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When I was seventeen and in my final year at school, new neighbours moved in next door to us. It immediately became clear that Duncan, aged twenty-seven, and his wife Angela, aged twenty-two, were not exactly a happily married young couple. They had been married for six months and their relationship appeared to be a rather rocky one, if the screaming matches from next door were anything to go by.

My mom was always one of those kind ‘do-gooder’ individuals and naturally went next door a day after they took possession of their new home with a box of freshly made box of cookies to welcome the couple. Apparently, the reception she received from Angela was well below minus zero degrees.

Over the following few weeks, dad did engage Duncan in conversation across the fence. Duncan was a manly sight to behold and dad found him to be a rather pleasant individual. I, of course, thought he was fuckin' hot.

Unsurprisingly, the ‘happy newlyweds’ did not last too long as a couple and Angela shortly moved out. With her gone, we saw a lot more of Duncan and he became a regular visitor in our home. I was totally mesmerized by him and constantly began to stammer when he engaged me in conversation. I was also intrigued by the eye contact he always made with me, and being gay and having recently ‘outed’ myself, I began to feel that he may have sensed my fascination with him.

I worried that he may simply be a straight cock-teaser, amusing himself at the expense of a silly young queen and was, therefore, simply yanking my chain.

A few months on, my folks decided to take a ten-day holiday and get away from the cold. They ‘escaped’ to a balmy island retreat to enjoy the sunshine and warm water.

In the week before they left, mom and dad asked Duncan to keep an eye on me while they were on their trip. Much as seeing more of Duncan wasn’t really a problem for me, I was, nevertheless, somewhat taken aback by their request. I was seventeen-years-old for fuck's sake and very capable of looking after myself.

If I misguidedly imagined that Duncan wouldn’t take their request too seriously, I was flabbergasted when Duncan arrived at our front door on the first evening after their departure. He informed me in no uncertain terms that I would be sleeping at his place for the duration of their holiday. I, naturally, protested, but domineering Duncan was having none of it and shortly I found myself in his home.

Once in his domain, I found his controlling attitude both annoying and intriguing. On the intriguing side, Duncan was even more stunning than I had ever realized, once he had removed his shirt and sandals and only walked around in a pair of skimpy shorts. His large body was perfectly proportioned and fairly hairy. I had always thought that his big hands were sexy, but his broad masculine feet were totally magnificent.

On the annoying side, I was constantly being told where to sit or stand, and as I assisted him in making our salad I was badgered by him every step of the way. The guy was a total control freak.

When we sat down to supper I mistakenly asked him about his unsuccessful marriage. The diatribe that followed had me totally gobsmacked and I thought I was in the company of a hunky caveman.

Duncan informed me that humans were simply animals and that there was a natural order in nature that had to be adhered to. With very few exceptions in the animal kingdom, men were dominant and that was their role. I will spare you the rest of his speech on this subject; suffice to say that he was a total misogynist.

He next told me that most of his marital problems had emanated in the bedroom. With a mischievous grin, he then mentioned that he was very highly sexed and that this had been his wife’s biggest problem.

Next, with a conspiratorial look in his eyes, he swore me to secrecy, before telling me about an incident that had occurred on the morning before his wife moved out. Having grabbed hold of his wife in the shower that morning, he began to fuck her solidly as she moaned, groaned, and protested, as usual. Annoyed by this, he decided to teach her a lesson and commenced emptying his bladder into her pussy. Apparently, she freaked out and then moved out the same day.

I cannot say that I was initially blown away by his story, but he was unbelievably hot and intriguing. I felt like a hungry dog hoping for scraps to be thrown my way at the back door of a dingy diner. Much as I had by now decided that he wasn’t relationship material, the promised of a cheap thrill was uppermost on my mind. Maybe, just maybe, something might materialize from our interaction, I hoped.

When we had finished dinner and the dishes had been washed, again with a multitude of instructions, we made our way to the lounge. Once there, the focus was firmly placed on me. Was I fucking anyone? How often? What my wanking habits were… etcetera. I was very evasive because after all, this had fuck-all to do with him.

“So, do you think I’m hot, Colin,” Duncan eventually asked.

This was a tricky question to answer. I strongly believed that he was straight and possibly fucking with my head.

“Well, I haven’t really thought about it,” I answered, uncomfortably.

“You’re a really bad liar,” he stated with a laugh. “Whenever I visit your folks, you can’t keep your eyes off me and practically stammer when I speak to you.”

My face must have gone the colour of a red tomato as I looked at him. Chuckling, he continued, “Spit it out, boy, and show some honesty.”

“Yes, you are,” I whispered.

Duncan’s face lit up with impish pleasure before he resumed. “So, do you think of me when you are tugging your dick, huh, and wonder what my cock looks like?”

Again I blushed like crazy but said nothing.

"Cat got your tongue, Colin?” he blatantly teased.

“Yeah, I do wonder what your cock looks like,” I shyly whimpered.

“Well, I’ll think about showing it to you,” he replied, almost dismissively, before turning the television on.

We now watched some silly sport that he wanted to see. When that finally and thankfully ended, Duncan got up of his chair and instructed me to kneel before him. My heart almost leapt into my throat at the suggestion.

After I complied he told me to place my arms at my sides. Duncan now slowly unzipped his trousers before pulling them and his underpants down onto his thighs. His thick uncut knob was even more beautiful than I had imagined.

