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Hey Folks, It’s been a while. Life kind of got in the way. This is a very long story, with a couple of twists near the end. I would suggest not trying to finish it in one sitting, but that’s up to you. Instead of breaking it up and stretching it out, I prefer to give you the whole story at once so you don’t have to wait weeks or months to see how it ends. That’s just my take on it. Thanks as always to the great Barney-R for his editing wizardry and his patience. I sat down and compared his finished story to my original and discovered that my grammar and punctuation are on life support and somehow i forgot to capitalize the letter “I” over a thousand times. i blame Apple. Everything they make has a small i. I also want to thanks everyone who wrote to me and demanded, asked or cajoled me to put something out. Anyway, here we go.SS06

The smile never left my face. It had been plastered over my features for the past eighteen hours. The night before, just after midnight, I’d had the most special experience in my entire thirty two years of life.

“I actually did it, Gina,” I gushed for at least the hundredth time.

“I know Lisa. I was there. I arranged it, remember?” she said in kind of an annoyed voice.

“I can’t wait to tell Glenn,” I chirped. Her head immediately popped off of the seat next to me. The plane’s seats weren’t really very spacious in the first place, so Gina’s abrupt movement not only moved me but the elderly man on the aisle seat beside her as well.

“Are you out of your fucking mind?” she said in that tone of voice that was about halfway between a whisper and a scream.

“Why the hell would you do that?” she asked.

“I tell my husband everything,” I said. “We have no secrets from each other.”

“Hmmm ... That sounds good on paper, Honey,” she told me. “But I’m just a little bit older than you and...”

“Gina ... I’m thirty two,” I said. “You’re forty six. You’re a LOT older than me. If we lived in a trailer park, you could be my mom.”

“Thanks for that,” she smirked. “Anyway ... My point is that I’ve been around the block a few more times than you have and...”

“From what I hear at the office, you’ve been around the block a lot of times,” I said. “The guys in sales said that you were going around the block when Moses lived on it.”

“Are you going to let me get my fuckin’ point in or what?” she hissed.

“Of course,” I said. “I was just pointing out ... Uhm go ahead.”

“I don’t think you should tell Glenn about what happened,” she said. “I mean ... it’s only a big deal to you. Maybe you should just savor the memory.”

“Glenn loves me, Gina,” I said confidently. “He’s always been behind me in everything I wanted to do. When I wanted to go back to school to get my degree in marketing, he changed his work schedule so he could take care of our daughter by himself. He paid for all of my classes and helped me with my homework.

Even though he thought it was a dumb idea for me to go back to school. And I support his dreams and his hobbies too. We’re there for each other no matter what!”

“Okay, then,” she said. “You’re a lucky woman.”

I thought about that as I drifted off to sleep. Glenn and I met in college, kind of. He was a student, and I was a clerk in the college’s registration office. I had dropped out two years before because my grades sucked. I had no motivation and failed to see the benefits of college.

Glenn on the other hand was a shiny as a new penny. He was so enthusiastic that I just wanted to be a part of that. He kept coming back to the office for the most trivial things imaginable.

I remember telling him that a lot of the things he wanted, he could find on the college’s web site. He looked at me with those big gray eyes and I fell for him instantly. I’d caught him off guard and he just answered me without thinking about it.

He wasn’t trying to be clever. He wasn’t trying some cheesy pick up line. He’d just been caught off guard by my statement and answered by telling me exactly what he was thinking.

“But I wouldn’t get to see you then,” he said. I’d been on more than a few dates by then and none of them had ever made me feel the way that Glenn had then.

“Well you can come and see me any time you want,” I said. “But it would probably be a lot better if you just asked me for a date.”

So he did and we started dating. My whole life changed. Within the space of a few weeks, I’d moved in with him. In a few months we were engaged. And less than a year from the first time we set eyes in each other, we were married.

By married, I mean that we were legally married. I only point that out because from the time I first looked into his eyes, we belonged to each other. The only thing the marriage ceremony did was announced it to our friends and family and also gave us legal status.

Almost from the very beginning, everything changed. Being with Glenn was like finding a missing piece of myself. He was someone that I could tell anything to. I could tell him all of my hopes and dreams. He never made fun of me or judged me. He was always on my side.

My hopes became his. My dreams became his. Our strengths and weaknesses balanced each other. He made every aspect of my life better.

I loved being with him. I loved touching him and loved having him touch me even more. I wasn’t a virgin when we got together. I’d had sex a lot more than a few times and could take it or leave it. I was pretty and built so I could get as much sex as I wanted at any time. I’d never had any complaints from the guys I did it with, but it wasn’t a driving need for me.

Glenn made me enjoy sex. He made it so much more than just something I did to reward a guy for a nice dinner or a good date. He made me crave sex. And we never went more than a day or two without doing something sexual.

When our daughter was born, it never slowed us down a bit, but to be truthful, she wasn’t planned. According to our plan we should just be starting our family right about now. Amy was an ooops baby. She was the result of a bottle of very good wine and a night of very good sex that just got out of control.

We were on vacation and I’d developed an allergy to a certain type of birth control pills. It was our first night in a really nice setting in the mountains. The view was spectacular. We had rented a camper, grilled huge steaks in front of a tiny pocket lake and had just finished dinner when it started raining.

It was a soaker of a gentle rain, with huge, warm raindrops that we scrambled inside of the camper to escape. We took off our wet clothes and looked at each other.

I can still remember the look in those huge, innocent gray eyes as he spoke to me. “See ... I told you it was gonna rain,” he said.

I kissed him. I couldn’t help it. I was always kissing him. That kiss melted into sex ... as usual. Maybe it was the mountain air. Maybe it was the sound of the rain but it was different. For some reason neither of us seemed to be able to stop.

It felt as if I was on fire. I slammed myself against him with abandon and he answered my thrusts. When we were finally sated and I stared into those huge gray eyes, he said it.

“I think we’re in trouble,” he said.

“I’m too tired to move,” I said. “I thought you liked my pussy.”

