Sarah Naked In School Book Three
- 2 years ago
- 36
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Dania stood in the doorway, watching as a convict tried to kill her coach with a bat.
Sarah deflected the blow with her own wooden bat, backpedaling and slipping sideways, keeping Stephanie, assigned on prison detail as her personal assistant, from positioning herself in a striking formation.
"What are they using?" she whispered to Isparana, who also stood watching the two women attack each other.
"My sister says it is called a 'shillelagh'. It is an ancient weapon used by her ancestors."
"It looks like part of a leg bone from a dinosaur."
Isparana smiled. "Yes. That is what I said, too."
The two weapons clacked against each other as Stephanie pressed her assault, pushing Sarah backwards. Then, Stephanie connected a solid blow that tore Sarah's weapon away, the shattered club splintering and sliding in pieces across the floor. Before Stephanie could bring her club back for the final shot, Sarah reached out, grabbed both ends of Stephanie's bat and pulled the surprised girl towards her.
Sarah fell onto her arched back, bringing her legs up under Stephanie's hips and lifting her off the ground as Stephanie refused to relinquish her weapon. Sarah then rolled backwards, flipping the girl over her head. In one swift movement, Sarah used Stephanie's momentum to carry her over and onto her attacker, her legs neatly straddling the surprised girl's body as Sarah, still holding onto the bat, now pressed it against the smaller girl's throat.
Stephanie, realizing she was beaten, lifted two fingers in surrender, then tapped on the floor.
Sarah smiled, still straddling her assistant. "You're improving, but you really need to work on your decision-making ability."
"You mean I should have let you have the club?"
"Yes. Once it ceased being your weapon, you should have switched to your hands and feet."
"Can I interrupt?" Dania asked, raising her hand tentatively.
Sarah and Stephanie looked at her; Sarah still poised to strangle her assistant.
?You may want to put the bat away, Coach," Dania said, taking a step forward.
Sarah smiled, apologized to her young assistant, and stood up. She then extended her hand and helped Stephanie to her feet, "Please have Angelica make another shill for me after we're done here."
"Yes, Domina," Stephanie replied.
Sarah then looked at her young runner. "What's up, Dania?"
"I just found out Bobbi Briggs is coaching Arlington."
Sarah's mouth dropped. "Oh ... shit!"
"I take it that's bad, Domina?" Stephanie asked.
Sarah responded by letting fly with some very colorful expletives that would have shocked a sailor.
"But you are friends, yes?" Isparana asked, "You were teammates and you support each other, like we do?"
Another expletive flew from Sarah's mouth.
"I guess not," Dania said.
Sarah bent over and placed her hands on her knees, took several deep breaths, then straightened up, raised her clenched fists into the air, and shouted "I! Hate! That! Fucking! Bitch!" The primal scream that followed echoed off the rafters of the old barn, knocking a few bits of stagnant dust from the upper beams.
Sarah, tired of the questions about prison operations, had brought her charges to Leighton Acres for their spring break retreat. Thomas had begged off, claiming to be too busy with the merger with Siobhan Penitentiary to dawdle with what he considered to be Sarah's side job.
Stephanie, Isparana, Faye, and Vella had already had a tour of the penal farm, up close and personal, under various circumstances. So, Sarah had asked one of the guards to give Dania and Chastity the first step in the prison process; an inspection. Prisoner-style.
Dania had gone first. Stripped of her uniform and bolted, naked, into the X-shaped metal pipe work that served as the inspection stand, she could only watch as the male guard had poked at her body and had threatened to shave her head. Surprisingly, Dania hadn't begged for mercy like Sarah had. And Isparana. And Stephanie. And Vella. And most of the true assignees that pass through the penal farm gates. To her credit, she was proving herself to be tougher than Sarah had imagined.
Under recent legislation, assignees didn't need to be shaved, and it was left to the warden's discretion as to whether or not it was done. As soon as the bill had passed, Thomas had starting using a visual inspection for contraband and a chemical treatment for delousing. He felt it was important to preserve a person's identity and freedom of choice, and he recognized that a woman's hair style is something personal to her.
Sarah had told the guard not to shave Dania, but just scare her a bit so that she felt the helplessness that all prisoners feel. What she hadn't counted on was Dania being ok with having her head shaved, and since the guard was also a trained and licensed beautician, Dania had gotten a sporty new hair-do that she later loved when she was released from the stand and saw herself in the mirror.
But what Dania hadn't loved was having a depressor shoved down her throat until she gagged, then having a cold speculum inserted into her vagina, the metal jaws stretching her so wide that she started to cramp while a strange man studied her genitals. And she certainly didn't love having her muscular ass cheeks spread and a scope shoved so far up her rectum that she had cramped there too, front and back. The guard had then made her gag again, just to be certain the GI inspection was complete.
What Sarah had told her, on Sarah's second day as a naked prisoner assigned to Stalin High, had been correct. Dania really did feel like she was going to vomit and shit at the same time. And it really was the single most unpleasant experience in her young life.
Afterwards, the guard had given her a sponge bath to decontaminate her skin. Then, after releasing her from the stand and handing her a mirror so she could see her new prison look, he had congratulated her on handling the process like a trooper and had directed her over to the barn where Sarah and Stephanie were getting in a little martial arts practice while they waited for the girls to be inspected.
Then it was Chastity's turn.
As Dania had made the trek between the stables and the barn to go tell Chastity to report for her inspection, Thomas had intercepted her and given her the message about Sarah's former teammate accepting the job vacated by Luigi Alonso, who had left Arlington to become the new National team coach. Dania had thought nothing of the news; just another former runner becoming a coach. No big deal.
She was wrong.
Now Sarah was pissed. Dania thought she had seen Sarah angry before, when she had first found out Sarah was their coach and had forced them to strip off their shorts at her first practice. But that had just been an act. Now Sarah was angry for real. And now that she knew just how dangerous her coach could be, it was a lot more frightening.
Sarah paced the barn floor like a boxer in a ring, her fists clenched with rage, looking for something - or someone - to hit.
Isparana took a hobbled step backwards, her damaged foot encased in a limited-motion boot.
Stephanie tightened her grip on the war club.
Dania got ready to run for the door.
"WHY!" Sarah shouted, "Why me!" Sarah lowered her gaze to her assistant, the smaller girl holding the war club. "You! Prepare!" she shouted to Stephanie.
Isparana and Dania looked at Sarah's intended victim. If anyone knew what Sarah was capable of doing with her bare hands, it was Stephanie. She had been Sarah's combat student and sparring partner ever since she had accepted the job as her personal assistant. Even with the advantage of being armed with a weapon, Stephanie looked scared to death.
It was Isparana that came to her rescue. "No," the tawny-skinned Cilician beauty said commandingly, "she is too small for you, even with a club! You should fight someone more your size. If you want to fight, fight me. I am not afraid!"
Sarah looked at her friend who called herself her sister. Even hobbled by her leg injury, Isparana had continued to do her floor exercises, strengthening her body for the time when she could return to competition. Now, she was threatening to use those muscles for something she swore she would never do. Fight.
Sarah knew Isparana would never fight to defend herself. But, she would fight to defend a friend; particularly a friend she cared about very much.
Sarah could feel the anger dissipating from her mind. She couldn’t fight her angel. She dropped her fists, her arms falling loosely to her sides. "I... I can't."
"Then why," Isparana barked, "tell us why you hate your old friend so much!"
Sarah exhaled and lowered her head. "She isn't my friend. She never was. She hated me and I hated her. We just happened to go to the same school and run on the same team. We were never teammates like you guys are."
Sarah stopped her pacing and sat on the floor, her toned legs curled underneath her hips. She absent-mindedly patted her hand against the floor, picking at an unseen piece of gravel. "Every practice she told me how much better she was than me. She went out of her way to make sure I knew it. Then, at the races, she smoked me. Bad. No matter how hard I tried I could never catch her. Just once - just once! - I wish I could've taken her. I secretly hoped she would get hurt; nothing serious, just pull a muscle or tweak an ankle. Just something that would give me an edge. But she never did. And she buried me. Every single time."
"So you were jealous of her. You didn't really hate her," Stephanie offered as the girls moved closer to their coach.
"No, it was hatred. Ispy once said that she knows what it is to hurt. Well, I know what it is to hate, and I definitely hated Bobbi Jo Briggs."
"Did you hate Chastity when you first met her?" Dania asked, joining her coach on the floor, "Because she definitely hated you."
Sarah smiled and continued to pick at something on the floor. "No, I didn't hate her. I knew where she was coming from. She thought her boyfriend was going to fuck me and she was pissed about it. I'd be pissed, too. I can't say I hated her then, or now. I didn't like what she wanted to do to me under the bleachers, but we got over it. I'd like to think we're friends now. How did you know she hated me?"
"Because she recruited me to come after you that day on the cross-country run. I'm a sprinter, not a distance runner. I told her that, but she figured one of us would beat you, and if it couldn't be her then she was hoping it would be me. I have a reputation for having a pretty good arm swing; perfect for delivering spankings to naked whores. Or so she said."
"Huh." Sarah looked at her curiously, analyzing what Dania had just told her. "What about Vella? Was she part of the plan?"
Dania smiled. "No, Vella is a cross-country girl. She likes the slop. She saw us pushing and joined in the race. That was her only motivation - defending her title as the cross-country queen. She just happens to be good at the longer sprints you have her doing. It's a good thing you came along to rescue her from her wayward earthy lifestyle or she'd still be pulling grass out of her teeth."
"Huh." Sarah said again, then bolted upright. "Wait here." Sarah jumped up and started heading for the large open door. She paused at the opening and turned. "Oh, and Stephanie, show the girls the basic defensive movements I taught you; the blocks and the kicks. You guys may need it to subdue me when I see Bobbi Jo at the next meet."
Chastity stood naked against the metal frame, her body spread wide for inspection. Cold hard pipes around her wrists, ankles and hips held her in place, the metal unyielding no matter how hard she pulled. Despite her struggles, she wasn’t going anywhere.
She tried to put on a brave face, but the truth was, she was scared to death. She'd heard the stories and she knew this would hurt.
The man, darker and older than her, moved along the workbench, his back to her, blocking her view of the instruments he was setting on the cloth covering the dry, dusty wood of the inspection room station.
"I'll take over from here."
Chastity turned. She hadn't seen Sarah enter the room, so focused had she been on the movements of the dark man assigned to prepare her for prison.
The man nodded in recognition of Sarah's authority and, opening the sliding door, exited the room, then slammed the door shut behind him with a heavy thud.
Chastity sighed with relief. "Sarah, I'm so glad..."
Sarah held up a finger, interrupting her. "You may think you've gotten off easy, but I assure you, things just got a lot worse. You see, I just had a very interesting conversation with some friends, and they told me how you had conspired against me."
Chastity looked at her, confused. "What? When?"
"Did you, or did you not, tell certain individuals that you hated me and wanted to kick my ass on my second day in the Program?"
A look of realization flashed across her face. "Oh shit..."
"I could understand your wanting to abuse me under the bleachers on my first day, but I thought we had moved past that and become friends. Then I find out you collaborated with other members of the track team to come after me on the second day at practice. Is this correct?"
"Sarah, I didn't mean anything by it."
"Uh huh," she replied, "so you admit you conspired against me, even after I forgave you for almost raping me? And now I find out you also lied to me about our being friends?"
"That was before!" the frightened girl pleaded, "Before I got to really know you! To know any of us! It's ancient history!"
Sarah stepped up onto the raised platform where Chastity was restrained and grabbed the girl's face, pinching her cheeks painfully, her nose touching the younger girl's. "I. Have. A. Very. Long. Memory." Sarah said slowly and deliberately. "I forgave you, I extended my friendship to you, and you said we were friends, and you threw it in my face!"
Sarah backed away, a look of rage twisting her features. "In my face!" she shouted. "Do you know how that feels?! Do you?!" Sarah's hands were clenched into fists, the muscles of her arms taut and ready to strike. "I had nobody at that school! Nobody! You were the first real friend I had, or so I thought, and now I find out you were just fronting!"
Chastity choked, then pleaded, "Sarah, I..."
"Shut up! Shut! Up! Only my real friends can call me 'Sarah'!" Sarah charged at the girl, her finger jabbing at Chastity's bare chest, "Any pretense of friendship we had is over. Over! Do you remember what you promised me that day at the fence? Do you? That you would never hurt me? And then the very next day that's exactly what you set out to do! How can I trust you? How can I ever trust you again?!"
Chastity started to cry. "Coach, please..."
"I had nothing! Nothing! No friends, no food, not even any clothing! The only thing I had to look forward to every day at that school was track, and now I find out you wanted to take that from me, too!"
The blonde girl, stretched out on the frame, was crying in earnest now. "Sarah... Coach... please... don't hate me..."
"Why shouldn't I?!" Sarah whirled around and grabbed a tongue depressor from the freshly-prepared workbench and pointed it towards Chastity's mouth. "Open!"
Chastity cried. And then she opened her mouth.
Sarah lunged forward, grabbed the girl's lower jaw, and shoved the depressor so deep into Chastity's mouth that the poor girl belched horribly. Then, Sarah did it again, causing Chastity's whole body to spasm as bile surged up her throat, burning her esophagus. Sarah stepped back, leaving the girl coughing and choking as she hung, naked, from the restraints around her wrists.
Sarah was just getting started.
She slapped Chastity's face hard, twice, twisting the girl's head from one side to the other. Then she slapped the girl's exposed tits, watching the firm mounds tremble from the impact of her palms against the bare skin. Sarah slapped the wailing girl's tits three more times, each blow harder than the last, as Chastity hung crying from the metal network of pipes.
Next, Sarah ran her hands along Chastity's bare torso, painfully squeezing what little body fat there was, under the pretense of checking for subcutaneous contraband. Chastity gasped and shuddered as Sarah pinched and squeezed her way down towards the girl's hairless pubis.
"Coach... please don't hate me. You can do what you want to me, but please don't hate me!"
Sarah ignored her pleading and turned towards the workbench. The small square sterilization box was showing that the Dorman speculum was ready. Sarah had felt its bite before, and knew what it would do to a girl like Chastity.
Chastity cried and tugged at the restraints around her body as Sarah approached her wide-spread thighs with the silver instrument. The blonde-haired girl closed her eyes and gasped, bracing herself for the cold metal object that Sarah lifted towards the outstretched body. Chastity could feel the cold metal nuzzling against the opening to her snatch. Then, without warning, Sarah plunged it into the naked girl's body, causing the wailing girl to inhale sharply at the shock of the thing being buried deep inside her most sensitive area.
"I called you a friend," Sarah growled, "and in return you called me a whore."
Sarah reached down and released the spring mechanism, the jaws of the medical instrument instantly snapping open, violently spreading the guardians of Chastity's vagina. She then unlatched the tiny clips on either side and locked them onto the exposed labia majora, keeping the speculum firmly planted in the girl's sex.
A yelp of pain escaped from the captive girl's throat, followed quickly by a choking sob. She pulled at the restraints around her wrists and ankles, her vaginal muscles pushing against the smooth steel cylinder, trying to dislodge the object Sarah had shoved into her body, her attempts causing the clamps to tug cruelly on her cunt lips.
Sarah grabbed a small penlight and pointed it towards Chastity's exposed cervix. She knelt down, gave it a cursory examination, then stood up. Her expression never changed, her eyes continuing to burn with rage.
"I should shove this light straight up into your uterus, you little shit," Sarah growled.
Chastity didn't answer; preferring instead to gasp and pant and struggle to absorb the pain of the speculum's bite.
Sarah turned and reached for a pair of surgical gloves, slipping them over her fingers as Chastity hung, naked and vulnerable, in the light of the inspection stand. A sheen of sweat covered the girl's body, the lattice of her ribs standing out in the light with each gasping breath she took.
Chastity knew what was coming. "Coach, I can handle whatever you do to me. I know I deserve it. But please don't hate me."
Sarah didn't reply. She just looked at the girl and stretched the gloves over her hands, snapping the elastic substance with an audible pop. Then, she approached the girl's body and spread her captive's butt cheeks, the skin now tanned from its exposure in the prison uniform.
Chastity inhaled as Sarah's finger penetrated her puckered hole. Chastity could feel her coach probing around her rectum, searching for contraband they both knew wasn't there. Sarah stretched her wider, causing the girl to cry out in anguish as Sarah plunged another finger into her cavity.
"I'm sorry!" Chastity begged, "I didn't mean to hurt you! Honest! I didn't mean anything by it!"
Sarah ignored her pleas and continued to probe around the girl's bowels. Finally, she felt Chastity's lower intestines surge as the muscles contracted around the rim of her belly, and she knew Chastity was about to empty herself onto the platform.
And that's exactly what Chastity did, whether she wanted to or not. Chastity grunted with disgust as the fluids splattered onto the dry wood. A strong aroma permeated the air.
Sarah stepped back as a smile crossed her lips, and she began to remove the gloves.
"Sarah," Chastity grunted, hanging weakly from the frame as her fluids pooled on the wood between her thighs, "I forgive you. And I will still call you my friend, even if you don't consider me to be your's."
Sarah stopped, Chastity's words swirling in her brain.
Sarah turned and approached the girl's body, careful to avoid the puddle of evacuated material.
Chastity pulled at her bonds, fearful of what Sarah would do to her next.
Sarah leaned in close and cradled her head tenderly, then whispered gently in Chastity's ear, "Thank you."
Chastity looked at her, confused, the glistening trail of her tears marking her face as Sarah kissed her cheek softly, then whispered in her other ear, "I know what hate is, and I've never truly hated you. I consider us to be friends, and I apologize for hurting you just now. I know you didn't know me then and didn't realize what you were doing. But, hopefully, now you understand what it is to be helpless and at the mercy of someone else, and you will think of how the other person feels before you do something hurtful like that to another human being."
Chastity looked at her, and coughed, and cried, and smiled. "You don't hate me? Even now?"
"I've never hated you; especially now. If anything, you should hate me. I apologize for my actions, and my words. I love you too much to hate you. I’m sorry for losing my temper, and taking it out on you.? Sarah cradled the girl’s face tenderly in her hand and smiled apologetically.
Chastity looked at her, coughed, then laughed. "You shit! If I wasn't pinned up here I'd kick your ass!"
Sarah chuckled. "I'll get you down in a second, after I clean up your mess. But promise me one thing."
"What's that?"
"That if you see me lose my temper with someone, that you'll remind me of the value of forgiveness."
Chastity smiled at her friend and nodded her head and began to cry again. Sarah wrapped her hands gently around the girl's face and kissed her forehead, Chastity's tears falling onto Sarah's chest.
Sarah then whispered to her friend, "And you can try to kick my ass any time you wish, but you will probably fail miserably."
Chastity coughed, then laughed, and said, "Hate you now."
Sarah giggled, then reached for a hose and began to vacuum up Chastity's remnants from the deck of the platform.
Sarah and Chastity trudged up the walkway towards the barn. Inside, they could see Stephanie leading the other two girls through some simple blocking repetitions, ending the sequence with a high upper kick.
"What are they doing?" Chastity asked.
"Some basic martial arts exercises; a mix of karate, judo, muy tai, Irish cudgel combat, and common sense," Sarah said with a smile, "I call it Shill Siobhan."
"Looks pretty cool. You should add it to our exercises."
"I already have, you just don't know it. Don't tell the others. Let’s see how long it takes for them figure it out for themselves.? Sarah held Chastity's elbow as Stephanie taught them the next movement. ?Watch this,? Sarah hinted.
Balancing on one leg, Stephanie did a high kick with her other leg, then followed it with a kick by the leg she had been balancing on.
Chastity whirled around to her friend. "You told us that was to improve our balance for the hurdles!"
Sarah chuckled. "Busted."
Chastity's eyes narrowed. "What's going on here, Sarah Siobhan-Leighton..."
"Remember that first night when I attacked Dania in the bathroom? She was trying to play a joke on me, but she didn't realize how close she came to having her face caved in. I explained to her that I'm the daughter of a warden, was engaged - now newly married - to another warden, and am a commissioned warden in my own right. That makes me a high-probability target three times over. And now I’m also one of the wealthiest women in the area, which makes me prime ransom material. I'm good at defending myself, but there's always someone better. Stephanie is supposed to be my bodyguard, but I can kick her ass pretty easily right now. Since I'm around you guys all the time, I figured I'd better train you four, too, in case someone makes a move against you in order to get to me."
Chastity began to realize the darker side of what she had gotten herself into. Things were much deeper than she had thought.
A shout came out from the barn. "Hey, Coach!" It was Dania, yelling at the two women on the walkway. "What gives with the hurdling exercise?"
"When you said you slept in stables, this wasn't exactly what I had in mind," Chastity said.
The group of young women were looking at a small residence room where the assignees were housed during their stay. Each room had a bed, a small desk, and a one-door closet for storage. A large uncurtained window dominated the room, providing light and a scenic view of the farmland where their food was grown. The walls had been left in their natural wood state to keep with the building's original function, but the furnishings were very modern and stylish.
"I had something a little more primitive pictured, too," Dania admitted.
"I brought you to this particular room for a reason," Sarah explained, "Thomas says this is the room Ispy was going to stay in, until I called him that night and told him I needed out of the Program."
"This is also the room I stayed in, before I was transferred to Siobhan Outreach," Stephanie added.
"It is a nice room," Isparana said politely, nodding to Stephanie, "and I am sure you liked it very much. But, I prefer to sleep on the floor at the apartment, with my friends."
Stephanie smiled at Isparana's gentle comment. "I understand," she said.
"Coach," Dania asked, "if the people are only given one uniform at a time, why is there a closet?"
"Go see for yourself. This room isn't occupied yet."
Dania entered the room and opened the door. Inside was a small sink built into the refill tank of a toilet. Next to it was a basic grooming kit, a household cleaning brush, a mess tray with cup and spoon, and a set of linens.
"Just like horses, you can eat, sleep, and poop here," Sarah explained, "The only thing you can't do is bathe, which is done at the end of the hall or outdoors. The doors on the rooms aren't locked, so if you feel the need for a late-night bath, it's available. However, don't try to exit the building if you want to bathe outdoors at night."
"You bathe outdoors?" Dania asked.
"Yep, and you have, too. Remember what we did after that first cross-country run, where I ran you ragged and then we showered at the stadium?"
"Ahhh," Dania said, remembering how they had all gotten naked in the open air to scrub the mud out of their clothes, "except, I seem to recall a certain older girl complaining that her legs felt like syrup. Pretty sure we were the ones running you ragged."
Sarah smiled at the correction. "Anyway, this is a far cry better than the barracks my father used for housing his inmates. If you really want to see a hard life, I'll take you over there some time."
"I thought Mr. Thomas was going to demolish them?" Isparana asked.
"No, I told him to keep one building up, but unoccupied. I want it to serve as a reminder of what used to be, like a memorial. I'm thinking I may file to charter it as a museum."
Sarah let the girls study the details of the residence, then shepherded them on along for the rest of the tour. "Come on. Let's see what Faye and Vella are up to."
Chastity thought she was going to die from the heat.
Dust had coated her legs, the dry dirt turning to mud as she had perspired under the heavy labor she had been assigned. Her back hurt and her legs ached. The leather harness cut into her shoulders, despite her attempts to cushion the straps by taking off her tunic and folding it around her neck. Sarah, who labored under the harness next to her, had done it first and Chastity had followed her example, leaving her clad in only her canvas field shoes and the narrow loincloth around her hips. Her breasts floated freely with the movement of her body.
Now the two women struggled to pull the plow along the dusty field, encouraged along by a smiling Stephanie who took far too much pleasure in using the riding crop to motivate her boss to pull harder as Stephanie guided her team along the row that would eventually yield a crop of beans. And, because she was lashed to the same plow as Sarah, Chastity felt the kiss of the leather whip on her bare back and exposed ass cheeks from time to time as well, causing her to cry out with surprise as the only true inmate in the group used her riding whip to exact painful revenge on the twisting backs and flexing muscles of the glistening women before her.
Faye and Vella, one lane over, were suffering under the same labors, with Dania guiding the plow along the dusty earth. Dania had elected to provide support to her team through encouraging words rather than the whip that hung from her loincloth.
Isparana, spared from having to pull the heavy iron wedge, served as a watering girl, dragging a trough on skids behind her, offering drinks from a ladle whenever the women paused in their struggles. Like the others, she had removed her tunic and now used it to cushion the leather strap around her shoulders that linked her to the heavy vessel.
Chastity looked ahead and saw the large T-shaped pole that would indicate the end of their assignment for the day. She looked over at Faye and Vella, who were almost even with them. Then, she looked at Sarah and nodded to get her attention.
"Hey," she whispered, "I think we can beat them."
Sarah looked over at her blonde-haired partner, her breasts slicked with sweat and streaked with dirt. Then she looked over at Faye and the darker girl, their bodies similarly dirtied, who had settled into a rhythm with their pulling. "Yeah?"
"Ok, you call it," Sarah whispered.
"One... two... three... Go!"
The plow exploded out of the dirt as Chastity and Sarah, laughing, nearly lost their driver who struggled to hold on to the worn wooden handles. "Hey!" Stephanie shouted, "whoa!"
Dania saw the other team take off down the row and yelled to her pullers "Well? What are you waiting for? Mush! Or whatever!"
Faye laughed and dropped her head with exertion as Vella fell in step with her, the pair of women racing after their opponents in a contest to see who could finish their row first. Even with no prize at stake, the women wanted to compete.
Chastity kept looking back as their initial lead evaporated, causing her to drift off the center of the lane.
"Don't worry about them! Just pull!" Sarah barked as the plow cleaved through the dirt like the bow of an old warship.
"You pull! You're the one who can't keep up with me! Slacker!" Chastity retorted.
Isparana, towing the water bucket behind her, tried to catch the two teams of sun-baked women, her rehab boot thudding against the freshly-plowed soil as she chased them across the field.
Faye and Vella were catching the team in front, closing on the leaders struggling in their harnesses. At the rate they were gaining on them, Faye and Vella just might catch them. Dania pulled out her whip and swished it through the air, threatening to strike her team if they slowed.
Four women, their breasts bared to the sun and dirt, struggled to race along the brown dusty field, their feet digging into the sand as they pulled with all their strength, trying to drag the heavy iron wedge behind them as fast as they could. Gasps and grunts of pain and fatigue came from both teams as they panted from their exertions. Their faces were twisted with agony as they labored to finish their tasks, yet they never wavered in their efforts to succeed.
Faye and Vella had caught them now. Chastity shot her partner an urgent look. With only a few paces left, Sarah was just trying to hang on.
The teams were changing leads now. With each step, one team would surge ahead, only to lose their position to the other team as it heaved its plow forward. Sarah was struggling, forcing Chastity to make the final pull across the line.
Too late.
Vella raised her hands in victory as Dania cried out "Winner!"
"I'm sorry," Sarah offered to her partner, gasping and panting as her breasts shuddered with her heart beat.
"I guess it's true," Chastity said, spitting out some dirt from her throat as she stood, bent over, her pink-tipped breasts dangling between her arms, "you really don't have a kick."
Sarah smiled. "You bitch."
Chastity grinned back at her and slapped Sarah’s ass playfully. "Hate you, too."
Now Isparana had caught up to the contestants and was offering them water, each girl accepting the ladle with long thirsty gulps. After each serving, the tawny-skinned girl poured the remnants of each scoop over the girls' backs to cool them down, the clear water washing the sweat and dirt from their sunburned skin.
"There they are," Sarah declared, pointing to the side of the stables.
A dozen shower heads protruded from the side of the building, fed by a large water tank mounted on the corner.
The cluster of women trudged, exhausted, up to each little wash station. Dania tentatively reached out a hand and waved it under the shower head. Nothing happened. "How do you turn it on?" she asked.
"You pull the chain."
Dania reached for the rusty chain hanging from the shower head, then looked at her coach. Sarah nodded at her, "Well? Go on."
"Sister," Isparana started to say to Sarah, "maybe you should..."
Too late.
Dania pulled on the chain, releasing a jet of water onto her head. Almost immediately, she released the chain and let out a cry of shock. "Oooh! That's cold!"
Sarah started laughing. "I'm sorry! I should've warned you. It's not like the showers at Stalin High. Here, the water temperature is always the same - cold. It's fed by a natural aquifer that pushes the water up into the tank. It gets warmed a little by the air while its in the tank, but mostly it's still as cold as when it's below ground. Think of it as part of the charming farm lifestyle you've heard about in school."
Dania scowled at her, even as she unwrapped the filthy loincloth from around her tight little body.
?You can hang your uniform on the rack next to you until you’re done,? Sarah said, trying to contain her mirth.
"Where’s the soap?" Chastity asked, folding her loincloth and placing it on a nearby rack.
Isparana piped up now. "It is in the box you see on the wall. You take a bar from there, and when you are done you put it in the box over there by the door. The bars are recycled at the end of every day and new bars are put in the box by an assignee every morning before breakfast."
Sarah unwrapped her loincloth, draped it over the rod next to her, and stepped under a little silver shower head. She inhaled deeply, bracing herself for the shock of the cold water, and tugged on the rusty chain dangling over her head.
The initial shock still took her breath away. She let out a brief howl, drawing giggles from the watching girls. Still, the chill of the cold, clear water felt good on her baked skin, cooling the damage from the sun. She then reached for the shampoo dispenser and squirted a bit into her hand, then brushed it into her hair. The lather foamed luxuriously as she worked the gel through her strands of brown hair, the mix of soap and water streaming across her shoulders and down her back before disappearing in the cleft of her ass and dripping from the underside of her twin globes of muscle.
The other girls, following her lead, stripped off the little bit of clothing covering their modesty and stepped under their own showerheads.
Sarah tugged on her chain again, and a fresh burst of water cascaded over her body, carrying away the white foamy lather. She cracked a cautious eye at the girls lined up on either side of her, to see if any of them were having difficulties with their new showering adventure. Everyone appeared to be getting along well, so she closed her eyes and allowed herself to relax and enjoy the feeling of the clear spring water against her skin.
?Sarah?? Chastity asked, her breasts tugged upward by her arms as she worked the shampoo through the curls of her blonde hair.
?Those things you said. Did you really hate me??
?No, I’ve never hated you,? Sarah said, ?but I did find you to be annoying at times.?
Chastity nodded with a grin. ?I guess I had that coming.?
Sarah smiled at her and said ?I was concerned you might do something foolish to get back at me at school; something that might get us both in trouble. That first day, I was just trying to survive. The second day, I was trying to make friends.? Sarah paused. ?You don’t hate me, do you? Even after what I did to you this morning??
?Well, we haven’t had the most normal relationship, that’s for sure,? Chastity admitted, ?but I will say that, no, I don’t hate you, even if you did make me shit myself.?
Sarah started laughing, deeply. She didn’t know why it was so funny to her, maybe because she didn’t expect something like that to come from someone who looked so pure and innocent.
Chastity started laughing, too. ?You know, I think that’s the first time I’ve heard you laugh that hard. And its coming at my expense. I’m starting to hate you again.?
The other girls were looking at the pair of naked women, wondering what they were missing.
?I’m sorry!? Sarah said, trying to control herself, ?feel free to kick my ass some time, because I know I’ll have it coming.?
?If I kick your ass, it’ll be because you’re old and slow, slacker.?
?You know,? Sarah replied, her laughter subsiding, ?that might be just what I need.?
?I’ll remember that the next time we’re running those stadium stairs. Hating you more just thinking about it.?
?You know what; do that. Get on my ass. I need someone to push me.?
Just then a line of women in Leighton Acres convict uniforms paraded out of the stables. Each woman carried a fresh tunic, loincloth, and shoes. A card-paper placard was neatly placed on top of each stack.
?Dania?? the first woman asked.
?Yes, ma’am??
?Vella.? the next woman stated, confirming what she already knew.
Each woman in succession called the name on her placard, matching herself up with one of the girls standing in the showers.
?What’s going on?? Sarah asked.
?Mr. Leighton informed us that Isparana and the Stalin High relay team were here visiting for the week, and we volunteered to give you an afternoon of pampering. It would be our pleasure if you would allow us to indulge each of you in a sports massage before you get dressed. Otherwise, you may accept these fresh uniforms and continue your tour.?
Sarah looked at her runners, all lined up under the showers. ?Guys? What do you think??
Chastity slid over to Sarah and put her arm around her naked coach. ?Remember how I said I’d kick your ass because you were old and slow? Well, I lied. I’ll also do it if you’re stupid.?
Sarah lay on the table on her back, her masseuse, Theresa, slowly rolling her hands along Sarah’s legs, working out the knots in her muscles from pulling the plow. Sarah turned her head to the side and saw Dania on her stomach in her usual skydiver position, the curves of her breasts poking out from under her shoulders as her masseuse worked the knots from the girl’s smooth thighs. Dania looked half dead.
Sarah turned her head the other way. Vella’s masseuse had her arm in the air, gently rubbing at her forearm. Vella’s legs were bent to the side as if she were climbing a set of stairs. Vella was definitely asleep.
Sarah exhaled, closed her eyes for just a second, and felt her entire body go limp.
Lightning cracked, but Sarah didn’t hear the expected thunder. She didn’t know where she was, but it was definitely some place she did not want to be. A feeling of dread pervaded her mind as an unseen force guided her down a narrow hall. She looked on either side of her and saw only hands holding her, dragging her along.
Another crack of lightning, and then she saw it.
The large rectangular frame dominated the room; a zigzag of metal wiring across the back. The hands pulled her along and spun her around, then threw her backwards against the metal springs interlaced across the frame. Her hands were tugged up as her legs were spread wide and lashed to the corners, her body stretched helplessly across the unyielding metal rectangle. Thick leather cuffs secured her wrists to the frame.
Now two cables, slithering across the floor like snakes, crawled up her body, attaching themselves painfully to her nipples. She winced and pulled at the cuffs holding her fast to the frame, as two more clamps, each trailing long black wires, climbed up her legs and bit into her pussy.
Another burst of lightning pierced the dark and she saw the controls on the box, the electricity buzzing in the terminals as it built up its charge. She knew what it was and what it was capable of doing. She heard the tell-tale beep indicating the machine was ready. She knew what would happen next. She screamed as the charge entered her body.
She was sitting up, her eyes wide open. Her heart was beating a mile a minute and she was taking deep, gulping breaths. Theresa cowered backwards in fear. Dania and Vella were looking at her, but Chastity got to her first.
?It’s ok, Sarah. We’re right here. Nobody is going to hurt you,? Chastity said. Sarah’s mind began to clear and she realized what had happened. ?Chastity...? Sarah wimpered, clutching at her friend, ?it was so real.?
?I’m sorry,? Theresa said apologetically, ?I didn’t mean to frighten her. I hope I haven’t done something wrong...?
