LifelineChapter 22 free porn video

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The next six months moved forward so fast I could barely keep up. February saw Elizabeth at the state capital for most of the month. She spent a week telling her story to a legislative subcommittee and another week being interviewed by the State Police Anti-Corruption Squad, the group the attorney general had appointed to investigate the Combined Drug Task Force members and the groups that might have corrupted them. Then she spent 10 days testifying about her actions as a member of the Task Force to the state bar association examiners.

That left me to deal with two children at home – and a pissed off boss at work. I held up as best as I could, which admittedly wasn't very well. I was short-tempered and sleep deprived. Pam still hadn't been transported to the state to face charges because of a series of heavy snowstorms across the north. Twice the team assigned to transport prisoners had postponed the trip and Lucy was growing increasingly irritated. The firm that had hired her had agreed to delay her job until she had things cleared up in town but as the case dragged on they were putting pressure on her to cut ties. Only her misguided sense of loyalty to me prevented her from bailing on Pam and the deal she had arranged with Judge Valasik and the special prosecutor.

The prosecutor was in a bind. Pam's 180-day clock had begun the day she was arrested. The courts made no distinction about where she was housed. She was being held without bond and she was assured of a trial in no less than 180 days. At the end of February, 87 of those days had ticked away and she was still 900 miles away – with no arrival date in sight. Lucy was threatening to take the case to trial – a sure winner either way. The prosecutor would have to put together a murder case (with little evidence) in a month and even if he won, no appellate court would let the verdict stand since Pam's attorney had no access to her for planning purposes for more than half of the time.

It was the second week of March before the attorney general opened her purse strings and agreed to fly Pam down. Her testimony was crucial to securing a conviction against Wallace Mann ... and Mann's testimony was crucial to securing convictions against other members of the Task Force.

Pam touched down in the city on Ides of March and was delivered to the courthouse immediately. I pulled the elder Lauren out of school so she could see her mother. There would be no visitation but she could at least say hello and Pam would see that her daughter was still standing by her.

It had taken a lengthy explanation for Lauren to understand her mother's actions weren't predicated entirely upon anger. Pam had also killed Biff to protect Lauren. One of the most painful discussions of my life came when I sat Lauren down and explained to her about the deal her father had tried to make with Dez Huntley. I wasn't positive Pam knew of the arrangement when she killed her former husband but I made certain she knew of it now. It would go a long way toward mitigation if the case ever went to trial.

The special prosecutor still held general homicide charges over Pam's head. In our state, homicide came in three varieties: murder (taking a life with malicious intent or premeditation); manslaughter (taking a life without malicious intent or premeditation) and negligent (take a life by accident). Each charge had three levels, first-degree; second-degree and third-degree. Too much time had elapsed for the prosecutor to consider the death penalty (not that Pam's case fit the criteria) but he had until a month before the trial to decide the specific charge and level.

The special prosecutor wasn't being malicious. He was leveraging Mann's attorney. Wallace would face conspiracy and accessory before and after the fact charges on top of those he faced in connection with the Huntley cover up. The more serious the charge against Pam, the more serious the conspiracy charge against Mann. Pam was barely in the air when Mann agreed to plead guilty to conspiracy to commit third-degree murder; possession of an illegal firearm and accessory charges in the death of Leonidas Wells. The prosecution agreed to recommend a sentence of 12 years in exchange for the plea and Mann's cooperation in corruption investigation.

The day after Mann was sentenced to 18 years in prison (because the judge was under no obligation to accept the prosecutor's recommendation), the feds swooped in and announced he had been indicted on 31 counts of official oppression and civil rights violations for actions he committed as a member of the Task Force.

Mann's attorney wailed when Pam finally hit town – and pleaded guilty to second-degree manslaughter. She was sentenced to serve seven-to-10 years in a medium-security correctional facility. Once she completed her time at an induction center, she would be housed 45 minutes away from her daughter.

The Anti-Corruption Squad's participation in the investigation was overkill. The attorney general could have hired a Boy Scout Troop. As soon as the doctors removed the wires from Paul Scarborough's jaw he sang like a bird. Well, that's not exactly true. The first thing he did was announce that he planned to sue me for the beating I had handed out. The prosecutor laughed aloud and told him to have at it. I was a civil servant and didn't have shit – oh, and the man had just tried to murder my wife. There wasn't a jury in the land that would award him a penny. That's also when he told Scarborough he faced a date with a needle unless he came up with a reason for the state to keep him alive.

