followed and we stood there frenching one another like long lost lovers; sharing Jason's precious seed. I savored the pungent flavor of Jason's cum as our kiss lingered. Loving the taste and wanting more. The odor of his seed still lingers with me to this day and makes my pussy drip. After she broke the kiss she walked over to the bed and lay on her back and pulled her knees up to her small titties. She lay there with her body obscenely open to my gaze. Looking directly into my eyes, she asked in the most sultry bedroom voice I had ever heard, "If you'll let go of my lover's dick for a little bit you can watch as he fucks me."

As if a jolt of electricity had hit me, my hand flew from Jason's still hard cock. I had not even realized that I was still pumping his massive organ. Jason smiled and walked over to the prone little slut and crawled between her thighs. His cock hung suspended like a black battering ram between their two bodies and it pulsed with his every heartbeat. He looked over his shoulder and asked, "Would you like to put it in for me?"

I was shocked and wanted to turn and run but something inside me wanted to do exactly what he asked. Like a zombie I stumbled over to the bed and once again held his thick meat in my hand. I now had full view of his magnificent cock. I am used to a big cock at home. Jeff is eight thick inches of hard cock and it feels very nice up inside my pussy. But this monster was at least four inches longer and much thicker. Once again I was jealous of this little blond slut. She was going to be fucked by this giant cock and I wanted it. I wanted it to stretch my cunt and thrust deep into my wet cunt. I wanted to know the ecstasy that this little bitch was about to have. Instead I just rubbed the head along her puffy shaved pussy lips spreading her feminine dew over the black mushroom shaped crown of his cock. Jason slowly pushed forward and inch by inch his cock sank into her cunt. Her pussy lips touched my hand and my hand lingered at the union of his cock and her cunt. I coated my fingers with her cunt juice and then bringing my fingers to my lips, licked her dew from them. I watched as if in a trance as his cock sank deeper into her. It appeared that Janice was both trying to pull Jason's cock deeper into her quim while trying desperate to squirm away from its onslaught.

Her voice rose in volume as her passion consumed her. "No... no... too big! Can't take anymore... yes there... fuck my cunt deeper!" Her loud cries of lust brought me back to reality and I slowly backed out of the room. As I closed the door, Jason began to fuck the blond hard and deep. The wet slapping of their bodies was so very erotic. I could feel my cunt lips rubbing together as I walked from the room. I do not think I will ever forget the sound of sexual fulfillment she uttered as I closed the door, "FUUUUUCCCCKKKK... YEEEESSSSSS!"

I ran to the nearest bathroom and locked myself in. I yanked my dress up and pulled my thong to the side and fingered myself till I came... twice. Then I straighten myself up and cleaned up my makeup as best possible and went to find my wrap. To this day if I see that wrap I get wet. The ride home was uneventful but upon arrival Jeff's dick got a workout. I fucked that poor man raw. I made him cum four times which is still his record. He never knew what was behind my lust that night but he still speaks of it fondly.

Life gets back to normal?

Weeks went by and life seemed to return to normal. Well as normal as my mind's eye and pussy would allow. I could not forget the image of Jason's magnificent cock as it entered Janice's cunt. I masturbated constantly. I went through two sets of batteries in my vibrator. Then the fateful telephone call.


"Stevii," asked the sultry voice on the other end of the line.

"Yes, this is Stevii," I said in response. The hair on the back of my neck stood straight out. I did not want to acknowledge that I recognized the voice. I held my breath dreading what might come next.

"I think you know who this is love. A mutual friend wishes to see you again. Met me at noon, let's say at Mason's on Third and Main for lunch on Wednesday. Dress very sexy for me."


I looked at the receiver like it was evil. I slowly placed it into cradle and sat down. My legs would have given out anyway. I was trembling all over. What the hell was I going to do? Surely I would not even consider going. Yet on Wednesday at noon I pulled into the valet parking at Mason's and I am sure the attendant got an eyeful as I exited my car. My dress was wickedly short and for some perverted reason I had decided to go sans undies. Therefore as I swung my legs out of the car my freshly trimmed naked cunt was open for viewing. Since I was playing the part of a trollop I went all out. I made sure that my naked titties bounced to and fro as I strutted into the trendy bistro for my luncheon date. I found Janice at the bar sipping a martini. My attire duly impressed Janice. She brazenly pinched one of my nipples as we kissed one another on the cheek.

"You look wickedly delicious Stevii," Janice said with a knowing smile.

