LifelineChapter 6 free porn video

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It was the Tuesday following the Wellses' abrupt departure when Elizabeth called me at my office. Our offices were only five floors apart but we rarely visited each other during the working day.

The legal section of Children and Youth Services did not hang out with prosecutors. I was surrounded by granola eaters that think every child is a snowflake.

I guess I agreed to a certain extent. I spent enough winters in the North that I think snow is a pain in my ass. I feel the same about children for the most part. At least other people's children, that is. So Elizabeth and I talk via telephone if we need to share something during working hours.

"Biff Wells was found dead in a hotel on Century Island yesterday," Elizabeth announced without a word of introduction.

"Damn," I said. "I thought he was in protective custody."

"They pulled the deal Friday afternoon and sent him on his way," I was told. I could hear the disgust in her voice. "They couldn't tie Wells to anything and he had no useful information that wasn't total bullshit. So they pretty well opened up the door and booted him in the ass."

"No loss to humanity," I said.

"How do you think Lauren will react?" Elizabeth wondered.

I thought for a moment.

"Do you think I should call her?" I asked.

"I do, Ben," she said. "I'm sure it will sound better coming from you than from Pam or cop who pays a visit."

So I called. Lauren was in a chatty mood and it took me a few minutes to get to the reason for contacting her.

She went silent for a minute then moved the conversation back to something else.

I felt badly for Lauren but it seemed that any affection she felt for her father dissipated when he offered her up for statutory rape in order to pay off a debt.

I couldn't really say that I blamed her. I assumed she told her mother but I can't say for certain. I soon had a host of other things on my plate to worry about.

It was two days later when Elizabeth called my office again.

"We got him!" she said into the phone. "We got Tiny Huntley dead to rights. Literally dead to rights. Murder with special circumstances. We got him on security camera going into Biff Wells' hotel room. Can you believe that shit? He's going to get the needle!"

Actually, if I were honest, I couldn't believe it. Tiny Huntley did not get to his spot atop a criminal organization by doing stupid shit. Could I accept he killed Biff? Oh yeah. But Tiny did not show up at your hotel room and shoot you. He had you brought to him and he spent the better part of six months making you wish you were dead before he finally got bored with you.

At least that was my impression of the man, courtesy of my wife, I'm sure. I realized she was still talking.

"The judge signed the warrant a few minutes ago," she said. She was giddy as hell and had been all week. Valerie Dwyer was taking a leave of absence for what were being dubbed "personal reasons." It didn't take long for a transcript of Judge Castille's promise to find its way to the press and everyone knew the personal reason was abject stupidity.

With no one else to turn to, Elizabeth was appointed interim District Attorney. If the state bar suspended Dwyer's license, there was a good bet Elizabeth would be elected if she ran.

"Ellie, stay in the office this time," I said. The only time I had really let my wife see my temper was when she was involved in a shootout during a drug bust. For some high-profile arrests, Elizabeth liked to tag along with the cops. She said she wanted to make sure they didn't get overzealous with the arrest or do something to screw up her case.

I thought she enjoyed the rush and I was never comfortable with it.

A little more than a year after Lauren was born, push came to shove. A raid at a biker bar went tits up in a hurry. Someone tipped off the occupants and it turned into an all-out war – with the mother of my infant daughter in the middle of it. Once I assured her how happy I was that she was safe, I lit into Ellie until a fly wouldn't land on her.

I don't recall all of what I said but my best line was good enough.

"I am not going to be a single father and raise our daughter alone because her mother is an adrenaline junkie and an idiot," I yelled.

To her credit, she didn't refute any of my assertions and she promised she would use better judgment in the future. She had lived up to her word but I worried this was too big for her to let go. I was wrong.

"I'm staying here," she assured me. "In fact, you can come up and sit with me if you want. Paul Scarborough is heading up the arrest team. Nothing will go wrong."

Famous last words, I thought.

