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Puppy Heaven


Deputy Duffy

It was a hot spring night and I was on routine patrol. It was almost 2amand I was working my way back to town to get a bite to eat when an old Chevyflew past me. I thought I recognized the car, as I took off after it, (my pancakeswould have to wait.)

Foot to the floor, I caught up to it and hit the lights. I was a little surprisedwhen it quickly pulled over. Now in my headlights, I could see clearly thatit was Derek Smothers' car, alright. He was the local bad-ass, or so he thought.I suddenly had an uneasy feeling about this stop. I'd only had my shield forthree years and knew that my backup was miles away.

"Derek would never just pull over, at least without a little chase first," Ithought, again and again. Just in case, I unclipped my gun as I slowly approachedthe car's passenger side, so as to stay off the roadway. Using my flashlightto light up the car's interior, I quickly noticed that there were four occupants,two in the front, two in the back. I tapped on the half-opened passenger sidewindow, carefully watching as the passenger rolled it all the way down.

"Keep your hands where I can see them!" I commanded sternly.

Taking a quick look around the car, the four passengers complied with myorder. One thing I also quickly noticed is that they were all women. I felta slight sense of relief, as I used my flashlight to light up the driver'sface.

"Miss, would you turn on the interior light?" I asked.

"I'm sorry Duffy, it doesn't work," the driver mumbled.

"That's Deputy Duffy!" I quickly barked, thinking the voice wasfamiliar. I slowly recognized the driver as Amanda Smothers -- Derek's youngersister. The whole Smothers family was well known around these parts, as theywere always up to no good.

"Deputy Duffy.... More like Deputy Dog," I heard the front seatpassenger mumble. Using my flashlight, I lit up the passenger in front of me.

"Ah, the lovely Angel Harding," I thought to myself, as the lightlit up her hard features. "What a piece of work she was."

"Hey, enough of the light, asshole."

Keeping my calm, I shifted my flashlight to the backseat. I lit up the twobackseat passengers. Although they were good looking young women, I did notrecognize them, so I turned my light and attention back to the driver.

"Amanda, are we in a hurry tonight?" I asked.

I almost chuckled, as I listened to her half-assed excuse. Honestly, I usedthe opportunity to check her out instead, since I hadn't seen her in awhile.Amanda had the classic girl-next-door looks, although, she didn't always actthat way. I mean, everyone says she's cute, but to me, not shockingly so. Shehad nice light brown hair that was clipped back off her face. My eyes traveledsouth. She was wearing a tight sky blue shirt that hugged her body, makingit very obvious to me that she wasn't wearing a bra. As my eyes continued south,she wore a short white skirt that didn't hide much of her nice tanned legsthat were capped off with heeled clogs.

"Amanda, isn't this your brothers car?" I asked, before Amandacaught my wandering eye.

"Yeah," she said looking at me, batting her pretty green eyes. "Youknow that."

"And does he know you have it tonight?" I asked.

After waiting for a minute or so for an answer, I added. "I mean, hegave you permission to use it? I mean, if I give him a call and ask?"

"Please don't," she pleaded, as more cries of leniency came fromthe backseat, which answered my question.

"Quiet!" I barked, trying to regain control of the situation. "I'mgoing to need to see all of your licenses, just so I know whom I'm dealingwith."

"Oh, fuck that!" Angel snapped.

I repeated my request. I enjoyed watching them nervously fumble for theirlicenses, before I flashed my light at the first one. It was Angel Harding'slicense. Doing the math, she was 24-years-old, or so her license said.

"24.... Angel, c'mon, you can't be more than 19," I said with alaugh.

"Fuck you," was her quick reply.

"Watch your tongue!" was my quicker reply, although, I should haveexcepted so much. Angel was a tough, biker-chick in the making, complete withthe dirty blonde hair, large breasts and a mouth on her that would make a sailorblush. I was not surprised that Angel's outfit consisted of a black Harleyshirt, cut down the neck, so her ample cleavage showed, as well as her rosetattoo that was just over her right breast. She also had on cutoff jeans andwork boots. She also smelled of cigarettes.

I turned my attention to the two foreign backseat passengers. The one closestto me was named Kim Stevens: Age 19. She had short brown hair and was by farthe most conservatively dressed of the four girls. She wore a light blue blouseand full white pants. She even seemed to squirm when I used my flashlight tocheck her out. This was in sharp contrast to the lovely creature sitting nextto her named, Farra Polensky: Age 20. She pointed out that she had no "H" atthe end of her first name, like I cared. What I did care about was that Farrahad nice blonde hair, which she wore in a ponytail, exposing her stunninglygood looking face. I loved her sultry makeup job and the added touch of thepurple glossy lipstick. She was wearing a tight fitting pink top that did littleto hide her assets. She also wore a tight, tight, black skirt that was morelike a wrap. When I lit her up, I could have sworn she opened her legs a little,exposing her small pink panties to me. I also loved how her well-tanned skinseemed to glisten under my light.

