Princess By Default: Episode 5 free porn video

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Princess by Default: Chapter-XI By Noel Lexicon Return of a very bad penny 10 days later: ?Robin, that looks smashing,? I said. And it did. She had on a silk sundress with matching gold sandals. Her beautiful tan and healthy figure set the dress off spectacularly. What made my heart race was her smile. It was so full of happiness I could scarcely believe how vivacious and loving she was. The door opened and a male I couldn?t place entered. ?Which of you is Lady Jasmine?? he demanded arrogantly. I was puzzled. Why hadn?t my guards stopped him or at least escorted him into my presence? ?She?s Lady Jasmine,? Robin said pointing. The male pointed at the four guards in my chamber. ?You four, outside,? he said. ?Emperor?s orders.? Without questioning his instructions, the guards obediently filed out of the room. The male seemed dreadfully familiar, but I couldn?t place him. His arrogance was so out of place it was jarring. ?It?s Lord Kelsey of the House of Senaak,? said Max. Lord Kelsey? I froze. Had the families discovered me? When the door closed on the last of my guards Lord Kelsey turned back to Robin and I. ?Okay, you two, get out of those clothes. You bitches are going to show me a good time. Or perhaps I should say, you had better show me a good time,? he said. ?What?? I gasped. ?Bitch, don?t make me repeat myself. Out of those clothes, now.? He looked at Robin who was standing opened mouthed looking at him in shock. He took two quick steps and grasped the top of her beautiful sundress and ripped it in from her body. ?I said, bitch, out of those clothes,? he snarled. With that he sent a blast of pain into her mind that staggered Robin and left her crying. ?Don?t, Kid. The worst that can happen is some physical unpleasantness. You suffered far worse at the Senaak Estate. You can?t let him become suspicious,? said Max. ?But Robin . . .? ?Will suffer far worse if you help her resist. Why he?s here I don?t know, but he doesn?t seem to suspect. It?s a tough call, Kid, but I think you should submit.? I swallowed hard. Kelsey was going to rape me and I couldn?t afford to do anything about it. I felt his hand on my shoulder and with one motion he tore the dress from my body. Even expecting it, I found the act shocking. As he fondled me and twisted my nipples tortuously, I became aware of Robin on the floor sobbing. She was curled in a fetal position. I struggled to contain my loathing and hate. ?On your knees, bitch!? He used his hand on my shoulder to force me to my knees. ?You know what to do. Show me you?re as good a whore as they say you are.? The next two hours was a terrible agony to my soul. I could stand what he did to me, but his mistreatment of Robin galled and burned me to the core. It ate at me and took every last nerve of my being to continue being submissive. All the goodness, all the happiness, all the wonder of making my environment loving Kelsey was destroying with his squalid selfish needs. He compulsively needed to dominate, to destroy. He made us serve him every way he could think of, including licking his asshole. Even cautioned by Max again, I almost lost it when he peed all over Robin and the new carpet that had just been installed. Why was the Emperor allowing this? ?Shut up, bitch,? he snarled at Robin again. She couldn?t stop crying and in his irritation he was sending mental pain at her. ?Are you through yet,? I asked in a dispirited voice trying to focus his attention on me. He whirled and sent a blast of pain into my mind. I was staggered by its ferocity until I adjusted my receptor levels. I reached up and pretended to hold my head in great pain. ?When I want to listen to whining, I?ll listen to the Emperor, not whores like you two,? he snarled. ?If you bitches are the best of the Royal whores, then I pity Jer?Tock. Of course the poor bastard undoubtedly doesn?t know any better.? With that Lord Kelsey laughed loudly at his own wit. I continued looking at him with a ?hang dog? expression and projected a totally beaten feeling. ?You?re pitiful,? he said shaking his head disgustedly. He walked over and stuck his butt in my face - then farted. ?That?s all you lifeless Royal whores are worth.? I said nothing and importantly kept projecting great fatigue and disinterest. Disappointed by my lack of reaction he looked around the room for a more enticing target and found none. He shook his head in disgust and started dressing. I did everything I could to continue projecting fatigue and disinterest. ?Fucking Royal whores. You?re all worthless,? he said at the door. ?I command both of you not to say anything of this to anybody!? With that he projected a mental order for obedience at Robin and I then turned and walked out. I ran to Robin and helped her to her feet. ?Come, Robin, lets get you in the shower and wash his vile filth off.? ?Mistress I?m so sick over what he did to you,? she sobbed. She was crying nonstop and she was shaking at the mistreatment she had endured. If I hadn?t hated Kelsey before I did now with a passion. How could fate be so cruel as to cast him into my life again? The worse part was that he wasn?t bad looking and did possess considerable sex appeal, he just didn?t know how to use it instead of force. ?I?ve suffered far worse, Robin. My only concern is you. I?m