Princess By Default - Part II free porn video

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Princess by Default © Part II By Noel Lexicon Copyright Sept. 2000 No portion of this copyrighted material may be archived or stored on any other Internet site or used in any manner without prior written permission of the author. CHAPTER VII: Lord Kelsey's unhealthy interest in Raven explodes violently with disastrous results "I doubt they'll let you take her with you, Anthony!" The male that spoke glanced at me then back at his friend. "If I leave her, Kelsey will move to take her." Lord Anthony turned, looked at me, and resumed his pacing. He was angry and worried. "Anthony, it's not as if she's a virgin!" Those words caused his friend to glance at me with a hungry sexual look. I didn't really care for Joel Marteen even though he was Lord Anthony's closest friend. He was smaller than Anthony, had narrow set eyes and wasn't as attractive physically or personally. He wasn't as bad as most in the House of Senaak but family arrogance still filled him. And he coveted the adoration I showered on his friend. "The point is she belongs to me, not Kelsey," Lord Anthony said. A questionable point because pleasure girls such as myself were considered a shared resource and Anthony's exclusive holding of me was as unusual as it was irritating to others. "Ownership by strength?" "Not you too!" "Hey, I'm on your side," said Joel. "It's your mother who besieges your cousin. If he drops his sponsorship of you, then unless you can best Kelsey, Kelsey gets her." I knew the truth of Joel's statement in Anthony's non-denial "It's the family way! Has always been the family way. The strongest get the choicest," Joel said. "Well that way is wrong. I found her!" Joel stood and gave me another glance. This one full of irritation - I was causing his friend anguish. He walked over to Anthony and put a hand on an arm and stopped his friend's pacing. "Look, I'm not telling you how to run your life, but I wouldn't jeopardize family relations over a puff piece like her!" "I love you too," I thought. "Max? Am I in danger here? Tell me the truth." "Yes, kid, substantial danger. If Kelsey gains your ownership, I don't think we can escape." "Okay - lie to me." `Sorry, Kid. Kelsey will either break you or expose you. His talent is too large for you to disguise yours if you're in continuing close contact." "Wonderful!" Thoroughly depressed I turned my attention back to Anthony's conversation. "Well, you've kept him at bay so far. Maybe your luck will continue to hold," Joel said. Anthony snorted. "You've heard the same rumors I have, Joel. If he has possession of her when I return, he can force a challenge. Or threaten to totally break her before giving her back. He wouldn't get called on the carpet for that even if Ronald continued backing my claim." "I still think what you are trying to do is too risky!" With that both males looked at me and spoke no further. Something was going on and I was not to be a party to it. Whatever it was, since it meant Anthony trying to keep possession of me, I wished it and him luck. Shortly after this, Lord Anthony and Joel Left. I wandered around the apartment worried but knowing there was nothing I could do. I went to my wardrobe and changed outfits two or fifteen times. I heard the door click open in the other room. Anxious, I ran into the living room and stopped dead. The male standing arrogantly in the center of the room was not Lord Anthony. "Come on, bitch, you're being transferred." I could feel his mind directing me © commanding me to hurry. He was a family member, a very strong family member. `Lord Kelsey,' said Max. I had guessed as much. Fear froze me to the spot. "Hurry, Bitch, if you don't want punished."
In that moment, because of his anxiety, I was able to passively sense his concerns. He wanted me gone before Lord Anthony returned. That became the one thing I knew I had to avoid. "My Master didn't give me permission to leave his apartment, Kind Sir." I was shaking in my high heels for Kelsey's ruthlessness was washing over me in waves. "Bitch, I told you, get your ass out in the hall." With that he gave me a mental command to start walking. I took two steps then stopped and backed up. "My master doesn't allow me outside without him, Kind Sir!" With that I put my hands in front of my face and started sobbing. That was the only easy part for my refusal had created such anger in Lord Kelsey that I knew pain, bad pain was about to descend. Could I stall long enough to . . .' I screamed in terrible agony. A twelve©tongued whip had cut into my body. One blow and I was bleeding and screaming. Lord Kelsey wasn't playing. He would brook no disobedience. "Please, Master," I sobbed only to scream again when the whip bit a second time, deeper. My hands and arms protected my face and breasts but nothing protected me elsewhere. "Now get out in the hall bitch or it will be worse." "I'm not allowed, Master. Please don't . . ." My scream echoed my great pain © my agony! After being trained for pleasure, my nerves were too near the surface. Three slashes and my body felt as if I was being burned alive. I had forgotten the agony I had been forced to endure before. `Max, turn on the vidphone to Anthony's frequency. It's our only chance,' I cried. `Already done, Kid. Hang in as best you can!" I was screaming again before Max finished his sentence. The lash bit into my flesh again and I collapsed onto the floor in a ball of agony. "Get up, bitch! Get up," screamed Kelsey growing angrier. His beating of me was becoming hysterical. Whip blows rained down upon me until I passed out © screaming. When I gained groggy awareness I was laying on a floor. I tried hard to clear my head. Where was I? My arms came into focus. Both were bloody and covered with whip wounds. Pain shot through me in a mind numbing proportions. I cried and managed to blink my eyes enough to clear them. I kept trying to focus and finally realized I was still in the apartment. I turned my head and saw Kelsey and Anthony five feet apart. I felt relief flood me until I realized Lord Anthony was in terrible pain. "You shouldn't have tried to strike me. You can't hide behind the skirt of your cousin now, little Tony. I'm taking the bitch and there is nothing you can do about it," Kelsey said, his voice full of gloating. My fear returned. If Anthony lost, I would be in worse shape than ever for Kelsey would go out of his way to inflict cruelty on me. I had defied him and family never permitted that. I reached out and found Anthony's mind. I could sense the hold Kelsey had on him. Anthony's pain was as every bit as bad as mine © still he refused to yield. "She's mine," he croaked. "Not any more old boy. You should learn not to antagonize your betters," Kelsey sneered. I added my strength to Anthony's mind and was able to block the stimulation of his pain center by which Kelsey was punishing him. He managed to take a step towards Kelsey. "Stop! I command it. Don't make me seriously hurt you," Lord Kelsey ordered. He increased his mental output lashing repeatedly at different neural