"Janice, I have no idea why I am here. I told myself that I absolutely would not fall prey to this wickedness yet here I am. I am a faithful wife Janice. I can not understand how I can willingly give myself up to the two of you. I am ashamed of the why I am acting but I cannot help myself." I was almost in tears. Then a strong hand stroked the bare flesh of my back and his voice soothed me. It was Jason.

"I am so glad that you came. I have been awaiting your arrival. Shall we all have lunch?"

I remember little of that lunch. I will always remember what happened after. Jason and Janice took me to an apartment uptown. As soon as we entered Janice began to strip the clothes from my body. Jason closed the thick curtains blocking the sunlight from the room and put seductive jazz on the stereo. Once I was naked they helped me to climb up onto a raised platform in the center of the room. The platform was carpeted on the sides and had a hard wood top. Thick leather couches surrounded it.

"Dance for us," Jason asked. Or was it a command? I didn't care. The music was pounding in my ears and the alcohol from lunch was easing my way into debauchery. My hips began to sway and my hands roamed freely over my naked flesh. My eyes were half closed as I entered a dream world of someone else's making. I moved around the glossy wooden table touching myself. Making my body hot with desire. I pulled on my thick nipples making them swell with pleasure. I pinched them making myself squeal with pleasure and pain. I opened my legs and allowed my audience to see my naked wet sex. I held my labia open so that they could see up into my cunt. My fingers found my clitoris and I rubbed it furiously until it was standing away from my sex like a hard little cock. Then I pinched it just like I had done to my nipples. Only this time, my cries of pain and pleasure were orgasmic. My whole body shuddered as the tremors passed in waves through me.

I opened my eyes to see my audience had shed their clothing. Janice was kneeling between Jason's open thigh's stroking his huge cock. There was precum running in rivulets down his thick shaft coating her hand and dripping from her fingers onto his swollen balls and pooling on the soft leather of the couch. I dropped to my knees and crawled to the edge of the table.

"Give it to me," I demanded. I closed my eyes, parted my lips and licked them wantonly. I knew by the rustling of leather and the deep moan resonating from Jason's chest that my mouth would soon be filled with his hot cock. I had a surprise in store for this hot hunk of man. I told you earlier that I am a cocksucking whore. Always have been and always will be. Since that first date in college, every boy I dated was pleased to find out that I loved to suck his cocks dry. I learned quickly how to relax my throat muscles and take a cock deep into my throat. My Jeff confided in me that it was the sexiest thing about my lovemaking. My wanton need of sucking a cock. I love the taste of cock, especially the salty precum that oozes from the tip. I enjoy the thrill of a cock as it jerks and bucks in my mouth while it empties itself of its life giving seed. Right now I wanted to take Jason's cock in my mouth to its very root. I wanted to feel his bloated balls battering my face as his thick flesh slid in and out of my throat.

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i****t and the virgin round 4 A day or two past, nothing was said at all about i****t, sex, or my tryst with my mother, and frankly it was getting on my nerves, I knew from the little that had been said in pillow talk that night that dad knew of me and mum, he also it had been hinted at, had slept with Ros, but was it ongoing, what of Reb and Rose, and why this wall of silence? Even mother had avoided the subject, and it must be said my advances, crude as they were. Ros working from 8am...

3 years ago
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The Boy DownbelowChapter 2

I regained consciousness stage by stage. First, sounds returned. Someone breathing nearby, dripping water, burning gas hissing. Then smells came back, surprisingly pleasant compared to my previous experiences waking up. The pungent smell of excrement was absent, in its place there was a new odour, something earthly, human, sweet enough that I breathed in deep to savour it instinctively. Finally, the rest of my senses came back in a rush. Thoughts, real, dynamic thoughts, accompanied the...

2 years ago
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Sucking my first cock

When I was 18 I got my first full-time job and a place as a spray-painter.It was an evening shift and on Fridays whoever were the last ones out we had to close the place down for the weekend. There was an older guy working there who is 42 and I thought he was pretty good-looking although I hadn't decided at that time whether I was straight or gay or bi. Will he worked in the booth opposite to me and I could look over and see him while I worked if I got it the right angle. Well one night I...

2 years ago
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Megans New ClothesChapter 2

As Megan drifted awake, she felt a strange feeling of discomfort mixed in with the deep-body bliss that effused her consciousness. With the fog drifting from her waking mind, she tried to figure out the problem without moving or waking Heath, whose warm body she could feel close to her own. She tugged her arms free of the tangle of bed sheets and started to move them over her body. Her fingertips traced down from her face, feeling the sensation of the smeared lipstick and makeup, down her...

