a sexy night withmy cousin sister
- 5 years ago
- 65
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100% fiction!
We were cash-strapped those days. My elder sister Sangita was that time doing her textile business. She was twenty seven, but looked young enough for people to think she is my younger sister. She was athletic, slim and tall. She carried herself well; dressed elegantly and was very beautiful with lovely thick silky hair which fell below her shoulder. She had a sharp nose, full lips. a well defined chin; and large eyes. However, her striking feature was her figure. Though petite, her body looked full, endowed with large yet firm breasts and a tight but wide butt. I was twenty three, five feet ten inches tall. slim and fit. We used to be very close when we were younger; but over the last few years we had drifted apart; as she was busy with her work all the time. My sister used to procure textile materials, get them designed into fashionable garments and supply them to retail outlets in Calcutta. It was during Dassera festival she needed lots of money to buy a large consignment – as that is the peak season for this business. She asked Dad to lend her money. But dad could not afford.
I had been working for my dad in our family business and was trying to get a new agency for a reputed tiles manufacturing company. Its sales manager came to Calcutta for a business visit. I met him, and took him out for drinks and dinner. He asked me if I could arrange a call-girl for him. And trust me, I had no idea how to get one in Calcutta, though I knew there was Sonagachhi, the red-light area of Calcutta full of cheap whores, which would not help my cause.
I got back home, and was not getting sleep, not knowing how to get the sales manager satisfied, and possibly get the agency. I got up and then wanted to check my emails. While doing so, I just clicked on a search for call girls in Calcutta. It went to a site on sex guide in India. One advertisement appealed to me. It read – A classy tall bold and beautiful modern girl, who knows how to please is available for making your fantasies true – if your purse can afford. You will find girl of your dreams – and someone you can share anything with – what you never shared with your wife or girl-friend. For reasons unknown I just filled in the name of the manager, Mr. Patel, his hotel details and asked her to come the next day at 1pm to the hotel. A while later I went to sleep.
Next day, I went to see the sales manager, Mr. Patel. We were sitting in his room. I did not divulge to him that I had tried to arrange a call girl as I was not sure if the girl would respond. We were discussing business and sipping beer. "It is quite boring here in Calcutta. I wish I had some good company." Patel said as he sipped his beer. I was looking at my watch frequently to see if it was one o'clock and if the girl would really turn up. We must have polished off three bottles each in the morning itself. Exactly at 1pm, the phone in the room rang.
My heart skipped several beats as I saw Mr. Patel picking up the phone. He said," Hello, Patel here....." and after a pause said, "but I ..........I do not know....." I went unto him and gestured to him to give me the phone. I took it from him and said, "Hello, may I help you?" A female voice came from the other end, "Is Mr. Patel there?" "Yes Ma'am. By the way, are you Miss Neha?" I inquired. "Yes, I am Neha and I was supposed to see Mr. Patel in his room." Wao!! I thought to myself... Patel will get a girl today and I shall get the agency.... "That is correct Madam, how much do you charge?" I asked. "It was in the net. I charge twenty thousand rupees for two hours. And it is to be paid in advance. For each extra hour, another ten thousand rupees. And for trying variations, I charge extra." I knew I had to pay for this. So I wanted to be clear. "Madam, it is for two hours only.
But the gentleman may like to try out few variations. Please let me know how much you are going to charge." There was a pause. Then the lovely voice started again, "For anal sex, I charge ten thousand extra. But it is to be done with condom. For blow job with condom, I charge two thousand extra; and without condom, five thousand. If the man wants to come in my mouth and ass; my total charges are thirty five thousand rupees. And not a rupee less. And I can assure you, all my clients go back satisfied." Fortunately I had the cash with me, as I had to make some payments. I spoke, "Please wait in the lobby. I shall come there and pay you in advance, and you can then take care of my client in his room. But how do I recognize you?" She replied, "I am in white top and black trousers. I am slim and tall, and am carrying a black handbag. My hair has shades of brown.
I am wearing dark sunglasses. I am sitting in the corner-most sofa in the lobby." I hung up the phone and then turned to Mr. Patel. "Mr. Patel, I am getting you a girl, and you can have all your fantasies fulfilled!!" There was a smile on his face. "Hey you... thanks man!!! You did not tell me, so that I could have taken a Viagra earlier!! Anyway, hope she is good. You can come back after she leaves." While going out of his room, I turned back and told him," I shall take care of her payments, you just have fun!!!" I opened the door and went to lift to go down to the lobby.
As I looked around, I saw a lady sitting in the corner of the lobby with her back to me. I went slowly towards her, and saw the black strap of her handbag on her white shirt. Her hair was open and cascaded down, some of them hanging behind the back of the sofa in soft curls.
"Ma'am, I came to pay you so that you can then go to the room for Mr. Patel". I was shocked the moment the lady turned around to face me. I felt as if I would collapse. My mouth dried up, my heart was pounding against my chest and my legs wobbled as I saw her. It was my elder sister – Sangita. I caught the sofa to balance myself, and staggeringly went around and sat on the sofa by her side.
"You.... Here.... ." I stammered as if I saw a ghost.
Her face turned pale; and her lips quivered. She was looking down. She was dressed very elegantly, in a pair of black trousers, though fairly tight with flares at the bottom; black high-heeled pointed shoes and a white silk shirt, which had top two buttons undone, just giving a hint of a cleavage, but not exposing anything other than a lacy white bra. The shirt was tight though and the buttons appeared a bit strained, as her shapely bust was trying to push through.
She started after a pause, "Well, you know I needed money for my business and I needed it bad and had to make it fast. I had no other choice. This way, I can make some fast bucks and then invest in my business. And I am taking all precautions. I go only to five star hotels, where I meet much selected people; and stick to all safe practices. What else could I do to get the money? I did not have any choice."
"Yes, I understand." I said, in an assuring tone. "Well, you have to be careful. You should make sure no one finds out." I looked into her eyes which were hidden behind her sunglasses. "I actually wanted to get someone for this Mr. Patel to get the agency of tiles for our hardware business; and was just taking a chance in the internet. And that is how I contacted you. Actually I was supposed to pay for his entertainment."