Duncan then commenced toying with his cock. I watched in wonder as it began to inflate with blood and stiffen. Once fully erect, he languidly opened and closed his foreskin over the head of his dick in a teasing fashion.

“Would you like to touch my cock?” he asked.

“Yes… yes please,” I stammered.

“Well, I think about it,” he glibly replied.

As he continued to massage his dick and fondle his balls he told me to open my mouth and extend my tongue.

Next, he moved forward and lightly began to tap his cock-head on my tongue. “Would you like to suck my knob?” he asked.

“Yes,” I replied, in a pleading tone.

“Mmm… Well, I’ll think about it,” he once more uttered.

Suddenly, Duncan took a step backward and immediately pulled up his pants and underpants, before zipping up his trousers. As I looked up he had the spiteful look on his face, of a boy who wouldn’t allow a friend to touch or play with his toys.

“I suppose we had better head off to bed,” he announced.

“I should really head back to my home,” I stated, “Because I don’t want to give you extra laundry.”

“What extra laundry?” he asked. “You aren’t sleeping in the spare bedroom; you’re sleeping with me in the main bedroom.”

My heart beat faster at this suggestion and I hoped that I would finally see some action. I meekly shrugged at his proposal.

As I stood around awkwardly once we arrived in his room, Duncan asked, “Well, aren’t you going to undress?”

Sheepishly, I did so and climbed under the duvet with my boxers on. Duncan now began to put on a show of removing his shorts and underpants very slowly. Once he was totally naked, I was in awe at the magnificent sight before me. He was just fuckin' perfect!

As he stood next to the bed he stretched and yawned in a deliberate fashion, before fondling his dick and balls. Once more I witnessed his cock become fully erect. He now casually climbed onto the bed and commenced stroking his knob in a lazy fashion.

I watched entranced as his left hand moved to his chest before his fingers started tweaking his nipples. It took every fibre of my being not to lunge at him and grab hold of his dick.

As my eyes overindulged in the splendour beside me, Duncan began to escalate his hand action to the sounds of satisfaction flowing from his lips. A short while later his body started to shudder as he gasped, before spraying ropes of spunk all over his chest and stomach.

Once he had wiped himself clean he looked at me with a benign grin and said, “Nothing better than a good wank before you go to sleep.”

With that, he turned to face away from me and switched the bedside light off.

I listened as his breathing became restful and he drifted off to sleep. I was both excited and perplexed by my experience that evening.

‘What the fuck is this guy playing at?’ I thought to myself. Confused, I also finally fell asleep.

The following morning Duncan woke me and summoned me into the shower. After wetting our bodies, he soaped up a loofah and ordered me to wash him. After doing his back, he turned and instructed me to attend to the front of him, clearly stating that he would wash his own genitals. Once he finished soaping his crotch he handed the loofah to me. He constantly berated me to hurry up as I attended to myself.

Before turning the water back on so that we could rinse our bodies, Duncan told me to face the wall. After firmly pushing my body against the wall he slid his dick between my butt cheeks. Duncan’s cock was fully erect as he commenced rubbing it in my crack. A thrill pulsed through my body as he did so, and I was hopeful that some mutual action was finally about to take place.

After placing his mouth next to my ear, he asked, “Would you like me to fuck you?”

“Yes,” I panted in anticipation.

“Well, I’ll think about it,” he whispered.

Duncan continued his rubbing for a few more moments before stepping backward. As I turned to face him, he was tugging his knob and tweaking his nipples once more, with the same look of spite on his face that I had formerly seen. I stood watching as his excitement grew. When he was about to cum he turned his body around and shot his load on the tiled floor. My heart just sank as I observed his meanness.

After rinsing and drying off, we were soon eating breakfast. Before he left for work and I went next door to get ready for school, he said, “See you at a quarter to six tonight. Don’t be late, because I hate tardiness.”

I had a hard time concentrating at school that day. As frustrating as the previous evening had been, it had also been very exciting. I wondered about Duncan’s modus operandi and pondered if it was an initiation of some sort.

That night I arrived at his home at the appointed time. As we prepared the dinner I once more received a litany of instructions and orders.

After dinner and once all the dishes had been taken care of, we moved through to the lounge. I again had to endure a few hours of boring sport on the television. Throughout the viewing ordeal, Duncan kept fiddling with his crotch in a deliberate ‘absentminded’ fashion, never once looking directly at me.

When he finally switched the television off, he said, “I suppose you want to see my dick again, because you’ve been staring at my crotch all evening.”

Hopeful that things were finally going to move to the next level, I simply nodded yes.

Duncan removed his pants and underpants completely before I once more found myself kneeling with my arms at my sides and my tongue sticking out.

As he looked down at me, he lazily tugged on his cock and tweaked his nipples. After a minute or so, Duncan moved forward and once more commenced tapping his dick on my tongue. I got very excited when he next edged his knob slightly forward and pushed the head of his cock into my mouth. After rubbing his dick-head on my tongue for a few moments, however, Duncan extracted his knob and moved backward.

“Bedtime,” he announced as he picked up his shorts and underpants off the floor.

When we got to the bedroom, Duncan immediately lay on the bed and commenced his masturbation ritual as I undressed. I again got under the duvet and got another voyeuristic show from him. Duncan’s performance was far more elaborate on this occasion and his hands tweaked, fondled, and caressed his body in a rhythmic display of ecstasy, frequently returning to his rigid cock. Once more the show ended with a heaving and panting spectacle of ejaculation.

