A Mercenary's TaleChapter 5 free porn video

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They travelled all morning, with Donald always on point. His bow stayed in one hand, with an arrow ready to be knocked. Simon rode behind him, leading his string of horses. Although the sun shone brightly, there was a gentle cooling breeze keeping the temperature very comfortable. They stopped for lunch in a shady glade by a river. A fire was started and tea was brewed. Bread and cheese was the fare. Simon was glad to get off his horse. For the last week he had been suffering from saddle sores. Donald could see he had a tell-tale gait. He went over to his pack and retrieved some cream.

“Take this and rub it into where you are hurting. It will ease the pain. In future make sure you tell me if you are having problems. You are no use to me if you are sick, now are you?”

The boy shook his head. He took the cream and headed towards the trees. The Bishop came over to him.

“I was wondering if you had any more of that cream. Myself and my companion seem to be suffering in the same manner.”

“I have, but what would you be willing to trade for it?”

The Bishop looked at him and nodded. “How much?” he asked, reaching for his purse.

“I don’t want your money. I have enough of my own. Letters and numbers. I’m sure you and your companion can read and write? I want you to teach me and the boy. I can read and write some, myself, but I’m not very good. I’m certain the boy can do neither. No one has ever taken an interest in the lad. Now would be a good time for him to learn. Oh, and I’m sure Paul, Miriam and Peter would like the opportunity as well. Better ask the soldiers, too.”

The Bishop beamed, “Of course! We’d be only too happy to teach you.”

So it was that all of them started to learn their letters. It made Isabella and the Bishop smile to see the adults, especially the big fearsome warrior, struggling with the intricacies of spelling and grammar. His face screwed up in concentration as he tried to get to grips with the difference of things like threw and through. They had to admit, though, that he was tenacious. While it was obvious he would never be a scribe, after two weeks he found that given enough time he could just about make out what was written, as long as it wasn’t too complicated. The others were making progress as well, with Peter outshining all of them. He seemed to grasp it instantly. Both the Bishop and Isabella were impressed with his progress.

“You really should think of allowing him to come to the academy in Riverdale. I’m sure he would do well there,” the Bishop told Paul one evening after the evening meal.

“I would love to! Nothing would make me prouder, but where would we get the money for such things? How would the likes of us, poor peasant farmers ever be able to afford such a thing?”

“You are right, it will be a problem. I will speak to the abbot, there may be something we can do. I cannot promise anything, but we will see.”

Later Donald spoke to the Bishop

“Tell me, how much would the fees be to send the lad to the academy?”

“It would not be cheap, at least four gold crowns a year.”

“Very well, we will talk to the Abbot. If he is willing to make a deal with me ... well let’s see shall we?

“You would be willing to pay his fees?”

“I don’t know about all of them, but I could probably pay half. If you and the abbot could find a way to fund the other half then we could give the lad a chance to improve not only his life, but that of his family as well.”

“That is very generous of you! Very generous indeed! I will certainly speak to the Abbot when we arrive. Tell me, why would you do this? You hardly know the boy”

Donald shrugged. “I have the money, what else am I going to do with it? I’m a mercenary. We are always surprised when we awake, each morning. Dead men can’t spend it. Spend it while you live.”

The Bishop looked at this man with a new respect in his eyes. Never would he have expected this, not in a million years.

The other thing that Donald had been insistent about, was that everyone learn how to defend themselves to the best of their ability. They had all tried their best. Even Isabella who, in spite of herself, found she excelled with the bow. She used a light bow, of course. There was no way she could even hope to draw Donald’s war bow. She found she enjoyed the sense of power it gave her. No longer was she just a helpless female, who needed protecting and doing for. She was a member of the team with responsibilities. For the first time ever in her life, she had been trusted with something. She found, as well, that she was re-evaluating her opinion of Donald. He was as he said he was. He was a truly honourable man. Not once had he tried to opportune any of the women folk. She was thinking back to some of the men she had known in the past, knowing that they had taken advantage of those who they considered beneath them. She knew also that he had warned her men that if they harassed any of the women, he would be displeased. None of them had harassed anyone.