Pulling myself away from the "hardon maker", I turned my attention to Amanda,who was 21 by her drivers license, but I knew that she just graduated fromhigh school last year, so I figured I had a couple of altered driver licensesin my possession. I figured I'd let that go for now, instead, I had Amandapull her car off the main road onto a side street that led to a closed dump.They weren't really happy but Amanda complied. (I still had their IDs.)

"Where we coming from tonight and you betta tell me the truth?" Isaid in my best cop voice, when I was back at their car. "Or I'm going to searchevery inch of this car."

After a bit of hesitation as everyone looked around the car, Amanda clearedher throat. "We're coming from a party in town," Amanda mumbled. "ButI wasn't drinking," she quickly added.

"Oh, nice, like he's going to fucking believe that!" Angel snarled,while punching Amanda. "Nice fucking job."

"Don't touch her," Farra shouted from the back.

"Fuck off," was Angel's reply. "You fucking whore," quicklyfollowed.

Trying to regain control of the situation, I screamed at them, but they justignored me, as the verbal tirades continued. I knew it wasn't going to be easydealing with this crew. I kept my composer the best I could.

Proceeding to the back of the car, I looked at Kim, who was obviously embarrassedby the scene around her. I proceeded to ask her several questions, all thatshe answered after a bit of hesitation. It seemed the four of them where comingfrom a house party, everyone was drinking, except for Amanda, she swore. Everythingwas going fine until they walked in on Farra, who she said was "entertainingthree young men."

"What do you mean when you say entertaining?" I asked her severaltimes.

She just blushed and said, "You know."

I looked at Farra -- she just looked away. I enjoyed watching her squirm,since I kind of knew the answer anyways, but I had to keep asking. Angel, whomust have been listening to Kim's story, as she was screaming at Farra, quicklyjoined in. "She was blowing them, you fucking pervert!"

Amanda quickly chipped in with, "And one of them was Angel's date, andone of them was my brother and the other one was one of his friends...I think."

I was looking at Farra, who had a sly grin on her face and then she added. "Angel'sjust mad because I got to them first. Plus, there were three of them and youknow how convincing Derek can be. What else was I going to do?"

Angel quickly jumped in. "Well; it looked like you were enjoying itto me!" followed by a stream of obscenities that Farra was quickly returning.

"Ok," I announced, starting to lose my cool, and before a catfightbroke out. "Looks like I'm going to have to call my father out here tolend me a hand."

"Call your fucking daddy!" Angel quickly screamed.

"Wait!" Amanda screamed louder, as I took out my handheld radio(that I had no intentions of using.)

"Please don't call the Sheriff," Amanda pleaded. "We'll behave."

Angel looked at me and then back at Amanda. "His dad is the fuckingsheriff?"

The two girls in the backseat leaned closer to Amanda, who I swore whispered, "StripSearch Duffy." When they sat back with a look of panic on their face, I couldonly assume my suspicions were correct. (Once again my father's reputationnever ceases to amaze me.)

"Please Deputy.... We will be good," Amanda purred.

"Are we going to be good?" I said, while pointing the flashlightin Angel's face, enjoying my newly acquired power, until she nodded.

"And no more fighting?" I said, now lighting up Farra's face.

"Yes, we will behave...just tell us what you want us to do and we'lldo it," Farra said, her voice trailing off.

Angel spun around quickly, she wasn't happy. Amanda whispered something intoAngel's ear that seemed to calm her down. I knew that they weren't hardenedcriminals, so I figured I could just let them go with a warning, after I hada little fun, of course.

After a brief pause to let them settle down, I turned my flashlight to theroof over Angel's, who was now sitting back against her seat, head. I was lookingin the window, my forehead resting against the top edge of the car's roof.I didn't know what was going to happen next, but my eyes couldn't help butnotice Angel's ample cleavage, heaving just a foot away from me and they wantedto see more. She must have noticed my stare, because she gave me a dirty look.I just smiled back at her and tapped my badge. She looked around the car andit seemed like everyone was waiting for her to do or say something. Seeminglyin a huff, Angel reached up and pulled her Harley shirt down off her shoulders,causing her bra-less, torpedoed like breasts, with huge brown nipples, to springout.

"Is this what you were waiting for, huh, you want a little show?" Shehissed.

After the initial shock, I was taking my time with my gaze. Enjoying thefact that I'm probably the last person in the world, she wanted to show hertits too. All while she looked at me, as if waiting for my answer.

