- 3 years ago
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Devlin did the sums in her head. It would take him two hours to drive to Chicago, at least, maybe more. She'd deliberately not inquired where he and Sue were living, just to make sure she didn't try to do something stupid, something that she'd regret later.
"What did you want to do?" she asked. "Other than rest."
"How about a round of golf?"
"You're kidding."
"No, I'm serious. You probably need the practice, and I'm not quite up to another round in bed."
She shrugged. "Sure, why not?" She considered what to wear. Well, she'd vowed to wear a skirt every day this week, at least around him, so out came her little plaid flip skirt. But she put on a heavier blouse, one that didn't show anything. She wanted to tease him, not every guy on the golf course.
Three hours later, as Danny putted out on the last hole, she concluded that he was a much better golfer than he let on. "I've had a lot of practice in the last two years," he said when she mentioned it.
"You're much better than I am, and I've been taking lessons."
"That's because nothing gets in the way of my swing," he said.
"What do you mean nothing gets in the way of your swing?"
He waited as she missed her putt. "Your boobs get in the way of your swing."
"They shouldn't." This seemed like such a simple game, and yet it was so frustrating. "I nudge them and they get out of the way."
He shook his head. "And then they swing right back. A famous woman golfer once said she could drive the ball 20 yards farther if it wasn't for her boobs. It's obvious that you're compensating for them when you swing. Look at the way you swing, some time, and you'll see what I mean."
She lined up on the ball and stroked it very lightly. The ball curled obstinately around the hole, missing it by bare inches. "Damn it."
"Take a deep breath," he said. "Now get over here and look at the green again." She did so, squatting down next to him. "See, there is just the faintest break from left to right."
She could barely see it, if it was there at all. "If you say so."
"Trust me on this one, it's there. Now instead of tapping the ball, think that you're pushing the ball."
"Okay," she said doubtfully. She got up and addressed the ball. He watched, and after a moment moved to one side. She took a breath, let it out slowly, and concentrated on pushing the ball towards the hole. It rolled up to the edge of the cup, hesitated, and dropped in. "Yes!"
"Just like that," he said. He looked back down the course at the next group, a four-some that had just teed off. "I can see where this game would be distracting."
"Oh?" she asked as she retrieved her ball and filled out her scorecard.
"When you addressed the ball I had quite a view up your skirt, and I couldn't help but admire every bit of it."
She stuck her tongue out at him. "Don't you know you're not supposed to look up a lady's skirt?"
"Of course I know that," he said, grinning. "But I'm a guy. I always look at what's offered."
She felt like pulling her skirt down, but didn't because that might prove his point. "Were you looking when I'd tee off?"
"Not at your behind, as cute as it is. I was admiring the way your boobs swung."
"I should have worn a better bra. This one is too loose."
"Too loose? This from a gal who is a professional bra fitter?"
"This bra is for getting out of, not playing golf. If I'd thought about it I would have worn a bra that held me firmly."
"I'll vote for loose bra every time," he said. "Of course you could have gone without."
She laughed. "You wouldn't say that if you had these things."
"Well, I don't. That doesn't stop me from appreciating them, though."
"I've noticed," she said dryly. She looked around the course, at the people on it, at the blue sky and the green grass, and fantasized having sex on the green.
"I thought you liked playing golf," she said finally.
"Not really. I play it because my clients will want to play it. I'd rather play handball."
"Or go for a roll in the hay."
He grinned and nodded. "I'd prefer that over handball any time, but that won't be possible after today."
She sighed, pushing her feelings aside. "No, it won't. So what'll we do for the afternoon? I know what I'd like, but..."
He laughed, picked up his golf bag and headed for the clubhouse. "I'm sure we can think of something."
'Something' turned out to be another trip to the countryside, this time to a river shadowed by a stand of trees. They stripped and swam, having sex in the river. He brought her to a gasping climax, though he held back. They basked in the afternoon sun, and he gave her a dynamite massage that left her purring.
When they finally returned to the room it was after dark. He helped her undress. He cradled her breasts as she took off her blouse. She gently removed his shirt, running her hands over his chest. His chest was so nice and firm. He wasn't as dramatically sculpted as guys she knew who lifted weights. Rather he was just well put together.
