Raven In A Harem (Part III - Princess By Default) free porn video

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Raven in a Harem? (Princess by Default Part-III) By Noel Lexicon Chapter 9: Prisoner in Eden * * * I woke with a splitting headache. It took lots of effort before I could get any of my limbs to move. Had they done something to me? Finally one of my hands responded and I was slowly able to massage my temple. `Max?' `Here, Kid. Don't know anything about this you don't.' I grunted and continued massaging my head. My headache and other aches slowly receded. I became aware of a manacle locked on my wrist. I looked at it, saw the chain, and with some turning of my head found that I was chained to the bed. I was a prisoner again, but whose? And where was I? The door opened and in walked a shapeless female. At least I assumed the person was female. You know how you first meet someone and sense how you will get along? One look and I knew - we wouldn't. Not today, not tomorrow, not the day after! There would only be struggle and discord. She seemed sexless and without a glimmer of personality. If it hadn't been for the beat of her heart, she could have been a robot. Maybe she had been - in another life! Stoneface, that was the name her image conjured in my mind, pulled a chair away from the wall and brought it to the side of the bed. A small writing surface was pulled away from the wall. I watched as she placed her electronic data pad on it. She even sat lifelessly! Maybe she had been a lawyer in another life and all her blood had been sucked out in this one in a Karmic retribution. The thought made me shiver. "Your name." No please! No introduction! No anything! She definitely was a welcome wagon reject. "You have a name, don't you?" she asked in a slightly raised voice. "Ummm, is this like a trick question?" I asked uncertainly. "Your name. Tell me your name," she said bloodlessly. Her expression had changed subtly, and not for the better. "My name? You mean my one and truly. Like my birth name?" "I don't have time for foolishness, young lady. Tell me your name." She said it in such a monotone-voice that I was determined to see if her lips moved the next time she spoke. "You'll laugh!" If she could have cursed she would have. Stupid was as stupid does and I was on a roll! "I'll not laugh, so tell me your d . . . your name," she finished. One of her hands had waved in frustration. And her lips did move. Just not very much! "Just remember, I warned you." "Your name. NOW," she said in a threatening voice. "It's Farkle Dimwitty Quadpucker NimNums the 23rd," I said proudly. "Don't laugh. You promised." I displayed a worried look and projected uncertainty and innocence with a dash of stupidity. Stoneface turned a nice shade of purple. I loved it! Her interrogation continued for another hour. Stoneface's exasperation grew with each question and each nothing answer I managed. She was determined to pigeonhole all my attributes and I was just as determined to give her none to pigeonhole. My ability to project innocence and stupidity kept her from coming to the conclusion I was openly lying. And then I had another thought, maybe she had been a mortician in another life and in honor of that she was already embalmed in this life. "What about sex?" she asked me. "I'm female," I said proudly. "I know that," she snapped. "Then why did you ask," I said quickly before she could get to the other part of her question. I projected confusion and hurt. I could feel her counting to ten. "Do you enjoy sex," she asked keeping her voice calmer than her emotions. She was good at that. Maybe it was a side effect of the embalming fluid! "Sometimes," I answered letting my voice quiver with uncertainty. `Sometimes? How can you keep a straight face and say something like that, Kid?' asked Max. `I don't enjoy sex while I sleep,' I said petulantly. `Oh, well pardon me,' Max said. I could see Stoneface grit her teeth. She was frustrated. My unseen manipulation of the interview had her off balance. She asked a few more questions. I did my best to appear helpful while managing to give her nothing. She finally stopped, realizing that more was just a waste of our time. "According to you, you are untalented in every field of accomplishment possible," she said. She was not amused. "I wouldn't quite put it that harshly. I really like eating!" Her throat produced the most interesting strangled sound. She looked down at her pad, then back at me. "And pray tell Farkle Dimwitty Quadpucker NimNums the 23rd, how it is that you, out of billions and billions of candidates, got shipped to the royal household for inclusion