RepentanceChapter 5 free porn video

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Andy had dropped off a small tray of chocolates at the florists with his phone number on and had received a call twenty minutes later as we was walking back to his car. He had seen the girl working in the shop and had discreetly slipped the present through the ground-level letterbox in the door without being seen.

"Who is this?" the caller asked and Andy chuckled, he recognised the voice immediately.

"Andy," he replied evasively.

"Who? Have you left some chocolates at the florists in Market Street?"

"Yes. They are for a beautiful girl working there a couple of days ago. She had shimmering hair, a wonderful smile, a captivating body and a quite exquisite necklace."

There was silence for a moment. "So, how can we help?"

"Well I was sort of hoping to take that young lady for a meal tomorrow evening, if she was prepared to come," Andy said and there was a further silence and a titter.

"Yeah, that girl would love to come. What time?"

"Six outside the shop?" Andy asked and the girl agreed.

For the first time in months, Andy had a date.

"So what do you want, again?" Mr Grimes, the manager of the small shopping pavilion asked. Twelve shops lined Hilltop Walk, that connected the main shopping centre with the main multi-storey car park and bus terminal. "Your solicitor, well our solicitor outlined it, but I am a bit perplexed to be honest."

"A fake promotion. I need a guy, who I will provide, to take her details when I am with her, and then I need to have a letter written four weeks later, say, that just says to that the person had won an amount of money, here is the cheque and enjoy it."

"What's in it for me?"

Andy smiled. "I need twenty-five grand to go out. I will put twenty-six in your account."


"Twenty-six plus a monkey as a bonus when they go for it."

The man sniffed. "I think twenty-seven is more appropriate."

Andy puffed out his chest. "OK, Twenty-seven. But through Jenny." He looked at the man's expression and shrugged. "Mrs Murray."

"Right," he muttered and held out his hand. "Pleasure doing business with you."

"Nice shot. How's John?" Andy asked and Ezra smirked.

"Oh he's OK. He has got a flat now so he has moved. Quite a way away, over Bletchley way. Zoe came home and found him screwing the girl from across the road, you know the one with big titties that you asked out."

"I did not ask her out," Andy replied indignantly. "But yeah, I know who you mean."

"Well Zoe was furious with him and he moved out to his flat a few hours later."

"And you'll be seeing him when?"

"Oh I don't know. He is the black sheep of the family and no-one really wants to talk to him. I, sort of, feel a bit sorry for him. I mean, he saw Rhea the other day and apologised to her, but he just doesn't get what being outside those walls means. He is used to prison life."

Andy laughed and Ezra passed the sole pool cue they were playing with.

"Not the only black sheep 'round here though, is he?"

Ezra grinned as Andy did the perfect shot and slid his red ball into the corner pocket. "You seem to be a bit of an outcast yourself," Ezra replied and Andy ignored him to sink his final ball.

"You were as well as I remember. Running off to Bolton after causing how much damage?" Ezra winced. "So how much was it again?" Andy enquired as he lined up the black, number eight, ball.

Ezra squirmed and downed the last of his pint. If Zoe had seen him he would be in trouble but his wife worked in an another part of the town and never came to this pub so he was probably safe. Until he got home and she demanded an explanation as to why he didn't answer his phone earlier in the day when she tried to arrange a lunchtime rendezvous for them.

"And your name is?"

Simon, dressed in a smart shirt and chinos gave a nervous smile, his face was bright red, partly due to the heat of the studio lights, and partly due to fear. There was a feint smell of paint in the room, probably caused by the rapid redecoration the "studio" had undergone to be ready for the television talent show auditions.


"And you're from?" asked a middle-aged gentleman with impeccable hair and flawless white false teeth.


A washed-out pop star cackled at the end of the table. "I sold out a gig there once," she said, clearly hoping that they might include it in the cut to show how widely listened to she once was. Simon didn't know what to say and just grinned at the woman.

"And you are going to sing for us?"

"Nothing compares to you, by Sinead O'Connor."

The third member of the panel, a record producer, chortled. "Normally sung by our female contestants," he sniped.

"Well it was originally released by Prince under The Family," Simon responded instantly without thinking and the man snarled. Simon, might not be able to sing, but he knew a lot about music; it was his passion.

"Yes, I know that," the producer snapped back. "Sing."