The drug violence spiked the week after Dez Huntley's death and then faded almost completely. The group of shadowy figures that operated behind the scenes appeared to pull back until they saw how things would play out. The month after Elizabeth's resignation was announced, the violence shot back up as outside groups saw an opportunity to make inroads while a new drug prosecutor learned the ropes. Those groups ran back to their own cities when Alberto Castille stepped down as senior judge and accepted a temporary position as prosecutor – the county's third in less than five months.

Scarborough agreed to provide information to the anti-corruption squad but he wanted a lot in return. He wanted to be in federal custody until he had finished testifying; he wanted the death penalty enhancement dropped; and he wanted a sentencing recommendation that included parole. Oh, and he wanted to meet privately with Elizabeth.

I heard about it secondhand from the prosecutor, who informed me of the request and his reaction.

"I told him that she was a witness against him and the next time he saw her would be when she gave an impact statement before the jury deliberated about giving him the needle or life without parole," the man said with a laugh. "Just for shits and giggles, I told him that she had agreed – with the caveat that you got 20 minutes alone with him immediately afterward. He withdrew that portion of his request."

Elizabeth had told me the man the state brought forward to handle the prosecution was a glory hound and I took her word for it before I met the guy. Once I'd talked to him, I found I liked him. He might be out for publicity but, in my eyes at least, he earned every bit of positive press he got. He sure as hell made short work of a group that had run circles around the honest cops and prosecutors of the county for almost five years.

It was April Fool's Day when four members of his investigative team burst into the CYS offices and pulled my boss out in handcuffs. I'm sad to say that I missed the excitement. I was on a personal errand.

After talking to Elizabeth and Carmen Alvarez, the prosecutor agreed to drop the death-penalty enhancement for Scarborough in exchange for his testimony. The disgraced detective pleaded guilty to first-degree murder and was sentenced to life in prison with the possibility of parole after 35 years.

Personally, I could think of no reason why a 75-year-old man would want parole. But what the hell do I do know? Maybe he figured that I would have shuffled off the mortal coil by then and Elizabeth would be waiting for him.

There was only one thing I was certain of: Paul Scarborough would not live long enough to reach that far-off possibility.

When I was told of his deal, I immediately took an afternoon to go through my files from my days as a criminal defense attorney. I figured that given the number of lowlifes I had defended surely I had at least one former client in all three of the state's maximum-security prisons. It turned out I was wrong. Sure, I had some former clients who had found their way to the wrong side of the law again but none had done anything to deserve housing with the worst of the worst. I will admit that I was surprised when my search failed.

Undaunted, I accessed the database at Children and Youth Service. We had a host of children whose only contact with their father was through Plexiglas. One of the rules I put in place required all prison visits to be supervised by a CYS agent until a senior administrator signed off on a recommendation for visits supervised only by the prison staff. As one of four senior administrators on the staff, I had the power to make a few convicts' dreams come true. OK, sure, I couldn't commute their sentences but I could make it a hell of a lot easier to see their kids.

I pared down the list to two men doing life without parole at each maximum-security prison. Each had served at least eight years and none had any serious misconduct demerits in the past 18 months. I wasn't about to throw a child to the lion's in my quest for vengeance (although the thought did cross my mind). By the time Scarborough's deal broke in the media, I had people inside who would make sure the other cons knew exactly who Scarborough was and how he helped to put them away. As a former police officer the man would be in Restricted Housing but that didn't matter much. Those cons would take care of business just as easily as those in general population would.

I was not so crass as to solicit Scarborough's murder. I simply asked the inmates I contacted to get the word out that a former member of the Drug Task Force was headed their way. OK, fine, I suppose that is morally the same as soliciting a murder – but I can assure you that there is a vast gulf legally.

My only hope was that the con told him that "some CYS lawyer" made it happen just before he slipped the shiv between Scarborough's ribs.

By the time school let out for the summer, my life had resumed a sort of normalcy. It wasn't the same normalcy that it held prior to Pam's frantic phone call but it had leveled out considerably since the month between Thanksgiving and Christmas.

