The Girl Down The Road Ch. 02 free porn video

This is a continuation of my first story, ‘The Girl Down the Road.’ It is based on a true story, although I have elaborated to make it more entertaining.
The new term had started and I was seeing Allison a lot less. We would still spend entire weekends together, but because I only got home at about five every day and we didn’t see each other much during the week. We still managed to chat every day because I would either phone her during my lunch breaks, or she would phone me when I got home. Allison was now officially my best friend and I had never spoken to someone so often without getting irritated or bored. I had friends at college, but I never really felt completely comfortable with them. It sounds like a cliché’, but I didn’t feel like I was a part of the group, I didn’t fit into any of the stereotypes, I wasn’t a jock, rebel, geek or trendy. I was a loner, I spoke to my friends, but mostly just kept to myself.
I had just flopped down on my bed after having sat in traffic for what seemed like days when my phone rang. It was Allison (who I now called ‘Al’ for short). I stretched over my chest of drawers to grab my phone and then rolled onto my back again before I answered.
‘Hey Al, how you doing?’
‘Hey! I’m OK, thanks. How was school?’ (Al had never called it college, and I didn’t bother correcting her–and besides, it was cute.)
‘It was OK. There was a fight in class today and I saw an accident on the freeway.’ I was kind of tired and so the usual excitement of such events was missing from my voice.
‘Are you OK? What happened?’ Suddenly she didn’t sound relaxed anymore, I could hear the anxiety in her voice.
I explained how the fight had started and who had hit who and why, and the accident on the freeway. She calmed down again when she realised that I wasn’t involved in either incident. We then traded stories for another two hours, as she told me about the friends she was making at ‘school’ (she was taking a three month computer training course). I was relieved to hear that they were all girls. She kept me up to date with her sister’s latest parent-irritating tactics and then as if she had discovered fire, she said, ‘That reminds me–I was thinking about it the other day and realized you’ve never been to my house–well not properly anyway. Do you wanna come over tomorrow? I’ll introduce you to everyone.”
She seemed excited, like she was going to reveal some amazing discovery to her family. I didn’t want to disappoint her and so I said, ‘OK, I’ve got something I wanna show you anyway, but I can’t stay long, I still have some work to finish for school.’ The truth was, I was nervous, not only because I would be meeting her parents (girls’ parents are always very wary of guys, especially me for some reason), but because only her mother was South African, and I was worried that the rest of her family wouldn’t take to me as well as Allison had. ‘OK, are you still gonna be home alone this weekend? I asked my parents if I could stay over at your house and that’s why they wanna meet you.’
Now they wanted to meet me! I could just imagine the interrogation I was going to get! They were obviously worried about letting their little girl spend an unsupervised weekend with some guy they had never met. And they were right to worry, if only they knew the things I secretly dreamed of doing with Allison. However, I was pretty sure she considered us nothing more than friends, so I wasn’t going to screw it up. I was now a little worried and tried my best to hide it. We talked a bit longer and Al gave me a few tips about each family member, as she could obviously tell I was nervous and tried to put my mind at ease. Eventually, we said goodbye. Her parents were home and wouldn’t be pleased with her spending hours on the phone and she wanted to go take a bath anyway.
The next day, I found myself walking down the road towards Allison’s house, still a bit nervous. I pressed the button at the gate and through the window next to the front door, I saw Al’s face peep out and then smile when she saw it was me. I was wearing jeans and a shirt, not too fancy and not too casual. The gates swung open and luckily she didn’t have dogs, so I started walking down the driveway towards the front door. As Al came out to meet me, she was just as beautiful as she had been the last time I had seen her. She had little butterfly clips holding her hair away from her face and her lips were shiny and pink, not an artificial pink but a nice, natural, glossy colour. The first two buttons on her shirt were left undone, exposing a little cleavage and her navy blue skirt coordinated well with her shirt. It made her look like a little business woman, she had probably dressed like that for her course.
As she kinda skipped towards me like she had skipped down to the water at beach, she had a huge smile on her face and her arms out -stretched to hug me. She wrapped her arms around my neck and shoulders and I slid mine around her waist, careful not to go too low and touch her skirt-tight bum. She giggled as she squeezed me and was obviously wearing a bra as I couldn’t feel her nipples against my chest–a push up bra judging by her cleavage.