?It is ok,? Isparana told the startled masseuse, ?it is not your fault. She suffers from nightmares sometimes. That is all it was; a nightmare. You did nothing wrong.?
?If anything,? Dania added, ?You were doing your job exceptionally well. Sometimes when she’s in a deep sleep, her heart will slow down too much and her brain will have to scare her back to life; literally. Just be lucky she didn’t throw a punch, like she did to poor Stephanie.?
?I’m sorry,? Sarah said to everyone in the room, ?I didn’t mean to scare you. I hope I haven’t ruined everything. I know you were all having a wonderful time. Please, everyone, go back to what you were doing. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to ruin everyone’s day.?
?Hate you again,? Chastity said as she petted Sarah’s hair, ?now go back to sleep. I was dreaming I won the plow-pulling contest.?
Sarah grinned and lay back down as Theresa resumed her position over her legs.
The intercom crackled to life. ?Would Sarah Leighton please report to the Administration Building,? a female voice intoned, ?Sarah Leighton to Administration.?
Sarah tapped her hand against the table in frustration. She shouted into the air ?Thomas...I’m fine!?
?Sarah Leighton. Please get dressed and report to the Administration Building. Your duties are waiting.?
She growled ?I’m going to kill that man some day? as she swung her legs over the side of the table and accepted her fresh uniform from Theresa.
?He’s just concerned about you. I think its sweet,? Faye said as Sarah pulled her tunic over her head and then wrapped the loincloth around her hips.
Dania gave Stephanie a questioning glance. ?How did he know??
?This room is monitored,? she answered, ?most of the rooms are. That’s why you don’t see any guards. The only room that isn’t monitored is the conference room in Administration. Oh, and Mr. Leighton’s office.?
?What place is this?? Isparana whispered to Stephanie, ?I do not remember it.?
?You were never brought here during your orientation??
?No,? the dark-haired Cilician beauty replied, ?I did not go through the full orientation. I was not here long enough.?
?We call it Hell Hall. It’s where the more severe punishments are administered.?
The group of women, led by Stephanie, walked through the heavy door and entered the Victorian Gothic building. Unlike the other buildings on the property, modeled after simple, classic agricultural designs, this building had an appearance of evil that hinted at its purpose. Stephanie guided them into a large room at the back of the house.
Mr. Leighton was waiting for them inside.
?Ladies, I hope you’re enjoying your tour of the facilities. In case you’re wondering where you are, you’re in the only building that doesn’t have a formal name. That’s because every person, place, and thing in an orderly society has a name so that everyone knows its place and function in the organized world. But, while you are in this building, you are considered to no longer be part of recognized society. This place doesn’t exist, so therefore you don’t exist. Please, take a seat. I have some things to show you.?
As the women settled into their chairs, Thomas continued his speech. ?As you may have noticed, this building doesn’t look like the others. That’s because the other buildings, other than the main house, were part of the original Leighton Farms and remodeled to their current purpose. This particular building, however, was acquired during a land purchase, and was originally the home of a Captain Anders, who made his fortune in illicit affairs during a border dispute. After his murder in 1863, it passed through generations of various owners and, when I acquired it, was operating as a funeral home. You’re sitting in the room that was used as the service chapel. I’m going to take you on a tour of the other rooms, but before we do, I want to show you one of the instruments used here, and then a brief video that was made just over a month ago.?
Thomas lifted a cloth covering a table behind him, and held up a silver tool that looked like a portable drill.
?Is that a drill?? Faye asked.
?No,? Thomas said, ?its an electro-submission gun, but a more powerful version of the ones issued to law enforcement officers.? He pressed a thumb switch and two tongs clicked apart at the tip. He then squeezed the trigger and an intimidating arc of electricity sizzled between the electrodes. ?Who wants a quick taste??
Nobody raised their hand.
?Good, because believe me, you don’t want this anywhere near your body. At its highest setting, it is quite capable of killing someone. Over prolonged periods of time, it will cause severe nerve damage, not to mention the psychological effects that you would carry for the rest of your life.?
Thomas paused, surveying the faces looking intently at him. He cleared his throat.
?Sarah was subjected to this device - without my knowledge, and without my consent - for just under an hour.?
Dania raised her hand. ?Can I ask why??
?Stephanie,? Thomas asked, ?what’s the worst crime that can be committed at this facility, other than assaulting an officer??
?Rioting is one. And assaulting a fellow assignee and the other violent crimes. There’s also attempted escape and arson.?
?And of those, what do you think Sarah most likely committed??
The women looked at each other. They’d been with their coach - and their friend - for just over a month. They’d seen her happy, sad, angry, frustrated, scared, and loved. The only person who probably knew her better was standing in front of them.
Vella raised her hand tentatively. ?Assaulted an officer??
?No,? Thomas said, ?her violent tendencies came later, after this incident. Anybody else care to guess??
Isparana raised her hand. ?Attempted escape??
?Correct,? he said, ?I had been called away to a legislative hearing on penal reform while she was serving here on her undercover assignment. She discovered that one of our assignees was pregnant, but the girl didn’t want her pregnancy revealed because she was afraid it would affect her placement here. I don’t accept pregnant assignees because I don’t have the proper facilities to handle family care. Believe it or not, I have a waiting list of convicted offenders who want to come here rather than remain at their current placement, so if there’s a situation with an assignee that I can’t handle, she gets transferred out and another comes in. Sarah wanted to reach me at the capital to secure my consent to retain the woman, but assignees aren’t permitted to call outside unless it’s a scheduled call, so she took matters into her own hands and tried to run - literally - to Siobhan Penitentiary where she hoped she would be recognized as Mr. Siobhan’s daughter and get the call she wanted. That didn’t happen.?
?Penal farms have what is called a hand-shake agreement. If an assignee of one escapes, the neighboring institutions will also respond. She wasn’t intercepted by a Siobhan guard. She was picked up by an Arlington Security guard, who just happened to be returning from a convict delivery to Siobhan. She was brought back here, where my people thought she was just another assignee, and locked in this building pending my return.?
?The next day, the inspector general came by on an unannounced visit to examine my records. The only things he found were an incomplete record on a recent convict arrival - Sarah - and that same convict sitting in confinement, waiting to be punished for attempted escape. He took it upon himself, as a duly-authorized law enforcement official of sufficient rank, to punish her without knowing her background. The video you’re about to see is what he did to her.?
The lights in the room dimmed as a screen descended from the ceiling. The women focused on the screen as Thomas took a seat next to them.
The video blinked to life, gave the ubiquitous scrolling countdown, and then gave an audio test signal, allowing Thomas to adjust the volume.
An ominous black frame, sitting in a dimly lit room, came into focus. Next to it was a table on which sat a control box and the electro-submission gun Thomas had displayed earlier. A man, dressed in the black formal robe of a judicial official, his crescent-shaped badge glinting in the darkness, sat in a chair next to the table.
Two guards entered the picture, dragging between them the naked form of a woman. Her head was covered by a black hood and her hands were cuffed behind her back. After positioning her in front of the frame, one guard held her in a choke-hold while the other unlocked her restraints. She was then quickly spun backwards, pushed against the frame and locked, spread-eagle. Thick black cuffs held her wrists and ankles wide apart.
After she was secured, her hood was removed.
The women gasped as they recognized their friend; a leather strap between her teeth.
The robed figure on the screen was looking at the naked prisoner as she tugged furtively at the bonds around her limbs.
?You have been convicted under the laws of this State and have been directed as a ward of this State to serve your sentence at this institution,? the man said. ?You attempted to leave this facility without authorization, an act that is punishable by corporal methods. As your warden is currently away on business matters, and as I am authorized to administer punishments by the court system, I hereby sentence you to electrocution, for a duration and at a severity as I see fit to discourage you from any further such activities.?
Thomas grumbled. Faye looked at him. His eyes were narrow and she could tell he was grinding his teeth. He noticed she was staring at him. ?Sorry,? he said, ?This bastard exceeded his authority before he even threw the switch. The law is quite clear on the specificity of the punishment to be delivered. What he did was not only immoral, but unlawful as well.?
The robed man now stood up and lifted two clamps from the table, the metal jaws trailing a set of wires that spooled out from the box. He raised the evil-looking clamps towards Sarah’s exposed breasts and fit them over her nipples. She grunted angrily as they bit into her skin.
Next, he stepped back to the table and lifted two more clamps, the jaws slightly larger than the ones attached to Sarah’s dark ovals. He held the clamps in one hand as he used his other to reach between her thighs and grasp her labia majora, tugging at the opening of her slit as he fastened first one clamp and then the other to her sex. She grunted again as the cruel metal was attached to her flesh.
Now the man, his victim properly prepared, returned to his seat and began to fumble with the dials on the control box.
Thomas paused the image.
?Did Sarah ever tell any of you why she was posing as a convict??
?That night that I met her,? Isparana said, ?she said she was testing the program at Stalin High, to see the results.?
?That’s part of it, but not all. Anybody else??
Next, Faye spoke up. ?She told me she was engaged to you, and that she was undercover to learn the system from the inside because she would be involved in the business.?
?That’s the full truth. My challenge to her was to survive one week at Leighton Acres as an assignee, to see how they lived. to work like they worked, and to eat what they ate. You see, when she was in college, she wrote a book that endorsed the practices of her father; a system of hard punishment for negative behavior. Here at Leighton Acres, I take a different approach, one that encourages positive decisions with rewards. For example, this afternoon you were invited to an afternoon of pampering provided by six convicts. That was a decision those women made on their own, to honor you. Their reward was an afternoon with local celebrities - your team - as a break from their routine of turning corn and to practice their skills as future professional masseuses. There were seven convicts in that room and an ex-con. Only four people in there had a clean record. Did you see any guards??
A look of realization passed across each of the girl’s faces.
?Did you feel threatened??
A chorus of no’s followed.
?At Siobhan Penitentiary, every single one of those women would have been shackled and escorted by a guard armed with a stun gun and an automatic pistol. There was no way they would have been allowed to touch a civilian. The statutory punishment for attempted escape is exactly what you see on the screen right now.?
?Why didn’t she tell them who she was?? Chastity asked.
?For the same reason she didn’t tell you who she was when she first arrived at Stalin High; because she loved me and wanted to complete the challenge. She was willing to undergo electrocution to do it.?
There was a palpable silence in the room.
Thomas knew what they were thinking. ?Believe me, had I known what was going to happen, I would’ve removed her from the situation and terminated the challenge,? he said.
He stepped closer to the group and lowered his voice. ?You see, Sarah is a unique individual...?
?Got that right,? Dania said, drawing a few giggles from the girls. Even Thomas got a chuckle out of it.
?Ok, ok,? Thomas said, smiling, ?let me give you some background. Sarah grew up the only daughter of a dirt farmer and a pianist. She literally bridged the divide between someone that did nothing but hard work with his hands, and someone who entertained members of elite society with hers. I always thought that was an interesting dichotomy, and one that produced one of the most beautiful individuals in the world.?
?But when her mother died, a large piece of her died, too. She wasn’t the same Sarah I had grown up with; that had inspired me to build this place into what it is. She was soulless and empty and callous, and on the path to becoming the individual her father had become. And with the money she was going to come in to, she could’ve stayed that way. So, when the opportunity came to strip her of her identity and send her someplace where nobody knew who she was, I convinced her to try it. That’s how she ended up at Stalin High nameless, faceless, naked, and poor. She had nothing and nobody. She would have to rely on herself - and the charity of others - to survive. Faye, how many times did she ask you for a favor??
Faye laughed. ?Too many.?
?And how many did you refuse??
Faye stopped. Thomas’ point was being made. ?None. Everything she asked for, I did. I trusted her to do the right thing.?
?Did she??
?Yes, every single time.?
?That’s the Sarah I knew growing up, and the Sarah I wanted to marry. I wanted the Sarah that knew what she wanted - for the right reasons - to impact people in a positive way. Just look at what she’s done with you guys in the handful of weeks you’ve known her. How many high school kids can say they’ve lived the adventures that you have? She made all that possible.? Thomas pointed blindly at the screen and yelled, ?and this bastard nearly took that away!?
He paused, collecting himself. It was the first time any of them had seen him angry.
?I should probably warn you that what you’re about to see isn’t pleasant. It is probably one of the most egregious abuses of power I’ve ever seen, and she suffered horribly.? Thomas paused, cleared his throat, and exhaled, trying to maintain his composure. ?If there’s one saving grace, its that right now she doesn’t remember any of it. The doctors tell me her conscious mind has blocked the memory of the event as a way to minimize the psychological damage, but subconsciously she will carry it for years, and probably for the rest of her life. If you want to excuse yourself, you may, but if you want to understand why Sarah sometimes acts the way she does, you’ll need to see the video in its entirety.?
Thomas surveyed the faces staring back at him. ?Everyone ok??
The girls nodded. He pressed the ‘Play’ button and the image came to life.
?...machine, designed to provide controlled bursts of electricity through these cables and into the clamps attached to your body,? the robed man was saying, ?I can increase or decrease the amperage with this knob. When the machine is ready to deliver a charge, that light will turn red and you will hear an audible cue. I can deliver a charge at any time after that. This is a taste of what this machine can do.?
There was an audible whine as the machine charged up, then the light turned red and the machine beeped. Sarah jumped as the electricity was delivered into her body. She cried out slightly with surprise and began to pull at the bonds around her wrists.
Next, the man reminded her of her crime, that she had attempted to escape and must be punished, and that her punishment would be delivered by his hand in a manner that he deemed appropriate for her crime.
The machine whined, then beeped, and another charge was delivered into Sarah’s body. Again she jumped, and again she cried out.
The man reached for the dial on the control box. Two clicks were heard, followed by the whine, the light, and the beep. He pressed a button and Sarah jumped. This time, she cried out louder. Obviously he had increased the amps, causing her definite pain.
He turned the knob again, two more clicks. The machine whined, then beeped. Sarah tugged at the bonds around her wrists, bracing herself for the expected shock. The man, cruelly, was delaying pressing the button. The light on the top of the box blinked demandingly, waiting to deliver another burst of pain. Sarah moaned angrily. She knew what he was doing.
His hand rose from the dial and pressed the button on the top of the box. The red light dimmed as the charge impacted against Sarah’s body. She writhed on the large metal frame, her face contorted in agony as she screamed.
Sarah sat at her desk, jotting down some quick notes before sending a message to Hotchkiss. One of the news outlets wanted to conduct an interview with her team as part of a media blitz for the upcoming Cross-Terra Invitationals, to be held on a Hotchkiss-sponsored course. She knew the product tie-in was perfect.
She sent off her proposal, knowing her contact would send her a prompt response.
As she waited, she cracked open a few case files and began to review the applicant’s names, but her mind was too busy thinking about the race. The Cross-Terras! It would be the first time Stalin had fielded a team at such a prestigious event and she didn’t want to miss it. Stalin had been extended an invitation on the basis of their performance at the Penn Relays and the resulting publicity. Even if they were the last place seed, their presence would draw attention to the event. To be able to tie the Cross-Terras back to the team’s sponsor would be a marketing coup, particularly if they did well.
Her computer beeped. The Hotchkiss marketing director agreed with her ideas and would provide additional support, on the condition that Sarah could have Dania, Vella, Chastity, and Isparana at the local dealership for a free two-hour photo and autograph session the day before the race. Sarah sent her acceptance, with formal papers to follow.
She got up from her desk and charged out of her office. She wanted to tell the girls. They’d be thrilled! She looked at the grandfather clock in the hall. The girls should be in the stables, getting ready for dinner.
She went to the security control room. A team, in matching khaki uniforms, was scanning the various monitors. A man with gold bars on his collar approached her and extended his hand.
?Good evening, Mrs. Leighton,? he said.
?Good evening, Joe. How goes things?? she replied.
?Fine, fine. All’s quiet. You know, if you keep walking around in that prison uniform, someone might think you’re actually a convict.?
She laughed. ?Would it make much difference if they did??
He smiled. ?No, I suppose not. Not anymore. Anything in particular I can do for you, ma’am??
?I’m looking for my relay team. Which one of these is the stables??
?This one, but it looks like their rooms are empty.?
Sarah peered into the monitor. The room looked undisturbed. ?Whose room is this?? she asked.
?Huh.? Sarah knew that if the girls had gathered in anyone’s room, it would’ve been her’s. ?Well, any idea where they might be??
The man pressed a button on the console. The time-lapse cameras showed an image of a group of women, all dressed in convict uniforms, walking towards an ominous-looking building. ?Looks like they were heading up towards the old Anders house, about thirty minutes ago.?
?Where’s that??
The man looked at her. ?You don’t remember??
Sarah shook her head slowly. Was she supposed to know where it was? She thought she knew every inch of Leighton Acres; or should have by now.
?You know the trail leading out to the old peach orchard??
?Just follow that. It’ll be on the other side of the orchard, just past the waterwheel. You can’t miss it. Did you want me to send someone with you? It’s getting a little dark but you still have about an hour of daylight left.?
Sarah smiled. ?No, I’ll be ok. Thanks, though.?
Sarah hung from the metal frame, gasping and panting. Her body glistened with sweat, the briny liquid matting her hair as she choked and whimpered and struggled against the bonds holding her fast to the rectangle of iron.
Her torturer had discarded the apparatus on the table but had left the box’s cables attached to her body. He had recognized that the nerves in her breasts and pussy had gone numb from the continuous shocks and would provide no further benefit to his purpose, but he had left the clamps attached as a symbol of the power he still held over her. He wanted to maximize the pain he inflicted, and the best way to do that was with the silver electro-gun he held in his hands. He had been using it for about twenty minutes now and was running out of places to shock her.
Her head hung sideways with fatigue, her fingers curled from the forced contractions in her arms. Her hands felt hot. Tugged up this way, she thought they should’ve been cold, and she wondered if they were purple and blackening. Her eyes were focused on the two silver cones that projected from the end of the gun. Her entire body was shivering uncontrollably.
The man pressed the trigger and an arc of electricity crackled across the tips. Sarah could smell the heavy ionization in the air and knew the gun would soon be pressed against her skin again.
?Admit your error and spare yourself,? the man commanded.
Sarah grunted angrily instead. She renewed her struggles against the bonds, not just for her freedom, but so she could reach out and strangle him.
He smiled. ?I don’t want to hurt you,? he lied. ?It would be a shame to destroy such a beautiful body, but you leave me no choice.?
He raised the gun and placed it against her trembling belly. She flinched, anticipating the shock that was to come. As she tensed, waiting, he pressed the trigger.
A loud scream tore from her throat and fresh sweat began to bead across her torso, mixing with the drool dripping from her chin and pooling in the hollow of her throat. The blend of sweat and saliva glistened between her taut breasts before racing down her lean belly and disappearing into the cleft of her pussy. The two wires trailing from her cunt lips swayed with the movement of her body, tugging at her genitals, reminding her of her vulnerability.
He raised the gun again and selected a fresh nerve-rich zone, just inside her left thigh. Placing the two conical tips against her moist flesh, he looked up at her and said ?Beg for mercy and you won’t have to suffer any more.?
Her response was to tug at the bond around her left ankle in an attempt to kick him, followed by an unsuccessful attempt to spit at him through the leather bite-gag between her teeth.
He pressed the button and she screamed again. Her back arched away from the backstop of the frame, curling in mid-air, before collapsing back against the springs. As he lifted the gun away, she could see two dark burn marks etched on her thigh.
The man was now looking at a dial set in the top of the gun, the four green bars reduced to just one during the forty-seven minutes of electrocution Sarah had endured during her ordeal.
He pressed a button on the top and changed the setting to maximum strength. He wanted to give her one more good shock before the device shut down.
Sarah’s eyes followed the gun’s approach to her outstretched body, her breath coming in short, quick gasps as her lean tummy quivered in fear. The man didn’t bother to offer her mercy. He simply placed it between her wide-forked thighs, directly over her clit, and pushed the trigger.
Her whole body jumped. Her back was arched painfully as her fingers curled tightly against her palms, leaving little traces of red above the leather restraints around her wrists. She screamed again, crying now as he withdrew the torture device, the indicator light blinking red. She sputtered and choked, and was mumbling something, trying to speak through the leather in her mouth. She was shaking her head, and her eyes were pleading for relief. She was repeating something over and over.
Faye listened closely. Sarah was saying she would obey; the same thing she had said in the car the first time Faye had taken a reading of her resting heart rate with the bio-reader gun. A wave of nausea passed over Faye as she made the connection. She thought she was going to vomit.
The man raised the gun again, and placed the twin cones against the inside of Sarah’s other thigh. Sarah was begging now, vigorously shaking her head ‘no’ as tears streamed down her face. She had reached her limit. He had broken her. He pressed the button again.
She twitched on the frame but the charge was weak; the last of the current the gun could deliver. He had already broken her spirit. He just wanted to empty the batteries into her body one last time.
The man set the gun on the table and pressed a button on the intercom. A rectangle of light streamed into the room, then disappeared as a door was closed. Two guards entered the picture and began to loosen her restraints. Sarah fell limply over the shoulder of one of them. The other guard came over and took her arm, sharing the load as she was passed between them. Sarah was then dragged out of the room, her wrists once again locked behind her back.
Thomas switched off the video.
?Any questions?? he asked his small audience.
Faye looked ill.
Dania, Chastity, and Vella were frozen, their mouths hanging open with shock.
Stephanie had her hand over her face.
Isparana was crying.
?Well I have one,? Thomas said. ?I still haven’t figured out what she’s saying at the end.?
?She’s...? Faye started, coughing to clear her throat, ?she’s saying that she’ll obey.?
?Huh,? Thomas replied, the information registering in his mind.
Faye cleared her throat again. ?At school we use a small hand-held device to record our athlete’s resting heart rates. It looks like a smaller version of that gun. The first time I used it, she didn’t know what it was and her first reaction was to yell ‘I’ll obey'. I didn’t think much of it at the time; just one of her quirks. Later, we used the reader to play a prank on Sarah, because I knew it would frighten her. I didn’t know why she was scared of it. Now I do, and I regret having played that joke on her. It was exceptionally cruel.?
?Yes,? Isparana said gently, ?had we known...?
?That’s ok,? Thomas said, raising his hands, ?I don’t think she really knows why she’s so afraid of it, either. To be honest, I thought it would be best if she didn’t know. And then I saw the security video of the incident this afternoon with Theresa and I knew I had to tell you ladies - all of you - the time bomb that she’s carrying around inside her mind. I’m not going to pretend to understand the dynamics of what goes on in your group, but I do know you all sleep in the same room together often, and she never sleeps alone. If something like that has happened before, you would know about it. Have there been any other incidents??
?Yes,? Stephanie said softly, ?she had a nightmare that she was being attacked by a samurai with an axe. Dr. Restropo thought it was related to a chemical imbalance. That was the incident that prompted your... procreation... with her while I served as a witness.?
Thomas chuckled. ?Well that explains it...?
Suddenly the intercom crackled to life. ?Mr. Leighton, she’s on her way.?
?Does she know anything??
?No, sir. I think she’s just looking for her team. She seemed excited about something.?
?Ok. Thank you, Joe.?
Thomas directed his attention to the girls. ?Ladies, we better head back. I don’t want her coming up here at night. Besides, if she’s in a good mood, I don’t want to ruin it. We can finish the tour some other time.?
Sarah walked along the path. She’d come this way many times to pick peaches. Why didn’t she remember that the trail led deeper into the property?
Coming the other way was a cluster of women, led by Thomas. She smiled as she recognized her friends and picked up her pace.
?Guys! Hey, guys!? she yelled, waving her hand, ?Great news! We’re going to the Cross-Terras!?
Vella squealed and raced towards her, the other girls hanging back. ?The Cross-Terras! I’ve always wanted to run those!? the darker girl shouted. Intercepting her coach, she jumped twice with joy and then gave Sarah a big hug. ?I didn’t think we’d get an invite!?
?You can thank our performance at the Penns for that,? Sarah said. ?Even though we lost that race, we won a chance at another one. So, expect a special cross-country training run in the morning.?
Sarah looked at the rest of her team. They were less enthusiastic than Vella.
?What’s the matter with you guys? You don’t seem very happy. Is something wrong??
The women looked at each other, shaking their heads.
?No, nothing’s wrong,? Dania said.
?It is wonderful news,? Isparana added, ?I just wish I could participate.?
?Everything’s just peachy,? Chastity added.
Sarah looked at her girls. She could tell they were lying. ?Isparana, you wouldn’t lie to your sister, would you??
?Who me?? Isparana replied, offering nothing further.
Now Sarah knew something was up, and she knew she wouldn’t get it out of Isparana. After all, Isparana had managed to keep Sarah’s surprise wedding a secret from her for two full weeks.
But she knew Dania would crack.
?Dania, what’s going on...?
The shorter girl raised her eyebrows in surprise, her hands innocently behind her back. ?Me? Nothing. Like Chastity said, it’s just peachy.?
Sarah scowled. Dania was definitely lying. Something was going on. ?Stephanie, I’m ordering you...?
?Dearest,? Thomas interrupted, ?we better get back to the stables. We’re losing daylight and I wouldn’t want you to lose any of your girls to coyotes.?
?Yeah,? Dania added, ?I’m just the right size for a midnight snack. I vote we continue this discussion over hot cocoa back at the stables.?
Thomas woke up with a start, something he never did. He rolled over and reached for his wife.
She wasn’t there.
Alarmed, he rolled out of bed and reached for his gun and his badge.
?I’m over here,? Sarah said softly from a chair by the window. ?What were you going to do with that gun? Shoot me??
Thomas looked at his hand, the one holding the gun holster with his badge pinned to it. He didn’t really know why he grabbed them, other than out of instinct. ?Only if provoked,? he quipped.
?Thomas, what’s at the end of that lane??
?The old Anders house.?
?That’s what Joe said, too. What is it? What’s ‘the old Anders house’??
Thomas sighed, unsure of how to respond. He hated to keep secrets from her, but he knew sometimes it was necessary. ?Captain Anders was an officer who made his fortune during a border skirmish. He fell in with some shady characters in a smuggling operation, and when he lost a load of their cargo, they took it upon themselves to separate him from his head. From there, the house passed through several owners and it was later claimed to be haunted. It was operating as a funeral home when Leighton Acres acquired it, and by then the stories of hauntings had tripled. I wouldn’t recommend going up there alone at night. I get a little spooked myself.?
Sarah looked out the window at the silhouettes of the landscape. ?What were the girls keeping from me??
He sighed. ?Echoes of evil.?
She turned in the seat and looked at him. He couldn’t see her face, but he knew there was a scowl there. ?You’re pissing me off,? she growled.
?I know. The fact that I’m willing to take that risk should tell you something.?
Sarah exhaled. ?I’m going up there.?
?Not tonight, you aren’t,? he replied. ?I have a gun. Don’t make me use it.?
She turned around and looked out the window again. ?I can’t sleep. I think I’ll go review some more case files. Those always knock me out.?
Thomas smiled. He knew where she was really going. If she wanted to go up there so bad that she’d lie to him, he knew he shouldn’t try to stop her. ?Ok, but don’t stay up too late. You promised Vella a quality training run in the morning.?
Sarah silently made her way down the hall to the security room. Wearing her robe, she looked much less like a convict and more like a proper Mrs. Leighton. She cracked open the door and cautiously entered.
?Hello, Mrs. Leighton,? a man said, hunched over a bank of monitors.
?Hi, Anthony. Everything locked down??
?Yes, ma’am. Except for your team, everyone’s right where they should be.?
?My team? What’s up with my team??
?I’m not sure, ma’am. They aren’t in their rooms. They aren’t on any of the monitors.?
Sarah exhaled deeply. ?And that didn’t cause any alarm??
?They aren’t convicts, ma’am. They're free to come and go on the property. Stephanie is in her room, but the others are gone.?
Sarah rubbed her eyes. She was getting annoyed; first with Thomas, now with her team. ?Ok, any guesses on where they might be??
?Well, to be honest, I assumed they were with you. Mr. Leighton said you guys sometimes sleep in the same room together, so we just assumed that’s what you were doing tonight since none of the girls are in their rooms at the stables. Are they in danger? Did you want me to sound the alarm??
?No, that’s ok. I’m sorry. I’m just a little tired and cranky. Is there a way to track them down without making a big deal about it? I really don’t need sirens and searchlights going off over four wayward girls and a coach nestled together in a corner somewhere.?
?Well, let’s see...? The guard cycled through some time-lapse cameras, first checking the main paths of travel, then the secondary ones. ?They were last seen at 21:00 hours leaving the stables. Looks like they might have been heading for the peach orchard. Funny place to be going at this time of night, though, particularly since peaches aren’t in season right now.?
?The old Anders house...? Sarah mumbled to herself.
?Anthony, are there any coyotes on this property??
The man laughed. ?No ma’am. We don’t have any. But we do have snakes. You know, the orchard is a big place. Did you want me to send someone to help you search??
?No, but I will take a gun from the armory on my way out; just in case I find a snake or a phantom coyote. Thanks for your help.?
?Any time, Mrs. Leighton.?
Sarah made her way past the orchard. Dressed in her canvas shoes, a pair of jeans, an old t-shirt, and a field coat she kept in her office, she could only imagine what would happen if she really did find a coyote out there. She touched the pistol on the gunbelt around her hips for assurance. It was big and heavy, but at least she was confident it would drop anything smaller than an elephant with one shot.
She could see well enough in the full moon’s light to follow the lane, so she had switched off her flashlight in order to preserve her night vision. If something really was lurking around out there, a bouncing flashlight would certainly attract it. Every now and then she would stop and listen for footsteps, but she only heard crickets and frogs. Had it been any other place on the farm, she would’ve cursed the girls for making her walk all the way out there. But, as it was, they gave her a convenient excuse to give to Thomas if he asked why she had disobeyed his instructions. After all, they were her responsibility and she had to check on them. Strictly for security purposes, of course. Never mind that they were in the one place where security wasn’t an issue.
Then she saw it.
It was a tall two-story structure with a spired tower on one corner and gingerbread ironwork across both of the front porches. Long, narrow windows gave it the appearance of being taller than it actually was, and the angled steps leading to the ornate front door added to the effect. The lane she was on led directly to those steps, and somewhere, deep within the house, a light was on.
She shivered and adjusted the gunbelt, pulling her coat back away from the curved handle of the long-barreled revolver. Resting her hand on the wooden grip, she began to climb the stairs. A feeling of dread pervaded her mind, and she felt like she had been here before.
This was definitely some place she did not want to be, but her team was in there and if they were in danger, she wanted to get them out.
The boards creaked under her feet as she climbed the old stairs. This didn’t appear to be a well-traveled walkway, and she wondered what possible use Thomas would have for an old building that didn’t match the rest of the plantation; particularly one stuck way out here, away from everything else.
Now she was on the landing of the front porch. She thought she saw something moving on the other side of the ornate glass door. She stopped, and the movement stopped. She didn’t hear anything moving on the other side. Just a trick of the darkness. She reached out and quietly placed her hand on the door, turning the knob slowly. As the door clicked free, she swung it softly open and cautiously entered the house, her hand ready to draw the gun. She reached around to the other side and held the handle of the doorknob in position as the door swung closed. As it settled against the jamb, she gently let the catch slide silently into its little slot.
She was standing in the foyer of the house; a set of stairs to her right leading upstairs, a set of sliding doors to her left, and directly in front of her a hallway that opened to the back of the house.
She paused. She could hear something coming from the other end of the hall. She took a tentative step forward, the board creaking under her foot. She froze, waiting to see if there would be a response to her entry.
Nothing happened.
She stepped sideways, keeping along the wall where she believed the wood floor would be less traveled and more secure. She came upon a door under the staircase and gently tested the handle. It was locked. She looked down at the clearance between the door and the wooden floor and wondered if it was big enough for a knife. She stepped away from the passageway, keeping an eye on the crack at the bottom for any sign of movement.
After crossing the locked door, she turned her attention to the end of the hall.
There was something vaguely familiar about this; the shape of the hallway and the placement of the doors. She had come this way before. But how? She couldn’t even remember this house, much less ever being here. Still, the image haunted the corners of her mind and a shiver ran down her back.
She could feel her heart rate increasing. Her breathing was growing deeper. She recognized the early signs of panic and tried to calm herself. She felt like she was in danger, but she didn’t know why. Maybe Thomas was right. Maybe she shouldn’t have come. What did he say about this place? Echoes of evil?
But her girls were in here, and they were her responsibility.
She pulled the gun from the holster and pressed deeper into the house.
?Anthony, where’s my wife??
The intercom buzzed with the guard’s response. ?She went up to the peach orchard to check on her team, sir. None of them have come back yet. It’s been a half-hour; should I send someone up there??
?No. I’ll take care of it. Just pass the word to the other guards to expect some activity out there. I don’t need one of them playing hero and doing something stupid.?
?Yes, sir. Will do.?
Thomas reached for his pants as the intercom crackled again. ?Oh, and sir, she took a Peacemaker with her.?
He sighed. Shit. That complicated things. ?Ok, thanks for letting me know. Have Reynier meet me in the foyer of the main house immediately, and tell him we’ll both need a full set of Dragonskins and IR goggles. We won’t need weapons, but he may want to bring one of the bullet-proof riot shields we got from Siobhan’s operation. Tell him we’re going hunting for liberals. That should wake him up.?
There was a pause on the other end of the intercom. Thomas knew Anthony was laughing. After a few moments, the security officer's voice came back through the machine.?Will you want horses, sir? That’s a pretty long walk in body armour.?
?No, we’ll hump it. It’ll give me time to brief him on our mission and to formulate plans for contingencies.?
?Yes, sir.?
?Thanks, Anthony. Oh, and don’t worry about Mrs. Leighton. You did the right thing.?
?Thank you, sir.?
Sarah could hear voices coming from the end of the hall, punctuated by screaming, and a blue light shone from under the door. Whomever was in this house was in that room, torturing some poor soul mercilessly. She silently made her way down the hall, slowly letting her weight settle on the foot in front of her before lifting the foot behind her, careful not to reveal her presence with a squeaking board.
She heard another scream, long and loud. Whomever it was sounded like she was in agony. It didn’t sound like one of her girls. Thank God.
The light under the door was shifting, as if something was moving. She listened for the tell-tale sounds of someone walking around, but all she heard was screaming; that high-pitched scream of someone in awful, abject pain. Each scream was preceded by an electronic beep. It almost sounded familiar...
Her heart was pounding in her chest. She focused on taking slow, even breaths as her pulse rushed through her ears. She placed her hand on the door and turned the knob, feeling the ancient bolt slide across the metal box buried in the jamb. Then she felt the door pop free of its restraint, and slowly she pushed it open. Breath in, breath out. The gun began to waiver with her nerves, the adrenalin pumping heavily in her veins. She raised the revolver and braced it against her arm, as she had been taught when doing a search-and-clear.