As before, Duncan got under the duvet once he had cleaned himself, and drifted off to sleep after he had switched off his bedside lamp.

Having again not been invited to participate, I was totally overcome with frustration. Annoyed, I also eventually fell asleep.

The following morning the same shower ritual was followed. When I was told to face the wall after the soaping up episode, I was overjoyed when Duncan commenced nudging my pucker with his dick-head. I really believed that my travails were over as I felt him applying pressure to my manhole. When Duncan, however, once more stepped back and began to tug on his knob, my heart really sank. To add insult to injury, after I knelt before him inviting him to unload in my open mouth, Duncan instead shot his load all over my chest.

The final straw for me was when I scooped up his spunk off my chest and tried to place it in my mouth, Duncan slapped my hand away and said, “Stop acting like a desperate cum-slut.”

I couldn’t wait to finish breakfast and get the fuck out of there. When he reminded me about the time I needed to ‘report’ that evening, I walked away completely ignoring him.

I had another difficult day at school, growing more and more pissed off by the hour. I had endured my quota of voyeurism and domination and basically decided that I had been through enough. Let him yank someone else’s chain from now on, I finally decided.

I did not go next door as he had anticipated that evening and at six p.m. the doorbell rang. As I opened Duncan stood there with an annoyed expression on his face.

“You’re late,” he admonished me.

“Well, I have a lot of homework to do so I won’t be joining you tonight,” I replied.

“But I have organized supper,” he replied, almost disbelievingly.

“Yeah, I’m really sorry and I should’ve let you know, but I’ll be taking care of my own dinner,” I countered, nonchalantly.

There was a remarkable change of attitude on his face, before he replied with a stunned expression, “But I’ve really arranged a really great lasagne for us.”

“Oh, shit… sorry,” I replied, as dispassionately as I could.

Duncan stood looking at me as a dawn of realization altered his features. I stood my ground and just looked at him insouciantly.

“Listen, please at least come over and have dinner with me,” he pleaded.

This really pleased me. The fucker was now on the back foot for a change and I was dishing out the shit.

“Well, okay,” I said as I coolly collected my keys and locked my front door.

Next door, there was a complete change of attitude. No instructions or commands ensued, as the bad cop had now turned into the good cop. Supper was great but I was now milking the situation for all it was worth and remained as aloof as possible.

After dinner, I did help clear the plates and wash the dishes before I announced my imminent departure.

“Please don’t go,” Duncan said, almost begging.

“Why?” I replied, dismissively, before resuming, “So you can yank my fucking chain some more?”

“Please stay,” Duncan sheepishly repeated, before resuming, “Because I really want to have sex with you.”

I just stared at him for a few moments and couldn’t resist saying, “Well, I’ll think about it.”

With that, I turned and left.

That evening in bed I did have regrets. I wondered about the following day and truthfully hoped that Duncan would invite me over to his place again.

When there was a knock at my door the following evening, I felt great relief. Naturally, I did accompany next door for dinner. Duncan was again very congenial and in accordance, I also lightened my attitude.

Once supper was finished and the dishes were taken care of, we moved through to the lounge. After inviting me to sit next to him on the sofa, Duncan handed me the television remote and invited me to select a movie of my choice. After we commenced watching the movie he began to move ever closer to me and soon his arm was behind me, on the backrest of the couch. A short while later Duncan’s hand was on my shoulder before he began to gently squeeze it.

Gingerly, I placed my hand on top of his thigh and was very pleased when no objection was forthcoming. With his hand intensifying its squeezing I slowly move my hand upward and onto his hard bulge. Again, he did not object and our mutual caressing now rambled on for quite a while. When I finally slipped my hand into his shorts and he again said nothing, I was overjoyed. At long last, I got the touch and feel the cock I had been denied up until then.

With my fingers stroking his dick, Duncan’s hand moved from my shoulder and onto the side of my head. Duncan now drew my head towards his face before our mouths joined in an oral embrace. The kissing was gentle, tender, and sustained. Above all else, my relief was enormous.

When Duncan finally arose and extended a hand to me, I knew that we weren’t going to see the end of the movie we were watching. Taking hold of my wrist, he led me off to the bedroom.

Once there our clothing was removed before Duncan stood before me and after widening his stance so that our cocks and heads were at the same level, encouraged me to place my arms around his shoulders. Duncan then placed his hands on my butt cheeks and pulled our bodies together. His kissing now became more ardent as he began grinding our crotches together.

After a few minutes, he pulled his head back and asked, “Are you happy now?”

“Very,” I answered, with a demure smile.

“So, you taught me a lesson?” he inquired, with what almost sounded like a snort.

I did not verbally reply but merely shrugged, as I blinked my eyes with embarrassment. I found the look in his eyes rather strange as he stared at me. The look wasn’t exactly menacing, but quite intense.

Duncan now once more took hold of my wrist and led me to his large shower. After placing my back against the wall he again widened his stance and began another session of far more animated crotch grinding. His kissing was also much harder and urgent. I was in ecstasy and could not have been happier.

Next, Duncan instructed me to turn and face the wall. I was also advised to place my forearms against the tiles and push my backside outward.

In my lifetime  I had observed that when it comes to spitting, men fall into two categories. Guys like me, who wouldn’t be able to wet a mouse’s head, and then men like Duncan, who could drown a large rat with one blob of spit.