“I love your pussy,” he said.

“Then why are you trying to break it?” I groaned.

“You were the one who started this,” he smirked. “I was just holding on for the ride. Besides ... That isn’t what I was talking about. We kind of forgot about something...”

“We didn’t forget anything,” I groaned. “You screwed me in three different positions, I sucked you off, you ate me and you even had my ass twice ... Not that I’m keeping track, but ... I think we covered it all. And I’m not complaining either!”

The smile never left his lips. He reached up on the table beside us and showed me an unopened box of condoms.

“Uhm ... Ribbed for your pleasure,” he smirked.

“No thanks,” I said. “I’ve had quite enough pleasure for a while.”

“So what are we gonna name him?” he asked.

“The chances of me being pregnant are pretty slim, Honey,” I said. “But someday, when we’re ready, you and I are gonna make a lot of babies.”

I saw those gray eyes again and I could tell that he was happy thinking about it. “I promise,” I told him. He just nodded. But there was something weird about the way that he nodded. Looking back I think he knew somehow.

Anyway, he was right. Three weeks later I discovered that we were pregnant. Glenn was overjoyed. I’d been trying to come up with a tactful way to bring up our options.

“Honey ... You do remember our plan?” I asked him. Our time together had been the best time of our life. We were still crazy in love but seeing him had brought other feelings up for me.

I’d been there. I’d seen how hard Glenn had worked in school. I’d seen the financial benefits that his degree and career had brought us. It had made me sure that our lives would be even better if I went back to school so I could contribute.

“Man plans ... The Gods laugh,” he said. “We’re having a baby!”

We have never looked back. Of course we did make a few mistakes during the pregnancy. I had all types of cravings and Glenn went all over town trying to find the things I wanted. Almost invariably, I would gorge myself on whatever delicacy I just had to have. I went through corned beef sandwiches, kosher pickles, superman ice cream and strawberry frosted donuts with sprinkles.

The funny thing was that I threw each and every one of them up. I am talking about high velocity, projectile vomiting. I was also as horny as a Billy goat. Glenn was being called into service three or four times a day ... Not that he was complaining.

I think the worst was when I had just gotten done filling my belly with shrimp chop suey and Glenn was doing me doggy style. He was really close to cumming when my belly gave up the Chinese food all over our bedroom walls.

I’d been really sure that I could keep it down, but I was wrong. In my defense, Glenn was wrong too. And his mistake cost us a hell of a lot more than some cleaning spray and paper towels.

Glenn had redone one of our guest rooms for the baby. He had painted the entire room blue and out up all kinds of posters from Mustangs and sports posters to G. I. Joe figures. He was all ready for our son’s birth.

We hadn’t actually had the test done to determine the baby’s gender. Glenn was sure it would be a boy and since he’d been right from the very beginning about the baby, I’d believed him. We’d even decided to name him Ambrose after my dad.

So we quickly changed HIS name to Amy after HE was born. As much as my dad hated it, we had to, seeing as how HE was a girl. I was even a little bit put off. I guess I’d gotten used to the idea of having a smaller version of the man I loved most in the world.

Glenn of course was ecstatic. From the second she was born, Amy had her daddy wrapped around her tiny little finger. And I loved him even more. Something happens to a woman when she has a baby with a man. No matter how much she loved him before, it’s at least doubled.

So I put my aspiration of returning to school on hold for a while. But it wasn’t as long as I thought. Glenn and I had always talked about things that we wanted or wanted to do. His always revolved around his Mustang and mine always seemed to revolve around the house or the yard.

It was on one of those times, with a glass of wine for me and a beer for Glenn in front of the fireplace, that I spilled the beans.

“I’m thinking about painting the Mustang Black,” he said.

“I’m thinking about going back to school,” was my reply. He let go of my tit, that he’d been stroking and sat up. I thought he was pissed.

“I’m not thinking about now ... Or soon,” I sputtered. “I mean ... I know we have a baby and she’s only three but you know ... Sometime later on maybe after Amy has been in school for a few years...”

“Is this something you really want to do?” he asked.

“Honey, I know I bombed school the first time and wasted a lot of money, but this time I’m motivated and I really want...”

“Why don’t you go tomorrow to sign up for the fall semester!” he said.

“But... !” I was floored. It was something I wanted to do, but I saw it as being a few years down the pipe.

“But what about ... Amy? And the house and...” I sputtered. Suddenly I wasn’t sure it was a good idea. I guess what I felt, was scared. A lot of people including me talk a good game, but when faced with the chance to really go after something we want ... We choke.

Glenn didn’t give me the chance to. I will be forever grateful to him, because he explained to me exactly how much he believed in me. He told exactly how much he was in my corner and would be helping me through all of it. He’d help me with my homework if I needed it.

He’d pay for all of it. He’d take care of Amy and everything else around the house so all I had to concentrate on would be school. And lastly, yet most importantly he told me not to look at going back as some sort of challenge. This was not a make it or fail situation. I should look at it as a process and even with all of his support if it didn’t work out, WE ... Not I ... WE ... Would simply start all over and try again. He also threw in ... In a very small voice that win or lose ... he and Amy would always love me just the same.

I nodded my head and burst into tears. I was simply over whelmed. A lot of people talk about supporting their spouse’s dreams. I was extremely lucky to be in love with a man who did more than just talk about it.

Needless to say, I fucked him until the skin on his dick was raw that night. And Glenn surprised me even more by staying home the next day so he and Amy could go and register for my classes with me.

Once I got there, I had to sit through a session with a counselor and take several placement tests. They had to determine which English and math classes I needed since I had been out of school for a while.

After taking the tests, I had to wait for Glenn and Amy to come and pick me up. That had me a bit miffed. I’d expected them to be waiting for me. Once we got home I found out where my husband had been.

He’d gone to his job and filled out all of the paperwork necessary to register Amy for the in house day care that his job offered. Glenn intended to take Amy to work with him every day and bring her home with him.

