Mercenaries 1
- 2 years ago
- 17
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They travelled all morning, with Donald always on point. His bow stayed in one hand, with an arrow ready to be knocked. Simon rode behind him, leading his string of horses. Although the sun shone brightly, there was a gentle cooling breeze keeping the temperature very comfortable. They stopped for lunch in a shady glade by a river. A fire was started and tea was brewed. Bread and cheese was the fare. Simon was glad to get off his horse. For the last week he had been suffering from saddle sores. Donald could see he had a tell-tale gait. He went over to his pack and retrieved some cream.
“Take this and rub it into where you are hurting. It will ease the pain. In future make sure you tell me if you are having problems. You are no use to me if you are sick, now are you?”
The boy shook his head. He took the cream and headed towards the trees. The Bishop came over to him.
“I was wondering if you had any more of that cream. Myself and my companion seem to be suffering in the same manner.”
“I have, but what would you be willing to trade for it?”
The Bishop looked at him and nodded. “How much?” he asked, reaching for his purse.
“I don’t want your money. I have enough of my own. Letters and numbers. I’m sure you and your companion can read and write? I want you to teach me and the boy. I can read and write some, myself, but I’m not very good. I’m certain the boy can do neither. No one has ever taken an interest in the lad. Now would be a good time for him to learn. Oh, and I’m sure Paul, Miriam and Peter would like the opportunity as well. Better ask the soldiers, too.”
The Bishop beamed, “Of course! We’d be only too happy to teach you.”
So it was that all of them started to learn their letters. It made Isabella and the Bishop smile to see the adults, especially the big fearsome warrior, struggling with the intricacies of spelling and grammar. His face screwed up in concentration as he tried to get to grips with the difference of things like threw and through. They had to admit, though, that he was tenacious. While it was obvious he would never be a scribe, after two weeks he found that given enough time he could just about make out what was written, as long as it wasn’t too complicated. The others were making progress as well, with Peter outshining all of them. He seemed to grasp it instantly. Both the Bishop and Isabella were impressed with his progress.
“You really should think of allowing him to come to the academy in Riverdale. I’m sure he would do well there,” the Bishop told Paul one evening after the evening meal.
“I would love to! Nothing would make me prouder, but where would we get the money for such things? How would the likes of us, poor peasant farmers ever be able to afford such a thing?”
“You are right, it will be a problem. I will speak to the abbot, there may be something we can do. I cannot promise anything, but we will see.”
Later Donald spoke to the Bishop
“Tell me, how much would the fees be to send the lad to the academy?”
“It would not be cheap, at least four gold crowns a year.”
“Very well, we will talk to the Abbot. If he is willing to make a deal with me ... well let’s see shall we?
“You would be willing to pay his fees?”
“I don’t know about all of them, but I could probably pay half. If you and the abbot could find a way to fund the other half then we could give the lad a chance to improve not only his life, but that of his family as well.”
“That is very generous of you! Very generous indeed! I will certainly speak to the Abbot when we arrive. Tell me, why would you do this? You hardly know the boy”
Donald shrugged. “I have the money, what else am I going to do with it? I’m a mercenary. We are always surprised when we awake, each morning. Dead men can’t spend it. Spend it while you live.”
The Bishop looked at this man with a new respect in his eyes. Never would he have expected this, not in a million years.
The other thing that Donald had been insistent about, was that everyone learn how to defend themselves to the best of their ability. They had all tried their best. Even Isabella who, in spite of herself, found she excelled with the bow. She used a light bow, of course. There was no way she could even hope to draw Donald’s war bow. She found she enjoyed the sense of power it gave her. No longer was she just a helpless female, who needed protecting and doing for. She was a member of the team with responsibilities. For the first time ever in her life, she had been trusted with something. She found, as well, that she was re-evaluating her opinion of Donald. He was as he said he was. He was a truly honourable man. Not once had he tried to opportune any of the women folk. She was thinking back to some of the men she had known in the past, knowing that they had taken advantage of those who they considered beneath them. She knew also that he had warned her men that if they harassed any of the women, he would be displeased. None of them had harassed anyone.