"Well, you still have to pay," her voice was lighter this time. "Do not worry, if it helps you in your business, I shall take care of him. But you know, we have to keep it to ourselves."
"Thanks a lot Didi (it is the Indian word for addressing elder sister)." I said softly. "His room number is 561."
She got up, and majestically walked to the elevator. The shirt was short. It ended just at her waist. The tight black trousers stuck to her behind like a second skin. Her butts were tight, firm and were swinging with each of her steps. A white thong was peeking out over the waist of her low-rise trousers. The thin wisp of the thong was out, making itself tantalizingly visible through her sheer shirt. Her high heeled shoes made her ass sway provocatively as she walked. She waited in front of the lift for a while, and then disappeared as the lift opened and closed.
A million thoughts were crowding my mind; and I was imagining what Patel would be doing with my sister. I was trying to get a mental picture of what would be happening in room 561. I went to the coffee-shop and sat there waiting for Patel's call. Almost after an hour and half my mobile rang, and I woke up from my reverie. It was the hotel number on my phone. I switched on the phone.
"Kumar, Patel here. Can you come over to my room?"
I rushed to his room.
Patel had wrapped a towel around is waist as he came to open the door. Sangita Didi was in the bathroom.
"She is wonderful Kumar. I really had fun and lots of thanks for arranging this wonderful lady. And now the agency is yours!!!"
Sangita Didi came out of the bathroom. She was her usual composed self. Her make up was intact. Her hair was neatly arranged. Her attire was flawless. Her eyes were expressionless though. She sat on the sofa and put on her shoes, tied the lace and got up. She came near Mr. Patel, gave him a peck on the cheek; then took out her sunglasses from her bag, wore it. She was about to leave, when Patel spoke," Thank you so much Ms. Neha. I enjoyed every second of your company; and shall cherish it for ever. Hope you have not forgotten my little souvenir I asked for."
"Thanks to you too Mr. Patel." Sangita Didi replied. "Your souvenir is in your bathroom. I left it for you." Sangita Didi smiled and went out of the room.
I saw Patel ogling at the sexy posterior of my sister as she went out of the room.
"And Mr. Kumar, give me a few minutes, I shall hand over the contract to you and then I need to sleep. I am famished!!"
Patel brought out the documents from his briefcase, signed it and handed them over to me. I thanked him and left his room with mixed feelings. I have used my own sister's services to get the contract, at the same time I was happy I got the contract. I returned home straightaway.
I went to my room, and was thinking of my sister. On one hand I was shocked my sister was whoring around; but on the other I was grateful to her for bagging the business contract. I did not want to be a moral police. I reasoned to myself, girls can be bed-hoppers for fun; so which way was it wrong if my sister slept with different men. Well, she was using sex as a tool to make money – but what is wrong in that?" Then I thought of going to her room and thank her again for helping me in the business. I changed to my shorts and a T-shirt and went to her room. I knocked at her door.
"Get in Kumar", she shouted.
I went inside. She was lying on her bed. She was wearing a tracksuit and a T-shirt and was lying on her stomach and going through some dress-design book.
"Thanks a million Didi." I began the conversation. "I owe you my life for helping me out with the deal. Patel was so happy that he signed the contract just after you left and gave it to me." I told her in a very normal voice easing the situation as if nothing wrong has ever happened.
She did not sound even a trace perturbed. Her voice was steady. "He is a decent old man." My sister said. "Poor fellow's wife does not sleep with him and he wants to make the best use of whatever active sex-life the old-man is left with." She paused and without lifting her gaze from her book, continued professor-like, "These guys have sex in their minds, but their bodies refuse. They need it more, but cannot perform. When you make them think they are good in bed and fake a few orgasms, their male ego gets boosted; and they start thinking their pencil-thick cock is the best performing tool in the world! You know, what is important is, you got to please the man's ego, not his sexual drive."
"Whatever it is, Patel was head over heels for you. And he was ever so thankful." I added.
"Yes, he also told me the same thing. He had never experienced anal sex before and he was so excited when I let him fuck my ass. After coming twice in an hour, once in my mouth and once in my ass; he was finished. He did not have energy left to handle me for two hours." She was saying with a kind of pride in her voice. "By the way, you got to buy me a new thong. He took mine saying he needed it as a souvenir!!" She chuckled.
"Whatever you say Didi. If you want, I can buy you a wardrobe." I assured her. "But Didi, this way, if you handle such clients directly, there is always a chance someone known would find out and you know how dad and mom will get pissed off."
"That is right. But I try to be as discreet as possible. I entertain only those who are not from Calcutta; and only if the person is not known any way. But considering what happened today, I have to find a way to carry this on properly." She raised her head from the book and sat down folding her legs.
"May be, I can help you. I shall handle your emails, and contacts. And once I ensure it is a safe deal, you can go ahead with business." I suggested.
"That is a good idea." She said thoughtfully. But suddenly, she burst into laughter and said, "What a joke, brother pimping for sister!!!!"
"Manager.... Not a pimp" I too laughed aloud. "Like most actresses have their managers or secretaries, I shall be your secretary and manager. And I shall not take any salary or commission from you." I said in a lighter vein. "I will do it to pay you back for all your help."
She was sitting in the typical Indian style, with her legs folded. I could see a damp patch at her crotch of the tracksuit. As my eyes traveled to her crotch, she realized what I was looking at and nudged me and said, "Sometimes these old men provoke the desire in you, and when you need it – they leave you horny. I was actually feeling very horny after coming back and just before I heard your footsteps approaching my room I kept the vibrator in. I was shagging myself and that is why it is so wet down there. And I am not wearing any panties. So this tracksuit is wet!!"
"Ok my secretary. Let us go." She said and jumped off the bed. "I need to change."
"You want me to go out?" I asked – but deep within I was praying she lets me be there when she changed.
As if she listened to my prayer, she said, "Now that you are going to be my manager, you need to know what you are dealing with!!! You can stay in and see what you are going to manage." She said with naughtiness to her voice and pulled off her top.