Simon took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He didn't know why, but it seemed as though he should. He listened to the introduction in his head and then prepared himself to sing.

"It's been seven hours and fifteen days," Simon belted out as, tunelessly amending his pitch to compensate for his lack of singing ability. "Since you took your love away."

Simon waved his hands around theatrically and extending them forward to gesture to the unseen and imaginatively present crowd in front of him.

The panel sniggered but Simon was so absorbed in his own performance he didn't see and it was at the end of the massacred chorus when he was stopped.

"So why are you here?" The producer asked, still not having forgiven Simon for correcting him earlier.

"I want a better life for my family," Simon instinctively replied and he grinned.

"Well I want a better life for my eardrums so you definitely ain't going through."

"It's a no from me, too. If you are the standard of music ability here today then we might as well go home now," he was told and after a moment of faux niceness from the washed out popstar left Simon utterly dejected.

He might not have expected to win, but he hoped he might get through. He arrived and had to audition in front of a researcher, and then again in front of a senior researcher. He was told he was ideal and would be in front of three "faces" of the show and should really go for it, and he did, dreaming of a new start for Rhea and Izzy.

Rhea tried to be sympathetic but shook her head, grinning. "Well what did you expect, love? You cannot sing and more than I can knit."

"Yeah, but it's a one million pound contract. It would make everything better."

Rhea stared across the table at him and bit her lip. She spoke in a low, forlorn voice. "No Simon. The money won't make everything better. The money is just a small part of it. It's the breaking of my trust that's the problem."

Simon looked at his dinner and got up. "I'm trying Rhea, I'm really trying," he shouted at her and left the room forcefully.

"Yes you are, aren't you," Rhea murmured to an empty room.

"Flowers, what a surprise," the girl told Andy as he came up to her a two minutes to six.

"Ah, yes, OK. Not good, right?"

"They are lovely. Just not from me."

"No. Well I could hardly buy them for you from you, could I?"

She laughed and put them inside the shop in a vase of water. "I can take them home tomorrow. Where are we going?"

Andy looked at the girl again. She was a lot shorter that him, quite a bit in fact, but she had a teasing, expectant grin on her face and he smiled in return. "What food do you like?"

She smiled. "English?"

"Well I was hoping not to go to a pub, but there is a good pub out my way," Andy told her and she laughed.

"Well that's a cunning ploy."

"Well, there is, I live in Cholesbury and we have three pubs in the village. One of them does good food."

She nodded and then agreed to get in Andy's car, something that Andy was not expecting. She cooed at his flash BMW and he put the radio on, and then reduced the volume.

It occurred to him that he didn't know his date's name and asked. She cackled and rubbed her hand over his on the gear change. "Rita," she replied as he steered a look at her.

"You know if you keep doing that, you might just distract me from the road," Andy warned and she moved her hand to his thigh with a wicked laugh.

The pub was quiet, it was midweek and the restaurant was almost empty. The brown, tanned wood shone out in the dark room and the feint stench of beer combined with that of the leather to create the unique smell that was his favourite eatery.

"It's a nice local," Rita admitted as they walked through into the seated area.

"What you having?" Andy asked and Rita bit her lip.

"Well you are driving me to Aylesbury so I can drive home, right? So we both better go easy on the drink."

Andy had not considered this and nodded. "I was only going to have one or two," he admitted and Rita surveyed the drinks behind the bar.

"Can I just have the house white. Small glass."

Andy ordered a large glass of the house white wine and a beer for himself and sat down to order.

The waitress returned with their drinks and they ordered their meals. Rita was very keen to know as much about her date as he was prepared to tell her. He missed out a number of his sexual conquests, as well as the less-impressive parts of his life, as well as the bit about him being a millionaire. He had found a mixture of envy and stereotypical perception often clouded the judgement of other people when he had told them in the past and therefore normally avoided it.

She was particularly interested in his splitting ups and he laughed. "I get told that I am not very good at parting company. It never seems to go the way I intended it to."

"Ah well, it never does. I can tell you that."

Andy grinned and pressed the opportunity to get Rita to elaborate but she steered the conversation back to him and started probing ex-girlfriends. He got another drink, and another large glass of wine for Rita, and started answering her questions.

"Why are you interested in my past?" Andy asked and she smiled.

"Because it shows a lot about you, and I want to know."

