BohicaChapter 14 free porn video

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I drove home, then called Gloria and told her to close up for the rest of the day. She put a sign in the window and in 30 minutes she was coming upstairs and gave me a kiss. She went and changed into a dress as I changed my shirt. I had not realized how much tension sweating I had done during the meeting.

As I told her about the meeting I left out the part about my possible power. Then I told her that approval had been given for the remodel, and we would be living in Chris’ place for the next week. She said she liked that, and wanted to have some input in the remodel. And move some things over, to give Bo’s place some more “girl appeal”. I laughed, and said that was fine, she needed to be comfortable also.

“But remember, at least occasionally I would have to stay there for a night alone as Chris.” She said she understood, but to expect a midnight visitor and have Alicia sleep on the couch sometimes if that happened. I reached over and squeezed her hand, and said Chris would love it. And from the back of my mind I had a strong sense that Chris agreed.

We arrived shortly afterwards at Clarissa’s, and Sister Francis led us into the same waiting room as she had her assistant get Alicia. “Miss Gloria my dear, I am so glad to meet you. Bo here has told me so much about you, and I am glad to finally meet you. Now while I officially can not approve of you two living together outside of marriage, I fully support this because it is to help Alicia.”

A moment later there was a knock on the door, and it was opened and Alicia came in. “Bohica!” she screamed, and ran across the room and jumped into my arms. I gave her a huge hug, and kissed each of her cheeks before I set her down. “Alicia, I want to introduce you to my girlfriend, Gloria. Gloria, this little scamp is Alicia.”

“Wow, she is beautiful. I am happy to meet you Miss Gloria.” She then followed it with a cute little curtsy. Gloria smiled, and knelt down in front of her and gave her a hug. Alicia hugged her back, then we all sat down. Most of the conversation was quickly between the two girls, as Sister Francis and I looked on. Part way through she leaned and whispered into my ear “Did you notice your colors? You are almost midnight black, she is a very light black. Alicia is pretty much in between, closer to you than Gloria. Do not be surprised if some mistake her for your actual daughter.”

“Sister, I doubt much would make me more proud. I’m betting she’s going to grow into a girl that anybody would be proud to consider their daughter.”

After another 20 minutes, it was obvious that the two were getting along fantastically. Gloria had moved her chair behind her and was brushing out Alicia’s hair, braiding it as we talked. “Alicia, would you like to show Miss Gloria around the home? Maybe show her your room, and get a snack from the cafeteria?”

Gloria looked at me and I nodded slightly and gave her a smile, and she smiled back. Alicia grabbed her hand and almost dragged her out behind her, already talking a mile a minute as Sister Francis and I chuckled.

“OK, this is your time now Bo. How have you been doing the last few days?”

“Actually, a lot better. Being with Gloria has shown me that I was wrong in my original fears. She helps ground me, and comfort me in ways I never realized. And not just as Bo, she helps me as Chris also. It’s becoming a pattern now that I spend the evenings with her as Bo, then we sleep together as Chris.”

“Why do you do that Bo? That sounds kind of strange.”

“Oh, you don’t know. I have to be awake to be Bo. Any time I fall asleep or go unconscious, I always revert to my original form. And that means Chris. So most of the time before we go to bed I change back to Chris and we cuddle as we go to sleep. And yes, Chris is straight. But she has no problem cuddling with a friend as she falls asleep.”

“And how do you think about this as Bo?”

“Oh, I’m fine with it. In fact, I’m only jealous that I can’t do it myself. I would love to wake up as I am now, with Gloria in my arms. But I am not able to, so I have no problem if it’s Chris instead.”

We talked for another 45 minutes, and I actually was feeling better when the girls returned. Sister Francis really was an excellent councilor. She was making me think of things I had not before, and treating Bo as he was, a different person.

Alicia came up and gave me a hug, and we talked for a bit and she told me that Gloria was wanting to take her shopping that weekend. I laughed, and asked if I was invited. Alicia looked at me, and said Chris was invited, Bo was not!

“I want to try on some things that I do not want Bo seeing. But Chris can come with us.” We all laughed, and she hugged Gloria, then me. As I kissed her cheek she whispered in my ear “I like her a lot. I am going to love living with both of you.”

As we drove home, I told Gloria that she had really made a good impression on Alicia. “Oh trust me, she made one on me also. She really does adore Chris, and sees Bo just as a guy that helps when needed. She does love you, but I think as a girl who turns into a guy she feels more for you as another girl that does the same. Plus she met and appreciated you before she met Bo. But yes, I give my unquestioned approval. I want her to live with us.”

When I pulled into the garage I gave her a big hug and kiss. After we both made a dinner of chicken alfredo we cuddled on the couch until my alarm went off at 8. “I need to get going soon, I promised to meet Source Flinx tonight.”

I got another hug, and a sweet kiss, then she asked how long I would be. I told her I had no idea, it might be late. “OK, take as long as you need. I’ll be waiting for you.”

I stopped on the way and picked up a pizza, and was waiting for her with a soda, and a 6 pack of beer in a cooler. Right after 9 I saw a car pull in, and it was Kimiko. I greeted her with a hug, and told her to climb in my car. “It’s a bit cold, and you are not wearing a lot. I have pizza already, and you can have soda or a beer.” She took the beer, and after we finished our first slices we grabbed a second, and she rested her hand on my thigh.

“OK, first things first. Roberto is increasing his move into Darktown, and plans on driving out all of the pimps around Manchester that are not part of his crew. And he’s going to make all of the girls who will not work for him leave. I overheard that last night as I was cleaning up after the club closed from two of his enforcers. They will move in next week.”

I thanked her for that information, and reached down to squeeze her hand. She turned her hand over and linked our fingers, and squeezed. “Bo, I know this is not the only reason you wanted me here. You want more from me, don’t you?” As she said that, her thumb caressed the back of my hand.

“Kim, please. I adore you, but can you sense how that is making me feel?”

“Oh, I’m so sorry! Yes, uncomfortable, you want me, and also will never take me. I’m so sorry Bo, please forgive me. You know how I make my living, I often flirt and tease without even realizing I’m doing it. And I’m used to men not taking their relationships seriously, unlike you.”

