Princess By Default IV free porn video

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Would like to thank a reader, Mark Reed, who took the time to email me a list of typos as well as pointing out a few spots that needed additional elucidation - all greatly appreciated (a great fan on the way to becoming a friend). Another reader I would like to thank is Shelly Sams who was kind enough to send me some very cogent observations on PbD part III that applied equally to part IV (allowing me to make some changes to better enhance PbD PIV) - also deeply appreciated. Additionally, I would like to thank Maggie Finson - a writer of great potential whom I have had the distinct pleasure of working with in co-authoring a rewrite of Maggie's superb Mommy series. Three other excellent writers also deserve kudo's because their reviews influenced the direction and content of Princess by Default (and improved it from what it would have otherwise been). They are: Paul1954 (love your Girle series - just one of your many outstanding creations Paul); Scrambler J (Love your Raven series Jake); and Babs Yeruncle (whose Planetary agent series no one should miss - another series I thoroughly enjoy). Also, Babs' review was so incisive and well written that it caused me to rewrite 2/3's of the last two chapters and add an additional chapter. Lastly, I'd like to thank Teddi Sue, Tabercil, KK, Bez, Quadhouse, :P, cNf, and AhuraMaz for being genuinely nice people. Encouraging reviews do greatly stimulate the creative process. My hope is that this and future chapters of PbD continue to hold the interest of the majority of readers. ************************************************************ Princess by Default - Part IV By Noel Lexicon Copyright Sept. 2000 Chapter X Conflict in Eden "You said you didn't like sex," Stoneface snapped. For her that was equivalent of screaming! I was enduring another of her nearly endless interrogations. Only now, since the escape, they were always spiced with pain. That I refused to tell how I had managed to escape infuriated her. I couldn't tell her without revealing too much about myself. Unfortunately, I was growing weary in spirit and body and was no longer certain how much longer I could withstand her questioning. "Did not!" That sent her too her electronic pad. "You said `sometimes'," she said pointedly. "You made love to a third of the crew and four passengers. Two of them female!" "So?" "You were only on board forty-eight hours!" "That was one of the `sometimes'. Don't be dense," I said. She immediately tapped a device and pain jolted me to semi- consciousness. My head hit the desk with a loud thump. When I recovered consciousness I didn't bother lifting my head from the desk. "Tell me again, Stoneface, that this is not a prison. I'd just like to see if you can still say the lie to my face," I said. Her intense anger washed over me and I felt, in my mind, her finger dart for the pain button. I kept my head on the desk, determined not to give her the pleasure of seeing my dread. I felt her pause, her finger inches from the button. She was filled with great frustration, even anguish. "Take her to her room and lock her there. Make sure two guards are with her in any room she goes into at all times," she ordered. I was surprised at the unexpected reprieve, but let no emotion show. Her voice and emotions reflected a weariness of spirit but she wasn't getting sympathy from me. Perhaps she wasn't enjoying our confrontations, but she was so driven it made little difference. I had yet to try to deliberately control her with family talents because Max had convinced me it was best to let the punishment run its course first. But the sessions always left me depressed - I mean what had I ever done to deserve this? How can wanting to be free be such a crime? * * * Two hours later Stoneface stood in the Emperor's private chambers. She looked out the wall-to-wall floor-to-ceiling viewing surface with pride. The Emperor's quarters overlooked one of the prettier parts of the Royal grounds and from its impressive height the view from the Royal chambers presented a vista of tremendous beauty. The Emperor's private quarters also reeked of raw masculine power as a not too subtle reminder of the Tsarick Empire?s great military/economic might. Stoneface's pride in that power stemmed from the fact she had not only been an important functionary in Jer'Tock's father's court, but had continued serving the Empire in the son's regime. Privately, Stoneface's personal hope was that the son would outstrip the father. Jer'Tock's father had been a bounder and had paid more attention to the wives and daughters of others than he had the affairs of the Empire. As a result the Tsarick Empire had stagnated. Jer'Tock's grandfather, Emperor Elan-Tricon, had been a great Emperor in every sense of the word and, besides acquiring tremendous personal fame, had increased the prestige and power of the Empire during his rule. Stoneface's primary objective for the remainder of her life was to influence Jer'Tock to travel the path of greatness his grandfather had trod. And what better way than trying to influence and encouraging him to select an Empress. Stoneface heard a door open behind her. She turned and watched as Jer'Tock entered the chamber then was followed inside by a beautiful woman. One look and Stoneface knew what activity had kept her appointment with the Emperor on hold. In that appetite Jer'Tock was much his father's son. What Stoneface was pleased with was that Jer'Tock was content to sate those appetites with members of the Royal Seraglio instead of the wives and daughters of the Nobles and families of the economic houses comprising the Empire - as his father had so unashamedly done. Stoneface's eye caught the eye of the female behind Jer'Tock and besides a slight blush, the woman nodded respectively. Stoneface bowed deferentially, not because of necessity, as her position was certainly as high as that of any concubine, but out of respect. The female was Stoneface's largest success to date in her unusual handling of the Royal Seraglio. The female had enough natural beauty to attract the Emperor's eye, enough sexual drive to not be put off by Jer'Tock's heavy desires, and intelligence of such magnitude that Jer'Tock found her presence desirable when entertaining or participating in diplomatic functions. The beauty's name was Lady Murielle and she had recently become Jer'Tock's favorite from among those Stoneface had selected for Jer'Tock from the first inclusions to the Royal Seraglio. That group had been so carefully crafted that it was inevitable that Jer'Tock's eye would fall on Lady Murielle. And thankfully, his interest in Lady Murielle had grown such that she now had his ear. Though Stoneface was careful to present a face of neutrality, she was hopeful for Lady Murielle's continued success. The beauty would make a superb Empress, an Empress the Empire could be proud of. "How is it I can help you, Concierge Rogess?" asked Emperor Jer'Tock. He smiled at the head of his Royal Seraglio and his long time family retainer. "With your wisdom, Sire. It is one of the concubine candidates - the one that left