Homelands Pt 1 Ch 01 free porn video

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I leaned against the rail of the hotel balcony, rubbing my forehead as I stared down at Mom and Aunt Liz. As had been happening to me all day, for a moment, I was sure that I'd seen something that couldn't be there. Then, in the blink of an eye, everything was back to normal. Which was itself, of course, anything but normal.

At the moment, I looked down at two ordinary middle class white women in their late forties. Each of them carried a little extra weight. In my mother's case, to be fair, it was more than a little extra. She'd have to be half her weight before most men would consider her attractive. Aunt Liz, on the other hand, might have been losing the battle to keep her figure, but she was putting up a hell of a fight. They each had once had raven-black hair, but now their locks were streaked through with silver, and even where it was still dark, it had lost its glossy sheen. All in all, the two of them presented a decidedly unappealing sight.

If not for whatever was happening to me, I wouldn't even have thought to use that word. To say that they were physically unappealing was like saying that water was wet.

But the thing was, entirely different visages flickered in and out of view, messing with my hold on reality. And much else besides.

When their appearances changed, they became hyper-sexualized fantasy versions of themselves. My mother still had oversized breasts, if not quite like before, and the swell of her hips and thighs was still anything but modest. But most of her bulk had vanished, particularly from places where it would not have been desirable. Her extreme hourglass figure was almost cartoonish. I'd once read that men were most attracted to women with a waist-to-hip ratio of about 0.7. If this version of my mother had one much above 0.5, it would shock me. There were women with thinner waists, to be sure, but not any with curves like that.

Aunt Liz's best features were similarly exaggerated. While her breasts were considerably smaller than my mother's, that was not saying much. They were nonetheless quite generous. And her legs were thickly muscled, well toned, and impossibly long. If the fantasy version of mother was the very picture of voluptuous beauty, Liz had become a cross between that and the idealization of the athletic female form.

The women that had taken the place of my mother and my aunt had the kind of hair that you saw in shampoo commercials. Long, shiny, full of volume. All those cliches. Mom's had acquired nice red highlights, while Liz's was more uniformly black.

I couldn't tell for sure, but it seemed like they suddenly had makeup on too. Which neither of them ever wore save on the rarest of occasions. Like celebrating anniversaries, or graduations, or when attending fund-raising events. Certainly not to lie by the pool.

Granted, we'd all been partying pretty hard. Maybe my cousin, Brianna, had brought some special party favors. She often did. Would that explain hallucinations the next day? I didn't even know. I tended to stick to alcohol and, sometimes, weed. I'd experimented a little with harder drugs, but if I'd ever taken anything that made me see sex goddesses when I looked at my mother and her sister, I certainly couldn't remember it.

Speaking of what I could remember, there was a big gap between the end of the semester at school and these last few days here at the resort. As it was now mid-May, there a good week or so for which I couldn't even begin to account.

And when was the last time the whole extended family went on vacation together?

Speak of the devil, Brianna stepped up beside me on the balcony.

"Oh, hey, Brie. I didn't even hear the door slide open," I said.

She smiled. "I'm like a ninja." Then, with a playful punch against my arm, she added, "Totally should have dropped your pants and snapped a pic with my camera phone. Maybe thrown it up on Facebook. Then make you pay me to take it down."

"Ha," I said.

The wind picked up, and I caught a hint of her perfume. Enticing, but not overpowering.

Had I really just said my cousin smelled enticing? What was wrong with me?

"Where's Dom?" I asked. I hadn't seen my older brother more than a few feet away from Brianna since we'd got here.

She twirled a finger around a red-brown ringlet. Her hair, like that of the living fantasies that had replaced my mother and my aunt, was absolutely perfect. Brianna had kind of red hair no one would ever associate with ginger or carrots. In the right light, you might even think her a brunette. It cascaded about her shoulders in gentle curls.

"Dunno," she said, in answer to a question I'd almost forgot asking.

Right. Dom. I doubted that she really had no idea where he was. But apparently she didn't care to tell me, and I didn't care enough to press her on it.

Brie leaned back against the stucco wall and glanced down at the pool. "Nice view."

Her tone had sounded a bit just too knowing. I refused to take the bait. "What did we do last night? I think I'm seeing things lately."

"I don't know. Pretty tame, really. Drank some beer, smoked a few joints. Nothing hallucinogenic, if that's what you're getting at."

I rubbed my forehead again. "What about you? Are you feeling okay?"

A slow smile formed on her ruby red lips. They were nice and full, and there was a pronounced swell in the middle of the upper one. Moaning softly, my cousin arched her back and trailed a hand down her exceptionally narrow waist, over the swell of her hip, and let it come to rest atop a lean thigh. Eventually, she replied, "Never better."

Someone seemed to have forgotten to tell her that she didn't have much of a figure. As perfect as the other version of my mother would be in the eyes of men who preferred their women voluptuous, Brianna had to be a dream come for those who preferred their women petite. I was most decidedly one of the former, but just at the moment, I was having enough doubts that I could almost see myself converting.

I forced a cough. What the fuck was wrong with me?

"Should take it easier tonight."

"You say that now," she said.

I chuckled. "You know me too well."

"Besides, we're here to have fun, aren't we?" she asked.

"Well, I'm not sure a family vacation can really be described as fun. You know, after, say, puberty. But yeah, it's nice. Quiet. The hotel is pretty damn luxurious, that's for sure."

"Oh, you don't enjoy being with your family? Am I not as fun as those college girls?"

"Well, there's something of an apples to oranges problem there," I said. "Wouldn't exactly expect you to compete with them in the ways that matter most. And if you can, kudos to you, but I'm pretty sure I don't ever want to know that," I lied. Then I added, "But what I really had in mind was the whole parental supervision thing."

She waved away the comment. "Do you see anyone playing chaperon?"

I grunted by way of response.

"Besides, no one told us we had to volunteer to stay in the suite with all the old people in it," she continued. "Besides, at least the cool cousin is staying with you."

I snorted. But perhaps that only revealed what a nerd I was, as if there had ever been any doubt, because I knew Dom agreed with her. Come to think of it, I couldn't remember how we'd decided that Dom would stay in the suite with Jack and Mark and I would stay in the same one as Brianna.

Maybe because Dom didn't want to be in the same suite as our parents?

"Come on, I bet Jack and Mark are trying to convince your brothers to play video games or something as we speak, when they should be down at the pool, trying to meet chicks. Your father's side is hopeless, and you know it."

I shook my head. "Girls just don't get video games."

She frowned and batted her ridiculously long and full eyelashes. The brown eye-shadow with red highlights was a nice touch. It went with her green eyes and red-brown hair perfectly.

Shit. I shouldn't be noticing these things.

"You do think I'm no fun. I knew it."

"Right. I'm sure that's a complaint you get all the time, too."

