Feline Frolic 3 free porn video

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© Copyright 2012, by Leslie P. Lowe. All rights reserved. [email protected] Synopsis: A sissy is publicly exposed by a beautiful girlfriend with a wicked sense of humor. Kitten's first feminine look is finished and her next night's prospects are brightened. Feline Frolic 3 By Leslie Lowe I stood there in that crowded bar, pink lips open in awe, looking at the six pretty pink-and-white packages in front of Donna. The crowd of ten or twelve men and women, most of whom called me "Kitten" as if I were their sister even though we had never formally met, fell silent as they saw me freeze. "Sit down, Miss Kitty," Donna said. "You have so many more presents to open!" "Donna!" I said. "How could you do this to me in front of all these people?" "Oh, you love it." "No I don't. And you know exactly what you're doing to me. You're making me dress up and play girl by threatening to end our friendship!" "OK," Donna said. "I plead guilty." She stood up and looked the grinning men surrounding her, the tall, muscular Bart leaning forward to catch every word. "Now, Kitten," Donna continued, "what do our new friends say? Should she open her presents here in a fun and social way or privately and selfishly in her room later tonight?" "Here!" they all shouted. "Here, right here. Make her do it now, Donna!" Laughing and cheering. The alcohol had done its work. I needed a drink. "May I have another cosmopolitan?" I said, and it came out like a whine. "It's on me," Bart shouted over the din. "A round for Miss Kitty and all my friends!" Grinning and waving to Sandi, who seemed to be enjoying her work, as if she were hosting a party instead of working her cute little ass off to keep us all anesthetized. I felt sorry for her. "I wish I could help you, Sandi. May I?" I asked, touching her forearm as she reached for the dead soldiers littering the table. "So you think you're tough enough to be a barmaid, Kitten?" Sandi said, smiling warmly at me, girl-to-girl, not teasing but thanking me in her delicate way, accepting my praise and commiseration with delightful good humor. "I'll see about that in a minute," Donna interrupted. "First, Kitty needs to open her presents, so she'll look presentable for her training." "What training?" I asked, afraid of the answer but unable to resist. "Your barmaid training, of course!" Bart said. "I can grab your ass for you and see how you handle it." Donna cracked up, flirting with her eyes at Bart, while Kate glowered beside him. "Like Bart said," Donna continued, "you need training for your new temp job as a barmaid, my dear. Sandi is so happy you volunteered!" "I am not!" Sandi said. "Why don't you guys leave her alone?" "Yes," Kate said. "Why so mean?" I looked at Kate, a pretty redhead with short hair almost butch in style, voluptuous of body, breasts to dream about, well-dressed but not overdressed, less makeup than most of the women and yet all the prettier for that, and those lips, so full, covered by only a hint of moistening gloss, so kissable. "I'm so sorry," Donna said, winking at me. "Come on, Kitten, open your gifts. Everyone wants to see how much fun a half-birthday girl can have with her sister's secondhand things!" She sat, motioning for me to follow suit. Which I did, feeling helpless and longing for my pink libation to numb the humiliation, all the while snapping pictures of myself in my mind, flipping to my ever-present observer mode, watching myself as Kitten living the real the dreams of her youth. I reached for the first package, as the other women tried to find a chair, the men hanging over us as we composed our charmingly girlish tableau, a bridal shower more than a birthday party, as Donna set the stage to amuse the hungry crowd at my expense. "This one next," Donna said, touching a tiny package. I picked up the one she pointed to. It was, like the others, pink with lacy white ribbon. Was this happening to me? I saw the smiling faces eagerly awaiting my every move. I opened it. I'm a crowd pleaser, or wannabe anyway. Before I had torn off the layers of paper, I knew what was coming. A cheap jewelry box appeared, about two inches on a side, gray with black stripes. It could be only one thing, or things. I was so excited! I had forgotten myself. Jewelry does that to a woman. I opened the tiny clamshell case. Several girls gasped. I went, "Aaawww!" The guys laughed at us. But I could not care less. I was in ecstasy. Inside was the cutest pair of simple dangley earrings. Silver wire held three pink beads. Perfect for me, anything more too much, anything less not enough. I realized I was crying. I got up and climbed over several new girlfriends to hug Donna and whisper my thanks into her ear, "I hate you and I love you so much!" Donna backed off and gave me an athletic high five and a professional football coach's slapping palm ass-grab. "Ow!" I said, loving the little pain, sisterly administered, totally in love, somehow private despite the crowd. "Well, Kitty, put them on!" Donna said, having trouble articulating the words. Maybe she had accepted a second drink while I was doing my lips with Kate? Maybe not, because I felt drunk too. I think the hunky bartender had loaded us up, discerning when he heard Donna's teasing that we would be that night's floorshow. I put them on, realizing too late that my deft handling of the wires and holes was more revealing than I wanted to be with this crowd of volatile strangers. A woman's drunk and brassy voice said, "Oh My God, his ears are pierced, and those earrings look so cute!" A man's voice said, "Hell, I'm not surprised. He's probably wearing a tampon too." "Fuckit! I knew she was a drag queen!" somebody else said, a male voice, drunk and starting to lose control. "I am NOT!" I said, feeling the power of the spotlight. "Fooled me!" said Sandi, walking up with