centers in Lord Anthony. I was staggered by his strength and for the first time truly understood the awesome power the families wielded. Kelsey wasn't even in the inner circle of the house of Senaak. With all my strength, I imagined building a shield around Anthony's key mental centers. I projected a shield with every fiber of my being. `Do something,' I urged. I couldn't hold for long. The beating had weakened me and I had never tried to project mentally at this level before. Anthony took another step towards Kelsey. "Stop! I command it! Stop," screamed Kelsey. His voice had the beginnings of fear. Nearing exhaustion I struggled to remain conscious and project all power possible. I heard a meaty blow and suddenly the mental pressure from Lord Kelsey stopped. His pain and his surprise flooded me. Another meaty blow followed and I felt Kelsey's panic. He lashed out with a pain driven blow that staggered Anthony and nearly brought him to his knees. I refocused my energies and blocked Anthony's pain center to the punishment Kelsey was dealing. Anthony slowly straightened before Kelsey's disbelieving eyes and struck the other family member viciously. His blow stunned Kelsey. That was all it took. Blow upon blow rocked Kelsey who foolishly tried to stay on his feet. He ineffectually took a swing at Lord Anthony. I prodded Anthony's anger and the beating gained momentum. Kelsey finally collapsed in an unconscious heap. Anthony walked over, picked up the whip, and with a little prodding from me, walked back and started whipping the prostrate form. `If he kills him, you're dead meat, Kid,' said Max. "Master, Master," I cried. I didn't have to fake my tears. "I hurt, Master. Please hold me, master." My cry brought Anthony out of his killing mood. He turned, stared at me, at the bloody form of Kelsey on the floor, then threw the whip down. He gently picked me up and carried me into the bathroom. His touch brought a scream of agony. I was that badly cut up. "That bastard," muttered Anthony angrily. He stood me in the shower, turned it on and I screamed again. It felt as if pieces of skin were flapping under the pressure of the shower. When he turned off the shower he sprayed a gel all over my body. Thankfully it deadened the nerves in my skin and allleviated a lot of the pain. Assured I was no longer bleeding, he left me and returned to the other room. I heard the click of the door. "Sergeant, you draw that gun on a family member, I will personally flay every inch of skin from your body before I have you killed." It was Anthony's voice. "But that's Lord Kelsey," said an agonized voice. "Do you mean to interfere in family politics, Sergeant?" Then I understood © Kelsey's bodyguard Sergeant had entered. No one considered Lord Anthony dangerous and he had badly beaten a strong family member © over a female. I could only wonder if this would have a bad effect on my chances for survival. And what would it do to Lord Anthony? Family member beating family member like a common criminal was forbidden. `We have got to get off of the estate now, kid. Time has run out. Whatever it takes, get Anthony to take you with him. If we can get on another planet, we have a chance,' Max said. Tears trickled down my cheek. Max was right and I was in agony, near total exhaustion and terribly frightened. `Okay, Max.' Minutes later med©techs were in the apartment administering to me and Lord Kelsey. Kelsey came to and when he spotted Anthony a surge of hatred swept the room and all inside it. "Try that again, to steal something of mine again, you might not survive! You little ass pimple," Anthony said. He looked at the guard and motioned for them to remove his distant relative. As the door was closing, his friend Joel managed to squeeze inside. "Sweet George the III, you've cut it now, Anthony!" "Me? It was . . ." "Spare me the righteousness," Joel said holding up his hand. He looked at his friend scarcely believing what had occurred. "They'll kill her now, you know!" At those words I shuddered. Two Family©members fighting like commoners © both would be punished. And Anthony's punishment would be my death. He knew it for the truth © as I did. I shuddered and tried hard to not faint. "Here, help me!" It was Anthony's voice. "You don't mean to . . . sweet George you do," Joel said. I was having trouble just standing. I knew shock was probably setting in. I felt my self being bundled into a wrap of some type and by the sounds of things, hurried packing was taking place. I was led down a long hall and shortly after that I passed out. * * * I woke in a strange bed, a strange room. The walls were metallic and there were no windows. I looked slowly around, moving only my eyes. I had never been in this room before. I tried to sit up and fell back to bed with a groan. Then I remembered the beating. "Easy, Raven." I turned my head to the side and there in a chair was Lord Anthony. He was unshaven and his clothes were rumpled. By the blood shot condition of his eyes I could tell he hadn't slept in awhile. "Where are we, Master?" He chuckled very tiredly. "At least your curiosity is fine." "I'm sorry for any problems I've caused you, Master." He waved a hand at me. "A sad world when being attractive is a crime." I lay back and waited. When he was ready he would tell me. I wondered if we were both under house arrest, awaiting my termination. "We are on a family trading vessel on way to Talos. It was my next trading assignment. I'm supposed to gain the family some new trade agreements and make major purchases if the prices are right." "Are you in big trouble, Master?" "I suspect so, Raven." "Am I going to be killed, Master?" No use waiting for the ax to fall. Any information might be useful. "We won't know for sure until we get to Talos. They won't bother trying to contact us while we're in subspace. To expensive." That piece of news sobered us both. The next three weeks were a farewell honeymoon. Anthony wouldn't say it in words, but I knew he felt the order would come for my termination. Even before my injuries were fully healed, we made love. All our joining was tinged with an air of sadness and desperation. The crew had nothing but hostility for me. If they hadn't been uncertain of Anthony's talent level, I'm sure poison would have shortened my days. I tried hard to remain cheerful and loving. Crying on his shoulder would not have benefited either of us. It was a very tense ship that landed on Talos. * * * "You're wanted on the bridge," said the yeoman. I swallowed and followed him forward. When we arrived on the bridge a very tense scene was in progress. Lord Anthony was standing nose to nose with the vessel's Captain. The Captain was larger and rougher looking than Anthony. "I have read my orders carefully, Lord Anthony." "As I have also, Captain. There is nothing specific about the time in which you have to accomplish your task. If you deprive me of a few days pleasure, all for your own consequence, I shall see your family line dead, you last." Sweat broke out on the Captain's brow. Before the family clash such a statement by Lord Anthony would have been ignored. Now, no one was sure. It was a threat that might have sharp teeth. "I'm only attempting to do my duty for the house of Senaak, Lord Anthony." "And I'm not standing in your way, only modifying your orders, as I am permitted to do, Captain." Anthony stared hard at the other man. The Captain was in a bad pickle. He elected to try to serve two masters. "It will be as you say, Lord Anthony. Just before we leave." "Good. Now form a party, I'm going to our embassy. I'm taking Raven along." "Lord Anthony, I must protest," said the Captain hurriedly. "Captain, you are in charge of security. Certainly you can't find your self worried?" The Captain looked at me, at Lord Anthony, then at his first mate. "Party of four security detail, with charged weapons, to accompany the trading party," he ordered.