I was transfixed when my eyes fell on her supple breasts. They were firm, conical standing in their full glory. They were much larger than what I thought them to be. Her nipples were erect. The grape-fruit like nipples stood from the center of her brown areolas, which capped her large breasts. They were moving up and down like water-filled balloons as she walked up to her wardrobe. She picked up an off-white transparent satin bra and slipped it on. She placed her boobs in the bra cup and reached behind her back to fasten the hook. She moved her fingers underneath the strap to position them properly. I was hypnotized and my cock was up. The bra lifted up her breasts making her cleavage deeper. What a place for a man to keep his face in – I was wondering.
As if I did not exist in that room, she kept her both hands on the waist band of her tracksuit and pushed it down. She had to bend to take it out of her legs. As she did that with her back to me, I saw the finest piece of ass in the world. They were full, yet firm and quite large – appearing even larger as her waist is quite narrow. They were glowing. And as she bent, I could see her pussy lips peeping from between her legs. She pulled out a matching pair of panties and again bent down to slip one leg into it and then the other. She straightened up and pulled up her panties. She still had her back towards me. As she pulled up her panties, I saw a little triangular lacy piece of cloth covering a small portion of her lower back where the butt-crack started and a string descending down from it but vanishing between her two large globes of ass cheeks. I could not see her front, but could guess there must be a small triangular patch covering her pussy. And the material was almost see-through and lacy. I was wondering if she had any hair on her pussy.
She picked up a pair of jeans and waltzed towards me. And I could see her in the skimpy bra and panties. The bra was transparent, and I could see her dark nipples and areolas; and the panties were covering her pussy and could easily make out her pussy was shaved clean. She slipped her legs into the jeans and zipped it up. She picked up a top and wore it.
"Get up and let us get going." She ordered.
I was embarrassed to get up as my cock was making a large tent and I was trying to push it down when she pulled my hand. I stood up, but my prick was up and standing within my loose shorts perpendicularly.
"What is that you have there, is that hard seeing your sister?" She pointed
her finger at my cock and before I realized what is happening caught it over my
Her jeans and tops were crumpled on the floor. "Now I cannot wear them because
of you....." she said and went to her wardrobe to pick up another pair. She
brought out a white pant and wore it over the soaked panties she was wearing.
This white pant was like a second skin, with a zipper on the side, stuck to her figure like body paint. The cloth was quite thin too, and I could easily see the small triangle and strings of her thong through the pant. She really knew how to dress provocatively.
"Your panty shows through this pant" I commented.
"That is a fashion statement these days -- showing a visible thong line. It is considered sexy and men like you get excited!!" While talking, she picked up her bra, slipped her arms through and fastened it. The she put on her shirt, collected her purse and got ready to go. "In fact, most men find thongs sexy as it leaves butts bare and they get easy access to a woman's ass or even pussy by just pushing the thin strip of cloth. I did not take off my thong when we did the sixty nine now. These days even you get peek-a-boo panties and tanga, which are as small as they can be, and a man can have access to a woman's pussy without even pushing the panties. By the way, I too own some of them and shall show you those later!!" She smiled.
I just took a minute to slip into a pair of jeans, a shirt and sneakers; and got out with her for shopping.
I drove her to the Shoppers Stop. I parked the car and we went to the first floor which had all ladies garments and accessories. "I shall pay for everything that you buy." I told her. She just smiled, and holding my hand walked unto western wear section. She picked up a few pairs of capris, couple of skirts and some tops. Then she headed towards the lingerie section. She looked into the small boxes of bra and panties and reached for the shelves which had 34C label. That is her size then, I thought. She opened some of them and chose several sets of bra and panties. They were in different colors and different designs. They were either lacy or semi-transparent satin or just made of some strings. She collected them from the display desk and stuffed everything in her trolley.
Showing the trolley she said, "I am through for now."
We went to the counter, I paid the bill and we carried the lot to our car. "That was quite a shopping," I commented.
"Thank you brother, you are a darling." She gave my cheek a peck, "You know it is important to dress well in an escort's profession. And you have to ensure that you are really wearing naughty undergarments. This excites the men. Many of them have fetishes for undergarments and some of them even try to lick my ass and asshole or pussy over my panties. But again, you cannot dress too sluttish when to go to the hotel. It must be sexy but not very revealing. But inside you can wear whatever turns on the men."
"And people like Patel can steal them too..." I joked.
We laughed and returned home.
It was evening. Dad and Mom would only get back at about ten at night after closing the shop. My mom looked after accounts as Dad handled customers in the shop.
"Why not we create a web-site for your services?" I asked her. "We shall post your photograph covering your face; just showing your ass, pussy and tits and provide the rates there. Anyway, we will use a fake name, and give only email address. We shall ask for contact numbers of the clients and then call back once we ascertain they are genuine and are not known to us."
"That sounds good." She said enthusiastically.
"This way, you can be choosy, and you can charge high. And we can screen the clients." I added.
"But you have to be very careful with photographs. Though it may show my ass or tits or even pussy; you must make sure no way can one recognize me. My face must be completely hidden." She said with a definite concern.
"Of course it has to be like that. I will photograph you, and then we will edit it digitally, cover your face or make it blurry in the photograph; and then put it in your site." I told her. "But, when someone sees your pussy, he will be able to recognize your pussy ..." I joked, "And do we start now? I shall get the camera." Without waiting for her answer I went to my room and got the camera. I ensured its battery was fully charged.
"We shall post a series of your snaps in different stages of undress." I was readying my camera as I talked. "We start with one where you are fully clothed. Then I take photographs as you strip."
"Ok. Do we start now? Will this light be enough?" She asked.
"My camera flash is very good. This will do." I assured her.
"What do I wear first?" She inquired.
"First snap will be you fully clothed. You look fantastic in anything. I think western casuals -- what you wear mostly is fine. Even what you are wearing now is fine. May be you can change the top to a button up shirt, where you can just leave a few buttons undone." I suggested.
She went to her wardrobe, stood there for a while choosing her clothes. And came back with a black sleeveless shirt. She took off her top and put on the shirt leaving top three buttons undone.
"Please tuck the shirt in. One can then make out the actual size of your boobs and also will suggest your flat abdomen." I suggested.
"OK" she said and did as I said.
She stood sideways bending from her waist letting her boobs face the camera. This way, both her shapely ass and large boobs came into view. I went to her and brought her hair over her face. I arranged her hair neatly in such a way that her face was covered by her hair mostly.