She also found herself doing the same for her fellow travellers. Paul and Miriam were good, kind people. They had given and shared the little they had without thought. That they loved each other was without doubt. Their son Peter was a very clever lad. He was also polite, kind and thoughtful. Simon was a revelation. He idolised Donald, that was never in doubt. He also trained harder than anyone else. He was always the first up, never shirking any job no matter how odious. He was very solicitous to her, as well, always asking if she needed anything. Michael and Brianna were lovers, that much was obvious to anyone with eyes. They were never apart. Michael trained as hard as the rest, especially when Donald had pointed out the fact that he might have to defend his love against bandits. He really was becoming a demon with his stave. Even her own soldiers had taken to this new regime. They were certainly improving. The Bishop and Carlos, now they were a conundrum. She had her suspicions, but he was a man of the cloth. That sort of thing was against the teaching of the church. She had heard of such things, but really! The Bishop? Surely not. They were very close, though. Much closer than servant and master usually were. It was nothing she could put her finger on, just the odd look, the slight lingering touch. She mentioned this to Donald.
“Oh, without a doubt.”
“Doesn’t it bother you?”
“No, why should it? They are grown men, what they do in private is their business. We had men like that. I remember one couple particularly. Charlie and Mark. They loved each other dearly, you only had to look at them to see it. They were nicest, kindest pair you could wish to meet, unless of course it was on the battlefield. They were inseparable. They died together as well. We had been cut off and were trying to break out. Charlie had been wounded and Mark would not leave him. After the battle we found them. They had died in each others arms, one protecting the other. We buried them the same way. The priest said it was an abomination. We told him if they did not bury them as we had told him then we would bury him instead. He did as we bid.”
Neither of them saw Carlos listening to them from behind a tree, nor did they see the smile, nor his tears as Donald told his story.
Four days later, they came across a family sitting by the side of the road, surrounded by a few meagre possessions. They had three small children with them that looked cold and hungry. Donald went over to them. As he did so he saw the fear in their eyes.
“Hello, what are you doing here?”
“Our farm was attacked by bandits two days ago. They burnt everything. We hid in the vegetable storehouse. Fortunately, they did not find us, but everything we had is gone. We have nothing. They killed all our animals and burnt our crops. My father lives in Porhamton, a village two days away. We are hoping he will be able to take us in. If not, well, our future looks bleak,” the man told him.
“What of your Lord, won’t he help?”
“He doesn’t even know we exist. All he cares about is his rent. The farm is finished. They burnt everything. The house, the barn, the cowshed. It’s all gone, everything. What are we to do?”
“Have you eaten? Any of you?”
“No, Sir, what little we had, we gave to the children. What the bandits didn’t destroy they stole. What they couldn’t steal they destroyed. Why did they do this, Sir? We are simple peasants trying to make a living. We are not rich, and our farm was not worth much. Why did they have to destroy it?”
“I do not know. I do know though that you and your family are the backbone of our society, our bedrock. Without you, there would be no lords, barons or kings. Let us help you. I’m sure you could all do with a good meal. It must be nearly dinner time. We’ll make camp here, and get a good feed on the fire.”
Miranda and Brianna came over to help the traumatised family. They gathered up the wife and children. Donald went over to the man.
“My name is Donald.”
“I am Trevor”
“You did well protecting your family from those bastards. You’ve lost things, yes, but they can be replaced. Houses and barns can be rebuilt. Your family, your wife and children, they are what is important. If you had tried to fight those men, you would have been killed, then your wife would have been raped and your children enslaved or killed. I know what it’s like to win, but I also know what it’s like to lose, and to have all you have worked for taken from you. I’ve had to start again many times. It’s not easy, but it can be done.”
“Yes, I know what you say is true, but it still sticks in my craw that I hid like a child while those animals rampaged through my home and stole and destroyed all I have worked for.”