He had also gone to a furniture store and bought another desk for our home office that I could use to study. He bought me a book shelf to keep my books on once I got them and a top of the line laptop computer.

He had done everything necessary for me to be successful in school.

I had always known that the idiot loved me, but I had never realized how much.

Starting out on a dream requires inspiration and motivation. Lots of people start things. And when I started mine, I never realized how tough it was on us.

The classes were harder than I remembered. Glenn had a way of explaining the math to me that was far easier to understand than the way my instructor did. I leaned heavily on him.

He also listened to my complaints and talked me through problems I was having. After the first two years were over, I felt as if I had climbed a mountain. After the last class was over and I was ready to enter the full on business program, I decided to specialize in marketing.

I went out after class to celebrate with some of my classmates. We went to a dance club and I got a little bit drunk. One of the women that I’d had over to study a few times sat me down and called Glenn.

He and Amy got up in the middle of the night and came and got me. I was drunk out of my mind and don’t even remember him picking me up and carrying me to his Mustang.

What I do remember ... And will to my dying day ... Is waking up at my mom and dad’s house the next morning. I was angry as hell. For the first time since we met Glenn and I were having some sort of argument.

I realized that my husband ... The same man who claimed to love and support me as angry at me and jealous of my success. I called the house to ream him out about leaving me at my parent’s house instead of taking me home.

I realized something that I had learned in my psychology class applied to Glenn. Glenn didn’t see me as his equal. Like a lot of men, the thought of his wife becoming independent challenged him. So he got angry and begrudged me one little celebration for what I had accomplished.

Well fuck him. I was proud of what I’d done and going out and getting drunk one time after two years of hard work wasn’t a crime. I didn’t hurt anyone. And all of the men there knew that I was married and stayed away from me. And even if they hadn’t ... There was no way that I would ever do anything to jeopardize my marriage.

My own mother and father laughed at me as I ranted.

My mother drove me home with me continuing to spout my theories all the way there.

Finally when she couldn’t take it anymore, my mother asked me a question.

“Lisa, did you pass Psychology?” she asked.

“Yes, mother, I got a B,” I said.

“That’s surprising,” she said as we pulled up in front of my house.

“Yeah, I thought I deserved an A,” I said.

“After listening to you, I think you should have failed,” she spat. I was floored.

We walked through the house and I went into my bedroom to find Glenn. He wasn’t there. I was torn at that moment. Half of me was afraid and the other half was angry. On one hand, I was worried that something might have happened to him. And on the other, I was angry that he had gone somewhere without telling me. It was funny. He got to go wherever the fuck he wanted, whenever he wanted, but he got angry at me for going to one God damned party. “Fuck this,” I hissed. “When I find him, we’re gonna have words.”

My mother shushed me and took me to my daughter’s room. Amy was five by that time and slept in a bed of her own.

My mom showed me something. Glenn was sound asleep on the floor beside our daughter’s bed. Her hand was dangling down over the side of the bed clutching her daddy’s hand for dear life.

My mother pulled me out of the room and closed the door as silently as she could. She looked at me as if I was something that had crawled out from under her shoe.

“He probably had to stay in there with her until she calmed down after being awakened in the middle of the night to go and pick up some drunk,” she hissed. “I’ll bet HE fell asleep waiting for her to doze off. I don’t know how he does it.”

“How he does what?” I hissed. “I’m the one who had to take all of those classes. And he got pissed at me over one stupid party.”

My mother stepped up into my face then. Her shoulders flinched like she was going to hit me. Then she calmed down.

“I’m going home,” she said. “Do you think I’ll still get to come over here after the divorce?”

Alarm bells went off in my head then. “What divorce, mother?” I yelled. “Okay, I’m pissed at him. But not enough to divorce him. I love Glenn. He just needs to get his head out of his ass and realize...”

“Realize what!” she yelled. “That he married an asshole?”

“Okay, you went out and got drunk last night, right?” she yelled. “No problem right?” I nodded.

“And HE’s really lucky because YOU ... In your drunken state didn’t get fucked by an equally drunken college guy, right?” She stopped for a breath.

“Lisa, what exactly did you do?” she asked. I was scared for a moment because I thought that she ... Maybe that they had heard something. I started working on a lie about how it hadn’t been my fault. Before I could finish, she started talking again.

“You got a two year general studies degree,” she said. “You haven’t even started in on your business program. You act like you cured cancer. And how did you accomplish this great feat?” Again she answered her own question.

“You went to class and you busted your butt studying, right?” she asked. I nodded.

“Lisa, how much did your classes cost?” she asked. I had no idea.

“How much were the books you studied?” she asked. “Who paid for them? Who bought you that laptop? Lisa who bought your clothes and gave you the car you drive to school? Who helps you with your homework?”

“But Mom...” I said.

“Shut up!” she spat.

“Lisa, who takes Amy to school, so you don’t have to worry about her? Who picks her up, even on days that you don’t have class, so you can study?”

“Mom we support each...” I threw in before she interrupted me.

“Who cleans the house, pays all of the bills and even does the cooking and laundry, while working a full time job, so you can lay on your ass and pretend to be a college student instead of an adult woman with a child?” she asked.

It was beginning to sink in. “Glenn does,” I said sadly.

“You were about to say that you two supported each other, right?” she asked. “And before that you were going to tell me that HE wanted to you to go back to school, right?”

I nodded as I began to realize where she was headed.

“So Lisa, how have you supported him over the past couple of years?” she asked. “Tell me about all of the great things you did for him.”

“Mom, as soon as I graduate and get a job...” I began.

“So what’s the job market like out there?” she asked. “How much money will you expect to make?”

“I don’t know,” I said.

“Are you going to make as much as Glenn, does?” she asked.

“Of course not,” I said. “Glenn is a Quality control Engineer ... He...”

“So was it worth it?” she asked out of nowhere.

“Was what worth what?” I asked.

“Before you started school, you had a perfect marriage. You had it all. A beautiful house, an adorable daughter and a husband who loved you more than anything else on the world,” she said. “Now your marriage is shaky. Your daughter has all but forgotten about you. And I’m pretty sure your husband is feeling neglected.”