When he began to spit in his hand and moisten his knob and my manhole I was delirious, and couldn’t wait for his overdue infiltration. Duncan now placed his dick-head firmly against my pucker, and before I could even brace myself he rammed his cock balls deep into my backside as my body got compressed against the wall.

I wailed loudly as a sharp pain seared through me, but was unable to move because his hands had my hips in a vice-like grip. Sore as it was, however, I was ecstatic. What pleased me, even more, was the tirade of verbal abuse that Duncan now rained down upon me as he commenced his bad cop routine.

“Yeah, bitch, this is what you wanted and now you’re getting exactly what you deserve,” Duncan barked, as he pinned me firmly against the tiles.

I was incredibly turned-on and decided to milk the situation for all it was worth. “You fuckin' bastard,” I yelped.

With a guffaw, he answered, “Yeah, bitch, and now you belong to this fuckin' bastard.”

With me still compressed against the wall and his knob firmly embedded in my backside, Duncan placed his mouth close to my ear and resumed, “So, you thought you were going to teach me a lesson…? Well, just that that we are clear, I’m the only one who will be teaching lessons from now on.”

I did not respond and merely let him continue, “Your first lesson is that I will be dominating you in future. Lesson two is that I like it rough and that is something you are going to have to live with. Lesson three is that I have a gift for you that you’d better get used to.”

No sooner had he uttered those words, before I felt a gush of warmth in my backside and instantly knew I was receiving a substantial piss injection. Although the sensation was mind-blowing, I decided to enhance the situation by fuelling his domination.

“You are a disgusting bully,” I whimpered.

“Yeah, and this bully has now found a bitch to serve my needs. I hope you like piss, boy, because I’ll be feeding it to you from both ends in future.”

When he had finished emptying his bladder, I was again instructed to place both my forearms on the wall again and push my backside outward. When Duncan now commenced pounding my arse, the warm piss began cascading down my legs. In another attempt to up the ante, I started wriggling my backside as if to try to dislodge his knob. My charade immediately paid dividends as my face received a few lively slaps.

‘Jesus,’ I thought, ‘this dominance is driving me crazy with lust.’

“Are you fuckin defying me, bitch?'” Duncan growled. “Try that again and I’ll fuckin' whip your arse.”

"You bastard,” I began intoning, gratified more than I had ever been in my life.

As if to ‘teach’ me another lesson, Duncan started stabbing my butt manically. Overcome with horniness, I lowered my right arm from the wall and gripped hold of my dick.

“What the fuck are you doing, bitch? Put your arm back on the wall,” he barked, before resuming, “You only touch your fuckin' knob when I give you permission.”

Before resuming his anal raid once more, Duncan gave my twitching backside a few hefty smacks. After that, he went into overdrive and pummelled my arse with gusto. In response, and playing my part to the maximum, I gasped and groaned raucously. When Duncan commenced unloading he did so in a staccato fashion, roaring and shuddering like a berserk warrior.

After he had finished I turned to face him. Duncan instantly placed his hand around my neck and pushed me up against the wall.

“So, is your arse fucking sore?” he growled at me.

“Yes, you fuckin' bully,” I replied, mustering as much mock defiance as I could.

“Happy to oblige,” he answered with a smirk on his face. “Not so clever anymore, are you?” he asked rhetorically, before concluding; “Now you know your fuckin' place.”

Duncan next placed his hands on my shoulders and said, “On your knees, bitch, clean my knob.”

After I knelt Duncan gripped hold of my head and smeared his crotch on my face. Following on that, he pushed his dick into my mouth. As I sucked and licked, my hand once more moved to my cock and commenced tugging. Duncan instantly stepped backward and gave me a couple of slaps.

“Don’t you listen, bitch? I told you that you can only touch your dick when I give you permission,” he snarled.

After complying, I once more started servicing his genitals with my mouth. Once done, he instructed me to stand up and towel myself off.

When we got back to the bedroom I still had a raging hard-on. Duncan next commanded me to place my hands behind my head and not move them from there under any circumstances. As I did so he began slapping my rigid cock very hard. As I jumped about, his machinations had their required result and my cock immediately deflated. I was then told to sit on the edge of the bed before he retrieved a strange metal looking contraption from his cupboard.

Next, I was commanded to lie back on the bed. When Duncan began to fit the device to my knob I immediately questioned his intentions.

“This is a chastity harness for men, commonly referred to as a cock lock,” he informed me matter-of-factly, before securely locking the gadget.

“Why are you putting this on me?” I asked, totally perplexed.

“So you cannot play with yourself or ejaculate,” he replied.

“But, why?” I inquired, completely dumbfounded.

“Because you are now under my control,” he replied, with an impish look in his eyes.

“This is crazy,” I countered.

“Too bad,” he replied, before resuming, “Besides, who gives a fuck about what you think.”

“Are you ever going to let me cum?” I asked in disbelief.

“Sure, but only when you have blue balls,” he answered, with a laugh. Before I could reply he next instructed me to reverse my body position and lie with my head off the bottom of the bed.

I followed his direction, entirely bewildered.

“Remember how you were dying to give me a blowjob? Well, guess what… your dream has just come true,” he declared.

Duncan then instructed me to open my mouth, before he leaned over and spat into my mouth. Next, he placed his dick in my mouth before bending over my torso, and after securing my forearms in his hands he began to skull-fuck me.

As I spluttered, nearing choking, he said, “This is what you wanted, bitch. This cheeky mouth of yours is now going to pay for all its insolence.”