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Moving ForwardChapter 4

Nichelle slammed it on the table in front of her and glared at it angrily. “It’s a fuckin’ slave collar. I ain’t wearin’ no fuckin’ slave collar.” The gray metal collar fitted around a concubine’s neck. It allowed the AIs to talk to each concubine individually and let each concubine talk quietly to the AI without everyone nearby overhearing – something that would be important for crew concubines. It was useful and necessary, but Nichelle was right, it did look like a slave collar. Claudia...

4 years ago
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Being naughty

I had married young and we had a little girl. My wife and I loved to party and had loads of friends that loved the same thing. We would get drunk and smoke weed at parties when we could get Mom to look after our kid. Well after returning from my work one day I found the note. Dear John. I need to explore my inner self. By. Love Shelly. Months went by without any contact. I had heard rumors that she had hooked up with a big black 'read BBC' guy from a band and was interstate somewhere. ...

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The RescuedChapter 47 SM03Tau Day 7 continued

The orgy and the meal that followed distracted Steve quite effectively, so his new responsibilities completely slipped his mind until a message from the room monitor forcibly reminded him of his new position. "One of the males of the Tau meta-group is requesting assistance," said the room monitor. "He reports a problem with his relationship with the women of his household, and would like to speak to someone in authority. At the moment, that would be you." Steve sighed, but he'd never...

3 years ago
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Junior Goes to War Part of the Stopwatch SeriesChapter 3

When Junior left the Courthouse, she did so, with all the pomp and circumstance normal humans expected of a envoy of a great country: helicopter to the airport, red carpet walk to the flight home. The helicopter was rented ... the carpet was the size of a beach towel ... she flew her own plane. Home? Home was two square miles of island at the end of Georgian Bay on Lake Huron ... a house, a tourist trap of an Inn, two barns, two sheds, a BIG garden, an airstrip and one hangar. 'I miss my...

4 years ago
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Fall der Reiche

Ein einzelner heller Lichtblitz erleuchtete das Ur-Universum. Seinen Ursprung hatte er in der Explosion eines schwarzen Sterns genau in der Mitte des Universums. Das Ur-Universum hatte entschieden, dass seine Zeit gekommen war. Niemand wusste, ob das Ur-Universum selber wusste, welche Kräfte es freigesetzt hatte. Sein Licht war so hell, dass es weiter reichte als bis an seine Grenzen. Überall, in allen anderen Universen erblickten dennoch nur einige wenige auserwählte Personen dieses...

Mind Control
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Young Engineer And Hot Cam Girl

Hello, everyone. I am Vinay and I am from Kerala. I work as a Network Engineer at the airport. This is my true story. I have read many stories on this site and today, I have decided to pen down my experience. After finishing my college course, I bagged this job with the help of my family friend working as a customs officer in the same airport. So, I did not have to try a lot of hunting for the work. I used to see a lot of air hostess in the place I work. You know how a guy would feel when he...

3 years ago
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The Surrogate Chapter Six

The Surrogate Ch. 06 By MicheleNylons© Chapter Six - The Sharing Sarah insisted that Mila tell Peter about their tryst as soon as possible. She did not want Peter and Mila breaking the tenets on the first day that they had been accepted into the church of the Sons of Jehovah. But first she had some pressing religious instruction to provide. Mila invited Sarah to dinner that evening so that she could furnish them both with the order of service for the Sunday observance....

1 year ago
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Milk Maid

Betsy is a remarkable woman. Five foot three inches tall with a very attractive 36-24-35 figure, shoulder-length auburn hair, and emerald green eyes, she is quite fetching. But beneath those looks lies the heart of a true submissive. And that is what I find most attractive in her. Betsy has been my slutslave for about two and a half years now and she is wonderful. She came to me because her husband is as vanilla as they come and wouldn't even entertain the idea of any kind of sex except the...

3 years ago
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Iru Pengalai Usar Seithu Mater Poten

Hello friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil iru pengaludan eppadi kaama uravu eer patathu enbathai ungalidam pagirugiren. En peyar Guna, parka azhagaga irupen aadaigal anaithum miga sexyaaga aniven. Oru naal bech sendru irunthen, angu sendraale niraiya pengal irupaargal. Avargalil yaaraiyaavathu usar seithu matter poda vendum aasai patten. Andru iruavu iru pengalai paarthen, avargal parka miga sexyaaga irunthaargal. Enaku aasai aasaiyai vanthathu, iru pengalukum mulai miga perithaaga sexyaaga...

2 years ago
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The night with Ted

My friend called and asked if I could pick up her son Ted from college as she had been ill and could not make the long drive. I told her sure and we would probably stay over half the way because of the distance. I dressed for comfort and wore a t-shirt and no bra and silk shorts. I have known Ted for years so I was not worried about my dress for him. When he got in my car he leaned over and gave me a kiss which was strange but okay. He told me "You look sexy as hell, Mae." I laughed and said...