so sorry you were involved in his sick perversions.? Thank St George she didn?t know the real truth. I felt sick at myself for having allowed something so beautiful to be despoiled for my own safety. Was I really morally righteous compared to families? I was no longer sure. Keeping my cover at Robin?s expense had forced a painful reevaluation of my belief system and I didn?t like how I was seeing myself at the moment. Robin didn?t deserve what I had allowed. ?Mistress, please! You shouldn?t be saying that,? Robin said almost beside herself with worry. She was looking at my guards who just now were reentering our quarters. ?Robin, my only concern is your well being.? With that I reached with my talents into her mind and undid Kelsey?s order. I also tried to give her the feeling of being loved. She was looking at me with such devotion that I felt like a total heel - I had let her be raped and have sodomy forcibly committed upon her along with other disgusting acts. I took a large breath, exhaled and fought my own tears. It wouldn?t help Robin for me to cry right now. ?What?s wrong with Kelsey, Max?? ?His Family talents have run amuck, Kid. Pleasure to him is crushing another?s will. His trying to force degrading things on you was only an attempt to find something you reviled enough to resist him. He would have then forced you to do the thing you found most repulsive. Bending others to his will is the ultimate sexual high for Lord Kelsey and, unfortunately, for many just like him in the families,? Max said. ?That?s sick!? ?Absolute power corrupts absolutely, Kid,? Max said. ?You should remember that when you start using your talents.? I was silent as I helped Robin into the shower and started soaping Kelsey?s filth off of her. ?Why did the Emperor permit this, Max?? ?No idea, Kid. It doesn?t make sense after all the effort they?ve made to make you happy.? I felt a slow anger fill me. Emperor Jer?Tock was about to be treated to some of my most outrageous behavior. One way or the other, I was determined to force clarification of my status. Was I really that honored guest they had been telling me I was? Or was I a two-bit whore for whatever degradations his guests wished to inflict on me? But the first order of the day was to change apartments. I couldn?t stand the one I was in a moment longer. Kelsey?s presence still lingered. * * * ?No, Captain, I refuse,? I said firmly. It was late that night and I was expected at the evening?s diplomatic reception. I was in my room and had made a demand of my guard commander he couldn?t imagine obeying. ?Please, Lady Jasmine. I have no wish to force you, but the Emperor has demanded your presence.? Undoubtedly since I had ignored all earlier ?invitations? and it was getting late. ?If you wish me to go, you must drag me by my feet, otherwise I will enter screaming rape, Captain, and do my best to claw and scratch your face. On that I give you my word. I then will do all in my command to have you removed as a member of my guards and kicked out of the Emperor?s service,? I said projecting fierce certainty. He swallowed totally convinced I meant exactly what I said. I did! ?We could put a bed cover down so her dress doesn?t get dirty,? said one of the other guards. The Captain looked at him then back at me. ?Would that be acceptable, Lady Jasmine?? ?Perfect! Hold my feet at belt height as you drag me.? The Captain took a large breath and sighed fearfully. What was the Emperor going to say when my guards dragged me into the reception? But trying to get me to the party any other way carried even more risk for him. The guards put a spare bed cover on the floor and then when I was laying on it those in front grabbed an ankle and we were off. ?Captain, I?ve never been out in drag before,? I said as I watched the hallway slide past. ?Lady Jasmine, please!? ?Hmmph! No sense of humor,? I said loudly. Two of my guards snickered appreciatively. My drag through the palace in an evening gown was a showstopper. Everyone who encountered us stopped and stared. Of course I was also giving them a birds eye view of my panties. Finally reached the doors to the reception. The Captain turned and looked at me pleadingly. Such was his nervousness that he didn?t even scope out my panties and they were sexy-black with the neatest lace panels too! ?Nope,? I said shaking my head firmly. ?Open the door and let?s drag me on in. Show time!? He sighed forlornly, nodded at the guards at the door and motioned to the receptionist. We all watched as the exquisitely adorned double doors swung open. As I was drug into the room feet first, conversation in the immediate area stopped. Entirely! Shortly after that, conversation in the entire reception stopped. There was little doubt the political statement I was making by being drug feet first into the reception was quite clearly grasped for many, upon seeing my unusual entrance, immediately glanced at the Emperor. To keep from meeting anyone?s eyes I stared up at the ceiling of the Royal ballroom and found myself surprise. It was beautiful! It glittered with jewels and gemstones and was covered with stunning murals that took my breath away. I unbelievably had never noticed it until now. And there were actually small discreet fountains providing the refreshing background noise. Isn?t it amazing what you can learn on your back? ?I heard that snicker, Max!? By