"Yes, Captain." Thirty minutes later we were outside the ship walking on the surface of Talos. Had I not been so scared it would have been wonderful. My fear was not helped by the fact that the four guards never took their eyes off of me. "Come, try an orange naplet," Anthony said urging me to a small booth with a hand in my back. The guards almost ran to make sure they had us guarded on all sides. Anthony made pleasant conversation, joked and even laughed, but I could hear the stress in his voice. There was little doubt that the decision had been made to terminate me. "Well, what do you think," he asked chuckling at the wry face I made. He took the drink from me and in the process slipped something into my hand. It was his gold ring. "Let me get your face," he said leaning forward to wipe my face with his pocket silk. "You are to be terminated. Your only chance is to slip away at the Embassy. Do not eat or drink anything there unless it comes directly from my mouth. It is the best I can do for you, Raven," he whispered. "Thank you, Master," I said after he finished wiping my face. I leaned up and kissed his cheek. "I love you, Master," I whispered. The evening meal at the Family's embassy on Talos that night was the worst meal of my life. * * * Fifty days later in the House of Senaak throne room another tense scene unfolded. The Count (Prime of the house of Senaak), Lord Anthony, his mother, Lord Kelsey, his parents, two house of Senaak counsel members and numerous personal retainers were gathered. It was a very private meeting. "He acted like a common criminal so I treated him that way," Lord Anthony said. "I don't want to hear it, Anthony," said the Count angrily. Lord Anthony looked at the Count then looked down. If Raven had escaped then anything they did to him really didn't matter. It would be temporary anyway. "You may just as well have this back. Be more careful whom you're around in the future," said his mother throwing him the ring he had given Raven. "The thieving little bitch is dead. How appropriate," Lord Kelsey said sneering. He laughed delightedly. "You thieving little prick! Keep your mouth shut," said Anthony turning to face Lord Kelsey. There were gasps from those in the throne room. "Curb your tongue, Anthony," snarled the Count angrily. This meeting was a to be a reconciliation, an amelioration of the ill will that had arisen. Internecine strife within the families had to be avoided © at all costs. Interfamily warfare was one of the few things that could bring a family down. "Let me make it real clear, especially to you, MOTHER," said Anthony making the word mother as despicable as he could. Shock rolled over the faces of those present in the throne room. This just wasn't done. "If asshole Kelsey here ever gets in my way again, he had better have a gun. He has made this personal. I won't forget or forgive." "Your mad," the Count said. "Your apologize! Instantly," screamed his mother seeing her gained status slipping out the window. And all over a female who was nothing but gutter trash. And now dead! "Fuck off, MOTHER!" An audible gasp rolled around the throne room after Anthony's outburst. "Get him out of here," snarled the Count to his retainers. "You're restricted to quarters until the counsel decides what to do with you," he said to Anthony. Anthony nodded curtly then left. The family had little real power over him anymore because he no longer cared. The throne room cleared quickly leaving the Count shaking his head disgustedly. Why were they being beset by catastrophes? The unbelievable escape of that Darna half©breed and now, two family members fighting nearly to death over gutter trash and in the doing creating a bitter hatred that obviously was not going to heal for a long time. Anthony was unfortunately very popular and if he was punished severely, it was bound to cause a rift though out the house. Kelsey wasn't popular. And if that wasn't enough, the secret treaty with Darna and the Federalist Union was showing signs of unraveling. Perfect! Fucking perfect! Chapter VIII: New Pursuers I continued to pretend an interest in the shoddy trade goods around me. The thug whose evil presence had disturbed me earlier was back. I felt his presence just outside the door. There was no doubt that he was waiting for me. I had disguised myself to the point where no one who used to know me could have recognized me. I had garish tattoos over my face and body, orange striped green hair, outrageous out©of©sync clothes in style and color, rings in my ears and eyebrow, and so forth. Unfortunately, the one thing I couldn't seem to do anything about was the sex signals I kept giving off. If not for my strengthening family talents, I would now be an inmate of one of the local pleasure palaces © many times over. I had received numerous offers for such, some even voluntary. "Could you please go outside," said the woman running the small shop. "We don't want any trouble." She glanced nervously at the door. `She knows. Damn her, she knows and isn't going to do anything about it,' I said to Max. "No back door?" I asked pleasantly. "Please leave the way you came in. We don't want any trouble," she repeated again glancing nervously at the front door. I could sense her fear that I might indeed go out the back. `What a Princess,' I said to Max. `She lives on sufferance, Kid. If she angers the wrong people, then it's her they wait for one night.' `What a crappy system.' `The one Raven came out of was worse, Kid. This just happens to be one of the worst parts of this entire planet.' `The free traders would have to put their trade mission down here!' `Costs, Kid. The free Traders don't have the bucks of the Guild nor their political clout. They do the best with what they have.' I sighed and headed for the door. Just inside the door I paused and looked up and down the street. I waited a few more seconds then saw what I was looking for. A female with guards. With that I concentrated on the thug's mind and when I had control of his eyes, I walked out of the store and towards the woman. The thug, unable to see me, continued waiting by the door. Half way across the street I changed my control so he could see me. "Hey you, hold it," he shouted. With that he thundered after me. I carefully moved my image in his eyes towards the guarded woman. When my image reached her, I