an enormous tray of drinks. My Gawd, I thought, this woman must be as strong as Hercules. Pushing through the crowd like a celebrity's bonded bodyguard, she began to set them down with a grace I envied. I so wanted to be her instead of myself at this moment. How could I not have noticed how pretty her auburn shoulder-length hair was, how delicate the curve of her lips? I think I was in love in that moment, unwilling to consider the past or the future, living totally in the present, like a Zen nun, with lipstick and earrings. I began to try to help her, almost knocking several drinks off, but she managed them all, and did not seem the least bit annoyed at my interference. "Thank you, dear," she said. "You are so sweet to help!" "There," I said, putting down the last drink, then standing up, shaking my shoulders and head, showing off my dangly earrings, imagining what it might be like if I had my boobs on. But alas, I was a boy tonight. Or was I? "Those look so cute on you!" Sandi said to me, picking up the empties. "Pay up, Bart. You're the high roller here." He stepped forward and handed her his card, bowing as if it were a tribute, getting his obligatory laughs and hoots from the girls and boys in his entourage. Bart did look rich, as did Kate, his wife. They were not dressed by thrift shops, as I was, but by the best local stores, and it gave them a polish I envied. But not too much, for tonight I was queen, the cosmo still apparently working over my inhibitions, dampening them, and here was another. Would I survive it without puking or passing? I'm sorry, my dear, I just don't give a damn! I had been very conscious of my leading part, but at this moment I fell into the background as Sandi stepped up onto the table. She called for quiet throughout the bar, showing a commanding presence, no longer a barmaid but instead the mistress of ceremonies. Feeling the silence, the rush of everyone being with her, she raised her right index finger and twirled it in the air, and then pointed it at the bar, motioning to the bartender, cuing him. The next cut of music came on, much louder than before, and Sandi moved with it, through the familiar opening riffs and into the banging beat. It was Madonna's "Dress You Up"! I yelled, "Yes!" Everyone started dancing and cheering, worshipping Sandi. I bowed and moved to the coercive beat with her, with them, all of us in a wave of ecstatic memory, me sipping my second cosmo almost as part of the dance, drinking too fast, unwilling to feel what was here, afraid of my dream, now becoming real. Donna grabbed my hand and danced with me, made me dance with her, then pushed me up onto the table with Sandi. I complied, as I always do with Donna, first shooting the rest of my cosmo, and handing my empty glass to one of the tall guys, a very handsome specimen of the male of the species, seeing in his eyes--What?!--admiration and, yes, interest! I began to match Sandi's moves after climbing up. What the hell, my drink was finished! Fuckit if I spill someone else's. I was a girl and I could dance, dance, dance! I felt myself falling, falling, falling-- and the same handsome, dark-haired man, taller than Donna, who had also seemed willing to come to my aid earlier, caught me in his strong arms, our eyes locking until he looked away, shy, embarrassed. I remembered this one, the handsome hunk I had hoped would not hate me. He was one of Bart's buddies, the rare one who had been quiet, pitying me, if not appreciating me, rather than hating me. My heart fluttered. Resting in his powerful arms, I said, my voice coming out as girlie as I could ever hope for, "What's your name?" "Justin," he said, gently putting me safely back in my chair as if I were a Barbie doll instead of a grown man. Uh, grown woman? Looking at me as if I were a delicate orchid too precious to touch. "I think Justin is sweet on Kitten!" Bart said, slapping my champion on the back. "Well fuck, she is a girl!" Justin said. "For Christ's sake, look at her!" "You're right, Justin," Donna said. "She's not even dressed yet and she looks so sweet." I just sat there, totally calm. I was in heaven. Nothing could touch me. I was under the influence. And these people were not killing me, but content to make fun of me, and one loved me as she pretended to dominate me while another liked me while he pretended to pity me. How could this possibly turn out? "Open the others, girl," Donna said, interrupting my reverie. I did. I opened my new Covergirl mascara, the one with the gleaming pink case. Pink was obviously the theme tonight, Donna going all out to mock my girlish secrets with my favorite color. "It's cheap," Donna said, "but good, all the other teenage girls wear it. Can somebody give her a compact, please? We don't have time for another trip to the ladies'. We have shopping to do tonight!" Kate rummaged around in her crossbody purse and handed me her compact. I did my lashes like a pro. Well, a drunk pro, who at that point gave a shit. Still, I thought I looked rather pretty before snapping the compact shut and handing it back to Kate, and yes, catching Justin's transfixed glance as I tried mightily not to shoot off sparks in his direction, gamely managing barely to keep my head about me. Donna handed me another package. She had them lined up in a certain order. What a control freak! I loved her so much at that moment! I opened it greedily, finding inside a shiny pink Hello Kitty PVC clutch designed obviously for little girls but at that point, all my reserves depleted and my defenses defeated, as precious to me as diamonds set in gold. "Oh!" I said, tears flowing again, standing up to give Donna a hug, everyone clapping for us and whistling and tossing embarrassing catcalls I struggled to ignore, just being myself, maybe too much, revealing too much. Donne wiped her thumbs under my eyes and cleaned them on a napkin. "Don't ruin your