He pulled her skirt down, caressing her legs. She returned the favor, feeling the strength of his legs. She ran her hands back up his legs before finally cupping his balls. She tilted her head up for the kiss he gave her.
He gently kissed her face, her neck, her shoulders; his warm hands squeezing her breasts. She pressed herself against him, feeling his skin with hers, feeling his hardness against her softness. He was so male, and he'd taught her so much.
He lowered her to the bed, kissing her again and again. As she lay back his mouth drifted lower, slowly circling her breasts. Maddening little kisses, heated little kisses, he nipped and kissed his way to her peaks, alternating from one to the other. His lips encompassed her nipples, sucking them slowly, delicately, into hard, tight little points. He grinned at her, his teeth white in the darkness of the room. He nipped her, ever so gently, then sucked her giving flesh deep into his mouth.
"Your breasts are so pretty," he murmured. "I've never been able to get enough of them."
"Remember when they weren't?"
"No," he confessed. "I always thought they were beautiful. You were the one who disagreed. And I never understood why."
"Oh... you." She remembered her confusion and awkwardness as she'd stared at herself in the mirror. She'd been 14, and she'd been more self-conscious about her breasts than when they'd first started to bud. They looked misshapen and they always seemed to be in the way. "Call it a girl thing."
"Call it a woman thing," he reproved her gently. "Women have breasts, girls don't." He kissed them again, and she could feel his kisses go deep inside her. His fingers slid across her tummy, finally dipping between her legs. He began to rub, ever so softly, right around her nubbin.
She massaged his shoulders. They had been doing this for years and she was still fascinated by all of this. This man was touching all of her most intimate places, and... she lifted involuntarily as his finger slipped down to touch her entrance. She pushed forward wanting more.
"You have to be the most orgasmic girl I've ever known," he said softly.
"It's something a girl has to learn how to do," she said. She wanted him to continue touching her there, but she wanted to even things out, too. He continued touching, rubbing gently but firmly, relaxing her, making her feel all warm and pleasant down there.
"My turn," she said finally. She wanted him to continue, but she wanted something more from him, too. She pushed him over on his back.
She kissed his strong shoulders, his neck, his chest. Even after years of seeing other women's breasts, she was still fascinated with men's. They were hard where she was soft, their muscles were larger and stronger. And speaking of muscles...
"Hello, what do we have here?" she asked as she grabbed his hardness. She began to run her hand up and down its familiar length. She paid attention to his blunt, helmet-shaped head, teasing the dark little hole with her tongue. She tickled the wrinkled and sensitive skin just below his glans, feeling him get even harder as she did so. She gave him a happy smile of anticipation, a couple of kisses on his tummy, and then sucked him deep. At the same time she gently squeezed his balls. He reacted instantly.
"Umm, maybe I'd better hold off on that for a bit," she said when she tasted the first drops of his juices. She smiled and licked it up, watching the skin of his glans darken.
"You are so good at that," he said.
"Lots of practice," she replied, and sucked him again. In seconds she was bobbing up and down his length, taking him all the way in her mouth. She could smell his sweat, that man-sweat that she could only got when a guy was aroused. She could taste his pre-come fluids; he had been more worked up than she'd thought.
She began to suck in earnest. She wanted him to come. She wanted to taste him filling her mouth. She could feel his tummy growing hard. She dropped a hand to his legs; they were tensing as he began to rise to his peak.
She sucked him deep, swallowing him, swirling him with her tongue, focusing all of her attention on him. She could feel him getting closer and closer. She gripped the base of his cock to hold him back and prolong his pleasure. She felt him arch his back as he tried to bury himself in her. She released her grip, and he came in one long, mouth-filling spurt after another.
She swallowed even as he escaped her control. She felt his warm jets on her face, spattering her hair, dripping onto her breasts. She smiled as she caught him with her mouth, swallowing the last spurts of his warm, salty fluids.
"How was that?" she asked as she settled in beside him.
"As fantastic as always," he said thickly. He took a deep, shuddering breath. "You look a mess."