turned it around and let it look puzzled. I was blocking out the images of the woman's two guards. The brute thundered past me and up to the woman. He slapped wrist restraints on her and shocked her into unconsciousness before her dumbfounded guards could react. He was tearing her clothes off when the first of their blows rocked him. I left the thug to his richly deserved fate. "There she is, there," screamed a female voice. I looked back and saw the female shopkeeper pointing at me from her doorway. I followed the direction she was looking and quickly spotted the backup. I reached out with my mind and sought the second thug's neural pathways. Thankfully, even at a distance, he was easy to control. I quickly switched the image in his mind of the shopkeeper to that of my own. He took two steps towards me then veered on the dead run towards the shopkeeper. He struck her a paralyzing blow with a device hidden in his hand. Like his partner, he quickly had her cuffed and stripped naked. He then slipped a black cover over her. I put the idea in his mind that he should go to help his partner against the guards now that his target was secured. He dumped the woman haphazardly on the ground and ran towards his partner and the two guards. I hastily departed the area. Moving around in this part of town was getting more and more risky, even with my family talents, for I hadn't learned how to control more than one unprotected mind at a time © yet. * * * Two days and four incidents later, I finally reached the Free©trader's mission. It was a two©person mission consisting of a female, armed and clearly dangerous, and the mission head © out at the moment. Armed and dangerous was being bitchy. "Since you don't have an appointment, you'll have to wait outside. Frankly, I don't think he is going to have time to see you. You're hardly in our line of work." The last was said with such disdain that I felt like yesterday's rotting garbage. It was obviously a talent she had cultivated at length. `Easy, Kid. Let me handle this. Give her the following sequence.' Max rattled off a combination of letters and numbers in sets of five. After aski ng her to take the message down, I repeated them to her. By the last set of five she was looking at me strangely. Though I never saw her push any buttons or devices, her boss showed up less than five minutes later. His examination of me as he read the sequence of digits and numbers I had given `armed and dangerous' was tinged with extreme suspicion and distaste until I gave him twenty additional digits. After that, he became extremely nervous. `What were those numbers, Max?' `Our ticket to freedom, Kid. They are another gift from your father. They will be honored by all Free©trader missions everywhere.' * * * Three days later: `Who are the extra's, Max?' `Guards, Kid, you are considered important by your father's people.' Guards or not, one nice thing about the extra people was the variety. Not having to worry about someone trying to rob, rape, capture, or discover my secrets, meant I was free to concentrate on love. And I was doing so with a vengeance. `Love hell, pure unadulterated sex!' `Max!' `Don't `Max' me. Look at this free©trader missive I decoded.' He flashed the message and its decoding in my mind. `Please hurry. She is fucking us to death,' it said.' `Not funny!' `Yes it is, Kid. It's delicious.' Then Max laughed © heartily. What an irritating sound! Have I ever mentioned Max is a real pain in the butt sometimes? `Max, why do I feel so weak?' `The rejuve process has restarted, Kid.' `Restarted?' I groaned. I had to go through that agony again? `I thought I was all through.' `No! You only went through about half before I stopped it. It is why you're starting to shed those gross tattoos and ugly piercings," Max said. At mention of `half' I cursed. `Otherwise,' Max said ignoring my outburst, `your total escape could be seriously jeopardized. You will be quite beautiful when the process is finished.' `Whoopee! I'd rather stay like I am. I've had enough pain to last me two lifetimes, Max.' `The pace will be much slower so you should experience little of the earlier pain. You have to have this change, kid. Should you ever be seen again in any part of your Raven form, it will raise dangerous questions that could end up destroying you.' `So what am I going to look like now?' Okay so I was interested! `Long graceful legs, eye stopping reddish hair down to your butt, and a body the shape of an imperial court incubus. In other words, kid, you'll be a sexual female goddess. Everyone will assume that it will take someone very powerful to own something like you.' `Wonderful. I'm going to be property?' `Not legally, but reproductive instinct is so strong that it often supercedes laws in the long run, Kid.' I was silent for a few moments. Something about the description had rung a warning bell. `I don't think making me that attractive wise, Max.' `Wise? What's wrong with being attractive, or stunning for that matter, may I ask?' Max said. `That will cause me to stand out, be too memorable, Max. Not such a good idea if I'm to have any freedom of movement in this galaxy.' `Awe, Kid! You're fucking up my wet dream.' `Given where you are, I'm sure that's for the best, Max.' I couldn't help chuckling at the idea of Max having a wet dream. `Funny, Kid. Real funny.' Relieved that Max wasn't going to turn me into a blatant sex goddess, I thought about my narrow escape from the families' Embassy on Talos. It had been close © too close. `Max about that woman who . . ..' `Dead, Kid. She stole Anthony's gold ring and all your clothes © and took the assassin's bullet meant for you. Not your fault! It was a necessary step, Kid, and by her own choice she volunteered. Let it go.' `But . . ..' `Let it go, Kid. Time to get on with life.' * * * My entry into the world of Free©traders produced a number of surprises. With Max's help it was easy to discern their trading practices and predict results. And easy to offer improvements! Even with my special status, whatever that was, it was six months before any Free©trader would act on anything I offered. But after the first year, they became interested enough to at least ask my opinion. Whether they did anything after getting it or not or not, I seldom knew. Another thing that made life easier for me was that, with the Free©traders help, and payment of a very large commission, I managed to retrieve most of my hidden family accounts. Lots of arguments on the desirability of that retrieval transpired before they reluctantly consented to assist. At the end of the second year, I left the protective umbrella of the Free©traders and their small missions. Though they really had no idea of what to do with me, my decision ruffled many feathers and almost resulted in them holding me prisoner. It was only when I complied with their request to give them twenty of my eggs that everyone was all smiley faced again. Figure that one? Since leaving the Free©traders I had managed one piece of folderol that made me giggly. Using Max and a special account that was untraceable, I managed to compose a song and lyrics