In fact, a great many things went wrong that day. Tiny was nowhere to be found when the cops raided his home. His girlfriend, significant other, common-law wife or whatever she was, however, was home and so were his two children. Scarborough almost got himself a face full of buckshot from a 10-gauge shotgun when he led the way through the door. Only his quick identification saved him.

Elizabeth called me to make arrangements for Social Services to take the children.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because she is going to prison," Elizabeth replied.

"No, she's not," I countered. "It's 'Castle Doctrine.' Unless she is a felon in possession of a firearm, she has every right to protect her home and her family. It's the peril of the no-knock warrant. You're just lucky Scarborough identified himself. Your office would hope for Valerie Dwyer back if you let your guys shoot up a Mama protecting her children."

I could feel the anger radiating through the phone.

"Do yourself a favor," I said. "Call a handyman to fix her door and then apologize. She knows why you were there. But I'll bet there wasn't an ounce of illegal drugs in that house. You don't even have that to fall back on."

"Fuck you, Ben," Elizabeth said and hung up.

I shrugged and went back to what I was doing – at least for another couple of hours. Then Desmond "Tiny" Huntley, wanted for capital murder and suspected of perhaps a hundred other heinous crimes, walked right past the fucking worthless security guards at the entrance of the courthouse, past the fucking worthless security guards at the entrance to Children and Youth Services, past my stunned paralegal, through my door and plopped his ass down in a chair across from me.

"Can you take me to turn myself in?" he asked. I glanced down to make sure I hadn't pissed myself. I could just picture him taking revenge on Elizabeth then coming down to pay me a visit because someone fucked with his family. It was what I would probably do if the situations were reversed.

"Seriously?" I asked.

He nodded.

"They scared the shit outta my lady," he said. "Bout got themselves shot for it, too."

"I heard," I said. "If it's any consolation, no one is going to touch your kids. I'll make sure of that myself if I have to."

"You already did," Tiny informed me. "Your wife called my lady to apologize. They already came to fix the door, too. I know that came from you, but I hope you'll tell your lady I said thanks. I can't let family get cross on this. So I'll turn myself in."

"OK," I said. "You know, there won't be bail on a capital charge."

He nodded, resigned to his fate.

I gave a mirthless chuckle.

"You didn't kill Wells, did you?" I asked. I don't know why I wanted to know. I don't know why I was prolonging a conversation with a man who scared the hell out of me.

"Nah," he said. "Don't make no difference though. They gonna hang me for it anyway. I woulda. Don't get me wrong. If I knowed where he was, I'd a done him and not thought twice. Not like he was done though."

"That's what I thought," I said. "Well, let's get this show on the road."

We stood before I spoke again.

"I'll find you a good lawyer if you need one," I said.

Tiny gave me a smile. I saw he had about a dozen gold teeth. Those were new since I saw him two weeks earlier.

"Your Honor," he said in his best "whiny white guy voice," "this crime could not have been committed by my client. It does not meet his typical level of violence. You must acquit."

Then he laughed and we walked through the doorway.

I am a smart man. On the way out the door, I called the Sheriff's Department, which is the only police agency housed in the courthouse. I was not going to let Tiny anywhere near my wife. That would not happen if I could stop it.

For once, I wasn't worried about someone else's safety in Elizabeth's proximity.

"This is Ben Wallace," I said. "I am bringing Desmond Huntley down the service elevator. He has agreed to turn himself him."

I let out a deep sigh when the sheriff's deputies took responsibility for Tiny. I worried the entire elevator ride that he would change his mind, snap my neck and run off. But he was actually pleasant.

"You did good with that little girl," he told me as we waited for the elevator to arrive. "Your wife came out OK, too."

"You might get out of this, too," I said. I knew I was probably lying to the man and I think he knew it, as well.

"Maybe," he said. "If I don't, maybe you could check on my kids now and then for me?"

I nodded. It was a part of my job but I couldn't help but feel a slight amount of empathy for Tiny Huntley's children.

It was only after I saw Tiny safely into another's custody that I called my wife.

"The Sheriff's Office has Tiny," I told her.