I was in heaven as my mouth got battered by his pummelling hips, and this was seriously turning into the greatest night of my life.

Shortly, my mouth was succeeding as well as my backside had done earlier and I could not have been happier. My restrained cock felt slightly uncomfortable in its imprisonment, but oddly, even this sensation was fuelling my gratification. Duncan had unlocked a sexual door in my psyche that I never knew existed and was totally captivated by his dominance.

I was overjoyed as my throat and his knob found a harmonious rhythm and was elated as he pounded my throat.

When he came I swallowed his spunk greedily, deliriously happy that after all my frustrations of the previous few days, all my expectations had been surpassed.

When we finally got into bed a while later, I was amazed by his softer approach. Not only did he fuck my arse once more, but his kissing was incredibly sensual.

Before our shower the following morning, Duncan made a concession and removed my cock lock and I was finally allowed to cum.

Before leaving for school, however, it was again secured to my knob.

That day I could not stop thinking about the previous evening. I even grew to love the restricted feeling every time my dick hardened as I reminisced about the best night of my life.

I was barely able to concentrate in school and could not stop thing about my visit to Duncan’s home that evening.

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She’d been there for hours, it seemed. Lying on her back, spread-eagled, wrists and ankles secured to bed posts, blindfolded and isolated. She could hear him rustling around – initially, she’d though he had tied her up and left, but he was there, he would never put her in danger that way. She could smell the musty odor of him – aftershave splashed on hurriedly before the sun crawled above the horizon, the sweat and must of a day spent pent up in an office, a faint hint of expensive Scotch. She...

1 year ago
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I went there for revenge. I let him touch me for revenge. I let him come inside of me for revenge. It was all for revenge and to feel good. Ky’Zavier cheated on me and then broke up with me when I found out. He said it was too much of a sacrifice. Being with me was just too much of a sacrifice. Now, he wants me back. He’s tainted by another woman’s scent. As petty as it sounds, I wanted revenge. I wanted to know I got even. And Michael was just the perfect candidate to help me do so. I’ve...

3 years ago
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She sat there on the bed, knees together and hands clenched into fists – she was obviously nervous about calling me up and had never done this before. My guess was she’d been happily (?) married for years and probably hadn’t had sex for the past 2 or 3. She needed to relax so I told her she had nothing to worry about and I’d be very gentle with her. My name had been given to her by someone I’d ‘helped’ in the past because I have certain talents shall we say and equipped with something extra...

1 year ago
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Dinner was at 8 PM, I had already taken my shower and was waiting on her. Continuously my eyes were scanning the clock, 6:45, 6:52, and 7:00. My mind could only wandered into what was partaking. After another 5 minutes I stepped out onto the balcony. The sun was just beginning to set as my eyes caught her through the window, as though it was the first time I had seen her. The smile was coy, but short as she finished putting on her jewelry. At 7:15 she cracked the door, "Are you ready?" I found...

3 years ago
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She stood amongst the men all vying for her attention. She smiled and acknowledged the men as their compliments flowed. Looking through the group of men surrounding her she saw him standing at the bar, slowing sipping his drink. Their eyes met, and as his gaze fell open her she knew he was not worried about what was going on. He was letting her take it all in, to have these men drool and fight over her. She did not know how he did it. How he had gotten the two of them into such a...

3 years ago
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She sat there on the bed, knees together and hands clenched into fists - she was obviously nervous about calling me up and had never done this before. My guess was she'd been happily (?) married for years and probably hadn't had sex for the past 2 or 3. She needed to relax so I told her she had nothing to worry about and I'd be very gentle with her. My name had been given to her by someone I'd 'helped' in the past because I have certain talents shall we say and equipped with something extra...

Oral Sex
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I don't know why I'm so nervous. It's literally six and a half hours to the hook up and here I am on a Saturday morning up early with my stomach feeling as if it's some sort of Piccadilly Circus for butterflies. Normally it would take a pound of TNT going off outside my bedroom window to get me up at this time on a Saturday morning. Nevertheless here I am, as nervous as my first time with a man...and even more nervous than my first time with a woman.Sure it's been a while since I held a stiff,...

2 years ago
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Cuckoo... Cuckoo... Cuckoo. I looked up at the cuckoo clock and realized that you would be home in less than an hour. It's been a rough week since you left. When you left, it felt like someone stole an important part of me, and I knew I wouldn't be whole again until you returned. I really missed you. I missed waking up next to you and touching your skin. I missed hearing the sound of your voice. I missed your musky smell and the taste of your lips on mine. I missed the pleasure you gave...

2 years ago
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Mistress pointed out the restaurant on the right. We drove past it, but there wasn't a parking lot, and the street parking was all taken. We ended up parking a block away. It was Sunday afternoon in Portland, and it was gray and damp, but it had stopped raining a few hours before. As we walked to the restaurant, we went past a piercing place on the corner. There seemed to be a lot of them in Portland, and whenever I saw one, I shivered a little bit. We crossed the street and went into the...

4 years ago
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There were three new messages in the email inbox. She scanned past the first two and opened the last one. "I am confirmed for the flight arriving at 3:40 pm on Thursday. I will be staying at the Hyatt and I have arranged for a car to pick you up as planned at 6:00. I can't wait," it read. Her heart was beating rapidly as she reread the message. Could she really do this? Her stomach was doing summersaults as she realized how far she had come now. They met on line in a cam/chat site. She...