hand signals, I managed to get myself drug to where the trader?s group stood conversing. Thankfully the older trader who had first befriended me was still in attendance. There was nothing like starting unorthodoxy off among semi-friends. At my nod the guards released my feet. I kept my legs sticking in the air even though my panties were showing to one and all. ?As always, Lady Jasmine, You have made the entrance of the evening,? said the older trader laughing quietly in amusement. ?Thank you, my friend. Is it me or have you gotten taller!? He coughed a few times and I saw the amused laughter in the eyes of those around him, except for those staring hard at my panties. My panties left little doubt I was female and well formed in one of the places it most counted. ?I think it might be you, Lady Jasmine,? he said. He was biting his lip - his eyes alight with amusement. At a signal from the Emperor, the guards grabbed my arms and stood me gently on my feet brushing my dress down as they did. I remained bent at the waist. I wasn?t about to give an inch. ?Are you sure. You still seem taller,? I said turning my head and peering up at him. This time there were small chuckles from the other traders. At another signal from the Emperor, the guards returned and straightened me. The Captain gave me a pleading look and glanced once in the direction of the Emperor to let me know where the orders were coming from. ?You?re right, it was me!? I exclaimed projecting surprise. The older trader looked at me shrewdly. He had seen the look the Captain had given me. I continued to visit - and ignore the Emperor. Eventually Jer?Tock sought me out. I felt his uncertainty and puzzlement as he approached. What did he have to be puzzled about? ?Glad you could make it, Lady Jasmine.? ?Well, Emperor Jer?Tock, I was standing around in my apartment doing nothing when I decided to go for a drag. Ended up here! Weird unexpected things happen. Don?t they,? I said, disgust heavy in my voice. My stare had such a hard edge that my anger was clear to the Emperor as well as those around me. Emperor Jer?Tock?s puzzlement turned to anger. Letting my obvious displeasure with him be seen by others, displeasure he didn?t seem to understand, greatly offended him. I knew I was perhaps foolish in displaying my disapproval of his actions so openly, but knowing how things really stood would ultimately aid me, even if it brought pain. Everyone near us suddenly found reason to examine his or her drink. Emperor Jer?Tock nodded politely to those around us then walked away without further word. He was not chuckling nor amused. Through out the rest of the evening I felt Lady Murielle?s attention constantly on me. I also felt the Emperor?s intense displeasure every time his eyes found me. Towards the end of the evening P. R. Glock, Emissary for the Families was presented to the Emperor. At his presentation the estimable Mr. Glock made a big production out of the Family?s worthiness of their request for Hegemony over the Leffra quadrant. His oration was so loud it interrupted conversation everywhere. I thought him extremely rude until I understood. It was open intimidation ? ?Don?t be foolish enough to oppose our will and this is our will!? Disgusted with the families and their arrogance, I didn?t bother hiding my loathing even when I felt Lady Murielle?s attention focus on me. ?What do you have to say about the families? request, Lady Jasmine?? Emperor Jer?Tock asked a minute later. I pretended to not hear him. ?Jasmine,? said the Emperor sharply. ?My name is Farkle,? I said softly in my best doe eyed expression. The Families? Emissary snickered. ?Enough, Jasmine. You try our patience. I wish your opinion on the families? petition for hegemony in the Leffra quadrant.? So he wanted my opinion did he? Fine! I drew myself up, stood as regally as I could in my beautiful gown, then used my strongest speaking voice. ?Emperor Jer?Tock, if the Families are granted hegemony over the Leffra quadrant, we should all pray they govern better than they fuck!? You could have heard a pin drop. Three hundred and fifty people literally stopped breathing. No one had expected pithy! I kept my eyes on Emissary Glock. The Emissary?s face changed blushed a beautiful scarlet as his shock at my words changed to wrath. The change was truly impressive. He glanced briefly at the Emperor, who was also looking at me in startled surprise. Well? He asked! ?What does someone like you know,? Emissary Glock snarled. His words dripped with repugnance. ?The Families? record of governing is excellent, one of best in this Galaxy. You?re a know-nothing without the sense to keep your brainless wit to yourself. You aren?t even adequate in bed,? he finished. Having cut me down to size he looked around in triumph. I found others response to his outburst quite interesting. Few shared Glock?s feelings. I had apparently made more friends than I realized or more likely the Families more enemies than they realized. I bent at the waist in a majestic bow, then sent Glock my most apologetic look. I even ?projected? apologetic innocence room wide. ?Emissary Glock, I sincerely apologize for any distress my comment caused you,? I said replying in the most solemn tones I could produce. ?I can only offer in my defense my failure and mine alone to recognize your expertise in being ?FUCKED? by the Families.? The