"I know they do," she replied. "How in the hell do you know it? I just heard not 30 seconds ago."

"He asked me to go with him to turn himself in," I explained. I was not prepared for the explosion that followed.

"Are you the dumbest fucking man on the planet?" Elizabeth asked. I assumed it was a rhetorical question and stayed silent. "You berate me for thinking about going to the arrest. Then you waltz your dumb ass out to meet him – alone – after my office kicked in his door and scared his kids to death. Ben, I swear, sometimes I don't know why I put up with you."

I could see Ellie going off on a tangent. The week had been stressful for her and she had vented at me more than once. I wasn't going to let her do it just right then.

"Because you love me," I said brightly.

"I do love you," Elizabeth said. "Damn it, he could have killed you or taken you hostage or God knows what else. What were you thinking?"

"You have some basic facts wrong," I stated. "I did not go to meet Tiny. He came to me. He walked right past the deputies who are supposed to guard the courthouse, right past the guards outside our main office and then plopped his ass into a chair in front of me."

"Jesus Christ!" Elizabeth said in a small voice.

h said in a small voice.

"Yeah," I said. "He asked me if I would escort him to you to turn himself in. I told him I would turn him in to the sheriff's department but I thought it prudent to never be around the two people I am most afraid of at any one time. He told me the venue was my choice. We talked for a couple of minutes and then I escorted him to the Sheriff. It was not my idea and I would have never gone alone to see someone wanted by your office. I have too much respect for you and I have too much to live for. Now, are you done yelling?"

"I'm done," Elizabeth said sheepishly. "Are you going back to your office? It's almost 4."

"I have to sign out and get the cell," I replied. "It's my night on call."

Elizabeth let out a long breath.

"Can you switch?" she asked. "I have a ton of stuff to do yet. With Tiny's arrest, my list just got longer."

"You have the Mommy and Me dinner tonight," I pointed out. "It's why I switched tomorrow night for tonight."

Elizabeth was suffering from the same illness that hit almost all first-time department managers – the urge to micro-manage. There was no doubt that she was the most capable person in the office. I can say that even while putting aside my bias. But she was trying to do too much for one person.

"Damn it," she said. "I don't guess you're available."

"For what?" I asked. "I know nothing about pending cases in your department so I can't help there. And when I went to the restroom a little while ago I found out I still lack the proper equipment to be a mommy. I'd help you in any other way if you figure out how."

I paused for a moment.

"Ellie, we've been through this before," I said. "It wasn't a year ago that you told me I needed to decide which had priority in my life. My job or my family? It was an easy choice for me. Now you're going to have to face the same question."

Lauren's preschool hosted a dinner every month to encourage parents to spend one-on-one time with their children. One month it was Daddy and Me. The next it was Mommy and Me. My choice didn't involve a dinner of the evening. That would have been easy for me to arrange because I'm only on call at night once every other week and one weekend every other month. Mine came during a holiday get-together at the preschool. It was scheduled for 10 a.m. and I had a conference rescheduled on me for 11:30 a.m.

There was no way I could do both so I picked what was most important. I caught a royal ass-chewing from a family court mediator – at least until I told the old bat my time was far more valuable than hers and she needed to check with the attorneys to make sure they were available before changing the time or date of a conference. Since then I have used my "peremptory excuse" card to avoid having any dealings with her.

Every attorney in our county is given one chance to disqualify a supervisory official for each case. You don't have to list a reason and you only get one per case. But you could remove a judge – or a mediator – if you found you couldn't work with them. I was sure Elizabeth's office would have Judge Castille at the top of their list.

I heard Elizabeth sigh on the other end of the line. I was surprised it was taking her this long to make up her mind. Perhaps she was enjoying the trappings of power as much as Valerie Dwyer had.

"You're right," she said finally. "I have staff here and I'll give some of this to them. Most of them are Dwyer's cronies so I have to keep them isolated. But there are a couple decent lawyers here. Can you pick up Lauren and get her ready?"