“But, Mom...” I suddenly couldn’t think of anything to say.

“Let me ask you a really stupid question,” she said. “Would you say that Glenn is at least partially responsible for your ability to go back to school?”

“Of course,” I said. “He’s probably the main reason for it.”

“So don’t you think you should have given that a little bit of thought when you decided to go out and celebrate your great accomplishment?”

“Mom ... I didn’t...” I began.

“You didn’t even think about it, right?” she asked. “So you remember that when some pretty secretary or hot female engineer asks him to go out for a drink after they finish a project.” Fear coursed up and down my spine.

And I got angry. Then I saw a way out.

“Mom, it was spur of the moment and even if I had called Glenn, he wouldn’t have been able to come. He does have to take care of Amy or did you forget that?” I said.

“Well it’s a good thing that HE doesn’t forget he has a daughter,” she said. “You sure seem to have forgotten it. Lisa when was the last time you and Amy did something together, even if it was just to give Glenn a break?” she asked.

For a long time neither of us said anything. My mind was churning from everything she’d told me. I had not only neglected my husband and our marriage, but my daughter as well.

“You should probably avoid having your lawyer call your dad and me as character witnesses when you ask for custody of Amy in the divorce,” she said as she headed for the door. “She’d be better off with her dad.”

For the first time I realized what I had been missing. I stayed in school and did finish up the program, but I did it on my own terms. Instead of trying to compete with a bunch of twenty year olds who lived in the dorms or lived with their parents, I put my family and my marriage first.

Every day of those first few months I discovered things that I had forgotten about or neglected. Some of those things, like my flower garden were too neglected to save; they had to be dug up and restarted. Others just took some love and attention.

My relationship with Glenn was easy. We talked, I apologized and we were fine. Over the next few months I tried to kill him with sex and I think the fact that we’d gone through that little rough patch made us stronger.

My relationship with my daughter was damaged far more deeply. Those years between the ages of three and six have a lot to do with a child’s development and for all intents and purposes, I had missed them.

Let’s put it this way, this all happened six years ago, my daughter is twelve now, her daddy and I are more in love than ever, but she still is and always will be a daddy’s girl.

I keep trying and it hurts some times. Earlier this year, she told Glenn that she needed him to take her shopping to buy bras.

As the plane lands, I wake Gina and we head into the terminal. Gina drives us home and as she drops me off, I see my husband in our driveway. As usual he’s washing his Mustang. I only wish that Gina could understand our relationship. I know that a great deal of it is that I married a really special man. If Gina had any idea how supportive Glenn is, she’d understand how he was going to take my news.


“Amy, your mom should be home in a couple of hours, Honey,” I told my daughter. “I can pick you up if you want.”

“Dad, I know what she looks like,” chirped Amy. “You said I could spend the night with Carli. Besides I don’t want to watch the two of you slobbering all over each other. I’ll spend the whole day with you tomorrow, I promise.”

“But your Mom...” I began.

“Alright,” she frowned. “Wherever we go ... You can bring her too.”

The honking of a car horn ended our discussion. Before I had a chance to even say anything ninety-five pounds of blond enthusiasm flung herself at me. She hugged me so tightly that it felt as if she was worried she’d never see me again, but then she always did.

“I love you, Daddy,” she chirped as she ran towards the car. I waved at Susan Hoffman, Carli’s mom. She waved back and the car took off.

In a way it was a good thing. I missed Lisa an awful lot. It was hard to believe that she’d only been gone for two days. I smiled as I thought about the things we could do with Amy out of the house.

We had a very healthy sex life, but having a budding teenager, who was old enough to know what we were doing in the house, sometimes kept us from being as unrestrained as we’d like.

Another thing that bothered me was the fact that even after six years; Amy and Lisa were not as close as they’d been when Amy was three.

With a couple of hours to kill before Lisa got home, I set the table for a romantic dinner. Our favorite restaurant had take-out service and I had already ordered everything we liked. As soon as Lisa got home I would slip out and pick it up while she was unpacking her stuff.

With everything taken care of, I decided to use the time I had left wisely. I pulled my car, a 2014 Mustang GT out of the garage.

I decided to skip the interior, since I had washed the car thoroughly only a couple of days before. And I had only driven it twice since then. I sprayed the outside of the car with a gentle shower setting to push off any loosed dirt and debris. Then I cleaned the wheels and wheel wells. Surprisingly, before I really got into cleaning the car, an SUV pulled onto my driveway.

I recognized it as Gina’s. It was one of those foreign brands that all look alike. But to be truthful, most of those small to mid-range SUVs all pretty much look alike.

Gina stuck her head out of the window and waved at me. “I brought her back ... In good condition ... Just like I promised,” she yelled.

I didn’t have a chance to answer her because an even bigger furious blond bundle launched herself at me. Surprisingly, Lisa wrapped her arms and legs around me and squeezed me as tightly as she could. It was the exact same type of hug that our daughter had given me about an hour before.

“Honey, I missed you so much,” she crooned. “Boy do I have something to tell you. You’re gonna freak.”

“You couldn’t have missed me as much as I missed you,” I gushed. I squeezed her even harder and her eyes rolled up in her head as the pressure caused her large breasts to flatten against my chest.

“Ooh...” she moaned. “You’d better stop doing that or your daughter is gonna see some stuff that she isn’t ready for. Where is she anyway? I kind of expected you to be washing your car. But she’s normally right there with you, no matter what you’re doing.”

“I let her spend the night at Carli’s,” I said, winking my eyes at her.

“We are definitely gonna take advantage of that,” she gushed. “I’m not gonna mention any names, but somebody around here is gonna get some pussy ... Whether he wants it or not!”

“He wants it!” I croaked.

I grabbed her bags and we headed into the house. “Guess what I did?” she squealed. “You’re gonna be so jealous!”

As we stepped inside of the house she saw the table and the arrangement of her favorite flowers. She saw the ice bucket with a bottle of her favorite wine and my favorite beer, side by side.