"It's quite unusual," he muttered. He had always avoided the subject of ex-partners with his girlfriends, particularly on a first date, partly out of apprehension when he was younger and then embarrassment as he got older. Rita was determined and wouldn't let him move on until he had told her what she wanted to know; which was everything about all of his ex-lovers.

Afterwards, the date got easier. Andy was already having second thoughts about her, she seemed to obsessed about who he was years ago, not who he was now, but they joked and then talked about flowers before he paid for the meal and they had a couple of games of pool.

Rita had changed into a short tartan skirt in the shop, an outfit that was bringing back a number of other memories for him, but Andy wasn't a bad player and was able to put the cue ball in places on the table where she would have to lean across and her skirt would ride up.

This was lecherous behaviour, but the three pints of beer Andy had consumed made him more excitable and he gleefully did this much to Rita's amusement.

They had a fourth set of drinks and after Andy had won the third game, they left the pub and started walking back to the house.

"Yo too drunk to drive me," Rita said and held out her hand for Andy to take. "But I think you knew that."

Andy gave her a sheepish look. "Yeah. I'll order you a taxi. But I was enjoying myself. I didn't want to stop."

Rita looked down at the country road and stepped around a pothole. "It's just, well. I haven't had any fun since he cheated and, if I am allowed to stay the night, I'd love to."

Andy sniggered and squeezed Rita's hand. "Yeah, of course. How could I refuse?"

She smiled and pushed open the side gate. They walked up the path, got to the front door, and she pulled him back and kissed him on the lips.

"Don't be gentle," she teased and popped open the first button on his shirt, and then the second and third. Andy smiled and put his hands at the base of her top and pulled it upwards, to reveal a navy lacy bra.

Rita smiled and pushed his shirt back. "Shall we go upstairs then?" Rita asked and Andy unlocked his front door.

To come face-to-face with Zoe, Rhea, Ezra and Simon.

"Hiya," the topless millionaire said, and his half-naked companion did the same.

Rhea watched Andy go out in the early evening and slumped on the chair. She was bored. She had spent all day looking for jobs and her fruitless search was demoralising.

"Let's get Zoe and Ezra over," she mused and Simon nodded.

"When little one is in bed?" Simon asked and Izzy threw her fork down on the plate.

"No daddy. I want to see Uncle Ezzie," she said firmly and Simon grinned at her.

"They'll be here after your bed time," Simon told her and she screwed up her face.

That wasn't quite true. Zoe and Ezra had enough time to say good night to their fiercely independent niece before joining the couple on the couch.

Ezra had picked up a bottle of wine, but Zoe had ordered him not to drink any with the warning, "do you know what alcohol does to your sperm count?"

Ezra sighed and picked up four wine glasses and emptied the bottle in all of them. She shot him an angry look when he came in and she put the glass down on the side.

"Ezra. Do you want a baby?" Zoe asked furiously and Ezra gave her a dismissive grunt.

"Honestly love, one glass of wine won't make any difference."

"Yeah, and how do you know?"

"Because I do. What will make a difference is having sex every day five times a day. That lowers my sperm count, but you didn't care about that."

Zoe screwed up her eyes and and rubbed the bridge of her nose.

"Hey, Ezra. Maybe you should sit this one out," Rhea suggested calmly and Simon nodded, but the stocky man shook his head firmly and took a big sip.

"But it can't do any harm," Simon suggested and passed his glass to Rhea. "I'll be teetotal as well for the night."

Zoe looked at Ezra expectantly and he took another sip. "No. Rhea is pregnant and she can have a glass. You are wanting to conceive and you are having a glass. Why can't I?"

"Because we have been trying to have a child for years and you haven't got me pregnant," Zoe thundered. "So whatever we can do to raise your sperm count, the better."

"Yeah, and I've lost over a stone and a half. Maybe, just maybe, if your body didn't attack my sperm as invaders you might just be knocked up by now."

Zoe and Rhea both gasped and looked at each other.

"Well it's true. Her body kills my sperm. I give her tens of millions of sperm every time and her body systemically kills every single one of them. It's her bloody fault."

Zoe burst into tears. "It's not my fault. I've tried everything," she wailed and Ezra groaned at her.

"For god sake," he muttered and Zoe shook her head and left the room.

"You heartless bastard," Rhea roared. "How can you say such a thing?"

"Well it's true."

Rhea slapped him on the face as she got up. "Stop behaving like my brother."

