MICHELE'S NEW LIFE - CHAPTER 62B free porn video

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When I awoke the next morning, the sun was just rising and the sounds of the morning were clear and promising. Carlos was still in heavy sleep. I considered kissing him and waking him, but knew that this was going to be a day of excitement and pleasure. There was no need to rush into it. It would all come soon enough.

The house was quiet as I exited the guest bedroom and quietly closed the door behind me. I stopped in the guest bathroom, then to the kitchen. I thought it would be an extra service to the men to have at least coffee ready and hot for them. But entering the kitchen, I saw that the coffee was ready and hot. I also saw a pair of bare legs stretched out on the patio. I took a mug from the cabinet, filled it, and moved to the patio myself. There, on one of the chairs, was Tim.

“Can I get you more coffee, Sir?”

He smiled at me and I knew he was pleased. Even so early, I was already in role, even with him alone. “Thank you, but I just got up myself, it is still hot.” But he held out his arm, “What I need is you on my lap.”

“Mmmmm … that’s the easiest command for me to comply with.” We shared smiles of understanding without verbalizing. I set my mug on the table and settled into his lap before taking up my coffee, again. Even a slut can need her caffeine.

He kissed my shoulder, “How are you doing?”

I looked at him questioningly. This was always Tim’s issue. As much as he wanted to challenge me, make me extend myself, there was always an element of concern just under the surface. So, I wanted to reassure him, “I am good, Sir. No, I am much better than just good. Doing what I did at the strip club last night, in front of all those strangers, in our own city … God, it was exciting!”

“It was obvious to us.”

“Yes, I remember the way you all talked about me, describing me, my body … that my lips were glistening … that was such a turn-on, too. Like I was just a slut to be referred in any way you might want.” We were quiet for a moment, sipping our coffee, enjoying being close and the quiet morning. “Sir, you are testing me this weekend, aren’t you? Based on our recent conversation, you are determining what is real and what just talk is. How am I doing?”

He pulled me to him and kissed me on the mouth. “You are more than these men would hope to experience. But, the real test for you is today. Today we will find out, I think. Our talk about expanding and increasing your submissive side will be judged today. I have some things already planned, but events change by condition, up or down in intensity. We will have to see what develops. But, remember my slut wife, you have your safe word if you change your mind.” He kissed me again and looked deeply into my eyes, “But, I sincerely hope you don’t.” I smiled at him and we hugged. This sounds interesting and challenging. Maybe I will find out today if I truly am meant to be more of a submissive slut for him.

After the rest of the guys woke up, or enough of them, I started a breakfast with all the trimmings. As I moved around the kitchen and served them, I never felt so aroused in what should have been a common condition for me. Being naked at home, taking care of Tim in the morning, is completely standard, routine behavior. And, yet, this was completely not standard or routine. If I got anywhere near the table, I was being touched, probed, penetrated, fondled, and pinched. It started with a vibrating bullet being pushed into my ass and a vibrating egg into my pussy. The remote was being passed around the table as they ate and I was busy keeping the food and juice coming to them. I couldn’t remember ever being so sexually charged so early in the day. And, I hadn’t actually been fucked yet this morning.

It was, of course, my responsibility to clean up after the breakfast as the men took showers and settled comfortably on the patio. I could hear them discussing something but my focus was on two things. The first was trying to complete the task of getting the kitchen cleaned up. The second was trying to ignore the insistent vibrating in my ass and pussy so I could accomplish the first. It was plain that they were still playing with the remotes as the intensity would increase and decrease and alternate intense in one hole and then switch to the other. I knew my pussy was dripping and keeping my thighs apart allowed that fact to be very evident.

Finally finished with the kitchen, I went out to the patio to stand in position in front of Tim. The men had arranged their chairs in a circle. As I took my position, the intensity of both vibrators changed to what I could only assume to be the maximum level. My legs nearly buckled and I put my hand out to the table for support for just a moment before I could muster the strength and control to resume my position. I waited as the vibrations slowly reduced to a steady medium level. Compared to what they had been set to, this now felt manageable. I didn’t move or look directly at Tim. I just waited. Again, a part of the control game.

“Your day is about to start, Michele.” The vibration shot up several level, again. It wasn’t Tim; I didn’t see the remotes near him. I gasped and my legs shook to hold me upright. “As I said, Michele, your day is about to begin. You look a little distressed, though. Are you able to begin?”

“Yyyy …essssssss, Sirrrrrrrr. I … I … I just need … oh godddddddd! …. Sir … if I could … just … oooooooooooooo … mmmmmmm … ooooohhhhhhhh, sir …”

“Do you need to cum, Michele?”

“Yessssss, please, Sir. Can I please?”



“No, I’m not sure you are ready. It might be too early.” He looked around at the other men, “Do you guys think it would be fair if our slut orgasmed before we have?” Of course, none of them did. “I didn’t think so. I will let you cum, Michele, but only after you have made each of us climax in your mouth and you have swallowed each gift of seed we give you. Isn’t that more appropriate, dear?”

“Oh, thank you, Sir! Yes, Sir.” I sank to my knees in front of him and worked his boxers down to his knees. His cock was hard and waiting and I engulfed it like a crazed whore. I have always loved sucking cock, man or dog, it didn’t matter. There was something about the action, the cock in my mouth, gliding along my tongue, touching my throat, and feeling it swell, twitch, and finally explode. And the cum … I love the cum, man or dog. My head was bobbing up and down on Tim’s cock, my mouth creating suction, and my tongue swirling around the head at the top of my stroke and a thought went through my consciousness; Could I? Could I actually turn into a cum-slut?

With that thought racing around in my head, my mouth full of cock, and my body desperate for an orgasm, I was sure I wasn’t of sound mind and no serious thought could be taken too seriously. The only thought, the only action to be taken seriously was to make five hard cocks climax and empty themselves into my mouth and into my stomach. And the thought that came to me and actually did seem real was that focusing on that alone, making five cocks climax, would give me the diversion from the incessant vibrating in my pussy and ass to resist until I would be allowed to orgasm myself. So I resolved my energy to that end, singularly and entirely, to make these cocks climax.