She also found herself doing the same for her fellow travellers. Paul and Miriam were good, kind people. They had given and shared the little they had without thought. That they loved each other was without doubt. Their son Peter was a very clever lad. He was also polite, kind and thoughtful. Simon was a revelation. He idolised Donald, that was never in doubt. He also trained harder than anyone else. He was always the first up, never shirking any job no matter how odious. He was very solicitous to her, as well, always asking if she needed anything. Michael and Brianna were lovers, that much was obvious to anyone with eyes. They were never apart. Michael trained as hard as the rest, especially when Donald had pointed out the fact that he might have to defend his love against bandits. He really was becoming a demon with his stave. Even her own soldiers had taken to this new regime. They were certainly improving. The Bishop and Carlos, now they were a conundrum. She had her suspicions, but he was a man of the cloth. That sort of thing was against the teaching of the church. She had heard of such things, but really! The Bishop? Surely not. They were very close, though. Much closer than servant and master usually were. It was nothing she could put her finger on, just the odd look, the slight lingering touch. She mentioned this to Donald.

“Oh, without a doubt.”

“Doesn’t it bother you?”

“No, why should it? They are grown men, what they do in private is their business. We had men like that. I remember one couple particularly. Charlie and Mark. They loved each other dearly, you only had to look at them to see it. They were nicest, kindest pair you could wish to meet, unless of course it was on the battlefield. They were inseparable. They died together as well. We had been cut off and were trying to break out. Charlie had been wounded and Mark would not leave him. After the battle we found them. They had died in each others arms, one protecting the other. We buried them the same way. The priest said it was an abomination. We told him if they did not bury them as we had told him then we would bury him instead. He did as we bid.”

Neither of them saw Carlos listening to them from behind a tree, nor did they see the smile, nor his tears as Donald told his story.

Four days later, they came across a family sitting by the side of the road, surrounded by a few meagre possessions. They had three small children with them that looked cold and hungry. Donald went over to them. As he did so he saw the fear in their eyes.

“Hello, what are you doing here?”

“Our farm was attacked by bandits two days ago. They burnt everything. We hid in the vegetable storehouse. Fortunately, they did not find us, but everything we had is gone. We have nothing. They killed all our animals and burnt our crops. My father lives in Porhamton, a village two days away. We are hoping he will be able to take us in. If not, well, our future looks bleak,” the man told him.

“What of your Lord, won’t he help?”

“He doesn’t even know we exist. All he cares about is his rent. The farm is finished. They burnt everything. The house, the barn, the cowshed. It’s all gone, everything. What are we to do?”

“Have you eaten? Any of you?”

“No, Sir, what little we had, we gave to the children. What the bandits didn’t destroy they stole. What they couldn’t steal they destroyed. Why did they do this, Sir? We are simple peasants trying to make a living. We are not rich, and our farm was not worth much. Why did they have to destroy it?”

“I do not know. I do know though that you and your family are the backbone of our society, our bedrock. Without you, there would be no lords, barons or kings. Let us help you. I’m sure you could all do with a good meal. It must be nearly dinner time. We’ll make camp here, and get a good feed on the fire.”

Miranda and Brianna came over to help the traumatised family. They gathered up the wife and children. Donald went over to the man.

“My name is Donald.”

“I am Trevor”

“You did well protecting your family from those bastards. You’ve lost things, yes, but they can be replaced. Houses and barns can be rebuilt. Your family, your wife and children, they are what is important. If you had tried to fight those men, you would have been killed, then your wife would have been raped and your children enslaved or killed. I know what it’s like to win, but I also know what it’s like to lose, and to have all you have worked for taken from you. I’ve had to start again many times. It’s not easy, but it can be done.”

“Yes, I know what you say is true, but it still sticks in my craw that I hid like a child while those animals rampaged through my home and stole and destroyed all I have worked for.”

