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Princess Found By Arecee Susan Collins wearily walked across the hall to the hard marble bench and sat down to reflect on the horrors of the past three weeks. She looked up at the sign next to the double doors and read what it said, "Superior Court, Room B." Actually she didn't really read the sign but just used it as a point of reference as she lost herself in thought. How could such an innocent thing escalate to such violence and why would such a thing happen to a kind person like Lynn, life just wasn't fair she thought as a tear ran down her cheek, dropping from her jaw and leaving a dark stain on her gray skirt. Susan drifted back to that fateful night when she first met her daughter. "Good night Jenny," Susan said as her friend dropped her off from the office party she had attended earlier. Susan walked to the front door of her home in a small suburb of San Francisco. Susan was a realtor and made a very nice living from home sales in the area. She and some of her girlfriends had ended an evening of work by attending a club with male strippers and she was still giddy with excitement. Susan pushed her key into the lock cylinder and turned the dead bolt open with a click, opened the door and entered. She closed the door and walked into the living room, her heels clicking on the hardwood floor. Susan was startled by the sight of the beautiful young woman seated on the couch slumped over in a restful sleep. Susan wondered where her son Lynn was, maybe in the kitchen getting some refreshment for his beautiful girlfriend. Susan walked to the girl and looked at her, my God is she pretty Susan thought. Susan looked at the girl appraising her with the eye of a woman who new fashion and what class looked like and this girl had class, she was gorgeous, her makeup was flawless as was her hair, her nails matched her dress and heels and she had legs that were sexy beyond description. Lynn is a very lucky young man to have a girlfriend as pretty as this she thought. I wonder what kind of personality she has, if it is anything as nice as her appearance she would be a goddess. Susan reached down and touched the girl's shoulder to wake her from her slumber. The girl opened her eyes and looked up at Susan. She seemed to be disoriented as most people are when first awakened. Susan looked into the girl's eyes, she has the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen Susan thought as she drank in the beauty of the girl. Susan's thoughts were shattered as the girl spoke. "Mommy," there was a pause as the girl gathered her thoughts and then dissolved into tears, "Oh, Mommy," she said in despair. Had Susan heard correctly as to what the girl had said, Mommy? "Mommy? Lynn is that you? Oh my God what happened?" Susan asked as she went pale. Lynn rose gracefully from the sofa, legs together, never losing one bit of femininity as she stood. Lynn looked at her mother and said, "Mommy please hold me," as the tears flowed down her cheeks onto her dress. Susan took Lynn into her arms and held her tight as she began to sob. "Shh, shh, it's all right my baby, it's all right, nothings going to hurt you, mommy's here, nothing's going to happen to my little girl, I love you." Susan held her baby for what seemed like hours until Lynn was able to finally talk. "Oh Mom, I'm so ashamed, look at me, you're going to hate me for what I've done." "My baby, my poor baby, I could never hate you no mater what you do. Come and sit down and tell me what has happened to my little boy." Lynn sat next to his mother and began the story from the beginning explaining how the whole thing started as a joke with he and Mindy and it just got out of control. He didn't want her to find out what he had done but when he came home and tried to remove his heels his nails were in the way and he fell asleep and that was why she found him dressed as he was. Tears once again ran down Lynn's face, for he felt nothing but shame for what he had done. Susan watched her son as the story unfolded, first she was angry, especially with Miss Benson who was going to get an earful from her Monday morning, but then she began to soften her feelings as to what had happened, Lynn after all made a beautiful girl and he seemed to be alright with what had happened except for the embarrassment of being caught dressed as a girl and besides what mother wouldn't be proud to have her daughter as a homecoming princess and finally Susan started to giggle. Lynn's tears stopped as he asked, "Why are you laughing Mom?" "I'm laughing because you are starting to learn what a pain in the ass being a woman can be at times." "I don't understand." "Well you told me when you came home you couldn't remove your heels because you didn't want to break your nails, now that's a girl if I ever heard one," Susan giggled. "Now you have to unzip your dress, remove your hose without running them and then wash all the makeup off your face. After all that's done you have to put your hair up or it will be a mess in the morning and then you can go to bed, that's what I mean by it being a pain in the ass but I wouldn't trade it for anything. Now let's get you cleaned up and dressed in one of my night gowns before you go to bed and then tomorrow you and I are going to have a mother daughter talk to see where this is all going." "Mom, I love you," Lynn gushed as she hugged her mother, "Oh I almost forgot, there is one more thing I have to do tomorrow as a princess. We have to visit a convalescent hospital in the afternoon and then my responsibilities will be done." "What are you going to wear?" "I don't know, I'll get something from Mindy." "Alright sweetheart, now, off to bed." Lynn went to her room and true to her mother's word she couldn't undo her dress so she had to ask her mother to unzip the dress before she could remove it. With a little work she was able to remove her heels and didn't even break her nails. Next came her makeup, which she removed with trepidation as she was going to miss the beauty once the makeup was gone. Lynn asked her mother to help with her hair as this was something she had never done before. Susan piled Lynn's hair on her head and pinned it so she could do something with it in the morning. This interaction was causing Susan to have new feelings toward her son or maybe one should say daughter as this was something only a mother and daughter can have and Susan liked what she was able to do with her daughter. "Lynn watch what I do with your hair so you will be able to do it in the future. Tomorrow I will help you style it and help you with your makeup, this is so much fun," Susan gushed. "Thanks Mom, I hope we will be able to do lots of things like this when I get older." "We will sweetheart, we will." Lynn donned the nightgown her mother had loaned her and went to bed. Lynn was not able to remove her forms and found that lying on her stomach was out of the question, another girl thing I have to learn she giggled. Lynn fell asleep and slept soundly the whole night as the activities of the day came crashing down on her. The sun came peeking trough the window and hit Lynn in the eyes causing her to wake. She looked around her room and decided she had to go to the bathroom as her bladder felt like it would burst. Lynn found the toilet and sat like a good girl and relieved herself. She patted herself dry, rose and looked in the mirror. This was the first time Lynn had looked in the mirror without makeup on since the dance. Her hair was piled high on her head and she marveled at how feminine she looked even without makeup. I am so screwed when I go back to school Monday, there is no way I will be able to hide what I have done, thought Lynn. Lynn pulled the pins from her hair and let it fall softly around her face. She ran her fingers through it and fluffed it until it framed her face like the night before. Lynn tried to pull it back into a ponytail to look more masculine but failed miserably, the cut of the style wouldn't allow the word masculine to exist, it was too feminine and would remain so unless Lynn were to have his hair cut off. Lynn just shook his head and walked down to the kitchen to join his mother and to see what she would say this morning after having all night to think about what he had done. Lynn entered the kitchen and opened the refrigerator door to see if he could find some orange juice and waited for his mother to comment on his appearance. There was a silence in the room as Susan watched her son pour his juice. Lynn knew he had better say something or she might not speak to him ever again or so he thought. "Good morning Mom," Lynn said sheepishly. "Good morning sweetheart, and how is my little girl this morning?" Susan answered as though Lynn had been a girl all his life. "I, I'm fine Mom, you aren't mad at me?" Lynn answered softly, still speaking in his girl's voice. "Oh honey, no, I'm not angry, at least not at you, why would you think I was?" "Because of the way you found me last night." "Last night I was startled by what I saw, but when I woke you and found a beautiful daughter instead of a son I was surprised, but no I'm not angry with you, in fact I'm still a little bit in awe with your beauty. Last night you mentioned that you had to go to a convalescent hospital today, what time is that?" "Three o'clock." "Good, that will give us plenty of time for the talk I promised you last night. Let's have breakfast first and then we can spend some time together as mother and daughter. You had better call Mindy so she can bring something for you to wear when you go out later, but I think we had better have our talk first so we know where this thing is headed." "Okay Mom." Lynn made some toast for both his mother and himself and served her hers on a plate. Lynn was very conflicted at the moment, he didn't know if he should be Lynn the girl or Lynn the boy and his mother was being noncommittal about his appearance, yes she had called him her daughter when she greeted him this morning, but other than that it was the same as always, perhaps it was the innocence of youth that made him think that all they would talk about would be his appearance and not talk as though this was just another day. "Tell me all about the dance last night, did you have fun?" Lynn didn't know how to respond to the question, how much should he tell his mother, he couldn't mention the kiss, she would freak if she found out about that, he decided to keep it simple. "It was okay I guess." "Just okay? Come on sweetheart tell me everything, that's what girls do." Lynn looked at his mother, she called me a girl again, maybe I'm not in trouble after all, he thought. "Mom, it was magical. First, I was escorted into the room by my prince and then we danced after the king and queen finished the first dance, it was so special. After that boys were lined up to dance with me so I danced every dance. The only scary thing that happened was when Mindy had to be brought home when she took a Valium. I was lucky that Jason was nice enough to drive me home. If it weren't for that I would have changed at Mindy's and you would never have known about all this." "Of course I would have known, what were you going to do about you hair and eyebrows?" "I didn't think about that and after they finished with me at the salon I knew I was in trouble." "So tell me how did you like dancing with the boys?" "At first I thought it would creep me out but I felt so pretty inside that I loved it, I felt special and wanted, I felt like a pretty girl." "You are a pretty girl so you should feel that way but that brings us to the next thing, where do you want to go with all this? You look like a very pretty girl and act like one too, but you really are a boy or maybe I should say you were a boy. I need to know what you want to do from now on, do I have a son or do I have a daughter?" "Mom, I don't know, I look in the mirror and I see your daughter and then I look inside myself and I right now I feel like your daughter, but I know when I was born I was your son and I haven't been this way for very long but for some reason it feels right, I feel like a girl and I love feeling this way." "Maybe you feel this way because you're so pretty. If you were average looking you might feel differently." "I don't think so Mom, when this first started I didn't know how I would look. I saw my picture after Mindy made the posters, but I didn't relate to the girl in the picture, she was just a pretty girl that I would have liked to date. After I was elected princess and had to become a girl and as Mindy trained me I found that I hated becoming a boy when we were