in the concubine/Empress pool?" "Ummm, fuck up in shipping?" I offered giving her my most hopeful expression. Stoneface shuddered. It seemed Royal concubines, or would be concubines, didn't know such words or if they did, they certainly didn't use them in her presence. My response pretty much finished the fact-finding interview. Guards entered from an unseen signal and unhooked the manacle on my wrist. They placed delicate (and unbreakable) bracelets on my ankles that had inset rings. I could be locked to any part of the grounds they wished with minimum fuss. A collar was then locked around my neck. It looked like jewelry but I knew its purpose - a tracking device. I had freedom of sorts but someone was serious about me remaining for awhile. Unbelievably I was now part of some Royal concubine pool - but whose? "You will be taken to your room. You'll find a book and video outlining the do's and don'ts of the household. If neither of those prove understandable, a teller will be provided. You are free to wander the grounds. Stay within the rules and you will be treated well. Venture outside those rules at your peril." With that she turned and was gone leaving me wondering how anyone could move that fast with embalming fluid in their veins? "Goodbye and good luck," I said to the closing door. One of the guards chuckled. "High. My name is Farkle," I said turning and looking up. No time like the present to make friends with the natives. And these were tall handsome natives. Strong natives! Well endowed Natives. Natives with large . . .. `Farkle?' `Yeah, Max?' `We know what they've got that's large. Get on with it!' `Ohhhh!' "We know," said the largest of the guards. He looked at me in disapproval. "That wasn't a smart thing you just did. She can make your life hell." "I have no idea of where I am at, or why I have been brought here. My parents must be nearly frantic with worry and I miss them terribly." I looked up at him with a hurt expression and projected just enough innocence to hopefully make him uncertain. The guard's expression changed in a heartbeat. "Sorry, Miss. Place their names and address on the terminal in your room and they will be contacted. Eventually you should be allowed to talk with them. You are in the Royal Seraglio of the Tsarick Empire on the planet Chaltem." "Thank you, Sergeant." "That's Corporal, Miss." "Silly me. I always get those stripe do-hickeys mixed up." He didn't say it, but the glance between he and his partner said it - airhead. Perfect! * * * Ten days later: I expected trees, you can't have Palatial grounds without trees, but I was not prepared for the luxuriant vegetation that adorned the Royal estate. There were long avenues of Palms accentuated by colorful flower-beds set in velvety lawns. There were mixed forests that sheltered babbling brooks, crystal clear ponds and a multitude of birds and animals. And there were beautiful rocky escarpments strategically located to provide natural divisions between different sections of the Royal grounds. I located the button for the floater window, rolled it down, and took a large breath of air. It smelled of wet earth and healthy growing vegetation. With the window down I heard birds singing among the trees and on the ground I saw rabbits and squirrels bounding everywhere. "Its gorgeous," I said. "Would you like to land, Farkle?" asked the pilot of the floater. "Oh please!" Shortly the floater rested on a plush lawn near a small pond and I was out in a flash. One of the brooks bubbled over a four-foot drop into the pond creating a sparkling miniature waterfall. There were geese that shied away then slowly edged closer. And the pond teemed with beautiful silvery fish. "You could fish if you like, Farkle," said one of the guards. "They're so pretty I couldn't stand to kill them. But thank you," I said happily. "We have bread, if you would like to feed the geese." I smiled excitedly and held out my hands. The guards seemed taken by my enthusiasm and quickly piled my hands high with bread bits. I laughed delightedly and ran to the water's edge. How close would the Geese come? They saw my hands full of bread and quickly swam almost too my feet. I obviously wasn't their first visitor with goodies. For the next hour I fed geese, fish and any other creatures I could entice to come close. Delighted that I was able to coax two of the braver geese to eat from my hands, without using my family talents, I laughed excitedly. I was entranced. So were my guards, only they by my exuberance. "We need to leave, Farkle. Your appointment is in fifteen minutes." "I've got to give this up to meet with Stoneface?" He tried not