to strike back at the families. Through negotiations I got it published on the B©side of a major hit song. I wanted galaxy wide distribution © and got it. The song went as follows: There lived a mouse, In a Darna house Where a terrible lout, sold him out. Chorus: Hooray for Piss©head Parlan Piss©head Parlan, who sold one of his own A Senaak Count At the top of his mount peed his pants, when the Darna©mouse danced, Chorus: Hooray for Piss©head Parlan Piss©head Parlan, who sold one of his own Thank God he's gone pretend he's dead, died of a cold to his head Chorus: Hooray for Piss©head Parlan Piss©head Parlan, who sold one of his own The Darna house, Federalist too, And a Senaak spouse, Makes A poisonous stew Chorus: Hooray for Piss©head Parlan Piss©head Parlan, who sold one of his own The singers and musicians were all synthesized (the family would have killed innocents otherwise) and it came off marvelously. A lot of people ended up singing it just because the beat was catchy. What must have bothered those in power within the families was that the only mistake I had apparently made regarding the senders ID led back to the Federalist Union © if you worked long enough at it. I rather liked that touch myself. Needless to say, I wisely avoided Family spheres of influence like the plague in all of my travels. * * * Two years later I lay on a beach tanning chair soaking up sun and enjoying a sensual breeze off the ocean of Zeneb 3 © an earth type planet. Beside me was Bregg Frickett. Bregg had a body to die for © even if it was mostly laboratory fashioned. He definitely knew where the parts went and what they should do when they got there. I had used him to help shake the pursuit I had picked up two star systems back and was now enjoying the physical pleasures he was so good at providing while I rested and pondered my next move. Bregg is best described by his own personal©philosophy: `If it walks, crawls, flies or swims, Frickett can fuck it'. Had he gotten a brain transplant when he had himself body sculpted, he really would have made an ideal traveling companion. `Kid, I still can't believe you got yourself included into Sheik Amani's harem for the entire inward passage,' Max said. He then chuckled. `Hey, it got the pursuit off of my trail.' I had made a multi©multi©million credit profit on a deal about six planets ago and had literally been hounded off planet. Pursuit had followed for three star systems before they finally gave up or I shook them. `Pursuit hell, you liked all that pussy!' Max was referring to my getting to know the ladies of the Harem intimately. They were quite delicious © and very willing lovers. As far as traveling incognito goes, that had been my all©time best! No check in for someone to find, and no check out to leave a trail. One of Sheik Amani's concubines had even gone so far as to cry when I left. I had been touched! She had been the aggressive type too© giggle. `I didn't see you closing your eyes, Max,' I said. "Terra, I have an idea for you. Could make us both a lot of money," Bregg said suddenly from beside me © Terra was the name I was currently using. Bregg had an idea how to make money? Huh? I turned slightly so I could see him. Did I mention great body? "I'm not looking for work or any deals at the moment, Love." Okay, so I'm a hypocrite. But Bregg probably couldn't spell money let alone manage it. "Hear me out now, Terra. I'm talking big money. Two, maybe three hundred thousand credits a year," he said. I was curious in one sense for I could feel how determined he was. This wasn't like the Bregg I thought I had known for the last three weeks. "What did you have in mind?" I asked. "You becoming a pleasure courtesan. With your natural talents you could really develop a prosperous following of clients and I'd be willing to provide whatever management assistance and protection you needed." Assist me? More like steal any money the johns elected to pay. Bregg had tried twice to get me to take lightly addictive stimulants and now I knew why. "Not my cup of tea, Bregg." "You have an absolute penchant for it, Terra. We both know it. You would make a smashing and popular Courtesan. We both could make more money than we've ever made before," he said © the last more forcibly than I'd ever heard him speak before. The proverbial we: I would do the work, he would spend the money. Obviously my disguise of stupidity was much more effective than I had suspected. I could see where this was heading. "I'm not normally like that, Bregg. It's you! You really know how to make a girl feel good. But if you want to set up a string of courtesans, or go into it yourself, make up a business plan and perhaps I will provide the financial backing for it." "You able to provide financial backing? Sure! Dream on babe!" Well, surprise, surprise! Bregg just struck jerk dirt. The sex had been so red hot I had carefully avoided examining his mind. Now that he had introduced me to it forcibly, I knew the fling was over. Great body, zip for brain. "Let me think it over tonight, Bregg." I could sense he didn't like that answer and as I extended my talents I felt him signal another. Bregg had an accomplice? That was not a good sign. My soon to be `ex©lover' had obviously been a busy little boy. I examined the accomplice. The emotions that ran through his brain ended with patience so I knew they would not make their move right away. Perhaps tonight! I would be gone by then only they didn't know that. * * * `What's wrong, Kid?' Max asked. We were on board a deep space passenger craft. `The pursuit, Max. It draws close again. I felt it on Zenab 3 at the spaceport just as we boarded. Individuals seeking me were unloading as we loaded. I felt their presence three planets ago. I don't understand why they are pursuing so doggedly?' `Is it the families?' `Doesn't have that feel, Max. I've never sensed family talents in any of them but I've sensed a stepped up determination that frightens me. I can't figure how they keep following.' `As I've told you, `Fucks like a Mink' is too easy to trace. You've got to stop fucking everything with two legs, Kid.' "I don't do that!" `True. You haven't got to the engineer yet. He's tall too! And you know what they say about tall men with big hands!" `Oh.' I was silent for a moment. `I forgot about him.' `God help us,' said Max. That night, after I retired to my cabin, I heard noises in the hall. Before I could get up to investigate my door burst open and the purser and three armed men burst into my cabin. The hall was full of armed crewmembers as well. "There she is. Take her," shouted the Purser. Before I could even ask a question one of the men shot me with an energy beam. "Contact the guild and . . .." the purser was saying as I slid into unconsciousness. My last thought was wondering who had captured me now. *********************************************** If you have suggestions on how to improve the story, or just want to point out area's you found weak, please drop me a line. General comments are also welcome except `go take a flying leap'. Last time I tried that had rug burns on my nose for for three months!