1 year ago
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We sat there in an awkward silence, staring at the movie on the screen in front of us, neither of us actually watching the flick. We both knew what was going to happen, both just too nervous to make the first move. After what seemed like a lifetime, he moved in, he slid his arms around me. He smelled of chicken, lemon, and some men stuff, it was strangely sexy. He kissed my cheek, then my ear, then my neck. A chill ran over my body. I was intoxicated with love for this man. Why did the thought...

2 years ago
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George R Boler Jr" AnticipatingI had been anticipating the evening all day long. Both excited and nervous. Memories of last week constantly pound my head. And if I concentrate hard, I can still smell the perfume that you were wearing. The way your eyes light up when you smile. The graceful movements of your hips as you walk. And the envious stares from the guys as we walked by.Now here we are. I picked this place carefully. Just for you. An outdoors restaurant seated...

1 year ago
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Mrs Hornys Private Tuition

"Heaton? Paul Heaton?" My assistant addressed the class of sixth-form boys. "Here, Miss." The teenage boy nonchalantly raised his arm. "When this class is finished Mrs. Horner wants to see you in her office. I've already informed Mr. Rotheray that you'll miss his lesson." She handed him a slip of paper and left the classroom. I'm the Head of Sixth Form at a Private School in the North of England. I've been married to Jim, a policeman, for 22 years. We've never had children of our own. Perhaps...

First Time
3 years ago
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Construction Team

His eyes blinked and he yawned, he knew it was morning and his cock was hard with morning wood. He rolled over and took hold of his wife of three years, and kissed her on the cheek. His hands went directly to her breasts and he started to make her nipples harder. She stirred in her sleep and said ‘Tommy, don’t please.’ It didn’t make any difference, as he rolled over and pushed her legs apart. She knew her breath was bad from sleeping overnight. He crawled on top of her and pushed his cock...

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TeenJOI Bambi Black Fuck My Teen Pussy In Your Kitchen

You are in your kitchen when you see Bambi Black, your daughters best friend, come looking for a snack. She pretends shes startled when she sees you, and goes on to confess that she and Stephanie helped themselves to a couple of your beers. Your daughter is relaxing, Bambi promises, before asking about your divorce. Unpeeling a banana and deepthroating it, Bambi is eager to help ease some trouble away. At least for a little while. She lifts up her top and shows you her sweet little tits and...

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And you a lady of the Church too

One Sunday afternoon about a year ago, I had nothing really to do so I wandered down the hill from my house to a well-known Victorian public park quite close to where I live. It’s not very big and gets used as a cut-through for tourists and locals alike. It’s very well maintained by one of these ‘Friends of’ type societies and, as a result, it attracts a ‘better class of person’ lol!There are two paths forming an X across the park from each corner, which are lined by very mature trees,...

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GloryHole Brooklyn Chase Fourth Appearance

It’s that time and Brooklyn has the itch bad, once she has it only one thing will solve it and that’s a Glory Hole. The feeling of not knowing who it might be or what they look like. Never having to talk to them at all just use their cock in that sexy anonymous manner that thrills her deep inside. Dressing special for the occasion helps her get to that inner slut she needs to reach. Today two cocks are waiting for her and she plans to use them over and over, to suck and swallow and...

1 year ago
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RebaChapter 5

Things had finally settled down at the house. One of Duray’s boys had shown me a phone application they used to schedule appointments for the girls that worked directly with the major websites like Backpage, Backdoor, Backchat, Snapchat, Craigslist or whatever they are called. Anyway, it wasn’t nearly as complicated as it looked to use to see who the girls were scheduled with so I was scanning through the app to see how I should plan my weekend. I couldn’t believe I was planning my weekend...

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My Ghost House ch 6

Kari heard the knock at the door. Wondering who it was, she went to answer it and was floored by who was there. Standing on her door stoop was someone she hadn’t seen in months. “Victoria, what are you doing here?” she asked. Victoria was Trina’s older sister. More powerful and higher ranked than her sister, Victoria was the head priestess over a large Voodoo congregation. She rarely left the Bayou to go to New Orleans, much less travel all the way up here. “Kari, I had a vision. The Loa...

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Earning a little extra Part 2

I stayed laying on the sofa while Steve went to make the tea. I reached behind me to touch my asshole, and felt some of Steve’s spunk leaking out. I ran my middle finger around my cum filled hole for a few moments, then brought it to my tongue and licked it. “Mmm” I moaned. The combination of his cum and my ass tasted so tantalising. The kettle clicked in the kitchen, Steve was only going to be a few more minutes. It probably wasn’t the right time for him to see me scooping his cum from my ass...

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My Favorite Public Cuckold Sex Moment

About 15 years ago, I was dating my husband‘s boss, Guy, from the construction site he was working on. We had been dating for about 5 months and one of the first weekends we went away together, we took a trip to Santa Cruz for 4 days. We were pretty pent up and eager to be together even before we got driving, so the prospect of spending the next 4 hours focused on driving to our destination was frustrating to say the least.We spent a good 20 minutes debating exactly how to handle the excessive...

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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 126 Goodnight Miho

"Itz ah shin I tellz ya!" Mihoshi continued to blubber. Directing her comments towards Kiyone's hind quarters, as her partner began hiking up the stairs. "Tooz womenz uh wan manz! Id juz wong! Unateral!" "Yes and you'd form a nice quartet in two shakes wouldn't you?" Key responded dryly. Shifting her 'fireman's carry enough to open the door to their room. "Dey needs da guidance!" Miho slurred. Straitening enough over key's shoulder to emphatically gesture. "Avz a...