last not only wiped the smug smile of satisfaction that had been growing on his face but caused snickers throughout the audience. As the snickers grew louder, his face became redder. ?Point and match I think!? ?Not bad, Kid. Not bad,? said Max. I couldn?t swear it, but I think Max might have even chuckled. Glock took two steps towards me in absolute rage. Family and their minions never suffered such brutal put-downs and they never endured public humiliation. Never! My guards reacted immediately going so far as to unlimber their weapons, kneel and point. That stopped Glock?s charge like a lightening struck clock and caused people behind him to scatter from weapon line of sight. Where there had been amused snickers was now snide laughter. Glock had just fucked up - big time. He had, as an emissary, publicly lost his cool. Delighted mirth swirled around the reception as Glock?s face turned deep purple. He would be lucky if he didn?t suffer apoplectic seizure. He gained some semblance of control on his emotions and turned to face the Emperor. I think the red-faced fucker was pissed. Golly! ?Your Eminence, to come on behalf of the Families, as a respected accredited Emissary, and to be so publicly insulted by a minor member of your household is to wonder if the insult comes from you? If that is not the case, I demand an apology from ?that? concubine, your Eminence.? As people looked on, Lady Murielle murmured something in the Emperor?s ear. He nodded and turned to face me. ?Lady Jasmine, do you have personal knowledge of how the Families fuck?? he asked. He did it straight faced and without his voice cracking in the slightest. My respect for him and Lady Murielle rose appreciatively. The right question at the right time. It left me confused. What exactly was going on? Thinking of Robin I decided to tell and enjoy the telling. It was my chance to slam the Families without exposing myself. I described Lord Kelsey?s use of Robin and I in brutal exacting detail along with all his arrogance and lastly, his blowing the putrid odor of his bowels in my face as he denigrated that which he had called Royal whores. My ability to mimic Kelsey?s voice and mannerisms made my descriptions all the more devastating for all could see Lord Kelsey exactly as I described him, especially those who had met him personally. My being able to project immense honesty didn?t hurt either. The demeanor of the Families? Emissary shrank with each damming sentence, each unflattering description I unerringly painted. And throughout my story the Emperor grew angrier and angrier. When I finished he whipped around to Stoneface. ?You let her be used?? he snarled. ?Lord Kelsey said he had your personal approval, Sire,? said Stoneface cringing. It was the first time I had seen her truly frightened. Emperor Jer?Tock?s jaws clenched and unclenched, he was trembling with rage. He whirled and stared down at Emissary Glock in white-hot anger. So it had not been the Emperor?s idea after all! His stock in my opinion rose, especially since I could sense his very genuine shock at what had happened to me. I felt warmed. He had really intended to protect and honor me. ?To find the Families? Ambassador lying to my ministers and denigrating members of my household, and indirectly my office and myself, while enjoying my hospitality is utterly despicable. Never have I had these offices and my hospitality so abused. I will have a satisfactory apology by Eleven AM tomorrow morning or your party gone by noon and all diplomatic ties with the Families severed forthwith. Your Ambassador?s choice.? Emissary Glock glared hot hatred at me then bowed deeply to Emperor Jer?Tock. ?It shall be as you wish, your Eminence. I will confer with Lord Kelsey, immediately.? He bowed and left. Which brought up another interesting question to everyone present, why wasn?t Lord Kelsey himself at the reception? That was a small affront in itself. ?Lady Jasmine. Please accept my humblest apologies. Never has a member of my household been so mistreated. I will take steps to insure nothing like this ever happens again,? Emperor Jer?Tock said. I felt his anger and his sincerity. I also felt Lady Murielle's immense sympathy. Pleased with what I had learned, I bowed deeply. ?Thank you, Emperor Jer?Tock.? After a short interlude the reception resumed and I found myself more or less mobbed. Emissaries from many distant parts wanted to talk with me. I was not quite the dim bulb they had thought and I had done something they all wanted to do but didn?t dare: dice and slice the Families. ?Hi, my name is Farkle Dimwitty Quadpucker NimNums the 23rd,? I said holding out my hand to yet another ambassador. ?Yes, Lady Jasmine, we have heard of you and what we?ve heard has not done you justice.? I groaned. ?You couldn?t have. You didn?t call me by my real name. It?s Farkle,? I said projecting my sweetest innocence. ?Addressing you as anything other than Lady Jasmine would cost us more than our ears, Lady Jasmine. Especially now!? On my first trip to the bathroom, Stoneface fell in beside me. As soon as the door had closed behind us she turned to speak to me. She was beside herself with anguish. ?Lady Jasmine, I apol . . . ? I waved my hands interrupting her. ?Not your fault. I hold nothing against you for the incident.? ?But . . .? ?You feel now that you should have done differently?? She nodded. I