"I bet."
"It's a sexy mess."
He scooted down the bed and lifted her leg. He gave her a smile, and buried his mouth directly against her clit. His lips unerringly found that little bud, sucking it hard. With a cry she bucked up against him. The feeling was incredible. She felt him slip a finger into her, moving slightly, just enough to tease the sensitive skin there.
She clutched her breasts, squeezing them as he tongued her. It was all so sudden. She wanted to spend, to give herself over to him in one long squeezing climax. With a cry she did so, a sudden, quick rush of warmth that dazed her.
"That was fast," he said as he kissed his way back up to her.
"You... you caught me off-guard," she said. She took a deep breath. "God, that was so sudden."
"Are you ready?"
"Don't tell me you're hard again." She reached between them, feeling his length. It wasn't totally hard, but it was hard enough.
"You always said I recover quickly."
She shifted her weight, opening her legs. He knelt between them. She lifted herself up enough to watch as he pressed the blunt head of his cock down through the suddenly hyper-sensitive folds of her sex. She closed her eyes momentarily when she felt it press into the right spot. Then she opened them to watch his face. His face was always so expressive when he entered her.
He pushed, and she could feel the blunt head slip into her. Danny's face was rigid with lust as he paused, then withdrew and thrust again. She caught her breath as she felt him open her, as she felt his hardness slide into her. Another thrust... more... farther... another and she felt him sheath his hardness all the way in her.
"God," she said, arching back as he filled her. "That is so good." She drew him down for a kiss, and then ran her hands across his body and hips. She felt wide open, hot, wet, and absolutely stuffed. She could feel him inside her. There was no feeling like it in the world, no feeling better in the world than right now.
He pulled back, slowly, exquisitely, sliding his length through her, rubbing against her most sensitive spots. He paused with just his tip in her, then thrust again, harder, smoother, faster, opening her more, touching more places, sliding all the way into her in one powerful stroke that left her absolutely breathless.
And again. And this time she moved to meet him. This time she was with him, rising to meet him, taking his length into her heated depths. He shifted his weight, settling into the steady thrusting they both knew would drive her out of her mind and bring him to his boiling point.
The bed squeaked slightly around them as they moved. She wrapped her legs around his thighs to draw him tighter. He lowered his body against her, letting her take some of his weight; they were caressing skin to skin, body to body, totally merged into one being.
She could feel the heat boiling deep inside her. Her attention turned inward, focused deep within her where he was stretching, filling, touching every part of her. She clutched him, running her hands across his solid back. She was rising to meet him, pulling herself up as he pushed her far beyond where she was, rising in one long steady swooping ascent that seemed to touch a critical point that was more than she could bear.
She came in one long trembling burst of ecstasy. Every sense gave way to the white heat of the moment as she burst into a thousand million pieces. Everything was swept away by the sheer force of the moment.
She came back to herself, holding him as he thrust steadily into her. She was still close. She knew it would take only the slightest touch to send her over the top. He was her only certainty in the storms of feeling that ravaged her. And he was speeding up. He was thrusting harder, deeper, quicker.
She cried as her own feelings spilled over. She cried again as her whole world came down to the welcome intruder filling her beyond what she could take. She clung desperately to him as she lost all control. She cried as the moment swept her up and away, and she felt his own passion join hers as he gave himself over to it, too.
They drifted down together, totally wrapped in each other. His body enveloped hers, she contained his. They lay there as their breathing settled, as their nerves slowly relaxed, as their bodies settled from those few moments of sweet glory. They kissed as they finally relaxed, a sweet lingering kiss that completed them.
They dozed for a bit. Finally he stirred, rolling away from her. She felt so empty after he did that. It was at times like this that she was aware of everything around her, how she felt, how the room felt, how the bed felt, and somehow how he felt, so wet, so hot, so open, so wide open.
"I supposed we should shower," he said after a bit.
"I suppose," she agreed. She didn't want to move. She wanted to lie here, totally relaxed. She wanted to lie here with him, drifting in the aftermath of their shared climax. But it was not to be, and she knew it. They had never had enough time, whether it was because her mother was coming home or he had to get back from his lunch hour.