Simon waited for Rhea to leave and looked across at Ezra. "They are a little bit emotional at the moment," he muttered and Ezra sneered.

"Tell me about it. All I hear is bloody pregnancy and babies. It's getting on my nerves to be honest. I know she wants to be pregnant but she is just getting obsessed and I almost don't want a baby any more. I'm fed up with her. And if it is my fault she isn't pregnant then maybe she should find someone who can get her knocked up."

Simon nodded at him and took a deep breath. He didn't know what to say to him, but Ezra fumed silently in the corner of the sofa staring at the carpet.

Rhea returned a few minutes later, a scowl across her face. "Are you going to apologise?" Rhea asked and Ezra returned the frown.

"No," he replied dismissively and Rhea shook her head.

"You have really upset Zoe," Rhea told him but he just shrugged.

"Good. She is obsessed and I'm fed up with it," Ezra countered and Rhea pulled herself up to her full height. "I'm fed up with her."

"She is desperate for a baby, Ezra. Your baby. She wants to carry your child. At least show her some support."

Ezra grunted and Rhea snatched the glass of wine from him. "Just behave like a man and apologise."

Ezra stared at Rhea; he had known her for almost as long as he had known Andy and they certainly locked horns in a battle of wills regularly but Rhea's resolute determination was unyielding and she raised an eyebrow.

"Just apologise and we can then watch the DVD," she told him and he begrudgingly got up to find his wife, sobbing in the bathroom.

For Zoe, it was too much. Her and Ezra had decided to try and have children when they returned from honeymoon, and that was three years ago. For three years she had been tested, prodded, poked, done everything required to try and get pregnant. She had made sacrifices, and the only things Ezra had to do was to watch his weight, avoid alcohol and to have sex with her, and he objected to this.

Ezra gently opened the door and his steely resolve disappeared. He sat down next to his wife, who was sat with her back to the bath, and held her hand.

"Sorry love, it's just frustration," he muttered and she sniffed back.

"I know, but you don't understand what it's like," she cried. Not since he was sixteen had Ezra a reason to feel this guilty before.

Rita looked down from the foot of the bed, and glanced at the naked Andy in the bed. He was lay completely still but fiddling with his phone on his bedside table. Rita glanced at the little table on the side and picked up some massage oil, rubbing a small portion in her hands.

She slid her oiled hands down his shoulders, his chest, his thighs and hips, bypassing the erect cock that poked out from his body. Rita was very tactile and began kneading Andy's thighs and legs, and then his pectoral muscles. As she leant across, her body touched the tip of his cock and he sighed.

He had said very little to Rita since she had entered his bedroom; she wasn't talkative and when he tried she sshed him. Instead Rita leant over her date and pushed her breasts into the face of Andy. He moaned as her hands darted over his oily body and sucked the nipples presented to him.

Rita began to groan as the tongue of her new lover darted wonderfully over her erect nipples. She swung her legs over and suspired noisily, Andy's erect cock was positioned over her clitoris and she gently flicked both of them by rocking back and forth sending shockwaves through their respective loins.

Andy tried to position his cock into her hole, but she laughed at him, and gave him back her nipple to pleasure. Rita liked teasing, it was all part of the game. She would have liked to have tied Andy up but it was a little forward on a first date; she didn't know how kinky he was!

Rita removed her nipple from Andy's mouth, and spun around so she could lick Andy's erect member, and she planted her shaved crack onto his face. He glanced up and felt a metal stud, she had had her clitoral hood pierced and Andy put his tongue up against it.

Rita squealed; she loved receiving cunnilingus with her piercing, it was so much stronger sensations and Andy was licking and flicking her clitoris, probing her hole and sliding up her perineum.

Andy groaned and closed his eyes, savouring the musky sweetness of his date. Rita sucked in her lips and slid up and down Andy's erect cock. He grunted and Rita reached over for the massage oil. While she impaled her mouth on Andy's dick, she slid her slippery fingers over his balls and then along his perineum.

Rita was over his anus and he clenched his buttocks in surprise. Rita knew he would; he didn't seem the adventurous type and she pushed her fingers down hard on his perineum, circling it.