I felt Tim tense, I felt him take hold of my head, and his hips rose up, as his entire body seemed to go rigid. I could see, peripherally, his leg muscles flex and tense as his hips rose and remained off the chair as he held my head on his cock. His cock twitched and jerked in my mouth and I pulled back slightly to avoid gagging when he came. And cum he did, one rope of cum after another into my mouth and down my throat as I gulped them down. I pulled off as he stopped and licked his cock clean of the mixture of cum and saliva, then squeezed the last drop of semen out and licked it from the hole. I kissed the head and moved to John who was sitting next in the circle, going counter clockwise for whatever reason.

I repeated the same action with slightly varying detail but predictably with the very same end result. After cleaning Anthony’s cock, the fifth and last, I knelt back onto my heels, looked at each man while licking my lips, ending with a smile. I then turned to Tim, still in the kneeling position, of course with my knees parted and my back straight. And, I waited. Only now, I was very anxious. The vibrating egg and bullet had never ceased or lessened throughout my effort and I was now even more desperate for a satisfying orgasm. And my entire body and mind ached for the release. But, I waited. I waited for the reward I was promised, the orgasm, the release I so needed.

I ventured a glance up at Tim’s face. He was watching me. He appeared to be waiting, too. After a few more minutes, “I am impressed, Michele. I think we all are. We know you have been vibrating the entire time and you seemed desperate for an orgasm before, yet you performed as expected. Now, you still don’t whine or plead but wait for my release, completely accepting your place under my, or our, control. Today will indeed be interesting, my dear wife. Our speculation earlier may turn out to be true.”
I nearly glowed. What an odd reaction. He was essentially pronouncing with our friends present that I was indeed a good submissive slut. And, I felt my response in my back becoming even straighter, my breasts jutting out just a little further, and my pussy surging in even more excitement. God! I needed to cum, to explode from my pussy out. But I was more determined than ever to wait for release from him. Finally, he gave it.

“Gentlemen, I suggest you move your chairs near me.” I watched with glances as they did just that, now all clustered around Tim. Satisfied, he returned his attention to me. “Now, my dear, my lovely wife, lay back where you are and use your hands. Make yourself cum for us.”

I wasn’t even conscious of how, but I felt my back slap down on the paving bricks of the patio. My hands went to my pussy and clit, fingers drove inside, and I felt the egg there, still vibrating. I was pressing on my clit at the same time and suddenly I felt the egg and bullet start alternating quickly between low and maximum. My eyes flew open and searched out Tim who was smiling, his hands manipulating one then the other remote. I exploded in a minute, literally explode. My body convulsed violently and flinched into a near abdominal crunch-like position … and I squirted out toward the men.

Tim rushed to me as I continued to shake and convulse on the hard stones of the patio. He was holding my head so it wouldn’t bang onto the stones. He had seen me squirt a couple times before and knew how violently my body reacted when I did. I reached up and stroked his forearm as he held me. How could I not submit to such a man?

I was sent in to shower and clean up, but I was not to remove the egg or bullet. Tim assured me they would be put on a low setting but they would remain in place to keep me on edge. Once in the shower with the slightly hot water beating down on me, it occurred to me that this was the first time in about 18 hours that I had been alone, not subject to the touch, grope, or more by one or more of the men. It strangely seemed wrong. As my soapy hands moved over my wet body and through my hair, I relished the idea that once cleaned and refreshed outwardly I would again be among them naked, ready, and willing for whatever their combined devilish minds would come up with next. There had been nothing terribly outrageous so far, but it was only 18 hours of an expected 44 hours under their control. And, I knew Tim and Carlos. They were fully capable of interesting situations independently without the reinforcement of each other or the other men new to this setting.

As my hands soaped between my legs, my now highly sensitive, aware, bald pussy lips, I felt the strings connecting the egg and bullet, each buried in my holes. I wondered what would happen if the strings weren’t there. The Ben Wa balls had weight to them and came out of my pussy with the laws of gravity and the application of muscles. The egg was light, despite the vibrating mechanism and small battery. I had for some time been practicing Kegel exercises to strengthen my pelvic muscles. I have even taught Helen, Mom, and other women in the art to stimulate the sexual experience. But, even so, I wasn’t sure I could expel an object inside my pussy just by that action. That would be an interesting exercise. God! I know I am sexual, but is my world beginning to revolve around that now?!? Hmmmm, would that be bad? Today, it sure didn’t feel that it was …

I exited the house via the patio door, finding the men around the wrought iron patio table. They already had beers and it was still morning. But the conversation I walked up to was different, meaning it was not about me. Another odd mental reaction, ‘you self-centered slut! You are here for them, always available, always enthusiastic for their use of you. It makes no difference to you if they are distracted by other matters other than you. You are their slut, not the center of their world.’ Oh, God! Tim is going to have fun with all these reactions, thoughts, and feelings when he finds out later.

The guys are talking golf. Something about a best ball format. Apparently, Harry and Anthony haven’t played golf but the others are insisting that Anthony was so athletic that he would pick it up and Harry would do fine putting. Even though I had walked up to them, they continue their discussion. I stand appropriately and wait for them to acknowledge me. Not being a golfer, either, what I could understand was that ‘best ball’ was played with each player playing the next shot from whatever was deemed the previous best shot. It speeds up the play and eliminates much of the frustration of trying to play from a bad shot. They had reached some agreement and Tim turned to me, finally.

“Michele, I am impressed with the way you are performing this weekend. The others have expressed the same admiration of your abilities and submissiveness to my and their control.”

I smiled, “Thank you, Sir.”

“This is not an indication of weakness or softness on my or our parts.”

“Of course not, Sir! Your slut is merely grateful that my efforts have been pleasing to you so far and I will rededicate my efforts to exceed your expectations going forward.”