“I know, but what weapons training have you had? What weapons did you have on hand? Did you have a good suit of armour? A coat of mail? A good sword and shield? I’ll bet those bandits had some of those things. They would have cut you down without a thought. No, you did the right thing.”
While the camp was made and a meal prepared, Donald went to his pack horses, the ones he’d taken from the bandits. There he found a couple of warm cloaks, some bolts of good cloth, and a pair of very small boots. He approached the family.
“I don’t know if these will help. I took them from some bandits I caught, the other day. You are welcome to them, if you can use them.”
The woman came over to him with tears in her eyes.
“Thank you, thank you. I don’t know how we can ever repay you. When we saw you approaching, we were worried that you were some of those raiders. For you to show us so much kindness ... well, as I say, I don’t know how to repay you.”
Donald looked at the woman and then over towards Trevor. “First you can tell me your name.”
“It’s Annabelle.”
“Well, Annabelle, you can make sure you thank your husband for keeping you safe and not doing something stupid like going out to face those bandits. If he had been killed, then where would you have been?”
She reached up and kissed Donald on the cheek.
“Thank you, I’ll make sure I do.”
The food was served and they all dug in. Everyone went to their things and found something for the family. Brianna found a blouse, Michael a shirt, the Bishop a coat, [although it was far too large, Annabelle said she could take it in.] Paul and Miriam found a couple of old pairs of trousers that should fit two of the children, Carlos found a blanket, Alan, Henry and David managed to find a spare pair of boots, a cloak that belonged to Sirius (the sleeping guard who was killed) and his jacket.
Isabella looked on as everyone rallied round, and found something for the family, some of it was old and worn, some of it was in good condition. She thought of her own family, of those she knew. Not one of them would have lifted a finger to help these people. They would have ridden straight past with barely a sideways glance. It did not escape her notice that those with the least, Paul and Miriam, were - after Donald - the first to offer help. They gave of the little they had. Everyone else had then chipped in.
They were all looking at Isabella. She smiled, went to her baggage and found a fantastic dress. She brought it over to the woman.
“Here, I have this old thing. I know it’s not very good. I brought it in case of being forced to do some dirty work, like digging or such.”
Annabelle’s eye’s widened with surprise. It was the most beautiful gown she had ever seen.
“It’s beautiful. No, I really can’t accept it. It’s too much, really.”
“Go on, please. It really is an old one. I have several more much nicer ones. Would you like to see if there are any others you prefer?”
“No, it’s okay, this one will do fine.”
“Look, why don’t you get washed up, then we can get you into this dress for dinner, give the menfolk a surprise.”
“Why don’t you get changed in the wagon?” called Miriam
Annabelle nodded and together she and Lady Isabella went to get changed. Soon dinner was ready. Isabella brought Annabelle out.
“Ladies and gentlemen, I present ... Annabelle,” announced Isabella with a flourish
Heads turned and jaws dropped as Annabelle emerged from behind the wagon. She looked fabulous!
“Wow!” exclaimed Paul
“Oh, my!” echoed Brianna
“My darling, you are so beautiful!” said a stupefied Trevor, taking his wife in his arms. “I always knew you were gorgeous, but ... wow!!”
Annabelle reached up and kissed her husband with real passion. “Thank you, thank you for keeping us safe.”
She then turned towards Isabella. With tears in her eyes she threw her arms around the startled woman. “Thank you, all of you. What you have done for us, well words cannot describe it. We will never be able to repay you for you kindness.”
It was the Bishop who spoke. “Was it not our Lord who said, ‘That which you do for the least of these, you do for me?’ As I see it, my dear, we are simply doing as our Lord commanded.”
“I could no more ride by and ignore you, than fly through the air. It is just not in my nature. All I wish is that if you ever see someone who needs your help, that you give it to them just as freely,” Donald said to them.
“Well, Sir Donald, we surely will.”
The children ran up to their mother and threw their arms around her.
“You look lovely, Mummy!” they chorused.
The food was brought, and it was devoured with relish. All the bowls and plates were soon licked clean.