"They're nice, a little big for my taste, but nice," I finallysaid, with a wide grin, which seemed to piss her off, even more. I looked aroundthe car. "Ok, who is next?"

The girls all traded looks. Nervous seconds ticked by.

"Mine are a little smaller and more natural looking," Farra suddenlycried out from the back seat. "Don't you think?"

Farra took this opportunity to peel off her top. Predicting Angel's reactionto this, I used my flashlight and forearm to keep her from spinning aroundand killing the wise-cracking girl. This also lit up the back, as Farra wasarching her back, pushing her very firm and perky breasts forwards. They werewell tanned with nice shinny nipples, which she started teasing with her fingers.For the next several minutes, all eyes were on the show Farra was putting on.

"Next," I managed, although I could have watched her forever.

"C'mon, Amanda, yours are better, show'em...go ahead!" Angel gushed.

"They aren't that nice," Amanda said, pointing at Farra, who wasstill caressing her lovely breasts. I think she knew she had a tough act tofollow.

"Fuck that whore!" Angel barked, while turning to me. "Thoseare still too big, aren't they?"

"Maybe, a little," I mumbled (lying my fucking ass off), whileagain reluctantly turning the flashlight towards Amanda, while also noticingthat the "hardon maker" had almost done her job.

"Oh god," Amanda whispered, as she slowly lifted her sky blue T-shirtover her head. "I can't believe we're doing this."

I had to concur with her last statement.

"Nice, huh?" Angel whispered to me. "They're a nice firm Bcup, but just look at those nipples, so nice and perky. They're always hardlike that. They look like they want to shoot off her chest, they just beg fora good sucking."

"Angel!" Amanda gasped at her friend's description of her breasts,while I again concurred. I did the best I could to keep my poker face, somethingmy father taught me. Never let them know what you are thinking or feeling,but inside I was jumping up and down little a little boy who got a new bikefor Christmas. I was in Puppy Heaven.

I switched the light roaming back and forth between the three girls, whodid their best to show their assets, when it became their turn. Finally mylight came to rest on Kim. I didn't think she would go for it and frankly Ididn't care if she did or didn't.

Angel looked over her shoulder at Kim and then back to me. "That'llnever work, plus I don't think she has any tits."

"C'mon Angel, be nice," Amanda huffed. "She's just a littleshy."

"Frigid is more like it," Angel added, which was followed by aslap on the side of her head, from Kim. I again used my flashlight to keepAngel in place.

"Hey, she's doing it," Farra said excitingly from the backseat.

Returning my light to the back, I saw Kim slowly unbuttoning the buttonson her blouse. She looked around the car before peeling back her blouse, revealinga white silky bra. Her face was flushed and her hands trembled slightly, asshe unsnapped the front latch of her bra and slowly open the two-half's. Herbreasts were definitely the smallest of the group, but they were well proportioned.She had almost no areolae, but she had two long pink nipples that comparedwith her white, almost transparent skin, gave her quite an exotic look.

Amanda was the first to comment. "Oh, Kim, those are nice!"

Farra added "not bad" as she reached over and flicked Kim's long nipple,causing Kim to fold her arms over her breasts.

"I didn't think she had it in her," Angel said with a laugh.

Amanda leaned over and purred, "Can we go now deputy, sir?"

"Well, that was fun," I said sarcastically, not wanting them toknow how much I enjoyed their show. I also wanted to see just how far theywere willing to go with their little game. I shook my head. "But I don't thinkso." (I also wasn't buying the "deputy, sir" shit.)

Amanda sunk back in her seat, hand to the face, probably realizing I wasn'tgoing to be that easy.

"Not impressed, eh, big boy?" Farra's sexy voice came from theback. "Well, maybe this is more like it, eh?"

Farra spun around, she flipped up her short wrap, and then she began tuggingdown her small thong panties, right down to her knees, which were resting onthe car's bench seat. Feeling the heat from my light, she waged her ass backand forth, while looking back over her shoulder. She was also licking a fingerwith her purple lips.

"Geez...put your eyes back in your head!" Angel snapped. "Youwant to see some ass? Well, this is an ass!"

With that comment, she leaned over and grabbed Amanda by the waist and despiteAmanda's protests, she quickly had her in place. Amanda's knees rested on thebench seat, her ass turned in my direction, her head resting out the open driver'sside window. Angel grabbed the bottom of Amanda's skirt and lifted it up andtucked it into the waistband. My eyes and light, turning to the front again.

"Amanda, you dirty girl," Angel teased, as her hand massaged Amanda'snaked ass, as she didn't wear panties. Amanda had some reply about it beinghot or something, but I was too mesmerized to really hear what was being saidright then. What I did notice was that my flashlight was getting a little dimmer.