without permission. There seems no way to gain her acceptance. Pain only makes her more obstinate. Even confining her to her room fails. She meditates for days without eating and in the end we are forced to make her eat. And even with forcing, her weight is off 16%. I am at my wits end in trying to gain her cooperation, Sire. I thought perhaps a little attention from you and she might become more cooperative." "If she despises being held in Royal captivity, why is it you refuse to let her go?" asked Lady Murielle. The Emperor glanced briefly at Lady Murielle, nodded and then looked at Stoneface, showing he thought the question a good one. The question was a good one and displayed Lady Murielle's ability to see to the heart of a matter almost instantly. It made Stoneface proud of her efforts at finding one such as Lady Murielle for Jer'Tock's side. Stoneface often wondered if Jer'Tock was aware of how carefully she culled the concubine candidates she allowed in his presence of twits and of the empty headed sex goddess's many sent for Jer'Tock's amusement. St George forbid one such as those becoming Empress! Stoneface moved her hands as if to answer then dropped them at her side. "Lady Murielle, you have hit on one of the points of contention between us. The Royal household is not a prison, she keeps insisting it is." Lady Murielle glanced at the Emperor with a raised eyebrow. He nodded very slightly - his signal for her to continue. "You answer with your heart, she with the truth, Concierge Rogess. Do you punish the messenger because you like not the truth, or like not the messenger?" asked Lady Murielle. Stoneface looked in growing dismay at Lady Murielle and then she looked quickly at the Emperor. "Sire, I . . ." He waived her response to silence and turned and looked at his new concubine. He nodded in appreciation at her question then smiled. "Why is it you think she should be kept?" He asked turning his attention back to his concubine concierge. Concierge Rogess took a large breath and exhaled - her face red, evidence of her growing distress. One question from Lady Murielle and suddenly she understood that she, she who had pledged her undying fidelity to the Emperor, was part of the problem she was laying at his doorstep. "Sire, with all due respect to Lady Murielle, the female who calls herself Farkle is clever beyond my ability to measure. She is beyond all doubt the cleverest of all in my charge, or of any I have encountered. Her nearly successful escape terrifies me because even after numerous investigations I have no idea how she managed it and haven't a single clue how to prevent its repetition. And without seemingly trying she inspires tremendous loyalty and trust in those around her, so much so that I now fear for my person around her guards. They like not my attempts to get her to respond and their anger grows with each passing day." "Farkle? Her name is Farkle?" demanded the Emperor. He took two steps toward his concierge in anger and stopped. "Why isn't her name shown as Farkle on your records?" he said hotly. Stoneface's eyes widened. She swallowed loudly before answering. What had she done wrong? "She is listed under the name she was using when the guild captured her, Sire," she explained hurriedly. "The name Farkle came up in the first fact finding interview. I thought it so obviously false, the full name she gave that is, that I didn't correct the records, Sire." "What was the full name she gave?" asked Lady Murielle. "Farkle Dimwitty Quadpucker NimNums the 23rd, my Lady," replied Stoneface shuddering at even repeating the monstrosity. Lady Murielle laughed delightedly. "Oh my, she is clever." She glanced at the Emperor and stopped laughing. "The Hudani?" she asked. He nodded and looked pointedly at Stoneface. "My Emperor, I know not what I've done that troubles you," said Concierge Rogess, her voice trembling with anxiety. Emperor Jer'Tock stared at the head of his Seraglio then finally nodded. He had not thought to include her in the information loop. Who could have ever guessed the key to the startling Hudani prose would lie in the Royal Seraglio. "Three weeks ago," he said slowly, "the Hudani sent a courier ship and requested an emergency audience. Their delegation was five time- line Priests. Each gave a single line of prose then they all got quietly back in their ship and departed. Trying to interpret their message has been frustrating the Empire's best scientists every hour of every day since their departure." "May I hear the message, Sire?" asked Stoneface. The Emperor pushed a button on his wrist communicator and shortly the following appeared on the large display screen in his quarters. Lose not the sparkle of the flower Farkle, Or a puppet be, In a way thou'll not see And terrible war, few able death to flee "Sweet George," said Stoneface shuddering. "Exactly," said the Emperor. "And the Hudani didn't even ask for money so that gives you some idea of the extreme importance they attach to our path choice at this particular time line divergence point. Obviously their prose, or more precisely the last line of their prose, affects them equally as well." The Emperor paused and took a large breath. He exhaled with a sense of relief. "Up until now, the mystery of the stanza centered on the word `Farkle'. Now, it appears we are facing a problem of a different sort," he said looking pointedly at Stoneface. * * * `What do you think, Max?' `Don't know, Kid. But I think the punishment is over.' Max and I were discussing the abrupt change in my status. The punishments and interrogations had ceased. Other than the chains on my legs and wrists, I enjoyed the same status as before my escape, only with a much larger guard contingent. They went into every room I did including the bathroom and they never let me out of their sight - not for a second. There was little doubt someone (or at least Stoneface) was determined that I not escape again. But knowing the pain had stopped made the presence of more guards inconsequential. And my quarters had been upgraded - palatial, my choice of views even! ?I think you were right, Max. About having to perhaps accept this as home for awhile. They seem quite determined.' `Being selected as a Royal Concubine is nothing to be sneezed at, Kid. Lots of worse fates.' `Yes, if only I knew why. The Emperor hasn't even seen me and they still have at least six major cuts to make on their concubine candidate pool.' `You got a hot ass, Kid. What can I say?' `Max!' Even more satisfying was the attitude of my guards. They had become extremely protective (even the new ones) and given the slightest encouragement, they would bring me all sorts of surprises, or arrange any trip they thought I might enjoy. And they all sported immediate erections when they saw me for the first time each day (they really know how to make a girl feel good - giggle)! I could even invite any of the other concubine candidates I wanted to accompany me. After all the dread and pain, it was hard not to feel a cautious return of enthusiasm for life, but I remained wary and continued to provoke Stoneface. And the more I went out of my way to provoke her, the more courteous she