I started to bite my lip and simply agree – but decided I need to say what needed to be said.

"If you're just going to swing by, pick her up, eat with her and then drop her off, just cancel it," I said. "This is about spending time with her. It's about talking about her day and playing with her on the floor after dinner. It isn't about focusing your attention on what you still need to do."

"What do you expect me to do, Ben?" she asked. "There is paperwork that needs to be done. There are cases that need preparation. That woman did absolutely no oversight on prep. Most of the people here are young and inexperienced. They don't know how to prepare a case and I'm about the only one to teach them."

"You also have another young person who will be looking to you for guidance," I answered. "I'll pick up Lauren from preschool and get her ready. But Elizabeth, this can't become a habit. I will tell you like you told me. If you can't handle both aspects of your life, then pick one. But do not think I'll sit here and let you do a half-assed job of raising our daughter because someone else's responsibilities take precedence over yours."

That was almost word for word what she had told me a few months earlier. I paraphrased parts, but she got the gist.

"I'll close up here by 5, I promise," she said.

I closed my phone and started to plan what I could fix for dinner in case Elizabeth called to cancel.

I was somewhat surprised when Elizabeth arrived at little before 5:30 p.m. I was downright shocked when she didn't give me the cold shoulder and instead gave me one of her megaton kisses.

"Thank you," she said when I had regained my equilibrium. "I could have gotten lost in that morass and forgotten what is important in life. If I had stayed tonight it would never have changed. So, I gave out marching orders. I told them this is a test run to see if they still have a job when Dwyer is out on her ass. If they can't handle the new workload, put out resumes but don't expect a recommendation from me because I hadn't seen anything worth recommending yet. I've got a couple of things I still have to do but I'm not going to do it all."

"Good," I said. I admitted that I had wondered what choice she would make.

"I could tell," she said. "That is what spurred me to make the right one. I don't want to see you disappointed."

I didn't get to see much of Elizabeth that night. She took our daughter on their date and then sequestered herself in the office while I bathed Lauren. Elizabeth came out to help tuck the little one into bed and then disappeared back into the office. I assume she came to bed at some point but I can't confirm it. She wasn't there when I fell asleep and she was already in the shower when I got up.

As it turned out, that was OK. I would get to spend most of the day with her in one form or fashion.

It was just before 10 a.m. on Thursday morning when life went to crap again for me. It started out as a seemingly innocuous call from my paralegal.

A paralegal, to my way of thinking, is a lawyer without an advanced degree. I know mine is indispensible. In fact, if I had to make a choice, I would fire half the lawyers rather than dismiss one paralegal. They are that integral to what goes on in the CYS legal offices.

A paralegal does everything an attorney does – except represent clients and appear in court. Oh, and rake in a ton of dough. They are often called upon to handle the research for any given subject. They perform document searches and cull the online database for relevant case law. They take notes at depositions, notarize papers and make sure they get delivered to the right people. They prepare the briefs for trial and, often, play a significant part in strategy because it is likely they are better aware of legal precedents on some matters than the attorney is.

I know that is the case in my office. My paralegal presents me with a weekly briefing of any items of interest from rulings across the United States that might pertain to child advocacy law. I have, on numerous occasions, tried to get her to apply to law school. But, as with so many people, money is not abundant in her household. It is almost impossible to perform full-time work duties and succeed in achieving a professional degree.

I have often wished I could afford to help the woman out – because she has a brilliant legal mind – but I can't. Although I am well-paid by the county, Elizabeth and I do not make nearly as much money as we could in private practice. That statement probably applies to me more than my wife. I am not a better attorney. I do not mean to imply that. But Elizabeth is in the job she is best suited for – prosecution. She would be bored silly in civil practice. She would be disbarred quickly in a criminal practice – because she would strangle some of the idiots who do stupid or hurtful things and get caught.