knew she was close to tears and it was the first time I had ever felt an emotion from Stoneface other than fear or exasperation. ?If you would have truly done another thing than what you did, perhaps Lord Kelsey influenced your decision. More than you have done things that later they couldn?t understand or justify when they?ve dealt with the families,? I said. Stoneface?s eye?s widened then her mouth fell open. She stared at me with her mouth agape for long seconds. Suddenly she whirled and ran out of the bathroom. Must have been the male guards in there with me! * * * The next morning found me in the Royal chambers. Lord Kelsey had demanded my presence. When I was ushered into Jer?Tock?s Royal chambers Lord Kelsey smirked at me so chillingly that I shivered. His smirk made it plain that Kelsey intended nothing good towards me. I was so concerned, so focused on Lord Kelsey that I took no time to look at the beauty of Jer?Tock?s Royal Chambers. A moment after my entry Kelsey turned and faced Emperor Jer?tock. ?A little research quickly determined the truth of this matter, Emperor Jer?Tock,? Lord Kelsey said using his hands expressively. ?I was able to determine that the bitch was paid to create the false hoods she uttered yesterday. Paid by forces opposed to the families bid for hegemony of the Leffra quadrant. And now that we have discovered the bitch?s nasty little secret, I wish for you to hear the confession from her mouth by your own ears.? I couldn?t believe what was occurring ? Lord Kelsey denigrating me in open court and before the Emperor. After last night such an action seemed the epitome of lunacy. ?Max, why is Kelsey risking calling me a bitch publicly?? ?Attacking his accuser, Kid. If you are lessened, the charges you advanced are lessened,? Max said. I guess, but his denigrating me was going to cause him even more problems. I waited for Emperor Jer?Tock to explode and when that explosion wasn?t forthcoming I glanced in puzzlement at Jer?Tock. There were no signs of anger. None! I started getting upset until I realized that didn?t make sense! I nervously focused my passive talents on Lord Kelsey. I was trying to be terribly careful because if he detected my Family abilities he would undoubtedly attack and try to destroy me and I wasn?t certain if I was ready for such a contest. And just as bad, even if he didn?t destroy me, it was possible that he might tumble to who I used to be. And that would be fatal - for me. St. George, why hadn?t I been smart enough to keep my mouth shut? Slowly I concentrated on Kelsey and suddenly found myself in shock. Kelsey was using his Family powers to control Emperor Jer?Tock. And in the Emperor?s own throne room! No wonder Jer?Tock wasn?t showing anger. I was totally aghast! ?Max, what have the Families? become?? The audacity of Lord Kelsey was appalling. Did they respect no one? ?Ill, kid. It?s the sickness of omnipotence. Nobody has been able to stand before them so they?ve gotten greedy with their mind talents. They no longer weigh the risks of the actions they embark on because they literally see no value in people without Family talent, other than as slaves to serve them.? I stared at Kelsey in disgust. Instead of an apology, which would have carried little long-term risk, thanks to Max I now knew he was going to try to bend me to his will. Unfortunately my not anticipating Kelsey?s reaction had now put me in an untenable position. If he continued to successfully control Emperor Jer?Tock, Kelsey would definitely seek vengeance on me. In fact he would make my destruction a public example because I had been responsible for his very public humiliation at court last night. I had let my anger push me to unguarded actions and now I had to face the consequences. I swallowed hard. And over it all, one small piece of knowledge galled me - I wasn?t nearly as smart as I had thought. Kelsey turned and looked at me - smug arrogance all over his face. Suddenly I felt him probing at my mind. The probing was accompanied by a feeling of sexual excitement - Max had been right! I let Kelsey get into my mind on a surface level then radiated compliance. ?Okay, bitch. The truth! Admit to the Emperor that you were paid to say those things,? Lord Kelsey demanded. I started to speak, paused as if I had lost my way, cleared my throat noisily then wiped my face. All during this time I was hastily at work in the Emperor?s mind. Thankfully I had guessed correctly that Kelsey would not go back to the Emperor when he thought he had control of me. ?An obvious misunderstanding exists, Lord Kelsey, or you have been fed untruths,? I said finally. ?I never took money or any form of compensation from anyone and I never made a political statement about the families and the Leffra quadrant. I freely admit I know little about political realities and have no desire to learn. What I said about the families can be summed in two words.? Lord Kelsey?s eye?s widened and he stared at me in disbelief. Why hadn?t I obeyed? I could feel his surprise change to anger. He lashed out at me with his mind, trying to force my obedience. I put more and more energy into defending and tried to look as if I was completely unaware of what he was attempting. I carefully turned my head to look at the Emperor then looked back at Kelsey letting puzzlement show on my face. Kelsey was beating furiously against my