As the door swung open, she saw the robed figure.
She remembered being dragged down the hall. The sparks from the clamps. The screaming. She remembered the screaming. And the beeps that told her she was going to scream again.
And she did.
But the scream she heard now came not from the video image, but from her own mouth.
?DIE YOU FUCKER!? she shrieked.
Six shots boomed in quick succession.
The wall exploded in glass and light.
Thomas and Reynier heard the shots. ?Double time!? the senior security officer cried out as he broke into a sprint in full tactical gear. Thomas, carrying far less equipment, still struggled to keep up with him as they raced up the weathered stairs to the front of the house.
?Try the knob first!? Thomas called out, knowing full well that Rey would want to kick the door in.
Remarkably, Reynier paused, tried the door, and entered the house non-violently, his shield raised and in the ready position. Thomas took a supporting position behind him, his goggles intentionally over just one eye to preserve his night vision as the two men quickly scanned the bottom floor.
?Forward,? Thomas whispered, seeing the light coming through the open door at the end of the hall.
Quickly the two men, in tandem with Reynier in front, swept down the hall towards the noises coming from the room.
As they came upon the open door, Thomas recognized the silhouette of his wife. She was frozen in position, her arm raised, smoke still trailing from the barrel of the large-caliber revolver.
?Dearest, give me the gun,? Thomas whispered as he slid his hand along her arm.
?Sure,? she replied, ?I don’t need it anymore.? She pointed the barrel towards the floor and spun the handle backwards, presenting the weapon to him. Thomas accepted the gun and opened the cylinder, then emptied the rounds onto the floor before tucking the gun in his pocket.
The faces of five frightened women, prone on the floor, looked back at the three people standing in the doorway.
?Is everyone ok?? Reynier called out as he entered the room and began to slide along the wall, checking the corners for unseen entities.
Each of the bodies on the floor nodded their heads. ?Yeah, I think we’re ok.?
?Is there anybody else in the room?? he asked.
?No, just the five of us,? Faye answered, as she started to get up.
?It’s clear, Rey,? Thomas said.
?I’m sorry,? Sarah whispered, ?I don’t know... I didn’t everyone...?
?Shhh,? Thomas whispered, cradling her, ?it’s ok. Nobody is hurt. Everything’s fine, dearest.?
"Thomas," Sarah said in a small voice, ?I think... I think I want to go home.?
?It’s remarkable, really,? Dr. Restropo was saying. ?Given the circumstances, I’m surprised nobody was hurt.?
?Chalk it up to good training, Doctor,? Thomas replied. ?She hit only what she was aiming at. How is she, though? Will she recover??
?Recover? She already has! I’m not a specialist in post-traumatic stress disorder, but she appears to be just fine. She’s actually cheerful, and I don’t mean in a crazy sort of way.?
?Can I see her??
?Certainly! That’d be the best thing for her! I’d say let her out of that room and back into the world as soon as possible. Whatever demons she was carrying died last night at the end of her gun.?
Thomas nodded his thanks to the doctor and quickly entered their bedroom.
?Dearest?? he called out.
Sarah was sitting up in bed, smiling. ?Good morning!? she said, opening her arms for a hug. Thomas reached out and embraced his wife. As he held her, he could feel the boundless energy she possessed. His Sarah was back.
?So what do you remember?? he asked.
?Last night? Or last month? I remember it all.?
He released her and sat on the edge of the bed. ?So... you remember the three days you lost??
?Yep,? she replied with a smile. ?I remember trying to reach my dad’s place. I remember trying to reach you, and I remember being locked in the old Anders house basement. I also remember that fucker DeMille strapping me to the frame and torturing me. I remember all of it.?
?What about last night??
?I remember blowing that fucker away. Violently. How was my grouping??
Thomas laughed. ?I don’t recall. It wasn’t at the forefront of my thought process at the time.?
?Well did you save the screen??
?It can’t be salvaged.?
?No, I mean can I see it? You haven’t discarded it yet have you??
Thomas was taken aback. ?Well... no. It’s still up in the service chapel. It’ll take a specialist to replace it.?
?Where are my girls??
?Faye took them to breakfast with the other assignees.?
?Have they done their morning run yet??
?I don’t know ... hey, maybe you should get out of bed and do your own work instead of relying on me!?
Sarah laughed and threw the covers aside. ?Splendid idea!? She quickly changed into her running clothes as Thomas admired the transformation in her attitude. After fastening her shoes, she checked her hair in the mirror before heading out the door.
?It doesn’t look nearly as creepy during the day. Just a curious old house,? Vella said, standing at the foot of the stairs in her Stalin High training outfit. A light sheen of sweat coated her exposed arms and tummy, and her long hair was pulled back into a pony tail.
?It certainly haunted me these past few weeks,? Sarah commented. ?C’mon. I want to see my grouping.?
?Your what??
Sarah was already five steps up when she turned around and signaled for Vella to follow her.
Of the team, Vella was the only one who had delayed having her breakfast so that she could take a training run. Sarah had caught her just as she was about to depart for a 4-mile lap around the property, and had convinced her to take a little detour to the Anders house on her outbound leg. For only the second time since she’d met Sarah, Vella actually had some quality one-on-one time with her coach. And she was enjoying it.
Sarah raced up the stairs, pumping her arms just like she had at the stadium during their relay training, and quickly charged through the front door. The foyer was just as she had remembered it, but now the former elegance of the interior could be seen; faded and dusty but elegant nonetheless. She paused for a second and opened the sliding doors to the left. She hadn’t tried them last night and now she was curious about what was behind them.
It was simply a large, empty room with a set of unused bookcases built into the wall. The bay windows were dirty, but salvageable. The remnants of curtains hung on rods that sagged. The wallpaper had long ago started to peel, and entire panels were missing, revealing the textured plaster beneath. She began to imagine some possibilities for the room. Then she remembered why she was there.
She darted down the hall, not bothering with stealth this time, and went into the last room on the left. There, in the doorway, where Thomas had left them, were six spent shell casings. And on the wall opposite her was a large glass screen punctured by six neatly arranged bullet holes.
?Vella, how do you turn this on?? she asked.
?Are you sure you want to see this??
?Not all of it, just the part where I did the shooting.?
Vella went to the wall and lifted a remote control. The screen - what part of it hadn’t been cracked and shattered - flickered as the video spooled up. Vella fast-forwarded the picture to the forty-seven minute mark and froze it.
Sarah stepped forward and traced each hole over the gray image of the man who had tortured her, not just for an hour, but for an entire month. She looked behind the broken plate to see if there was any collateral damage. She had dented the back of the screen, but nothing had gone through. The metal backing had done a good job of catching the bullet fragments and keeping them from going into the wall.
?Three in the torso, two in the head, and one in his business,? Sarah said with a smile.
?Nice,? Vella added. ?I guess you really are a bad ass. Is there anything you can’t do??
?Yeah,? Sarah grinned, ?I can’t sleep alone at night.?
The two women, out for a light morning jog, descended into a small valley hidden in a thick grove of trees and brush. Vella could see a large pool of clear spring water at the bottom, fed by a creek that bubbled over a series of stones. A felled tree lay along the edge of a sandy shore. To her, it looked like paradise.
?This is the place,? Sarah said, slowing to a stop.
Vella looked at her quizzically.
?Remember when you asked me if I’d ever been whipped?? Sarah said with a conspiratorial grin.
?Thomas and I used to come here growing up. This is our secret spot, so don’t tell anyone. Shhhhh....? she said, placing her finger across her lips as she smiled playfully. ?That tree over there is where he gave me my first whipping. And my second. And my third...? Sarah giggled. ?Our little secret, ok??
Vella shared her smile. ?Ok.?
?Promise? Cross your heart??
?Cross my heart?? Vella asked questioningly.
?It’s the strongest form of a promise, and you promise to die before you tell the secret.?
?Oh. Then cross my heart.?
?Do you remember what I told you? In the library on my third day at Stalin??
A look of realization passed across Vella’s face. She remembered. ?Really??
?Only if you want to.?
Vella looked at her coach, then at the tree, then back to her new best friend. She rolled her lip under the corner of the mouth and smiled.
?Nobody can hear us down here,? Sarah added, ?the sound is trapped by the walls and deadened by all of those trees we passed through. You can scream all you want.?
?Cross your heart??
Sarah gave a short laugh. ?Yes, cross my heart. And hope to die.?
Vella looked around, as if to make sure they were alone. Then she looked at the water. ?Is it safe to swim??
?Yeah. I used to swim in it after my runs and drape my clothes over the log to dry while I lay on the sand. Then another dip in the water to get the sand off before going back to the house.?
?Who’s house?? Vella asked.
Now it was Sarah that rolled her lip under the corner of her mouth and smiled. ?Well, when Mom would travel, I'd go to Thomas' house for dinner,? she said, ?And of course I had to show my gratitude afterwards for his charity.? She winked at Vella.
?Of course. It’s the proper thing to do,? Vella confirmed with a knowing grin.
?C’mon, let’s go for a swim,? Sarah said, reaching for the hem of her top.
?You always shoot in pairs. Two in the chest to stop him, because that’s the larger target and you’re more likely to hit it, and then two more in the head to finish him. The next two are for back-up in case you miss,? Thomas said.
Dania was holding a long-barreled Peacemaker, stretched out towards the firing range Thomas had built for sporting. A protective shield covered the girl’s face and headphones were over her ears. ?It feels like I’m holding a cannon!? she exclaimed.
?For a woman, you are,? he replied, ?and for most men, too. It’s a difficult gun to shoot accurately because of the recoil. It’s also a challenge to shoot it because of the weight. It’s not like the modern automatics. But in its day, it’s the gun you reached for when you wanted to stop somebody on the first shot.?
Thomas had his left hand against her back, bracing her for the recoil, as his other hand snaked along her’s that held the gun, matching her hand position over the trigger. A plastic brace was wrapped around her wrist for support. ?Walk through it with me. Bang, bang. Then, bang, bang,? he said, pointing the barrel first at the torso of the paper target, then at the head.
Sarah had taken the liberty of adding a gavel to the silhouette’s right hand, and a electro-gun to the other, before she had left for her run with Vella. The other girls had begged off the firearms safety class, electing to go enjoy a morning of pampering instead, leaving Thomas alone with Dania on the firing range.
?And remember, you don’t jerk the trigger, you just gently squeeze it. So, it’s bang, bang, then ...?
Suddenly the gun erupted in noise and smoke as Dania put two neatly-sized holes in the torso of the target, two more in the head, and one in each hand.
?Die you fucker!? she yelled. She tilted her head towards Thomas and dead-panned, ?I think he was about to charge me.?
If Thomas hadn’t been so impressed with her skill, he would’ve reprimanded her for violating a range safety rule: always declare before you pair. Instead, he just stood there, holding the girl as smoke trailed from the barrel of her gun.
?Have you ever fired a weapon before?? he asked, looking at the holes in the paper.
?My dad taught me to shoot an automatic, in case I got in trouble while we were camping.?
?Huh,? Thomas grunted, ?You have good aim. A little warning would’ve been nice though.?
?Sorry.? She paused, keeping her weapon pointed downrange. ?That was fun. Can I do it again??
It didn’t take long for Vella to get out of her clothes and into the crystal clear water. She hadn’t bothered to check the temperature. With a joyful glee, she had jumped right in while Sarah was still fumbling with her shoelaces.
?This feels great!? the girl shouted as she emerged from the bubbling circle around her. She then rolled onto her back, her dark breasts protruding above the surface, the caps tightly puckered by the chill of the water. With a laugh, she rolled back over onto her belly and dove down, inadvertently flashing her sex to Sarah before her smooth legs kicked her towards the bottom of the natural pool.
Sarah laughed. ?I’m coming!? she said as she charged towards the water, the globes of her pert ass bouncing with each step. With a joyful howl she leaped from the bank and into the rippling pond, ending with a splash that exploded high into the air.
Both women emerged from the depths at the same time, laughing as they splashed each other playfully.
The water felt good as it curled around Sarah’s body. She felt in touch with nature. She felt at peace; with herself and with the world around her.
Vella was swimming gracefully, her arms neatly slicing through the water as she rotated her body with each stroke. To Sarah, she looked as if she should’ve been a mermaid.
?Vella?? Sarah asked, ?Can I ask you a question??
?Sure,? she replied, ?go ahead.?
?Where are you from??
Vella stopped and braced herself against a stone outcropping. ?I get that a lot. I know I don’t look like the other girls.?
?I didn’t mean anything by it. You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to.?
?I don’t mind. I’m kind of proud of it, actually. I’m from a small island in the Caribbean. I’m a mix of French, Spanish, Portuguese, and West African. I’m pretty sure I’m descended from pirates.?
Sarah tilted her head at the girl and smiled. ?Well, it’s a beautiful blend. You have every right to be proud.?
Vella dipped her head and grinned. ?Thank you. I just wish the boys thought so, too. Growing up here, the kids used to tease me because I didn’t look like them. I used to tell them that, the next time it rains for forty days and forty nights, Noah didn’t need to bother to collect two of them. He could just take me.?
Sarah laughed. ?Good answer!?
?It would’ve been, except most of them didn’t know what I was talking about.?
Sarah laughed again. ?Well, I do.? Sarah turned her head, and casually said, ?Dania tells me you’re a cross-country queen.?
?The best at Stalin. Why? Are you thinking of the Cross-Terra’s? Because I am. It’s all I was thinking about when I went to bed, and the first thing I thought about when I woke up. Stalin hasn’t fielded a good ex-ex team since I came here. It’s like I brought a curse with me or something. I had actually thought about transferring to Ascension this year, just so I could run the races I’ve always wanted to run.?
Sarah straightened up. ?Really??
?Yeah, really,? Vella replied. ?The Cross-Terra’s, the National Trials, the Skins. I’ve been in this community for ten years now. When I came to this town, Stalin had a decent squad and did those races, but it just sort of petered out after each season. For the last six, it’s been Ascension and Arlington getting all the attention on the grass. Stalin hasn’t even gotten a pre-qual. Four years ago I considered going to one of the private schools. I didn’t see myself at the military academy, so that left Ascension. The problem is, my mom couldn’t afford the tuition, and the school had already committed its athletic scholarships to other girls already in their pipeline. So, here I am.?
?Yes,? Sarah said, deep in thought, ?here you are.?
Vella noticed the look on Sarah’s face. ?Tell me what you’re thinking right now.?
?Remember that time when you first had us run the stadium stairs? When we were passed out on the field? You made us tell you what we were thinking. So, now it’s your turn. Tell me.?
?I’m thinking I need to figure out a way to make your dreams come true.?
Vella hadn’t been expecting that answer. ?Really??
?Really,? she replied, still trying to sort out a solution.
Vella tilted her head back and smiled. ?I’ve seen you work miracles. I have faith in you.?
?This thing is wicked!?
Dania was cradling an automatic shotgun against her hip, studying the intricacies of the weapon Thomas had handed to her.
?It was designed for riot control; to fire small bean bags and high-pressure gas canisters into a crowd of angry convicts. But, it can also fire live rounds for sporting purposes. You get eight shots before you have to reload. The idea was that, by the time an officer went through eight rounds, he either had subdued the riot or had back-up with him. Later models can carry twelve, but this one just fires eight. The eight-rounders were deeply discounted when the twelve-round models came out. I picked this up mostly as a novelty, because it was cheap and looked ... wicked.?
Dania had worked her way through most of Thomas’ handgun arsenal, and was now testing his rifle and shotgun collection.
?Where’s the safety? How do you load it?? she asked excitedly.
?The safety is on the side, by the foregrip. You load it by inserting this cartridge into the bay underneath.? He handed her three rounds. ?Just slide them in, close the trapdoor to charge it, flip the safety off, point at your target, brace the buttstock firmly against your shoulder, and squeeze the trigger.?
Dania hoisted the metal armament up onto her hip, fed the large cylindrical cartridges into the weapon, then shut the chamber and brought it up to her shoulder. She dug the heavily-padded stock into the bend of her arm and took aim at her target.
?You may want to...? Thomas started to say as he braced his hand against her back.
The gun erupted in three loud booms as Dania fired off the rounds at a paper target downrange, leaving a cloud of smoke and dust in the air in front of her.
Thomas tapped her on the shoulder and indicated for her to take her earphones off. She looked back at him and lifted the plastic cup away.
?I was saying, you may want to fire it from your hip for better balance.?
?Why? Is it supposed to be more accurate that way? Because it looks like I put all three rounds square in the chest. Although, it’s a little hard to tell. I kind of shredded the paper.?
As the smoke cleared, Thomas pulled the hollowed-out target back towards the shooting bench, the sheet trailing bits of confetti. ?Huh...? was all he said.
Vella was laying on the sand, the sun warm against her naked body.
Sarah lifted her hand to block the glare and looked at her friend laying next to her.
?Vella? Are you awake??
?I am now.?
?Do you still want to go to Ascension? I can talk to Adolphus. I’m sure he’d put you on a team.?
The girl smiled. ?No, but thanks anyway. I like being here with you.?
Sarah dropped her hand and returned to her resting position. ?You know, I don’t think I can fulfill my promise.?
?What’s that?? Vella asked.
?Well, several. I promised Coach Bill a championship. That’s not going to happen with Ispy out. And I promised you I’d fulfill your dreams of building a competitive cross-country team so you could run some of those races you mentioned. I don’t think I can do that, either. There just isn’t enough talent on the squad.?
Vella smiled. ?That’s ok. You didn’t cross your heart.?
Sarah giggled.
Vella continued. ?You know, when I first heard we were going to have a naked inmate assigned to our school, I thought ‘How awful she must be to get that kind of sentence’. To go to a new school is bad enough, but to have nothing? Not even clothes? That’s rough. And then when you stepped off the prison bus with those shackles, I thought for sure you must be some kind of axe murderer or something. And then what Chastity said when you stepped out of the dean’s office...?
Vella stopped, and snapped her eyes over to Sarah. ?Please don’t hold it against her.?
Sarah, her eyes still closed, replied, ?We’ve made our peace. We’re friends.?
?Anyway, I know what its like to be the new kid in school; the outsider that doesn’t fit in. I used to live it every day until you showed up and took the pressure off me. I felt bad for you, but at the same time I figured you must’ve done something to warrant the punishment you were getting. So I didn’t really know what to think. But I know what’s right and what’s wrong, and when I heard that Chastity and Dania...?
Vella stopped again.
Sarah smiled. ?Again, we’ve made our peace. We’re all friends.?
?Well, when I heard you accept Chastity’s challenge, I knew I had to beat them; so I could protect you. I knew I could do it. The conditions favored me, so I stayed with them just so I could foul them if things looked desperate for you. I wanted you to win without it seeming obvious that I was holding back, or at least have you lose to me so I could waive the punishment. And in the off-chance you did win, I didn’t mind getting a spanking from you for losing the bet we had going because I knew you would have earned it. I just didn’t want them to win. It just didn’t seem right.?
Sarah lifted her head, sand clinging to her soft brown hair. ?You mean you could’ve won??
?Yeah, easily. I love cross-country running. It’s not sterile like on the track. It’s running the way running was meant to be; in harmony with nature. Plus, all three of you suck at it.?
Sarah chuckled and lay back down. ?I’m still learning the cross-country game. Maybe you should coach me.?
Vella smiled and looked at her friend. ?Sarah??
?I think I’m ready for my whipping now.?
?What else do you have?? Dania asked.
An assortment of firearms was spread on the benches and racks around her.
?That’s it. That’s everything,? Thomas said.
?Oh,? she said, disappointed. ?Well, can I help you carry them back in? And thanks for letting me shoot. I really enjoyed myself. I hope we can do this again some time.?
Thomas smiled. ?You know, I hope we can, too. I’ve taught Sarah the basics so she could qualify for a firearms permit, but she doesn’t have a passion for it like you do. You should consider a career in the military, or law enforcement.?
Dania looked at him. ?I just might do that.?
?Well if you do, I’d be glad to write a letter of recommendation, and I’m sure Sarah would also.? Thomas scanned his collection and sighed. ?Now I have to clean them.?
?Can I watch? Can I help??
?Are you an orphan?? he replied, smiling at her, ?I think I might adopt you.?
Vella hung by her wrists. She was naked.
A cool breeze caressed her body, brushing a few strands of dark hair from her face as she swung from the tree. She could feel the pull of her own weight on her arms and shoulders as her toes struggled to maintain contact with the black soil. Her back was starting to ache from the strain. Somewhere behind her, Sarah was making a switch.
She looked up at her hands. The rope was dirty, having been abandoned for some time on the tree, but it was still of sufficient strength to accomplish its purpose. She wondered how many times Sarah had hung from that rope, and how many times she had cum before being released.
Vella looked down at her own body, her lean tummy stretched out across her ribs as her breasts jutted out from beneath her arms. They would make natural targets, and she wondered how it would feel to have them stung by the blow of the green sapling Sarah now stroked through the air, testing its flexibility. The thought of the switch against her soft nipples caused her pussy to awaken. She opened her mouth and a small gasp escaped from her lips.
She felt two delicate hands come up from behind her, the palms cradling her firm breasts as the fingers surrounded her nipples. She moaned again as Sarah squeezed the soft mounds, feeling their heft as she prepared the girl for the pain that was to come. Sarah leaned in close to her and nibbled on her earlobe, then softly whispered, ?I know how to take you to the heights of pleasure, and the depths of pain. I know because I’ve experienced both.? Sarah then kissed the girl softy on her dark cheek as Sarah’s hands drifted downwards along the flanks of the girl’s outstretched body.
One hand drifted across Vella’s firm bottom as the other snaked over her hip to caress her hairless mound, her vulva darkening as the tissue became infused with blood. Vella moaned again as a finger traced the opening to her snatch. The hand against her ass was lifted away. She heard the stick swish through the air twice as Sarah tested the flexible rod. Then her body exploded in pain.
A gust of wind rattled through the trees, masking her yelp of surprise as her cry mixed with the chaos of the leaves. Sarah lifted the little whip again, and sliced it across Vella’s ass, the curves of muscle trembling from the blow. Vella cried out again. The girl was starting to breathe heavily from the strain on her body. Sarah slid her hand deeper between the girl’s thighs, feeling the moisture beginning to build there.
Sarah brought the stick up between Vella’s muscular legs, using it to stroke the opening to her pussy like a violinist with his bow. The girl gasped with each movement of the tiny sapling, her cunt grabbing onto every ridge where the beginning of a fresh limb had been peeled away. Then Sarah let the stick slide down her captive’s thigh, brushing against the inside of her leg before Sarah flicked the little baton back up, tapping against the blood-rich nerves of the girl’s clit.
Vella moaned and twitched in rhythm to the movement of the green stick against her sex. She flinched and gasped as she hung, helpless, from the old tree.
Sarah could feel the moisture of Vella’s opening and knew the girl was about to explode. Sarah was just getting started. Still, she knew it was Vella’s first time, and the poor girl was probably ready to cum as soon as Sarah had strung her up. She didn’t want to prolong it unnecessarily. That would be too cruel. Still...
Sarah slipped a finger into Vella’s tunnel, rubbing tenderly along the sensitive lining until a tiny squeak escaped from Vella’s throat and she twisted her hips. Sarah had found her spot. She focused her attention on that spot, lovingly rubbing it with her finger as she readied the whip with her other hand.
Sarah leaned in and nuzzled against Vella’s ear, letting her cheek brush against the younger girl’s lobe as she planted tiny kisses along Vella’s neck. The girl smiled and moaned, turning her head to expose more of her neck to her mock torturer.
Vella was starting to grind her hips against Sarah’s hand, thrusting her sex onto the thing that was giving her so much pleasure. Her rhythm was increasing, her breathing becoming quick and shallow as she worked herself toward the explosion of energy she wanted so desperately.
Vella grunted and gasped as her muscles twisted under her skin.
Sarah could tell the girl was about to climax.
That’s when Sarah landed three quick strikes against the girl’s ass, the switch leaving a tell-tale mark across the two dark globes.
Vella’s entire body tensed up, the muscles in her arms standing out as she lifted herself clear of the rocky soil. She moaned and cried, and soon a stream of white cream flowed out of her pussy. The muscles of her tummy rippled as she came, her body hanging from the dirt-stained rope tied to the old tree limb as fresh sweat began to coat her skin.
?Oh... oh... oh...? Vella said as her eyes fluttered, ?Oh... fuck... Oh fuck, that’s good...? She groaned with pleasure as her body began to settle back into position. Sarah circled the girl’s ass with the tip of the switch, waiting.
?Oh fuck,? Vella said dreamily, ?Do that again.?
Sarah laughed as Vella hung from the rope, her arms stretched upwards. ?No, my sweet,? Sarah replied, ?not unless you promise me something in return.?
Vella turned her head to the side to face her torturer and grunted her frustration. ?Ok, what... what do you want??
?I want that championship trophy from the Cross-Terras.?
Vella smiled and hung her head backwards, her long hair flowing out behind her. She laughed. ?Fuck. A championship? From the premier cross-country race? Is that all?? She laughed breathlessly again.
Sarah now moved her hand upward, wrapping her arm around the naked girl’s waist as Sarah began to tap the switch against Vella’s exposed nipples. Vella twitched with every blow. ?In my office; on my desk,? Sarah demanded as the stick crossed the pert nubs of Vella’s breasts.
?Oh, fuck,? Vella replied, wincing slightly as the tapping continued against the perked ovals of skin.
Sarah slipped her hand back down between Vella’s smooth thighs and began to probe the opening again. ?I have faith in you,? she replied as Vella began to gasp and grind again.
?Fuck,? the girl muttered, ?Oh, fuck. Ok, I promise.?
?Cross your heart,? Sarah demanded as she continued to tap at the girl’s breasts while she fingered the nerve-rich clit.
Vella grunted, gasped twice, then nodded her head. ?Cross my heart.?
?Hope to die,? Sarah said evilly, ?and remember, I can deliver on that threat.?
Vella swallowed. Was she serious? Her coach was just crazy enough to do it. No way would she promise her life for a trophy.
Sarah’s finger now circled the opening to Vella’s pussy. The helpless girl shivered with pleasure. It felt so good. She wanted to cum again so much it hurt; just a little more...
Vella shuddered, coughed, and then exhaled. ?Oh, fuck. Ok, hope to die.?
?Then consider this a taste of what’s to come.?
Sarah inserted another finger into the girl’s sex, probing Vella’s own secret spot again as the little baton flicked along the helpless girl’s flanks, tracing the outline of her naked body as it hung, stretched, from the tree.
Another gust passed overhead, rankling the leaves, as Sarah delivered a stinging blow to Vella’s ass. The helpless girl cried out with surprise as Sarah continued to stroke her sex, teasing the spot hidden deep within her.
Vella was breathing hard now; struggling towards her second orgasm. She began to grind her hips against Sarah’s hand as Sarah tapped the baton against her ass, warning her of the penalty for failure.
Suddenly Vella heard the whoosh and felt the snap of the switch against her quivering ass. She cried out in pain, and she wondered how red the mark was that now adorned her body.
Another whoosh; another snap. She cried out again. She flexed her ass, trying to draw it in closer to her hips as she lifted herself off the ground.
Whoosh; snap. Another cry of pain.
Sarah’s fingers were working feverishly now, pushing the girl in earnest towards her hard-fought orgasm. Vella cried and choked as she hung from the rope around her wrists.
Sarah lifted the switch and snapped it in the air.
Vella heard the whoosh and tugged at the rope holding her body, expecting an explosion of pain. She lifted herself higher, climbing upwards as Sarah fingered her snatch. Vella cried out, a mix of pain and pleasure as she pulled herself up. Sarah felt the girl’s vaginal muscles contract around her fingers as fresh cum streamed out of her body.
?Oh... fuck,? Vella said, ?Oh... fuck!? She gasped and coughed as Sarah gently teased her walls, slowing the tempo as the girl came down from her high.
Sarah once again leaned in close to her friend and nuzzled at her ear, causing Vella to shiver with pleasure again. ?That’s a good girl,? Sarah whispered, ?give it to me. Give it all to me. Shhhh....?
Vella was settling back onto the ground, her arms once again stretched out high over her head as her body slumped against the rope.
?You’re so beautiful right now,? Sarah told her, ?so beautiful.? Sarah reached around and hugged her, gently stroking her body as the girl hung gasping and panting in the air.
Vella turned her head, trying to give her friend a kiss. ?That was intense,? she whispered huskily, ?that was so fucking intense.?
Sarah smiled at her. ?I told you it would be.?
?Thank you,? Vella replied.
?You’re welcome. Now let’s get you down from there so you can continue training.?
The four naked women lay on the padded tables, their faces peering through holes in the top as their masseuses gently massaged their backs and shoulders.
?What do you suppose Vella and Sarah are doing right now?? Faye asked.
?Don’t know. Don’t care,? Chastity mumbled. ?Now be quiet. I had a rough night. I was almost killed by a crazed gunman.?
?Yes,? Isparana added, ?our coaches never let us get enough sleep.?
Stephanie moaned her agreement.
Faye inhaled, then exhaled, the air escaping through the hole in the table in one long sigh. ?I don’t know how much more of this I can take,? she said. ?All of this relaxing is wearing me out.?
She lifted her head out of the hole and nodded to her masseuse. ?Thank you, Theresa. I think I’m done.?
Theresa nodded, ?Thank you for being a good customer. My last one attacked me.?
The three girls next to her started laughing through the holes of their massage benches, their bare asses flexing as they bounced on the padded tables.
?You know what,? Faye announced, ?you’re supposed to be runners, and lately you haven’t done much running. Newton once said that a body at rest tends to stay at rest, and a body in motion tends to stay in motion. I think I need to become the outside force that gets you girls back in motion.?
Each of the girls groaned. They knew what she was saying. It was time to go to work.
?Running gear in fifteen minutes,? she said as she slid off the table and thanked Theresa again.
?You know, if you wanted to adopt me, you could. I wouldn’t mind,? Dania said as she wiped the excess oil from the breech of the riot shotgun. ?I mean, if the offer was genuine.?
Thomas looked at her. ?Wouldn’t your parents have something to say about that??
Dania shook her head. ?My mom died during my childbirth. My dad raised me, but he died a couple years ago in a motorcycle accident. I’ve been staying with family friends ever since. My guardian ad litem has handled most of my school and legal stuff.?
Thomas continued to wipe down the automatic rifle he had in his hands.
?I mean,? Dania said, ?I think you’d make a great father, and Sarah is super cool except when she’s crazy.? Dania stopped. ?I don’t mean that in a bad way...?
Thomas chuckled. ?I know what you mean. Don’t worry.?
Dania wiped at the hammer of the weapon. ?Just think about it a little, ok??
?Would you enjoy living at a correctional facility all the time? It’s not exactly a family-friendly environment.?
Dania shrugged her shoulders. ?This place? It’s not much different than being at Stalin High. Just the water’s cleaner and the food is better here; that’s all.?
Thomas paused, weighing her response. ?So,? he said, trying to sound casual, ?tell me a little more about yourself. Other than being a great athlete and good with a gun, why would I want to have you as my daughter??
?Well, I’m cute and I’m honest...?
Thomas chuckled at her joke. ?I already knew that,? Thomas replied with a smile. ?Tell me your life story.?
?Well, like I said, my mom died giving birth to me...?
?I’m sorry.?
Dania shrugged her shoulders. ?That’s ok. I can’t really miss what I never had. I wonder sometimes what it would be like to have a mom. I see the other kids with their moms and it looks like fun - doing hair and make-up and stuff - but my dad was ok, too. I guess he didn’t really know how to raise a girl, so he raised me like a boy. I wouldn’t trade it for the world, mind you. We used to go camping and fishing all the time. Not even the rain could stop us. He told me he was expecting a Danny, so I became ‘Dania’. In all of my baby pictures, I’m wearing blue or playing with a ball.?
Thomas grunted his acknowledgment.
?So,? Dania continued, ?when I got to Stalin a couple of years ago...?
?Wait,? Thomas interrupted, ?How old are you??
?Fifteen, but I’ll be sixteen in two weeks.?
Wheels began to turn in Thomas’ head. That would make her the youngest of the group. He began to understand the girl sitting next to him a little better now. It might not be so bad having a daughter. He could provide her with a stable home. Someone to teach her to drive and get her first license. Someone for Sarah to take shopping for clothes, and do hair and make-up. Someone to bring a boy home to on her first date. Someone to fawn over her at graduation.
?Go on,? he said.
?So anyway, when I got to Stalin I didn’t know anybody, but I could run pretty fast so I figured I’d try out for the track team, maybe play a little softball, volleyball, lacrosse... you know, as a way to make friends. I guess I was pretty good at all of them because I made varsity my freshman year, in every sport I tried. The downside is that all of my friends are older girls because that's who is on the teams. I don’t really know many people in my class.?
?Ok, so I’d get a good athlete. How are your grades??
Dania hung her head. ?Not the best.?
?No, oh no. They’re not that bad. I just don’t really study much, I guess. I’m not stupid, I just would rather be out playing instead of studying. I do enough to keep me eligible to play on the school teams, but that’s about it.?
?Would you mind if I tested you? I have some standard tests that I give to all new assignees. You could take some of them if you want, just to see how you score. It wouldn’t affect my decision, but you might be interested in the results.?
?Really?? She snapped the breech shut and set the gun aside, then picked up the composite mag-loader to her left. ?Sure. How long would it take??
?About an hour; maybe longer.?
?Isparana said she was tested all day long.?
?She was. Of course, there were personality and mental health tests included. I also had her take the citizenship test, so that added a couple of hours to the battery.?
Dania twisted her head, a puzzled look on her face. ?Is she really Sarah’s sister??
Thomas chuckled. ?You’ll enjoy this.? He stopped wiping at the Derringer in his hand and turned to face her. ?You remember the time Sarah had you guys pretend to be Isparana’s sisters on that training run??
?Well, apparently Isparana had to confess her sins to Mr. Siobhan and gain his forgiveness so she could be accepted into her family. He was so impressed with her that he accepted her into his own family, and since she was a minor ward assigned to me at the time, he drew up papers to make it formal. He brought them over to me and I notarized them and filed them with the clerk’s office. She’s legally Isparana Siobhan, sister to Sarah Siobhan now, until her first family contests it. With them out of the country, that may not happen for awhile, if at all. And now that she’s a legal adult, she can make up her own mind about whether she wants to be a Siobhan or an al Faisal.?
Dania laughed. ?Does Coach know??