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The Password by Jennifer It was late one Friday night . . . and since my wife was out of town on business for the weekend, I decided to do some `Net Surfing' to pass the time. I began to browse through some Newsgroups and was stunned by the amount of Spam that was there. "My God," I thought. "I can hardly find anything other than this shit!" I couldn't believe all of this `Porn Spam'. It was incredible . . . every title trying to vie to catch your attention. As I scanned though...

1 year ago
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The MoonlightI crouched low in the bushes at the edge of the clearing looking out through the leaves at the grassy expanse before me. The clearing was only about 100 paces wide and it wouldn't take me long to sprint across that open space. But I would be clearly visible in the moonlight which streamed down from above, illuminating the clearing and making the forest on either side pitch black.It was more of a break in the forest than a clearing. A strip devoid of trees and shrubs than ran for...

2 years ago
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Chapter 1. Sanctuary The afternoon was wearing on towards early evening, but the daytime heat had not yet eased, and even the shade of the trees provided little respite. Not that much shade ought to have been necessary, because although August was the middle of the dry season, it was also the last month of winter. Despite that, the sun was still hot; very hot, even for Queensland at this time of year, and the density of this mixture of Ash and Poinciana trees was too scant for the...

3 years ago
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The Backstage Pass

Brittany was on her side with her history text book in front of her when she suddenly bolted upright on her bed. She pushed aside her homework which knocked a couple of sheets of paper onto the carpet. Did the radio DJ just say what she thought he said? Could it be true? The DJ continued, " ... so when you hear two songs in a row by Flutterdung be the 11th caller to win two upfront tickets plus backstage passes for after the show." He did say it! Flutterdung! That was her favorite band!...

4 years ago
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The RVirus Trespasser

Sure, there were obvious risks, but she thrived off taking risks. The idea of winding up in prison hardly scared her, her main source of income already carried that sentence. One breaking and entering charge was hardly a deterrent for a woman like her. If her hunch was correct it would all be worth it in the end. The traffic was slowly dying down around the industrial sector as the commercial buildings clustering in the area had all closed up shop for the night. The natural light of the...

2 years ago
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The sound of the bike was nothing less than relaxing in my ears. I noticed him look to the east and I followed his line of sight and realized there was lightening in the distance. He slowly shook his head. I am sure we were both thinking the same thing as his attention turned back to the direction we were heading. There was no way we would make it back home before that storm got to us. Knowing that there was nothing down the road for miles except an overpass, I felt him shift and accelerate...

3 years ago
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Awakened PassionsCh3

She woke stretching slightly colder then she would have liked but stopped when she realized there was an arm over her waist. Robby didn’t sleep like that. Now that she thought about it, she didn’t recognize this room either. What’s going on, she thought. Panic beginning to set in. She rolled a little to see Aaron laying on her side and the last two days spilled back into her mind. Curling up next to his chest she let out a sigh of relief. She lay their a moment and...

2 years ago
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Awakened PassionsCh2

She stormed down the stairs and out of the house. Robby following her all the way out. It was hard, but it had to be done, she realized that now. “WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOEN LARAIN?!†He was screaming at her cause he couldn’t understand why she no longer wanted to clean his house cook his food wash his cloths and, probably the most important part, expected her to wait for him to want her again, with him showing no sign of interest! Not for a full year. All he wanted to do was...

1 year ago
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Awakened PassionsCh1

Larain and Robby lived in the middle of Butt Fuck no were. When they had first gotten together he was sweet and sensual, always wanting to fuck her and explore her body. Now though it seemed as though all he wanted was to hunt and drink. He had ,after all, bought the 120 acres with the huge ranch house in the middle of the property just for her. He wanted to be able to fuck her hard so she could howl, something she did as she came all over him over and over. But lately he hadn't looked...

4 years ago
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Moonlight Passionata

When he finally broke off the kiss, Sheila could feel in her soul just how much the pine scent filled the landscape. She knew her blouse was ruined from the pitch that was ground into her back when he pressed her against the widest tree in the patch of woods behind the barn but she didn’t care. She was wet, the moon was making his hair shine, and she could think only of getting him to tame her wet hunger. He moved around behind her and began to run his fingers through her hair and then let one...

3 years ago
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Awakened PassionsCh2

Introduction: Second chapter to the story. More will come, just bare with me please as I right and enjoy the storie ~_~ Ch2 She stormed down the stairs and out of the house. Robby following her all the way out. It was hard, but it had to be done, she realized that now. WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOEN LARAIN?! He was screaming at her cause he couldnt understand why she no longer wanted to clean his house cook his food wash his cloths and, probably the most important part, expected her to wait for...

2 years ago
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Awakened PassionsCh3

Introduction: Ok. Heres chapter three… four soon to come Ch3 She woke stretching slightly colder then she would have liked but stopped when she realized there was an arm over her waist. Robby didnÃ,t sleep like that. Now that she thought about it, she didnÃ,t recognize this room either. WhatÃ,s going on, she thought. Panic beginning to set in. She rolled a little to see Aaron laying on her side and the last two days spilled back into her mind. Curling up next to his chest she...

3 years ago
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Awakened PassionsCh1

Introduction: Im new at this.. so be gentle…If I get enough posidive feed back Ill put up more chapers CH1 Larain and Robby lived in the middle of Butt Fuck no were. When they had first gotten together he was sweet and sensual, always wanting to fuck her and explore her body. Now though it seemed as though all he wanted was to hunt and drink. He had ,after all, bought the 120 acres with the huge ranch house in the middle of the property just for her. He wanted to be able to fuck her hard so she...

3 years ago
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The Trespasser

His POV It was a beautiful Summer day and I had decided to spend it working at my hunting land, cutting some trees that bent across the trails during an ice storm in the Winter. I was hiking down a trail through lush green Wisconsin woodland, listening to the songbirds and mentally apologizing to them for the ruckus I would soon be making. I had a chainsaw in hand and a hardhat on my head. But first, I had a different call of nature to answer to. I set the saw and hardhat down and stepped off...