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When Marc first met Florian

When Marc first met FlorianPART ONEThe MeetingIt was late, nearly 10 pm one Saturday, when Florian decided to go out. A warm summer evening, so only a grey t-shirt, light blue low-hanger jeans and a pair of trainers required. It was still very warm. Heading towards a gay bar in town he frequented, he wasn't doing much more than walking casually along the still busy street, hands shoved down inside the front pockets of his jeans. He wasn't really thinking about anything in particular, just...

3 years ago
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Back to the Farm Ch 03

Melissa put a hand to her cheek and drew in a deep trembling breath. She’d called him Matt. So what? He’d persisted in calling her Lissy. Like he said, old habits died hard. But she knew it was neither the name nor the caress that had unnerved her so much. It’d been the surprisingly tender look in his eyes. The bathroom suite was the same faded yellow she remembered from her childhood, except now the taps were solidly encrusted with lime scale and the bath ringed and pitted as a result of more...

4 years ago
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The RescuedChapter 76 SM03Tau Day 11

Steve awoke with Anna on one arm and Lorraine on the other, both laying face down on him with their arm around each other. He was experiencing a truly excellent blowjob, and he looked down to see Jane's short black hair bobbing up and down over his erect cock. He held out as long as he could, savoring the sensations, but soon shot off into her mouth with a low moan. Jane pulled off, a thread of saliva and sperm connecting her mouth and Steve's cock, and Theresa moved in to lick him clean,...

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All American BoyChapter 44

“Rick, Kalita wants to be sitting on you when she gives her cherry to you,” Brandy told me as we walked back out of the pool. She grabbed a condom from my shorts pocket and rolled it down over my dick, then kissed the slick head. I was ready too, I looked at Kalita and Ms. Kellisen as they came out of the water, their braids were dripping, their nipples were dripping and their pussies were too. I lay back on the same lounge chair and smiled as Kalita stepped her long leg across me to sit on...

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Wanted Desires

I was in the middle of moving my things out when Shia got back from his trip out of town. He came into the bedroom where I was having the movers load the last of the boxes.When he saw me and what I was doing; he dumped his duffel bag onto the floor. He walked over to me, pinned me against the wall, and then barked at me."You were just going to fucking leave and not say anything to me."I didn't respond to him, not wanting to fight, which is why I had waited until he was gone to move my things...

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Took Your Wife To The Gangbang Room

Dear Cuck.As always, it was very kind of you to lend me your wife for the night, and equally unwise.Still, by now you know more or less how my mind works, so you really only have yourself to blame. Or rather, since you know how my mind works, I can only assume that you approve. I’m taking the opportunity to write this while your wife is upstairs sleeping. That way you will know all about what she’s been up to before she gets home.Oh dear, I feel a hard-on coming on as I write. I fear I shall...

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richboys love 63 the ending0

so I woke up 2days ago in the morning and I had some breakfast with my parents, as we was eating breakfast my ladies maid said to me "Leon you have a phone call its Harvey" I didn't really want to speak to Harvey so I told her "tell him I'm in the shower and I will call him back" so my ladies maid did that and then my cell rang, it was a message from Harvey saying " up and call me back" I excused my self from the table and I went outside to my car and drove off. I drove...

2 years ago
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Chain Gang WomenChapter 6

Mr Hargreaves, Her Britannic Majesty's Consul-General to the Bastanian Republic, sadist and big time embezzler, was in a foul temper as he spoke over the telephone to the Prisons Minister. "I agree, Minister. It was right to bring the girl back. She is a good fighter and we need her. But she mustn't get it easy! Keep her under constant watch and make her life a misery. We can't have her punished to the extent that she can't fight, but make her life very hard. I hate that cow. No one...

3 years ago
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Dexters RenaissanceChapter 2 Planning

I'm a computer guy as I've already explained. But once in a while when I'm faced with a problem that isn't easy to solve I revert to pen and paper. I was determined to develop a plan that would allow me to extract every last dime I could from my modest wealth. I was going to need it in my new life, whatever that would be. So I began to make a list of things. Date: Mar. 25/07 Home Equity: ± $500k Home Value: ± $600k Debt: $100k Mortgage Term: expires 31/5/07 Problem: Joint...

2 years ago
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A Shade of PurpleChapter 8

Aspen cleaned the house up and introduced herself to her mother as Aspen Wright, a nurse hired by her brother to help with care. Whether her mother comprehended Aspen or not is a different matter. Caring for her mother has never really been too difficult, but in the absence of Brandon, she has to make sure every angle is covered. The same goes for school. Immediately, the next morning, she went to enroll as a transfer student. Gehx promised her abilities and opportunities, that with him, she...