“Going forward, Michele? Do you mean this weekend or ‘going forward’ from this weekend?”

I hesitated, only this time it was appropriate. Tim was pursuing something that the others would have no indication of significance. The difference of a perceived playful weekend or more devotion into our future. They were not aware of recent discussions, speculations, or challenges being discussed. Tim and I were aware of this, however. I could feel myself getting wet inside all over again. Not from any indication or implication of a pending sexual act, but merely the consideration of a deeper submission in the future after the experiences so far of this weekend and the unknown of what was to follow.

“Going forward, Sir.” My eyes were downcast, but my words were clear, unhurried, and unwavering.

“We have much to discuss, then. I think after your mother’s wedding, though.”

“Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir.”

I saw glances going from man to man. They all sensed more was being exchanged in that short dialog that they didn’t have knowledge of. But, they all seemed to accept that this was apparently between husband and wife or master and submissive. Either way, they accepted that this part was independent of them and they were still fortunate to be a part of this sharing.

“Michele, we are going to leave you here while we play a little golf. It will only be nine holes. I expect to be gone only two hours or two and a half at the longest. This is a weekend of play for us to celebrate Carlos’ coming wedding to my other wife, as I have been reminding him frequently.” All the men laughed and part of the easy laughter was the recognition of the strange relationships being shared. Tim had two wives, the one he was losing was his mother-in-law; Harry’s partner was his sister; John’s partner was his mother. Although, Sharon had less experience with dogs, she was the least experienced, all the other women were definite dog-sluts or quickly becoming so.

“You are free to do whatever you wish in our absence except for two requirements: the vibrators stay in, both of them; and, you are to suck off each of the dogs.”

“Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir. May go for a run?”

“I think that would be excellent to loosen your body after … everything.” They all smiled. “You can be sure that there is much more planned for you. When we return it will be after lunch time, so plan on preparing something for us after we return. Then, we will have some more fun.” I smiled. I couldn’t help it.

After they leave with promises, or warnings depending on your viewpoint, of being back in a couple hours, I put on my running shoes and call the boys. With Harley staying here while Juli was at the Bachelorette part in Vegas, it looks just a bit intimidating to see four good sized dogs come running. I take off along the path and they allow my run, even Harley who wasn’t as used to this part of the routine. I get in my usual run and stop on the grass between the kennel and the patio. I am breathing heavy and I have worked up a good sweat for my efforts. I recognize the need for water, move to the patio, and took bottled water from the cooler, which mostly contains beer for the guys. Bending over, I feel the two vibrators inside me shift as I bend. The experience of running with my holes occupied was definitely a new experience. And, not an unpleasant experience, either. I finish the water in three long drinks, toss the empty bottle to the patio, and watch it bounce off a chair and careen under the table, bouncing off several of the legs. That’s better than in the flowers like the last time I tried that.

I returned to the grass, sit down, removing my shoes, and as I do, Cody is pressing to get between my legs even before I get my shoes off. It occurred to me that the men had received my attentions so far and it was now much later than normal for their turn. I kicked my shoes and socks off, lay back, spreading my legs in the process, and allowed some pleasure for myself on my mates tongue. I hadn’t intended to go that far, but his tongue felt so good and this was just for me, not me giving for anyone or thing. He brought me to a wonderful orgasm on his tongue and it happened surprisingly quickly. He continued to lick as is typical with the increase in fluids escaping from my pussy, but I know what was required of me and I looked forward it, too. I have him lay on the ground, stroking his side and belly, preparing him for my more intimate and aggressive touching. I move to bend over him, to begin sucking him. I get his cock out of the sheath, not paying any attention to the other dogs, just this first of the four dog cocks for me to pleasure. I am in my common position for sucking the dogs: he on his side, his top leg raised and exposing his sheath and cock; I am on my knees and elbows, which creates a picture of me with my ass in the air.

As I said, this is my common position for sucking a dog, so while sucking Cody, I am becoming aware of another dog behind me and as I am about to react with my hands to discourage him, not wanting to remove my mouth from Cody’s cock, a conflict flashes through my brain. In my current situation, I am supposed to suck the dogs, but generally, I am not supposed to refuse the dogs. And, in my blurred thought process, I forget a very important little detail.

That hesitation in taking action allows the dog (from the fur of the legs, it was Kaycee) to mount me. And, continuing in my hesitation, my hand does not go back to assist him, but his third thrust enters my pussy by itself. Oh, shit! The egg, his cock just jammed the egg further into my pussy and against my cervix! The first impact of the vibration against my cervix is a shocking surprise, not to mention suddenly filled with dog cock. In that shock, my mouth open in a soundless cry, only air escaping as the dog begins to piston his cock into me. Of course, I also lose Cody’s cock from my mouth.

Cody scrambled out of the way as I become more vocal. Actually, both Kaycee and I are becoming more vocal. Clearly, the egg inside is a surprise to Kaycee, but he continues pumping and he is moving, shifting, trying to find a way around the object already there. Some of his thrusts push the egg straight on and into my cervix or alongside it on one side or the other. I have never had anything in me that bumped the top of my pussy and it was a different, sometimes painful, and completely erotic experience. There was so much happening inside me, my senses were confused. Then, I felt something that panicked me, his knot was bumping into me on the outside. But it was like there wasn’t enough room and the vibrations along his cock on each thrust was sending both him and me into a sexual frenzy. And it wasn’t possible for it to last much longer. And it didn’t. My body shuddered and I felt my pussy clamp down around his cock and the egg, and I felt the buzzing inside my ass even more at that moment. Then he started. He drove hard into me as if he gave one last mighty thrust to tie with me before he climaxed. But, it was to no avail. His cock twitched and jerked as one massive spurt after another was sent into me.