4 years ago
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Forgive Us Our Trespasses

1994:I heard about the pool through my best friend Jess. She was one of those girls who is friends with everyone in high school. In comparison I was kind of a loner, preferring the company of books to people. I think that was what her interest in me was. I was a challenge, and she was persistent. I liked her, too, though only as friend. Sure, she was pretty, and smart, and cool, and nice, but I didn’t want to risk what was good about our relationship by pushing too hard for it to become...

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Dark Impassions

Josh Tylers was a good looking 19-year-old black male with a promising day ahead of him. He was leaving to go on a date with his girlfriend 20-year-old half-Asian bombshell college sophomore Jade Pond. Josh was pretty sure he was going to lose his virginity this time too. She invited him to her dorm room and even threw in some suggestive language to the text message she sent him. They have been getting close to having sex before. Like the time he was fingering her and she was playing with his...

1 year ago
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Mark öffnete seinen Posteingang und hörte sofort den altbekannten Ton den er auch irgendwie erwartet hatte.... "Ding - Sie haben eine neue Mail". Mark erwartete Post und da war sie. Der 20 jährige machte nach der Schuke gerade ein Jahr Pause und hing vielk herum. Er hatte keine Freundind im Moment und in den weiten des Internets geriet er desöfters in chats mit anderen leuten. Er chattete viel aber ein Chat-Partner hatte in den letzen Tagen und Wochen mehr interesse an ihm bekundet und so...

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barn passning

du heter martin och sitter vid ditt skriv bordet och ser ut igenom ditt fönster. när du ser att dörren öppnas och stängs du hör röster små prata med varandra. du vet att det är din barnvakt som har kommit eftersom din mamma och pappa ska ut med din pappas it företag på middag och hel helg. du reser på dig och går ut från ditt rum och går ner till botten våningen och går in i storarummet där du ser din mamma i en snygg klänning och din pappa i en kostym. så vem ska barnpassa mig i helgen då...

3 years ago
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Loccasione rende luomo passivo

Mi allungo verso la figa aperta e tumida di Chiara mentre Carlo, in piedi al lato del letto, dietro di me, mi prende per i fianchi e sistema il mio culo in direzione del suo cazzo incappucciato. Chiara scivola sotto di me, spalancando le gambe e spingendo coi talloni sul materasso: il plug anale nero che indossa si muove quando lei contrae l'addome muovendosi sul letto, e il movimento del giocattolo mi eccita da impazzire. Le mie labbra incontrano la sua figa nello stesso momento in cui le sua...

2 years ago
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Gelida Passione

1I segreti hanno un prezzo.G. S.Tatiana lo faceva “morire”: era un tipo sveglio e più napoletana dei napoletani. In due anni e aveva imparato tutto sulla vita della città, nonché del suo intricato sottobosco, persino le grandi e piccole manovre della mentalità camorristica: ormai la linfa, il sistema sanguigno della città.Andava fiero di quella donna, il suo braccio destro. L’aveva voluta, ne aveva intuito le qualità, e ne aveva fatto una vera “signora”.Certo, al suo Paese era una laureata,...

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Piazza passione

Well it was oy 2 hours in duration but thebuild up and fact it was so special to memade this the most wonderful 2 hours of love ever with myhoney.We had arrived at the piazza bench anothernightand been unlucky as was people there and they wouldnt leave. Last night I went back with him and surprise surprise people were there again.Would I ever get it on there?We sat on the bench of 4 benches and held each other. I whispered of my desires to my honey. As we sat talking quietly I got more excited....

3 years ago
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The Trespasser

His POVIt was a beautiful Summer day and I had decided to spend it working at my hunting land, cutting some trees that bent across the trails during an ice storm in the Winter. I was hiking down a trail through lush green Wisconsin woodland, listening to the songbirds and mentally apologizing to them for the ruckus I would soon be making. I had a chainsaw in hand and a hardhat on my head. But first, I had a different call of nature to answer to. I set the saw and hardhat down and stepped off...

Straight Sex
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The Trespasser

The Trespasser.Page 1.        'Hey, hey you.' I said, pretty well jumping out from behind a big rock, 'What are you doing here? This is a private beach. What the hell are you doing here?'        Now I gotta say, I was pretty well shocked at how beautiful she was. Turns out she was a fashion model and doing something I had never heard of. She was doing a series of 'selfies' but using a digital camera on a tri-pod utilizing the timer feature to do a photo-shoot of herself in a really sweet, sexy,...

2 years ago
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Lets Play Tresspassers

Let’s Play TrespassersAfter a late lunch out, Lisa, Ashley, Suzi and I were out walking in a park on a warm Sunday afternoon in July. The park was beautiful. There was a lush lawn and the flowers all around were in magnificent bloom. We were just walking around, talking and gossiping and giggling, probably a little too loudly. We were feeling a little hot, and decided to go walk in the nearby woods, to take advantage of the shade. The woods was mostly a pine forest. There were lots of tall pine...

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I’m a very calculative person by nature and don’t take much of a risk in sexual adventurism like hooking a sex-worker or making girl friends for sex… the reason is don’t want to be in soup say m moving with my family in a market and any girl coming to me and throwing a surprise. Better watch this situation. Apart that sex is always a passion where one should have equally passionate partner other-wise buy a 1 kg of chicken keema and fill it in a balloon and put your rod through the hole and sage...

4 years ago
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Punished for Passivity

Mistress Maria decided to teach her sex slave, meat, a lesson about becoming more sexually aggressive Punished for Passivity Mistress Maria decided to teach her sex slave, meat, a lesson about becoming more sexually aggressive.? After a languorous and erotic session during which she held back while he licked her pussy, she finally permitted him to make her cum. Then, after he had made her cum again with his cock, and she finally permitted him to fill up her pussy with his sperm.? Knowing...