1 year ago
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Spontaneous Surprise

I had been texting with a beautiful lady throughout the day that I had met online several days prior and we were hitting it off quite well! It was a long day at the office. I typically don’t get off until 8 but this night was an exception as I did not get out until almost 9 with an hour drive home ahead of me. I had been texting with a beautiful lady throughout the day that I had met online several days prior and we were hitting it off quite well. We were discussing my difficult schedule...

Sex With Stranger
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Udays Toy ft Anna KournikovaChapter 3 Something More Comfortable

Anna had no real idea how long her mind had been rehashing these kinds of thoughts, but it felt like no more than a blink of an eye when footsteps approached the door. As it opened, she timidly moved her back against the furthest wall again to maximize the distance between herself and those filthy men. As announced, it was Rashid who had returned with his militia. "As you can see, your servant Rashid keeps his promises and has returned to satisfy this young lady's curiosity," the pasha...

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Awesome Threesome

Dear ISS Reader, This is my first time I’m sharing my experience with you.If anyone from you people like my story or wanna share something or want to experience something new in your life then mail me on I would like to tell you something about myself.I am 24 years name is Andy (name changed).The story involves me,my gf and a guy named sergey which happened 2 years ago when i used to stay in hostel in foreign country during my study days. I and my gf (now ex-gf) used to have a very...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Kayla Paris Yoga Babe Likes To Fuck

Slim yoga babe Kayla Paris likes to fuck and can’t wait to give you a New Year POV performance you won’t forget! The brunette hottie with blue eyes, full red lips, and an incredibly sexy ass stretches on the yoga mat and poses in her skin-tight workout clothes. The light-skinned athletic glamour model from the United States stars in today’s boy-girl hardcore action by DDF Network, showing off her yoga moves and bending forward into downward-facing dog while lifting her amazing...

1 year ago
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Shopping trip to remember Part One

Lucy, Julie and I were all eighteen and it was the summer after our senior year. Since we would be off to college in the fall we wanted to go out with a bang. We were at the mall in the next town over when we walked into a lingerie store so Julie could buy something for her and her boyfriend. Julie was more modest so we went with her to help. Lucy was walking around and found a display of different vibrators and toys, so she called us over. Lucy began to tell Julie to buy one and went into...

3 years ago
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Mast Ram Ki Katilana Chudai

Hii friends mera nam mast Ram h….Aaj main apni zindagi ki phli kahani likhne jar ha hu.Agar koi glti ho to maf kr dena. Meri kahani ki heroine ka nam Piya h.Jo ki meri English teacher ki beti haur uski umr 18 sal h. Aur jaisa ki aap jante hain is umr me ldkian apni yovan ki bulandio ko chuti h t Piya vi kali se phul banne ke lie bechain thi. Main jis colony me rhta hu Piya uski sbse mast maal h.Uska figure dekh ke ache ache logo ki niyat dol jati thi.Jb vi koi uspe comment krta tha to ek pyari...

1 year ago
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Sex with my mom8217s hot friend

Hi guys n gals, This is my first post on ISS. After reading many stories for a year or so on ISS i have finally decided to tell u all a sexual incident in my life which till now I can rate as the best. Well, first of all let me tell u all about myself, i am manish,21 years old,doing graduation in some college in mumbai the name of which i would not reveal, i m a very average male with a 6.5 incher tool(cock) and m not interested in telling all people a fake info by saying its an 8 0r 9 incher n...

3 years ago
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Washing machine broken pt2

I thought it was horny to see that man smelling my panties,it gave me a warm feeling I watched it all through the opening of the door, I began to caress myself.I grabbed my breasts and started rubbing between my legs.I felt my nipples getting harder through my blouse.he was so enjoying my worn panties, he made a sort of growling sound. His hand disappeared into his pants.I lifted my skirt a little and felt how the panties that I now wore became wetter.I pulled it aside and started...

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The Enchantress

"I'll see you guys back in Town" Lucia said flatly. She quietly sucked her lip and turned back. The urge to shuffle her feet was irresistible. Her urges were aggressively building into frustrated energy. It desperately whined to go somewhere. Through her feet was the safe option; public eyes were watching. But the foliage would cloth her. She headed deeper into the forest. Purposeful strides cut the soft earth deep, imprinting the harsh wood of crude slippers. Rare beams of evening light lit...