done. When I put my boy clothes back on I felt as though my life was slipping away but when I became a girl again all seemed right, it was a feeling not my looks that made me feel whole." "What do you want to do now, live as a girl or go back to being my son?" "Do you mean I can make a choice?" "Yes you may." "Oh Mommy, please I want to be a girl." "Are you sure, it won't be easy?" "More than anything." "Okay Lynn, my little girl, my daughter, my daughter," Susan trailed off with a dreamy look in her eyes, "we have a lot of things to do before you return to school. There are many things which must be attended to if you're going to become a young woman. Monday I'll call my doctor and discuss what you want to do and if we are lucky we might be able to stop your puberty into becoming a man and have you become a woman instead. Go phone Mindy and see if you can borrow something to wear so I can take you shopping for some clothes before you go out this afternoon, having a daughter is going to be so much fun." "I love you Mom," Lynn said as she gave Susan a hug. "What was that for?" "It's what daughters do with their mothers don't they?" "Yes they do," Susan replied as a tear formed in her eye. Lynn ran to the phone and excitedly dialed Mindy's number. "Hello." "Hi, Mrs. Swanson, is Mindy home?" "Yes, who is this?" "It's me Lynn." "Lynn, you sound different, are you alright?" "Oh yes Mrs. Swanson I feel wonderful, I feel perfect." "Lynn you're so silly sometimes, let me get Mindy for you, Mindy," shouted Mrs. Swanson, "it's Lynn on the phone." Lynn heard Mindy pick the receiver up and say, "Hello." "Mindy, are you alright? How do you feel?" "I feel fine now, but last night I thought I was going to die, God I felt like shit, oops I mean I felt terrible. Where are you, are you at home?" "Yes." "How did you get home from the dance?" "Jason drove me." "What did your mom say when you got home, how did you get in the house?" "I used the secret key and my mom wasn't home so I thought I was safe." "What about you hair and eyebrows, oh God and your nails, what did you do, cut everything off?" Mindy asked fearfully. "No I didn't do anything to myself. When I got home Jason kissed me goodnight," Lynn whispered into the phone, "and then I went into the house to change. I sat on the couch and went to remove my heels but my nails were in the way and I accidentally fell asleep. My mom came home and found me asleep with everything on." "Oh my God, Oh my God, what did she say?" "She was surprised but she was cool with it. She's going to let me be her daughter." "What? Her daughter, oh my God." "What's wrong?" "I told Miss Benson that I was afraid something like this might happen, are you sure this is what you want?" "More than anything, but I need your help." "What do you need?" "May I borrow something to wear, Mom wants to take me shopping." "Shopping?" "Yes, do you want to come with us?" "God I wouldn't miss this for the world, yes of course I want to come with you, I never miss an opportunity to shop." "We'll see you in an hour." "Okay." Lynn hung the phone up and told her mother Mindy was coming shopping with them. "Well hurry up and find something to wear to Mindy's house and don't forget to bring her dress back to her." "Yes Mom." Lynn found a pair of shorts and a t-shirt to wear to Mindy's knowing that he could change into her clothes when he arrived. Susan and Lynn arrived at the Swanson's house and Lynn stood behind his mother as Susan knocked on the door. Janet Swanson answered the door and greeted Susan. "Hi Susan, how are you?" Janet asked cheerily, "Linda, what are you doing here with Susan, Oh my God, Lynn is that you?" "Yes Mrs. Swanson." "Janet, we had better talk so I can explain what is happening and when I'm finished you may want to talk to Mindy about her role in all of this," said Susan. Susan and Lynn entered the house and stood in silence as Janet looked at Lynn. "Did you say Mindy had something to do with this?" Janet said while pointing at Lynn. "Yes, I'm afraid she did, apparently these two pulled a prank on the school and this is the result." "Mindy," yelled Mrs. Swanson, "Get your tail down here right now young lady." Mindy came running when she heard her mother, she knew she was in trouble because her mother never yells like that. "Yes mom, hi Mrs. Collins, hi Lynn." "You're not going to say hi to Linda, Mindy?" asked Janet with a sneer in her voice. "No, Mom," answered Mindy as she lowered her head. "Do you want to tell me what happened and why you lied to me Mindy?" asked Janet. Mindy was so busted and she knew it, how was she going to explain this to her mother, her best friend who used to be a boy was standing in her living room with breasts, his hair done and with long red nails. Lynn didn't even have makeup on and he still looked like a beauty queen, shit, shit, what can I say, I can't even lie myself out of this one, she thought. "It was just a little prank mom, we didn't think it would go wrong, not like this," answered Mindy. "Just a little prank, look at your friend, I wouldn't call that a little prank, do you know what damage you've done to Lynn?" asked Janet. "Please don't be angry with Mindy, Mrs. Swanson, I'm just as much to blame, all I had to do was say no, but I didn't," begged Lynn. "Janet, maybe you and I should talk about all this and then you can make your own decision as to what to do with Mindy, but after we talk I think you might temper your decision. Mindy why don't you take Lynn and find something for him to wear and help him with some makeup," said Susan. "Yes Mrs. Collins, come on Lynn, let's go to my room." Lynn and Mindy went to Mindy's room to find something appropriate for Lynn to wear. The two girls couldn't wait to talk. "Oh God Lynn, when I saw you with your mother, I thought I would die, I forgot what you would look like, I'm so used to you being a boy, what did my mom say when she saw you?" "She called me Linda and asked what I was doing here and then she realized it was me, God I thought she would pass out right there, it was kind of funny in a way." "How does your mom feel about all this?" "She seems pretty cool about it right now but I want to see how she is later." "How's this blouse, do you think your mom will be alright with it, and wear these shorts with it." "Let me try them on." "Okay." Susan went with Janet into the kitchen while Janet made some coffee. Susan told her all she knew of the prank and the pressure Miss Benson put on the students and that Mindy was just trying to help her best friend get through a very difficult experience. Susan was right, Janet did soften her anger towards Mindy and told Susan that both she and Mindy would like to go to the mall as Mindy's father was playing golf and would be gone most of the day. "Mindy, are you and Lynn ready to go?" shouted Mrs. Swanson. "We'll be right down mom," answered Mindy. Mindy finished helping Lynn with his makeup, just a little mascara and lip-gloss. Lynn looked in the mirror and liked what she saw, a little teen hottie ready to prowl the mall. Lynn was wearing the same outfit she wore when she met Rex, well almost the same, the blouse was barely less revealing but her cleavage still was to be seen but to a lesser amount and of course her tummy still showed. The girls ran down the stairs to go shopping. "Lynn what do you have on, you can't go out looking like that," exclaimed Susan. "Mom, this is what all the girls wear," answered Lynn. "I'm afraid she's right Susan, the first time I saw Mindy dressed like that I had a fit too, but then I looked around and saw that she was actually dressed much nicer than a lot of girls I saw, and think about it, what did your parents say the first time they saw you in hip huggers, face it Susan, we're getting old." "You're right Janet, I guess we are," Susan answered as the two women laughed. The foursome left and ended up at the mall for several hours of serious shopping, after all Susan had a new daughter to clothe, a daughter with nothing to wear. It was a good thing Mindy was with them or Lynn would have been clothed like a forty year old woman but all was well as the girls swept through the stores buying all the latest fashions. By the time they left the mall Lynn's wardrobe had increased by a trunk full of clothes and her mother's bank account was so much the lighter. Lynn had bought lingerie, skirts, blouses, several dresses, sweaters, low cut jeans, shoes, had her ears pierced, and bought makeup from the lady that gave her face a makeover at Macy's. The women had to rush as Lynn had an appointment to keep and she didn't have to borrow Mindy's clothes to keep it. Lynn could hardly wait to wear her own clothes. Lynn dressed for the visit to the convalescent hospital with her mother's supervision. "Lynn, wear this skirt and blouse, it will be perfect," Susan said. Dressing her daughter was a new experience for Susan and she was going to make the most of it. Lynn donned the black skirt and pink blouse and added the black pumps she had purchased the previous week. Susan fussed with Lynn's hair and makeup, straightened her skirt and blouse, made sure her panty hose was perfect and then started all over again. "Maybe you should wear something else, maybe the blue skirt with the white blouse, hmm let me see?" Susan questioned. Dressing Lynn was like having a life size doll and Susan didn't want to stop playing with it. "Mom, will you please stop, you're making me nervous, I still worry someone will see that I'm a boy and you aren't helping by being this way." "I'm just trying to help and besides it's so much fun helping you." "I know Mom, I love that we can do this but I look fine and I have to be at the school in fifteen minutes." "I'm sorry honey, grab your black sweater and I'll drive you to school." "Thanks Mom." Susan drove Lynn to the school and dropped her off to join the three other girls that were waiting for their ride to the hospital. The girls all hugged each other and couldn't wait to talk of the previous evening. Susan watched the interaction with Lynn and the girls and felt that she was doing the right thing allowing Lynn to transition to female. Susan also noticed that Lynn was behaving like a typical teenaged girl, every movement was feminine, where did her little boy go, she wondered. Susan waited until the chaperone arrived to escort the girls. She didn't want her daughter left without adult supervision, especially one as pretty as Lynn. Lynn arrived home at six o'clock. Susan was worried the whole time he was gone. Lynn entered the door and was bubbling with excitement. "Well, what has my baby so excited?" Susan asked. "Oh Mom, we had so much fun and I met someone very special at the hospital." "And who would that be, a handsome male orderly?" "God no Mom, be serious, I met the sweetest little old lady, she's ninety three years old and we talked for hours, her name is Irma Mac Lain. She told me about her life and everything." "She did, did she, what did she tell you?" "All about when she was young and how she was also a beauty queen, I think she called herself a bathing beauty. When I came into her room she was sitting in a chair looking out of the window. She turned and looked at me and when she saw me her eyes seemed to twinkle with excitement. She smiled and asked me what my name was. Mom, she was so tiny and frail that I had to help her stand. She took my arm and asked me to help her walk to the garden. I escorted her out into the garden and helped her sit on a bench. She asked me to sit with her and then she told me about how she came from a small town in the mid-west next to the Missouri River and rode the train to Hollywood because she wanted to be the next 'it girl'. I asked her what an 'it girl' was and she just laughed and told me I was pretty enough to be an it girl. "Anyway she told me that she was very lucky and was able to find a nice man and married well. She had three boys and always wanted a girl but that was not to be as her husband went off to war and died in Italy during the invasion. I felt so bad for her because her eyes were watering when she told me that. She had to raise her sons on her own and even though she had money from her husband she took a job and worked her way up until she bought the company. Then she took both my hands in hers and told me that I was very beautiful but not to worry about finding a rich man but to study hard in school and become successful on my own because my beauty won't last forever. When she told me that I looked at her face and even though it was wrinkled and twisted from age she was still beautiful and then I knew what she was telling me, that