to laugh and failed. "You shouldn't say such things, Farkle. She is the personal representative of the Emperor in charge of the royal Seraglio," he said finally. It would have been a much more effective set down if he hadn't been grinning. "Have I ever told you my theory about embalming fluid?" "Farkle, please. We've heard it and you definitely shouldn't be saying things like that." "Well it's just a theory, but it could be true," I said looking innocently from one guard to the other. The guards rolled their eyes and sent one another a strangled look - code of some sort no doubt. I quickly kissed each of them on the cheek (they had been extra nice so I was reciprocating plus I got to cop a feel of their erections with my hip - giggle) and we were off. Fifteen minutes later I stood outside Stoneface's lair - waiting. Hurry up and wait - I could have been in the Army! "Do you have a music cube?" I asked. I was looking at my guards and also at the candidate behind me in line. I knew her a little and liked her. She had been body sculpted (as had most of the concubine candidates) and were I still male, she would have given me an immediate woody. `What do you mean would have? She gave you two of them,' Max said. `Max!' I didn't bother looking at my erect nipples. Okay, so she was really healthy! As a female, I was responding to the fact that she, though determined to be one of the successful concubine candidates, was friendly - at least to me. Of course that might have been because she rated me as a zero. I mean one look at me among all these magnificently protruding female bodies and who would give a Farkle about Farkle (giggle)? "I have one, Farkle," said the girl behind her. That response surprised me, including the fact that the girl even knew my name. Of course I had had to explain to more than one of the concubine candidates that Farkle didn't stand for anything that I knew - just a family name. No one had ever heard of the name before, including me of course! "Let's dance," I said exhuberantly. "But we can't," said the girl glancing towards Stoneface's closed office door. "Uh huh," I said. "We have the run of the grounds and there is nothing in the rules against dancing. So all in favor of dancing clap your hands." I clapped mine. The girl who spoke grinned, gave a last glance at Stoneface's door, then clapped her hands. The candidate between us clapped her hands as did another farther down the line. Within minutes we found suitable music, rearranged the line for our own purposes and were dancing exuberantly in the hall. Soon the guards were clapping rhythmically in appreciation. And slowly their lust built. They were watching young healthy females exhibiting themselves. And parts of the other dancers were going up and down in such interesting patterns - male tantalizing patterns. Not taking my guards to bed had been a difficult decision for me, but I had decided early on that it wouldn't be fair to them and could be harmful to my escape plans. Plus, if I was here long term, I wanted to have a steady relationship with all of them and that meant platonic. I had even discussed with them why I wasn't inviting them to my bed now. I had let them know that was I still a trader I would have looked forward to being in bed with them. It was part of the honesty policy I had developed after leaving the company of the free traders and trading on my own. I had quickly discovered that being honest and having others know you were honest produced the best results long term, not only for trading, but for living one's life. That discussion had pleased my guards immensely. Unfortunately, one thing I had not counted on when I started dancing was my guards' lust. Its siren call whispered sexual enchantments in my ear and soon I was dancing exclusively for them, for their maleness. I swayed my hips seductively, sensuously timed to the beat of the song. My hands found their way over my head accentuating the lithe qualities of my slender athletic figure. I threw my head sending my hair flying and sent my guards sizzling glances then looked away pretending to not be interested when it was obvious I was. I was playing to their maleness, telling them they were attractive, commanding. I was hitting them where they lived and they loved it. Breathing hard I transposed a hip sway into a sexy pirouette and found myself face to face with Stoneface. "Oops," I muttered in dismay. I stopped dancing and the music shut off instantly. The clapping died just as abruptly. "Why didn't you say you were a dancer?" Stoneface demanded. "Because I'm not," I said shaking my head in denial. "I was just trying to relieve some