It was by now starting to get dark. They would stay where they were, for the night. Donald went out to set his traps, as usual ... accompanied, as usual, by Simon. He told them where they could go and attend to their needs.
“You better do as Sir Donald says,” Isabella told them. “I ignored him, and very nearly paid a high price.”
“We shall, we shall.”
Later that evening Donald spoke to Isabella, “Why do you call me Sir Donald?”
“You go around rescuing folk at every turn. You saved Simon and took him on as your squire, you helped Paul and Miriam when they needed it. You saved us from certain disgrace and death, or slavery. Now you have saved Trevor, Annabelle and their children. You could have just ridden by and ignored all those around you, I know many who would have done just that. If anyone deserves the accolade of ‘Sir,’ then it is you.”
She kissed him on the cheek and went to her bedroll. It was a very surprised and confused Donald that lay in his bedroll that night.
Two days later, they arrived at Porhampton. It was a small but prosperous looking village. The houses were well kept, the fields planted, the fences maintained and there was livestock in abundance. The headman came out to see them, obviously more than a little bemused at the sight of their strange party. He looked up and down the party, wondering who was in charge. Finally he approached the Bishop.
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Learning to Serve: The Meeting Sara stood looking over the crowd. It wasn't particularly hard, since the crowd consisted mainly of fourteen and fifteen year old girls. Most did not reach her five foot seven inch height. The school planning committee was used to seeing Sara there. She often volunteered to chaperone at these events, despite having no children of her own. The other woman accepted eagerly since being around a bunch of teen girls and boys was hardly their idea of fun. ...
One of the delights of gay life that has pretty much disappeared in the US is anonymous sex. In the good old days, bathhouses had dark rooms. In there it was all about dick and ass. There was no pretty boy posing, stand and model, pick the most glamorous boy in front of all the others and make a big show of taking him back to a private room.No, it was just about sex, and that was what made it so exciting and attractive. It didn’t matter what you looked like, as in the dark we were all the same,...
Mel and I dated when we were 15, and the relationship didn't last long. When we broke up we were petty and I remember her talking about her new bf having an 8+inch dick. I was insecure but got over it. She went off to college and I went into the workforce and community college. At 21 we start chatting again as friends, but it evolved into more. I'd visit her at school to fuck and we started dating. During the summer I had her come stay at my place. Start: Mel was nerdy but a freak....
Mare mari jindagini pehli chodai ni vat kahevi chhe. Atyare hu 30 varshno chhu. Pan te vakhate mari ummar fakt 18 varsh hati. Chodvani vato sambali hati pan kevi rite chodvu ke kharekhar kevi rite chodam chodi thay teni kai khabar na hati. Ex divas hu vacation ma mari masini dikari ne ghare rehva gaho. Te parneli hati ne tene 3 chhokara pan hata. Mara banevi etle ke teno var nokari karto hato jema tene ghani var bahar javu padatu. Hu rehva gayo tevama te bahar gayela hata. Baporno samay hato...
The Kristal Chronicles - Story I: The Birth of a Hot WifeChapter 3 - A Drenched MILFAs the orgasm subsided, and Kristal slowly regained her strength and composure. She pulled the vibrator from her pussy and made a show of licking it. Then, she lazily opened her eyes, and finally acknowledged our presence with a simple, “hello”. I said, “hi there, cutie. And of course you remember Roger from the bar?” Kristal respond, “Of course, I couldn’t forget him. So glad you decided to join us, Roger.”...
Andy had dropped off a small tray of chocolates at the florists with his phone number on and had received a call twenty minutes later as we was walking back to his car. He had seen the girl working in the shop and had discreetly slipped the present through the ground-level letterbox in the door without being seen. "Who is this?" the caller asked and Andy chuckled, he recognised the voice immediately. "Andy," he replied evasively. "Who? Have you left some chocolates at the florists in...