?Isparana keeps telling her, but I don’t think Sarah believes it. Isparana could show her the papers if she really wanted to, but I think right now she’s enjoying keeping Sarah guessing.?
Dania smiled. ?I wouldn’t mind having Isparana as my aunt. I really like her. She’s super-nice.?
?What about boyfriends??
?She doesn’t have any,? Dania replied.
?No,? Thomas said, nudging her arm, ?boyfriends for you. Would you feel comfortable bringing them out here??
?Well, there’s only one boy I really like, and he’s a senior...?
?I forbid it,? Thomas said flatly.
Dania looked at him, surprised. ?But you don’t even know who I’m talking about!?
?Doesn’t matter. He’s too old for you, and you’re too young to be riding around in cars with boys anyway.?
Dania looked at him, unsure of how to respond.
Thomas smiled. ?You said I’d make a great father. What kind of dad would I be if I let my only daughter go out with just anybody??
Dania grinned. The joke was on her.
The intercom crackled.
?Mr. Leighton, sorry to interrupt you, sir.?
?That’s ok, Stephanie. Go ahead.?
?Coach Faye is calling the track team together for a training run and would like Dania to attend. They’re meeting at the stables in fifteen minutes.?
?Thanks, Stephanie. I’ll send her along.?
Thomas opened his hands apologetically. ?Sorry, kid. Playtime is over.?
?Well? What do you think??
Sarah was standing in the foyer of the old Anders house, her Stalin High training singlet stained with sweat. She had her arms open, proposing her idea to her team.
?I think you’re crazy,? Faye responded, her skin glistening.
?Wouldn’t be the first time,? Chastity added, her hair clinging to her neck.
?You know, it’s really not a bad house once you see the potential,? Vella said, wiping her face, ?and there’s plenty of living space. Did you see the bedrooms upstairs? Those things are huge! A good renovation could make a world of difference.?
?I like it out here,? Dania chipped in, ?I think it’s a good idea. Plenty of space to run. You could even build a custom track if you wanted.?
?The massages are nice perk,? Chastity conceded. ?Fresh water, clean air, good food. You might be on to something here, Siobhan.?
?Faye,? Sarah said draping her arm over the woman’s shoulder, ?you know, you don’t have to give up your apartment if you don’t want to live out here. It’s not like the girls would be unsupervised at night. There’s an entire security team a phone call away. They could even set up a substation in the basement if you’re uncomfortable about it.?
Faye looked at her. ?You do realize you’re talking about housing minors at a correctional facility, right? Do you really think the parents are going to go for that??
?They will when they see the results I produce. And at least they won’t have to worry about their daughters sneaking off at night or anybody sneaking in. We’re also a good distance from the prison population, so visitors won’t even know what’s on the other side of the orchard. It’s like we’re in our own little world. No distractions, just running.?
Faye thought for a second. ?I suppose you’re right. Ok, I’ll agree to it on one condition.?
?What’s that??
?I want an alarm installed that will go off if you try to come up here at night.?
Sarah smiled. She held up her multi-function watch. ?Thomas already monitors me.?
The other girls laughed.
?I can ask Hotchkiss to provide transportation and cover the costs of a track, and Azuma could provide clothing and equipment. All I need from you is the house and the four square miles behind it.?
Thomas looked at her. ?And my security team. And my agriculture. And my labor pool. And my utilities. That’s not free, you know.?
?Thomas, you’re not using that house to its fullest potential. A detention center? Really? The only person that’s been locked up in there since you got it is me. Right now all you use is the basement, the chapel, and the embalming room. You could still have those and let me have the rest of the building. You’re already absorbing the costs as part of your operation.?
?Huh,? Thomas grunted. She had a point. ?What would I get in return??
Sarah cocked her head and, with a delicate touch, traced the collar of his shirt. ?Free coaching...?
?Top of the line recreational facilities for staff and assignees...?
?A happy wife...?
?Getting better.?
?And all the sex you want.?
?All the sex? Are you sure about that? I pride myself on being something of a stud in bed.?
?Have I disappointed you yet??
Thomas smiled. ?Ok, deal. But I want that sex part in writing.?
The mess hall was packed. A fresh harvest of watermelons had come in and the assignees were having a carving contest. The contestants’ work was on display for judging during the dinner service, and the remnants were being served as part of a fruit salad side dish.
Thomas, Sarah, and the rest of the Stalin High team were given a special table at the front of the hall, with longer tables running perpendicular to them where the other assignees ate and shared stories of the day’s activities.
?You know, I’ve been thinking of how to make this place more family-friendly,? Thomas said, ?particularly since we’re going to have a family real soon.?
Sarah whipped around to face him as the table grew silent. ?How did you find out??
Thomas looked at her. ?Dania told me herself.?
?Dania?? Sarah turned and looked at the younger girl, ?how did you know I was pregnant??
A look of shock washed over Thomas’ face. Dania sat in vapor-lock. The entire hall began to hush as the news registered from person to person.
?What do you mean you’re pregnant?? Thomas asked.
?You didn’t know?? Sarah replied.
?Dearest,? Thomas said, ?I was talking about adopting her.?
?Adopting Dania??
?Yeah,? Dania said, ?Mr. Leighton and I were talking this afternoon, and he mentioned, well, I kind of suggested...?
Sarah whipped back around to Thomas. ?I think it’s a great idea!?
?I will be your aunt!? Isparana exclaimed, ?I am so happy!?
?And I’ll be your niece!? Dania replied, looking at her with a big grin, ?I’ll have the best aunt in the world!?
?What’s this about your being pregnant?? Thomas interjected.
?I missed my cycle this month. I took a test and it came back positive. Congratulations, you’re a father, now back to Dania...?
?Wait... what??
Sarah looked at him. ?Well you said you were a stud in bed. I guess it’s true. Dr. Restropo said nothing is really certain until the third month, so I was going to wait to tell you. Don’t worry, I can still fulfill my contractual obligations until then. A deal is a deal, after all.?
?I’m going to be a father...?
?Twice over,? Sarah added, ?we have a fifteen year old to raise now, too.?
?I’ll be sixteen in two weeks,? Dania corrected.
?So how’s the boyfriend situation?? Sarah asked flat out.
?Well, there’s this one boy at school. He’s a senior on the water polo team.?
?Hmmm,? Sarah said, taking a bite of vegetables and rice in mid-conversation, ?they’re good lovers. You should invite him up for dinner and a movie once we have the Anders house finished.?
Dania laughed. ?I’m going to like having you for a mom. Mr. Leighton forbid me from dating him.?
?Actually,? Sarah said, contemplating things through, ?he may be right. It might be a little weird for him to have sex with the mother and then the daughter, too.? She took another bite of her dinner. ?Then again, they were all wearing goggles, so I wouldn’t recognize him if I saw him. Ok, invite him up and we’ll interrogate him when he gets here. We have an old lie detector machine from Siobhan Pen we can use. Lots of straps and electrodes on it.?
Dania sat frozen in her chair.
Faye and Chastity were smiling. ?Poor Dania,? Chastity whispered, pretending to eat.
?Doesn’t know what she’s gotten herself into, does she,? Faye replied behind her fork.
"Nope. She better not plan on sneaking out to see him, or any other boys."
"Even if she got out, she'd never be able to get back in."
"Woe be to any boys she tried to sneak in, either."
"Three in the chest..."
"... two in the head..."
"... and one in his business."
Sarah was on the phone. She decided she couldn’t wait until the morning. She had to make some calls tonight.
?Coach Johnson? It’s Sarah. Sarah Siobhan... Leighton.?
A familiar timbre came back to her. ?I know who you are, Sarah. I’ve caught your tears on national television, remember? Please, call me ‘A’. All my friends do.?
She told him about her plans to open an athletic training center on Leighton Acres. She’d already spoken to Hotchkiss and Azuma and gotten their preliminary approval. Now she was looking for athletes to fill her beds and was making the first invitation to her old coach at Ascension.
?When can I send somebody up?? Adolphus replied.
?The house won’t be ready for another month, so you can send someone up to inspect the place after that.?
?I wasn’t talking about an inspection,? her old coach replied, ?I know how you roll. If it isn’t top-notch, you won’t touch it. I was talking about sending athletes. I have six seniors that will need some place to train before college conditioning starts, and I’d like to send you some freshmen coming in to the school. How many can you handle??
Sarah was floored. She was almost to capacity just between herself and Adolphus. ?I could handle those six, and possibly the freshmen, but I want to give the other schools a fair chance, too. I don’t want this to be strictly a one or two school training academy. I want to be able to cross school lines so the girls will have a good blend of backgrounds. I want them to learn from each other as much as they learn from the coaches.?
?Ok, I tell you what. Send me some forms to capture the traits you want to evaluate, and I’ll have my girls fill them out and get them back to you. But promise me you’ll handle at least four of my girls; which four of the lot will be up to you.?
Sarah smiled. ?How about two? I don’t want to turn this into a relay team drill school.?
The man on the other end of the line chuckled. ?I wasn’t thinking of that, but you have a good point. Ok, two it is. I’ll open it up to all my senior girls, regardless of distance.?
?That’s exactly what I was thinking, A. Thank you. I’ll get those forms to you before the morning session starts.?
?Did you talk to Bobbi Jo yet??
Bobbi Jo? Shit! Sarah had forgotten about her old enemy. ?No, I haven’t. I was hoping I could talk to someone else.?
?Talk to her. Ask her why she’s coaching at Arlington. You might be surprised. And if she’s on board, tell her about your academy. I’d also recommend talking to Freedom and Slowacki, too. There’s some talent there that could be developed with the right guidance. It’d be a shame for those kids to miss out on something.?
?Thanks, A. For everything.?
The voice on the other end growled pleasantly. ?My pleasure.?
Sarah guided Faye’s little car along the unfamiliar road. The rolling terrain made for a pleasant drive, and she was glad she had Faye’s sports car in her hands. It made the drive more adventurous, particularly in the gray morning drizzle.
?How much farther?? Chastity asked from the passenger seat.
?It should be over this hill. Look for a sign.?
As they crested the top of the undulating road, a large green sign with gold lettering stared them in the face, identifying Arlington Military Academy.
?There it is,? Chastity said sarcastically.
?Hate you,? Sarah replied with a grin.
?Hate you, too,? Chastity responded. ?Are they expecting us??
?Sort of.?
?What does that mean??
Sarah didn’t bother to answer. She just pointed the car up the paved driveway and followed the signs that read ?Visitor’s Center?.
She parked the car and opened her door as Chastity fumbled with the seatbelt. Both women shut their doors and Sarah set the alarm. Chastity, her hands slung in the pocket of her Stalin High letter jacket, trudged along behind Sarah, who wore a more refined black foul weather overcoat to ward off the morning mist. Chastity had commented that she looked like she was out to make a hit on somebody. Sarah replied she just might.
They collected their visitors badges and a map of the campus, then made their way towards the back of the school, where a group of girls were going through some light conditioning laps. A coach in an electric golf cart followed along behind the mob of girls.
Sarah recognized the face of the person driving the cart. It was Bobbi Jo Briggs. The bitch.
Sarah and Chastity stood at the end of the backstretch, waiting for the group to make its way around the track. Sarah wanted to make sure her presence was conspicuous. She wanted Bobbi Jo to have a good long look at her.
?Will I have to hold you back?? Chastity asked.
?I don’t know. We’ll have to see how this goes.?
Chastity looked at the approaching group, now halfway up the track, then back at her coach. ?Are you armed??
Sarah shook her head. ?For a job like this, I prefer to use my hands.?
Chastity wasn’t sure if she was joking or not.
The cluster of girls was entering the turn directly in front of the two women, close enough for each girl to see the red and white ?S? on Chastity’s jacket and the golden winged foot capped by the number ?4" that adorned it, along with the Penn Relays silver and bronze award medals pinned over the top and the two sleeves full of awards and citations. Every single one of the girls stared at her as they rounded the turn.
?I think I’m about to get my ass kicked,? Chastity said.
?I hope you’ve been keeping up with your exercises,? Sarah replied.
?Sarah? Sarah Siobhan?? a voice called out from the track.
The golf cart swerved out of the lane and sped directly towards them. Chastity thought she was going to get run over out of maliciousness and took a step behind her coach. Sarah didn’t flinch. Just as Chastity thought she would be the only Stalin High relay team member alive at Arlington, the car swerved again, placing the driver directly in front of Sarah.
?It is you!?
?Hi, Bobbi,? Sarah said flatly, ?I’m here with an offer for you.?
?Yeah?? The driver paused. ?I heard you were talking to the other schools, and I was wondering if we would hear from you. Didn’t expect you here in person, though.?
Sarah wanted to reply that she couldn’t strangle someone through a telephone. Instead she said ?I wanted to make this face to face.?
?Well, come in out of the rain. I don’t want you guys to get sick over me. Lord knows I’m sick enough as it is. C’mon,? she said, waving her hand, ?I’ll give ya a ride to my office.?
Chastity nudged her coach, signaling Sarah to get in the cart.
?Well get in,? Bobbi repeated, ?I’m not contagious or anything. Only cows and runners stay out in the rain, and I’m not either one of those. Not any more. Get in!?
Reluctantly, Sarah got in the cart. Bobbi quickly mashed the accelerator and the cart sped towards a plain-looking square fieldhouse underneath the scoreboard. Bobbi pulled the cart up to the door as close as she could and heaved herself out of the seat. Sarah noticed that there was something odd about the way she moved.
Chastity whispered to her coach "She seems nice enough."
"Just wait. She'll piss you off in due time."
Soon the two women were inside a small one-room office, apparently shared with the equipment room. Bobbi fell into the seat behind the metal desk and indicated the two women to sit down in the plastic chairs in front.
?So what can I do ya for?? Bobbi asked.
?Its more like, what can I do for you...? Sarah started.
?Wait. This isn’t a pity party is it??
?Huh? What do you mean??
?On account of my illness. You’re not here to pass last rites or anything are you??
Sarah looked at Chastity for a clue. Chastity simply gave her a blank look back.
?What are you talking about?? Sarah asked.
?You don’t know??
?Then you go first,? Bobbi said.
Sarah explained her concept, that she was building a premier training facility to help develop promising young athletes, without regards to school affiliation, race distance, or background. She was making the same offer to all of the schools in the area that fielded a track and cross country team, and limiting admissions to no more than three from each school that participated. She already had the backing to make it happen, and was now looking for applicants.
Bobbi Jo Briggs leaned back in her chair. Her eyes danced from Sarah, to Chastity, and back to Sarah. ?And who is this?? she said, pointing to the blonde-haired girl.
?This is one of my runners. I thought you might want to see the caliber of athlete I’ll be training.?
Bobbi Jo leaned forward and tapped her pencil on the desk. ?I can see that on tape.?
?I know. She’s not here to run. She’s here to answer questions. Go ahead. Ask away.?
Bobbi Jo looked at Sarah. "If I need to know anything, I'll ask you or contact one of your people. I don't need to talk to one of your students."
?I’m right here,? Chastity offered, ?I'd be more than happy...?
Bobbi's gaze never left Sarah. "I really don't think there's anything of value your girl could tell me. Either you produce race-day winners or you don't. It's that simple. I never bought in to the touchy-feely aspect of female athletics; not when I raced with you and not now."
?I can hear you, you know,? Chastity replied.
?She’s got a mouth, this one,? Bobbi Jo said.
?I have a brain, too.? Chastity turned to Sarah and said, ?I’m starting to see why you hate her so much. Can we go now? This is a waste of time. Let’s go on up the road to Novelle High. They’re out of district but at least they’re normal.?
Sarah nodded and started to get up.
?Wait,? Bobbi Jo said, tapping her pencil again, ?you hate me??
Sarah shot Chastity a dirty look. She had snuck the comment in deliberately. Chastity smiled and sat back down.
Bobbi Jo stared intently at Sarah. ?Do you really hate me??
Sarah flashed her best marketing smile. ?‘Hate’ is such a strong word...?
?She hates your guts,? Chastity said. ?When she found out you were coaching here, she blew her gasket. I’ve never seen her that pissed, and believe me, I’ve seen her blow away a grown man with a hand-howitzer. It wasn’t pretty. So, yes, she hates you.?
?Sarah?? Bobbi Jo asked, ?Why??
Sarah opened her mouth, trying to come up with something diplomatic to say.
?Because you’re a bitch,? Chastity replied. ?Every time she says your name, its ‘Bobbi Jo Briggs, the bitch’. And I can see where you get that moniker. You are a bitch.?
Bobbi Jo tapped her pencil again. ?Sarah...I’m sorry. I don’t know what I’ve done, but for you to hold a grudge this must’ve been pretty bad. So, I’m sorry.?
Sarah started to open her mouth again.
?Apology not accepted,? Chastity said, ?I’ve known you for less than five minutes and I already hate you, too. Where’s my apology?? She tapped Sarah on the sleeve, stood up, and said, ?C’mon. Let’s go to Novelle.?
?Wait,? Bobbi Jo said to Chastity, ?what was your name??
?You should have asked that five minutes ago. I was sitting right here. You chose to ignore me. Too bad, so sad. You can get my name from the finisher’s list from The Penns. You know, the girl that kicked your girl’s ass.?
Bobbi Jo sat in her chair, speechless.
Sarah started to get up. She smiled. She was proud of the way Chastity was handling things.
?Sarah, wait...and your friend. Please. Give me another chance.?
The two girls paused. Chastity already had one foot pointed towards the door. She turned and sat back down. As Chastity settled into her seat, Bobbi Jo extended her hand towards her. ?Hi, I’m Bobbi Jo Briggs, head coach for the girls' track and cross-country teams at Arlington Military Academy. I apologize for offending you, and extend my deepest gratitude for your time. I’d stand up, but its very painful for me. I hope you understand.?
Chastity glanced at Sarah, then accepted Bobbi Jo’s handshake. ?Chastity, third leg of the Stalin High silver medal four-by-four hundred relay team and individual bronze medalist at this year’s Penns. Pleased to meet you. You, of course, remember Sarah Siobhan. She’s married now. Her last name is Leighton.?
?Leighton?? Bobbi Jo asked, speaking to Sarah, ?as in Thomas Leighton? You two got married??
?Correct,? Chastity replied, ?It was a small ceremony held at Leighton Acres; only four hundred invited guests, mostly assignees with a few members of the media. Her father retired from the correctional industry and they merged operations. She’s now the wealthiest woman in the district, and she’s chosen to spend her time working with young athletes such as myself, to make us stronger physically and mentally. We don’t accept slackers, and we don’t accept bitches. You wouldn’t make it through her program. It’s pretty tight.?
Bobbi Jo leaned back and looked at Chastity. Then she looked at Sarah. ?Is this true??
Sarah simply gestured towards Chastity.
?Sarah has explained our program to you,? Chastity said. ?We incorporate the touchy-feely aspects of athletics into our program. Now, do you have any questions for me??
Bobbi Jo rocked back in her chair, letting the spring return her forward, and addressed Chastity. ?I have five girls that might qualify. Would you like to meet them??
?Admissions are granted on the basis of an application form,? Chastity stated. ?From those, we’ll eliminate the undesirables based on general criteria. The personal interviews will come in the second round.?
Sarah hadn’t thought of that, but it sounded like a good idea.
?Well, you’ve come all this way. Surely you’d like to introduce yourself to them.?
Sarah looked at Chastity. Chastity nodded.
?Sure,? Chastity said, ?it’d be the polite thing to do.?
Sarah stood on the edge of the track, in the drizzle, her coat wrapped tightly around her body. Bobbi Jo sat in the electric cart next to her. They were watching Chastity interact with the handful of Arlington girls clustered near her. At first things looked a little testy, but now Chastity was smiling and several of the girls were laughing.
?She’s a pistol, that one,? Bobbi Jo said, ?I wish I had four more just like her.?
?No you don’t,? Sarah said. ?She’s a lot of work.?
?So were you, and look how you turned out.?
Sarah looked at her old adversary. ?You know, I really did hate you in high school. I wanted to win one race; just one. For four years I tried, and never did.?
Bobbi Jo laughed. ?I probably made your life a living hell. I was so jealous of you. I still am. You had so much going for you. Looks. Smarts. Celebrity mom. All the boys wanted a piece of your tail. You had a glow about you; like you could conquer the world. I hated that. Nobody wanted my tail, that's for sure. I was just the husky girl with fast legs. Now I don’t even have those any more.?
?Don't be jealous of me. Between my depression, my clotting, and my messed up psyche, the world nearly conquered me before I got out the gate.? Sarah looked at her. ?What did happen to you? You said you had an illness.?
Bobbi Jo kept her gaze on the young women standing on the track out of earshot of the two coaches. The Arlington girls were pointing to Chastity’s awards. ?The doctors think it started when I was their age,? she said, nodding at the group of young runners, ?but I was training so much I was able to mask it. Degenerative nerve disease. Similar to what killed Lou Gehrig. They aren’t sure what caused it exactly. Might be genetic. Might have been the pre-fab meals they served at school, or the supplements I was on to improve my performance. Nobody really knows. But I got it. And now I’m dealing with it the best I can.?
Sarah looked at her. ?Your heart??
?It’s going, same as my other muscles. I heard you had a heart thing, too.?
?Sort of. A clot got into a valve. They cleaned it out and now I’m green-lighted, but I have my doctor on speed-dial just in case another forms somewhere else, or even in my heart again. And I never travel alone. That’s one reason why I brought Chastity with me. I always keep one of my girls around me.?
?Just in case??
?Yeah. Just in case. They’ve also learned to stay out of swinging range of me at night. Nightmares. I can't sleep alone. My psyche is still healing, too.?
The two former track stars gazed straight ahead, not really looking at anything in particular. Both should have been in the prime of their competitive careers. Instead, they were watching from the sidelines.
? long do they estimate?? Sarah asked tentatively.
?The doctors don’t really know. They guess a year, maybe two. But at least I got that much. Some people never know. One minute they’re fine and the next...?
?Yeah...? Sarah remembered the night she was rushed to the hospital. ?I know how that goes.?
They stood in silence for awhile. Sarah was quietly comparing their lives. She was planning for a family and a future. Bobbi Jo was planning for her death.
?Can I ask why you came to Arlington?? Sarah asked, ?because I always imagined if someone knew they only had a year or two to live, they’d quit their job and just have fun.?
?What makes you think I’m not having fun?? Bobbi Jo replied. ?You know why I’m here? Because I only have one good year left; maybe. I don’t want people to remember me as just a fast runner with a world record. I want my mark on the world to be that I reached out and touched as many lives as possible. I want my life to have meaning. The best way I can do that is to teach the lessons I’ve learned to as many kids as I can with the time that I have left.?
Suddenly, Sarah didn’t hate Bobbi Jo anymore. They were more alike than she realized. She might be just what Sarah needed.
?You know,? Sarah started, ?I could use a good coach. Someone with star power and name recognition. Someone who doesn’t mind sitting in a chair all night giving lectures on nutrition, stride distance, and reviewing video on form analysis. Someone who also knows what it takes to live a purpose-filled life. Someone who really wants to make an impact on the lives of young women every chance they get. Someone local. Know anybody like that??
Bobbi Jo nodded. ?I think I might know someone.?
?She’d have to be someone I could trust to help build a program. Someone who could understand the touchy-feely side of things.?
?Then you should probably call Jeannette.?
Sarah laughed. ?You know, you have a future, too. It might be brief, but it’s a future. You might even outlive me at the rate I’m going. Ask my girls. They’ve only known me a month and already ...?
?I’ll take it. When do I start??
Sarah grinned. ?The house won’t be ready for awhile yet, but feel free to come by and check on things if you want, particularly our video set up. We have to call someone to replace the screen, though. I put six bullets into the one we had.?
?How was your grouping??
Sarah looked at her. She wasn’t expecting Bobbi Jo to be a shootist. ?Three in the chest, two in the head, one in his business.?
A smile pulled at the corners of Bobbi Jo’s mouth. ?I’m starting to like you, Sarah.?
?Well that went well,? Sarah said, negotiating Faye’s car down the narrow driveway towards the main road.
?I still can’t believe you offered her a job,? Chastity commented.
?Maybe I didn’t hate her as much as I thought,? Sarah replied. ?And maybe you need to learn to be a little more polite. What did you think of her team??
?The Arlington girls aren’t as robotic as I thought they’d be,? Chastity said. ?For a military academy, they’re pretty cool. Turns out they weren’t looking at me to kick my ass after all. They were just star-struck. Apparently I’m something of a celebrity.?
?You may get some more of that from the other schools, too. Be prepared. And be humble.?
Chastity sighed. ?I can’t even enjoy a little bit of fame? Hate you.?
Sarah smiled. ?Hate you, too.?
Chastity replied with false sympathy, ?‘Hate’ is such a strong word...?
Sarah giggled, and then they both started laughing.
Sarah stopped the car at the end of the driveway leading from Arlington onto the main road in. To the left was home. To the right was Novelle.
?Want to go on a road trip?? Sarah asked.
?To Novelle? Sure, if you’re supplying a lunch. I’m getting hungry.?
Sarah tapped at the wheel as the motor hummed expectantly in front of her. She had covered all the major schools in the area and had plenty of candidates. She didn’t really need another school involved. It made perfect sense to go home.
?Are you going to pull the Bad Cop routine again?? Sarah said to the young woman in the passenger seat, ?because you do it very well. I was impressed.?
?Bad Cop routine? What’s that? And what are we doing for food? I’m starting to hate you again for starving me to death.?
Sarah tapped at the wheel with her fingers. She realized she was keying the harmony to Ravel’s Bolero.
?Maybe they’ll feed us there,? Sarah said as she turned the car to the right.
?You’re Bobbi Jo Briggs?? Dania asked the woman standing in the foyer of the Anders house, the guest’s hand perched on an elegant cane. ?Funny. You don’t look like a bitch.?
Bobbi Jo started laughing.
?I’m sorry,? Sarah said, ?I’m still working on her manners.?
?Well, its true,? Dania replied, turning to her coach. ?She looks nice. She doesn’t look mean at all.?
?Dania...? Sarah started to say.
?Well, thank you!? Bobbi Jo replied to the girl. ?The best compliment is the one that’s sincere! You look nice, too. Maybe you’d like to show me around??
?Sure,? Dania said, heading towards the two sliding doors of the front room on the left, ?Mom says you’ll be living in here...?
?Mom?? Bobbi Jo asked.
?Yeah, didn’t Coach Sarah tell you she’s adopting me? I’m getting a family again, with the best aunt in the world. Pretty cool, huh??
?Yes. Yes, it is.?
?Anyway, Mom says you’ll be living in here, and it’ll also be your office so you won’t have to move around so much. She’s having a handicap bathroom installed over there, just for you, and that door leads to the service chapel where the video equipment is installed, so you won’t have to walk far to conduct your classes. The screen works ok, so long as you don’t mind the bullet holes. We’re going to replace it when you decide what you want.?
?I know. She told me.?
?She did a pretty good grouping. I think she should frame it.?
?Three in his torso, two in his head, one in his business.? Bobbi Jo repeated.
?Yeah. You shoot??
?I was a competitive skeet shooter before I got heavy into track.?
?What’s a skeet? It’s not a bird is it??
?No, it’s a clay disk that flies through the air. You have to hit it with a shotgun round before it goes too far or hits the ground.?
?Wow,? Dania said, impressed by the woman.
?Mrs. Leighton?? Stephanie called from the top of the stairs.
?You have a conference call in ten minutes. I thought you might want some time to prepare.?
?Yes. Thank you, Stephanie,? Sarah replied. Sarah turned to Bobbi Jo and said, ?Bobbi, what were your plans for this evening??
?I do a twilight run with my team every day, even during break.?
?Oh,? Sarah said, her fingers tapping at her thigh. ?How would you feel about cancelling that and bringing your five candidates up here for an overnight visit? Have them come for dinner at Leighton Acres and then the girls can stay in the bedrooms tonight. They’re habitable. We don’t have beds for them but we can figure something out. In the morning we can do a cross-country run before breakfast, while its still cool out.?
?Sarah,? Bobbi Jo said softly, ?I don’t sleep so well on the floor nowadays.?
Sarah grinned knowingly. ?I know. I’m taking care of that. Your bed is scheduled to be delivered in about an hour, more or less. I wanted them to bring it while you were here to supervise the installation. I was told that it has to go in first before the rest of the remodeling is done, because of the machinery. I ordered the canopy model. I thought it matched the rest of the decor better than the standard hospital version. Hope you don’t mind.?
Bobbi Jo stared at her in disbelief, her eyes beginning to moisten.
?Bobbi?? Sarah asked her with a tinge of concern. ?Bobbi Jo? Did I do something wrong??
?No,? the woman croaked, ?I just didn’t expect... that’s the first time... that’s the first time anybody’s really cared that much.?
"It's the touchy-feely side of athletics," Sarah quipped with a grin.
Nine young naked vaginas rose into the air. Four of them were shaved bare. Five of them weren’t.
?Tell me again why they do the floor exercises naked?? Bobbi Jo whispered to Faye.
?There are a number of reasons,? she replied softly, ?First, it makes the girls comfortable with their bodies. Second, it strips them of the things that separate them as individuals - clothes, money - and brings everyone down to the same level. Third, it fosters bonding.?
?Up, Carie,? Sarah said, tapping at an Arlington girl’s hips, causing the girl to moan with pain. ?Hold it, hold it.? Nine girls squirmed on the floor, their shoulders and feet pinned by their own body weight as they tried to hold their hips as high as they could. ?Ok, down, slowly,? Sarah directed.
Nine naked vaginas descended onto the freshly-carpeted floor of the large parlor, a mat under each of the girls’ glowing bodies.
The nine naked females lay on the floor, gasping for breath as they whispered quietly to each other. Sarah had deliberately positioned them so that each of her girls were bookended by an Arlington girl. They had already started whispering amongst themselves, as girls often do. Her experiment was working as she had planned.
?Now isn’t this more fun than a twilight run?? Sarah teased.
A chorus of groans gave her the answer.
Isparana giggled. ?Do not worry. It will get easier the more you do it. You are still new. Soon you will be strong enough to do it like me.?
The two girls on either side of Isparana looked at her. One smiled, the other grimaced. Sarah knew who the future champion was.
?Can I ask you a question?? the first girl whispered to Isparana.
?Certainly,? she replied.
?Why are you guys shaved??
Isparana grinned. ?I will explain tonight, after dinner.?
?Ok, ladies,? Sarah said, pacing along the line of naked girls, ?legs out straight, toes up.?
The Stalin High girls groaned. They knew what was coming. The Arlington girls looked at them, a little scared. If the vets were already groaning, without anything really happening, then the next movement must be particularly painful.
?Feet up as high as my knees, and hold it. Go.?
The Stalin girls raised their feet almost instantly. The Arlington girls needed a bit more encouragement, but as Sarah paced towards them, the girls managed to find the strength to get their feet into position.
?And down.?
The row of naked girls lowered their feet, the muscles in their bellies rippling as they panted on the floor.
?And up.?
Nine pairs of feet went up. Four pairs were ramrod straight and stayed there. Five pairs began to drift after a few minutes. The girls could feel the tension in their bellies as they struggled to keep their legs up.
?Up Elena. Karen, you’re wandering.?
Sarah continued to pace along the line. Suddenly her baton flashed through the air and cracked just above an Arlington girl’s belly. ?I said keep them up!? she barked, ?Any foot that hits the floor gets a switching from me!?
Just then she heard the loud thump of a pair of feet hit the floor from the end of the row. It was an Arlington girl.
Without missing a beat, Sarah swung the baton against the girl’s insole three times. ?Ow! Ow! Ow!? could be heard from the end of the line. She continued to beat the girl’s feet until her victim had raised them up into position.
?Try me again!?
Sarah repeated the exercise several times, gradually shortening the duration of the lift. She surveyed her young charges and smiled. The Stalin girls were definitely stronger than the new group, but it was not too long ago that they also needed a stern word and firm act to keep their legs up.
The line of girls panted and squirmed with fatigue. Sarah turned and walked over to a box that had been sitting in a corner. She returned with five nylon bags, each with a paper tag hanging from the strap, and dropped them on the owners. ?Elena, Dania, Carie, Vella, and Karen. Go shower and change into these for dinner. And hurry up. Your friends will be waiting for their turn. Last one back pays the price in the morning. The rest of you, stay where you are until they return, but feel free to talk.?
As the girls plotted their little conspiracies, Sarah strolled over to where Faye and Bobbi Jo were watching.
?And you called me the bitch,? Bobbi Jo commented.
Sarah smiled. ?I train my girls as if their lives depended on it; because some day it just might. They’ve already saved mine. Twice. Wait until you see what we do tomorrow, before and after breakfast.? Sarah flashed an evil smirk. ?However, I will admit that at least your’s don’t whine about it as much as mine did.?
Carie, naked, lay on the parlor room floor. Isparana cradled her head as Vella knelt between the new girl’s legs. Two Arlington girls, Elena and Karen, each held a hand, comforting her as Isparana explained the ceremony to them. Like Carie, they had removed the black Siobhan Outreach track suits they had worn to dinner and now sat naked around their friend.
?You had asked why we are bare. In my country, it is a sign of purity and cleanliness and the ceremony is treated as a celebration of the woman being cleansed. She is surrounded by her friends and they tell her how beautiful she is, and how much they love her, and that they are there to support her. Here, we shave ourselves as a sign of unity; that we are all one faith, one team, and that we love each other and that we will support each other as well. We are purifying ourselves of any bad thoughts we had of other people before we came here, or bad things we might have done that we wish we had not. We treat this as a holy place, for your body and your spirit. This is your circle of friendship. Here, you will become a new person, better than you were before.?
The girl nodded her understanding. Isparana looked at the two Arlington attendants for their confirmation as well. As the two girls smiled at their friend, Isparana signaled for Vella to begin.
The rest of the team sat in a circle around Carie as Vella began to stroke the girl’s mound with the silver instrument. Faye and Sarah watched from the upper landing. Bobbi Jo had retired to her new bedroom for the evening.
?Where was I during this?? Faye asked.
?Shhh,? Sarah whispered, ?it’s quite beautiful to watch. You’ll probably want to stand in line.?
Carie appeared slightly nervous as Vella wiped the humming device across the girl’s mound. Elena patted her hand, telling her that it was ok and that she looked beautiful. Karen, following her lead, surrounded Carie’s hand with her own and whispered encouragement to her.
?I should tell you,? Isparana said leaning over Carie's face, her hair forming a curtain of black curls, ?that it is normal to become aroused during the process, and for you to request relief from one of your attendants. It is nothing to be ashamed of. It is a sign of your womanhood, and it is an honor for the person you select to attend to your needs.?
As if on cue, Carie’s slit began to blossom.