became. And she even admitted I was a prisoner - a very honored and welcome one. Surprise! Surprise! One additional thing forced on me was a name change. Now that I was an official concubine, by order of the Emperor, my name was now officially `Lady Jasmine'. `Hey, Max! I went from a Farkle to a Lady. How about that!' `Just remember, Kid, lady doesn't start with FU.' `Max!' Have I ever mentioned Max is a pain in the butt sometimes? * * * "Lady Jasmine, please," said one of my guards. "I'm not jumping high enough?" I asked looking at him in wide- eyed innocence. I had practiced a Lemur type leap until I could do it continuously. That was where I placed one foot well in front of the other, leaped forward, changed the lead foot as I landed then leaped again. Then I repeated the process. I refused to walk normally while bound in chains and so I now Lemur leaped everywhere I went. My leaping, caused my chains to crash loudly on the floor at every leap so I was extremely noisy wherever I went (it was also very tiring but I wasn't about to admit that part). I was pushing it, but somehow it seemed necessary to me to test if what I had been told about no more physical punishment was really true. It was over a month since my punishments had stopped and my Lemur leaping entry into tonight's diplomatic reception would certainly put the `no more punishments' declaration to a test. Especially since this would be the first time I had confronted the Emperor with my outrageous behavior. `Max, do you think I have a death wish?' `Nah, Kid. You're just horny!' I blew Max a mental raspberry and continued my leaping. It was actually sort of fun. Sort of, maybe! A door opened and I leaped my way into the reception. Stopped conversations I did. I even heard a few `Sweet George's'. "Ah, Lady Jasmine. So good of you to join us." I turned and found myself facing the Emperor. He was surrounded by a number of sycophants, ambassadors and other sorts. Many had raised eyebrows. A number were looking nervously at me while others smiled smugly. When I looked back at the Emperor I found myself getting lost in beautiful green eyes. Woo he was good looking! "Ah, yes," I said mentally shaking myself and giving him my best enthusiastic look and aristocratic voice. "When I got your invitation to attend, I leapt at it, so to speak." With that I looked him challengingly in the eyes. His face underwent so many emotions in such a short time I could not follow them all. One was beautifully strangled however. He and I stared at one another and neither of us dropped our eyes (I was actually staring at the tip of his nose for I found his green eyes far to distracting). He of course wouldn't have ever considered dropping his eyes because he was the Emperor, but my refusal to be even the least bit submissive surprised him. Finally he started laughing. It was a laugh that started low and bubbled over into outrageous hilarity. It caught most of the onlookers up with it. I liked his laugh. `You like anything with a dick, Kid.' `Max!' "Well, we will have to make sure you get other invitations then. Enjoy yourself, Lady Jasmine, and try not to start any wars," said the Emperor. With that he turned and walked off - still chuckling and shaking his head. Late that evening I found myself enjoying the reception. It had been a long time since I had been allowed to mix socially with people on a nearly equal footing. I was somewhat of a curiosity. All had obviously heard of me (the palace grapevine being the news sieve it was), all were curious, but it was quickly obvious few took me seriously what with the gold manacles on my wrists and ankles - and gold chains connecting them. All evening long I had been angling towards a group of traders and I finally had reached them in a manner that I hoped looked happenstance. To me they were the wily fish in this pond, aware, cautious and skittish. And as they all had made their own fortunes or were deeply immersed in business they were bound to be the most interesting group present. "Hi, my name is Farkle," I said holding out my hand to the oldest member of the group. He shifted his drink, wiped his hand on his pants, then gripped my hand and shook it the same as he would have had we been trading across a table. I liked him immediately. He would be a good friend if one gained his friendship. "Lady Jasmine, it is a privilege and an honor to meet you." "You must have misheard. My name is Farkle," I said giving him my absolute best innocent look. "Lady Jasmine, there is not enough money in this room for me to go against the Emperor's wishes in such a matter. You wouldn't want me to suffer, would you?" "No, but you could think Farkle," I whispered conspiratorially. He smiled in amusement, gave my hand a squeeze, then politely released it. He turned and, acting as host for the gathering, introduced me to everyone in the group including their specialties and trading affiliations. All in all, thoughtful, courteous and beyond the necessity of what was required at court. Even better, I found myself quickly included in their conversation. "What do you trade in, Lady Jasmine?" asked one of the younger traders. The question said they had accepted me as one of their own. It felt wonderful! "I subscribe to the Eleysian theory of commerce," I said. "You trade in that which you haven't sold yet." I held up my arm showing my golden wrist manacle and attached gold chain. "Recently, I went into worked metals." I rattled my chains a few times then looked each of them in the eye. "Any interest?" There were lots of coughs and people suddenly found the need to look at the floor. To see how well it was polished no doubt. I knew their caution precluded them from laughing or making obvious comment but I had expected a few sly smiles. What I didn't know was that Emperor Jer'Tock had walked up behind me. "Ah, and those are your chains to sell, Lady Jasmine?" I'm going to have to put a bell on him! I jumped up and twisted in midair. I was facing the Emperor when my chains crashed noisily to the floor in the middle of the reception - nothing uncouth about me! "In a large part of this galaxy, and two others I have heard about, possession is nine tenths of the law, Emperor Jer'Tock." After my answer the Emperor stared at me in disbelief. What did he expect? Did I look like someone who did windows? "And my possession of you?" he asked finally. He was staring at me challengingly. "Temporarily troublesome!" He and I once again locked stares and neither of us gave. Finally he shook his head, nodded politely at those around me and walked away chuckling. Not nearly as loudly or as heartily as he had the first time, however. * * * That early morning, when I arrived back at my apartment, I had a visitor. A guard was inside with her. She was tall, sensually endowed, drop dead gorgeous and had blue eyes to die for. She was also very nervous. And she smelled wonderful - vibrant pussy. "Lady Jasmine, I was instructed to give this to you. It is from Lady Murielle." With that she held out a note to me. I was curious. Lady Murielle, the concubine that had already gained the Emperor's ear and bed, had sent me a note? I had sensed her interest in me