"Oh, fuck...please batteries hold up...for the love of god." Cursingthe lord and myself for not changing them more often.

I was torn as to what to watch. The scene in the backseat: Farra had turnedover and had one leg on the seat in front of her, which exposed her fine pussy,lightly covered by fine blonde pubic hair. She was running her small fingersover her lightly covered pussy lips, while letting out sexy moans of pleasure.In the front seat: Angel was giving Amanda's firm backside a thorough goingover. Each girl seemed to be trying to "one up" each other, every time I shiftedmy light between the front and the backseat.

"I'm getting bored," I announced, as convincingly as I could.

"Well, check this out Deputy Do.... Duffy, I did it this morning," Angelsaid, as she spread Amanda's ass cheeks apart, revealing her shaved pussy tomy eyes.

"Look at how pink it is," Angel continued. "So pretty, betyou would love to able to do this," she added, and then she leaned forwardand ran her tongue along Amanda's pussy, causing Amanda's body to shake.

"Angel, not here!" Amanda moaned, but Angel picked up the pace. "Ohgod, Angel.... Owww, not there, too."

"Hey, no fair, that's cheating, guys always go for that lezbo shit," Farrachirped up from the back.

"Kim, we can beat those guys," Farra pleaded.

Kim, who had put her top back on, just gave her a disgusting look and openedthe back door, just as my light went dead.

"Ah, the fucking batteries," I cursed.

I didn't know what to expect next, as Kim turned to me and rested a handon my shoulder as she spoke. "Sir, can you please take me home? I reallycan't deal with all this girl/girl stuff, plus they'll be going at it all nightnow."

"Ok, just tell me where you live and I'll drop you off," I said,although I was still a little bummed that the show was over and what I wasreally thinking was, "Fucking batteries, if I ever see that fucking bunny!"

Kim suddenly leaned forward and gave me a light kiss on the cheek. It surprisedthe hell out of me.

"Not my home, yours silly," she purred.

"I think I can do that," I added quickly, surprised that the shyKim would be so forward. "Gotta love college chicks."

"And I think I can do something with that," she whispered, as sheran her hand over my erection, that I had sported for sometime now.

"Ok, maybe she's not that shy after all," I thought, with a chuckle.

I led her hand and hand back to my patrol car. I opened the door for herand she slid by, as she did this I spun her around and quickly handcuffed herhands behind her back.

"What are you doing this for?" Kim screamed over and over.

"Just relax," I whispered into her ear, as I sat her in the frontseat. "We have all night to fuck. In fact, I have tomorrow off, but nowyou'll just have to be patient." I buckled her in, she wasn't happy.

I started up my patrol car and turned on my spotlight, aiming it at the backof Derek's car. I locked my gun-belt in my trunk and rushed back to the Chevy.

"As much as I was looking forward to fucking Kim, like a human fucktoy, I wasn't just going to leave three girls in heat," my brain screamed. "Plus,I still had their IDs in my shirt pocket."

I opened the backdoor and quickly slid in, taking Kim's spot in the car.I noticed that the girls had fixed their clothing. They all wore surprisedlooks on the face, as their eyes focused on me.

"What, I leave and the party stops?" I said with a laugh.

"We just thought, I mean, we gave you a good show," Amanda muttered. "Andyou let us go."

"Yeah, get the fuck out of here," Angel barked.

"Yes, you did, but you're not going to get a guy all excited and thenrun off," I said and then I unsnapped my pants.

"What are you doing?" All three of them seem to ask simultaneously.

"Anything I want." I ran my hand over Farra's shoulder and then over hergreat tits that I had admired so much earlier. She trembled under my touch.I pulled off her top. "You my dear can start by sucking my dick!"

"No way Farra, don't do it," Angel barked. "He's a pig."

"Yeah, please, we were just teasing you," Farra pleaded.

I twisted her nipple. "We'll, now it's time to please me."

I twisted Farra's nipple harder, until she cried out and nodded her head. "Iwill, I will."

After a few seconds of hesitation, Farra helped me slide my uniform pantsdown, my erection poking free from my boxers. My dick felt so hot, I fullyexcepted to see steam coming off it, as Farra's lips made contact. She hesitatedfor another moment, as the other girls told her not too, before putting itin her warm mouth.

"As for you two," I said, turning my attention to the wide-eyedfront passengers.

"No way, I'm sucking your dick too!" Angel barked.

"You'll do what the fuck I tell you too!" I shot back louder.

"Why should we? I mean your getting your blowjob from the queen."

Boy was I, Farra was now bouncing her head up and down, her tongue wrappingand swirling around my dick. She was even better than I thought she would be.I took out their IDs from my pocket.

