Mojo Rising free porn video

A hundred tiny mechanical legs legs skittered over the tile floor of the long hallway as they hauled the bloated yellow body of Mojo, the ruler of this dimension. Mojo was not in a good mood today because the ratings for his television stations had come in today. His seat of power was based upon his ratings because to the people of the Mojoverse, bad programming equalled a bad ruler. Mojo had to do some serious rewrites if he wanted to remain in power.
As he reached the end of the hall, a door opened in front of him and he entered a dark room full of television monitors lining the walls, with one larger screen in the middle of the room. He moved up to a control center in the middle of the room where several of his lackeys was busily typing away at the controls.
"Anything interesting going on today, Worms," Mojo said the workers as he eyes darted from screen to screen, observing the images that flashed across them. Each screen was following a different superhuman from the planet Earth, whether they were in the middle of a battle or just going about their daily lives. Mojo's camera's captured their every action and none of them had the slightest idea that they were under surveilance.
On one screen, Wolverine was tearing through a group of Hydra soldiers.
On another, Iron Man was saving a schoolbus full of children from driving off of a cliff.
The next screen showed the New Warriors battling an army of superpowered apes.
"It's been pretty slow today," one of the workers said as he continued to type. "No Galactus, no Magneto, no Kang... Just the regular run of the mill stuff."
Mojo's frown grew deeper as he heard this. "Not good, not good at all," he muttered to himself as he kept scanning the screens. "Those cosmic event type battle are real crowd pleasers. They just keep needing bigger and bigger bangs..."
He was wondering how he was going to get his ratings to rise when his eyes spotted something.
The screen that caught his eye was currently showing him She Hulk. She Hulk in her bathroom to be more exact. The green giantess was just slipping out of her fuzzy pink bathrobe and her nude body was on display for the camera. It followed her as she turned on the shower, catching a shot of her trimmed pussy as she bent over, and then followed her into the steamy shower. The camera roved over her jade colored body as she lathered herself and it even caught her hand as it slid down her toned belly and towards her crotch.
Mojo watched the Avenger begin to pleasure herself and knew what he had to do. It might take some nudging from him, with emotional controls and such things, but he knew the thing that would make his ratings rise (among other things).
"All right, you morons," Mojo shouted as his mood was improving, "We're going to be working on some new programming from now on. Violence is out! We're going to focus on the lovers, not the fighters. Actually, we'll use the same faces, so the audience won't be lost, but the scenes will be quite different."
He moved towards the controls and shoved one of the workers out of his way. "I'll have to take a hands on approach for the first couple of shows, so I can show you imbeciles what I need..." He began scanning the screens to see who he would cast in the first episode. "I need someone that the audience can recognize," he said, "but I also need someone that everyone in the audience wants to see naked... Hmmmm... Let me see. Oh!" Mojo clapped his hand in glee as he saw who he could focus his attention on. "This is going to be perfect!"

- 04.12.2022
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