She looked away, but I caught a hint of a grin. "Well, apples and oranges, right?"

"How about you prove how fun you are." I cleared my throat. "Go get us a few beers."

She laughed. "So much for taking it easy tonight." She glanced down at the pool again. "Or are you just trying to get rid of me so you can enjoy the view in private?"

My pulse quickened. She wasn't really accusing me of...was she?

Not that she'd be wrong to do so. But had I been so obvious about it?

"Course not," I said without so much as glancing down at our mothers.

Brianna leaned in closer, dropped her voice. "Good. I keep telling Dom you're not as lame as he says you are." She stretched a manicured finger towards me. It was of course, red. The finger stopped just short of my bare chest. "Some day soon you're going to prove me right, aren't you?" Without waiting for an answer, my unfairly attractive cousin left. Her hips somehow managed to do a fair share of swaying, narrow though they were. And I couldn't help but notice how surprisingly round her relatively small ass looked in her tight shorts. It wasn't as big as I might like, but it was well-shaped, and those little cheeks were cleanly separated from her thighs. I hated how with most really skinny chicks, you couldn't quite tell where her legs ended and her ass began.

I cursed at myself as she disappeared into the suite.

She was my cousin, for fuck's sake!

The thoughts I'd been having when she showed up were bad enough. But there, we were only talking about fleeting glimpses of what I knew wasn't really my mother or my aunt. In a sense, I wasn't ogling them, so much as fantasies made flesh that were only relatively loosely based upon them to begin with.

Yet, here I was, getting worked up over my cousin, and I wasn't even sure how different the alternate version of her was. If I'd even just been staring at a fantasy version. There was no conceivable way that I could tell myself that I hadn't been checking out my cousin because I'd been checking out some other woman, some woman that didn't really exist.

Had I always been aware that her skin was so fair, her hair so thick and shiny? That she had what was probably the most beautiful face I'd ever seen, with its perfect inverted teardrop shape, exquisite cheekbones, and oversized green eyes? Had I ever noticed the way she moved, like she knew that every guy who laid eyes on her would instantly ache with desire? Not just knew it, but took it for granted?

Yeah, I had. Maybe I had tried to ignore it, but looking back, I had to admit that I'd always been aware that Brianna was freaking hot. However much I might wish that she had a shapelier figure, it was hard for me to even imagine what it would take for my cousin to look better from the neck up. And I couldn't pretend that the rest of her was entirely failing to impress either. In fact, I was having trouble getting over how good her ass looked. I'd never have guessed she was carrying a treasure like that around with her. Maybe that was enhanced by whatever had affected her mother and mine, even if the rest of her appearance was as it had always been.

The realization of how intensely I was lusting after my cousin filled me with guilt.

But it excited me all the same.

The way my first toke of a joint and first sip of beer had. However much I might have come to enjoy those things later, when I'd first tried them, I'd thought them pretty disgusting, truth be told. But they were forbidden, and that alone made them irresistible.

And what could be more forbidden than sex with a member of your own family?

Time slipped by, and she didn't return. I slid open the glass door, peaked my head into the living room of the four bedroom suite she and I shared with her parents and mine.

"Brie? We out of beer?"

No reply came.

I shrugged. She'd probably found Dom after all.

Which was just as well.

I felt the sudden need to be alone for at least a few minutes.

I grabbed a beer from the fridge and left the suite. Our floor had its own lobby, complete with a bar, pool tables, electronic dart boards, and foosball. Right next door to it, there was a small fitness center. There was also a reasonably well-equipped office.

I was about to start a solo game of darts when I noticed Todd walk in. "Hey. Care for a game?" I asked, twirling a plastic dart in my hand.

"Sure. Just let me get a drink. Thirsty as all hell," he said.

My younger brother also now seemed to have another version, I realized.

As did I. How had I not noticed that before?

He was a good looking guy to begin with, standing several inches taller than his two older brothers and having a frame that would have suited him well had he ever wanted to play football. Not that he ever had. He didn't seem to have a problem making the time to work out, but other than that, you couldn't get him away from his video games. The other version of him was, well, more of the same. I'd never even been curious in that sense, but you didn't need to be to know he looked damned good.

The same went for me. I was a few inches shy of average height. Still taller than most women, but not by as much as either I or they would like. I was what you'd politely call stocky. Plenty of upper body strength, but not particularly toned. Only now, somehow, I was. I still didn't have a particularly narrow waist or my brother's pronounced V-shaped torso, but every part of me was rock solid. I tapped myself where my slight beer gut should be and found chiseled abs with deep grooves between the mounds of muscle.

Todd headed back over with a water that was already half empty in one hand and a vodka-tonic in the other. "What've you been up to all day?"

I handed him a fistful of darts. I'd thrown a bad round. Not that it mattered. I never beat Todd. Never. "All day? I woke up maybe two hours ago."

He shrugged. "Same here, but I figured Captain Responsible would've been up a long ass time ago. Some night last night, though."

"Yeah, it was, wasn't it?" I said.

"Brie really brought her A-game. Damn."

I raised an eyebrow.

"You know any girls that can drink like that?" he asked. "Good thing you didn't accept her challenge to a drinking contest. I'm at least half certain that she'd have won, despite being, what, seventy pounds lighter than you?"

I guess he was seeing the new me, though it apparently didn't phase him. Otherwise, unless he really sucked at math, he'd have guessed more like a hundred.

"You went to the wrong school, man," I said. Which was almost certainly wrong, since he went to a party school and I'd gone to a top research university. But it sounded good. Or better than admitting that I hadn't been sure whether he'd talking about sex or not.

The damn punk threw two bulls-eyes in a row. "If you say so, dude. At any rate, ain't this the best vacation ever?"

"Yeah, man," I said. After a brief moment of hesitation, heart aflutter, I added, "Seems like it's bringing out the best in everyone."

"For real," he said without hesitation.

Or elaboration.

"What's Dom up to?" I asked.

"Hooked up with Brianna. Probably getting high without us. But whatever. I'm going to take it a little slower today."

I never could figure out what that phrase meant. These days, it seemed to have an almost exclusively sexual connotation. Almost. But once upon a time, when people said that someone had "hooked up with" their cousin, they'd have meant "met up with" and nothing more. Which was all it would mean to this day, if my parents said it.

This was Todd though. He very seldom was unaware of such things.

I put the comment aside for now, focused on the last part of what he'd said. "Sure you are, Mr. Vodka-Tonic for breakfast," I said.

He shrugged. "Fuck it. It's vacation."

I threw a total of forty points. This wasn't getting any prettier.

He laughed. "Are you even going to make me work for this win?"

I offered a faint snicker. Then, without dignifying the question with any further response, I asked, "What about Jack and Mark? Where are they?"