2 years ago
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Opus OneChapter 20 Passacaglia

"So what do you think of the piano sound?" Dave asked Richard. Richard stood up from Jarrett's chair in front of the speakers. "It's really rich. I'm used to hearing this piano from the piano bench, so it sounds a little different. But still nice. Really nice." "Good. I'm happy with it too. Man, I just love this concert hall. Jarrett, what do you think?" "Smooth work, Dave. Let's record some so Irina can hear it," Jarrett replied. Richard sat in his chair, to Jarrett's left,...

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Toon Pass! I want to see some hentai sluts getting fucked in every way imaginable. Yeah, there are plenty of sites with hot hentai babes getting what they deserve, but I want even more than just that. I like all kinds of animated porn. Comics, cartoons, hentai, and sometimes I’ll even jerk off to some quality 3D SFM shit if I’m feeling it. But I don’t want to have to go to half a dozen fucking sites to get my fix. I want one site where I can go and fap to all kinds of drawn porn. Fuck having to...

Premium Hentai Sites
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Parody Pass! Remember when Netflix and chill was a thing? It was short-lived, but for a glorious moment in time, we had a perfectly viable excuse to invite girls over for sex. Not that there were never perfectly viable excuses to invite girls over for sex before Netflix and chill became known. There have always been great excuses for that. No, the difference was in the fact that any girl who agreed to come over to Netflix and chill knew damn well what was about to go down.There was no playing...

Premium Porn Parody Sites
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Plumper Pass implores potential subscribers on their landing page, screaming in all caps, to “GO BIG OR GO HOME!” Not that you’d have an option to go small or even medium around here. Hell, even “big” seems like it undersells the product; why talk molehills when you’ve got legit mountains of delicious, jiggly flesh? As for the “go home” part of the equation, well, I guess that’s up to you. Personally, I feel comfortable enough whacking off to this stuff at home, in a seedy motel, on the bus, or...

Premium BBW Porn Sites
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When I first got the link for Blow Pass, I immediately imagined a subscription service offering unlimited blowjobs for one low monthly fee. It turns out I was kind of right, though the actual service doesn’t include full service from the local crack whores. This is a premium smut network dedicated to beautiful women giving has been around in some form or another since 2005. I’m already hard as a rock looking at their landing page, so I have a feeling I know how they’ve lasted...

Premium Blowjob Porn Sites
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A Tug Pass can be many things to many different people. It might be the theoretical pass your wife has given you to get a handjob from a favored celebrity should the opportunity present itself. In shittier relationships, it’s the right to jerk off on alternate Wednesdays, the other days reserved for procreation or sad blue balls. For regular masturbators, though, a TugPass includes unfettered access to a whole network of perverted porn sites.That’s exactly the kind of shit we’re talking about...

Premium Handjob Porn Sites
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Reddit PassionX, aka r/PassionX! Of course, as we all know, Reddit is full of sissies. So, even when they post porn on there, they still slam that shit with some sensuality and romanticism. Unfortunately, I have to review this soft porn, so, for today, we'll do that. I mean, I don't have anything against soft porn. As with all spaces, women need their little squares too. But, I, as a tough man, used to hardcore porn, don't do this shit. But, anyway, I know that most of you do.If you use Reddit,...

Reddit NSFW List
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Interracial Pass sounds like something you might get from a really open-minded wife who didn’t mind if you got a little action on the side, provided you’re doing your part to fight the stigma of racism. Too bad for all the virgins and sad sacks stuck in unhappy marriages, I guess. It isn’t all bad, though, because there’s another kind of interracial pass that’s a lot more accessible to the average pervert with a few extra bucks in his, as you may have already guessed,...

Premium Interracial Porn Sites
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Fuck Pass VR is a little harder or a little easier than most porn sites to enjoy in public, depending on how you look at it. On one hand, if you’re watching it via the magic of virtual reality, as you’re intended to, the other Starbucks customers won’t necessarily know you’re living an immersive, 3D porno fantasy. On the other hand, it's hard to stay aware of your surroundings with a futuristic pair of sex goggles strapped to your face. One minute you’re smashing a famous pornstar in 8K, the...

VR Porn Sites
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GangBang is her favorite passtime

I am a twenty-seven year old woman who has been married five years and has two beautiful girls. A few months ago my husband got three XXX-rated videos for us to watch because he knew I had never seen any and he wanted to spice up our sex life. We watched the first two videos and although my husband was very aroused, they were just OK with me. Then he put on the last one. WOW - did it get to me. Its plot was simple, a gang rape. Five male bikers are driving down a country lane when they see a...

Group Sex
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Hall Pass

It just slid into her head again like the night before. 'I wonder if he fucks as well as looks?' She had sat with her husband around the pool bar at the hotel absorbing the chilled, relaxing feeling that only a good holiday can bring and it was topping off a day where she had lain on the beach topless for the most part letting the warmth of the sun soak through her body whilst she drifted and dozed between bouts of the steamy novel she had been reading.But now it was dark and midway through the...

Wife Lovers
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Nights of Alsitor At The Foot of Podritias Pass

The wind howled outside, barely swaying the lanterns hanging within the closed bivouac. Soft light played off the glyphs woven into the tent walls, and the somber faces of the two meeting parties. Captain Tsharles, a rocky-jawed bear of a man with olive skin and wavy amber hair, sat on a footstool two steps away from the intricately-knitted wicker bench supporting Sheriff Amelia, the steward of Podritia's Pass. a strategically vital route through otherwise inaccessible mountains. The men in...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Carefree Cove Ch 07

It was a quiet evening at the Q and A Bar amd Grill in Seville Hills, MO. Thomas Albright sat with two of his friends, Petey Harms and Freddy Kleinschmidt, nursing beer. The hour was just past 8:00. Tom was a relatively young man at 51 compared to his two friends, who were grizzled old men in their 70s. The old men was on furlough from their wives of many years, Tom was a fugitive from his home at Carefree Cove, trying not to think where his lover of the past few days, Michelle Hawkins, might...