"Thrust your pelvis a little backward. That will make your butts more inviting. And stick out your boobs."
She did as she was told. I clicked few shots in that pose.
"Now take off the shirt. You can have the bra on." I asked her as I was focusing the camera. "Make sure the cleavage looks prominent."
"OK." She said and walked near the bed. She stood by the bed and leaned forward with her hands resting on the bed. As she bent forward, the cleavage looked deep and her hair fell forward covering her face completely.
"That is perfect!!" I said and clicked some snaps. "Now it is the turn of your trousers to be discarded."
Like an obedient model, she took off her trousers. However, I felt bra and panties of bright color will look better on her fair frame. "Why don't you change into some bright lingerie?"
"That is a good idea." She said, and opened the boxes we had bought. She took out her triumph branded red bra and thong. She took rest of her clothing she had on and slipped into the new garments.
My jaw dropped when I saw her in that red lingerie. The bra was quite small, what they call quarter cup. It just lifted her boobs up, and made her cleavage more pronounced. It just covered the lower portions of her tits. Unto the nipples -- even the top portion of her light brown areola was faintly visible. It was quite transparent too, and I could make out her nipples through the bra. Below the bra was her flat tummy. Her blemish less abdomen was fair, flat and the deep navel looked quite captivating. The thong was quite low, same lacy red material which was quite transparent. I am sure had it been worn even an inch lower, her pussy would be exposed. The lower portion of her panties narrowed down, and cut through her pussy lips, tantalizingly revealing her pussy making a camel-toe.
She shifted her weight from one leg to another. "Yes my dear manager and photographer, where are you lost?" She turned around to show me her back.
Her hair cascaded down, below her shoulders. Where her hair ended was the strap of her bra. Far below that, her hips flared to a sexy pear shape fleshy hillocks. The thong made her ass even more erotic, covering practically nothing yet making her posterior look inviting. It was like the previous one, a thin triangular patch of cloth, narrowing down to a threadlike strip which went between her big ass-cheeks. The thong drove a wedge between her two round globes of large ass cheeks which flared to a very womanly width. Her ass was looking a bit bigger on her slim frame and thin waist. The long legs tapered down and did not appear to end. I was hooked!!
"Why don't you wear a pair of high-heeled shoes? That will make it look really erotic." I suggested. She complied and wore a pair of high-heeled shoes,
"How do you want to shoot me?" she asked.
"I shall take photos of your back. Stand with your hands folded, resting on your waist. Part your legs a little; so that your ass looks even wider." I said and focused my camera. She did what I asked her and I went on clicking. "Now bend forward, and spread your legs resting your hands on the bed." As she did so, I could see the thin strip over her asshole. The red strip of her thong just formed a line over the brown star of her asshole. The brown pucker was uncovered, the thong only dissecting her brown asshole. One could just get a glimpse of her nether passage. The thong was pretty transparent, that the makers label was even visible below the elastic band.
I went on clicking several snaps.
"Now a full frontal as you lie down on the bed, you can lie down on your back with your head hanging. I shall take the photo from your feet. Have your knees folded, so I get a good snap of your pussy. Anyway, your face will not be visible if you tilt your head backward."
She followed my instruction astutely. I focused the camera. Only her jaw and the tip of the nose were visible -- and her face was hidden -- something we wanted. Her bra-clad breasts stood erect like two sentinels. The thong went between her pussy lips as if the pussy ate it up revealing the outer lips. I clicked the camera. Then she herself pushed her hand inside her panties and moved it sideways, revealing her clean-shaven pussy and I clicked. I focused the camera on her pussy. Her fingers were playing with her pussy and I could see it getting redder and glistening with her juices. My sister was fingering herself as I was clicking photographs of her pussy!!!
"I heard anal sex is the most exciting for a man," I inquired. "I never had a chance to do it."
"Most men find it that way as anus is very tight and fits very snugly on the cock. In fact, no one can last long in ass, they all come quickly. But it can be painful for the lady if she is not experienced." She remarked.
"But you are quite experienced in anal sex, and I could feel how easily my fingers got in". I replied.
"Yes, I am quite used to anal sex and can relax my sphincter easily. I get anal orgasms if my clit is massaged simultaneously. But it has to be lubricated first. Not everyone licks it and makes it lubricated with saliva. Secondly, saliva dries up quickly too. It is better to apply Vaseline and then perform anal sex. I prefer that way." She continued, "when I get cornholed, I want my clit to be played with. Its with clitoral stimulation I reach my orgasm when I am having anal sex." She said in a matter-of-fact tome.
"What about blow-job? How do you find it? Does it excite a lady or it is only for the man's pleasure." I asked sincerely.
"The recipient is always having fun. When you suck me, that is cunnilingus, I get orgasm very quickly and the orgasms are very intense. The same is for the man too. A sixty nine serves for both. And I have seen if a man's prostate is massaged when he comes, for which I usually poke my finger into his asshole and press forward to press on the prostate, the man comes like a geyser." She was sharing with me her knowledge and I was getting practical and theory lessons in sex.
She tried to crawl on her abdomen towards the side box of the bed, and I went with her as if she was carrying me on her back. She opened the drawer and took out a cylindrical object -- a pink transparent mid-sized vibrator. It had a base below where there was a switch. She held it in her hand and took it towards her pussy. She found it difficult to put it in her pussy. I took it from her, she understood and complied by raising her pelvis, and I could meanwhile maneuver the dildo into her pussy. I switched it on and it started off with a buzzing noise.
The switch of the vibrator possibly ignited some switch in my elder sister. She started humping against the dildo and simultaneously letting me hump her asshole. Her sphincter relaxed and tightened alternatively. What she had earlier prophesied was coming true -- no one could last long in her ass without coming... I reached under her armpit to play with one of her breasts as with other I was pushing the dildo into her cunt. I filled her cunt right unto the cervix with the dildo, and simultaneously increased my tempo.
We got up after a couple of hours. Took a shower together, and cleaned the room of any evidence of our incestuous love-making. At about 9.30pm parents returned from their work, and we all had dinner. We came upstairs to go our respective rooms, but stopped in the corridor as our eyes locked. There was mischief in her eyes, and expectation in mine.