through most of the reception but was surprised she would openly acknowledge she was aware of me. A guard quickly handed me a letter opener (they really are sweethearts - okay, okay so he had an erection! Big deal! And, so maybe he's a little bit on the large size. It's not like I noticed . . . very much) and I carefully opened her note. It was hand written in beautiful script. She had put a lot of time and personal attention into this, whatever it was. I felt warmed. It had been a long time since anyone had paid me such a courtesy, especially someone that didn't have to. I found myself impressed. "The female is for you, lady Jasmine, if you so choose. The reason she was chosen is because her eyes always follow you and when she gets the chance, she seeks information of you. If you prefer male companionship, please call Stoneface. Hundreds will be provided for you to choose from. The girl knows not the contents of this letter so she will suffer no loss of face should your wishes be otherwise. I found your first ambassadorial appearance illuminating. The trader that most interested you gave quiet warning to his friends after you left: `That one's eyes miss nothing. Send priority messages to your own - no trader is to play her false, no matter how small the matter'. Because of your interest in him, and his courtesy to you, his request has been expedited and will receive special handling with inclination for approval. Please don't show Stoneface this note. You have aptly named her I'm afraid, but she is devoted to the Emperor and tries her very best, as she sees it. She suffers greatly over her errors in regard to her past treatment of you. Those errors will not be repeated. I would be your friend Lady Jasmine, if you so wish it. Sincerely, Lady Murielle I found myself immensely pleased and slightly off balance. It was a night of surprises and the note was full of many. A lot of things she had disclosed would take thinking on. I looked up at the young beauty she had used as messenger. The girl was still gorgeous and still nervous. And the front of her dress was bulged wondrous-spicously (giggle) by her beautiful mammary glands. She could distract a charging water buffalo! `I don't know what to do, Max. If I . . .' `She has big tits!' `Max! What I'm worried about is that . . .' `She has big tits!' `Okay, Max, she has big tits! Other than that, what's the rest of the bottom line?' `Kid, you're going to be here for the foreseeable future. You might just as well enjoy yourself. `Fitting in' might also cause a lessening of how closely you're guarded. Seems like a win, win decision to me.' `Why didn't you say that in the first place, Max?' `She has big tits! And they're natural!' I sighed mentally then focused on the beautiful messenger Lady Murielle had sent me. "Do you desire to join me in my bed, my dear?" I asked. That baldness of my question embarrassed the girl. Her face turned three shades of deep crimson. She glanced at the guards and then looked downward before answering softly. "Yes, Lady Jasmine, I . . . that is my desire." "Excellent. I find you fetching and I desire you also." I felt her need wash over me as she reacted to my words. It was surprising in its strength and it made my nipples harden on the spot. She smiled shyly and stood straighter, making her breasts even more prominent. She was in every vibrant sense of the word a `healthy' child! `Fetching? Is that a dog thing? You throw a stick, she goes and gets it?' `Max!' "What is your name, dear?" I asked the young woman. "Robin, Lady Jasmine." She was still nervous but a wave of sexual elation had rippled through her. If there was anything devious in her, I was unable to sense it. "Robin, three things: First, though I enjoy male and female bed partners, I seem more male oriented so my ongoing interest in males should not be taken as a slap at your beauty or desirability, understand?" She managed to nod even as disappointment swept through her. I waited until she was looking at me and curiosity had replaced disappointment. "Second, I'm never alone in any room I go into. It means, if you join me in bed and we enjoy passion, we will do so under male eyes. Knowing that, do you still desire my bed?" She flashed another glance at the guards and then looked at me. "Yes, Lady Jasmine. I desire it." I found myself growing more excited. She continued to exhibit no deviousness, only passion and desire. Lady Murielle's gift was proving extremely enticing. "Third, Robin, if you are part of my household, you must be willing to help me as I see fit. My guards are absolute dears. They treat me with respect and, within the rules by which they guard me, they allow me every leeway they can. I try to show them my appreciation. You are a beautiful female. Would you undress for their enjoyment? It would please me greatly and you need to know you can trust them. They will protect you with their lives, Robin." After searching my face closely, she started disrobing, facing the guards at my urging. This was my first experience with someone sexually desirable willing to be totally submissive to me. The child wanted me so bad she hurt with need. And though she was the taller of us it was my breast her head lay on after our long strenuous session of lovemaking. A love session so long that the sun was well into the morning Sky before I finally dropped off to sleep. * * * "Captain, a word please." My guard Captain was at a small table set up in the hallway just outside my apartment door. When he saw me standing in my doorway he came to immediate attention. "Yes, Lady Jasmine." "Robin is a beautiful female, Captain. She brings me much pleasure and will continue to do so in the foreseeable future. But it is time she started learning about the beauty of the male of our species. Her future, the one most beneficial to her and to the empire and Emperor, is as a mother of healthy beautiful children and as wife of a loving husband who she will be devoted to." Being a soldier and not a politician he was not quite quick enough to mask his surprise. "How may I be of service, Lady Jasmine?" he asked finally. "I would like a volunteer, a well formed guardsman, but not one overly endowed, that wouldn't mind being handled in a very private manner. Sort of a live teaching aid. It would be good if a female awaited him after the lesson because the lesson is intended for the benefit of Robin and may leave him . . . ah . . . frustrated." The Captain had watched me intently as I was speaking. I could feel him evaluating the idea. With his understanding came his pleasure at my asking for his help on such a matter mixed with his admiration for me about my concern for Robin. The guards had grown to like her because she was genuinely sweet. Then I felt his mind shift as he started thinking about candidates. "I'll have a volunteer for you in two minutes, Lady Jasmine." Ten minutes later Robin sat on the edge of the bed looking at a very handsome guard. He was nude with his maleness stiffly erect before us. It had something to do with me having had Robin strip first I suppose (giggle). Even with me present Robin was nervous. "Robin, this first lesson is simple, but critical if you