For the next week, I went through hell! My emotions were all over the spectrum. Every time I looked in my husband's eyes, my guilt would surface. I was locked in a mental battle with myself every night when he came home. The kids were my only saving grace. Their normalcy was my lifeline to sanity. As the beginning of week two rolled around, Ray announced he had another business trip to the East Coast. The meeting was set for next Monday and his boss wanted Ray fresh so he was flying on...
Hi dosto mai raj hun aur mai mumbai me rehta hun.Meri umar 20 saal hai aur mai iss kaa bahut bada fan hu.Aaj mai apni sex story share kar raha hu jo bilkul real hai. Mujhe shuruat se hi badi umar ki auratein achhi lagti thi.Mera ek college friend hai sam jo apni mom seema k saath rrehta tha.Mai aksar uske ghar aya jaya karta tha aur uski mom seema aur meri mom dono achhi friends thi.Aunty dikhne me bahut achhi thi aur unki umar 46 years thi. Ek baar meri mom dad out of station gye hue the toh...
Prologue. ‘I dreamed that, as I wandered by the way, Bare Winter suddenly was changed to Spring.’ (Shelley ‘The Question’) Chapter 1. The Gardener in Autumn. Following in the footsteps of my father I became a gardener at a very fortuitous time. With the use of ever more sophisticated equipment on the farms round our village employment prospects on the farms and in the support services in the village declined. This led to many of the inhabitants leaving the village to find work elsewhere. ...
“Whew, that was something.” I think. “I can’t wait to try some other animals.” I fly down to the zoo, and only then do I realize a flaw to my plan. There are people at the zoo, so how am I going to have sex I decide that I don’t care, I need more sex, and I have a quick solution. I’ll be a fly, I’ll hide in some cranny in the pen, transform, then have some fun. I’m flying over the zoo when I see the first lucky animal, a wolf in the woodland exhibit. I...
As a c***d I nursed my mother for a very long time. I don't really rememberthe early years but I do recall that as I aged and did not need her breastfor nourishment she would offer her nipple to me as a way to put me tosleep and/or as a way to soothe me when I was upset.Through my pre-adolescent years my regular suckling of her breast taperedoff and it became a special occasion teat. What this meant was that on mybirthday after the party was over and when we were alone mom and I wouldlay on her...
I shower and got my pajamas on and decide to get a little something to eat before I hit the bed. I think about Nick. I wonder if he is crawling into bed at his apartment. I hope he doesn't stay up to late. He has a big day ahead of him doesn't even know about. I see the rope lying on the bed where I threw it. I take a piece and reach under the covers and start to tie my ankles. I get my ankles secure and decide that I am going to keep my ankles tied for the night. It would be my own little...
(This is the continuation of "Busted With My X-Hamster Account", it's probably better to read it first.)It’s amazing how things can go from insane, wild and crazy to as plain as things ever were. The next morning we did all the same things we ever did when we are at the coast house. We got up slowly, made some coffee, watched a little morning news on the T.V. and I went out on the deck to enjoy a smoke with my coffee. Like normal I took my laptop out with me and turned on the radio for...
"I hope this guy isn't some crazy old fat guy like most professors!" Jenna exclaimed as her and her best friend Haley left their apartment to the one and only class they had together."I know. That prof. we had last term for Statistics was awful!"Haley shook her head as a group of guys whistled at her while they walked down the hall. Jenna felt a pang of jealousy. Her best friend was pretty enough to be a model. Actually, she had been for a few years during their senior year of high school. She...
TabooI don't really know what's going on with my mom. Ever since I turned 18, she's been acting kind of weird. Case in point. It always seemed that after I took a shower, and I was in my room drying myself off and getting dressed, that she would knock on my door then walk in. She never waited for me to say something before entering. There's even been a few times she caught me off guard catching me in only my briefs. It took me a while to see what she had on her mind.My mom hasn't been with anyone...
100% fiction! We were cash-strapped those days. My elder sister Sangita was that time doing her textile business. She was twenty seven, but looked young enough for people to think she is my younger sister. She was athletic, slim and tall. She carried herself well; dressed elegantly and was very beautiful with lovely thick silky hair which fell below her shoulder. She had a sharp nose, full lips. a well defined chin; and large eyes. However, her striking feature was her figure. Though petite,...