I collapsed my front to the ground, my ass sticking up in the air, only momentarily still attached to Kaycee, but believing I was actually tied. I was always tied after fucking the dogs and I was so full. But he pulled away, as dogs do to test the knot tied to his bitch. But this time we weren’t tied and he pulled right out. He was no sooner out of me and I felt a tongue on my leaking pussy. And I had another moment, only a moment, of hesitation. It was too late for satisfying the sucking command; I knew now that I was going to be used by each of the dogs. The other three dogs were milling around me and I knew I was theirs for their taking. The only hesitation was if I should violate another command and take the egg from my pussy. The tongue was still working my leaking, gaping pussy and my decision was made. I slipped a hand between my legs to find and pull the string to remove the egg. I felt along my pussy, I felt at the top and bottom; I slipped a couple fingers inside, but no string. Kaycee must have jammed the string into me as he penetrated me.

I glanced behind me just as the next dog mounted me, Harley. Damn, our training. He knew exactly what to expect from a naked female and didn’t hesitate to act. Apparently, I was the only one hesitating and I was doing it enough for all five of us. Once inside me, Harley reacted the same way as Kaycee. It was perversely interesting in a way. It seemed that the presence of the vibrating egg didn’t deter them from wanting to fuck me; it just caused them to try to find room inside me to properly fuck me. And that meant stabbing me in slightly different directions to find a spot inside that didn’t have the egg or the vibrations. That different stroking in their fucking, combined with the presence of the egg and the persistent vibrations, did amazing things to the dog and me. Harley had the same problem as Kaycee and was unable to achieve a tie with me but he, too, came in volumes from the added stimulation.

Jackson had the same luck as the previous two. All had been wonderful orgasms for me with each dog, but knotting didn’t seem possible under the circumstances. So when Cody came up behind me and licked some of the leaking cum from my pussy lips, I assumed the same would be tried by him, as well. I settled in for accepting another wonderful fuck, even if my cervix was getting a beating. But I was wrong. And leave it to Cody probably to take his familiarity with me to a new height. He pushed and pressed his knot at my hole with a vengeance that somehow managed to push his knot into me, jamming the egg to the side to achieve sufficient depth for the knot to pass my lips. Now, with the cock and knot filling my pussy with a vibrating egg also inside and wedged alongside, the stimulation on us was far too much. We both climaxed harder than ever before and we each did quickly after the knot was lodged inside. With each dog I orgasm, but with Cody, his knot and the egg, it was nearly mind-blowing.

Trouble came, though, and it settled on me slowly at first. The orgasm was so intense that I just collapsed to the ground with my ass in the air still tied to Cody. Nothing different about that, at least until it occurred to me that I had been in this position for a long time, seemingly longer than it should have been to get released by Cody. I gave a tentative tug, testing the tie, and that caused him to pull, too. But, we were still very securely tied. Somehow, it feels like the egg is jammed against his knot inside and it is very tight. We have both climaxed, but he is not softening, the knot is staying large and his cock full and long. And the more we struggle, the more stimulation he gets and the more his knot bumps into my g-spot. We are tied for what seems like a very long time and we continue to fight the obvious, that we are stuck. The vibrating egg continues to stimulate his knot and cock inside me, keeping him aroused and engorged. Our movements continue to stimulate me and the added jolts from my g-spot are having added effect. It was now clear to me that we were stuck together like I had never been before. And, for the first time I was nervous about being tied. Our struggle to separate had the likely outcome and we both climaxed … again.

It is then that I see shoes gathering around me. The men have returned from their outing. They are just standing around me watching until I hear Tim’s voice, “I thought I said suck them.”

I start explaining but quickly stopped, “Sir, I am sorry and I will explain, but could you assist us, please? It appears we are stuck together. I am sorry, Sir, this has never happened before.”

Someone moves to hold Cody. All I see are feet moving and I don’t remember what shoes each were wearing. Tim is taking charge, again, “John, if you could please continue to control the dog. Carlos, maybe you could hold Michele still, do you think a leash would help?” They all laugh and I know my blush is a deep red. He didn’t suggest a leash for Cody, just me. “Anthony, I need your help.” As they walked away, I hear something about cold water possibly doing the trick. God … he plans to pour cold water over my ass.

Cody is getting nervous with all the attention and still being tied to his bitch. And this time I really feel like his bitch, stuck to him and completely helpless.

Soon, Tim and Anthony return and they are carrying buckets and I can hear the water sloshing as they approach. I can hear a short, muted discussion among them until Harry’s voice is distinctive and final, “Just do it, there isn’t going to be a gentle way of doing it. We better have a firm grip on the two of them, though.”

I am nervously watching the feet and legs move around me. I glance back and see that Harry has joined John to control Cody and I can see that all this is making him nervous, too. Then I feel Carlos putting an arm around my waist, leaning forward to me, “Leave it to you my dear. This should be an interesting story when we get to it.”

Suddenly, cold water is dumped over our joined asses. It is very cold water and then I see why, all around me are ice cubes. We are still joined, though, and Cody doesn’t like it any more than I do. In my case, though, I know there is more cold water coming as a result. After the third dousing, Cody is able to pull out and he shakes himself vigorously, spraying water over everyone. The men react to the spray because they haven’t just been doused with ice water.

John is laughing and after inquired about why, “We should have gotten a video of that. You’ve seen the ice bucket challenges that are everywhere on Facebook and YouTube? That would have been a classic on YouTube. Can you imagine the number of hits that would have gotten?” Now, they are all laughing at my expense. Cody had the good sense to run off and lie in the sun.

I turn over and am sitting on the ground, dog cum is nearly running out of my gaping pussy. Tim is watching me closely but not my face. His focus is solely on my pussy, “Back to my earlier comment, I thought I said to suck the dogs?”
“Yes, Sir, you certainly did and it was very clear to me, honest. But … I don’t mean to make excuses, Sir, but …” and I start explaining how it began and continued.

But he had a different question now. He is staring between my legs, orders me on my back, open my legs, and raise my knees to my chest, “Where is the egg, Michele?”