are to understand the finer and more pleasurable points of the male sex. It is so critical, that if you somehow miss the essence of this first and most important lesson, all that follows will be a total waste. I will repeat the lessons as many times as necessary. Do you understand?" I asked. I projected strong sincerity and affection. Robin studied my face for clues. Her nervousness gave way to determination. Above all else, she desired to please me. "Yes, Lady Jasmine. I understand," she said seriously. "There is, unofficially, a Royal concubine's handbook. This lesson I'm about to impart is fact `one' from that handbook. It is a fact, not a rule and it is something you should remember all your life. If you don't understand any part of the lesson, please tell me," I said carefully. "I will, Lady Jasmine. I promise!" She was the model of sincerity. I could also feel the guard's interest. I pointed my finger at the tip of the guard's stiff male organ. I was pointing directly at the beautiful fleshy helmet his maleness was crowned with. "See this here?" I asked. "Yes, Lady Jasmine," she said leaning forward for a closer look. "This," I said authoritatively, "is the front." Robin kept waiting and when I didn't go on she looked at me in slight confusion. When she spied my impish grin she collapsed back on the bed in uproarious laughter. For all her healthy seductive beauty sweet Robin was quick of thought. Shortly even our guards were laughing uproariously. What made the moment even better was the affection Robin put in kissing the cheek of our guard/model after we finally let him put on his clothes - an hour later. My, he was a delicious lesson . . . ahh . . for Robin! Yeah, for Robin! SHE really needed it! `Max,' I said in hurried warning. `What? What?' * * * Two weeks later: "But it's not my birthday," said Robin looking at the small pile of presents then up at me. I grinned in delight. She was such a genuinely sweet person that after awhile you forgot about her magnificent body - well for minutes at a time sometimes I did! "It's got to be. We're having a party," I said. "But . . ." "It's our love and appreciation day for you, Robin. That's nearly the same as a birthday," I said giving her my hands by the face bimbo voice treatment. She laughed, delighted by my teasing. "Silly me! It is my birthday," Robin said beaming at me. It was a day of celebration for me as well - yesterday the chains had come off my arms and legs. Of course my guard retinue was now larger than ever. I was going to have to learn to be a little more discreet in talking with the Emperor or soon I would have my own private army guarding me. `Well if that happens, you can write a book,' offered Max. `"How to fuck an Army" by Farkle Dim . . .' `Max!' Fifteen minutes later we were in one of the Royal beauty salons waiting for our turn. I was treating Robin to a full beauty treatment including a full body massage as one of her presents. I wanted her to not only be beautiful but to feel beautiful for tonight. "Well if it's not the lesbo and her female pet," snickered someone from behind us. I turned and looked the speaker directly in the eyes. I could sense anger and was puzzled. She was far sexier than I. She had much shapelier (and larger) breasts and she had been spectacularly body sculpted - it had been a very good job. As I saw her examining me I felt her emotion of superiority followed by more anger. Ah, she was angry over a nobody like myself winning the prize she and her friends, if she had any, were striving so hard for. To bad I couldn't give her my place. "You should be more careful when you give someone a piece of your mind, my dear, you have so little to spare. And always be sure you have enough left to get home with," I added sweetly in the most innocent bimbo type voice I could muster, with hands waving in bimbo fashion near my face. Uproarious laughter erupted from everyone in the filled shop. Apparently sexy bod wasn't popular among the other concubine candidates or the shop beauticians. I hadn't thought my retort that funny. I felt Robin stiffen beside me as Sexy bod's face turned red. I hoped Sexy bod didn't try to make it physical for I could feel my guards tensing. They would brook no physical assault on me, or on Robin. "You . . ." "Silence!" ordered a voice I knew only too well. I looked to the side and sure enough there stood Stoneface only this time her look of displeasure was aimed at someone other than myself. Stoneface pointed angrily at Sexy bod. "You?re gone. Gather your clothes. You're to be on an outbound ship before evening sunset. If you conduct yourself in any way other than ladylike on your way out you will regret it." And with that Stoneface brushed her hand as if shoeing a fly away and Sexy Bod, in shock, was led out of the shop. Silence reigned throughout the salon. When Sexy Bod cleared the door Stoneface turned and faced me. "Lady Jasmine, I sincerely apologize. If you wish it, I will have the shop cleared until you are finished." I couldn't believe it, shop cleared until I was finished? I waved my hands at her negatively. "Please, no. We'll wait our turn," I said hurriedly. "Here, Lady Jasmine, you can have my chair. I'm in no hurry," said an older woman starting to get up out of her chair. She had the look of class about her and her hair was already wet with cleaning or setting solution. I quickly shook my head and motioned for her to take her chair back. Last thing I wanted was to throw my weight around, however much or little that was nowadays. "You wouldn't cheat Robin and I out of the chance to meet interesting people would you?" I asked smiling at her. "Visiting and learning about other people has to be half the fun in coming to a beauty shop, doesn't it? Besides, I think you look really interesting!" Her grin widened then broke into a warm smile. Her eyes danced with merriment and I sensed she was very pleased with me. Though very pleasant, I found her reaction puzzling. "I think that depends on who is in the shop, Lady Jasmine. But now that you and Robin are here, I suspect things will indeed be fun," she said. Her smile widened and oddly so did the smiles of many of the others already there. I guess word of my aborted escape attempt had made me infamous or maybe they were that relieved to be rid of sexy bod. And the older woman turned out to be right. Before long the salon was as much party as beauty work. And as our visiting turned into rollicking, Stoneface asked if I wanted refreshments brought in. Knock me over with feather! `I knew it, round heeled,' Max said. `Max!' "Yes, and could you have some brought in for the guards also?" I asked looking at Stoneface and glancing once at my guard Captain who couldn't quite hide his pleasure at my thoughtfulness. "Immediately, Lady Jasmine," she answered. I pretended like I had expected her answer all along and did my best not to stare. It was all I could do not to run over and feel Stoneface's brow. She couldn't be feeling well. Then again perhaps it was best to keep my distance. After all, it is a well-known fact that embalming fluid is dangerous. After the refreshments showed up, in response to all the questions directed