"I still have these, you know, doctoring driver's licenses is a seriousoffense," I said playing my trump card. "Plus, I'm the law, and Angelyou should really learn to show the law a little more respect."

Angel responded by giving me the finger. I should have figured that wouldbe her response, but I couldn't get mad at her with Farra's lips wrapped aroundmy cock. Amanda quickly swatted Angel's hand.

"Well, I mean, what do you want?" Amanda asked nervously.

With Farra increasing the speed and tempo of her blowjob, it was a littlehard to think clearly at that point.

"Well, for starters, get out of them clothes and throw them back here." Imanaged.

"No way!" They both shouted. "Yeah, not again."

"Do it or I'm taking you down to the station," I barked, and then I pattedFarra on the head. "But, not you honey. You're doing just fine."

"What...What if a car comes by?" Amanda sputtered.

"A car on this road.... There hasn't been one yet, plus at this timeof night, I think we're safe," I responded. (I wondered why they thinkI made them pull onto this road in the first place? I also thought it strangethat they never asked about Kim.)

Grabbing Farra's ponytail, I slowed down her tempo. I figured she was tryingto get me off as quick as possible, and she was doing a good job of it. I watchedas Amanda and Angel slowly removed their clothes, the spotlight doing a goodjob of lighting up the car's interior. I was none to surprised that Angel'sclothes slammed into my chest.

"Well, now that we're a little more comfortable. I must say Angel youdid a good job licking Amanda's pussy, so Amanda, let's see yah return thefavor."

"That's it, we can do that, but no cock sucking." Angel said witha snarl.

Angel got into the same position that Amanda was in earlier, only on herside. Amanda was looking at Angel's ass staring her right in the face. Sheflashed me a concerned look.

"C'mon Amanda, I'm sure you've done it before," I said.

She shook her head back and forth. "Angel usually just does stuff tome. I mean, I like guys. I mean, can't I just suck your cock, too?"

Hearing her say this almost made me cum in Farra's mouth. I had to stop Farraby pulling up on her ponytail.

"Amanda, just do what he says," Angel said.

I didn't like the smile on Angel's face, so I added. "That's right, do whatI say, lick her pussy, make her good and wet for me, so I can fuck her."

Angel's head snapped around, looking at me in the eyes, her smile now gone,but she remained silent, probably because Amanda finally went to work. I hadFarra strip off the panties and then climb over me. It was indeed time forsome fucking. I also wanted to get a better view of Amanda's pussy licking.I got Farra into position, one knee on the bench seat the other on the floor,her chest pressed to the seat. This gave me a clear shot at her pussy. I slowlyentered her pussy from behind trying to find a good position. I grabbed theheadrest in front of me and this left my head resting right next to Amanda's.I watched as her tongue ran along Angel's hairless slit. Angel was moaningout orders of direction. Farra on the other hand, didn't need instruction,she was thrusting her hips back and forth, effectively fucking me. This youngwoman was already a pro cock-grinder.

"Yes, Amanda, eat my pussy," Angel cried out from time to time.

After a few minutes of this, I had Amanda stop. I loved how her face glistenedwith pussy juice.

"I want you to taste Farra's pussy, too." I moaned, and I grabbedAmanda by the hair and pulled her half over the front seat. Bringing her facedown to my cock. She pleaded at first, but was soon slurping away, like a procock-sucker. I helped Amanda back into the front seat, as I had another idea.

"Amanda, spread her pussy lips with your fingers," I ordered.

I watched as she obediently spread Angel's pussy open. It was silky brightred. Her musky smell filled the air.

"Now use your fingers on her," I ordered, as Farra's pussy hadfound my cock again, she continued her grinding, soft moans escaping from herlips. I watched Amanda fingered her friend's pussy. I had Amanda use more fingers,until she had all four in Angel's pussy. She tried, per my request, but justcouldn't get her whole hand in her pussy, so it was time for another plan.I had Amanda spit on Angel's anus next, and lick her other index finger. Shehad a horrific look on her face, as she had to know what was coming next. Surprisingly,Angel offered no protests, even as Amanda's finger plunged into her asshole.She just cried out louder and louder, as Amanda began finger fucking both herholes. It was pretty cool.

Farra's tight pussy was doing its magic at this point. I just couldn't holdout any longer. I gripped the headrest even tighter, as a blast of cum eruptedfrom my dick deep into Farra's pussy. She seemed to use her inner muscles tomilk out my cum. I grabbed Farra by the hair and had her spin around and useher mouth to milk out the rest, you know, just to be sure. I heard loud criescoming from Angel. I figured I would let her cum at this point, so she mightbe a little more cooperative, as she still had some work to do.