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Hi, This happened two years ago when I met one of my engineering teacher who was unmarried. She is at her 40 but extremely beautiful, fair, long hair and sexy mallu body which you can not miss seeing. I met her a year ago with an intention to check if she is married or not yet and as I had expected she was not married. I talked to her for a while she was wearing a nice yellow saree that day which made her look gorgeous. I always saw her body in class and admired her and thought of fucking her....

1 year ago
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Social Worker Takes Advantage

You know it’s wrong. How do you stop it? Why should you stop it? Is there some primal need in you so desperate to explore the dark but oh so sweet side, taste the forbidden fruit, just once, only once, you promise yourself, knowing damn well you’ll break that promise……Summer. She begged you to take her away from her ‘useless as fuck family’ (her words), she followed you out of the house and got in the passenger seat of your van before you knew she was there. You were at breaking point with the...

4 years ago
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Craig HillChapter 31

Victoria repeated her routine of yesterday and came straight to Mark's flat after putting her car away. No words were said as they embraced. Mark's stomach turned over at holding this delicate but muscular little nymph in his arms. She smelt like she did yesterday, of horses and sweat, but her own personal aroma came through. It was warm. It was animal. It was Victoria: soft, feminine but with a sharp tang. He looked down at her. Her face had lost the pallor of a town dweller and there was...

2 years ago
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Averys Temptations

My name is Jim. I love fucking white femboys and crossdressers with my black dick. I first saw porn when I was way too young, thanks to a step brother. I grew up watching girls scream and moan from hard anal. Soon anal was all I wanted to watch. When I was a teen, we got the internet. I first saw transsexual porn then. I loved to see their big tits and nipples, their made up faces and long hair, their asses and sexy legs, their high heels, and their big cocks. When I was young, I...

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The Failed Heroine

Eliona was on her knees, her hands shackled behind her back and her head bowed. One would expect the young woman to have a look of shame or fear on her face, but the former Hero had nothing but disdain for this supposed court. Although she was only eighteen, she had been the child of adventurers and had grown up learning from the best the Guild had to offer. Her title had been Sword Master until last year when her achievements had earned her enough recognition to be elected as the current Hero....

1 year ago
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Hot MILF fucked while her hands are Bound

This story is based on Savita Bhabhi comics which you can read in Savita Bhabhi lay on the couch with her hands bound as she looked up at her captor. He was leering down at her intensely as he questioned her. Captor: Where is the gold? Savita: I don’t know what you’re talking about. My husband and I were driving by and just stopped to admire this house. Captor: (chuckles) Listen, lady. Lie all you want, but there are only 2 ways you can get out of this. One…you can try and escape, but that...

2 years ago
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It was fairly late and I was driving back from Southampton through on the main road through the New Forest. Everyone was away at home so there was no hurry and the work had taken a long time. As I approached Picket Post the endless cups of tea had finally caught up with me and I was dying to go for a pee. I turned off onto the Burley road and drove a short way passing the first car park as it is exposed and turning into the more secluded one slightly down the road. I expected the car park...

1 year ago
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My Journey Book 2 ExileChapter 4

I woke that Sunday morning, feeling refreshed and alive. I checked my messages, but there wasn’t one from her. Instead, there were a lot of questions on Facebook about the status change and a notification that Emma wanted me to confirm our relationship. I smiled and clicked accept, adding a link to her profile next to my relationship status. I was about to go to the shower when I heard footsteps thundering down the stairs and my door was flung open. “You’re ENGAGED!??!” Lilly blurted out....

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 237

This one is compliments of walt Why do they call it Labor Day? Because it comes nine months to the day after New Year's Eve. This one is compliments of john Riddle for seniors... Today's riddle for seniors ... Here is the situation: You are on a horse, galloping at a constant speed. On your right side is a sharp drop-off. On your left side is an elephant traveling at the same speed as you. Directly in front of you is a galloping kangaroo and your horse is unable to overtake...

3 years ago
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Belle and Sandy

Young ladies are smart. They are clever, deceitful, underhand and, at times, malevolent. They are also good fun, sexy and damn delightful when they want to be. Take the two young girls who work in our office – they are the "bestest" friends and share a flat, but they are always up to something. The other day I got tricked into buying biscuits for the office when it was Sandy's turn to furnish our bird table with cakes and treats. She flashed her grateful smile at me, as she adjusted her...

