- 2 years ago
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My name is Cuthbert Franks; yea I know I've heard them all; and I'm a 35 year old asteroid miner in the Trinity system. By the way I go by 'Cutty' so don't get to wise-assed about it. Now from time to time we have pirates raid us for our stockpiles and most of us miners have 'played' with our ships so that we aren't completely defenseless. Take mine for instance; it looks like just another old freighter converted to ore processer but, you would get a surprise if you tried to take her.
I have 4 hemispherically trainable ion pulse cannons positioned around her waist belt; I have 16 phase disruptors mounted 8 forward and 8 aft and as a real deterrent to being attacked I have 2 16 torpedo rotary launchers stowed in the small cargo bays just behind the command module. My power comes from 9 tri-phase fusion reactors mounted in 3 rows of 3 down the ships structural core. I am capable of 2.66 FTL and doubt any pirate could keep up with the Wanderer.
As a matter of course we keep our emergency frequencies monitored 24/7 so if someone need help all they have to do is holler and they'll be heard. Today is my turn to monitor the ether and so far it is just another boring day sitting on my ass. When suddenly I faintly here; "Mayday, mayday, mayday this is the colony ship Irish Rose. We have been holed in the command bridge by a meteor and are out of control." "Mayday, mayday, mayday this is the colony ship Irish Rose. We have been holed in the command bridge by a meteor and are out of control."
"Irish Rose, Irish Rose this is Wanderer how do you read me; over." I sent.
"Wanderer this is Irish Rose we read you 4-by-4; how us; over." I received.
"Irish Rose this is Wanderer I have you 4-by-4; give me course and speed; over." I send.
"Wanderer this is Irish Rose course 152x61x44; speed 0.89 light and accelerating; over." I receive.
I laid this into the computer and the answer I got was pretty good so. "Irish Rose this is Wanderer; pursuit looks good. Am underway, rendezvous 2hrs 14mins. Wanderer out."
"Wanderer this is Irish Rose confirm rendezvous 2hrs 14mins. Bless you. Irish Rose out."
I hit the acceleration keys and went 1.5 light to get to them just before they went terminal velocity as the main engines are not capable of pushing the ship past 0.95 light for any sustained period without causing a meltdown of their core and the destruction of the ship. The computer told me that the compliment of the Irish Rose was 45 officers and crew but that all would be in the command and control center until after transition to FTL. If their deflector failed and the bridge is destroyed the only way to control the ship is from the emergency C-N-C in the aft most part of the ship just ahead of the core shielding. It is going to be iffy but if I pull this off the salvage/rescue rights of a ship this size would be????? I push my ship to 1.75 light but have to be careful as I don't want to overshoot and waste time having to backtrack.
1hr and 48mins and I have the Irish Rose on my scanners. I go sublight to 0.98 light and prepare to match relative speed to zero so as to mag-grapple over her docking port.
"Irish Rose this is Wanderer I have you on scanners and am matching speed and position so as to mag-grapple at your portside docking port. Have someone standing by to receive my signal; over." I send.
"Wanderer this is Irish Rose there are no crew alive and I am a retired Video Transmission Tech. so I managed to find the emergency transmitter and sent the Mayday. Can you instruct us in securing the docking port; over?" I receive.
Just as I had feared; nobody knows shit. "Irish Rose this is Wanderer I have you visual now and am approaching from above. Will instruct in docking port procedures when at port. HOL..." I cut the transmission as I am now over flying the bridge and there is nothing left of it. It appears as though the meteor went through at an angle and literally erased the bridge structural blister from the hull. I don't have a lot of time as we are doing 0.93 light and I can see the glow from her fusion core vents, and it is very red going to orange.
"Irish Rose this is Wanderer are you standing bye?"
"Wanderer this is Irish Rose standing bye."
"OK just to keep things simple I'm not going to use the normal ship calls as we don't have time. Now go to the hatch and find the control panel; and on it find the button that says 'External Override'. When you find it press it and count to 10 then release it, then count to 10 again and press and release the button."
"External Override button, press and hold a 10 count, release for a 10 count, then press and release. Is that correct?"
"Yes, do it." I said.
I see the lights in the port lock cycle from white to green then to red and back to white as the controls are shifted to the panel on the outside of the ship. I use the grapple to pull the ships together and secure my ship to the hull. "Computer maintain speed match and await my signal for engine shutdown. Copy."