gas pressure." I started jumping up and down, chanting religious passages while furiously slapping at both arms. Finally I jumped high into the air, landed on both feet and at the same time belched ignominiously. "Ah! I feel better now," I said patting my stomach. I smiled at Stoneface and gave her my most innocent look. She looked once at the guards, back at me, then turned and walked away without a word. When she was out of sight my guards let out a sigh of relief. "Farkle," said one of them, "Behave!" "Me?" I asked innocently making my eyes as wide as possible. It was no surprise that I was called next. * * * "I'm asking for the last time, Farkle. Give me the name and address of your parents," demanded Stoneface. It was fifteen minutes later and she was glaring at me from behind her desk. "No. I'd be too ashamed." Stoneface counted to ten - again. "There is nothing to be ashamed of about your birth occurrence. We just want to contact your parents. You should want them to know where you are. Relieve their anxiety!" "I'm not ashamed of my birth, I'm ashamed of being in prison. I'd rather die than let them find out," I said solemnly. "This is not a prison," Stoneface snapped angrily. It was the most emotion she had ever shown. "Oh thank you, Mistress. Thank you," I gushed. With that I jumped to my feet and ran for the door. "I can go, I can go," I said to the guards. Stoneface pushed a button and the door locked. I struggled to open it for a convincing long time. Finally I turned back to her and managed a single tear. "I can't go. It's a prison. You lied to me!" "It's not a prison!" She was angry now. "I can't go. It's a prison. You lied to me." With that I broke out in heart rending sobbing. I emoted terrible anguish and directed that emotion as strongly as I could at Stoneface. She stood it for twenty seconds. "Take her back to her room!" I continued sobbing all the way through the hall and emoting great anguish. That should make her interviews with the other candidates less than sparkling. I needed only three more days! Three days until I escaped. It was the first cut of the concubine pool. Well over half of the candidates were being let go. I planned in being in the reject pool, one way or the other. I had to be in the reject pool. I just had too! I was so horny that Stoneface was starting to look good. Gad, what an ugly thought! * * * As I watched in the view port, the Imperial planet of Chaltem grew larger. My heart was beating rapidly. Unbelievably a subspace order to all ships had gone out forcing the return of almost a hundred deep space vessels. The cost for such an order had to be prohibitive and that didn't include lost shipping time for the vessels or late charges! I was hoping against hope that the reason was something other than my escape. I wasn't that important. I couldn't be! At the moment an Imperial warship hung off our bow. We would be landed in a predetermined sequence. All ships were being carefully searched. I would know soon enough the reason. `Max, I'm scared.' `I know, Kid. So am I.' `I don't think I can stand much more pain.' `We can moderate most of it with your talents, block your pain centers, but perhaps, Kid, this is going to be home for awhile. Humble as it is.' `A prisoner for the rest of my life?' `After their anger has worn off, you should be able to greatly influence how you're treated. But it will be tough for a couple of months.' I sighed. Story of my life. Finally it was our turn and we docked. Slowly the passengers and the crew were disembarked. With the other passengers I walked through the exiting ramp into the concourse and down two lines of guards. "There! There she is," said a voice I dreaded hearing. A hand quickly seized my arm then another guard seized my other arm. They lifted me off of the ground and brought me directly to Stoneface. One thing I was very certain of - I was in deep doodoo! She looked at me; I looked at her. Only one of us was even remotely satisfied. "Did you miss me?" I asked. ************************************************************ If you have suggestions on how to improve the story, or just want to point out area's you found weak, please drop me a line at [email protected]. General comments are also welcome except `go play in traffic'. Last time I tried that I learned all about road rage - bummer! Would like to thank a reader, Mark Reed, who took the time to email me a list of typos. Any tyupos that got through anyway I claim full credit for. No portion of this copyrighted material may be archived or stored on any other Internet site or used in any manner without prior written permission of the author. 1 1