?Isparana,? Vella whispered, ?I think it’s time.?
The Cilician beauty looked at the nervous girl laying on the floor. ?Do you wish to choose someone now?? she asked softly.
?Elena?? the girl asked in a tiny voice.
The Arlington girl holding her hand smiled. ?Sure,? she replied as she moved towards the spot between Carie’s legs that Vella was vacating.
Elena gently followed Isparana’s instructions, kissing Carie just above the crest of her slit and telling her how beautiful she was, and how much she was loved, and that she should always carry beauty and love with her. With a tender touch, she began to stroke the girl’s sex, with Isparana providing knowledgeable guidance from time to time.
Elena caressed Carie’s opening with her finger, then gently inserted a young digit into the girl’s tunnel, causing Carie to gasp with pleasure.
?There is a spot...? Isparana started to say.
Carie gasped again as Elena found it, hidden on the underside of her partially-shaved mound. Elena smiled at Isparana, then began to gently stroke Carie’s erogenous zone, working her towards her sexual release, bringing the girl closer towards her orgasm.
Carie closed her eyes and smiled, shifting her legs as Elena continued to caress her secret spot and whisper how beautiful she was. Then Carie pressed her back against the floor, simultaneously presenting her sex to Elena, who continued to stroke the pink lips that protruded from the girl’s vulva.
With her other hand, Elena pressed against the girl’s belly and brought her hand towards her pubis as Isparana had instructed, using her palm to draw blood down into the girl’s mound of Venus to feed the senses hidden beneath. Gently, she massaged the rim of the girl’s belly, awakening the bundles of nerves there as she continued to stroke the hidden spot between Carie’s legs.
The Arlington girls in the circle watched in rapt attention.
The Stalin girls smiled, remembering the time Chastity had been the one on the floor.
Faye watched from the landing. ?Oh my god...?
?Shhhh,? Sarah cautioned, ?don’t ruin the moment.?
Carie was mewling now, gasping and moaning as Elena worked to bring her up towards the climax she wanted so desperately. Isparana continued to caress her new friend’s face, her hair draped across the girl’s bare chest. Carie’s toes pointed straight out, the muscles of her legs twisting as Elena continued to massage her belly and her twat.
Carie began to thrust against Elena’s hand, timing her movements to the rhythm Elena was setting as she moved her fingers deeper into Carie’s body. Elena smiled at her friend, seeing the reaction she was getting as a pleasured moan passed through the curtain of dark curls draped around Carie's face.
The two pale mounds of Carie’s breasts swayed with her movements, the brownish-pink nipples puckered and begging to be stroked. Karen reached out with her free hand and began to gently caress the warm skin of the girl's tits, stimulating her further. Karen sensually pinched and stretched the long nubs of skin, playing with her friend's exposed teats. The muscles of Carie’s tummy rippled as she thrust against Elena's hand. She breathed a loud gasp with each movement of her hips.
Then, Carie’s entire body seemed to rise off the floor as a cry escaped from her throat, every muscle tensing at the same time. She was in the throes of her orgasm. ?You are so beautiful,? Isparana repeated as Elena continued to stimulate the girl’s sex, prompting Carie to hold onto her explosion of energy for as long as she could. Then, Carie began to settle back onto the floor, twitching as Elena massaged her sex. Isparana looked at the girl kneeling between Carie’s legs and signaled for her to stop.
Elena leaned over and kissed Carie again on the crest of her pubis and repeated that she was beautiful, and that Elena was honored to be asked to serve her. She then stood up and accepted a bottle of disinfecting lotion from Karen as Vella resumed her ministrations.
Suddenly, the circle of women got up and hugged Carie. ?Remember,? Isparana said gently, ?that you must always let more love flow out of you as you let it flow in.?
The girls began to sniffle and cry with their friend.
?You were right,? Faye said, ?I do want to get in line.?
Sarah grinned. ?She is my angel.?
That’s when Faye realized just how little she knew about the team she’d been training.
Sarah heard a beep. Her eyes shot open. She was stretched out on the floor, naked.
She was expecting to see Faye, or Isparana, or even Chastity standing over her with the bio-reader gun, trying to play a prank on her again. There was nobody there.
Was she having another nightmare?
In her delirium, she thought she was cuffed around her ankles, but it was just her blanket wrapped around her feet.
Then she heard the beep again. It was coming from the chronograph around her wrist. She was being paged.
?Yes?? she croaked into the band.
?Package for you, ma’am, from Azuma? the voice on the other end intoned. ?The driver said it was urgent.?
?Oh!? Sarah replied, throwing the covers aside, ?Please accept it and send it up to the Bobbi Jo Briggs Training Academy.?
?The old Anders house.?
?Yes, ma’am.?
She looked around in the morning gloom, trying to figure out where she was. She was still in the parlor, flat on her back. Someone had given her the blanket. She noticed a pile of softly breathing bodies near her, just out of arm’s reach. She counted nine pillows and nine balls of hair. She knew they were all naked. It was becoming a tradition.
She knew she only had about fifteen minutes before the guards would arrive with her delivery. Stifling a moan as she wrapped the blanket around her, she stood up, padded quietly into the foyer, and unlocked the front door.
Sarah stood, hunched over, trying to laugh and breathe at the same time.
As promised, she had taken the girls on a morning four-mile cross-country run. Dania, wanting to sprint, had offered to take two of the Arlington girls with her on a shorter interval run that finished at the end of the same trail Sarah had envisioned for the cross-country girls. The threesome had soon paced themselves well ahead of the rest of the pack, and out of earshot of Sarah, Vella, and the rest of the crew.
After a few miles, Vella, showing off her speed, had kicked out well ahead of Sarah’s pack for the last mile of the run, and then had come back, grinning from ear to ear. ?Coach, you have to see this,? she had said.
So, Sarah, Chastity, and the remaining Arlington girls picked up their pace to end the run a bit quicker. Near the designated finish, they found Dania, stripped naked, her back against a peach tree, with her hands bound behind her, wrapped tightly behind the tree trunk by her own Bobby Jo Briggs Training Academy singlet. Her matching shorts were down around her ankles. She was pinned helplessly.
?Hi, Mom,? she had said non-chalantly, ?I guess my pace was a little too fast for them.?
Sarah was having trouble speaking, she was laughing so hard. ?Ispy... Would you... please... free your niece...?
Isparana, showing more restraint in her laughter than the other girls, let out a sympathetic coo to the naked girl as she unwrapped the singlet from Dania's wrists.
No sooner had Isparana untied the helpless girl’s hands than Dania kicked off her shorts and took off towards her assailants, who stood waiting anxiously in the front yard of the house. Shouting threats of retribution, Dania chased the two squealing girls, who wisely split up, in a zig-zag course around the lawn.
Everyone laughed at the sight of the naked fifteen-year-old chasing the two older girls around in circles. Dania managed to catch one, pin her to the ground, and give her a playful spanking, and when the other tried to come to her friend’s rescue, Dania jumped up and tackled her, too. Soon more squeals of playful spanking joined the laughter of the girls.
As Dania knelt over her victim, delivering a sound thrashing to the girl's quivering rump, Sarah heard the sounds of a group of women singing as they traveled up the lane from the peach orchard.
Leading them was Thomas, wearing a pair of orange shorts and a grey t-shirt. Hand-written in magic marker was ?Leighton Acres Recreation Department?.
He was chanting an old song he and Sarah used to sing together. ?And there she was, just a-walkin’ down the street, singing...?
?Doo waa ditty, ditty dum ditty doo!? the women replied in a chorus.
?Clapping her hands, and a-shufflin’ her feet, singing...?
?Doo waa ditty, ditty dum ditty doo!?
Faye leaned in towards Sarah and whispered. ?What’s this all about??
Sarah replied, ?I sort of promised him he could use the track in exchange for our having the house.?
?But we don’t have a track yet.?
?I guess he didn’t want to wait.?
Now Thomas was looking at her, gesturing for her to join him. ?Now we’re together, nearly every single day, singing...?
Sarah grinned and fell in next to him, as the assignees sang their chorus, ?Doo wah ditty...?
?Ditty dum, ditty doo!? the track girls repeated, falling in line as the last row behind the assignees.
?Clapping our hands, and a-shufflin’ our feet, singin’...?, Thomas and Sarah sang together.
?Doo wah ditty, diddy dum ditty doo!?
?You know, you’re going to have to make a decision soon,? Thomas said as they jogged next to each other, the squad of girls shuffling behind them.
?What do you mean?? Sarah asked.
?Well, whether you want to be a warden or a coach.?
Sarah looked at him. ?Can’t I be both??
?No,? he said. Before she could protest, he added. ?When you started this little coaching adventure, it was just a volunteer position working with some girls for a couple of hours in the evening. Then, you rented an apartment to stage a retreat for your hand-picked relay team. Then you started an outreach program, and then came a team vehicle. And sponsorships. And interviews. And more sponsorships. Now you have an entire house you’re turning into a racing school, with all-star coaches and plans for a custom-built track.?
She could see where he was going.
?Sarah, you spend all day and all night with these girls. Your heart says ‘coach’ but your mind is still trying to tell you ‘warden’. What’s going to happen when we adopt Dania? She’s going to need your time, too. And there will probably be a newborn to think about as well. You’ll have a toddler on your hands while Dania gets ready for graduation.?
?So what are you saying? That I should surrender my license??
?No, Dearest, I’m just saying...?
?No, you aren’t. You’re telling me that I’m not capable of operating Leighton Acres.?
?Dearest, that’s not it at all. I just need to know...?
Sarah looked at her husband. ?I think we’re having our first fight.?
?I think you’re right. Ok, your life, your business. But promise me one thing.?
?What’s that??
?That when I tell you to focus on what your heart tells you, that you will.?
Sarah smiled. ?Ok, I will.?
?Great. You’re two weeks behind on case management reviews and the deadline for monthly reports is tomorrow. You still haven’t scheduled a meeting with contractors for the Siobhan barracks demolition, nor applied for an extension on the code violations, nor filed your papers with the state to charter that museum thing you want. You’ll need permits for that and you should have finished those last week. On top of that, you’re spending money on your track functions and the apartment rental and house renovations and going through your earnings from the Penns pretty quickly. Now you have two employees to pay salaries on, as well. Thank goodness Hotchkiss forgave your loan liabilities, or you’d be saddled with those, too. And when were you planning on taking Dania for new school clothes? Have you taken her in for cosmetics counseling? I don't want her showing up at school next week looking like she did herself up with crayons. With new clothes and make-up, she'll want to start dating. I assume you’ll use Dr. Restropo as her general practitioner and initial gynecologist, right? We’ll also need to think about getting her a vehicle of some sort. She’ll be sixteen in less than two weeks and she’ll want a driver’s license. Did you want me to teach her how to drive? She’ll need a way to get to school next week; certainly can’t use public transportation out here, and neither one of us has the time to shuttle her to school and back. And there’s also a college education to fund. You set up an account for Isparana so it’s only fair you should do one for your own daughter, too. And since she’ll be the daughter of two wardens... well, you know the drill there; combat training, basic life saving. Did you want to use Norris for that? And you might as well plan on doing the same for your sister. Isparana will need transportation and clothes and training and a doctor, too.?
Sarah looked straight ahead. She could feel the first signs of panic setting in. ?I think I need to follow my heart now.?
Thomas grinned knowingly. ?I’ll take care of your warden stuff and a car for our girl, if you can give me an hour or so of her time this afternoon; maybe have the other girls do some strength training or something while she’s away. Dania’s plenty strong already.?
Sarah, still in shell-shock, answered automatically, ?Ok.?
"I'll also hire some staff to handle the day-to-day forms and reports and save the report approvals for you, for now. Can you dedicate 3 hours a day for that? The rest can be used to follow your bliss."
"That should be manageable," she replied.
"Good, because I've already scheduled interviews for case managers and an administrative assistant. We can divvy up the other responsibilities tonight over dinner."
As Thomas and the other women peeled off to return to Leighton Acres proper, Sarah and the girls shuffled into the house to clean up for breakfast. As Sarah clomped up the stairs, she noticed Bobbi Jo on the porch, leaning against the rail, watching.
"How long have you been standing there?" Sarah asked.
"Since you left on the training run," she replied. "I miss those days; just getting up and going and seeing the world before it woke up." Bobbi Jo sighed. "I could hear your freight train singing all through the orchard. Sarah, thank you."
Sarah looked at her, confused. "For what?"
"For giving me a second chance."
Now it was Sarah's turn to sigh. "Bobbi, I'm not going to lie. I went to see you at Arlington with every intention of walking out of there without you; just to rub all this in your face. At the time, nothing would've made me happier; my vengeance on Bobbi Jo Briggs, the bitch. I would've danced in the parking lot on my way out. But A suggested I talk to you, to find out why you were coaching and not racing, so I did. I had no idea you were sick. You may not have realized it, but you convinced me that you were the best person for the job. You weren't looking for pity and neither am I. I should be dead right now. I firmly believe that. You don't know how lucky you are to be given the next year or two. You have time to prepare. I didn't."
Sarah paused, reading the reaction she was getting from Bobbi, before continuing. "Thomas has taught me that we have a responsibility to give people the opportunities to live their lives to the fullest. I believe that's why I'm still alive; to give people that chance. When you said you wanted to teach as many girls as you could, I knew I had to - I just had to - hire you so you could fulfill that purpose. Not only will you reach the girls at your school, you're going to influence girls in every school in this district, and then some."
Bobbi Jo smiled at her. "A simple 'you're welcome' would've sufficed."
Sarah laughed. "I guess I do talk a bit too much sometimes."
Bobbi Jo pointed at Sarah's singlet. "And what's with the 'Bobbi Jo Briggs Training Academy'? I don't remember being asked."
"Well..." Sarah started, tugging at her top, "I didn't want to slap 'Leighton' or 'Siobhan' on everything, so I figured if you decided to sue for name infringement I could just tie it up in court until you died and then I'd be free and clear."
Bobbi laughed. "Well, I'm honored."
"Good, because a photographer is coming over today to shoot promotional materials for your academy. We have to get it out over the next week so we can start advertising in time for the off-season camps."
Bobbi looked at her in shock. "But... I don't have anything to wear, and my hair is a mess, and... I'm not presentable at all!"
"Don't worry," Sarah said with a grin, "I have a consultant coming over to teach you, Isparana, and Dania in the ways of fashion, hair, and make-up. I can't have my director, my sister, and my daughter looking frumpy and unkempt in the public eye. You're affiliated with Sarah Siobhan now. First class all the way."
Bobbi smiled. She was beginning to like her teammate a little more every day.
Vella hung by her wrists. She was being stripped by Sarah, who slowly unwrapped the loincloth from around Vella's hips. The wind cried through the leaves at their secret spot.
As a sign of unity with the assignees that honored them, Sarah had taught all of the girls how to fold the Leighton Acres loincloth, and had matched the small strip of material with the black Bobbi Jo Briggs Training Academy training singlet. It would be their new daily uniform while staying at the house. The Arlington girls, their pale asses hanging out of their new uniforms, had received a playful spanking from the Stalin girls who's own asses had tanned nicely over the course of their time at the facility. Both groups had then been taken into the service chapel for an afternoon lecture hosted by Bobbi. Afterwards, Bobbi was to meet with the consultant and the photographer while Faye led the strength training portion of the day's work-outs.
Except for Vella and Sarah, who were on a different training plan.
Vella turned her head to the side, an instinctive reaction as she tried to hide her face from her torturer. She could feel the warmth building between her legs as her feet scraped against the sandy earth; the breeze curling around her body as she hung helplessly from the tree limb.
Sarah lifted the green stick from its place on the log; the same switch she had used on the naked girl two days prior. Though dried slightly by the sun, it was still supple and capable of performing its function on the girl's toned body. Sarah flipped it a few times in the air; the switch making its tell-tale hiss.
"You ran well this morning," Sarah said, circling her victim, "certainly better than you did against me at Stalin. For that, you have earned a reward." Sarah grinned mischievously as she placed the switch between her teeth, then came up from behind Vella and wrapped her hands around the girl's breasts, her fingers rolling and pinching the girl's sensitive tits.
Vella let out a moan of pleasure, encouraging Sarah to continue massaging her mounds. Sarah was more than willing to oblige, taking her time as she fondled the girl's exposed breasts. She then slapped at the sides, letting the girl's boobs tremble and bounce from the impact, drawing more moans as Vella's breathing deepened.
Sarah then let her left hand slip under the cheeks of the girl's ass, cupping Vella's sex in her palm as her finger curled up against the opening to her slit, pressing and probing against the secret den where Vella's clit lay hidden. Suddenly, Vella's thighs pressed tightly against Sarah's hand, trapping it against her vulva as a sharp gasp escaped from her mouth. Sarah had found her target.
With her hand still pinned between Vella's legs, Sarah continued to press against the little head, teasing the sensitive bundle of nerves as Vella gasped and twitched against the ropes around her wrists. Vella shivered with pleasure as Sarah manipulated her body, the woman's fingers expertly tickling the darker girl's snatch.
Sarah leaned against the girl, nuzzling her neck as she wrapped her right arm around the girl's bare waist, and whispered, "Tell me again what you're going to do for me."
Vella smiled and said, "I'm going to win."
Sarah curled her lips over the lobe of the girl's ear, drawing another pleasured moan from her victim, and growled, "And after you win, what are you going to do."
"I'm going to put that trophy on your desk."
"And if you don't win, then what."
Vella gasped as Sarah pinched the girl's clit threateningly, then replied, "I'm going to be whipped."
"Do you think you deserve to be whipped now?"
Vella shivered again, then moaned as Sarah toyed with the opening to her tunnel. Vella dropped her head back, her long hair flowing like a waterfall down her spine as she hung from the rope. She gasped, then smiled as she brought her head forward to gaze at the woman who was in complete control of her body.
"Yes, I deserve to be whipped."
Vella writhed deliciously as Sarah continued to fondle the girl's twat. "As a reminder of what happens to girls who lose."
"You're learning," Sarah said with a malicious grin as she separated herself from her victim.
Stepping back, Sarah swished the stick through air a few times, studying its flexibility as Vella hung from the rope, waiting for her punishment.
A sudden breeze drifted through the greenery around them, rattling the trees.
Without warning, Sarah let the whip crack against the firm globes of Vella's ass. Vella jumped and cried with pain and surprise, drawing herself up from the shock of the blow before settling back onto the ground.
Sarah swished the whip again, crossing the red line that was beginning to form on the girl's quivering ass. Another cry tore from Vella's throat. She hung, panting, waiting for the next sting of the switch.
Sarah now circled her prey, smiling wickedly as she studied the outstretched figure of the girl, analyzing the areas that she knew would have the greatest sensitivity to pain. A gust of wind rattled the leaves high in the trees around her and her victim. She tapped the stick against her palm, then, suddenly swung and smacked it against the rim of the girl's belly, just above the crest of her pubis.
Vella shrieked. She hadn't expected it to hurt as much as it did. She had felt the reverberations deep in her sex, awakening her cervix to the pain being inflicted on her body. She flexed and pulled at the bonds around her wrists as she hung in the air, very much aware of what Sarah was capable of doing to her.
The wind began to settle; the trees straightening as the air calmed around the two women.
Sarah lifted the stick and tapped it against the sides of Vella's breasts, letting the tip press against the drawn skin, then flicking it over the girl's nipples, the stick bumping over the pert nubs. Sarah then let the stick lightly tap against the dark ovals, marking a rhythm as she tapped against the sensitive bulls-eyes on each soft mound.
Vella began to flinch as Sarah continued to tap-tap-tap against her teats. Something so simple, yet so painful. She grunted and tried to twist as the stick followed her movements. After each strike, her nipples bounced back, ready for more punishment. When the skin began to redden, Sarah turn her attention elsewhere, not willing to damage the helpless girl. Yet. She would wait until the wind blew again.
Now the stick flicked along the girl's flanks, drawing the silhouette of her body, tapping at the sides of her hips before crossing over her knee and passing upward towards her clean-shaven snatch. Sarah began to tap there, too, knowing that the sensitive lips would be far more durable; capable of withstanding the abuse of the switch. They would also be infinitely more sensitive to the blows she delivered.
And then the leaves fluttered around them, alerting the two women to another gust coming their way.
Sarah suddenly flipped the stick up hard against the girl's exposed vagina, smacking the sensitive tissue hard as Vella hung helplessly from the rope around her wrists. Again Vella shrieked, her cries of pain lost in the disturbance of the brush along the creek.
Sarah continued to strike the exposed sex of the girl, beating her vulva as the wind raced high above them. Vella cried and tried to protect herself, turning her hips and lifting herself up as sweat glistened on her skin. Sarah continued to beat her victim, finding young nerves awake and alert between the girl's thighs. Each strike brought new cries of pain from Vella who hung, twisting, from the rope stretching her body in the air. Finally, after an eternity, the wind died down and so did Sarah's blows.
Now Sarah stepped behind her victim, examining the twisting body of the girl, the taut muscles flexing sensually under the warm skin marked by the angry red welts of the stick. Sarah simply stood there, waiting patiently as Vella choked and gasped and floated above the grassy earth. Beads of sweat streamed down the girl's flesh, her muscles reacting to the stress being exerted on her by her own weight. Her toes rested, barely, on the sandy ground, as her body stretched out towards the earth.
Then the helpless girl heard the rustle of the leaves and inhaled, preparing herself for the blows to come.
Sarah chuckled evilly as she surprised the girl with her change of action. Instead of the stick, she raised a finger between the girl's thighs, tickling the pouty red lips of the naked girl's vagina. Vella, expecting the sharp bite of the whip, flinched at the sensation of the gentle touch of Sarah's fingertips against her sex, gasping as Sarah traced a line just inside the girl's slit. Vella relaxed and parted her thighs slightly, welcoming the caress of Sarah's finger against her snatch. Sarah responded with a delicate touch, softly probing the entrance of the girl's vagina.
Vella moaned as Sarah traced a line along the curvature of the naked girl's vulva, teasing the little head hidden in its den, causing the girl to shiver with pleasure. Then, Sarah slipped her fingers into the girl's tunnel, gently rubbing the secret spot hidden on the underside of her pubis. Vella gasped and shivered again, instinctively reacting to the sensation of Sarah's touch against her g-spot.
Sarah concentrated her efforts on that spot, grinning while Vella twitched and flexed and gasped as she hung from the rope that tugged her arms high overhead. Vella began to thrust her hips, trying to press her sex against Sarah's hand as she worked her way towards her orgasm.
Vella began to breath in short, quick gasps as Sarah timed her strokes with Vella's thrusts. Then, a sharp squeal as Vella clamped her thighs down hard on Sarah's hand, every muscle in the girl's body contracting at the same time. As before, Vella was lifting herself up by the rope around her wrists, the muscles in her arms and chest standing out against her glistening skin.
"Oh.... fuck.... oh fuck, oh fuck," Vella breathed duskily, "oh fuck, that was fantastic...."
Sarah leaned in and planted a gentle kiss on the girl's warm cheek. "You're so beautiful right now," she whispered, "so beautiful. Don't ever let anybody take that from you. Promise me."
"I promise," Vella replied with a gasp.
"And what are you going to do for me, for giving this gift to you."
"I'm going to win."
Sarah smiled and whispered. "Yes you are."
As Sarah and Vella approached the house, they could hear the very distinctive sound of someone playing a keyboard. The music was a blend of piano and organ, and the song was very melancholy.
"What is that?" Vella asked.
"It's 'Adaggio for Strings' by Samuel Barber", Sarah replied, "and its beautiful."
Vella nodded. "Yes it is."
Sarah stopped and closed her eyes, raising her arms as if she was playing the piece herself, fingering imaginary keys as the music drifted from the upstairs windows. She exhaled softly as she absorbed the mournful notes, riding the melody as it climbed the scale, reached its zenith, then collapsed back down. She felt like she was going to cry.
Vella looked at her. "Are you ok?"
"It reminds me of when I would come home from practice and my mother would be playing. Whomever is up there is doing a wonderful job with it; very talented and inspiring," Sarah whispered. She then put her finger to her lips, indicating for Vella to be very quiet as they continued towards the old house, climbed the stairs, and gently opened the front door.
The foyer was empty. The door to Bobbi's room was open but they didn't see anybody at Bobbi's desk. The two women then quietly ascended the flight of stairs, careful not to disturb the old wood slats under the fresh carpeting. As they reached the landing, they heard the music coming from a room at the end of the hall. Like two ninjas, they tip-toed down the walkway towards the open door to the room.
There sat Stephanie, facing the window, her back to the door, consumed by the orchestral piece she was playing.
Sarah leaned against the doorway, Vella beside her, as Stephanie swayed and heaved with the music, drawing out each long, mournful note with her fingers. She played the piece with compassion, as if weeping through the musical notes at the ends of her fingertips. Sarah wondered if Stephanie was playing for herself.
Sarah closed her eyes and let her soul stretch back across the years to the memory of her mother. She could see her at the bench, swaying as the fading afternoon light cast her face in silhouette, the fine angles framed perfectly by the window as a gentle breeze rustled the laced curtains, carrying the music along the halls and into the fields where her father toiled every evening until sunset.
That was how Sarah found her every day after track practice, and that was how she remembered her now.
Sarah could feel the tears welling in her eyes. She knew she was about to lose control of herself. The sadness of the music was taking her emotions with it.
Then, the music faded like a scent in the wind and Stephanie paused, bent over the keyboard as she looked out into the grove of trees beyond.
Sarah sniffled, unable to hold back any longer.
Stephanie whirled around. "Domina! My apologies!"
Sarah looked at her, moving her lips as she tried to speak.
"Mr. Leighton brought this for you and asked me to set it up," Stephanie explained. "Once I had it configured, I couldn't resist. I hope I haven't..."
"It's ok," Sarah choked. She nudged Vella and wiped at her eyes.
"When we came up to the house," Vella replied in response to Stephanie's questioning glance, "she told me that you play beautifully and that you remind her of her mother. I agree. You do play beautifully. I've never heard Mrs. Siobhan's work, but if Sarah says you're close, then I believe it."
Stephanie smiled. "I'll take that as a compliment. I've heard Shannon Siobhan's work and it was inspiring, to say the least."
"Thank you," Sarah mouthed to her young assistant. She coughed, straightened herself, wiped at her face, and asked, "where is everybody?"
"Bobbi is filming with the crew in the peach grove. Isparana is at the stables, and Dania is with Mr. Leighton. The rest of the team is with Faye out on the course, but I'm not exactly certain where."
Sarah turned to the young runner beside her and said, "Well, I guess we should get cleaned up and get on with our day. And Stephanie, please continue playing. I'm enjoying your music tremendously. Thank you."
The young assistant nodded and turned to face the keyboard again.
"She's going to drive that?!" Sarah said, incredulous.
She, Thomas, and Dania stood inside the garage Thomas had built to resemble a large barn. Parked across from the prison van and his vintage MGC was a dilapidated old truck.
"It's great, isn't it!" Dania beamed, "it's so cute!"
"She picked it out herself," Thomas explained, "and if she's happy, I'm happy. There really wasn't much to discuss with the owner."
Sarah stood looking at the much-used pick-up truck, it's paint faded and chipped, the windows frosted with dirt. A set of mismatched tires adorned the four wheels.
"Does it even run?" Sarah asked, trying to mask her disappointment in Thomas' solution to Dania's driving needs.
"For the most part. The engine needs some work, but it's a Hotchkiss so it shouldn't be too difficult to iron out. Those models were grossly over-engineered. I figure Dania and I could break it down tonight after dinner, checklist it to identify the parts we'll need, and get it running in a week or two. She's already started pricing out new tires for it."
Dania ran over to her new vehicle, opened the creaking door, and gleefully climbed into the driver's seat.
Sarah leaned close to Thomas and whispered "Where'd you find it? In a junk yard?"
"Not quite," he replied in a low voice. "It was sitting in the lot next to the junk yard. She saw it as we were driving into the city and made me stop so she could look at it."
Sarah shot a questioning glare at him.
Thomas nodded. "It's true. I thought she was going to jump out of the car. They were using it to haul parts around the salvage yard."
Sarah growled. "My daughter is NOT going to drive that thing. I'll call Hotchkiss and get a modern one up here by the end of the week."
"Down girl," Thomas replied with a grin. "There's a method to my madness. She's a new driver. She's going to make mistakes; misjudge a turn or two, probably hit a few trees and fence posts over the next year or so. I'd rather her do that in a tough old lumbering truck with easily replaceable panels and oversized bumpers than in my MGC, where she's liable to get herself killed. I know you don't want her to smash up a sponsor's vehicle, either."
"But, Thomas..."
"I checked it out. Mechanically, it's ok from what I could tell without taking the motor and transmission apart. And, I seem to recall a certain woman telling me that she appreciates things more if she has to work for them. Can you imagine how much our daughter is going to appreciate her first vehicle if she has to work to get it running? Just imagine the pride she'll have, not to mention the mechanical education she'll get along the way."
Sarah exhaled. "I hate you."
Thomas looked at her. "Really?"
"Yes," she replied with a playful frown as she leaned against him, "because you're usually right."
Thomas wrapped his arm around her and kissed her forehead. "I was hoping for an 'always', but I'll concede to 'usually' from a Siobhan."
Just then, they heard the sound of horse's hooves clopping up the path behind them. Sarah turned and there, perched atop a magnificent stallion, was Isparana. She looked as if she was born there.
"Mr. Thomas," the golden-skinned beauty asked tentatively, "it is ok for me to ride this horse?"
The horse bobbed its head and snorted.
Thomas stood there, nervously raising his hands. "Isparana, be very careful..."
Sarah whispered to him. "Is that Firestorm?"
"Yes," Thomas answered, a note of concern in his voice, "yes it is." He kept his hands stretched out towards the girl on horseback, ready to grab the reins if the animal became distempered. He paused, taking in the sight of the young woman astride the dark brown animal, her hair matching the horse's mane. She was perfectly at ease and the muscular beast seemed content to have her on its back. "Isparana," he asked, lowering his arms after realizing she wasn't in any danger, "how...?"
Isparana leaned forward and rubbed the stallion's neck. "He is a very good boy. After the photo shoot, I have nothing to do, so I get a ride by the crew to the stables to see if I can help with the chores. I am at the fence, helping my friends tend to the horses, and this one comes over to me. He came very slowly, with his head down, like he could see I was hurt. He looks like he wants to be friends so I petted him and told him how beautiful and strong he is. Tasha gives me a brush, so I brushed his coat. He seemed to like that very much. I think that maybe nobody else wanted to be around him, because all of the girls stay away except for me." She rubbed his neck again. "It is very strange, because he is very nice."
"No," Thomas said, "he's a wild mustang I've been trying to break. He won't let anyone near him. Except for you, apparently."
"Yes," Isparana replied, "I see when Tasha tries to put the saddle on him that he moves away. So, she showed me how to do it and I did. It was no trouble. But, I do not want to do something bad so I think I should find you and ask permission first before I ride. But, with my leg it is difficult to walk much so I think maybe I ride him just a little bit to find you. It is ok if I ride him more? Until I can run again?"
Thomas sighed. "Ok, but please have one of the stablehands show you how to care for him. He'll need to be fed, watered, bathed..."
"Yes, of course," Isparana said happily, "every night, after we are done with our work."
Sarah snickered. "Ispy, you know you could've used the intercom to find us first. You didn't need to risk being thrown."
"Yes, but then I would not have a reason to ride Emet."
"Emet?" Sarah replied.
"It is his new name. It means 'Hope'." Isparana gave Sarah a knowing smile. "You remember? That day I met your father at the top of the mountain?"
Sarah's mouth dropped. She remembered. "As long as you carry hope in your heart ..."
"... you will never be alone." Isparana finished, giving the horse a hug.
Thomas looked at the two women. "That's a good quote. Who said it?"
"My father," Sarah replied tenderly, "when he accepted Isparana into our family."
After dinner, Faye had taken the girls back to the house for an evening of entertainment on their last night. Sarah had promised to join them later, after she did some work in her office. She was reviewing an assignee application when she heard someone knocking on her door.
"Come in," she answered, slightly annoyed.
"Hey, Clotty." The friendly face of Chastity peeked around the edge. "I'm not disturbing you, am I?"
"Yes," Sarah grinned, "but its too late to undo the damage now. What's on your mind?"
"I've been thinking..."
"Uh oh," Sarah said with a smirk.
A polite grin flashed across Chastity's lips as she moved in front of Sarah's desk. "No, seriously, I've been thinking."
"About some of the things you said earlier this week. You know, when I was in the inspection stand. And I think I'd like to enter the Human Mores Program."
Sarah looked at her, dumbfounded. "You're kidding me, right? You know I didn't mean those things."
"I know," the girl replied, "but I'm thinking maybe there was some truth to it after all. Maybe I do need to see what it's like to have nothing; to be the low girl on the totem pole."
Sarah leaned back into her leather chair and exhaled. "Well, I can't legally send you anywhere. You're not an assignee..."
"Neither were you."
"I was an employee of Leighton Acres."
"So hire me. Part time. One week only."
Sarah frowned. "It's not that simple. I'd have to create a job posting, put it out on the employment boards, review at least three applicants, give veterans preference ... there's a lot of government red tape I have to go through to do it, and I certainly couldn't do it by Monday."
"Then I'll be an imposter. I can be Chastity Siobhan. Your family is growing every day it seems."
Sarah laughed. "It does seem that way, doesn't it? Ok, let's assume I was able to cobble together a fake dossier like Thomas did for me. Where would I send you? You couldn't go to any of the in-district schools. Everybody knows you."
"There's Novelle. It's not too far."
Sarah thought about that for a second. "But the track coach knows who you are."
"Faye knew who you were and it didn't seem to stop you."
"We didn't know she'd recognize me. We know Coach Giselle will recognize you."
"So phone ahead and swear her to secrecy. You're a warden. You can do that."
Sarah folded her hands and sighed. "You have an answer for everything, don't you."
"I'm a Siobhan."
"You're certainly acting like one," Sarah noted. "Ok, tell you what. If I do this for you, what will you do for me?"
"What?" Now it was Chastity's turn to be dumbfounded. She hadn't expected this twist in her proposal.
"You're asking me to commit fraud by creating a series of false documents, risk my license, get Leighton Acres thrown out of the penal farm system, drag another coach into a conspiracy of fraud and risk her license, and probably a myriad of other felonies along the way. What do I get in return?"
Chastity shrugged her shoulders. "What do you want?"
"I want your soul..." Sarah said dramatically.
"Can't have it. I already sold it to the devil."
"Tell the devil to give it back. He didn't get much of a deal."
"How about my bowels instead? Oh wait. You've already had those. Want a second serving? I'll put it on a plate; nice and fresh just for you."