“I know, but what weapons training have you had? What weapons did you have on hand? Did you have a good suit of armour? A coat of mail? A good sword and shield? I’ll bet those bandits had some of those things. They would have cut you down without a thought. No, you did the right thing.”

While the camp was made and a meal prepared, Donald went to his pack horses, the ones he’d taken from the bandits. There he found a couple of warm cloaks, some bolts of good cloth, and a pair of very small boots. He approached the family.

“I don’t know if these will help. I took them from some bandits I caught, the other day. You are welcome to them, if you can use them.”

The woman came over to him with tears in her eyes.

“Thank you, thank you. I don’t know how we can ever repay you. When we saw you approaching, we were worried that you were some of those raiders. For you to show us so much kindness ... well, as I say, I don’t know how to repay you.”

Donald looked at the woman and then over towards Trevor. “First you can tell me your name.”

“It’s Annabelle.”

“Well, Annabelle, you can make sure you thank your husband for keeping you safe and not doing something stupid like going out to face those bandits. If he had been killed, then where would you have been?”

She reached up and kissed Donald on the cheek.

“Thank you, I’ll make sure I do.”

The food was served and they all dug in. Everyone went to their things and found something for the family. Brianna found a blouse, Michael a shirt, the Bishop a coat, [although it was far too large, Annabelle said she could take it in.] Paul and Miriam found a couple of old pairs of trousers that should fit two of the children, Carlos found a blanket, Alan, Henry and David managed to find a spare pair of boots, a cloak that belonged to Sirius (the sleeping guard who was killed) and his jacket.

Isabella looked on as everyone rallied round, and found something for the family, some of it was old and worn, some of it was in good condition. She thought of her own family, of those she knew. Not one of them would have lifted a finger to help these people. They would have ridden straight past with barely a sideways glance. It did not escape her notice that those with the least, Paul and Miriam, were - after Donald - the first to offer help. They gave of the little they had. Everyone else had then chipped in.

They were all looking at Isabella. She smiled, went to her baggage and found a fantastic dress. She brought it over to the woman.

“Here, I have this old thing. I know it’s not very good. I brought it in case of being forced to do some dirty work, like digging or such.”

Annabelle’s eye’s widened with surprise. It was the most beautiful gown she had ever seen.

“It’s beautiful. No, I really can’t accept it. It’s too much, really.”

“Go on, please. It really is an old one. I have several more much nicer ones. Would you like to see if there are any others you prefer?”

“No, it’s okay, this one will do fine.”

“Look, why don’t you get washed up, then we can get you into this dress for dinner, give the menfolk a surprise.”

“Why don’t you get changed in the wagon?” called Miriam

Annabelle nodded and together she and Lady Isabella went to get changed. Soon dinner was ready. Isabella brought Annabelle out.

“Ladies and gentlemen, I present ... Annabelle,” announced Isabella with a flourish

Heads turned and jaws dropped as Annabelle emerged from behind the wagon. She looked fabulous!

“Wow!” exclaimed Paul

“Oh, my!” echoed Brianna

“My darling, you are so beautiful!” said a stupefied Trevor, taking his wife in his arms. “I always knew you were gorgeous, but ... wow!!”

Annabelle reached up and kissed her husband with real passion. “Thank you, thank you for keeping us safe.”

She then turned towards Isabella. With tears in her eyes she threw her arms around the startled woman. “Thank you, all of you. What you have done for us, well words cannot describe it. We will never be able to repay you for you kindness.”

It was the Bishop who spoke. “Was it not our Lord who said, ‘That which you do for the least of these, you do for me?’ As I see it, my dear, we are simply doing as our Lord commanded.”

“I could no more ride by and ignore you, than fly through the air. It is just not in my nature. All I wish is that if you ever see someone who needs your help, that you give it to them just as freely,” Donald said to them.

“Well, Sir Donald, we surely will.”

The children ran up to their mother and threw their arms around her.

“You look lovely, Mummy!” they chorused.