beauty came from within and not how you appeared from the outside. Would it be alright if I visited her again?" "Of course you can, I'd be disappointed if you didn't." "I'm going to change into something more comfortable Mom." "Okay honey, hurry, dinner is almost ready." The rest of the evening Lynn and Susan discussed Lynn's day and how he was adjusting to being a girl. Susan had decided to keep Lynn at home Monday so she could make arrangements on how Lynn would be able to attend school as a girl if that's what he wanted, she also wanted to have a chat with that Miss Benson who screwed up her son's life and that conversation wasn't going to be pretty. Monday morning came and Susan let Lynn sleep in since she had several things to attend to concerning Lynn. First she called her doctor and made an appointment for that afternoon so Lynn could have an examination and then they could decide the best way for Lynn to transition if that was what she really wanted. Next she called the school and informed them that Lynn would miss today as he had a doctor's appointment that afternoon and finally she asked to talk to Miss Benson. "This is Miss Benson." "Miss Benson, this is Lynn Collins mother. I would like to come to school this morning to discuss what you did with Lynn." "I don't have time for that this morning," Miss Benson answered in a condescending tone of voice. "Well I suggest that you find time this morning or maybe the police will find time for you." "Police?" "Yes the police, I think they would find what you did to my son very interesting." There was a pause and then Miss Benson spoke, "Umm, I think I can fit you in at ten o'clock, will that work for you?" "Yes it will and I'm really looking forward to meeting you," Susan spoke with venom in her voice as she hung up the phone. Susan showered and dressed for her appointment with Miss Benson. Before she left she woke Lynn so he could get ready by the time she returned. "Lynn, I have to go to your school and will be back later. Since you didn't have to go to school today please clean the kitchen while I'm gone and then get ready for your doctors appointment at two-thirty." "What doctors appointment?" "I want a doctor to look at you before we decide what course we are going to take if you still want to be a girl." "Okay Mom." Susan drove to the school and was escorted into Miss Benson's office. "Mrs. Collins, I'm Miss Benson," said as she extended her hand to greet Susan. Susan didn't reach her hand out, in fact the look Susan gave Miss Benson left no doubt in her mind that Susan Collins wasn't a person to be trifled with. "Miss Benson, let's get to the point of my visit, I want to know what in the Hell you were thinking by making Lynn dress as a girl?" "It was a form of punishment," Miss Benson replied as she sat taller to try to gain advantage over Susan. Susan wasn't stupid and knew what Miss Benson was trying to do and because Susan wasn't a student she looked her directly in the eye and without a flinch said, "You fuck up my sons life and then tell me it's punishment, you're sick." "Well I think the punishment worked quite well if I say so myself. I doubt Lynn will want to try a silly prank like that again," Miss Benson said as she glowed with pride. "Well I hope you're happy with yourself because Lynn surely won't pull a silly boys prank again and thanks to you Lynn doesn't want to be a boy again, you just made his life a living hell." Miss Benson turned pale and answered, "What do you mean Lynn doesn't want to be a boy?" "You heard me, Lynn wants to be a girl and do you know what that means when he returns to school, he will be the target of every bully in school." "I didn't mean for this to happen, I thought it would be an innocent lesson and that he would hate dressing like a girl. I thought he would want to hurry and be a boy after having to be a girl at the different functions, I never would have made him dress up if I knew he would want to be a girl after this was all over." "Didn't you realize what you were doing to him? Lynn hasn't even started puberty yet and when he dressed as a girl and was popular it did things to his mind that he doesn't understand. He thinks now that he wants to be a girl because he is so pretty as one and he loves being one. He never had a chance to be a man yet and you did this to him, you bitch," Susan cried as tears filled her eyes. "I'm so sorry, Mrs. Collins, if I had only known I would have never done this to him." "But you did and now we have to figure out a way to help Lynn and not destroy his life. I'm taking him to a doctor's appointment this afternoon and see what can be done. I've been trying to think of a way for Lynn to be able to attend school as a girl if that's what he wants and I think maybe I have a solution. If you were to say that Lynn is really a girl and was part of an experiment of a girl trying to see what boys are like from a different perspective for a nation wide study maybe the students will accept him as a girl, and if that doesn't work God help you, because if you think I'm angry now you just wait and see what a bitch I can be." "Please call me after the appointment and let me know what I should do so I can make arrangements if Lynn decides to transition. Please don't be angry with me, I really am a nice person and I never meant this to happen, I'm so sorry." "I know you didn't mean any harm but when you mess with a person's sexuality things like this can happen, especially with a young person, because they are very impressionable at this age and when an adult says something to them they feel the results are the right thing even if they're not, you should know that." "Please Mrs. Collins, let's try to make this right, I'll be waiting for your call." Miss Benson extended her hand once more and this time Susan took it, no use having her as an enemy, thought Susan, if we work together maybe Lynn will be alright after this is all over. Susan drove home to pick Lynn up for his doctor's appointment. Susan was pleased with Lynn's appearance. Lynn was wearing a skirt and a blouse that tucked into the waist of the skirt, white ankle socks and blue canvass shoes that matched the color of the skirt. Lynn had tastefully done his makeup and his hair looked perfect. Susan could tell her son had taken time so as to look perfect for the doctor's appointment. "You look very nice Lynn," said Susan. "Thanks Mom," answered Lynn. "I'm glad you decided to wear something more appropriate than yesterday, I'm not quite used to the fashions you girls wear today." "That's why I chose what I did Mom," giggled Lynn, knowing how uncomfortable his mother had been the day before when she had seen him with his 'seduce the boys at the mall' outfit on. "I'm glad, thank you Lynn, grab your purse and let's go, we have a lot to do." Lynn and Susan arrived at the doctor's office and Lynn was soon ushered into an examination room. "Please remove all your clothing and put on this smock," said the nurse. Lynn removed his clothing as asked and put on the smock. The doctor entered the room several minutes later. "Good afternoon Lynn. I'm Dr. Bruce. Your mother made this appointment for you so I could examine you so we can come to some conclusion as to how we should handle your sexuality. She told me that you want to be a girl, is that correct?" "Yes it is." "You look like you are well on your way already, you're very beautiful." "Thank you," Lynn answered as she blushed with the compliment. "Would you please remove your smock so I might have a better look at you?" Lynn removed his smock for his examination. "My goodness, it looks like you forgot to remove something else Lynn, although you do look good with breasts, they match your appearance." Lynn suddenly realized that he had forgotten to remove his breast forms, in fact he had become so used to them he felt that they were his real breasts. "Oh my God, I forgot to remove them and I don't have solvent to take them off," Lynn said as his face turned red with embarrassment. "That's alright Lynn, we can work around them," said Dr. Bruce. As Dr. Bruce started to examine Lynn she had to ask why Lynn wanted to be a girl. "So tell me Lynn, why do you want to be a girl and how long have you felt this way?" "Just since I was elected homecoming princess." "And how long has that been?" "Two weeks." "Hmm, two weeks, and in two weeks you've decided that you want to be a girl?" "Yes, I know that sounds strange but it just feels right being this way." Dr. Bruce grabbed Lynn's penis and scrotum and Lynn gasped. "Does that hurt?" "No, you just shocked me, your hand is cold." "Lets see, you just turned fourteen, I can tell you haven't started puberty yet so maybe this is affecting your desire to become a woman. I'm finished with my examination so you can put your clothes back on. When you've finished I would like nurse Smith to draw some blood and then I want a word with you and your mother." Lynn removed his gown and put his clothes back on and then nurse Smith drew some blood before Lynn joined his mother in Dr. Bruce's office. Dr. Bruce began, "Susan, Lynn, what you want to do is a very serious life decision. When we are dealing with minors it is even more so. Lynn, why did you come to see me today?" "I don't know, my mother told me I should see you." "Okay, Susan, why did you bring Lynn here today?" "I thought you could help him make his wish come true and help him become a woman." "And how would you feel about that Lynn?" "I don't know, I just know that I want to be a girl." "And how do you know that, you've only been a girl part time for two weeks and I hardly think that would justify you thinking that you want to be a girl. Susan why are you doing this with Lynn?" "Because I could tell when he woke and I met Lynn the girl the first time that this was what he wanted. Everything seemed so right especially yesterday when we spent the day as mother and daughter, I knew it was the right thing, that Lynn wanted to be a girl." "Are you sure that this isn't something you want more than Lynn?" "Heavens no, Lynn being a girl will break my heart but I love him and if that's what he wants then I will support him no mater what." "Okay, I can understand your support of Lynn but as a doctor I have to be sure this is really what Lynn wants. If I start treatment to turn Lynn into a girl now and he changes his mind at a later date there will be damage done that can't be undone, and I won't have that no mater what kind of friend you are Susan, I would never forgive myself if I were to ruin Lynn's life by making a hasty decision, so here's what I propose to do: I will give Lynn and injection that will delay puberty for several months. I want you to see a therapist that specializes in gender disorders and after that, if he recommends that, I start hormone therapy I will. Here is a referral for Dr. Jackson, he is one of the best in his field, and Lynn remove your breasts once in a while or your skin will be damaged." "Thanks Jenny," said Susan as she and Lynn exited Dr. Bruce's office. Susan called Dr. Jackson on her cell phone to make an appointment, as she wanted this whole thing to be over with as soon as possible, especially if she was going to have a daughter instead of a son. "Dr. Jackson's office." "Yes my name is Susan Collins and I would like to make an appointment for my daughter." "The soonest I can fit you in is a month and a half from now, unless you can come in tomorrow morning as I've had a cancellation, but you will have to be here at nine AM." "I'll make it work, schedule us for that time, see you then," Susan said as she hung up the phone. "Lynn, I'm going to hold you out of school tomorrow because you have an appointment with your therapist in the morning and depending on what he says when you will return to school." "Yes Mom, will I be able to return as a girl?" "I don't know, we'll see." When Susan and Lynn returned home Susan called Miss Benson and informed he that Lynn would miss another day of school and not to say anything as to Lynn's gender until after his Dr's appointment. The next morning Susan brought Lynn to Dr. Jackson's office. Lynn was wearing some casual clothes but they were what girls wore, tight jeans, a short blouse, and navel exposed. Her makeup was subtle and her hair was styled like the day before. Lynn had no choice with her hair, after having the perm and the cut it made it impossible to look masculine, she looked like a cute little mall bunny. Susan and Lynn were assured into Dr. Jackson's office. "Good morning, I'm Dr. Jackson." "Good morning doctor, I'm Susan Collins and this is Lynn." "It's nice to meet you. We might as well