new eyes, girlfriend." "Thanks," I said, smiling at her. Those little gestures that women were free to do and often did to each other endeared me to them, made me one of them. I sighed and looked around. People were losing interest in us, actually. Our act was already old, my fifteen minutes were up. OK by me! Donna put my lipstick and mascara in my purse and said, with both of us standing there in the middle of all these people, "Let me have your wallet." I gave it to her. She extracted the contents quickly and transferred them to my new purse, dropping my old empty wallet into the gaping mouth of her tote. "And your cellphone?" Donna said, holding out her hand. I took it out of my pocket and gave it to her. She inserted it and snapped the purse shut, then handed it to me. "Here you are, Kitten," she said. "All set." "Thank you, Donna," I said, clutching my clutch and hugging Donna, two girls air-kissing each other, nothing special. "You keep that phone close, girlie girl," Donna said, "so you can call Aunt Donna and tell her your date is being nice to you." "What date?" Bart said, the crowd cycling back to us as the main act again, followig the big man's lead. "The one she's going to get tonight if I have anything to say about it." "With a boy?" the loud woman asked. "Of course with a boy," Sandi said. "Look at her!" She walked over and finished her transaction with Bart. "Are you ready for your barmaid lesson now, Kitten?" "Wait," Donna said. "She's not dressed yet." She handed me the next package all done up in pink paper and lacy white ribbon. I opened it, the largest of all, resigned to my fate. I held up the gift inside, a pretty pink cami with lace around the bodice, obviously well-worn, soft and comfy cotton, which I knew would fit because I fit well in all of Donna's tops. Donna unbuttoned my shirt and took it off. I inadvertently covered my breasts, getting a hoot and giggles from the crowd. Donna pulled the cami down over my head gently and fixed it in place around my torso. I looked down to see that it had a shelf bra that somehow hugged my "girls," as Donna called them, into a sort of cleavage. "Nice boobs, girlfriend," said the loud woman. "Thank you!" I said. I was starting to like her. The next package Donna forced on me was nail polish. The name, of course, was "Kitten Pink." She put it on my fingernails in a flash as everyone milled around, ran to the bathroom, talked about this and that, and just let Donna do her thing with me as if there wasn't anything the least bit irregular about any of it. I was starting to relax even more. Why couldn't life always be like this? My good angel voice told me it was because you can't be drunk all the time, silly. "Off with your shoes, Kitten!" Donna said, pushing me hard and fast now, totally in control, as always, but now not being the least bit coy about it. "Do we have to?" I begged. "Of course, birthday girl," she said, handing me the last gift. I opened it, and inside were a pair of pink rubber flip-flops with delicate white flowers decorating the thong straps. Donna said, "Too bad I didn't make you wear pink pants, then you'd be totally matchy matchy. Or did you wear your pink panties I gave you before?" "I was saving them for tomorrow." Jibes and laughter. "Let's do your toes," Donna said, bending down to roll up the legs of my jeans, showing my shaved legs and making it look as if I were wearing capris. "Please, no," I said, as Donna proceeded to slip off my shoes, revealing my fuchsia nail polish. "Oh my God!" Kate said, "Leave that color on her, Donna. It's perfect!" "I will," Donna said, slipping my shoes into her tote along with my shirt. "She already had her toes done?" one of the women asked. "That's a big surprise," Bart said. "She really a woman," a guy added. "Let's see your panties," another guy said, looking around for support. Donna interrupted the discussion. "Put your thongs on, sissy, and let's get going. We have shopping to do!" "Tonight?" I asked, really meaning to ask, dressed like this? "Yes," Donna said. "We have a busy weekend ahead of us." "But she didn't get her barmaid lesson!" Sandi said. "I'm so sorry," I said, putting my new thongs on and standing up, holding my silly little purse in one hand, now looking totally pink and prissy for all the world to see and not really caring at all. "Well," Sandi said, "there is one way you can make it up to me?" "What's that?" Donna said, taking back control. I stood there holding my precious pink purse and watching them discuss my future as if I were their toy or their pet, which I was I guess, my head moving left and right, back and forth, as if I were watching a badminton game, only I was the fluffy shuttlecock. "You girls could come to my party tomorrow night." "We'd love to," Donna said, "on one condition." "Great! What is it?" "Kitten will serve drinks and help you with the service and clean up and all that. She'll be your maid for the night." "Really?" Sandi said, looking at me. Before I could open my mouth, Donna went on. "And I'll bring her back in a couple hours so you can train her here, after all these crazies have left, OK?" "It's a deal!" Sandi said. "But a lot of these crazies will be there tomorrow night. They're friends of mine." "Even better!" Donna said, taking my hand. "Let's go, Kitten. This is going to be an even better weekend than I planned. Now we also have to make you pretty for a party." I looked at Justin as Donna led me away to the cheers and jeers of our newfound crowd of friends, several of them calling to us that they couldn't wait to see how cute I would look as the maid. But Justin was silent, and calm. He just stood there, very tall, smiling at me and waving, as if he really cared. I wondered if he would be at the party, and with whom. [All positive and negative feedback is greatly appreciated!] © Copyright 2012, by Leslie P. Lowe. All rights reserved.