The food was brought, and it was devoured with relish. All the bowls and plates were soon licked clean.

It was by now starting to get dark. They would stay where they were, for the night. Donald went out to set his traps, as usual ... accompanied, as usual, by Simon. He told them where they could go and attend to their needs.

“You better do as Sir Donald says,” Isabella told them. “I ignored him, and very nearly paid a high price.”

“We shall, we shall.”

Later that evening Donald spoke to Isabella, “Why do you call me Sir Donald?”

“You go around rescuing folk at every turn. You saved Simon and took him on as your squire, you helped Paul and Miriam when they needed it. You saved us from certain disgrace and death, or slavery. Now you have saved Trevor, Annabelle and their children. You could have just ridden by and ignored all those around you, I know many who would have done just that. If anyone deserves the accolade of ‘Sir,’ then it is you.”

She kissed him on the cheek and went to her bedroll. It was a very surprised and confused Donald that lay in his bedroll that night.

Two days later, they arrived at Porhampton. It was a small but prosperous looking village. The houses were well kept, the fields planted, the fences maintained and there was livestock in abundance. The headman came out to see them, obviously more than a little bemused at the sight of their strange party. He looked up and down the party, wondering who was in charge. Finally he approached the Bishop.

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His last refugeI was sitting in the library, trying to read, but I was constantly distracted by the chatter behind me. They didn’t know that I could actually hear every word of their gossip. Just a moment ago, they were talking about some fat k** with his abusive father; however, it soon switched to John. John was a tall, handsome and strong sophomore Quarterback. He was basically a celebrity in the university, every guy wanted to be his friend and every girl wanted to be his. "….Dunno why he...

3 years ago
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07 Home 2Chapter 21

Present – Jack – At the cabin I along with three Marines I acquired from Glen are ripping into the ventilation system in hopes that we can use it to get into the tunnels and rescue everyone - especially Vanya. Jennifer's dog is raising hell and trying to help: He's biting the hell out of the metal and digging at it with his paws like crazy. This gives me hope that my plan might actually work. I hear a hell of a lot of gunfire from the Marines I stationed on the perimeter, take a second...

2 years ago
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Father Takes Daugher As His Wife

By : Huma Yousuf had been lusting for his daughter Zarina ever since his wife died five years ago. Zarina looked exacly like his wife Salma. Zarina had plump buttocks, nice long legs and a pair of boobs that can make a man’s mouth water. Zarina had shown signs she wanted her Abbu to fuck. She had in fact rubbed her ass on his cock but he was not sure she wanted him to fuck her. After all she was his daghter! Zarina was 20 years old beauty. One day Yousuf fell from the stairs and pretended to be...

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Dungeon SlutChapter 8

I aggressively attack Steve as soon as the door closes behind us, I wasn’t kidding, I need cock the way a heroin addict needs a fix. I stripped Steve of his clothes and threw him on the bed. I was finally facing what my pussy itched for. His cock was average, which is fine as long as it’s hard. After a quick sucking I mounted his fuck stick. I didn’t bother stripping my clothes but I did pull my tube top down to give Steve something to hold onto. I wish I could say I rode his cock to...

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Fun With My College Sister Part 8211 2

Hello, guys, I am back with my story. Please read my previous story to get some pre-knowledge. So this story is during the internship. After that incident happened varnita and I was open with each other. We used to have sex chats and discuss different type of Fantasies with each other. So we both were interning in Delhi and that day was near when we both had sex. After 1 week of internship varnita and I planned a day for our self. I was living in a flat with two other guys. We used to leave for...

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Mrs Dochies Reverie

The store room was dusty and had the unmistakable smell about it of the unwanted. It wasn’t so much a place to store things as to bury them, it sometimes seemed to her. Every book, machine, chair, desk, shelf and eraser that was no longer needed at the school was delivered here. She’d never seen anyone remove anything, yet the room seemed to be able to swallow anything and everything.She liked it in here. Or rather, she liked the view from up here, on the second floor. She would come here...