mind, his anger at my resistance changing to red hot fury as I continued to ignore him. His talents had grown substantially since that ill-fated clash in Anthony?s apartment, but so had mine ? and I had gained lots of experience. I was very thankful that defending was much simpler than controlling. Emissary Glock, unaware of the intense struggle ongoing in the throne room lurched into the breach my words had created. ?Oh? And pray tell what would those two words be?? he asked. ?Bad fuckers,? I said still concentrating on blocking Kelsey?s unremitting attack. I turned my head and looked at Emissary Glock. I was beginning to sweat. Emissary Glock gasped at my effrontery. He turned and looked at Lord Kelsey in confusion. This wasn?t supposed to be happening. Lord Kelsey, enraged that I was successfully defying him, and unable to openly use pain in front of everyone present to force my obedience, turned and focused his talents on Emperor Jer?Tock. He couldn?t wait any longer - people were starting to openly doubt his version of things. I was ready for the change and shifted with him, quickly reinforcing all the shields I had so carefully built in the Emperor?s mind just minutes ago. ?Emperor Jer?Tock, would you be so good as to have that lying bitch punished. Better yet, I will personally undertake her correction, as I?m sure you see the wisdom in that,? Kelsey said. His brows were deeply furrowed, a sign of the tremendous mental effort he was making. In trying to match him outside of my mind I reeled under the full strength of his powers - he was a very dangerous individual. ?Oww,? Emperor Jer?Tock said. His hand went to his head and he looked at Lord Kelsey strangely. I had made the shields such that any attempt to control him caused Jer?Tock pain. As I stood there I still couldn?t believe the effrontery of Lord Kelsey ? or the Families. Attempting to control the Emperor in his own palace! The Families were definitely out of control. ?Oww,? Emperor Jer?Tock moaned once again. His hand was rubbing the side of his head. He was confused and in pain. Without taking my eyes from the scene before me I motioned for my guard captain to come to me. ?Lady Jasmine?? ?Captain, your wisdom and loyalty is about to be tested. Your Emperor is under a mind attack. Set your weapon for stun and the next time Emperor Jer?Tock?s hand goes to his head in pain, shoot Lord Kelsey.? It was the critical moment for me. I had to stop Kelsey, but I needed to do it in a way that would not completely expose me. I felt gratitude when I heard the Captain unlimber his weapon and kneel. The Emperor?s hand went to his head in pain again and the Captain fired. Everyone in the room froze. The Emperor, free from the pain of Kelsey?s attack, shook his head and looked around. He saw the Captain with his weapon pointed at Lord Kelsey then he looked back at Lord Kelsey in confusion. ?You will order that bitch to admit the truth and you will do it now,? screamed Kelsey recovered from the stun and now attacking with all his strength. The open and obvious threat was stupidly childish. It was a product of the immense arrogance of the Families in their belief of their god-destined superiority. The Emperor?s hand went to his head in pain and the Captain shot Kelsey again. The Emperor?s pain stopped immediately and suddenly Jer?Tock understood. ?Set your gun to kill. If my hand goes to my head, or if I fall unconscious, kill Lord Kelsey,? he said to my guard Captain. ?Take out Emissary Glock also,? I hissed. I shifted my attention to my guards so Kelsey couldn?t use them to kill the emperor. ?Immediately, Sire!? My guard Captain gave an order and another of my guards drew his weapon and went to a knee. His weapon was trained on Emissary Glock. Once that was done, Emperor Jer?Tock turned back to Lord Kelsey. ?You?re mad. Completely mad! The Families? application for hegemony over the Leffra quadrant is denied. Because of you I am severing all diplomatic ties with the Families immediately. You will be gone from Cheltam within two hours or face imprisonment.? ?What?? exclaimed Lord Kelsey. The banishment order left him staring in disbelief at Emperor Jer?Tock. ?You don?t realize just who the fuck you are spea . . .? ?Leave my presence! Now,? Emperor Jer?Tock said coldly. He was staring at Lord Kelsey with a frightening anger. Kelsey?s eyes widened. Nothing like this had happened to a Families? Ambassador before. Ever! That he had not considered the Emperor his equal was now obvious to all present. He turned malevolent eyes on me, eyes brimming with incandescent hatred. ?If Lady Jasmine collapses or raises a hand to her head, Kill Lord Kelsey,? Emperor Jer?Tock said quickly. ?Yes, Sire,? my guard Captain said. His voice left no doubt he would welcome the opportunity. Emissary Glock stared in shock at the weapon trained on him then hastily turned to Lord Kelsey. ?My Lord, let us depart. I know we can depend upon the good graces of his Eminence to give us a future opportunity to correct this misunderstanding.? Without a word Kelsey turned and walked out of the throne room, displaying for one and all the sulking brat he really was. The Emissary turned towards Emperor Jer?Tock, bowed, and started to speak. ?Leave before I change my mind about allowing your freedom,? hissed the Emperor. Emissary Glock bowed again and left the room, but not before giving me a