‘You smell nice’ I said, smiling.
‘Thanks, I just washed my hair.’ She seemed genuinely flattered, not like the other girls I knew who thought every compliment was an attempt to get into their pants.
We walked inside and she showed me around, telling me about certain things and about photos and who the people in them were before we went to her room which she shared with her twin sister. We sat down on her bed and I was showing her an article in the magazine I had brought when her sister walked in–naked!
She had apparently just gotten out the shower and still had little droplets of water running down her arms and legs. All she had to cover herself was a towel draped around her shoulders. She looked almost identical to Al, brunette but with blond streaks in her hair, a stud in her nose and a belly ring. She was gorgeous too–bad-girl gorgeous. I remembered Al’s shapely athletic figure in her bikini and her sister,s looked to be the same, only I could see on her what Al’s bikini had covered. Her breasts jutted out from between the towel that hung like curtains on either side. They were beautiful, perfectly shaped, not pointy or fat or fake looking, just natural, begging to be squeezed and fondled. She had nipples to match, in perfect proportion to the size of her beasts with little jelly-tot ends. They were pink like the pink of Al’s lips, but not as shiny.
My eyes wandered down her skin which was obviously still warm from the slight redness in colour and the little wisps of steam rising off her stomach. She obviously went to gym or played some kind of sport as her tummy was flat and taught. My eyes continued down past her pierced belly button expecting to find hair at any moment but they never did, as she was shaven completely, not a sign of hair in sight, just the subtle bulge of her pubic mound and the smooth folds of her fleshy pussy lips.
All this happened in a second and I was dumbstruck, sitting there trying (not to hard) not to stare. In a moment, she would realise I was there and scream in terror and blame Al. I looked over at Al to gauge her reaction to my staring, but she just looked at me quizzically with a little smile as if she was thinking, ‘What? is something wrong?’ She then introduced me. ‘Lance, this is my sister Alisa, Alisa, this is Lance from up the road.’ She then looked back down at the magazine and carried on reading. I said hi and Alisa, who had by now realised I was there, looked over at me not at all embarrassed while she dried her arms.
She was now facing me and I had a perfect view of her most private of places. I couldn’t help but look and I knew she would notice, but when I looked up again, she had a flirtatious smile on her face, inviting me with her eyes. This was unbelievable–an incredibly hot
eighteen year old girl standing naked in front of me, with her sister in the same room. I looked over at Al and she was looking at me as if this wasn’t strange at all. I didn’t want to risk losing the chance to see this again, so I smiled back, trying to look as relaxed as possible. Alisa then started getting dressed in the corner of the room, stepping into her G-string. bending over to pull it up. I was now looking directly at her ass and her ‘other’ lips, chubby and smooth looking, they started to part slightly, and the smaller wrinkly inner lips began to peek out. Judging from what Al had told me, Alisa was more than likely doing this little tease on purpose, and it was working. I now had a tent in my pants big enough to park a car in, and she had seen it.
‘I better get going–I’ve got a lot of work to do.’ I was getting very uncomfortable and I had to get out of there before I did or said something stupid.
‘But my parents aren’t even home yet and you’ve only been here for like 15 minutes.’ Al looked upset and I understood why, she had been so excited about my meeting her parents.
‘I’m sorry Al, but I have to finish stuff to hand in tomorrow.’
I felt a bit guilty and it showed on my face which is probably why Al let me go. I wasn’t just trying to get out of there because I didn’t want to meet her parents. I had another good reason but I wasn’t about to explain. My mind was still spinning as we walked down the passage when her brother came out of his room–naked. I couldn’t help looking again, maybe because when someone is naked you look ‘there’ just because you can. His floppy cock was about the same size as mine and that’s all the detail I care to go into. He was just crossing the passage from his room to the bathroom when he saw us. Al introduced me again. ‘Lance, this is my brother JP, JP this is Lance.’ He smiled at me and said hi, I said hi back. before he went into the bathroom, leaving the door open.
Again, Al was not at all fazed by this. Seeing her sister naked I could understand, but her brother with his dick swinging between his legs? Al walked me to the end of her driveway and I gave her a hug, more to say sorry for leaving so soon than to say goodbye.