"Tomorrow I shall set up a website for you in geocities. You need to look at the photographs and then we decide which ones we put there." I started the conversation.
"Ok. We shall do it after our parents leave for work." She asserted.
"Obviously," I reassured her. "I am sure you can make a lot of money in a short time, and then build up your business in a big way."
"I too hope so. I do not want to do it for long. I want to stay very selective". She added.
"Since when you are into this?" I inquired. "And how did this idea come to your mind?"
"I started about two months back. You know my friend Rachna, don't you? She provides escort services. I once saw her with someone in a hotel and she confided in me that she is an escort. She got into this more to fight out her boredom as her husband stays out of the country half the year. But then finding it too lucrative, she got hooked into this." She replied. "I felt very apprehensive when I went to my first client. But my previous relationship with Vicky -- my boyfriend -- had made my inhibitions diminished. We had swapped with few boyfriend and girlfriend couples in the past. That made it a bit easier to sleep with someone unknown. But initially I was a bit scared, no doubt. But now, I have learnt how to tackle different clients."
"Does anyone -- like Rachna or Vicky know you are into it?" I asked..
"No, I have not told anyone else. You are the only the person who knows this secret of mine." She replied in the negative.
"How many clients can you service a month?" I asked to work out a business plan.
"Well -- five days a month is out of question!! But I possibly go out once or sometimes twice a week. But then I have been in this for only two months and Patel was my tenth client."
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When I was 22 I slept with a "Cougar" that was 38. It was a one night stand and we did it twice that night. She ended up pregnant from that night. She never told me about it. I heard it from a friend that knew her.She ended up telling her husband (she was splitting up with him when we did it) that it was his. Supposedly he ended up paying c***d support for the c***d. I still wonder when the day is going to come that the c***d will show up at my door. My wife was 27 when she got pregnant with...
Ponymaking Taking The acquisition went smoothly, as usual I picked my ponyto be with care. First step, to acquire always go to another state, preferablyone in which you didn't "work" before. Find the matching specimen, in thiscase an eighteen year pale blonde 5'10'', with a 36C-26-30 figure. Second step,observe and find about her as much as possible, doctors records are quite helpful,you don't want to acquire someone who has any future health problems. Thirdstep, a stun gun and a van always...
At her “sweet 16” birthday party my sister’s friends got together and gave her this very realistic dildo. I mean it’s realistic if you think there are some foot-long cocks out there. The thing is huge and curved like a banana and made of stuff that really feels like skin. And it has a big set of balls in a wrinkled sack as a kind of handle and a head that looks like a helmet. I found where she hid it two days after the party. Now my sister is a very pretty girl, and she has lots of eager boy...
IncestTypical Catholic family, father, mother, then older sister and I. My father has got import/export business of fishes and my mother is helping him in the business. When my parents got married within a year my sister, Tina, born. After around ten years I was born. Mother was helping my father in the business so most of the time she used to stay out of home. My sister who was 10 year older Than me took care of me all my childhood. We were very close. She was more like Mother figure to me than...
IncestStepsisterBy Sonya EsperantoStory:FIRST WEEK - Monday Later AfternoonJames was out by the backyard. He was smoking a cigarette, oblivious to the fact that he was being watched!! His backyard faced a cliff, that overlooked the Gulf of Mexico. He lived in a big mansion, on the top of a hill, somewhere off the coast of Miami, Florida. He quickly threw away the cigarette, since he believed his parents would be home any moment!! James ...
Defiled Little Stepsister "You really need to get your act together," Tiffany told herolder stepsister, Kelly. "The people you're hanging out with arenothing more than a****ls, disgusting street thugs. Why are youdoing this to yourself? Don't you want to attend college, meet anice man, settle down and have a family like I'm going to do?"Tiffany continued as she unpacked her clothes from the suitcase. Kelly stared back at her beautiful, younger stepsister withcontempt, but said nothing. ...
(True Story) It had been 4 weeks since my encounters with Ricky, Juan and Xavi (see story "What Does It Matter" for details). Lil, my girlfriend, was on vacation with her parents, looking at out of state colleges. I was missing all of them, the more I remembered the sensations they gave me, the hornier I got. More than once I had put on the tiny shorts Ricky had given me and in the floor length mirror watched myself walking back and forth. I noticed, raising my heels as I walked...
There was very little traffic on the roads that Sunday morning, which was okay by me. I, my sister and her friend Melissa were on our way into the city proper.They often invited me to their outings, though perhaps the fact that I had a car was partly responsible for that. I really did enjoy their company though. Melissa was a fun, not to mention attractive, girl and my sister and I had always gotten along well."Aren't we there yet?" Melissa called out from the backseat."What are you, a k**?"...
One summer afternoon, when I was young, I worked out with my barbell set and took a shower. Because I knew that my parents were going to be away until late in the evening, and because I thought my sister was visiting a friend, I did not bother to wrap a towel around myself, but walked naked to my bedroom. My sister surprised me, standing in the hall. “I’m sorry,” I said quickly, wondering if I should run back to the bathroom, “I thought you were at a friend’s house.”“She wasn’t home, so I came...
IncestBased on a true storyMy sister and I had always had a great relationship. I was the younger "protective" brother and she was the older "troubled" c***d that always had me on my toes. You see my sister and I were the only ones we could count on after my dad died in a plane accident. My mother was a local gynecologist, and always busy with patients and rarely at home. So that left my sister and I with a lot of time together to talk and lounge around until mom's arrival.One afternoon, Amy confided...
I am very open with my older sister Vandana who is married to businessmen Arjun. They have two k**s and they are studying in school. Arjun is most of the times traveling and Vandana often spends some time with my wife Deepti. My sister loves her Bhabi (brother's wife) and so does my wife love her Nanad (husband's sister) I am Abhishek, married to Deepti for two years.Deepti is hot in bed and we fuck like a****ls. Many nights my sister has complained when she stays at my house that I and my wife...
First off all i should thank all the iss readers for giving a good response for my stories and it was so surprising to get lot of mails from both males and females. It was nice reading some mails and some people were asking for the email id of the gal and telephone number. In fact to be honest, i did not realize that there was lot of sex starved women in India, especially in Hyderabad also. Sister still had her eyes closed. I mustered up my courage and bent on her. I had my eyes towards her...