glance full of malevolent hatred. When they were gone silence filled the appointment hall. It took a long moment for those present to collectively catch their breath. ?Captain, how is it you knew to stun Lord Kelsey?? Emperor Jer?Tock asked looking at my guard Captain who had now holstered his weapon. ?Lady Jasmine, Sire. It was at her instructions.? ?And you followed those instructions without argument.? Emperor Jer?Tock said as much to himself as anyone else. ?May I ask why, Captain?? My guard Captain never glanced at me. His momentary uncertainty had almost immediately changed to conviction. ?Sire, it has been my privilege to guard Lady Jasmine for the last six months. I have found that she has every quality a truly great Empress should have.? Me . . . Empress? No way! I stuck my tongue between my teeth and gave the Captain a loud Raspberry. He could blow it out his ears! There were a number of snickers in the room. When I looked up Emperor Jer?Tock had a wry smile on his face. ?And Lady Jasmine?s unorthodox behavior, Captain?? ?The product of an unbelievably fast mind and sharp wit, Sire. Lady Jasmine says more, with fewer words, than anyone I?ve ever encountered! And while I seldom know the facts behind many of her actions, I?m positive there is always valid reasons for everything she does. Had she not such a loving heart, Sire, she would be the deadliest of vipers.? ?Hey, I love you too,? I said sarcastically. ?Captain, you are promoted to Major with two years in grade for pay. The man that obeyed your orders, raise him a grade with a year service at his new rank. And you have promotion power for ten others in your command. Use them as you see fit.? With that Emperor Jer?Tock turned his attention on me. ?How is it you knew I was under attack, Lady Jasmine?? ?Your pain did not appear natural, Emperor Jer?Tock.? He looked at me, waiting for further explanation. I stared back. Seconds passed. I felt him sigh mentally. ?And how did you guess Lord Kelsey was its source, Lady Jasmine?? ?Rumor, Emperor Jer?Tock.? ?Rumor?? ?Yes. About the Families!? ?A rumor?? ?From a good source, Emperor Jer?Tock. A real good source.? ?A good source?? ?One that I personally put stock in,? I said. The Emperor stared at me for a long moment. I could feel his mind weighing my answer, trying to read between the lines. He looked at up at all the people watching us closely, nodded to himself, then looked back at me. ?Ah,? he said. The Emperor was no one?s fool. With that my part in the morning?s duties were over. And now I started worrying. Somewhere on the trip back home Kelsey would regain his cool and eventually he, or someone else back on the Senaak estate, would ask the right question. Not why ?I? had been able to resist, but why had he be able to control Jer?Tock, then not control him? No matter how that was sliced, it would suggest Family talents at work. And the only thing new in the before and after of that question was my presence. And unfortunately arrogance did not necessarily equate to stupidity. I sighed. Why do I keep getting myself in these situations? ?You have a hot ass, kid. What can I say!? ?Max!? Before I could get back to my apartment, my guard retinue doubled in size, my apartment changed to another part of the complex, and Lady Murielle sent me another gift. ?And your name is?? I asked of the dignified looking male standing in my new apartment. ?Hawkins, Lady Jasmine. However, should you desire it, I am quite able to respond to other names.? His voice was so dignified, so officious I just had to giggle. Every inch of him reeked of culture, of refinement. ?I have a letter for you, Lady Jasmine, from Lady Muriel,? he said. With that he held out the note in his hand. I took it and before I could even turn it over, a letter opener was being held out to me by one of my guards. I looked up. I had felt Hawkins? hopefulness. ?Aren?t you going to say ?what sweethearts the guards are? and that the one with the opener had an erection?? asked Max. ?You just did, Max! Thanks,? I said sweetly. I then blithely ignored Max?s grumbling. ?Do you know the contents of this missive, Hawkins?? ?Not per se, Madam; however, Lady Murielle sent you an earlier note and the person bearing that missive ended up in your household. I?m hoping this missive has a similar end, Madam,? he said. He was well informed and he had answered honestly. Interesting! But did he expect to end up in my bed? I didn?t sense a strong sexual component to his desire. I opened the letter and read. He was correct in his appraisal of Lady Murielle?s intent. She was suggesting him as a possible choice for my major-domestic servant. Plain old Farkle, to have her own major-domo? For a prisoner I was getting up in the world. ?Do you have anything to recommend yourself for joining my household, Hawkins?? ?Yes, Madam. I already know the first fact in the Royal Concubines unofficial Handbook.? Robin giggled in delight then grinned at Hawkins. Even my guards were snickering. They all remembered my lesson to Robin about what part of the male organ was the ?front?. Hawkins kept a very dignified appearance even though he was confronting me with my own irreverence. ?You?re probably going to be irritating, Hawkins,? I said. I?m sure a small part of my grin was showing. ?Most assuredly, Madam. It is one of my better traits.? And so it was I got my own major-domo.