"Hanging out in the living room of our suite. I think Aunt Cindy wanted to talk to them or some shit. She just came in as I was leaving, and I didn't really pay attention to what she said. I'd gotten tired of kicking their sorry asses anyway."

"Like you're doing to me now, you mean?" I asked.

"I can't help it if I'm a god among, well, losers."

"Fuck you," I said. Both for the comment, and the bulls-eye he'd just thrown.

"Suck my veiny dick, sweet-lips."

I finished my beer and went to the bar for another. Todd and Brianna had the right attitude. This was vacation after all. If I found myself on my third or fourth beer before beer o'clock officially arrived at five, so what?

When I came back, I asked Todd, "Have you been seeing things?"

He jerked his head back, stared hard at me from under a furrowed brow. "You flipping out? We didn't even do any real shit last night."

"Nah, man, I just.... Yeah, you're right. I'll stick with alcohol tonight."

I wasn't even sure why I'd asked. When he'd guessed that I was only seventy pounds heavier than our tiny little cousin, he'd as good as told me he was seeing what I was seeing. No need for explicit confirmation, really.

"Pussy," he said as he threw another damn bulls-eye.

Figures. I'm not sure I could beat him at darts if he did his best to let me.

Which he most certainly wasn't.

Afterwards, Todd asked if I wanted to go find Dom and Brianna. I declined, told him I was going to go for a quick swim.

When I got the pool, I was pleased to find Mom and Aunt Liz were still there. They waved hi, but didn't call me over. That was as much a sign of how much they'd had to drink as the small army of empty glasses clustered on the table between their lounge chairs. Ordinarily my mother would want a brief report on what everyone was up to, some assurance that no one was getting into trouble.

And by someone, she'd mean Dom. But she wouldn't say it. You'd never get Mom to admit that she had precisely one son who'd spent a night in jail, who'd withdrawn from college for the semester no less than three times, and who was no longer welcome in any of the bars within twenty minutes of my parents' house.

I swam a dozen quick laps then camped out the edge of the pool, pretending I needed to catch my breath. The two of them weren't sitting very close to the edge of the pool, but they had enough to drink that they weren't thinking to keep their voices down.

"...know how she did it," Aunt Liz said. "No way I could have, when I was as new to it all as she still is. She just might do it. Not that it will be bad to see the court pass back into Orwin hands. But it just seems early for her. I'm not sure she's mature enough."

Who were the Orwins? Uncle Jim's last name was Lohman, and Liz's maiden name, like my mother's, was Adams. And what court was she referring to?

"I know," Mom said. "I'd figured we'd have another year before...."

I couldn't make out the rest of my mother's sentence. But it had sounded like she'd said "she makes a play for the throne."

What throne?

I swam a few more laps, trying to piece together the snippets I'd overheard. And also wondering how it was that my aunt had only the slightest bit of color to her, and my mother's skin was like pure ivory. With all the time they spent in the sun, it made no sense at all.

I stopped for a rest at the edge again.

"...I know, I know. You're totally right. I told you about that one time, right? I honestly wish I felt the same. But I don't know. There's just. When I think about...," once more, I couldn't tell what Mom said for a few moments, "...he wants, like he couldn't resist the urge even if he wanted to. You know?"

She continued on, but I couldn't hear. Whatever she was talking about, she was almost short of breath, she was so excited.

"Yeah, I see what you mean. And I think you're right. But honestly, that's what turns me off. I just can't see him being responsive to what his partner wants, and when she does or doesn't want it," Aunt Liz said.

My heart sped up. So that was what they were talking about.

"Well, listen, if you don't want to, I just may have to," Liz continued.

My mother half-shrieked, half-laughed. "I didn't say I relinquish my claim to him. All I'm saying is that I might not start with him. I mean, he is good. And a fast learner. In a few years, or maybe even a few months, he's going to be unbelievable. But we only just...."

Yet again, I couldn't tell what she was saying. Only just initiated who? Into what?

"Well, I'm not promising I'm going to wait until you're ready for him. I'm taking this conversation as you having exercised your right of first refusal." The two broke into another round of girlish giggling. Then Aunt Liz added, "But seriously. I promise to share with you when you're ready for him. Wouldn't that be nice?"

Well, it sure as hell made for a nice mental image.

Fuck. I should not, not, not be reacting this way.

They both laughed yet again. "Okay, we'll call that a deal," Mom said. "Oh, god, can you believe what we're talking about? We're so horrible!"

"Are we?" Liz said.

"If so, I'm not sure I care!" Mom practically squealed.

"To a glorious family vacation," Liz said, holding her glass up.

"You said it, sister," my mother said.

I kicked off for a few more laps, needing to let my blood flow to other parts.

I chatted with them for a few minutes before heading back up to the suite so that I wouldn't feel like it was obvious that I was spying on them. Maybe it worked. Maybe it wasn't a concern to begin with. But it made me feel a little better.

I heard voices from the living room of the suite as I approached. I stopped, listening at the door. The hotel air conditioning pebbled my still wet skin, but I didn't want to waste the opportunity to get a better sense of what other people knew.

The voices belonged to my father and Uncle Jim.

"...serious? No, I don't feel guilty. You think our wives aren't having the same thoughts right now? Have you seen how Ellen looks at...," my father said.

It was hard to make out, what with the door between us, but I thought he said, "Dom." And then shame filled me for being jealous, of all things, that I thought my father had just suggested that Mom wanted to fuck my older brother.

Uncle Jim laughed. "Well, I'll tell you what, that was the best lay of my life."

"We made some beautiful children, what can I say," my father said.

Oh, god. Fuck. I think he was talking about Natalie. My kid sister. Well, she wasn't a kid anymore. Not by any means. But still.

"That you did. And god damn, but can she suck a fucking dick. Doesn't have the grace my Brie has, but she sure has enthusiasm," Uncle Jim said.

My knees trembled. So it was both of them.

I couldn't take anymore. I'd confirmed what I suspected. Whatever it was, it had affected all of us. And it was more or less what I thought it was. What caused it, how it made our appearances change, I couldn't have said. But I didn't need to hear more details in order to hate myself still more for not being completely revolted.

I waited a few seconds after my key card caused the lock to beep and the bolt to click as it slid out of the lock. Then I pushed the door open slowly and walked into the suite, holding the towel a few inches out in front of me so as to hide the wholly inappropriate reaction I'd had to picturing first Brie then Nat getting double-teamed by Dad and Uncle Jim.

After some obligatory chit-chat with the two distinguished older gentlemen whose bodies belonged to much younger men, I rushed into my room. My head was spinning.

God help me, I liked that this was happening.

I should be trying to figure out a way to undo it. Shouldn't I?

It was like the world that I took for granted was just a really convincing but ultimately paper-thin illusion, under which lay a thoroughly perverse reality.

This was the oldest, strongest taboo. An act so unnatural, so depraved, that virtually every society in the world prohibited it.

Yet, incest was all I could think about.

With my eyes closed, I tried to picture my mother naked. Not my mother as she really looked, which would be a disturbing sight. But the sexpot that had taken her place lately. The woman with the impossibly extreme curves. The woman with a relatively narrow waist yet breasts just this side of too big. Breasts that, for many men, probably were already well into the territory of too big, to be honest. But to me, while Liz's were very nice, Mom's were absolutely amazing. Coupled with her ultra fair skin, full red lips, big brown eyes, thick lashes, lush eyebrows, and raven-black hair, she was so fucking hot that it hurt.

My heart raced. Just the thought of it was driving me crazy.

I stood in front of the mirrored closet door. I could control this. We all could, I was sure. And perhaps that also meant we could stop it, or at least opt out. But I dismissed that thought. Entertaining it meant I had to feel guilty for not doing so.

I pulled off the fresh pair of pants and boxers I'd put on as soon as I got in my room. It took a great deal of effort, but after a fashion, I produced the desired response.

My dick, average sized on a good day with a short ruler, was growing rapidly. I must have added at least two inches to my length, and a fair amount of girth.

There had to be limits. But I kept trying, pouring more and more energy into the effort, and eventually it got to half again as big as it normally was

Between grabbing a few beers not long after waking up, a few laps in the pool, and whatever it was I'd done to augment my manhood, I was just about ready for a nap. But I was afraid that if I took one, I'd miss out on too much. So I decided to take a good, long, hot shower and hope that would help wake me up.

And it did help, some. And at least I didn't smell like chlorine anymore. But I could still use a bit of a jolt. So I slipped out of my bedroom, intent on getting a cup of coffee.

"Hey, sweetie," Mom called from the sofa. She put her book down and pushed her reading glasses to the tip of her nose. But I wasn't looking at my mother, who actually needed reading glasses. This was the otherworldly temptress, who despite having a few hints of maturity here and there, could have passed for a woman in her twenties if you didn't look too closely. The one with curves that no human woman could possibly have.

Damn, the glasses looked good on her. And would look better coated in....

The rest of what she was wearing wasn't hurting anything either. Mostly because there was so damned little of it. She wore a white terry cloth robe that barely came past her waist and that was it. As far as I could tell anyway. The robe was entirely too small for a woman of her endowment though, and there was a very titillating expanse of flesh on display. If she was wearing a bra, her breasts would be sitting higher, would be pressed more tightly together. But I suppose she could have been wearing underwear, if it was a thong. Pretty much anything else, I'd have been able to see, so much of her was on full display.

"You still running around by yourself? What are your brothers up to? Your cousins?"

I shrugged. "I'm about to go see what everyone is up to. Just need some coffee first."

She nodded. "That's good. Just hate the thought of you feeling left out. I know your sister has felt that way at times. But it's not like there are no boys your age around."

I was tempted to tell my mother that I thought Nat was keeping herself plenty entertained, but I kept that one to myself. "What about you? Where's your playmate?"

A faint smile. "I'm going to wake her up in a half hour or so and we're going to go have some drinks. Cindy might be joining us. Mommy Happy Hour, I guess."

"Good for you. Must be nice to finally get to spend some time with your sister without having to worry about cleaning up after everyone, making a big holiday dinner, and all."

Mom shrugged. "Yeah. It's nice."

"Oh, come on. You're not having any more fun than at Thanksgiving or Christmas?"

She waved the question away. "Of course I am. It's great to get to relax. I just meant that Liz and I were never as close as you and your brothers."

It took some effort to keep from snickering at that. Todd and I got along well, sure. And Dom and I had started to make amends now that we were older. But our relationship had its ups and downs. To put it mildly.

Of course, Mom had always refused to see it. Just as she refused to believe anything that didn't cast Dom in a flattering light.

Had Mom and Liz been the same as Dom and I had been?

Somehow, I couldn't see Mom knocking some of Liz's teeth loose one day only to beat the crap out of a bully who'd been bothering her at school the next.

But maybe Mom, like her oldest son, had slept with some of the people her younger siblings dated. I suppose that wasn't impossible to believe.

"Well, you know, Liz was something of a goody-two shoes." Mom blushed, held up her hands in protest, though I hadn't said anything. "I don't mean that to sound judgmental. It wasn't like I didn't invite her to hang out with me and my friends. Just that she never wanted to. Probably thought I was a bad influence."

Right. Because the first thought I had when thinking about Mom was "bad influence."

Mom laughed, blushed, and looked away. "Oh, Frank. You should have seen me when I was younger. You wouldn't believe it was the same person."

Well, it wasn't as hard as it had once been to imagine her young, that was for sure.

"We all smoked, and she didn't. We drank, and she didn't really. Heck, my fiance rode a motorcycle. I think Liz thought he was in Hell's Angels," she laughed, gazed off into the distance wistfully. "I just thought the bike was cool."

"Wait, you were engaged before Dad?"

She nodded. "I thought I told you that before."

Probably had. Who listened to such things?

Only, now, I was finding the details of her love life to be quite compelling.

"Maybe. I guess I forgot. So what happened?"

"He died a month after we got engaged. Car accident."

"Oh. I'm sorry."

"Don't be," my mother said with a sigh. "If he hadn't, you'd never have been born."

True enough. But that seemed like a sick way of looking at it. And the hint of a tear in my mother's eye told me she didn't see it that way either.

"Anyway, if it wasn't bad enough that I hung out with people who smoked and drank and, if you can believe it, sometimes swore, I started dating again a week after Lenny died. In retrospect, I was obviously rebounding. But I thought I was really ready to move on. And Liz just didn't approve of that at all. Made sure I knew it too."

I'm not sure I entirely disagreed with Aunt Liz. "I didn't know that," I said, wishing I'd had something cleverer to say instead.

"Yeah. She's very traditional in a lot of ways. You know Jim was her first boyfriend? Not quite only, because they broke up for a while and she went on a few dates with guys she had absolutely no interest in just to make Jim jealous. But besides that, they've been together since they were sixteen."

I was pretty sure that this, at least, was something she had told me before. But I'm not sure it had ever occurred to me just how much more I had in common with my aunt than I did my mother. Maybe only because I'd had an image of my mother that didn't seem to fit reality so well, whereas it sounded like Liz had always been mature and responsible.

"That explains it then," I said.

"Of course...," Mom said. She hesitated, fretting at her delicious lower lip. Her brown eyes looked away, then back. "Well, I shouldn't tell you this, but we're all adults here."

I nodded and gestured for her to continue.

My mother lowered her voice to a rather more conspiratorial tone, "It is ironic that Miss Traditional Family Values with the Perfect Marriage to her High School Sweetheart hasn't exactly been monogamous for a long, long time."

I raised an eyebrow.

On a certain level, it was anything but surprising, given the extracurricular activities of which we were all, apparently, taking ample advantage. But at the same time, I hadn't yet figured out whether that was a longstanding family tradition of which I'd somehow remained previously unaware or a one time thing, brought about by some supernatural intervention. But whatever the story behind our family's involvement with incest, Liz had apparently been leading a rather adventurous love life since long before this vacation.

"I know. You'd never have guessed," Mom said. She gesticulated emphatically as she continued, slapping her knee here, raising her hands up high in exasperation there, and so on. "Women as often as men, and more for her than for Jim. In fact, I think she only lets Jim participate some of the time. Seems she's as into cuckoldry as anything."

"Wow," I said, trying to hide my arousal at the revelation. I forced a laugh. "That's certainly a bit more risque than starting to date a bit too soon after your fiance dies."

"Isn't it?" Mom exclaimed. "Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not saying your father and I never experiment. But I've never pretended to be...," she didn't finish theTo continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.

Same as Homelands Pt 1 Ch 01 Videos

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Intemperance Volume 2 Standing On TopChapter 2a

New Beginnings Los Angeles, California December 9, 1986 Jake opened the door to his condo and led Jill Yamashito and her father, John, inside. The house was clean — the maid service had been in just that morning — and he gave them the ten-cent tour. They were both suitably impressed with his accommodations. So far they'd been impressed with everything they'd experienced on this day, just as Jake had intended. It had started at 7:00 that morning when a limousine, sent by Jake, had picked...

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Living a CAP Based PresentChapter 28 Meeting at the Helm

Tatyana and I burst out laughing. It took a moment to compose ourselves and start walking down the hallway. “Did she really just tell you not to stay out too late?” Tatyana asked. “Cheeky, isn’t she,” I said as I gasped in a breath. “I’d punish her, but I get a feeling she’d like it too much.” “Mark, she’d love it,” Tatyana said. “I’ve only been with you a few days, but I’ve seen enough to realize that you are God as far as Ashley is concerned. She’d do anything to please you.” “I’m...

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Under cover

I am Officer Kim Johnson I am 25 years old five foot three 110 pounds Shoulder length red hair and wear a 40 c cup bra. I work for the Los Angeles Police department. in the Vice division. Because know how to dress like a real slut I do a lot of undercover work and some of it requires casual sex, which I don’t mind. This is a story about one of my assignments that I will never forget as long as I live. One day the chief called me into his office and told me about a drug ring that operated out of...

Group Sex
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The Deal with my Mistress

All Rights Reserved "The Deal with my Mistress" by: tcs1963 "Come on chaste boi, keep on sucking those big and juicy cocks. After he shoots off I want you to show me his big load of cum in your mouth before you swallow." I knelt on the filthy floor of the adult arcade. I imagined all the men lining up next-door to my booth, waiting to deposit their cum in my sissy mouth and throat as they use me as their personal cum receptacle. My Mistress was literally egging them on to be more...

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Fuck It

“Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to Fuck It, the game show where our contestant has nothing to lose! Let’s meet this unfortunate soul!” A young man with brown hair is pushed out onto the stage, shielding his eyes from the dazzling lights. TV screens at the front of the stage show a close-up of his rather plain features. The unseen announcer continues, his voice echoing through the auditorium. “Meet Harold! Harold is a betting man, but hit a patch of bad luck and now owes one of our suppliers...

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Interview With a PimpChapter 8

"Is Kathy still one of your "ladies?" "Yeah and still one good looking piece of ass." "Her movie career?" "She gave that up a long time ago. Tried porno films a couple of times, but the pay wasn't nearly what she could make workin' for me." "Turning to another subject, there are stories of pimps hitting, even beating their hookers. Any truth to that?" "Yeah, but not me. Oh, I may slap a girl around a bit if she tries to short me on a night's take, but I don't beat 'em...

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Stepsister Seduction Chapter 3 Seducing a new Victim

Kelly was gone for the weekend, on business. John usually works weekends also, but requested to have it off, since his wife was going to be gone. John is 40, standing 6'1", with graying brown hair and green eyes, weighing a little under 215 lbs. Tim was gone for the evening, hanging out with some of his buddies. John was in the living room, watching tv, while Jenna was taking a shower. As she showered she was wishing Tim was home, or would be coming home soon. Her pussy was tingling and...

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The Island Chapter 2

We stepped quickly out into the humid night air, the sound of the surf wafted through the stillness.She wrapped her arms around mine as we walked, laying her head on my shoulder.Out onto the damp sand we strolled, watching the moon as it hung over the dark ocean.We paused, kicking our shoes off to feel the damp sand."I love you," I whispered softly.The water lapped gently around our ankles as we paused. She turned slowly to me, her right arm slipping around my neck, our mouths met, full and...

Love Stories
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who knew daddy little girl loved me so much

well my story begin with my 30 year old daughter Brandi she has allway been day little girl she has grown and a beautiful woman i would say is 36d 22 36 with beautiful follow red hair and my best friend. she was brought to me one night by here beautiful asst oh did i tell my daughter is a lawyer but anyway her asst is named kelly another beautiful young lady i think she would be in her early 20,s 5; tall 36c 22 34 with beautiful blond hair anyway Kelly brought Brandi to my house because she had...

3 years ago
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Freshman Girl by loyalsock

I decided to stop by Blondie's room for breakfast. That way I figured I could assuage any grudges she might have. A half hour spent now could prevent difficulties later. The look on her face when she opened the door told me I had made the correct decision: she was definitely not happy to see me. She held the door like a shield, her pale blue eyes a mixture of fear and doubt."Hey babe, how you doing?" I smiled pleasantly. "You wanna get some breakfast?""Uh, no, thanks...," she resisted. "Come...

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Red Part IV Lauren lets out the secret

Lauren’s wisdom tooth was killing her. It hadn’t been so bad when she awoke that morning but it was throbbing now. Her big sister, Sara, had brought her to start her first year at the university in Central Virginia just two week earlier. She was on a full ride, having been a star Volleyball middle blocker all through high school. At just a smidgen under 6 feet, her legs went on forever. Sara was 5’10” and they’d both gotten their height from their parents. Her mom, Grace, of Scottish descent...

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Jakes Saga Ch 14 Prom After Party 2

“Hey sleepy head,” Katie cooed into his ear, “Sorry I passed out,” Jake replied groggily. “Oh it’s okay, we found a way to occupy the time” Katie said. Jake’s vision cleared up a bit and he could see Chloe between Katie’s legs, gently lapping away at her friend’s clit. “Here take this,” Katie whispered softly to his ear as she handed him a pill and a bottle of water. Jake dutifully obeyed in his half-asleep state and swallowed the pill and chugged the water before excusing himself to...

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this was written for me

you invite me round for tea one morning,ur in a silk dressing gown (dg) an nothing else,we go into ur kitchen while u make u make the tea,we like each other an get on chatting an laughing,i take a chance as ur standing at the side making the i come up behind u,an put my arms around u,u dont stop me i snuggle my face on ur shoulder an begin to kiss ur neck as u shiver still not stopping me,my hands around ur waist,rubbing slowly up an down ur sides,ur nipples hardened an protruding thru ur...

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How to make a vacation fun

Story Content-- Femboy, Oral, and Masturbation. Story is done in FP PoV. For those of you that haven’t read any of my previous stories, this is just a slight alteration from them, but with the same main characters. The main one you’ll be following is a Femboy, one that looks, sounds, and acts just like the girl he so wants to be. He feels much more comfortable in girls’ clothes than he ever has in boys’. And yes, he is absolutely gay. He’s just over five foot in height, and maybe 110 pounds...

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TMWPOV Lilit Sweet Horny and kinky girlfriend

In a black latex suit, sultry beauty Lilit Sweet can’t wait to show off her naughty skills for her submissive boyfriend. She likes it when she feels like she has a full control of a sexual situation. The mind of the boyfriend races as Lilit dominates every bit of his body and gives him an incredible pleasure. He has never had a kinky treat like this, and soon he dives his cock deep into Lilit’s tight snatch. She screams while her pussy gets all filled up, and she bounces up and down with every...

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Best Served Cold Chapter 12 Dirty Little Whore

Linda motioned to Johnny to follow us as we left the bar. He walked between us, nervous but hopeful, unable to escape the unending, seductive lure of Linda's big brown eyes on him. We arrived at the elevator and waited for the doors to open. Once the three of us were inside, Linda touched the glowing button, the doors closed, and the elevator began its ascent...As I reached for the button above it, she stopped me and shook her head just once, flashing me a quick, private smile. When the doors...

Wife Lovers
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Fun on Cape AnnChapter 1

I had been going out with Bonnie Robinson for almost a year. She's seventeen, like me, and the youngest daughter of very devout Catholic parents of two older sisters, Debbie, eighteen, and Kati, twenty, and a brother, Kenny, who was nineteen. We were both in the high school band, she played clarinet and I played trumpet. On our first date, I had suggested that we kiss each other goodnight using the lip formations we each used with our band instruments. It was good for a laugh and it got me...

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The Cabin Weekend

In a previous post about a fun neighbor I mentioned a cabin weekend, and well...I felt my cock throb as I tasted Matt’s precum. It was a familiar taste for me at this point, but it never ceased to make my heart beat race, and my cock twitch. We were sitting in his car as I drooled greedily all over his dick. It had been over a week since we last hooked up and I had realized that I was somewhat addicted to my gay fuck buddy. But ‘absence makes the heart grow fonder’ as the saying goes, and I was...

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It was a normal Wednesday morning, well to me because it was 3:40AM. I'm often up very late on some nights, board out of my mind alone in this quiet house. I live at my fathers house, though he isn't here very often as he is an over the road truck driver. So with the exception of a few friends I have around this small town, I'm pretty much lonely most times. Which gives my mind and imagination alot of free time to wander about, and most times I masturbate until I fall asleep and sated.I've...

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Me Wife And Him Part 2

Hi indian sex stories dot net doston After we had this encounter with Manoj, my wife and me were very happy. I liked her openness now. One day when I returned from office, no one answered the door. I came in with my spare key. As I undressed and went to our bedroom, Manoj was lying with my wife, naked. My wife too was half naked, wearing only a t shirt and nude below. I saw that both had been exhausted by furious sex and had even dirtied the bed with cum. I didn’t disturb them, and changed into...

4 months ago
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Mom fucked by priest

This is the story of my hot mom getting banged hard by a priest. Hi this is madhi and am 22 years old and am from kerala.My dad is affected by stroke and he is bed ridded and i have a younger brother too and my mom name is velamma and she is 39 years old and we live in a remote village.Our family is struggling a lot after dads condition like this and mom is working as a receptionist in a shop and she suffers a lot for earning.My mom is a sexy hot women her sexy figures are treat to watch.Her...

Cheating Wife
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Daddy would watch me as I Fucked

There it was, the little red light blinking high above our heads, just as well the guy I was with was too interested in me to look.Our porch was secluded from the front house view so we could be left in relative peace to finish what he was desperate to finish and as my denims were down by my ankles I could only think of daddy and what he would be thinking if he saw me now.It was all over in fifteen minutes and I suddenly felt a chill, standing naked as the guy tucked himself back into his pants...

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The One Night Love Affair

I didn’t mean to sleep with her. I must admit, even though I always found her quite attractive, she was my sister’s friend and I had a strict policy when it came to things like that. I didn’t mean to sleep with her. I must admit, even though I always found her quite attractive, she was my sister’s friend and I had a strict policy when it came to things like that. It’s just that one thing led to another, between the sun, the pool, the booze and the long day we had. I thought...

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Sharing the good times of my wife and I pt 2

We had to somehow come up with a way to to convince 4 of the church pastors to allow Cherry's parents to attend and support our marriage. It was going to take something from left field and the plan I had was going to be all or nothing, maybe even cost me our relationship. But I had a hunch and was quietly confident that it could be done with no damage. Cherry and I had been fucking for several months now and in that time I learned that she not only did she have an insatiable appetite for cock...

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Three Square MealsChapter 39 Vacation time But its not just sea sand and sex

Dawn at their island on Oceanus was a spectacular affair. The golden sun slowly crept up above the horizon and sent out bright spears of light, illuminating the rapidly brightening sky. John and the girls felt the warm glow of the sun’s rays, and they woke up at the same time, stretching languidly in the extremely comfortable bed. Jade was on the western edge, and when she rolled on to her other side, so that she was facing the sun, she sat up abruptly with a startled gasp. “Oh, John, this...

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A Buzzcut and a Strapon

A Buzzcut and a Strapon - by Bald-Ed ---------------------------------------------------- This is a true story about my new adventures with my wife Linda. The lesson is that sometimes dreams come true, but there is a price to pay for them ... I have a strong hair fetish, I must admit. I am fascinated by women with very short hair. A buzzcut on a woman is a major turn on for me. Luckily, I am married to a very open minded woman, who has a hair fetish of her own: she likes bald men ! since we are...

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ShesNew Jeni Juice An All Dick Diet

When a cute redhead like Jeni Juice walks through the door and gives you that special seductive look, it is safe to assume she likes to suck dick. In fact, Jeni would be the first one to tell you that there is nothing likea hard cock down her throat. That explains why she looks so happy slobbering and stroking our studs cock. She gets so horny that she has to climb on top and go for a sensual cock ride. Her ass looks super sexy as she bounces up and down on our studs prick, letting her pussy...

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Lalola and Alex

I decided that after my boyfriend of six years left me for another woman I’d change and show him what he was missing out on. I lost weight, let my hair grow, and started dressing sexy. I also went back to school and got a better job. Let me introduce myself. My name is Lalola. I am 25 years old. I have long black curly hair, dark brown eyes, with an exotic face and my measurements are 40DDD-30-43. So you know how much I’ve changed in the 1yr I haven't been with my ex I used to be 44DDD-40-53....

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Tim The Teenage MCPart XI 11 Ghosts of Lovers Past

I guess the biggest thing I regretted about my little drinking episode was missing the meeting with Teri. So when Teri showed up at my doorstep a week later, I more than happily let her in for a... chat. "So, you here on business or pleasure?" I asked her with a suggestive grin as we sat down on the living room's couch "Both, actually," she said letting her eyes roam the room. "Oh?" I said, realizing she wasn't really here for a fuck. "Yeah. If you can turn yourself invisible,...

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Crosswinds Chapter 8

Diana struggled to contain the sick feeling in her chest as she approached the smoldering house. She scanned the perimeter. Dark old trees twisted in the horizon, the closest neighbors were a kilometer away. Their blackened windows suggested that no concerned citizens would intervene.She covered her face during the approach. Black smoke gushed from underneath the door, and the intense warmth singed what little hair protected Diana’s shins. . She swallowed the last bit of self preservation stuck...

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Kerri and Angie Chapter 2 Mels turn

Kerri and I were best friends but two nights before we were lovers, both of us experiencing our first lesbian experience. Although it may have seemed that this would make our relationship awkward, it almost made us stronger as far as a friendship went. We were both so turned on that when we talked to each other on the phone on Saturday night we had passionate phone sex, talking about our other deep desires and planing for the next time we would hang out together, alone. Monday came. I...

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It is exciting to watch a slut getting plowed and see her vigorously bounce on a cock. Only a few things in life are as pleaurable as wanking to bitches getting fucked.I have to say that reviewing porn sites and forums is one of the best jobs ever. I get to watch tons of videos and view endless about of pictures of sluts masturbating and getting fucked hard.Even those who constantly try to demonize porn cannot deny that watching porn is one of the most pleasurable experiences. There is no...

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After cleaning her down with the towel we left the woods her clinging to my arm still shaking with pleasure, pain and satisfaction and an inner glow.Soon we were back to mine and hurried to bed ,she needed lots of cuddles and kisses and a warm massage with oils to ease her body."Thank you Gram I have never felt so complete with myself,you hurt me a lot and sorry for the tears but I couldnt control myself I was lost in my mind. What have you in mind to do next?"Well I cant give that away I had...

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A second round with black boss

A second round with black boss That weekend was going to be a little bit long without Victor at home. He had to fly to Chicago and would come back on Monday. So, I was out on Saturday afternoon running errands at the local mall when I ran into Cornell at the parking lot.“What a nice coincidence, just now your hubby is away from town” The giant black man said, as a big smile appeared in his handsome face. It caught me by surprise and things were a little awkward as we talked. I have to admit I...

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40 saal ki pyasi choot

Hi dosto , ek baar muje mere boss ne apne ghar bulwaya, jab main uske ghar per phauncha to wo bola, ki main abhi kise zaroore kaam se ja raha ho, tu mera yahi wait karna, mere boss 50 saal ka tha. Main drawing room me bat kar uska wait karne laga. Tabhi uski wife, jho kii 40 saal ki hoge, waha aagye, our boli. Kuch chaiye? Main kaha, aap muje toilet ka rasta bataye. Wo muje toilet legye. Maine toilet main ja kar ander se darwaja band kar deya. Muje bhaut jor se mut laye the. Mut karne ke bad...

1 year ago
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The Fix

The light from the street lamps shone on the dark puddles on the damp pavement. A fine drizzle continued to fall, dampening Martin's spectacles as he strode along the forbidding streets. It wasn't really the night for a stroll. And this wasn't a part of town where a man would be wandering for the sights or the restful ambience. But Martin was a man on a mission. And this was the best part of town to be. He wasn't alone. Resting by lamp posts, or in the doorways of shuttered shops, or in...

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The Fruit Flies a gay and lesbian tale

THE FRUIT FLIES (a gay and lesbian tale)This story takes place in Paris in the mid-1920s. A “fruit fly” is another word, more polite, for “fag hag”.Leonora had been waiting 20 minutes for her friend but she remembered Brigitte was always late. Actually Leonora didn’t mind waiting in this posh café which her French friend had suggested. Paris was always as exciting as she remembered it. Well-dressed young people walking around, the fashions which were getting simply just…well…I mean…so...

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Baileys BrotherChapter 6 Bailey Gets a Taste

I woke up fresh and revived, with last night feeling a million miles away. Everything was fine, my brother just thought he caught me having an erotic dream that he created. If anything, that probably made him more likely to think I was pretty, so, yeay. It was a good enough rationalization. Mr. Gadsten really liked my new outfit. He made sure to be out in the yard when I went for a run and again when I came back. I suppose a young girl wearing tight fitting sexy clothes going for a run was...

1 year ago
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Bus Ride Part 1

None of my stories are intended to offend and I welcome all comments both positive and negative. Feel free to leave comments or if you prefer email me direct on [email protected] with comments or ideas for stories. This story is for Gaby who inspired me through her emails and fantasies. Bus Ride - Part 1 This bus is horrible, Gaby thought to herself as she sat in the cab of the No. 57. It seemed to chug and squeak at every turn and had no vah vah voom at all. Just a...

1 year ago
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The Invention II Touch of LustChapter 14

The three teens froze like deer in headlights. Which they weren’t. They were two naked teenage twin sisters who seconds ago had been french kissing while their date fingered their slick wet cunnies frozen in headlights. Ryan pulled his hand away from the two girls. “Ah - get dressed!” He looked around, and in a fit of desperation, stuck his fingers into his mouth to lick them clean. He rushed to the door, looking back at the two girls. Both of them lay there, still slightly glassy eyed as...

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AwakeningsChapter 8

Natasha was bored, the doctor had totted on for the last 4 days, how great he was and that this plan would finally pay that traitor Tahir, back for all the pain he had put the doctor through. Natasha didn't really care all she wanted was to get Tahir in bed, if his ability sex was that good, Natasha trembled, thinking about how it would be with the real thing. Still not feeling that strong yet, Natasha just hoped that she had given herself enough of the rads coats, shit she hadn't used it...

1 year ago
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MySistersHotFriend Pamela Morrison 22691

Spring Break in the pool is the perfect place for Pamela Morrison to get laid! She’s been staying with her best friend for the last few months, so it shouldn’t be a surprise to her when her friend’s brother Richie lands back in town from his school and decides to join her in the pool! After Pamela and Richie swap life stories, since nobody’s home they start swapping tongues! One thing leads to Richie’s dick in Pamela’s mouth for a poolside blowjob, and then it’s bangin’ in the water before mom,...

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Of Scavengers and SmugglersChapter 2

Rey awoke first the next morning, still snuggled in Jakson’s arms. As she began to regain consciousness, a huge grin spread across her face as she began to remember the events of last night. This man, one of the only kind souls she had ever met in her life, had deflowered her in the most wonderful way imaginable. She had been nervous as hell the whole time, but he was nothing short of patient, reassuring her of her beauty every time she began to doubt herself. It was all beyond her wildest...

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We wanted to start our family but Im sterile

My wife of 6 years was becoming depressed due to not becoming pregnant. The day we got the results of being tested to find out if there was a problem or if it was just bad luck on not becoming pregnant, told us the truth. It said my wife Sue, is very fertile and me well my sperm count is so close to zero you may as well say that it is. I said to her that we could go to out of those clinics that have donor sperm. The look of horror on her face told the whole story. She began to cry and her tears...

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The Villa Chapter 10

Chapter 10 – You just relax.I don't think I've ever slept so well as that night. Can't think why. Perhaps they were both vampires and drained all my energy. Don't care; it was one hell of a night. But it's now morning and another day dawning. I look down at you nuzzled in my arms and you are looking up at me, smiling. "Penny for your thoughts." you say."Oh, I was just wondering if you were trying to kill me," I said and gave you a big hug. "Dare I ask how you arranged that?""Oh, easy really....

2 years ago
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Werewolf Girl Ch 07

Hi friends, it’s short but it’s not late! More to come. Love, T. Chapter 7 They ran into the hills that night, and Vera led the way. She could feel the influence of the moon, riding the night sky above them, almost full. The closer the moon got to full the harder it was to stay human at night, and the harder it was to think like a human. On the night of the full moon, from moonrise to moonset, werewolves were fully animal. They had to be careful, on the night of the full moon, to make sure...

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Holodecked Out

Holodecked Out by Pamela [email protected] This story, which is written in the form of a one act play, borrows characters and some pseudo-technology from the Star Trek Voyager television show. Of course the main reason to view this show is the character "7 of 9" and the wonderful way she fills out her "catsuit", meow. Besides 7 of 9, there is the fascinating holodeck which is a computer generated fantasy...

4 years ago
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Too Tired To Resist

I wake to the feeling of her sliding into bed behind me. She's coming home from work and it's late. I can smell the scent of her sweat from long day of hard work teaching lessons at the ice rink. I'm exhausted too. The two of us are in our twenties, trying to make ends meet in a ski resort community with a ridiculous cost of living. For me, a twelve hour driving shift is the norm, today was thirteen hours and full of complications. At this point I'm certainly too exhausted to start anything,...

1 year ago
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Terror in Ibiza

We were received much more cordially by the staff at the hotel and check-in went quickly. We were anxious to do a little sight seeing, but it had been a long day and since we had two weeks we decided to get a little rest and a decent meal and start exploring tomorrow. It was July, and hot outside. The air conditioning in our room was very welcome. Lynn and I explored our room and then unpacked. We decided to take a quick shower and a nap before finding a nice place for dinner. It had been a...

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Sex With My Aunt

I am Rachana, a regular reader of Indian sex stories. I am telling my true incident which has happened a year back. I was doing my third year degree in a college in Hyderabad. As my home town was far away, I stayed with my aunt in her house. My aunt was Sheela, a tall and very fair girl from an affluent society also whose husband was abroad. We were very close and exchanged about hot topics also about my boy friends etc. This has happened just a year back on a cool rainy day in October. It was...

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My wifes new job

Angela got ready for her first day of work at the LE GIRLS agency in downtown Manhattan. She felt anxious but mostly disgusted with having to get the job. It was only because of her husband that she got it to begin with. He had lost another job and now hung around the house in his underwear looking shabby and mostly pathetic. Life had been very difficult most times with him but now they were near impossible. Even their sex life suffered. Where once they had sex every night, now they barely had...

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Cindy I Part 2

Chapter 5: Lake Tour Waking in the morning we cuddled and kissed many times. "Morning wife."She giggled, "Morning husband." I threw the sheet back and bent down. Cindy grabbed me and in a hushed voice pleaded, "No, please don't! I'm still not sure about that, besides I gotta pee."She hadn't pulled me away. I paused to consider then said firmly, "I only want to say good morning, please let me."She released me with an, "Eww." I lightly kissed the closed lips and said, "Morning Penelope."Cindy was...

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Better Than The Alternative Chapter 18

*Authors note* Hey y'all, I hate that it's taken me this long to complete this chapter. Life unfortunately has caused me to have to place my writing pretty low on my priority list. Between work and my kids I just haven't had enough time in my days to write much at a time. To those following this story I will repeat my promise to you, I WILL complete this story. I just apologize that it's taking me longer than it should. Hope y'all enjoy. ~Rebecca J. Chapter 18 Sam gasped, "Oh my...

1 year ago
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A Crossdressers Night in the Park

A Crossdresser's Night in the Park cd, bdsm, con, mm, anal, oral, toy Last night I was on line in a crossdresser chat room where I was talking with Master Brian about me being a pain loving, submissive, bisexual crossdresser who was looking a master to use and abuse me. As we talked Master Brian asked me if I was dressed as a woman while I was on line with him. I told him that I was and then he asked me what I was wearing. I told him that I was all dressed up wearing a black silk...

2 years ago
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my mother1

When I was growing up I thought about fucking my mother a lot. I do mean a lot. I must have jerked off every single night thinking about fucking her. I would look for her underwear every morning and sniff them. I was in love with my mother’s womanly odors. When I graduated from high school and went off to college I was sure that it would never be the same again. I really missed smelling mom’s used panties and watching her body move around the house as she cleaned up. At the very first...

1 year ago
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My Wife and Her Lovers Part 3

It was getting late and we had all had quite a bit to drink. Everyone had gone except for you, me, and Jason. We were still out in the boathouse throwing darts. Jason and you were flirting a bit and it was making me horny. So when Jason went out to take a piss, I followed him. While out there I asked him if he would like to join us in a 3-some tonight and he said SURE! I told him I'd work on getting you naked and then anything goes from there. With that we went back in. On your next turn at...

4 years ago
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There Must Be a Mistake Ch 06

Note: All persons used in this novel are fictitious. Although the areas used in this novel are real, the streets, buildings, roadways, recreational areas, and other points of interest used to make this interesting reading for you, are neither at the exact heights, or in the location described. If you are looking for a great deal of explicit sexual activity, this is not the story for you. As I have it notated now, those scenes will be evocative rather than aggressive. They also will be a few and...

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