After some initial problems, the elder Lauren seemed to adapt to a life with rules and expectations. Her grades improved from a C average to a B+ average over the course of the semester and her behavior became that of someone I would be happy to have my daughter emulate someday.

The backtalk and dramatic sighs that permeated the first couple of months disappeared. I hate to say this because I know no one would believe it of a teenager but she actually was pleasant to be around most of the time. She became less like the hooker-wannabe that her father had brought down the summer before and more like the Pumpkin I remembered so fondly.

The younger Lauren was growing by the day and she was starting to develop a personality of her own. It was a personality I found that I loved even more than her baby demeanor. She was loving and funny, often playing jokes on the rest of us in the house. She became our resident comedienne, the purveyor of some of the worst "Knock, Knock" jokes known to man. She was adorable even when she pouted, with a tendency to cross her arms and stick her lower lip out as far as it could go. It was all I could do to keep from laughing at her (and all I could do to keep from giving in to her).

The best part was the relationship she developed with her new older sister. I remembered my torturous childhood all too vividly. I was the youngest and the only boy, and thus special in both my parents' eyes. My sisters were resentful and, often, downright hateful. During my week packing up Pam's belongings, I was within 35 miles of my hometown – and the town where my sisters still lived – and I never once considered driving across (or even picking up the phone).

But Lauren and Lauren were buddies. The older girl seemed to always be willing to make time and the younger one seemed to understand there were times she wore out her welcome. Our family movie nights would always find the two girls side by side on the couch, a bowl of popcorn to share. Invariably, by the time the movie ended, the younger girl's head would replace the popcorn on the older girl's lap and they both would be snoozing away. I probably have 30 pictures of the two of them that way on my computer.

The only part of my life that wasn't running smoothly was my relationship with Elizabeth. I don't know if the revelations had shaken my faith in her or if I just didn't believe she could be so blind to what was going on around her. I found myself parsing through her words looking for hidden meanings each time we would try to have a serious discussion.

It came to a head a few days before Lauren Senior's 15th birthday. It started with a disagreement over a trivial detail regarding the party we'd planned and escalated to the point we went outside to keep the girls from overhearing things they probably shouldn't.

"Elizabeth, there is just no way we can fit 35 people in the house!" I said.

"I told you we should rent out a banquet room at the hotel," she rejoined.

"And how in the hell do you propose we pay for that?" I inquired. "You haven't worked in six months."

"You turned down the job of running CYS," she shot back.

"Oh, so I'm supposed to jump into a bureaucratic nightmare so you can sit on your ass all day and eat bon-bons?" I asked.

"Screw you, Ben," Elizabeth replied.

"Screw you, Elizabeth," I replied. Yeah, witty comeback, I know. It's something I need to work on.

Elizabeth took a deep breath and started to cry. In all honesty, I believe she had cried more in the past six months than in the previous 30 years.

"Are you ever going to call me Ellie again?" she asked out of the blue.

"What?" I asked, still peeved. "I call you Ellie all the time!"

"No, you don't," she answered. She still had tears in her eyes but they were looking at the ground. "It's always Elizabeth now. It has been since the Task Force stuff came out."

I considered her words and I realized that she was right.

"I don't know," I answered. "Things are different now."

"I don't want them to be different," she answered.

"I don't either," I replied, frowning.

"Tell me what it is and we'll fix it," she offered.

"That's just it, I don't know what it is," I admitted. "I think it's all of it. The Task Force, Scarborough, breaking into my office. You almost being killed, watching a man die. I had never doubted you before. Once I started to doubt you, I can't seem to stop. That makes me doubt myself. It makes me doubt us. I've wondered if you would have gone through with the plan to pass defense strategy to Jane if you hadn't thought she would tell me. I wonder how far you would have let Scarborough go before you stopped him. The more I find out about what went on with the Task Force, the more I wonder how it was it happened under your nose."

"No; not as far as you obviously think; and I was excluded on purpose," Elizabeth stated. I looked at her in confusion.

"That's the answers to your doubts in the order you posed them," she clarified. "I stepped away from your office because I feared exactly what happened. I went in there because I was nosy and I was scared. I did not go in there with the plan to provide secrets to Jane Cummings. I went in because I had so much invested in putting Huntley behind bars. I knew if anyone could find a way to get a guilty man free, it would probably be you. I guess I just wondered if you would take it to an acquittal or be content to spare him the needle. I honestly thought he did it. I heard all the reasons you thought he was innocent but I was too invested in the outcome to accept them. I needed him to be convicted because I thought that would validate my life's work.

