New Slave PlanetChapter 10 free porn video

With the all the teenagers having completed their performances, Jennifer Carpenter was trying to prepare herself for the women’s division in which she would display her oral skills by seeing how much of a rubber dick she could swallow, and follow it up with a timed fuck a dildo race. The very thought of partaking in such a humiliating performance made the 35 year old wonder she could even manage to finish it, let alone earn a half decent score.
She looked worriedly at her husband who gave her a weak smile and a nod of encouragement. Both knew how much she hated what she was about to do, but they also knew what the stakes were. Due to their daughter’s lack luster effort in the strip tease-flash presentation, they were sitting second from the bottom, barely above the family with the least amount of points,
At first Jennifer’s attitude had been, since her score meant nothing, and she couldn’t keep her family out of the punishment room no matter how well she did, why even bother going through the degrading acts. However, Ben had the foresight to ensure none of the contestants would destroy the evening of sex games by taking advantage of such a loophole. To make sure every contestant would be forced to complete the shameful sex acts to the best of their ability, he put a rule in the fine print which said the fewer the points, the more time a family would have to spend in the punishment room. The way it was written that the bottom four families would all get punished, but the top of that losing group would only get 15 minutes of it, with an extra five minutes added to the third, second and lowest scores.
Jennifer realized she was between a rock and a hard place. As much as she despised what she was about to do, she had no choice. If she wanted to save her family extra time in the punishment room, she would have to go on stage and do the best she could. When her name was called, she stumbled through the parted curtains dressed in only the tiny top and much too small bikini bottoms. The costume was so obscene she thought she would die of shame, not that it mattered as she would be doing her disgusting performance in the nude.
Jennifer steeled herself for the ordeal when she noticed a smiling Bill Willoughby urging her forward. When she forced herself to step into the harsh glare of the spotlight amid the hoots and hollers from the impatient audience, she knew how her sweet, innocent daughter must have felt.
“So you ready for this? The ever amiable host asked.
A trembling Jennifer mumbled. “I guess so.”
Since Willoughby loved embarrassing the prim and prop mothers and housewives as much as possible so he didn’t waste much time doing a job on this one.
“You realize that since your daughter, Sue did so poorly in the flashing portion you are going to have to try and make up for it.”
Jennifer nodded, her face beet red.
“So in what part of this contest do you think you can earn some needed points, dildo sucking or the fucking?”
Jennifer entire face burnt with shame. “The ... erh ... augh ... fucking race I guess,” she managed to stammer.
“Why’s that?” Willoughby asked.” Oh, I know?” His smile grow broader. “I bet it’s because you like fucking big dicks, better than you like sucking them, eh?”
While the audience roared with laughter from his debauched wit, Jennifer was completely mortified.
“No, I guess, it’s because I don’t have much ... erh ... augh ... oral experience.”
“Well, don’t worry about that because there’s going to be so many masters wanting you to wrap those sex lips around their cocks, win or lose, you’ll soon be getting plenty of practice,” Willoughby promised amidst the howls of laughter from the audience.
“Sounds like they are getting impatient so why don’t you get out of that slave costume and show us your hot body before you being your show?” Willoughby suggested.
To the stomping of feet, hoots, and cat calls, Jennifer took off her top, slid the bottoms down her legs and displayed her body to her masters. She stood naked letting her masters ogle her medium sized tits, hairless snatch, trim hips, long legs and gorgeous ass.
“Okay, let’s go for it, show us how you can suck dildo,” Willoughby urged.
Jennifer forced herself to walk over to a row of six rubber dicks, ranging in size from a skinny and puny four incher and ending with a monstrous 12 incher that had at least a three inch girth.
“Let me explain the rules.” Willoughby offered while he boldly ogled Jennifer’s naked tits and ass. “You see how the inches are marked off on each dildo?”
Jennifer saw the series of slight nodules on each one and nodded.
Willoughby continued. You take each dildo in your mouth and can make up to three attempts to swallow as much of each one as you can. When you feel you can’t swallow any more on any of the dildos, you squeeze this bulb here. It’s connected to them by a tube and will squirt out a colored ink depending on how many inches you’ve taken. Since we feel any slave, no matter how inexperienced, should be able to handle at least four inches, we start with yellow. Blue is for the five inch dildo, Black is for the six inch one, olive green is for the seven, bright red is for the eight, bright green is for the nine, and for those who can manage to deep throat 10 inches and more we have a multi-colored color.”
Jennifer studied the bulb Willoughby handed to her and eyed the array of rubber dicks stuck onto a mirrored wall, with a cushion to kneel on, under each one. She thought she might be handle most of the first couple look of rubber dicks, but shook her head in dismay at the size of the last couple.
“You can start anytime,” Willoughby announced and stepped back.
Jennifer dropped to her knees, opened her mouth wide to accept the scrawny four inch one. On the very first try her lips mashed against the mirror and she squeezed the bulb. Immediately her mouth was flooded with squirts of a yellowed colored liquid that tainted her lips.
“It looks like slave Jennifer has swallowed all of the first one with no problem, but that’s nothing to write home about because that’s nothing but a little boy’s dick, probably the same size as her husband’s,” Willoughby announced with a loud laugh, while the distraught woman wiped her face off and prepared herself for the next one.

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