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A Mothers Helping Hands Part III

A Mother's Helping Hands - Part IIIa reality-based fiction by DizzyDFORWARDI can't thank all my fans and friends enough for the wonderful support, and countless inquiries about Part III... and most of all your understanding and compassion as I dealt with my loss in 2014. Now onto the story. If you haven't read Parts I or II recently, or not at all, I might recommend you do so for continuity's sake. You can link them...

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The Valley Clan Saga Part 1Chapter 9 Harem Expansion and Initiations

The next day my training for the day was done by noon. The AI had scheduled Donna for 1300 hours and Diane for 1400 hours for their interviews. By then I had little doubt that Susan, Kim, Sally and Kate had been talking them to death over the intra ship communications system. The communications to the CS concubine pool protocol had been established long before we boarded, to help the concubine’s mental health. Concubines each had a thirty minute allotment per day to talk. Most of the contacts...

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The Rogues Harem Book 3 Rogues Passionate HaremChapter 23 The Princess Resonates

Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this! Sven Falk The vault opened on creaking hinges. Both Theophil and Carsina stared in awe at the dark room. My own stomach swelled in knots. This was it. It wouldn’t be long before we had the location of the Altar of Souls and... I glanced at Kora. She held the ruby that held Vebrin’s foul soul. A look of such hope crossed my sister’s face. She gazed upon salvation, freedom from the burden about her neck. She didn’t know what the cost would...

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Victoria and the ChastityGuard MK III

Victoria and the Chastity-Guard MK IIII had been observing her, and many others, for quite a while. I first noticed her whilst having a drink at the city bar where she had worked for a time. Although short, she was grossly overweight but with a strangely pretty, even attractive, face. But for the fat she would have been extremely attractive. At twenty four years of age she had not had a date for years, and never had a steady relationship beyond that of a high school friendship with a boy who...

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SlutSport Part III

Part III - Day 1 of Tournament Fighting of the Sluttimay Tournament! (It is suggested you read part I and II for context, backstory and to get primed and ready for Part III you sluts...and as always, comments/suggestions are always welcome!] SlutSport - Part II After the "opening ceremony" of Sluttimay, I had to refocus at the task at hand. So much had happened in so little time on top of which I recognized the number two terrorist in the world in Kong Fi and I couldn't do...

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Meeting Karen Part III

Meeting Karen Part III by MadQuill This is a four-part story is about a woman who models herself on another. I hope readers will enjoy this trans-lesbian tale. All of the characters are over eighteen years of age. This is a work may have an additional chapter. Thank you for your comments. This is a work of Fiction. Please remember this is a copyrighted work and all legal disclaimers apply. Meeting Karen - Part III Preamble : Carrie and Karen meet and ride...

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Shannon III the wedding part A

Introduction: An older man dominates a young woman, Shannon III the wedding part A To understand the Shannon series it is best to start at the beginning with Shannon then Shannon II part A, Shannon II part B and then this story. Each story can stand alone but you will get a better understanding of the characters and the events that brought them to this point in the story. However this story would work to go from Shannon directly to Shannon III. I would love praise and criticism as long as it...

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Incestuous Harems PassionChapter 24 The Incestuous Haremrsquos Passion

July 23rd, 2027 – Clinton “Clint” Elliston III I’d done it. I reveled in that fact as my family piled into the limo waiting for us out in front of the courthouse. The reporters were swarming us, shouting questions. We had won our freedom. A jury of our peers had recognized the truth. Incest was beautiful. My women were swarming me in the limo. Melody kissed me first, her lips hot and hungry on mine. Pam swooped in and claimed me next, hers tasting salty from the tears of relief she’d shed....

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Harem King Levan pushed the splintering throne room doors aside, hearing them smash to the stone floor to either side of him as he strode through the room, bloody sword held firmly in his hand. The hall stretched fifty feet, with a dais at the other end sporting an elaborate stone throne, at the foot of which stood the aged ruler of this region, surrounded by his personal guard, all wielding their weapons shakily. “Turn aside, peons, lest you join your King in death,” Levan spoke loudly,...

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Winning A Genie Harem Chapter 9 Harem Masters Naughty Consequences

Chapter Nine: Harem Master's Naughty Consequences By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Characters Main Characters Corey Derrickson: College senior, friend of Kyle Unmei, given the chance to marry one of four genie, each from a different tribe, if he can find them at St. Maria Theodora Catholic College! Aleah Buckley: Corey's first sex slave. College senior. He claimed her after Kyle suggested she'd be a good candidate for starting Corey's...