get started with the basic question, why do you want to become a boy Lynn?" "A boy, I don't want to be a boy, I want to be a girl." "Oh my, you want to be a girl, this is the first time I have been mistaken about the gender of one of my patients. You're so pretty and feminine I thought you already were a girl. So tell me, why do you want to be a girl?" "It just feels right when I'm dressed as a girl." "And you Susan, how do you feel about Lynn and his wishes?" "I just want Lynn to be happy, if that's what he wants then I'll support him any way I can." "Okay then as long as you will support Lynn no matter what the outcome is then I will be more than happy to treat Lynn." "I will no matter what the decision is." "Okay, I'd like to talk to Lynn alone if you don't mind, you can wait in the reception area." "Thank you doctor." Susan left and Dr. Jackson looked at Lynn and asked, "You didn't tell me why you want to be a girl other than it feels right, I'll need more than that if you want me to recommend hormone replacement therapy." "I don't know what to say other than I want to be a girl more than anything." "Maybe you do and maybe you just think you do, that's why I'm here. Why don't we start at the beginning, how long have you felt this way?" "What way?" "That you want to be a girl." "I started having these feelings when Mindy started training me to be homecoming princess." "How long ago was that?" "Two weeks ago." "So in two weeks you've decided to become a girl, isn't that awfully soon?" "I don't know, it just feels right, the amount of time shouldn't matter should it?" "Normally I wouldn't say time was a factor because most people I see have been doing this for years but you have only done this for two weeks, so I am a little concerned. Maybe we should start at the beginning and I don't mean two weeks ago, let me ask you some other questions. Tell me about yourself from you earliest memories." "That's hard to do, I remember my mom and dad playing with me and as I grew a little older my dad and I used to play catch with a ball. He used to tell me that I would be a great baseball player one day, we had so much fun. My parents kind of spoiled me, but they were always loving toward me until I was six years old. I remember my mom and dad started to argue a lot and when they did they would send me to my room but I still heard them. My dad would yell at my mother that he needed space and she would yell that he drank too much and then he would walk out of the house and slam the door. My mom would always end up crying and would go to bed until she stopped. "After that she would come into my room and try to tell me that she and dad were okay and that he had to go to work and would be home soon. She would hold me for a long time when they fought and I could feel her body jerk as she cried. I held her back hoping that I was making her feel better but I didn't know if I was helping or not. One day I asked my dad why he and mom were fighting all the time and he told me to mind my own business. After that day I didn't feel close to my father again. The last time I saw my dad was when he and mom had a really big fight. Dad had been drinking and they told me to go to my room. I closed the door and tried not to hear them shout, but they were so loud I couldn't help hear them. "My father was yelling and then I heard a sound that I will never forget, it was a popping crushing sound and then dishes and chairs falling all over the kitchen, I realized that my father had hit my mother in the face with his fist and she tumbled back into the table knocking it over. 'Get out of here you bastard and never come back,' screamed my mother. I heard the door slam and never saw my father again. I heard my mother crying and went to her. She was sitting on the floor leaning against the cabinets with blood running out of her mouth and tears streaming down her cheeks. I didn't know what I should do and asked her if she was alright. No I'm not Lynn but I will be, please sit with me baby, I need a hug she said to me. I had always admired my father but after he hit my mother I never wanted to be like him again and if that was what men were like, I didn't want to be a man either." "That's a pretty big decision for a six year old boy to make, I hope you have learned that most men aren't like that, a real man would never hit a woman. What happened next, and tell me about some of your friends." "After dad left mom had to find a job and she went to work as a secretary in a realty office. After she worked there for a while she went to school for her realty license and after a few years she became one of the best sales persons in her office. During this time I went to school and did everything that most other boys do. My best friend was Kevin Cline and he and I did everything together. My mom paid his mom to watch me after school until she came home from work. "I was always a little shorter than the other kids but they were never mean to me except for Elroy Crantz but he was mean to everyone, I guess you could call him a bully. He wasn't the tallest kid in our class but he was just mean. He used to pick on everyone, even Ned Thomas. Ned was the tallest boy in class and he was really kind to everyone. He tried to be nice to Elroy, but Elroy just punched him in the stomach really hard and Ned fell to the ground and started crying. After that everyone avoided Elroy because no one wanted to get hit. Elroy would hang out with older kids and pretty much left us alone except when he wanted to prove a point and would beat up whom ever was closest to him. He beat me one day so I avoided him like the plague. I think I learned to love joking around so much because of Kevin. We would do all kinds of silly things like gluing a nickel to the sidewalk and watch people try to pick it up, it was a hoot. We would phone people and ask them if their refrigerator was running and that they had better catch it, we thought that was really funny. Now that I think back we were only eight when we did that and I'm sure the people knew it was just some young kids fooling around. Kevin was like a brother to me." "Did you ever wear girls clothes when you were younger?" "No, never." "And when did you start dressing?" "I told you two weeks ago." "You mentioned Mindy, who is Mindy?" "She's my best friend." "I thought you said Kevin was your best friend." "He was until we moved two years ago. My mom bought a house were we live now, because we were renting our old house. When we arrived Mindy lived next door and came to greet me and we have been best friends ever since. We do everything together except for girl things and now we even do those things together. Mindy moved to a new house last year but that didn't stop us from being best friends, I love her like a sister." "And Mindy talked you into dressing like a girl?" "No she didn't, not really, she just helped me." "Then why did you start dressing like a girl?" "Mindy and I were playing a prank on the school and it got out of hand and I had to dress as one to make everything better." "So this is the result of a prank?" "Yes." "Would you tell me all about your prank so I can have a better grasp of why you're doing this?" "Yes doctor." Lynn proceeded to tell Dr. Jackson the whole story of him becoming homecoming princess and when he was finished Dr. Jackson looked at the clock and said, "Lynn what you've told me is fascinating, but we are out of time today, so I want you to make an appointment with my nurse for this Thursday so we can continue with your treatment. I'll ask her to block out Tuesdays and Thursdays at four o'clock for the next six weeks for you and maybe by that time we might have a better understanding as to which way we should proceed. Would you ask your mother to come in here?" "Yes doctor," Lynn answered as he exited the room. "Mom, Dr. Jackson wants to see you." Susan rose and walked into Dr. Jackson's office and closed the door. "Mrs. Collins, Lynn's a very interesting subject. I don't know if he is transgender or not. There is a possibility that he is, but right now I tend to think he might be in shock because of what has happened to him in the last two weeks. Because of this I would recommend that he dresses as a boy until I get a better feel as to what he is like." "Are you sure, he loves being a girl?" "I'm sure he does, he is very pretty and I'm sure extremely popular, especially with the boys, but I don't want him making a life decision about his sex because of that, I want him to come to me and say I want to be a woman no mater what, even if I have to be a nun, it's that important to me. I don't want him telling me he wants to be a girl because he likes the clothes, I want him telling me he wants to be a girl because he is one, and that's why I want him to dress as a boy. If after our sessions he looks me in the eye and says docor I don't mind wearing these clothes because these clothes don't make me a boy because I could wear a sack and it wouldn't change who I am, I am a woman. If he does that I will recommend hormones to achieve his dream." "Thank you Dr." Susan answered. Susan made all of Lynn's appointments and then would wait for the outcome. "Mrs. Collins, are you alright? You've been staring at that sign for the last hour," said the court bailiff. "Oh I'm fine, I'm just reminiscing about the past." "I know this trial has been hard on you, let me buy you a cup of coffee." "That's very kind of you." The bailiff escorted Susan to the cafeteria and had her sit while he bought her a cup of coffee. He returned and handed it to her. "Thank you," she said. "This must be very hard on you," he said. "It is, but it is almost over, I hope the jury can come to a decision soon, I just want some closure," Susan said as tears filled her eyes. "I'm sure they will make the right decision." "I hope so." Susan finished her coffee alone as the bailiff was called back to the courtroom. She drifted back into her dream world. She hated having to tell Lynn that he would have to be a boy again because Lynn the girl was such an open person. She was, well, a girl and she was being a girl and Lynn the boy was gone. "But Mom, how am I going to do that, look at me, my nails and hair and my brows, how can I be a boy again?" "You're going to have to cut your nails to play water polo even if you're a girl and I think maybe I can do something with your hair. You could say you were cooking and you singed your brows and that should be that." "But I want to be a girl." "I know honey, but clothes don't make the girl, you're either a girl or not and if you still feel like a girl after being a boy again then tell the doctor." "Okay Mom. I'll try." Susan called Miss Benson that afternoon and told her that Lynn would be returning to school as a boy. You could hear the sigh of relief over the phone. When Susan and Lynn arrived home it was time to make Lynn as masculine as possible, so off came the breast forms and the nails were clipped off. When the forms were removed Lynn felt as though he had lost his two best friends in the world. The next morning Lynn dressed for school and his mother helped him with his hair. Susan pulled it back into a ponytail and the pushed his tendrils on top of his head and then put on a baseball cap. He wore black jeans and a black T shirt to complete the look. "What do you think?" asked Susan. "I look like a girl with a baseball cap on." "I know, turn it around so the bill is in the back, that's how boys wear them." Lynn did as instructed and looked in the mirror, hmm that's a little better he thought. Susan looked at her son and worried that he might not get away with being a male, he was just too pretty to be a boy. School was pretty much the same except this day Lynn didn't take his hair down for Mr. Copeland's class. He figured that that little joke had gone on long enough. "Lynn aren't you going to let your hair down?" asked Mindy. "God no, not after all that's happened and you should be the last one to ask that question," replied Lynn. "You're right, no more jokes," giggled Mindy. Mr. Copeland entered the classroom and took roll. He noticed Lynn's new appearance and couldn't hold his tongue, "New wardrobe Miss Collins, going for the gangster look?" Lynn turned red with embarrassment and answered, "No sir." Mindy felt Lynn's discomfort but couldn't help giggle out loud. "Your own private joke again, Mindy?" "Sorry sir." So it seemed that the events of the previous two and a half weeks had come full circle but they hadn't. Class ended and Mindy couldn't wait to talk to Lynn. "Lynn, what happened, I thought you were going to attend school as my girlfriend?" "I wanted to but