Reluctantly she swung off the bed and headed for the bathroom. "There's room enough in here for two," she said. "Join me?"
He helped her wash, caressing her body with his strong hands. She returned the favor. She liked how slippery he felt between her hands, and she covered him with bubbles, finally rinsing him completely clean. In doing so she felt him growing beneath her touch.
"You're sure?" he asked, looking down at his partial erection.
"Actually, I have an ulterior motive," she said. She sucked and licked him a bit to get him hard again. "There. That'll do." She opened her purse and dug through it. Buried beneath her wallet was Krissi's digital camera. "Go stand against the wall."
"I want a picture of you."
"You're kidding me."
"No, I'm serious."
He stood against the wall; she had him turn slightly so his erection was plainly visible. She took several pictures before taking her own place in front of the camera. "Some pictures for you to remember me by," she explained. She had him take a couple final ones with her on the bed, her legs open and her sex plainly visible.
"You always said you enjoyed that view," she said when he was done. She took the camera and put it back in her purse. She eyed his erection. She had plans for that thing.
Obviously he had the same idea. "I do. I also enjoy this one. Get on your hands and knees."
She quickly did so. "You're sure?"
"Try me and find out." He ran his hardness up and down the insides of her thighs. She shivered at the feeling. Sometimes the anticipation was just as good as the act itself. He rubbed himself through the folds of her sex, then pressed forward carefully, lodging just his tip inside her. He paused, shifting his position slightly. Then he placed his hands on her hips and pulled just as he thrust forward. She pushed, and with one heated thrust he slid all the way into her.
She felt absolutely transfixed. He thrust again, quickly getting the rhythm. She always felt so open this way, and he seemed to be able to reach deeper inside her than with any other position. And she loved how her breasts dragged across the bedspread, rubbing her nipples, making them tighten up again.
"Come for me, baby," he said as he thrust. "Come for me."
She closed her eyes, concentrating on the feeling. It felt like he was thrusting all the way through her. When he put it to her this way it felt like he could reach her throat from the other end. She slowly collapsed forward on the bed, and it made the feelings even sharper. It was like he was touching all of the most intimate places in her, and each one was on fire.
She could feel it, then, feel it building deep inside her. She could feel the heat and pressure. She closed her eyes, her mouth open as he took her all the way. She was helpless as her will crumbled, as she came, and as she came again even harder.
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Hi friends, I’m big fan of ISS. I’m raj age 28, 5.9 tall, well built, good looking On Diwali we all family members comes together to our grandparent’s place which is a village, my grandfather has 3 sons and 2 daughters. My father is elder and rest all are younger than him.As Diwali is the big festival and we all have holidays and only the festival our all family meets,so we all are always excited to be there. My grandfather is a rich man and well-known person in the village.He lives on a farm...
IncestContinuing my life story. Please read Parts 1-10 first. My sex life had become very good at this time. I had three boys on constant rotation, trying new things that I thought of or were asked of me. I had developed a great confidence in myself. I knew I could please boys and be appreciated by them. I wasn’t scared to ask for what I wanted and nothing I knew of was going to scare me because my body was so accommodating to whatever was asked of it. I developed very strong urges...
“Chris ... Chris...” Chris looked up and saw Roger standing near his bench. “Sorry -- didn’t see you.” “What’s so engrossing?” “Oh ... Carmen sent me her new column.” “The one on Bangkok?” “Yes -- that one. It’s really good. I hadn’t read any of her stuff before. Carmen has a unique talent.” “Yeah,” Roger replied, “with her syndicated column, web advertising revenue and radio spots, she makes a good living. Good enough for her lifestyle, that is. I’m sorry I popped off at you like that...
Note: ——I am NOT the author!so plz Don't ask me about part two,am simply sharing this lovely story with all of you because I have not seen it on hereHow did I get myself in this position? Literally. I stared up into his beautiful brown eyes and felt the all too familiar reaction of lust rush through my body. My eyes traveled down his face and rested on his lips. I knew he was asking me a question, but all I could think about was how his mouth would feel coming down on mine. I continued my...