1 year ago
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Hotel Chapter Two

He nodded his approval and I took him in eagerly, swallowing what looked like an impossible amount of his cock. He put his head back and let out a deep groan. I lapped at his stiff cock greedily, sucking on the tip as I pulled back, then opening my throat for him as I thrust forward. I reached up and cupped his balls and squeezed them, my fingers working upwards into his ass, lightly rubbing his anal opening. He moaned at the touch, pushing into my mouth with increasing urgency, despite my...

2 years ago
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Sex with a hot college senior

Hi, This is Rahul. I am sharing , which happened some time back. I was working in Bangalore. I was pleasantly surprised when I saw Preeti in the metro. Preeti was my senior in college. We occasionally talked in college, but it was never beyond that. I had a huge crush on her but never dared to speak freely to her as she was my senior. After 5 years out of college and being from the same hometown, I mustered some courage and went and sat next to her. The ever-smiling and beautiful Preeti was...

3 years ago
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My first pantyhose model shoot

A day in the life of a part time pantyhose model.Victoria SecretsIt was a wet and windy Monday morning and I was driving down the M40 towards central London. I had offered myself as a model for a tights company and they needed me to show two pairs of tights to a large buying company. The night before I had bathed and made sure my legs and feet were as near perfect as I could get. I had dressed in my pin striped trouser suit with white blouse and black patent 3inch heels. Finally after 2 and...

4 years ago
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The Academy

THe Academy Part 1 Life had never been fair to Amber andApril. Losing their mom seven years ago, and then living with Marcia thelast five was difficult, to say the least. Marcia had been a young bride for theirfather upon the girl's mother passing, and never wanted children for herself,let alone two step daughters approaching their teen years. When the fatherdied suddenly, Marcia had to find a way out. When Marcia received a letter from FatherJohnson at the St. Mary's Academy for girls, her...

4 years ago
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Keeping A Promise by loyalsock

She paced, or sat with a worried expression, or flounced. Jennifer had found herself with a serious problem on her hands! In the first place, among her set, in order to get to the prom, you had to put out in order to get a date. That was the heaviest date in the whole school year. When she was a virgin, Jennifer had resigned herself to no prom, but this year she wanted to go. She felt every bit as womanly as any of the other girls in school. She realized how much of a lover her brother was,...

1 year ago
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Fun with Bobs toy

This story is in two parts. First, the background. Then the raw sex. Part 1.I have a couple of special friends – sex friends – that share some of the same interests as me. In this story, the friend in question is Bob. He is bisexual, enjoys cock just as much as pussy, and really enjoys cumshots. At first, we just used to trade cumshot video clips and pics from our private collections.He loved to watch me working my thick cock and shooting a huge load. I really enjoyed his videos because...

3 years ago
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Naked Holiday With My MotherChapter 2

I was in the bathroom when she returned with bulging carrier bags and a beautiful big smile on her face, "I'm back darling" she shouted, "Where are you?" I popped my head out of the bathroom door and she laughed when she saw my half shaved face, "Can I do that?" "As long as you promise not to cut my throat" I laughed, She took the razor off me and began using long expert sweeps across my face, she was very good at it until I remarked that the razor smelled really nice and then...

2 years ago
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sex games

when i was a middle aged teen family always took a vacation in the ,my sister and father.well this particular year my sister invited a school friend,karen.she was real shy,but kind of outgoing with my sister mary and sister mary was already 21 and so was karen.well , we reached the cottage on the lake.what a boring spot.,good thing we had a boat,to use.also a beer store down in the marina.after we settled in it was not to bad.also another family with 2 girls rented the...