2 years ago
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In and on the car

It all started through this website, I got chatting to a guy and didn't expect him to be any different from the other guys that attempt to chat me up on here (a little boring and very much the same every time). Turns out he was sexy, really fucking sexy, had a good sense of humour and could get me dripping wet without even saying much. We'd spoke for a while, maybe a month or two, always talking about what would happen if we were to ever meet up. He only lived an hour and a half away from me...

1 year ago
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DaughterSwap Jenna Ross Jennifer White The Study Swap

Jenna Ross and Jennifer white have not been doing great in school lately, so they decided to enlist their fathers to be their own personal tutors! After hours of studying everyone had just about reached their breaking point. The girls pulled away to the other room and came to the conclusion that the only way they were gonna get out of this was by swapping their daddys! When they got back to the table instead of putting their heads in the books they put their hands on their daddys cocks. The...

3 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 5 StephanieChapter 24 Karin Part I

July 1981, Milford, Ohio On Saturday morning, I woke up earlier than usual, excited and nervous. I hadn’t seen Karin in a year and I didn’t know exactly what to expect. Karin and I had talked weekly, but there was only so much that could be said in calls that lasted less than ten minutes. Her letters were often breezy descriptions of what she’d done that week, things her friends had said and so on. She was fifteen now. She’d been twelve and a half when Birgit died. I was eighteen and had...

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 243

Laura, feeling lazy and warm and pretty happy, her hand under Jane's shirt, running along Jane's naked back, descending to her phenomenal ass, really wanted to avoid everything but the purest, most natural kind of making love. It could be energetic and hot, as it had been moments earlier between them, or it could be gentle and tender and excruciatingly slow, but somehow she didn't want it to be perverted by twisted toys. "Mmmm, just let me kiss your beautiful pussy and make you pant,"...

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Swallowing his load Part 1

My old friend Mike decides after a few months of flying under the radar, to randomly text my phone. I read the text and he writes, "Yo!! What's good? I out and about and need a co-pilot to take a ride out my friends house. It's about a 1 and a half hour drive to it, are you busy??" In my mind I'm thinking of all the kinky stuff I've done with him and his girlfriends over the years. I'm remembering being his cumslut, never wasting it always eating every bit of his load, even if he decided to...

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A night of fun in the hottub

The other night my stepdaughter stopped by and we were reminiscing about her college days and when she lived at home. Since her mom and I first met her daughter and I became very close some may say strangely close but my girlfriend now wife was more than ok with it. Her and I had many intimate conversations about life , relationships, love, sex you name it. So as they say time marches on and Ashley went to college for a couple of years but it wasn’t her thing but she landed a great job and...

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The Pizza Hook Up

I was in the little town, about thirty miles from my college town, at the pizza joint not far from the motel I was at for the weekend. I had ordered a pepperoni pizza, medium, to go. Having been informed the it would take thirty minutes I ordered a pitcher of beer and found a table and waited. To my surprise the guy that took my order came over and sat down at my table, I was half way through my pitcher and the young bastard brought his own glass and helped himself. I asked 'what do you think...

1 year ago
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Love Thy Neighbour or just fuck emr

Late one summer evening, I had a knock at my door. Not expecting anyone at that time of the day I was reluctant to go. As I get to the door I realise it was my sexy neighbour Kathy. I open the door and greet her, “Hello.” “Hi, Jay. Sorry to disturb you, but my PC is acting up and I remember you saying to me once in the garden that you are good with them.” Said Kathy “Yeah, I am. Whats up with it exactly?” “Umm. I’m not really too sure. It just isn’t working right. If you have a minute could...

3 years ago
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Asha Loves Lund Ka Juice

Asha aur meri mulaqat aaj se 5 saal pehle hamare office mein hui. Wo ekdum meri dreamgirl jaisi thi, dekhte hi pyar ho gaya (aur aaj bhi humara pyar waisa hi hai), takreeban 5’6” height, gora rang, lagbhag 34-28-36 ka figure ( jo aaj 36-28-36 ka ho gaya hai), na slim na fat, par uske figure aur rang se kahi jyada mai uski smile ka deewana tha. Saath kaam karte hue mein uski intelligence ka fan ho gaya tha. Hum dost bane fir pyar ho gaya. Wo wahin kaam karti rahi aur main dusre sahar naukri ke...