my therapist said he wanted me to try being a boy again." "How do you feel?" "I hate it, I feel like a freak," Lynn answered as tears filled his eyes. Mindy hugged Lynn and said, "Don't worry, I'm here for you. Maybe this weekend my girlfriend can come back and we can go to the mall." A smile lit up Lynn's face as he answered, "Oh Mindy, that would be so much fun, yes let's do it." Lynn finished his day with water polo practice and didn't worry about his hair because all the players wore caps with their number on them and his feminine style wouldn't be seen. He went home and did his homework and when he was finished he looked in his closet at the wardrobe his mother had bought him the previous Sunday and just sighed, maybe they will be mine again to wear, thought Lynn. Thursday came and it was back to Dr. Jackson's for his appointment. "Good afternoon Lynn, how are you feeling today?" "Pretty good I guess." "Just pretty good?" "I miss my other person." "You miss being a girl?" "Yes, very much." "It's only been a few days since we started your treatment so I'll reserve judgment on that until several weeks pass. I have to get a better feel on why you want to be a girl so I would like to talk more about when you first started this girl thing. Tell me more about the first time you saw yourself as a girl." "It was when Mindy made me up and took my picture for our posters. When I saw my picture it scared the heck out of me because I was so pretty, I was the kind of girl that would never go out with a boy like me. In a way it kind of creeped me out that I could be so pretty." "How did you feel when you dressed?" "I didn't dress that night, I only wore a blouse because it was only a headshot for the poster and it was just a regular old blouse, you know, nothing special." "If that's the case why did you start dressing?" "Remember I told you that I won the contest so I had no choice, it was that or I would be kicked out of school." "How did you feel the first time you saw yourself as a girl?" "I don't know, it's kind of hard to explain, at first I was shocked that I could look so much like a girl but then I liked the way I looked but I also noticed that I like the way I felt inside." "And how was that?" "I felt soft and pretty and as though I had found something that was missing." "And how did you feel when you had to change back to Lynn the boy?" "I felt sad, even Mindy noticed, but she told me not to worry because I could be a girl the next day so I felt better after that." "So you continued dressing as one?" "Yes almost everyday." "Why so often?" "Mindy said I needed practice for all the school events. She told me I had to think and act like a girl all the time if I was going to pass without being seen as a boy." "Did you like doing it all the time?" "I loved it. After a few times I thought of myself as a girl and not a boy anymore." "What did you do when you were a girl?" "You know, girl things." "Girl things?" "Sure, we went shopping and cruised the malls and flirted with boys." "You flirted with boys?" "Of course, that's what girls do." "Didn't you feel that was wrong to do since you are a boy?" "I was a girl flirting, not a boy, in fact Mindy even got mad at me and told me it wasn't right for me to flirt because she only wanted me to act like a girl not become one, but as the days passed I did become one. I tried not too but it was something I had no control of, I became a girl and now I love being a girl and to be perfectly honest with you I hate having to be a boy." "I know it's hard Lynn but it is best that you at least try to be a boy until we decide what to do. You might actually like being a boy again if you give it a chance. Your hour is up so we will have to continue this next week, I'll see you then." "Dr. Jackson, would it be alright if I dressed as a girl once in a while, you won't be angry if I do will you?" "Of course you can and no I won't be angry. It's very important that you know that there is no right or wrong when it comes to your feelings, there is only right or wrong when it come to actions and then only if it hurts someone else, so if you want to be a girl then be one, I just don't want you to be one at school just yet." "Thank you so much, Dr. Jackson," gushed Lynn. "It sounds to me like a very pretty young lady is going to be visiting her friends soon." "Yes, Dr. Jackson," blushed Lynn. "Try not to let it sway your feelings about your sexuality alright?" "I won't doctor, I just want to be me whomever me is." Friday came and Mindy asked Lynn if he wanted to see a movie. "Lynn that new comedy movie, Love Sucks is playing, do you want to go?" "I'd love to, would it be alright if I came as your girlfriend?" "I was hoping you would, Judy and I will pick you up at seven and we can shop until the movie starts." Judy was Mindy's new neighbor that had just moved into her neighborhood from another town across state. Judy was seventeen and had her drivers license and was eager to have new friends and driving a car was one way to achieve that. "See you then," said Lynn. Lynn arrived at home and phoned his mother to tell her of his plans for the evening. "Mom, Mindy and I are going to the show to see a movie and I just wanted to know if that would be alright, and one other thing, I want to go as your daughter." There was silence as Susan digested what Lynn had said, sure the movie was fine and going with Mindy was fine but going as her daughter was well she was conflicted. "Do you think going as a girl is the right thing to do?" "Yes I do, if I try to put my girl self in the closet how will I be able to decide what I want with my life?" "You're right honey, go ahead and have fun, but remember you're a young woman and I expect you to act as one, do I make myself clear?" "Yes mom, and mom, I love you," Lynn said excitedly. Lynn decided to wear a pink mini skirt, her white tennis shoes and a white blouse with short sleeves and a scooped neck, that way she wouldn't show cleavage because she wasn't able to attach her breast forms by herself so she just inserted them into her bra. Lynn applied her makeup and brushed out her hair then went to wait for Mindy to pick her up. Judy honked the car's horn and Lynn ran out to the car. "Wow Lynn, you look great." "Thanks." "How do you feel?" "Complete for a change, I missed being a girl." "I missed having my girlfriend around." Said Mindy. The girls drove off and arrived at the mall. Judy spotted three other girls that were seniors in school like herself that she had met and decided to join them since hanging with freshmen wasn't cool. "I'm going to hang with Sherri and the other girls, I'll meet you here after the movie okay?" asked Judy. "That's cool," said Mindy. Mindy really didn't care since Judy was basically a ride for her and it was much cooler being driven around by a peer rather than your mother. Lynn and Mindy went to buy tickets for the nine o'clock show. Before they reached the ticket booth Mindy looked and spotted Charlie and Rex. "Lynn, there's Charlie and Rex, what do you want to do?" "I don't know, what do you want to do?" "Well last time we had fun and I do kind of like Charlie, let's see what they want to do. If we buy our own tickets then we won't be obligated to them but if they buy them for us then we will probably have to kiss them and stuff like that, what do you want to do?" Lynn got a devilish look in her eyes and said, "Let's have them buy our tickets." The girls giggled and then called to the boys. Charlie and Rex were more than happy to purchase the girls tickets for them and Rex could hardly wait to put his arm around the girl of his dreams. When Rex put his arm around Lynn's shoulders she snuggled close to him, she liked feeling protected. "I've missed you," Rex said. "I've missed you too," replied Lynn. The couples walked to their seats and got comfortable before the movie started. The movie was the typical silly dribble that tries to pass as comedy these days so it wasn't long before the girls and boys were making out. Lynn loved the way she was feeling and when Rex began to probe her mouth with his tongue she melted into his arms. As the make out session continued Rex found the courage to begin caressing Lynn's legs. When he first touched her leg she jumped so Rex withdrew his hand. Lynn took his hand and put it back on her leg so he could caress it. As his hand moved on her leg Lynn was becoming inflamed with desire, she had never felt anything so sensual before. Rex was slowly moving higher on Lynn's inner thigh and Lynn was responding, she pulled Rex tighter to her body as she felt a tension building in her stomach. Rex had finally reached her panties, well actually the lacy edge of the panties before Lynn realized where his hand was. She reached down and pulled his hand away, she had promised her mother that she would be a good girl and besides if Rex went any farther Lynn would die a horrible death when he discovered Lynn's secret. Lynn move her mouth away from Rex's long enough to say, "Please don't," and then returned her lips to his. Rex being the nice young man that he was kept his hand below Lynn's panties the rest of the night. The movie ended and Lynn had to wait to compose herself before the couples left, she was on fire. Rex and Charlie walked the girls to Mindy's car and kissed the girls goodnight. Rex pulled Lynn to his body and kissed her deeply and probed her mouth with his tongue. Lynn felt weak as she felt his erection against her stomach. She wondered what it would feel like inside her, Lynn was becoming a woman. The couples broke their embrace and Judy drove Lynn and Mindy home. Lynn entered her home and found her mother waiting up for her. "Hi sweetheart, did you have fun?" Susan asked. "Yes we had a wonderful time." "What movie did you see?" "Love Sucks." "Is that all you did?" Why is mom asking me all these questions Lynn wondered. "Yes, we just saw the show, well actually we walked around the mall first." "Who else was there besides Mindy?" Lynn turned red, her mom knew, but how could she know, I'd better be honest with her or all this might end, "Rex and Charlie." "Who are Rex and Charlie?" "Mindy's friends," Lynn answered innocently. "One of them must be your friend too, I can tell by your lipstick, it is smeared all over you lips. This is another lesson for you to learn, before you come home you go to the ladies room and fix your makeup so you look presentable and another thing, didn't I ask you to behave like a lady?" "Yes mom, all we did was kissing." "Maybe this time all you did was kiss but next time it might be more and I don't want my daughter getting a reputation as being easy, do I make myself clear?" "Yes mom." "Now tell me all about your boyfriend," Susan asked excitedly. "Mom, he's not my boyfriend, I just kind if like him a lot." "Well that's why you would call him a boyfriend and besides if he isn't your boyfriend why were you making out with him, now tell me all about my daughters first love." "His name is Rex and he's so cute, I just want to snuggle up to him every time I see him. He and Charlie are best friends and they go to a private school. Rex is very nice to me so I feel comfortable and protected when I'm with him," Lynn answered dreamily. "It sounds like my little girl is in love." "Mom it's not like that, were just good friends." "Just be careful young lady." "Yes Mom." Lynn went to her room and removed her clothing and makeup and went to bed. She was thankful that her mother had been so understanding. Susan went to bed and knew when Lynn's therapy with Dr. Jackson was over she would have a daughter and her son would be gone. She smiled to herself thinking about her daughter and her first boy friend. Other than his night out with Mindy, Lynn pretty much kept to himself and helped his mother around the house by doing chores. Most of the time he tried to come to some kind of conclusion as to his sexuality. Monday he returned to school as a boy and was surprised that no one had said anything about his appearance today or the previous week. Perhaps that was more of an indication of Lynn's impact on campus than his appearance. Lynn's only close friend was Mindy and most of the other students pretty much ignored Lynn because as a boy he wasn't intimidating and because he hadn't started puberty he was just a little boy to be ignored. Lynn probably could have shaved his head and the other students would have thought he was just weird. Lynn still wore his cap backwards to keep his hair up but his brows still looked plucked. Tuesday came and Lynn was back at Dr. Jackson's office. "Lynn how was your weekend?" "It was wonderful, I went to a mov