"Await your command for engine shutdown. Copy." The computer sends.
I unseal my inner hatch and grab my helmet as I close the inner hatch and start the cycle to seal the skirt between my ship and the Rose. I get the go ahead light and unseal my outer hatch and before me is the docking port and its control panel. I press the buttons to set the cycle in motion to allow both hatches to be open at once. As they open I get just enough room to squeeze through and when beyond the inner hatch I press emergency close to reseal everything.
I am running down the corridors toward the core tunnel screaming at everybody to; "GET OUT OF THE WAY!!" I find the access hatchway and spin the wheel to get it undogged and open. Once inside I redog the hatch set and reseal my helmet so I can monitor the radiation levels and launch myself down the ungravitized tunnel. The emergency control bridge hatch is open, thank the stars, and I grab the headache bar as I enter to stop myself and rotate to a position where I can see things. There it is the Emergency Engine shutdown button; speed 0.96 light. "Computer on my mark shutdown the engines." "Shutdown on your mark, aye."
"3, 2, 1, MARK" and I hit the button; I hear my computer saying shutting down engines as I am searching for the tell-tales and find them all falling into the safe zone and see the speed indicator showing a reduction of 0.01light. It worked.
As I climb back up the tunnel I'm talking to my computer; "Computer maximum deflectors and set maximum power to grapples." "Maximum deflectors and full power to grapples."
"Computer set reverse thrust to 20% and watch the strain on the grapples, do not let it exceed 60% of holding power." "Reverse thrust to 20% and strain on grapples max at 60%."
I am back in the passenger area and everybody is cheering and crying and screaming "THANK YOU" at the top of their lungs. Before me stands an older man with his hand out, I take it and he leans in to be heard. "Walter Jacobson retired Vid broadcaster," he tells me.
"'Cutty' Franks, miner," I tell him.
"Can you tell me what happened?" I ask.
"We had left Ceti Omicron 4 about an hour before and were settling in for the run up to our last jump to Joshua's World when there was this huge bang and the ship shuddered and all the emergency alarms started going off. We finally got those turned off but when we went to the entrance to the bridge all the pressure doors were sealed and when we used the external viewer to look around we saw that the bridge was gone. I started looking for the emergency com set and when I found it started calling out the Mayday. I was on my sixth 5min cycle when you answered and the rest you know." He told me.
"Computer; Can you connect to this ship and control the jump drive and other engine functions?" I asked my ship.
"The remote operation selectors must be shifted from local to remote in the Emergency Command and Control center. Then this unit can control all functions of both vessels."
"Walter; can you get all of your people together and find out what they want to do. I can get you back to Ceti Omicron 4 or by utilizing my control computer I can take you on to Joshua's World. There is a repair station in orbit there that can fix this ship temporarily and then shuttle it to a major repair facility. It is entirely up to you and your people."
Walter calls together a group of people and for the next hour or so they hash out what they want to do. In the mean time I go to the galley and get myself a bite to eat and some REAL coffee. Walter finds me enjoying the coffee and walks up smiling.
"The Elders have chosen to go on to Joshua's World and have granted me the privilege of informing you that having risked your own life to save us we are granting you 10,000 hectares colony rights and marriage privilege from any of the available women onboard."
I look at him completely dumbfounded and say, "Say what???"
"The Elders have chosen to go on to Joshua's World..." "I got that part can you please repeat the rest as I'm not sure I heard you correctly?" I ask.
"You mean the part about 'having risked your own life to save us we are granting you 10,000 hectares colony rights and marriage privilege from any of the available women onboard'."
"That's the part." I answer. "Are you sure. Women are few and far between out here and there are usually not enough to go around."
"We're sure. There are 2,314 men and boys onboard. If you look around you will see the fact that there are 6,686 women and girls onboard. Almost 3-to-1 female to male."
I looked at him stunned as my mind processed the facts he had just given me. "I need to think about this," I said as I walked toward the hatch to the core. "Computer prepare for control override of this vessel. Plot jump to Joshua's World." "Prepare for intership override. Plot jump for Joshua's World. Jump plotted awaiting control interface activation."