Same as Princess by Default - Part II Videos

2 years ago
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Princess by Default

Princess by Default By Noel Lexicon Copyright Sept. 2000 No portion of this copyrighted material may be archived or stored on any other internet site or used in any manner without prior written permission of the author first. **************** Chapter 1: The House of Darna "Close the I/O's, Max." "Aren't you going to finish?" asked Max in an off key voice. It was his way of expressing surprise and other less pleasant emotions. "Tomorrow. I need to get ready for my a date...

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Princess by Default Episode 5

Princess by Default: Chapter-XI By Noel Lexicon Return of a very bad penny 10 days later: ?Robin, that looks smashing,? I said. And it did. She had on a silk sundress with matching gold sandals. Her beautiful tan and healthy figure set the dress off spectacularly. What made my heart race was her smile. It was so full of happiness I could scarcely believe how vivacious and loving she was. The door opened and a male I couldn?t place entered. ?Which of you is Lady Jasmine??...

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Princess by Default Episode 7

For those who complained about the mixed up headings of the different chapters, sorry, it was a technical problem. I typed the right numbers - my keyboard made the mistakes. Princess by Default - Chapter 13 Coup and Countercoup "Lady Jasmine, Lady Jasmine." I heard the voice through a web of cotton candy. I tried to answer only my voice didn?t work. Something cool dabbed at my face. I felt my body being...

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Princess by Default Episode 8

Princess by Default: Chapter Fourteen By Noel Lexicon Copyright 04/2002 This material may not be reprinted, reposted or in any way publicly or privately distributed without the prior written permission of the author. This story contains graphic sex scenes and is intended for adults only. Chapter Fourteen: A concubine finds her Master As soon as they were confident local space had been swept clean of all tripartite forces, the Emperor, myself and Hawkins,...

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The default option I

I had been on the job for a month when she started. We filed into the small meeting room at our disposal one hour Monday mornings and Ben said, “Okay, peons…”“Pee off on the peon crap,” said Harriet.“Yeah, you make, what? 55 cents more an hour than we do, so don’t get above yourself, friend,” said Fiona.“You tell’im, Miss Mtotwa,” Harriet joined in, and she and Fiona high fived.“No, you forget, I’m an engineer, you’re…what are you gonna be again, a PE teacher?”“Physical therapist, Benny...

Love Stories
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The default option II

The next day at work Callie seemed her old self again. We were scheduled together and she chatted happily, and when work ended she said, “I think we’ve had enough high culture for a while.”“Oh?”“Mood’s changed.”“Again?”She smiled, “Oh, don’t mind me. I’m just grumpy sometimes.”“Where to?”“Well, how’d you like to go bowling?”“Huh?”She laughed and said, “I love bowling. Don’t you?”“Haven’t been since elementary school.”“Good.”“Good? Huh?”“Easy pickings.”I laughed and she told me where to meet her...

Love Stories
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Raven In a Harem Part III Princess By Default

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Princess Melanie

Author Note: I originally wrote this story for a girl I was chatting to. She loved to dress guys up like girls and humiliate them. I have changed her name for this version to protect her identity (not that it’d really be necessary, but just to be sure). I never finished it, but here is much of what I have written, edited together to form a single chapter story. If there is enough interest, I may write more adventures with Princess Melanie. Princess MelaniePart OneI couldn’t believe my luck at...

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Princess of Trimaria

Princess of Trimaria - Part 1 By Scott Ramsey Edited by Amelia R. CHAPTER 1 The blue-grey walls of Lockeleigh Palace glittered majestically in the early morning sun, purple and silver pennants fluttering from its battlements. On another world - in another time - the sight would have conjured forth visions of youthful fantasies; dragons and elves and gallant knights. On the world of Andarel, however, these things were far from fantasy, they were a way of life. The palace sat...

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Princess of Castile chapter 9

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Princess LeiaJabbas Slave

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Princess by Princess Pantyboy This is paradise, a hot four shot mocha with chocolate sprinkles, me sitting here outside on the patio in front of Starbucks on Main Street Huntington Beach Southern California. Yes this is the life, or like they say life is good when the simple things can bring a smile to your face. I pull out my new iPhone X and check my emails and text messages. Yes life is simple after a nice stroll on the beach and now chilling with my favorite drink, especially...

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Princess of Castile chapter 15

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Princess Lien

Chapter I - Princess Lien's Breakfast treat Princess Lien yawned and thought is she bored or still waking up. She lay in her four poster bed, on a mattress made from duck feathers, covered with black silk sheets, with matching pillows. From each corner of the top of the bed were hung black drapes tied to the bed posts with black rope She looked out the window to try and judge what time of day it was. Soon breakfast would be arriving. She sat up in bed, stretched and revealed she was wearing a...

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Princess of Castile chapter 12

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Princess of Trimaria Part 2

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Princess The Pauper

This is just a quick little ditty that I thought someone might get a kick out of… not to be taken too seriously. ***** Sweetest Princess Juniper, You have stolen my heart, my sweet cherry pie. I love you more than anything in this world. I would give you the stars in the sky. You will taste so good when we finally are together. Love always, Periwinkle ‘He’s so dreamy,’ cooed Princess Juniper, clutching the letter to her substantial bosom. The lovely young princess had long golden hair,...