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Princess of Trimaria Part 2

Princess of Trimaria - Part Two By Scott Ramsey CHAPTER 16 Aliana was so distracted by Marc's arrival that she didn't see the orc approaching until it was almost upon them. The creature had been hiding outside the ring of stone monoliths and used the bulk of the knight's warhorse to conceal its approach. It wasn't until Marc had whirled Keri around that the creature revealed itself, charging forward with its sword held low. The handmaiden had precious little time to act, and...

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Princess The Pauper

This is just a quick little ditty that I thought someone might get a kick out of… not to be taken too seriously. ***** Sweetest Princess Juniper, You have stolen my heart, my sweet cherry pie. I love you more than anything in this world. I would give you the stars in the sky. You will taste so good when we finally are together. Love always, Periwinkle ‘He’s so dreamy,’ cooed Princess Juniper, clutching the letter to her substantial bosom. The lovely young princess had long golden hair,...

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Princess and the Pauper 2

The Princess and the Pauper: Chapter 2 It had been less than two hours in the castle from being a street beggar and I have had to dress as a fancy boy, then next as a lady messenger. In addition, I still have not been feed anything. I followed the ladies like a good servant. They lead me back toward Princess Katherine's apartments. Once there I stopped at her door. I knew that it was not correct etiquette for a male to enter a female's apartment. My father had taught me...

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Princess Hope

Princess Hope by Sarah Barndt I had been an orphan, abandoned on the steps of the convent and raised by the good sisters until I was 12. Then I was apprenticed to the miller. My life had not been too bad. Many babes of Caldonia were abandoned because times were bad. They had been ever since Duke Mondragon had killed good King Stefan and Queen Felicity. Of course, to say so was treason. The chronicles said they were killed by bandits and the Duke became Lord Protector to save...

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Princess Hope

Princess Hope by Sarah Barndt I had been an orphan, abandoned on the steps of the convent and raised by the good sisters until I was 12. Then I was apprenticed to the miller. My life had not been too bad. Many babes of Caldonia were abandoned because times were bad. They had been ever since Duke Mondragon had killed good King Stefan and Queen Felicity. Of course, to say so was treason. The chronicles said they were killed by bandits and the Duke became Lord Protector...

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Princess of Castile chapter 11

Princess of Castile By Jennifer Reed Chapter 11: Retribution Valentina got in one of her family limos and was driven to a new home she purchased in Aragon's vast countryside. They were in a small town named after their first president Manuel. It was so named after their independence from Castile. Her new estate was just outside of the town. She had it furnished for her needs and was presently examining her new bedroom. Her guards were always present because she could never...

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Princess and the MagePart 2 The Lake

The lake was set amid a lovely, pastoral meadow surrounded by tall trees. That it had been was chosen for its isolation from any human habitation only added to its beauty. They entered the waters at a point where reflections of the afternoon sun bathed them in fiery red light. It made the blonde hair of the Princess look as red as Meg’s. By the time they reached it, the Princess was frantic. The powerful aphrodisiac she had unknowingly ingested would subvert her defenses for the next six...

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Princess Ayumi and the Pirates

Princess Ayumi and the PiratesBy Shabbadew2002Contact me @ [email protected] 1The VoyageThe storm had been fierce and had blown the ship off course. The only girl on board woke and found that the ship was no longer tossing and pitching in the waves. The worst was over andshe might finally go up on deck.  Her cramped quartersreeked and needed airing because she and her maidservanthad been seasick. Stressed, she yelled at the older woman to clean the cabin.?You are a lazy, old hen,? she...

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I am a 40 year old typical soccer mom who leads a pretty conventionallife I am a 40 year old typical soccer mom who leads a pretty conventional? life.? My stories are based on my fantasies.? Most deal with the humiliation of older women by younger women, in the style of my favorite authors such as Cowgirl, Couture, Phoenix Arrow and Jane Parks.?? This is my first story I hope you enjoy it.? I?m working on further chapters, and I?d enjoy any constructive criticism.? Contact me at...

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Princess of Castile chapter 10

Princess of Castile By Jennifer Reed Chapter 10 Valentina ran for nearly two miles. Julia did her best to follow her friend, but eventually fell too far behind and turned back. She knew it was not Valentina's doing, but things were what they were and Valentina was a woman now whether she liked it or not. And now Valentina was training herself hard to pass the trials to enlist in the Shadow Corps. She also devoted herself to her intensive studies to attend an elite military...