3 years ago
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Good Medicine Sophomore YearChapter 50 Reconciliation

February 5, 1983, West Monroe, Ohio “I owe you an apology for earlier. Not for what I said, but how I said it.” “And I owe you one for interfering in something I shouldn’t have.” “I’m going to need to talk to Dad, too,” I said. “But again, only for walking away, not for objecting to his classification of April as not being a ‘nice’ girl.” “I thought for a moment you were going to say, ‘make Mom’ instead of ‘make me’.” “For a moment, I was. But at that split second good sense overcame my...

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Out Of Afrika SsynopsisPrologue

Out Of AfrikaA fantasy by Julie Van and Curt B.Synopsis;Rhino Electronics, a South African company, successfully negotiates setting up a US subsidiary to manufacture and market its innovative Mobile Phone. However the phone is not all that it seems for it has capabilities that are hidden to the user; in truth it is a portal for posting subliminal messages to the user to do very explicit and compelling things when told by the Black managers of the company. The residents of Hawksville have no...

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Finding Shelter In A Storm

It was a hot summer day when Jessica went out for a long walk with her boyfriend, Doug. The type of hot summer day where the sun comes out early in the morning and doesn't budge all day. The weather had been the same all week, so Jessica and Doug decided to make the most of it with a walk through the Lake District and to see Lake Buttermere. They were hoping to see a couple of the little towns and villages along the way. They had both loved the Lake District as children and couldn't wait to...

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Disciples of Meridiana excerpt 3

…In which our hero finally finds the promised land, of a fashion. I noted it included sex, but didn’t say what kind and Bill Clinton would not agree that it does. But here it is: ‘So,’ Diana croaked once her lungs were full of smoke, ‘what’s one of the fantasies you’ve never gotten to do? Something you always wanted?’ She exhaled an impressive cloud as punctuation and handed me the pipe. After considering it through my own draw, and handing it back, I swigged a little Dew and said, ‘OK– This’s...

2 years ago
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Brother Johns BenedictionChapter 3 Annettes Adultery

Back at the house, Vicki tried to help Mrs. Crisp with dinner. She was lethargic and trembly and Mrs. Crisp noticed that she was walking oddly, as if she had something between her legs. "What's the matter with you, girl?" she asked when Vicki dropped a plate and it broke. "You are acting as if... What have you been doing, Vicki? Where were you this afternoon?" "I'm sorry, Mrs. Crisp. I ain't been doin' nothin'. Like, I went to confession and... like? That's all, Mrs. Crisp," and...

4 years ago
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Amy Terry Tom and OthersChapter 15

Emily Jane was expected alongside by nine am. Anh was fidgeting in the office from starting at eight and at nine-thirty Janice called Anh to her. "Go ... take the rest of the day off. Just give them a chance to get everything stowed and tidied away. You've done well, Annie. I want you back here tomorrow, but then you've got a long week-end, she's not going out again until Monday." "Thanks, Jan ... thank you very much!" Emily Jane was already alongside when Anh arrived; the party was...

1 year ago
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The Invaders Episode 1 The Diner

THE INVADERS by Tammy Fairbanks Prologue The Invaders. . . Alien beings from a dying planet. Their destination: The Earth. Their purpose: To make it their world. David Vincent has seen them. For him it began one lost night on a lonely country road looking for a shortcut that he never found. It began with a closed deserted diner and a man too long without sleep to continue his journey. It began with a landing of a craft from another galaxy. Now David Vincent knows that the...

3 years ago
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Taking Advantage Of Lone Teacher

Hi this is SP, after reading many sex stories on ISS, I taught of writing mine….That was the time when I was studying my bachelors , I mean b.Com in one of the prestigious college in Hyderabad… Everything was normal for the first year…. In the second year of my B.Com , on the first day and first class a matured lady enters the class… Who is so hot and sexy… I was just seeing her like that until my friend disturbed me. She is our class teacher and her name is Rohini…. From that day onwards she...

2 years ago
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Changing of the Guard Part 8

Part 8 'What a mess,' I thought as I got ready for bed. I'd spent the last few hours dissecting the evening's events with my parents. I'm one of those lucky kids that feel they can talk to their parents about anything. We didn't find any answers to my questions, but I did feel better knowing that I didn't do anything wrong that we could tell. I was afraid that I had totally overreacted to the whole situation and made it worse than it was. Mom agreed that being upset...

4 years ago
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Wife Shared Again

Wife Shared AgainAfter our first threesome with Andy (see other story), our sex life was transformed and every time we would fuck, we would talk dirty about what a slut Marie had been or she would tell me how much she had enjoyed another guys cock in her. It made it so much more fun for a few months until we had rehashed the story so many times it began to lose its impact a little.The frequency of our fucking decreased really without us noticing until one day we realized we had gone two whole...

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