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Princess Ayumi and the Pirates

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I am a 40 year old typical soccer mom who leads a pretty conventionallife I am a 40 year old typical soccer mom who leads a pretty conventional? life.? My stories are based on my fantasies.? Most deal with the humiliation of older women by younger women, in the style of my favorite authors such as Cowgirl, Couture, Phoenix Arrow and Jane Parks.?? This is my first story I hope you enjoy it.? I?m working on further chapters, and I?d enjoy any constructive criticism.? Contact me at...

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Princess of Castile chapter 10

Princess of Castile By Jennifer Reed Chapter 10 Valentina ran for nearly two miles. Julia did her best to follow her friend, but eventually fell too far behind and turned back. She knew it was not Valentina's doing, but things were what they were and Valentina was a woman now whether she liked it or not. And now Valentina was training herself hard to pass the trials to enlist in the Shadow Corps. She also devoted herself to her intensive studies to attend an elite military...

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"God, I need a cigarette," I thought absentmindedly for the umpteenth time. It's been over 3 months since I quit 'cold turkey'. Sitting in traffic thinking of my snot nosed 20-something boss and what a jerk he is, looking for a convenience store, just one smoke will make me feel better. Me I'm a 41 old married women with 2 teenage daughters. The 'perfect' wife and mother. I've been married for 19 years and still look pretty good, although if I'm honest I could lose 10 pounds...oh alright 20...

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Princess of Castile chapter 6

Princess of Aragon By Jennifer Reed Chapter 6 Thomas had insisted on bathing with his new husband this morning. He thought he did. The Duke was almost a total stranger to him, but at least he was getting to know the cruel man. The Duke had not been that cruel to him, but the Duke now understood why this was happening now. The Duke was still a cruel man and intended on brutalizing Thomas even if he now knew he could not do as he originally wished. Thomas followed the Duke into the...

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Princess Pristina

I told my li’l lady we’d have to rescue the princess later, switched off Super Mario, put on a shirt with a collar, gave the wife a fifty and unplugged myself from the famz. The sky’d turned orange and all the shadows were stretching. Now the black shapes on the ground pooled into night as I headed west in my work truck, chasing the last hour of sun. The farm had a RD number and a swappacrate for a mailbox. There was a good half a kay of gravel before a farmhouse popped out atcha. I bounced...

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Princess of Trimaria Part 3

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princess part one

Suddenly, carriage of prince came and they took me to the castle. By night while I was thinking abot princess... Suddenly she came in. I couldn't bleievie that. She came to my bed and said ordered: PRINCESS : Follow me... So I did. I didn't know what she wanted and I didn't know where are we going. We wondered a long time. Then she stopped, opened the door and said to me: PRINCESS : Get inside. - she ordered That room was not big. A few candles were burning and giving light. There...

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Princess Leia Meets Princess Aura

Emperor Ming of Mongo and Klytus, his most trusted underling were inside his private meditation chamber. The goateed man sitting behind the computer console had been in deep meditation for a good number of hours, but what he sought continued to elude him as if deliberately trying to frustrate his will. He considered satiating his desires with one of his concubines, but he didn't find that thought particularly appealing at the moment. "Klytus," Ming intoned, "the day is filled with such...

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Princess Ellie

by All These Roadworks === Princess Ellie wasn’t a *bad* princess, but she was occasionally a thoughtless and cruel one, and she made the mistake of doing so on the day when a middle-aged woman arrived at court and applied for permission to access the Royal Library. To be fair, the woman was trashily dressed, huge-titted, and more than a little vulgar. But still, Ellie’s response was uncalled for. She laughed when she heard the woman wanted a pass to the Library, and said, “What use does...

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Princess of Castile chapter 14

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Princess SaraChapter 20

The returning Princess patted the horse's head and urged it into a gallop. She was somewhat behind schedule after being diverted several times from her proper route by one damned thing and another. Once she had been attacked by three robbers, whom she had managed to kill, but not before receiving a shocking blow to her beautiful face, leaving a deep wound that went down her nose and upper lip, causing blood to flow copiously from both. In the exhilaration of combat and her unlikely...

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Princess of Castile chapter 7

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Princess and the Pauper 3

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Princess Puma in Mine Your Business

Willow Creek, Arizona 1800 Rebecca Temple was in the middle of teaching her class when one of her students...a young boy of 13 years..burst through the doors of the modest old church building which housed the school during the week. A 28 year old woman..her blonde hair tied atop her head and dressed in a long sleeved baggy dress which flowed all the way down to her up from behind her desk and approached the boy...whose face and clothes were covered in dirt. "Billy Ingram...Why are...

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I drove Marjorie back to Jacques to retrieve her car. She went home to pack an overnight bag and then come back to my condo so we could be together. We were collectively moving very rapidly into this new polyamorous relationship that Carrie conceived. I figured I had about a half-hour to talk to Carrie alone before she joined us. I came into the apartment, and Carrie was happily humming as she did some straightening in the kitchen, preparing our dishes for breakfast as she was inclined to...

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Princess of Castile chapter 5

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Princess Ransom

King Gustave sat with his military advisers, it was no secret that the war was about to turn badly against his country. The reports were unanimous, in no more than a few weeks the Hartshore lines would collapse, allowing the troops of the enemy Juriland to sweep in for victory. But before that happened many thousands of King Gustave’s troops as well as a large number of enemy forces would die. King Gustave raged. Much of his anger was directed at himself, how he and King Julius had blundered...

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Princess The Stud

Michael looked across the crowded ballroom and sighed. This was not his usual scene. The monkey suite felt tight around the neck, the music was a bunch of violins, the people shiny, smiley and fake. But he was trapped and it was necessary he be here. ‘Well that was a big sigh.’ Came a voice from his left. He turned and looked into the friendly brown eyes of his friend Nate. ‘It’s not too late you know, you could forget this whole thing and move on, we could find our funding elsewhere.’ ‘Why...