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"God, I need a cigarette," I thought absentmindedly for the umpteenth time. It's been over 3 months since I quit 'cold turkey'. Sitting in traffic thinking of my snot nosed 20-something boss and what a jerk he is, looking for a convenience store, just one smoke will make me feel better. Me I'm a 41 old married women with 2 teenage daughters. The 'perfect' wife and mother. I've been married for 19 years and still look pretty good, although if I'm honest I could lose 10 pounds...oh alright 20...

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Princess of Castile chapter 6

Princess of Aragon By Jennifer Reed Chapter 6 Thomas had insisted on bathing with his new husband this morning. He thought he did. The Duke was almost a total stranger to him, but at least he was getting to know the cruel man. The Duke had not been that cruel to him, but the Duke now understood why this was happening now. The Duke was still a cruel man and intended on brutalizing Thomas even if he now knew he could not do as he originally wished. Thomas followed the Duke into the...

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Princess Pristina

I told my li’l lady we’d have to rescue the princess later, switched off Super Mario, put on a shirt with a collar, gave the wife a fifty and unplugged myself from the famz. The sky’d turned orange and all the shadows were stretching. Now the black shapes on the ground pooled into night as I headed west in my work truck, chasing the last hour of sun. The farm had a RD number and a swappacrate for a mailbox. There was a good half a kay of gravel before a farmhouse popped out atcha. I bounced...

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Princess of Trimaria Part 3

Princess of Trimaria - Part Three By Scott Ramsey CHAPTER 36 "Mother, what's happened?" Aliana demanded, gripping Keri's arm with both hands. "Where is Poppa?" "We were attacked by raiders between Thorngil and Sangre," Grand Mistress Elena said, struggling to control her emotions. "Your father ... your father was hurt ... badly." "But he's going to be all right, isn't he?" Aliana asked. "I don't know, Ali," her mother answered as she reached out...

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princess part one

Suddenly, carriage of prince came and they took me to the castle. By night while I was thinking abot princess... Suddenly she came in. I couldn't bleievie that. She came to my bed and said ordered: PRINCESS : Follow me... So I did. I didn't know what she wanted and I didn't know where are we going. We wondered a long time. Then she stopped, opened the door and said to me: PRINCESS : Get inside. - she ordered That room was not big. A few candles were burning and giving light. There...

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Princess Leia Meets Princess Aura

Emperor Ming of Mongo and Klytus, his most trusted underling were inside his private meditation chamber. The goateed man sitting behind the computer console had been in deep meditation for a good number of hours, but what he sought continued to elude him as if deliberately trying to frustrate his will. He considered satiating his desires with one of his concubines, but he didn't find that thought particularly appealing at the moment. "Klytus," Ming intoned, "the day is filled with such...

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Princess Ellie

by All These Roadworks === Princess Ellie wasn’t a *bad* princess, but she was occasionally a thoughtless and cruel one, and she made the mistake of doing so on the day when a middle-aged woman arrived at court and applied for permission to access the Royal Library. To be fair, the woman was trashily dressed, huge-titted, and more than a little vulgar. But still, Ellie’s response was uncalled for. She laughed when she heard the woman wanted a pass to the Library, and said, “What use does...

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Princess of Castile chapter 14

Princess of Castile By Jennifer Reed Chapter 14 Castile had made efforts to spare civilians days prior to their nuclear attack upon Aragon City by issuing warnings. Castile now effectively controlled the country. Princess Alejandra knew that the attack was coming. She could do nothing to really prevent it from taking place. But she knew it was coming. Alejandra saw the signs that the Empress was preparing for it. She knew what the target of the attack would be. So she...

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Princess SaraChapter 20

The returning Princess patted the horse's head and urged it into a gallop. She was somewhat behind schedule after being diverted several times from her proper route by one damned thing and another. Once she had been attacked by three robbers, whom she had managed to kill, but not before receiving a shocking blow to her beautiful face, leaving a deep wound that went down her nose and upper lip, causing blood to flow copiously from both. In the exhilaration of combat and her unlikely...

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Princess of Castile chapter 7

Princess of Castile By Jennifer Reed Chapter 7: First Strike This story is set in the world created by Rikki in the Marriage of Martin Hastings that he began some time around 2010. These events in this story occur around three to four years after the events in Rikkis story. Elsa sat in the darkness of her private chambers, wondering what foolish plot her sister had planned now. She had received news that her sister had been captured and taken to the island province of Aragon...

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Princess and the Pauper 3

Princess and the pauper Chapter 3 We came into the throne room, which had the tables set up for dinner. I was more than ready to eat. When I came in there were more than a few laughs and fingers pointing at me. Nevertheless, if I was given food, then anything was worth it. The princess sat at the head table next to her mother the queen. Next was a table for the queen's ladies-in-waiting, then the table for the princess's ladies-in-waiting. Lady Diane waited while another...

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Princess Yasmine

Princess Yasmine By Princess Ali had never seen such a display of power in his entire life. He was the young Crown Prince of his fathers Kingdom. His father was King Abdullah Aziz Al Saud King of Saudi Arabia, and the Commander of the armed forces of the Kingdom. His father had invited his eldest children to watch the years annual military parade in celebration of Eid Ul Fitr. The young prince admired his father. He loved his father more than anything else. While at times, the...

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Princess of Castile chapter 8

Princess of Castile By Jennifer Reed Chapter 8: Storm This story is set in the world created by Rikki in the Marriage of Martin Hastings that he began some time around 2010. These events in this story occur around three to four years after the events in Rikkis story. "She didn't take my crown away," Alejandra protested to Dianna. "I allowed her to have it. I wanted her to be the Empress. And I wanted to be the Princess working with her behind the scenes. I arranged for...

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Princess Layla

Princess Layla Princess Layla Clara stared at her book.? What she was reading didn't matter because it was only a pastime activity.? The text seemed like only empty sentences because she was waiting for something.? In 20 minutes she would need to serve Layla, her princess.? Her one and only Princess. The Princess needs to go to bed early because she is still young and needs a lot of sleep.? Oh, how she admires Layla?s soft skin and her pretty sweet face.? There was no doubt that...

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Princess Puma in Mine Your Business

Willow Creek, Arizona 1800 Rebecca Temple was in the middle of teaching her class when one of her students...a young boy of 13 years..burst through the doors of the modest old church building which housed the school during the week. A 28 year old woman..her blonde hair tied atop her head and dressed in a long sleeved baggy dress which flowed all the way down to her up from behind her desk and approached the boy...whose face and clothes were covered in dirt. "Billy Ingram...Why are...

3 years ago
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PrincessChapter 3 New Friends TV Appearance Vacation and Discovery

I drove Marjorie back to Jacques to retrieve her car. She went home to pack an overnight bag and then come back to my condo so we could be together. We were collectively moving very rapidly into this new polyamorous relationship that Carrie conceived. I figured I had about a half-hour to talk to Carrie alone before she joined us. I came into the apartment, and Carrie was happily humming as she did some straightening in the kitchen, preparing our dishes for breakfast as she was inclined to...

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Princess of Castile chapter 5

Princess of Castile By Jennifer Reed Chapter 5: The wedding night This story is set in the world created by Rikki in the Marriage of Martin Hastings that he began some time around 2010. These events in this story occur around three to four years after the events in Rikkis story. The door opened, and Thomas saw the shadow of a massive man looming in the doorway. The man walked in with a brilliant scarlet bathrobe embroider with his family crest. The man was Thomas's husband, the...

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Princess Ransom

King Gustave sat with his military advisers, it was no secret that the war was about to turn badly against his country. The reports were unanimous, in no more than a few weeks the Hartshore lines would collapse, allowing the troops of the enemy Juriland to sweep in for victory. But before that happened many thousands of King Gustave’s troops as well as a large number of enemy forces would die. King Gustave raged. Much of his anger was directed at himself, how he and King Julius had blundered...

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Princess The Stud

Michael looked across the crowded ballroom and sighed. This was not his usual scene. The monkey suite felt tight around the neck, the music was a bunch of violins, the people shiny, smiley and fake. But he was trapped and it was necessary he be here. ‘Well that was a big sigh.’ Came a voice from his left. He turned and looked into the friendly brown eyes of his friend Nate. ‘It’s not too late you know, you could forget this whole thing and move on, we could find our funding elsewhere.’ ‘Why...

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Princess Part III

Princess III By Teri Franken [email protected] Our Princess has basically lost her house to Tim; he has degraded her verbally, sexually and physically, taken over her bedroom and sent her off to sleep on the couch. -------------------------------- I closed my bedroom door. How the hell do I get myself out of this? I looked at my watch and saw it was 3am, I needed to wake 'Tim the King' in only three hours, plus I...

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Princess of Castile chapter 13

Princess of Castile By Jennifer Reed Chapter 13 "Who is talking on the tv daddy?" the little girl asked her father who looked taken aback by what he was seeing. This was the common occurrence in most of the households of Aragon lately. People of Aragon gathered around their televisions and their radios as they heard the voice of Empress Elsa. Alejandra's sister gave a long speech directed at the leadership of Aragon describing their most recent and very expensive scientific...