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From Dildo to Cock pt4

This is part 4 of my story, you can find the first parts on my channel! EnjoyAfter all that happened during the weekend it would be a lie to say I was the same as before. Whenever I would walk in the street, I was wondering if anyone would recognize me with all the filthy shit we did.I actually bumped into my neighbor from across the street at my local supermarket the next weekend. You know, the guy who watched me by his window while I sucked on Lucas’ dick. He was filling a cart with his...

4 years ago
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Champion of the KingdomChapter 3

The Betrayer - by Hypnohypno Chapter 4 When she awoke, she was back in her own tent, in the army's camp. She was lying in her makeshift bed, which was nothing more than a pile of animal skins, the last of which was draped over her. She could sense that her body had been washed, and her dark curls were no longer in the disheveled state that they had been in during the battle. It was night, and Asiara could only see by the light of two candles that had been set at the foot of her bed. She...

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Sneha Bhabhi Ke Pussy Main Mera Lund

Hello friends apka Rohan agaya he ek aur story lekar jisk bare me mene sirf sapneme dekha tha bo mujhe haqikat me mujhe mili. Is bare me mene apni story batane ja raha hu. Us se pehele me apne ISS ke sare doston ka thanks karna chahata hu jinko meri pichli sari kahaniya bahat pasand ayi. Jis kisine bhi bo sab nahi padha he mujhe mail karke puch sakte he me unka nam batadunga. Aplog jante he ke me jab apna school khatam karke college ki padhai keliye seher aya to mere dost Rajesh ke ghar me...

3 years ago
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Partridge Family A Whole Lot of Lovin

Keith was one fried Partridge. First of all, he was supposed to be in a rock band. But his band's rhythm section was little kids who could barely count, let alone keep up a beat. And he was supposed to be the singer of this band, belting out lyrics about love and kissing and that kind of stuff. Not too hot, maybe, but he was supposed to put some feeling into it, wasn't he? But to whom does he sing this lyrics? To his sister Laurie, on keyboards. OK, she had a pretty cute face, with long...

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Mistis Adventures Part 52

The next morning, Sharon and William came in the back door. Unusually, Mama Campbell was alone in front of the stove cooking breakfast, and Mama Breen was setting the table. Some of the food had already placed in platters and bowls, but Mama Breen had an obstacle to work around. Betty was sitting there with a cup of coffee, but her head was down like she had a headache, and was cradled in her two hands, elbows on the table. "Land Sake's, girl. You need to either go in the other room, or, better...

3 years ago
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Found Sex Tapes

I had found some of my moms sex videos she had recorded while swinging with other guys. One was labelled at the hotel she I placed it into the video player and hit play.Up came my mom naked and on her knees waiting in a doggy position, then a big cock guy walked past the camera and got behind her slowly pushing his big cock in her pussy, she slowly started rocking back and fourth pushing his cock deeper in her clit with each stroke, slowly she did it, her eyes were closed tight as she began...

1 year ago
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Kim blackmailed part 5

Bonnie: ok bitch, time to take that skirt up a bit (with an evil grin) Kim waited some seconds before she did what Bonnie had asked for. Bonnie: not like that whore, I want it up so you are sitting on your ass, and everyone trying to peak will see what they want. Kim took a deep breath before she stood slightly up to take her skirt up. As she did that she knew that she was dripping wet and that anyone who would look down under her desk would see her naked, shaved cunt. Bonnie then turned up...

4 years ago
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Doc and the PornstarChapter 21

Summer arrived with a vengeance along the Gulf Coast. There was a consistent weather pattern. The mornings were usually sunny and beautiful, albeit a bit steamy with high humidity. As the day passed, temperatures rose, cumulus clouds would start to develop inland, and then large towering clouds would rise up just east of the Interstate about five to ten miles from the coast. The land was heated by the morning sun, and generated updrafts that carried all the nearby hot moist air aloft to...