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Senior Class TripChapter 3

The dreams were hot. But I slept like a log until the phone rang the next morning. I awoke with Jo spooning me from behind. She woke up too and as I answered the phone she began to lightly kiss my shoulders and caress my tits. After I hung up I turned around and we kissed. I can still taste Ken’s cum in her mouth! But we don’t have time to play. We have to shower and dress. At least this morning we can save a little time since we don’t need to shave! We came back into the room to dress after...

3 years ago
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Stacey felt Him move His hands up, following the contours of her waist and side, then to her dangling breast. Shifting in behind her, His dick that she so desperately wanted was against her slit ‘hotdog’ style. At long last, He released her clamps. She took in a long gasp as the He kneaded her nipples while the blood rushed back into them. He kissed here ear, and then he said “What do I want, Stacey?” “You want to fuck my ass.” She answered with confidence. “Can you fuck the rest of me too?”...

1 year ago
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Unexpected Gifts

"You sure you don't need me, Sir? I don't mind sticking around." "No, Don. Go on, enjoy a few days off before we get swamped." "All right, then. Thanks." Don left his boss, who was in remarkably good spirits considering how close Christmas was and how busy they would get in a week. However, he decided, if the boss said take some time, Don wasn't one to argue. He knew he'd be working his ass off soon enough, so he'd get while the getting was good. After speaking to the boss, he...

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TeamSkeetExtras Lily Lane Sleeves

From the moment I set eyes on Lily Lane, I was entranced. The busty girl has intricate tattoos all over her arms and her abs, and I need to see what they look like in my bed. Once she grabs hold of my cock, she has complete control, and she can make me do whatever she wants. She pulls me into her pussy, screaming as I stretch her tight twat. When she gets her satisfaction, she teases out a load of cum onto her tongue and swallows it down while I watch. Getting to fuck a MILF of this caliber is...

2 years ago
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Room Serviced Part 4

Carson’s mind went blank. He was trapped. Mr. Armisen was toying with the underwear in his fingers, his other hand still holding the cigar.“I, uh--” Carson began.“What were you gonna do with this, huh?” Armisen asked, his thick eyebrow still cocked.Carson couldn’t lie any longer. He didn’t care. “I just wanted to smell it.”Mr. Armisen nodded, the faintest of smiles--could it be?--curling the edges of his juicy lips.“You like how I smell, huh?”Carson shrank smaller and smaller. Armisen’s...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Teresa Scalia Gets Her Revenge

Teresa kept a low profile for several weeks following her public spanking by Barbara Anderson. Although Teresa had initially humiliated Barbara at the Little League ballpark by tearing off her skirt, Barbara turned the tables blistering Terri's bottom and stripping her completely. (Refer to "Teresa Scalia Strikes Back") This was on top of the stripping Teresa was subjected to earlier in the year at the community theatre by Barbara's hand. (Refer to "The Tale of Teresa Scalia") Down but...

1 year ago
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Seduced by student sharon

Sharon is a student leader in a top school in singapore. she has blossomed into a young lady with shapely contoured breasts and a nice figure. she looks ordinary in school uniform but during the graduation prom nite, she was dressed in a sexy nite gown. she looks gorgeously stunning and to some extent seductive. I was attracted by her that nite. she has always been quite close to me in school and it seems that she had planned to do something with me. she kept me companied the entire nite as if...

2 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 85

Diana came back with a washcloth and helped her mother put it between her legs, and also helped her get her panties and shorts back on. Susan was still mostly out of it, her motions and actions slow and somewhat uncoordinated. "You really blew her away," Diana said to her husband as she sat and pulled her mother into her arms. "She really blew me away, too," Jeff said as he touched Susan's cheek. "I was aware enough to support most of my weight on my forearms, but all I wanted to do...

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Who Do Voodoo

Sometimes, a relationship just doesn't work out and both parties split amicably and without any lingering tears or anger. And sometimes a boyfriend, while drunk, cheats on his girlfriend with her best friend, also drunk, and gets caught sleeping together by the aforementioned girlfriend. To say that Amber was furious would be a massive understatement, the biggest reason being that Hayden and her had been having relationship issues recently, but things seemed to finally be looking up....

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Sandy comes home only to be pushed into her apartment by a large black man

My name is Sandy I am 23 years old female, blond hair, blues eyes and my measurements are 34-24-36 5′ 8″ in great shape long legs and a flat hard belly. I am presently working at a gym and dream of becoming an actress. I was walking home from work always being careful of being followed or watched, I don’t live in the best section of the city I was thankful when I reached my apartment building. My apartment is on the third floor in a walk up building. The first two floors were...

1 year ago
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Property of Mistress Savannah

The day I had feared for months and months had finally come.  As a result of a takeover by a larger competitor the entire workforce of FlexiTech had been made redundant.  I was a member of that workforce.  A group of FlexiTech employees decided to have a night out to drown their sorrows and I decided to join them.  It was during that night out, whilst the group was walking from one pub to the next, that a rich and powerful Asian business woman encountered us on the way back from her office.?Are...