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The Manors Harem Part 5

Not a true story: Well, last night Daddy told me that grandfather wanted to see me tonight, something about our porno video grossing the most money compared to other videos in our Harem collection. "Dani, would you please take care of Rose and Danny tonight, I've got to do something." I spoke to the nanny of my children, and my older sister. "Sure, Jilly. But should you be doing anything strenuous in your condition?" You see I'm about six months porno movies that have grossed so much money for...

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Andrew James Wellington III Esq Dead Beat Dad

Andrew James Wellington III, Esq. - Dead Beat Dad By Sirbosk1 ? sirbosk1 2009This story is a fantasy that contains scenes of Femdom, oral sex, rimming, cream pie eating, humiliation, blackmail, CBT, bondage, spanking, body modifications, and other erotic activities involving adults. If such subjects are offensive, uninteresting or if you are a minor, (i.e., child) please leave now. This story was written at the request of a sub fem friend of mine who’s husband recently walked out, leaving her...

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Night Skies Hotel XIII Humanitys Birthright III Twilights Sword

Synopsis of the Night Skies Hotel Universe: Centuries ago, two world- spanning civilizations made first contact via technology that enabled access to multiple realities. Each civilization was unique in the sense that a single sex dominated it - Terra's Patriarchy by males, and Gaia's Sisterhood by females. Gaia was the more artistic of the two, had closer links to nature and was more advanced than Terra in some of the sciences, such as biology and physics. Terra, on the other hand, had...

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REVENGE OF THE CYBERQUEEN Ch2 At The Mercy Of The HaremAmazons 0

As the Harem-Amazons moved towards them, they started removing their armor, revealing their tanned, muscular-yet feminine flesh. Toned and taut with hard nipples and completely shaved pussies. The Harem Amazons were now completely nude except for their leather thigh-high boots. Even as Johnny and Lucinda defensively moved back, they couldn't help admiring the naked female flesh marching towards them. “Stay behind me Lucinda...” Johnny said as he tried to get between the aroused...

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Winning A Genie Harem Chapter 12 Exposing the Naughty Genies

Chapter Twelve: Exposing the Naughty Genies By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Characters Main Characters Corey Derrickson: College senior, friend of Kyle Unmei, given the chance to marry one of four genie, each from a different tribe, if he can find them at St. Maria Theodora Catholic School! Aleah Buckley: Corey's first sex slave. College senior. He claimed her after Kyle suggested she'd be a good candidate for starting Corey's harem. Tania...

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The Rogues Harem Book 1 Rogues Sultry WomenChapter 24 Princessrsquos Wanton Surrender

Princess Ava – Echur, The Princedom of Kivoneth, The Strifelands of Zeutch “Daddy!” I whimpered as my father buried his face into my snatch. His tongue licked through my folds. His pale-blue eyes stared up at me, the normal glacier melting into passion. “Oh, Daddy, yes!” His hands rubbed up and down my bare thighs, my nightgown shoved up past my waist. His whiskered cheeks rubbed on my clit. I let him feast, let him indulge in his incestuous desires for me as his tongue dove through my...

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Ravens Adventure

Raven's AdventureThey were clearing the city in a Custom Sprinter Van with 6 Captain's Seats, entertainment center, seat table's, floor space and their camping gear. If needed they could sleep inside. Damon drove with Wade at his side, Raven and the boys sat in the rear facing each other chatting. She wore comfortable travel ware, an off white, cotton, T Shirt dress over a white bra and sheer Smoke Gray Thong panties, her cock and balls showed through their transparency. Raven sat giving...

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Harem Hotel

HaremHotel! Think about your dream job for a moment. What would it be? A porn star that fucks the hottest, tightest bitches? Or would it be a guy that puts suntan lotion on beautiful women for a living? All of those are damn good jobs. But did you ever stop to think about how fucking hot it would be to own and live in your own hotel?If that sounds fucking boring, I want you to think about it for a moment. Where else are you going to be able to spy on so many people all at once? And if all your...

Free Sex Games
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Raven at Hammonds Ranch

Raven at Hammond's RanchThe transformation on the property had been completed for 2 weeks with 10 trailers occupied. Rick's well check's revealed they were all horny and willing to pay. He set them all up with one lie. They grumbled about not having women, he showed them a cell picture of Raven, they said no women allowed, he told them she wasn't, she is a Dick Girl. They were all interested in her, he told them she was also a Hammond employee so he didn't know how she could know. They all gave...