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I had been traveling for a fortnight now. I had left my old boring life in a quiet little town in the forest with what I could carry. A pack on my back with what few clothes I owned, a little coin pouch that contained all the coin I could scrap up over the past year, an old hunting bow, a quiver full of hand made stone arrows, a dented hand ax I used to cut firewood on my hip and old rusty knife in my boot. Come the start of spring when the snows melted away I had left home to see the world for...

2 years ago
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My Wife Shital Becomes A Sexy Whore

Dear readers, this is my true story. My name is Subhash and I am 32 years old. My wife’s name is Shital. We have been married since last 7 years. Shital is very beautiful and got very curvy body. Her figure is 36-32-36. She is very fair and attractive. I can say she is just as sexy and hot as woman should be. Her main attraction is her rosy lips and sexy boobs. All of my friends were jealous about me for having such a sexy wife. Shital was having lot of lust. She never gets tired of sex, she...

4 years ago
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Sissy the Redhead Mammas Price Pt VI

Introduction: I only have one more chapter planned, but if the response is good enough, I have a couple of really filthy ideas to add to all of this. Let me know. Sissy the Redhead: Mammas Price Pt VI My kids had been on their walk for a couple of hours now. Of course I knew better. I was sure they were across the street involved in some sort of hot, sticky, depraved and illegal sex act with either one or both of my classy neighbors. I didnt mind. They were my kids, after all, and were bound...

2 years ago
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The Unexpected

Why did I say yes? Mathew asks himself, shaking his head. I should have unmatched her a long time ago.With a resigned stance, he walks toward the restaurant where Andrea has set their date, in Manhattan Beach, Los Angeles. As much as she looks gorgeous on Tinder, their chat has led to nowhere. He tried, when they first matched, hoping to have found the one, but her attitude and the fact they don’t share anything in common makes it so unlikely. To get him to have a date, she promised she will...

Straight Sex
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One Week With Heather Part 1Day 5

I awoke early, having slept well, and found myself still alone in the living room. I looked at the clock and saw it was still about 5:30. I decided to try and get on Heather’s good side and got breakfast ready and on the table for her and Cara. I then went into Heather’s room and found her still sleeping, but fully nude on top of her covers. I spread her legs gently apart and started eating her out. She stirred and yawned, stretching dreamily when she noticed my tongue wedged deep in her...

2 years ago
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InnocentChapter 2

I made a bee-line for Mexico and got there in two days. This was my first trip to Mexico, but my Spanish had been perfected by talking to local workers and practice in school. I learned the hidalgo style in school, and I learned the common style from the workers. We would all laugh when I would say something much too highfalutin for their speaking style. I was comfortable in the language, but not in the country. I guess it's what you are used to, but I was very uncomfortable with the very...

3 years ago
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Our Full back story

I married my wife, T., who is 15 years younger than me, when she was 18. I was 33 and was pleasantly surprised and how great the sex we had was, especially in the early days when it was just the two of us. She is a blonde haired, blue eyed bbw, and they’re my favorite. She was raised very conservatively, she’s a one-man woman by nature,and I’m aware of her love and loyalty to me, I always have been. We are now celebrating 17 years together, I’m 50 and she’s 35. Now is a time when I reflect on...

2 years ago
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Tattoo Ted Teaches Two Teasing Teen Temptresses

 The last two years had been building up to this moment; Tamsin had never stopped nagging us about having a tattoo!Of course I’d be the ultimate hypocrite if I said no, after all I’m a tattoo artist by trade, but as responsible adults her mum and I had steadfastly refused all her pleas and entreaties.“When you’re seventeen and old enough to make such a decision, if you still want one, you’ll be allowed one discreet tattoo.” I’d lost count of the number of times I’d told my daughter that!Now the...

3 years ago
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ProeliatorChapter 16

The men marvelled at the toilet and Licinia said a bit smugly, "We can leave this room now and you can test it out. All our guests do. Jón said this will keep us healthy because the germs will be carried away." The men didn't understand but we left the room and I closed the door on Julian. It took a while but we heard the water flow into the toilet again. My toilet tank was high up like the way the English had it at one time. The distance the water fell caused it to go fast and clean the...