at me, we started playing show and tell, guards included. A person would stand up, tell about themselves, their families, what they liked and hoped for. Then it was a member of the opposite sex's turn to do the same. Because of my sighing lustily and fanning my face after each guard's turn, show and tell quickly evolved into girls against the boys. Everyone became caught up in it. Lots of girlish giggling, oohing and sighing when it was a male on the hot spot, then lots of pounding of chests, clapping and whistles when it was a females turn. The fact that the two sides appreciated the sexual beauty of other made it jolly good fun for all. "Your turn, Robin," I said smiling warmly. "Lady Jasmine, the guards. I can't," she said flicking a glance at them then back at me. "Robin, why not? They're quite handsome and quite appreciative of your feminine beauty. I've seen more than one eyeing you." "I know," she said emphatically, fanning her face and looking at the guards again, this time very lustfully. Then she whispered loudly in a mock stage whisper. "They've made my panties wet," she said semi- innocently. I broke out in delighted laughter and the whole room erupted along with me. After a few seconds the guards were pounding their chests with the flat of their hands in appreciation as I kissed Robin's cheek. I felt so proud of her! After show and tell questions immediately began being directed at me again - as if I knew anything about anything. `You know a lot about strange sex.' `Max!' "My dear, don't take this personally but your question is wrong because of misdirected attitude." I was talking to a concubine candidate. Like most of her candidate sisters, I thought her ravishing. "You and most of the others I have met are looking at those not becoming concubines as having lost. Perhaps as even being inferior. Bad paradigm! You should be seeing this whole experience for what it really is, your personal victory. Your time and experiences here are the real spoils. You have been chosen out of billions and billions . . ." My soapbox oration went on another five minutes. It was something I had never understood about the other candidates. They should be learning, meeting people, making contacts for future times and having a great time doing it. Life didn't get much better than how they had it here. Being here was the reward so enjoy it fully, only take the time to learn. When I finished I was thankful the candidate I had answered was not angry. She even seemed pleased, as did most of the others. At least they were all nodding their heads affirmatively and smiling happily. Robin and I left shortly afterwards for the private dinner my guards were setting up. We were dining on one of the beautiful palace terraces with my guards serving as waiters complete with bare chests and wrist and neck cuffs (they really are sweethearts). And their attitude towards Robin as of late was especially pleasing. Almost to a man they were greatly solicitous of my desire to let Robin's sexuality grow and develop at its own pace. They not only understood (especially that she was slowly becoming more male oriented) but pridefully approved of what they saw as my sexual concubine training of her. And except for their growing sexual desire towards her, they treated her much like a best friend's protected little sister. * * * As soon as Farkle and Robin left the beauty salon, the shop almost totally emptied. The older woman who had offered Farkle her beauty chair walked over to Stoneface. "My, lady," said Stoneface bowing deferentially. The woman nodded in acknowledgement. "I can see why you spent all that money to get her back. And why her guards are so enthralled with her." "Yes, My lady. But the warmth and exuberance you saw here covers an interior of hard steel. And unfortunately, the slightest misstep on our part and she will slip the leash we have on her. And if that happens, there will be no finding her next time for she will not make the same mistake twice." Stoneface shuddered at that thought. "Her nearly successful escape still haunts my nightly dreams, Lady Garin," she added. "Well, the guild did warn she was quicksilver. And extremely intelligent." "Yes, My Lady. But I thought myself adequately prepared and she still almost slipped through my fingers. And I can't help wondering why the guild sent her to us in the first place. I think all the effort and money they expended just to capture her with no guarantee of a return bears investigating," Stoneface said looking at her important companion. The older woman nodded thoughtfully. "Has my nephew bedded her yet?" asked the older woman. "The Emperor moves slowly where Lady Jasmine is concerned, My Lady. She sees him not as her Emperor and sees no reason to view him as a prize to compete for," Stoneface said slightly embarrassed. Lady Garin laughed in delighted amusement. "Do Jer'tock good to struggle with that attitude. With his being Emperor at such a young age and so good looking he has never had to work for any female's attention. He takes our sex much too much for granted." * * * I stood watching as one of my guards slowly caressed and kissed Robin's nude body. Her hands were chained above her head in the House of Senaak female prayer position. Low power lights bathed Robin's nude body in a beautiful surreal glow and every guard that approached her for his turn did so with an erection. They each had two minutes to show her their appreciation; however, they were not allowed to take her. Even with that restriction, every guard had eagerly volunteered. I had a diamond choker (borrowed) around Robin's neck, high heels, slave-bracelet on one ankle and a beautiful flower in one side of her hair. And I had her blindfolded. She was seductively beautiful and more than one guard had spent his entire two minutes with his tongue on or in her body. This was the last of her birthday presents. Something I wanted her to experience first hand, how neat male lust properly channeled could be. Even though she knew it was my wishes, it was only after the sixth guard that she had really started relaxing enough to enjoy the experience. After the fifteenth guard Robin was anticipating the arrival of each new guard with outright excitement. Afterwards, I kept her chained and blindfolded in my bed for the first couple of times I took her. I let my tongue find the nexus of her sexuality and using my family talents I led her to numerous mind- blowing orgasms. I wanted her totally certain that I was pleased with her enjoyment of being the object of male lust. And my appreciation for the sex of her loins, for the beauty and desire the feminine glands of reproduction created in others, made me happy to be female. That night as she slept Robin's body moved immediately to keep in touch with me should I move or roll away from her in any manner. There was little doubt in my mind that Robin was totally and completely in love with me. ************************************************************ If you have suggestions on how to improve the story, or just want to point out area's you found weak, please drop me a line at noel_lexicon@h... Past reader suggestions have been deeply appreciated.