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Ramona Gabriel Pt1 Ramona

I’d heard my parents arguing the night my dad hired Gabriel. My mother didn’t want me hanging around the shop with a teenage boy. My dad tried to calm her down but she refused to let it go. She called him an “Illegal immigrant” and warned that my father could get into trouble for hiring him. It finally ended with my dad telling her he wasn’t changing his mind. Gabriel had come to him honest enough asking for work. I was intrigued to say the least. I was only partially aware of why my mother...

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Late Nights

‘That was a long day I think to myself,’ as I walk up the steps to our apartment. I’ve been working a lot of late nights at work and it’s been taking a toll on me. The only thing keeping me sane has been your love and support through it all. A smile spreads across my face at the thought of you on the other side of the door. Pops was right, I am a lucky guy. I open the door to find you curled up on the couch with the TV only. I stand there for a minute, just watching you sleep. Your mouth...

4 years ago
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The calves of my sister

An afternoon i am in the car with my father, he drives and i'm sitted next to him on the passenger seat, at a certain point we stop at the edge of a square because we pick up my sister that was exited from that square, we were in the late spring toward end of may i remember :-P, the climate it's enough temperate, and my sister has a jacket at half sleeveds with a long black skirt that ends under the knees, naked legs and black shoes open with feet nude, after that my sister is got into the car...

3 years ago
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The Acorn Never Falls FarChapter 16

The secluded mansion was in an upscale and exclusive part of town. Veronica rang the doorbell. A maid answered and when she identified herself, the heartbroken woman was led through several rooms then down a set of stone steps into an underground dungeon. She paused, fear rising afresh in her throat as she glanced around the stone walls. S & M apparatus of every kind, steel cuffs, chains, racks, whips and other assorted implements of torture hung from the walls and ceiling. But it was...

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The ProtectorChapter 37

We made it downstairs with a lot of laughs, all three of us were trying to walk side by side down the steps. We were squeezed, but it only seemed to matter to me, because Kat and Sally were having a ball squeezing me. We walked into the kitchen and found Myrna setting the table, so Sally pitched in to help. Carver was sitting in his usual place. He had a smile on his face, so I figured he and Myrna had patched up their differences. We had just sat down, when my phone rang in the study, and I...

2 years ago
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A Bachelorettes Last Wild Ride

“I love you.” “I know. I love you too.” I lay in bed with my soon to be husband, Rob, after I had just finished telling him about my little secret fantasy, and my inexplicable urge to want to carry it out. We usually tell each other our sexual fantasies and certain ones we end up acting out; but this one was a little different. It was still almost a month until the wedding, we had both decided three months ago to abstain from sex until the wedding night; we wanted to build up our physical lust,...

Straight Sex
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Watching sweet Lena giving up her anal cherry

I used to cross Lena’s path during the morning, since she was a dog walker for an elderly couple down our street. She was a beauty Croatian young babe in her early twenties, with a nice slender body and swaying hips that were quite a hit amongst many guys in the neighborhood.I loved specially her broken accent and the soft tone of her sexy voice. I had ever fantasized several times with having this nice babe in my bed; but every time we crossed our paths on the street while she was walking the...

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Odia Khudi 8211 Part I

Hi mora odia bhai o bhauni mananku swagat mu Ramesh gote sata ghatana lekhuchhi odiare lekhibaku kasta hele madhya lekhibaku chesta kruchhi, bhula thile maf kriba bhala lagile reply daba. Mora prathama sex anubhuti sambandhare lekhuchi mo villagera sonu khudi uncle wife mora prathama sex guru mo Khudi jane house wife tanka bayasa 30 heba dekhibaku gora kintu tike moti hele tankara mast gandi auu sabutharu tankara lamba gahalia bala tanku besi mane. Doodha 36 heba aau gandi 40 heba kintu tankara...

2 years ago
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Cookies Cream Ch 09

‘Peach Cobbler’ Okay, peeps, let me backtrack from Wednesday morning all the way to the twilight hours of Tuesday morning. I did mention you that Rosa argued with Katie. I want to be honest with this. Rosa actually picked a fight with the sexapade liar Katie for only a minute. That’s all, only a minute. After that, she has gotten to know Katie better. You wanna know what happened? I’ll tell you. It was ten minutes passed five when Rosa decided to wake up and take a stroll in a nature trail....