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Princess Project

PRINCESS PROJECT Layla Taft was having fun as she sprinted through the forest along the same trail used for the Iditarod each year. She was fifteen, and loved to run. Running had saved her life less than a year ago. Her parents looked nothing like her as she was growing up. More she had never attended any school like other girls her age. Instead she was home schooled, Gymnastics, as well as Martial Arts, at twelve she already held a Black Belt in Karate, Taekwondo, and Aikido....

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Princess Her Friend Average Joe

I had flowers in one hand and candy with a Valentine’s Day card in the other. ‘Happy Valentine’s Day, Princess,’ I said with a big smile as soon as she answered the door. I handed her the white roses, Godiva chocolates, and her Valentine’s Day card. I leaned in for my reward hoping to kiss her on the lips, but I kissed her on the cheek instead, when she rolled her eyes and turned her head before giving me a look of annoyed indifference. Had this been the first time she acted like this to me,...

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Princess Jasmines New Life

Princess Jasmine’s New LifeThe story takes place after Jafar is turned into a sorcerer, and has Jasmine as his personal slave. Of course, this is the version Disney couldn’t show you?The Throne Room was exquisite. Though he had been there thousands of times, there was something different about it when you were Sultan and in charge of everything. Especially when you were in charge of a gorgeous desert bloom like the Princess. Hands chained together and bound to Jafar’s snake staff, Jafar looked...

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Princess of Castile chapter 16 part 2 of 2 Final Chapter

Princess of Castile By Jennifer Reed This is the final chapter. Chapter 16 Susan and Alejandra meet and finalize things within her family. Alejandra deals with her husband once and for all as Natalia feminalizes things within her new life and husband Anthony as he finds out what awates him as Natalias husband in the Castile Empire Part Two of two The look on Susan's face was one of intense pride and approval as she saw her new stepdaughter. She had known of Alejandra since...

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Princess and the Pauper 1

The Princess and the Pauper. Chapter one. They lined us all up in a single row. A beautiful young girl then walked in front of us looking us over. "I want that one, that one and also that small one as my personal messenger." I was the third one that she picked from the line. That made me happy. That meant that I would have food and a place to sleep this night. When you are ten years old and have not eaten in three days, it was the best possible thing in the world for...

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PrincessChapter 5 Loving Emma Meeting the Royal inLaws New House Wedding

Eventually, we settled with Jacque's, and returned to the condo. It was about ten o'clock. If I read Jerry correctly, he was interested in some sexual time with Carrie; however, that wasn't going to happen with Emma around. Carrie changed all that in a minute. She came up to me. "Jim ... Honey ... I need you to do something really special for me – for us – especially for my younger sister Em." "Yummmm." I wondered where she was going; this was unusual, and if I read the tone of her...

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Princess By Default Episode 9 Finish

Princess-by-Default ? Chapter XV ? by: Noel Lexicon (Copyright 8/2002) Chapter XV: An Empress and her garden (eighteen months later): I followed the Emperor's glance. Ten yards away Lady Murielle was sensually brushing Sensha's hair. Both were glowingly pregnant and stunningly beautiful. It was easy to tell that the two pregnant women greatly enjoyed one another's presence. Jer'Tock was sitting on the edge of my chaise Sun lounge. Around us were the muted sounds of people...

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Princess By Teri Franken I should have known better than to have that last scotch and soda. The first six or so had gone down so nicely that it did not seem fair to not have another. Looking at the clock, it was time to leave the party, I did have to be at work in the morning and since it was nearing 2am, I decided to pack it in. "Thanks for having me over guys," I said to Steve and Laurie, "I had a great time." Laurie gave me the LOOK and she could tell that maybe I should...

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Princess Part 4

Princess IV (Final chapter by me) By Teri Franken [email protected] When we last left Princess Erica, she had just served dinner to her new Master and his girlfriend Cheri, they were fucking on the couch and Cheri was ready to watch Tim fuck the little Princess. Tim looked over at me and said "take off those pantyhose Princess, but leave your panties on." I quickly removed my shoes and then my pantyhose. I noticed that Cheri never...

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Princess and the MagePart 3 Castle Leche

The Princess awoke a changed woman. She smiled up at him in reverence, adoration, and awe. Wrapping her arms and knees about him, she held him close and kept his seed within her womb. Her greatest hope was to carry his child. “I love you, slave or King makes no difference.” she whispered. While she had slept Magnus went to Meg. She had been crying in her frustration and need to be used. The magic held her frozen until he chose to come to her. He took pity on her and wished he could attend to...

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Princess Part 2

Princess, Part II By Teri Franken So far: Our future Princess was caught in a blackmail scheme and her "King" was planning on making her into his personal play thing. ------------------------- I started to move towards the stairs and it finally came to me, he planned on "using" me! Fear overcame me, I had never been with a man before, sure I had used my toys, but he had something else in mind. What a mess I was in, I had no choice but...

2 years ago
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Princess of Castile chapter 3

Princess of Castile By Jennifer Reed Chapter 3: The Brides Reception This story is set in the world created by Rikki in the Marriage of Martin Hastings that he began some time around 2010. These events in this story occur around three to four years after the events in Rikkis story. The door to the limo opened and the Duke slid in beside his male bride, Thomas. Thomas looked up, feeling very small and meek before the enormous man towering above him. They looked very much like...

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Princess Gwendolyn in The Castle of Pain

PRINCESS GWENDOLYN in THECASTLE OF PAIN By Llabmik Chapter1 - The Sweat Box The naked blond princess squattedinside the iron sweatbox, her pale flesh cooking in the broiling sun. Theheavy hot box sat in the centre of the deserted, sun-blasted courtyard ofQueen Rowena's Counterpane Castle (affectionately known as The Castle ofPain to it's inmates). Waves of heat shimmered up from the surfaces of theblack box. Inside the sweatbox, the air wasas wet as sweat soup. Hands bound behind her...

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Princess SaraChapter 17

The proud Princess and the youth, whom she had arbitrarily designated to be the King of this barren and enslaved land through which she was passing, walked together, both as naked as on the day of their respective births, up the steep down that led to the lair of the monster. The newly naked young man winced with pain as the sharp stones cut into his tender feet, drawing blood, and the tough and hardened Princess glared angrily at his weakness. "You must be a true and valiant man, a man of...

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Princess Alicia Requires Penetration

It was one of those quirks of the modern world that real princesses have a difficult time in finding suitable male counterparts to consummate the act of actually engaging in the nasty business of allowing male organs inside their private parts prior to actual marriage. The eighteen year old Princess Alicia of a well-known European monarchy was in that category and it was becoming increasingly stressful for her to do simple things like her studies or learning domestic skills without the calming...

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Princess Learns to Please

It all started as a bit of fun. I had just found a new job and was sharing an apartment with my friend, Lena. She was around the same age as me, twenty-two, but she was studying a college degree and spent most nights out partying with her friends, leaving me alone in the apartment. I wandered past her door one night and noticed a sexy thong laying on the floor by her bed. Something drew me to it, and I stepped inside the room, picking it up to feel the lacy material against my fingers. Before I...

Oral Sex
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Princess of Castile

Princess of Castile Chapter one By Jennifer Reed This story is set in the world created by Rikki in the Marriage of Martin Hastings that he began some time around 2010. These events in this story occur around five years prior to the events in Rikkis story. An innocent and effeminate man finds he has been sold and delivered to a very powerful noble in another country. Thomas Manning stood alone wearing a wedding gown. That fact was odd enough, it sounds almost like a practical...

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Princess land part 1

My maid entered the room ready to prepare me for my daily morning walk around the castle. She had drew me a bath, i took off my robe im front of her and slowly dove into the water. Now i may be a princess by title but i was no saint. I ordered her to wash me, she was used to it by now but i’d always throw in a little surprise to catch her off guard every-time. She took the sponge and starting rubbing my back applying a bit of pressure, as she did that I quietly as possible let out a small...

1 year ago
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Princess of Castile chapter 16 Final Chapter part 1 of 2

Princess of Castile By Jennifer Reed This story is set in the world created by Rikki in the Marriage of Martin Hastings that he began some time around 2010. These events in this story occur around three to four years after the events in Rikkis story. Chapter 16, final chapter, part 1 of 2. This is part one of the final chapter of Princess of Aragon. Natalia is pushed to make a final choice to the course of her life. What will she have to surrender and what will she get with it?...

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Princess Gives It Away

Edited By Barney R Hello my name is Frank. I am a pretty laid back kind of guy. I let things slide if there was nothing major, insults I'd ignore, slights I'd turn and walk away from. There are a few things that can get me riled; hurt a friend, or hit a lady. When I was a kid I was in lots of fights helping friends. I was usually the one left standing so I got in a lot of trouble. Somewhere in high school I learned that if I wait there, is always a way of showing them the way and I...

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Princess Tinakimknoa

As the guard walked down the empty hallway of the museum his footsteps echo throughout the exhibition. The job wasn't the best paying one but it was easy and gave him time to study. School in the morning and walking the halls at night gave him little time to sit down and eat so he snacked on his watch. The museum was about to open its biggest exhibition every. Last year a team had discovered an unopen tomb. Not since Carter had found King Tut, has a tomb been found of such importance. Not...

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Princess SaraChapter 2

One morning in late March, Martha came into the Princess's bedroom and playfully pulled off the bedcolthes, as had been the way with the girls over the years. One morning it would be Sara pulling off Martha's and the next the positions would be reversed. This would usually be the signal for some wild horseplay and a pillow fight, culminating in the giggling pair rolling affectionately around on the floor together, before they dressed and went down to breakfast. Of late, however, Sara had...

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