Sarah laughed. "Ok, ok. You got me. I tell you what. If I decide to do this, you can owe me and we'll figure something out later."
"Chastity," Sarah said in a serious tone, "there's a lot of risk involved here. You could get hurt. Bad. You don't have the self-defense training that I have. And you won't have me there to protect you like Ispy did. You're going into something that could be leagues more dangerous than what's been encountered before. I was bent over a fence and almost raped, remember?"
"How can I forget? You keep reminding me of it every time you want something from me."
Sarah lowered her head guiltily. Chastity had a point.
"And furthermore," Chastity added, "I seem to recall being the key person that got Coach Bobbi Jo on board with her own academy. You were ready to walk out that door until I dropped our favorite four letter word into the conversation."
Sarah scrunched up her lips. Two points for Chastity.
"And," the girl continued, rising from her seat and pointing at Sarah for emphasis, "the deal with Mr. Leighton was that you'd do a full week at Stalin. You barely made it for four days before Isparana bailed you out of that situation. I'd say you failed your husband and got married under false pretenses. Therefore, your marriage is a sham!" Chastity could see she had Sarah on the ropes and wasn't going to let up her assault on her coach, even if it was in jest.
Sarah knew she was busted. "Ok," she said, playfully conceding to the girl's accusations, "I'll talk it over with Thomas and see what we can come up with. I'll review the program guidelines and figure out a way to make it work. I can't guarantee it'll happen by Monday, though. This might have to wait until the racing season is over."
"But school will almost be over..."
"There's still the Summer sessions."
Chastity straightened herself. "That might work. I can use it as my senior project."
"Oh, yeah. That's right," Sarah said, leaning back. "I forgot about the senior project. That might work well for both of us. If you volunteered to do it for school credits, I could act as your sponsor since I'm a certified coach in the school district. I could send you to another school as a student instead of an assignee. That way, there wouldn't be any fraud and my warden license would be protected. I like that idea a lot. Give me a day or two to review the statutes and I'll get back to you."
"Thanks, Clotty."
Sarah raised an eyebrow. "'Clotty'? Really?"
"'Coach' seems too formal, and I wasn't sure if I was allowed to call you 'Sarah' or not. And since I've been with you both times you went down ..."
Sarah tilted her head in acknowledgement. "You can call me 'Sarah'. Now strip."
"What? Why?"
"That answers the question about whether you can handle the Program," Sarah said, redirecting her attention back to the file folder on her desk.
Chastity frowned. "Nice trick." The girl quickly grabbed the hem of her singlet and lifted it over her head, drawing her two pink-tipped mounds up as she shook her hair loose from the clothing.
Sarah looked at Chastity as the blonde-haired runner unwound the loincloth from her around her trim tummy. "How comfortable are you with your sexuality?" Sarah asked.
Chastity shrugged her shoulders. "About the same as any girl, I guess."
"Are you a virgin?"
Chastity paused. "Ummm. Sort of."
Sarah leaned forward and put her elbows on her desk. "It's like being pregnant. Either you are or you aren't. To use Dr. Restropo's words, has a boy ever put his cock in your pussy?"
Chastity squirmed for a second, then put on a brave front. "No. Not yet."
"Why not?"
Chastity shifted nervously. "Because... James and I weren't ready for that yet."
"But you're ready to parade around a strange school naked," Sarah said cynically, "and expose yourself to every swinging dick of the species."
Chastity bristled at the recognition of her own words. "Yes, I think I am."
"Put your finger in your vagina and masturbate yourself."
Chastity sighed, then placed her hand against the opening to her sex and began to rub at the tender skin guarding her entrance. She closed her eyes and shivered, bending her legs slightly and spreading herself wider.
Sarah sat at the desk stoically, showing no emotion whatsoever as the high school girl fondled herself, trying to work herself into an orgasm. After becoming confident that Chastity wasn't watching, Sarah went back to reviewing the file spread across her desk.
Chastity shuffled her feet farther apart, bending her knees as she reached deeper into her tunnel. She curled her fingers under her clean-shaven mound and pressed gently, a moan escaping from her parted mouth as she found her secret spot. She began to stroke herself faster now, moaning again as she flexed her hips against her fingers, working herself into a hypnosis of pleasure.
The muscles of her lean tummy twisted and flexed with her movements, the lines of muscle on the side of her thighs pronounced as she struggled to maintain her position in front of the desk. Standing there, naked, she pleasured herself in front of her coach and her friend. She felt ashamed, exposing herself like this, but she had been told to do it, so she was. She let herself go to the ecstasy of her sexuality, enjoying the feeling of her own hand against her twat. Her breathing was coming in shallow gasps now and she knew she would cum soon.
Her taut torso rippled with each thrust of her hips. Her skin began to glow with exertion as she drove herself onto her fingers. She increased the tempo of her strokes and inhaled deeply. She was on the edge of her orgasm, trying to push herself over.
Then, with a soft cry of satisfaction, she pitched up onto her toes as waves of pleasure cascaded through her body. Another soft cry chirped from her throat as she succumbed to the warmth in her belly; her hand still pressing against her secret spot as the tempest between her thighs began to subside.
Finally, finished with her sexual exercise, her feet settled back onto the soft rug in front of Sarah's desk. She straightened herself and opened her eyes dreamily.
Sarah was turning a page in the file.
"You shit," Chastity breathed, "you weren't even watching."
"Didn't need to," Sarah replied, still reading the file, "just needed to see if you could do it."
"Hate you."
Sarah looked up at her and smiled. "Hate you, too."
Chastity exhaled with frustration. "So now what?"
Sarah went back to reading the file. "Assume the inspection position and be quiet."
Chastity exhaled again, then spread her legs wide apart and, lifting her arms, locked her hands behind her head. She stood there, naked, holding the position that left her open and vulnerable, as Sarah made some notations on the forms tucked inside the binder.
Chastity watched as Sarah closed the binder, set it aside with some others, and lifted a new file.
Chastity couldn't help but speak. "So what are you doing?" she asked.
"Reviewing applications to the Bobbi Jo Briggs Training Academy."
"Oh," Chastity said, "can I help?"
"Didn't I tell you to be quiet?"
A scowl crossed Chastity's face as she stood on the rug.
Sarah read through the file, made some notations, then set the binder on top of a different stack.
"Why do some go in one place," Chastity asked, "and some in another?"
Sarah looked at the naked girl and replied, "One stack is for rejects, one is for Bobbi to review, and one is for Faye to review. Now, do you mind? I'm trying to finish this up so I can go see what the rest of the team is doing for entertainment. I'd like to try and salvage some of the evening if I could."
Chastity stood silently in front of the desk, her fingers clasped tightly behind her head.
Sarah lifted another binder from the stack.
"It might go faster if you'd let me help."
Sarah exhaled. "Fine. You can take this stack of rejects and set them over there in that crate, then take this stack and put it in the crate for Faye, and this stack and put it in the crate for Bobbi."
Chastity broke from her position and reached for a binder. "Can I read them?"
"No," Sarah said sternly. "It would be a violation of confidentiality."
"So hire me. Make me an employee of Bobbi Jo Briggs Training Academy. It's not a government entity, so there's no red tape."
Sarah looked at her. "Why? Just so you can review some files?"
Chastity put her hands on her bare hips and replied confidently "You're going to need me later, too, when it comes time to interview the candidates in the next round. I'll have you know that I'm very good at representing the Academy. I got 100% participation from Arlington, didn't I?"
Sarah paused. Chastity was right. She had not only gotten Bobbi on board, she'd sold the idea to the Arlington girls personally. She'd been so good at it that Sarah had to limit participation to just the five Bobbi had mentioned. And Sarah could use a judge on the panel that could identify with the girls being interviewed.
"For a naked girl, you're pretty smart," Sarah replied. She lifted a small panel from the desk, touched the screen a few times, and whirring sound came from the credenza behind her. She turned, lifted a sheet of paper from a tray hidden in the top and handed it to Chastity. "Fill this out later and give it to Stephanie, but for now raise your right hand."
Chastity accepted the paper and set it on the chair beside her, then raised her right hand.
"Repeat after me," Sarah instructed. "I solemnly swear to uphold the rules, regulations, and polices of Bobbi Jo Briggs Training Academy as they exist now and shall exist in the future."
Chastity repeated the oath.
"Good. Then as president of said academy, I now pronounce you our official student liaison... officer... something," Sarah said, making a title up, "Ok, get dressed and help me sort these out."
The sky had just darkened into night by the time the two women made their way towards the old Anders house, now externally refurbished into the Bobbi Jo Briggs Training Academy with fresh paint and a new sign. As they each dragged a wheeled crate of paperwork behind them, they could hear the distinct sound of a piano and a dozen voices signing raucously with joy and woefully out of key.
"Sounds like a bunch of drunks," Chastity quipped. "I don't recognize the song, though. Do you?"
Sarah listened closer. "Nope. Not one that I've heard."
The clamor continued as the pair climbed the steps up to the front door and opened it, lugging the crates up to the house. Standing in the foyer, they could see the door on the left at the end of the hall was open, and their ears told them the music was coming from there. They set the crates in the foyer and trotted quickly down to the room to join the party.
A dozen girls were clustered around the front of the room, their backs to the door as they sang and laughed and danced with joy. Someone was playing the electric keyboard. Sarah assumed it was Stephanie, but that theory was disproved when she saw her assistant in the huddled mass swaying to the song that was being played.
Chastity ran to join her friends in the festivities. As she came into the circle, she turned and waved vigorously for Sarah to hurry up. The other girls, realizing Sarah was coming, parted the circle, and there, sitting at the keyboard, was Coach Bill.
"Sarah!" he shouted.
"Bill? I didn't know you were coming!"
"I invited him up," Faye said, "I figured he'd want to see what his girls have been doing all week. I hope you don't mind."
"Mind? Not at all! Bill! I didn't know you could play..."
"Oh I play, baby, I play!" he said with a wide grin, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a pair of vintage sunglasses. He opened the smooth black frames and set them neatly across his eyes, then flashed his grin again. He set his hands on the keys and thrummed out a chord in perfect harmony. "Ok, ladies. Let's show Coach Sarah what you've learned this evening."
The girls then turned and arranged themselves into a choir formation, facing Sarah and Chastity.
Bill then clinked out a quick riff on the keyboard.
"Well I've never been to heaven..." he sang gently as he tapped a few keys, "but I've been to Oklahoma..." The keyboard clinked again. "Well they tell me I was born there.... but I really don't remem-bahh..."
Chastity whispered "Do you know this song?"
Sarah shook her head. "Never heard it before."
Bill continued his little melody. "In Oklahoma... not Arizona... What does it matt-ah? What does it matt-ah? ..." The piano clinked a stronger chord now as Bill rolled his head to the tune.
Then, he tilted his head back and belted out the next verse as the impromptu choir erupted in song. "Well I've never been to Spain!" The girls began to sway to the rhythm Bill plunked out on the keys, singing "But I kinda like the music... Say the ladies are insane there...! And they sure know how to use it...! They don't abuse it... never gonna lose it... I can't refuse it!"
Now the choir broke into two harmonies, the Arlington girls carrying the upper register with the Stalin team singing the bottom. "Well I've never been to heaven! But I've been to Oklahom-ahh! Well they tell me I was born there! But I really don't remem-bah! In Oklahom-ah! Not Arizon-ah! What does it matt-ah! What does it mattah!"
Sarah clapped and laughed as she and Chastity followed along as best they could.
Thomas rolled over in bed, his arm flopping groggily against the mattress as he reached for Sarah. He awoke with a snort, realizing that, once again, his wife was missing.
He rolled back towards his side of the bed and, again, reached for his gun and his badge.
"Are you going to shoot me this time?" Sarah asked from the chair by the window.
"Only if it will save me time and money," he replied in a voice cracked by slumber. "Last time I had to wake up Rey and traipse all the way out to the far corner of the property with a pack loaded with gear. You really need to quit using expensive electronics for target practice."
Sarah sighed softly with mirth; her version of midnight laughter. "Fair enough," she replied. "Thomas, I have this feeling of sadness. I can't shake it. It's been with me ever since I heard Stephanie play the other day. I know it was just a song, but still..."
"What was the song?"
"'Adagio for Strings'"
"By Barber?"
"Dearest," Thomas said, "its supposed to make you sad. It makes everyone sad. That's why it's a classic."
"I know," she replied. "But there's something else. When I heard her play it reminded me of my mother. The memories, I guess. I just have this... feeling...of great sadness... foreboding maybe. I don't know."
Thomas looked at his young wife, her slender body silhouetted against the window by the moonlight shining through her gown. His cock was already fully erect and ready for nocturnal action. "Why don't you come back to bed and we'll do some foreboding together. I seem to recall a contract to that effect."
Sarah tilted her head and smiled. "Thomas, I'm serious."
She turned and faced him now, her arms crossed with worry. "What if something were to happen? To me? To us? I mean, its just the two of us and all of these people are relying on us for everything. I don't know... "
Sarah stopped, then exhaled deeply.
"Well, if it will put your mind at ease, I've already addressed some of that with our attorney prior to our marriage, including plans for Isparana. But you're right, we do need to plan for Dania now. After all, Isparana is legally your sister and would have a claim to our estate, and so would Dania once the adoption is awarded. I'd hate for our deaths to break up their friendship."
"What do you mean?"
"Well, I've been told that money can pit a family against itself, and we could certainly fall into that situation."
"No, I mean about Ispy and Dania."
"Isparana is legally your sister. How many times does she have to tell you?"
"She is? I thought it was just a joke between us."
"No, she's legally Isparana Siobhan. Your dad accepted her into the clan and drew up the paperwork himself. I told Dania about it and she was overjoyed. She said she's going to love being her niece. It'd be a shame for another clot to ruin that."
A clot. Sarah gasped. "Thomas! Maybe it's the baby! Maybe there really is a clot and something's wrong with the baby!"
Thomas pushed himself onto his elbows. "Really? This early? I thought the hormones didn't kick in until later."
"Thomas, please!"
The man sighed. He knew once Sarah latched on to something, she wouldn't let go until it was resolved.
"Ok," he said with regret, "but you can be the one to explain to Dr. Restropo why she's hauling herself out of bed at this hour."
"Hey, Dania... Isparana. Wake up."
Stephanie was gently nudging the two girls in the pile, trying not to disturb the others nestled comfortably nearby.
Dania cracked her eyes open first as Isparana lay dead to the world. "What's up?" Dania asked.
"It's Sarah. There's something going on at the main house. It might be something, it might be nothing, but they called the doctor so I thought you might want to know about it."
"Mom?!" Dania turned and fervently began shaking the sleeping Cilician next to her. "Ispy! Wake up!"
A long slender arm sluggishly reached back and tried to push the girl away. Incoherent mumbling drifted from under the long curls of hair.
"Hey," Dania continued, "wake up! Sarah's in trouble and she needs us."
"Hmmm?!" Isparana replied, the words registering in her mind. "Sarah? Oh no!" she whispered, tossing the blanket aside as she tried to get her legs to work.
"Thomas, we may want to have this discussion in private," Dr. Restropo said, looking at the cluster of faces around her.
Thomas looked at the five girls with him. "It's ok, Doctor. They were with her the last time, too."
The doctor nodded. "Well, it's too early to be certain, but there's a real possibility that she may reject this pregnancy. There's some scarring on her uterus that could complicate things. Thomas," she warned, "there's a chance she may never be able to have children."
Thomas sighed. His shoulders drooped defeatedly. He knew how the scars had gotten there. And there was nothing he could've done to prevent it.
"Does she know?" he asked.
"Not yet. I thought it best to come from you."
Isparana put a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Mr. Thomas, it will be ok. I will tell her. You are her husband, but I am her angel."
"I want to be there," Dania said. "I'm her daughter."
"And I'm her personal assistant," Stephanie added, "I have a professional responsibility."
"I should be there, too," Chastity added, "after all, I'm her official Student Liaison Officer Something."
"Well if they go, I go!" Vella chimed in.
Thomas looked at the young women, annoyed with their antics. "I've never seen a group of women so eager to deliver bad news to their friend!"
Isparana realized they were making him angry. "He is right," she said to the group. "But, Mr. Thomas, please understand. We want only to help her and support her. She will be sad and we want to help her heal."
Thomas examined the concerned faces of the girls. "Doctor," he asked, "you said there's a possibility she may be infertile. What's the probability?"
"Well, without more tests I can't really say for certain. We'll never really know until the baby comes to term."
"Huh." Thomas said, absent-mindedly tapping his thigh. "Can you hold her here for a day or two and run those tests? Maybe do a psych work-up on her?"
"Certainly. It's your money. But only for a day or two. After that, I would be remiss in my Hippocratic oath if I held her for anything unnecessary."
"Understood," Thomas replied, turning to the girls "You guys can come in, but let me do the talking. Agreed?"
The girls nodded.
Thomas opened the door and entered the room.
Sarah sat looking at the faces that looked back at her, each trying to read the reaction of the other.
"So how long do I have to stay here?" she asked.
"Just a couple of days. Doctor Restrepo just wants to run a few tests to make sure her initial prognosis is correct. Even though everything is developing normally, she wants to be absolutely certain there's no danger," Thomas replied.
Sarah scanned the reactions of the girls. Thomas was a good liar, but if he was saying something they knew to be false, it would turn up on the faces of her girls. At the moment, they weren't giving her any negative feedback. Maybe everything was ok after all.
"Ok, but I can't shake this feeling..."
"I've asked the doctor to run some psychological tests with you as well. It may just be that you're going through a delayed grieving process over your mom; particularly now that you're going to be one, too."
Sarah looked down and nodded. "I just feel a little foolish making you guys worry over nothing."
"Well, I'd rather it be nothing, than something," Thomas replied, leaning forward and giving her a kiss. "Now get some rest. You've put yourself under a lot of stress lately." Thomas then turned and motioned for the girls to say their good-byes.
Each of the girls filed by and gave Sarah a hug and a kiss, telling her not to worry, that she was in good hands, and that everything would be taken care of at the farm while she was away.
Bill stood on the balcony, watching the sun come up over the orchard. "This is beautiful," he commented. "I could stay here forever."
"I'm planning on staying here for the rest of my life," Bobbi Jo replied, "or at least when I'm not at Arlington taking care of business."
Bill looked at her and smiled at her gallows humor. "Yes, taking care of business has a way of getting in the way of things; every day it seems." Bill suddenly froze. "Taking care of business... every day..."
"What? Did I say something that bothered you?"
"No. Just the opposite! You've inspired me! Excuse me, won't you?" Bill quickly started for the front door. "If anyone needs me, I'll be at the main house!"
"This sucks," Sarah whined. "I feel fine. Can I go home now?"
"No," Chastity said flatly. "Now be quiet and eat your cabbage soup." She lifted another spoonful towards Sarah's mouth.
Sarah scrunched up her face and turned away. "It smells awful. I wouldn't give that to my worst enemy."
"That might be the idea, Clotty," Chastity said. "You did drag Dr. Restropo out of bed in the middle of the night. She probably ordered it especially for you."
Sarah exhaled in frustration and fidgeted with the linen. Chastity put down the bowl. She knew what Sarah was thinking, and what she was about to do. She'd seen it before; about two hours earlier in fact, just before they'd anesthetized Sarah for an exam.
"I'm getting out of here..." Sarah said as she proceeded to push herself up.
Chastity promptly slapped her on the forehead, stopping Sarah in mid-motion. "Lay down and be quiet, or I'll cuff your other ankle to the bed."
"My other...?" Sarah kicked her legs. Sure enough, her left ankle clanged against the bed rail. Sarah sighed, defeated. "When did that happen?"
"While you were sleeping. Now be quiet. I want to watch this." Chastity lifted the remote and pointed it towards the television, turning up the volume slightly.
"When was I asleep?"
"I thought I told you to be quiet."
Sarah lay in the bed, fuming. "This sucks."
"Well the good news is that the embryo appears to be forming just fine," Dr. Restropo said, looking at the monitor, the surgical mask hanging from her chin, "but... that scarring has me worried. And there's her genetic predisposition to blood clots. She's definitely a high-risk pregnancy."
Thomas folded his arms, deep in contemplation. "How long before we have to make a decision?"
"Well if the baby pops out in eight months, you won't have to make any decisions at all."
"Huh." Thomas kept his arms folded, still contemplating his options.
Isparana nudged Dania and nodded in his direction. "Sarah gets that same look," she whispered, "just before she solves a problem."
"Doctor," Thomas started, "hypothetically speaking, what would you need in order to move your office to Leighton Acres? I think I might be able to generate enough business to keep you busy. Not just Sarah and the assignees, but the athletes that will be passing through the Academy, plus our neighbors."
"Well," she replied, "I'd need an office and an examination room... a lab for simple blood work..."
"How about a converted dining room, an embalming room with a large freezer, and a secure basement in an elegant Victorian Gothic home overlooking a peach orchard?"
Dr. Restropo nodded. "You know, I've been thinking about slowing down a little, and that sounds lovely."
Isparana smiled at Dania.
"This sucks," Sarah whined.
"You already said that," Chastity replied automatically.
"Where is everybody? Ispy, Dania... shouldn't they be here?"
"Be quiet or I'll shove cabbage soup down your throat."
Sarah looked around. She was feeling restless. She propped herself up onto her elbows.
Chastity reached over and slapped her on her forehead.
"Ow! What was that for?" Sarah asked.
"Pre-emptive slapping. Now lay back down."
Sarah grunted her displeasure and settled back onto the linens.
"I need to pee."
"No you don't. I can see your catheter is draining perfectly. Now be quiet."
Sarah looked around and spotted the medical chart near the foot of the bed. Chastity was focused on the game show being played on the television. Sarah cautiously began to slide towards her chart, stretching her arm towards the board. Just a little more...
Chastity slapped her coach's forehead again. "There's a reason they keep those things out of the reach of patients. Now straighten up or the cabbage soup airplane will be looking for a hangar."
Sarah, pouting, resumed her position on the bed.
"This sucks."
Sarah woke up gasping; her heart beating furiously. She felt like someone had just zapped her own internal fuse box.
The room was darkly lit; the hospital's attempt to simulate a nocturnal period while still allowing staff to perform their duties. Isparana was standing over her, safely out of striking range.
"I think this is the first time you have done that while I am here," the dark-haired beauty said. "You were sleeping so well." Isparana stepped closer and began to tuck the sheets back in around her sister.
"Thank god it's you," Sarah said.
"Why?" Isparana asked, "were you dreaming of a samurai again?"
"No, worse," Sarah said, "I was afraid Chastity was still my nurse."
Isparana giggled. "She has a strong personality. I can see where you would clash. But she is a good person and means well. She respects you very much. And, I think maybe you like her more than you will admit. She is very much like you; very determined."
Sarah looked at the young woman who now mothered her. Isparana was definitely a young woman; the soft child-like features of her face were being replaced with angles that were more defined, more mature. If it was possible to become more beautiful than she had been when Sarah first met her, Isparana was definitely that.
"Has anybody told you how beautiful you are?" Sarah asked.
Isparana smiled. "No, usually I am the one giving the compliments."
"Well you are," Sarah replied. "A boy would be lucky to have you as his girlfriend."
Isparana bowed her head. "Why thank you! There are not many boys that will talk to me at school. I think maybe they are afraid because I am not like them. I look different and talk different. I think they prefer girls to be more like them."
Sarah chuckled. "Vella said the same thing. She's a perpetual outsider."
"Yes, I know," Isparana replied, "we talk very much all the time. Did you know I am teaching her Farsi language? She is a very good student; very smart."
Sarah looked around. "What day is it?"
"Shhh," Isparana said. "No more questions. It is time for you to rest. Go to sleep, or I will make you sleep. You choose."
Sarah settled back onto her pillow and closed her eyes. If she pretended to be asleep long enough, then maybe Isparana would fall asleep and Sarah could make a bid for her freedom. She turned her head and began to breathe deeply. The Cilician woman leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. "I know what you sound like when you sleep. You are not sleeping. But I will pretend that you are anyway."
Sarah giggled, then settled in the linens.
Morning brought the smell of fresh bread and scrambled eggs. Sarah's eyes immediately popped open.
"Hi, Mom!" Dania beamed joyfully. "Hope you like it. I made it just for you."
Sarah sat up and reached for the plate. "I'm starving! I don't think I could've survived another day of cabbage soup."
"Well, I should warn you that there isn't any salt on the eggs. Doctor's orders."
"That's fine. I don't salt my eggs anyway." Sarah scooped a generous helping onto her fork. As the mass of protein and yolk slid down her throat, she noticed Dania was the only one in the room. "Where is everybody?"
"It's just me."
Sarah looked at her, puzzled. "How did you get here?"
"I drove."
"You drove? In what?"
"My truck. Dad and I got it running last night and put fresh tires on it this morning. Charger may not be pretty, but he's strong and reliable."
Sarah ate another mouthful of eggs. "You named your truck?"
"Yeah," Dania replied, "I figured if Ispy can name her ride, I can name mine."
"And nobody came with you?"
"Nope. They're going to hold you for another night, so I'm taking the morning shift. Chastity will be along this afternoon. Then Ispy will be here for the night crew again."
Sarah scooped another helping of eggs. "Where's Vella?"
"Training with Coach Faye."
Sarah wiped the remnants of her eggs with the edge of her bread. "What about a license? You're not legally entitled to drive yet."
"Don't need a license to operate a farm vehicle, and that's what Charger is currently registered as. He's a salvage yard beast, remember?"
"Hmmm," Sarah acknowledged, finishing her breakfast, "that was delicious. Be sure to tell Chastity to bring me some of that for lunch, too."
"I will. Oh, by the way, Chastity has a message for you." Dania reached out and slapped Sarah's forehead. "Now lay down and be quiet."
Chastity walked into the room carrying a large pan. "Sponge bath time, Clotty."
Sarah put down her copy of "To Kill A Mockingbird" and tilted her head pathetically. "Noooo..."
"Quit whining," Chastity said, unsympathetic to Sarah's plight. "I hear the chef special is more cabbage soup. I know how much you enjoy that."
"I told Dania..."
"And she told me. Only good girls get fresh eggs and toast. Now quit whining and get those clothes off. This water isn't getting any warmer."
Sarah exhaled loudly, then reached for the hem of her hospital gown and lifted it over her head, leaving her naked as Chastity dipped the sponge into the pan. Sarah neatly folded the gown and set it to the side, then sat up straight, her breasts bobbing slightly as she tensed her muscles.
Chastity paused, then pulled back. "Don't think for a second that you can get away with using one of your super ninja tricks, like grabbing me in some sort of hold and forcing me to set you free."
Sarah shot her a dirty look, then visibly relaxed. That was exactly what she had been planning to do.
"Assume the inspection position, Clotty."
Sarah scowled, then raised her arms and locked her hands behind her head, drawing her breasts up nicely. "You're enjoying this, aren't you."
Chastity smiled. "I sure am. Now be quiet or I'll pinch your nipples."
Sarah bristled, but exercised enough restraint to hold her position as Chastity squeezed the excess water from the sponge. Gently she wiped the dampened tool against Sarah's shoulders and neck, following the moist trail with a wipe of the soft towel she had draped over her arm. Chastity then began to brush the sponge against Sarah's back, letting the water collect briefly between her shoulder blades before catching the drops in the towel and wiping her clean.
And then Chastity began to hum.
Sarah noticed it almost immediately. It was the first time she'd ever heard Chastity show any sort of musical inclination. Sarah relaxed and dipped her head as Chastity continued to clean her friend.
Chastity dipped the sponge into the pan, then lifted the soaked tool and squeezed the excess fluid out. She then began wiping at Sarah's chest, gently rubbing the damp sponge between Sarah's exposed breasts. Sarah exhaled and swallowed as Chastity tenderly rubbed the sponge on the underside of each mound, then up and around each dark oval, the tips perked and sensitive.
Chastity continued to hum, soft and gentle and calming.
Sarah closed her eyes and relaxed as Chastity wiped the natural dirt and oil from Sarah's body, the sponge washing the day's filth from her skin as the towel quickly followed to dry her.
"Ok," Chastity whispered, "lay back so I can finish."
Sarah slowly eased herself backwards, feeling the muscles of her tummy tightening with effort as she lay back down on the linens, her hands still clasped behind her head.
Chastity now washed the taut muscles of Sarah's stomach, letting the water pool briefly in her friend's bellybutton as she ran the sponge along Sarah's flanks. The damp trail of refreshing water was dutifully followed by the soft kiss of the drying cloth.
Sarah lay patiently on the bed, listening to the melody Chastity was humming as the blonde-haired girl gently cleaned her body.
The girl now wiped at Sarah's bare hips; the sponge caressing the clean-shaven mound between her legs before continuing down the outside of each thigh. Chastity then followed with the towel, again brushing against Sarah's exposed sex.
"Oh!" Sarah gasped, pretending to react to Chastity's touch.
Chastity looked at her and grinned. "Liar," she said with a playful smile as she continued to work the sponge along the length of Sarah's well-toned legs. And then she resumed humming her little tune, repeating the melody tenderly.
Chastity slid down towards the end of the bed, holding Sarah's left foot in her hand as she worked the sponge around Sarah's cuffed ankle. Sarah jumped when the sponge made its trek along her instep and under her toes. She jumped again when it was followed by the towel.
"It tickles," Sarah said.
"Shhhh," Chastity replied, then resumed her little tune as she reached for Sarah's other foot.
Sarah closed her eyes, enjoying Chastity's voice and the soft touch of the sponge and the cloth. She could feel the tension leaving her body, every muscle beginning to relax as Sarah lay comfortably in bed, listening to Chastity hum.
Chastity continued to bathe Sarah, the moist sponge cleansing her skin even as it softly massaged her muscles. Rinsing the sponge in the pan, Chastity resumed her work, humming the gentle tune as Sarah began to breathe deeply. Chastity knew Sarah was about to fall asleep.
"Hey," Chastity whispered, "don't fall asleep. I don't want to get clocked like Stephanie, ok?"
"Did you know you were humming?" Sarah asked in a near-whisper, her eyes still closed.
"Yes," Chastity replied softly, as she stroked the sponge against Sarah's body, "my mom used to hum that to me when I was a baby; as a way to calm me. I guess it made me easier to handle. Seems to work with you, too."
"Do you know what it's called?"
"No," Chastity replied, gently wiping the cloth upwards along Sarah's legs and over her bare hips again.
"I do."
Chastity's eyes flicked up to her friend. "You do? Is there more? That's all I know."
"No, that's the entire melody, but the lyrics change and are just as beautiful."
"Tell me?" Chastity asked tenderly as she stroked Sarah's body.
Sarah opened her mouth to sing, then stopped. "No, it's not the same without accompaniment. I promise I'll sing it to you after Vella wins the piano for us."
Chastity paused in her work. "What if she doesn't win?"
Sarah grinned and shook her head, her eyes still closed. "She'll win. Or die trying."
Chastity resumed bathing her coach. And her humming.
"You know," Chastity said softly as she wiped away a trail of water, "You can always use the keyboard. It doesn't have to be a piano."
"No, I like a real piano. Stephanie is good with the keyboard. She can make it sound better than I can. I need strings."
Then a hot circuit cable made a connection right in the middle of her brain. Her eyes shot open and she gasped sharply. She realized what her subconscious mind had been trying to tell her all along.
"It's Stephanie!" Sarah exclaimed, suddenly sitting up in bed. "Of course! That's what I was feeling! It wasn't about me at all! It was her!"
Chastity placed the sponge back in the pan, careful not to splash the water, and then gently set it on the swing-out table bolted to Sarah's bed. Then she paused, looked at her coach, and promptly slapped her on the forehead. "Lay down and be quiet," she commanded.
Sarah didn't flinch. "No, not this time. I know what it is!" Sarah started to swing her legs over the edge of the bed, followed soon after by a loud clank as the cuff rattled against the bedrail. "Get this off me!" she barked.
"No," Chastity responded.
"Chastity, seriously, get this off me. You and I have work to do."
"No," Chastity replied again. "You have no power here."
Sarah sighed. "Ok, how about if I have a good reason, then? This all started when Vella and I returned to the house and Stephanie was playing 'Adagio for Strings' on the keyboard. It reminded me of my mother when she would play and Stephanie moved me to tears. Afterwards, for days, I couldn't shake that feeling of sadness. I thought it was me; something was wrong with me. But its not me at all. It's Stephanie!"
"Stephanie makes you sad?"
"No! It's Stephanie that's sad! And we have to fix it!"
Chastity squinted in contemplation. "Why do I have the feeling that this is what Coach Faye went through when you were in the Program?"
Sarah deliberately kicked her leg, causing the shackle to clang against the bedrail. "Hating you big time right now. Let me go or I'll strangle you with the pillow case!"
Chastity smiled. "That's what I was waiting for. I knew eventually you'd threaten to kill me. I hope Thomas kicks your ass for forcing me to let you go."
Sarah sat in the passenger seat of Thomas' vintage MGC as Chastity navigated it through the busy city streets. Sarah had her phone pressed against her ear, trying to hear over the noise of the car.
"Dearest? It's Sarah. Hold on. I want to conference Bill in."
"Don't bother. He's right here."
"Hi, Sarah!" echoed from the background.
"Hi, Bill. Thomas, don't be mad, but I'm on my way back home."
There was a low growl, followed by a questioning "Why?"
"Because the problem wasn't me. I'm fine. My body is healthy and so is my mind. The problem isn't me and it never was. It's Stephanie."
"Stephanie's the problem? I'll have her reassigned."
"No, Dearest, it's not that at all," Sarah explained. "I need to do something for Stephanie, and I need a good music director to help me do it."
There was a pause. "Is Chastity with you?"
"It was terrible!" Chastity cried out pathetically. "She threatened me with grievous bodily harm! My life was in danger! I had no choice! And now she's forcing me to drive your vintage sports car!" The girl then faked an over-dramatic sob, eliciting an echo of laughter from Bill.
"Ok, girls," Thomas said, surrendering, "Meet us at the main house when you get here."
The Anders house sat empty, the Bobbi Jo Briggs Training Academy girls - and Bobbi Jo Briggs - having gone back to Arlington and their normal routine for the week, to prepare for the Cross-Terras. Empty but for one person. Upstairs, in a bedroom at the end of the hall, Sarah's personal assistant was playing Sarah's keyboard.
Downstairs, on the path leading up to the house, Chastity and Sarah stood listening.
"Wow, that is sad," Chastity said. "Is that the same one she was playing when you and Vella snuck up on her?"
"Yep. Grabs you, doesn't it."
Chastity stood listening. She exhaled softly. "I think I'm going to cry."