IncestAbout the time these thoughts were going through my head, I checked my Monday schedule and saw that a new client had arranged for a 60-minute massage. No problem….I got all my oils lined up and prepared the room, including clean sheets on the massage table, low lights and soothing background music. Right on time, the front desk buzzed and said my client had arrived, so I had them send him back to my room. As soon as he entered the room I recognized him as a wide receiver for the local pro...
Hi.. My name is dilip. My age is 20. I am from chennai. My sister's name is akila. Her age is 19. She looks homely. Her face resembles that of vijay tv jodi no 1 VJ divyadarshini. If u dont know it search google for that. Her structure also looks the same. Her tits are small but smooth and sexy.Once my parents were out for purchase. I and my sister were in home. My sister was taking bath. There was a problem with our bathroom latch that day. So she told me before entering. While she was...
The search for the sisterhoodSince the death of his wife, Philip had felt empty and alone. He wanted to be involved with other people and for years now he had known of the OWK – where dominant women ruled and men were their toys and pets. He had never visited but craved the type of domination they offered. He also knew that within the organisation was another more secret society the Sisterhood who were dedicated to the long term subjugation of male slaves. Eventually with great difficulty he...
It was 6 pm and I was home alone, Kim was out with her friends and Sarah was at her friends for tea, my dad and step mum had left for the airport about an hour ago. It was raining hard outside and was quite chilly inside so I put the fire on to warm the place up. I flicked through the TV, there was nothing on as usual so I went upstairs for a DVD to watch, I looked through my collection, all of which I had seen at least twice so I went into Kim and Sarah’s room to see if they had...
Vacations; they were supposed to be fun and relaxing in theory. And they usually were once we got wherever we were going, but dad never seemed to understand the idea of having fun along the way. It was all about getting where we were going on schedule and we could relax once we arrived.This year was a bit different than any previous holiday with my family. Instead of being stuck in the backseat with my sister while the landscape rolled past for hours on end, we had taken two vehicles and Kylie...
This is all completely not true. 12:00 am "Put it in!" she said with and excited grin on her face. "I'm trying," I said, "It's jammed." My sister and I had found my dad's porn earlier that day. It was the end of summer and we were both worn out from partying after graduation. We were both 18 and almost full blown adults, if only we could get past the boredom towards the end of summer. We took a habit up of searching every corner of our house for anything interesting while our parents were at...
IncestNote : This story is completely fictional! it happened when I was 19 and my sister was 21 at the time. We had a love,hate relationship growing up. She's around 5'2" around 115ibs with nice tits and awesome tan skin. My parents traveled alot for their business, so we got to stay home alone alot. That summer our parents left to Europe for 3 weeks and left us behind. My mom has strict rules for us when she leaves. So one night my sister decides to take my moms car out to do some shopping (this is...
IncestBEST PRESENT EVER: Foursome With Sister Note: Although not necessary, reading part one (Best Present Ever: Bitch Sister) will explain how Mathew goes from being a nerdy virgin to a dominant Master over his gorgeous, stuck-up cheerleading sister. Note 2: A special thanks goes to Estragon for his dedication to copy editing my work and making me a better writer. BEST PRESENT EVER: Foursome With Sister aka...Cheerleader's Orgy Christmas was pretty anti-climactic after the gift I gave myself...my...
IncestHow could I refuse?My sister had two expensive tickets for a private bus tour through Southern California. It was the romantic kind of tour where couples would be taken from destination to destination on a large bus. And suddenly I was being pressured to go with her.Let me explain: Our family has always been adventurous. Meaning, we traveled a lot, especially when Christine and I were young. Christine's then-boyfriend was well aware of that fact, and he surprised her with tickets for a 3-day...
Hello.. once again here. this time i want to explain a story how i so heaven of my life with help of my own mom and sister.. let me explain my self i am B.E and working in MNC. my sister is married and she is settled in Australia and my mom is housewife. Before my sister marriage always i was finding chance to have sex with my sister, but unfortunately it not happened. We used to sleep together But i squeezed her boobs while sleeping and rubbed her pussy from outside. some time she push me and...
IncestHi friend, I am Amar Sharma ,age 27 from Gujarat I wanted to share with you all my own real experience which happened a month ago with my younger sister she is 21 year old studying in BA .I have done my masters from Gujarat and working with a semi government company this thing happened when I along with my sister was travelling to Indore a place in MP ,we had our booking in Shanti express for Indore ,we were actually going to Indore for her entrance test purpose , our tickets was an Rac status...
IncestMy sister name is Tanima, age is 24. My dad’s name is Tamal, age is 56 and my mom name is Madhumita age is 46 years. We stay in Kolkata. My father is a Businessman. I completed my Master degree last 2 years and help dad to his business. My sister Tanima doing her degree course. My mom is house wife. I never think this type of incident will happen but all credit goes to dad.In the eve of kalipuja dad said mom that we go to degha for vacation. Mom agreed. And said me that all of family member...
My name is Tapas, age is 26. My sister name is Tanima, age is 24. My dad’s name is Tamal, age is 56 and my mom name is Madhumita age is 46 years. We stay in Kolkata. My father is a Businessman. I completed my Master degree last 2 years and help dad to his business. My sister Tanima doing her degree course. My mom is house wife. I never think this type of incident will happen but all credit goes to dad. In the eve of kalipuja dad said mom that we go to degha for vacation. Mom agreed. And said...
IncestWife , Sister Swapping By: Sameer Hi Sameer again here! Hope you liked my previous stories. This is the new story when we were in Visakhapatnam, which is based on our true experiences that happened recently. One of my old couple friend Roy from Kolkata have ringed me and informed me that he is coming to stay with us for five days. We are very good close friends and we have already swapped with them so many times previously and you all readers read our fucking experiences with them in this page...
He saw his sister coming into his room. "Can I sleep with you?" - She looked a bit scared. "Of course, what's wrong sweetie?" - Now he was looking at her. She was wearing panties and a tight shirt - no bra. He could see her swollen,hurting nipples through it. Sonja was 18years old and not fully developed, but she had a nice body. She smiled at him with a big, happy smile and jumped in his bed. "Well, Mum is gone and I don't like sleeping alone in the dark." She turned over and said "Good night...