“That was the problem, Sir. Between the egg and bullet vibrating and my starting to suck on the first dog, it didn’t immediately register what was happening. It is so natural to be mounted when I am on my knees if the dogs are wanting. And, Sir, you have required me to never refuse the dogs. I was in conflict between that requirement and your latest one to suck the dogs. While I debated back and forth, it was too late and Kaycee had mounted and penetrated me. I forgot about the egg until I felt it get jammed against my cervix. The first three didn’t knot me, but Cody, obviously, did. With Cody, the egg got jammed against his knot and he didn’t shrink. I didn’t know what I was going to do, we just kept cumming.”

He looked down at my pussy, my legs still spread where I lay. “But … I don’t see the string.”

“Yes, I know, Sir. After Kaycee, I considered taking the egg out, but I couldn’t feel the string and Harley didn’t waste any time in mounting me. Then it was too late.”

I was watching Tim for his reaction. Somehow, I had managed to mess-up a simple assignment. It wasn’t until Tim finally spoke, again, that it occurred to me that I was fussing in my mind about not following through on his instructions and not on how the egg was going to be removed.

Tim looked at the other men standing around me as I lay on the ground naked, my legs spread apart, and a small puddle of dog cum under my butt. “I think we are going to have to do some operating. Ever seen the inside of a pussy?” With that, he put out his hand and he pulled me to my feet and led me to the family room.

As we passed the patio table, I spotted the two remotes, “Sir, would you consider allowing the egg and bullet to be turned off?”

He smiled, “They are still humming along, huh? They must have new batteries in them. John, would you get the remotes and turn those things off, please.” He considered what needed to happen. “Michele, the string has disappeared inside you and we will need to get inside to find it and then somehow get part of the string out to pull the egg. What I need is for you lean back, upside down, over the back of the couch so your ass is up in the air. Carlos, in my desk drawer should be an LED penlight. That should give us plenty of direct lighting. I need to rummage around the room they use for crafts and stuff.”

I was helped into position with my head and shoulders on the couch seat, my back along the back, and my ass pointing up. It gave me support so it wasn’t too uncomfortable, but it exposed me tremendously. I kept my legs together until Anthony reminded me that Tim required my thighs to be parted so my feet were shoulder width apart. To make the point, he and Harry pulled my knees apart, very wide apart. Rarely could I imagine ever being so exposed to a group of men. Even if they were all lovers.

Tim returned into the family room holding something long and thin in his hand. He held it up for me to see. It was one of Mom’s rug making locker hook needles. It was thin and smooth, about five and a half inches long, not more than an eighth of an inch in diameter, with a little hook on one end. Mom had tried ‘hooking’ rugs as a hobby, but gave it up quickly.

“You look concerned, Michele. Don’t be, you know we have nothing but the best intention to help you.” He smiled at me and was patting my exposed pussy while he did. I guess I had seen BDSM videos of women bound up in this position, but I didn’t think I would find myself in it with all these guys getting such a view. “Okay, guys, it’s time to fish this thing out of her. Then we can get back to using her for our pleasure.” He looked straight into my eyes as he said that. Then he smiled. I was exposed like this to five men, three of them were stroking my body in various places, and as soon as Tim’s hand left my pussy, another replaced it.

Tim directed the action to what would follow. Tim was between my legs, Carlos, and Harry each had a knee and were pulling me completely open. Then he smiled at me as he said, “I need her opened fully so I, we, can see inside.” God! Anthony and John dipped a couple fingers into my pussy and pulled me open. And, I mean they pulled me open! Tim leaned over me with the LED penlight and pointed it into my spread pussy opening. And, as if I was humiliated enough, already, “Well, there’s the egg and … yes, I think … yes, under all that dog cum is the string.” I was turning red, but he wasn’t done. “I think you guys need to look at this, too.”

One by one, they shifted position until each had a clear look inside my hole with the light, all agreeing the string was indeed cover by cum. Now, I was really red. I had been used and exposed and used, but now I felt like an anatomy class specimen as fingers went inside to touch the egg and move the cum around to find the string. When Tim returned to his original position, he slowly inserted the hook end of the tool, asked for more opening and I was pulled open even more. I wonder if I have ever been stretched this far before, even by the biggest knot I have had. He fished around inside and I will admit, despite the embarrassment, he was careful and gentle. He worked at it and pulled up several times only to have the slick string slip off the hook. So, he handed the tool to Anthony to try. I had just spent a week with this man and he proved very proficient at exposing me, too. He got it figured out. He hooked the string, and then spun the tool, wrapping the string around it. He pulled up on the tool and grabbed the slimy string and pulled out the egg.

I was told to open my mouth and the egg was inserted for me to clean off the coating of cum. I tried to smile, but not with that in my mouth. Thinking we were done, I relaxed, but they didn’t release my legs or the fingers holding my pussy hole open.

Harry exclaimed, “Gee, look at that.”

Someone else asked, “What? What do you see?”

“Well, I’ve never actually seen the cervix before. I mean, I know about it and know it’s there, but … well, have any of you seen it before?”

Of course, they hadn’t, so they all took a turn in my pussy looking at that. Then as Tim was looking inside me, “That hole in her cervix leading to her womb … I bet the other end of that needle tool thing would slide in easy.” He looked at me from between my legs. I took the egg out of my mouth, it was definitely clean of cum, and my mouth moved but just stammered with no words forming. Was he serious? They were going to penetrate my cervix, now?

Sure enough, that’s exactly what they did and not once but five times, each guy getting his own turn. And, all of them didn’t just slip it in; they all decided to do a fucking motion in and out. It was a strange feeling but very arousing, maybe because of everything else. Soon, though, as I started moaning and gasping at the stroking of it into me, fingers started on my clit and nipples and the more noise I started making, I suddenly found a cock at my nose so I tilted my head back and took it into my mouth. And, with that, I just gave into the experience. I had a shuddering orgasm and I heard, “Look! Look how her cervix opened when she came!”

* * * CHAPTER 62C: THE BACHELOR PARTY, CONCLUSION will follow * * * Thanks for reading.