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my wifes friend Steve

After a few false starts in hot-wifing, My wife and I decided that we both enjoyed it best when she pursued a younger guy. she was 29 and I was 31.We were having a pig-roast and we knew that there would be many guests, especially younger ones since our neighbor across the street had her younger sister living with her, and she asked if she could invite a few guy friends. We said sure we'd love it.Denise arrived about 11:00am and was helping out to get things prepared. I had been up since 3 am to...

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The Wifes Cock

Last Friday night the wife and i stopped by the adult bookstore to get a couple of movies. as we were walking in the wife said lets check out the arcade and see if any thing is going on in the booths and man was there ever. there was a lot of guys just hanging around waiting to suck some cock. we entered a booth and before i could get some money in the machine the wife was grabbing for my cock. wow can you believe all the guys out there what are they doing? the wife asked. i pretended not to...

2 years ago
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The Trailer Park The Second YearChapter 17

"Feeling better?" I asked as I walked up to the bus stop. "Better than you look." "What's wrong with the way I look?" I asked, standing straighter and running my fingers through my hair. "Aside from the fact that one side of your face is a giant bruise, nothing." Tami leaned forward and kissed me on the cheek. The unbruised one. "Yeah, looking in the mirror this morning I was sure glad I don't have to shave yet." Tami grinned and molded herself to my side. We stood like that...

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The Long and the Short of ItChapter 18

Without a word being said they adopted their now normal position on the sofa. "Has there been any improvement in your father recently?" "Slight. His speech has improved but his right arm is still next to useless. Mum says he tries but there's really very little he can manage on his own." "It must be so frustrating for him." "Yes. Mum says she hears him growling and scolding at himself." "Poor chap. You said 'Mum says'. When did you last see him?" "Christmas. I haven't...

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Cocksucking Onstage

Onstage, The Amazin’ Sex BDSM Club, New YorkHe clipped a silver chain leash to her collar, then said, “Heel!”She dropped to her hands and knees, and shuffled after him as he walked slowly onstage. She was naked except for her collar and the leather restraints on her ankles and wrists.As she shuffled past the curtains stage-left, she saw, or rather, felt, the hundreds of people in the audience. The spotlights hit them, and the audience roared its approval. Marta’s heart was pounding in her...

2 years ago
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Kaise Main Pati Ke Samne Chudi

Hello all, I am Nita Virsingh and thank you all for your feedback on my first story kaise maine pati k dost se chudwaya. Itne sare reply maine expect nahi kiye the bahot logo ne apne photos bhi mail kiye hai, kafi interesting poses haha. ek ladke ne apne khade lund pe mera naam likhkar photo khincha hai aur muze mail kiya, to ek ne kisi aurat ke boobs pe nita ke tarbuj jikh kar bheja hai aur kaha hai ki ye uske behan ke boobs hai pata nahi kya hai, delhi ke ek ladke ne photos send ki hai aur...

1 year ago
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Love and Superstition 2

Well, I took the advice of Ate Nene and arranged a date with my boyfriend after work on Thursday (that was January 27th). As I told you, I guess he knew what was on my mind because he took me to a restaurant in a naughty part of town, near to the street where there are several "love" hotels. I think you might call them lodging houses in your country: anyway they cater to couples looking to get a room for sex in the afternoon or evening. I told my Nanay and Tatay that I'd been asked to work late...

1 year ago
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A night with a Social Escort

Amanda was a stunning woman with a slender figure, long dark hair and piercing blue eyes. Her skin was perfectly tanned and she had a beautiful smile. She smelled of a mix of musk and jasmine, a scent that was both tantalizing and inviting. We met for dinner at an Italian restaurant and she was dressed to impress. She wore a slinky black dress that clung to her curves, and a pair of strappy heels that showed off her toned legs. Her makeup was subtle and her jewelry was minimal, allowing her...

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