When blind teen Veronica Rodriguez’ lift to church arrives, it’s Ellena Woods filling in for her usual ride. Meeting for the first time, Ellena lets Veronica touch her face and body to get a sense of her appearance. Veronica can tell she’s tiny and pretty, and thinks she has a nice voice. She likes Ellena, and she wants her help getting showered and dressed for church. And not because she’s blind. Veronica’s a lesbian virgin, but she’s ready to explore...
xmoviesforyouHi my name is mathi alagan , etha matter oru 4 years back nadathatu apo na diploma padikaren deepa aunty enaku childhood la iruthu therium avaga paka kuspu mariya irupaga apadiya nala far ah irukaga avagala marriage ayaruchi but husband ku vera girl kuda affair iruthuchi poitaga enga home la one day yarum illa avagala vetula vanthu iruka soillethu bangalore poitaga my family la tat day she was wear only pant and long tops uilla onumay illa avaga nadakum pothu back apadiya transparent ah...
THE MERMAID TREES By C Once, long ago, there lived two especially lovely mermaid sisters: SnowWhite and Night Black. Down to the groin, both were beautiful, full-breastedwomen; further down, they had powerful dolphin-tails. It was their hair thatmarked them off from each other: Snow White had, as you might guess, luxurianttresses of white, as dazzling as snow in the midday sun, with an equally dazzlinglittle V beneath her navel. Night Black had tresses and V the color of polishedobsidian. ...
It always started the same way.They would ring my number and ask if I 'wasn't too busy over the next few day's'?,I asked them when would it suit them to come by,this time of year is always quiet,so fitting them in for some role play and 'repentence' was not a problem,in fact I was beginning to miss my usual errant boys and girls,so their phone call both pleased and excited me.Amy and Paul have being seeing each other for over a year now,and completely by chance one evening during the summer...
I had been fucking his dad for over two years. I loved the feel of his long thick cock as it entered any of my fuck holes. Today I took the son back to my toy room. I took of his shirt and let my robe fall to the floor and I was now naked. I undid his jeans and jerked them down below his knees. He was semi hard and had a big dick like his dad. I took his hands and put them each on a tit and then I began to tongue kiss his mouth as I reached for his dick. It took no time to get him rock hard. I...
I got off work early one afternoon and all I could think about was Lindsey sitting at home waiting for me. I hopped in my Jeep and floored it. I couldn’t wait to get home, wrap my arms around her and kiss her hard. I pulled into the driveway, got out my Jeep and walked in the house. There she was laying on the couch watching TV waiting for me to get home. She was wearing her white terry cloth pants and a black spaghetti strap tank top. She wasn’t wearing a bra but didn’t really need one anyway....
The Undercover Detective part 7 June 8th Friday and we were back in the shop. Another hair removal session and my beard almost gone. There was nothing to shave now, worth talking about. My mornings and evenings had included a hair brushing and skin care routine now for some time. The routines were starting to pay off. I was getting fast and expert at my make up and female behaviour was becoming second nature. The day flew by, with me helping several, want to be, cross dressers....
When the Sheriff got there, Verna was just waking up and Farley helped her to her feet. She immediately started shouting and cussing me. She was foaming from the mouth so much she looked like she had rabies. You could tell by looking at her that her mind had somehow slipped away. The Sheriff stood in the doorway and watched awhile before he came in. "Jon, I don't have the facilities for someone in her condition. I can hold her in the small cell, but by law, not for over twelve hours before...
I snap back to what’s going on, and press the button on my remote, setting off the bullet hidden in her panties, I know it hit her as she stopped speaking mid-sentence. This little bauble was actually one of her ideas, and I use it to tease her throughout the night, keeping her wet with anticipation of later. I turn it back off as she turns to me face flushed and I indicate to her that it’s time to leave. When we get to the car, I stop her, sliding my hands down her legs and then back up...