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Lifeboat Chapter 1

Mom and Dad had been planning to renew their vows that very evening, and Mom had arrived at the lifeboat directly from the station where she had been shopping and getting made up for the ceremony. She was already in her white dress, tight around her torso to accentuate her remarkable figure but flowing in the skirt to give her an ethereal look. She wore white stockings underneath, the lacy tops barely visible where the skirt had ridden up. Like the rest of us, she was shoeless, probably...

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On Becoming Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport 1

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On Becoming Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport 5

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Hookup Sites
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Lifes What You Make It Robs Story Chapter Five

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My Lifes True Incidents 8211 Chapter IV Shop Opening Ceremony

Dear All, Here I m narrating my true experience which you hard to believe. Incidents & Location is real but names are fake. I am married marwari women age: 26 yrs. from Mumbai, accountant. My husband name is Prakash. Our marriage is arrange and no child yet since we get married before 2 yrs. He is as an accountant but he quiet his job and open a Super Kirana Shopee near our house. I have lots of chapters about my life stories. Whenever I get proper response and comments from you all friends, I...

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“Tim, we have got to talk!” Leslie said in a strange tone the moment I showed up for work the next day.  I assumed I was either in trouble or getting fired or both.“What’s up Les,” I asked nervously.“The ladies don’t want Ellen back as their lifeguard.  They want you,” she said.  “You made such a nice impression on them that they want you to be their regular lifeguard.  And obviously naked, of course,” she grinned.   “Did you ever think that you would be paid for walking around nude?”“I don’t...

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The New Lifeguard Part I

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Woman Partner Chapter Twentysix My New Life Begins

Author's Name: Lee Anne Montgomery ([email protected]) Story Title: Woman Partner (Chapter 26, My New Life Begins) This work is copyrighted to the author (c) 2003. Please do not remove the author information or make any changes to this story. You may post freely to non-commercial "free" sites, or in the "free" area of commercial sites. Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to, and hope that I receive, your feedback....

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Suzies New Life Chapter 6

To all of my readers, thank you for the kind comments you left me. For many reasons that will come out in future installments, I have not had a chance to work on my story for a while. I hope you enjoy this chapter and I promise I will try and finish the next chapter sooner. Suzie's New Life (Chapter 6) When we arrived at the airport, it was 42? and very dreary. In an hour and a half, we landed in San Diego to sunny and warm, 64?, weather. I could immediately...

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CHAPTER 45: MISS STELLA PARSONThe next day I sat Helen down and made sure what I expected to happen with Kaycee’s training. I also gave Tim a bit of talking to in the bedroom as he was getting ready for work. I didn’t intend to start his day off badly but I believed we were very lucky last night when Kaycee was introduced to our sex play so soon. We have a process and plan that we have had extremely good success with in training dogs from Jackson to client dogs and boarding dogs for Bob. In the...

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Lifes What You Make It Robs Story Chapter Four

This novel is an experimental writing collaboration by TheGulfCoaster and runnergirl. This story has two perfect halves, a male and female side, which fit together as one. Runnergirl will reveal Emmy’s feelings and tell the tale through her perspective, whereas TheGulfCoaster writes from Robbie’s perspective. The two stories share mutual dialogue and action where the two characters intersect and thus this is unique venture. Only by reading Emmy’s and Robbie’s stories, will the reader get the...

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Swapped Life Chapters 16 18

A SWAPPED LIFE, Chapters 16 - 18 A young male engineer goes to an engineering conference and gets swapped with a teen unwed mother who did not finish high school. Story discusses how the new woman makes new friends, and copes with motherhood, her new parents and sister, her former boyfriend, and eventually with love and marriage. Story also discusses the struggles of the new man, whose family and educational background did not give him the tools to fit into the world of men, and of...

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CHAPTER 17C: MOM AND THE WEEKEND, CONTINUEDSunday morning, unlike the previous morning, Mom is up before us. When I open my eyes to the new day, Mom isn’t in bed with us. I try to remember exactly how we were arranged when we went to bed and I feel like she had to have been between Tim and me. But that had to have been only because that has typically been the arrangement when Mom sleeps with us. But she couldn’t have been. How could she have gotten out of bed without waking both of us if that...

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Allys New Life Chapters 4 to End

Chapter 4: My First Day As John led me through the office, I could notice that not much had changed. The women were all dressed like me, with shirt skirts, low cut blouses, and extremely high heels, but they were all working fairly diligently. He patted me on my ass and laughed, "Did you think the entire office would be an orgy all the time? Well, I admit it was for the few couple of days. But I still need this office to function. Sex is just a motivation - the male staff work...

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Suzies New Life Chapter 3

Chapter 3: San Francisco Here We Come I was sleeping soundly, dreaming of what it would be like to be Suzie fulltime, wearing nice clothes, being able to get rid of all of my boring guy clothes, being able to get my hair colored and permed without anyone saying anything, to have real breasts and to have guys check me out as just a cute girl. Gees did I say guys? Suddenly my sweet dreams were interrupted by Jennifer shaking me saying it was time to get up. I sat up and...

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CHAPTER 27: DOG KENNELINGSummer in Arizona will get very hot, but the nights still cool off comfortably. So, to save the poor air conditioner from working all day and night we have taken to opening up much of the house and letting the air flow through in the night. It has the added benefit of letting us hear the world outside wake up. But there was a new sound outside this morning. Living way out in the country on a dead end gravel/dirt road means there is little civilization noise unless Harry...

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The Newlins Marcie and MarkChapter 14 Marciersquos Life After Graduation

Marcie was still recovering from the previous night’s celebration. Her pussy was deliciously sore and aftershocks from her many orgasms—if one could call them that—continued popping up at the most inopportune times, like when her parents were taking her to eat lunch that day. She would be graduating with honors; notwithstanding, she had not found a job as yet and sat down at her computer to continue her search for employment as a musician/pianist the moment her parents left for home. To...