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Mother With the HotsChapter 6

It did satisfy Donny but only for a while. At two that afternoon he took his bicycle and rode off down the road. He had not said where he was going, but Marilyn knew. Donny was going to find Sally. As she relaxed on the patio, a glass of iced tea on the redwood table next to her lounge chair, she wondered how Donny could keep up this pace. He seemed to have more stamina and virility than most men twice his age. But she wasn't complaining. She smiled as the hot sun burned down on her. Her...

4 years ago
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The DolphinChapter 19

I speak to Maggie of shadow, and how it is that we choose to live in the now. I do not plan this talk, but I decide to say when she tells her thought that Kitik does not care for her. That is not true, but I understand how she could make this mistake. So I try to tell her why it is that he chooses not to speak human talk. At first she does not understand at all, but I think later she comes to know at least a part of what I say. I do not wish her to think Kitik does not like her. Maggie has...

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The Airplane Ride HomeChapter 5

Sam guided the RV off the expressway. Behind him, he could hear his mom and dad snoring. He smiled as he recalled seeing them fuck. His mother seemed to enjoy being watched. He wondered how far that would go? He was dimly aware that he and his mother were neophytes. Their sexual relationship was expanding. He was not sure how far they would go but he knew he would enjoy the journey. As best as he could figure, dad was a missionary guy. He sucked mom’s tits, fingered her pussy, and then...

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Youve Been on My Mind

   Since meeting you I can't seem to get you out of my head, but I certainly don't mind. I like thinking about you and how it would feel to be in your arms. Lying alone in my bed, with the lights dimmed, I let my mind wander through all my fantasies of you and create new ones. I want you here with me so badly, to touch your face, smell your scent, taste your skin. Closing my eyes, I can feel you lying down next to me, your warm body close against mine. Your hand slides along my side, brushing...

Straight Sex
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VacationsChapter 10 Dinner Out

Dinner was at a local steak house. Frank said, over the appetizer, “I can’t believe the size of your house, Sue. I mean, I know I saw it before, back when we laid Harry to rest, but I didn’t really look it over. It’s huge!” Ronnie nodded in agreement. “We only bought it a couple of years before that. It’s only eight or nine years old. Harry was really doing well at his company right before the end and wanted to move up. We even had to delay the closing a week to travel to Baltimore for Mom...

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Star Wars The Choices We Make Trilogy Part 2 Aftermath

PART 2 It’s been two years since Nom Anor’s death and Trixie’s capture and Coruscant is slowly bringing in most of it’s popular merchants. Lucius had gotten over what happened on Myrkr but it still tore at his heart like a fish hook causing him to awaken with a start. Throwing on his tan and black robe Lucius went to brush his teeth and shave. Seven minutes later he went to the living room in his apartment and put on his tan and black tunic and white training boots the orange sun shoe...

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Delightfully Evil Part Five

Samantha walked quickly, pulling me along out the door of my cell. I was trying very hard not to fall down, so I didn’t notice the newly placed, wooden crossbar.Shaped like a narrow X, leather restraints for my ankles, no chain, but fastened to bar itself. As I looked up, there were the leather cuffs for my wrists, but the chains were adjustable by winch on either side of the X. I felt another violent tug, Samantha wanted my attention.She slowly rolled up the leash, forcing me closer until...

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Slut on a mission part one

Slut with a mission: My Husband has always taken delight in having me show off my very curvaceous figure at every given opportunity. I openly admit that this has delighted me also, often with me actively playing my role, wearing extremely tight clothing in a variety of sexual materials. I am the proud owner of a multitude of skin-tight mini-dresses in an assortment of materials. Black vinyl mini-dresses, Skin-tight Lycra dresses in various colours, Wet look dresses and leggings. These are...

2 years ago
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Uncle Ash Part 2

Their new found closeness was only interrupted again when Ashton got a new coworker. Nancy was a blonde woman with thick rimmed glasses who was assigned to the cubicle next to Ashton’s. On her first day she commented how lucky she was to be seated next to someone her age and attractive. She admitted she normally does not flirt at work but just one look at him made her change her mind. Shelly caught wind of this quickly and of course confronted Nancy, giving her the same line about Ashton...