I ordered the girls out of the car, after a brief rest, in which Farra cleanedher pussy with some napkins and Amanda her hands. They all were a little hesitant,being naked in all, but finally complied. I had all three of them lean overthe front hood. What a site they presented. I only wish I had the squad carwith the dash camera. I spent some time fingering each one of their pussies,giving each one of them a good going over, especially Angel's pussy. My dickwas coming back to life, so I had Amanda, with the help of a handful of hair,use her mouth on it, while I fingered the other two. When my cock was fullyhard, I had Amanda bend back over the hood and did some doggie style fucking.I moved in back of Angel and she quickly spun around and spat at me, "Fuckingpig!"

My emotions finally got the best of me and I hauled off and slugged her.I spun her around and slammed her over the hood. I was done playing. I kickedher feet apart and slammed into her, she screamed out. The other girls werewhimpering. (I felt bad, but if they only cooperated.) After a few more strokes,I could tell by the tight grip that it wasn't her pussy I was fucking. I didn'tcare. I wiped her spit off my face as if looking for the reason.

I moved over and grabbed Amanda by the hair and pulled her to her knees.I didn't give her time to think, before I thrust my cock into her mouth. Iused her hair to fuck her face until I thought she had enough. When I let goshe quickly spit up onto the ground.

"God, you were in her ass."

"Who do you girls think you're playing with!" I shouted into air. I pulledAmanda up by the feet and tossed her onto the hood. I pulled Farra over bythe arm. "Lick her pussy, now."

She followed orders and I kicked her feet apart and started fucking her whileshe did.

"You're all going to get some" I announced, "But if you're good, I'll stayout of your ass."

They didn't even fight me anymore, even Angel. Every time I would get toclose to coming, I would switch up and change partners. I made sure I fuckedeach one of them and that they had a chance to eat each other out. I lost trackof time, as I was fucking for a while now, my uniform shirt, absolutely soakedwith perspiration. I knew I couldn't hold out much longer. I had the threegirls squat down, shoulder to shoulder. Amanda in the middle, Farra and Angelon her sides. The three girls seemed to know what was coming next and noneof them seemed too happy about it. I gripped Amanda's soft hair and began fuckingher mouth. I pulled out of her mouth, just as a spurt of cum escaped from mycock, hitting Amanda right in the right eye. A second shot quickly followed.I ordered the girls to stick out their tongues. When the three tongues touched,I ran my dripping cock over them, back and forth, making sure they all gota little cum. Farra once again used her skilled mouth to finish me off completely.Exhausted, I slumped over the hood.

"Can we go now?" Amanda whimpered, wiping some of my cum from herface. I just nodded.

I watched as they got dressed, trying to regain my composer and my strength.Farra was the first dressed, as she didn't wear much. She skipped over to me.

"God, that was something," she said as she approached, and thenshe added. "You know, unlike them, I'll do just about anything for a manwith a badge."

I could only nod my head, as she had already proven that point. (I couldstill smell cum on her breath.)

"Are you going to fuck Kim later?" She purred into my ear. (I almostforgot about Kim, myself.)

"What do you think?" I mumbled.

"I think you are," she answered.

"Actually, she made the offer," I said.

"Really, maybe the whole show thing got her all fired up?"

"Maybe?" I mumbled.

She laughed. I was confused.

"Oh, sorry," she offered. "Maybe she likes you too, but really, we need aplace to stay for the weekend. We had a little fire at our place and it won'tbe ready until Monday."


"Yeah, damn hair dryers. I mean, after what happened at the party, we shouldn'treally stay at the Smothers' place. Never mind that Amanda stole Derek's car."

"I see?" I said, while also remembering the story about the party, and shehad a point. It also explained a lot.

"So, can I come with you, I mean come too?" She asked, battingher eyes.

"Well, I don't know, I only have one bed." (I'm such an asshole.)

"Well, like I said, I'll do anything, or just about, that you say. PlusKim's my college roommate and well, I've been trying to get in her pants fora year now, and I figured...."

"That I'd hook you up," I interrupted her.

"Well, yeah. I couldn't help but notice that you like the girl - girl,thing. You could make us do stuff to each other, as you've already proved."

"Ah, you could say that, but what's in it for me?" I teased.

"Well, me dummy," she said, as she leaned over and nibbled my ear. "Yourcock is awesome. No frat guy had ever fucked me like that. Plus, you can showKim and I how to give YOU a tag-team blowjob, and more. Honestly, I love beingbossed around and wanna see Kim, you know...?"

"I don't know," I said, enjoying the playful banter, even if she was layingit on pretty thick.

"Please, oh, I'm only a sophomore. It doesn't have to be a onetime thing.I have other girlfriends, hotter then Kim."

"I see, yeah, I gu...." Before I finished, Farra was jumping upand down, kissing me on the cheek.