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CHAPTER 20: ADJUSTING TO THE CHANGEThings move quickly after that. Nikki and Joe have their new home in South Carolina and are anxious to start their new life now that the decision is made. So, Nikki and Joe move quickly.We took Mr. R’s recommendation and worked with a realtor experienced in rural sales. He also recommended that we set the price to sell but then be firm and discourage haggling of the price. Anyone serious about the property will be nervous that they could lose it by playing...

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My Life as Isaac Newton

This character has nothing to do with the Isaac in Midnight Plush (q.v.). The idea for this story came in a dream, and that was his name in the dream, so I didn’t change it. This is the closest thing to a traditional short story I’ve submitted, and I would really like solid critique on it. Especially, did I do a good job of writing from a man’s point of view? Oh, and I guess I should state this explicitly, based on some so-called ‘feedback’ I’ve gotten on other stories: Everything I write is...

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Lifeboat Introduction

This is not the story of how my mother, my sister, and I escaped that catastrophe, of how the starliner Pegasus II tried to escape the disaster into FTL only to be destroyed by debris, of our flight to and rendezvous at the lifeboats, of the 24-person lifeboat jettisoning with just the three of us aboard. There are at least a dozen such accounts from the 87 survivors from the Peg, and most, to be honest, are more compelling. This is not the story of the first tumultuous hours after the...

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CHAPTER 52E: HOLIDAYS ON THE ISLAND: ENJOYING PARADISE, CONTINUEDIt surprised everyone, but mostly the three residents of the estate, how quickly the general routine was modified and accepted as a result of the change in attitude and behavior of Marie. Our nudity around the house and property and ‘formal’ nudity at night for dinner still caused frequent hard-ons for Carlos and Anthony but they were far from complaining. Especially, since this wasn’t teasing or a ‘hands-off’ lifestyle change of...

2 years ago
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Vampire Omicron Chapter 6 New Life

See the link in my profile to find all my stories and more chapters to this story Each chapter is like a 'stealth mission', with lots of slow build-up and pervy creeping around. The protagonist's mission is always to rape and abduct his victims, adding to his harem of vampires. Then occasional chapters show his sexual family lifestyle with his mind-controlled free-use slaves. Then right back to another stealth mission. DISCLAIMERS -I'm just trying to be helpful with these...

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CHAPTER 19A: STARTING A NEW LIFE—AGAIN!As suggested by the attorney, Mom gave her response for the divorce settlement terms. We, Tim and I, discussed the options available to her over the next day. It really wasn’t that hard for her to come to terms with what she wanted to come back with. She really just had to come to grips with the reality that she was being abandoned by her husband while in her fifties and based on that determine what she would need. She had no real work skills that she...

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CHAPTER 54: THE COLONDAROSAlthough they did shower together, there was a minimal amount of playing. Certainly not like what would have happened if she was in this shower with Michele and Barb. There was some washing of each other’s bodies but it was tentative by the other women and Helen elected to not push too much quite yet. Washing each other’s hair was helpful and allowed a certain amount of exploratory touching.They dried off with very large, soft, and fluffy towels. Helen dropped hers...

4 years ago
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My new wife My new life chapter2

I had been working on damming the stream up and decided to take a break and go to lunch. There was a small diner in town where I haven’t been before so I stopped to have lunch. I was almost done when to my surprise Kathy came in alone and sat down several tables away. At first she didn’t notice me but when she did she smiled,I motioned for her to sit with me and she did. “All alone,” I asked her as she came over. “I was just going to ask you that “she said, sitting down when I said...

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CHAPTER 24: THE RETURN TO OUR LIFENeedless to say, it caused another round of curiosity and intrigue about my life and the expectations on my life when getting onto the plane I immediately pulled my sun dress up and over my head after getting no further than the top of the stairs to the plane. As the rest of them came in through the door, I was standing naked in my heels on working in the galley to prepare some drinks before the flight actually left. They were all intimate friends but they...

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CHAPTER 47: KAYCEE AND HELENWe have strongly believed that proper training of dogs to mate comfortably and confidently with human females takes time and dedication. Yes, we know that many people approach it differently, but we feel strongly that the effort put into training, both for the dog and the woman, reflects in the ultimate relationship of the two. We have promoted the attitude of a mutual bonding and commitment to each other that takes into account the well-being and safety of each. It...

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PART 1 Them fuckin’ Armed Services get all the credit, but who gets their asses blown out of the water to get them their crap, for chrissake? Us fuckers in the Merchant Marine, that’s who. Goddamn sub-bait. And then they don’t send nobody to fish us out. Goddamn Krauts. Goddamn war! Cookie bobbed in his lifejacket and watched his ship disappear, a sorry excuse for a vessel, to be sure, but nonetheless, his ship. Sailors deep-six all the time, the risk they signed on for, perhaps. Bad luck,...

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CHAPTER 49: A CELEBRATION AND …The following couple of days we were a little protective of Helen. As could be expected, she was a little sore for the two day and one night of constant availability to a dog just learning what it was like to have a human female for mating. Both Mom and I insisted on her taking several baths of mineral solutions to stimulate soothing and the hot tub in the evenings when it was cool. She accompanied us on the morning runs and for the first times the three of us we...

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CHAPTER 12: RE-NEWED BEGINNINGS So much was changing. And so quickly, again. And it seemed to be touching on so many parts of our life to give us the impression of our “New Life” being renewed to another beginning. At the wedding and then re-affirmed after our honeymoon, our life took a dramatic changes in commitment and adventure at least in our private lives or very deliberately expanded our sexual life. That had led to many wondrous experiences so far. This new change gave every indication...

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How Are You Not Being NeglectedChapter 9 The total four chapters

We went to the bedroom and the bed was ready with pillows for the fireworks, what our ANR love would bring to us. I was no longer an ANR virgin so I was confident. Olga said, "If you want I could give you oral sex first, because my breast isn't yet full of milk and you'll be able to build up your own fluid." I told her, "I like that idea." "I gave you pineapple for lunch so your sperm will be very tasty for me. It's like what happens to my breast milk when I eat chili." My cock...