I had just re-entered the emer-bridge and was looking for the Remote Operation selector as the computer spoke the last. I found it on the Commander's Console and pushed the lever up changing it from local to remote. "Computer; check remote operation communications." "Remote operations communications secure. Awaiting directive." "Computer; initiate jump." "Jump sequence initiated. Jump in 6min 11sec." I moved back up the core tunnel and sought out Walter.
The jump took 31hrs. When we arrived in system at Joshua's World I was more than a little taken back as I viewed an enormous asteroid belt and then got a view of the principle planets; that's right, there are two planets in the life zone. The inner planet varies from 0.83AU to 0.95AU. The outer varies from 1.08AU to 1.16AU. They are tipped from the ecliptic 3.84° for the inner and the opposite direction 2.97° for the outer. The asteroid belt is 0.61AU wide in average and Computer is telling me that it is reading large quantities of rare and valuable ores. I don't see any mining ships anywhere in the belt.
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This is my first story, I hope you like it- I certainly got pretty wet writing it! I havent given the girl or the man an age because I figure it can be up to the reader. Let me know what you think! She screams as he hits her again and again. Im sorry! Ill do it this time, I promise! Her little voice cracking with fear and exhaustion. After a few more swings, he drops the book down with a loud thud. The girl flinches and shrinks away from the sound. Damn right youll do it this time you little...
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Chapter XV They were all sitting at the breakfast table, having a second cup of coffee, when Isolde spoke up. “I have an idea,” she said. “On those nights when I don’t feel like shutting one of you out, would you both mind coming to my bed with me, and just snuggling, and going to sleep that way?” George and Terry looked at each other. “I’m game, if you are,” Terry said. “Okay,” George said. “We can give it a try.” He wanted to say that things might be moving a little too fast, but he...
Megan Marx is ripe for the picking in this sexy scene with Manuel. Megan is a cute 19-year-old just making a name for herself in porn. She’s waiting for Manuel with a ball gag in her mouth and her ass up in the air while wearing black lingerie, black stockings and matching heels. Manuel goes over to “inspect the goods” as he squeezes her ass cheeks and helps Megan out of her lingerie before pulling out his thick dick for her to play with. Megan grabs ahold of Manuels massive member and licks...
xmoviesforyou‘Shane. You have to stop hovering. I’m fine.’ ‘I’m not hovering. I just like hangin’ out with you.’ Three days after the shower incident and things between Shane and I were awkward. When he wasn’t asking me if I was okay every five minutes, he was following me from room to room like I was on a suicide watch. I knew he was concerned, and just wanted to help, but he was irking the hell out of me. ‘Yes, you are. Surely you have better things to do than sitting there, staring at me.’ I tried...
Scott has been sharing my experience with giving myself over to his every wish and command, and now he’s got me writing down the rest of the story from John’s house. He left off where Sara’s wet cunt was above me, and she was eating me out as she took the other three guys in her ass, one at a time. I didn’t even know their names, but I sure got to know them that night. The first one to take Sara’s ass, I called Mr. Thick. His cock wasn’t very long, but it was the biggest width I’ve ever...
My brother, who is one year younger than me, had submitted a picture of me to the local newspaper for its summer photography contest. That was how this all started.I didn't know he had taken the picture at the time. It was of me, in a one-piece white bathing suit, springing up out of the water at our friend's pool. What really made the picture unique was the way the light played off of the beads of water that surrounded me, almost like a halo.I'm sure that my fit, 20-year-old figure, captured...
Ahhhh. A new school year. A place to start over, a time to make new friends and forget old differences. Alex was looking forward to the first class of the new school year, when he was finally a senior and almost out of school. Besides, there were plenty of new freshman who were young, innocent and naïve, all of whom were totally hot, or had that freshly scrubbed look of a late bloomer beginning to flower. Alex pulled up to the curb in his new Mustang, exhaust pipes booming and the headers...
The alarm went off this morning and I jumped out of bed ready to take on the world. I guess that meal last night and the restful sleep did wonders for my body and my attitude. I was cleaned up and dressed before 7 AM, and was enjoying a half of grapefruit along with some oatmeal for breakfast today. Dad and I sat and ate together this morning, before Mom came in and joined us. At 7:20, I was outside waiting on Sam so we could get to work by 8. "Sam, is there a problem if I take Friday off,...