Sarah glanced at Chastity. "Go ahead. I did."
Chastity let out a melancholy sigh. "Ok, I'm all in. What's the plan?"
"Simple. We talk to her."
"No, not 'we'," Chastity said, "I'll talk to her. You're her boss and her warden. If you talk to her she'll just tell you what she thinks you want to hear. Let me do it. We're on the same level. She's more likely to confide in me if she thinks I'll keep it from you, on account of how much I hate you and all."
Sarah grinned. Chastity had a point. "Ok, you do it then. I'll meet you at the main house in about an hour or so. Don't tell her I'm back yet or she'll want to come running up there to serve me. I'd rather wait until I know what the boys are up to."
"Better keep Ispy with you," Chastity said, "or Steph might get suspicious that she's not at the hospital undoing the trauma of having me as your nurse."
"We're one step ahead of you," Thomas said. He and Bill were leaning over a table covered with schematics and timetables like two generals planning to assault a fortified position.
Sarah had told the two men of her intent to stage a concert at Leighton Acres for Stephanie.
Bill looked at her. "We're not only going to have a concert, we're going to record it and sell it to the public. And we're going to do it on the same weekend as the Cross-Terras."
Sarah blinked. "You're what?"
"It can be a celebration of your victory. I have the musicians lined up with Stephanie headlining, supplemented by some of the women here at Leighton Acres as the opening and intermission acts. I'm loaning the instruments from Stalin for the performance. It's being recorded by the A/V Club, mixed at a local studio, and distributed through a scholastic recordings company I used to work with when Stalin had a music department."
Sarah blinked again. "Does Stephanie know?"
"No. We're still trying to identify other acts to include to make it a full two hours, but so far it looks like all systems are go."
"Bill," Sarah asked, "can I be there when you ask her? I want to see her reaction."
"I'll do you one better," he replied. "You can ask her yourself. She'd probably be more likely to agree to do it if the proposal came from you."
"Thanks," Sarah grinned. "Can we also include a certain high school janitor? I'd like to perform a duet with him. I already know the song. He does, too. We just need to record it."
Bill gave her a knowing look. "I think I know which one, too. I'll ask him tonight. I'm sure he'll agree to perform with you. I'll even book you for a couple more numbers. That should fill the card for us."
Stephanie sat in the massive claw-foot porcelain tub, sponging the bubbles from her shoulders.
"This is amazing," she said. "I'm glad you suggested it."
Chastity sat at the other end, enjoying the bath, dipping her arms in the warm water. "Well, someone had to field test it, to make sure it would hold water. We wouldn't want Bobbi Jo to bathe in a leaky tub, now would we?"
Stephanie giggled, then reclined against the smooth ceramic, her hair draped back over the edge of the tub. "This feels so good; so relaxing. I could stay in here all night." Stephanie closed her eyes and exhaled deeply.
"Certainly better than the outdoor showers," Chastity added, watching as Stephanie settled into the bubbles, the girl's leg brushing against Chastity's like a serpent. Chastity reached down and collected the girl's foot, gently massaging the ball, spreading the girl's toes as she mimicked the technique the masseuse had used on her earlier in the week. A pleasured moan came from the other end of the tub.
"Steph?" Chastity asked.
"Do you like it here?"
"It's ok, I guess," the convict replied. "As far as assignments go, this is definitely a good one."
"But..." Chastity prompted.
"But, it's still an assignment, and I'm still a convict. I'd rather be on tour."
Chastity tilted her head. "Is it really that big of a deal?"
Stephanie nodded. "Yeah. For me it is." She slowly sat up, the water receding from her body, the bubbles sliding down the curves of her chest, revealing the two firm mounds capped by dark nipples. She raised her hands, waving them as she spoke. "It's like, when I'm out there on the stage, I can feel the energy of the audience; all of those eyes watching. It's like I can feel their hearts beating, you know? And I feed off of that when I play. The better I play, the faster their hearts beat, and then the more I want to keep playing. Its just indescribable." Her breasts shifted with the movement of her hands, the twin ovals peeking through a few determined dots of soap.
Chastity nodded. "Yeah, its the same rush I get when I can see the finish line and the crowd starts cheering. It's like you're being pushed by the energy in the stands."
"Exactly. And I miss that. When I played for Domina's wedding it was a blessing and a curse. I was blessed to be able to play again, and I was cursed because I was playing again and I realized how much I missed not being allowed to play more in front of people."
Chastity smiled. Sarah had been right. Stephanie was sad. And Sarah needed to fix it.
"Well," Chastity said, "at least you can play Coach's keyboard when she's not around, and she won't be back until tomorrow. They're holding her for one more night. So, play away."
Stephanie perked up. "Really?"
"Yeah, Isparana is pulling the night shift." Chastity giggled. "I think Coach was ready for a different nurse, anyway. She didn't like me. I got on her nerves because I took her freedom away. I probably enjoyed that part too much but it seemed fitting."
Stephanie snickered. "She is my domina, but you're right. It is fitting. You should've threatened to club her with a shillelagh while you were there."
Chastity giggled. "Why, Steph," Chastity said slyly, "I didn't know you had a mean streak in you."
"Who me?" the girl answered coyly. "I'm as gentle as a lamb." Stephanie sat up forward, twisted her hair into a knot, then curled her legs under her hips and leaned into Chastity, the water swirling around her body as she moved. "And, you know, I'm not a lesbian, but if I were, I could kiss you right now."
Chastity replied softly, "I'm not a lesbian either, but I could use a good kiss."
Stephanie lifted her hands and softly cradled Chastity's face, then gave the girl a gentle brush on the lips. Chastity accepted the tender gift, and tentatively kissed her back.
Stephanie smiled and cupped some water in her hand. She raised her dripping fingers over Chastity's chest and let the tiny pearls fall against the girl's soft mounds, the white soapy suds retreating with each splash. Chastity lay still against the tub, studying Stephanie's face as the petite Asian girl toyed with the bubbles that slid down Chastity's pink-tipped breasts.
"You know, out of all the girls here, I always thought you were the most interesting."
Chastity tilted her head. "Yeah? Why's that?"
"Because you're the only one strong enough to stand up to her."
Stephanie reached down and cupped some more water in her hand, and again let it drip against Chastity's warm body. More bubbles slid away, revealing more of the soft skin underneath.
"Promise me you won't tell Domina," Stephanie said in a low whisper.
"I can't promise," Chastity said softly. "She has too many resources designed to extract confessions. You know that. Sometimes I think she can tell if I'm lying just by the way I breathe."
Stephanie's eyes flicked up and down Chastity's toned body. "True. She did that to me when I first met her. But promise me you'll at least try."
Chastity nodded. "Ok. But what do I get in return for my silence?"
Stephanie raised her eyes and looked intently at Chastity. "I promise to be your prison bitch."
Chastity giggled. Stephanie giggled also. "Well, if you're going to be my prison bitch," Chastity purred, "then kiss me again."
Stephanie smiled and leaned into Chastity, her lips parted slightly as she brought her mouth against the blonde girl's lips. Chastity returned her kiss, keeping her lips against Stephanie's. A gentle moan of pleasure drifted from Chastity's throat as Stephanie slid her tongue into the girl's willing mouth; a small gasp escaping as Stephanie's tongue danced against Chastity's.
Stephanie pulled away, her eyes locked on those of the girl beneath her, studying her reaction.
Chastity simply smiled and curled her lip devilishly, then brought her knees up on either side of Stephanie's naked hips, and spread her legs invitingly.
Stephanie glanced down at the girl's parted thighs, and grinned her understanding. She dipped her hand into the water and washed more of the suds away, this time using her fingers to gently brush the determined spots of soap from the girl's puckering nipples. Chastity raised her arms out of the water and draped them back behind her head, over the edge of the porcelain tub, stretching her breasts towards the slender girl.
Stephanie began to caress Chastity's tits, her fingers enveloping the girl's mounds as she pressed against them, squeezing them slowly. Chastity exhaled deeply from the pressure exerted on her chest, then gasped as Stephanie's thumb and forefinger rubbed and pinched the pert nubs, stroking the erect nipples that stood out in the light of the room. Chastity brushed her hair with her fingers, her nails stroking the golden strands as Stephanie's fingers gently stroked the warm, moist body offered to her. Stephanie then dropped her head to the girl's chest and kissed each perked nub, capturing the pink skin in her lips and biting them slightly with her teeth, causing Chastity to gasp again.
Chastity brought her arms forward, her hands gently surrounding Stephanie's face as her fingers disappeared into the girl's coal black hair. Chastity looked at her new bitch, then gently pushed the girl's head downwards towards her clean-shaven mound. Stephanie smiled, nodded, and gently placed a series of soft butterfly kisses against Chastity's warm breasts, then continued to kiss her body, following a trail down her quivering tummy towards the aroused girl's sex.
Poised above the crest of Chastity's mound, where dying bubbles gently bobbed with the girls' movements, Stephanie looked up into the blonde girl's eyes one last time, smiled, then dipped her head beneath the waterline.
Chastity spread her thighs as wide as she could, opening herself up to the petite girl's ministrations. Suddenly, Chastity jumped as Stephanie's tongue found the little head hidden in her blossoming cleft. Chastity jumped again as Stephanie continued to tease the tightly-wound bundle of nerves, as if enjoying the reaction she was getting from the young runner.
Stephanie then raised her head above the water, her eyes tightly shut against the soapy bath, and wiped the suds from her eyes. She smiled, and brought herself back up towards Chastity's mouth, leaving a trail of tiny kisses along the blonde girl's taut torso, until her lips were almost touching Chastity's. Then, Stephanie reached under the waterline and gently stroked the blossoming sex there, causing Chastity's mouth to part with a gasp, and when it did, Stephanie planted another kiss on the reclining girl.
And then the curfew bells rang their beautiful melancholy chime.
Stephanie immediately bolted upright. "Shit!"
"What? What did the bells mean?"
"Curfew! I had a bye while the academy was in session, but now I'm supposed to be in my quarters at the stables! Shit!" The convict quickly climbed out of the tub and began toweling off, even as she slipped her canvas shoes onto her feet. "Shit!" she repeated, then growled in frustration. "I must've missed the warning chords while I was playing!" She quickly began wrapping her loincloth around her still-damp hips and, after tucking the flap above her pubis, grabbed her tunic from the floor. "Do me a favor and secure Domina's bedroom! Thanks!" she yelled as she charged down the stairs and out the front door.
Stephanie stood in the service chapel at the old Anders house. She had assumed the inspection position, as ordered.
In front of her, at a table decorated with a formal altar cloth, a gavel, and a bell, sat a stone-faced Thomas, Sarah, and Bill.
"Convict Stephanie Wu," Thomas began, "last night you were caught late for curfew. What do you have to say for yourself?"
Stephanie stirred slightly. "No excuse, sir."
Thomas looked at Sarah. "Stephanie," Sarah began, tapping her fingers on the table top, "you've been a good assistant to me, but you know that tardiness for curfew is a serious offense, and can lead to charges of attempted escape."
"Yes, ma'am."
"Do you know what the punishment for attempted escape is?"
Stephanie remembered the video. "Yes, ma'am."
Thomas spoke. "Do you wish to raise a defense?"
"No, sir. There is nothing I can say to defend myself."
"Well, as you know, these tribunals are held under the direction of a three-person panel. We've deputized Bill, as an authorized school official, to render opinion on your case as a non-biased third party. Bill, have you reached a decision?"
"Yes, Master Warden, I have."
Stephanie closed her eyes. An extended sentence was the usual punishment for simple tardiness, she had been told by one of the girls on her wing. Sometimes additional work duties would be assigned, after a term of solitary confinement. One girl had said that she'd heard an assignee had been publicly whipped at a facility once. And if the ruling was upgraded to attempted escape... A shiver ran down her back.
Bill leaned forward and cleared his throat. "Stephanie, you are hereby ordered to hard labor, to begin immediately..." he said solemnly, as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a pair of vintage sunglasses and placed them over his eyes, "until such time as you're ready to rock this house for two straight hours."
Stephanie blinked. "What? Sir, I don't think I understand."
Sarah, her face devoid of emotion. "What he's saying, is that you're going to give a live performance for two hours to the entire population of Leighton Acres, the employees, their families, and invited guests. And you're going to start practicing for that concert every day, diligently, starting now."
Stephanie's jaw dropped, and a huffing noise came out.
Thomas dipped his head and said sternly. "We expect your full attention to this matter. We will provide you with back-up singers and musicians from the Leighton Acres population, and a stage, with the entire thing recorded, mixed, and mastered for publication and distribution. We expect you to take this punishment just as seriously as we are."
A look of astonishment passed over Stephanie's face. More huffing noises came out of her mouth.
"Stephanie," Sarah said gently, "in case you didn't know, convicts aren't allowed to profit from their sentences, so I'm afraid we can't give you the royalties you would normally be entitled to receive. If you don't mind, we'd like to pass any proceeds generated from your performance over to Siobhan Outreach, to support the music program at Stalin High."
Stephanie's mouth flapped once... twice... then finally she was able to form intelligible words. "Yes, of course. Of course!"
"So you concur?" Thomas asked.
Stephanie nodded, swallowed, then said, "Yes, it's ... it's wonderful!"
Bill spoke next. "We were thinking the concert would cover a little of everything; classical piano, jazz, rock, dance, folk, maybe even some opera. And we'd like your input in developing the set list. Think you can handle it?"
"Yes! Yes, a thousand times yes!" Stephanie dropped her hands and covered her face as she started to fall backwards.
Before any of the judges could get out from behind the table to catch her, Stephanie stopped herself, raised her fists into the air, and shouted "Oh, YEAAAAAHHH!"
"Leighton, did you know you had this kind of talent here?"
Bill had compiled a list of names and was sliding it under Thomas' nose.
"No, what? Who? Should I know? I guess I'm a little out of the loop on the music scene."
"All told, you have a Grammy winner, a child pop music sensation, the offspring of another Grammy winner, two vocalists, a bass guitar front woman, and a lead guitarist, with enough talent to field a decent four-piece jazz band to back them up."
"I've been a little busy..." Thomas replied.
"This one," Bill said, pointing to the top of the list, "had a Top Forty blues song that won a Grammy for Best New Artist..."
"... and was picked up on a drug possession charge," Thomas interrupted.
"This one," Bill continued, ignoring Thomas, "was part of a dance club band on the coast that revolutionized the use of percussion..."
"... and failed to pay her taxes."
"This one and this one backed Johnnie Davis ..."
"... and also didn't pay their taxes. Who is Johnnie Davis?"
Bill let out a sigh. "And here I thought you were a cultured man."
"Well, I did marry the daughter of a multi-Grammy winner. Does that count?"
"Yes, actually," Bill admitted, "because I'm holding a spot at the end for her, as a token of our appreciation."
"Does she know?"
"Nope, but she did request a spot for her and Francoise Garand."
"The opera singer? He's not here, is he? How did I miss him?"
"Because he's not here. He's at Stalin as a janitor. He and Sarah sang an impromptu duet one night while she was in the Program, and that's why she wants to reunite with him to sing it again."
Thomas leaned back in his chair and exhaled. "Think we can clear enough to cover our costs? Sarah's becoming an expensive habit."
"I'd say if we get the Hotchkiss people to help with the marketing and clear some sales, we'll be in pretty good shape. I might even do a couple of numbers myself."
"What about the song selection? Royalties could kill us."
Bill laughed. "Not a problem. Stephanie can't collect hers, and I hit a gold mine of pieces that were in the public domain. Hope you like the classics. By the way, you're the opening act."
"Yeah. Rock is all about sticking it to The Man, so who better to kick things off?"
"Doing what to who?"
"Never mind. Just go with me on this."
Thomas sighed. "I can't sing, dance, or play an instrument. That's why I married someone who could."
"Not a problem. I have the perfect song."
Thomas looked at him suspiciously.
Bill reached into his pocket, put on a pair of vintage sunglasses, and smiled.
It felt good to be back at Stalin High. Sarah had felt homesick in a way, even while at the Anders house, and enjoyed being in her regular place in the music room, playing the piano while her team took their pre-practice naps on the floor.
Dania was in her usual skydiver position, the gentle curves of her breasts peaking out from under her shoulders. Isparana was next to her, flat on her back with her legs spread wide obscenely, her slit parted with nocturnal arousal. Vella was on her side like an ascending nude, with Chastity sleeping peacefully beside her. None of the four bodies had stirred for nearly twenty minutes.
Chastity had selected this week's music, and she had requested the same tune she had hummed to Sarah at the hospital, even if she didn't know the name of it nor any of the lyrics. Sarah had barely made it into the second round of the melody before all four of the girls were fast asleep.
And, also back in her usual rhythm, Coach Faye peeked through the doorway before entering the room where the naked girls lay snoozing.
Tip-toeing past the bodies, Faye slid onto the bench next to Sarah, who waited patiently for her usual pre-practice briefing.
"Beautiful song. Are there lyrics?" Faye whispered.
"Yeah," Sarah replied quietly, "but you'll have to wait until the concert. Did you get the permission slips turned in?"
"Yep, you're cleared for the meet and greet with Hotchkiss tomorrow. Are the girls practicing tonight?"
Sarah shook her head. "I'm thinking tonight I'm going to do something different. They're always whining about how I keep waking them up, so I'm going to sit here and keep playing and see how long they sleep. They worked hard over break and all this week, so I'm going to let them rest today. I need the rehearsal time anyway."
Faye giggled. "Ok, just don't let them sleep past their practice time or they may think you're getting soft on them."
Sarah smiled as Faye deliberately curled her bicep and waved good-bye.
Sarah shook her head. "I never should have told you I envied your arms."
Faye laughed as the door closed silently behind her.
Chastity stirred. Someone was cuddled up behind her. She looked over her shoulder. It was Sarah, naked and asleep. She closed her eyes and settled back onto her blanket.
Then she realized Sarah, a sleeping cobra, was right next to her.
Her eyes shot open in a panic. She tried to wiggle out from between Sarah and Vella without waking either one.
Vella shifted and moaned softly.
Sarah reached out and slapped Chastity's ass. "Lay down and be quiet," she whispered.
Chastity looked back over her shoulder. "You shit," she replied softly. "You scared the crap out of me. Hate you."
Sarah giggled. "Hate you, too."
Now there was a sound at the far end of the line. "What's going on down there?" Dania asked sleepily.
Now Vella lifted her head. "What time is it?"
"I think we're missing practice, Coach," Chastity said.
"No," Sarah said, "this is practice. I'm tired of you guys whining about not getting enough sleep, so that's all we're going to do from now on."
Isparana giggled. "Finally my sister has become wise."
Sarah waited, wondering what their reaction would be to her announcement. She lay her head back down and started counting the seconds silently.
Chastity got up first. "I'm going running. Anybody else?"
Fifteen seconds. Not bad.
"I'll go with you," Dania answered. "Three laps and three stairs, like we usually do?"
"Yeah," Chastity confirmed. "Vella, you in? Ispy? Wanna keep us company?"
"Sure, I could use a tune-up run," Vella said, "just to keep the muscles limber."
"I will come," Isparana added, "and support my team."
"Just don't push too hard, guys. You're supposed to be resting for the race this weekend," Sarah cautioned.
She grinned to herself. She'd gotten her team to the next level. She'd gotten them to the point that they could train themselves.
"I guess one of the benefits of being in a penal institution is the great lighting equipment."
Coach Bill was standing with his feet apart, his hands on his hips like a great industrialist, smiling and looking up as two giant spotlights were maneuvered into position on either side of the VIP box he had constructed. He turned to Stephanie and said, "Those things are going to kick ass!"
"You should pass that sentiment to Mr. Siobhan," she replied with a grin. "They were his lights."
The Hotchkiss marketing team had shown up two days earlier with a portable band shell stage on loan from its outdoor concert series. An open space lay directly in front of the stage, and behind that a series of bleachers had been constructed. Behind the bleachers, elevated above the crowd, was a row of private booths for VIPs. The basic skeleton was in place and now the crew was installing the sound and lighting equipment, signage, and flashing.
"For someone sentenced to hard labor, you don't seem very miserable," Bill quipped.
Stephanie laughed. "It's hard to be miserable when you're doing something you enjoy. I'm glad Chastity told you."
"Chastity? She didn't say anything. After our sing-a-long during break, the wheels started turning. Tommy and I had this in the works since break. You almost blew it by being late to curfew. What were you doing anyway?"
Stephanie smiled. "No excuse, sir."
Bill sighed. It was all he was going to get. "Glad to be back in the game?"
Stephanie nodded. "Loving it so far. I can't wait until tomorrow night."
"Think your boss will like the opening song?"
"Domina?" Stephanie smiled and bobbed her head as she thought about it. "It's not really her style, but with Thomas singing it, she might enjoy it."
"Well, if she doesn't like it, we'll blame the lead singer."
Stephanie laughed.
Sarah carefully guided the Hotchkiss through the crowded parking lot. Bob, the general manager, was waiting for her and guided her in. Following his signal, she turned left and proceeded down the short drive where another man, wearing a Hotchkiss jacket, waved her towards an elevated platform. Carefully, she aligned her wheels and went up the short ramp and parked.
Bob politely opened her door and helped her out.
"What's all this?" Sarah said, scanning the various activities going on. "A climbing wall? A bounce house? Do you guys always do this?"
"We weren't sure how popular your team would be, so I hedged my bet a little. Hope you aren't insulted."
"Not at all! In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if my girls got harnessed up later and tackled that wall."
Bob laughed. "Well, they can do it now if they want, but there's a line that's already forming for autographs. You're more popular than I thought. You might start a riot if you didn't sign a few pictures first."
"Certainly! Where to?"
"Right this way, Coach."
Sarah led the team into the showroom, where a long table had been set up with chairs and free posters of the new line of Hotchkiss vehicles. But to Sarah, it seemed that most of the people had their own pictures, and it was the same one; the one that ran in the major media with Isparana on the ground screaming as a wounded Sarah clutched her, surrounded by Vella, Dania, and Chastity, their glistening asses prominently marked with "Spank Me Sarah".
Each of the girls took a seat and the assembly line of autographs began, with Sarah at the first station.
"Coach?" the first man asked, "would you mind signing this for my daughter? She's also named Sara, but without the 'H' at the end."
"Sure! How old is she?"
"Really? What school will she be going to?"
The man blanched. "Slowicki. Sorry."
Sarah laughed. "No need to apologize! I think she'll enjoy the girls there, and maybe we'll see her at the training academy this summer."
"Sure, um, okay. Just one thing, if you don't mind..."
The man pointed to the naked rumps in the picture. "I'm not really sure who..."
Chastity, sitting next to Sarah, overheard the question and promptly turned to her teammates. "Ladies! It's time."
All four girls stood up, turned around, and pulled their track pants down.
Each of them had written "HELLO" on their left cheek, "I AM" above the cleft, and their name on their right cheek.
Sarah buried her face in her hands. "Oh nooo..."
A thousand cameras appeared out of nowhere as the girls stood, arms interlocked, giggling as strangers took pictures of their ink-marked bottoms.
Vella stood alone in the contender's area, the grass squishing beneath her shoes.
It had rained hard the night before and a drizzle had continued all morning. Her eyes were closed and she was visualizing herself running the course. At each turn, she silently whispered the same mantra. "In her office, on her desk... in her office, on her desk."
Sarah had taken a calculated risk and withdrawn Chastity and Dania from the race. She knew neither girl would score in the top ten finishers and saw no reason to risk an injury to her track runners. She'd already lost Isparana. She wanted Dania and Chastity for the sprints at the next major meet, and a twisted ankle on a wet cross-country course would not be good.
That left Vella as the sole representative of the Stalin High Stallions; a one-woman cross-country team.
Vella suddenly felt the presence of someone standing in front of her. She opened her eyes and a woman in a foul-weather jacket emblazoned with "Sports Eye" started talking at her.
"I'm standing in the contender's area of the Hotchkiss Cross-Terra's with Vella Rodrigues of Stalin High. Vella, your coach has withdrawn the rest of your team. Do you feel any extra pressure to win today?"
"Yes, I feel a tremendous amount of pressure," Vella replied, "but I love Coach Sarah and I want to do her proud, so I'm going to race as hard as I can because my life depends on it."
The woman laughed. "I'm sure it does. Now..."
Vella stopped her. "No, really. My life does depend on it." Vella turned and looked somberly at the camera. "If I lose, she'll kill me."
The camera pulled back and focused on the reporter. "Um, yeah," she replied with a nervous laugh. "This is your first time at a major cross-country race. How did your coach prepare you for this?"
"She told me she'd kill me if I lost."
"Right," the reporter said, annoyed, "Any last thoughts?"
"No, because I'm going to win."
"Thanks, Vella. Back to you, Jimmy."
The reporter then dropped her microphone and nodded to her cameraman as she walked away.
Vella looked around at the other schools' teams, the girls clustered together in their private huddles. Nobody was interviewing them. Vella assumed that the reporters would go from team to team, on down the line. They didn't.
And that's when she realized what Sarah had really done. Sarah hadn't pulled Chastity and Dania from the race to preserve them. Sarah knew that reporters preferred to interview athletes individually. She had pulled them so that Vella would get all of the attention.
Sarah had made this Vella's race. Win or lose, it was all her's. None of the other Stalin girls would know what it was like to run it. None of the other teams would get interviewed. It was personal to her, and would be forever.
Vella quickly ran after the reporter.
"Ma'am?" she asked, gently placing her hand on the woman's shoulder. "I'd like to apologize for what I did back there. It was foolish and immature of me. If you don't mind, I'd like to try again."
"Sorry," the woman replied, "but we only have so much time for interviews. Maybe after the race."
Vella looked down at the ground with disappointment, then back up to the woman. "Ok, thanks," she said, flashing a polite smile. She turned to walk away, then stopped, "Well, if you won't interview me, would you mind talking to the Arlington girls real quick? They'd appreciate it."
The woman paused. "Sure," she replied, directing the cameraman back towards the contender's area. "Anything in particular I should ask?"
"Sure. Ask them about their training. Oh, and tell them Vella would like to invite them to the runner's party tonight at Leighton Acres."
Sarah stood at Turn Four of the eighteen-turn course. She had calculated that from there, she could make it to the tenth turn before the runners reached it, check Vella's progress, and then see her again at the fourteenth turn before meeting her at the finish.
Isparana, Dania, and Chastity stood next to her, each girl bouncing with nervous anticipation.
"This waiting is killing me!" Chastity exclaimed.
"I can't believe you pulled us, Mom," Dania complained, "I wanted to run."
"You'll get your chance," Sarah said, looking at a portable video screen that had been set up for the spectators. A female reporter was talking to the Arlington team, each of the runners listening intently as the reporter spoke to them. Below the image, a scrolling text bar revealed what was being said.
Sarah lifted her head. "That's a good idea," she said to herself. "Dania! Chastity! You want to run so bad, I have a job for you."
Vella stood looking out over the course, the sand blackened with mud as moisture glistened on the trees and grass. A gentle creek that ran through the middle of the course now held a rapidly-flowing torrent of water as the field drained its excess fluid. She wondered how much higher it would have to get before they cancelled the race. She suddenly had to go to the bathroom very, very bad.
A hand touched her shoulder. "Hey," a friendly voice said.
Vella turned. It was Carie and the rest of the Arlington girls.
"Hey," Carie repeated, "I know we're not supposed to be talking before the race, but did you really invite us to a runner's party tonight?"
Vella nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah, Steph's playing at Leighton Acres and I thought you guys might want to come listen. All of the assignees will be there of course, with whomever else we can get to come on short notice. You guys are part of the circle now, so feel free to bring a guest."
Carie gave a little cheer. "We'd love to come! We just weren't sure if you were joking or not. Thanks!" Carie leaned in to give Vella a hug and soon all of the girls were around them in a group hug. Vella backed up and wrapped her arms around the shoulders of the girls on either side of her. She'd never met them before, but she didn't care. The rest of the Arlington squad followed her example.
Vella then led them in the Athlete's Prayer.
Lord, please clear my head of all distractions, and my heart of burdens that I bear,
So I may perform my very best, knowing that you'll always be there.
Please lift me up before the moment, so through your eyes I see,
And have a clearer understanding, as the race unfolds before me.
With courage I will meet this challenge, as You would have me do,
But keep me humble and remind me, that my strength comes from loving You.
And when all eyes are upon me, at the end of this big game,
May we turn our eyes to you Lord, to the glory of Your name.
The Arlington girls acknowledged with an "Amen" of their own. And somewhere, someone started singing in a low voice.
"And there she was, just a-walkin' down the street, singin'..."
"Doo wah diddy, diddy dum diddy doo..." the huddle mass replied softly.
"Snappin' her fingers just as natural as can be, singin'..."
"Doo wah diddy, diddy dum diddy doo..."
And a woman in a "Sports Eye" foul weather jacket stood watching, her microphone picking up every bit of the impromptu huddle as the drizzle began to lift.
Sarah stood watching the monitor. She had been talking to the Slowacki coach when the video image had shifted to show her girl talking to the Arlington squad. The scrolling text bar had repeated every word. She covered her mouth with her hand. She could feel the pressure of emotion on her chest. She knew she was going to cry. She felt a strong hand grip her shoulder.
"That's quite a girl you've got there," a familiar deep, soulful voice said.
She knew who it was before she even turned around.
"Thanks, A. You're right. She is special."
Adolphus Johnson studied the face of his former student. "You're not about to cry, are you?"
"No," she lied, as tears began to well.
The older man wrapped his dark arms around her as she buried her face in his jacket. "I really need to start bringing a handkerchief to these races," he said.
Sarah responded with a crying laugh.
"There she is," Bobbi Jo said as she clambered out of her cart over towards the trio, "I saw the video. I knew if I followed the trail of tears she'd be at the end of it."
Sarah laughed again, then lifted her face and pushed herself away from Adolphus. "Thank you," she said to her former coach.
"No problem," he replied.
"So is the offer genuine?" Bobbi asked. "About the runner's party?"
Sarah nodded vigorously. "That's why I came over here. We'd like all of you to come. The girls and I. Bring your teams. I don't know how many people will show up since its short notice and we're kind of out in the sticks, but we'd love to have as many people as we can. It's for Stephanie Wu, my assistant. She's headlining."
"Excuse me," the Freedom coach said, "Did you say Stephanie Wu? The singer?"
Sarah turned and nodded. "Yes, why? Do you know her?"
"No," the man said, "it wasn't really my style. But my daughters loved her when they were younger. Can I bring them, too?"
"Sure, if they don't mind the rain. We'll be serving free samples from the farm. Nothing fancy; just fresh vegetable hors d'oeuvres and spring water. Thomas put me on a bit of a budget."
"We'd love to come!"
"Count me in."
"You know I'll be there," Bobbi Jo said with a smile, "even though you always seem to invite me last."
A warning claxon sounded the two-minute alert. Vella unzipped her foul weather gear and handed it to Chastity, who was serving as Sarah's Official Student Liaison Officer Something for the race. Chastity nodded towards the cameras. "I think they're waiting for you to pull your shorts down."
Vella smiled. "I think they'll be disappointed this time. I couldn't write anything. I still have the remnants from yesterday back there."
"Well," Chastity said with a grin, "people may not recognize your face, but they'll certainly know your ass."
Vella laughed. "True that."
Chastity gave her a hug. "Good luck."
"Thanks," Vella responded as the warning claxon sounded twice, indicating the one-minute alert to clear the course. Chastity gathered the garments in her arms and exited the area. Vella moved closer to the starting grid, shouldering two girls from Ascension who had moved next to her.
Then Vella remembered the swollen creek. It reminded her of Sarah's secret spot.
She bent down, untied her laces, and kicked off her shoes. Then, she pulled down her shorts and kicked them off to the side, joining her shoes and socks. If she was going swimming, she wanted as little drag as possible.
A cry went up behind her. She turned and a cluster of cameras were pointed at her bare hips. She shook her head with disbelief. Chastity was right.
Thirty second warning. Now the girls were pressing tighter against her. She looked down the line. All of the runners were poised like horses ready to charge out of the gate. She could hear her heart beating in her ears. And that was all she heard.
Suddenly the girls on either side of her exploded forward, dragging Vella's shoulders with them. Automatically she started sprinting, carried along by the two unknown girls on either side of her who matched her, step for step. Into the first turn the mob descended, the cluster of girls crushing Vella in the middle of the pack, but still she stayed in the first wave of human bodies that floated across the soggy grass, guided by an unseen force.
Now the veil of silence was lifted and Vella became aware of her surroundings. She was at the front of the herd, but five other girls were even with her, including the two Ascension runners who kept trying to block her with their elbows as they pumped their arms. She fought through the constant pounding, using her hands to split the gap between the two competitors beating at her with their arms.
Somehow she had gotten through the second turn without realizing it; the crush of girls starting to thin as they entered the third turn, a gentle right-hander with an uphill climb that would lead almost directly into the fourth turn. The outside girls started to drop off the pace slightly, stepping into the taller grass that grabbed their shoes and slowed their feet. Vella and the two Ascension girls, staying in the middle of the track, kept their pace up the hill as they reached the crest.
There was Sarah, dressed all in black, staring right at her, a pair of mirrored aviators on her face. She looked like an assassin. Vella smiled. She got the message.
No more nice guy. Time to use some Shill Siobhan.
The Ascension girl on Vella's left threw an elbow. Vella responded by tightening her hand into a blade and driving a sharp finger to the back of the girl's ribs. A loud grunt came from the girl and she slowed slightly and moved to the left, giving Vella more space. The girl on Vella's right tried to close the gap, but Vella responded with a bladed hand against the girl's flapping elbow, right on the funny bone, just enough to keep the girl from crowding her out without drawing a foul card.
Now the trio was out of Turn Six and heading for Seven. It was still Ascension-Stalin-Ascension in a three-way tie as they hit the flats. The Ascension girls started sprinting, but it was Vella that took the lead.
The sprint training Sarah had forced her to do was paying off. Vella kicked hard, passing the two Ascension girls. No more elbows. No more beatings.
"... in her office, on her desk..." Vella chanted, "in her office, on her desk."
They were pacing their steps for the creek. Vella timed her approach perfectly and launched herself over the swollen stream, landing just on the other side of the center in waist-deep water. Two quick steps and she was out, her legs flowing smoothly through the sediment-thickened water just as she had planned.
She charged up the embankment on the other side, her arms pumping as her legs drove up the mud-slick dirt; the same technique she had used when running the stairs. She could hear the two Ascension girls slogging up the bank behind her, just a step off Vella's pace.