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CHAPTER 53C: HARRY, JULI, AND HELEN AT THE HORSE SHOW, PART 3: JUMP - GIRLHelen woke the next morning to a sunny day outside. They had neglected to close the d****s, which now caused her to wonder what anyone in the opposite wing of the hotel might have seen as Juli and she alternately fucked Harry until he came. But, she also woke to the realization that she was a part of a mass of intertwined legs, arms, and bodies. All naked. And, since she was in the middle of this mess, all she could do...

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CHAPTER 53A: HARRY, JULI, AND HELEN AT THE HORSE SHOW Life seemed to get back to normal quickly after our return from the island. But, it really had to. Tim had a weeklong swing through all the sites under his management responsibility coming up and that kept him very busy as he got himself ready for those visits with the local management teams. Of course, Helen had classes starting up with the new semester right away and the dogs were returned to our kennel for boarding and training. Within...

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Lifes Tales Intro Chapter 1

Introduction: I havent really named this yet but its a story Ive been working on for a while now. Let me know what you think…it starts off kinda slow but itll get there INTRO: I dunno why this female thinks shes gonna win this battle. She aint bout shit! She obviously thinks Im scared of her or somethin. She just dont realize the only reason Im not and havent beat her ass yet is cuz my boy wont let me. He says she aint worth my time, which she really aint, but shes pissin me off! I spent my...

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CHAPTER 52A: PRE-HOLIDAYS WITH FRIENDSBy the time Helen and Marie returned home, Tim, Mom and I had decided to go to bed. I was still awake, waiting. Knowing Mom, she was, too; but it wasn’t really obvious. I was cuddled into her back and she to Tim’s side and I did feel a deep exhale from her when I heard the door to the garage open and close and their voices and giggles coming down the hall. I heard the door to our room being opened further and then slightly closed, as they seemed to check on...

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CHAPTER 50B: HELEN’S COMMITMENT CEREMONY, PART 2Helen watched the alarm clock with singular focus for the two minutes to pass. Then, she went to the door, took a deep breath, opened it, and entered the hallway. Such a familiar trip down this hallway that she took several times a day, but now, dressed like this, for this event, she felt the butterflies but she continued putting one foot in front of the other until she was at the entry to the kitchen and the patio door. When Tim saw her slowly...

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CHAPTER 7: SHARON & JOHNSince our discussion and establishment/agreement on my submissiveness that Sunday morning, I had all the rest of the day to begin the commitment to being naked when in the house. And Cody was definitely a dog that was aware of his surroundings. No longer was my reaction to him like it was just earlier in the morning when I reacted with sympathy for being otherwise busy. No, now I was his and he quickly picked on the fact that if he made himself known, I yielded to...

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A Swapped Life Chapters 7 9

A SWAPPED LIFE, Chapters 7 - 9 A young male engineer goes to an engineering conference and gets swapped with a teen unwed mother who did not finish high school. Story discusses how the new woman makes new friends, and copes with motherhood, her new parents and sister, her former boyfriend, and eventually with love and marriage. Story also discusses the struggles of the new man, whose family and educational background did not give him the tools to fit into the world of men, and his...

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CHAPTER 44: JULI SETTLES INOn the flight from Miami to Dallas/Fort Worth I was sitting with Tim. Helen and Mom were a couple rows back and on the other side of the aisle. I was thinking hard on something and Tim could sense it. I was sitting to his left in the window seat. My right hand was in his left and our fingers were intertwined. I loosened the seat belt and strained up to look behind me to them. Helen already had her head on Mom’s shoulder and was sleeping. Mom spotted me and looked to...

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CHAPTER 25: HI, I’M HELEN, YOUR SISTER!I almost leapt out through the door, but Mom jump across the opening and pulled me further into the house. “No, you can’t go out there like this. Not in front of the Sheriff and this girl. You have to stay quiet and see where this goes.”“But, what is she up to? I don’t have a sister. I’m an only c***d. You said that dad was your first. You got married young and I came along.”“All that is true, dear. So we need to hear what she means but not like this....

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CHAPTER 48: HELEN'S TRAINING FINALSWhen Helen came in the door, we quizzed her. “My, you were certainly gone a long time. Was everyone properly excited?”“Oh, very much so. Juli wanted every single detail about it. How Kaycee felt inside me, how long we were tied, how much cum he squirted into me. A whole bunch of questions that I had nothing to compare with. Yes, she was very excited. She said she can’t wait until the time we are all fucking dogs together.”“And Miss Stella? Did you shock her...

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CHAPTER 21A: MOVING INOver the next week that the construction takes to be completed, Mom and I are very busy chasing after all the details of the move. The timing is working out very well. The buyers of our home will be ready shortly after we are moved which allows us time to be deliberate and organized. Dad, that man, didn’t want a lot of the furniture from the house. So Mom also took the family room furniture. We planned on that going into the demonstration/training room of the kennel. Also,...

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CHAPTER 56: ANNE AND BETTY – ATTORNEYS AT LAWWhen I return home from the cruise, I am surprised by the changes already underway on the property. The concept we had briefly discussed before I left sounded nice, but I had to admit the actual was looking even better. Now that Helen had this fancy horse and the two quarter horses from Stella, it was expected that she would want to use the back property for her own horses. I probably also shouldn’t have been surprised that she could get men to move...

2 years ago
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RenewalChapter 2

“I see you were using the pods again,” Marion White, the ships First Officer, says as she enters the galley to see Regina on the deck naked. “Unauthorized use of company property for personal pleasure is not allowed you know.” Regina lifts her head from the deck and blinks away the sleep. “Why don’t you just shove it up your ass,” she sneers. Marion walks over and pulls out an egg from a pod and pops it in her mouth. “You know, I don’t know what makes you so special.” She takes a seat and...

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