Same as Princess by Default: Episode 5 Videos

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Princess by Default Part II

Princess by Default © Part II By Noel Lexicon Copyright Sept. 2000 No portion of this copyrighted material may be archived or stored on any other Internet site or used in any manner without prior written permission of the author. CHAPTER VII: Lord Kelsey's unhealthy interest in Raven explodes violently with disastrous results "I doubt they'll let you take her with you, Anthony!" The male that spoke glanced at me then back at his friend. "If I leave her, Kelsey will...

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Princess by Default

Princess by Default By Noel Lexicon Copyright Sept. 2000 No portion of this copyrighted material may be archived or stored on any other internet site or used in any manner without prior written permission of the author first. **************** Chapter 1: The House of Darna "Close the I/O's, Max." "Aren't you going to finish?" asked Max in an off key voice. It was his way of expressing surprise and other less pleasant emotions. "Tomorrow. I need to get ready for my a date...

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Princess of Castile chapter 13

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Princess Project

PRINCESS PROJECT Layla Taft was having fun as she sprinted through the forest along the same trail used for the Iditarod each year. She was fifteen, and loved to run. Running had saved her life less than a year ago. Her parents looked nothing like her as she was growing up. More she had never attended any school like other girls her age. Instead she was home schooled, Gymnastics, as well as Martial Arts, at twelve she already held a Black Belt in Karate, Taekwondo, and Aikido....

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Princess Her Friend Average Joe

I had flowers in one hand and candy with a Valentine’s Day card in the other. ‘Happy Valentine’s Day, Princess,’ I said with a big smile as soon as she answered the door. I handed her the white roses, Godiva chocolates, and her Valentine’s Day card. I leaned in for my reward hoping to kiss her on the lips, but I kissed her on the cheek instead, when she rolled her eyes and turned her head before giving me a look of annoyed indifference. Had this been the first time she acted like this to me,...

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Princess Jasmines New Life

Princess Jasmine’s New LifeThe story takes place after Jafar is turned into a sorcerer, and has Jasmine as his personal slave. Of course, this is the version Disney couldn’t show you?The Throne Room was exquisite. Though he had been there thousands of times, there was something different about it when you were Sultan and in charge of everything. Especially when you were in charge of a gorgeous desert bloom like the Princess. Hands chained together and bound to Jafar’s snake staff, Jafar looked...

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Princess of Castile chapter 16 part 2 of 2 Final Chapter

Princess of Castile By Jennifer Reed This is the final chapter. Chapter 16 Susan and Alejandra meet and finalize things within her family. Alejandra deals with her husband once and for all as Natalia feminalizes things within her new life and husband Anthony as he finds out what awates him as Natalias husband in the Castile Empire Part Two of two The look on Susan's face was one of intense pride and approval as she saw her new stepdaughter. She had known of Alejandra since...

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Princess and the Pauper 1

The Princess and the Pauper. Chapter one. They lined us all up in a single row. A beautiful young girl then walked in front of us looking us over. "I want that one, that one and also that small one as my personal messenger." I was the third one that she picked from the line. That made me happy. That meant that I would have food and a place to sleep this night. When you are ten years old and have not eaten in three days, it was the best possible thing in the world for...

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PrincessChapter 5 Loving Emma Meeting the Royal inLaws New House Wedding

Eventually, we settled with Jacque's, and returned to the condo. It was about ten o'clock. If I read Jerry correctly, he was interested in some sexual time with Carrie; however, that wasn't going to happen with Emma around. Carrie changed all that in a minute. She came up to me. "Jim ... Honey ... I need you to do something really special for me – for us – especially for my younger sister Em." "Yummmm." I wondered where she was going; this was unusual, and if I read the tone of her...

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Princess By Teri Franken I should have known better than to have that last scotch and soda. The first six or so had gone down so nicely that it did not seem fair to not have another. Looking at the clock, it was time to leave the party, I did have to be at work in the morning and since it was nearing 2am, I decided to pack it in. "Thanks for having me over guys," I said to Steve and Laurie, "I had a great time." Laurie gave me the LOOK and she could tell that maybe I should...

1 year ago
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Princess Part 4

Princess IV (Final chapter by me) By Teri Franken [email protected] When we last left Princess Erica, she had just served dinner to her new Master and his girlfriend Cheri, they were fucking on the couch and Cheri was ready to watch Tim fuck the little Princess. Tim looked over at me and said "take off those pantyhose Princess, but leave your panties on." I quickly removed my shoes and then my pantyhose. I noticed that Cheri never...

1 year ago
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Princess and the MagePart 3 Castle Leche

The Princess awoke a changed woman. She smiled up at him in reverence, adoration, and awe. Wrapping her arms and knees about him, she held him close and kept his seed within her womb. Her greatest hope was to carry his child. “I love you, slave or King makes no difference.” she whispered. While she had slept Magnus went to Meg. She had been crying in her frustration and need to be used. The magic held her frozen until he chose to come to her. He took pity on her and wished he could attend to...

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