“I understand. Just remember how it makes me feel and try to never do it again, OK?”

“Of course! I may unintentionally flirt, but I promise to never consciously do it.”

“Thank you Kim. A little flirting I can accept, and even appreciate. Just not the open sexuality pushing is all. And I read your last report, anything else?”

“Nope, that’s it. I wrote that up this morning and sent it to Dire, but was not sure if you got the dump yet.”

I thanked her again, and then finished my first beer and opened my second. I closed my eyes a moment, then told her what had happened in the last week, including all about Alicia. I was not surprised she was crying when I finished, then she kissed my cheek and said I had behaved honorably and as a true friend. “You went there to help a girl, and you saved her life. Not just in the mortal sense, but in the spiritual sense. And you are going to take care of her from now on, that is incredible.”

“OK, how do you know I am going to take care of her from now on?”

“Well, you are going to foster her, that means you are going to take care of her.”

“No, you did not say that. You said ‘going to take care of her’, not ‘want to take care of her’. Kim, are you a precog?”

“Uhhh, maybe? Sometimes I find I say things, and they come true. But is it that I want them to come true, or that they just happen to come true?”

“This you have to answer for yourself. Do they come true more often then not? No, don’t answer me, just think about it. We will talk about this later.” She nodded, and looked up at me.

“You are changing things, I can feel it in you. I can feel that Chris is more in the background, and at the same time more alive in you than before. If you changed to Chris, I bet it would be the same, right? More active, yet you are more in the background?”

“Yep. We are now more separate than ever before, yet closer. We are finally accepting that we are both distinctly individual personalities, and at the same time the same personality. Now each of us is more comfortable being in the background, and able to send at least emotions to each other, almost bordering on thoughts.”

“Bo, that’s awesome! I sensed that before, but both of you were fighting it. It seems you finally found your equilibrium after all these years. But there is more, right?”

I then told her about my conversation with Dr. Tran. About my recently discovered talents, and about how I wanted them to retest all mutants, including possible undiscovered mutants. She hugged me, thanking me for what I had done. “This is awesome! A lot more are going to be discovered! This is going to change everything!”

“Kim, are you saying this because you want it to be, or that you feel it will be?”

She stopped cold. Then smiled. “I know things are going to change for the better. This is not just a hope, I KNOW it will be! God, I am a precog!”

I hugged her, then came the next part. I sent out the desire that I wanted her to remove her blouse, but remain sitting in her bra. Even though it was no more than 60 inside the car, I asked if she was a little warm. When she said she was, I suggested she might be a bit more comfortable if she took her shirt off.

Almost immediately she took the Pantera t-shirt she was wearing off, and sat there wearing just her thin white bra. “Kim, why did you do that?” I softly asked.

“You are right, it was a bit warm.”

“No, actually it is a bit cool. I’m a girl, I know. It’s so cool in here your nipples are hard. Look down and feel for yourself. Is it warm in here?” She looked down, and her nipples were rock hard. She then shivered a bit then pulled her shirt back on as I started the car.

“OK Bo, what in the fuck just happened?”

I sighed, and told her what I had suspected for the last week. “Kim, in the last month I had discovered I have a lot more powers than I ever realized. The first of them was when you mentioned you had Metabolism Control. And when you described it, I realized that most of what you had described also fit me. I can hold my breath for long periods of time, and heat and cold barely affect me. Also, neither Chris nor Bo have aged in the last 5 years.

“I’ve also discovered other powers I have. And one of them seems to be that I can make, call them ‘suggestions’, to other mutants. Almost anything I say sounds like a great idea, and unless it’s something that is very much against their normal behavior they will do it. I think this is what heightened the ‘feedback loop’ that we experienced the first time we met. You do indeed have stronger feelings with other mutants, but I read the report of your testing. It was strong, but nowhere near as strong as the night we met.”

She nodded. “You are right. When they tested it, it was indeed there. But they believed I was exaggerating, as it was nothing like what I had described. So this is also you? What, you can control my mind?”

“No, nothing like that. Here, let me show you the extent. Kim, will you kiss me?”

She smiled, and put her lips on mine and gave me a deep kiss, only stopping her attempt to slide her tongue into my mouth when I kept my lips closed. After a minute I gently pushed her back and ended the kiss. “OK, now will you fuck me Kim?”

I was actually shocked when she unfastened her shorts, and pushed them down her hips a bit. She was starting to straddle my hips and move the crotch of her shorts and panties to the side when I asked her to stop. “Why are you stopping me Bo, I thought you wanted to fuck?”

“Kim, I want fuck your ass, then take you to Manchester and fuck you in the middle of the street.”

“What the fuck?” she yelled, moving back to her side of the car and fastening her shorts up again. “Why you fucking slimy piece of shit, I thought you were different!” She then went on a tirade for almost a minute, and I only stopped her by grabbing her wrist as she started to open her door. “Kim, feel what I do, did I really want to do that with you?”

She stopped like I had thrown a switch. “Good god, no! You did not want that, you did not even want to fuck me!” She then laid her face in her hands and cried. I pulled her head into my shoulder and stroked her hair, sending her happy thoughts.

“Bo, what in the fuck is going on?”

“Kim, you are feeling an undiscovered and unproven power, until just now. I can actively influence other mutants. It is subtle, but they are much more agreeable to anything I might suggest. But no, it is NOT mind control. I admit, I was shocked when you were about to fuck me, but you outright refused me when I suggested up your ass or in public. I can only believe that is because if I wanted to without any influence you would fuck me, but you would never do it in the way I said.”

She looked thoughtful, then nodded. “Yea, you are right there. You excite me, and you are a great person. And I think you would make a fantastic lover. But also know that I will never get between you and Gloria.”

“I know, you are a good person. And a good friend. But the suggestion I unconsciously sent you made you ignore that and think that fucking me was a great idea.”

“Yea, and I get it now. And I also realize you’re right, it will only make me follow if it sounds like a great idea, or if it is something I really wanted to do anyways. It will not make me do something I would not do. So not mind control, but acceptance if I was not predisposed to reject it.”