I led Farra back to my patrol car, hand and hand, stopping only to give Amandaand Angel their fake licensee's back and thanking them for a great evening.None to surprised that I got a "fuck you asshole" from Angel. Farra gave thema playful wave goodbye and then she gave them the finger. I also warned themthat from now on, Farra was not to be messed with, while also reminding themthat "this never happened."

"I wish you had hit her harder," Farra whispered, as we made our way overto the squad car.

As I opened the back door of the squad car, Farra leaned forward and purredinto my ear, "Interesting night, eh?"

"Nope, just another night for good ole' Deputy Duffy." I said witha laugh, as I closed the door.

And it wasn't over yet!

The End


Please post your feedback.


Send your comments to me at: [email protected]

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She hurried down the path to the old graveyard in the woods outside of town. Dear God, she thought, please let him be there. There was a light breeze, wafting the smell of the woods with it, but it did nothing to lift the sultry heat of the summer evening. The heat barely touched her, though, as her nerves took over. Was he there? If so, would he be happy to see her? She hoped he would. She feared he would shun her but she hoped he would forgive her for breaking his heart when she ran away,...

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A Little Place Called Heaven

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A Match Maid In Heaven

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Maid showed me heaven

Hi everybody, this is a true incident that happened to one of my friends I made on this site and I just helped him with the finishing touches and to post this here. So continue reading and please post your comments.I am here to tell you about a life changing episode that happened a few years back between me and my house maid Lakshmi. I have put down everything in English though all of the conversation happened in Hindi and Kannada, rather than repeating it in the local language and then...

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My Maid Showed Me Heaven

Hi everybody, this is a true incident that happened to one of my friends I made on this site and I just helped him with the finishing touches and to post this here. So continue reading and please post your comments. I am here to tell you about a life changing episode that happened a few years back between me and my house maid Lakshmi. I have put down everything in English though all of the conversation happened in Hindi and Kannada, rather than repeating it in the local language and then...

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My First Taste of Heaven

Copyright © 2000, Jack Spratt. ALL Rights Reserved Special thanks to my Proof Reader, George Davis Working as a consultant in the communications industry leaves me a plenty of free time to indulge in other activities. Currently my requirements are very minimal; my excess baggage had packed up and disappeared, leaving me a 'dear john letter'. She flew out of my life, taking everything that wasn't nailed down. Our joint bank account had been cleaned out and the overdraft was up to the limit...

1 year ago
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Stairway to Heaven

she was for it the moment their bodies slid into each other on the dance floor. She exuded need and readiness like a finger greeting moisture in an eager pussy. Jacob knew she was for it the moment their bodies slid into each other on the dance floor. She exuded need and readiness like a finger greeting moisture in an eager pussy. He remembered of all things in this particular moment his grandmother’s sage advice: ‘good things come in small packages.’ This woman defined...

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Horny mom and son discover heaven

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3 years ago
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Puppy Love Ch 06

Never say never, but I think that this is the final chapter, and I hope that you like it! honey28 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tissue paper crinkled under my bare ass as I sat down on the end of the exam table with a paper drape over my lap. David’s back was to me as he studied one of the fetal development posters on the wall. Grinning, he turned to me, pointing at a teeny curled up fetus on the corner of the chart. ‘That’s what ours looks like!’ he laughed. We had already spoken with the doctor...

4 years ago
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Puppy Love Ch 02

Dear Readers, I apologize that this took a little while to post, it had a couple of technical issues that delayed its approval. Hope you enjoy it and continue to read the series. Please take a moment to rate my story, and feel free to leave feedback, it’s always appreciated. honey28 ************************ I drove home floating on a sea of endorphins. I had never been asked out before. After my divorce, I thought for sure the only way I’d meet a new guy would be on an online dating site. ...

4 years ago
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Puppy love

This is my very first story. Being totally blind myself, I think it’ll be a cool idea to write some of my stories from a blind man’s point of view, but not this one. Any way, let me know what you think. It was a hot Saturday night. As James was standing under the shower washing off a hard day’s work at his garage he thought again about that dammed Jeep. He wondered for the millionth time why he ever took the job to build up the Jeep for that cocky arrogant pop singer’s new music video. ...

4 years ago
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Puppy Love Ch 05

Dear Readers, Finally finished the last chapter of Emma’s story. Hope you like it! Don’t forget to vote ~~~~~~~~ George kept me company that night while I sat and felt sorry for myself. I didn’t know what else to do. We had something really good, and I had thought that I trusted him, but I had sabotaged myself. If I couldn’t let myself trust in someone who had treated me as well as David, how was I supposed to get over my insecurities? I felt like damaged goods. I considered looking into...