Into Turn Nine they ran, the three girls with a mob behind them. Stalin-Ascension-Ascension, with a cluster of Arlington, Slowacki, and Freedom runners pressing the race just behind them. A sharp left then a short straight-away into Ten. Vella moved to the inside line to keep the Ascension girl on her left from taking the slot, then, coming out of the turn, moved back to the center to prepare for the entry into Turn Ten.
Sarah was there, still dressed in black, still wearing her mirrored glasses. She had a stick in her hand.
"Fuck..." Vella breathed, as the girl to her right started to make a move for the inside of the right-hander. Vella moved over and took the line through the long carousel turn that would take them back over the creek.
Downhill towards the angry creek they flew, the waters dark with mud. One, two, three the girls shot into the water; Vella slipping easily through the thick fluid and onto the opposite shore as the two Ascension girls fought the drag on their feet.
Into Eleven the three girls charged, led by Vella and her mud-slicked ass that still bore traces of "HELLO I AM VELLA". The two Ascension girls flanked her, their dirt-caked uniforms bearing testimony to the conditions of the course. Eleven's sharp right-hander then Twelve's near hairpin left followed by Thirteen's gentle dog-leg back to the right. Vella made it through the turns without incident, taking the best line through each turn without obstruction while the two Ascension girls jockeyed for position against each other.
Going into Fourteen, Vella spotted Sarah and her stick, the slender switch flexing threateningly between her hands.
"In her office, on her desk," Vella repeated. She stole a quick look back as she came out of the turn. The two Ascension girls were at the apex, just a few steps behind. Their faces were twisted with exertion.
Now it was time.
Vella grinned evilly. She was going to send a message.
She blasted down the straightaway into Turn Fifteen, a gentle dog-leg back to the left. A fast turn that favored pure speed. She knew the girls would see her the entire way through it. With three easy turns remaining, she knew she would win the race. This was to crush their spirit. The Ascension girls' elbows had told her there's no love on the race course.
Through Sixteen she extended her lead. As she passed a video monitor she briefly caught the words "Course Record" with two split times; one frozen, and one spinning upward towards it. She let out a brief cheer and pushed herself forward. Seventeen was a blur. Was she in Eighteen? She wasn't sure. Her heart wanted to explode. Her legs were dying. Her breathing roared like a tornado.
And there was Sarah, dressed in black, directly in front of her.
Everyone was jumping up and shouting. She kept running until the crowd closed in on her. Sarah grabbed her and poured water on her face, then shoved a wet sponge in her hand, followed quickly by more water in her mouth and on her face.
Now Vella was looking up into a clearing sky, the clouds still tinged with dark anger, as her heart thumped heavily in her chest and her breathing rattled her ribs. She realized she was being half-dragged by Sarah away from the mob as she tried to walk the fatigue out of her legs. Finally they were away from the crush of people and she sat down.
"Did I do it?" Vella asked breathlessly, "Did I set a record?"
Chastity was next to her, pouring water on a sponge and wiping the mud away from her eyes as Sarah, Isparana, and Dania held the crowd back. "Yes," the blonde girl said proudly, "you did it!"
Vella laughed and raised her arms, even as she lay on the ground. Medics were placing sensors against her chest and reading their instruments. "... over..." was all she heard, followed by "... start an I.V. ..."
"I'm ok," Vella started to say, trying to get up.
Chastity slapped her on the forehead. "Lay down and be quiet."
Vella grinned and resumed her position on the ground. "Oh sure. Sarah gets Isparana, and I get you! You aren't exactly the kind of angel I was expecting."
Chastity replied, "What makes you think you're in heaven?"
Vella smiled and said tenderly, "Because all of my friends are here."
Two spotlights crossed the darkening sky, illuminating the thick clouds above.
Girls from several different schools, including a few from out of district, milled in the open space in front of the stage. Orange-clad assignees mixed freely in the grandstands with coaches, parents, and other invited guests. Khaki-uniformed guards served as ushers, guiding visitors towards seating, restrooms, and the food-service tables set evenly amongst the grandstands.
In the VIP lounges, Sarah was holding court, moving from one end to the other to make sure that Adolphus, Luigi, Bobbi, the other coaches and their families and friends were comfortable and well-served. Hotchkiss had turned out in force, bringing their regional vice president and his entourage to see how their money was being spent. Sarah gave them a three-box suite at stage center and made sure Isparana and Chastity took good care of anything they needed. A continuous flow of food and water made its way into the lounges.
The musicians were in their places. The sound checks had been completed. Now it was show time.
Thomas, wearing the most boring suit in his wardrobe, strode to the microphone stand, the silver head decorated with long ribbons.
"I'd like to thank everyone for coming out here tonight," he started. "I know the weather was an inconvenience, but I'm sure you'll enjoy the show."
A welcome cheer went up through the crowd.
"I'd like to remind everyone that this is a penal institution, and there are some rules that we'll have to follow."
The cheer was replaced with boos and hissing.
"First of all, there will be no playing of the cow bell..."
Tia Padrone, former lead percussionist for Electric Funk, immediately began to bang out an urgent rhythm on the large bronze bell, eliciting cheers from the girls around the stage.
"Second, there will be absolutely NO loud guitar noise..."
Abigail "Axe" Anderson slammed out a demanding guitar riff, drawing more cheers from the crowd, as Tia continued to pound on the cowbell.
"And," Thomas barked, raising a finger for emphasis, "there will be no guitar solos!"
Axe repeated the riff as Lynn Moonglow joined in with the drum set, every head banging out a thump at the same time, followed by Flash Haley on the lead guitar going through the entire opening strain of a classic rock song.
"And lastly..." Thomas started, as Axe repeated the amplified riff, "there will be no shouting of lyrics...." He pulled out a pair of mirrored aviators, pushed the microphone to the ground, then kicked it back up towards him as Axe ground out another riff.
"MISS-Uh-Sippi QUEEN! Well, you know what I MEAN! MISS-uh-Sippi Queen! She taught me every-thang!"
The enthusiastic crowd in the dance pit cheered loudly and waved their hands in the air, jumping and bouncing with energy.
Now the song began in earnest, a hard-driving beat overlaid with demanding percussion and emphatic guitar riffs.
And Thomas, the straight-laced prison warden, was parading across the stage with a microphone decorated with colorful ribbons and veils.
"Way down around Vicksburg, down a-Louisiana WAY-Hay! Lived a Cajun lady, aboard the Mississippi Queen! You know she was a dancer! She moved a-better on wine... Well, while the rest-a them dudes was a-gettin' their kicks; buddy beg ya pardon, I was gettin' MINE!"
Sarah started laughing and clapping her hands to the rhythm. She tapped the shoulder of a girl next to her and invited her to stand up. Soon the rest of the women in the suite were lined up along the window, clapping to the music.
"Uh! Miss-uh-Sippi Queen!" Thomas now paraded to the other side, the ribbons trailing behind him. "This lady she asked me-uh, if I would be her MAN-YAN! You know that I told HER! Well, I'd do what I can; To keep her lookin' Prett-Ay! Buy her clothes that shine! Well, while the rest-a them dudes was making their bread! Buddy don't-cha know I was losing MINE!"
Flash launched into an energetic solo as Tia, Moonglow, and Axe continued to blow the song out beyond the stage and into the screaming crowd in front of them.
Sarah looked down the line of women. In the suite next door, Isparana had raised her arms and was doing a slow belly-dance, teaching it to the wife of a Hotchkiss exec who matched her roll for roll. To her right, Vella had her arms up and was dancing with several people, too. Sarah raised her arms and began to pivot in place, grinding her hips as she mimicked Isparana's belly twirls. She was soon joined in her rotations by several other wives and daughters as the men laughed and clapped.
Thomas was waving the microphone stand in the air, drawing cheers from the crowd before he planted it firmly back on the stage.
"Oh-Woah! On dat Miss-uh-Sippi Queen!"
Axe ended with a flourish, bringing the crowd to its feet, as the spotlights panned across the throbbing dance pit.
Thomas took a bow, smiled, and handed the microphone over to Bill. "Your warden, ladies and gentlemen. I'm sure we will ALL abide by the rules tonight..."
Sarah grabbed Chastity, who had just delivered a fresh tray of stuffed boiled eggs. "Can you handle things here? I need to go down to the stage."
"Sure," Chastity shouted in reply as Sarah disappeared into the crowd. "Go rock the house!"
Now Bill prepared to sing into the microphone as Moonglow tapped out the countdown on her cymbals, followed by Axe sawing out a different riff.
"Oh, YeaaHHH! Baby, Yeah!" Bill shouted in the microphone as the rest of the band joined in, "When you need a friend! Through thick and thin, don't look to those above you!"
Axe and Flash strummed out their amplified guitars as the crowd began to bob to the drums. "When you're down and out, and there ain't no doubt," Bill half-sang and half-shouted, "Nobody wants you! But you're ROCK CANDY, baby! You're Hot! Sweet! And Stick-Ayyy!"
The show was going great. Bill had ended his set with a pseudo sing-a-long, encouraging the girls to sing the chorus of "She's A Runner" as he sat at the Steinhauser piano he had brought over from Stalin. Stephanie had then come on stage and performed all of her hits - which the girls knew verbatim and sang along with her - followed by the back-up band, which Bill had named The Leighton Acres Orchestra, playing "Rock Steady", "Bad Girls", "Reflections", a rocked-up "Hazy Shade of Winter", and "Voodoo Child".
Now it was Sarah's turn to close the show.
She had opened with "Bridge Over Troubled Water" and "Roll On" with the Johnnie Davis singers. She followed it with "O Holy Night" with Francois Garand, which got a standing ovation. To lift the mood a bit, she had dedicated an instrumental piece to her relay team, the theme from "The Exorcist" while flashing the most overly-theatrical evil face she could as a red stage light intermittently shone on her. Everyone got a laugh out of that.
And for her final number, she was going to make someone cry.
"Ladies and gentlemen, I hope you're enjoying tonight's show," she announced while seated at the piano. "Everybody has worked really hard to put this together for you, and we'll introduce them all to you in a second, but for now..." Sarah paused, "I have a very special song I'd like to perform for one particular person. The rest of you may enjoy it, and you may not. I really don't care."
The red light shone on her and she flashed her evil face. The audience started laughing.
"But..." Sarah laughed briefly, too. "But right now, I'm going to ask a very special lady to come close out the show for me. Marybeth, would you come out here please?"
A woman with curly blonde hair, streaked with generous portions of grey, came out onto the stage wearing an evening gown that fit her trim figure beautifully. The lights darkened until she was lit only by the two spotlights.
Up in the VIP lounge, in stage center, one of Sarah's runners stopped what she was doing and turned to face the stage.
"Mom?" Chastity whispered.
Marybeth wrapped her hands around the microphone stand as Sarah softly played the musical introduction.
"The first time..." the woman began to sing, ".... ever I saw your face... I thought... the sun rose in your eyes... and the moon and the stars... were the gifts you gave... to the dark... and the endless skies... my love..."
"Mom!" Chastity cried out.
"... and the first time, ever I kissed your mouth.... I felt the earth... move in my hands.... like the trembling heart... of a captive bird...that was there... at my command, my love..."
"Mom..." Chastity wept, as Dania and Vella moved to embrace her.
"And the first time... I lay with you... I felt your heart... so close to mine... and I knew our joy... would fill the earth... and last... till the end of time, my love."
Sarah looked up and saw the cluster of her girls in the window, cast in the ambient light of the amphitheater. She smiled.
She had given Isparana a future. She had given Dania a family. She had given Vella a cross-country record. And now, she had given Chastity the only gift she had to give.
"The first time... ever I saw... your face... your face..." the woman finished as her daughter stood crying in a distant window looking down at her.
by Thomas Chaser, May 2011
Chapter 1. In which Sarah arrives at Harkwood AcademyThe large stone edifice of Harkwood rose up through the trees at the end of the gravel drive, looking like something from the opening scene of a Merchant Ivory film. It was Sarah Porter's first look at her new school. The taxi took almost five minutes to traverse the winding gravel road from the front gate and the closer she came to her destination, the more apprehensive Sarah became.She was excited to be sure, but a new school was always...
Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra Book 3 - Concerto in A - By Megan Campbell (Released: January 30, 2012) Chapter 1 - Back to School "Hurry, Megan, we're going to be late!" Austin yelled from outside the door to my room. It had been a while since I'd heard him that worried. "I'm...
Please see part one for the explanation to this extract. ***************************By five o’clock, Sarah had had enough and called a time out. Nicole’s enthusiasm for spending Daniela’s money had worn her out and in any case if it continued like this, Sarah grumbled, then Daniela would be reduced to busking on street corners to make ends meet. Besides, the day was still warm enough to make the prospect of a glass of beer on a sunny cafe terrace an inviting prospect....
Warning this contains pegging, If you aren't into male butt stuff this isn't the story for you party on! Adam woke in his own bed, the evening passed by pretty normally after the events of the day before. It made the encounters with his sister earlier seem all the more surreal and if it wasn't for the one thing he would honestly have doubted any of it had happened and had all been a fantastic vivid dream. It wasn't and the one thing that said that more than ever was the cage his cock and...
Sarah’s phone call was quite a surprise. I had not seen her in over four years. We met in the park across the street from my condo and spent the afternoon lying in the sun, talking and catching up on each other’s lives. She was the same Sarah that I had known, with a few changes. She was more refined; grown up; chic; her hair was longer and styled; she was thinner, but in shape, with muscular shoulders, arms and legs; and, she wore makeup and dark red nail polish. She had developed into a...
Straight SexThe next morning was Saturday. I went down stairs wondering what I was going to say to Sarah. The door to her room was shut and I assumed that she was still sleeping. I made myself some coffee, brought out my school books, grabbed a chair at the kitchen table, and started to read. Not much later Sarah came through the kitchen door having been outside jogging. She asked me what I was up to, and then, not waiting for a response from me, disappeared into her room. She emerged a short time later...
Straight SexSarah’s FriendAmy had the perfect figure for a model, her slim shoulders curved into a tiny waist and then out over the cutest of hips and down into long slim legs. Yet she looked on jealously at the only other person in the gym.Sarah was sitting on the leg press where her strong athletic legs were moving almost half the stack of weights. Like Amy, the woman was in her early thirties and like Amy the woman had long brown hair in a ponytail. Amy observed the woman discretely, her white...
SARAH UNDER CONTROLSarah walked to work that beautiful summer morning just as she did every morning. She walked with the sort of grace and confidence that could only come from knowing men enjoyed watching her. Even into her 40s, she still turned heads. When she had married Pete, some 20 years earlier, she had been a stunner, with breasts that stopped traffic, but now, all those years down the line, her regime of fitness, horse riding , healthy eating, and most importantly dressing the part,...
This piece is a chapter extracted from my novel "Toggenburg" a lesbian love story set in the mountains of Switzerland which I've posted in case any Xhamster reader might enjoy it. Toggenburg Thirty. “We are going to get wet!” declared Sarah firmly. It was a fair analysis as she and Daniela stood huddled in the doorway of the Hotel Toggenburg contemplating the wretched weather before them. It was still raining heavily and the wind was blowing the sheets of rain around...
It is an interesting moment when one is about to experience their first FMF threesome. One would think that my mind would be full of lust, need, ideas and expectation. A “let’s do this” attitude. On the contrary. The realization that you are about to get into bed with two attractive women, each of whom wants to be fucked and sexually satisfied is suddenly quite daunting. How do we start? Who should be first? What if I cum too soon? What if I can’t cum more than once? Will I embarrass myself?...
Group SexSarah was surprised to get the instant message from Megan, Dillon’s twenty-one-year-old girlfriend. She asked if Sarah could come over the following day to discuss a surprise she had in mind for Dillon.Sarah knew Megan to be quite a forthright young lady with a dominant personality and had often fantasied about being humiliated by her. Sarah supposed it would never happen as Megan was Dillon’s girlfriend and it would seem like two-timing, unless it was a threesome, Sarah musedDillon was the...
SpankingSarah had a real soft spot for her Granny Mary.Sarah lay on her bed, her legs were spread apart and her fingers were caressing her pussy lips and she was squeezing her so sensitive nipples with her other hand as she played over in her mind two particularly memorable times her Granny Mary spanked her in front of a whole group of onlookers. Both times the humiliation of being spanked so publicly were a real turn-on for Sarah. Both times as well she deserved a second spanking that day and each...
SpankingSarah smiled as she slowly woke up and as she opened her eyes saw her boss, Kristal, the sixty-three-year-old Head of Accounting, smiling back at her.Sarah was thirty-four-years-old and was married. However, she had the reputation of being the office slut and regularly slept with co-workers. She loved the reputation as being humiliated in public was one of her biggest turn-ons.Kristal had been Sarah’s boss for the last two years and they regularly slept together. Sarah’s husband was fully aware...
SpankingA/N: Another story featuring submissive Sarah and her Mistress, Rebecca, from my earlier stories "The 14th Anniversary", "My beautiful Sub" and "Choosing Corner Time". It takes place a few weeks after Sarah received her permanent collar from her Mistress, about seven months after their first meeting.Note on the timeline. "The 14th anniversary" and "My beautiful sub" take place on Valentine's Day 2011, the first story recalls things that happened on Valentine's Day 1997 and a few days, later....
Sarah By Sissie Maid Cuckold FOR SARAH "What wrong honey?" "I don't know I guess I am tired." "But it's not like you to no be able to get it up." "I know Pam. I just don't know, maybe its stress, works not going so good." "Hey, I know, Audrey at work said her husband had some issues and she did this..." Pam took hold of her silky nighty and wrapped it around Brenden's cock. She could instantly feel it grow. She smiled at him and said, "It worked, it worked just like...
This story is only a fan fiction, not real. Sarah threw herself down on her couch and took a deep. She was exhausted after a long day of shooting. She really loved to work with Scrubs and she was grateful for the fame it had brought her, but sometimes the workdays were just too long. The reason for today’s long hours was the fact that it was the last day they were shooting the last scenes of Amy Smart’s guest appearance and they had to get all it all done tonight. Sarah was in no...
Hi guys, Thanks for reading this is a gentle femdom story I wrote I am trying to take on feedback received from the first couple of stories I wrote and i’d truly love to hear from you guys. All characters are 18 at the time of the story Sarah was always a bit confused when it came to guys, the ones she had dalliances with before all wanted to treat her as a princess holding doors and generally trying to be her knight in shining armor. This was in part due to her good looks she reasoned which...
It was always the low point for Sarah when she had to go to her step-sister, Michelle’s, house. Sarah hated going to Michelle’s and normally only went every other week when she and their mum were invited over for tea. Sarah had always been treated so badly by her step-sister who had always tried to control and manipulate her, but whenever they were both with their mum she was all sweetness and light. It was an act they both put on so as not to make their mum feel bad.Michelle was...
SpankingHey,Found this in my archive. I remember it being one of the very first smoking fetish stories I read.I do have the full collection of Sarah/Nikki stories and am trying to recover them. Most will be able to be posted here, with the exception of the first 2-3. Posted this one as I found it but will hold off until I have the rest in reading order.Think there are about 45 chapters/stories like this in total.Lung HammerSarah and Tom arrived at the airport thirty minutes beforethe scheduled...
Sarah had been looking forward to the monthly "Bridge" evening. She loved to be humiliated in front of others and on these evenings there was humiliation in abundance. 'Bridge' wasn't played of course, but instead, there were normally ten or twelve mainly women split between those who were natural doms and those who were natural submissives.There was no set way of doing things. You could stick to the partner you went with, or the submissive could be passed around to various doms who could do...
SpankingSarah was as surprised as everyone else in the office when a policewoman walked in accompanied by a woman who they supposed was a plain clothes policewoman. They went into the main meeting room with Kristal, but soon afterwards Kristal called out to the whole accounts team to join them.As the team trooped in and sat around the meeting table Kristal confirmed that both women were with the police which got everyone chattering. Sarah noted that the policewoman in uniform must have been Kristal's...
SpankingSarah was enjoying her holiday in Hawaii. It was a lovely hotel and her room had a direct sea view and also a view of the large swimming pool with all the men and women guests in their skimpy trunks and bikinis. She sat on her balcony people-watching and imagining herself giving blow jobs right there by the pool to a whole series of men and tongue sex to so many of the gorgeous looking women.At dinner, Sarah and her hubby were at a table with friends from San Francisco who they liked to meet up...
SpankingBethany only just managed to hide the dildo as the door opened, "fuck....don't you ever knock?" She asked pushing the pink plastic cock further under her pillow."I called you twice and watch your language girl," her mother snapped back,"Your friends on the phone for you, your still in your nightdress know it's gone nine, where's your mobile? You haven't lost another one have you?""No! I left it at Nikki's last night,"Hoping her mother wouldn't notice her panties were missing she...
Sarah and John - Resolution By Callie Messenger "You are three kilos over the specified limits, Miss Spencer, but I think we can waive that. Next time don't pack so much?" "Certainly." "You're in 28C, an aisle seat, and your boarding gate is number fifty-four. Enjoy your flight!" Miss Spencer headed over to the bookstore at the end of the check-in desks. "Briony, over here." She looked up to see the owner of the voice waving from the magazine racks and skipped over to...
PREVIOUSLY IN THE SARAH (AND LISA) AND GREG SERIES Sarah, Lisa, and Greg are a happily married triad with two children, Amy and Paul, now 17 and 15 respectively. They live in a suburban community and are accepted by their neighbors. THE LOSS OF BETTY JOHNSON The years passed until Amy was a senior in high school and Paul was a sophomore. It had not been all sunshine and roses, but the kids knew they were loved and respected by their parents, which led to their never doing anything which put...
Sarah and I walked into the hotel ballroom to a crowd ofpeople, all dressed up, mingling, eating and drinking; the event was definitely well attended.We walked around the perimeter of the room, and then Sarah went off to look for the lady she was interested in and any clothing designers she could find.I made my way to the bar. The bartender did not take cash, and I had to buy a ticket for a drink. Each drink ticket was $10.00 or five tickets for $45.00.I knew that I would likely have two...
Group SexThe sun was taking its time coming up as Sarah dashed from my car to knock on Kimberly’s door. The waiting was over, our holiday was here and we were making a good early start. Sarah had invited Kimberly to come and spend a week in Yorkshire with us and she was now as excited as we were. Regrettably her s****r Frankie had decided not to come. I had spent some time with her and fucked her a couple of times since I invited her but she has as I always expected found a lad of her own age and was...
The sun was taking its time coming up as Sarah dashed from my car to knock on Kimberly’s door. The waiting was over; our holiday was here and we were making a good early start. Sarah had invited Kimberly to come and spend a week in Yorkshire with us and she was now as excited as we were.Regrettably her sister Frankie had decided not to come. I had spent some time with her and fucked her a couple of times since I invited her but she has as I always expected found a lad of her own age and was...
Sarah and Jon By Callie Messenger Sarah looked down through the list of library members and felt a surge of disappointment. There was no J. Davies on the list. There were two L. Davieses, one of whom could be Linda, his wife, but it might not be. She had done so well, considering she had done this alone. The last time Sarah had seen Jonathan Davies they hadn't said a word to each other. He was married by then. Linda didn't know it, but the last time...
PREVIOUSLY IN THE SARAH (AND LISA) AND GREG SERIES Sarah, Lisa, and Greg were a happily married triad. They had two children, Amy and Paul, now 9 and 7, respectively. Lisa was the birth mother for both of them, while Sarah was Amy's father and Greg was Paul's father. In the previous installment, Sarah finally had her sexual reassignment surgery. All five lived in an apartment which was originally just Sarah's. THE APARTMENT IS JUST TOO SMALL Lisa had just stepped out of the shower, while...
Sarah was about to do something which made her want to vomit all over the car. She was going to meet Greg's parents. Sarah and Greg had been living together for several months. Sarah had talked to Greg's mom on the phone several times over the duration of their cohabitation and had heard Greg's dad grunt a few times (according to Greg's retelling of the story which Sarah told him). Sarah had said that she wanted to meet her "in-laws" but as the car got closer, she was beginning to think...
It was in my second year at university (Western) that I got to know my sister Sarah a whole lot better than in the past. In the last few months of my first year of university I lined myself up with a sweet ass apartment in the downtown core of the city with a balcony overlooking some parkland. It was expensive but I didn’t care too much since my parents would pay for it. It was a two bedroom apartment and I was going to share it with my buddy Rob next year. On the last day of school,...
Sarah Gets Even By Ellen I can't help it if I suffer from wandering eye disease. There is a woman walking down the street in a real short skirt, or tight jeans, I can't help but look. I see an hour glass figure or a pair of very nice breasts and my appreciation usually became obvious. Especially to my girlfriend, Sarah hated that I always looked at other women. Worst of all, I would do stupid things like point out other women with her in the car with me, or if we were...
Sarah woke late the next morning to the sound of the doorbell. She quickly stepped into a pair of her sexy new knickers and pulled a silk dressing gown over her shoulders before running down the stairs. Looking through the security glass in the door Sarah could see a young man in overalls at the door, feeling very daring Sarah opened the door without closing her dressing gown at the front so that her large breasts were only partially covered by the thin fabric. As soon as she opened the door...
Kevin was still in bed when Sarah breezed into the bedroom. She looked down at her husband of 6 months who stirred, looked up through half opened eyes and asked “what’s up Sarah? Why the racket?” Sarah stood by the bed and said “Kevin, its 11 O’clock. You should be up anyway.” “But it’s the weekend” he sighed. He could see his wife looked stressed. She always did when it came to getting him to do anything around the house. He was generally a lazy person. He knew it. It made his wife very tense...
This and the following part two are extracts from my novel "Sarah's Garden." They aren't really explicit erotica but rather an amusing account of two newly out lesbian girls let loose by their girlfriends for a day's shopping in town and a spot of girl watching with some rather startling results. Just a bit of fun really for your amusement. **********************“Well all I can say is that it’s going to be an interesting encounter with your mum tomorrow Nicky!”...
Sarah happily put all her bags into the car and decided to go for something to eat, there was a nice little cafe in the main street, which served some good food. The cafe was quite crowded but Sarah managed to get a booth near the back just as its current occupants were leaving. She sat there for several minutes happily contemplating her morning’s fun before her order was taken by a pretty young waitress, the distraction was enough to set her off on an erotic daydream including the girl. ...
It was a Friday night at the end of spring break from school. Sarah had found a place to live in upstate New York, completed most of her school work, and was looking forward to her graduation and new job. She was relaxed, happy and horny, and had planned an evening of pleasure for the two of us. A blanket was placed on the living room floor. The toys were organized next to the big leather chair in the living room. And, Sarah had tied my wrists to the chair arms. For the next forty-five...
HardcoreHi guys I was kinda drunk when I wrote the original part three made a number of errors, I think the biggest one by far was in reversing the tone. Having Sarah let Adam take the reins and having Sarah become a little submissive wasn't what I was going for so I decided to retry. Thanks for the feedback and again I'm still new to all this so voting is great and comments are better. Sarah waited in the kitchen thinking over the night before she had lived out her ultimate fantasy pegging Adam....
My name is Mike Jensen. It was a Wednesday evening and I had stayed at work a couple of hours after my employees had knocked off for the day. A dinner and reception that I was attending were occurring this evening and I didn’t want to go home before the event.It was close to the office and the thirty-minute drive each way home didn’t make sense. I sat in my office by myself and wished I had not agreed to attend, but since my company had been one of the major contributors to the youth...
BDSMSarah gropped her perky 34B breasts, pushing them together to make them bigger. Sighing she gave up and had a quick check to the rest of her young 17 year old body. She had beautiful pale skin without any blemishes, nice long copper hair that almost fell to her well rounded ass. She was only 5ft tall and was the shortest girl in her grade but she knew what she lacked in height she made up in beauty. She had big innocent green eyes and a cute straight nose and small pouty lips that made...
We walked into Sarah’s room holding hands. Holding hands wasnot an unusual thing, but it was an indicator of Sarah’s mood. “I missed you last night,” whispered Sarah, putting her arms around my neck. “I missed your touch.” “I thought you came three times last night?” I asked. “I did. And it was good. It was very good. But I woke up this morning wanting you.” Sarah untied her pajama bottoms and let them fall to the floor. While I watched, she unbuttoned the top of her PJ’s. She didn’t take the...
Having finished a New Year’s Eve candlelight dinner and a bottle of wine, I had retreated to the living room, and Sarah stayed seated at the Kitchen table. Each of us wrote down on small squares of colored paper what we wanted to do to the other, or have done to us. In the living room, the environment had already been set up by Sarah. A blanket was spread out on the floor, two large pillows were on the blanket and candles were placed everywhere. Sarah came into the living room carrying another...
ToysWe walked into Sarah’s room holding hands. Holding hands wasnot an unusual thing, but it was an indicator of Sarah’s mood. “I missed you last night,” whispered Sarah, putting her arms around my neck. “I missed your touch.” “I thought you came three times last night?” I asked. “I did. And it was good. It was very good. But I woke up this morning wanting you.” Sarah untied her pajama bottoms and let them fall to the floor. While I watched, she unbuttoned the top of her PJ’s. She didn’t take the...
Straight SexIntroduction: My wife gets in touch with me again This is the sequel to Sarah left me 1 & 2 The next night I was sitting alone at home, thinking about all the sex that I had enjoyed over the last few weeks. I realised that I no longer wanted Sarah back, at least not on the same terms as before she walked out. I did still miss the companionship that we had shared over the years of our marriage. Just then the phone rang, I picked it up, it was Sarah. Hello Phil, I hope that you are well? Hi...
A few minutes later Sarah reappeared wearing a dressing gown and heels, looking very pleased with herself. She turned her back and without saying a word dropped the gown to the floor with her legs apart. Her arse looked absolutely sensational with a black silk strap across each arse cheek and another around her waist. “Like that? This is for your pleasure, and my pleasure,” she smiled as she turned to face us, with a good size dildo strapped across her groin. “I love the feel of it and I...
A few minutes later Sarah reappeared wearing a dressing gown and heels, looking very pleased with herself. She turned her back and without saying a word dropped the gown to the floor with her legs apart. Her ass looked absolutely sensational with a black silk strap across each ass cheek and another around her waist. “Like that? This is for your pleasure, and my pleasure,” she smiled as she turned to face us, with a good size dildo strapped across her groin. “I love the feel of it and I...
I think we both woke about the same time on Saturday morning. The red mark on Sarah’s jaw line had turned black and blue, and was now more of a bruise than just a mark from the night before. Just by being there on the bed with Sarah cuddled close, I had a hardon. “Want to go for a drive today?” she asked, as she held my cock in her hand and slowly began to stroke it. “What are you thinking?” Sarah slowly slid her hand up and down my shaft, making sure to run her hand over the sensitive head....
Oral SexSarah and I had just experienced a very intimate moment, at least in my mind. I had never cum in her before, and it seemed very important to her to have me cum in her and not on her, and that I watch my cum dribble from her pussy. She rolled off me to the side and we continued to kiss; little kisses, not passionate wet ones. When she got out of bed to use the bathroom, I spread a blanket over the wet sheets, and then another blanket to cover us. Sarah returned to tell me that it was snowing;...
Straight SexChapter 1 I had just come home after an extraordinarily hectic day at work. It was Friday, and this was the last day of school for the summer. I am a mechanic at a very busy shop. It seemed like everybody was going somewhere for the summer and they needed their cars fixed, yesterday. I was swamped all day. I didn't even get a lunch break, which I was really feeling because I had skipped breakfast that morning as well. I had just kicked off my shoes and was starting to get undressed for my...
The next night I was sitting alone at home, thinking about all the sex that I had enjoyed over the last few weeks. I realised that I no longer wanted Sarah back, at least not on the same terms as before she walked out. I did still miss the companionship that we had shared over the years of our marriage. Just then the phone rang, I picked it up, it was Sarah. “Hello Phil, I hope that you are well?” “Hi Sarah. Very well thank you. What can I do for you?” “I would like to talk with...
A friend seemed to need a break. When Sarah opened up her messages there was one from Ellen: Clear your weekend. “Why” Sarah replied. “You’ll see” was the cryptic reply. A day later a Fedex envelope arrived; in it were round-trip tickets to Paris, a hotel reservation and a taxi voucher to get her there from the airport. Sarah’s mouth fell open with surprise, but having never been to Paris and nothing on for the weekend, she packed.The next morning, her taxi lurched to a sudden stop. "Voila!"...
“My libido is sky high, I have decided what my next challenge is,” Sarah told me as we watched some lesbian videos that night. “Lick me to orgasm while I tell you about it. Some of those older women having lesbian sex who we have watched fucking hung men are an absolute turn on for me. Lots of them appear to more comfortable with women than men. And I love watching them seducing younger women. “Lay on your back so I can sit on your face and watch the lesbian clip with that older, glamorous,...
"Are your parents coming?" Greg asked. "I don't think so," Sarah replied matter-of-factly. She had given up on her dad long ago, but she still had hope for her mother – there were a few, strained conversations over the phone, but Sarah wasn't holding her breath expecting a "welcome back" any time soon. It had been eleven years since her parents threw her out of their house and their lives for being "a freak" - at least that's what they called her. Sarah paused for a moment as she...
We sat on the leather chair in the living room a while; me still recovering from a long and intense orgasm; Sarah nestled in my lap, cum still on her face and tits. As I recovered, I played softly with Sarah’s nipples, lightly pinching and pulling on them. I like to run my fingers lightly around her nipples when they are hard, and then roll her nipple between my fingers and thumb. Sarah likes it and I like hearing the little moans of pleasure she makes when I do it. As I continued to recover, I...
Hardcore“You know how much I enjoy a much younger man licking me to orgasm before I blow him. And I do enjoy you masturbating while you watch and enjoy. And I especially enjoy watching some of those men blowing your large, thick cock. “And to be fair to you we often share another woman. We have never had a really young girl though. Perhaps nineteen or twenty years old? “Does the thought of us sharing a young girl, perhaps nineteen or twenty years old appeal to you baby? “It has huge appeal for me....
“You know how much I enjoy a much younger man licking me to orgasm before I blow him. And I do enjoy you masturbating while you watch and enjoy. And I especially enjoy watching some of those men blowing your large, thick cock. “And to be fair to you we often share another woman. We have never had a really young girl though. Perhaps nineteen or twenty years old? “Does the thought of us sharing a young girl, perhaps nineteen or twenty years old appeal to you baby? “It has huge appeal for me....
I awoke the next morning, naked and to an empty bed, for some reason I went straight into panic mode and sat up, searching for Sarah. I couldn't see her but I heard her voice from outside the room. From what I could tell she was on the phone to someone, I sat up a little further and tried to make out what she was saying..."Oh my god, he is fantastic ... yeah I know right ... 8 ... uh huh ... long time (she giggles) ... totally ... you should definitely try him mom ..."My jaw hit the floor; did...