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Highwaymen Ch 15

Despite, or perhaps because of her hurts, Celeste slept a deep revitalising sleep that night. She awoke very early the next morning, to feel Terence lying by her side. She turned to look at him in the faint light of pre-dawn, resting her chin on a hand. How changed he had been the previous day! She shuddered in pleasure, felt her cunt suddenly wet as she quickened with excitement, replaying both her beating and the subsequent buggering in delicious detail. Her first thought after that was to...

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A maternal Affair Part 2finale by crazytownfuck

A Maternal Affair: Part IIMy Mother's, My Girlfriend(This is the sequel to maternal affair fully updated..)Forum: i****t Chat > Mothers and sonsNew Topic >> Hi everyonePosted by Debbie at 3:23PM GMT July 1, 2004Hi everyone,I've been a bit of a lurker at this forum for a while, just reading other people's stories. I can't describe how fantastic it is to find that there are not only mothers (and sons!) who share my love of i****t, but also that there are those who indulge in such a...

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Montie and Edward

"Montie & Edward" inspired by the wonderful zany novels of Jeeves & Bertie Worster. Chapter 1 "I say Edward," Lord Montgomery Carruthers mumbled sleepily as Edward started pulling back the bedroom curtains, "have we had any replies to our advert we placed ages ago for a domestic lady to replace our dear old Mrs. Hagerty?" "I'm afraid not Sir," said Edward, outwardly as impeturbable as ever. "Would you like me to enquire further, Sir?" "Well actually old bean not just...

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Kitten So Powerful Ch 03

‘Al, tell me what’s wrong,’ Kiana chided. ‘I skipped The Harpy for you, come on.’ ‘I’m fine, Kiana, leave me alone!’ Alaster tried to close the door again, but Kiana shifted to hold it open with her shoulder. ‘Go away!’ ‘The fact that you’re yelling isn’t helping your case,’ she told him. ‘Tell me what’s wrong, or I’m bringing Hatter into this.’ Alaster stared at her, panic stricken. ‘You wouldn’t! You know he’d pick my lock and keep me up all night!’ He tried, unsuccessfully, to shove...

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Mission MisadventureChapter 2

Maria and Hector Gomez assisted their daughter from the platform after she had finished dressing herself. Hector stood atop the platform and relying upon his wife to translate for him, called out to the crowd and the O'Connells. "Now that my daughter has given her virginity to his man, I have lost my claim to a dowry which I am rightfully owed. I believe that I must claim the privilege of planting my seed in their daughter as her dowry." The crowd murmured their approval, but the...

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Work work work part 2 and 3

Part 2 Of that I had no doubt. This young woman was light on her feet. Staring at the back of those silky pantyhose covered legs my mind drifted to fantasizing. I could all but feel the nylon on her thighs under the palms of my hands. My hands shifting up, up and gently gripping her tight little ass. We reached the third floor. And she opened the door stepping through. I pulled my eyes away from her perfection in time to catch that sweet smile one more time as she held the door for...

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Lady Down on Love

It had been a slow night. Many weeknights are, compared to the bustle of the weekend. I had a small rush of after-work regulars, but they had already disappeared. The remainder of the crowd had either paired off or went home alone. I informed everyone of last call. Part of being the owner of the Clancy's Pub was that I could close early if I wished. On the opposite side of the coin I had no chance for a social life outside of the bar, and decided long ago that I would not get involved with...

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Dawn of a Sleeping Beauty

Chapter 1 Amanda opened the front door and was greeted by Ali's sweet smile. "Hi, sis," Ali said as she stepped into the hall. "WOW," she whistled. "You do look the business." "Why, thank you," Amanda said, turning sideways on so that her sister could admire the way the green silk sheath slid over her tall, firm body, the slit in the back allowing at least the smallest steps to be taken. Amanda turned back to her sister, her red glossed lips shining almost as much as her emerald...

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