The week went by slowly until finally it was Friday. I finish at twelve on Fridays, so I had the whole afternoon to myself. I gave Al a call at her course. I told her that the guy at college now had a black eye, then she told me how things were going with her new friends. She was a little worried because she didn’t feel like she was a part of the group, perhaps cause she was foreign or maybe she just wasn’t cool enough.
‘Trust me, Al, you’re very cool. You can be a part of my group anytime, it’s just me myself and I,’ I joked.
‘You’re so sweet, you always make me feel so special’ she replied, and I could hear the smile in her voice. Eventually, her lunch break was over and she had her last lecture to go to. I hung up and went to help my mom with her bags, as she was going to visit my gran and aunt and wouldn’t be back until Sunday night. My brother was going camping, for his friend’s annual birthday weekend, at a dam about two hours’ drive away.
Suddenly I remembered that Al had wanted to stay over this weekend. She hadn’t said anything more about it, so I assumed she wasn’t allowed to since her parents hadn’t met me as planned. I was frustrated, so I did some more work and watched some TV before my mind began to wonder back to the memories of Alisa’s naked body. The images in my mind were still almost crystal clear, but I didn’t want to think about it, even if Alisa was Allisons twin, I still felt kinda guilty thinking about her sister like that.
It had been an hour since my mom and brother had left, and I hoped they’d have better weather where they were going because it was pouring with rain here. I had ordered pizza and was in my brothers downstairs room (the rest of the house is on top of a bank) that opens out onto the driveway. He has his own TV, a little coffee table and a rather uncomfortable couch, and I was sitting on his queen-sized bed up against the headboard. There wasn’t really anything to watch, which I’ve never understood–Fridays and Saturdays should have the best programs. I hadn’t heard from Al since I had called her this afternoon, so I dejectedly resigned myself to the fact that she just wasn’t coming, so I just watched the least pathetic program on and when it finished I choose a magazine from the pile on the coffee table and flipped though it, just looking at the pictures more than anything else.
I was almost at the last page when I heard the glass in the front door rattle. At first, I thought it was just my dog bumping up against it, trying to get out of the rain, but it rattled again. I got up and went to the door, pulling the blinds aside so I could see what or who it was.
It was Allison. I quickly opened the door and she just stood there, so I took her hand and gently pulled her inside.
‘I’m so sorry–I assumed you weren’t allowed to come. I’m so sorry.’
She took off her shoes and just stood there in her now soaked jeans and hooded sweatshirt, the wet ends of her hair clinging to her chin and neck. I couldn’t see her face under the hood and assumed she was pissed at me. ‘I’m so sorry. Do you want to take a shower? You must be freezing.’ Again, she just stood there and sniffed, because of the cold, I thought. Something was definitely wrong, so I lifted the hood off her head and bent my knees enough so that I could look up at her down-turned face. Her eyes were red, but I couldn’t tell if she had been crying or if it was just the rain.
‘Are you all right?’
She couldn’t be brave anymore and her lip and chin quivered before she burst into tears. I lifted her arms onto my shoulders and immediately she held me tight as I pulled her shivering body against mine. She was soaking wet and now I was too, but it didn’t matter. I had never seen her cry before and it really bothered me, I really felt bad for her, more than I’d felt anything for anyone before. I held her tight while she sobbed into my shoulder and I could feel her hot tears running down my neck and the warm patch her breath had made on my shirt.
‘What’s wrong Al?’
I tried to let her go so she could stand back and tell me, but she wouldn’t. She still held me tight and so I squeezed her firmly again. I realised she wasn’t ready to tell me but obviously needed someone just to be there, to hold her.
‘Come lets get you warmed up before you catch a cold’
This time she let go and I took her hand and led her upstairs to the bathroom. I let go of her hand and went over to the bath, put the plug in and turned on the taps. I turned back to Al and put my arms around her again as she sobbed and sniffed on my shoulder. She wasn’t crying as much as she had been downstairs and was beginning to calm down.
‘Whatever it is, you can tell me about it when your ready, OK?’