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RavenJeff and Spike were surprised when ole man Hammond drove up, he waved then went into Raven's office. They scurried to peep and listen through an exhaust vent. The ceiling fan hid most of their conversation but they knew it was important watching Raven's face. Twenty minutes passed as they waited knowing he would fuck her before he left. Hammond was in his 60's and had hired them right out of high school a year ago as warehouse help. Raven's long black hair hung down her back as she knelled...

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Raven Ch2 Little Neighbor Boy The Two EarlyBloomers Meet

Chapter 2 – Little Neighbor Boy (The Two Early-Bloomers Meet) Words – 4,903 Same rules as the first, friends. C&C appreciated. Any mistakes seen, please comment on it. Also, prepare for some reading. **** Weeks had passed since Ravens mini-marathon of masturbation. Since that day, she fucked her little pussy at least once every 24 hours, maybe even more if permitted. She used her fingers and some phallus-shaped foods to get her juices flowing. She was walking home from her newly repaired...

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Prisoner in his Harem Ch 03

In part 1 and 2 of this story we come to know Sheikh Fouad who rules a traditional 1001 nights meet Silicon Valley Emirate between the sea and the desert. He discovers a bombplot against his children and those of other dignitaries. The bomb is handed to the assassin by a Western woman who teaches at the local university and is known for her fierce equal rights attitude. Instead of giving her the required death sentence he offers her an alternative as a slave in his harem. ***** The Sheikh...

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Lost in a Harem

LOST IN A HAREM by Throne September 1. My wife Aliya has just informed me that we will be travelling to her native country of Balamlad. She is a freelance consultant for a number of international corporatons. Because she speaks several languages fluently, and even more so because she speaks Balamladian, she is often in demand to facilitate major deals. In this case she is going to work for a huge pharmaceutical concern in the US to try to close a deal with a smaller business in her...

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Absolute DelightsChapter 4 The Ruby Harem

The interview room of the Ruby harem was similar to the one in the Golden Palace, except that the pictures were much more explicit and were much more heavily oriented towards pain than to pleasure. There were depictions of girls and young men undergoing a variety of punishments, or in some cases tortures. The mediæval rack was easily understood, but some of the other devices were incomprehensible to the young Emir. He decided to look into that later, being fairly sure that the Ruby Palace...

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Absolute DelightsChapter 7 Harem Problems

After breakfast the next morning, as Zubeydeh was about to leave the Emir's presence, the traditional moment for asking favours, she ventured a question, "Have you decided what to do about the children? You really should decide soon." "Children?" he asked, "What children? None of the women I have used can expect to give birth for another eight months if the rumours I have heard of the human gestation period are accurate." "Did they not tell you?" Zubeydeh asked, "There are...

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Raven and River Hawk Dream Catcher Pt 05

Raven half fell, half jumped from Ghost landing upon her knee’s. Bowing as to have her breasts rest on the floor of the mountain. She raised her voice in praise. She released the adrenaline coursing through her body. She sang in a native tongue inhaling and exhaling so her lungs felt like they would burst. Ghost stood still witnessing his mistress in the glorious light. Shining down only on her, the brightness caused Ghost to look away. Getting up on her bent knee’s she raised her arms towards...

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The Manors Harem Part 3

* Not Real* After Nick shot his cum on my back, he and Orlando stuck both their cocks in my face and made me clean them. "Suck them clean you little slut!" I did, willingly because that would quicken the time that it would take until my daddy would be fucking me senseless. When they both came in my mouth, they left me, with cum on my back, and my ass glowing red from the spanking of a life time. I got up from my position of being on all fours, and tried to wipe the cum off my back, but the door...

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Harem Master

You are the leader of the harem in which you can order your harem to ride that big fat cock of yours or do something else like recruit another member or get a job so you can have more money. To your harem, you are god. You can do anything. Now i am going to try and be consistent with adding chapters as im going to focus on 4 characters. 3 of them will be harem leaders. A man named John Doe, a futa named Vin Dockerson and a female named Mary Jackson. One, however, will be a harem slave named...