Incestsister should be getting we have been playing with each other and fucking each other almost every day before and after school even after everyone in the house is asleep we would sneak into each other’s bedroom and sleep together and wake up with a pussy and ass full of cum and pee, Ned never really had to use the toilet I was his personal toilet and cum bucket and his little slut and I loved every moment of it. My mum sister brother and i were all sitting to have dinner i could see Ned...
I was in a bind. My roommate had just dropped out of school and was leaving. He had lasted only one month in college. Now I would be stuck with all that rent, which was an expense I couldn't afford. I also knew I couldn't turn to my parents for help. They were struggling to make ends meet as it was. They lived on a farm back home. Dad did the farming, but he also fixed cars and did a little welding on the side. Mom was the typical farmers wife. She cooked. She cleaned. She basically did what...
Bart, an eighteen year old high school senior, can't wait to get out of his parents house and go away to college. Being a typical suburban teen he is anxious to spread his wings and explore the world without his parents constantly looking over his shoulder. Another reason that Bart can't wait to move out is his sister, Britney. She is only a year older than him but being the more mature one he ended up living in her shadow because she demanded so much attention from his parents. It wasn't so...
any of the actresses mentioned below. This story is written down for enjoyment purposes only. Reese witherspoon woke up with a headache. She didn't know where she was. All she could feel that she was blindfolded. Not only that, she was tied to the bed with duct tape, unable to move her hands and legs. She also noticed that she was nude. A duct tape covered her mouth so that she shouldn't shout. All she remembered was going to a producer's home for some script reading of a film they were...
Friday evening I didn't have any plans as I made arrangements with Jessica on Thursday to go to a club Saturday night. I relaxed and rested the whole of Friday. My stepsister was first home at about 4 30 from varsity, our mom literally walked in 2 minutes later and a few mins after that our dad. We all greeted each other and then our dad asked Amy and I what our plans for the evening were? I answered first saying that I'm home tonight relaxing as I'm going clubbing tomorrow night. Amy answered...
Introduction: i recomend you to read my previous story named :Sex experience with my friends mother -2 for feeling more horny from this story Slowly, I left the house without being noticed by anyone to my hostel. That day, in the evening, avinash came to my hostel .he gave me a pendrive and asked me to play it in the pc. (I know that he brought the prone videos .he used to collect new prone videos every week and used to watch them at my room and I am in a plan to get out of hostel and rent a...
That day, in the evening, avinash came to my hostel .he gave me a pendrive and asked me to play it in the pc. (I know that he brought the prone videos .he used to collect new prone videos every week and used to watch them at my room and I am in a plan to get out of hostel and rent a house for myself.) I have noticed that most of the videos of his collection are of incest sex. So, I asked him if he had crush on his sister hasmika. He told me that he was controlling his crush over my sister...
Note : Completely fictional, just so ya know. So I grew up on a farm with my twin sister and both my parents. The farmhouse is a nice big cottage in the middle of big open fields and woods that are miles in every direction. Back in the woods is a great big pond that nobody knows about and sometimes when we were younger my sister and I would sneak off and go skinny dipping in it. There was nothing sexual about it. We both just liked the feeling of being naked outside and swimming. We are very...
IncestMy name is Rahul. I am 23 years and from pune, my id is and I have a sister, Vasanthi, who is 26 now. She is a very pretty looking girl with a nice shapely figure. When I was 17, I slept in her bed just once and I woke up to see her standing topless in front of her mirror. She was changing her dress and she was unaware I had awaken. I sort of saw her pretty looking bare breasts for few seconds and as I was afraid she might turn and catch me looking, I closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep....
IncestHI ISS readers I am the recent visitor of Indian sex stories and I found this site is the best to share my sex affairs. I ve been longed for many days to share the sex affairs that I had with my elder sister. My name is Krishna and I am 18 and my sexy sister name Saranya and she is 20 and she has 36(breast), 28(waist), 38(ass). When the incident took place I was in 12th and my sister was doing her II year college. We live in Chennai and since we have only two bed rooms one is occupied by my...
IncestI am desiboy from Hyderabad. The sexy story that I am going to narrate happened a few months back with my cousin sister while traveling from Hyderabad to my hometown.I m in Hyderabad because of my friend’s wedding. In the ceremony, I met my aunt and her step-daughter (Buddi), who is married and has a c***d.We were having a casual conversation and my aunt got to know that I was leaving to my hometown the very next day. She asked me if it was possible for me to take Buddi to the hometown where...
I am Ram from Bangalore. The sexy story that I am going to narrate happened a few months back with my cousin sister while travelling from Hyderabad to my hometown. I was at Hyderabad because of my friend’s wedding. In the ceremony, I met my aunt and her step-daughter (Buddi), who is married and has a child. We were having a casual conversation and my aunt got to know that I was leaving to my hometown the very next day. She asked me if it was possible for me to take Buddi to the hometown where...
IncestBy : Issnet Hi, This is Abhi(24) from Hyd.Here I would like to share my experience with my elder sister priya(32). The story took place when i am 18 and my sis is 26 years of age. My family consists of me,mom, dad, bro and sis. Bro is studying in Bits pilani now.He did most of his schooling and inter in hostel only, so its me and sis who will be at home.I am very reserved person from my childhood, as a result i didn’t make many friends. I hardly have 2-3 friends.One day one of my friends...
Incest“Hey, hows it going Molly?” Ryan’s friend asked her to which she just gave a nod and a smile and went back to concentrating on her music. “See you tomorrow then Ryan.” The friend said as he walked down the street to his house. Ryan walked up onto the porch and walked past his sister trying to ignore her but already knew something was going to happen. As he walked passed her she put her foot under one of his causing him to miss a step and stumble to the ground which she found quite...
New Year cums early First, I’m going to blame my little sister. I mean, she’s the one that first turned me on to the idea of incest. To start, I’m a normal guy, 6’1 about 185 pounds with an average to athletic build. I have brown hair and brown eyes. Being a normal teenager, I would spend my time mudding in my truck with friends and browsing porn online. My sister Sherrie, is a little cutie. Her light brown hair and soft brown eyes are only second to her sweet smile. She has always been in...