“Exactly. The night we met, that is what happened. I was excited by you, and I wanted you. You picked that up, and your abilities made it stronger. Which fed back to you, increasing that. That is why I let you masturbate against me, and you could not help but masturbate against me. Both are unlike us, but we drove each other to that. Because ultimately, you wanted to have an orgasm with me, and I wanted you to have one.”

I held her hand tightly, and looked right into her eyes. “Kimiko, I want you to read me as carefully as you can. Now, if I was to answer if I wanted to fuck you, the answer would be no. If I was to answer if I wanted to make love to you, the answer would be yes. But because of Gloria I will not do either. I also deeply trust and respect you, and will never do anything to hurt you.”

“Wow, absolutely everything you just said is completely true!” She gave me a huge hug, and softly kissed my lips. “And what you said about our first time together, I actually get that too. And it makes perfect sense. So what now?”

“Well, for one I’m going to be more careful around any mutants. I have already decided that I’m going to try and not offer suggestions, but instead ask their opinion first. Notice, I asked you to set the time and place to meet, I suggested nothing other than I wanted to meet. The decision where and when to meet was entirely your idea. By talking in that way from now on, I hope to get their ideas without any influence from me. And if I find somebody who is not a known mutant agreeing with me too much, I am going to tell them to go to Control and get tested. I do not want people just agreeing with me. Only if they really think it really is a good idea.”

“Are you aware that this is a completely new power, that has never been identified before?”

“Yep, although I’m not sure how it could be used.”

“Trust me, you are going to find a way. And don’t ask me how I know that, I just know you will.”

We chatted for a little more, and I promised I would try to meet her at least once a week after this. “I have a feeling things are going to come to a head soon, and I am going to try to push it Kim. I want Roberto and Paolo finished. The sooner the better.”

We hugged each other, and I handed her the rest of the pizza and what was left in the cooler. “Hey, you are a starving college student. You need it a lot more than I do Kim.”

I watched her get in her car and drive away, and right after she entered the highway I turned on the headlights and drove on home myself.

I got home and almost skipped upstairs. But when I got there I saw all the lights were off. I silently walked into the bedroom, and saw Gloria sleeping. I quietly took a shower, then changed into Chris and threw on a T, then slipped into bed. Gloria woke up enough to give me a hug and kiss, then cuddled up against me and I held her as I slipped into sleep.

In the morning we shared a shower, Chris and Gloria joking and teasing each other, then we shared breakfast. Chris went and opened the shop as Gloria washed the clothes and cleaned up. When there was nobody inside I wrote up the report on my conversation with Source Flinx, and added that I was going to be patrolling the Manchester district more often.

At noon Gloria joined me, and handed me a burrito she had made. I kissed her cheek and told her I needed to do something. I then took the tram home, stripping and changing on the way. Once I got there I dashed upstairs and got dressed, then headed out to the Downtown area.

30 minutes later I pulled up in front of Clint’s dojo. I had looked up the schedule online, and I knew the lesson was ending in 10 minutes. I saw Clint sitting on his haunches at the front of the class through the window. And an assistant who looked to be around 18 leading a bunch of students through movement drills. Most of the students appeared to be around 16.

At 5 minutes until the class ended I entered the dojo and after taking off my boots I went to the back. I faced the front and bowed to Clint, then took a seat. He looked up at me and smiled, and as they were finishing their cool down exercises Clint stood up.

“Class, today we have a special treat. In the back is a very good friend of mine, and I would like everybody to turn and greet him.” And almost as one (except for a few stragglers) the class turned to face me and bowed. I quickly stood and returned it. And was not surprised when I heard my name whispered a few times.

“Good afternoon class, Sensei. I do not mean to interrupt or intrude.”

Clint unfolded his legs and stood, and it is a good thing Clint had a high ceiling in here. Even so, his head seemed only a few feet from hitting the rafters. “Oh nonsense, we were just concluding. Everybody, Front!” He spoke to them for a moment about keeping their center, and striving to be their best while helping others. Then after the class and he exchanged bows, he dismissed them.

I had a few come up and exchange a few words with me, and I politely talked to them and answered all their questions. One even came up with a felt pen and asked if I would sign the back of his belt. I did, and the pen was passed around and I did the same for several other students before Clint politely coughed. About 10 minutes later they had all left, and Clint locked the door. We exchanged bro hugs, and he led me into the back. “I take it you are not here for sparing today, right?”

“Nope, got a few things I wanted to discuss. But first of all, thank you for the donation to Sister Clarissa’s. To be honest, it completely shocked me.”

“Not a problem my friend. When Di told me about what you had done, I had to admit I had never heard of them before. And I wish I had known sooner. I have rescued a few girls in the past, but all I could do is turn them over to Children’s Protective Services. Now I am bringing them all to her.”

He pulled out two bottles of apple juice (mine was regular size, his was a 2 quart bottle) and we sat and drank as I filled him in on the past 2 weeks. He told me Di had already filled him in on the attack by Paolo, but he appreciated the information on Alicia.

“There are a few other things involved in the near future I hope. Gloria has agreed to move in with me, and we are requesting to foster Alicia until she turns 18. And Doug and Di both think there is a good chance it will be awarded. They start next week in adding a new bedroom for her in my apartment, and it should be ready by the end of the week.”

“Wow, that’s awesome buddy. I am so glad for the three of you if that happens. So Bo is going from mystery, to hot man about town, to family man. I sincerely say that it could not happen to a better man.”

“Thanks, and this is where it involves you. Even if I do not foster Alicia, I want to bring her here so you can start training her. She may or may not have Paladin level abilities, but she needs other help that you can give her.”

“What other help, Bo?”

“Exactly. Remember what I said of her past. She is 14, looks to be around 12, and was forced into prostitution at 11. The sisters are working at rebuilding her faith, she is devoutly Catholic, and thought her change was the result of a curse from God for being wicked and evil. Sister Francis is working hard to help her realize that is not true. I actually cried when she told me she had received communion and given confession. She said it had been years, and she was finally clean and in a state of grace.”