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The Princess and the Pauper. Chapter one. They lined us all up in a single row. A beautiful young girl then walked in front of us looking us over. "I want that one, that one and also that small one as my personal messenger." I was the third one that she picked from the line. That made me happy. That meant that I would have food and a place to sleep this night. When you are ten years old and have not eaten in three days, it was the best possible thing in the world for...

4 years ago
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PrincessChapter 5 Loving Emma Meeting the Royal inLaws New House Wedding

Eventually, we settled with Jacque's, and returned to the condo. It was about ten o'clock. If I read Jerry correctly, he was interested in some sexual time with Carrie; however, that wasn't going to happen with Emma around. Carrie changed all that in a minute. She came up to me. "Jim ... Honey ... I need you to do something really special for me – for us – especially for my younger sister Em." "Yummmm." I wondered where she was going; this was unusual, and if I read the tone of her...

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Princess By Default Episode 9 Finish

Princess-by-Default ? Chapter XV ? by: Noel Lexicon (Copyright 8/2002) Chapter XV: An Empress and her garden (eighteen months later): I followed the Emperor's glance. Ten yards away Lady Murielle was sensually brushing Sensha's hair. Both were glowingly pregnant and stunningly beautiful. It was easy to tell that the two pregnant women greatly enjoyed one another's presence. Jer'Tock was sitting on the edge of my chaise Sun lounge. Around us were the muted sounds of people...