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LifelineChapter 13

I found Elizabeth and Lauren sitting at the kitchen table with coloring books and crayons when I got home. I was hours earlier than normal and my daughter, who I hadn't seen awake and alert in three weeks, jumped off the chair and raced to give me a hug. I scooped her up and kissed her on the end of her nose – which wrinkled in the most adorable manner – and tucked her on my hip as I turned to Elizabeth. My wife greeted me with a warm smile and a wink. I did my best to return the smile but...

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LifelineChapter 15

Lucy Barrett was in the office when I got back and I was able to add an additional unhappy look in my direction. "You really thought it was a good idea to chew out Judge Valasik in public?" she asked. "It was not perhaps the best idea I've ever had," I agreed. "However, the timing seemed appropriate. I don't know if she thought I would back down if she confronted me in the hallway or if she just has no concept of propriety. Either way, when she braced me, I fired back." "She...

3 years ago
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LifelineChapter 16

I survived a sleepless night and managed to get Lauren to preschool on time. I got to the courthouse and headed straight for Jane Cummings' office. She wasn't in yet but I saw one of her investigators and motioned him over. "Any luck with the second video?" I asked urgently. "None," he said. "I'm headed out to the motel to see if they have a backup copy. I doubt they do. Most of those places don't keep surveillance video very long." "I have to have that video," I...