Note to the reader: This story is a bit of a departure for me. It is mainly in the first person and it is not at all erotic. This is a ‘revenge’ and/or ‘Justice’ story. It is entirely fictional and everyone is over eighteen (not that it makes a difference in this particular story). If you are after a sexy or super descriptive, violent, story this is not it. * I have some basic hang ups that have been with me for most of my life. If I see someone picking on a person who is not able to defend...
As we tore down the expressway, I thought about what had happened today with both Tanya and Claudia. It was amazing. I had heard those stories about guys that take puppies to the park or even borrow a friend’s kid and baby carriage to try and pick up women. Those guys had no idea! It seemed as if all I had to do was show up with an attractive looking young girl on my arm for their competitive juices (and maybe some other juices) to start flowing! I had never had any problem meeting women and...
Hi friends Mera naam Neeraj hai. .mai ald. Se hu ,girls ko b meri pichli story achi lagi aur wo pagal ho rahi thi ,kafi log apni jhunthi story share karke logo ko cheat karte hai but mai apko apni jindagi ko kuch haseen rato k bare me batana chahta hu. . Ye 100% true hai, mai 24 years ka hu, maine apni engineering ki padhai khatam karke Civil ki taiyari kar raha tha, aur ald. Me mere chacha ki ladki b room leke apni ek frnd k sath padhti thi, mere ghar walo ne mujhe dedi se bat karke unke pas...
John followed his Lionesses across the hangar towards the parked gunship, their armoured boots ringing with every step on the titanium deckplates. As he approached the Raptor, its Crystal Alyssium hull caught his eye, the flawless white surface sparkling under the bright glare of the overhead lights. He came to a halt under the chin-mounted Tachyon Cannon and studied the predatory assault craft with a speculative look. Alyssa turned back to face him and nodded in agreement as she overheard...
Hello everybody I am roan from Ahmadabad .actually this is my first story and I am 18 years old with a fair complexion and good coming to the story and this is the story of me and my bhabhi having sex in her bedroom and so it’s started last year after my brothers marriage after his marriage he want abroad for his job and bhabhi leave with us in Ahemdabad. Till my brother was there my bhabhi’s behaviour was very friendly to me but after my brother left I did not talk much with bhabhi...
IncestMy name is Sophie. I was born Sophie Roberts and later became Mrs. Pendleton, and if I'm honest, I know I have a life that many would be jealous of. My father is rich, not only rich but disgustingly wealthy and my husband comes from one of the oldest and renowned families in the state of Virginia. Because of this I've been pretty much spoiled all my life. I was sent to the best schools and universities money could buy and at the age of twenty-two, after broadening my mind, I decided to expand...
Wife LoversDepartment Store Bitch (Part 2) "Birth of Megan" By meganprincess Back in my car, I sat stunned. My face felt stiff with the security guard's dry cum. I could even smell it and, of course, still taste it in my mouth. My humiliation was complete when I realized that the stolen panties I was wearing were wet with my own precum. Did this terror filled incident actually excite me? What was happening to me? I thought about it as I drove home. I thought about my...
“Damn!”The curse was heartfelt. Having just woken up I could see the time was just four minutes past three in the morning. Remembering I had deliberately unset my ‘Do not Disturb’ feature did nothing to help being woken up by the incoming text at such an ungodly hour of the day.Sighing to myself, I leaned over, grabbed my phone and looked to see who had sent me a ‘spam’ text. I cheered up a little to find it was from Mandy.Mandy, the ‘old friend,’ had turned out to be a sexy and extremely...
MatureHi All...The other night me and my GF had a hell of a fight. So I went to the pub to have a drink. I was sitting all alone and I saw a guy walking up to me and asked if he can sit there as he waits for his wife. I agreed and we started talking. When his wife and her mate joined they were, well to say the least drunk.... I dont drink so much so was having a coke and they got drunker and rowdier. After a while they invited me upstairs to their flat. I went with them hoping to Fuck the mate, even ...
Carter took the glass of wine from the table with a methodical gesture, brought it to his lips and took a long sip of ... nothing. “Do you want more wine?” Aron asked him. “Just give me the bottle,” he mumbled. He needed more than that, but he had to make do with whatever he had at his disposal. So he just drank straight from the bottle, while Aron continued to just watch him in absolute shock and silence. “You knew that,” Aron eventually spoke. “That is why you were so pissed.” He could...