1 year ago
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Without a Compass

I thought of it as 'either or', not 'something and'. Sex I mean, specifically sexual relationships. You navigated through sex because certain things were a given. One of those was that my wife Jilly was not a lesbian. I mean, she had never shown the slightest sexual interest in women. Lesbian themes on TV or film appeared to be distasteful to her. But then she met Adele and my life became unhinged. Unhinged because I didn't believe that I knew Jilly anymore. Unhinged because I didn't understand...

3 years ago
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Wolf Creek Pass

Usually I love driving. You see so much from the cockpit of a motor coach. I have traveled to 49 of the states and Canada, saw some beautiful scenery and even witnessed the sight of bare female flesh from passing cars. My wife and I had bought this converted tour bus used and had just finished rebuilding the inside, preparing to pull up stakes and travel. It had always been a dream to see the country, and after we had sold the business, we had the funds to make that dream possible. But I was...

4 years ago
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Backstage Pass

Backstage Pass [Victoria Justice gets a backstage pass to one of Miley’s concerts. Things happen in her dressing room…] Victoria smiled happily as she put on the final layer of mascara to her eyelashes, before picking up her lip gloss and applying some on her lips. She twirled around in front of the standing mirror in her room a couple of times, trying to decide if she looked good or not. She was wearing a frilly red top with matching red earrings, and a tight pair of jeans tucked into her...

2 years ago
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On His Bathhouse Pass

On His Bathhouse PassWayne is, I'm sure, exactly the type of person that the bathhouse was hoping for when they gave away the 8 Hour Free Pass, as one the door prizes at the Gay Pride Festival. Wayne just happens to be one of those 'pretty boys' that any bathhouse would love to have hanging around. Age 23, 5'11', 185 pounds, 44 inch chest, 32 inch waist, short dark brown flat top, a bubble butt made of stone, that anybody in their right mind would love to fuck, and a very respectably long and...

3 years ago
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Backstage Pass

No, this story is not about groupie plaster casters at a glam rock concert getting the cock and balls in plaster of a rock star they fucked. Nor is it about going backstage at a theatrical performance of a highly sexual play, although elements of such drama are in this story. It was a simple sign in the woods, ?Backstage Pass?. I had cycled to the end of a woodland trail, an old rail bed, and found a gate blocking the trail, presumably erected there by a property owner jealous of his privacy....

3 years ago
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Backstage Pass

[Victoria Justice gets a backstage pass to one of Miley's concerts. Things happen in her dressing room...]Victoria smiled happily as she put on the final layer of mascara to her eyelashes, before picking up her lip gloss and applying some on her lips. She twirled around in front of the standing mirror in her room a couple of times, trying to decide if she looked good or not. She was wearing a frilly red top with matching red earrings, and a tight pair of jeans tucked into her long black booths....

1 year ago
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Carefree Cove Ch 05

Tom Albright drawing in the summer Missouri morning. He wore his swimsuit and surfing shoes beneath his white T-shirt as he stood on the dock of his neighbor, Michelle Hawkins. She was a voluptuous woman of forty whom he just started a physical relationship the night before. She posed on her lounger for forty five minutes in her white robe in different positions before removing it so he could draw her naked. Her face was a little tired from lack of sleep, but aglow with the aftermath of great...

2 years ago
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Carefree Cove Ch 01

‘Sing the song, Daddy!’ The small voice rang brightly across the waters of the cove, and Thomas Albright shook his head a couple of times. A long, lean, nut brown body turned around and swam back past him, the blonde head poking indignantly out of the water. The nymph demanded: ‘Sing the song, Daddy! You know I’ll keep this up ’til you do!’ Tom took a deep breath, and in his shaky tenor did his best Peter Blegvad impression: ‘That’s my daughter in the watereverything she owns I bought...

1 year ago
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Carefree Cove Ch 06

Another Seville Hills, Missouri Wednesday, and the Methodist Domino Club gathered on an August evening at the shelter house by the community pool. Mutt Hayes talked his grandsons and their friends into playing Texas Hold ‘Em with his usual companions, with Reverend Hoot Pidgeon acting as dealer for the evening. ‘Check.’ ‘Call.’ ‘Fold.’ ‘Raise the pot.’ ‘Fold.’ ‘Call.’ Mutt Hayes looked smug as he peeked at his cards. His grandson Todd studied the old man, searching for a clue to his hand....

3 years ago
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Freedoms Touch

The lake engulfed the landscape, glinting and gleaming with the colors of its surroundings. It met the sky’s gaze with a fever of its own, deepening in color the farther out it reached. The evergreen forest that surrounded the body of water left, in their shadow, a deep green mark upon the water – as if to remind you just how far from the world you really were. Waves, churned up by the mountain wind, lapped up against the shore. The steady thrumming of the water was broken only by the echoes...

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Freeuse for One

Author's note: Feel free to add onto the story yourself, but please use proper grammar and prose. Enjoy! You are Stephen, a 19-year-old living by himself in a modest apartment, who has just woken up after a strange dream. In your dream, a mysterious being told you that you had the power of something called 'freeuse.' You'd never heard of it before, but it was explained to you: "Anybody in the world must submit to your command. They may resent it, or love it - they have no choice but to follow...

Mind Control
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Freedonia A very exclusive adult resort

"Welcome to Freedonia, where the very finest in adult resort entertainment awaits! Stay in one of our luxuriously appointed rooms, or pamper yourself with a multi-room suite. Enjoy the spectacular views, the gourmet cuisine and our unique entertainment opportunities. Whether you choose to visit us alone or with a guest you can be assured of our attention to your every need and desire. Our friendly, efficient staff is ready to welcome you and assure you make the most of the opportunities...

4 years ago
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Freeuse Society

Today is my birthday! I'm finally 18. Once you're 18, you can finally experience the pleasures of the Freeuse Act. In 1984, a new law was passed in the United States called the Freeuse Act, which allows anyone age 18 and over to have consensual sex with anyone else of legal age, anywhere! Nudity and incest were also legalized. This mean that I have to switch over to the secondary campus, Charger High School. To keep everyone at our high school from constantly having sex with underage kids, the...

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