3 years ago
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Puppy Love Ch 03

The following week, I replayed the events of my first day with David over and over. Especially the parts involving his mouth. I had forgotten how sweet the beginning of a relationship felt, and it was so exciting. We talked online Tuesday night, and he called me late on Thursday because I hadn’t been on the computer. He said he was thinking about me. Normally, I’m irritated when I’m getting into a novel and something distracts me from my escape from reality, but when I heard the ringtone I...

2 years ago
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Puppy Love Ch 01

‘I really have to remember to get new sneakers,’ I muttered to myself as I briskly walked up front to load the next patient. I laid the file open on the counter to skim through the new patient form. Eight year old Jack Russell with a 4 month history of intense itching with minimal response to steroids and antibiotics. I turned to face the waiting room and my eyes fell on a scruffy, bald-legged terrier who started chewing aggressively on his hind leg. I smiled. This one would be easy, maybe we...

4 years ago
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Puppy Love

Holy shit. It’s the first day of college. I’m not ready for college! I haven’t even gotten laid yet. I was honestly the biggest dork in high school. I thought it’d be over by now, but college is really just a new beginning. Another chance to embarrass myself. I began my walk over to my first class of the day from my new apartment. My new college was Tippy University. The name sucks, I know, but it has a great biology program, that I’m hoping to get into. On my walk to school, I noticed an old...

4 years ago
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Puppy love

This is my very first story. Being totally blind myself, I think it’ll be a cool idea to write some of my stories from a blind man’s point of view, but not this one. Any way, let me know what you think. It was a hot Saturday night. As James was standing under the shower washing off a hard day’s work at his garage he thought again about that dammed Jeep. He wondered for the millionth time why he ever took the job to build up the Jeep for that cocky arrogant pop singer’s new music video. ...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Puppy Love

John watched secretly from the wing as the stripling made ready for appearing on stage as budding, young Juliet. The part had been given to Robin after much controversy within the group. At the end of the day, the players split into two factions: the revolutionists and the traditionalists. The former insisting that the role be played by a local professional actress, the latter insisting that the Shakespearean tradition should be upheld by letting a man play the part. John had cut through the...

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A Marriage Made In Heaven

A Marriage Made in Heaven by Princess Pervette It must have been the fourth time, at least, that I had asked my wife to dress me in her clothes. This had been a fantasy of mine all my life. For as long as I could remember, I had had fantasies about being dressed as a girl. Not dressing up as one, but being dressed, put into girls' clothes by a woman. Not forced, not by a dominatrix, but by someone I knew--a girlfriend. Some girl who would just like to feminize me for fun. I...

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Seven Minutes in Heaven

This is purely a work of fiction about two 18/19 year olds...It is the summer before our first year of college and we are home alone at his house. My mom works from home, but his place will be empty until his sister gets home from her summer internship. We have been playing truth or dare since we got up this morning. However, as close c***dhood friends there are few questions to ask when we keep no secrets. Our game has purely consisted of dares. Early on, I was dared to put on women's...

4 years ago
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Sex With Friend8217s Wife Takes Me To Heaven

Hi ISS readers. I am Jeet, 27 years old, 5.10″ well build, handsome happy going guy who believe in enjoying the life as much as much possible. I have got 7 inch long and 3 inch thick big cock, which is capable of satisfying any lady , any number of times.This is a long story but you will enjoy the most as it is a true story. I am married for two years with a beautiful girl and very happy with my sex life. I am working as software engineer in banglore living there with my wife.I became team lead...

2 years ago
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Swamy sir showed me heaven

Now 23 years this story is nine years old and. I used to live in a small town in Tamil Nadu. The incident that I am going to narrate, rather series of incidents took place when I was in my 10th class. In our school, though it was in a small town, we had computer lab and computer was one of the subjects too. It was a girl’s school and as the town is very conservative; all the teachers were women except the computer teacher. Mr. Swamy among my classmates, for my age, I had a grown-up figure. By...

5 years ago
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It was a beautiful day at the beach. I was with my boyfriend Chris, his buddy Mike and his girlfriend Amy . We spent the day enjoying the ocean and warm weather. The waves were just prefect to body surf in. More than once my bikini top came down riding the waves. I know Chris enjoyed the view and I caught Mike take a quick glimpse as well. After a few hours of the beach we decided it was time to go. I went home to get showered and then headed over to their apartment. We planned on double...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Gateway o heaven

I started my journey home. Just out of college I got a job, in the city, and was in my probation period. It was not wise to go on leave, but I received a call from my father saying that my mother became mad and my presence there was essential. On the way home, along the hilly road, our bus was stopped, at a hamlet, for tea. Getting down, I walked a bit away, went behind a bush and started emptying my bladder. As I was doing so, I was not aware, then, that a woman nearby was looking at my...


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