Cole and Ashley had taken a four-wheeler to the upper pasture and returned upset. This had the potential to turn into another range war. The Forest Service had cancelled their lease. “Those fuckers can’t do that,” Ashley stormed. “We’ve leased that land for forty years. We’ve cared for it. Now they want us off so the cattle don’t interfere with the oil company. How many people do they think they’ll feed with oil?” “Doesn’t make a damn bit of difference,” Cole said. “Kids, we’re going to...
Hi,how r u friends mera naam mahesh hain or mera jaipur say hoon. Yeh un dino ki baathay jab main nay apnay graduation kay paper diyay thay or result ka intizaar ker raha tha.is liyay waqt guzari kay liyay inter net connection bhi lag waliya.wesay to main aksar net cafe jaya kerta tha mager waha sirf kabhi kabhi sexy web hi dekh liya kerta tha,mager jab gher ka net hua to buhut kuch dekhnay ko mila aik din main nay desi papa ki side lagai to us main erotic stories ka option dekha jab open kiya...
Kandi greets Centiger with a big hug and kiss as she had done as long as she could remember. Centiger realizes that for the last ten moons, these greetings have grown in an intensity he doesn’t understand but really enjoys. Feeling her nipples perk up has added a new dimension to their deep love for each other. No need for guess work, not knowing what clothes are. No one ever has thought of such a thing. Clothing? Why hide? Kandi wishes Centiger would have the same passion for her that she...
Mera naam pinky h aur main delhi ki rahne wali hu aur main call center me job karti hu main ap sabko apni chudayi ki kahani batane ja rahi hu kaise mere jiju ne mujhe choda ye meri sacchi kahani h mere jiju hamare ghar aaye aur hum dono ek dusre se masti kar rahe the ap sabko to pata h jiju aur saali me kaise majak kiye jate main apne jiju ke sath masti karti hu aur wo bhi mujse non veg joke karte h. Apko kahani batane se pahle apne bare me bata du main bahut sexy ladki hu aur mera figure h 36...
"I have to admit I have no idea what this is," said Hermione, staring at the odd arrangement of shelves before her. She and Imogen were in the boy's dormitory. The school's founders in their wisdom had protected the girls' sleeping quarters from the intrusion of any boy, but the boys' dormitory, in their view, was in need of no such protection, and so the two girls accompanied by Neville, Ron and Harry were able to climb the stairs to the fifth year boys' quarters and admire Imogen's...
..he dropped me off at my door step and kissed me deeply, promising to call later to make plans, he was planning a dinner party and would love me to help him host it. Not really my thing but after the night we had had I would have agreed to anything! I was also slightly curious as to what kind of dinner parties he has, after last nights revelations...I walked in to my apartment and was greeted by the new maid I had hired; she is very tall about 6ft I think, slim waist with broad shoulders, a...
LesbianUseful Information by Armond 1. A sudden flash of white glittered through the raindrops that flowed down the leaden conservatory windowpane. Though it was late morning, the November storm made it seem like dusk. "I see headlights, he's here!" Seanna exclaimed, her dark auburn hair swishing as she turned from the window to her mother and aunt. The older women nodded serenely back to her, and rose from their dark rosewood card table in the center of the book-filled room. "Go...
Monday, November 12, 2007 On Monday, it was time to take the surveillers down. "At last!" Paul exclaimed, when I told him very early in the morning what the angel wanted done, giving him time to get it prepared. It wasn't going to be anything fancy. There were really only two parts to the takedown, which would occur roughly simultaneously in the mid-morning. I'd wanted to get this over with early enough that I could see that it had worked before I left. If the Government persisted in...
After fucking my mother for most of the afternoon, she had to get things ready for dinner. Dad would be home in about an hour and a half. I went outside for some air and thought I would look at mom through one of the kitchen windows. God she was good looking, and had such a tight body. Just thinking about her made my cock start to get hard again. Mom always dressed real well. She seemed to dress to show case her body. Today was no different. After out little fling, mom changed into a nice...
My sweet Ana had started to take classes in salsa. She said every Latin woman would learn such a wonderful hot rhythm. She even tried to drag me with her; but my schedule was really busy and I also had been always a lousy dancer; so I declined the idea…After many classes, Ana said she needed a new skirt for dancing; so I offered to go with her to the shopping mall and purchase something nice.The next afternoon we finally ended in a small store for salsa stuff. The owner was a filthy old man,...