1 year ago
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The Disease Within

I would like to thank Lady Christabel for another outstanding editing job. **** He sat there, looking at the magazine in his hands. Should he, or shouldn’t he? Fighting the evil thoughts racing through his head. Should he, or shouldn’t he? Putting down the magazine, he leaned back and closed his eyes. Should he, or shouldn’t he? Trying his best to keep the evil thoughts at bay. Should he, or shouldn’t he? Picking the magazine up yet again, he slid it home. Should he, or shouldn’t he? ...

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Pony durch Lotto

Meine Freundin und ich hatten schon lange unsere Vorliebe für Gummi und Rollenspiele im Ponyplaybereich entdeckt. Nur waren unsere finanziellen Mittel leider eher bescheiden, sodass wir die aufwändigen Anzüge, Hufschuhe und Masken nur sehnsüchtig im Internet betrachten konnten. Zu einem einfachen selbstgebauten Zaumzeug und einem Pferdeschweif zum Anhängen hatte es dann doch gereicht. Doch ein Tag sollte alles ändern.Christina (meine Freundin) hatte im Lotto gewonnen und dabei ganze 30.000 Euro...

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Playing with Sister and her Friend Part 2

Introduction: I couldnt believe my sister and her friend had sucked me off… I could hardly believe it myself. I had just tricked my nine year old sister and her friend to suck my dick. Not only had both Sam and Holly sucked my dick unknowingly, Holly had swallowed my cum. And to make things better, they both wanted to try some more. Needless to say, my heart was still racing with the possibilities of having fun with these two nine year old beauties. So, Holly began, Can we have some more of...

2 years ago
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Old Is Gold 8211 Part VII

I must thank KE for being such a wonderful and supportive website, filled with lovely stories and offering people like me a chance to enjoy reading other peoples experiences as well as sharing some of my own incidents. I swear here that every story that I have posted is true, only names have been changed to protect peoples identities. Coming down to my story. My name is Sujit, I am 45 years old, based in Mumbai, married and with a kid. I am bi-sexual and continue to have an active sex life with...

4 years ago
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A Quick Encounter Short Story

Three or four years ago I was in Germany on business. I was staying in an hotel in Munich which had a pool, gymnasium and sauna suite. Actually it had two saunas. Unlike most places where one would have been for men and one for women, here one was for people of either sex who wanted to bathe in the nude and another for those who preferred to sweat underneath towels.The Germans of course are well known for nudism and I have never had any issue with being naked in company, mixed or same sex, and...

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Rise and Shine

This story only available on Lush Stories. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen, and the thief’s Happy Bits will fall off. I love to watch you sleeping. I don’t do it on purpose, and not in a creepy way, but I love to watch the rise and fall of your chest, the gentle line of your soft lips that press against me so passionately in waking, the flickering underneath your eyelids as you dream about… whatever you are dreaming about. I like to think you might be dreaming about me, and...

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Barbie Doll

Barbie Doll Mature and Younger, Flashing, Upskirt, Cream Pie, Family Play, Multiple Partners “Jeff, please don't cum in me! I'm still a fertile woman! Remember I'm Bryant's mother, he's your best friend”, Barbie said. In his mind, Jeff laughed! He knew she was an empty, deep, cum catching cup. Her plumbing had been removed a decade ago. He whispered, “I'll pull out Ms Barbie, I swear I” and he thrust deep into planting his seed into her barren cave! Barbie shouted “Nooooo Jeff! You're cumming...

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FamilySwap Gianna Grey Xxlayna Marie The Spirits Reveal Our True Desires

What would happen if three families each contributed one member to create a new family? In this episode of Family Swap, it’s a spooky season and Xxlayna Marie and her swap mom Gianna Grey are really getting into the spooky spirit. They call in swap dad Will Pounder and swap brother Codey Steele to ask if they’ve ever used a spirit board before. The guys are skeptical, but the girls coax them into playing. They ask what kind of a spirit they’re talking to, and they learn that...

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I Masturbate To Be Seen A Development

You should first read my story’I masturbate to be seen’ before reading this. Joan and Mabel had masturbated me several times when I was completely naked. When I said Id like to masturbate them they refused. However, there was a change in their attitude. One evening, when I was naked and ready for them to jerk me off, Joan said something that surprised and pleased me. Mabel and I have been talking things over and we’ve decided to let you masturbate us as we think it would be better than us...