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LifelineChapter 17

I picked Lauren up at daycare just like nothing was wrong. She gave me her normal hug and then clung to me as I carried her to the car. She was babbling a mile a minute as I strapped her into her car seat, telling me in great detail about a picture of a cat she had drawn that day. We went to the house and went through our nightly routine. We played on the floor with her dinosaur action figures and read a story aloud. We were just sitting down to her favorite meal – fish sticks and macaroni...

4 years ago
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LifelineChapter 18

Elizabeth was holding a photo in her hand when she walked out. She was studying it intently. "What is this?" she asked. I pulled it from her hand, the cell phone still in my hand even though no one was on the other end. "There are two more coming in," I said. " Print them for me, please." At least I was polite. The photo was from a red-light camera and was of the rear of a gray Ford Escape. I could clearly see the license number, not that it meant anything to me. There was no second...

2 years ago
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LifelineChapter 19

Breakfast was a strained affair. For the second night in a row – and the second night of our marriage – Elizabeth and I slept apart. I bedded down in a guest room while she returned to our bedroom. I had begun to wonder if Elizabeth's professional life was more important to her than the life we'd built at home. I would never have to ask myself that question. I would gladly give up my career if it brought an end to the sort of tension that the past few days had delivered. It seemed that...

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LifelineChapter 20

It was snowing and 12 degrees when we flew into the airport in the town where Pam and Lauren lived. It had been close to 60 and sunny when we left our city five hours earlier. Two state troopers would meet us near Pam's house to perform the arrest. We would have to extradite her to our state to face charges but no one thought it would pose much of a problem. The week between our meeting in Judge Valasik's chambers had seen my life return to an even keel. The four of us put our heads...

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LifelineChapter 21

I wish I could say Pam's arrest and the sealed indictment on Wallace Mann was the end of the story. In a nicer world, maybe it would have been. But we don't live in a nicer world. The world of jurisprudence is filled with violence, hubris and greed. All three were a part of Biff Wells' sad legacy. I had made arrangements with Lucy Barrett to handle Pam's plea deal. We didn't know who the prosecutor in the case would be but Judge Valasik promised that she would apply pressure on...

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LifelineChapter 22

The next six months moved forward so fast I could barely keep up. February saw Elizabeth at the state capital for most of the month. She spent a week telling her story to a legislative subcommittee and another week being interviewed by the State Police Anti-Corruption Squad, the group the attorney general had appointed to investigate the Combined Drug Task Force members and the groups that might have corrupted them. Then she spent 10 days testifying about her actions as a member of the Task...

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LifelineChapter 23

In an amazing bit of irony, several people in the drama came out smelling a lot better than when they went in. Judge Valasik retired from the local bench to accept a senior position in the Attorney General's Anti-Corruption Unit. Pam became an icon for women who stand up to abusive partners. Lucy managed to leak a little of Pam's life with Biff Wells – not to mention Wells' plan to send his daughter to prison for his crimes – and the media ate it up. That vaulted Lucy up the charts as...

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Candid Camera

Mariko and I met for lunch at Crown Center – a large indoor mall in downtown Kansas City. We were both reporters at two KC newspapers and had begun an affair at another midwestern paper before meeting again. She had full lips, haughty cheekbones, ink-black hair, large, liquid, deep brown eyes and a body and mind to die for. I was married, soon to be divorced and she helped me out of that jam before we eventually went our separate ways about a year later. Because of our work schedules and my...

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The BareBreasted Viola Player

"You going to the dance?" I looked over at Rachael. "Yeah. You?" "I don't know if John is going to ask me. With Jennifer?" "Yeah, I already asked her." Rachael and I were sunning on our backs beside the pool late in the summer between our sophomore and junior years in high school. Me in my Speedo, Rachael in her two-piece. Not quite small enough to be a bikini, but getting there. I don't know how it is for brother-brother or sister-sister twins, but when your twin is the...