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Princess By Teri Franken I should have known better than to have that last scotch and soda. The first six or so had gone down so nicely that it did not seem fair to not have another. Looking at the clock, it was time to leave the party, I did have to be at work in the morning and since it was nearing 2am, I decided to pack it in. "Thanks for having me over guys," I said to Steve and Laurie, "I had a great time." Laurie gave me the LOOK and she could tell that maybe I should...

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Princess Part 4

Princess IV (Final chapter by me) By Teri Franken [email protected] When we last left Princess Erica, she had just served dinner to her new Master and his girlfriend Cheri, they were fucking on the couch and Cheri was ready to watch Tim fuck the little Princess. Tim looked over at me and said "take off those pantyhose Princess, but leave your panties on." I quickly removed my shoes and then my pantyhose. I noticed that Cheri never...

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Princess and the MagePart 3 Castle Leche

The Princess awoke a changed woman. She smiled up at him in reverence, adoration, and awe. Wrapping her arms and knees about him, she held him close and kept his seed within her womb. Her greatest hope was to carry his child. “I love you, slave or King makes no difference.” she whispered. While she had slept Magnus went to Meg. She had been crying in her frustration and need to be used. The magic held her frozen until he chose to come to her. He took pity on her and wished he could attend to...

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Princess Part 2

Princess, Part II By Teri Franken So far: Our future Princess was caught in a blackmail scheme and her "King" was planning on making her into his personal play thing. ------------------------- I started to move towards the stairs and it finally came to me, he planned on "using" me! Fear overcame me, I had never been with a man before, sure I had used my toys, but he had something else in mind. What a mess I was in, I had no choice but...

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Princess of Castile chapter 3

Princess of Castile By Jennifer Reed Chapter 3: The Brides Reception This story is set in the world created by Rikki in the Marriage of Martin Hastings that he began some time around 2010. These events in this story occur around three to four years after the events in Rikkis story. The door to the limo opened and the Duke slid in beside his male bride, Thomas. Thomas looked up, feeling very small and meek before the enormous man towering above him. They looked very much like...

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Princess Gwendolyn in The Castle of Pain

PRINCESS GWENDOLYN in THECASTLE OF PAIN By Llabmik Chapter1 - The Sweat Box The naked blond princess squattedinside the iron sweatbox, her pale flesh cooking in the broiling sun. Theheavy hot box sat in the centre of the deserted, sun-blasted courtyard ofQueen Rowena's Counterpane Castle (affectionately known as The Castle ofPain to it's inmates). Waves of heat shimmered up from the surfaces of theblack box. Inside the sweatbox, the air wasas wet as sweat soup. Hands bound behind her...

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Princess SaraChapter 17

The proud Princess and the youth, whom she had arbitrarily designated to be the King of this barren and enslaved land through which she was passing, walked together, both as naked as on the day of their respective births, up the steep down that led to the lair of the monster. The newly naked young man winced with pain as the sharp stones cut into his tender feet, drawing blood, and the tough and hardened Princess glared angrily at his weakness. "You must be a true and valiant man, a man of...

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Princess Alicia Requires Penetration

It was one of those quirks of the modern world that real princesses have a difficult time in finding suitable male counterparts to consummate the act of actually engaging in the nasty business of allowing male organs inside their private parts prior to actual marriage. The eighteen year old Princess Alicia of a well-known European monarchy was in that category and it was becoming increasingly stressful for her to do simple things like her studies or learning domestic skills without the calming...

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Princess Learns to Please

It all started as a bit of fun. I had just found a new job and was sharing an apartment with my friend, Lena. She was around the same age as me, twenty-two, but she was studying a college degree and spent most nights out partying with her friends, leaving me alone in the apartment. I wandered past her door one night and noticed a sexy thong laying on the floor by her bed. Something drew me to it, and I stepped inside the room, picking it up to feel the lacy material against my fingers. Before I...

Oral Sex
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Princess Found

Princess Found By Arecee Susan Collins wearily walked across the hall to the hard marble bench and sat down to reflect on the horrors of the past three weeks. She looked up at the sign next to the double doors and read what it said, "Superior Court, Room B." Actually she didn't really read the sign but just used it as a point of reference as she lost herself in thought. How could such an innocent thing escalate to...

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Princess of Castile

Princess of Castile Chapter one By Jennifer Reed This story is set in the world created by Rikki in the Marriage of Martin Hastings that he began some time around 2010. These events in this story occur around five years prior to the events in Rikkis story. An innocent and effeminate man finds he has been sold and delivered to a very powerful noble in another country. Thomas Manning stood alone wearing a wedding gown. That fact was odd enough, it sounds almost like a practical...

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Princess land part 1

My maid entered the room ready to prepare me for my daily morning walk around the castle. She had drew me a bath, i took off my robe im front of her and slowly dove into the water. Now i may be a princess by title but i was no saint. I ordered her to wash me, she was used to it by now but i’d always throw in a little surprise to catch her off guard every-time. She took the sponge and starting rubbing my back applying a bit of pressure, as she did that I quietly as possible let out a small...

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Princess of Castile chapter 16 Final Chapter part 1 of 2

Princess of Castile By Jennifer Reed This story is set in the world created by Rikki in the Marriage of Martin Hastings that he began some time around 2010. These events in this story occur around three to four years after the events in Rikkis story. Chapter 16, final chapter, part 1 of 2. This is part one of the final chapter of Princess of Aragon. Natalia is pushed to make a final choice to the course of her life. What will she have to surrender and what will she get with it?...

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