Without lifting her head, she nodded. ‘Do you want me to put your clothes in the dryer for you?’ She nodded again. I knew I was taking a chance but decided to go for it anyway. ‘Do you want me to help you get undressed?’ Again, she nodded.
I held her sleeves for her and she pulled her arms out of them and I lifted the heavily waterlogged sweatshirt over her head. She looked very sexy standing there in her jeans and little lemon yellow tank top which was wet enough for me to notice the dark circles where her nipples were struggling to escape the cold. Her hair wasn’t completely wet like it had been at the beach, it was just damp and something about it was incredibly erotic, the way it stuck to her shoulders and followed the curves of her breasts, the way the dry strands curled away. I could tell she wasn’t wearing a bra. There was only one set of straps going over her shoulders and so I didn’t try take off her top. Instead, I did what I thought was the gentlemanly thing to do when undressing a gorgeous
girl and stepped around her so that I could unbuckle her belt from behind and not see anything she didn’t want me to. I reached around carefully, feeling the belt toward the buckle where I undid it and then unbuttoned and unzipped Al’s jeans. She bent over as she pushed them down, inadvertantly bumping my crotch with her ass. I hope she wasn’t able to identify the bulge that I’m sure she felt.
She stepped put of her jeans and turned around to hand them to me. I was right–I caught a glimpse of her pink panties and because they were wet, it looked as though she was hardly wearing anything at all, her patch of hair clearly visible. I glanced when looking at her special places. I didn’t want her to think I was a pervert. I really did care, but how many straight guys do you know who wouldn’t be turned on by undressing a beautiful girl down to her panties and top.
‘I’ll put these in the dryer and you can borrow some of my clothes in the mean time.’ I turned towards the door and she spoke for the first time that night. ‘Will you come back?’ I was puzzled.
‘What do you mean? I’m not going anywhere. I’ll be downstairs when you’re finished.’ She looked scared now and vulnerable, like she had the first time I saw her.
‘No, I mean will you come back here? I don’t want to be alone.’ Now I understood, she wanted me to sit with her while she was in the bath.
‘Sure, if you want me to’ I replied, as she nodded her head again. I put the clothes in the dryer and went to my room to fetch some clothes that I thought would fit her. I chose a pair of my boxers, some drawstring pants and my favourite sweatshirt, which was lined with fleece. I folded the clothes neatly into a pile and went back to the bathroom where I was about to see Allison naked.
I knocked on the door and Al told me I could come inside. She wasn’t naked but had her crotch and breasts strategically covered with face-cloths. I put the clothes on the counter and sat down on the floor. She looked at me and smiled, ‘Your such a nice guy, no one has ever made me feel so important or special.’ I took her hand in mine. ‘Well its not hard, you’re important to me and I think you’re special,’ I said, smiling at the simple truth. ‘So do you wanna talk about what happened?’
Allison told me everything–her parents had been fighting and her dad had slapped her mom. That’s when she ran out the house crying. I felt so sorry for her because one of the reasons my parents got divorced was that my father used to hit my mom. I listened as she talked it all out, and every now and then I’d say something about the fights my parents used to have to show that I understood what she was talking about. After a while the goose bumps on her skin went down and I could see she wasn’t shivering anymore. ‘You all warmed up yet?’ I asked a little more cheerfully now that she was feeling better.
‘Yup, thanks so much for taking care of me, you really are a true friend.’
I just smiled, while I stood up and went outside to wait for Al to get dressed. Maybe this was as good as it got, that I was still only friends with a girl, but I had sat next to her while she was in the bath. Definitely better than any time I’d spent with my other (girl)friends. Who was I kidding anyway? Al saw me as a nice guy, completely harmless and that’s why she wasn’t scared to undress in front of me. I was not sexually threatening at all, like the kind of guys that beautiful girls sleep with, I was probably just another girl to Al. The door opened and Al was revealed in a cloud of steam, dressed in the ill-fitting clothes I had chosen. The pants where too long and they almost covered her feet completely, only her toes stuck out. The sweatshirt was a bit baggy too, except where her breasts filled it out. Her hands, too, were covered and only her fingers were visible.
‘I like your clothes, you have very good taste.’ She let a little giggle escape, obviously she hadn’t forgotten completely about what had happened.

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