2 years ago
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HOW I BECAME A TRANNY WHORE (PART TWO)After my first night working for Mama T, I was hooked. At least once a week I was a worthless whore at her trailer. I would be at her trailer, ready to serve her cliental. Of course most the Johns picked one of the real girls over me, but there were the occasional guys that wanted some thing different or couldn’t wait. I didn’t mind. I just craved being in this sleazy environment knowing I was nothing more than a piece of useless meat on sale. After...

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Restless Sleep

The female body in repose. What a lovely sight it is. The subtle angles of the neck and the collarbone, the softness of expression and depth of relaxation in the limbs. When one brushes away a wayward hair from the soft, warm cheek, the woman in question moans ever so lightly at the disturbance of their sleep... Some girls, however, have had their sleep disturbed by far more than a gentle brush of a fingertip... Dani: Dani (Danielle Crane) is a young girl who would be considered part of the...

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Yolanda Yields

Billy's pretty sister's new best friend was a lovely girl called Yolanda. She was, in many ways, even better looking than his sister who was a first class fox with a killer body and great smile. Yolanda was more mature, almost fifteen. She had really long, shapely legs, and tiny waist, about 22 inches, maybe less, and a fine pair of globular jugs set high on her chest and tipped with tiny, pink rosebuds; matched melons, made for squeezing. Her hair was light auburn and very curly and her...

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Resisting Fate Part One of Three

I spent the warm season hunting beaver along the shores of the great river. The hunt was good, but too many days had passed and each one was now shorter than the last. Cold winds were already blowing from the North and soon the white snows would be falling from the sky. I knew that if I were to return to my home fires before thick drifts filled the land, I would be forced to cut through the rolling hills of the Arapaho. It was a brisk morning, and the skies were painted with the deepest blue. I...

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I taught my teacher

Hey Guys/aunties/gals…..Let me start off by introducing myself, I am Sunjay (Name changed) working with a MNC in a high position… this incident happened when I started my career as a school teacher say 6-7 years back.. Oops!!! I am 27 now, so it’s obvious that I started my career pretty earlier than guys usually do… thanks to my family’s financial condition…i am a regular iss reader but never dared to submit anything only because i am afraid of certain consequences , then i finally decided to...

1 year ago
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Gift To The Client Is My Wife

There’s annual function in my office by 6pm. I told my wife to plan for the party. My name is Sagar and live in Mumbai, posh area and my age is 40. I had a arranged marriage and since I was wealthy I married a 25yrs girl, Poonam in my native village where I gave dowry to the girls house. Yes it happens. She is a dusky girl with a perfect structure with 34 26 34 figure and she made her hair, curly after she came to Mumbai. Even though my wife was from the village, she is well educated and likes...

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Masturbating To Girls

I was in college and a senior when this true story took place. Every year the entire boys’ dorm would go out to the lake and have a guys’ only party. Every guy attended because it’s the one party in the year where guys can just be guys without the burden of trying to impress the girls. That year I decided not to attend. I was the only one who didn’t go. I figured I would just have a relaxing night and take a nice long shower. Also, I wanted to watch porn and masturbate. In college, I had a...

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Trading Faces or Call It A Weakness

Trading Faces, or Call It A Weakness By Bek D Corbin Angela H. Delarosa sullenly strolled down the galleria. Normally, she could find something here to get her mind off of her troubles, even if she had to haul her ass all the way out from NYC to home, sweet home, Greenwich. But there was no getting out from under her woes this time. She was coming slowly, inexorably to the end of her rope. Then she spotted something that knocked her completely out of her funk. She was...

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Hello, ladies and gents, and welcome to something special from me to you. I hope this story is enjoyable and, most importantly, make you hot and make you (especially the ladies) want to masturbate. However, if you are not of legal age in your jurisdiction, or otherwise prohibited from reading such material, please do not read this story. I reserve all commercial and non-electronic rights to this work, so if you steal, I will catch up with you and exercise my copyright. If you want...

3 years ago
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At Last Dream Aunty Said Fuck Me

Hi everyone i m Anandhu i live in Cochin. I m doing my 2nd year engineering. this story is too fresh that it happened before two days. And let me come to the story. My Aunty name sudha(changed) she is so chubby and not so fat still perfect flesh everywhere and huge Ass . She is 36yrs. Her boobs size is 34bb. Let me come to the story. I had a big crush on her from my 10th std. i used to stare at her Ass and cleavage if i get a chance. She lives very near to my house as i go there often. The...