3 years ago
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Rich Hot and a Slut

It’s nice to be rich, I thought to myself while lying on the sun bed by the pool. People around me were talking, laughing and drinking from exotic cocktails. The palm trees swayed lazily in the breeze coming in from the ocean just a few yards from where the pool ended.My mega rich husband had surprised me with two tickets to an all-inclusive complex in Costa Rica and I had jumped up and down like a silly school girl. I had immediately gotten into my Ferrari and driven to the most exclusive shop...

1 year ago
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Rosas Mexican Food Issue Episode 1

Rosa was on the University's volleyball team, but she wasn't sure how she even made it. First of all, she was out of shape, being a little heavier than the skinny girls on the team. Also she wasn't that good at the sport, she couldn't really serve and her spike needed a lot more practice. She wanted to try out just to try something new. She was now the only Mexican girl on the team, and definitely the thickest. Her ass was very wide, just plain big compared to the other girls'. Rosa really...

4 years ago
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Unforgettable Experience With My Aunt Sunitha

Hello Readers and this is my first story and what I write is my first ever sex experience. I started watching porn when I was in my 12th standard from there on I must have watched some thousands of hours of porn. I’ve a huge DVD collection and I always use to fantasise and masturbate. This is roughly about me, let’s dive deep into my sex experience with my aunt Sunitha. Sunitha is my Mother’s younger brother’s wife. She’s in her early 30s and stands 5.7″ tall with perfect weight and fair...

3 years ago
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Pre Marriage Performance

Open your mind. See the world in all its splendid color. Truly look at the uniqueness of the people around you and cherish the nuances. Before you make judgments of others and their lifestyles, always remember that there are a million ways to live and love and be loved, and no one way is right or wrong. Women should be proud about their sex, there is something special or awesome about being female but trust me You are all wondrously made, women / girls. Remember that: wondrously made, and you...

3 years ago
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Grace the BikersChapter 8

I was expecting something but not exactly the feeling I actually got. It was actually a bit of a disappointment. I felt the tip of the pony’s cock touch my vagina, then it shot up me suddenly with a hard force that took my breath away. The cock was thicker and longer than anything I had ever had up me before and no sooner it filled me I felt the tip expand. Then it maddeningly withdraw to quickly plunge up me again. Twice more it happened before, with a loud snort, Randy flooded my womb...

1 year ago
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CuckoldSessions Lana Sharapova 12292019

Lana is full of bad habits. She can’t seem to stop getting in trouble. Lately she’s been ditching her court-ordered community service. Her parole officer shows up to warn her that this is her last chance. She had better straighten out or she’s going back to jail next time. In the middle of their meeting, Rico and Slim drop by sort of like the Kool Aid Man. They’re loud, unannounced, and just caused some major damage. When they stop yelling about the bomb weed they’ve brought for Lana, they...

2 years ago
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roll playing and benefits

Worked on lady's house and heard how I reminded her of her late husband. he did in work accident leaving her alone in her early 30's. She was not 40 and very lonely. I did her honey do list as side money for collage. After a while I was invited to dinner after work. To make me comfortable a shower and robe. She washed my clothes, with in a week she had bought me clothes in my exact size. Right down to undershorts and socks. Each day a reason to stop by and pick up something. She rented movie...

2 years ago
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Construction of the Academies an extension of the Journey

Construction of the Academies a continuation of Wyoming/Ute IGT// Living the Dream By: Malissa Madison Iridani Five had been an unimportant planet tucked away at the tail end of the Iridan System in the forty seventh universe. It had been barren, when first Hub, Astrid, and Dark Light had been sent a request for permission to Terraform it. The request had come from the director of the Inter-Galactic Bank on Omega Three. Each had requested to know the purpose, and had been informed...

4 years ago
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Road TripChapter 15

We ... I ... didn’t start at the Wolf Creek Road bridge. The creek is shallow from the bridge downstream to the old ford ... all but the far bank isn’t a foot deep. The water is clear. There is a nice pebble bottom. It was there I used to go to skip rocks. Almost skipped a perfect Pelican Lake atlatl point ... and let me tell you ... finding out what I had in my hand was a chore. Research at the library in Ranchester was over before it started. Sheridan County Public had a donated lithic...