I sipped the juice as I regained my control. “She was abused for years, her faith was crushed. When we were attacked and that pimp raped her, she did nothing! Just spread her legs and let him inside. It was only when two of them were about to rape me that she changed. And she did not change to protect herself, it was to protect her friend Chris.”

He leaned forward, and rested his chin on his two huge hands. “You know, I had strongly suspected that you were a Chameleon. But you had never confirmed that with me, and this is the first time you have told me of your alter-ego. And only now that I realize that you are XX-XY. Otherwise, you would never have been sent down there like that. I take it Chris is your host, and Bohica is the guest identity?”

“Yep, got it in one. You have to realize, for 5 years I predominantly lived as Chris. Bo was a suit of clothes I threw on from time to time so I could toss around some bozos.”

I was not surprised when Clint busted out laughing. “And let me guess, you give them all boots to the head.”

“Yep, thanks to that Ti Kwon Leep stuff that you taught me.”

“Why in the hell am I not surprised that you know that old bit, Bo? Where the hell did you learn about that?”

“Blame my dad. He brought me up appreciating all the classics. Monty Python, Benny Hill, and Doctor Demento. But back to the real issue. I think for at least a year or so Alicia would be helped by training here with you. To help her self esteem, to build her confidence, and to teach her defense, so that she never again will be hurt by others. And hopefully the discipline will help her control her changes. Right now she mostly changes out of anger, but I am sure that with more mental clarity she will be able to shift at will, as I do. Take her from say The Hulk, and more into Thor.”

“Yea, I can help her with that. You said 14, but the size of a 12 year old? I can put her in the Junior High group. We train on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 5:30-7:30. Just have her wear gray sweats, part of my tradition is that all students start that way. I give them their Gi myself at the start of their second full month. That gives them time to learn the basic moves like falling, and then it actually means something when I give it to them.”

“OK, it will still be a few weeks before we can start her, but we will do it right away. How much will this cost.”

“Bo, Bo, Bo, do you actually think I would charge you for this?” Clint shook his head. “I refuse to ever charge Paladins, or proteges. I never charged you, or Di, or Lighthouse, or anybody else I have worked with, or might work with in the future. I am pretty sure that I will be repaid in the future, as Alicia helps others. That is payment enough for me.”

“Thank you my friend. You are done for the night, right?”

“Yep, off until tomorrow morning, why?”

“Hold on a second, let me check something first.” I pulled out my phone and called Di. “Di, Bo here. Are you and Doug busy tonight? I want you to let me know if you are busy first. OK, great. I’m with Clint here, and I wanted to have the four of you over for dinner at my place. Is that doable for you two? OK, I will leave that between you two, but figure 8 at the Garage. OK, see ya soon, bye.”

I looked at Clint and raised my eyebrow. “Of course I’m gonna come. I’ve heard stories about your new digs and I’ve been wanting to see them for myself. And of course any chance to meet Gloria again is a pleasure. Can I bring Lucy?”

“Sorry, not this time. But it would be nice at another time. This is both a meeting of friends, as well as business. And nothing personal, I’m not ready to let some things I want to discuss outside of our family.”

He nodded, and said he would be there. I gave him another hug and went back to my car and called Gloria. “Baby, do you think you can stop off and grab some chicken and other things to eat from your uncle? Well, I’m inviting some people over, sorry for the short notice. Well, it’s gonna be Di, Doug, Fang, Clint, and hopefully Alicia. Yes, I’m about to go talk to Sister Francis now. I hope I can convince her to have Alicia spend the night tonight since it’s Friday. Thank you baby, love you.”

I was grinning as I drove to Sister Clarissa’s. When I got to the office Sister Francis was in the front. She asked her assistant to get Alicia, and I asked her to hold on a few minutes. She led me to her office, and I asked her if Alicia could spend the night with Gloria and I tonight. She said that actually sounded like a good idea. “Will she be staying with you and Gloria, or Chris and Gloria?”

“Well, no matter what it will be both. But mostly Chris, because I think she feels more secure around her. But I’m having some others over tonight. Di and Doug for one, and Sensei. He has already agreed to teach her at his martial art studio, so their meeting now would also help I think.”

“Martial arts, is that wise so soon? Which discipline is it going to be?”

“Sister, Clint teaches his own, taken as bits and pieces from Kung-Fu, Judo, Karate, and a dozen others. And mostly what he instills is self-confidence, discipline, and control. Right now I feel that Alicia has little control over her abilities. And that can be dangerous. She may need to change, and end up freezing and be unable to. Or get angry and change when she did not intend to. Clint, as you know is not a normal Sensei. Heck, he does not even give them a uniform until their second month, when he gives them their first one in a small ceremony. Even if she never becomes a Paladin I believe the non-fighting skills will probably be the most important things he can teach her.”

“And not the fighting ones?” she asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Sister, I did not need any training. I have had some lessons from Clint, but Bohica here was pretty much born knowing black belt level moves. I was in a uniform shop right after I became Bo and saw an asp on the shelf. You know, those expanding batons where the inner parts are springs? I saw that, and realized as soon as I did that I knew how to use it. And I did. That is my main weapon, other than my hands and feet. Ideally it is non-lethal, and can also work as a thrown weapon. When I saw Alicia change, she pushed that pimp off without trouble, blocked at least 2 punches, then snapped his neck cleanly in a single twist. I am willing to bet he is like me, born with some fighting skills.”

“When do you want her to start her training? Next week?”

“No, maybe next month. I don’t want to throw changes at her faster than she can handle. Hopefully by then she will be with Gloria and I permanently, and still going to Immaculate Heart. At that point she will be secure and adapting, so adding the lessons will just become another part of her new routine.”

“I agree. Bo, have you had Psychology training? Because you just gave the perfect answer, and even stated the reason why I would have suggested that.”

“Nope. At least not that I’m aware. I have a quick question, on the Night of Madness, did you get a blinding headache, or see a flash of light?”