4 years ago
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The Business Trip

Hello AllAs you can see I have a few stories on here but this one is not about my wife and I. As we got older, in our 40s now and started to branch out sexually when the nest was empty, we also took it upon ourselves to say that if something came up in a siutation, with another person and it was right and safe, go for it, life is tooooooo short.My wife and her two best friends (one I have written about) took a weeks vacation on a criuse last year, just the girls and she related to me how the...

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Angelas Party

Jill heard them honking the horn and almost opened the door. She stopped, turned as if she was about to go back into her room, stopped, turned back to the door, stopped, turned, stopped…finally she took a deep breath and opened the door and stepped outside. Her hands tried to cover herself but there was too much skin to cover so she let her hand drop. “Holy fuckin’ shit.” Cliff said from inside the car. “Dude, I have to agree with you here.” Roger replied not taking his eyes off Jill. Jill...

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Steve and Jess Take a Shower Fixed

As Steve approached the bathroom door, he heard the running water of the shower as well as the shower radio. "Sweet, " He thought, "I might get some action this morning after all." He opened the bathroom door and pulled down his boxers, relieving his bladder of its pressure. After he finished, he took the courtesy not to flush and spike the temperature of the shower water. He took his shirt off and dropped it on the floor, then pulled aside the shower curtain and...

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College Broken Innocents

COLLEGE INNOCENTS BROKEN "That was an excellent idea we came up with." Sam said. We really out didourselves this time. " Setting up our contacts to throw an alcoholic free party." " Thisattracted exactly the type of female coeds we were looking for." Coeds thatwere very cautious about being taken advantage of once they had a little tomuch to drink." The party had so many attractive, innocent and virginal beautiesto choose from. Another great idea was to have the party just before everyonewas to...

4 years ago
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Undercover RoseChapter 36

Thursday was Christmas day. Of course we did not work at all that day. I for one rode the tricycle almost all day. I found a restaurant open in the plaza. It was a cafeteria, so I went there for lunch. I even had turkey. It wasn't great, but at least I felt like it was traditional. No one anywhere was open in the evening, so I made myself a grilled cheese sandwich then went to the net to find other people like me. On Friday morning when I arrived at the church site the only thing standing...

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The Big Fight

I had a couple days off from work, so I just pretty much laid around the house. Daddy came in the familyroom and told me, that Brian had been calling the past few nights. It didn't make any sense why he hasn't been around or coming up to work. I called Brian to tell him to come over, that I had the house to myself for a few hours. When Brian got to the house, I had my robe on, covering up one of my new nighties I bought just for him. Brian walked into the familyroom, seen me playing with...

1 year ago
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Mature young FFM

We met after I answered Lynne’s advert for companionship in a porno mag. We decided to meet at a coffee bar near her flat, and soon found that we had a lot in common. Before long we were chatting about everything, from the prices in the supermarket to different shades of lipstick. It’s strange but at the age of eighteen and with Lynne at the age of fifty-eight I might have felt in awe of her experience, compared to mine but she treated me as an equal and for that I have the utmost respect.After...

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Barbara the bored mature housewife

(It was the summer of 1990, I had started work as a temporary postman. I had just taken a house on a 1 Yr rental and needed the money.The job was only temporary as I had applied for a number of graduate sales jobs. I lived in a nice part of Nottingham but my first post as a postie was in a really affluent area, lots of big houses with big gardens and tree lined drives.The people were nice but were always in a hurry to go to work. I didnt hugely want to chat as I could go home as soon as I...

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The Barbie Lez Fantasies Week 18 Kinky Birthday

Introduction: A quick and kinky lesbian fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...

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Dream on

David, David, David – what are you doing to me? A voice as deep and smooth as chocolate, sexy and purring; it’s the voice that does it every time. I’ve told you this before, but now you’re invading my dreams. How did I get to this point, and will I ever recover? Well, I guess I had better tell you about the dream then, but you’ll have to forgive me if every now and then I pause – I think I might need relief! Well, you know how it is with dreams; you start at a point without really knowing the...


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