FFM 3some are a huge turn on for me and honestly the foreplay part of it is my favorite part. Watching the women, kiss, make out, undress each other and fondle each other turns me on the most. Because the moment they get down to going down on each other, I've already cum and ready to work my cock in one of the two women pussy or mouth. My ideal scenario for a FFM 3aome would be:, My lady and I start out, post an ad on adult sites and C.L. I was hoping to find a woman slightly older than us....
A couple of days ago i went out shopping and as i was feeling particularly lazy i decided to get a taxi home. I went to the Minicab place and quickly got one, when i got in there was a vaguely eastern european looking man in his mid fifties behind the wheel. I smiled and said hello and off we went.On the way home i noticed he kept looking over at me with an odd expression as if he was trying to work something out, it wasn't long before we hit traffic and after a couple of minutes he said...
Life was busy with new work for the both Sue and me. Her big sexual experience with the Englishman had begun to fade and we didn’t have any new experiences for sometime. Sue was dressing as sharp as ever, complementing her petite 5’4″ body. Her skirts were well above the knee, and most always, those firm 34B tits without a bra. Our friend Sandy had now taken a new view of Sue, as he had detected the distinct scent of sex on her when she had returned home from her liaison with...
I went to College in California and while I was there I had many interesting experiences in those college restrooms which I'll always remember. Here is one story from right at the start of college.I wasn't used to using public restrooms and unfortunately in our dorms the girls shared a communal bathroom, it had about 10 or so stalls and was really clean for a public restroom. It was busiest during the mornings (from about seven to ten) but got quieter as the day went on. I've always been a...
A couple of months after we first met, he came round to my house for some beers and to watch Fight Club, which I'd just bought on DVD and he, somehow, had managed to never see it. Originally my housemates were going to watch it with us, but in the end they decided to go home for the weekend, and our other mate who was going to come couldn't make it either, so it was just the two of us. Before starting the film, he went to get some beers from the fridge, and not for the first time I admired...
But I could always hit a curveball. It was the fastballs that I couldn’t quite catch up too. I kept going after I hit Phoenix and wound up in Houston, America’s fourth-largest city, cosmopolitan in every way. My kind of town, only I had to use it to hide from the FBI and other possibly interested members of law enforcement. I had money enough, I wasn’t on the 10 Most Wanted List, and as far as I could tell they had no recent likenesses of me to post all over the USA, so Houston seemed to be...
This is part two of this story. To understand what’s going on you need to read Part One. I hung up the phone in amazement. I really couldn’t believe all of this was happening, especially considering the horrible circumstances that created this situation. My mind started working overtime revisiting the events of the morning. I was trying to figure out if Joyce was really that good at giving head or if it was just because I hadn’t had sex in years. Then my mind suddenly created something...
I dozed through all the court proceedings that day. It was all boring as hell. According to my appointed solicitor the woman pressed charges and had severe back injuries from the broken glasses and a fractured jaw. But she deserved it just like my bitch of a wife back home. The judge looked at me, disgust in his eyes. They have even got my wife to go against me, the bitch, and she even said how I abused our son as well. The judge had given me a choice either a few years in prison minimum or a...
Upstairs, things had started slowly, but were moving well. Jean had been obviously reluctant, so Lon had taken things easy, taking her to his mother's room, rather than his own, figuring that was a less threatening environment. Jean plopped on the bed and put her head in her hands. "Everybody is telling me that I'm acting like a complete fool. That's not the normal thing..." Lon shrugged. "I think you were right, originally -- but it didn't do any good, because, dangerous or not, we...
Because I get too nervous on the phone, I decided to write this story for you to enjoy at your leisure while I’m at work After a long journey down, city to city, train to train, I finally reach your house. I nervously knock on the door, and am greeted with a hug and a gentle kiss. Not too long but not too short, the perfect introduction. I grab my bags and head inside, and we grab a cup of tea. After a small chat, and some awkward silences I eventually ask if I can grab a shower as I feel...