“Nope, I am not a mutant. But we did have one nun that did. She transferred to a sequestered order after that. Her mutation was, visible. Her body turned blue, and her hair green. Sister Jasmine was traumatized, and her and I felt that was best for her. We still talk, and she is doing better now. She has since transferred to a retreat the Church has in New York State, where she helps minister to other mutants now.”

Same as Bohica
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I remember that it all started when I was still a c***d, I was about 7 years old at that time and I loved to play with my neighbors, they were some funny girls, I used to stayed in their house, playing all kinds of games that we can think of.I remember that just as I came home from school, I left my backpack, threw it away and went to play; that's how many years went by until I turned 9 years old. I began to notice that boys were not so indifferent to me, especially older men, I remember that...

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Grab Bag Transvestite Story

I am a part time transvestite, who, if I do say so myself, looks quite attractive when dressed as a woman. It has taken me years to become adept at makeup and being capable of selecting sexy clothing that is in my size and that suits me. I have also had a number of lovely encounters with other TVs and male admirers. You can read my True Stories on this site. It constantly amazes me that I read so-called autobiographical stories about some guy who suddenly decides to crossdress or is...

1 year ago
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AllGirlMassage Bree Daniels Celeste Star The Foot Spa

Bree Daniels is stoked to get a foot massage by the best in the business Celeste Star. And she can see good reason for Celeste’s renown, she is clearly very passionate about her work. A passion that catches Bree off guard when Celeste starts to slowly tongue each of her toes. Bree is slightly embarrassed by the adoration, but allows it because Celeste is the best. But it’s obvious Celeste is obsessed. Celeste may be worshiping her cute feet, but her mind is running wild with naughty...

2 years ago
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Wife Swapping with Jim

Gwen was so gorgeous that I couldn’t stand it anymore! I finally just did it.I went to college with Jim and when we graduated, we took jobs in Florida at the Space Center. I took a job with NASA and he took a job with Boeing since it paid more. We were both single and carefree and dated a lot of girls, but soon found that someone special and got married. I married a brunette, Sharon, and he married Gwen, a gorgeous, sexy, willowy blonde. I was jealous of him from the get-go because Gwen was...

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She fingers herself

She is lying naked on the bed, waiting and ready. She runs her left hand down over the curve of her bum, reaching further to gently stroke her inner thigh and the smooth lips of her pussy. The touch shoots a flutter of excitement through her belly and makes her pussy slicken.She closes her eyes, thinking of her boyfriends fingers as they touch her pussy, imagines that its his fingers that are gently pushing into the hot wet between her legs rather than her own.With two fingers, she draws back...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 534

Marty’s FBI agents were the first there to pick up the seller of the bomb components. He was not a happy camper; breakfast was not up to his standards nor was the jail. “It’s not too late to ask you some questions. You should think about that carefully,” I replied. After that he had nothing to say. Six CIA officers showed up next to pick up the two Iranians. Neither had anything to say so I said it for them, “I can assure you that next time we meet the circumstances are not going to be as...

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Runner Girl Ch 01

This is the last story in my ‘Manhattan Girl’ trilogy. There are 13 chapters, the story is complete, and the chapters will post in rapid succession. I would like to sincerely thank Gaius Petronius for editing for me, and IanSaulWhitcomb for beta-reading. I am extremely grateful to know you both. Votes and comments appreciated. ***** The slight incline came as a welcome relief after miles of flat terrain, and the balls of Amy ‘s feet met the ground quicker with each rotation. Open space...

4 years ago
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Being a twin does things to you

Standing at 5'4" they seemed to be perfectly proportioned for their developing bodies. Both had B cup breasts that would have looked a little too big for a 18 year old frame had they not been balanced out by a butt that stuck out just enough and rounded by a few years of athletics (dance for Kaley and Soccer for Megan). Kaley and Megan shared bright blonde hair, the kind that looked like it should have darkened as they got older but never did. Megan had cut hers short, while Kaley liked to...

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Slut Slave Day 2 continues

Introduction: Zoe writes more about day 2 This is a continuation of day 2 of my sluts experience – it is a combination of events, all true (with just a touch of embellishment by her – she will be disciplined for exaggerating) I had Zoe work on day 2 – what happened while I was at work – I will finish day 2. Zoe writes: The door closes behind him as he leaves for work. I get back into the shower to wash and get ready for the day. As Im washing my hair I cant help but think about him and how...

1 year ago
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Impossible Feats

Note: This is my first story, and just an introduction to this couple. I would love some feedback! How could I ignore her? From the moment I saw her my eyes were taken in. Her dark tan, and I could tell her skin was smooth, but that she was rough like sand, her dark brown hair was flung down around her shoulders in wavy tousles, sex hair if I ever saw it. I couldn’t make out the color of her eyes from across the bar but they were dark, seeming to be black from where I was sitting. She stood...

2 years ago
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Anything For Love

Anything for Love By Heather St. Claire As I begin this story, it's a late Saturday afternoon. I'm sitting in my study in our cozy home in a small northern California coastal town. It's hard to focus on the computer, because this alcove commands a wonderful, if slightly distant, view of the Pacific Ocean. But I'm bringing all my powers of concentration to bear on this, because I feel compelled to set down the tale of my remarkable journey. Right now, I'm filled with a sense of...

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Business trip with dad first part

My dad is a salesman for an intrenational company which means he is travelling a lot, mostly in europe. I was just in the mid of my teens and he asked if I would like to follow him on a trip, and I was afraid it will be boring, but got convinced when he told me the hotel was really nice with a big spa area. Off we went and arrived late in the evening, and just went to bed. Next morning he went offfor meetings and I was all alone on the hotel room. Decidec to take a shower and before I went in ,...

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Perfect Romance With The Indian Sex Stories Reader

Hello, all, My name is Kumar(real name).I am 26 years old. I have been a regular visitor of this site for the past 5 years. I love the Couples and Office / Teacher categories of sex story a lot. Today I am going to share my second sex experience with one of the readers. I work in an e-commerce firm in Chennai. My email id I’m a good looking male, height around 5’10, chubby body with good stamina. My favorite part is licking and sucking the pussy I posted a sex story of my encounter with my...

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Dr Zaaijer Family Therapist Part 4 conclusion

All in all, neither Jack nor Michaelina looked exactly as they had 'before.' but there was enough similarities so that no one would question the identity of either. Everyone knew about the accident and they all had assumed that they would be slightly different. Michaelina was still growing so her appearance was expected to change anyway. Michaelina's lessons on makeup, hair, nails and fashion where making big impact on her appearance. She was becoming more confident with...

1 year ago
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Mothers Manifesto Her Education

There was a young student from Yale Who was getting his first piece of tail. He shoved in his pole, But in the wrong hole, And a voice from beneath yelled: "No sale!" "Just promise me that you won't judge me by the contents OK?" I tentatively took the red plastic lined folder after that odd warning. Jude carefully looked over each shoulder, as if expecting there to be someone watching. There wasn't of course, it was a rather quiet Thursday morning and the coffee shop was...

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Hard Time Book 3Chapter 2

We woke the next morning to the smell of breakfast. Linda and Tony were in the kitchen of the house cooking. Janet lay next to me and said, "They live here also. Trudy and Haney live next door along with Susan and Ann. Our compound had been started in my absence. When we left the bed, washed and went in to eat breakfast. I looked at Linda and said, "What is the disposition of the Cincy's?" "All are dead. Except for Hollar and the man who killed Rachel and Bebby, they were quickly...

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Good Friends and Lovers

My wife, Jean, is a smart, successful business woman at work and a sexual slut in private life. At home she always wears sexy, revealing clothes and enjoys showing herself off to me. I have always been turned-on by this behaviour and encouraged it. When purchasing birthday, anniversary or Christmas gifts for her I always include something sexy; stockings, stilettos, erotic lingerie or revealing clothing and her collection is extensiveAfter thirty-three years of marriage I can look back on a...

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Cocksucking Captain

As a married straight cocksucker, it’s not always easy to find a convenient place to engage in my favorite activity. I have a large sailboat that I keep on a mooring on the harbor and lately, I have been bringing guys out to the boat and taking them below to suck their dicks. Although the following story is fiction, it’s not that far from the truth. After meeting online, we exchanged emails and I told him of my passion for sucking cock and for being energetically throat fucked. I also made it...

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Desperate Horny Neighbor Bhabhi

Hello, this is my first sex experience as well first story on ISS. Let, me tell u about myself first I’m Max & my bhabhi Archu (both names changed for privacy) from Mumbai. When I was playing with my buddies during night time, a taxi halted and a married couple with a small kid got down they headed to the building where I used to stay. Then, my mom called me to come home and told me we have a new neighbor. In excitement I rushed towards my home, to my surprise the couple who I saw in taxi where...

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How I Won Back My Wife Chapter Six

"Noel, get yourself together," Bella spoke with concern.“Please! Just leave me alone. Just… Just…” I shouted as I stormed out of the room.I got in my car and switched on the ignition. The engine roared to life. From my peripheral vision, I could see Bella and Cathy rushing towards me. I managed to shift the gear and pressed the accelerator. The car gave a jerk and stopped.“Noel! Listen to me. Be rational,” Bella shouted, as she approached the car. Without wasting a moment I repeated the...

4 years ago
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The Senior Center

Chapter 1 My name is Nina and this story begins when I got the position of being a nurse at a senior living facility. I have to say I was very nervous at first but after awhile I loved my job. I had recently graduated from college with a nursing degree but I still took courses to improve my knowledge and update my skills. I usually worked the second shift so I helped my guests with dinner and getting ready for bed. I preferred to call them guests instead of patients. I believed they had...

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I finally meet my online friend

It was a Tuesday morning. I had slept in and so at 9:50 am I was just getting out of the shower. I heard my phone ring it was a text message. I read it, it is from you, my online friend Christine. It reads, “I am at the pie van, do you still want to meet?” Jesus, we had chatted online about you coming over, but I thought you were kidding. It was just talk’ winding me up, and getting us both horny. Now you’re here, well just 2 kilometers away. I reply with, “Hell YES!” Then add my address, and...

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Giving In to Temptation

Introduction: A smoldering look ignites a passionate fire Donna worked at the local five and dime store where one of young bucks from her neighborhood had become a fairly regular customer. Regular enough that she started to wonder whether he really came in for pencils or a candy bar, or if it just made a good excuse to come in and see her &hellip,. She had often caught him checking out her ample breasts and at first, she passed it off as just the raging hormones of youth, but after five years...

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The Wait by isleofmiguel

[/i]I couldn’t wait any longer. He said he’d be here by 4:00, so I left the door unlocked on this blustery winter day. And as I walked through the house to the base of the staircase. I looked out the windows and watched the snow swirl around and make small drifts in the street. I head up the stairs and take off my clothes as I enter my room. I turn on the water and it doesn’t take long for the steam of the shower to fog up the windows and mirrors. I step over the edge of the tub and absorb...

1 year ago
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Working out with my Uncle

Uncle Ron is a former Special forces bad ass who left the service 6 months ago and his wife 2 months later. He is retired, even though he is only 47 and most people would guess him to be probably 10 years younger. When I graduated from High School earlier this summer, Uncle Ron showed up and when Dad found out that he had been living out of his van for the last 6 weeks just moving from camping area to camping area, it was decided he would move in with us for a while.Now at 5’8” and 145...

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My Husband Send Me Out On My first Solo Gangbang

My husband has made me do a lot of gangbangs over the years. In all of them, he has set them up and arranged the guys and been there to make sure I was safe and things didn't get out of hand.This one was quite different. I was off of work in preparation to study abroad for a year, and I asked my husband TC if I could fly across the country to visit my family, since I wouldn't have the chance to see them for a long time. At first he said no because I wasn’t bringing in any money, and it would...

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Family ReunionChapter 4

The family sat assembled around the immense dining-room table, and the low conversational tone of their voices punctuated and mingled with a comforting sound of spoons clinking against china plates. They were at the soup course, and John sat at the head of the table watching as the maid, Bonnie filled the soup bowls of his family. "They're all mine!" he thought... even his daughter's husband and his son's wife came under the heading of "his" family! He was getting older, and the idea...

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Ever see another man dick your wifes mouth

This story is, as the title suggests, all about seeing my wife sucking cocks during the time I shared her with other men. To use her words while she confessed to me well before our first adventure, "I like sucking cocks almost as much as being fucked". For me, I loved watching my wife sucking a big cock just as much as watching her copping a good fucking and more so if the cock she had her mouth over exploded. It was one of my biggest fantasies to see another man ball my then wife as he wanted,...

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My Night Visitor

I was in my room when my folks called out "...David you've got company..." wondering who it was, I walked down the hall way and was startled to see Charlie standing in our living room talking to my folks. Not knowing what to do I just stood there as Charlie looked over and said "...hey man, thought you were coming over to watch the match last night..." Baffled I stood there like a deer in head lights as Charlie continued " didn't miss much it was a dull game anyway..." My Pops said...

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Daniel Goes First Part 2

Jennifer looked at her friend who scrunched her face up, bit her lip, and then looked at the floor. No resistance from her then thought Jennifer. Well well. 42 years old and about to be spanked, after all the things she had said in the kitchen. How about that then she thought?  Marion sat on the same chair Jennifer had occupied a few moments ago and ordered Carol to stand by her side.   “Undo your skirt and take it off and your knickers please” Marion said so matter of factly anyone...

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The Little Pretty One

Edited by Dave Kanani is a well mannered girl of just barely 17. She is proud to tell everybody that she has her driver's license and that she passed it on "the very first try". She's not a just little smug about it and her friends just roll their eyes at her. She's good and good hearted though, so her friends take all that from her and more. Her something just over 5 foot frame keeps them close too. She says 5 foot 4, but her mom holds two fingers over her head as Kanani tells that. That...

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Nowhere Man Book OneChapter 42

John raised his eyebrows. “Fresno, my opinion, for what it is worth, is that you need not concern yourself with that possibility.” Fresno stared at John and exclaimed, “You know something!” John stared blandly back. “I do not claim to know anything, Fresno.” “Yes, but I know you by now. If you suggest that something will happen or will not happen, you usually speak from knowledge. I do not know how you do it, John, but your pronouncements are as good as a promise. You are more accurate...

1 year ago
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FilthyBlowjobs Nina Lopez Bathtub Blowjob Rough Fuck

You gotta love a cock-hungry whore like Nina Lopez. The girl gets anxious when she doesn’t have at least 6 inches down her throat. I (Tyler Steel) start her off by face-fucking in the bathtub, this girl can take it deep! Her cunt gets all greased up from sucking me off so I poke my fatty into it and press her face to the floor. The little bitch moans as I rearrange her insides. But this ain’t about her so I make her suck all her filthy pussy juice off my cock until I nut into her...

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Ann and the HandymanChapter 88

An unmarked police car arrived outside the cottage and a tall handsome police officer who introduced himself as PC Oliver Redman, escorted us out to the nondescript Ford. We pulled up outside the police station some twenty minutes later. Inside, we were met by WPC Moore who led us to a small interview room, and provided us with some tea and biscuits. We were sat down in front of two thick photo albums containing pictures of known sex offenders who fitted the descriptions we'd given and the...

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Omg I Love You Mom You Rock

Hello everyone my name is Shivang and this here is my 1st story on ISS. A small introduction I am 22 from Mumbai. 6’1 in height slightly with extra kilos and a 6.5″ tool. I love women of all age especially MILFs. So coming to the story it is a bit large so please bear with me but I assure you will have fun. I have a close friend Devesh who stays near my place and also is with me in college. We were good friends and I often used to go to his house when he was alone to jerk off by watching porn...

4 years ago
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To Hell and Back Book One SurvivalCH 5 Unlikely Allies

He lay very still and watched an ugly, rat looking creature scurry across the ground and through tufts of dark, serrated grass. Every few feet, it stopped and reared up on hind legs to test the air for any scent of threat. It moved from shadow to shadow in quick bursts, hunting for food, and unknowingly being hunted in turn. Something stirred in Logan’s mind as he lay watching. Soft leaves brush against my bare cheek and fill my nose with the green scent of Mesquite trees. The grass bends...

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My wife and the neighbor

My wife and the neighborBy Chris Christopher All rights reservedHalloween always reminds me of the one and only time my wife let one of our neighbors into bed with her.It happened when we were living in Texas, on the northeast side of Austin. In our neighborhood the adults would get together and have a barbeque just about every holiday. For Halloween my wife had decided we would dress up as old west characters. I would be dressed as the bartender and she would be a saloon girl. For herself she...

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Housewifes Awakening

Housewife's Awakening (MF, F+/F, wife, reluctant, humiliation, spanking, toys, exhibition, interracial) Author's Note: I am struggling with the direction in which to take this story.If you have any ideas for how this story should continue, please let me know.Also, if you're an author and you would like to take things over for a while,please let me know and I would be glad to turn over the keys. You can reachme at: [email protected]. Chapter Fourteen – "Three's Company" By WF"You got the...

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Good Girls Arent GayChapter 4 The Revenge of the Coeds

The next day, Laura and Stacey strutted into the class in matching schoolgirl outfits, complete with plaid skirts, high stilettos and white cotton shirts tied around the waist. To make matters worse, the young women wore white thigh-length stockings supported by garter belts. Laura stood much taller in her stilettos and balanced in a muscular ease that defied gravity. Stacey, also taller in the heels, strolled with aristocratic grace and casually tickled her girlfriend's hand in a simple...

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Bhabhi Ki Chudai Uske Ghar Me

Hi friends, me is side pe naya hu maine kafi sari desi hot sex story padhi hai is side pai aur uki se prerna le ke me aaj story likhne ja raha hu aur is story likhne me koi fault ho to najar andaj kar dena aur apni fideback pe dena ,ab me apni kahani pe aata hu. Mera name sonu hai aur me gujarat k somnath se hu,gov.Job karta hu,28 year age hai aur single body aur 8 inch size hai.6,7 ladies ko chod chuka hu aur aaj isi me se ek ki kahani bata ne ja raha hu. Baat aaj se 1 sal pahle ki hai meri...