Theron cleared his throat after a few awkward minutes. "One more question. In this ... performance, do you ever find out why? Why did Loghain betray me?" "Not precisely. There's a lot of debate over that issue, actually, between different people who pl ... watched the performance. Some say Loghain just went mad. Power hungry. Some figured that he hated you, because of some weird issue between him and your parents. Some thought he truly did the best he could when he saw the overwhelming...
It was the summer of 1977. Kelly and I had finished our Junior year of high school. We attended a party the previous summer where we both got very drunk and high to boot. One thing led to another and we both had sex with other people at the party. For sixteen-year-olds that was a lot of mental baggage to deal with (at least back then, these days it seems like every teenager is living the life of a porn star.)However, as Kelly and I dealt with it a couple of things became very, very clear. One,...
TeenIn addition to Grandma's daily physio, walks, strength training, etc., we worked out her 'exercise' schedule every night after dinner. After starting a romantic movie, I firmly massaged her right side from head to toe to get her circulation going. I purposely spent extra time to enjoy her smooth, firm and round butt. When the movie got us into the mood, we kissed passionately while the massage continued. I then sat behind her as my hands moved to her left arm and back from her neck down to...
It was the following Thursday after my date with Wendy. Things were going great. Ivana continued to treat my mother right. They could play their BDSM games at work, and I had shown up already for a surprise inspection. Ivana was very eager to please me. Wendy and I were still friends (and sex-friends) though we were officially broken up. She already had a date lined up this Friday with Victoria. Wendy hadn’t come out to her family as a lesbian yet, but baby steps. That was what was...
Paul becomes my submissive Cuck: Part 2 of My Rules my husband might regretWhen we closed the door that day it marked a change for both Paul and myself in our lives. He was very happy with me because Paul had talked me his wife into fucking another man and I knew he wanted it to go well beyond John. My husband was never an aggressive man or rugged type of guy he was a business professional and a suit for the day was the norm. He was gentle and kind in our love making and never gave me an...
Note : This story is completely fictional! It was a long hot summer and I was now divorced and a single father of three kids. I have been alone for a few years now and had to find ways to relieve my built up frustrations. Usually after the kids were in bed, I would retire to my room to watch tv or read a little. This night would turn out to be a very memorable one. I thought my two sons and daughter were sound asleep. After a long week, I was feeling the need to relieve my tensions and I...
IncestDetective Haldeman was introduced to Anton in a meeting room Schuler had reserved earlier at the Days Inn, about halfway between town and the cabin. He shook the boy’s hand and said, “Anton, I need to ask you some questions that might make you feel a little uncomfortable, but before we get into that, I want to say how sorry I am for the loss of your sister and how sorry I am that your introduction to our country was so tragic. I know there is nothing I can say or do to mitigate all your...
After our session, Janice never really 'snapped out of it.' Instead she remained in a sleepy fog, and readily agreed to my suggestion that we should go to bed early. Once in bed, she quickly fell asleep. When I opened my eyes the next morning, I saw her ... wide awake and watching me. "Hey sleepyhead," she said. "Hi..." I responded. "How are you feeling this morning?" I asked, tentatively. A smile lit up her face. "I feel great! It's the weirdest thing ... but I feel like this...
"Prender," I said with a smile. "You are going to jail. We have found your false companies, all three of them, and we know you have stolen at least seven million." He nodded and smiled. "There are two more that will be much harder to find and the amount is now closer to ten." "So you admit it. Damn, you're a brazen thief." I picked up the phone. "Wait," he said, with another smile. "You've met my daughters, Tiffany and Taylor, haven't you?" I nodded, remembering, they were...
When both Emma and Donald have cum strongly, she pulls him up into her arms. This is different for Donald too. He is the one who holds Emma in his arms. But Donald feels safe cuddling against Emma, his ass against her crotch; his back against her soft breasts; Emma kissing his neck and softly stroking his shaft and thighs is magical. He feels like her sweet pet being pampered by his mistress.After laying quietly like this for a few minutes, Emma tells him to continue with his next subject...
Love StoriesNOTE: This is not my story. It is word-for-word a copy of IcarusDragon's work on Seriously, go check it out. It's awesome. To start the game please specify your character's gender: