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Breakfast was a strained affair. For the second night in a row – and the second night of our marriage – Elizabeth and I slept apart. I bedded down in a guest room while she returned to our bedroom.
I had begun to wonder if Elizabeth's professional life was more important to her than the life we'd built at home. I would never have to ask myself that question. I would gladly give up my career if it brought an end to the sort of tension that the past few days had delivered. It seemed that Elizabeth had never really considered the prospect. I suspected her visit to The Pickle the day before, resignation papers in hand, was a ploy – and a ploy that obviously worked.
Elizabeth offered to take Lauren to preschool and I took her up on it. I arrived at the courthouse and took the elevator to the 12th floor, where my office lay. I ran into Jane's investigator as I exited the elevator.
"Hey, thanks for making a run at those photos," I said. He nodded as he toted a box forward to catch the car before the door closed. "Do you need a hand with that?"
"No, it's good," he said. "This is all I brought in. The rest of the shit stays, I guess."
"Stays?" I wondered. The man frowned but stepped outside of the elevator and watched the door close behind him.
"I guess you didn't hear," he said. "Jane quit last night. I'm not sure what happened but she went on a rampage yesterday. Last night, she wrote out her resignation and said to hell with it. I guess once you found out who the real killer is, she decided there was no reason for us to stay."
"Damn," I muttered. I had hoped to utilize Jane's investigators to link Pam and Mann. There was no way Mark had the skills or connections to get it done and I didn't think Elizabeth would bother. She understood that any aspersions cast toward the Task Force would hurt her career.
I came to a decision.
"Are you heading out immediately?" I asked.
The guy shrugged.
"I don't have to," he said. "I'm private now. I was a homicide detective up north for 10 years and worked with Jane a few times. When she needed someone for this job, she called me. I could stay – but I can't do it for free."
"No, I understand that," I said. "I wouldn't ask you to do it for nothing. Let me talk to Judge Valasik. I'll see if I can keep you on for a few more days."
"Let me know," the man said as the elevator opened again. "The judge has my contact number."
I didn't wait for the elevator to return. Instead I headed straight down to The Pickle Jar. The judge's assistant looked up and then buzzed me into the office without a word.
"You could have put down your coffee before you came down this time," Judge Valasik said with a sad smile.
I looked down and noticed I still carried my briefcase and coffee mug.
"Uh, sorry, Your Honor," I said. "I was unaware that you had summoned me. I just heard about Jane's resignation."
"Yes," a new voice said. I found Al Castille sitting near the judge's private chamber. "That certainly has created a problem for us. We will have to appoint a new prosecutor before we can even hear a motion for dismissal."
I will admit that I hadn't considered that aspect but I knew he was correct. I hadn't even thought of how things would affect Dez and his release. I decided to press ahead with the things I could affect.
"I would like your permission to keep on Jane's investigator for a couple of more weeks," I said. The two judges exchanged glances before Judge Valasik spoke for them both.
"Why?" she wondered. I let out a long breath and gestured to a chair, asking to sit down. She nodded and I opened my briefcase on my lap. I pulled out the picture of Pam I'd captured from the video. It was grainy but Mark had cleaned it up enough that she was recognizable – if you knew her. I added the photo of her in the vehicle with Wallace Mann.
"What are these?" The Pickle asked.
"It is Biff Wells' killer and her accomplice," I stated without emotion.
Judge Valasik's eyes went wide.
"Who is it?" she asked.
I motioned for her to give the photos to Judge Castille. He looked at them and then at me.
"That is the young girl's mother," he said. "And that man testified at the hearing. Are you certain of this?"
"I'm positive," I said. "It's the only thing that makes sense. The man is Wallace Mann. He is the man who drove Pam Wells to the hospital after the altercation in your courtroom."
"That's right," Judge Valasik said. "That's where I've seen her. It was from the video I'd seen of the fight. You say that this man was at the hearing, too."
"He's the one I told you about," Castille said. "The cop that Elizabeth Vargas-Wallace absolutely destroyed. It was horrible."
Another piece of the puzzle clicked in my head but I didn't say anything.
"As I said, he is a city policeman who was a member of the Combined Drug Task Force," I said. "That means we can't use the city police to pull things together and we can't use the county police either. That means we're going to need an outside agency to investigate the Task Force and an outside prosecutor to handle the case. I need someone to help me pull things together right now. I need someone to check fingerprints to put her in the room. I need someone to pull cell phone records of both people to make a connection."
"Ben, that's not your job," Judge Valasik said with sympathy.
"And who else is going to do it?" I asked angrily.
"I suspect that job would fall to your wife," Judge Castille cut in.
I shook my head sadly.
"I suspect she would prefer to protect her reputation and the integrity of the Task Force," I said. "She has no incentive to investigate this. The Huntley dismissal is going to put egg on her face. Having someone bring down the Task Force will ruin her career. I don't think she will permit that. I have come to understand that her career is the most important thing in her life."
I know a hint of sadness had crept into my voice because I saw a look of sympathy cross Judge Valasik's face.
"It's not going to matter what she wants," Judge Castille said. I detected a hint of sympathy in his voice, too. "This is going to come out. The only hope that she has is to put her faith in you. Either way, I don't believe that her career will survive if everything you say is true."
"What if it isn't," Judge Valasik cut in. "I mean, what if some of what he has put together is false? First of all, I do not believe you are correct in your assessment of Ms. Vargas-Wallace's priorities. Secondly, the Huntley case would be a feather in her cap. Mr. Mann has no reason to give her that. In fact, after she destroyed him at the hearing, I would suspect he would prefer to ruin her career."
The final piece clicked in my head and I looked up sharply.
"You're right," I said slowly. "I see it now. The murder was one of opportunity. Mann and Pam Wells were in the same vehicle as he took her to the hospital. She wanted to kill him and Mann knew where he was. Then the opportunity arose to put Huntley in the crosshairs. He knew Elizabeth wouldn't be able to resist. The fact that it turned into a capital case was a bonus. I suspect, once Huntley was sentenced to death, he would leak the news that the Task Force had framed him. That would spell the end of not only Elizabeth but also the Task Force. I just recalled that she said last night that he is no longer a part of it. I will assume the fiasco with Lauren Wells had ended his involvement – and probably ended his hope of any advancement in the police force."
"It's speculation but I think you have it close," Judge Castille admitted. "This is a convoluted mess. We're bound by duty to let a monster out to roam the streets again and stick a woman who killed a monster in prison for the rest of her life."
"I'm not sure it will make you feel better about putting Pam in prison but I doubt she'll do more than five or six years," I said with a shrug.
"It was murder with special circumstance on Mr. Huntley," Judge Valasik pointed out. "I don't see how they can charge Ms. Wells with anything less than first degree."
"Maybe," I said. "I'm the first to say that I am horribly naïve about how the prosecutor's office actually works. But I can sew up reasonable doubt if they go for first-degree in a heartbeat. There was no premeditation; I could argue diminished capacity; I could argue heat of the moment. No, I'm pretty sure that if Pam will agree to testify against Mann, any prosecutor would sign off on a six-to-10 year sentence. She'll do four-and-half with good behavior – never a given when it comes to Pam."
"Diminished capacity?" Judge Castille wondered. "I didn't get the impression she was impaired. Her fists certainly weren't."
"Which is where I'd get diminished capacity," I replied. "I'm sure she was given some pretty hefty pain killers when they set her hand. She committed the crime less than 12 hours later. If I really put my mind to it, I could probably get her acquitted by suggesting Mann played on her emotions while she was hopped on Vicodin."
"You're not seriously thinking about representing this woman, are you?" Judge Valasik asked incredulously.
"Not on your life," I said. "I was just pointing out why she won't do life without parole. If I have my way, I'll never touch another criminal case. Leave me to handle the kids."
"Which begs the question: What happens to the little girl?" Judge Castille asked with genuine concern. "Is there other family that can take her in?"
"God no!" I said I explained about Pam's abused adolescence and Biff's screwed-up history. "About the only hope that I can see is Pam's brother. Donnie is a good guy but he did some time when he almost killed their father as a teen. He caught the old man doing things to Pam that no man should do to a child and took a baseball bat to the guy's skull. It got him locked up until he was 21. I doubt any court would let him have custody unless Pam agreed. I can see Pam using Lauren as leverage to get a better deal and I'm not sure Donnie would take her. When they were here last year, Lauren said he is working on an oil pipeline in the Middle East. That question is one of the main reasons I was hesitant to bring any of this forward. If Mann wasn't involved I might not have. But what is going on with the Task Force has to be stopped and this gives you the power to investigate it thoroughly."
"Are you suggesting Mr. Huntley was not an isolated incident?" Judge Valasik inquired. I knew Elizabeth had assured her a day earlier that the Huntley case was the anomaly but that was before I had produced Lucy's statistical analysis of Dez's neighborhood.
"I'm pretty sure that Dez Huntley has been a scapegoat for the Task Force since he rose to prominence," I said as I pulled a map of the county out of my briefcase. I put it down on Judge Valasik's desk and Alberto Castille stood to peer at it. "Take a look at this."
The first map showed the crime statistics for the area. The section where Dez Huntley lived in the inner city had a lower crime than the neighborhood that I called home.
"The Task Force would tell you that the people in that neighborhood are too afraid of Dez to report a crime," I said with a sigh. "I am almost positive the crime rates are so low because Dez makes sure the area is safe for the people who live there."
I got a pair of incredulous looks from the room's other occupants but I plowed ahead. I took a map that tracked teenage pregnancies across the region. Again, one inner-city neighborhood had a significant lower rate than any of the others. The same was true for the maps that showed single-parent households and truancy rates. The other maps I displayed showed that Dez's neighborhood had a higher-than-average rate of home ownership and scholastic performance.
"The numbers don't lie," I said. "Look at the crime stats. Those are compiled by the county. Look at your own neighborhoods. You find burglaries, felonious assaults, domestic violence. My neighborhood has the same things. We even had a homicide last year about three blocks from where I live. It scared the crap out of me. Now look at the area below 88th Street. You find what cops consider lower-impact crimes. That's the politically correct euphemism for non-violent crime. You have a few DUIs but less than you see in the higher-end neighborhoods. You see a couple of simple assaults – fistfights in the parking lot of a local bar. You don't see strong-armed muggings like you have downtown. You don't see sexual assaults like you find near the university. You don't have drive-by shootings like you hear about other places. And you know what else you don't see?"
I saw Judge Castille studying the key codes for what each color represented. He looked up at me in surprise.
"Drug arrests," he stated in confusion.
"This does not correspond to the man I've heard so much about," Judge Valasik said. "What about the deaths of potential witnesses? Your wife was very clear about why she suggested that idiotic program for secret warrants. It was to protect witnesses from harm."
"In her defense, I believe she thought she was doing just that," I said. "But the truth is, she was protecting other people. The witnesses who were killed, if I had to bet, were tangentially connected to Desmond Huntley or they were connected on the word of the Task Force. I haven't had time to dig into it but it seems to fit a pattern."
"What pattern is that?" Judge Castille asked. He was clearly interested in the pictures the statistics painted.
"The Task Force is covering up for other people or organizations involved in the drug trade," I said with resignation.
"Do you mean to suggest that Mr. Huntley is not a drug dealer?" Judge Valasik wondered.
"I do not mean to imply that at all," I said. "I have no doubt that Dez is heavily involved in the drug trade. What I am suggesting is that he is not the biggest player in the area."
I let out a long breath, unhappy about where the conversation had led. I truly did not want to be involved with anyone who could subvert the police department into providing protection. But the two judges were looking like a pair of Rottweilers ready to pounce on a bone. I had no doubt they would pounce on me if I tried to evade their question.
"The research we have compiled suggests that there are at least two and possibly three other organizations with a bigger hand in organized criminal activity in our area," I said. "It also suggests that, sometime between five and eight years ago, they settled on Desmond Huntley as their bogeyman. After the 88s were put out of commission, Dez rose through the ranks pretty quickly. I will be the first to tell you that one of the main reasons he rose to the top was because of his penchant for mayhem. He is – or at least he was – a very nasty guy. If you remember, the 88s ran almost the entire county. They ran heroin; they ran crack; they ran meth; they ran weed; they ran hookers; they ran the dice games; they ran the loan-sharking. Can we agree upon that?"
I got dual nods so I pressed forward before I lost my nerve.
"The breakup left a void in almost every dark corner where organized crime breeds," I continued. "Dez grabbed a small segment of the drug trade. He ran with the Upper Deuce Homeboys. Upper Deuce is the housing project on 99th Street and Second Avenue where Dez grew up. The Homeboys were a subset of the 88s, thought to be so minor that they didn't get rolled up when the 88s were arrested, or so the story goes. From what I've learned, the Homeboys were the couriers used by the 88s to bring product into the city. They knew all the suppliers and all routes from Mexico. I remember the Task Force commander crowing about how their arrests had helped to take down a major Colombian cartel. I think that was another setup. The drugs were already coming through Mexico at that point and I think someone used the Task Force to take down a rival."
"My God," Judge Castille muttered.
"You will notice that the flow of drugs didn't slow any," I noted. "If anything, it picked up after the 88s were gone. Those guys were ruthless but they were stupid. They honestly believed they were too big to bring down and it cost them. When they fell, others stepped in. I'm not sure she meant to, but Jane included a list of people convicted of drug crimes with confirmed ties to Huntley's organization. That's what got this line of thought moving forward. The fact is, two-thirds of the names were complete crap. The people the Task Force was touting as having come from Huntley's crew had never been south of 70th Street in their lives. They were trying to link ethnic Ukrainians and pretty boy college kids to Huntley. It just didn't make sense. Once we actually started to dig, we found the reality to be far different than the perception. We found that crimes that the Task Force was linking to Huntley were way out in left field. It seemed that any crime – from possession of a small amount found by the university police to a meth explosion in Grand Meadow – was pinned on Desmond Huntley.
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When we made the decision to invite Gabby for an interview, we expected a cock-crazy, anal-loving nympho who’ll say and do just the right things for guys’ pants to tighten around their crotches all over the world. Anything for attention. It’s not just that “look at me!” hair – in fact, that’s her job – she’s a stripper and does cam shows. Supposedly. She also claims to have fucked over 100 guys. So clearly she’s no stranger to dick....
xmoviesforyouIm Jenny, me and Craig have been married for about 18 years now. Since we had k**s at an early age, we have not been able to have as much sexual fun, as we would have liked. So over the last while we have discussed ways of spicing things up. Some of the ideas, were adding toys, which we did, but that was boring, or dressing up in lingerie, which is great, but the thought of getting tied up, and blindfolded got me really hot. One weekend, we decided to go away to an out of town getaway resort,...
I enjoy walking nude in my neighborhood. I walk out my backdoor nude late at night or very early morning (3am-4am) and walk in the woods below my house that separates the streets and houses in my neighborhood. I've walked up to 4 miles one way before turning back. The farther I go the hotter I get. I mostly stay in the dark and shadows, but I have ventured onto the street naked. It's a huge turn on.My first real experience with letting someone see me naked outdoors was this summer. I never...
Chapter 1 It was sometime in late 1973, maybe late September or early October when I started getting feelers from the Caughlin brothers about whether I'd be interested in selling out my business to them. Frank and Ryan Caughlin had once worked for Billy, back when he first started out on his own. There had been a falling out between them and Billy had been forced to fire them after he and Frank got involved in a pushing match that almost turned into a fight. Ryan had been ready to jump in on...
Hi ISS friends I’m Rahul 22 years old and I’m reading stories in this site from last 2 to 3 years and I really enjoyed it. I’m doing my BE in bangalor and now I will explaine my story in Hindi which is happenned 1 year back with my girlfirend. Mera naam Rahul Hai (name changed) mai yaha banglore me engg ki padayi karra ha hon. Mai aapne bare me bata na to bholhi gaya. Mai 5.8″ height normal average body hai. Aur mera lund 7.1 inches ka hai aur jis kisi b ladki ya bhabi ko complete satisfaction...
This is a continuation of my first story, ‘The Girl Down the Road.’ It is based on a true story, although I have elaborated to make it more entertaining. The new term had started and I was seeing Allison a lot less. We would still spend entire weekends together, but because I only got home at about five every day and we didn’t see each other much during the week. We still managed to chat every day because I would either phone her during my lunch breaks, or she would phone me when I got home....
Jenny and Sally actually met up on their naked run home and after several near misses of running into passers by; they eventually made it home by 9 pm. Both were dirty from the narrow escapes and through clambering through bushes and mud heaps to avoid being seen, so with out much persuasion they slipped under a hot shower together. The warmth of the water revived them but their tired and bruised bodies were still too exhausted to do little more than wash each other clean, there was no sexual...
“Do you know what I saw on my way home from school today, Daddy?” “I don’t think I want to know, Jenny.” “But, Daddy– I saw this great little car–” “I don’t want to hear this, Jenny.” “It’s just a small car, Daddy — a tiny tiny car, a Toyota, actually, is what it is. And it only costs–” “Stop, Jenny. Stop right now.” “Daddy–” “No, Jenny. Just...
This sex story is about Tin, a 25 year young hot girl from the Philippines, let me tell you about me first, I am Ram a 51-year-old man, married for 26 years to my beautiful wife, we were happy couple having two beautiful kids, I am in fashion industry, I design Indian clothing for women, I own a shop in Mumbai, I was into this business for 30 years & clientele was good with God’s grace. One of my client’s daughter was getting married in a week’s time, in fact, I had made wedding outfits for...
"Let's go get some cock, Baby" said Michelle, all painted and dressed as an absolutely flaming drag queen; she flipped up her short miniskirt as she wiggled her naked ass. "Check my pussy, Honey". She bent over, legs spread wide thrusting out her ass, parting her cheeks with long red nails as she pulsed her pussy open and closed, her smooth balls glistening with her dripping pussy juice, her sissy cock dangling. Lori was at the mirror putting on even more lipstick and gloss. "Ummmm, I love it...
© Copyright 2004 Courtney O'Keefe. Just hearing her name is enough to get my heart singing. My lips turn up in a smile, and a warm feeling spreads through my entire body. It still doesn't quite make sense to me. Courtney, the girl of every man's dreams... on my arm. How could I be so lucky? To this day, I'll never understand what she saw in me. I think maybe it was the fact that I didn't immediately start fawning over her, bending over backwards to her every whim, just on the off...
I hope you're comfortable, Sweetie; I'm going to tell you a story. Once upon a time, there was a guy named Doug Connors, who was a bit of a dick I'll admit, but didn't really deserve everything that happened to him. One morning after a one-night stand he couldn't find his underwear, so the girl thought it would be sexy if she let him borrow a pair of her panties. Never having worn a thong before, he was a little distracted and couldn't react fast enough when this bigger asshole took a...
Manea Valentina was working with her yoga instructor Aaron Rock on her stretches. He was as hot as man can get. Muscles from head to toe. And yet he was not gay. She stripped off her pants so she could stretch better. His eyes liked it. She noticed his hard on. He opened his yoga pants and his giant black dick jumped into her face. She sucked it. He ate her pussy and ass. They fucked. A little in the pussy. The rest in the ass. His dick was way too big for her ass. Yet he fucked her hard. She...
xmoviesforyouBy : Devteen Hi everybody, if you like the story doesn’t forget to rate and comment. I am standing in the bus with a shocking state because my beautiful innocent mom being fucked by around 10 cocks in a crowded bus.Another 10-15 dicks were waiting for their turn. I get really close to mom and now I saw an old fellow aged 55-65 fucking in her ass the same time mom is sucking a 9’inch black cock.Two didck’s were also in mom’s hand. For gods sake I didn’t seen anyone who known to us. Now I...
IncestI was so nervous, so frightened as I sat in my hotel room that I could barely hear the knocks over the pounding of my heart in my ears. One last glance in the mirror to make sure I looked good enough to fuck, another quick gulp of wine, and I walked to the door to meet my new Master.Before turning the knob I stole a look through the peephole to make sure it was him. It was. Michael looked exactly like his picture and my heart raced at the realization this was about to happen. Two deep breaths...
Coach Jacobs walked silently down the corridor at St. Adalbert’s Catholic high school. During class the halls were as silent as a ghost town, in contrast to the teeming hordes that would flood the space as soon as the bell would ring. The few students who were not in class would swiftly and quietly travel to their destination, usually an area which was designated for students to congregate. While passing an intersecting corridor, the coach noticed a student acting suspiciously. Coach Jacobs...
Hello people, I am back with another exciting story. I have loved the feedback on my and all the super sexy messages that I received. So thank you so much, guys. So, this time I am here with an unusual story, something that has never happened to me before and I never thought that it would. But life is full of erotic surprises and I love to seize everything that comes of it. So to begin with, this happened last month in Bangalore. My cousin was to get married in Bangalore and honestly, I love...
Surrender by Griezz (M/f, cons) The anticipation was building within her as she moved through the brush,the coarse branches of dead trees scrapping at her bare skin. She still didnot know why he wanted her to walk naked through the woods. All she knew wasthat she had been in the middle of studying when he showed up at her apartmentand motioned for her to come with him. They had driven down the highway to the State Park; it was still early enoughin the season that they passed few people on the...
HEBE DIDN'T BRING THE HOUSE down the night she fell out of her dress, but it was a close call for a few minutes. Oscar had his hands full. Jacob and the other bouncer, plus me and Rick and Persephone, helped. After we'd untangled ourselves that afternoon, Hebe got out of bed and stretched, her joints cracking and her breasts rising as she extended her hands above her head. In his cage by the window her parakeet, Jupiter, chattered. "I'm going to do it tonight." I was sitting on the...
I was vacationing with the wife, and we’ve been on the road for about 10 days, my wife was tired and she said to me ‘if you want to go out and get something to eat and have a drink down out the bar, go ahead – I’ll be fine’. So, I wasn’t tired and a had a taste for a beer, so I took her blessing and went down to the lobby.I headed off to the bar, which had a good crowd and chatted with a few people, I was on my 3rd beer, when I started chatting to a woman at the bar, she was OK looking – but...
Amy Treadwell sighed relief as she closed her apartment door behind her. It had been a long day at the doctor’s office where she worked as a nurse. This had been one of those days with just too much trauma and drama and she was exhausted, and looking forward to a glass of wine and a soak in the tub. She almost didn’t notice the blinking red light on her answering machine. She kept her land line strictly for business calls. Amy was a nurse by day, but an escort by night and it was much more...
Oral SexI can?t remember exactly what happened in the hotel room Aliquis in Moscow (Thanks for Joemal) /I dedicate this story for my one and only Master/ Another slap. I felt blood in my mouth."Please, believe me! I do not know anything about spying or..." I shouted. Colonel Zukov look at me expressionless. "If you don't tell us everything about your mission objectives in Russia, I have to use much more unpleasant methods to force the truth out from you. Save yourself and tell me: why are you...
She was a temp at our small company. Her desk was just outside my door, across the aisle. I faced the door and could see everything she was doing. I have a massive fetish for Black stiletto pumps, single sole, no peeps. When I see a woman wearing these CFM pumps. I go crazy and will do unimaginable things. She was a sexy thing, short, tight skirt and always wore stockings and I could see her garter bumps. The moment I saw her come in the first day, I began my planning....A few days later, a...
I think this bloody tale, as well as several others, is out of place, but it's on top of the pile, so here it is. Men who operated ferries or manned the gates at well-established fords or tollroads were good sources of information, and in my work I cultivated their friendship and rewarded their cooperation as best I could. One of them, a German named Claus Schmidt, had not only a large ferry that could carry a stage and its team but a sound ford during low water and a very successful tavern...
I didn't even notice when Tony let go of my wrists, but suddenly he was there between my legs. I just lay there helplessly, letting him do as he wanted, too exhausted by the ordeal with his father to offer any resistance. He slid his cock up and down along the lips of my now cum covered cunt. He grinned nastily at me from between my legs and then grunted as he pushed forward, driving his meaty cock inside me, shooting it past my tired cunt lips and up into my belly.His cock wasn't as big as his...
Wednesday Faizah finally experienced the real use of my desk this morning. When we finished, she almost floated back to the bedroom with as serene a look as any of the women has ever had. The sex is always great, but the happy look on their faces afterwards is what makes it extra special. Juwanna and her four assistants performed their synchronized knowing grin and eye roll when I got to the kitchen. I wondered if we could make it an Olympic event. I just waggled my eyebrows at them and...