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Encounter With an Enkantada Part 2

Without a word I understood what she wanted to say, I pulled myself out of the waters and climbed on top of her. Slowly I kissed my way up to her, starting from her long smooth legs, up to her tummy. But there’s something weird about it, she doesn’t have a navel. Puzzled by this I stopped and looked at her, she stared back at me with a faint smile. I could have sworn her eyes changed color from blue to green, to yellow and back to blue again. I know I should be scared and must quickly move away...

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American Dad Lets Share My Wife

"Hey, Mr. S." Jeff announced, walking through the kitchen wearing nothing but his underwear, complete with the wet spot in the front that belied his next sentence. "I'm like, super-exhausted from nailing your daughter." Jeff announced to the room. "Either of you want to tag in?" He offered to all three of the other men in the room. Klaus raised his fin, but nobody paid that any attention."Sure. I'll tag in. The lights off?" Steve asked. It was an odd request, but he'd been through much stranger...

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Savita Bhabhi8217s Cousin Comes Visiting 8211 Free Comic Video

In this episode of the Savita Bhabhi video, her cousin comes to visit her. He is the one who had taken Savita’s virginity when she was young. Savita bhabhi could not forget her first fuck. She was now looking forward to his visit. She was having a hot bath and was getting hotter thinking about her first sex. What does our sexy Bhabhi do with her cousin he comes home?   You can watch more such Savita bhabhi hot sex videos. If you want to watch the full episode, join SavitaBhabhiVideos...

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Cameron Moaned

I started talking with Cameron in tennis. He sat alone during the few minutes before and after playing. I asked him about his weekend or how his day was going or anything else I could think of to get small talk going. He was eager to talk. We spoke shallowly like this for weeks. After a while we started to talk in Algebra, the only other class we shared. Our conversation deepened and we became something like friends. I asked Cameron to stay behind one day as everyone was leaving with their...

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Hot Encounter With A Bong Girl 8211 Part 2 8211 Best Fuck With Shy Girl

Hello ISS readers, this is Rohit Sharon from Kolkata. This is the second part of my story of a hot encounter with a bong girl. Thanks a lot for your feedback on the first part. Hope you guys enjoyed it. For those who have not read my first part – please click on the link given on top to go back to the first part, get yourself hot and come back here for the conclusion. Me: “Yes, why not darling”. And then I gave her one of the longest smooch of my life with my hand caressing her whole body...

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Indian hotwife dominates her slaves

Since we have already had threesome encounters in the past we decide to do something new. You have now become bolder in your sexual desires. We discuss for a long time and then I ask you if you would like a gangbang. You tell me you will need time to think about it, as it seems too bold. After a few days I ask you again and you agree on the condition that you will be in command throughout.In the following weeks you read stories on the net on gangbang and get some ideas. You tell me that we...

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Whiteys Hot Fire

Please read "Into the Hole" before you read this story. It will make a lot more sense if you do! After the experience of seeing a couple make love in front of me and my wonderful orgasm, I go back out into the main hall of this Wonderland and find a bath in the corner of the room. I strip off my sticky cum soaked dress and climb into the already boiling water. I watch in amusement as cum slides from my skin into the water, rinsing me clean from the remnants of many pleasures. With a sigh, I...

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Anne and MaryChapter 18 Anne

We had a good workout, and I was really tired when Saul, Alex and I got to the Union. The guys went off somewhere for a few minutes, and I was just sitting in the lounge, when a girl from my economics class sat down next to me. "Hi, Anne." "Hi... Oh, sorry, I'm pooped. I've been swimming all afternoon and I think my blood sugar is about minus 60 in the shade." "That's all right. Waiting for someone?" "Two of the guys I study with, don't know where they went really, probably to...

4 years ago
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Stefan cont

The timid panting of the young man beneath me was stifled by the pillow his glistening fingers clung to as I rhythmically impaled him with a passionate dedication. Despite his best attempts to be quiet he would let out a little moan now and again that caused a delectable twitching deep in my lower abdomen and I would counter the sensation by taking a deep breath and turning my face up toward the dark ceiling before focusing once more on my thrusts. I myself was far too disciplined to let so...

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A WellLived Life 3 Book 1 SuzanneChapter 77 Sex Ed

December 13, 2000, Greater Cincinnati, Ohio After I left Rutherford, I called Donna’s house and caught her before she had to leave for work. We agreed to meet for lunch after my meeting with Doctor Mercer. After I hung up, I followed Route 50 from Rutherford to downtown Cincinnati, parked in a garage on Vine Street, then walked to the building which housed the offices of van Hoek, Mills, & Rice. “Steve Adams to see Ben van Hoek,” I said to the pretty brunette behind the reception...

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The Adventures of Calvin Michael JohnsonChapter 15

July 26, - August 1, 1976 Monday The delivery of the weight bench I had purchased on Saturday arrived early in the morning as arranged. When it was all set up, I started an easy regime of lifting and working out, and worked up to a moderate workout. I called Eve, thanked her for the date on Saturday night. And asked her to convey my thanks to the rest of the girls. She told me I should tell them myself and gave me their contact information. I called each of the girls and spent some time...

2 years ago
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A New Experience

There was no more than a couple of year’s difference in the boys’ ages and they’d been close friends since they were at primary school. In time they’d become true confidantes, and even now, in their early twenties, they shared secrets that they never disclosed to anyone else. Every week they spent hours in each other’s company, generally in one or other of their bedrooms as their respective families didn’t want the idle chatter of a couple of youths disturbing them downstairs.   This night...

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“Suck hard bitch!” I tried to do as he said, but it was hard when he was fucking my face so hard that I couldn’t get it together. “You Slut! Suck harder!” he screamed at me. I relaxed and pressed down on his shaft sucking in as he pulled out. “Oh yeah! That’s more like it, I knew you could do it you slut.” I kept on doing this as my mind drifted away. How did I end up like this? Just minutes ago I was driving down the interstate, music blaring, trying my best not to fall asleep. If it hadn’t...

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