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Princess Part III

Princess III By Teri Franken [email protected] Our Princess has basically lost her house to Tim; he has degraded her verbally, sexually and physically, taken over her bedroom and sent her off to sleep on the couch. -------------------------------- I closed my bedroom door. How the hell do I get myself out of this? I looked at my watch and saw it was 3am, I needed to wake 'Tim the King' in only three hours, plus I...

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Princess of Castile chapter 13

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Princess Project

PRINCESS PROJECT Layla Taft was having fun as she sprinted through the forest along the same trail used for the Iditarod each year. She was fifteen, and loved to run. Running had saved her life less than a year ago. Her parents looked nothing like her as she was growing up. More she had never attended any school like other girls her age. Instead she was home schooled, Gymnastics, as well as Martial Arts, at twelve she already held a Black Belt in Karate, Taekwondo, and Aikido....

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Princess Her Friend Average Joe

I had flowers in one hand and candy with a Valentine’s Day card in the other. ‘Happy Valentine’s Day, Princess,’ I said with a big smile as soon as she answered the door. I handed her the white roses, Godiva chocolates, and her Valentine’s Day card. I leaned in for my reward hoping to kiss her on the lips, but I kissed her on the cheek instead, when she rolled her eyes and turned her head before giving me a look of annoyed indifference. Had this been the first time she acted like this to me,...

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Princess Jasmines New Life

Princess Jasmine’s New LifeThe story takes place after Jafar is turned into a sorcerer, and has Jasmine as his personal slave. Of course, this is the version Disney couldn’t show you?The Throne Room was exquisite. Though he had been there thousands of times, there was something different about it when you were Sultan and in charge of everything. Especially when you were in charge of a gorgeous desert bloom like the Princess. Hands chained together and bound to Jafar’s snake staff, Jafar looked...

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Princess of Castile chapter 16 part 2 of 2 Final Chapter

Princess of Castile By Jennifer Reed This is the final chapter. Chapter 16 Susan and Alejandra meet and finalize things within her family. Alejandra deals with her husband once and for all as Natalia feminalizes things within her new life and husband Anthony as he finds out what awates him as Natalias husband in the Castile Empire Part Two of two The look on Susan's face was one of intense pride and approval as she saw her new stepdaughter. She had known of Alejandra since...

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Princess and the Pauper 1

The Princess and the Pauper. Chapter one. They lined us all up in a single row. A beautiful young girl then walked in front of us looking us over. "I want that one, that one and also that small one as my personal messenger." I was the third one that she picked from the line. That made me happy. That meant that I would have food and a place to sleep this night. When you are ten years old and have not eaten in three days, it was the best possible thing in the world for...

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PrincessChapter 5 Loving Emma Meeting the Royal inLaws New House Wedding

Eventually, we settled with Jacque's, and returned to the condo. It was about ten o'clock. If I read Jerry correctly, he was interested in some sexual time with Carrie; however, that wasn't going to happen with Emma around. Carrie changed all that in a minute. She came up to me. "Jim ... Honey ... I need you to do something really special for me – for us – especially for my younger sister Em." "Yummmm." I wondered where she was going; this was unusual, and if I read the tone of her...

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Princess By Teri Franken I should have known better than to have that last scotch and soda. The first six or so had gone down so nicely that it did not seem fair to not have another. Looking at the clock, it was time to leave the party, I did have to be at work in the morning and since it was nearing 2am, I decided to pack it in. "Thanks for having me over guys," I said to Steve and Laurie, "I had a great time." Laurie gave me the LOOK and she could tell that maybe I should...

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Princess Part 4

Princess IV (Final chapter by me) By Teri Franken [email protected] When we last left Princess Erica, she had just served dinner to her new Master and his girlfriend Cheri, they were fucking on the couch and Cheri was ready to watch Tim fuck the little Princess. Tim looked over at me and said "take off those pantyhose Princess, but leave your panties on." I quickly removed my shoes and then my pantyhose. I noticed that Cheri never...

1 year ago
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Princess and the MagePart 3 Castle Leche

The Princess awoke a changed woman. She smiled up at him in reverence, adoration, and awe. Wrapping her arms and knees about him, she held him close and kept his seed within her womb. Her greatest hope was to carry his child. “I love you, slave or King makes no difference.” she whispered. While she had slept Magnus went to Meg. She had been crying in her frustration and need to be used. The magic held her frozen until he chose to come to her. He took pity on her and wished he could attend to...

4 years ago
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Princess Part 2

Princess, Part II By Teri Franken So far: Our future Princess was caught in a blackmail scheme and her "King" was planning on making her into his personal play thing. ------------------------- I started to move towards the stairs and it finally came to me, he planned on "using" me! Fear overcame me, I had never been with a man before, sure I had used my toys, but he had something else in mind. What a mess I was in, I had no choice but...

2 years ago
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Princess of Castile chapter 3

Princess of Castile By Jennifer Reed Chapter 3: The Brides Reception This story is set in the world created by Rikki in the Marriage of Martin Hastings that he began some time around 2010. These events in this story occur around three to four years after the events in Rikkis story. The door to the limo opened and the Duke slid in beside his male bride, Thomas. Thomas looked up, feeling very small and meek before the enormous man towering above him. They looked very much like...

3 years ago
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Princess Gwendolyn in The Castle of Pain

PRINCESS GWENDOLYN in THECASTLE OF PAIN By Llabmik Chapter1 - The Sweat Box The naked blond princess squattedinside the iron sweatbox, her pale flesh cooking in the broiling sun. Theheavy hot box sat in the centre of the deserted, sun-blasted courtyard ofQueen Rowena's Counterpane Castle (affectionately known as The Castle ofPain to it's inmates). Waves of heat shimmered up from the surfaces of theblack box. Inside the sweatbox, the air wasas wet as sweat soup. Hands bound behind her...

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