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The Futa Fairy Futa MILFs Harem Wish Chapter 3 Mrs Fatimas Fertile Harem

Chapter Three: Mrs. Fatima's Fertile Harem By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 A nervous energy filled the apartment as the girls rushed through the house to get ready for college. All but poor Alesha were dripping with futa-cum. My futa-cum. Sa'dia, my eldest daughter, twenty and lovely, flounced by, her green eyes flashing. Those emerald orbs set in her dusky face gave her such an exotic beauty. “Thanks for breakfast, Mother,” she said, snagging a plate and hurrying to the table to join...

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The Harem

Jason didn't know what to think as he drove his car. He had gotten home to his apartment after finishing his shift at the coffee shop when he found a letter that came through his door. Wax sealed. It told him to drive to an address outside the city, as the resident of the house wished to talk with him. Jason did so and stopped his car outside a huge mansion. Jason never thought someone like him would be invited to a place like this, especially when he was only 19. "Wow, why would someone who...

Group Sex
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Trapped in My Own Harem

TRAPPED IN OWN HAREM ?Part 2 ? by: Milida I was another 'friend' of Asam. I however didn't want any grand adventure from my visit to the Arabian Night world like John did. All I wanted was my own harem and the chance to indulge myself in it. Asam organized a very handsome male form for me. I was over 6 foot tall, very muscular and extremely pleasing on the eye; a real chick magnet. The harem he choose for me was located on a beautiful island in the middle of the bay and was...

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Winning A Genie Harem Chapter 1 Hot Harem Opportunity

Chapter One: Hot Harem Opportunity By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Corey Derrickson – Saturday, July 4th I opened the front door of my Saturn Ion. It was an older car, my first. I kept it in great condition, the red body freshly washed this afternoon. The day was warm and looked to be a great Fourth of July. I smiled as my two sex slaves slipped inside. “Master,” Aleah Buckley said, her auburn hair, gathered in a pair of pigtails, swaying about...

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Joshs Harem

This story is about an uncle of mine, His name was Josh. He was a horny bastard with a 10 inch cock. He fucked everyone regardless of who they were. He just needed a whole to stick his cock inside. I must say he fucked good, so good that even if he forced someone they would end up liking it. He was a tall 6ft 6 hunky man. He had brown hair and a beard. He was a distant uncle of mine, He was married, had two kids, one daughter and a son. Now he was decent man until he had an accident which...

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Ravens Camping Experience

Raven and I had met and I had spanked her a few times and did some titty torture and finger fucking. But it was time to move up the play.I was going camping and asked her if she'd like to come for a night. I was going with some buddy's but they would be gone before she arrived. She asked were it would be? The the North rim of the Grand Canyon! She said "OH MY!! It sounds exciting. But how would I get there?""You mentioned to me you had a girlfriend who lived in St. George, Utah, right?" "I'm...

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All for Nothing Part III

Here is the last part to "All or Nothing" and I have no further plans to add on to it. Some have suggested that they might want to write within this "universe", creating other stories about Mason and Mason and its club, the Getaway. If you are so inclined, by all means do so. I would only be flattered. Also, if you are so inclined, feel free to post any of my stories here on Fictionmania to any other sites. Again, I would only be flattered. Anyway, this is Part III of "All or...

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The Rogues Harem Book 2 Chapter 10 The Hermaphrodites Passion

Book Two: Rogue's Wicked Harem Part Ten: The Hermaphrodite's Passion By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to B0b and WRC 264 for beta reading this. Chapter Twenty-Eight: Inspiring Naughty Art Sven Falk – The Forest of Lhes, The Strifelands of Zeutch Nathalie's sweet mouth felt wonderful as she sucked my cock clean of Aingeal's pussy juices, her pigtails spilling over my thighs. I groaned, the pleasure racing up and down my dick as I glanced over at the aoi si. Her cock...

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