IncestJennifer and I decided to watch some television while we waited for Jill to come back. We laid out on her bed, still naked, and still with an obvious hint of my cum dripping from her opening. Jill walked back into the room, a more reserved look on her face this time. “I still can’t believe you guys,” she started. “Oh get over it sis,” Jennifer said. “You said I could share him, and I shared him.” “Yeah well I didn’t expect you guys to go that far,” she retorted. “I didn’t think...
Vixen’s art teacher was a young man with a beard, a neatly trimmed red beard. He was fresh out of grad school, and this was his first position. He was hoping for tenure and then for a better job at a bigger and more prestigious school. He was not married and lived very frugally. The first time he saw Vixen as she entered his classroom, his genitals quivered. He wanted her. But, of course, he knew the rules; she was off limits. Vixen studied him now and then as she stood at her easel and drew a...
Straight SexHello friends! Main pune me rahta hun aur job krta hun. Mujhe sex krna bahut pasand hai. Main aap logo ko apni sach story batana chahta hun. Ye kahani 15 din pahle ki hai. Main mall me shopping ke liye gya tha waise mujhe kuch jaruri kaam tha. Main apna kaam khatam krke jb wapas parking me aaya to maine dekha ek ladki mujhe bahut dhyan se dekh rai hai. Usne apne face dhaka hua tha. Wo apne scooty me aayi thi aur wahi uski scooty thi jaha pe meri bike parked thi. Main apni bike ke paas pahucha...
A Maiden Gamble Part V By Sydney Michelle Chapter Eleven Maria lay against the back wall, leg up, working on her stretches. Already her leg could rise above her waist, a long way from KiKi's goal of a high kick above her head, but still progress. She pushed back against the wall while rolling her shoulder, intent on making enough progress to please Mistress Rania. Today had been a good day. Miz Costello had awarded her permanent spoon privileges and she had been cleaned...
Hey ISS i know its been very long since i wrote my last experience………………….but after i had sex with Aarti during 2013 dussera i didn’t had any action for quite some time.But then during dehradun’s chilly December days when i had another sex experience this time with my 18 years old cousin who’s in class 12, but you will be amazed if you ever have sex with her she is so natural and great in it. For those who are new i am an average looking guy with dark chocolate skin and 5.5-6 feet height and i...
IncestMother and wife by day, sex toy by night.Chapter 1................My husband just came up the drive way, he must be home from work. Opps, I forgot. I run to my room and prepare his three outfit options for that evening. I yank my panties off and put on my skirt and low cut top with revealing bra.I return to the kitchen adjust my breasts and continue on with dinner. He enters into the kitchen via the back door and sees me attending to the business of dinner. He comes over and hugs me."Hi dear,...
Do you want to masturbate to something different than the same old tube site pornography? If you want content that feels more intimate and will get you off in a different way, don't knock erotic fiction until you've tried it.What, you mean reading takes too much time and effort? You lazy mother fucker! You don't have a choice now: head over to and check out their insane library of interracial content.You will find all kinds of sexy fucking fiction to read here. Who...
Interracial Porn SitesThere was a great swimming hole that I used to go to in Jeffersonville, Vermont. It was a series of waterfalls and small pools. For years people had used it for nude sunbathing. Once, after climbing to the top of the falls, I spotted a couple on a large flat boulder in the middle of the stream. I was partly hidden in the thick woods but could see through the trees well enough to see that she was giving him a blowjob. When they spotted me she stopped what she was doing. I was nude myself and,...
This is a picture of Viper: This is a Picture of Stephanie (She’s the one in the blue shirt): D.J. was sitting down in the kitchen eating an after-school snack, when Stephanie excitedly walked through the door with a big smirk on her face. “What’s wrong with you?” asked D.J. “Why are you acting so goofy? “You’ll never believe what happened to me...