Introduction: When my wife learned that my sister aroused me she agreed to help me seduce her. When I saw my seventeen year old sister after being away for five years I was astonished by her loveliness. I was sixteen years old when she was born. Two years later I left for college. At the university I received an undergraduate degree, a masters degree, a PhD, and eventually a teaching position. Somehow I had continued to think of my sister as a little girl. She was not little anymore. The...
Introduction: A virgin older brother makes his 18-year-old sister his slut. Best Present Ever: Bitch Sister Note 1: A special thank you goes to the great people who read my story in advance and give me suggestions and point out errors (Julia…you will always be my pet and Greg…who has sparked a few new ideas for me). Note 3: As always, a special thank you goes to Estragon for his copy editing. You are a blessing!!! 1. PROLOGUE: HOME FOR CHRISTMAS My sister was a pain in the ass. She always...
100% fictional! Hi! My name is Hari and Iam from Chennai. This is my true story when I was at 18. I was horny boy, thinking about girls and sex all the time. I used to do all sort of pervert things, which 18 year boy could do like sneaking on girls and women around, trying to get glimpse of their luscious body. Making out what under garments they are wearing under their cloths, watching adult movies or blue films, Reading normal sex magazines like Paruvakaalam, Thiraichitra etc., I was lusting...
IncestMy little sister is sick. Some people would say I was even sicker, because I take advantage of her. No, I mean physically sick, not mentally. Though some people might say she was mentally sick too. You see, my little sister drinks pee. Yes, pee. Piss. Urine. You know what I mean. You see, she doesn’t drink it because she likes to, but because she has too. No, that’s wrong too. I didn’t mean to imply that she didn’t like it. Chrissie likes to drink pee,...
I’m not going to say how young we were but it was very young. We were the youngest in our family. When the rest of the family was in the living room watching a movie, they would stick the two of us in the bedroom with a kids movie. Every weekend, for two nights that was what they did. So my sister and I would cuddle on the bed and watch movies together for hours. It was nice, it was comforting. Nobody around to bother us, it felt right. One night, out movie had just started and my sister...
The shower door burst open and I felt a playful slap on my bare butt. I yelled out, but more for effect than anything else. I would never let on, but I was thrilled to death. "Move over Shrimp." My Sister said slapping my ass again smartly. I turned and grabbed her. My body was wet and soapy and we wrestled playfully, gloriously naked, mock fighting, growling and moaning as we turned, pushing and pulling under the water. She became wet quickly and her body slid against mine,...
Hi to all ISS readers. My name is Girish. Right now I am 21yrs old and studying MBA in Bangalore. I would like to share my sexual encounter with my sister which happened 6months ago. My sister’s name is Neha. Right now she is 26yrs old and married. She is having a girl child. My sister’s husband works in private company in Hyderabad. My sister is having a very curvy body with juicy melons. Before marriage she was a bit thin and I would not think about her sexually. But after marriage she...
IncestThe incest taboo is an instinct that usually develops when one grows up with those whom it places beyond the range of sexual desire. I felt enough of that instinct to feel guilty about desiring my teenage sister, but not enough to avoid desiring her. My seventeen year old sister had the face of a beautiful child, and the shapely body of a young woman. In spite of my best efforts, I could not help but admire her large and firm breasts, her slender waist, and her rounded hips....
My sexcapades with my elder sister was continuing but the problem was opportunity. Since our house very small and cramped many times it was just pressing the boobs under the Rajai. Sometimes when there was nobody in the house I used to fuck my sister. At times it was threesome with Sundar. As luck would have it one far off cousin’s visited my house and immediately fell for my sister. The marriage was fixed and within 10 days my father married off my elder sister. Now chance of fucking Vijaya...
IncestAt age s*******n things felt very different in my family. My sister Jill was a year younger than myself and very cute. She had auburn colored shoulder length hair, just like our mom. Five years earlier my dad died leaving jus]t the three of us. As Jill's older brother I felt a responsibility to help and protect her. At the same time I had fantasies about how sexy and cute she was. She had a tight little body that I could not stop thinking about.When my dad died most of the mortgage on our house...
I have never been attracted to my wife`s sister,let alone had a desire for a sexual episode,on her part she has made it very clear over the years that she fancied me,and was jealous i married her sister,she is three years younger than my wife,nice natured,plain lookin girl,well what happened in the day in question was,my wife got a call out of the blue from her sister,could she come and stay,my wife agreed,i was abit put out,as i had planned some quiet time,for us,anyway i agreed ok,and my wife...
Hi to all I m Himan , I m studying in college and I am very good fan of ISS and I love to read story basi-cally incest .after read all story I got courage and I type and share my experience about sex with my little sister and also one un happened things with us. I am studding in college, I m 24 year and my little sister 16 years old I am looking avg and I have avg body shape but my sisters looking great also she have good figure and little boobs and rounded small ass so after reading this type...
IncestIn this story, I am going to share an experience with you, which I don’t know even today that how it happened, but it just happened. Starting with me, my name is Shivam, I am 22 years old having a light brown complexion and 5’7″ height. I live in Ghaziabad with my mom and dad. About 2 km from our house, we have our uncle’s (dad’s elder brother’s) house. He lives there with his family consisting of his wife and his beautiful daughter. Speaking about his daughter, her name is Shivani. She is...
Hi this Raj,I am a regular reader for sex stories. It’s the incident happened with me and my sister. Let me introduce myself and my sister ,I am 28 yrs, single 5.9 inch height with good physics and working as an manager in pune. My sister is 34yrs old and IT professional having perfect mass where is required, her height is 5.6 with figure 36 32 38.I love her assets. So lets start the incident, my sister had love marriage against our family decision, so my family member had stopped all the...
IncestThis is just a short story on how i became Bi-sexual, Incestuous,and enjoyd wearing my sisters clothing My sister my brother and myself all share a room in my parents flat. However due to work our parents are away for several days each month. We all know that leaving us three alone is a good idea we are sensable smart, Pluss our Grandparents lived in the same flats as us but on a different floor. To begin with my brother was 16 he would take control of the flat, he made my sister and i...