3 years ago
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Pool HustledChapter 9

Joyce I thought long and hard about just telling him that we were though, but then I just nodded my head ok. I walked him to the back door, and gave him another goodnight kiss. I could hear him whistling as he walked to his car. The following week just dragged. I really missed David, but my pride would not let me call him. 'Also why has he not called me? Why hasn't he apologizing to me?' Wednesday I started to feel a little sick. By Saturday I was feeling lousy. I considered calling off...

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Star Whores

So in which era do we begin? The Original Trilogy? The Prequel Trilogy? The Sequel Trilogy? Tv Shows (like CW or Rebels) Or even Legends (including KotOR or TOR)

3 years ago
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Photographing FlowersChapter 2

“Now I don’t want you reading too much into this, Owen, Love,” Evie said when they talked on the phone the next day, “ ... but Maddy’s going to the Manning’s on Friday evening and she might stay there overnight so we can go out without worrying about getting back. But I did tell them that if she doesn’t settle they’re to ring me and I’ll go and fetch her. I’m also not saying that anything else will happen, but you can stay the night, if you want.” “All right ... no expectations and one step...

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Deepika does a Different Shoot

Deepika Padukone stared at her naked reflect into the mirror in her bedroom as she put down a script that she had received from a leading Bollywood producer. She ran her hand through her long dark hair, which ended below her pert 34B breasts. At 5'9'', she was tall for an Indian actress, with long never ending legs and a toned ass that her fans loved. The 30 year old athletic beauty had a dream run in Bollywood – billed as one of the top actresses in the country, she had won awards, accolades...

1 year ago
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Getting a New Job

It was just after eight when I met my sister for drinks, though by the time I had sat down at her table she had already made her way through three cocktails whilst waiting for me. ”You’re always late, sis. Don’t know why I ever bother stating a time.” she told me. ”I’ve never been here before,” I told her, ”Why this place? It’s almost impossible to find.” she shrugged her shoulders, ”I come here every now and again. It’s...

2 years ago
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The Storm Part 3

I woke up to the sound of birds tweeting outside and the bright sun shining through the curtains. It seemed somewhat of a contrast compared to the tumultuous storm which had deluged all night. Aiden’s arm was coiled round me, his hand lightly cupping my left breast. He was spooned behind me, his strong chest pressed against my back and his light breathing breezing against my neck as he slept. Further down, I could feel a bulge pressed against my bum as his morning glory appeared to be waking. ...

3 years ago
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Family Feud an Alternate Reallity FanficChapter 13

My Chapter 18 Wendy sat in the back of the limo wondering just what she had gotten herself into. The thought that she would be completely at the mercy of two men that she didn't know outside of the workplace was not exactly a pleasant thought for her. She wanted to believe in her husband and think that he wouldn't have allowed this if he wasn't sure that she would be safe, but to be honest, her gut told her that she was on her own in this whole thing. Wendy was also made more uneasy by...

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The Bosss Son

This happened in the late 60's. I was 14 when my mom and I found ourselves needing to go out and find a job. My dad had just left us and I had 2 younger brothers so we were left to fend for ourselves. I was on summer vacation, just finished 8th grade so we went to some Catholic organization and they sent us to this fancy restaurant that needed a dishwasher and busboy. Both of us were hired on the spot and started the following day. Our boss, the manager of the restaurant, lived in Mexico just...

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The Technician

"Hell no I don't want any fucking technician. I screamed at my boss. "Sorry Tony its union policy and college policy only technicians are allowed to work and set up the equipment." "The fact remains that if you or any of your staff use a projector or do any printing or typing yourselves then you will be suspended... Now piss off." I was livid as I imagined all the delays and extra paperwork that would be involved in putting in requisitions for a technician and not being able to use...

3 years ago
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A Very Special Birthday

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is a true story, but I am still single... I was 25. It was my birthday. I'd been seeing my boyfriend for about a year. I didn't start out intending to have sex, but I must admit that I had thought about it. I had wanted him for a while, but I was raised to wait for marriage. Still, on this particular day my desire for him was especially strong. My boyfriend said he had a very special birthday present for me, so we went to his house. There he carried out a well executed...

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