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A Visit into Paradise

I looked around the Room and there she stood an Angel in a Yellow DressThat Clung to her Figure of Perfection I thought that I had gone to HeavenShe Was 57 She Took me By Surprise She was only five feet five with Brown Hypnotic Eyes She had my Spirit Dancing my Heart was Pounding with DelightHer Coffee Colored Skin Felt like Velvet so soft and so warmHer Lips tasted like wine she had me in a tranceI never felt so intoxicated before as she held me tight I caressed her ever so tender I brushed...

3 years ago
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Getting Extra Friendly Chapter 4

Getting Extra Friendly - Chapter 4"I fucked Sarah you know," Amelia said as they sat having lunch together a few days later."Bullshit," Matthew laughed."Truth," Amelia said. "And I can prove it to you." She then proceeded to tell Matthew exactly what Sarah's pussy looked like, what her breasts looked like, how big her nipples were and in particular how she reacted and sounded when she came."Oh fuck, you really did, didn't you?!" Matthew said, incredulous (and with his cock now rock hard)."I...

4 years ago
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Chuck White 5

Chuck White 5 A Party For Some "59...lick, 60...lick. Sir, I invite you to fuck my wife any time that she desires without any concern for my feelings or rights as her husband. I have voluntarily become her cuckold husband and accept all that it implies. lick, 61...lick, 62...lick, 63..." ...................................................................... Ding Dong!!! My heart skipped several beats. The guests had...

2 years ago
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Fun in the car with the family

It was a long slow drive to the beach from our house -- more than 300 miles. We have this huge SUV that we sleep in and camp out in when we go to vacation. Well, we were driving: my mom(Nancy), her sister(Becca), my sister(Erin) and her best friend(Molly). They said that we didn't have enough room in the car for anyone else; that made me sad. We were on our way, and it was like 100 degrees outside and more than that inside. I was asleep when I heard a noise. It was my sister and her friend...

3 years ago
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Used Like A BBC Whore

About a year ago while living in a hotel and living there as a Transexual I was used by a young black man as his whore for the night.He moved in about two weeks ago with a couple friends. They where maybe 5 rooms away from me on 1st floor. As the week wore on I would be coimg and going and would notice them watching me. When I would walk by they never said anything but one of the guys always smiled at me.While one night I got a phone call and he said his name was Rick and he lived down the...

3 years ago
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Morgan Girl Next Door I own the Bitch

Billy shoved Morgan over to her dresser facing the mirror. “ Lean forward bitch. Spread your legs.” Her dad slid in behind her. He could see himself behind her in the mirror and his daughters young face streaked with tears looking in the mirror. Billy grabbed the bitch by the hair. “Ready for daddy slut.” Dad played with Morgan’s cunt teasing her with the tip of his cock. “Dad, please don’t, no, not AGGGHHHH.” Morgan cried out as her dad penetrated her with deep, violent thrust. He...

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Eager to Learn ch1

I'm sitting in class, and I can't seem to pay the least bit of attention to the what the professor is saying. It's incredibly boring and I think the professor is very good looking... I start thinking about him, and my hand slides down to the outside of my skirt. I'm getting so horny, and I glance around to see if anyone around me is looking. They aren't. So I pull up my short skirt and start rubbing my clit feverishly with my fingers. I don't notice when class ends, and then there's just me and...

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Welcome to the chase. Chased is a simple story, with a simple premise. Girls are chased through a wicked dungeon, in the vein hope that they may reach the exit, and survive the horrible nightmare they have found them selves in. Play the heroine, and run, run as fast as you can. Choose from four different girls, each with their own strengths, as they try to out run the orc chasing them. Careful though, for the maze is laden with traps and obstacles. Play one of the beasts, and hunt down the...

2 years ago
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Women from POF

I had been chatting to this72 year old women on POF for about 2 weeks, she wanted to meet in a coffee shop so I said ok is there one near you, She then said no and send me a post code so I asked if it was her's, she then sent me her address so this morning off I going, when I got there her daughter was there, the old women went to make coffee & her daughter asking have you met my mum before no I said, just here for coffee ( with a smile thinking I'm going to fuck her when you have gone) So...

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