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Sister Sister Sister Part 11

Sister, Sister, Sister - Part 11 By Missy Crystal Beth made a couple of phone calls and asked Mom if she would drive her to Cindy's house. Mom offered to drop Susie and me off at Mrs. Johnson's, but I knew Beth was anxious to get going and her friend's house was in the opposite direction. It was only a few blocks and I told Mom that we would walk. Susie and I left and, when we reached the sidewalk, she took my hand. It made me feel really special. It wasn't until we arrived at Mrs....

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Older for Younger

I had only just turned 18 when I happened to stumble across my old head master in a shopping centre. Now I had always had a crush on him when I used to attend his lessons at school. You see I have a thing about a father figure. We said hello to one another in passing like you do on seeing someone from your past. He asked me if I would like to go for a coffee in the precinct. I agreed to his suggestion as I was at a loose end, and I thought to myself, “Why not”. We got talking about the old...

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Mllf tales Part 1

Sylvia was frustrated and feeling lonely. Home on a Saturday with her previous plans to visit her boyfriend who lives a 3 hour bus ride away, dashed when he canceled on her at the last minute, her son was gone to his Fathers for the weekend; the friends she called or messaged on the internet were either busy or out. So, she thought, “I may as well go to Bingo.” A divorced mom of one, Sylvia is a good looking, sexy 40ish European woman, tall with long shapely legs, and a slim and sexy...

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The Breeders Life 5 A Mans Perspective

I'd have the whore naked if office etiquetted allowed which it sadly did not. My father had said he had expected me to treat her with more respect than I was, I laughed and said why would I treat a whore with respect. She carries your children you should be more respectful than you are. Not that I want the whore in that way or her children for that matter. They would go to an orphange if I had any say in the matter. Though I suspect my mother the bitch will have something to say about that....

3 years ago
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I Meet The Love of My Life

I work for a large company in the IT field.Recently the company undertook a big installation interstate for a new organisation, using new equipment, in a new building. Following the commissioning of our equipment, the company was experiencing quite a few unusual instances of dropouts and terminal failure, which was unusual and concerned us.It was decided that I visit the organisation and see if I could determine the cause of the problems that were occurring.I flew down and spent the...

Love Stories
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FullMetal Panic Tessas Love Adventure

You assume the role of Tessa the captain of a ship, your well respected by your crew. You have grey hair that is in a ponytail with a blue ribbon to match. You decide to have your crew to surface the ship, so that you can get out on fresh land for some air. I decided to walk a few blocks and I happen to come across a High School. I see this really cute girl in a schoolgirl uniform with green hair behind me. The Next thing I know is she bumps into me and all of a sudden her things fall to the...

1 year ago
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EpeshawariChapter 3

I don't know why the green bothered me so much ... was she sick? Hmm? Tony was green, and so were his kids ... Plague? I drove straight home and since I didn't know where green Josie lived ... and she was beautiful ... I slipped an arm under her knees and one across her shoulders, plucked her from her seat and carried her to my door. Now, how am I gonna get the door open? And just thinking about that ... the door opened. Ah ... that's how. I gave a little jerk. Josie stirred in my...

2 years ago
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The Beginning

I have been married faithfully for many years. But I met a man online who sparked my interest. He seemed genuinely "normal" and was in a place in his life similar to mine. We were both missing something that we needed and wasn't getting at home. I love my husband dearly as does he love his wife. There was a mutual respect for that. We both have k**s too and agreed that our home life always comes first. That being said, as our emails continued, so did our curiosity. We decided to meet in a semi...

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It Just Happened

Now, he has over 200 hundred employees and over 40 work vehicles. Business was booming and the money kept on rolling in. Nathan is a strapping young man standing a good 6’3” tall and weighing a solid 225 pounds. He keeps his wavy jet black hair short, combing it straight back. By no means could he be considered an Adonis, but he certainly had the features defining ruggedly handsome. One of his best assets was/is, and if his wife were to be the one describing it, was his cock. Nathan’s cock was...

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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 20

Since this was the first use of TCIA against an agency, there was going to be a learning curve and I had no time to learn. Isaac was escorted off of the White House grounds and carried to clean out his office by the US Marshal. The President, Troy and the other directors left quickly, not giving me a chance to ask questions. Hanging on to the cliff by my finger nails came to mind. Senators Harrison and Whitby both stayed and when the door closed Senator Harrison spoke, “Since you’re not a...

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Glory hole

My wife, Tina and I have been together for 20 + years. We meet in college and have had a great life together. k**s are now old enough to let mom and dad go out and not worry about the k**s and returning home early enough to put them to bed.So our life started to change a bit when the k**s got older. We always had a great sex life.My wife felt very secure in herself and her needs. I loved her more than ever before and our relationship was better than ever. Lately she had liked to explore and use...

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Lara Croft

Just for the clarification. This is a translation of Thormgravis story into English. This is done with his knowledge and I wanted to bring his nice story into another language. Before we start, I would like to clarify three things that are very important to me. First: She is many things - adventurer, grave robber, treasure hunter, heroine, savior of mankind, sex symbol, wet dream of a whole generation of nerds ... whatever. But there is one thing she is definitely not: an archaeologist. Where...

3 years ago
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Not At All What She Seemed

A lot of my stories are based on true experiences, some keeping very close to the facts, some have a lot of artistic license.  This story is true and is as accurate as I can remember it.  As with a couple of my other stories, this is from my time living in Christchurch in the early eighty's.  I had only been married a few months, my wife and I were renting a small bungalow in a very average part of town, we were saving hard for our own home.  Living next door was a guy (Wayne) that was around...


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